#or maybe i just have a bias to early tech art lol
dreamlanddeluxe · 8 months
I need to educate myself further on the depths of early tech advancements and video art, but eventually I'd love to make a video essay about how it connects to electric dreams because I truly believe that in a way it's a love letter to the rising genre of video art and electronic sound art present in the movie's time period. I know it I just need more context to make proper connections.
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cantunesmusic · 4 years
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Im Interview mit Bill Abernathy
• Where are you from?
I live in Kansas City Mo. My home and practice studio are in the historic KC City Market. It’s really cool to live in such a historic town and a historic area. The building I live in is listed on the National Historic Register, and I am a half a block from the largest city market in the mid-west. I built my loft here about 4 years ago. We call in with Wonderland of Wood. If you like rough edge wood, antiques, Native American, Mayan, Aztek art, and guitars, you will feel right at home here.
• How did you start making music?
I’ve been playing since I was a young boy, starting when I was about 8 or so. Primarily staring with church music and quickly evolved into what I do now.
• What was the first album you bought?
Wow, tough question. I know the first 45 I ever bought was “In the year 2525 by Zager and Evans. I’ve always enjoyed science fiction and futuristic thought so evidently that started pretty early. If my first album purchase was not Dan Fogelberg or CSN I would be surprised.
• What is the song 'Cry Wolf' about?
Cry Wolf is a statement exposing the bias in our media and subsequently in our politics. I find it disturbing that we have to weed through the various media miss reporting and miss information to come to some element of understanding of our current social environment. More disturbing is our love of spreading the “alternate facts” throughout social media. So tell me folks, Who is Crying Wolf? Our new project that will launch in a few weeks has another tune along these lines. One song, “More Than Meets The Eye” is a social statement we are calling Cry Wolf on steroids, and we are having a lot of fun recording it.
• Is it part of an EP or Album?
Cry Wolf is on our Crossing Willow Creek album along with several other singles released from the CWC project. We have been fortunate to have had 4 tunes from that project release as singles and doing well across the globe.
• What artist are you most inspired by?
I am a fan of singer songwriters. I think hearing their thoughts and concepts expressed through music is really special. Whether that be a love song, and breakup song, a social statement, or a tune that draws pictures in your min through the use of words and sounds. Inspirations are everywhere, but I am and have been a big Dan Fogelberg fan all my life. I tend to lean toward the tunes that are deeper in his projects than the hits we hear on the radio. I am particularly fond of his songs “These Days, and Nexus” Great writing and great production.
• Do you still listen to vinyl?
Yes! I think the sound reproduction on vinyl is much closer to the real sounds we record in the studio. Maybe someday the technology will be available to recreate that warm full sound in a more user-friendly technology.
• What do you think about music streaming?
Streaming is the industry these days for the bulk of listeners. It is handy and easy for end users of the technology. We all wish the business end of streaming was more lucrative for sure, and it seems there is now some movement in the business to start making that happen. I know all of us would appreciate it.
• How do you record your music?
I have some tech at the home studio I use to write and work on the songs. I use a full service “boutique” recording studio named LA Audio in Olathe Kansas. I know a lot of people are home recording and producing their tunes, but that just does not work for me. I like the more professional sounds and particularly the professional environment for recording, collaboration and de stressing the recording process. Plus, I am an acoustic guy and getting the acoustic guitars represented properly on a recording is best done in a professional environment. I have learned that the best recordings come with all the folks doing what they do best. I write play and sing. The rest of the production team does what they do far better than I could, so I focus on my stuff and get out of the way. Ha-ha.
• Where can we find your music online?
You can find me about anywhere online. My web site is BillAbernathy.com. My Facebook is Bill Abernathy Singer Songwriter. You can find all our social media links easily on these sites. Of course, our music is available on all the major platforms ie iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, Amazon, Pandora etc…  Check it out, you may like it. lol
My Website – www.billabernathy.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/billabernathymusic/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/bill_abernathy
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I think its so frustrating that so many think things are so black and white, especially social issues.
Someone goes overboard and simplifies an issue to the point of falshood and you try to FIx that, but then some asshole comes in and goes “lol yea that Problem there doesnt exist and i’m tired of “THESE PEOPLE” trying to trick us into thinking things like sexism, racism and homophobia are real”
Like....real life is complicated and even if morals in some cases are either good or bad that the thouands of circumstances (in part created by billions of people ) are rarely so simple.
Like you cant discuss how people misconstrue the fact that Pharah is a military jock 4 inches taller than Angela and would thus be the strong muscled one, and how depictions of her being flustered with romance (with mercy) is because people like the idea of the “Well put together soldier having trouble with romance” which is in media everywhere (just usually you know, with a boy) and has nothing to do with any alleged worship of this ‘white godess”. You could change the genders and races of either character and the dynamic would be the same because its a very common one. HOWEVER them some asshole comes in and uses this as an example of how “overwatch and its fans are never racist and this is an example of the SJWs getting ‘triggered”. Completely ignoring the fact that there is tons of proof of early overwatch development being created by concious or subconcious sexual and racial bias. Obviously when they first previewed Overwatch a year before release they immediately got feedback and streamlined things to make their future Women of Color better. but the fact is that the Initial Overwatch backbone agents (Torbjorn, Jack morrison, Angela, Reinhardt,) are all very white. that when the initial art that inspired this game was made that it was made with that racial bias of that “these heroes would be from America/Europe mostly with a few tokens from other continents”. That Fareeha (and Lucio) where badly created (voicewise) characters that had people faking Racial accents (which they tried to fix with Ana and Doomfist by having more appropriate voice actors). I Personally have faith that the Overwatch team had learned their lesson however that was AFTER their preview and before feedback resulting in the backbone of overwatch permanently being victim of the industry and creators systemic racism, regardless of concious or unconcious
A similar situation is the drama around Dream Daddy: a Dad dating Simulator
Its a game made for a general audience but with a focus on gay fans (and non fans) created by developers that is overwhelmingly (50%ish) lgbtq. However it is inevitably tied to the Game Grumps.
So what we have here is  straight people and gay people slandering a gay game made for gay people because of ties to people who have been less than respectful in the past (and present?). Not only are we really unable to see If the game’s quality is up to par (in regards to social issues) because its not released yet  but there is the question of if this is an attempt for the Game Grumps to give something back by financially supporting this while not “ruining” it with their own input. (as in someone producing something and putting their own self insert in is often pretty half assed and can hurt the flow of a movie/game). However thought he game ITSELF is important that what is also important is holding a company, a brand accountable. The Game Grumps are NOT just “some guys on the internet”. They are extremely well known social media celebrities who make money off advertisements and subscriptions. They are a company first and foremost and its up to them to decide if they want to have any form of Moral responsibility. As such they are 100% accountable for everything THEY did in the past in addition to anyone in relation to them.
So you have people on both sides slandering one thing or another. But honestly the only opinion worse than “slander this(possibly?) progressive game because its loosely tied to someone else” is “Oh the Grumps have NEVER done anything wrong ever in their life and i Support them no matter what. UwU” because frankly people who support celebrities no matter what can choke. If you are a REAL fan you should be critical of the celebrities you like and hold them to a high standard .and in addition to that the people who want to dis or dismiss the game because its tied to them fail to realize probably everything they like is tied to some sicko. Walt Disney had nazi friends, most of the tech you use was made in sweatshops or slave labor. Johnny depp is an abuser, Marvel is run by a nazi lover (Disney/marvel alliance ftw?), World of warcraft STILL doesnt allow you to be black, Twitter continues to not hold harrassers accountable and the most progressive US President killed innocent civilians in the middle east and was the Deporter in Chief who sent children to their deaths
No one is immune. So while I do think you have a right to slander things you think are problematic there is literally an infinite number of things that are horrible in this world so maybe pick one of those instead of holding  things like The Black Panther, or “Men loving men is a wholesome good thing: the game” to standards not even met elsewhere in the industries but ALSO dont act like Critics dont have a right to criticize things.
The world is not simple
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