#or it could be like a brain ailment thing like a stroke or a tumor or something congenital that ive never even heard of!
pokotho · 1 year
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jesslcover · 5 years
H.E.A.L.T.H. What is it?
For many years, ive been trying to get all these beautiful inspiring stories out of my head and out into the public. I believe that I have a message and maybe my delivery is off but its there....  There is no right or wrong way to deliver a message because it truly comes down to the perception of the receiver, not you that creates the problem. If you have a message to share with the world.. share it, and if the world isn't ready, thats there issue, not yours. So here’s mine.... well a small piece of it... 
Have you ever thought about what the true definition of health is? Is the worlds definition of health congruent with your own definition? How did you come to your own way of health or do you follow others and envision yourself as them maybe when you were completely out of balance with yourself. Or did you do research on ways to quick fix your health Hit?  
There are so many ways we can view health and in each one of us, its different. Take a smoker of 30 years.....    If you or someone you know has smoked for a very long time and are thinking about quitting, you know its gonna be stressful. Even if you are 100% committed to giving up the filthy habit and saying good rides, the body and mind are going to, at some point be in stress overload. The nasty chemical of nicotine has adapted inside your body and your cells feed off of them but then ll of a sudden, you are suffocating the fuel for which stimulated the craving when they were on empty... So your brain thinks, “feed me nicotine, feed me oral fixation.” 
No patch, gum or physical ailment has ever been the true reason some someone killing the habit. The real healing and transformation comes from the energetic balance between what our mind is telling our body, and what forces surround us in our environment the controls our cravings within our body. 
For 12 years, I smoked very heavy cigarettes. Not the Light to Ultra light brands but the stuff the big boys, construction workers, mechanics, Beer Bellied red necks, used to smoke. My mom allowed me to smoke as many cigarettes as I wanted, just as long as I only smoked cigarettes and nothing else. 
In June 1999, after a car accident nearly caused my death, I was awaked into a new light and mindset. Still smoking cigarettes, going to church and attending local exercise classes, my perception to things was different.  
After 4.3 drooling months of battling a disconnect of me headspace and my Mind Body Spirit connection being in OFF mode, I was turn on with more voltage and internal power than ever before. 
In October 1999, 2.5 weeks after I was forced to drop out of high school, I was blown away that something so big, and active was living inside of my head. I asked myself, how could this tumor, be so unkind to just appear out of the blue and say, “That’s it Lady, POWER OFF.” 
I was a senior in High School, passionate about hospitality, working for Marriott hotels 23-28 hours a week in front office operations and selling shoes at Nine West 13-17 hours/week M-F. Marriot was a Fri-Sat-Sunday job with Holidays for  the additional overtime. After my accident, I lost my job at the shoe store however Marriott loved my positive energy and life force I expelled to guests while they checked in, even when I couldn't see over the front Desk front sitting in a chair from Pain. Although I felt much loved at this hotel, I would soon be discharged from here as well. 
October 24th, 1999, after my first attempt to get my GED, the equivalent to a High School Diploma, I failed. I felt horrible with my life. I had no job because of my disability, I quit high school and barely saw my friends, no driver license because they were taking from me by the State of Ohio for safety of other drivers and I was smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. How was I able to come out of this mess and go from SURVIVING to THRIVING?                           It certainly wasnt some Miracle pill or Reconstructive Surgery that changed me from the outside to inspire my inside......  It came from within me! How I looked at the physical things around me, how I gave thanks to everything, even a bird dropping its poo poo on my head while trying to sunbathe next to my neighbors pool, or having a check for $3.84 bounce over a pack of cigarettes. What taught me the greatest life comeback in these scenarios.
It was a wet and muggy Wednesday morning in October, the 27th to be exact, when my mom dreaded waking at 745am to take me to get a second opinion from a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic office near my small hometown. She had finished work at 1130pm the previous night to only arrive home around 1215am from the heavy rain that evening. My first appointment was at 830am. 
There were actually several appointments scheduled that day however my mom had to be at work by 1pm and wasnt able to take me to all of my appointments. After the first appointment, we decided to skip the potential MRI and take me to grandma’s house. 
For the next 9 months, until June, the summer of 2000, I stayed with grandma. It was a much happier place to be. Grandma had 3 fun loving dogs, a pool with a beautiful wooden deck big enough for 5-7 lawn chairs, and my aunt Kathy living within walking distance. Kathy smoked and she was more like a smoking buddy. I was able to make some money mowing yards for the neighbors and helping grandma with the house and her dogs. In June, I got my driver license back and went on a mission to find a job that would give me independence away from everyone! It was the greatest stepping stone into womanhood I could've ever taken. 
After attempting to retrieve my job with Marriott and being unsuccessful, an amusement park on the lake outside of cleveland contacted me for a summer job at one of their hotels in the park. Cedar Point is the PRIME ROLLERCOASTER park in the USA. Without hesitation, I took the job and moved 2.5 hours away in a cabin villa with 2 other girls, for the summer. 
Cutting to the chase... at the end of the summer, I felt like i was ready to go back to school and try my HSD again. It didnt take long to see that, this wasnt supposed to be the option for me. 
August 2000, just days before school was to begin, mom and I, her friend Cheryl and our long time neighbor were shopping for school supplies at our local Staples Store. Cheryl had MS and I took care of her also. Without her with us, my mom would've been in the Emergency room. 
As we were walking out of the store, I started to dauntingly walk a different direction than my mom and Cheryl. Completely disconnect from the world, my mom said she continued to yell at me but I didn't listen. Was I not listening or did I not hear her? 
In the moment when my mom gently grabbed my right shoulder to bring me toward our truck, I physically attacked her, bruised her face and she fell on the ground. Immediately she got back up and “started calling me names”, Cheryl said. Before we got to the truck, I came out of this brain freeze and began to ask my mom “Oh My God, what happened to you?” 
You can imagine my mom’s confusion, frustration and contemplation as to why I seemed to disillusioned to the event. This object in my brain was moving again and this time caused a disconnect that changed my life traumatically, with myself and my mother. 
A week before my Mom’s birthday, September 4, school had only jut begun and I was doing good until the long 3 days weekend for Labor Day. Labor day is the 1st Monday in September and my mom’s birthday happened to fall on that day however our doctors office was closed. 
The very next day, with a luck of the draw, Dr Angerman, who I saw the previous years, had a slot open at 9am which my mom booked me without question. The findings were what had been daunting me for more than 15 months. 
Ganglioglioma is low-grade tumor of mixed cell type. It is a type of brain tumor that contains properties of both glial cells (responsible for providing the structural support of the central nervous system) and neuronal cells (the functioning component of the central nervous system). It is very rare!! Being rare was one thing but with the location being life threatening inoperable, my mom burst into tears with fears of what to do with me. 
My Ganglioglioma treatments included:               Neurosurgery – to remove as much of the tumor as safely possible; surgery is often limited due to the deep, central placement of these tumors within the brain                                                                                                     Chemotherapy – either before surgery to shrink the tumor or to kill cancer cells 
Radiation therapy – precisely targeted treatment to control local growth of tumors; not recommended unless the child’s tumor has re-grown due to potential long-term side effects of therapy.
Cleveland Clinic has some of the most highly acclaimed doctors and surgeons in the world. They are one of the best trusted hospital resources for Neurological, Cardiac and Pulmonary operations. With a higher success rate than any other hospital affiliation on the entire planet, Dr Angerman relaxed my mom and assured her that I was in heaven’s hands.  On March 12th, 2001, I became a successful survivor of this rare scare of a brain tumor however the end wasn’t close yet. 
After 3 days, I was released from Cleveland Clinic Neurosurgery in Cleveland, Ohio, with 100% full confidence by Neurosurgeon Dr. Morris, that I would recover with no problems. March 16th, while at my grandmothers house, I had a stroke. I was paralyzed on the entire left side of my body for 6 weeks until April 29th 2001...... 
Dr Morris did an amazing job at my surgery and was the first person and step that gave me internal hope that led to my wellness path to what I call HEALTH however, it was the energy practices of Yoga& Pranayama, which no one in my red neck town had ever heard of), Mindfulness, Chiropractic, proper nutrition and guided imagery that allowed me to transform my mind, come back in tune with my body and provide positive feedback that would change my life, inside and out, forever. 
It’s now 18.5 years later, Aug 2019, and my passion for helping people, inspiring wellness and Mind Body Medicine to everyone I meet, especially as a career, gains excitement everyday! My true meaning of HEALTH is Holistic Enhancements Aspiring Longevity Tranquility & Happiness. Because true health starts with me, not with money, a beautiful BMW, fancy vacations or diamonds... It starts at the HEART... tap deep within and you will win.... no matter what you are going through!
When we live life in a state of our own positive definition of HEALTH, whatever it may be, we are creating an art that is unique to us and us only, but its from the heart. Learn to BREATHE... and used the same formula components(letters) to BE HEART! 
Sorry for any typos...
Namaste, Good Night friends. 
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your-dietician · 3 years
15 Brain And Spine Conditions People Over 40 May Develop
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/15-brain-and-spine-conditions-people-over-40-may-develop/
15 Brain And Spine Conditions People Over 40 May Develop
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Everyone will grow old and experience gradual changes in their physical and cognitive capacity. Not to mention the number of diseases that come with old age.It’s still difficult to see your loved one not being able to do the things they used to do. Although these changes are inevitable, there are ways you can do to better improve the quality of your elderly loved ones’ lives.
  For starters, it’d be better to know if they’re going suffering from serious neurological and spinal disorders prevalent among elderly people, especially those who are 40 and over. Besides that, you may also want to consider going through alternative treatments and medications offered by healthcare specialists like Dickinson Neurological Surgery and other similar providers to better address your concerns.
  Spinal Disorders In People Over 40
  While younger people can experience numerous health problems due to varying reasons, there’s no going around the fact that people over age 40 are more likely to suffer from age-related diseases. Specifically, people over 40 become more susceptible to neurological and spinal conditions that could significantly affect their normal functioning.
  Geriatric spinal disorders, in particular, are some of the most common ailments that prove to be more difficult to manage, especially among older generations. Geriatric-related spinal disorders are commonly categorized into six major classifications: traumatic disorders, degenerative disc diseases, degenerative deformities, infections, spinal tumors, and inflammatory disorders.
  Particularly, here are some of the most common spinal disorders people over 40 may develop:
  Osteoarthritis—otherwise known as degenerative arthritis or facet joint arthritis—is a type of spinal disorder that develops over time as people start to grow old. Considered as one of the most common spinal disorders among elderly people, this condition is caused by weakening and the deterioration of the facet joints in the spine. Subsequently, it could result in cartilage erosion and osteoarthritis.
  While symptoms of osteoarthritis may not be apparent in the earlier years, this could be characterized as persistent lower back pain and painful movement. It could also occur in the hands, hips, and knees.
  Aside from that, people suffering from osteoarthritis may also experience any of the following:
  Leg pain
Limited leg movements
Lower back pain
Mild to severe muscle cramps
Numbness, weakness, and tingling sensations from the lower back into the legs
  Apart from osteoarthritis, another common spinal condition you must know about is osteoporosis. While these two diseases are often confused with each other, it’s worth mentioning that osteoarthritis is the degeneration of the joint, while the latter is the loss of bone mass.
  In its simplest definition, osteoporosis is an age-related metabolic disorder that’s primarily characterized by a gradual decrease in bone mass. It’s also known as the deterioration of bone tissues and disruption of bone microarchitecture. One of the most common drawbacks of having osteoporosis is the increased susceptibility to bone fractures.
  As it’s often referred to as the ‘porous bone,’ osteoporosis mainly affects one’s bone mass, which then leads to lower bone mass and diminished bone strength. As a person continues to age, they could lose up to 1% of their bone mass every year.
  Disc Degeneration
  Considered as the root cause of many degenerative changes in the spine, disc degeneration is also the type of spinal disorder that develops faster than other diseases. Do you notice your elderly loved one having difficulty walking and moving around? Do you know someone who struggles with chronic lower back pain? While such scenarios may seem normal in elders, note that those painful sensations might be early symptoms of disc degeneration in people over 40.
  Internal disc degeneration (IDD), in particular, is the most common form of disc degeneration. Commonly known as annular tear injuries, this condition could cause mild to severe neck and backaches, as well as numbness in the legs and arms.
  Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
  Lumbar spinal stenosis is a type of spinal disorder prevalent among elders characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canals in the lower back. In most cases, people have difficulty in standing and walking due to this condition. They could also feel persistent pain, which only diminishes when they lean forward or sit down.
  Symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis range from mild to severe pains and numbness in the legs, hips, and buttocks.
  Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
  Degenerative spondylolisthesis is a condition often associated with the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis. While they may share some similarities, the previous ailment mainly affects the facet joints, ligaments, and bones of people aged 65.
  As stated in the previous section, this condition can be distinguished by the gradual deterioration of bones and ligaments, as well as the weakening of joints in the spine. It could also result in the slip of the vertebra, which causes it to lose its alignment with other bones. Furthermore, degenerative spondylolisthesis could also affect one’s flexibility and could hinder them from doing simple activities.
  Neurological Diseases In Elders
  Aside from the risks of spinal disorders, people over 40 also become more susceptible to neurological diseases as they age. Not only that, but these people may also experience changes in their cognitive capacity over time. As people age, they may notice significant adjustments in their cognitive aspects, which is due to the changes in their brains and central nervous system (CNS).
  While you may not be able to prevent these changes, there are ways you can do to help your elderly loved one who’s suffering from neurological maladies.To help you have a better understanding of this matter, here’s a list of the most common neurological diseases with which people over 40 have to deal:
  Alzheimer’s Disease
  Have you experienced seeing your loved one slowly forget things that are important to them such as names or dates? Have you noticed them having difficulty in performing things that were once normal to them? While you may think that those are common signs of aging, your loved one might be suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
  According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. Distinguished as the progressive, neurodegenerative ailment that affects one’s judgment, memory, and behavior, Alzheimer’s disease could also disrupt one’s short-term memory. This condition may also alter one’s normal functioning and make familiar tasks challenging to accomplish.
  People with Alzheimer’s disease may also experience the following:
  Language deterioration
Impaired memory, communication, and judgment
Impaired cognitive processes and spatial awareness
Emotional apathy
  Brain Aneurysm
  Also called cerebral aneurysm or intracranial aneurysm, this particular condition mainly affects the blood vessels in one’s brain. This is also characterized by the deterioration and weakeningof the wall of a blood vessel in the brain. It’s also often referred to as the ‘subarachnoid hemorrhage’ in the brain.
  This condition occurs when the aneurysm ruptures and bleeds into the spaces around the brain. A brain aneurysm occurs when blood vessel walls in the brain become too thin and cause a hemorrhagic stroke when they rupture.
  Some of the most common symptoms of a brain aneurysm may include the following:
  Vision impairment
Oculomotor dysfunction
Eye pain
  Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), otherwise known as inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP), is a type of neurological condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Specifically, this occurs when one’s immune system affects the PNS and weakens the body’s nerve system.
  One most common symptom of GBS is the weakening and tingling sensation in the legs, hips, and buttocks. In some cases, it could also occur in the arms and upper body. In worst-case scenarios, people struggling with GBS may not be able to use their muscles and have difficulty in their tendon reflexes. They may also suffer from paralysis, breathing difficulty, high blood pressure, and cardiac arrest.
  Multiple Sclerosis
  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a type of neurological condition prevalent among people over 40 that could last long. It’s a chronic condition of the central nervous system (CNS) that primarily affects one’s cognitive capacity and communication skills.
  In some cases, people suffering from MS may gradually lose their ability to write, speak, and walk. They may also experience visual impairment and impaired communication skills. Some of the most common underlying factors behind this condition may include these factors:
Infectious agents (e.g., bacteria and viruses)
Autoimmune disorders
  Parkinson’s Disease
  Apart from Alzheimer’s disease, the second most common neurological disorder among elderly people is Parkinson’s disease. Characterized as the gradual stripping away of one’s motor abilities, this condition could hinder someone from performing basic tasks. This condition is also most likely to occur among people aged 65.
  Some early signs of Parkinson’s disease may include these symptoms:
  Lack of balance
Rigid limbs
Walking abnormality
Slower movements
  Apart from that, note that Parkinson’s disease affects a certain part of the brain called the ‘substantia nigra,’ which is responsible for the production of dopamine. With the disruption in the manufacturing of chemicals that control one’s muscle movement, one becomes more at risk of mental and behavioral changes, depression, sleep problems, fatigue, and memory difficulties.
  Also called a brain attack, a stroke is the condition that occurs when blood circulation in one’s brain is interrupted. Basically, the brain needs a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients to ensure proper functioning. However, when blood supply is cut off, one may experience life-threatening medical conditions like stroke.
  This is due to a significant number of brain cells dying with the lack of blood and oxygen. While some people may not know it, stroke has two major classifications: ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.  When brain cells die, several brain functions are also affected. People may experience difficulty in moving, speaking, eating, thinking, controlling bowel movements, managing emotions, and handling vital bodily functions.
  Neuropathy is often distinguished as the weakening and numbness in the hands and feet. It’s also a neurological condition that could impede elderly people from executing daily tasks. Among the most prominent factors that could lead to this condition, the most common one is systemic diabetes.
  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is considered a progressive neurological condition that primarily affects motor neurons. Such instances could result in the gradual deterioration of the body’s muscle functions.
  Myasthenia Gravis
  Considered a chronic autoimmune disorder, myasthenia gravis is a condition that blocks the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles and hinders normal bodily function. This could also result in immobility, muscle weakness, and paralysis.
  Muscular Dystrophy
  Commonly known as a genetic-related disease, muscular dystrophy is a neurological condition that’s linked to one’s genetic structure. People who have this kind of ailment may experience muscle weakness, muscle deterioration, and muscle contraction.
  Coping With Age-Related Diseases
  Accepting that your loved one is suffering from health diseases is never easy, let alone helping them get through their condition. While you may find this difficult to accomplish, know that there are now numerous alternatives and options you can consider obtaining for your purposes.
  For starters, you might want to start with encouraging them to follow a balanced diet and motivate them to seek professional help. Aside from that, here are some things you can encourage your loved one to do to manage health issues that come with aging:
  Be Physically Fit: When dealing with spinal conditions, one of the most common alternatives one can do includes engaging in physical activities and maintaining a healthy body. However, you should still consider your loved one’s age and condition before introducing them to certain exercises. Walking slowly, doing stretches, and other types of light exercises are some ideal activities for your elderly loved one.
  Sign Up For Physical Therapy: When you feel like doing exercise isn’t enough, you may also refer your loved one to a physician for physical therapy sessions. Having a physician look after your family member’s condition could significantly speed up their recovery and help them bounce back from their condition.
  Take Medications: Besides regular exercise and physical therapy, you may also consider taking your elderly loved one to a doctor. They could recommend the appropriate medication for your family member and examine their condition. Medicines like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as naproxen, ibuprofen, and aspirin are some common pain relievers for spinal diseases.
  Undergo Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: People suffering from neurological disorders may also consider undergoing treatments like cognitive therapy. Otherwise known as ‘talk therapy,’ this particular treatment option primarily focuses on helping patients determine the cause of their condition, reorient them about their thoughts and behavior regarding their situation, and help them manage psychogenic impairments.
  Managing signs of spinal and neurological disorders is never easy, let alone witnessing your elderly loved one dealing with them. While these illnesses could sound intimidating to handle, there are numerous alternatives you can consider to help your family member. These may include encouraging them to consult with a specialist, influencing them to lead a healthy lifestyle, and motivating them to pursue recovery. With this post, treating age-related diseases could be much easier.
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The Truth About Self-Diagnosing on the Internet
Let me guess: This morning you woke up with half a headache and some gas, did a little Googling, and now you're convinced you have a brain tumor. Trust me when I say I understand: You and your paranoid WebMD searches are not uncommon. "I would estimate that in a typical full day of seeing patients, about a third have searched the internet looking for answers by the time they see me," says board-certified internist Dana Corriel, MD, who refers to this phenomenon as "Google University."
It makes sense why people turn to the internet at the first sign of physical discomfort. It's the same reason we love ordering our beauty products on Amazon instead of buying them in-store, or getting lunch delivered via Seamless instead of making it ourselves: Convenience. "Think of the steps involved in getting a proper diagnosis," says Corriel. "You spend time trying to make an appointment, accommodate your schedule for it, spend the time on travel, and this before any of the aggravating factors involved in dealing with the office visit itself." Even doctors get it: "It's sometimes just easier for a person to Google their symptom."
Physicians also understand that when you don't feel well, it's hard to hold off until you can see a professional to confirm that you're not, well, dying. "For most of the patients that I see in the ER, they are fine; they are not having a big heart attack or stroke and can go home without worry," says board-certified family physician and ER doctor Larry Burchett, MD. "The #1 thing I provide is reassurance. I suspect that this is what most people are looking for when they go online—they want to make sure they are okay."
Empathizing is all well and good, but on a professional level, what do doctors really think about internet self-diagnosis? Is it helpful? Or is it just a cause of anxiety?
Keep scrolling to find out the truth about self-diagnosing on the internet, according to physicians.
The Pros of Self-Diagnosis
As it turns out, looking up your symptoms online doesn't have to end in catastrophe. "There are definitely pros to internet searching," says Corriel. "It can provide a quick answer to a rather simple question when used correctly. I've seen many patients come in with a correct 'hunch' based on a search."
Consider this recent interview, where Jimmy Kimmel spoke of correctly diagnosing pain in his midsection as appendicitis, thanks to a Google search. (It's worth noting that he subsequently admitted that was the first time his doctor ever witnessed an accurate self-diagnosis.) In college, I once used the internet to correctly pinpoint a urinary tract infection. So it can be helpful. However, physicians agree that more often than not, the internet can provide you neither with an accurate diagnosis nor the reassurance you're seeking.
The Cons of Self-Diagnosis
As you can imagine, the disadvantages of consulting Google, as opposed to a live person with a decade of medical training, are manifold. They start with the fact that it can be difficult to verify where a website sourced its information. "You don't need credentials to add your two cents on to the web," says Corriel. "You don't even really need to be telling the truth. Anyone can write anything about any topic and get away with it."
This phenomenon is especially rampant on social media sites, like Facebook. "I've seen bad advice being given on innocent posts posing a question," Corriel tells me. "I see young moms posting questions about their children's ailments and getting completely wrong answers from random people."
Of course, there are times that a cough can be one of the first signs of lung cancer, but is lung cancer the most common cause of a cough? Absolutely not.
Even when the information listed online is accurate, it's rarely specific enough to be helpful. "Each person has a different family history, has experienced different risk factors, and has his own social history, all of which contribute to the decision-making process a physician goes through," says Corriel. In addition, it's quite common for medical websites to list all the myriad diseases a symptom could mean, placing "common cold" next to "cancer," and this often leads to panic. "Of course there are times that a cough can be one of the first signs of lung cancer, but is lung cancer the most common cause of a cough? Absolutely not," Corriel says.
Beyond creating anxiety, misinformation from the internet can cause patients and doctors to spend extraordinary amounts of time and money on unneeded testing. "I had an elderly gentleman who read up on his symptoms online and, after spending a long time explaining to him what benign ailment he actually had, he continued to insist, again and again, that this was not true because the internet said so," Corriel recalls. "In this world of growing insurance denials and difficulties getting tests covered, the doctor bears the brunt of ordering the unnecessary testing that results from these searches."
In less common cases, the internet can lead you to believe your ailment is less serious than it actually is. "If you had a website that said, 'Don’t worry about chest pain, it’s probably nothing,' that might be correct, but if a good number of people took that advice, eventually someone would die of a heart attack, clot in their lungs, or tear in their aorta—the serious life-threatening causes of chest pain," says Burchett. So the argument for seeing a real-life doctor works both ways.
The Bottom Line
Doctors agree: Google University absolutely contributes to hysteria. But Corriel admits that ultimately, its students are well-intentioned. "Think about it logically," she says. "It is our natural human instinct to worry about the worst possible outcomes. We prepare for the worst in order to ensure survival. When you read about your symptoms online, your mind naturally gravitates towards the worst possible scenario because you want to make sure you catch it early and survive." Logic and lack of education take a backseat to your will to live. As a result, Corriel says, "I get 20 and 30-year-olds coming in with complaints of a headache, asking for an MRI to rule out a tumor in the brain."
When you read about your symptoms online, your mind naturally gravitates towards the worst possible scenario because you want to make sure you catch it early and survive.
If you wake up with symptoms, can't get to a doctor right away, but want answers fast, there are smarter ways to go about seeking them. "I suggest you call up your internist," Corriel says. "A primary care doctor is always available for a quick visit or question on the phone. They cover general internal medicine and can answer most questions about the body."
Don't have a regular doctor? In this case, "head to an urgent center near you, where a medically trained professional can ease your worry," says Corriel. Even if this seems like an overreaction, the most important thing is "to get a correct answer from someone who has been properly trained and can give appropriate advice based on your specific case."
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usthegreat-blog · 5 years
10 facts about eating apples that everyone should be aware of
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Apples are known all over the world as a delicious fruit that is fairly cheap and readily available. There’s hardly any person on the planet who’s never tasted it fresh or in the form of juice. And apple pies are a pretty common desert, usually even gracing both formal and informal celebrations with their presence, right? But does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? This saying has been around for years and years, but does everybody benefit from eating apples? And are there any conditions under which it’s better to stay away from this fruit completely? To finally answer your questions, here are 10 facts about eating apples that everyone should be aware of to stay their healthiest.  
A Pantry of Vitamins in a Single Fruit.
It’s true that every apple contains a whole variety of vitamins. Let’s say, you ate 1 medium-sized apple. You’ve consumed about 95 calories, by the way. Along with the feeling of fullness for your stomach, you get about 4 grams of Vitamin C, and huge daily intake of useful microelements, like Manganese, Potassium, and Copper, along with vitamins A, E, B1, B2 and B6. It’s also one of the most easily digestible sources of iron. Apples are used not only for the prevention of colds but also for the treatment of severe ailments, like malignant tumors. A sufficient amount of potassium helps stabilize blood pressure, but calcium is needed to strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue.
Eat Apples to Strengthen Your Brain.
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 Many studies have shown that eating apples regularly improves brain activity. These fruits contain a special antioxidant, which prevents cell destruction and inflammation. Apple juice promotes the formation of an important neurotransmitter that significantly improves memory. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Food Science showed that apples contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer. Isn’t that amazing!?  
Heart, Blood, and Vessels.
Scientists have already proved that eating apples daily reduces the risk of strokes and thrombosis, as it normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. They’ve compared the effect of consuming about one apple per day with taking special medicines, called statins, which lower cholesterol levels but have some side effects. Experts estimate that apples are almost as effective in reducing mortality from heart disease as medications. In addition, eating apples prevents the formation of gallstones. Stones are cholesterol residues that are “petrified,” and the fiber from apples helps to normalize cholesterol levels. Thanks to this, the cardiovascular system also heals. In one large study, eating an apple a day was associated with a 28% reduction in the risk of type two diabetes. Even if you only eat a few apples a week, there’ll be a similar protective effect.   Stomach Health with an Apple a Day. It’s said that apples can help in curing gastritis, especially the green varieties. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the apples, then peel and grate them. Eat the grated apples early in the morning. Since you can’t eat anything for four hours before and after the apples, prepare to have breakfast around 11 o’clock. In the first month, you eat apples in this form daily. In the second month - three times a week; and in the third month - once a week. But all this should be combined with the prescribed diet, that is, to exclude spicy and salty foods, fats, coffee, strong tea, and freshly baked bread. Well okay, if I must! You should ask your doctor about this method to make sure you have all the necessary information.  
Eating Apples Equals Losing Weight.
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  The fiber contained in green apples takes a long time to be absorbed, making you feel fuller, longer. Unlike artificial diet powders and supplements, apples are almost totally hypoallergenic, and hence you reduce the risk of a bad skin reaction on such a diet. However, it’s important to remember here that nutritionists don’t recommend eating apples after 4 P.M. They’ve proved that in this case, your body simply won’t have enough time to digest all the nutrients from the apple. By the way, these fruits contribute to gas formation, so don’t forget to take this into account while trying an apple diet.    
Eat Apples for Better Digesting.
Due to the fiber and pectin contained in apples, these fruits can help fight virtually any digestion problem. They normalize the intestinal microflora and help promote the good type of bacteria in our gut. And due to the content of vitamins in apples such as carotene, iron, manganese, potassium, and calcium, they’re recommended for intestinal infections. But still, these apples can provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. So, if you have some trouble with gastritis or a duodenal ulcer, you’d better choose baked apples instead of raw ones. No worries - during cooking, they don’t lose too many nutrients.  
Beauty and Health with an Apple a Day.
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  Due to the pectin that’s in each apple, consuming these fruits on a daily basis will help improve complexion, and prolong youthfulness and freshness of the skin. By the way, apples contain an anti-aging compound. The baked apples have the same great benefits as raw apples, so you can have some variety in your diet. Not only can you eat apples, but you can also apply them to your hair and skin in the form of beauty-masks. Try to put thin slices of apples on the skin under the eyes to get rid of edema and dark circles.    
Apples Help Strengthen the Immune System.
Everyone knows what stress can do to a person: bad mood, low productivity, inner health problems and much more. But guess what? Apples can help here, too. Due to the antioxidant quercetin, which is found mainly in red apples, these fruits can strengthen the immune system, and help the body cope with stress. They also help to cleanse the liver in these situations.  
Eat Apples Daily but know the limits.
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Despite all the beneficial properties of apples, they shouldn’t be consumed without limits. Apples contain carbohydrates, which our body processes into glucose. If you lead an active lifestyle, play sports or visit the gym at least 2 times a week, then it’ll be beneficial for you. But if you have a sedentary job and an inactive life, apples can do harm by causing spikes in blood sugar. That’s why it’s better to avoid eating more than 3 medium-sized apples per day. In this case, you’ll get useful substances, but not harm the body or add too many extra calories.    
Apple – Culinary Miracle.
Of course, it’s better to eat any fruit in an uncooked way, right. But to diversify your daily ratio, and keep consuming all the vital microelements that apples contain, you can make juice or smoothies, bake pies, or make deserts. You could even make chips out of them! People in Italy eat briquette with apples, and in India, they cook apple chutney. Just search the web and you’ll find a whole bunch of tasty things that are easy to cook. Do you know some nice recipes yourself? Don’t be greedy, share them in the comments section below! And here’s a few more interesting things about apples for you: They consist of 85% water, which means that these fruits are vital for hydration and energizing. It’s better to eat an apple about 20 minutes before the main meal. That’ll help to take the edge off your hunger and, hence, you’ll consume fewer calories while eating. It doesn’t matter whether you choose a red apple or a green one. All in all, every type of this fruit is beneficial. Just try not to peel them, ‘because a bunch of the nutrients I’ve already mentioned is contained in the skin. As you can judge by yourself, an apple a day may not totally keep the doctor away, but it’ll help! Remember that with every single juicy crunch you take. Read the full article
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eannattoblog · 5 years
Tocotrienols Capsules
Tocotrienols are manufactured mixes in the supplement E family. Supplement E is a substance essential for real body and mind work.So also likewise with the other supplement E synthetics, tocopherols, there are four sorts of Tocotrienols Capsules found in nature: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Tocotrienols occur in the oils of rice grain, palm natural item, grain, and wheat germ. Tocopherols, on the other hand, are found generally in vegetable oils, for instance, olive, sunflower and safflower oils, whole grains, and green verdant vegetables.
These substances are moreover available in improvement structure as compartments or pills. In spite of the way that tocotrienols are on a very basic level like tocopherols, each ha fairly one of a kind prosperity properties.
Ordinary Structures and Employments Of Tocotrienols
Tocotrienols aren't usually found in nature and when they can't avoid being, they will all in all occur at low levels. In any case, palm, rice grain, and grain oils contain tocotrienols, similarly as wheat germ and oats.
Palm oil is the most engaged normal wellspring of tocotrienols, yet taking everything into account, you would need to eat up an entire cup of palm oil each day to ingest the proportion of tocotrienols that experts prescribe may influence shrewd influence prosperity. Tocotrienols can similarly be found in fabricated improvements normally sold in prosperity sustenance stores and medication stores. While various people take supplement E supplements, most simply contain alpha-Tocopherol.
Tocotrienols — particularly when brought with squalling, phytosterols, and arytenoids — are associated with incredible prosperity in a couple of intelligent examinations. Specifically, tocotrienols may be amazing at diminishing degrees of horrendous cholesterol similarly as the risks and effects of specific tumors. The FDA doesn't screen uprightness or segment of improvements. Research different associations for a quality brand.
Restorative Advantages Of Tocotrienols
Coherent examinations suggest that there are a couple of therapeutic focal points to taking tocotrienols. These include:
Improving Crack Healing:
Believed Source Research on postmenopausal rodents with osteoporosis exhibited that tocotrienols fortified and more quickly recover bone breaks than other supplement E based upgrades.
Neuro-Defensive Effects:
Believed Source Research on individuals suggests that tocotrienols quickly and viably land at the brain, where they may improve cerebrum limit and prosperity.
Anticancer Impacts, And Expanded By And Large Health:
Believed Source Research suggests that tocotrienols have a general gainful result on human prosperity, and expressly pass on with them anticancer properties.
Diminishing Danger Of Cardiovascular Sickness And Bringing Down Cholesterol Levels:
Confided in Source Tocotrienols may help moderate the improvement of plaque in the stockpile courses and decrease cholesterol levels.
Responses of tocotrienols
Legitimate research Trusted Source on the toxicological and pharmacological effects of tocotrienols at a bit of up to 2,500 milligrams for each kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight each day didn't expedite any adversarial responses in rodents. Most assessments have used estimations of 200 mg consistently.
Participation's with tocotrienols
Legitimate research suggests that tocotrienols are usually alright for sound people to put it all out there and there is little peril of overdosing. Regardless, tocotrienols do have anticoagulant properties. So people with certain blood issue should swear off taking them.
The Takeaway
In case you take a tocotrienols supplement, pick one made of palm oil since it will be the most dominant. In like manner watch that it's unimportantly arranged, as these things will contain the most amazing potential proportions of various engineered substances that are worthwhile to prosperity when taken with tocotrienols: phytosterols, squalling, carotenoids. Various choices include: soy is flavones, Gingko balboa, and beta sit sterol. While a couple of coherent assessments can back up the benefits of taking tocotrienols, supplements containing these engineered substances can be super costly.
There may be responses or whole deal restorative issues of taking a great deal of any improvements. So in case you exhaust an eating routine affluent in enough supplements E, tocotrienol supplementation may not be fundamental.
Regardless, if you have certain sicknesses that may be helped by taking tocotrienols, it could be valuable to speak with your essential consideration doctor about the best way to deal with solidify them into your eating routine. Supplement E, you can slather it on your skin or swallow it in a holder. Lauded as a cell fortification, supplement E moreover helps your body in different various manners, for instance, helping your safe system and helping keep vessels strong.
There are claims that supplement E, as cell support, fights an enormous gathering of conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, age-related vision hardship, wrinkles, and even certain tumors. Moreover, remedial racks are stacked with stock that contain supplement E that assurance to pivot age-related skin hurt. The veritable favorable circumstances behind supplement E are found in the seesaw equality of free radicals and cell fortifications.
Free Radicals And Cancer Prevention Agents
Free radicals in the body are oxygen particles that lose an electron, which makes them unpredictable. These precarious molecules interface with cells in the body in a way that can cause hurt. As the methodology snowballs, cells can be hurt and you are made vulnerable against infirmity.
Free radicals can be made by our bodies as we age, or by conventional factors like ingestion or exercise. They're also achieved by introduction to external things like:
·         tobacco smoke
·         ozone
·         regular pollutions
·         radiation
Malignant growth anticipation specialists murder free radicals by giving the missing electrons that destabilize them. Cell fortifications are found in various sustenance’s and are also made in our bodies using the supplements and minerals found in sustenance’s.
What Amount Of Nutrient E Do You Need?
But in case you're eating routine is low in fat, everything considered, you're getting enough supplement E. In any case, smoking, air pollution, and even prologue to dangerous splendid bars from the sun can debilitate your body's stores of the supplement.
As showed by the National Institutes of Health, teenagers and adults should get around 15 mg of supplement E day by day. Pregnant women should get the proportional, and breastfeeding women should up that to 19 mg.
For adolescents, they recommend 4-5 mg for babies, 6 mg for kids between 1-3 years old, 7 mg for those between ages 4-8, and 11 mg from ages 9-13 years.
You needn't waste time with cases and oil to get supplement E. Many dealt with sustenance’s, especially oats and juices, are animated with supplement E. It's furthermore found typically in various sustenance’s, including:
·         vegetable oils, especially wheat germ, sunflower, and safflower oils
·         nuts and seeds
·         avocados and various fats
·         Revealing the dreams
Since their distinctive confirmation, free radicals, supplement E, and diverse cell fortifications have been at risk to investigate for their ability to envision different diseases.
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is the basic driver of visual debilitation in people age 55 and increasingly settled. An assessment coordinated by the National Eye Institute found that taking a lot of cell fortifications and zinc can decrease your threat of getting advanced macular degeneration by as much as 25 percent.
Heart Protection
It's acknowledged that people with increasingly raised measures of supplement E are at diminished threat of coronary ailment. Notwithstanding, one investigation Trusted Source that sought after more than 14,000 U.S. folks for quite a while found no cardiovascular benefit by taking supplement E supplements. For sure, the examination affirmed that supplement E was connected with a higher risk of stroke.
Dangerous Growth
Another assessment that sought after 35,000 men for quite a while found that taking supplement E improvements had no effect when it came to cutting down a threatening development possibility. A 2011 follow-up found that survey individuals who had taken supplement E truly had a 17 percent higher peril of making prostate dangerous development.
Skin Healing
Supplement E is for the most part touted as a salve that helps speed patching and decreases scarring. While there have been two or three focuses that help this, the best accumulation of research demonstrates that supplement E doesn't help skin wounds recover faster.
One investigation Trusted Source found that slathering supplement E oil can truly aggravate the nearness of scars, or fundamentally have no effect in any way shape or form. About 33% of individuals made contact dermatitis, which is a kind of skin rash.
The Nutrient E Oddity
The race to improve our weight control plans with cell fortifications, including supplement E, may not be the best methodology. A couple of masters battle that taking colossal measurements of any malignant growth counteractive action operator has no authentic security or supportive worth aside from if deficiency is your worry.
In March 2005, researchers from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions appropriated an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, which attested high measurements of supplement E may basically grow mortality by all causes. Their disclosures, in light of a review of 19 clinical fundamentals, discharged a firestorm of responses, yet little in the strategy for legitimate proof.
Advantages of Tocotrienol
·         Delta-Tocotrienol has been seen to improve Fatty Liver in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver sickness which is normally connected with heftiness and metabolic disorder.
·         Tocotrienols have additionally been seen to smother infections like Hepatitis C.
·         Tocotrienols have additionally been seen to defer Cataract Progression and Cataract genesis.
·         Tocotrienols have additionally been seen to smother Alzheimer's ailment.
·         Tocotrienols have additionally been seen to mineralize bones and it has likewise been appeared in a few sorts of research that creatures with Tocotrienol took care of pressure and burden at breaks site. Tocotrienol was likewise appeared to anticipate crack repeat. They likewise reestablished callus solidness to typical levels
You should not commit this regular error of devouring Vitamin-E which is "fragmented". Americans devour about 70% of their nutrient E as Gamma-Tocopherols because of their wealth in corn-and soy-based nourishments and a few vegetable oils in their eating regimens. From now on supplementation of Tocopherols is a genuine misstep which you should not make. Tocotrienol is uncommon and practically all nourishments come up short on the necessary amount of Tocotrienol aside from Annatto which is one of the most noteworthy nourishment wellsprings of Tocotrienols. Inferable from such characteristics against lethal illnesses like CVD and disease, Tocotrienol supplementation is similarly as it causes you avoid them as well as aides in smothering them.
Logical research proposes that tocotrienols are commonly ok for sound individuals to go for broke and there is little danger of overdosing. In any case, tocotrienols do have anticoagulant properties. So individuals with certain blood issue ought to abstain from taking them. It is necessary to take tocotrienols in food. If you want to take Tocotrienols Capsules then you can buy Eannatto supplements online.
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jerrytackettca · 5 years
Why Apocynin Regenerates Skin
The fabled "fountain of youth" wasn't just an intriguing physical location sought after by ancient explorers, but a concept that has captured the imaginations of ordinary mortals since the dawn of time. Some have pursued every avenue they could think of to help them live longer.
But like so many things in life, scientists found that a little healthy competition is all that's needed — cell competition, that is. Scientists in Japan recently discovered a protein called COL17A1 that encourages cell competition by driving out weak cells and revitalizing stronger cells toward replication and, in the process, maintaining tissue fitness.
Aging and other stressors, such as excess ultraviolet radiation and damaging free radicals, take a toll on your skin, and so does steadily depleting COL17A1, as it replicates weaker cells, not stronger ones. The inevitable results: skin that is thinner, more prone to damage and takes longer to heal.
The research involved the use of mice tails because of their similarity to human skin.1 Emi Nishimura, a professor at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University's stem cell biology department and leader of the featured study, noted that "Damaged or stressed stem cells can be selectively eliminated by intact stem cells every day in our skin."
How COL17A1 'Rescues' Aging Skin
When the researchers learned how important COL17A1 is in maintaining skin resilience, they set about investigating the possibility of stimulating it once it was depleted. They looked for compounds with the ability to "kick-start" the antiaging process and identified two chemical compounds: Both Y27632 and apocynin proved to produce positive results on skin cells, pointing to ways of "facilitating skin regeneration and reducing skin aging." 
The two compounds "significantly promoted" repair and regeneration even to deep-tissue skin wounds, and it was done two ways, according to the study, published in the journal Nature.2 As the study authors observed:
"Stem cells with higher potential or quality are thus selected for homeostasis, but their eventual loss of COL17A1 limits their competition, thereby causing ageing. The resultant hemidesmosome fragility and stem cell delamination deplete adjacent melanocytes and fibroblasts to promote skin ageing.
Conversely, the forced maintenance of COL17A1 rescues skin organ ageing, thereby indicating potential angles for anti-ageing therapeutic intervention."3
How Y27632 and Apocynin 'Kick-Start' Antiaging
When two professors from the University of Colorado reviewed the Tokyo study, they reported that fruit flies had been the only subjects ever closely scrutinized in regard to cell competition.
Ganna Bilousova and James DeGregori wrote that the research conducted by Nishimura and her colleagues could be considered "proof of principle" in regard to the ability of Y27632 and apocynin to fight aging. They also noted that the research "Provides evidence that healthy cells in mammals can also efficiently repopulate adult tissues, replacing unfit or damaged cells."4
While conceding that more studies would be required to nail down the mechanisms responsible for cell competition in other tissues, Nishimura told news agency AFP5 they also hoped to identify compounds capable of performing the same antiaging functions in other organs.
She added, "We are working on other epithelial organs as well to find out (whether) similar competition may underlie long-term tissue maintenance as well as organ ageing."6
She also noted the study team's hope that the research would lead to the development of tablets, creams and other products that could halt the deterioration of and promote the repair of skin cells, and that they could "collaborate with pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies for the clinical use of the chemicals."7 According to a Mediators of Inflammation study published in 2008:
"Apocynin is a naturally occurring methoxy-substituted catechol, experimentally used as an inhibitor of NADPH-oxidase. It can decrease the production of superoxide from activated neutrophils and macrophages while the ability of phagocytosis remains unaffected."8
In explanation, neutrophils are the most common type of white blood cells that help your body respond to infection and heal damaged tissue.9 Macrophages "act as antimicrobial warriors" that "play critical roles in immune regulation and wound healing."10 Phagocytosis is described as a complex process for the ingestion and elimination of pathogens, and fundamental for tissue homeostasis.11
Apocynin: What It Is and What It Does
Perhaps a simpler way of characterizing apocynin is to explore where it's found. The 2008 inflammation study12 notes that it was first described in an investigation conducted in 1883 when the compound was isolated from the roots of Canadian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) and used to treat dropsy and heart problems.
It was also found in the root of Picrorhiza kurroa, a plant with the faint odor of vanilla, native to India, Nepal, Tibet and Pakistan and common in Ayurvedic treatments. In India and Sri Lanka, extracts were used "for the treatment of ailments of liver, heart, joints, and lungs."13
A 2014 study14 shows that the "small phenolic antioxidant" known as apocynin and extracted from the Jatropha multifida plant, also known as Guatemala rhubarb or coral plant, grown from Mexico to Central America to Brazil, was shown to have potential for treating neurodegenerative diseases.
Researchers also found apocynin to be one of five volatile vanilla flavor compounds in the vanilla bean, aka Vanilla planifolia.15 Another study suggested its cancer-fighting potential:
"The spread of cancer cells to distant organs, in a process called metastasis, is the main factor that contributes to most death in cancer patients. Vanillin, the vanilla flavoring agent, has been shown to suppress metastasis in a mouse model … (and) their structurally related compounds, apocynin and diapocynin, in hepatocellular carcinoma cells."16
Besides its advantageous effects on fighting inflammation and free radical scavenging, apocynin has a history of successful treatment of a long list of ailments, including:
Ischemia-reperfusion, characterized by damaged lung tissue due to a lack of oxygen and subsequent returned supply,17 with apocynin also showing potential in treating several other respiratory diseases
Possible neuroprotective abilities, particularly in brain injury following an eschemic stroke,18 as well as reduced cerebral and vascular injury in experimental stroke models19
Potential in the treatment of atherosclerosis due to reduced blood pressure,20 and preventing endothelial dysfunction21
Chronic inflammatory joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis22
Inhibiting tumor migration in breast cancer cells23
A 2014 study notes that "the perspectives for apocynin in chronic neurodegenerative disorders," suggests a "potentially beneficial role" in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease,24 Alzheimer's25 and Parkinson's disease.26 Although mouse models were the usual subjects in experimentation, the researchers are hopeful that apocynin will prove just as effective in human patients.
Other Beneficial Functions of Apocynin
Arguably the most important aspect of apocynin is its role in fighting inflammation, and the above study notes that it's been demonstrated in a variety of cell and animal models. Apocynin also "inhibits the assembly of NADPH-oxidase that is responsible for reactive oxygen species (ROS) production."27
The 2008 study explains NADPH-oxidase as the enzyme responsible for ROS production, so suppressing it is often the goal in disease prevention therapies. When antioxidants are in place or introduced, oxidative stress is diminished. Your body produces an "armory of antioxidants to defend itself," which nonetheless are sometimes insufficient to effectively defend against ROS.
ROS damages your cells as well as your DNA, which is part of the reason your body begins showing signs of aging. To a large degree, how well your mitochondria work is determined by your diet, optimally a ketogenic diet (in which you replace carbs with moderate amounts of high-quality protein and high amounts of beneficial fat).
However, the featured study notes that it's the excessive production of ROS that becomes damaging, and that's how it's been implicated in the progression of many diseases. It's also why apocynin is noted as a potential treatment for many of them.
A Mediators of Inflammation review concluded that apocynin, besides its lack of known side effects, deserves further attention in the development of "safe and selective anti-inflammatory drugs which lack the often serious side effects of steroids."28
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/04/15/why-apocynin-regenerates-skin.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/why-apocynin-regenerates-skin
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paullassiterca · 5 years
Why Apocynin Regenerates Skin
The fabled “fountain of youth” wasn’t just an intriguing physical location sought after by ancient explorers, but a concept that has captured the imaginations of ordinary mortals since the dawn of time. Some have pursued every avenue they could think of to help them live longer.
But like so many things in life, scientists found that a little healthy competition is all that’s needed — cell competition, that is. Scientists in Japan recently discovered a protein called COL17A1 that encourages cell competition by driving out weak cells and revitalizing stronger cells toward replication and, in the process, maintaining tissue fitness.
Aging and other stressors, such as excess ultraviolet radiation and damaging free radicals, take a toll on your skin, and so does steadily depleting COL17A1, as it replicates weaker cells, not stronger ones. The inevitable results: skin that is thinner, more prone to damage and takes longer to heal.
The research involved the use of mice tails because of their similarity to human skin.1 Emi Nishimura, a professor at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University’s stem cell biology department and leader of the featured study, noted that “Damaged or stressed stem cells can be selectively eliminated by intact stem cells every day in our skin.”
How COL17A1 ‘Rescues’ Aging Skin
When the researchers learned how important COL17A1 is in maintaining skin resilience, they set about investigating the possibility of stimulating it once it was depleted. They looked for compounds with the ability to “kick-start” the antiaging process and identified two chemical compounds: Both Y27632 and apocynin proved to produce positive results on skin cells, pointing to ways of “facilitating skin regeneration and reducing skin aging." 
The two compounds "significantly promoted” repair and regeneration even to deep-tissue skin wounds, and it was done two ways, according to the study, published in the journal Nature.2 As the study authors observed:
“Stem cells with higher potential or quality are thus selected for homeostasis, but their eventual loss of COL17A1 limits their competition, thereby causing ageing. The resultant hemidesmosome fragility and stem cell delamination deplete adjacent melanocytes and fibroblasts to promote skin ageing.
Conversely, the forced maintenance of COL17A1 rescues skin organ ageing, thereby indicating potential angles for anti-ageing therapeutic intervention.”3
How Y27632 and Apocynin 'Kick-Start’ Antiaging
When two professors from the University of Colorado reviewed the Tokyo study, they reported that fruit flies had been the only subjects ever closely scrutinized in regard to cell competition.
Ganna Bilousova and James DeGregori wrote that the research conducted by Nishimura and her colleagues could be considered “proof of principle” in regard to the ability of Y27632 and apocynin to fight aging. They also noted that the research “Provides evidence that healthy cells in mammals can also efficiently repopulate adult tissues, replacing unfit or damaged cells.”4
While conceding that more studies would be required to nail down the mechanisms responsible for cell competition in other tissues, Nishimura told news agency AFP5 they also hoped to identify compounds capable of performing the same antiaging functions in other organs.
She added, “We are working on other epithelial organs as well to find out (whether) similar competition may underlie long-term tissue maintenance as well as organ ageing.”6
She also noted the study team’s hope that the research would lead to the development of tablets, creams and other products that could halt the deterioration of and promote the repair of skin cells, and that they could “collaborate with pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies for the clinical use of the chemicals.”7 According to a Mediators of Inflammation study published in 2008:
“Apocynin is a naturally occurring methoxy-substituted catechol, experimentally used as an inhibitor of NADPH-oxidase. It can decrease the production of superoxide from activated neutrophils and macrophages while the ability of phagocytosis remains unaffected.”8
In explanation, neutrophils are the most common type of white blood cells that help your body respond to infection and heal damaged tissue.9 Macrophages “act as antimicrobial warriors” that “play critical roles in immune regulation and wound healing.”10 Phagocytosis is described as a complex process for the ingestion and elimination of pathogens, and fundamental for tissue homeostasis.11
Apocynin: What It Is and What It Does
Perhaps a simpler way of characterizing apocynin is to explore where it’s found. The 2008 inflammation study12 notes that it was first described in an investigation conducted in 1883 when the compound was isolated from the roots of Canadian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) and used to treat dropsy and heart problems.
It was also found in the root of Picrorhiza kurroa, a plant with the faint odor of vanilla, native to India, Nepal, Tibet and Pakistan and common in Ayurvedic treatments. In India and Sri Lanka, extracts were used “for the treatment of ailments of liver, heart, joints, and lungs.”13
A 2014 study14 shows that the “small phenolic antioxidant” known as apocynin and extracted from the Jatropha multifida plant, also known as Guatemala rhubarb or coral plant, grown from Mexico to Central America to Brazil, was shown to have potential for treating neurodegenerative diseases.
Researchers also found apocynin to be one of five volatile vanilla flavor compounds in the vanilla bean, aka Vanilla planifolia.15 Another study suggested its cancer-fighting potential:
“The spread of cancer cells to distant organs, in a process called metastasis, is the main factor that contributes to most death in cancer patients. Vanillin, the vanilla flavoring agent, has been shown to suppress metastasis in a mouse model … (and) their structurally related compounds, apocynin and diapocynin, in hepatocellular carcinoma cells.”16
Besides its advantageous effects on fighting inflammation and free radical scavenging, apocynin has a history of successful treatment of a long list of ailments, including:
Ischemia-reperfusion, characterized by damaged lung tissue due to a lack of oxygen and subsequent returned supply,17 with apocynin also showing potential in treating several other respiratory diseases
Possible neuroprotective abilities, particularly in brain injury following an eschemic stroke,18 as well as reduced cerebral and vascular injury in experimental stroke models19
Potential in the treatment of atherosclerosis due to reduced blood pressure,20 and preventing endothelial dysfunction21
Chronic inflammatory joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis22
Inhibiting tumor migration in breast cancer cells23
A 2014 study notes that “the perspectives for apocynin in chronic neurodegenerative disorders,” suggests a “potentially beneficial role” in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease,24 Alzheimer’s25 and Parkinson’s disease.26 Although mouse models were the usual subjects in experimentation, the researchers are hopeful that apocynin will prove just as effective in human patients.
Other Beneficial Functions of Apocynin
Arguably the most important aspect of apocynin is its role in fighting inflammation, and the above study notes that it’s been demonstrated in a variety of cell and animal models. Apocynin also “inhibits the assembly of NADPH-oxidase that is responsible for reactive oxygen species (ROS) production.”27
The 2008 study explains NADPH-oxidase as the enzyme responsible for ROS production, so suppressing it is often the goal in disease prevention therapies. When antioxidants are in place or introduced, oxidative stress is diminished. Your body produces an “armory of antioxidants to defend itself,” which nonetheless are sometimes insufficient to effectively defend against ROS.
ROS damages your cells as well as your DNA, which is part of the reason your body begins showing signs of aging. To a large degree, how well your mitochondria work is determined by your diet, optimally a ketogenic diet (in which you replace carbs with moderate amounts of high-quality protein and high amounts of beneficial fat).
However, the featured study notes that it’s the excessive production of ROS that becomes damaging, and that’s how it’s been implicated in the progression of many diseases. It’s also why apocynin is noted as a potential treatment for many of them.
A Mediators of Inflammation review concluded that apocynin, besides its lack of known side effects, deserves further attention in the development of “safe and selective anti-inflammatory drugs which lack the often serious side effects of steroids.”28
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/04/15/why-apocynin-regenerates-skin.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/184196156341
0 notes
Everything You need to Know About Overactive Bladder
Overactive bladder causes a sudden desire to urinate. The impulse might be tricky to prevent, and also the bladder could cause the impending loss of urine (urge incontinence).
When you've got an overactive bladder, you may feel ashamed, isolate your self, or limit work and societal life. The fantastic thing is a short test could determine whether there exists a particular reason behind the overactive bladder ailments.
Control of overactive bladder regularly begins with behavioral plans, such as fluid programs, timed voiding and bladder-holding methods together with your pelvic floor. If those first efforts do not help with your overactive bladder ailments, medications are readily available.
Using an overactive bladder, you might:
Texture a sudden urge to urinate that is Hard to restrain
Experience urge incontinence -- that the impending loss of urine instantly after a urgent need to inhale
Urinate often, generally eight or more occasions in 24 hours
Awaken a Couple of times at night to urinate (nocturia)
Even though you might well be able to arrive at the restroom in time once you feel an impulse to urinate, unexpected frequent bleeding and night urination can interrupt your lifetime.
When to visit a physician
Even though it isn't rare among elderly adults, overactive bladder isn't a regular aspect of aging. If your symptoms distress or interrupt your life, speak with your physician. Treatments can be found which may help you.
Discussing such an exclusive matter with your physician may possibly not be simple, but it's worth while to consider risk -- particularly when your symptoms interrupt work program, societal interactions and regular pursuits.
Reasons For
The kidneys produce urine, which then drains in your bladder. Whenever you inhale, urine moves from the bladder through a opening in the base and then flows outside a tube called the urethra (u-REE-thruh). 
In women, the urethral opening is situated just above the vagina. In men, the urethral opening is located at the end of their penis.
Since your bladder fills, nerve signals delivered to a brain finally activate the requirement to urinate. Whenever you inhale, nerve signs coordinate the comfort of the pelvic floor muscles as well as the muscles of the urethra (urinary sphincter muscles). The muscles of the bladder tighten (contract), shoving out the urine.
Involuntary bladder Infection
Overactive bladder occurs since the muscles of the bladder start to contract even as soon as the level of urine from your gut is still low. This contraction creates the pressing need to inhale.
Some conditions may lead to symptoms and signs of overactive bladder, such as:
Neurological disorders, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis
Medications which lead to a rapid growth in urine production or require that you take them together with a Lot of fluids
Acute urinary tract ailments that can cause symptoms like a overactive bladder
Abnormalities from the gut, like tumors or kidney stones
Facets which block bladder outflow -- enlarged prostate, constipation or preceding operations to deal with additional types of incontinence
Excess ingestion of alcohol or caffeine
Declining cognitive functioning because of aging, and Which Might cause it Harder for the own bladder to Know the signals it receives out of the mind
Difficulty walking, and which Can Cause bladder urgency in the event you are unable to reach the toilet immediately
Incomplete bladder emptying, Which Might cause symptoms of overactive bladder, even as you've small pee storage area rendered
The particular reason for an overactive bladder could be not known.
Risk variables
As you get older, you are at higher risk of developing bladder. You are also at higher risk of ailments and diseases, such as enlarged diabetes and prostate, that may subscribe to additional problems with kidney function.
Lots of people who have cognitive loss -- as an example, after having a stroke or with Alzheimer's disease -- build up a overactive bladder. Incontinence that results in situations in this way is often handled with fluid programs, timed and motivated, sterile garments, and gut programs.
Many individuals who have an overactive bladder additionally have bowel control issues; tell your physician if this really is problematic for you personally.
Any incontinence can influence your total wellbeing. In case your overactive bladder symptoms lead to a major disturbance to your own life, You May Also need:
Emotional distress or melancholy
Sleep disturbances and disrupted sleep cycles
Problems with novelty
Your physician may recommend treatment of associated conditions, to observe when effective treatment for a related illness will aid to your sinus ailments.
Some women also might have a disease known as mixed incontinence, when both stress and urge incontinence occur. Stress incontinence is the loss of urine when you employ physiological stress or pressure in your gut, like during activities which have jumping or running. Treatment of this strain incontinence is unlikely to greatly help the overactive bladder ailments.
Elderly people can have a frequent blend of bladder storage issues and also bladder-emptying troubles. The bladder can give rise to a whole lot of urgency and also rash, however it will not empty well. An expert could be in a position to assist you with this specific combo of bladder issues.
These healthful lifestyle options could Lower Your risk of coronary liver:
Maintain a healthy weightreduction.
Obtain routine, daily physical exercise and activity.
Restrict use of alcohol and caffeine.
Cease smoking.
Handle chronic conditions, such as diabetes, which may donate to overactive bladder ailments.
Figure out where your pelvic floor muscles really are after which fortify them doing Kegel exercises -- tighten (contract) muscles, hold the contraction for just two minutes and then relax muscles for 2 minutes. Work around holding the contraction for five minutes after which 10 minutes at one time. Do three sets of 10 repetitions every day.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Does cellular senescence hold secrets for healthier aging?
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/does-cellular-senescence-hold-secrets-for-healthier-aging/
Does cellular senescence hold secrets for healthier aging?
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Disease, injury, and other stress factors harm cells throughout our bodies. Ideally, the damaged cells are cleared by our immune systems through a process called apoptosis. But as we age, our bodies are no longer as effective at removing dysfunctional cells, and this can contribute to a weakened immune system and other less efficient biological processes.
An increasing number of researchers are exploring whether learning to harness a cellular state known as senescence — during which damaged cells resist removal by apoptosis, linger, and harm neighboring normal cells — might hold the key to revitalizing aging tissues and increasing healthy, active years of life.
What is cellular senescence?
Senescent cells are unique in that they eventually stop multiplying but don’t die off when they should. They instead remain and continue to release chemicals that can trigger inflammation. Like the one moldy piece of fruit that corrupts the entire bowl, a relatively small number of senescent cells can persist and spread inflammation that can damage neighboring cells.
However, not all senescent cells are bad. The molecules and compounds expressed by senescent cells (known as the senescent secretome) play important roles across the lifespan, including in embryonic development, childbirth, and wound healing.
How cellular senescence affects the body
The number of senescent cells in a person’s body increases with age. As the aging immune system becomes less efficient, senescent cells accumulate and taint healthy cells. This can affect a person’s ability to withstand stress or illness; recuperate from injuries; and learn new things, since senescent cells in the brain can degrade cognitive functions.
As a result, cellular senescence has been connected to a multitude of age-related conditions, including cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and osteoarthritis. It has also been linked to declines in eyesight, mobility, and thinking ability. Investigations are underway to see if senescent skin cells may contribute to sagging and wrinkling, and if senescent cells might also be connected to the cytokine storm of inflammation that makes COVID-19 so deadly for older adults.
A scientific curiosity
Cellular senescence has been on scientists’ radar since the early 1960s when Leonard Hayflick, Ph.D., and his colleague Paul Moorhead, Ph.D., overturned the long-held scientific consensus that human cell samples could replicate endlessly in lab cultures. Hayflick and Moorhead showed that there was a limit on the number of division cycles, after which cells entered senescence.
For long after that finding, senescence was believed to be just an odd side effect of laboratory cell culture environments. It was poorly understood and studied by only a few research teams, but in the past 20 years, there has been a spike in interest. Today, it is a still young but promising scientific discipline that has sparked more NIH research as well as private industry support for studies to discover and develop drugs that might give Mother Nature a boost in clearing out senescent cells.
A pioneering pursuit to extend health span
Jim Kirkland, M.D., Ph.D., of the Mayo Clinic, and his former colleague Jan van Deursen, Ph.D., were pioneers of the senescence renaissance. For nearly two decades, Kirkland has studied ways to remove senescent cells. A clinical geriatrician, Kirkland often says he grew tired of prescribing the latest innovations in wheelchairs, walkers, or incontinence control. Instead, he wanted to learn if it was possible to slow down or partially reverse the fundamental aging processes in humans that lead to common health issues as we age.
Kirkland and his team currently focus primarily on a cocktail of two drugs: dasatinib (D), a drug commonly used in leukemia chemotherapy; and quercetin (Q), a pigment found in strawberries, grapes, tomatoes, red wine, onions, and other fruits and vegetables that has natural anti-inflammatory properties. When administered together, D&Q function as senolytics, i.e., drugs that clear out senescent cells.
In 2019 Kirkland and colleagues conducted a very small pilot study of D&Q in 14 volunteers who had idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a fatal, tough-to-treat, and debilitating lung disease. The results showed that the senolytic combination improved physical function in participants, demonstrating the feasibility of testing D&Q for this condition in larger controlled clinical trials. In subsequent small clinical trials, the Mayo Clinic team found that D&Q also cleared senescent cells in research participants with diabetic kidney disease.
In mouse models of IPF, D&Q was shown to clear senescent lung cells, reduce inflammation, and extend health span (the years of life free of major disease and disability), but not longevity. Researchers are currently exploring the potential of senolytics for osteoporosis, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic neuropathy, and other age-related conditions.
Kirkland’s lab has shown that middle-aged mice given a variety of senolytics had delayed onset of several age-related ailments compared to untreated peers. Older mice given D&Q were faster, stronger, and spryer than control groups, and the positive effects lasted until the final months of their natural lifespans. Other studies showed that older mice given D&Q had a 36% longer average lifespan than untreated peers.
Kirkland’s team has also tested the opposite approach, by injecting healthy young or middle-aged mice with a customized senescent cell type. This intervention caused rapid deterioration in their mobility, speed, and strength, and big jumps in frailty rates. What’s more, these negative effects lingered long after the transplanted senescent cells had died off.
A long way to go before safe human use
While these studies pose exciting scientific and medical questions, Kirkland is adamant in underscoring the huge gap between mice and humans. He regularly urges people not to take senolytics or similar supplements or drugs outside of a clinical trial because they have not been confirmed as safe.
“We haven’t so far seen serious or severe adverse events in clinical trials with some of these agents, but it doesn’t mean they won’t happen,” said Kirkland. “They could take a long time to develop, and anything that sounds too good to be true in mouse or cell culture models usually is. We need many more long-term studies and human trials.”
Kirkland, his Mayo colleague Tamar Tchkonia, Ph.D.; and Stefan Tullius, M.D., Ph.D., of Harvard University Medical School, are also looking at other potential benefits of taming senescence to rejuvenate older tissues. One such project is exploring whether treating kidneys or livers from older organ donors with senolytics prior to transplant could help repair the damage accumulated over time and with age. If true, this could make older organs more viable and safer for transplantation, and thus reduce waitlists.
Kirkland emphasized that there are many connections between senescence and age-related conditions, making the field ripe for future discoveries.
Growing interest nationwide
NIA-supported scientists working at NIH and throughout our nation continue to explore the mechanisms that regulate the intersection of senescence, inflammation, aging, and disease. Chronic inflammation seems to be a key to how senescence can turn from helpful to harmful. Healthy tissues normally have a limited type of senescence that suppresses abnormal cell growth that could lead to cancer. But when the healthy cell environment is disrupted by injury or age-related inflammation, this can trigger a loss of control of the body’s natural regulation of senescent cells, which may be linked to the development of cancer and other diseases.
Two top experts in the burgeoning field and frequent collaborators with Kirkland are University of Minnesota researchers Laura Niedernhofer, M.D., Ph.D., and Paul Robbins, Ph.D. Niedernhofer came to senescence from a background in DNA damage and repair.
“Senescence is fascinating to me because a damaged senescent cell can in turn cause damage in healthy cells,” she said, stating further that normal senescence can be helpful, as in wound healing, and that senescence itself is a potent tumor suppressor mechanism.
“Picture a wound on your arm. There is growing evidence that senescent cells may be critical for calling in immune cells to help heal that. But it’s just a temporary thing to close that wound and then the signal should go away. The problem comes when you’re not able to clear those senescent cells. They are great at spurring the immune system to action, but when your immune system falters as you get older, you get these chronic senescent cells.”
Robbins quipped about the inevitable rise in senescence as we age.
I think I’m chock full of bad senescent cells. They start accumulating when you hit age 60, and from there it’s kind of an exponential increase. Toward the end of life, depending how you’re aging, up to 10% of certain tissues can have at least some markers of senescence.
— Paul Robbins, Ph.D
Senescence science collaboration across NIH
NIH-wide interest in how cellular senescence factors into multiple diseases and conditions is growing as well. The NIH Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet), organized by NIA and the National Cancer Institute, is an NIH Common Fund initiative to coordinate the exploration, identification, and cataloging of differences in senescent cells throughout the body. The network also supports research collaboration and data sharing that could lead to future therapeutics. Through SenNet, researchers aim to create a four-dimensional atlas of senescent cells involved in healthy human aging to find and characterize healthy and unhealthy senescent cells. This could inform investigations into how future senolytic therapies can be customized to only target harmful senescence.
Robbins, Niedernhofer, and their colleagues are energized by the future possibilities.
“Before you go in for surgery, you might want to clear your bad senescent cells to help you recover faster,” Robbins said. “Cancer radiation or chemotherapy treatment at a young age has been shown to drive senescence and aging, so there’s a whole group of cancer survivors that may be very appropriate for this sort of treatment.”
Niedernhofer added that the senescence field has exploded since she and others described the first senolytic compounds in 2015.
Now there are more than 20 clinical trials registered for anything from chronic kidney disease or pulmonary fibrosis to frailty in nursing home patients. It’s moved very quickly and the thing to be proud of is, it’s really been driven by NIH-funded investigators.
— Laura Niedernhofer, M.D., Ph.D.
Sorting out good senescence from bad
Other NIA-funded researchers, like Judy Campisi, Ph.D., of the Buck Institute, see senolytics as a potential routine treatment of the future that could help older adults stave off age-related illness and frailty longer, similar to a dental check-up. In the San Francisco Bay area where she lives, multiple public and private research institutions are looking into future medical applications for senolytics.
Campisi began her career focused on how senescence affected cancer. Eventually, she expanded her research into how it contributes to aging and age-related disease.
“We made a mouse model which allowed us to eliminate senescent cells throughout the lifespan, and it improved a lot of age-related diseases in mice,” she said. “Now the question is, could this happen in humans using senolytics? Well, it does in human cells and in certain human tissues.”
Campisi and her collaborators continue to investigate various aspects and mechanisms of senescence, including how it impacts osteoarthritis and sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass later in life that can lead to disability, frailty, and fall risk) and if senolytic treatments can help reduce the harmful side effects of chemotherapy and HIV/AIDS drugs.
Campisi concedes there are still many unanswered questions.
“We know there are good things senescent cells do in healing, tissue repair, embryonic development, and childbirth. But how are the good guys different from the bad guys? And is there a way we kill the bad guys and not the good guys? We honestly don’t know that yet.”
Mapping senescence targets across the body
Myriam Gorospe, Ph.D., and her colleagues in NIA’s in-house labs are examining whether senolytics could tamp down harmful senescence in lab and mice models of Alzheimer’s disease linked to problems with thinking and cognition. They are hoping to map and manipulate senescence-related proteins that are involved with the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques and neuroinflammation, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.
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Lab cultures of senescent human lung cells. Image courtesy Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics, NIA IRP.
Gorospe’s lab is pursuing the quest for biomarkers — measurable substances in the body that indicate the presence of disease — to better pinpoint and target senescent cells in different types of tissue. Her team also works with senomorphics, a different category of drugs that don’t eliminate senescent cells, but instead repress their harmful secretions. They study senescence’s impact on aging body tissues like the lungs and muscles, and its role in conditions like arteriosclerosis and Alzheimer’s-related neurological decline.
Scientists are just beginning to take a closer look at the role senescence plays in one of the most serious public health crises in recent history, the COVID-19 global pandemic.
“Some of the biomarkers on the membrane of senescent cells function as receptors for the SARS-CoV viruses, so they’re critical in understanding the acute pathology of COVID-19 infection,” said Gorospe.
Lessons learned from the pandemic could yield useful knowledge as the scientific community moves forward to someday testing if human use of senomorphics or senolytic treatments could help extend healthy lifespan and ward off disease.
Cautious optimism, support for a young science
In August 2019, NIA convened a workshop attended by academic, industry, and public health scientists to study if it was possible to safely repurpose some drugs or dietary supplements for their senolytic or senomorphic effects to treat or prevent age-related conditions. NIA and the broader NIH offer growing funding opportunities in the field through SenNet and other efforts. Currently, NIA supports a growing portfolio of extramural senescence research, coordinated by program officers including Viviana Perez Montes, Ph.D.
Perez Montes and her NIA colleagues agree the potential for harnessing senescence is vast but echo the cautions of Kirkland that this field is still very young, with a lot of work yet to be done, including building a common research infrastructure and safety standards for human studies.
Above all, it’s important to manage expectations for the public and the medical community that any safe potential health benefits from manipulating senescence will be years if not decades in the future.
“We have to remember that senolytics are going to kill senescent cells and we believe that some of those senescence functions could be beneficial,” said Perez Montes. “If you kill and eliminate cells that are not going to be replaced, we don’t know yet the biological and physiological consequences of this elimination, so we need to be extremely careful in future translational and clinical studies because we’re still in the very early stages.”
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jitesblog · 6 years
                                                      benefits of fruits 1. Health benefits of apple :
1.Get whiter,healthier teeth : An apple won't replace your toothbrush,but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth,reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. 2.Avoid alzheimer's : A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep alzheimer's away and fight the effects of aging on the brain.mice in the study that were fed an apple enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet. 3.Protect against  Parkinson's : Research has shown that people who eat fruit and other  high- fibre foods gain a certain amount of production against Parkinson's disease characterized by a breakdown  of the brain’s dopamine producing Nerve cells. scientist have linked this to the free radical fighting power of the antioxidants contained therein. 4.Curb all sorts of cancer : Scientist from American association for Cancer Research, among others, agreed that the consumption of  flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23%. researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds-  triterpenoids- in Apple peel that have potent anti growth activity against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast. There earlier researches found that extract from whole Apple can reduce the number and size of memory tumors in rats. meanwhile, the National Cancer institute in the U.S. recommended fibre intake to reduce the risk of  colorectal cancer. 5.decrease your risk of diabetes: Women who eat at least one Apple a day are 28% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don't eat apples. apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key to  blunting blood sugar swings. 6.Reduce cholesterol: Soluble fibre found in Apple Binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels and healthier you. 7.Get a healthier heart: An extensive body of research has linked high soluble fibre intake with a slower buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. the phenolic compound found in Apple skins also prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from  Solidifying on your artery walls. When plaque build inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary artery disease. 8.Prevent Gallstones: Gallstones from when there's too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it  solidifies. they are particularly prevalent in the obese. to prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels. 9.Beat diarrhoea and constipation.: Whether you can't go to the bathroom or you just can't stop, fibre found in Apple can help.fiber  can either pull water out of your Colon to keep things moving along in you are packed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow your bowels down. 10.Control your weight: Many health problems are associated with being overweight, among them  heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. to manage your weight and improve your overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fiber.foods high in fiber will fill you up without costing you too many calories. 11. Boost Your immune system: Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify  your immune system, especially when you are stressed out. 2. Health benefits of  Grapes
1. loaded  with antioxidants: Grapes are powerhouse of antioxidants-  they contain a wide range of phytonutrients right from carotenoids to polyphenols.studies has revealed that these phytonutrients helps in preventing certain kinds of cancer and help in maintaining heart health.among polyphenols,resveratrol is known for its miraculous properties such as inhibiting the formation of free radicals that could cause cancer and dilating blood pressure.point to note:the antioxidants content is the highest in the seeds and the skin,so do make use of them.
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2.prevent skin problems : It is found that resveratrol prevents signs of ageing and other skin problems.according to study conducted by the team at the university of california,los angeles,resverastrol,when combined benzoyl peroxide,fights the acne causing bacteria. 3.high source of potassium : The nutritional breakup of grapes reveals that per 100 gram of the fruits contains 191 mg of potassium.high intake of potassium and lowering sodium content can help your body in numerous ways.potassium also counteracts excess sodium.a low sodium high potassium diet has proven beneficial for high blood pressure,High cholesterol and heart health in most cases. according to robynne chutkan ,Gastroenterologist, Author and founder of the digestive Centre for women in Washington DC  bloated stomach can Invite many health related problems. cutting down on salt intake and focusing on Potassium Rich fibre can help in getting flat stomach. 4.Good for eyes : According to study done by University of Miami, Florida, grapes promote eye health from signalling changes at  the Cellular level to directly countering oxidative stress. including grapes in the diet two results in lower level of inflammatory proteins  and higher amount of protective proteins in the retinas, which is the part of eye that contain the cells that respond to light known as photoreceptors. 5.Boost brain power : Certain studies have found that resveratrol helps in increasing blood flow to the brain, thereby it could help speed up mental responses and prove to be beneficial for those suffering from brain related ailments like Alzheimer's. a study done by the University of Switzerland also found that resveratrol can help remove plaques and free radicals, which affect the brain.
6.Good for knees : A study done by Texas University has established that daily intake of grapes can help get relief from knee pain, especially the ones triggered due to  symptomatic osteoarthritis. grapes are high on antioxidants, most important and beneficial one being polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints.
7. anti-inflammatory properties: it has been found that grapes contains certain enzymes which bring about anti inflammatory effect in our body. As such it brings about relief to the arteries, promotes heart health and helps in on the prepared functions of the body. 3. Health benefits of  mango
Benefits of mango
1. Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukaemia, and prostate cancers. these compounds include quercetin, isoquercetrin,
astragalin,fisetin,gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes.
2. Lowers cholesterol
The high level of fibre, pectin and Vitamin C  help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specially low density lipoprotein.
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3.Clears the skin:
Can be used both internal and external for the skin. mangoes help clear clogged pores  and eliminate pimples.
4. Improve eye health
One cup of sliced mango supplies 25% of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.
5. Alkalizes the whole body
The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali  reserve of the body.
6.May help with diabetes
Mango  levels help normalised insulin level in the blood. the traditional home remedy involved boiling leaves in water, soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so moderate quantities will not spoil your sugar levels.
4. Health benefits of ��kivi
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1.High source of vitamin C: If you thought that lemons and oranges were the highest source of vitamin C,  then think again….. according to the nutritional breakup of kiwi fruit per 100 grams contain 154 % of Vitamin C, which is almost twice that lemon and oranges. Vitamin C act as powerful antioxidants, eliminating free radicals that could cause inflammation or cancer. it also helps in boosting the immunity of the body against harmful pathogens.
2. sleep inducer: Having trouble sleeping?  according to a research done by taipei Medical University,’’ numerous studies have revealed that Kiwi fruit contains many medicinally  used compounds, among which antioxidants and serotonin maybe beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders’’ It is said that having to kiwi fruits one hour before bedtime can help  immensely in introducing sleep.
3. helps in digestion: Kiwi fruit contain an enzyme known as antinidain which is known for its protein  dissolving properties, similar to that of papain in papaya. this is the reason why it is commonly used as meat tenderizer. more over, it helps in the digestion of proteins in the body and is also known to help patients suffering from irritable bowels syndrome.
4. Powerhouse of Vitamin and Minerals: Kiwi fruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals search ad vitamin A B6 B12 E  and potassium calcium iron and magnesium. These contribute collectively to the proper functioning of the body  such as blood circulation Through the vessels, fight stress, iron absorption for healthy bones and teeth, good vision,etc. the high level of potassium, 312 mg  per 100 grams, help in the maintaining blood pressure whereas magnesium helps in the nerve and muscle functions.
5. beautiful skin : kiwi is alkaline in nature, which means it helps in the countering the effect of acidic foods that we quite often consume. a healthy body is one which has a good  pH balance, which helps in keeping you active, full of energy, and with a youthful skin. the vitamins present in Kiwi (C and E)Are said to be great for skin degradation. take a few slices and apply them on your skin for good result.
in addition to the above mentioned qualities Kiwi fruit contain Omega 3 fatty acids,carotenoids, polyphenols, and promotes heart health.
5. Health benefits of  papaya
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1. Digestion: The enzyme papain  present in papaya is known to aid  digestion by breaking down proteins. therefore, a glass of papaya juice is often recommended as a home remedy for digestion related problems or constipation
2. Anti- inflammatory: Apart from papain, papaya also contains other effective enzymes that help against inflammation and promote healing. Of burns.
3. Heart disease and cancer: Papaya is rich in antioxidants and  phytonutrients that work against free radicals and therefore is said to protect the body from possible heart disease and cancer.
4.diabetes : Many researchers have found that the consumption of raw papaya could help maintain blood sugar level and cholesterol because of the high fibre content, thereby keeping a check on diabetes. according to a study done by the centre of excellence for biomedical and  biomaterials research at the mauriyoutius University, green tea and fermented papaya work together as preventive means for diabetes. in some part of India, especially the North East, papaya flowers are locally used as the preventive measure against diabetes. the bitter flowers are lightly sauteed in a  little Oil and consumed as a side to rice on a regular basis.
5.immunity: Papaya is a great source of vitamin A B C and K and is known as an excellent immunity booster. it is great for the growth of body tissues, including hair and skin. it helps in maintaining collagen, the structural protein of connective tissue. it is said that a medium sized papaya could provide you double your daily requirement of vitamins.
6. weight loss: Papaya is low in Calories and therefore proves to be the perfect option for breakfast. a serving of 140 grams of the fruit contains 60 calories, with total fat 0.4 gram, no cholesterol, 15.7 gram carbohydrate and 2.5 gram of dietary fiber.
6. Health benefits of  Pears
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1.fight free radicals: Pears are naturally high in vitamin C and K, as well as nutrients such as copper- all of which act as antioxidant to protect our cells from damage from free radicals.One pear contains up to 11% of our daily recommended intake of Vitamin C and 9.5% of our daily recommended intake of copper.  Pears are also said to have more nutrients for calories than calorie per nutrient.2. protect our hearts.: Pears  are an excellent source of dietary fibre, and fibre is good for the heart. studies have shown that I work and lower levels of bad cholesterol by binding to bile  Salts- which are made from cholesterol- and carrying them out of the body. eating pears can also reduce risk of stroke by up to 50%.
7. Health benefits of pomegranate :1. pomegranate and anti-inflammatory effects that may protect against cancer and other chronic diseases.
2. pomegranate has antiangiogenic property, meaning that they may help to prevent growing  tumors from acquiring a blood supply, preventing those tumors from receiving the nutrients that would allow them to grow larger.
3. pomegranate is one of the few foods that contain natural aromatase  inhibitors. this means that they inhibit the production of estrogen, which can reduce breast cancer risk.
4. after treatment for prostate cancer, two studies have shown that pomegranate juice on supplements slowed  the increase in PSA.
5. pomegranate phytochemicals reduce LDL oxidation.
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6. pomegranate phytochemical have blood pressure reducing properties.
7. in a study of patient with severe carotid  artery blockages, after 1 hours of pomegranate juicy daily for one year. there was a 30% reduction in atherosclerotic plaque.in striking contrast, in the participants who did not take the pomegranate juice atherosclerotic plaque increased by 9% 13.
pomegranate supplement taken before and after surgery prevented the postoperative memory dysfunction associated with coronary artery bypass heart valve surgery.
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sherristockman · 7 years
Why Are Organic Onions so Much Better? Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You don’t have to be a cook to know how delicious onions are. If you’re looking for mouthwatering, savory flavor to enhance other foods, cooked or raw, onions are your go-to veggie. Or, when you cut them into slices and bake or sauté them whole, all by themselves, drizzled with olive oil or avocado oil and sprinkled with dried thyme, rosemary and/or basil, the fragrance and flavor are simply heavenly. Onions are also impressive because they’re such a healthy food, imparting vitamins, minerals and powerful compounds that, besides making your eyes water when you cut into them, also help heal your body. The knife you use to slice them can make all the difference. When certain vegetables get nicked or cut, they'll produce even more polyphenols to protect against damage. Cutting with ceramic knives can help slow the browning process that naturally occurs when slicing certain vegetables and fruits such as avocados. Antioxidants, including flavonoids, polyphenols and quercetin, help enhance your health in numerous ways. The minerals iron, folate, thiamin and potassium, plus vitamin B6, or pyridoxine and vitamin B5 (better known as pantothenic acid), join forces to positively impact the way your entire body functions, from your brain to your gut to your heart. But it gets better than that. These anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial (inhibiting the bacteria Helicobacter pylori1), antibacterial, antiviral, antidiabetic and anticarcinogenic compounds can actually minimize, treat and even help prevent disease, including coronary artery disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer, and numerous so-called “lesser” ailments that lead to those more serious conditions. It can’t get better than that, right? What if they’re red onions? What if they’re organic, as well? The Curious Power Behind Red Onions Well, as it happens, studies show that when red onions, specifically, were pitted against white onions (while yellow onions, having more pigment than the white ones, also contained more disease-fighting flavonoids), the aforementioned nutrients went way beyond what scientists had already known they could do. In short, the Canadian study reported: “Flavonoids, which are found in high levels in onions, have been shown to exert antiproliferative and potentially anticancer activities. To test their therapeutic potential, we assessed the antiproliferative, cytotoxic, apoptosis-inducing, and anti-migratory activities of five onion varieties grown in Ontario against human adenocarcinoma cells.”2 Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancerous tumor that begins in the glands, against which the Stanley onion variety demonstrated the strongest anti-cancer effects. The scientists compared the properties of the onion extracts to pure flavonoid extracts, containing principally the antioxidant flavonols quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol. All five onion varieties showed antiproliferative activity (which Dictionary.com describes as “a substance used to prevent or retard the spread of cells, especially malignant cells”3). How Quercitin in Onions Can Impact Your Health Quercitin contains molecules that can zap harmful free radicals in your system caused by toxic substances you might encounter from day to day, such as pollution, chemicals in your water and food and even stress. The effects of these can lead not only to cancer but many other debilitating conditions exacerbated by inflammation. One study on obese and overweight patients who had a higher heart disease risk returned particularly encouraging results in regard to eating onions versus taking quercetin supplements. Scientists found that 150 milligrams of quercetin a day was enough to lower both blood pressure and cholesterol oxidation. As Natural Society quips: “In other words, it was shown to help prevent cardiovascular disease. To put this in persective — the average quercetin supplement contains 500 milligrams, while a particularly potent onion may contain 100 milligrams.”4 Research has also revealed quercitin’s association with cancer prevention, inhibiting the growth of breast, prostate, stomach,5 endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, lung and colon cancer cells, and many more. A University of Maryland Medical Center article6 listed several more findings in regard to this powerful compound, in terms of prevention and treatment: Allergies, asthma, hay fever and hives, as it prevents immune cells from releasing histamines Optimized cholesterol, as it prevents damage to LDL cholesterol Interstitial cystitis and accompanying bladder pain Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), due to fewer symptoms Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) — “There are reports of people with RA who had fewer symptoms when they switched from a typical Western diet to … [one] with lots of uncooked berries, fruits, vegetables, nuts, roots, seeds and sprouts containing quercetin and other antioxidants.”7 What Else Do Compounds in Onions Do for Health? Kaempferol helps to prevent oxidative damage of our cells, lipids and DNA, and according to Phytochemicals.com, is a chemopreventive agent that may “prevent arteriosclerosis by inhibiting the oxidation of low density lipoprotein and the formation of platelets in the blood.”8 Myricetin exerts its particular molecules to help fight inflammation, oxidative stress and, among many other things, control diabetes (which, untreated, may increase your risk of stroke, ischemic heart diseases and peripheral vascular disease).9 Anthocyanins are another extremely important antioxidant element in onions. Responsible for the bright color in the red and purple onions (as they are in red cabbage, red and purple grapes and other berries, kale and beets), they can also kill breast and colorectal cancer cells. Allicin is another compound found in members of the allium family, which includes onions, leeks, shallots and scallions, as well as chives and garlic. (And, in fact, allium is the Latin term for garlic.) Two onion compounds, allium and allyl disulphide, convert to allicin when onions are chopped or crushed, when the enzymes are released. Numerous sulfur compounds in onions, garlic and other allium vegetables (which you can smell) play a large part in cancer prevention, blocking DNA damage and helping to magnify their antioxidant capabilities.10 Supporting the role of this element in onions, another study notes, “[S]ulfur- and selenium-containing compounds have the capacity to protect against several kinds of cancer development.”11 Inulin, a water-soluble form of dietary fiber found in onions, is a prebiotic that helps nourish beneficial bacteria in your body, helping you digest foods properly as well as absorb the nutrients in them, which in turn boosts your immune function. Inulin, it turns out, is beneficial because it may help prevent ulcers and helps keep you regular, fighting diabetes and helping with weight loss, the Global Healing Center12 maintains. What’s the Significance of Organic Onions? Some studies have concluded there’s no difference between conventionally farmed and organic, whether it’s onions in question or other foods. In fact, a review involving more than 200 studies seemed the final word, until additional studies on the benefits of organic farming were conducted in relation to the phytochemicals in the foods produced. Scientists came to the conclusion that organic is better in every respect, and dramatically so. Science Daily13 suggested that earlier conflict in data may have been due to short study periods and the exclusion of variables such as weather. Scientists then engaged in more in-depth analysis with a six-year study on two onion varieties, Hyskin and Red Baron, examining the effects of conventional, organic and mixed cultivation practices on many of the bioactive compounds previously listed, such as flavonoids, individual flavonols and anthocyanins, in part for their antioxidant capacity. At the end of the study, all were higher in the organic specimens, with differences, they wrote, “primarily due to different soil management practices used in organic agriculture rather than pesticide/ herbicide application.”14 Simply stated, eating organic, whether it’s onions or anything else, is so much better for you, not just because the health of the soil may enhance the nutritional value of the produce itself, but because standard, conventional gardening and farming methods use toxic pesticides and other harmful practices without taking into consideration the damage being done. Rather than gaining as many disease-fighting vitamins, minerals and arguably hundreds of phytonutrients, your body is instead fighting the poisonous effects of substances like glyphosate, which studies have shown can attack several of your body’s most vital systems, damage reproductive organs and likely cause cancer. Onion Preparation: Releasing ‘Pungent Chemical Warriors’ Cooked onions, as we already observed, are quite delicious, but it’s the raw form that packs the most punch nutritionally. But there’s also baking, sautéing and boiling to consider, which one study15 tackled and observed that baking and sautéing produced a 7 percent to 25 percent increase in quercetin concentration, while boiling produced an 18 percent decrease. Health.com notes: “The best way to get those valuable nutrients is to eat onions themselves; for the biggest nutritional punch, choose red and eat them raw, since cooking destroys some of their antioxidant properties.”16 According to Zester Daily,17 there are ways to handle onions to release the aromatic — and health beneficial — compounds that may come as a surprise, such as: Cutting into onions releases the allinase enzymes, but doing so at least 30 minutes before eating them and letting them rest even as long as six to eight hours on the counter gives the enzymes a chance to reach their full potential, nutritionally. Don’t cut them too finely, however, or the enzymatic reaction will dissipate too quickly. You’re advised to cut your onions into chunks first to let them rest, then chop them more finely just before you eat them. Onions are a cold-weather crop, meaning you can plant and harvest them with a frost in the air and it doesn’t harm them like cold temperatures damage, say, lettuce or tomatoes. Consequently, you should choose smaller red and yellow onions grown in colder climates and peel them gently to get the most flavonoids. Sulfur compounds in all alliums are said to be destroyed when they’re cooked, but the flavonoids in onions may be enhanced when sautéed on low heat, quickly and for four to five minutes; no longer. Combining allium veggies together maximizes the nutritional kick you receive from all the combined sulfur, flavonoid and antioxidant compounds they provide. The Takeaway on Onions As alluded to earlier, organic red onions are by far your best bet for the best cancer-fighting (and other serious disease-fighting) potential, but yellow onions also fall into the cancer-combating, health-boosting arena. So should you cook them or not? The fact is, you don’t have to choose. Eat them raw sometimes and cook them others if you like, but when you do, do so lightly. In fact: “Quercetin, it turns out, may get concentrated with a little cooking, depending on how you cook it, although again scientists aren’t yet sure. In one study, baking onions at 350F for 15 minutes slightly increased the quercetin. Sautéing at 200F for 5 minutes increased it even more.”18 When peeling the papery peeling from the outside of onions (red or otherwise), peel as little as possible, because it’s those outside layers that contain the highest concentrations —75 percent, scientists contend — of anthocyanin content. Further, you should eat at least one red onion every week, and strive for far more, to get the optimal nutritive benefits, and if you cook onions in soup or any other dish, don’t worry — the nutrients simply leach into the broth. The takeaway here is: Drink your broth!
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greggory--lee · 7 years
Medical Marijuana Advocate Against Arresting American Citizens
My name is Sam Shakespeare of Boca Raton, Florida. I am a strong advocate and proponent of medical marijuana. The disparity of laws across the nation are causing unnecessary harm to families. What some American citizens can freely participate in, others are going to jail for and families are being broken apart.
We are learning more and more about marijuana every day. The discovery of the body’s Endocannabinoid System was a major breakthrough for the science of medical marijuana. The Endocannabinoid System is a series of cannabinoid receptors located throughout the brain and central nervous system that are interconnected to the body’s immune system, and only interact with compounds found in marijuana.
We are finding that medical marijuana can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, pain, epilepsy and glaucoma.
New research has been revealed…
A study by the University of Nottingham shows how certain chemical compounds found in cannabis may help to reduce brain damage following a stroke.
The National Cancer Institute’s research has found how cannabis can actually protect brain cells against the development of certain types of brain tumors…
This one is a little “science-ey”, but a National Institute of Health study finds marijuana may provide a method of resuscitation from cardiac arrest…
In fact, marijuana has over thousands of years of medical use in human history and not even one death has been attributed to the herb. Simply because of the fact that there is no lethal dose makes marijuana a much more viable and safer option for treatment to a variety of ailments and diseases. We know that the use of medical marijuana can replace the use of certain legal prescription drugs that have serious side effects, like accidental death from overdose, yet these legal prescription drugs remain legal even though they are much more harmful to the human body.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people died from drug overdoses in 2014 than any year on record. The majority of those overdoses involve prescription opioids or pain pills (OxyContin, Percocet,. Hydrocodone, etc.) Since 1999, prescription opioids sold in the US has nearly quadrupled, and so has the number of opioid overdoses. Many of these “pain pill” deaths could have been prevented with the use of medical marijuana. In 2014, more than 14,000 people died from overdoses involving prescribed pain pills.
But the real tragedy concerning medical marijuana is the United States War on Drugs. It has allowed the federal and various state and local governments across the country to take up military arms against its own citizens. It has justified the militarization of police forces across the country. For a country that claims to be the Land of the Free, we incarcerate more of our own citizens than any other country in the world. The United States of America has about 2% of the world’s population, but it has 25% of the world’s prison population, most of them being nonviolent drug offenders. Over 50% of those being marijuana charges. That’s right, marijuana arrests now account for over half of all drug arrests in the United States of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 in 2010, 80% were for simply possessing marijuana.
And the US taxpayer has been footing the bill. According to drugpolicy.org the US War on Drugs cost the American taxpayer over $51 billion annually. As it currently already costs over $30,000 to imprison one person for one year.
If the war on drugs was working, it should make drugs more scarce, hence driving prices up. In reality, drug prices have stayed about the same over the past 20 years, showing the War on Drugs has had literally no effect on the black market of illegal drugs. The only thing the War on Drugs has been successful at is arresting and imprisoning our citizens at an alarming rate. The one sure way to wipe out an illegal black market is to legalize the very thing that has been made illegal. In this way certain states are already catching on and adding millions and millions to their tax revenues every year. While their citizens are enjoying the true meaning of freedom.
While some of our citizens are enjoying freedom, others that get arrested for having marijuana may lose a job or lose public benefits or lose their education funding. Maybe even worse, they go to jail and are separated from their children and their family. What effect does that have on that family and those kids? These children are getting shortchanged because of an ill-conceived law. Currently over 50% of the American population supports full legalization of marijuana. It’s time to legalize and stop arresting otherwise law-abiding citizens for choosing an herb that is less dangerous than all other available options. We know that alcohol kills over 600,000 people every year and cigarettes kill over 1 million people. As a reminder marijuana has never been attributed to even one death. Yet somehow the authorities say “we need more data… ” We have data, thousands of years of data. What is interesting to me is why were we not this cautious with alcohol and cigarettes.
For these reasons and many more, I, Sam Shakespeare, of Boca Raton, Florida remain a strong advocate for the legalization and use of medical marijuana for all humanity. Personal freedom is a basic right.
Here is a study by the University of Nottingham…
Here is the National Cancer Institute’s website explaining how cannabis can actually protect brain cells against the development of certain types of brain tumors… http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/hp/cannabis-pdq#link/_26_toc
Source by Samuel Shakespeare
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/medical-marijuana-advocate-against-arresting-american-citizens/
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soulcrazy2017-blog · 7 years
Cancer blogger dies day earlier than her wedding ceremony
New Post has been published on https://soulcrazy.org/cancer-blogger-dies-day-earlier-than-her-wedding-ceremony/
Cancer blogger dies day earlier than her wedding ceremony
A blogger who documented her war with Most cancers had died the day before she changed into because of being wedding after dropping her -12 months fight with a mind tumor.
Anna Swaney, 25, who ran a blog documenting her combat with the illness, were praised for her braveness and her fundraising efforts. “I cannot position into words the heartbreak all of us feel, however among our unhappiness; we’re so happy with her braveness, her spirit and the dedication she showed during her contamination,” a member of her circle of relatives wrote on her Fb web page, confirming her demise on Friday morning. “If ever there has been a person to show us a way to stay, it’s Anna Louise Swabey, our beautiful, courageous lady.”
Wendy Fulcher, the founding father of mind Tumour Studies Marketing campaign, for which Swabey raised cash, said she turned into “bright, vivacious, type, and delightful.” Fulcher delivered that Swabey changed into “one of those to whom others are naturally drawn. She had a great sense of fun and a marvelous joie de vivre.”
Swabey was recognized with the tumor years ago and was initially told she could also have as little as a few months to stay. She met her fiancé Andy Bell quickly after her prognosis. The couple deliberate to marry inside the Yorkshire Dales on Saturday but Swabey’s circumstance deteriorated sharply in recent weeks.
“To Andy and her family, Anna changed into nonetheless ‘Anna’ and not ‘Anna with a brain tumor.’ This turned into essential to her even though she by no means shied away from reality, giving her time selflessly via interviews to help improve consciousness of the disease and the shocking loss of funding to enhance consequences for sufferers,” Fulcher said.
Swabey also began her blog Internal My Head shortly after the analysis due to the fact she said she wanted to “guide others who can be experiencing a similar battle.”
She wrote: “Despite the fact that one man or woman reads one weblog publish and might relate to how I’m feeling, and it makes them experience like they are not by myself, I can view that as a fulfillment.”
She nicknamed her tumor Trev and changed into given desire using neurosurgeon Kevin O’Neill, who leads the Brain Tumour Studies Centre of Excellence at Imperial University London. Swabey spoke approximately how her first consultation with him had left her in “tears of happiness” due to the fact she felt they could fight the illness together. Fulcher brought that Swabey had shown “gritty willpower” in her Marketing campaign to raise cash for O’Neill and his group’s work.
“Another vivid mild has long gone out,” he said. “Any other younger man or woman has been taken by way of a mind tumor, this maximum merciless and crippling of cancers which kill other children and adults under the age of forty than another … simply one consistent with the cent of the national spend has been allocated to this devastating ailment.
“Anna cherished the truth that she should make a difference. She truly did that, and I’m so proud that I had the opportunity to know her.” Following a Mediterranean eating regimen should help lessen the risk of contracting one of the worst forms of breast Cancer through 40%, according to an excellent look at for the sector Cancer Studies Fund.
The Mediterranean weight loss program, that’s rich in olive oil, fish, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains, has nicely-publicised benefits, together with lowering the danger of stroke and coronary heart sickness.
The observe published in the International Journal of Most cancers on Monday shows it may additionally extensively lessen the possibilities of women getting oestrogen-receptor-poor (ER-terrible) Breast Most cancers, a postmenopausal shape of the sickness that can’t be handled with hormone remedy.
The examine’s lead researcher, Prof Piet van den Brandt of Maastricht College inside the Netherlands, stated: “Our Studies can assist to polish a mild on how nutritional styles can affect our Cancer threat.
“We determined a strong link between the Mediterranean weight loss plan and decreased oestrogen-receptor-poor Breast Cancer danger amongst postmenopausal women, even in a non-Mediterranean population. This form of breast Cancer usually has a worse analysis than other styles of Breast Most cancers.”
The researchers tested 62,573 ladies elderly 55 to sixty-nine over many years. They have been all individuals inside the Netherlands Cohort study examining weight-reduction plan and Cancer, which started in 1986. Their diets were tracked to see how closely they accompanied the Mediterranean pattern, which additionally has a low consumption of red meat, sweets and fine grains such as white bread or white rice. Traditionally it includes moderate intake of alcohol. However, because alcohol is a known threat factor for breast Most cancers, this was excluded from the observing. Nearly 12,000 cases of breast Most cancers might be averted within the United Kingdom each 12 months if no person drank alcohol, previous Studies has suggested.
Of the women included in the look at, three,354 shrunk Breast Most cancers, but 1,033 of the cases were now not covered in the evaluation because the ladies had records of Breast Most cancers and had incomplete or inconsistent dietary information. The assessment looked at the exceptional components of the Mediterranean food plan individually, concluding that nut consumption changed into most strongly inversely related to ER-terrible breast Cancer, observed using fruit and fish.
The researchers found that assuming causality, if all people ate the best described Mediterranean food plan, around a 3rd (32.four%) of ER-bad Breast Cancer instances and 2.3% of all breast Cancer cases might be prevented.
They stated their findings had been confirmed in a meta-evaluation of cohort studies.
Dr. Panagiota Mitrou, director of Research investment at the sector Most cancers Research Fund, said it turned into an important study. “With Breast Most cancers being so commonplace within the United Kingdom, prevention is prime if we want to see a lower inside the range of ladies developing the disease,” he stated. “We would welcome further Research that helps us better understand the chance elements for the exceptional Breast Most cancers subtypes.” I were given engaged recently, for my sins, and though I’m evidently overwhelmed with pleasure to be marrying a man who adds Tabasco to any delicately flavoured dish I prepare dinner while complaining about how many books I very own, it does additionally mean that I have been sucked into the terrifying, pastel-hued vortex this is the arena of the net wedding blog. For those unacquainted with this unique style of lifestyle porn, trust me when I say: right here be monsters, and those monsters are after your difficult-earned cash.
Don’t get me incorrect: I’ve were given nothing towards an awesome wedding. I locate such public declarations of commitment and the way they bring about friends and households collectively profoundly shifting. However I can’t assist but be alarmed that not most useful does the average British wedding ceremony fee a preposterous £20,500, however Almost all of them seem to be indistinguishable (or at the least the heterosexual ones do; gay couples have in large part escaped this fate, through now not being so doggedly dedicated to centuries’ worth of rigid gender norms).
Way to the decline of the bridal magazine for the new DIY aesthetic of social media, now not to say a massive quantity of one-upmanship, the same touches and tropes keep doping up. How can your day sincerely constitute the 2 of you when it’s far little greater than a series of carefully curated concerts nicked from someone else’s Instagram?
It has slowly dawned on me that, no matter how hard I’d try to make my personal wedding ceremony exclusive, it will probably grow to be being the same as absolutely everyone else’s. The handiest question is, which one of the trending kinds will it’s? Here are ten weddings you’ve got for your diary this summer.
The Pinterest wedding
  The whole thing seems as although it has been ripped straight from the visible scrapbooking site and made actual. There’s a chalkboard welcoming visitors in curly cursive, and Facebook profile image name cards revealed out to seem like Polaroids. There’s a “cake” which includes three wheels of British cheese stacked one on the pinnacle of the other. There’s a basket of “wedding turn-flops” (sure, they’re a thing) for lady guests who’ve worn footwear too impractical to pop in. There’s confetti made with real rose petals, there’s select ’n’ blend, a Gypsy swing band, antique photographs of all of the couple’s ancestors who ever got married, Even though they, in the end, got divorced or have been bigamists or lived for decades in silent, aching desperation. There are massive, wood, mild-up initials, in case humans drink a lot of cave, they overlook the bride and groom’s names. There’s an image sales space. Most of all, there may be bunting. Oh, is there bunting.
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