#or how even though Ellie’s dad is Deadpool and she knows Spider-Man personally she has a Hawkeye doll
stackthedeck · 2 years
My favorite thing in the world is when a superhero has a kid and that kid is meh about their parent but absolutely obsessed with another hero
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thatvixenchick · 4 years
AUgust Day 20 - Single Parents
Spideypool from Marvel requested by Anon
It wasn’t necessarily unusual for Black Cat to show up unannounced on Peter’s doorstep. It was, however, unusual for her to be holding a toddler.
She claimed that the child was Peter’s (or at least, it was his name she put on the birth certificate) and asked him to watch the kid while she attempted to lose the people chasing her after a heist gone wrong. Peter didn’t necessarily believe that the little boy (Nick) was his, but he knew what it was like to suddenly lose his parents and fear being taken by foster care. Aunt May and Uncle Ben had stepped in. Now it was Peter’s turn.
He has some caveats, though. Nick deserved a normal life, and it was clear that Felicia wasn’t giving up her night job and was only getting into more trouble. If the criminal organization didn’t catch her, the cops would. Nick didn’t need to be involved in that. Black Cat argued that Spider-man’s enemies were worse than hers.
They came to an agreement. Black Cat would turn over all parental custody to Peter. In return, Peter would quit being Spider-man in order to provide a stable life for the kid and protect him from any possible harm that both their old enemies targeted him with. And so, the deal was made, and Peter was a single father with a two year old son overnight.
Thank goodness for Aunt May that first year. Peter wouldn’t have survived without her. Eventually, he fell into the groove of parenthood and even landed a job as a teacher in order to better work around Nick’s school schedule. They would sit at the table each night while Nick did homework and Peter graded papers. Life was simple those first few years.
And then middle school happened, and Nick downloaded TikTok. Why videos of him dancing behind Peter’s back when dinner was being made were popular, Peter couldn’t fathom. He muttered about Vine a few times, but Nick recorded that, too, and it became his most popular upload. To make matters worse, his semi-TikTok fame proceeded to make Nick the most popular boy in school.
Peter would never admit to staring at a wall and drinking some nights as he processed Nick’s desire to join the football team. He had prepared his whole life to handle bullies, but no, Nick was smart, sociable, and popular. Peter was unprepared.
Then, at long last, Nick came to Peter for help. Poor Nick didn’t know what to do about this new kid at school! Brash, loud, obnoxious, and single-mindedly determined to ruin all of Nick’s best TikTok recordings. The little terror’s name? Ellie.
Ellie had her own TikTok channel with her father, and after moving to the area, she was determined to be the highest ranking TikToker in the school district, a title so far maintained by Nick. Well, Nick wasn’t going down without a fight, and if Ellie’s dad could star in her videos, then Peter could step up to the plate as well!
They started small with Nick teaching Peter dances, and then Peter pushing a little spider power into it to go from awkward to amazing over the course of 30 seconds. Ellie retaliated with her and her dad, Wade, dressing as ninjas and doing parkour across playgrounds. Not to be outdone, Peter did a response video of the same moves done across rooftops. Nick was beside himself with joy that his dad could actually be cool. The friendly competition had the whole school talking about it, and multiple teachers banned even the mention of the word TikTok in their classrooms.
Peter’s own classroom decided he was the coolest teacher alive and offered to help him with further videos. As it turned out, he would need that help. Wade wasn’t a quitter and started issuing direct challenges to Peter. How many kids can hang off a weightlifting bar before you drop to a knee? How fast can you eat the monster pizza at Joe’s Pizza Shack? Can you do THIS video editing challenge - or this one - or this one? Can you learn this entire dance routine? Can you balance your kid in the air on one finger?
Okay, Peter might have been called into a meeting with the principle over that last one, but at least Nick thought it was awesome.
Things were settling down when some fan requested on Ellie’s channel to pull a prank. Now, Peter had never met Ellie and her dad in person. He worked at the high school and both kids were still in middle, so how Wade figured out where Peter lived (something he was careful about anyone knowing due to any possible threats on Nick) was baffling. He knew it was Wade and Ellie, though, because both had a horrible sense of humor, and Peter’s lawn, porch, driveway, car, and ROOF were covered in mugs.
The video uploaded that evening with the title card, “It’s a bit muggy outside.”
Peter’s classroom was ready to retaliate and all of them shouted varyingly terrible pranks the moment he walked through the door. However, the auto club had an idea, especially considering one of them had a little cousin who lived down the street from Ellie. Peter knew he shouldn’t encourage his students like this, but cleaning up those mugs had been a declaration of war. Peter wouldn’t admit it, but he was also a little angry that Wade had managed to cover his roof in mugs without spidey sense going off at all.
So it was that Wade’s phone pinged with a notification of Nick’s new upload. It was a slow zoom in of the high school’s roof. Where Wade’s car was. It zoomed in closer on the faded Deadpool bumper sticker.
Wade ran outside in a panic to see his car sitting right where he left it. Nevertheless, he drove to the high school to see this trick with his own two eyes. There it was. A perfect replica of his car that the auto club had scavenged, painted, and constructed on the roof. Wade figured since he was here, why not bust in on Peter’s class to throw down the gauntlet?
Well, that (and the car on the roof) had them both sitting in the principal's office, which Wade felt was unfair since his kid didn’t even GO here. They received a long lecture about being more responsible, and being adults, and things like this shouldn’t get so out of hand, and there was a CAR on the ROOF. Peter argued that it had been a worthwhile team project for the auto club, but the principal wasn’t having it.
Wade and Peter left the school that afternoon with tails tucked between their legs. When Peter opened his mouth to call a truce, Wade asked for a date. Stunned, Peter agreed with knee jerk instinct. Ellie and Nick, being sworn enemies, were not a fan of this development. Their TikTok fandoms were, however. Peter recorded a seven second video of their date where he looked dead into the camera and said, “do it for the vine” before kissing Wade.
#PxW was now trending.
Honestly, this prompt could take off from here as a cute romcom ending. OR we could proceed to the action hero ending version:
The mugs TikTok allowed Felicia’s old enemies to track down her son. They waited until Wade and Peter were on a date, Ellie and Nick begrudgingly staying under the same roof with a babysitter. When the hired guns arrived, they immediately threatened the poor babysitter in order for Nick to follow along without a word. Ellie chose that moment to walk in on them. They asked who she was, she said Nick’s brother, they decided to take her as well — just in case.
All according to Ellie’s plan. She activated her hidden panic button. Being the daughter of Deadpool and already kidnapped once, she and Wade were no stranger to taking precautions. This prompts Wade and Peter to don the suits once more to go rescue their kids.
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uniqueleewritten · 4 years
Little Monster: Movie Trailer (script)
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Finally making this little snippet public! I really wish I had the time to work on this, though if someone commissioned the first chapter of this I wouldn't be mad, even if it would be burying me in more work.
This is not a full fic, it's just a synopsis/ snippet of the fic written as if I was writing a movie trailer for the actual fic. That's confusing I know but I swear it makes sense to me. It's not super long and I'm really proud of it so give it a read!
I had no Betas for this so there are probably a few errors here and there, sorry about that.
She was taking a drink when she heard the noise, a simple sound, a rattling. Some else would just think it's an animal, something in the garbage outside maybe, she knows better.
She clicks her tongue before tossing her long dark brown hair over her shoulder, regretting that she had freed the mess from its braid earlier. She raises her glass and gulps down the juice before chucking the glass against the wall, shattering it completely.
Her body moves quickly, pulling her gun from its holster that was draped across her chair and faces the intruder. Standing there, slowly coming out of the shadows of the hallway is Nick Fury, staring her down with one eye.
He raises an eyebrow at her before motioning towards the gun.
She clicks her tongue again.
"You're needed with us at S.H.I.E.L.D." He tells her, sitting down at the table, a glass of juice in front of him, and the carton in front of her.
"Why should I, Fury?" she asks him
"Because it's the right thing to do."
She laughs at him, cold and dead, but a laugh nonetheless.
"'The right thing' huh? You've gotten funny in old age Fury."
She's riding a motorcycle, sans helmet, down a highway road. She moves past trees, still bright and green. As she moves past the background changes, the trees are orange and the leaves are flying around her. The background changes again, she's driving through a desert. Once more the background changes, she's driving past snow-covered hills.
She's standing now, pointing a gun at someone, frowning most likely at their words. She pulls the trigger. Once. Twice. Again and again and again. She's going to do it again but she turns, just her head as her gun stays pointed at the person. She shoots the person, their blood splattering over her before she opens her mouth, her eyes are lifeless.
"Hey Cap," she says, bitter and resigned all at once.
"He wouldn't want you doing this." Captain America says, eyes sad as he looks at her.
"No, he wouldn't." The grief is clear in her voice.
"Look, Fury, I don't give a fuck what you want from me. S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't find him and neither can I but I sure as hell ain't stopping."
She's killing, the gun firing, the bullets falling, the blood spraying. She's not sad, she's not resigned, she's not lifeless. She's wild. She's unstoppable. She's angry.
"Those monsters have had him for almost 10 years now." She yells, her fist slamming down on the table, teeth ground together, eyes wet with tears at the thoughts racing through her mind.
A body, floating, trapped, in a tube chamber, wires coming out from them, a breathing mask over their face.
"Who knows what the hell they've done to him." She's ignoring the tears down her face, letting the anger, the rage is what drives her instead.
"Look here little girl," someone speaks, an agent or an avenger, she doesn't know, she doesn't care. the anger takes over.
She's in a conference room with the avengers, Fury, and Hill. She's up, pointing a gun at him before Hill or Widow can point at her.
"I can kill everyone in this room before they get three bullets into me and you know it, Nick. My father never wanted this life for me. But you, you and your fucking organization COULDN'T FIND HIM!"
A shot of a little girl standing in front of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent holding a piece of paper. the agent is patting her on the back trying to comfort her. She runs outside and hides. she stares at the paper wiping at her tears.
"My mother died before I could ever know her because you couldn't keep her safe. My dad gave me to S.H.I.E.L.D. hoping I would be happy and safe but HOW THE FUCK am I supposed to be happy when my dad has been missing for almost my entire life?"
A different room, a workshop, a mechanic's room. Tools are thrown around everywhere, vials of a red liquid are behind glass casings. There is an Ant-man and a Wasp suit on display, behind a thick wall of glass.
A woman with a dark smudge across her face while dressed in overalls and gloves comes to greet them, her wrench still in her hand.
"Hi, I'm Cassandra Lang, Stinger."
Cassandra Lang is dressed in the Stinger outfit, her wings slightly smaller than Wasp's and the yellow of her outfit slightly brighter, shrinking and de-shrinking quickly. Knocking appoints out while using a repertoire of gadgets to incapacitate them or to tie them up.
She's shrinking to go fit inside of machines, disarming them before the enemy knows what's happening. She is very clearly Ant-man and the Wasp's apprentice.
A figure flying past skyscrapers, a dark suit, and the backlight keeping their identity in the shadows. But the people of New York know that form, know the way he jumps and dives and flips. Knows the way if they yell for him he will help. Knows that he stands on top of the roofs, keeping them all safe.
Spider-Man in his signature black and red suit, looking up at the night sky, his fists clenched at his sides.
"The first Spider-Man-" He starts, the light of the conference room he's in is being swallowed up by his suit. There is no fading it's coloring.
"He died, years ago." Cassie interrupts, trying to spare the man any more grief but not understanding.
"They never, never, found his body. It's out there somewhere, in who knows' whose hands."
Spider-man is standing atop the statue the people had made, had called it art, and demanded it never be taken down. It's Spider-man but not the one who stands before New York. The statue is of the one who stood there all those years ago. The one who saved them before anyone else thought too. The friendly neighborhood kid who they heard and watched grow up.
The one they now all grieved over. Spider-man was a part of New York and the people watched as his successor grieved with them. Cassandra Lang couldn't begin to understand, the loss of a hero, the grief that comes from loving them, that never goes away. Not truly.
A tube chamber, light glowing purple around the body, the wires, and mask hiding any features they could be made. The body does not move, it's just suspended there, held up by the wires and tubing. The glow fades and so does the body.
"You think you would give up by now Fury. Been trying to get me to stop for how long now?"
"Eleanor" Maria Hill starts, lowering her gun, eyes filled with sympathy. An emotion Ellie didn't know the woman still possessed. "We have a lead."
Ellie's face crumples into anguish.
The purple glow is back once more, surrounding the tube chamber in its light. The wires and tubes are wrapped around the body, it's impossible to make out any features. Their mouth is opened, bubbles are swirling into the liquid surrounding them. They must be screaming.
Ellie and Cassie are shaking hands, Spider-man hanging above them, the entire room of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents surrounding them, waiting. Treating the two women as if they were caged lions about to fight each other.
"Eleanor Camacho, Monster," Ellie tells her, amused at the agents surrounding them.
"Like Little Monster!?"
"Trying to drop the "little" bit."
"Oh man, I get you," Spider-man says to them. "Took forever for people to stop calling me Spider-kid."
Spider-man, Ellie, and Cassie are inside of Cassie's workshop. Cassie was packing pieces up, cases, and cabinets of the lab shrinking all around them. She was easily sliding them in various cases or clipping them to keychains.
"I've never really worked with a team before," Ellie told them as they all stepped outside.
"That's ok," Cassie tells her, tossing a shrunken van in front of them. "I don't think we're really a team. At least not yet anyway."
She presses a button and the car changes to its full size.
"Man-" Spider-man starts. " No matter how many times I see it, that it's still so freakin' cool."
Spider-man is chilling on top of the van, bopping his head to the music as Cassie drives, following behind Ellie's motorcycle. Cassie grips the steering wheel tighter, frowning as she looks at the red glow of taillights.
Fury is handing her what seems to be a flash drive and is glaring down at it and in some way her.
"Remember what I said." He tells her. "Eleanor Camacho is in no world stable. She is to be considered a high-level threat. You are to keep her under control."
Ellie is driving ahead of the van, her sunglasses on, and her long braid whipping around in the wind. She tightens her grip on the handlebars as she makes the turns, her face stone as she thinks on the mission.
"I'm coming, dad." She thinks, taking the next turn with pure recklessness. "I'm gonna find you. I don't care that everyone says it's impossible. I'm Deadpool's kid, impossible is in the blood.
There's a man dressed in a long white lab coat, his glasses reflecting the purple glow, his wine glass glowing the same purple as the chamber. He smiles and takes a sip before looking back at the chamber. The glow begins to fade, the shadows devouring everything in sight.
"Hello Experiment L. Wonderful to see you awake finally."
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