zombielovescore · 4 days
Can people stop commenting about my weight? Like, fuck. I was on a medication that caused me to absolutely fucking balloon - gained about 40-50lbs, which I'm a pretty small person so that stands out a lot - and people kept telling me I was getting too fat/gaining too much weight. After several years, I've finally gotten close to my "normal" weight and I'm not any where close to where I could be considered skinny or underweight and not even at the lowest I have been - and now it's all oh, you've lost a lot of weight, you look so thin, are you sick?
Fuuuuuuck off. It's not your business. God damn. Why are we all okay constantly offering unsolicited comments on a woman's weight?
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zombielovescore · 21 days
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STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE - S1E3 Fight or Flight
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zombielovescore · 22 days
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every 2 episodes i think ‘man i hope shran comes back soon’
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zombielovescore · 22 days
I didn't want to start off with the 60s sfx, but watching the 1987-2004 series and then going to TOS may have been a mistake.
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zombielovescore · 22 days
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I remember Spock was hot. But THAT hot???
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zombielovescore · 22 days
Oh, yeah, that last episode of ST Enterprise was so great, where Trip definitely didn't die for no reason at all. Yep. So good. And then he made that great speech and that thing? Really good. So glad that Trip is totally fine and well and him and T'Pol finally got married and it was beautiful. Yep. So great. I'm not crying, you're crying. Fuck you.
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zombielovescore · 22 days
Just to remind you all of just how gorgeous Jeffrey Combs is as Shran...just...just look
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This man is so photogenic I'm sobbing
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respectfully...i want him
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zombielovescore · 22 days
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zombielovescore · 2 months
so. roommate’s cat likes being on top of the fridge. and usually he goes floor>counter>fridge, but sometimes he will attempt the floor>fridge shortcut. but he misses and this happens
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there’s a cork board that somehow supports his weight until one of us scoops him (or he falls)
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zombielovescore · 2 months
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zombielovescore · 2 months
How is anyone supposed to be normal after that. G-d looked back at me for a minute
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zombielovescore · 2 months
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the set for Harrow's cooking channel
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zombielovescore · 2 months
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Follow, follow the Sun / And which way the wind blows / When this day is done ⁣🎶 ⁣ Today, April 8, 2024, the last total solar eclipse until 2045 crossed North America.⁣
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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zombielovescore · 2 months
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zombielovescore · 2 months
Let's talk about misdirection.
(Requested by @voiceless9000. Hope this is helpful!)
Misdirection in storytelling, through foreshadowing and other techniques, is a powerful tool that can enhance suspense, surprise, and engagement in your narrative and make plot twists more unexpected.
Remember to maintain coherence and avoid contrivances that may undermine the integrity of your storytelling.
Here are some techniques you can use to effectively misdirect readers:
Red Herrings: Introduce elements or clues that suggest a certain outcome or plot direction, only to later reveal that they were misleading. These false leads can divert readers' attention away from the true resolution.
Selective Detailing: Highlight certain details or events in a way that implies their significance, while downplaying or omitting others that might be more relevant to the actual outcome. By controlling what information readers focus on, you can steer their expectations.
Character Misdirection: Use characterisation to mislead readers about characters' true intentions, motivations, or identities. Create multi-dimensional characters who may behave ambiguously or inconsistently, leaving readers unsure of their true allegiances, motivations, or goals.
Foreshadowing: Employ foreshadowing to hint at future events or outcomes, but do so in a way that misleads interpretation. Provide clues that could be interpreted in multiple ways or that lead readers to expect one outcome while delivering another. (See my previous post about foreshadowing for more!)
Misleading Narration: Utilise an unreliable narrator or perspective to present events in a biased or distorted manner. Readers may trust the narrator's account implicitly, only to discover later that their perceptions were flawed or intentionally deceptive.
Subverting Tropes: Set up situations or scenarios that seem to follow familiar narrative tropes or conventions, only to subvert them in unexpected ways. This can keep readers guessing and prevent them from accurately predicting the story's trajectory.
Parallel Storylines: Introduce secondary storylines or subplots that appear unrelated to the main narrative but eventually intersect or influence the primary plot in unexpected ways. This can distract readers from anticipating the main storyline's developments.
Setting: Manipulate the setting or environment to create false impressions about the direction of the plot. For example, presenting a seemingly idyllic setting that harbors dark secrets or dangers.
Timing and Pacing: Control the pacing of your story to strategically reveal information or developments at opportune moments, leading readers to draw premature conclusions or overlook important details. (See my post on pacing for more tips!)
Twists and Reversals: Incorporate sudden plot twists or reversals that upend readers' expectations and challenge their assumptions about the story's direction. Ensure that these twists are logically consistent but sufficiently surprising to catch readers off guard.
Happy writing!
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zombielovescore · 2 months
Honestly? My main piece of advice for writing well-rounded characters is to make them a little bit lame. No real living person is 100% cool and suave 100% of the time. Everyone's a little awkward sometimes, or gets too excited about something goofy, or has a silly fear, or laughs about stupid things. Being a bit of a loser is an incurable part of the human condition. Utilize that in your writing.
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zombielovescore · 2 months
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wowow wow wow wow
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