#all plot bunnies are up for adoption
kitkatt0430 · 2 months
So in deciding to bring over my fics from FFnet, I realized I finally had to face the problem (not really a problem, to be fair) of what to do about this other account I technically have on FFnet.
Why do I have a second account on FFnet? Well, originally it was not mine and I still don't really think of it as mine. Originally it belonged to a friend I had in late high school/most of college. She was my age? Maybe a year or so older, maybe a year or so younger, it was never clear. But we clicked online and wrote a fic together, attempted to write a few other fics together that did not get written, and I proofread a few things for her here and there. I think she did the same for me, but I dunno that I'd call any of it beta reading.
We had a lot of fun. I definitely don't regret co-writing the one fic we did manage to complete together and our writing styles were really similar so it all meshed really well, but all the things that went wrong behind the scenes - mostly coordination issues, though in retrospect she was clearly getting less and less interested in writing fic towards the end - made me realize I prefer writing fic solo. Thanks to how FFnet is set up, co-authors have to choose who publishes a fic and thus who gets the real ownership of the fic. And at the time, I let her have that control. I also contributed a few fics to her oneshot collection fics. But when she decided to leave writing fanfic behind...
Well, that could have turned out bad for me in that I could have lost control of my own writing entirely because she basically dropped off the face of the earth from my point of view. But she did something before that which I greatly appreciate - she handed off control of her account to me. Including the email account she'd created solely for fanfic purposes. Which... I had not realized was not her main email account so while on the one hand, I had access to all our shared writing (and a few stray emails from other people she'd bounced ideas off of)... it meant that I no longer had any way of contacting her because that email was how I contacted her.
But she wanted me to have control of our shared fics and while she requested I leave her fics alone beyond fixing any stray spelling errors... she also basically gave me cart blanche to take them down or move them should FFnet become inhospitable in the way we had seen other fanfic havens become.
Honestly, I got really lucky that she chose to do this. I'm really not sure how much was her looking ahead and how much was her just wanting to be done with fanfic writing. I'm just glad she did it.
But obviously with FFnet steadily declining and having decided to finally move all my old fics to Ao3/SquidgeWorld... that left me with the question of what to do with her account. I wanted to move over my fics that I either co-wrote with her or contributed to her collection fics, but I didn't want to leave her fics behind or lose that co-author credit for her.
I think I'd hoped at some point she'd reappear but... *shrug* she hasn't. Adding her works to my Ao3 account under a pseud didn't feel right since, ya know, she's not me and her works that I didn't cowrite aren't mine. So I've spun up an account to move her stuff to and moved almost all her solo written fics there already.
It's been bittersweet going through all her old fics because it brings back half-forgotten memories of messaging on gmail and remembering which of these fics I did spelling/grammar edits for her on and going back and forth on shared gdocs over the plot for our FF8 fic and the fun we had trying to put Nathan Stark back into Eureka after he was killed off. But it also brings back how sad I felt when our friendship ended - it felt very abrupt to me but in hindsight there was a lot going on for her that she just wasn't sharing with me. Which was fair, we never met in the real world or knew each others real names. I hope she's okay and happy. And i do wonder sometimes if she ever returned to writing fanfic under a different name. If she has, she hasn't reached out to me about it.
Overall I'm glad I can preserve her fics and the reminder they are of a friendship that was, at the time, very important to me. But it was definitely something I had to think long and hard about how to handle.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your wolf king husband defends your honor
General Plot: A visiting king and his son start trouble with Joel and Sterling
Wolf King (Sterling) x female bunny reader
Word Count: 2.5k
W: sfw werewolf fluff, some fighting
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“I’m going to grind you into mush!” Joel shouted and your attention flickered from the servant holding china patterns for you to choose across the garden where he should have been playing. 
“Joel! Get off of him!” you howled as you rushed across the lawn in your fluffy dress. You hurriedly tried to peel your newly adopted son off of the lion cub he was pummeling. Hearing your voice he threw another solid punch into the cub’s nose before standing in front of you defensively, growling and frothing at the mouth. 
“She’s not a real queen!” the lion cub, who happened to be the son of a visiting King pouted, smearing the blood that was running down his nose across his face. Joel had done a number on the slightly larger cub, leaving him with a big black eye in addition to the bloody nose. 
“I’m telling my father! We’ll- we’ll go to war with you and then I’ll eat her for dinner!” he cried as he ran away. 
You sighed watching the little prince go before turning your attention to Joel. 
“Baby, what’s going on?” you asked, turning his face to you to examine the little scratches the cub had given him trying to fight back. 
“He said you’re not my momma and that a herbivore can’t even be Queen, but he’s wrong. You are Queen and you are my momma!” 
You sighed, pulling him into your skirt and giving him a hug before reprimanding him. 
“While I agree with you,” you stated, “being a Prince means you have to use your words not your fists. You can’t start a whole war over me!”
He pouted up at you. 
“Yes I CAN!” he snapped back at you. 
You frowned and he at least looked a little contrite. 
“Do not raise your voice at me Joel,” you said firmly. 
He pouted but nodded. 
“Now let’s get you to the doctor to look after your cuts,” you said, taking his hand and leading him out of the castle garden. 
“He doesn’t know anything,” Joel said to you, squeezing your hand as you made your way through the castle, “he’s just a stupid lion. If he starts a war with me, I’m starting a war with him and MY daddy will win!” 
“There will be no wars,” you assured him, carefully hiding your smile. It was sweet that he was so protective of you. He’d declared himself your hero and went all around the castle correcting anyone who dared disrespect you. 
“We still have to have dinner with King Harold and his son this evening. It’s your duty as a prince to receive your guests with kindness and grace.” 
“But he disrespected you!” he argued. 
“Lots of people disrespect me, but I don’t go around punching every one of them in the nose!” you replied. 
He laughed. 
“Of course not! You’re a bunny! That’s my job! I’m a strong wolf. I will protect you.”
You wouldn’t lower his self esteem telling him he wasn’t quite a strong wolf, yet. 
“Sometimes we can protect people with words,” you explained, “you don’t have to fight everyone.” 
Joel bit his lip and you hoped he’d heard what you were trying to teach him as you showed the doctor the cuts and bruises he’d gathered. 
“How dare you?!” a high pitched voice echoed in the doctor’s office and a very angry looking lion Queen came barging in holding the lion prince in her arms as if he were just a baby despite his size. Her eyes immediately focused on you as you placed yourself between her and Joel. 
“That child is a monster! Look what he did to my boy!” she snarled and the sniveling prince peeked out over her arms looking as pathetic as he could, “he’s just like his mother! Unhinged! Unstable! A complete disgrace!”  
You had to hold in your sigh as the little boy appeared to be just fine, just with a few bruises, but everyone knew about Joel’s biological mother. How she’d gone mad and tried to set the castle on fire, in the end killing herself and several servants. She’d never been well liked to start with. She was a cruel wolf despite Sterling’s attempts to tame her and her legacy hung over Joel like a dark cloud. 
“I'm very sorry Amelia,” you said trying to placate the visiting Queen, “the boys were just roughhousing and I think things got out of hand. Joel is very sorry.”
“No I’m not!” Joel announced from behind you.  
“Well of course the boy is running wild with a weak mother…if I can even call you that!” she snapped, glaring at you, “and it’s QUEEN Amelia to you.” 
You tried not to narrow your eyes at her, Joel was technically in the wrong, but the little cub should have been well trained enough not to insult another prince in his own castle. Trying to be diplomatic, you brushed the insults away, turning your attention to the doctor. 
“I think he’s finished with Joel, Amelia,” you said evenly, “let’s have the doctor have a look at those bruises. I’m sure a lion cub can withstand a couple of bumps, don’t you? Or is Joel that much stronger than him?”
Amelia looked like she would have eaten you whole if she could, but you didn’t bother sticking around to continue taunting her, picking Joel up and plopping him on the floor so you could guide him out of the doctor’s office.  
“I told you lions are jerks,” Joel pouted as you made your way to your living quarters, hoping to keep the precocious pup occupied until dinner. 
“It’s not right to say all lions are jerks, you don’t know all lions,” you said and then gave him a little smile, “only she is a jerk.” 
Joel grinned up at you and you gave his hand a conspiratorial squeeze. 
Dinner started about as well as you had expected, which was not great. Amelia shot lasers at you from across the table, while Joel made faces at the little lion cub, whose name was Harry, after his father. 
“The chicken is dry, take it away and bring me another,” Amelia complained to your servants and with a flick of your eyes you gave your servant your approval to replace it. 
It had taken some time for the carnivores in the castle to accept you as their Queen, but the herbivores, which made up most of the staff adopted you immediately, thrilled to have a bunny represented in the aristocracy. They were always hovering around you, worried that you weren’t being cared for properly. 
A sheep servant gracefully set a new plate of chicken in front of Queen Amelia and you smiled your thanks. 
“I heard the boys had a bit of a tussle today,” Sterling said as he worked on his steak and you winced, hoping no one would bring it up. 
“Yes,” Amelia snarled, “your brat attacked my son and his so-called mother did absolutely nothing about it!” 
“Well of course not, Amelia,” Harold spat, “she’s just a bunny with a crown, what do you expect her to do with a wild wolf pup? He needs a carnivore mother to keep him in line.” 
“Maybe the boy is just too young to play with Joel,” Sterling commented, “Joel’s quite a bit stronger. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt the young prince. He just doesn’t know his strength and didn’t realize he needed to be delicate with him.” 
“Are you implying my son is weak?!” Harold snapped. 
Sterling shrugged.
“I’m only stating the obvious,” he said, “your boy lost the fight, he’s clearly not at Joel’s level.” 
Harold’s eyes flashed and his fork dropped. 
“My boy is NOT weak! Your son is a little monster, just like his mother,” he snapped. 
Sterling held back a growl, but he bared a sliver of fang. 
“His mother is sitting at the table with us and she is very gentle, I assure you,” he said, glancing over at you. 
You gave him a small pleading smile to stop this nonsense, but he only winked at you. 
“It’s unnatural,” Harold growled, “a herbivore mothering a carnivore…” 
“Your son’s nanny is a herbivore, is she not?” Sterling went on, poking the proverbial bear, “I’m sure she does more mothering than Amelia. I’m told she spends most of her time drunk…that’s probably why your son is so weak. He’s got poor role models.” 
Amelia growled, but it couldn’t be denied that she’d already had a whole bottle of wine by herself, not to mention whatever she drank before dinner. 
Trying desperately to guide the conversation elsewhere you inquired after Amelia’s meal. 
“Is the chicken better?” you asked, looking up from your mushroom bolognese. 
“No,” she snapped, “but of course a staff full of herbivores wouldn’t know how to cook meat properly. It’s disgusting. You should have carnivore cooks.” 
She glared at Sterling. 
“Are you letting this silly herbivore drain this castle of what’s left of its dignity?” 
“Queen (Y/N) has arranged a healthy, delicious meal that suits our tastes just fine,” he snapped, “perhaps the wine has dulled your senses.” 
“What are you implying?” Harold growled. 
“I’m not implying anything,” he snapped back, “I’m very clearly stating that your drunk wife can’t taste anything but spirits. Our cooks can’t perform miracles!” 
At that Harold jumped up from the table and bared his teeth. 
“Say that again, I dare you!” he snarled. 
“Your wife is a lush, and that’s why your son is soft,” he hissed back. 
You quickly looked at Joel who was watching the whole interaction with interest. When you glanced back Harold was flying across the table at Sterling, who was happy to receive him with a punch to the jaw. The two of them hit the ground in a pile of fists and fur and you quickly gathered Joel as your guards surrounded the two of you. 
For his part Joel was cheering his dad on, grinning from ear to ear. 
You couldn’t help but be frightened by the fight, but Sterling was significantly more fit than the lazy lion king and quickly had him pinned, while the rest of your guards surrounded Amelia and her son. Sparing the children the sight of his throat being ripped out in front of them, Sterling had the foreign king arrested and taken to the dungeon, while his wife and son were sequestered in their quarters. 
“What sort of example are you setting for Joel?” you pouted as you swabbed one of Sterling’s cuts with some cleanser, “I just got done telling him he can’t fight everyone!” 
He gave you a big grin. He didn’t need you to patch him up, but he liked when you did. So he’d forgone the doctor and you were standing in his bedroom while he sat on his bed applying ointment to his cuts. 
“He came at me first!” he argued, smirking at you, “I had to defend myself!” 
You crossed your arms and gave him a look. 
“You provoked him and you know it!” you said. 
He snorted and waved his hand, sweeping you towards him by the waist with the other. 
“He provoked me,” he said, one hand drifting up to play with your ear, as he seemed to like to do, “no one insults my Queen and the mother of my child and certainly not in my own castle.” 
“Fine,” you said, sighing, “but what now? You’ve probably started a war!” 
He shrugged. 
“We were going to war anyways. They came here with a bad attitude, intending to start trouble, not to make peace.” 
His fingers dropped to cup your chin. 
“And it was worth every lick to defend your honor.” 
Your cheeks warmed and you fluttered your eyelashes finding somewhere else to look.
“I’m not worth a whole war,” you muttered, focusing on his shoulder and brushing off a bit of dirt. 
He made a noise in the back of his throat. 
“Look at me,” he said a bit more gently, holding your chin between his large fingers he met your eyes with his shining black orbs, “you are worth this whole kingdom and more. You’re the glue that holds this family together and always have been, since Joel was just a baby and Gina…It doesn’t matter what you eat or what kind of teeth you have. You’re worth a thousand of those lions.” 
You balked a bit that Sterling didn’t even refer to her as Joel’s mother anymore. 
“I can’t do what I need to do without you and I don’t want to,” he went on, focusing on you again, “you are everything to me and Joel.” 
He leaned in to you and brushed his lips over yours. You gasped into his mouth as this was the first physical affection he’d shown you since you’d become Queen. You didn’t think romance would be part of your new job, that it was all just for Joel’s sake, but your heart pounded in your chest as warmth spread over you. He gave you another light kiss and leaned back to look at you, fingering your long ear gently. 
“So yes, I will take an insult to you as if I’d been insulted personally and I will defend you until the day I die,” he promised, squeezing your waist and holding you to him, “even if I have to go to war to do it.” 
Then he winked at you, his usual mischievousness returning. 
“And don’t bother fussing about it,” he said, “we’re going to show those lazy lions exactly how wolves protect what’s theirs, and we’ve already captured their King, so I anticipate it will be short. You’re a strong, elegant, beautiful Queen and the people love you. Don’t ever doubt yourself.” 
You nodded a bit weakly at him, a smile sneaking its way onto your lips. He gave you a gentle look and smiled back. 
“Momma! Did you see how Daddy took down that stupid lion!” Joel exclaimed, barrelling into the room, oblivious to the rising tension. 
“Yes, I saw,” you sighed, gathering Joel in your arms and giving him a little smile, “your father is very, very impressive and we are lucky to have him.”  
tag: @pinkrose1422
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liontalon1 · 2 months
This plot bunny is eating me alive so I’m going to share it with you guys so you can suffer too. I’ll never write it as I’m still trying to finish TBB Echo gets yoinked back in time because the disaster trio (Fives, Hardcase, Jesse) are idiots.
So Fives dies in that warehouse right, except he wakes up hours later only he’s a tooka kitten. Promptly gets adopted by Guard shinies much to his irritation. But very quickly realizes oh wait things are actually pretty fucked up here. And so begins Fives’ adventure to save the galaxy while also adopting a battalions worth of brothers even if they’re older then him.
I have scenes of him hauling a data pad he swiped from the Guard CMO with Fox’s blackout records up the stairs of the Jedi Temple. To the Temple guards amusement, as they assume an initiate or padawan sent the little tooka to fetch their lost homework. Fives doesn’t find it nearly as amusing because force that’s a lot of stairs.
Exposing Palpatine after sneaking into his office by hiding under Padmes dress. Of course this is after appreciating the truest extensive amount of hidden weapons she has.
Haven’t decided if Echo would play a role or not. Have a really heartbreaking idea of him confronting Fox all the while Fives is right there trying to protect Fox while also wanting to run to his twin back from the dead. So much potential.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Some assorted Smallville headcanons from some of my assorted WIPs for Plot Bunny. They did not specify which WIP they preferred, so I just picked a bunch of different ones and went from there! 
Smallville does not approve of Clark Kent’s parenting style: Smallville is a tight-knit, proud little community where everyone looks out for each other that is full of people who want to continue living in a tight-knit, proud little community where everyone looks out for each other. The population at large still considers Clark one of their temporarily-displaced own and were therefore very willing to pretend to believe the “cousin” story when “Conner” showed up–right up until they found out it was NOT a story meant to help Clark’s displaced kid he’d just found out about settle into the Kent family in a low-pressure environment while he got over whatever obvious trauma had happened to him. Now? Now there are pitchforks being sharpened and torches being lit. CLARK JOSEPH KENT, YOUR HOMETOWN IS NOT MAD, JUST DISAPPOINTED. 
Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids: Smallville is pretty sure Jonathan and Martha did NOT get this emotionally-fraught teen mom and her weird but adorable little baby from any actual adoption agency, Norwegian or not, but what’s a little illegal immigration and identity fraud between neighbors? None of THEIR business, no sir. Especially not if any strangers ever show up in town asking QUESTIONS. 
Jon and Martha, professional soulparents: Oh Jon and Martha absolutely will be clearing out the attic to make Conner a bedroom the absolute SECOND they get back to Smallville. And also being heartbroken about Clark, obviously. Everyone in Smallville is going to cry on them when they hear about Conner and be both very sad and very happy for them. And then they’re all gonna be Weird About Conner, who isn’t gonna know how to talk to ANY of them. He’s gonna get his cheek pinched by so, so many old ladies and SO many manly back-claps and it’s gonna be a pain controlling his TTK enough to actually let people do it. Meanwhile, everyone in Smallville, internally: oh he’s exactly as weird as Clark was when he first showed up, noted. Jfc, Jon and Martha, AGAIN?? WHERE DO YOU EVEN FIND THESE KIDS. 
Kon is too trans for this pregnancy shit: No one in Smallville knew a thing about Kon’s physical sex, so they’re all gonna be VERY surprised very soon, but also Smallville in general is gonna take that whole reveal like CHAMPS and just roll with it, even if it might require some people having some Talks With Their Kids And/Or Slightly Bigoted Relatives. Like, there will be a few assholes and a few over-inquisitive weirdos around, because nowhere is a monolith, but overall Smallville is gonna roll with it and be chill about it while ALSO being incredibly out of touch with the up-to-date terminology/language and having very little grasp of the minutiae of queerness in general ( aside from a couple of very quiet people who are gonna feel a WAY about finding out that Conner Kent is trans and went completely unclocked all this time, and seeing how most of the town’s taking finding out really well, and does that maybe mean . . . ). 
the one where Kon isn’t the father: Smallville has politely not asked any questions about Tim aside from if he wanted a baby shower or not, but also ALL of Smallville knows Tim was Conner’s “boyfriend” and Kyra is “his” daughter. That’s just gossip-by-osmosis that all of Smallville knows. A lot of casseroles and crocheted things and quilts have happened to the Kent household since Tim showed up pregnant and traumatized. And baby stuff donations. And babysitting offers. And general helpfulness in general. People weren’t necessarily close to Kon, but a lot of people felt very bad about what HAPPENED to Kon, especially after finding out about Kyra. Not that any of them actually KNOW what actually happened to Kon or the truth about Kyra, but that’s a clone of a different gene donor, okay?? OKAY.
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shortstrawberry · 9 months
So, we never got the proper slowburn transition we deserve of Bela going from heartless to her heart beating for the MC. So here's some headcannons and plot bunnies for how things would go after Bela finally got her heart back. Heck, how about we make it even more complicated and let Bela have her memories from previous time loops as well?
Okay, so here we go!!
(Also, quick note. MC is super dense here and can't get a hint)
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You really didn't expect that just marching up to Headmistress Miranda and demanding Bela have her heart back would work. But it actually did. And it turns out, Bela did have her heart all along. It was just buried away under layers of whatever hoodoo magic Miranda used. You saw the change happen the minute those layers were taken away.
Bela even without her heart was a person who cared too much. That woman was willing to protect you from crazy cult leader Miranda even at the risk of her own life. Bela's care also showed in the love she has for her family. Let's just say Daniela is out of so much trouble only because Bela intervened all the times from background.
And now, Bela has her heart back. So, are there any noticeable changes? Oh, there are plenty! Although not as drastic as you thought. For starters, Bela still had her crazy work ethic to the T. She just doesn't force you to adopt it now. You are too sick to come to the council room? Bela will come to your dorm room with her soup and take care of you. But she'll also work besides your bedside while you sleep.
Another welcome change is Bela's trust issues piping down a bit. Older Bela refused to drink your coffee. Now, she'll actually pout if you forget to bring her coffee. And yes, you heard it right. Bela actually pouts these days. Especially at you, for some reason.
There is one thing though where Bela has gotten even more uptight ironically. And that's her interactions with her Playgirl sister Cassandra. Whenever Cassandra opens her mouth to ask you out on a date, Bela would make sure to threaten Cassandra with blocking funds for the theatre club. You're glad that Bela is being such a protective friend, but you do think blocking theatre funds is a bit overboard.
You also notice that Bela now shows animosity towards people she was completely fine with before. Exhibit A: Donna Beneviento, Angie's aunt had approached you with a job offer as her assistant at her flower shop. Before you could even reply, Bela popped up behind you, gripping your shoulders in a tight grip as she seethingly replied "No, my Vice President is too occupied in Student Council work with me." Hmm, strange. The interaction was almost like Donna has taken something away from Bela in some past life.
You also wish Bela would kind of stop paying for everything you buy. You get it, Bela feels indebted to you, but c'mon, buying you a rose gold necklace that has Dimiterescu family crest for your birthday is totally overboard! And can someone please ask Daniela and Angie to stop teasing you about how you got a sugar mommy for yourself?
Bela also is less uppity about being touched now. At least when it comes from you. You both have actually started to hug each other before going to your respective dorms. Bela now even initiates a lot of touches on her own! Like one time you fell asleep while working in Library with her, and you woke up with feeling Bela's long fingers lazily carding through your hair.
Lastly, you are also happy that you are getting to spend more time with Bela outside of student council work. Bela is a through and through Dimiterescu when it comes to setting up their hangout places. From museums to extraordinary cafes, Bela has taken you to all the places you can never dream to afford. You're no slacker either though, as you too are finally getting Bela to try fast food burgers and arcade games that Alcina will probably turn her nose up at. But Bela assures you that these hangouts mean the world to her. You're curious though why Bela always stumbles at the word "hangout"
Got anymore ideas you want me to write on? Let me know! Requests are open!
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
blog guidelines and tags
Hi! I’m GhostBird! This blog is dedicated to any and all things Batman and Robin related featuring copious amounts of fluff and feels 💚
First of all: be kind. Both to me and to each other. If there’s a prompt/opinion you don’t like please keep scrolling or simply block. Rude commentary or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and yes that also applies to ships you may find distasteful. If I have too many people going anon to be rude I will be turning that function off. This is a safe space, and I will enforce that with prejudice. 🐍
Second of all: Have Fun. Go wild. And if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask 🦅
Shuck — Church Grimm Jason AU 🐺
what you’re longing for you claim to abhor — for the fic with Jason pretending to be a hallucination where the Bats think Hood was Jason’s boyfriend 🫀
The Antithesis of Magic — for the fic where Jason Todd adopts a young Bruce Wayne from an alternate universe and takes him back to his own and now has to navigate being a dad to a traumatized ten year old who’s hell bent on becoming a vigilante while simultaneously juggling his night job as a crime lord, all while keeping both their identities secret from the Bats 🦇
Fae Dick Grayson — the Fae au with multiple headcanons and little convos without an actual fic (yet) lol 🌲
Court Family — the batfam as part of the Court of Owls AU 🪙
Selkie Au — Selkie Jason 🦭
Owl Song — for the Talon!Dick fic series I’m writing featuring lots of feels 🦉
Mer Au — the batfam as merpeople! Featuring Leviathan Jason and Siren!Dick and researcher Calvin Rose and a lot of mysteries 🌊
Dragon Au — medieval Dragon Rider Au, with the canon vigilante personas as dragons 🐉
prompts — plot bunnies that hit me over the head at random times of the day. If you get inspired, feel free to write something for it. 💚
Digital Art — my art (unless it’s reblogged) ranging from sketches and little comic doodles to full paintings. Usually of the angsty variety ⛈️
ghost talks — responses to asks and suggestions, some general musings, and random thoughts 👻
brainstorming — brainstorming for fic ideas or existing fics
Etsy — updates and stuff for my Etsy store, mostly Batboys related 🦅
Sneak Peek — Drabble previews of upcoming fics ✍️
Scrapbook — scrapbook project for Owl Song, with hidden infos and secret messages for this verse 🦉📖
Mer Au — look up the “blog guide” tag for a guide to mer au tags 🌊
Echoes Zine — a zine project I’m working on that will be featuring mostly Jason with Dick and Tim cameos :)
Some Links 🔗
And… that’s pretty much it for now. I’ll update this list when or if necessary ✨
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Tokyo Revengers: Family Matter
Hey dust bunnies, I’m not active I know it, but it takes a lot of time writing and studying for residency school, I disfrute this inspiration to say you something, I really really missed the interaction we used to have for this fandom, most of my absence is caused because of this, so please if you decide to read this stories please pass by my inbox, write me, interact with me, reblog, I really need to vibe with you again, I love you and your support! And thanks for letting me reach 2.5 followers despite everything 💜
Characthers: Hajime Kokonoi, Takashi Mitsuya, Ran Haitani
Plot: They react to s/o who can’t have children
Warnings:  Angst to Fluff, Reset Timeline, Mention of Depression, Endometriosis, Infertility, Chronic Disease, Mentions of Sex (In Mitsuya), Breeding Kink (Only Mitsuya), Adoption
A.N: This is most of all a self indulgent story since I suffer endometriosis, so y/n works as a doctor. While this scenario is minor interact, if you’re under 18 skip Mitsuya’s part since there’s a smut!
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“Koko I’m going to work…” you say while you stand on your feet after the doctor comes out from the ambulatory, your husband looks into your lucid eyes and takes your wrist blocking you, “Love this isn’t the right time to work” he says while you stare into the void of the hospital ward, nurses wave at you and you give them a little smile knowing them for a long time, “My shift isn’t finished, I gotta-” arms takes you and turn you over to his chest giving you the privacy to shed my tears without feeling judged, a doctor can’t cry in front of patients and colleagues, he knows you don’t like showing vulnerability, that’s why he waits that your tears stop to stream while rubbing your back and reassuring that everything is going to be fine. 
You and Koko devoted yourself to your works, many of the reasons you get to work perfectly as a couple were your drive to success and beside that the love for shopping and expensive items. You knew you suffered endometriosis but back then, none of the doctors told you to be worried about your fertility, but once you started to get sick again you scheduled a visit and knew for a fact that there was few to none possibilities to bear a child. 
Afraid to be rejected from your husband because of this you started to cry but that’s where your husband console you and say “We can always try alternative-'' he says thinking you want to a have a child, “No Koko - I don’t want to try, unless you tell me that’s what you want…”, Koko’s snake eyes wide “y/n it’s your body and it’s your life, I don’t want to force you to do anything against your will, do you understand me lullamy?”. The nick he gave you puts a smile on your face, “I understand, I’m sorry Haji, I thought you wouldn’t want to be with me in a situation like this”, a pout appears on his face “Is this why you were crying? I couldn’t never do something like this, I love you, I love your personality and that won’t change even if it will be just the two of us” you nod kissing his cheek and taking his hand you go towards your ward announcing that you’re going to take a break because you need time with your husband.
How does it end up? You never actively tried for a pregnancy and that didn’t change after discovering your condition, but during a visit to Shimoda where you were treating some kids you got to know an orphan, that’s how Hiname entered your lives and you couldn’t be happier to be parents finally.
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The successful career you and Mitsuya got to strive for, gave you a lot of stress, sex was the best recipe you could have on your days off.
“Just like that my love, I’m gonna cum” Mitsuya says taking your hips and meeting your thrust to arrive deeper in your pussy, his lips give you hickeys on your shoulder and back neck and a hand can’t help but reach a nipple while rubbing a clit from behind, you arch your back by going up and down finally coming undown you feel his seed shooting deep inside your womb.
“Taka, do you want to have children?” you say all sweaty while caressing his abs and looking at him in aftersex glow, the pants alters and Mitsuya smiles while turning to look at you and kisses your forehead, “Why do you ask that?” he says with his charming smile while caressing your cheek, “It’s just that you always cum inside me” you say with tinted cheeks avoiding his gaze, “I mean I never thought about it, I just love to finish inside you, is this a problem?” he asks, tilting his head and taking you to your bathroom. 
“I mean no, I can’t get pregnant anyway” you say making him falter, “Taka?” you say looking at him who seems deep in thought, you seem calm but something tells him you’re feeling quite anxious about it, “Love, I’m sure we can live happy even without having children, plus Draken and all the others will be having theirs, I think we could the perfect cool aunt and uncle who spoils the kids everytime we see them” he says while gently placing you in the hot tub and caressing your lower belly, “Never feel ashamed about your condition, you’re perfect the way you are” turning and kissing him on his lips you deepen as soon as you whisper “So are you Takashi Mitsuya” and you resume what you finished minute before.
How does it end up? You and Mitsuya became the cool uncles, everytime the parents and previous Toman members need free time you support them by taking care of the kids, who love you. You adopted two cats as time passed by and you got a little bit more free time. Both of you go to volunteer at the kindergarten and help the teacher with the kids. You became one of the philanthropists for the Endometriosis Association and Mitsuya often goes on tv to make awareness of the illness, despite that you’re happy with your work and you still have a lot of sex!
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“Is something the matter, pretty?” Ran asks you as soon as you hop into the car and stare at Rindou and his son waving goodbye with his chubby hand, “Rindou’s baby is so cute” you say now turning your gaze in front of you avoiding purple inquisitorial eyes, “Do you want to have kids with me? Get you knocked up?” Ran says with a smirk caressing you while the other hand occupies the steering wheel and turns on the left, “Not that you would make it” you say lowering your gaze. Ran noticed the sudden change of humor and it brings to his mind that you always replied that you didn’t want children, so why are you acting like this? “You wanna tell me what you’re thinking? I’m serious now” he says, parking in front of your house and exhaling a breath as you get out, “There’s nothing to talk about!” you continue taking the keys and opening the door. Ran follows you lazily and takes his coat off, he looks for you and finds you in your bedroom taking off your dress and staring at your surgery’s scars, they’re small and no one would notice them unless they stare close enough.
“What's these, pretty?” Ran says caressing your naked body and longing his eyes to the mini scars in your lower stomach “Endometriosis” you simply say as if it's nothing important, “Did it hurt?” he continues while touching the scars softly and feeling as he wants to know more, “It still does, but I’m used to it now” you say while caressing his purple hair and looking at him with voidly eyes, “You’re even stronger than I thought you would be” he says before getting close to your lips and kissing you as to reassure you.
“Do you remember the second time we had sex I noticed them” he says while hugging you from behind and caressing them just like he did that time, “I know for a fact that it’s difficult to handle the disease, I can see it with my own eyes but what I miss is why you would feel like that after seeing babies” he states calmly while putting your hair to the side and kiss your neck, “I don’t want children, I’m happy with what I achieved until now, it’s just that I don’t like judging stares from families at work, and I don’t like that even if I would want to try I don’t have the possibility to conceive” you say with a frown as a child unsatisfied with what she has. It’s greedy and egoistic what you say but Ran can’t help but smirk, he feels like falling in love all over again with the young girl that despite the difficulties she could take everything she wants, in his own eyes your greediness is what makes you move forward and achieve all that you want. “My love, there’s something else that you miss despite being the most powerful girl out there” he says while taking something out of his pocket and showing a diamond and continues “That’s to marry me and become even more powerful” with a smile you give him your hand and he puts the ring on your finger “I would gladly become a Haitani if this means I get to enjoy our lives until death tears us apart” you say before kissing him and thanking him to be your rock in difficult times.
How does it end up? You and Ran are the classic rich couple who goes every weekend on holiday if you aren’t working. Everyone still judges you but as time passes by you learnt that most of them are just jealous and that your nephews love you almost like Rindou and their mother. You enjoy your mundane life and despite sometimes you would think how it would be your life with a blonde girl in it, you and Ran always have a smile even after years of marriage and most of your years spent together behind you.
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pastelhikaru · 5 months
totcf x dcu plot bunny
Cale deals with Burrow by stabbing himself with a piece of the world tree and everything goes to shit. The issue is dealt with but now Cale is in stasis, unmoving. And which seems to be another coma. But, this time he’s not waking up and it’s taking way longer than last time. (The previous being six months, I think(?)). He has so many people waiting for him. (And they can’t handle losing him again).
Nobody is taking this well, especially his kids. That’s where the god of death takes a gamble and decides to bring him somewhere he has a chance to interfere.
And where Cale gets transported to is not where the god of death was expecting. He fucked up big time. And he feels the weight of it.
Of course it doesn’t take long for Cale’s fam to realize he and Raon are missing. Raon? Yeah, he refused to leave Cale even to eat. His older siblings took this hard too. But they wanted to stay hopeful for Cale.
(I would imagine all three of them would sleep next to Cale at night and two eldest would only leave for food or something or the sort).
Obliviously they question (threaten) god and he cracks, telling them he bought Cale (and Raon by accident) to a place he can help him. However, he keeps out the fact that he lost both of them. He’d rather not be killed today.
So you’re probably wondering where Cale and Raon have landed exactly and that’s good old Gotham. :)!! 
(A place within the God of Death’s range but he struggles to identify which timeline and where exactly they landed.)
So Raon and the still unconscious Cale are stuck in Gotham. Roan is undeniably angry, sad, and confused. But he does his best to keep his human safe no matter the cost.
However, people keep trying to either take Cale for whatever purposes be it good or bad. It doesn’t matter. It probably doesn’t help that they landed in the worst place imaginable. Crime Alley….
So it’s not a surprise when there’s a rumor of a pretty red-head being protected by some type of meta(It’s Raon we all know it’s Raon.)
Raon has to continuously move, feed, and protect Cale all the same. 
But damn, a meta in Gotham??? It reaches people’s ears even outside of Crime Alley's territory. Said meta is strong and it’s clear with the abundant amount of property damage. 
We all know this “meta” reaches Red Hood's ears first. I mean come on this is his territory. So when he eventually finds the dubbed “Sleeping beauty” it’s in an abandoned warehouse hidden away in a corner on a mattress next to them some necessities and a bunch of toys. (There are a butt load of plushies :( ). He doesn’t miss the sound of a child sobbing and childish yet grand decor. 
This “meta” was a child…. Fuck.
He’s flung with some magic and piercing screech, earth rumbling at its wake. And damn was he not prepared for this shit.
So here he is staggering to keep up with whoever this kid was, as infuriating as it is. He tries his best to calm the kid down. Which doesn’t really work. The kid’s full on growling, but he’s determined to help the kid. Because an abandoned warehouse is never a safe place to hang out in these parts. 
Despite Red Hood’s offer to bring them to a safe house. Raon refuses, he can’t trust him just yet. And they both understand that this is a game of trust. So Jason takes his chance and occasionally delivers necessities to them both. While Raon doesn’t let him get close to Cale he does slowly but surely warms up to him. One day he does eventually tell him more about Cale. He affectionately calls him his dad but the tone is somber. He whispers his worries about finding him dead one day. And that’s probably the moment Jason emotionally adopts him. 
Now Raon is obviously curious in nature, and much as he wants to explore he can’t past finding things to sustain them both and or keep Cale comfortable. And it’s on one of these outings that he loses Cale in the unfamiliarity. He immediately starts looking and runs into Red Hood at some point in his search. And he trusts him enough to help him look. The two eventually find out Cale’s been kidnapped by either some goons, cultist, some villain? (Whatever adds more tension idk.) Raon is livid because how fucking dare they??? And both Raon and Hood haul ass. The bad guys are dealt with and this leaves the two in silence. 
This is the part of the story where Raon shows himself in a moment of trust and weakness. Cale almost got hurt and all Raon could do now is clutch on to Cale’s night gown, nuzzling into him while sobbing. Now Jason realizes this kid was a fucking baby dragon all along. What. the. Fuck????
So he comforts him the best he can. Jason decides to take care of them both, taking them to either his apartment or safe house. And Raon begrudgingly stays. They both do end up bonding together and Raon gets really comfortable. Idk if Jason would talk about himself much but they do learn about each other at some point. Raon would definitely drop some info about himself at some point and go on about how he’s stuck here because of the god of death. And Jason is both so done and not surprised at this point. 
Cale’s health does end up looking worse for ware at some point. And the problems start up again. I didn’t mention it before but Cale’s mind is stuck in a perpetual loop of old memories, good and bad. SOooo, now this is the part of the story where both Raon and Jason try and wake up Cale using various methods. 
At some point Jason decides to ask Bruce for help. And oh boy. Would this be an awkward family dinner…
basically jason's acquires his now child (raon) and sleeping prince (cale) :D i don't see much of a romance subplot but I do see some gay panics, and mistaken boyfriend scenarios(?) feel free to add on to this mess.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
So to had another plot bunny that grew somewhat right after sharing the last idea with you!
So we both agree that Wars would be a girl dad. That much is set in stone for me. But then I had a thought! Wars carries all this guilt after the war. Many people died in battle, but many more also died to sickness (this is a personal headcannon of mine since major wars often lead to the spread of disease. Like with influenza and WW2). So one day or another he gets to chatting with one of the soldiers under his command and it's brought up that this guy and his wife are expecting a kid! Man is super excited to see the end of the war and hopefully be home in time to see the birth of his kid.
But since I can't let anyone ever be happy apparently when I write, the soldier ends up dying in battle. The war was almost done at that point then too. Warriors gets to witness it too. (Poor Wars. He's my second favorite Link overall but my favorite to write. This seemingly has not gone well for him.) So Link decides that he'll be the one to go tell the wife that her husband is dead.
So he gets to the home and knocks on the door. No one answers. He waits a few minutes and knocks again, still no answer. He hears a faint crying from within the home. Wars ends up opening the door to the one room cottage. There he finds the mother dead to illness and a very young baby girl, no older than a month or two, crying weakly in a cradle.
Link of course ends up taking the baby since there's no one to take care of her, no even a nearby village. He decides to adopt her eventually (it's the least he owes with how he killed her parents) and give her one of the names the soldier mentioned he would have wanted his daughter to be named.
I do have more that I can share about this but currently I have run out of patience for typing on my phone. Hope you enjoy! (⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠ ⁠)
-Emig22 💛
(PS when I shared both ideas to my IRL friend they told me that I should combine both ideas and kill off warriors's kid. Take that as you will)
DONT YOU DARE KILL THAT CHILD. GOOD LORD, HIT ME WITH A BRICK NEXT TIME ITLL HURT LESS!! OUGH!!! i have a similar wip in my google docs, just without the illness part
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i fear you ate, however i AM emotionally devastated
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gloomysoup · 1 year
okay yes i know i have 800 wips i should be working on rn... HOWEVER i've had another plot bunny pop up and i'm subjecting all of you to it
so hear me out:
steve has an older half-sister from his mom's previous marriage (maybe divorced, maybe widowed, who cares not important rn). she's not that much older than him, but she left home for college and never looked back. she occasionally calls to check up on steve, especially around the time the upside down happens bc of everything in the news. they were never super close as kids, but they cared ab each other. she was the first person he called after starcourt, and she was also the first person (besides robin of course) that he came out to. she's always supported him no matter what.
they don't talk ab her very often tho. conversation usually stays on steve and how he's doing, how his friends are, what his life is like. he doesn't know much ab her life at the time, just that by the time fall of 1986 hits, she's graduated college and starting a career (what, i don't know. maybe teacher or literary publicist? something steve's dad wouldn't approve of)
and then things change. steve gets a call from his sister, and she asks if he can come visit for a while here in the next month or so. he asks questions. it takes her a bit to answer. finally, she rips off the bandage. she's pregnant. she doesn't think she's ready for a baby, but she still wants to be in their life. she knows steve loves kids, that he's always wanted to be a dad. she asks if he'll come up for the birth, and adopt her baby. she wants him to raise the kid, but she doesn't try to pressure him. she knows it's a big ask. she just wanted to offer. she says she'd feel better knowing they're in a good place, that they're loved. she knows he would be perfect.
steve is obviously shocked, and rightfully so. it came out of nowhere really. he hadn't known this whole time. he isn't sure what to say. his sister tells him to think on it. there's still a little bit of time before the due date. he agrees to at least come visit and be with her for the birth. he doesn't promise anything more than that. he isn't sure what he's going to do yet, just that he wants to be there to support her.
he talks to robin that night, sitting on the living room floor of the small house they rent. it isn't much, but it's home. he tells her everything his sister said. robin stays quiet the whole time. when he finishes, all she asks is, "what do you want to do?" steve doesn't know. he isn't sure he'd be ready to raise a child on his own. so robin offers to help.
they decide to coparent. they're both there when steve's niece is brought into the world, and they don't hesitate for even a second when signing the adoption papers and birth certificate. everyone lives happily ever after.
this is fully centered on platonic stobin, with maybe a dash of background steddie and buckingham bc i make my own rules. would potentially end up being a big blended family all living in one house and coparenting all of their children (yes more kids) together and everything works out.
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hollersparrow · 6 months
just some 9-1-1 headcanons/plot bunnies
so i've kinda gone on a 9-1-1 deep dive that started out casual and rapidly turned into an obsession. a few things to note, i definitely think that buck and eddie have something (whether it's romantic or queerplatonic is up for grabs but there's something beyond friendship there and no one can convince me otherwise) and i am a strong subscriber to any tropes that strongly encourage found family/families so...make of that what you will
anyway, after binging all of the available episodes, i have several headcanons that i want to put out there (for some reason a lot of them are from season 5???)
ana realizing that there's more to eddie and buck's relationship than it seems in that scene from s5e2 when she brings christopher to the station. buck clocks that eddie has started panicking immediately and ana just like. *looks* at him for a few seconds in a way that just makes me think that this woman clocked that they have a deeper than normal connection to one another. that or she's heard about buck but obviously has never seen eddie and buck interact and is suddenly realizing exactly what people keep trying to tell her about
a buck/eddie-focused exploration of the aftermath of 'brawl in cell block 9-1-1'. buck freaking out once mitchell's been carted off to get his heart taken out and refusing to let eddie go anywhere while checking him for injuries, eddie having some uncomfortable realizations about just how affected buck was by the whole experience. personally, i feel that would lead to them actually talking about the sniper and all the mess that goes with it
lots of potential for temporary angst with eddie having a lot of big feelings about having failed as a husband in his marriage to shannon and not wanting to get married again b/c of it (thinks he doesn't deserve another shot at it? thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with him to where he can't? don't know how this would manifest exactly). personally, i see this eventually leading to him and buck realizing that they're more or less functionally married and they may as well reap some tax benefits from it but you can do whatever you want with that
buck goes to the funerals of many of the people who die on calls that he's a part of. it's mostly people that he directly worked on and he doesn't tend to tell anyone that he's a first responder that was involved (b/c of how devon's sister reacted in s1) but he does go to them.
kinda of tied to the headcanon above this but! buck getting adopted by a bunch of older queer folk following the deaths of mitchell and thomas in s2. he goes to the joint funeral that was planned for the two of them, in part b/c he wants/needs to and in part bc he accidentally took a few photos from the scrapbook from the scene (he shoved them in his pocket on instinct when thomas collapses). anyway, he shows up and the older queer community has rallied to show up at the funeral and they recognize him as someone who needs more found family and just adopt him into their ranks. i could see the 118 finding out about this soon after it happens or not until years later; maybe karen and hen finding out sooner than everyone else but buck asks them to keep it quiet?
s5e14 where jee-yun gets sick? what if it actually WAS leukemia and she somehow ends up needing some sort of donation (plasma? bone marrow? idk really anything about how cancer is treated). jee's put on a list and they start testing family members, none of whom work out until...buck. cue maddie not wanting to ask that of buck b/c of all the baggage that comes with daniel and the buckley parents are absolute assholes about it (along the lines of completely disregarding buck's autonomy as a human being in the face of their precious granddaughter being in trouble), maybe a chimney that isn't trying to be pushy about it but also just...can't help pushing a bit, a buck that so overwhelmed with everything that he's feeling that he goes off the rails a bit. obviously everything works out and buck donates or whatever needs to happen and jee-yun is completely fine b/c i don't actually want it to end badly
the entire 'buck's a sperm donor' family argument and maraget saying "you're a miracle baby yourself" made my fucking blood boil and i want to see a better exploration of the fallout of that statement b/c you just know that there was more to it than it just getting brushed off
buck telling maddie that he has a checklist that he goes through every time he wakes up post-coma in s6e12. chris and eddie being part of that list, where buck is just constantly checking up on them to make sure that they're still in LA (part of the reason why it's so easy for him to fall asleep/relax on the diaz couch or in their house in general). eddie doesn't notice the uptick in check-ins b/c he's too busy figuring out the least intrusive ways for him to check in on buck at all times b/c he NEEDS to know that buck is alive/breathing. once eddie notices though, he confronts buck about it
maddie asking buck to be her maid of honor for her wedding since hen is obviously going to have best man privileges. mostly just exploring the ridiculous that this brings up and everyone joking about buck in a dress (up to you whether he actually wears one to the wedding or not), but i have to include a side note that the buckley parents are dicks about it and have no sense of humour/fun
literally anything featuring athena being worried about buck as a maternal figure, i was so disappointed by her lack of interaction when buck was struck by lightning and, while i'm so fucking happy to have may acknowledging that buck is bobby's son too, we missed out on athena being devastated by the situation as well
there will probably be more of these to come at some point knowing myself.
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prismaticpichu · 1 month
i know free day for zackseph week is over and you got your own things going on but if i may unleash a few plot bunnies for you to play with : what are zack and seph doing on the first day of school? what if transfer student situation :3c any grade or level of university, are they already friends or are they meeting for the first time? and like yeah sure super smart all honors classes sephiroth and jock bro zack, what if we reverse it? how silly can we get?
*leaves the box of plot bunnies open and runs*
YESSS ANON I LUV YOU!!! 🤣❤️ Plot bunnies wooooo!
(Intentionally OOC crisis core characters!! Kunsel & Zack besties forever lmaoo.)
(Zack, sitting alone at the lunch table, with stacks of books surrounding him on both sides as he scribbles furiously in a green spiraled notebook. He is completely oblivious to the distant snickers of the Jocks, who have just adopted ShinRa High’s recent transfer student—Sephiroth Crescent, a scorer of over 170 on the pacer test—into their sporty clique.)
Lux: Annnnd that’s him, over there. Zack Fair. The biggest bookworm you’ll ever find on the planet. Kisses every teacher’s ass, spends every waking hour in a book… bessst to just keep your distance.
Kuns: No kidding. Can you imagine your entire life revolving around school? Like… pick your damn head up, dude. Smell some fresh air.
(Another round of chuckles sound around Sephiroth’s table, yet the silver-haired senior remains silent.)
Lux: Oh—get this, Sephiroth. Y’know Mr. Hewley? The English teacher? He goes there during his free periods. Can literally just come here and get a snack; instead, goes to write speeches or shit with a teacher nobody likes.
Kuns: Heh, well, what do you expect when you got no friends? Gotta have someone of equal level. Right, Sephirot—?
(But Sephiroth was already gone, having sailed across the cafeteria, mercury hair swishing behind him as he takes his new seat across from the black-haired junior.)
Sephiroth: May I sit here, please?
(Zack glances up, blue eyes blinking in what could only be described as complete and utter surprise.)
Zack: …Y-yeah! Of course :)
(He moves his lunch bag and texts, then immediately shuts the green notebook to make some room.)
Zack: Are you new around these parts? Don’t think I’ve seen you around.
Sephiroth: Heh, yes. I just moved to Midgar this year. I’m Sephiroth.
(He reaches out his hand, and Zack happily shakes it)
Zack: Zack Fair! At your service :)
(He then notices the empty area where Sephiroth is sitting, blinking again in puzzlement.)
Zack: …Do you have any lunch with you?
(There’s a beat of silence, slightly thick.)
Sephiroth: …I, heh. Don’t eat lunch.
Zack: …Oh? Well, there’s lots of good food here! First thing anyone should know about any school, if you ask me.
(He pushes his box of french fries across the table.)
Zack: Help yourself!
Sephiroth: …Heh, that’s okay. Thank you.
Zack: You sure? It’s good for the soul :)
(In spite of himself, Sephiroth can’t help but smile a little. Nor can he help the sense of ease that settles over him; a warm, budding comfort that lets the next words slide out not as jaggedly as they may seem.)
Sephiroth: Thank you, truly. It’s, just… heh. I don’t think my father would like me eating those.
(In an instant, empathy flickers across Zack’s face, and he nods in understanding.)
Zack: …Ah. I got ya. No worries then. My dad can be a little strict too.
Sephiroth: Oh?
Zack: Heh, yeah. Pushes me really hard to get into all our AP classes, y’know? Can just be… super stressful.
(Now it’s Sephiroth’s eyes that suddenly flicker, softening in understanding.)
Sephiroth: Mmn, I see. I’m… sorry to hear that.
(Zack smiles a sheepish smile as he rubs his neck.)
Zack: Aww, thanks. Don’t worry about it though. Managed to make some really cool teachers in the advanced classes! Speaking of~
(He starts to pack up his stuff, popping the last of the french fries in his mouth before tossing it in the trash.)
Zack: Gonna head over to Mr Hewley’s for a bit! You wanna come?
(Inconspicuously, Sephiroth spares a quick glance to new batch of “friends”, the likes of whom had been gaping at it for the past three or so minutes. And it was then that he realized his decision could not be any clearer.)
Sephiroth: Absolutely.
Be a friend, folks!! ❤️💕 The world needs more of ‘em!
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Hello and welcome to Day 26 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
I still feel awful 😷
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Today, I wanna present to you a kind of long idea that I had a while back. It's a Lout of the Count's Family and Pokemon (Crossover-ish?) idea.
It titled it:
"Into the Unknown: Cale Henituse's new life as a Pokemon Trainer"
The idea centers around the original! Cale Henituse, rather than KRS! Cale. And it's really long - both as in "explaining the idea" long, as well as series of book long because I have prepared Cale's Pokemon Teams for 8 Regions, but story wise I only have about 5 or 6 planned.
Basically, imagine that the Sealed God got wind that Cale's existence (together with Raon's, Ohn, and Hong's) will be his downfall from some Hunter that just wanted to cause chaos around. The Sealed God gets into his head to kill the 4 entities that would pose the most problems to his plans, but the God of Death intercepts the spells send towards Cale, Raon (not named yet), Ohn and Hong and instead of killing them, the spell send the four into another dimension - the Pokemon Dimension. (Arceus basically becomes father to a new child and grandfather to his new three grandchildren)
Cale Henituse is 17 here, Raon is 3 years old, and Ohn and Hong are 9 and 7, respectively.
The four appear in Kalos, near the place that Professor Sycamore was exploring. All of them are unconscious and injured - Cale has more negligible injuries, but Raon, Ohn, and Hong are malnourished and have big injuries.
Sycamore takes them back to his lab and nurses them back to health. Cale is the first one to wake up, and he is very much weary of everything and everyone around him. Professor Sycamore is the one who explains what this world is and that people coming from different worlds are somewhat common here. Although speaking and understanding what others say comes relatively easy for Cale, reading and writing are not as easy. Professor Sycamore takes upon himself to teach Cale how to read and write the alphabet of this world - and basically adopts him as well. (Sycamore already has a child, why not two?)
While Cale is fascinated with the creatures known as Pokemon, Ohn and Hong wake up. They are very much scared of everything and everyone around. The one that calms them down is Cale because he speaks to them in the language of their original world, which is way easier for them to understand.
When Sycamore mentions that there is another one left to wake up, Cale asks who. When Cale sees the baby black dragon, he is very much horrified. His mother, Jour Thames, always said that dragons are creatures that should never be bound, nor treated with disrespect. She taught Cale whatever she knew about these powerful creatures, so when Cale sees the harness on the small black dragon, he immediately tells Sycamore they should remove it since it is actually harming the dragon, rather than helping him or being a normal occurrence for such a creature - like Sycamore thought. (Cut him some slack; Sycamore didn't know if the harness is akin to clothes for humans since different worlds mean different costoms)
Turns out that the little dragon has some severe wounds around his wings, so he shouldn't try to fly anytime soon before he heals. Cale is somewhat worried about that, but the fact that he is in seemingly another world takes precedence in his mind at the moment.
Cale, even after Raon wakes up, still finds no way of getting back to his world. The only clue he has for getting back is the fact that "Legendary Pokemon" - as Sycamore calls them - exist and that they have powers beyond the imagination of humans.
While staying with Sycamore, Cale helps with things such as feeding the Pokemon under Sycamore's care or arranging some files with Alain, Sycamore's adoptive son. (Alain proves to be very much like his father and takes a liking to Cale very quickly, declaring Cale - at least in his mind - his younger brother.) This is how Cale meets an injured Absol with whom he connects during the months he spends at the lab.
The turning point in Cale's stay at the lab is when Sycamore's Garchomp - who is gentle and caring - suddenly turns aggressive. Cale notices there is something attached to her neck, so he and Absol, who wants to help, give chase to Grachomp. Unbeknownst to them, the little black dragon, despite his wing injuries, follows them. The chase stops at the top of Lumiose Tower, where not only do they realize they have a small injured dragon following them, but also Cale has his first taste of a Pokemon Battle together with Absol. Absol's Iron Tail manages to shatter whatever is on Grachomp's neck, and everything seems fine, but the black dragon falls off the tower when the small part of structure he is standing on crumbles. Cale dives after him, knowing that the dragon's wings were injured and they are saved by a Mega Blaziken.
Once this ordeal is over, Cale decides he should try and find a way back to his world. His best bet at the moment is going on a Pokemon journey and trying to find one of the Legendary Pokemon to ask for help. The black dragon is interested in Cale since he is not like all the other humans he has met and decides to follow him around. Ohn and Hong are also quite attached to Cale at this point, and they want to follow.
Cale's Pokemon Partner ends up being Absol, who likes Cale a lot and wants to help him.
And so Cale's adventure in Kalos begins. And many more adventures will follow.
Other things to note:
I have Kalos planned out from what is going to happen to Cale's entire pokemon team. The same goes for like the next 5 or so regions.
In Kalos, Cale will have two companions who remind him of Amiru and Eric. I haven't decided on a name for them yet, but I do know I wanna make them siblings. I want the girl to have a Pachirisu as a Pokemon Partner, while her brother has a Corphish.
Cale's Team for Kalos will be: Absol (who will mega evolve); Fletchling -> Talonflame (1st Pokemon caught); Honedge -> Aegislash (reminds Cale a lot of Beacrox; Caught when Cale explores the Parfum Palace); Croagunk -> Toxicroack (Remind Cale of Ron; saved Cale at one point in the story and decided to go with him cause and I quote "the kid needs protection since he ends up hurt all the time"); Slowpoke -> Slowbro (Slowpoke caught himself when Cale was at Azure Bay and helped move the Slowpoke away from the crowd; loves to lay on Cale's head and nap); Mareep -> Ampharos (caught around Route 12; evolves from Flaffy to Ampharos during the Team Flare take over of the Power Plant)
In this au, the gym leaders of Kalos have a small little test to dwindle the numbers of challengers they get at once. Viola will put kids to take pictures of some bug Pokemon without telling them that said Pokemon are very skittish and don't like loud noises all that much; Grant will make them climb up a wall till they get to its highest point (where the battle platform is) and he will battle them in the order they arrive there; etc.
I am throwing the Pokemon canon into the trash can here. There will be characters that shouldn't be as young as they are here. The reason I am doing this is because I like giving Cale tons of unhinged children to look after.
After Kalos, Cale becomes a researcher assistant and helps Sycamore and Alain with their work. Because of this, Cale is sent to other regions pretty often.
After Kalos, Cale goes to Hoenn, accompanied by Raon, Ohn, Hong and Absol only. There, he will travel the region with Steven Stone, a 16 years old teenager. Steven pretty much loves Cale like a younger brother, and he is kinda unhinged should Cale ever be hurt. In Hoenn, Cale is introduced for the 1st time to Pokemon Contests and participates in them, too. He goes so far as to get into the Grand Festival.
After Hoenn comes Unova, where Cale meets Steven again (Steven basically tricked his father into agreeing with him and letting him leave Hoenn). Cale and Steven also meet the mysterious N, a 15 years old teenager, with whom they end up traveling around. In Unova, Cale is chosen by Reshiram, while N is chosen by Zekrom. The main reason is that during this specific journey, Cale starts accepting that there might not be any way for him to go home - accepting the truth of his situation.
After Unova, Cale goes to Alola to teach at the Pokemon School with Professor Kukui. This was mainly something planned by Sycamore as a way for Cale to relax and not have to get into dangerous situations. Alain is also a helping as a teacher for Professor Rowan's summer camp in Sinnoh at the same time. During this journey, Cale will meet both new and old friends as he is trying to teach the kids at the school about pokemon. They even have a school trip to Hoenn for the Wallace Contest, a pokemon contest that Cale was invited to perform as the opening act of the 3-day-long contest.
After Alola, Cale goes to Sinnoh. Here, he will travel around with Riley and frequently meet with Reggie, a Pokemon Trainer who wants to challenge the Sinnoh League and his younger brother Paul, who is a year shy of getting his own pokemon starter. Cale and the others will have to deal with Team Galactic and their nefarious plans as well as Cale's own fears and doubts about his new life in this world.
Next up, we have Kanto where Cale re-encounters Reggie, who is setting his eyes on the Battle Frontier this time around. Reggie is accompanied by his little brother Paul, who just became a Pokemon Trainer not too long ago and chose Turtwig as his starter. Paul ends up admiring Cale a lot during the journey, while Reggie struggles with whether he wants to continue as a Pokemon Trainer or become a Pokemon Breeder. Cale, on the other hand, has his hand full with some of the revelations from his journey through Sinnoh, as well as the knowledge that a god wants him dead.
Cale got a necklace from his mother when he was young. The necklace was made from an unknown stone that no one in his world could identify. Lo and behold, that necklace was a Key Stone for Mega Evolution. How did Jour get her hands on that? Cale doesn't know yet.
I am very tempted to have Chou Jung Soo and Kim Rok Soo just plop into the Pokemon World at one point and Cale to have to take care of these two. Meanwhile, Lee Soo Hyuk has already reincarnated in the Pokemon World as Sui Khan, a trainer from Hoenn. His first meeting with Cale doesn't go all that well, and they both start on the wrong foot with each other. They do become friends later, tho.
Having Raon, Ohn, and Hong have a more... war-free experience would be good in my eyes. Let the children be children, if not in the canon, then at least here. Just let them enjoy going around the regions with Cale.
Alain is also like Cale. He is someone who appeared as a child from another world. The world in question was KRS's world, and Alain was pretty heavily traumatized by all that went down there. So Sycamore has a lot of hard won experience on how to deal with traumatized children - and he uses it to help Cale too because the kid might not be traumatized like Alain was, but he still shows signs of trauma at the beginning.
I headcannon that Og! Cale learned how to cook from Beacrox when he was little. He is now the resident cook every time he explores a region with other companions.
Trust me, the Sealed God will get his ass handed to him by Cale in the future. As a matter of fact, Cale does grow up during his travels: he is 17 when he goes through Kalos; 18 during Hoenn; turns 19 during Unova; 20 when he teaches in Alola; turns 21 during Sinnoh and is almost 22 when he is in Kanto.
Everything happened because a Hunter wanted to cause as much chaos as possible.
Raon learns to mimic dragon-type moves in this AU. Ohn and Hong also train to be strong too. They just don't get as many opportunities to show off at the moment.
To me, Og! Cale is a cinnamon roll that someone dropped in bitter coffee and forgot about. Which translates to "I wanna cherish him and wrap him in bubble wrap."
And this is about everything I have for this one.
So what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!
I know this is a bit late, but I am still sick, so my brain is lagging quite a lot. I also wanna say that all the days until Day 31 will cover very long fic ideas. Also, I have memes prepared for this idea that I will post later today.
Regardless, hope you enjoyed my ramblings. Have a great day/night and take care!
See you next time,
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acowardinmordor · 11 months
Steddie and Friends
It is the nature of being a writer that you will end up with plot bunnies you know you'll never write. Maybe because you're realistic about how much time you have, or maybe because you don't want to write it, you want to read it. Since I am a standard bearer for team 'I swear this WiP isn't abandoned' I'm not starting new ones.
That does not, however, stop my brain from jumping up with the ideas like freaking popcorn.
So, yes, prompt memes do exist for Stranger Things and Steddie in particular, but this is set up for something just slightly different. A rescue shelter for ideas and prompts. All of those stray ideas you badly want to read but know you'll never have time to write, this is a place for you to put them up for adoption.
The Ao3 prompt collection is setup right now to let you post up to 50 prompts. It's very easy, click the link, sign up, add prompts. I've started adding mine, which means now, other victims of the brain rot, I'm asking you to look at the solo sock drawer of fic ideas in your mind, and admit which ones you aren't going to reunite. The plot bunnies in your yard you don't want to cull because you love them, but you also know you can't raise properly. The story ideas that you had a smokin hot one night stand with, but you know you're never going to text them.
Put them up for adoption so they can find their forever home with a writer who has the time to actually write them.
Do me a favor and spread this. It has a link in it, so who knows if Tumblr will show it in searches, and I feel a little silly only having my own ideas up there.
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lestappenplotbunnies · 6 months
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Hello and welcome to Lestappen Plot Bunnies! On this blog we will post any Lestappen plot bunny you have that you’d like to put up for adoption. All plot bunnies will be posted anonymously and are free for anyone to adopt – one person or ten, the more the merrier!
Feel free to send us as many plot bunnies as you like, there might just be an author out there waiting for the right idea.
If you adopt one of the plot bunnies, feel free to let us know and we’ll reblog your fic!
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rauchendesgnu · 2 months
Gnu writes!
To start things off, I thought I'd share all the wips/ideas I have in bad summaries (yay!)
These are the wips that are partially published: a. At Thy Will - D/s AU, inspired by medieval marriage laws in the area that would later become Germany. I've talked a bit about it here before, it includes abusive relationships and fantasy sexism and also religious trauma b. The Tower Must Fall - unfortunately a bit neglected (but I plan on picking it back up, I promise), including assassin!Martin and witch!Jon slowburn enemies to lovers (Gerry is there, too!) c. A Treatise In Balance - basically just Jon getting snatched and turned into an avatar by each of the Fears. Includes art d. The Crackling Sound Of Magic - these are small fics where Jon is a mage in training under his cruel father Elias Bouchard and Martin is a kitchen hand in their household. also technically slowburn and lots of hurt/comfort because Jon keeps getting hurt
wips in my wip folder a. faerie!Jon - he's a faerie, Martin is human, he gets lost in the Otherworld's fog, Jon saves him. Oh, and soulmate AU, too :) b. Nothing But The City - inspired by UDAD, where Jonah (while wearing Elias like a suit) performs a series of cyborg-like surgeries on Jon to use him to take control over the City that once had a name that is now long lost to time c. another fantasy au with magic, inspired by occudo's art (that I still want to eat. so pretty). including apprentice!Jon, reluctant bodyguard!Martin, and exasperated and probably evil (but hot) long haired Elias d. Archive AU - Jon is a fully developed Eye monster, way beyond human. Nobody but Elias knows. Martin joins the Archive crew, accidentally makes friends with the monster via tea, and falls in love e. teacher!Jon in Scotland - you've read it before, you love it as much as I do: Scotland Safehouse Period forever, nothing bad happens and Jon gets adopted by a bunch of nosy teenagers f. nurse!Martin AU - Martin is a nurse who deals with Jon's worm wounds (gets section 31-ed) and keeps meeting him while Jon is injured. Features the good ol' anonymous online kinky relationship (and so much research because i don't even know how German hospitals work let alone British ones) g. Magnus Academy - more teacher!Jon, but in dark, with magic, murder, abuse, blackmail, discrimination, etc. h. The Fourteen Hauntings of Jonathan Sims, Librarian - more AUs! this time it's medium!Jon time (and medium!Martin). There's ghosts, and the town is called Nevermore :) i. Vampire Stuff - loosely based on The Fearless Vampire Killers (but the German musical, not necessarily the film), featuring vampire!Jon, vampire!Elias, human Martin, Tim, Sasha (yes, Jon is Herbert) j. Martin Knife Blackwood - established jonmartin, Jon wants to propose, Martin used to be in organised crime and the mob boss Peter Lukas comes for him, drama, blood, guns, etc. k. magical bookshop - more magic. including season 4 levels of sad Jon, a traumatised mute teenage kid who is accidentally adopted by said sad Jon. Jon has a bookshop that shows up at random. like the tardis but with less control even than the Doctor has l. toxic JonElias with endgame JonMartin - this one's not fleshed out at all, but basically Jon gets to make friends and escape Elias' clutches (no Fears AU)
I have more plot bunnies, but they're just that, so I won't list them here or I'd be here for hours. Feel free to ask questions about the wips above if you like, I'd be more than happy to elaborate (it will contain spoilers tho)
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