#or if anyone has details abt like. if i order patches will i still get it as a gift?
coldbug · 2 years
this might be a reach, but if anyone has in their possession the oxford pennant mcr bumper sticker and hasn’t used it/would be willing to part with it… i badly want to obtain it, hmu 👀
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burntcactii · 2 years
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hiwo i would Love to hear more about your Very Specific Titans North Team i love them very much
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AH THANK YOU now some hc about them in so specific order:
Herald is the self proclaimed voice of reason except he's internally screaming all the time. Things were so much simpler on his own. Now he's got to keep Wally from teaching Jericho slang while also trying to make sure Red Star doesn't accidentally nuke the kitchen
Kole's entire color pallete is literally the trans flag and Jericho is the single Fruitiest Looking titan in any given room so when they get assigned to the same team she shakes him by the shoulders demanding they be best friends
Kid 👏 Flash 👏 Is 👏 Autistic 👏
They're all trying VERY HARD . Also B list Titans get B list villains. Punk and the hive got bodied at the brotherhood of evil battle and decided harassing titans north would be easier
Hint: it was not and punk still regularly lands on his face
Argents whole demeanor on the working as a team thing is kind of just "I hate you all" (affectionate)
It's a running joke that Private HIVE is the only villain Jericho really instigates and goes full beating on and it's revealed to have been his Cain instinct the whole time
He also beats up punk rocket a lot but that's for other reasons
I could talk about the Punk/Jericho rivalry too but I don't want to ramble
Red 👏 Star 👏 Is 👏 Autistic 👏
I make the rivalry joke abt kydflash a lot but it's rlly that Wally doesn't discern good and bad attention and Kyd sure has some Views™ that blew his little conservative Midwestern mind but he doesn't know how to deal with them
That vine that's like //intense bass boosted music, girl vaping in full leather// Wally: w o w
Wally 👏 Is 👏 Not 👏 A Jock👏
The Kole/Wally/Jericho friendship is a nightmare for everyone involved except them
Herald and Jericho have a cancelling effect on each other's anxiety
Jericho NEVER knows what's going on but he's HAPPY to be here anyway
Red Star ALWAYS knows what's going on and he wishes he didnt
There's a very dramatic episode about Jericho being kidnapped and it splits between the Titans tracking him down and Jericho tied to a chair for a Wilson Family Lunch
This is all very funny until Jericho's Actual Trauma comes up later and it takes a more Wilson Family Therapy turn
Kyd/Wally is a recurring theme with Wally being exposed to someone who doesn't think he should try to dampen his personality for the comfort of others and Kyd being exposed to someone who doesn't think anyone or anything is innately bad or monstrous
Accompanied by Wally being Wally and kyd being this 🤌 close at any given time to tackling him
Compared to Joey and Herald who are very obviously in love in the bg but in the calm non-Wally way
Wally's incident that gave him powers left him with lightning shaped scars on his left eye (which are actually the dual purpose of goggles. He's very hard of seeing in that eye)
Red Star is a direct foil to Joey's previous and toxic relationship to his brother Grant. Which in turn makes Grant take a harder look at his life choices
Red Star mostly just hangs with Jericho bc he doesn't have to talk as much and he prefers Jericho's quiet contentness over Wally and Argent trying to drag him into a scheme to harass Punk Rocket
Jericho teaches him to draw which is nice
A lot of the smaller details have a dual meaning. Wally almost always has purple and red bandaids on and Only purple and red bc Kyds version of apologizing is grumbling and patching him up
Everyone is aware of Wally's crush on kyd, including kyd, but it's mostly harmless and it's not like kyd is trying to take over the world. He's just here to annoy Wally and steal tarot cards
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blackhole-imagines · 5 years
His Combatant (Grimmjow x Reader)
This is a story i put a lot of work into, its on my Wattpad as well. I placed the link at the bottom so no one thinks I stole this story.
It’s kind of weird it has kind of lives me castle/mythology vibes, but I still really like it.
It’s about a Fraccion who was under Harribel, but due to her overconfidence in her abilities she was transferred.
Now that I think abt it it’s kind of out of character bc Harribel would never give one of her girls up but whatever let’s just pretend Lmao
Ch. 1
Hueco Mundo was very different than what an outsider may think. Hollows were savages; yes, but there was a whole intricate system that outsiders knew nothing of. As the beast became stronger it became more intelligent, so it is only natural that there is some order going on outside of Las Noches. Las Noches however, was much more complex. The Arrancars and Espadas didn't just roam around aimlessly through the castle halls. They have jobs, errands to run, friends. Some are better at socializing than others, but that is more than okay.
The Espadas are assigned castles inside of Las Noches. These castles didn't just house the Espada and Fraccion, but other arrancars as well. The Arrancars are each assigned a castle where they will be living and working. Naturally these Arrancars are commanded by the respective Espada of that certain castle. The castles weren't anything like the fairy tail ones, the were the typical white buildings of Las Noches with gold details on the outside. The castles were built so that they surrounded the main castle, Aizens castle. The buildings were ordered clock wise, so the First Espadas castle was in between the second and tenth Espada's. They never touched, the buildings, everything was spaced out so that no one was breathing down each other's necks. It prevented conflict.
There was a girl who had just finished patrolling the castle boarders. She was no ordinary Arrancar, she was one of the Fraccion. One of the more skilled out of the bunch. She belonged to Harribel: the third. Patrol was a crucial part of living in Las Noches. There wasn't anything like a civil war but it was pivatal to always have a look out. This castle was the only one ran by a female Arrancar, and some have tried to take that as an opportunity to attack. Other times they had to watch out for refugees. Many have taken refuge in the third's castle looking to escape the more ruthless Espada. At the moment they were at full capacity and could no longer take anyone in.
Announcing her entrance with a knock, she entered the third's quarters. Lady Harribel was seated by a small table and seemed to be filling out some paperwork. As the girl approached her rightful Espada, she descended on her knees. Harribel gave her a brief nod and allowed her to speak. "Lady Harribel, the northern and eastern boarders are quiet. Apache should be returning from her patrol duties soon". "Rise ___" She did as she was asked and quickly got on her two feet. "We need to talk" Harribel announced. The Fraccion nodded slowly becoming anxious.
Lady third scribbled one last thing on the document she was working on and placed her her pen down. Harribel's normally sharp eyes seemed softer today and it bothered the girl even more. She felt something was wrong the minute she stepped foot in this room.
"As of today" she paused "you will no longer be one of my Fraccion". Her breath caught in her throat, she was silent, in shock. Her thoughts ran amok in her head; did she do something wrong? Had she upset lady Harribel? Was she not strong enough? No, she knew none of those justified lady Harribel's reasoning. Not once had the Espada lifted her gaze from her now former Fraccion.
"So what now? You're demoting me to the bottom of the food chain?" She asked with a slight pitch of sharpness in her tone. Harribel noticed right away and stood up, the ex-subordinate quickly lowered her head. "You will retain your title as a Fraccion, just not mine". "Then who's" She implored. "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" there was a pause, she did not want to hear that name. He was one of the three most ruthless Espada's in Las Noches. The amount of Arrancar that had dragged their bruised and beaten bodies here, bleeding in order to escape, the sexta sickened her. "But lady Hallibel why? I'm the strongest of your fraccion, there in no reason for me to be sent to that brute. You've seen what he's done to who make him mad" her voice held frustration and desperation "then don't make him mad".
Her hands were balled in a fist, drops of red falling onto the white floor. Tears had threatened to escape her eyes, but she held it in. "____" she paused her voice much softer this time "this is precisely why I'm doing this, you're too confident in your abilities. It's not a bad thing, but you need a challenge, a reason to always be on your guard and this is it". The salty liquid broke trough and cascaded down her red cheeks. "You shouldn't be so trusting and comfortable around your environment, you never know when someone will come for you. Lord Aizen and I talked about this, it was either Nnoitra, Szayelaporro, or Grimmjow. I would never give you to the 5th, and the 8th was out of the question." She had parted her lips to respond, but nothing came out.
Harribel released a long breath "this will be good for you, pack a bag and be at the 6th gate by dusk" after nodding her head she made her way to the door "lady Harribel... may I visit" she questioned "Only if he allows". She bit her lip in frustration and quickly made her way out. She took the long way to her room, intaking every inch of her home. She didn't want to leave. As much as she hated to admit, she was scared. Injuries she had seen, had patched up that was made by the sixth, he was merciless. She had only been in Grimmjow's presence a handful of times and none of them were pleasant. The last time she had seen him she made sure to never see him again. She was mistaken.
Thinking about it made her body shiver. She will never forget that day. There was an Arrancar she had spotted while on patrol, he was dragging his body through the sand because one of his legs was blown off. She rushed to his rescue because at the time they were taking in refugees. It all happened so fast, one minute she was running and the next she saw blue and white in front of her. All she heard was a scream and the man was dead. The sexta's body had covered hers from the blood that gushed out of the mans body. Grimmjow turned towards her wearing a cynical smirk that she would never forget.
Entering her room had brought her back to reality. She walked over to her closet and began packing necessities. When she had finished she sat on her bed and pondered. She couldn't wrap her head around it, lady Harribel was right. She had become less attentive and more trusting, but it was no reason to send her away. When the sky became pink she got up and went on her merry way. To get to Grimmjow's castle she couldn't walk around to get to it, not unless she wanted to be fired at by cero's. Her new home was located almost across her old one. She had to go through Aizen's castle, his castle was connected to all the others.
The skies were now grey and she stood outside of the 6th gate awaiting her escort. The man who had come to pick her up introduced himself as Shawlong, he was tall, skinny, and carried himself with honor . She admired that in individuals, his hollow mask was very different than hers. His resembled a hat that had a spike to its right side and it covered his left eye. Hers resembled a forehead crown that had a sharp end that reached in between her eyes.
Unlike the thirds castle that was lively and full of life, this one was dead. There hadn't been a single other arrancar in sight. "Where is everyone?" She looked at Shawlong for an answer. "Many of our arrancar do not know how to behave around lord Grimmjow, so they die. Others flee to other castles" nodding her head she kept silent. "You mustn't be scared, lord Grimmjow detests fear" he paused "but he has good intentions" she scoffed, but kept her mouth shut.
Shawlong showed her to her room, it was different from her previous room. It was simpler, she didn't hate it. "I'll come find you when our lord returns, you may wander the hall if you wish. Do not go into the room with the double doors, unless you intend to die" that quickly caught her attention, she knew where not to go to. After Shawlong left she began placing her things down. The room was surprisingly clean, it surprised her that they kept up with their cleanliness due to the lack of inhabitants. She walked over to the large mirror in the corner of the room and began examining herself. Turning her body in different directions just to check herself out. She had the standard hakamas on, her top was a white long sleeve bodysuit. With a deep breath she undid the black sash around her waist, pants sliding to the floor. The rest of her clothes soon followed, she tossed them in a bin she assumed is where laundry went. Her nude frame walked across the room and entered the bathroom. She started her shower and planned to go to bed right after.
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