#or like school kids using it and it creating entirely fake quotes and whatnot
coldbug · 1 year
yeah tho the lady was like…
“well ai is here to stay, so all of your arguments against it don’t matter” and was saying shit about how like. it’s a powerful tool and wouldn’t you rather it be in the hands of the masses than the oppressors? i want ai to have my values, not the koch brother’s values
i’m sitting there like BITCHHH. who do you think is training the ai????? funding the ai??? whose biases do you think the ai has??? please be a little less fucking oblivious and dumb? ai ISNT your friend. ai Doesn’t have “your values” (ai doesn’t have values at all girl it’s not fucking intelligent it’s literally applied statistics 🙃)
it was so painful
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
where is your dad from?
where is your mom from?
what’re you listening to?
I’m watching Roseanne.
when you put on makeup, what do you usually use?
Just eyeliner and mascara, usually. Sometimes eye shadow.
do you enjoy teaching people, particularly about subjects or skills you are passionate about?
I like helping if I can. I help my brother and cousin with their homework sometimes, like editing a paper or something. I used to love playing school when I was a kid and being the teacher.
has your anxiety alone ever prevented you from doing something you wanted to do?
Definitely. It gets in the way of a lot of things.
do you enjoy reading stories and novels that are heavily stylistic, poetic, or unconventional or do you prefer your prose to follow a familiar grammatical structure?
The books I read follow a familiar grammatical structure. Nothing fancy going on.
what do you think matters more: individual happiness and satisfaction or entire group benefit? can you give an example for your rationale?
Well, I don’t think it’s just one or the other. I do consider others when making some decisions if it will affect them in some way, too. I want to do what will benefit everyone if possible. I definitely don’t want to hurt anyone. For so long I  put others needs first, and ignored my own.  However, sometimes you have to do what’s right for you. You are the one living your life, and it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. You don’t have to consider others when making every single decision. Some things are just more personal and will have a greater effect on your life.
does media rhetoric about millennials tend to get it way wrong or do you find some of the criticisms and observations about this generation to be fair?
Some of it maybe, but I think some of what is said can be a bit harsh and just untrue. At least not true for all of us. Times are different now, and a lot has changed. It doesn’t mean we don’t have struggles of our own. Our lives aren’t perfect. We are lucky to have the advancements we have, and yes it can’t be denied that it has been convenient and helps make things a little easier. However, we still have to work hard. Plus, they have to remember who raised us. If they have any complaints about millennials being lazy or whatever it is, maybe consider they have something to do with that.
do you tend to read reviews before you watch a movie or read a book? what do you hope to get out of doing so?
Not usually. I read using the Kindle app, so it does show ratings for each book as well as reviews. If I’m not sure about a book, I might check out some of the reviews just to get a better idea. If it interests me, I’ll read it regardless of the reviews. With movies, I’ll often hear about it if it’s like a big movie. I’ll hear or read somewhere online if it’s good or if it’s a flop at the box office. If it’s a movie I haven’t heard much about, I might look it up to read about the movie itself and base my decision on that. Again, even if there are bad reviews for a movie and Rotten Tomatoes gives it a bad score or whatever, it doesn’t really stop me from the seeing the movie if it’s something that interests me. I ultimately make the decision. I’ve heard about movies that are supposed to be hilarious that I found to be stupid. On the flip side, I’ve heard about movies that had bad reviews and I enjoyed it, so. You can’t always go by that.
do you find that visiting certain websites can put you in a bad mood? have you ever taken a break from a website?
Well, sure. Like with Facebook, for example. People only share the good stuff generally, and so from that perspective it can seem like everyone else has this happy and perfect life. I’ll see pictures of couples and people traveling and doing fun things, and I’m just here in bed feeling like crap all the time. It’s like everyone else is doing something with their lives, no problems at all. I know that’s not true, but it’s easy to get caught up in that. It can make you feel bad. On Tumblr, I follow some blogs that post sad things. I come across sad quotes and sad posts that people post about their own lives. It certainly doesn’t do any good if you’re already feeling depressed yourself. And yet, I follow the blogs that post stuff like that.
when you go to a concert, how far must you travel for the most usual venues you visit?
Only about forty-five minutes to an hour.
if you feel that a friendship or new relationship is not going to work out, how do you handle that situation? do you allow it to continue in hopes of improvement or do you have any strategies on how to make it end?
Hmm. If it’s a friendship, it’ll likely just fizzle out and we drift apart. If it was a relationship, I wouldn’t want to keep it going for long if things just weren’t working out. If you’ve given it a try and it’s not working, it’s best to just put an end to it before it goes too long and gets more complicated. It’s not fair to you or the other person.
what is a personality trait you possess that you consider to be negative and positive (ex. you are a good judge of people but sometimes you judge others too quickly)?
Hmm... I don’t know.
what was the last sporting event you watched? who were you rooting for and who ended up winning?
I don’t care for sports at all.
have you ever created a fake internet persona for yourself?
what was going on in your life at this time last year? would you rather your current life be as it is right now or as it was then?
Things were still going pretty well between Ty and I. We were still hanging out a lot and whatnot towards the beginning of this month. I think he was already back in school by this point; though, so I knew our hangouts wouldn’t be as much. We were still getting together for coffee or lunch at least once a week. We did that, and it was going well until March.
how similar is your current life to what you once imagined it would be at this moment (e.g., “i never imagined that i would have children at this age, but here i am!”)?
Younger me didn’t think a whole lot about what future me might be doing by a certain point. Even now I don’t do that. I dwell a lot on the past, and I deal with the stuff in the present, but the future terrifies me. However, I can assure you that I didn’t think I’d be wasting away or that my health would get worse. I’m sure I at least thought I’d be doing something with my life by this point.
in any of your areas of interest, is there a certain theory, viewpoint, or scholar that you tend to disagree with, even if it is popular among others? if no fields of interest come to mind, is there a line of advice that you disagree with, but is popular with others?
Well, yeah. I majored in psychology, and there are a lot of different theories and viewpoints. Like, behavioral psychologists think one thing and clinical psychologists think another. Sigmund Freud had his interesting theories that people don’t all agree with.
what is something that you feel is lacking in your life? are you working to achieve this or is it something that’s more up to happenstance?  
I’m lacking a lot of things. Things like happiness, drive, motivation, ambition, passion, money, adventure, good health, purpose...
is it easy for you to get stuck in prolonged bouts of sadness or do you tend to bounce back very quickly?
I’ve struggled with depression for much of my life, but when I was in school, doing something with my time to keep me busy, and when I actually had more of a social life; it came in bouts usually. Sadness would hit me at certain times like if I had a little too much free time or when I was up alone at night. School just kept me occupied for the most part, and I would push the sadness aside and focus on that. I always was one who put my own stuff aside and was there for others and focused on them and their problems. I did that for years. The thing about always pushing stuff aside and not dealing with it is that at some point it will rear its ugly head and demand to be dealt with. That’s what happened when I graduated college and had a ton of free time to be alone with my thoughts and dwell on everything. I sank further and further into depression, and it wasn’t something I could just push aside and bounce back from. I was in too deep, and now I can’t figure out how to get out.
do you enjoy going to weddings or showers? what is it that you like or dislike about them?
I’ve only been to three weddings, which I thought were nice and pretty fun. I’ve been to one wedding shower, which was nice as well. I don’t have any complaints about them.
think about your favorite thing to do. how easily would you be able to cope if you were physically non longer able to do that thing, or had to dramatically cut down on time spent doing it? what would you do instead?
Is it sad the only things I like to do are Tumblr, surveys, read, color, and watch TV? I don’t do much of anything else. :/ If I couldn’t do any of those things then damn what would I do?
what do you predict will happen to humanity in the future, with the imminence of global warming’s destruction of the planet? e.g., there’s no hope or we will leave the planet, etc.
I don’t know, I’d rather not think about it.
is there a person in your life whom you support by showing up for the sports games, concerts, or other performances?
I don’t know anyone who is involved in any of that kind of stuff. However, I support my family in other ways in what they do.
when you revisit some of your old favorites, whether music, films, or something else are you ever surprised at how much you dislike it now?
That hasn’t really happened. I still like it now like I did then, and sometimes even more so because I have a better understanding and appreciation for it as I get older.
what does your favorite shirt look like?
I don’t have a favorite shirt.
what are your favorite kind of jeans?
Dark wash skinny jeans.
how many video games do you have?
I don’t have any.
how many does your dining room/kitchen table seat?
It can sit about eight.
what kind of cookie do you like best?
Shortbread, sugar, and wafer.
do you get the meat from the deli?
I don’t recall the last time we did that.
do you own a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc.?
ever played on a sports team?
are you listening to any music?
why did you take the last pill you took?
It was my pain medication. You can probably guess why I took it.
are you happy with your looks?
which was worst for you: freshman year of high school or of college?
High School.
do you prefer your men/women to have light hair or dark hair?
do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
who was the last person you laid in a bed with?
My mom. We were catching up on some Dr. Phil episodes we had missed recently.
has a girl ever stayed up with you all night? a guy?
the last person you kissed treat you right?
who is someone who puts up with you no matter what?
My family. Thank goodness for them.
do you have trust issues?
I just have a hard time opening up and expressing myself.
if you could find one long lost friend of the past, who would it be?
My friends from middle school.
when was the last time you colored with crayons?
I don’t know. I use colored pencils when I color.
do you sunburn easily?
what’s your favorite filling in chocolates?
what breed of dog do you find the most annoying?
Aww. I don’t know.
what would you name your first born son?
would you ever attend a gay pride parade or festival?
have you ever had sex?
do you like oral sex?
do you think guys look good with make up?
I used to be into the guys with eyeliner look when I was younger.
have you ever pierced yourself?
did you ever have a retainer
were you/are you popular in school?
Haha no.
have you ever 69'ed?
are you a wrestling fan?
do you/did you like high school?
I liked some parts of it, like the rallies.
how long would you wait to become sexually active with someone you’re dating?
There isn’t a certain amount of time that I’m like, ‘okay after X amount of time I want to have sex with them.’ However long until I’m ready.
when did you last make up a baby’s bottle?
Not since my seventeen year old brother was a baby.
ever been addicted to a video/computer game? which one?
Yeah, The Sims.
what’s something you should throw away, but can’t? what value does it hold to you? explain.
I hold onto a lot of things because of emotional attachment.
do you enjoy a good debate or prefer keeping the peace?
I don’t debate.
where did you last stay overnight other than your house?
A hotel.
can you ever see yourself and your ex back together?
who is the funniest person you know?
Everyone I know is pretty funny.
what would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?
are you going to any concerts or festivals this summer?
when was the last time you went to the movie theaters? what movie did you see?
Yesterday I saw Split with my mom and brother.
did you ever go to a mental hospital?
Yes. The psychology club I was in visited one.
are you a person that enjoys re-reading books?
I never re-read books, actually. I don’t really know why.
what do you think of country music?
I like some of it.
when you apply your make-up, do you do it in a specific order?
Eyeliner then mascara.
do you like a partner who is clean cut or rugged?
More clean cut, but a little ruggedness isn’t bad.
new tats in your near future?
I don’t have any old tats to begin with.
how about piercings or re-piercings?
do converse look/feel uncomfortable to you?
Nope. I wear my black and white ones all the time.
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