#or just one a random player than can play both cd and cassette
Trying to find the will to get out of bed and got to the laundry bc i need to put things to wash and things to dry
Also i just remembered i can listen to out of touch cause i have the best of the bands mucus on a cd i got from walmart months ago. And that i own a cd player that works but is never pluged in bc i forget to use it.
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dustedmagazine · 11 months
Listed: M. Sage
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Colorado musician, artist and educator Matthew Sage produces a unique form of ambient music, one that focuses on personal experience rather than obscure intellectual objectives or new age mysticism. Through both his own sounds and those he curates via his Cached Media imprint his goal is to unearth the beauty within the seemingly mundane. With Paradise Crick, his latest and most fully formed release, he casts his gaze on the great outdoors, envisaging a camping excursion. In his review, Bryon Hayes found that the record was “his most visceral work, as he ornaments his typically ambient palette with an assortment of palpable shapes, colors, and textures.” In addition to making music, Sage also enjoys seeking it out, often from non-traditional sources. For this edition of Listed, he runs down some of the more interesting records that he picked up on recent thrift store diving excursions.
10 recent thrift store finds in no particular order — I hit the flea markets and thrift stores once or twice a month and get weird CDs and cassettes. I like buying stuff that I would otherwise listen to on streaming… or never listen to from these local companies. We have CD players in our vehicles and I listen to CDs a lot driving. Cassettes mainly happen in my office when I am writing or drawing. So… a lot of what I look for is sort of “functional music” that I can do stuff to. I also snag up favorites from bands I love… I found 3 Wilco CDs at one shop last week!
Anyway, here are some recent favs.
Bonnie “Prince” Billy — Master and Everyone
Found in Longmont at the thrift store with the curated CD selection. Long time BPB fan, and I especially like how subdued this one is. Maybe not my all-time fav Oldham out there, but it’s great and the CD is in great shape.
The New American Orchestra — Blade Runner Soundtrack
Found at one of the flea markets in Fort Collins. Maybe the one with the lavender? This is an orchestral adaptation of the original Vangelis score, and it is about as smooth jazz as it gets. Incredible sweeping melodies. This version of “Blade Runner Blues” feels like something hiding on “In a Silent Way.” Ambient jazz for sure.
Chet Baker — Let’s Get Lost
Another one from the Longmont spot. Been obsessed with Chet Baker for a while now in that when I don’t know what I want to listen to, I just throw on any Chet’s greatest hits album and feel content. I love the arrangement on “My Ideal” with the toy piano and Chet’s voice and trumpet.
John Coltrane — The Gentle Side of John Coltrane
Also from the Longmont spot. I, of course, love wailing Coltrane. But I also think his sweet songs are some of his best. “After the Rain” is especially informing some of the arrangement choices I’ve been making on some new Fuubutsushi songs.
Shanghai Film Symphony Orchestra — An Dun (Calming the Emotions)
I buy a lot of random CDs like this, and I can’t remember where exactly this one came from. But yeah, foreign/new age/private press, etc. weird CDs… and most of the time they aren’t great… but this one is very good. When I find something like this that I like I google it later. When I did that with this CD, I found it on YouTube and this is my favorite comment about it: “Whenever I play this on a construction site, at first the guys complain. Then later they thank me for playing it. Saying they've never felt better.” My toddler seems to enjoy it in the car… I do too.
Claude Debussy — Images pour Orchestre. Preludes: La Fille aux Cheveaux de Lin
70 minutes of Debussy from Longmont ARC. Lots of solo piano from Peter Schmalfuss. I like that these recordings feel soft. Sometimes classical piano feels really hard, lots of attack, almost like microscopic. These recordings are more spacious. Chris from Fuubutsushi swears by Ravel, but I am team-Debussy.
Georgia Kelly — Seapeace: Music for Harp
Can’t remember where but found this in Colorado in a stash of pretty heady new age tapes. Later found out it’s a cult classic. It is a self-released one — the album was later reissued on other formats by new age labels — so I love knowing Ms. Kelly herself released this copy into the world and it has since ended up in my possession. The whole thing is on YouTube!
English Meadow: Environments — Environments 1, 4, 12: Slow Ocean, English Meadow, Intonation
I have all the Environments titles on LP and have since started collecting cassettes when I see them in the wild. These 3 are specifically my favorite Environments, so finding them all in one go felt like a thrifting triumph. I feel like English Meadow specifically sounds nice on cassette.
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3wisellamas · 3 years
Giant Sweet Cap’n Cakes Headcanon Masterpost!
(Fun fact, I thought most of these up while on one REALLY long hike.  ^^;  You can tell I fell for these three pretty hard.)
-I like the idea that, while the three all share a love of hip hop, glitch hop, electronic music in general, and a little lo-fi for chill times, they all have different tastes outside of those.  (Meaning if you pass them the aux cord, they WILL argue!)
-Sweet's actually the biggest audiophile of the group, with by far the most eclectic tastes; he will literally put together playlists that go from dubstep to heavy metal to classical to rap to vaporwave to even country.  The others don't really get it, but they're cool with whatever he puts on, and learn a lot of new music from him!
-He also owns an electric guitar, which he just plugs into himself to use as an amp and plays early in the morning to wake the others up if needed (he's the early riser and the other two are night owls...)
-Cap'n's definitely got a more narrow focus than the other two; he likes rap and also R&B, jazz, and even a little swing/electro swing.  He's also been caught more than once listening to cheesy romantic pop songs, claiming he's just into them for their potential madamoizel-attracting uses but really he's just a sappy romantic.
-He can also rap, very well in fact, and gets Sweet to beatbox while he freestyles. 
-Heck, he's just got a good singing voice in general, helped by having a built-in autotune, and dominates at karaoke!
-K_K also has a really broad range, but stays more towards the electronic end of the spectrum -- melodic dubstep, synthpop, disco, trance, chiptune, DnB, even occasionally puts on straight-up ambient spa music to chill out to (the only genre the other two will NOT tolerate.)
-K_K has also, in the past, set up entire mini-raves just by themselves, complete with glowsticks and everything, while Cap'n and Sweet were out doing whatever.  They were...not pleased, when they got back, mostly because they weren't invited.  All three got to have one together eventually though.  
-Physical media is king in their shop; if it's not on a CD, cassette tape, or a vinyl record (or an 8-track, though they have to dig out their old player for it), they will refuse to play it, and might even ask you to leave.  "MP3" is an extremely dirty word to them.
-(In fact, they don't get along too well with the MP3 player-headed robots elsewhere in the city.)
-They are indeed always listening to music on physical media as well -- K_K and Cap'n are their own CD players (though Cap'n's one of those models that's also got a built-in FM radio), while Sweet has a straight-up Walkman.    
-(He's also the group's cassette champion, claiming his media of choice is superior to CDs because you can record music on BOTH sides of the tape!  The other two just don't have the heart to point out that each side only holds half as much music as a CD, and you don't even have to rewind those...)
-Jury's still out on Hit Clips.  Cap'n and Sweet think they're just toys, but K_K genuinely collects and appreciates them and treats them like actual music (it helps that they are only around four seconds long!)
-Believe it or not, the headphones are only decoration, all three actually just...listen to their music entirely within their own heads, though they can also switch to playing it externally on their speakers as well.  Perks of being robots!  Though, sometimes K_K has his internal volume up too high, and misses things that other people say because of it.
-Sweet also has an input port, and connects himself to his turntable to act as the speakers!  The other two are WAY too embarrassed to ask if they can use it as well.
-Sweet can play almost any instrument you throw at him, as long as it's not a woodwind (Surprisingly, he can do brass, since those work on vibration rather than air!).  He prefers his guitar or violin when he isn't spinning records on his turntable.  Where the other two just enjoy music, he's the actual trained musician.
Voice headcanons:
-Sweet:  Kind of deep, bass-y, lots of reverb, a slight tinny audio distortion to it like a low-quality recording that becomes much more pronounced when he gets upset or starts shouting.  And since he's a speaker, you can literally feel the vibrations he makes when he's speaking!
-Cap'n:  Scout from TF2.  I am sorry, but I absolutely cannot get that out of my head for him.  XD  However, he's actually putting that voice on as an "accent" of sorts, his real voice is actually super autotune-y like K_K's, and it comes out whenever he gets flustered, his pitch only getting higher and higher as it gets worse...
-K_K:  Pure autotune, he can just do whatever the hell he wants with his voice -- pitch, tone, whatever, and while he tends to keep it a little higher he can and does change it to fit his mood!  He often has a completely different voice every day, but the others are used to it.  He also just straight-up vocalizes sound effects (like, the kind that make you go "How did you just make that sound with your mouth?!") and can mimic other people perfectly (though the slight mechanical distortion does give it away).  There are absolutely no rules when it comes to K_K's voice.
-They harmonize perfectly whenever they sing together! 
-I like to think Sweet's actually the brains of the group; like, not SMART, he just holds their one collective braincell most often.  He does any technical work when they're building stuff, like soldering circuits or the occasional programming, and even handles a lot of the actual business operations and pays the bills.  The other two also like to follow his lead when it comes to rebellion plans, even if he’s not the official leader.
-That said, though? ��It's balanced out by him being rather hotheaded and having the shortest temper by a lot.  There are REASONS why he's not usually out selling bagels with the others -- he's unfortunately prone to some more "extreme" sales tactics, like hurling half their stock at random passersby until they finally agree to buy some.  On the plus side, he's always the first to step up to defend the gang from anything that dares to harm them, and is always on guard.
-He can also hold a heck of a grudge -- don't ever get on his bad side!  Cap'n and K_K are mostly immune to this though, if he gets upset with them he works through it by the end of the day.  It helps that they can all hug it out.
-He's a bit of a perfectionist, often working overtime to try and get everything they build exactly right.  He can get really frustrated when things don't work out the way he plans, or when he can't make sense of a problem, or when Cap'n and K_K are goofing off instead of doing their part, and needs to go blast some loud music and blow off steam.
-He does have a really tough time keeping his balance, since his head is a bit heavier than the rest of his body, but he takes tripping over his own feet constantly in stride.  The biggest problem he has is with dancing -- while he'll join in with the others on occasion, he can't match their more acrobatic moves and sticks more to actually PLAYING the music they're dancing to.
-He's also really, really unlucky, just in general.  He actually considers the other two his good luck charms, since they help him out whenever he trips or gets into a bad spot!
-He's the fashionista of the group, surprisingly.  It's difficult for him to find clothes that fit his body, so he tends to get a little creative with it and has a whole closet full of different stuff!  And since Cap'n is roughly the same size they'll occasionally swap jackets.
-Cap'n actually has managed to score a handful of dates with girls in the past!  However, NONE of them went well, and only one actually made it to the second date (only to break up right in the middle of it), so he always ends up returning home heartbroken and in tears.  Sweet and K_K, by this point just ready for it whenever they hear that he's going out that night, always dry him off before he shorts himself out, take him to bed and cuddle with him (platonically, I don't see them as brothers but I also don't see them as having that conversation until Cap'n's ready, which he clearly is NOT), remind him that it doesn't hurt forever and he isn't unlovable and that he'll find someone eventually, etc.
-They have sat him down multiple times to try and gently suggest to Cap'n that he might just not be into women?  And that he’s actually turning them off by trying so hard?  To which he's always just like "No, of course not.  I'm straight.  Love the ladies.  Totally.  Oh no they didn't catch me checkin' out that one dude earlier did they?  Is that what this is about?!"
-(Basically, Cap'n is just a hopeless romantic in love with the idea of being in love, but is absolutely clueless as to how it works or what he actually wants, and his best buds are always there to catch him when he falls.  ;v; )
-The glasses are prescription -- he's SUPER nearsighted, a hardware glitch he refuses to fix.  Sometimes when he's working on something close up he'll take them off, panicking when he can't find them afterwards, only to have the others point out that they're just on his head.  He’s also got non-tinted glasses, but you will not catch him DEAD wearing those unless it’s an absolute emergency.
-This dude is SUPREMELY insecure with himself.  Like, his rather questionable fixation on romance aside, he basically runs off of others' validation, the "cool" persona he's spent much of his life building up being how he hides the fact that he isn't really sure who he is, or what he wants to do with his life, or what he's even good for -- the others have learned to check on him now and then whenever he hides away in the back of the shop, since he can slip into some pretty dark places when left alone to sulk.  It took a long time for him to open up even to them to share his feelings, and sometimes still has doubts about whether they or anyone else really care about him as more than just The Smooth One...
-He's the only one of the three to actually enjoy the occasional silence, especially when he's trying to think, or whenever he's upset.  So, his headphones also serve a dual purpose -- they're noise-cancelling!
-He's the video guy, carrying around a small camcorder and constantly trying to record the group's activities, to put together into music videos!  He also just likes to record himself doing stupid stunts for posterity, though K_K just takes these and makes (affectionate) blooper reels.
-Cap'n is not his real name, similar to K_K.  However, unlike K_K, he refuses to say what it is, just that it's embarrassing.
-K_K has a bad habit of just completely zoning out when he gets into his music, getting completely lost in the groove and needing to be pulled back to reality.  It's not a bad thing during jam sessions, but at work, or in the middle of a battle...not so much.
-He kind of needs to have some kind of music going at all times -- silence drives him absolutely CRAZY!  Though, because he gets distracted by his own music, he then misses out on entire conversations, only tuning back in towards the end.  Sometimes the other two have to repeat or summarize what they just said for him.
-He knows sign language, and taught the others to use it.  They're able to communicate reasonably well no matter how loud their shop gets, or on days when K_K isn't able to form words properly (he's just shy, and even when he isn't he gets tongue-tied a LOT).
-He's easily the best dancer of the three, and uses his extendable body to get really creative with his moves!  He even knows a little ballroom, somehow, which he'll pull out sometimes to make the others laugh.
-(Seriously, K_K CANNOT stand to see Sweet or Cap'n not smiling.  He'll do anything to keep the group's spirits up, usually cracking jokes during a scrap project or doing little favors, and they appreciate all his efforts!)
-K_K has the WORST sleep cycle, ever.  If you let him, he will stay up all night working or partying, finally going to bed at 6AM, and will then sleep until 6PM if the others don't wake him up at some point.  If they know he was up really late they'll let him sleep in a little, but he's often pretty sleep-deprived and running solely on sugar and caffeine, which doesn't help his natural loopiness.  
-He is a VERY physical guy.  Seriously, he will just scoop up and hold Sweet or Cap'n like a cat every five minutes; at first they were just like "Oh.  Okay.  We're hugging now I guess," but after a while they got more used to it and even anticipate when K_K is going to do it.  And he also initiates tons of snuggles and gives piggyback rides whenever one of his bandmates (usually Sweet) requests.  
-K_K actually scrapbooks, collecting pictures and little mementos of places he and the others have gone and things they've done.  After the library fountain is sealed, he pulls them out to show everyone else from Cyber City and reminisce about home.
-It's very hard to make K_K angry, since he tends to stay super chill and brushes off almost everything.  But, on those very, very rare occasions when something does get under his metal outer casing, he'll go full-on silent treatment, not speaking to anyone for up to a week as he sulks and stomps around the junk shop, and even refuses to play any music!  And no amount of sweets or hugs or cheering up will bring him out of it, either; the other two have learned to just wait him out and let him have his space, letting him come to them when he's finally ready to talk about it.
-Though all three love everything sweet, K_K's the only one who really goes overboard with it, making whole meals out of candy.  Sweet, ironically enough, actually prefers more salty/savory snacks, while the less is said about Cap'n's hot sauce addiction, the better.
-Okay, actually, I will say more about it.  Cap'n loves spicy food in general, and literally drinks tabasco sauce right from the bottle.  However, he's got a bad habit of daring himself to eat hotter and hotter stuff, ESPECIALLY if someone is watching, and can easily get in WAY over his head before begging for milk.
-They also all totally drink battery acid like Queen.
-Heck, being both Darkners and robots, they can really eat literally anything.  Normal food, milk, oil, batteries, gallons of pure sugar, toothpaste, moss, glitter (NEVER let K_K get hold of any though, he gets lost in the sauce), broken glass, etc, and of course their own deep-fried CDs.  Only thing they can't do is water, since, you know, robots.
-With a lot of the aesthetics of Cyber City being close to turn-of-the millennium and early 2000s (CDs and boomboxes, popup ads, wired mice, Queen theorized to be one of those see-through iMacs, EVERYTHING about Spamton), I like the idea that the boys DO NOT have smartphones, and if you handed them one they'd have no clue how to use it or what to do with it.  But they do have cell phones:  Sweet's got an old flip phone covered in stickers (courtesy of K_K), Cap'n splurged for one of those that slide open and with a camera (he set his background to a tiny, grainy photo of the three of them!), and K_K has one of those indestructible Nokia bricks, that Sweet got him after he kept breaking all his other ones.  They can all text, but that's about as high-tech as they get.
-Same with tablets or newer computers in general, they might share one tiny netbook at most.  Cap’n never remembers to log out of his Dark World dating profile, so the others will snoop or post embarrassing things to it.
-They're really, really durable, even without milk -- they're made of 90s plastic and electronics, so it takes a LOT to take one of them down!  Plus, they regularly repair each other back at the shop (it took a LONG time for them to gain enough trust to physically open and work on each other), so as long as at least one's left to drag the other two to safety they'll be just fine.
-However, if they get splashed with water, caught in the rain, or worse, drowned, they will short out, or shut down on the spot to prevent damage.  Once they completely dry out, though, they'll start right back up, no worse for wear.  When only one of them gets waterlogged the other two will break out the hair dryers to dry them out faster, or even pop them into the oven in a pan of rice like an iPod that got dropped in the toilet...
Finally, backstory?
-Cap'n and K_K met first -- maybe both as new recruits to another, much less savory gang of music equipment robots, and bonded as a result of being put upon by the more established members (Cap'n probably even had to defend K_K more than once when his inattentiveness got him into trouble!)  But, they both had enough one day, and decided to break off and form their own thing, making music and selling CD bagels to support themselves.
-Sweet, meanwhile, has the complete opposite background, coming from a rich and important family of musicians in Cyber City who regularly entertained Queen in her mansion (hence why he always used to get sweets from her!)  But, he was kind of the black sheep, preferring his own style of music, and decided to strike out on his own as a street musician instead.
-They met when Cap'n and K_K accidentally set up to sell bagels on Sweet's usual corner, and he battled them to reclaim his turf.  But, they were evenly-matched (even two-to-one; Sweet's definitely the strongest of the trio!), and impressed each other with both their fighting and musical skills, so Sweet decided to join their tiny group, and thus Sweet Cap'n Cakes was formed.  
-After the whole situation with Queen is resolved, SCC turns their rebellion into an anti-DRM kind of thing?  Nobody can hold back the music, man!
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MIDI To MP3 Automated Conversion With Randomly Generated Synths
This article supplies information on frequent MIDI file format questions. Convert MP3 format to MIDI format; MIDI shops syllable characters and its quantity might be very small. Select a neighborhood file. Enter format: MP3,WAV,OGG,AAC,WMA. Once you needn't get hold of any desktop-based totally software program, chances are you'll choose to make an MP3 to MIDI conversion with online audio converter. And on this half, we might like introduce you with 2 respected MP3 to MIDI online converters - Bear File Converter and Conversion Cat. Batch mode process a number of MIDI files with one click on. Step four Convert midi to mp3 converter online recordsdata to MP3! Simply click large Convert" button on the decrease proper nook of this system to convertMIDI files into MP3 in a flash. Create new music recordsdata to play on Apple iPod and different portable MP3 players with audio CD quality. Repeat Midi File - Ctrl+T, helpful to play a tune many times.
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Merely copy these two information to the C: \ Program Files \ VirtualMIDISynth \ encoders" directory as shown in the message. Conversion Cat is another excellent software which is consumer-pleasant, as well as its interface, is clear and extra comprehensible. Much like Bear File Converter, the audio information to be uploaded, may be as large as 50 MB.
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The excellent quality of both the sheet music and MIDI export is fantastic. The outcomes from their AI scanner are nothing short of distinctive. The customer service has been amazing as well as their response to suggestions and have requests. We sit up for a long-term relationship with these guys. one other possibility is to make use of an internet service to convert your midi to mp3 and then import it into Audacity. This MP4 to iPhone X Video converter is completely suitable with Windows and Mac working methods (even with the latest ones). Now you possibly can play the transformed audio on iPod, iPhone, Apple TELEVISION, Pocket LAPTOP, PSP, Zune, Mobile phone, VCD, SVCD, DVD devices. On this article, we present a straightforward technique to convert the sourceMIDI information into different audio formats like MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, M4A, etc. It is actually value a shot. Do not settle for mediocre audio quality! Speedy MIDI to MP3 Converter performs the very best-high quality conversion of MIDI recordsdata to provide audio compositions that sound just nice. Using the most recent conversion technologies, Rapid MIDI to MP3 Converter employs high-high quality sound fonts and exactly calculated spatial effects to supply some clean sound that is nice to the ear.
A sampler can document and digitize audio, store it in random-entry memory (RAM), and play it back. Samplers typically allow a user to edit a pattern and save it to a tough disk, apply results to it, and form it with the same instruments that synthesizers use. Additionally they could also be accessible in either keyboard or rack-mounted type. 2 :seventy four-eight Devices that generate sounds via pattern playback, however don't have any recording capabilities, are referred to as " ROMplers ". What makes this Intelliscore extra special as a result of it has an improved visible pitch indicator that lets you tune gadgets which are backed up with free technical assist. Not solely it might convert any audio file type to MIDI but moreover nonetheless can compose MIDI by singing or taking part in any musical instrument. Step 2. Click on Edit button to begin to rotate, flip, watermark, crop, Midi to mp3 converter online clip and improve video.The sampling principle boils all the way down to the following: a program consequently reads MIDI commands from MIDI file and in line with their content material put the samples into the Wave file. I'm looking out a instrument that can be used in Python or via the command line (preferably Home windows however Linux would even be okay) that returns awav ormp3 file for a MIDI file.We counted what number of steps each program took to complete quite a lot of duties and found that Xilisoft makes converting audio information easy and straightforward. It extracts audio from a variety of video information, together with MPEG WMV and MP4. The conversion and extraction course of take a bit longer than the most effective applications we tested, which isn't great for converting multiple large information. This program has a batch processing function that means that you can convert a number of recordsdata with one click of the mouse. You can add results like echo and chorus and normalize volume, which is useful for coverting information taken from vinyl recordings or cassette.
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caseycanela6-blog · 5 years
Google Pictures
Free Children Songs There are many MP3 websites spherical, butthis is the first one we have seen that's dedicated to MP3 music information for children. In my own personal listening tests, corroborated by many others' opinion, when music is encoded on the same bit rate to MP3, AAC, and Ogg Vorbis formats, the AAC and Ogg Vorbis recordsdata do sound barely however noticeably higher than the MP3s. There is a distinction in the fullness of the sound and http://www.audio-transcoder.com/how-to-convert-flac-files-to-mp3 the bass in the AAC and Ogg Vorbis files. If you're on the lookout for a simple program that works without the superior choices and confusing interfaces that a few of these audio converter instruments have, you may definitely like MediaHuman Audio Converter. Choose "to FLAC" after which click on "Convert" to transform MP3 recordsdata to FLAC. 1. Varieties convert MP3 to MP4 online" into browser. Hit the "Browse" button next to the "File" area. Locate the VOB file within the file selection window. Double-click on on the file identify and will probably be submitted to Media Convert for conversion. The "Enter Format" drop-down menu will mechanically show "DVD Video Object (.vob)" as soon as the file has been loaded. Supports playback of all of the audio information with the built-in participant to assessment the effect. The Windows program that I have reviewed above is simply one of the programs you should use for the conversion of flac to mp3 information. FreeRIP can "rip" chosen CD tracks and convert them to MP3, WAV, Wma, Ogg Vorbis or Flac files or convert MP3 to WAV onto your hard drive. And it stays like this for all future use of the MP3 format, till one goes to Instruments""Preferences""Reset preferences" which then returns all to defaults and it really works, but only on the 128 bit charge. Other formats like OGG Vorbis and so on aren't displaying this behaviour, and I do not keep in mind my previous verson which was 2.0.5., doing this. 2- If you're changing to FLAC, then the audio quality will probably be precisely the identical because the mp3. I'd counsel that you just run the same checks that you simply made with MP3s on cassette tape, and examine these results to MP3 or AAC. I think the digital formats even with all their faults, would win palms down. Wow, flutter, and frequency response - as well as noise and distortion, could be a lot worse on cassette tape. Perspective, perspective, perspective. It may well join CDA information to at least one big AAC, ALAC, FLAC, WAV, M4A, M4B, MP3, OGG or WMA. iTunes is among the most popular option to master your music collection on both Mac and Windows. It comes with so many features to complement your life. However it's selective that means it doesn't just accept something imported to it, for instance, it refuses to play FLAC files, either ripped in an audio CD or despatched by friends. So many individuals can not help but ask Can iTunes play FLAC" or Does iTunes play FLAC". Unfortunately, Apple's software and devices, like iTunes, QuickTime, iPad, iPhone, iPod, do not help FLAC format. Just quit? No. You'll be able to nonetheless play FLAC in iTunes by changing FLAC to iTunes appropriate format at first, then import FLAC to iTunes. Lossless compression is benign in its effect on the music. It's akin to LHA or WinZip laptop data crunchers in packing the data extra efficiently on the disk, but the knowledge you learn out are the identical as went in. The first difference between lossless compression for pc data and for audio is that the latter permits random access inside the file. (In the event you needed to wait to unZip the whole 400MB file of a CD's content material before you would play it, you'll quickly abandon the whole thought.) You may get discount in file measurement to forty-60% of the unique with lossless compression—the performance of various lossless codecs is compared right here and here —however that increases the capacity of a 4GB iPod to only 300 songs, or 20 CDs' price of music. Extra compression is important.
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The FLAC format can be error resistant in order that even if an error occurs in a single frame, it doesn't destroy the rest of the stream like some audio formats but as an alternative simply that one frame, which could only quantity to only a fraction of the entire file. Step 4: Click on the "Convert" button to show FLAC to WAV, it takes a few minutes to get the transformed WAV information from email. Online-Converter can also be an efficient Spotify downloader online for converting your Spotify music to other codecs corresponding to MP3, OGG, FLAC etc. Most audiophiles want to have their music encoded in FLAC format as it is usually the preferred Lossless format allowing glorious high quality playback. Step 4: Obtain the output MP3 audio file onto your laptop and luxuriate in it. SoundConverter goals to be simple to make use of, and really quick. Thanks to its multithreaded design, it's going to use as many cores as doable to hurry up the conversion. It may well additionally extract the audio from videos. Open your Web browser and navigate to the Media-Convert website (see References). Make certain the "Native File Conversion" tab is displayed. When it comes to quality, FLAC vs. MP3, FLAC always wins. What does it really imply? Does higher quality at all times imply higher sound? The reply will be both sure" and no". Well, you will discover a transparent distinction if you listen to music in your FLAC files. Nevertheless, it's solely attainable for those who use an acceptable sound system and good headphones. Nonetheless, if someone does not have any of them (better sound system and headphones) and utilizing low-cost headphones for listening FLAC recordsdata, FLAC will sound just like MP3 to them. That is why some people suppose that there is no real difference between FLAC and MP3 and they prefer over FLAC as dimension of MP3 is smaller and the standard can also be same! You possibly can simply perceive that there's hardly any distinction between FLAC and MP3 for those who're not utilizing a superb sound system and excessive-high quality headphones.
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FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. As its identify suggests, it is a patent-free method of encoding audio without high quality losses. FLAC information are usually bigger than MP3s, however one should take into account that MP3 is a lossy format, which implies that some portion of quality is lost every time you convert any audio to MP3. With FLAC, it's not the case, and thus it is attainable to encode music into FLAC and have the equivalent high quality, compared to the supply Audio CD. That (and patent-freeness) is the rationale why FLAC is becoming an increasing number of widespread, and even hardware units comparable to media players have a tendency so as to add assist for this format.
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clairedmaddox · 5 years
The Goose
The following is an excerpt from The Lund Loop Newsletter. To learn more click here.
In one sense, the hole in the television was beautiful, almost artistic.
The impact – from what I first assumed was a broomstick, but later turned out to be a hammer – had punched a perfect circle in the center of the tube, radiating a sunburst of fine cracks towards the edge of the screen.
That it hadn’t exploded in an electric storm of glass shards puzzled me. All the TV’s I’d seen smashed by guitars in bad 80’s music videos had done so. But the lack of dried blood or bits of flesh in the shag carpet in front of the television cabinet convinced me otherwise – and somewhat disappointedly I must confess.
None of my roommates were home to help solve the mystery, but explicitly understanding the dynamics of a house shared by four twenty-something males, I started to backfill a theory as to why the only TV in the house was now inoperable.
And it wasn’t just any TV. It was a 32” Sony Trinitron, arguably the best set you could buy in 1986. And even though my roommate got it for free by pulling a credit card scam at Circuit City, it was still a loss.
Occam’s razor suggested an overly inebriated partygoer had backed into it while playing air guitar with a broom, but that’s as far as I could take my mental exercise as I was tired and numb. To the point that kissing sixteen channels of cable TV goodbye for the foreseeable future didn’t even register.
I had just arrived home after a six-hour drive from Arizona, where my girlfriend and I spent a week trying to make Castaneda-like connections with the spirits of dead shamans, but instead got drunk and crashed in cheap motels. 
I was disappointed by the experience, though the fact that Castaneda’s tool of transformation was peyote and ours was Crazy Horse Malt Liquor did not occur to me at the time.
It was upon climbing the stairs to my room that I realized the damaged TV was just the beginning of a tale that would end with the spilling of avian blood and a public shaming, the likes of which Huntington Beach, California had never seen.
The older you get, the more your circle of friends solidifies. Though you still might pick up some acquaintances later in life, it’s very rare to develop true friendships after forty. Rarer still is meeting true friends of your true friends – those whom you’ve never met before. That’s because, by the time you hit forty, you’ve known your true friends for a long time and are much more likely to have met anyone else meaningful in their lives.
Meeting friends of friends is something that happens in your early 20s.
That’s the time when your world is expanding, first by leaving high school, and second by entering college or the workforce. That’s when you first start to meet people who don’t know your parents or siblings, aren’t familiar with your hometown, and don’t share a common history with you.
Meeting a friend of a friend is a dicey proposition when you’re young. They come with implied approval due to their relationship to your new friend, but not a guarantee. After all, you haven’t really known your new friend that long, so how can you be sure they are a good judge of character – present company excepted.
For me, it worked like this…
In my early 20s, I picked up some new friends whom I ran with for a few years. One was from across town, another from one county north, while three or four others were transplants from out of state. Those were the ones you had to worry about.
The transplants were trying to get away from something. Usually a small-town mentality or small-minded people.
But small-minded people aren’t very good at getting the hint, and every spring break or 4th of July holiday a friend of a friend would arrive in town, excited to see what Southern California was all about.
That’s how I first met Snap. His real name was Sean.
Sean was a good guy. A solid guy. He was intelligent and polite, even thoughtful at times. The type of guy you’d introduce to your mom and she’d tell you the next day, “I really like that Sean.”
But Sean was a different person when we went out drinking – which happened quite a bit.
One moment everything would be great. Everybody would be laughing, joking, and having a fun time. Then in an instant, it would all go bad.
Sean would fly across the bar and crack a random guy in the jaw. Or scream “you’re a fucking bitch,” to a girl whose only crime was to order a drink next to him. Often, he’d break down and sob incoherently to his friends, who, while trying to console him, would suddenly be accused of mockery and challenged to a fight.
The worst part was that you never knew when it would happen. On some nights it only took one beer before things went off the rails. On others, he could drink all night long without incident.
But when it did go bad, it always happened without warning. There were never any signs or telltale clues that he was about to go off. He just snapped.
So, we called him “Snap.”
As I came to the top of the landing, I noticed that three of the four doors to the bedrooms were open, an unusual occurrence in our house. Though all my roommates knew and mostly trusted each other, it was best practice to keep your door shut.
And it was no coincidence that the only door that was still closed had a lock on it. Or that it was mine.
Walking past the open doors, more damage was revealed. In my roommate Andy’s room, his pride and joy, a five-component stereo system, had been destroyed.
All the knobs from the tuner were on the floor, and the posts that held them in place bent downward as if hit by a hard object.
Both the windows on the dual-cassette player were cracked, like some solid metal object had been smashed into them.
The five-disc CD player had dents all over its case, the type that would occur if a hammer type instrument had struck it.
And finally, both speakers had multiple holes punched in front and back, each the same size and circumference as the hole on the TV tube downstairs.
Double hmmm?
Then I passed Greg’s room and saw that the strings on his prized guitar were hanging by the tuners, as if ripped out from the bridge. There were also round impact marks across the face of the guitar which matched up with the stereo and the TV.
I was sensing a pattern here.
My third roommate, Jeff, has a couple of things askew in his room but no damage as far as I could see.
As tired as I was, I couldn’t help but modify my theory. Besides, it was simple.
Andy worked five days a week and had to get up at seven each day. Because of this, he was always in bed by 9:00pm. However, Greg was currently in between jobs, and liked to watch TV downstairs until early in the morning. On more than one occasion – sometimes multiple times per night – Andy would come out of his room and ask Greg to turn the TV down.
Sometimes once was all it took. But other times it might be four or five times before the request was acted on, and by that time they both were screaming at each other like maniacs.
Like I said, it was simple. Andy finally had enough of the loud late-night TV, came downstairs, and in a fit of rage, smashed Greg’s TV screen with a hammer.
Greg then took the hammer, ran upstairs, and went to town on Andy’s stereo system. After he was done, Andy took the hammer and attempted to destroy Greg’s guitar.
My roommate Jeff likely tried to break them up – physically – which is why some of the stuff in his room was knocked around.
So I unlocked my door, went into my room, and crashed for a well-needed rest, unaware that the real culprit in this mayhem was “Goose.”
I met Goose for the first and only time when I woke up from my nap. His real name was Eric. I never did get his last name.
He was a friend of a friend – a transplant – who had been hanging out and partying at our house for the last three days.
Our house sat on the corner of our tract’s outlet street, right next to a main thoroughfare. Sitting on our front lawn, you could see a wall across the street which ran along the length of that thoroughfare denoting our neighbor’s backyards.
It was in one of those backyards where a honking sound began on the Saturday night I was trying to commune with dead Indians (sorry, that’s what we called them in 1986).
The sound was made by a goose.
Apparently, Goose – the friend of a friend, not the animal – was in the front yard drinking with my friends and roommates and got annoyed by this sound. So he announced to anyone who’d listen, “I’m going to go over there and kill that fucking goose.”
With that he threw down his beer, grabbed a club out of an old golf bag in the garage – I think it was a three-wood – ran across the street, and jumped the fence into a random neighbor’s backyard.
Immediately, he was confronted by a full-grown male Canadian goose, honking, and using its long neck to lunge and peck at him. According to Eric’s police deposition, he freaked out, took a swing, and despite never having played a hole in his life, connected flush with the head of the goose, immediately silencing it and in the process, separating it from life.
Eric claimed that he never meant to hurt the goose, just to scare it, but when it lunged at him, he panicked, causing him to take the fatal swing.
But that wasn’t the end of it and retaliation was swift. In addition to reporting it to the police, the owner of the goose got his brother and a buddy together, grabbed some tools, including – c’mon, you know where this is going – a hammer, broke into our house when everybody was out, and proceeded to do as much damage as possible to our highly prized consumer goods.
But he didn’t stop there. He also called the local newspapers – when local newspapers were social media – and begin a shame campaign.
So though Eric returned to the shithole from whence he came, never to face justice – or return to HB again, my roomates and I had to endure the scorn that arose from a series of front page articles about the goose murder, each one accompanied by a photo of the neighbors holding up their photo of Susie – their deceased pet goose.
The Goose published first on your-t1-blog-url
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greggory--lee · 7 years
What are the popular CD-DVD Standard Formats?
The first format that was created for CDs was the audio CD. It was meant to succeed the vinyl record as a method for storing and playing music and was called the Compacy Disc Digital Audio. Cassettes and records were the primary methods of carrying audio, but they had problems that were addressed with the help of CDs. The quality of the vinyl on the record could degrade as you kept playing it back, which could lead to lower sound quality, which CDs fixed.
The "Red Book," so named because of the color that the cover sports, shows that the medium standard for your typical Compact Disc is meant to carry a frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz, and two channel 16-bit PCM encoding is used to Convey the audio, giving it a high standard for quality. While cassette tapes or records typically have monaural records, you could not do that with CDs, so mono tracks were just presented as two channels that sounded identical.
Although the Red Book Standard claims that you can use four channel sound, commercial CDs have not used this; Instead DVD audio is usually the standard for that particular format. When CDs first came into prominence, they were resonated at first by music aficionados that touted the superior sound quality of vinyl, which is something that some people still hold to today. The origin of this belief stems from the fact that early CDs used the cost cutting measure of having 14-bit digital-to-analog converters in lieu of the usual 16-bit ones, but that is in the past. Although technology has kept up, the discussion still rages as to which is better, vinyl or CD.
Compact Discs
A CD is a format that uses an optical disc to carry data in a digital format. Sony and Philips created this particular format together in 1980; It was meant to replace the vinyl record and provide a more secure method of carrying data. As they first looked into creating this design, they wanted to look at a 60 minute playing time for that format. Norio Oga, the vice president of Sony at the time, thought about that particular time limit so it would fit the 1951 recording of Beethoven's Symphony # 9. In later years, 80 minutes became the new time limit.
As the time passed, the format would expand and further itself, with CD-ROMS that could carry computer data to VCDs and SVCDs, which are video compact disks that could hold interactive media and photos as well, providing new ways to use the medium. Although the CD has been around for more than two decades, it is still the primary media for audio files.
Interactive media uses this type of CD. This had audio on it, but the first track instead held extra information which would not have been displayed on the table of contents for the CD. So when it was placed in a regular CD player, it would not play that track.
Although CD-i did not last long, it was used mostly for children's games and interactive coloring books.
The Red Book Standard also talks about CD-Text, which is a format that includes the audio tracks, along with text that provides the artist, track and album names. Although this feature is typical in most CDs now, there are some disks or hardware that does not use this. More and more new cars are including this feature in order to show data about your CDs. CD + Graphics (CD + G) and CD + Extended Graphics (CD + EG / CD + XG)
These formats have data on the audio, both in text format and in picture format, so you have more data on your tracks. While they operate normally in regular CD players, if you have a unique player you will be able to see added graphical information. For the most part, karaoke machines use these formats to display the lyrics so you can follow along.
When the CD first came out, audio playback was its only purpose. However, five years after its release, Philips and Sony thought they could use the same medium to display computer information. If you had a CD-ROM drive on your computer, you could play DVD-ROM disks.
Video CD (VCD) and Super Video CD (SVCD)
When the VCD and SVCD came out, they were the primary method of viewing video from a CD, and both DVD players and VCD players could use them. With VCDs, you could get VHS-level quality on the video, with improved visuals on the SVCD.
Picture and Photo CDs
Kodak developed the CD for use as a data storage medium to put your photos on, calling them Picture and Photo CDs. While they sound similar, there are significant differences in these two formats. With the Photo CD, you can hold 100 images of high quality images; The Picture CD, however, you can place far more images on them, but they are compressed JPEGs.
SACD (Super Audio CD)
This format is like the regular CD-DA, but the audio is at a much higher resolution, making the sound far better than a typical CD. With the advent of DVD-Audio, SACDs were created in order to combat its popularity, although the fact remains that DVD Audio did not catch on very well.
With an SACD, you will also be able to have a hybrid disc that includes both regular CD and SACD audio, giving you two options for quality on your tracks. That feature also permits you to play these SACDs in regular CD players and still hear the tracks.
CD-R (CD Recordable)
CD-Rs are CDs that have a photosensitive dye that the data spiral receives in the manufacturing process. The CD burner will then use a laser to alter the dye's color, imparting the information and giving it the ability to be played in a regular CD player, so its read laser can interpret the information.
While CD-R burns are intended to put the information on the disk forever, there is research that indicates, that the media will be unreadable over time. Although a physical CD can end up for a century, you might not have the same time frame with the information placed on it, due to the quality of the disk, how you store it, or how well the drive works. There are even tests that indicate an 18 month shelf life for burned CDs, especially if you do not take good enough care of your CDs.
CD-RW (CD Rewritable)
Compared to colored dyes in CD-R, CD-RWs use metallic allow to carry their information. When the write laser is used in the burner, the alloy is heated up in order to make the allow reflect the information on the disc. In this manner, it is converted into a typical CD and it can store the data.
Enhanced CDs
Enhanced CDs were used to put extra computer-related information onto an audio CD, thereby increasing the value of their music discs. If you had a CD-ROM drive, you could access unique features and data on your computer.
Once computers started to get more prevalent in the late 90s, more Enhanced CDs were created. Once Iron Maiden started to remaster their albums, they made their rereleases Enhanced CDs.
CD Recording
If you want to put data of your own onto a CD, there are many ways in which you can do it. There are CD-R, which necessitate making a permanent copy of your data, or CD-RWs, which allow you to rewrite and overwrite as you see fit.
Much like a CD, a DVD, or Digital Versatile Disc, is a format intended to store digital data. It can store both video and audio, as well as normal computer information. Although DVDs and CDs may look almost identical on the surface, DVDs have a much greater storage capacity. While CDs were expanded to provide a plethora of formats used for different purposes, DVDs only have yielded DVD Video and DVD Audio .
DVD-Random Access Memory is used mainly to back up data for computers in the event of an emergency. Compared to DVD writable and rewritable formats, DVD-RAM is far more efficient and durable due to the defect management capabilities and error control integrated into the medium. What's more, data can last much longer on a DVD-RAM, and has a greater capacity of being rewritten than RW disks on the whole. If you want to store data for a long time, this is the preferred method.
DVD-R and DVD + R
Both of these formats are quite similar in their purpose, but they do the same job in fairly different ways, making them quite dissimilar. They work not like recordable CDs in that dyes are used to store the information. Whatever the format, you are meant to put video or data onto the disk using these dyes; Although they both do the same thing, they do so in technically different ways, though this is inconsequential to the typical consumer due to the compatibility of the formats.
Due to this lack of real difference between consumers, there is no clear winner on the market, so both formats are here to stay for right now, as the public has not decided on one or the other.
Users can rewrite data onto a DVD disc using one of these formats, which both perform the same function They act just like CD-RWs in that metallic alloys are the secret to recording this overwritable data to a DVD; Also, just like with DVD-R and DVD + R formats, both formats are equally preferred and fairly identical, so there is no winner on that format. Since they are both compatible with burners and players of DVDs, no single format will win out.
DVD Audio
DVD-As or DVD Audio, is a method of fitting a DVD with high quality audio tracks. While this is a form of DVD, it is not meant to carry video, and carries few similarities. DVD-As do, however, allow you to have your music in a variety of formats from uncompressed mono to compressed 5.1 digital surround sound.
The year 2000 saw the release of DVD-As, where it started to compete with SACDs. In the end, both formats lost out to the disturbing impact of the CD.
DVD Recording
You can also record with DVDs, much like you could with audio CDs; There are recordable formats that you can use to put your own data onto a DVD, such as DVD-R and DVD + R where you can write it once to a disc, or DVD-RW and DVD + RW where you can keep rewriting, Not to mention DVD-RAM.
DVD Video
In this day and age, most people get their digital video media in the form of DVD. Japan bought this product in 1996, and it started to dethrone VHS very quickly. While Blu-ray format is newer, it is still too expensive and not widespread enough to beat DVDs except in Japan.
With a DVD Video, you get MPEG-2 files that are compressed to fit a movie or television show, but the video quality is much better than a VHS. There are even features such as menus, chapters, subtitles and even featurettes and extra audio tracks you can add on.
Source by Keith A Gilbert
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/what-are-the-popular-cd-dvd-standard-formats-5/
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stormyrecords-blog · 7 years
new arrivals and happy easter!
El Michels Affair: Return To The 37th Chamber CD $19.99 LP $27.99"The wait is over, Return To The 37th Chamber is El Michels Affair's highly anticipated follow up to 2009's underground cult classic Enter the 37th Chamber. Churning out classic records since then for the likes of Lee Fields, The Arcs, The Shacks, and tons more, it is clear that EMA's signature sound is stronger & sharper than ever. This time, in addition to re-interpreting the Wu compositions for a live band, EMA pays homage to the production and sonic fog that makes a RZA beat so recognizable. Producer and bandleader Leon Michels recorded the album completely analog, sometimes hitting 6 generations of tape before it was ready for mixing, giving the Return to The 37th Chamber its own hazy sound. Adding to the unique fidelity, the record is laced with psychedelic flourishes, 'John Carpenter' synths, heavy metal guitars, triumphant horns, and traditional Chinese instruments that make up for the lack of the Wu's superlative vocals. From start to finish it's a dark trip that walks the line between RZA's timeless hip-hop aesthetic and the cinematic soul EMA has become known for. El Michels Affair tackles some classics like '4th Chamber' and 'Wu Tang Aint Nuthin to Fuck Wit', as well as some deeper cuts like Ol Dirty Bastard's 'Snakes', Raekwon's 'Verbal Intercourse', and 'Shaolin Brew', Wu-Tang's contribution to the St. Ide's Hip Hop endorsement campaign from 1994. This time El Michels brings some of the Big Crown family along for the ride. Lee Fields handles vocal duties on 'Snakes' and is joined by Shannon Wise of The Shacks for their version of 'Tearz', which pays as much homage to the Wendy Rene sample as it does to the Wu-Tang Clan. Lady Wray makes an appearance on the cover of Method Man's hit, 'All I Need', lending her vocal prowess to what gave the Wu one of their biggest hits of all time. Interspersed throughout the record are some original interludes that are like the 'rug that ties the room together,' giving Return To The 37th Chamber a cinematic narrative that makes it a proper El Michels Affair record and not just a collection of covers. From the music to the presentation, this album is a perfect example of what can only be achieved through diversity. The end result is as much a kaleidoscope of influences and multiculturalism as the city it was recorded in. El Michels Affair is once again, 'sounding out the city' that raised them, pulling elements of art and culture from across the country and around the globe to create an album truly unique in its own right." CALE & TERRY RILEY, JOHNChurch Of AnthraxLP  $24.992017 repress. Terry Riley (piano, organ, soprano saxophone) & John Cale (bass, harpsichord, piano, guitar, viola, organ) collaborated on this one-off album, released in 1970. At this time, rock music was a serious movement, removed from the joke it once was, quite unaware of the joke it would eventually become, and things like this sometimes happened. Cale, classically trained on the viola, must have been pretty pleased to get a shot to record with the '60s king of minimalist pulse, Terry Riley. The album features 4 collaborative tracks between the two; while maybe not earth-shattering, they are quite fine for horizontal home listening pleasure at just about any hour of the day. Instrumental jams, mixing the styles of the two players pretty evenly (if you're vaguely awake, you can imagine this easily). The fifth track is a psychedelic pop masterpiece by Cale, "The Soul of Patrick Lee." Exactly why this track is included here has never been adequately explained, but it is about as beautiful as music in song form can get. 180 gram exact repro reissue. STEREOLABTransient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements2LP  $32.99 "Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements is Stereolab's breakthrough album, their major label debut, and one of the most innovative releases of the 1990s, a musical decade signified by breaking down artistic barriers. Originally released in August 1993, Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements builds on the promise of the band's early releases Switched On and Peng! by expanding the scope of their highly distinctive mix of one-chord Krautrock grooves, distorted vintage keyboard noise and Euro-pop. Adding touches of '50s and '60s easy listening, exotica and space-age sounds as well as samba and French pop, Stereolab did more than any group in the modern rock era to expand the language of art music by incorporating styles left for dead by the serious rock community." MF DOOMOperation: Doomsday (Metal Face Cover) (Black Vinyl)2LP  $32.99Back again on vinyl where it belongs, MF DOOM's 1999 classic Operation: Doomsday is now presented on a premium grade LP, with audio re-mastered from the original Fondle'Em Records release, and a poster of the album cover art! Underneath his mysterious metal mask, MF DOOM hides the cachet underground legends are made of. After KMD (his first group)'s 1994 sophomore album Bl_ck B_st_rds was shelved by Elektra in 1994 and his blood brother Subroc (one half of the sibling rap duo) passed away, surviving front-man Zev Love X mutated into the MC Avenger known as MF DOOM and the rap world is better for it. This 19-cut deep album is ridiculously dope, in a bizarro Ol' Dirty Bastard kind of way. Doom sounds either high or drunk on most of the tracks, his self-produced beats are gritty, and his rhyme styles are almost indecipherable. On arguably the best track, 'Rhymes Like Dimes,' Doom weaves some pointed lyrics through his abstract wordplay, spitting 'only in America could you find a way to earn a healthy buck / And still keep your attitude on self-destruct.' 'Who You Think I Am?' features DOOM's crew M.onster I.sland C.zars, while on '?' he trades hot verses with former Columbia artist Kurious Jorge. Doom's avant-garde ghetto-rhyme philosophies take even more intentionally weird twists on 'Tick, Tick...' where he and guest MC MF Grimm's flows warble over a rhythm track whose tempo speeds up and slows down continually. The comic-book themed skits, will help take you deep into the mind of an MC who is as otherworldly as they come. And in today's bland commercial rap universe, Operation: Doomsday's left-of-center beats and rhymes are the perfect remedy." VA: Music from Saharan Cellphones  LP $19.992017 repress, originally released in 2012. "A compilation of the most popular music circulating the Sahara desert on the unofficial network of cellphones -- where mp3s are stored, played, and traded in very literal peer to peer bluetooth transfers. The contemporary West African sound from the new school of DIY production with little or no commercial release outside of their locales, from spaced out Tuareg autotune, Ivorian club jams, Mauritanian synth, and Malian hip hop electro. Collected from memory cards by and released on cassette, the vinyl comes after over a year of tracking down the composers." Includes cardstock insert with liner notes. VA: Music From Saharan Cellphones V2 LP $18.992017 repress. "Contemporary pop music from the Sahara desert, where songs are stored on cellphones. Collected in Northern Mali in 2010 (since taken over by extremists who've banned music on cellphones) the second volume expands into new sonic territory - from dreamy Niger guitar ballads, Bamako club juke, and hi energy Moroccan child Raï - with a focus on the Autotuned DIY creations circulating the desert." Includes insert with liner notes. PALESTINE, CHARLEMAGNEStrumming MusicLP $29.99The classic minimal music album, available again on vinyl for the first time since the '70s. Primed with a glass of cognac, Charlemagne Palestine sits at the keyboard of a Bösendorfer Imperial grand piano. One foot firmly holds down the sustain pedal while both hands perform an insistent strum-like alternation on the keys. Soon Palestine and his Bösendorfer are enveloped in sound and bathed in a shimmering haze of multi-colored overtones. For 45 minutes, this rich pulsating music swells and intensifies, filling the air. When Strumming Music first appeared on the adventurous French label Shandar during the mid-1970s, it seemed a straightforward matter to place Charlemagne Palestine in the so-called minimalist company of La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, and Philip Glass, whose work also featured in the Shandar catalog. Palestine too used a deliberately restricted range of materials and a repetitive technique, but as he has often pointed out in more recent times, the opulent fullness of his music would more accurately be described as maximalist. Strumming Music, recorded in Palestine's own loft in Manhattan, has no written score. In an age of recorded sound he still feels no need for traditional notation. The surging energy of this particular recording stands comparison with the improvising of jazz visionaries who impressed and inspired him while living in New York as a young man. But, as Palestine himself has made clear, primarily he brings to music-making the sensibility of an artist rather than a musician. Although the technique of the piece has roots in Palestine's daily practice, when a teenager, of playing the carillon at a church, hammering sonorous chimes from a rack of tuned bells, it also draws on his later work as a body artist, staging vigorously muscular, physically demanding and often reckless performances. In addition, Strumming Music can be heard as a sculptural tour de force, while its textures connect with the color moods, plastic rhythms, and tactile space of Mark Rothko's abstract expressionist canvases. Strumming Music remains the essential index of Palestine's singular creative vision. Fundamentally this fascinating piece is a collaboration between an artist and an instrument. Palestine had first encountered the Bösendorfer Imperial back in 1969. "The Bösendorfer at its best is a very noisy, thick molasses piano," he has remarked. Charlemagne Palestine embraced its clinging sonorousness, its clangorous resonance and out of that embrace came the voluptuous sonic fabric of Strumming Music. CHERRY, DONMusic, Wisdom, Love 1969LP $28.99Reaching a near-mythical status amongst fans of free jazz's most worldly intrepid explorer, these seldom heard Paris soundtrack sessions known as Music, Wisdom, Love have evaded collectors' grasps and confused historians for exactly 50 years. Instigated in Paris in 1967 and filmed during Don Cherry's downtime on a visit to the Chat qui Pêche nightclub in March 1967, where he played with Karl Berger, Henri Texier, and Jacques Thollot, the bulk of this cinematic portrait was filmed on the streets of Paris under the direction of creative all-rounders Jean-Noël Delamarre and Nathalie Perrey, who, as their careers bloomed, would become pivotal figures in underground French cinema - straddling La Nouvelle Vague, adult entertainment, and cinema fantastique in what can only be described as speedball cinema. As the supportive creative family that primarily played home to French vampire/horrortica director Jean Rollin, both Nathalie and Jean-Noël, his brother Jean-Philippe Delamarre and a small team of other fans of oblique media would be responsible for a vibrant micro-culture that awkwardly flourished on the outskirts on the Parisian new wave - combining comic book culture, Lettrism, sexual liberation, psychedelic rock, graphic design, and, with this record as prime example, free jazz and avant-garde music. What previously might have been regarded as an unlikely coupling, with the benefit of half a century of archival hindsight, this release documents the essential cosmic collision of two fantastic planets. Available here for the first time ever and licensed from producer and director Jean-Noël Delamarre himself. I-LP-O In Dub: Capital Dub LP  $23.99I-LP-O In Dub is the solo project of Pan Sonic member Ilpo Väisänen. Capital Dub Chapter 1 follows the 2015 debut Communist Dub (EMEGO 203LP) - a year marked by further descent into economic crisis and instability. The usual business cycles of production/distribution/consumption, running alongside macro cycles of boom and bust, have been replaced by ossification, austerity, the machine seizing up. Ilpo's "circular riddims" complement the ebb-and-flow of the circulation of money + commodities and are mirrored by his field recordings of Barcelona rain -- the final phase of the cyclical movement of water. But of course the smooth running of "Paradise Capital" is unsustainable. Destroyed techno and open spaces contend with sinister swarming atmospheres. A cash machine flickers. Zeros and ones displace another factory. Dub as decay -- the ghostly remains of tracks eroded by time and technology. The "Invisible Hand" of the market spasms with tremors. Ferocious textural feedback as music for stock exchange crashes. The soundtrack to heaps of money hoarded by the hidden class. Capital is value in motion, but there is nowhere to go. After the collapse, picturesque ruins. Capital Dub Chapter 1 simply asks the question: what next? Influenced by the first part of Karl Marx's Capital (1867). Recorded anytime in there, rain & 808 at Pallars152, Poblenou, Barceloba; Mixed at Juniper & Stone, Kartula, Finland; Mastered at Dubplates & Mastering. ANJOU Epithymia CD  $15.99LP  $27.99"The culmination of four years writing and editing, Anjou marks the first collaboration between Labradford's Robert Donne and Mark Nelson since the release of that group's fixed:context LP. Combining modular synthesis, Max/MSP programming and live instrumentation, Anjou deftly weaves noise with gentle ambience and melody with texture. Guitar, bass and Steven Hess' (Locrian, Fennesz, Pan American) live percussion give the eight pieces an immediacy and create a framework for the more abstract sounds of digital and analog synth programming. The product of twenty plus years of friendship, Anjou is refined and challenging. An extension of the Labradford sound-world but no mere victory lap, Anjou represents Donne and Nelson stepping out and forward, their eyes firmly focusing on the future." BOSS HOG Brood X LP $19.99Boss Hog returns from the wild with their most subversive record — this is the seductive soundtrack for the second coming of militant rock’n’roll, and the groove has never been stronger. Brood X — emerging from the dirty streets of New York City after seventeen years of gestation — is a futuristic brew of 21st Century blues, toxic punk rock beat music, and hyper-focused, outer-space psycho assaults. Thermonuclear chanteuse Cristina Martinez blisters the hypocrites, the haters, the heartless, and the clueless hangers-on with a full-tilt microphone attack. A sex-bomb salvo for troubled times, Martinez gives voice to America’s pain while pulling no punches. This band does not negotiate. This is scorched earth rock’n’roll for the resistance, barbed-wire blues battling for the future of the planet. Recorded and mixed at the fabled Key Club, using Sly Stone’s legendary There’s A Riot Goin’ On console, the album channels the subversive mojo of the underground and brings next-level sonics to save your very soul. BREEDERS Pod LP $26.99180 gram vinyl. "Though ostensibly a side project of The Pixies' Kim Deal and Throwing Muses' Tanya Donelly, The Breeders' 1990 debut, Pod, has held up as a classic of late '80s/early '90s off-kilter alternative pop, surpassing the contemporaneous work of their main bands. Though Deal would really hit the big time 3 years later with the Breeders' follow-up, Last Splash, and Donelly would do the same with her next band, Belly, Pod is the band's finest, most coherent, album and perhaps the high point in both their careers. Engineered by the legendary Steve Albini." CRAMPS Smell Of Female $19.992016 repress. "Released in 1983 after a lengthy court battle with IRS Records, Smell Of Female originally contained just the first six songs. These, plus out-of-control ad-lib freakouts 'Beautiful Gardens' and 'She Said' (previously omitted due to legal restrictions) were recorded live at New Yorkʼs famous Peppermint Lounge. There is nothing like the sound of The Cramps, and this set distills that cross of swamp water, moonshine and nitro down to a dangerous and unstable musical substance, captured live like a crazed animal. They rocked like few others could. Additional bonus track 'Surfinʼ Dead' was recorded at A&M Studios in Hollywood and originally appeared on the 1984 soundtrack for Return Of The Living Dead -- when asked to write a 'pop song' for the movie, The Cramps (by then a three-piece) threw into their cauldron a mix of Link Wray, Jan & Dean, Davie Allen, The Righteous Brothers, bongos, Phil Spector and eye of newt." DALTON, KAREN In My Own Time LP $27.99"180-gram vinyl; Audio remastered from the original tapes; old school tip-on jacket. Remastered from the original master tapes. Liner notes by Lenny Kaye (Nuggets, Patti Smith), Devendra Banhart, and Nick Cave. The late Karen Dalton has been the muse for countless folk rock geniuses, from Bob Dylan to Devendra Banhart, from Lucinda Williams to Joanna Newsom. Recorded over a six month period in 1970/71 at Bearsville, In My Own Time was Dalton's only fully planned and realized studio album. The material was carefully selected and crafted for her by producer/musician Harvey Brooks, the Renaissance man of rock-jazz who played bass on Dylan's Highway 61 Revisited and Miles' Bitches Brew. It features ten songs that reflected Dalton's incredible ability to break just about anybody's heart -- from her spectral evocation of Joe Tate's 'One Night of Love,' to the dark tragedy of the traditional 'Katie Cruel.'" DOCKSTADER, TOD Eight Electronic Pieces $26.99"Originally self-released in 1961 and later issued by Folkways, Tod Dockstader's Eight Electronic Pieces is a foundational document of American electronic music and a stunning first work from this revolutionary composer. Refused access to the resources and funding of the academy and without any interest from the record industry, Dockstader assembled his debut album through three years of his own private labor -- recording after-hours at the New York radio station where he worked. Dockstader's approach was informed by the laboratory experiments of his European contemporaries Edgar Varèse and Pierre Schaefer as well as by the aleatory compositional techniques and neo-dadaist aesthetics of John Cage. While Dockstader famously described his music as 'organized sound,' Eight Electronic Pieces is not pure musique concrète. Oscillators pulse and clash with fragments of incidental tape music, leaving collages of sound as tuneful and memorable as they are otherworldly. A visionary debut that presages the abstract ambience of modern IDM and an essential addition to any collection of early electronic music. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies on clear vinyl." FLYING SAUCER ATTACK Distance $22.99First ever US vinyl of the second album by Bristol’s Flying Saucer Attack. This edition of the LP is produced in full collaboration with FSA / Dave Pearce. Originally released on VHF as a compact disc at the end of 1994, this was the second FSA album, compiling five tracks from impossible-to-get seven-inches with twenty minutes of previously unreleased (and good) material. Similar in blend to the band’s first LP (also newly issued in the USA on deluxe vinyl), the songs hang together as a collection that improves on the individual singles. The two proper singles that make up half of Distance — “Soaring High” / ”Standing Stone” and “Crystal Shade” / ”Distance” were instant collectables upon their release, so this album was compiled to make the songs permanently available. “Soaring High” and “Crystal Shade” are jagged bits of fuzzed-out pop genius; tracks like the mutant concrete “techno” of “Distance” and the two lengthy glissando workouts on “Oceans” and “Oceans II” offset the more conventional tunes, upping the overall impact as a whole album. FLYING SAUCER ATTACK S/t $22.99"First-ever US vinyl of the debut album by Bristol's Flying Saucer Attack, and first vinyl edition of any kind since 1993! This edition of the album is produced in full collaboration with FSA/Dave Pearce. Aka Rural Psychedelia, Flying Saucer Attack's first album was released in 1993 after a couple of instantly sold-out singles. Released at the height of the shoegaze boom, the album is a blend of memorable fuzzed out songs and far-out instrumental doodles, sidestepping the rock bombast of many contemporaries in favor of a home-made aesthetic. FSA's blend of razor-edged static, softly sung melody, and echoing atmospherics builds a dour beauty that sustains itself over the course of the entire program. 'My Dreaming Hill,' 'Wish,' and 'The Season Is Ours' are couched in fuzz and whispery reverb, but are beautiful and accessible tunes, able to stand on their own in any context. 'Popol Vuh 1' and 'Popol Vuh 2' are straight up tributes to the now much better known German masters, steeped in the hushed atmosphere of the best Vuh records (if not exactly the sound)." KONAMI KUKEIHA CLUB Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse DOUBLE LP $39.99Mondo is proud to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Castlevania franchise with the premiere vinyl release of the original soundtrack to the 1989 Famicom / Nintendo Entertainment System Three-quel / Prequel: Dracula's Curse. Dracula's Curse is a dark horse for most beloved of the original NES / FAMICOM trilogy, as it was a happy marriage of the linear elements of the first Castlevania and the more exploratory elements of Simon's Quest—a union that led to the introduction of multiple playable characters, multiple paths and multiple endings - that remain franchise staples even today. The story follows Trevor Belmont, Simon's ancestor and his battles with the prince of darkness, along side three other warriors: Grant Danasty the Pirate, Sypha Belnades the Mystic, and Alucard, Dracula's Son, who makes series debut here, and will play a more pivotal role in the games to come. The soundtrack to Dracula's Curse is important as well. Not only for fan favorite track 'Beginning,' a track you'd be nary to find excluded from any future Castlevania game, but for the dynamic audio introduced on the Japanese version of the game. The VRC6 Audio chip contained in the Japanese version allowed for a wider array of sound channels, producing a brighter, fuller soundtrack than on the cartridge released in the US. The Nintendo Entertainment System could not process this level of audio, so the version released in the US needed to have the audio scaled back. Despite this audio handicap the US version is still terrific, and the superiority of the which version best is still a matter of debate to this day. No need to choose though, since Mondo's vinyl re-issue contains both, spread across two 12" LPs, housed in a gatefold jacket featuring amazing new artwork by Sachin Teng. O'NEIL, TARA JANE S/t LP $22.99At the invitation and by the design of Mark Greenberg (The Coctails), half of this record was recorded mostly live at Wilco’s Loft Studio in Chicago with a band that included James Elkington, Gerald Dowd, Nick Macri, and Greenberg himself. Another half was made in TJO’s home studio in California with Devin Hoff, Wilder Zoby, Walt McClements and string supervisor Jim James. This album also features the voices of Chris Cohen, Carolyn Pennypacker-Riggs and Joan Shelley. Tara Jane ONeil plays guitar, bass, keyboards and percussion. SADIER, LAETITIA SOURCE Find Me Finding You CD $15.99LP $22.99Another New Year, and new shapes are forming—if only we are fortunate enough to notice them! As we spin through this world, we are witness to all manner of combinations unfolding before us—familiar arcs and breaking waves alike, upon all of which it is our choice, our chance and our challenge, to possibly ride. Find Me Finding You, the new album from the new organization called the LAETITIA SADIER SOURCE ENSEMBLE, manages to strike new chords while touching familiar keys in the song of life. From its percolating opening beat, Find Me Finding You locates new systems within the sound-universe of Laetitia Sadier. This in itself isn’t a surprise—Laetitia has relentlessly followed her music through different dynamics and into a variety of dimensions over the course of four solo albums since 2010 (not to forget her three albums with MONADE and the long era of STEREOLAB)—but the nature of the construction here stands distinctly apart from her recent albums. Laetitia was inspired by a mind’s-eye envisaging of geometric forms and their possible permutations. As she sought to replicate the shapes in music, this guided the process of assembly for the album. Features longtime collaborators EMMANUEL MARIO and XAVI MUNOZ, keyboard and flutes from DAVID THAYER (LITTLE TORNADOS), keys, synths and electronics from PHIL M FU, and guitar from MASON LE LONG. Includes a guest appearance from HOT CHIP's ALEXIS TAYLOR, as well as cornet work from ROB MAZUREK. V/A Bloodstains Across Virginia LP  $19.99A collection of rare and classic Virginia punk circa 1978-1983. Features tracks from ZITS, PREVARICATORS, LAMOUR, NOYS, BARRIERS, BEEX, INSINUATIONS, NAROS, CHUMPS, CITIZEN 23, RATICLES, NEXT OF KIN, and RICKY AND THE WHITE BOYS. Fifteen cuts in all. V/A Highlights Of Vortex LP $26.99The brainchild of visual artist Jordan Belson and electronics polymath Henry Jacobs, the Vortex Experiments ran from 1957 to 1960, first at San Francisco’s Morrison Planetarium and later at the SF Museum of Art. The very name of these events announced their aim: a swirling totality of sensory experience. Around Belson’s richly-colored visuals – making use of the planetarium’s entire dome and featuring luminous, sharply geometric imagery projected through an array of devices – Jacobs ringed a system of roughly 40 multidirectional loudspeakers, each of which could be precisely controlled to produce, in the words of one reviewer, “a living theater of sound and light.” A landmark recording in the history of electronic tape music and an engrossing artifact of proto-psychedelia, Highlights Of Vortex gathers recordings designed for the Vortex system by Jacobs and collaborators David Talcott, William Loughborough, and Gordon Longfellow. Source material including free improvisation, field recording,classical Indian instrumentation, West African polyrhythms and musique concrète is transmogrified through tape manipulation, atomizing swathes of reverb and delay, and other live and recorded effects, making dramatic use of the monumental Vortex soundsystem. An unprecedented marriage of image and sound, Vortex Experiments exercised immeasurable impact on the imagination and practice of countless experimental visual and sonic artists so this album is a must for fans of such visionaries as Stan Brakhage, Tony Conrad, and Jack Smith. Limited edition of 500 numbered copies on clear vinyl. WALTER, JUSTIN Unseen Forces CD  $15.99 LP  $22.99Michigan trumpeter Justin Walter’s solo work centers on evocative, intuitive explorations of the EVI (Electronic Valve Instrument), a rare wind-controlled analog synthesizer from the 1970s. Its unique, smeared tonality allows for an expressive range of glassy, jazz-like textures, which Walter loops and layers with hushed electronics and twilit trumpet, painting opaque landscapes of resonant beauty. Walter’s 2013 debut, Lullabies & Nightmares, included a handful of collaborations with percussionist Quin Kirchner, but Unseen Forces finds him fully solo, refining the project to its essence: shape-shifting watercolors of pastel haze, lit by the soft synthetic glow of electric breath. It’s a sound both modern and timeless, fusing emotion and technology, gauze and melody, force and fragility.
0 notes
greggory--lee · 7 years
What are the popular CD-DVD Standard Formats?
The first format that was created for CDs was the audio CD. It was meant to succeed the vinyl record as a method for storing and playing music and was called the Compacy Disc Digital Audio. Cassettes and records were the primary methods of carrying audio, but they had problems that were addressed with the help of CDs. The quality of the vinyl on the record could degrade as you kept playing it back, which could lead to lower sound quality, which CDs fixed.
The "Red Book," so named because of the color that the cover sports, shows that the medium standard for your typical Compact Disc is meant to carry a frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz, and two channel 16-bit PCM encoding is used to Convey the audio, giving it a high standard for quality. While cassette tapes or records typically have monaural recordings, you could not do that with CDs, so mono tracks were just presented as two channels that sounded identical.
Although the Red Book Standard claims that you can use four channel sound, commercial CDs have not used this; Instead DVD audio is usually the standard for that particular format. When CDs first came into prominence, they were resonated at first by music aficionados that touted the superior sound quality of vinyl, which is something that some people still hold to today. The origin of this belief stems from the fact that early CDs used the cost cutting measure of having 14-bit digital-to-analog converters in lieu of the usual 16-bit ones, but that is in the past. Although technology has kept up, the discussion still rages as to which is better, vinyl or CD.
Compact Discs
A CD is a format that uses an optical disc to carry data in a digital format. Sony and Philips created this particular format together in 1980; It was meant to replace the vinyl record and provide a more secure method of carrying data. As they first looked into creating this design, they wanted to look at a 60 minute playing time for that format. Norio Oga, the vice president of Sony at the time, thought about that particular time limit so it would fit the 1951 recording of Beethoven's Symphony # 9. In later years, 80 minutes became the new time limit.
As the time passed, the format would expand and further itself, with CD-ROMS that could carry computer data to VCDs and SVCDs, which are video compact disks that could hold interactive media and photos as well, providing new ways to use the medium. Although the CD has been around for more than two decades, it is still the primary media for audio files.
Interactive media uses this type of CD. This had audio on it, but the first track instead held extra information which would not have been displayed on the table of contents for the CD. So when it was placed in a regular CD player, it would not play that track.
Although CD-i did not last long, it was used mostly for children's games and interactive coloring books.
The Red Book Standard also talks about CD-Text, which is a format that includes the audio tracks, along with text that provides the artist, track and album names. Although this feature is typical in most CDs now, there are some disks or hardware that does not use this. More and more new cars are including this feature in order to show data about your CDs. CD + Graphics (CD + G) and CD + Extended Graphics (CD + EG / CD + XG)
These formats have data on the audio, both in text format and in picture format, so you have more data on your tracks. While they operate normally in regular CD players, if you have a unique player you will be able to see added graphical information. For the most part, karaoke machines use these formats to display the lyrics so you can follow along.
When the CD first came out, audio playback was its only purpose. However, five years after its release, Philips and Sony thought they could use the same medium to display computer information. If you had a CD-ROM drive on your computer, you could play DVD-ROM disks.
Video CD (VCD) and Super Video CD (SVCD)
When the VCD and SVCD came out, they were the primary method of viewing video from a CD, and both DVD players and VCD players could use them. With VCDs, you could get VHS-level quality on the video, with improved visuals on the SVCD.
Picture and Photo CDs
Kodak developed the CD for use as a data storage medium to put your photos on, calling them Picture and Photo CDs. While they sound similar, there are significant differences in these two formats. With the Photo CD, you can hold 100 images of high quality images; The Picture CD, however, you can place far more images on them, but they are compressed JPEGs.
SACD (Super Audio CD)
This format is like the regular CD-DA, but the audio is at a much higher resolution, making the sound far better than a typical CD. With the advent of DVD-Audio, SACDs were created in order to combat its popularity, although the fact remains that DVD Audio did not catch on very well.
With an SACD, you will also be able to have a hybrid disc that includes both regular CD and SACD audio, giving you two options for quality on your tracks. That feature also permits you to play these SACDs in regular CD players and still hear the tracks.
CD-R (CD Recordable)
CD-Rs are CDs that have a photosensitive dye that the data spiral receives in the manufacturing process. The CD burner will then use a laser to alter the dye's color, imparting the information and giving it the ability to be played in a regular CD player, so its read laser can interpret the information.
While CD-R burns are intended to put the information on the disk forever, there is research that indicates, that the media will be unreadable over time. Although a physical CD can end up for a century, you might not have the same time frame with the information placed on it, due to the quality of the disk, how you store it, or how well the drive works. There are even tests that indicate an 18 month shelf life for burned CDs, especially if you do not take good enough care of your CDs.
CD-RW (CD Rewritable)
Compared to colored dyes in CD-R, CD-RWs use metallic allow to carry their information. When the write laser is used in the burner, the alloy is heated up in order to make the allow reflect the information on the disc. In this manner, it is converted into a typical CD and it can store the data.
Enhanced CDs
Enhanced CDs were used to put extra computer-related information onto an audio CD, thereby increasing the value of their music discs. If you had a CD-ROM drive, you could access unique features and data on your computer.
Once computers started to get more prevalent in the late 90s, more Enhanced CDs were created. Once Iron Maiden started to remaster their albums, they made their rereleases Enhanced CDs.
CD Recording
If you want to put data of your own onto a CD, there are many ways in which you can do it. There are CD-R, which necessitate making a permanent copy of your data, or CD-RWs, which allow you to rewrite and overwrite as you see fit.
Much like a CD, a DVD, or Digital Versatile Disc, is a format intended to store digital data. It can store both video and audio, as well as normal computer information. Although DVDs and CDs may look almost identical on the surface, DVDs have a much greater storage capacity. While CDs were expanded to provide a plethora of formats used for different purposes, DVDs only have yielded DVD Video and DVD Audio .
DVD-Random Access Memory is used mainly to back up data for computers in the event of an emergency. Compared to DVD writable and rewritable formats, DVD-RAM is far more efficient and durable due to the defect management capabilities and error control integrated into the medium. What's more, data can last much longer on a DVD-RAM, and has a greater capacity of being rewritten than RW disks on the whole. If you want to store data for a long time, this is the preferred method.
DVD-R and DVD + R
Both of these formats are quite similar in their purpose, but they do the same job in fairly different ways, making them quite dissimilar. They work not like recordable CDs in that dyes are used to store the information. Whatever the format, you are meant to put video or data onto the disk using these dyes; Although they both do the same thing, they do so in technically different ways, though this is inconsequential to the typical consumer due to the compatibility of the formats.
Due to this lack of real difference between consumers, there is no clear winner on the market, so both formats are here to stay for right now, as the public has not decided on one or the other.
Users can rewrite data onto a DVD disc using one of these formats, which both perform the same function They act just like CD-RWs in that metallic alloys are the secret to recording this overwritable data to a DVD; Also, just like with DVD-R and DVD + R formats, both formats are equally preferred and fairly identical, so there is no winner on that format. Since they are both compatible with burners and players of DVDs, no single format will win out.
DVD Audio
DVD-As or DVD Audio, is a method of fitting a DVD with high quality audio tracks. While this is a form of DVD, it is not meant to carry video, and carries few similarities. DVD-As do, however, allow you to have your music in a variety of formats from uncompressed mono to compressed 5.1 digital surround sound.
The year 2000 saw the release of DVD-As, where it started to compete with SACDs. In the end, both formats lost out to the disturbing impact of the CD.
DVD Recording
You can also record with DVDs, much like you could with audio CDs; There are recordable formats that you can use to put your own data onto a DVD, such as DVD-R and DVD + R where you can write it once to a disc, or DVD-RW and DVD + RW where you can keep rewriting, Not to mention DVD-RAM.
DVD Video
In this day and age, most people get their digital video media in the form of DVD. Japan bought this product in 1996, and it started to dethrone VHS very quickly. While Blu-ray format is newer, it is still too expensive and not widespread enough to beat DVDs except in Japan.
With a DVD Video, you get MPEG-2 files that are compressed to fit a movie or television show, but the video quality is much better than a VHS. There are even features such as menus, chapters, subtitles and even featurettes and extra audio tracks you can add on.
Source by Keith A Gilbert
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/what-are-the-popular-cd-dvd-standard-formats-4/
0 notes
greggory--lee · 7 years
What are the popular CD-DVD Standard Formats?
The first format that was created for CDs was the audio CD. It was meant to succeed the vinyl record as a method for storing and playing music and was called the Compacy Disc Digital Audio. Cassettes and records were the primary methods of carrying audio, but they had problems that were addressed with the help of CDs. The quality of the vinyl on the record could degrade as you kept playing it back, which could lead to lower sound quality, which CDs fixed.
The "Red Book," so named because of the color that the cover sports, shows that the medium standard for your typical Compact Disc is meant to carry a frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz, and two channel 16-bit PCM encoding is used to Convey the audio, giving it a high standard for quality. While cassette tapes or records typically have monaural recordings, you could not do that with CDs, so mono tracks were just presented as two channels that sounded identical.
Although the Red Book Standard claims that you can use four channel sound, commercial CDs have not used this; Instead DVD audio is usually the standard for that particular format. When CDs first came into prominence, they were resonated at first by music aficionados that touted the superior sound quality of vinyl, which is something that some people still hold to today. The origin of this belief stems from the fact that early CDs used the cost cutting measure of having 14-bit digital-to-analog converters in lieu of the usual 16-bit ones, but that is in the past. Although technology has kept up, the discussion still rages as to which is better, vinyl or CD.
Compact Discs
A CD is a format that uses an optical disc to carry data in a digital format. Sony and Philips created this particular format together in 1980; It was meant to replace the vinyl record and provide a more secure method of carrying data. As they first looked into creating this design, they wanted to look at a 60 minute playing time for that format. Norio Oga, the vice president of Sony at the time, thought about that particular time limit so it would fit the 1951 recording of Beethoven's Symphony # 9. In later years, 80 minutes became the new time limit.
As the time passed, the format would expand and further itself, with CD-ROMS that could carry computer data to VCDs and SVCDs, which are video compact discs that could hold interactive media and photos as well, providing new ways to use the medium. Although the CD has been around for more than two decades, it is still the primary media for audio files.
Interactive media uses this type of CD. This had audio on it, but the first track instead held extra information which would not have been displayed on the table of contents for the CD. So when it was placed in a regular CD player, it would not play that track.
Although CD-i did not last long, it was used mostly for children's games and interactive coloring books.
The Red Book Standard also talks about CD-Text, which is a format that includes the audio tracks, along with text that provides the artist, track and album names. Although this feature is typical in most CDs now, there are some disks or hardware that does not use this. More and more new cars are including this feature in order to show data about your CDs. CD + Graphics (CD + G) and CD + Extended Graphics (CD + EG / CD + XG)
These formats have data on the audio, both in text format and in picture format, so you have more data on your tracks. While they operate normally in regular CD players, if you have a unique player you will be able to see added graphical information. For the most part, karaoke machines use these formats to display the lyrics so you can follow along.
When the CD first came out, audio playback was its only purpose. However, five years after its release, Philips and Sony thought they could use the same medium to display computer information. If you had a CD-ROM drive on your computer, you could play DVD-ROM disks.
Video CD (VCD) and Super Video CD (SVCD)
When the VCD and SVCD came out, they were the primary method of viewing video from a CD, and both DVD players and VCD players could use them. With VCDs, you could get VHS-level quality on the video, with improved visuals on the SVCD.
Picture and Photo CDs
Kodak developed the CD for use as a data storage medium to put your photos on, calling them Picture and Photo CDs. While they sound similar, there are significant differences in these two formats. With the Photo CD, you can hold 100 images of high quality images; The Picture CD, however, you can place far more images on them, but they are compressed JPEGs.
SACD (Super Audio CD)
This format is like the regular CD-DA, but the audio is at a much higher resolution, making the sound far better than a typical CD. With the advent of DVD-Audio, SACDs were created in order to combat its popularity, although the fact remains that DVD Audio did not catch on very well.
With an SACD, you will also be able to have a hybrid disc that includes both regular CD and SACD audio, giving you two options for quality on your tracks. That feature also permits you to play these SACDs in regular CD players and still hear the tracks.
CD-R (CD Recordable)
CD-Rs are CDs that have a photosensitive dye that the data spiral receives in the manufacturing process. The CD burner will then use a laser to alter the dye's color, imparting the information and giving it the ability to be played in a regular CD player, so its read laser can interpret the information.
While CD-R burns are intended to put the information on the disk forever, there is research that indicates, that the media will be unreadable over time. Although a physical CD can end up for a century, you may not have the same time frame with the information placed on it, due to the quality of the disk, how you store it, or how well the drive works. There are even tests that indicate an 18 month shelf life for burned CDs, especially if you do not take good enough care of your CDs.
CD-RW (CD Rewritable)
Compared to colored dyes in CD-R, CD-RWs use metallic allow to carry their information. When the write laser is used in the burner, the alloy is heated up in order to make the allow reflect the information on the disc. In this manner, it is converted into a typical CD and it can store the data.
Enhanced CDs
Enhanced CDs were used to put extra computer-related information onto an audio CD, thereby increasing the value of their music discs. If you had a CD-ROM drive, you could access unique features and data on your computer.
Once computers started to get more prevalent in the late 90s, more Enhanced CDs were created. Once Iron Maiden started to remaster their albums, they made their rereleases Enhanced CDs.
CD Recording
If you want to put data of your own onto a CD, there are many ways in which you can do it. There are CD-R, which necessitate making a permanent copy of your data, or CD-RWs, which allow you to rewrite and overwrite as you see fit.
Much like a CD, a DVD, or Digital Versatile Disc, is a format intended to store digital data. It can store both video and audio, as well as normal computer information. Although DVDs and CDs may look almost identical on the surface, DVDs have a much greater storage capacity. While CDs were expanded to provide a plethora of formats used for different purposes, DVDs only have yielded DVD Video and DVD Audio .
DVD-Random Access Memory is used mainly to back up data for computers in the event of an emergency. Compared to DVD writable and rewritable formats, DVD-RAM is far more efficient and durable due to the defect management capabilities and error control integrated into the medium. What's more, data can last much longer on a DVD-RAM, and has a greater capacity of being rewritten than RW disks on the whole. If you want to store data for a long time, this is the preferred method.
DVD-R and DVD + R
Both of these formats are quite similar in their purpose, but they do the same job in fairly different ways, making them quite dissimilar. They work not like recordable CDs in that dyes are used to store the information. Whatever the format, you are meant to put video or data onto the disk using these dyes; Although they both do the same thing, they do so in technically different ways, though this is inconsequential to the typical consumer due to the compatibility of the formats.
Due to this lack of real difference between consumers, there is no clear winner on the market, so both formats are here to stay for right now, as the public has not decided on one or the other.
Users can rewrite data onto a DVD disc using one of these formats, which both perform the same function They act just like CD-RWs in that metallic alloys are the secret to recording this overwritable data to a DVD; Also, just like with DVD-R and DVD + R formats, both formats are equally preferred and fairly identical, so there is no winner on that format. Since they are both compatible with burners and players of DVDs, no single format will win out.
DVD Audio
DVD-As or DVD Audio, is a method of fitting a DVD with high quality audio tracks. While this is a form of DVD, it is not meant to carry video, and carries few similarities. DVD-As do, however, allow you to have your music in a variety of formats from uncompressed mono to compressed 5.1 digital surround sound.
The year 2000 saw the release of DVD-As, where it started to compete with SACDs. In the end, both formats lost out to the disturbing impact of the CD.
DVD Recording
You can also record with DVDs, much like you could with audio CDs; There are recordable formats that you can use to put your own data onto a DVD, such as DVD-R and DVD + R where you can write it once to a disc, or DVD-RW and DVD + RW where you can keep rewriting, Not to mention DVD-RAM.
DVD Video
In this day and age, most people get their digital video media in the form of DVD. Japan bought this product in 1996, and it started to dethrone VHS very quickly. While Blu-ray format is newer, it is still too expensive and not widespread enough to beat DVDs except in Japan.
With a DVD Video, you get MPEG-2 files that are compressed to fit a movie or television show, but the video quality is much better than a VHS. There are even features such as menus, chapters, subtitles and even featurettes and extra audio tracks you can add on.
Source by Keith A Gilbert
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/what-are-the-popular-cd-dvd-standard-formats-3/
0 notes
greggory--lee · 7 years
What are the popular CD-DVD Standard Formats?
The first format that was created for CDs was the audio CD. It was meant to succeed the vinyl record as a method for storing and playing music and was called the Compacy Disc Digital Audio. Cassettes and records were the primary methods of carrying audio, but they had problems that were addressed with the help of CDs. The quality of the vinyl on the record could degrade as you kept playing it back, which could lead to lower sound quality, which CDs fixed.
The "Red Book," so named because of the color that the cover sports, shows that the medium standard for your typical Compact Disc is meant to carry a frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz, and two channel 16-bit PCM encoding is used to Convey the audio, giving it a high standard for quality. While cassette tapes or records typically have monaural recordings, you could not do that with CDs, so mono tracks were just presented as two channels that sounded identical.
Although the Red Book Standard claims that you can use four channel sound, commercial CDs have not used this; Instead DVD audio is usually the standard for that particular format. When CDs first came into prominence, they were resonated at first by music aficionados that touted the superior sound quality of vinyl, which is something that some people still hold to today. The origin of this belief stems from the fact that early CDs used the cost cutting measure of having 14-bit digital-to-analog converters in lieu of the usual 16-bit ones, but that is in the past. Although technology has kept up, the discussion still rages as to which is better, vinyl or CD.
Compact Discs
A CD is a format that uses an optical disc to carry data in a digital format. Sony and Philips created this particular format together in 1980; It was meant to replace the vinyl record and provide a more secure method of carrying data. As they first looked into creating this design, they wanted to look at a 60 minute playing time for that format. Norio Oga, the vice president of Sony at the time, thought about that particular time limit so it would fit the 1951 recording of Beethoven's Symphony # 9. In later years, 80 minutes became the new time limit.
As the time passed, the format would expand and further itself, with CD-ROMS that could carry computer data to VCDs and SVCDs, which are video compact discs that could hold interactive media and photos as well, providing new ways to use the medium. Although the CD has been around for more than two decades, it is still the primary media for audio files.
Interactive media uses this type of CD. This had audio on it, but the first track instead held extra information which would not have been displayed on the table of contents for the CD. So when it was placed in a regular CD player, it would not play that track.
Although CD-i did not last long, it was used mostly for children's games and interactive coloring books.
The Red Book Standard also talks about CD-Text, which is a format that includes the audio tracks, along with text that provides the artist, track and album names. Although this feature is typical in most CDs now, there are some disks or hardware that does not use this. More and more new cars are including this feature in order to show data about your CDs. CD + Graphics (CD + G) and CD + Extended Graphics (CD + EG / CD + XG)
These formats have data on the audio, both in text format and in picture format, so you have more data on your tracks. While they operate normally in regular CD players, if you have a unique player you will be able to see added graphical information. For the most part, karaoke machines use these formats to display the lyrics so you can follow along.
When the CD first came out, audio playback was its only purpose. However, five years after its release, Philips and Sony thought they could use the same medium to display computer information. If you had a CD-ROM drive on your computer, you could play DVD-ROM disks.
Video CD (VCD) and Super Video CD (SVCD)
When the VCD and SVCD came out, they were the primary method of viewing video from a CD, and both DVD players and VCD players could use them. With VCDs, you could get VHS-level quality on the video, with improved visuals on the SVCD.
Picture and Photo CDs
Kodak developed the CD for use as a data storage medium to put your photos on, calling them Picture and Photo CDs. While they sound similar, there are significant differences in these two formats. With the Photo CD, you can hold 100 images of high quality images; The Picture CD, however, you can place far more images on them, but they are compressed JPEGs.
SACD (Super Audio CD)
This format is like the regular CD-DA, but the audio is at a much higher resolution, making the sound far better than a typical CD. With the advent of DVD-Audio, SACDs were created in order to combat its popularity, although the fact remains that DVD Audio did not catch on very well.
With an SACD, you will also be able to have a hybrid disc that includes both regular CD and SACD audio, giving you two options for quality on your tracks. That feature also permits you to play these SACDs in regular CD players and still hear the tracks.
CD-R (CD Recordable)
CD-Rs are CDs that have a photosensitive dye that the data spiral receives in the manufacturing process. The CD burner will then use a laser to alter the dye's color, imparting the information and giving it the ability to be played in a regular CD player, so its read laser can interpret the information.
While CD-R burns are intended to put the information on the disk forever, there is research that indicates, that the media will be unreadable over time. Although a physical CD can end up for a century, you may not have the same time frame with the information placed on it, due to the quality of the disk, how you store it, or how well the drive works. There are even tests that indicate an 18 month shelf life for burned CDs, especially if you do not take good enough care of your CDs.
CD-RW (CD Rewritable)
Compared to colored dyes in CD-R, CD-RWs use metallic allow to carry their information. When the write laser is used in the burner, the alloy is heated up in order to make the allow reflect the information on the disc. In this manner, it is converted into a typical CD and it can store the data.
Enhanced CDs
Enhanced CDs were used to put extra computer-related information onto an audio CD, thereby increasing the value of their music discs. If you had a CD-ROM drive, you could access unique features and data on your computer.
Once computers started to get more prevalent in the late 90s, more Enhanced CDs were created. Once Iron Maiden started to remaster their albums, they made their rereleases Enhanced CDs.
CD Recording
If you want to put data of your own onto a CD, there are many ways in which you can do it. There are CD-R, which necessitate making a permanent copy of your data, or CD-RWs, which allow you to rewrite and overwrite as you see fit.
Much like a CD, a DVD, or Digital Versatile Disc, is a format intended to store digital data. It can store both video and audio, as well as normal computer information. Although DVDs and CDs may look almost identical on the surface, DVDs have a much greater storage capacity. While CDs were expanded to provide a plethora of formats used for different purposes, DVDs only have yielded DVD Video and DVD Audio .
DVD-Random Access Memory is used mainly to back up data for computers in the event of an emergency. Compared to DVD writable and rewritable formats, DVD-RAM is far more efficient and durable due to the defect management capabilities and error control integrated into the medium. What's more, data can last much longer on a DVD-RAM, and has a greater capacity of being rewritten than RW disks on the whole. If you want to store data for a long time, this is the preferred method.
DVD-R and DVD + R
Both of these formats are quite similar in their purpose, but they do the same job in fairly different ways, making them quite dissimilar. They work not like recordable CDs in that dyes are used to store the information. Whatever the format, you are meant to put video or data onto the disk using these dyes; Although they both do the same thing, they do so in technically different ways, though this is inconsequential to the typical consumer due to the compatibility of the formats.
Due to this lack of real difference between consumers, there is no clear winner on the market, so both formats are here to stay for right now, as the public has not decided on one or the other.
Users can rewrite data onto a DVD disc using one of these formats, which both perform the same function They act just like CD-RWs in that metallic alloys are the secret to recording this overwritable data to a DVD; Also, just like with DVD-R and DVD + R formats, both formats are equally preferred and fairly identical, so there is no winner on that format. Since they are both compatible with burners and players of DVDs, no single format will win out.
DVD Audio
DVD-As or DVD Audio, is a method of fitting a DVD with high quality audio tracks. While this is a form of DVD, it is not meant to carry video, and carries few similarities. DVD-As do, however, allow you to have your music in a variety of formats from uncompressed mono to compressed 5.1 digital surround sound.
The year 2000 saw the release of DVD-As, where it started to compete with SACDs. In the end, both formats lost out to the disturbing impact of the CD.
DVD Recording
You can also record with DVDs, much like you could with audio CDs; There are recordable formats that you can use to put your own data onto a DVD, such as DVD-R and DVD + R where you can write it once to a disc, or DVD-RW and DVD + RW where you can keep rewriting, Not to mention DVD-RAM.
DVD Video
In this day and age, most people get their digital video media in the form of DVD. Japan bought this product in 1996, and it started to dethrone VHS very quickly. While Blu-ray format is newer, it is still too expensive and not widespread enough to beat DVDs except in Japan.
With a DVD Video, you get MPEG-2 files that are compressed to fit a movie or television show, but the video quality is much better than a VHS. There are even features such as menus, chapters, subtitles and even featurettes and extra audio tracks you can add on.
Source by Keith A Gilbert
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/what-are-the-popular-cd-dvd-standard-formats-2/
0 notes
greggory--lee · 7 years
What are the popular CD-DVD Standard Formats?
The first format that was created for CDs was the audio CD. It was meant to succeed the vinyl record as a method for storing and playing music and was called the Compacy Disc Digital Audio. Cassettes and records were the primary methods of carrying audio, but they had problems that were addressed with the help of CDs. The quality of the vinyl on the record could degrade as you kept playing it back, which could lead to lower sound quality, which CDs fixed.
The "Red Book," so named because of the color that the cover sports, shows that the medium standard for your typical Compact Disc is meant to carry a frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz, and two channel 16-bit PCM encoding is used to Convey the audio, giving it a high standard for quality. While cassette tapes or records typically have monaural recordings, you could not do that with CDs, so mono tracks were just presented as two channels that sounded identical.
Although the Red Book Standard claims that you can use four channel sound, commercial CDs have not used this; Instead DVD audio is usually the standard for that particular format. When CDs first came into prominence, they were resonated at first by music aficionados that touted the superior sound quality of vinyl, which is something that some people still hold to today. The origin of this belief stems from the fact that early CDs used the cost cutting measure of having 14-bit digital-to-analog converters in lieu of the usual 16-bit ones, but that is in the past. Although technology has kept up, the discussion still rages as to which is better, vinyl or CD.
Compact Discs
A CD is a format that uses an optical disc to carry data in a digital format. Sony and Philips created this particular format together in 1980; It was meant to replace the vinyl record and provide a more secure method of carrying data. As they first looked into creating this design, they wanted to look at a 60 minute playing time for that format. Norio Oga, the vice president of Sony at the time, thought about that particular time limit so it would fit the 1951 recording of Beethoven's Symphony # 9. In later years, 80 minutes became the new time limit.
As the time passed, the format would expand and further itself, with CD-ROMS that could carry computer data to VCDs and SVCDs, which are video compact discs that could hold interactive media and photos as well, providing new ways to use the medium. Although the CD has been around for more than two decades, it is still the primary media for audio files.
Interactive media uses this type of CD. This had audio on it, but the first track instead held extra information which would not have been displayed on the table of contents for the CD. So when it was placed in a regular CD player, it would not play that track.
Although CD-i did not last long, it was used mostly for children's games and interactive coloring books.
The Red Book Standard also talks about CD-Text, which is a format that includes the audio tracks, along with text that provides the artist, track and album names. Although this feature is typical in most CDs now, there are some disks or hardware that does not use this. More and more new cars are including this feature in order to show data about your CDs. CD + Graphics (CD + G) and CD + Extended Graphics (CD + EG / CD + XG)
These formats have data on the audio, both in text format and in picture format, so you have more data on your tracks. While they operate normally in regular CD players, if you have a unique player you will be able to see added graphical information. For the most part, karaoke machines use these formats to display the lyrics so you can follow along.
When the CD first came out, audio playback was its only purpose. However, five years after its release, Philips and Sony thought they could use the same medium to display computer information. If you had a CD-ROM drive on your computer, you could play DVD-ROM disks.
Video CD (VCD) and Super Video CD (SVCD)
When the VCD and SVCD came out, they were the primary method of viewing video from a CD, and both DVD players and VCD players could use them. With VCDs, you could get VHS-level quality on the video, with improved visuals on the SVCD.
Picture and Photo CDs
Kodak developed the CD for use as a data storage medium to put your photos on, calling them Picture and Photo CDs. While they sound similar, there are significant differences in these two formats. With the Photo CD, you can hold 100 images of high quality images; The Picture CD, however, you can place far more images on them, but they are compressed JPEGs.
SACD (Super Audio CD)
This format is like the regular CD-DA, but the audio is at a much higher resolution, making the sound far better than a typical CD. With the advent of DVD-Audio, SACDs were created in order to combat its popularity, although the fact remains that DVD Audio did not catch on very well.
With an SACD, you will also be able to have a hybrid disc that includes both regular CD and SACD audio, giving you two options for quality on your tracks. That feature also permits you to play these SACDs in regular CD players and still hear the tracks.
CD-R (CD Recordable)
CD-Rs are CDs that have a photosensitive dye that the data spiral receives in the manufacturing process. The CD burner will then use a laser to alter the dye's color, imparting the information and giving it the ability to be played in a regular CD player, so its read laser can interpret the information.
While CD-R burns are intended to put the information on the disk forever, there is research that indicates, that the media will be unreadable over time. Although a physical CD can end up for a century, you may not have the same time frame with the information placed on it, due to the quality of the disk, how you store it, or how well the drive works. There are even tests that indicate an 18 month shelf life for burned CDs, especially if you do not take good enough care of your CDs.
CD-RW (CD Rewritable)
Compared to colored dyes in CD-R, CD-RWs use metallic allow to carry their information. When the write laser is used in the burner, the alloy is heated up in order to make the allow reflect the information on the disc. In this manner, it is converted into a typical CD and it can store the data.
Enhanced CDs
Enhanced CDs were used to put extra computer-related information onto an audio CD, thereby increasing the value of their music discs. If you had a CD-ROM drive, you could access unique features and data on your computer.
Once computers started to get more prevalent in the late 90s, more Enhanced CDs were created. Once Iron Maiden started to remaster their albums, they made their rereleases Enhanced CDs.
CD Recording
If you want to put data of your own onto a CD, there are many ways in which you can do it. There are CD-R, which necessitate making a permanent copy of your data, or CD-RWs, which allow you to rewrite and overwrite as you see fit.
Much like a CD, a DVD, or Digital Versatile Disc, is a format intended to store digital data. It can store both video and audio, as well as normal computer information. Although DVDs and CDs may look almost identical on the surface, DVDs have a much greater storage capacity. While CDs were expanded to provide a plethora of formats used for different purposes, DVDs only have yielded DVD Video and DVD Audio .
DVD-Random Access Memory is used mainly to back up data for computers in the event of an emergency. Compared to DVD writable and rewritable formats, DVD-RAM is far more efficient and durable due to the defect management capabilities and error control integrated into the medium. What's more, data can last much longer on a DVD-RAM, and has a greater capacity of being rewritten than RW disks on the whole. If you want to store data for a long time, this is the preferred method.
DVD-R and DVD + R
Both of these formats are quite similar in their purpose, but they do the same job in fairly different ways, making them quite dissimilar. They work not like recordable CDs in that dyes are used to store the information. Whatever the format, you are meant to put video or data onto the disk using these dyes; Although they both do the same thing, they do so in technically different ways, though this is inconsequential to the typical consumer due to the compatibility of the formats.
Due to this lack of real difference between consumers, there is no clear winner on the market, so both formats are here to stay for right now, as the public has not decided on one or the other.
Users can rewrite data onto a DVD disc using one of these formats, which both perform the same function They act just like CD-RWs in that metallic alloys are the secret to recording this overwritable data to a DVD; Also, just like with DVD-R and DVD + R formats, both formats are equally preferred and fairly identical, so there is no winner on that format. Since they are both compatible with burners and players of DVDs, no single format will win out.
DVD Audio
DVD-As or DVD Audio, is a method of fitting a DVD with high quality audio tracks. While this is a form of DVD, it is not meant to carry video, and carries few similarities. DVD-As do, however, allow you to have your music in a variety of formats from uncompressed mono to compressed 5.1 digital surround sound.
The year 2000 saw the release of DVD-As, where it started to compete with SACDs. In the end, both formats lost out to the disturbing impact of the CD.
DVD Recording
You can also record with DVDs, much like you could with audio CDs; There are recordable formats that you can use to put your own data onto a DVD, such as DVD-R and DVD + R where you can write it once to a disc, or DVD-RW and DVD + RW where you can keep rewriting, Not to mention DVD-RAM.
DVD Video
In this day and age, most people get their digital video media in the form of DVD. Japan bought this product in 1996, and it started to dethrone VHS very quickly. While Blu-ray format is newer, it is still too expensive and not widespread enough to beat DVDs except in Japan.
With a DVD Video, you get MPEG-2 files that are compressed to fit a movie or television show, but the video quality is much better than a VHS. There are even features such as menus, chapters, subtitles and even featurettes and extra audio tracks you can add on.
Source by Keith A Gilbert
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/what-are-the-popular-cd-dvd-standard-formats/
0 notes