#or hiring a va sound alike
pro-prin-prinny · 7 months
Saw an AI Alastor cover -200 HP
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mistress-amidala · 3 months
𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
❛ ʀᴇᴄᴏɴ ❜
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PAIRINGS: Vader x Rebel reader
SYNOPSIS: After a successful mission, things take an... interesting turn.
WARNINGS: Explosions, rebel activity, the Empire...
NOTES: In this AU the Mustafar duel happened but his legs weren't cut off. He still has burns around his legs and further down, not as intensively.
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「 Force 」
You stood upon the boulder, detonator in hand. Staring at the weapons manufactory, the stormtroopers filtering in and out. You felt yourself suffering from a crisis of conscience, and couldn’t for the life of you figure out why. These were people responsible for slaughtering innocent civilians, even the ones that followed the regime. They didn’t show mercy, not a sliver of it. So why were you here second guessing yourself about blowing this abomination to the ground? The mission report didn’t require you to evacuate the people inside. But you felt something tugging at your heart. Have they ever hesitated when it came to collateral damage? No…
But you weren’t them, and you didn’t want to be. You held your head up high, grabbing your datapad from your utility belt. Hacking into the Empire’s systems which was surprisingly not as difficult as you thought. ‘That’s what happens when you hire boneheads for IT.’ Shaking your head amused, despite seriousness of the current situation. You set off the evacuation, the alarms started blaring. Flashing red as the factory workers and stormtroopers alike started filling out of the building systematically. Sharing confused looks amongst each other as they made their way to the designated evacuation point. Grabbing your binoculars from your backpack you scanned the building in infrared. After making sure there were no heat signatures left inside. You pressed on the detonator, hearing the click before the building shook. Collapsing in on itself, catching light. Startling the Imperials as they took cover, shouting amongst themselves. Feeling the heat from the explosion reaching you even from your distance. You looked down at them, giving a salute. “For the rebellion,” you whispered. The words being carried in the wind, before turning on your heels. Heading back for your concealed ship. Allowing your footprints to be distorted by the wind, no trace of you left behind. At least you thought.
[ Meanwhile ]
Darth Vader is pulled from his meditation by a tug from the force. His piercing eyes snapping open, a gnawing feeling tearing through his gut. He stood up, his cape following suit. He stepped off the platform in his meditation chamber. Smoothing his hair back out of his face before grabbing his helmet that rested on its designated stand. The cold lenses staring back at him, a constant reminder of who he is now and the responsibilities that came with that. Sliding it over his head once more, hearing it click. Securing its place as the respirator flooded the inside with oxygen, he took a deep breath. Before exhaling, the sound resonating around the room. Giving an even more dramatic tone to his mere presence. He let his heavy arms fall back to his sides. The weight of his worries weighing down his toned shoulders. He took one last deep breath to centre himself, before exiting his mediation chamber. Heading for the war room, as soon as the door of his private chamber slid open. Vader was met face to face, well face to chest. With a lower level officer, sent to fetch him no doubt. To be notified about whatever had happened to cause such a disturbance in the force. The officer spoke up hesitantly, his voice trembling. “I- I’ve been sent to retrieve you, Ad- Admiral Tarkin wishes to see you in the war room.” Vader look down at the man, no older than his early twenties he estimated.
Not much younger than himself, not that he would know that. His mask was worn at all times in public, both the physical and the metaphoric one. So much so that who he was before he’d adorned it was a distant memory now, essentially another life. Without a word, Vader heads to the war room. Leaving the officer frozen in fear in his wake. The soft stomping resounded through the hallways, alerting everyone in earshot of his encroaching presence.
While Vader stalked down the halls of The Executor, his cape the colour of night. Billowing in his wake, the stormtroopers that were making their rounds quickly darted out of his way. The sounds of his respirator echoing through the halls, and ringing in his head. A ringing he’d grown used to, it’d become background noise. While there were many things he hated about the suit. In moments like this, he appreciated the anonymity. Though deep down, in a corner tucked in his mind. He knew that was only part of its purpose. The costraphobic layers, served as a reminded. A reminder of his duty to the Empire, to Sidious. And of the betrayal that led him here, the scars he’d gained in consequence had faded. But still clung to his skin, digging their way into his very soul. What was left of it at least, taunting him. Of what he’d done, who he’d hurt. Betrayed, the lives he’d taken, and those that followed-
“Lord Vader,” the voice of Admiral Tarkin greeted him. His gaze shifted, looking up from his position in the doorway. To the Admiral, his gaze flitting to the projection lit. Exposing the damage to the manufaction plant, the hologram rotating slowly. His body was on autopilot as he stepped closer, analysing the image in front of him. “As you can see, the weapons manufactory plant has been completely levelled. No personnel were lost, an evacuation alert went off prior to the explosion.”
“Who set off the evacuation?” He questioned shortly, his words eerily even.
“Unknown. The perpretrator was able to compromise our systems, initiating the evacuation before the building was destroyed.” Tarkin’s words became a blur to Vader, his mind racing. As he felt that feeling from before tugging at his gut. He continued to stare at the projection, ‘this was a suspected rebel attack. But the MO is different, why evacuate the building if it’s supposed to be a message against the Empire? Why go through the effort of evacuation?’ He thought, crossing his thick arms over his chest.
「 You 」
I watch the ramp to my ship lower, and I took a deep breath. Steadying myself as I walked up the ramp, heading for the control panel so I could get out of this shit show as soon as possible. Something was… different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, and that’s what’s worrying me.
I heard the whoosh as the ramp door closed. I start the engine, taking off slowly and steady. Keeping the noise down to a minimum, even though the factory was destroy I didn’t want to push it. After exiting the atmosphere I prepare to jump into hyperspace. I wrap my fingers around the lever, gripping it tightly-
I can’t see anything, blinking rapidly. Suddenly blinded by fluorescent lights, slowly the room comes into focus. Something rotating in front of me, when my eyes focused. It was a blueprint… to the manufacture plant I just blew up. Shivers climb up my spine as I hear a deep inhale, that sounded like a machine… or a man? “Hello little minx,” I jolt in surprise. The voice lingering in my mind.
“What the fuck…” I whisper. My eyes darting around, I’m back in my ship.
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dividers: @vibeswithrenai + @chilumitos
taglist 🏷: @rabbitrabbit12321
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Big boring vent post
I'm really glad that they replaced korvo's VA. Even tho the charges were dropped, so far they have not disproven that the dms roiland sent were real and people have been coming out more and more that he is simply a terrible person to work with. Obviously I will never have the full story, but from what I've gathered rest in piss you piece of shit lol.
I'm also happy they replaced roiland since good lord isn't it good to have someone that sounds different for a change???? He is not billy west for god's sake, he is decent, sure, but I'm glad they decided to go a different route.
Thinking that it would be better to hire a "sound alike" is incomprehensible to me. You'd really want that? A store brand of a guy whose claim to fame is doing like three voices? And you'd bend somebody else's talent to do that? You'd really want to fuck up your bike to be a shitty scooter instead? You deserve better and the bike does too.
I really like Dan. Unfortunately S4 being for sure animated before they dropped roiland, he had to modify his performance to suit choices which were not his and the writers had no way to play to his strengths. The dart board clip was obviously written and animated with Stevens from the beginning and it shows. It flows well, the britishisms work, overall good stuff. I would actually like more British shit in there but I understand S4 was incapable of working that in.
Still, I do think that Dan can be sometimes "too aggressive" in his delivery. Roiland shouted almost all of his lines, sure, but his voice is different and should be directed differently. This was amplified with the whole "korvo the bully" storyline, that I did not particularly enjoy. And that random shit with being so mean to Jessie? Jessie should be angry more A+ idea, but why is korvo the only one she is angry at? They are all pieces of shit, come on guys, this is easy.
I actually most enjoyed Dan's lines which were somewhat softer, I think there you can really see the new british VA clicking with the character.
What I think is the most important for korvo's character is that he is such a fucking loser. That is also why people pitching matt berry are delusional. I understand that it might be the only other brit they have heard of but matt berry? That sexy sounding smooth talking motherfucker? Plus yeah, I'm sure he would like a part on Rick and Morty's less successful little brother (whom I love much more).
Korvo can be wholesome, passionate, a bit of a bastard and a bully, but he was and still is a fucking loser. That is the part of him that for me matters most. He is the ultimate failwife and cringehusband and the little spoon. I know beauty-and-the-beast-singing, downton-abbey-tuxeding Dan Stevens has little experience in being a loser, but for korvo he will figure it out I'm sure <3
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ultramaga · 11 months
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I find Jule the most intriguing character of Far Harbor, as I really wish I could "fix" her, but without the VA, there's really no way to do it, unless you hired a sound alike or do all the voice files again. Companies have lock out clauses, meaning that even if you could afford the original VA, they aren't legally allowed to play that character. She's surrounded by others, but completely isolated. She ends up not even having that. We never know if she can be fixed. The Institute seems oblivious to the idea synths can be repaired, despite constantly acting as if they are very expensive to make. So although Institute contacts should help, I doubt there's been much investigation on their end on how to repair rather than replace a synth component. It's funny that Dima is smug that he never does personality wipes, when it turns out he's done them whenever convenient.
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zombielovescore · 4 years
I find it so funny that Basch has to use the voice modulator to impersonate Gabranth in the end cutscene when they are literally twin fucking brothers.
I mean, yeah, they obvs have different voices and Gabranth has adopted the Archadian accent so they don't sound alike, but I like to headcannon that Basch is so impossibly bad at accents that he did one and he ended up sounding like the Giza Plains cockatrices that the whole party was like "nah, fam."
Which makes it more hilarious because in Disidia, they had to hire Basch's English VA for Gabranth because Gabranth's VA wasn't available and Basch's VA could not fake Gabranth's accent. At all.
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la-li-lu-le-lol · 5 years
Hayter really was treated like trash throughout his entire career. Not only did Kojima make him re-audition for each game, he also said that Konami’s VA hiring agency thingy actively tried to replace him multiple times outside of those auditions, looking for sound-alikes and such.
Like for all I know there might be a missing piece of the story that David isn't telling, but this falls so much in line with how badly this industry treats VAs if they're anything less than A-List or if they arent unionized and it's just sad.
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bambooastronaut · 6 years
Dumb question: Does KH get the original voice actors for the characters (in cases when they're still alive) or sound alikes? I know Tom Hanks' brother can imitate him really really well for example. (He voices Woody in the Robot Chicken sketches if you wanna look up how good he is)
not a dumb question!! it depends on the character. they do always try to get the original VA for as many characters as possible when the actors are still living. (in the case of actors not being alive anymore for a popular character, Disney always has on-hand a designated actor or two who can impersonate the original voice. for example, for all movies and video games Cinderella is always portrayed by Jennifer Hale.) in KH3, they got the original voice actors for most of the Disney characters, which was pretty neat! the only world that had almost none of the original actors was Pirates of the Caribbean because obviously that was a live action movie with big name actors in it.
because many Disney movies hire celebrity actors to play characters instead of career voice actors, often the voice recording budget can’t/won’t accommodate the fees, or the original actor is unavailable due to scheduling conflicts, or some other reason.
(after a dive into IMDB, it turns out that Jim Hanks (Tom Hanks’s brother) has actually played Woody far more often than Tom himself, in video games and television shows, which I think is fucking hysterical.)
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Thanks for replying! So was it only the singing that made you like them or was it also that they got better? How come they don't hire voice actors who are about 17 or 18 since that awkward puberty chance is over by then and they don't have to keep changing voice actors?
No problem! The singing was the greatest contributing factor, but like I said, they did improve; I can hardly tell the difference between Jacob and Nicolas's Gumball, they're that much alike. Darwin's va has gotten a lot better too.As for your other question: They don't hire older voice actors because they want kids to voice kids, basically. If they had kept either of their former vas, they would've gotten to the point where they sounded too old to be ten and twelve years old. They would've had to grow them up with their actors, and that just wouldn't fit the format of the show which is basically about staying a kid forever. That's my opinion anyway.
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haulix · 8 years
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Assists AR Manager in collection and distribution of event advance details for Artists/Talent, including but not limited to: contract details that pertain to spending line items in the Artist Relations, Transportation event budgets, festival and event information distribution to talent and event staff, event area hiring and timeline management
Assists AR Manager with day of show management with an emphasis on artist services, adherence to time schedules, and cost containment
Assists in consultation and communication with C3 Talent Buyer department to ensure consistent information from artist and their representatives
Assists in maintenance of performance talent schedules and deal points as directed by AR Manager and Talent Buyer
Coordinates department internship program and screen applications to ensure company requirements are being met
Tracks, codes and reconciles department expense reports and PO submissions
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We are a music production team that specializes in helping to coordinate, package, budget, produce, and record music. We work with the music industry’s leading professionals on a daily basis to contract live events, motion picture scoring sessions, and various other projects requiring live musicians.
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We are looking to expand our team with a new booking agent! The Agent must be an excellent salesperson with a passion for live events and entertainment. Prior sales experience is required and experience with booking entertainment is preferred.
What we are looking for: Self-motivated, hard working individuals with prior sales experience who are are not afraid of being on the phone or being rejected. The people who will excel at this position know how to hustle, have a good personality and are quick thinkers. Prior booking and sales experience and a keen understanding of current events, politics, technology, business and pop culture is required.
Studio Manager (DubDub - NYC)
We are seeking a full-time Studio Manager in New York City, who possesses experience producing video content and familiarity with the influencer and blogger space. The primary responsibilities of this role is to manage studio bookings and events at dubloft NYC, while assisting dub creators to film, edit and upload video content onto the dubsuite platform. You have a keen eye for visual content, a knack for organization and are excited to work in an entrepreneurial environment.
Even though our apps are designed to be used by inexperienced users, dubdub wants to provide creators with help, support, and give them editorial ideas so their videos become an attractive, powerful marketing and sales tool for their social media channels. It will be up to you to educate dub creators about our technology and keep them coming back to dubloft for more through studio events and brand product programming.
Marketing and Metadata Coordinator (Sounds True - Louisville, CO)
Sounds True, a multimedia publisher specializing in spirituality and holistic living, is seeking a marketing and metadata coordinator to join our sales and marketing team. Our trade sales and marketing team connects Sounds True books, audios, and music to a vibrant community of readers and listeners. Our marketing and metadata coordinator balances a passion for accuracy and detail with a love for books, a genuine interest in our content, and an ability to coordinate multiple projects at once, including metadata distribution.
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Pumps from Gardener Denver
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You must have a contract, even if it is unspoken. For example, lay down the bottom rules - sharing of gardening time and bills, plants to domesticate, splitting of harvest, etcetera. And please do kiss up once in a while. We child, we child. There is an inspiring story concerning the Pat Baker Park in Reno. It was dubbed an immediate park because of its completion inside two days, all the materials and labor contributed by massive businesses and small youngsters alike, of all stripes and colors. Nicely, who says that basements have to be dank and dark all the time? It is scary sufficient as it's so it's time to show it into a haven of flowers, fruits and vegetables. Oh, don't be concerned about sunlight as a result of there are artificial lights for this purpose. And if you are not one for dealing with soil, nicely, then there's always hydroponics. It uses mineral-enriched water as soil, synthetic lights for solar and plastic containers for ground. Warm the soil quicker within the spring. The sides of raised beds are exposed to spring and summer warmth, so the soil above grade (in the raised bed) gets heat quicker and stays heat throughout the rising season. Soil temperature is significant for development, so a raised mattress does a nice job of naturally supporting this plant want. Outline and organize planting areas. A raised bed gives "compartments" to grow in, thus making it simpler to assign garden space to varieties. It also helps define garden walkways. Reduce adversarial contact between plants. Raised beds are sometimes separated by paths, and these trampled pathways usually are not conducive to plant roots, thus allowing us to maintain one plant adversary in proximity to a different. If tall beds are used, comparable to fifty five gallon drums, adversaries might be planted adjoining to every one other as there's three toes of soil for roots to penetrate earlier than they arrive in touch with different roots. Provide deeper soil for plants.
The body you'll be able to build from a cloth of your selecting similar to interlocking blocks, concrete, brick or even rock. However, the most commonly used materials for garden raised beds remains lumber. So your best possibility is the naturally rot-resistant redwood or cedar. The ideal bed must be broad enough to help the expansion of, say, sprawling tomatoes. At the same time, it ought to even be narrow sufficient so you may attain easily from all sides. The really useful peak is between 1 and 2 ft. Making your bed taller means that you'll want more soil to fill it up properly. One of the best place to place your beds can be flat spot (to keep away from that is uncovered to sufficient sunlight. Also, align the beds in straight rows in order to make the watering course of easier. This may also prove to be helpful later if you are planning to install an irrigation system. Meriel Schindler, head of employment at Withers LLP,  seems to be at how employers ought to respond to employee resignations and easy methods to determine whether or not or not to grant garden leave. It is at all times the same when somebody resigns. They stroll into the room, smiling sheepishly and close the door behind them. The next few minutes are key. If these questions usually are not asked, the manager is blind-sided and loses a helpful alternative to probe the worker. It is way much less effective to leave these inquiries to an exit interview, which is normally very perfunctory. Departing staff are often overly optimistic about being “let off their notice periods” and many imagine that post-termination restrictions are “not well worth the paper they're written on”. This regularly leads to staff signing a contract with their new employer that has them beginning before their discover with their previous employer has expired. But the fact is that present obligations with their current employer could be enforced.
You can find many extra choices and concepts by searching on the web which is sort of simpler comparatively than moving around to get an idea. Landscaping design ideas may be taken from neighbors, picture galleries or may be from one's personal thoughts. Anyway, it creates an image perfect scene that can not be simply forgotten. Log in or Create Account to publish a remark. Writer: annphilip For those who don’t have sufficient funds to hire a landscape architect or professional landscaper, then just go forward with your own plans and ideas. Dwelling Landscaping is just about much like interior designing. Publisher: Gardendecors What might be the higher view early in the morning relatively than the gardens packed with beautiful flowers? Gardens are the gorgeous places of relaxation. Over time people have spend there greater period of time in garden for relaxing. Writer: Oakspaver Sometimes, when folks have lived in the same home for years and years already. Writer: landscapersydney Small Yard Design Ideas Are you a kind of Sydney individuals considering having a tremendous small garden design? Look to these institutions that have sufficient selection to make everybody in your part completely lawn care katy tx - gardener-eastleigh.co.uk - happy. Whereas some may have only one type of meals, it's much easier to make everybody happy if the menu provides selection. That manner, everyone can find one thing they're going to like. The same might be said for leisure, whereas visiting your favorite band is all the time satisfying, if you're not accustomed to the band playing it can be disappointing. Search for an institution that provides selection in not just the sound but also in the type of music being performed. Here again, a little bit of analysis can keep you having fun with the reminiscences of your entertainment dollars for a long time to come back. Remember to make your leisure or restaurant dollars count, look to places similar to Candy Carolines Winchester VA the place they offer a large number of menu objects, various kinds of atmosphere and even various kinds of music.
This method you can even get to see the job done by them in particular person by visiting the places they have developed previously. The opposite source can be the Internet to get an inventory of landscapers in your locality and reading the opinions left by their earlier prospects will give you a fair concept of their capabilities. Upon getting performed your homework and are armed with an inventory of potential corporations you'll have to contact them and meet them in individual and focus on your plans and concepts and see if they've higher recommendations. Be sure that the company you want to pick out has the proper credentials and authorizations to perform the job. Examine their licenses and certificates to be taught if they're legitimate and then proceed. If you're taking care of those points you'll make sure of finding some really superior landscaping firms who can do the job to perfection. Cherry bushes that were protected from our spring chills survived with their fruit intact. Apples and pears also appear to bear very robust harvests, but all fruit timber need safety from hungry birds. ASAP! Fortuitously, just a little ‘insurance’ goes a good distance to guarantee that you'll take pleasure in your blockbuster harvests. For those who don’t want your fruit to go the best way of Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, put into practice the great recommendations beneath. All the strategies are tried ‘n’ true and straightforward to make use of. Anti-bird methods abound, whether pie pans dangling from limbs or crimson glass Christmas balls hung from the tree with care, and most of these deterrents are effective. Nevertheless, none works in addition to wrapping every tree in chicken netting. This one-inch-square mesh plastic netting is extremely effective on newer trees and on semi-dwarf varieties and smaller. In case you have large timber straining beneath bumper crops, you’ll need to show to fowl tape.
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