#or if ill turn the other 1z in2 ocz... i might just do tht tho
OK. i shall elaborate abt my last post. basically, like,,,,, i move 2 new york 2 live w/ my sister after a big fight w/ my parentz. i just put my luggage back @ her place and we’re walking around the town. im complaining abt how cramped it is here but she’s like “....do u wanna go back home?” so i shut up lol
i see like.... this monster a little bit away and im like ??? hey sis do u see this??? n shez like ?? wht is tht.... turnz out itz some CYCLOPEZ’ and theyre COMING RIGHT 4 US... long story short, we get separated, i almost get killed, im saved by leo, i pass out.
i wake up and i get terrified bc WHERE AM I. WHEREZ MY FUCKING SISTER. n they have 2 explain and. yea. itz just basically adventurez w/ some of the main 7 where I Cant Fight n they have 2 protect me while we’re looking 4 my sister... 
anwyayz the climax is that every1 is down and can’t fight the Ultimate Battle, but i step in just as the monster is abt 2 k*ll some1 (? probably leo), so i grab nico’s sword and basically discover my powerz as a child of hades :)
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