#or lt zhang x ba ye?
unfortunatelycake · 1 year
Finished watching Ultimate Note and unsurprisingly there are many loose ends, but it was still a satisfying watch.
And like. I did not go into any of these Graverobber's Chronicles adaptations looking for ships, but they happened anyway. The characters just had the kind of dynamics that press all the right buttons, and such great chemistry.
I'd like to write some kind of intelligent review but brain is made of goo and fixating on What Next???
I'm torn between moving onto the next drama chronologically (Tomb of the Sea, which is the first one I watched lol) skipping that and going on to the next I haven't watched (Reunion: The Sound of the Providence) or just... diving into AO3 to see what tasty meals are on offer.
Or raiding tumblr tags. Hm.
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