#or maybe in a forest with lanterns and streamers
jormshands · 4 months
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sungbeam · 10 months
demon!ji changmin x reader
birthdays have never mattered to him—until it was yours.
1.7k words, fluff, supernatural/demon au, minimal swearing, est. relationship au, a night terrors hc
read night terrors / peruse the collection post
a/n: continuing to expand their story for my own sanity :') istg i will go back to writing their snarky banter at some point (i just like soft romance 🤕)
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JI CHANGMIN HAD ALWAYS THOUGHT OF BIRTHDAYS as insignificant, trivial matters. Perhaps that was because that was how he was raised to think of them as; hardly anyone in Hell cared for such a frankly human celebration of life. Even when he ended up on the mortal plane, he never seemed to fully grasp the concept.
There were always, within the couple years he knew your sister, days she would refuse to take on a client or work if it was your birthday. It could be the end of the world, and she would turn an adventure down to be at your side to celebrate your birthday. Despite being gone from home so often, she never failed to remember.
Maybe that was part of the reason he was freaking out now.
“What's all this?” He asked to the room as he munched on a blueberry pancake from the kitchen. When he walked into the pack house for breakfast this morning, he'd been greeted by the sight of Kevin and Jacob working together to string a Happy Birthday banner in the foyer. Balloons and streamers dangled and dazzled about the stair banister and around the walls. Lily had even recruited the little ones to help make about a thousand and one cupcakes.
Kevin and Jacob's heads both snapped over to him. “You're shitting me, right?” Kevin asked. Atop the ladder he stood on, he placed a hand on his hip.
Changmin blinked. “I know it's someone's birthday; I can see it on the banner.” He threw his free hand in the direction of said item.
Kevin and Jacob exchanged looks with each other. Jacob was next to speak: “Changmin, do you seriously not know who's birthday it is?”
“No, am I supposed to?”
“Did you guys say Yn likes the firefly lanterns or the sparklers?” Juyeon waltzed in through the front door with his arms piled full of a smorgasbord of lighting arrangements. He nearly dropped one of the glass firefly lanterns (currently devoid of fireflies, luckily), and he just managed to fumble it between his fingers before it hit the ground and shattered.
Why would he ask what you…
The dots snapped together.
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The night had swelled into a symphony of merriment and mirth. The party everyone had thrown for you had sailed smoothly, with Eric and Haknyeon having dragged you back from your hike through the forest only to return to everyone's welcome and well wishes. Along with lovely songs, so much good company and food, and a massive cupcake with a candle staked in its frosting, the night simmered out with music and games in the town center as always.
But by the end, your energy was fizzled out, and you found yourself shoving your face into the mass of a familiar body.
His chuckle was warm as he cupped the back of your head, cradling you and pressing something sweet to the side of your head with his lips. “Tired, sweetheart?”
“Mmh,” you hummed, eyes fluttering closed. After a long day full of activity and energy, it was time to recharge. The two of you stood upon the inn's front porch where you usually shacked up when you weren't on the road for Changmin's job. At some point, you figured you would settle down somewhere more permanent, but there was a part of you that figured your counterpart's skin crawled at the idea of putting roots down somewhere.
Forever was permanent and long, but you were patient.
You heard him—felt him—clear his throat above you. “You—you’re not super tired, are you?” But as soon as he said that, he seemed to backpedal. “If you are, then it's okay. You need the rest.”
“What is it, Changmin?”
“It's nothing, I—”
You pulled back from him and arched a brow high. “Tell me.”
He winced to himself, cupping the back of his neck. You hadn't seen him so nervous before. “I—” he huffed as if he was working up the courage to say something, “Can I show you something?”
“Yeah, sure,” you said with a nod. You offered out your hand to him with a cheeky smile on your face. “Where to?”
Changmin's eyes darted from your face to your extended hand, then back up to your face. He slipped his hand into yours, fingers interlocking until your entwined hands hung between your bodies. “Upstairs,” he said, inclining his chin in toward the inn.
So upstairs, you ventured.
Instead of splitting yourselves up into two separate rooms like the very first time, you both shared a bedroom at the end of the second floor corridor. It wasn't like Changmin slept much anyway, so most nights you got free reign with bed space.
You didn't know why your heart began kicking up in speed as you approached the door. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary—no cliché rose petals strewn over the path, no candle light coming from beneath the door. You didn't expect anything of that sort from him, and frankly, you would have been suspicious if you ever witnessed something of that sort from him.
Changmin still hadn't said anything when you opened the door and let yourselves in. The bedroom was dark with only the light from the courtyard outside streaming through the slitted shutters on the window. There didn't seem to be anything new for him to show you here…
You sighed, letting go of his hand so you could massage your temples with the tips of your fingers. “I'm glad I didn't drink a lot tonight,” you mused, “I think I'm gonna need to train my tolerance back up again or something.”
“Yn,” he finally said, voice low.
You turned to face him, eyes wide as they adjusted to the darkness better. “Yeah?”
“It's on the nightstand.” Changmin shoved his hands into his pants pockets and if you weren't mistaken, there was a jittery energy about him.
“Right, okay.” A part of you became giddy at the thought that he got you something for your birthday—because that was what this was, right? Of course, you neither expected nor required something from him; you weren't even aware demons knew what a birthday celebration was.
Yet, you moved toward your side of the bed, leaning over to twist the lantern on to give the room a bit of warm light. Just as he said, there was something sitting on the nightstand beside your phone and the lamp.
Your heart stopped clean in your chest for a long second.
It was a ring.
There was no studded jewel at its apex; it was a band made of a dark material that gleamed like the color of mercury in the light. There seemed to be some kind of engraving on the side, but from where it sat, you couldn't make out exactly what it read.
You suddenly didn't know how to use your hands. Your fingers froze midair, unable to decide what to do with what sat there, waiting for you, calling out to you, for you.
“Changmin—” Your fingers miraculously managed to thaw and carefully pluck the ring into your grasp. You swiveled on your foot to face him, holding it up. He still stood where he'd been before like his feet were glued to the floor. “What… what is this?”
The organ in your chest hammered so hard against your chest that your ears were filled with the sound of rushing blood.
He swallowed. His dark irises flashed in the dim lantern light and you crossed the room to stand in front of him again. “It's—it’s a birthday present.” Changmin unconsciously scratched his bicep then gripped his arm. “I don't really know how birthday presents work, but you know, it seemed like an important thing, so it must call for something important in return,” he murmured, now cupping the back of his neck and trying to avoid your eyes.
It was interesting seeing him so flustered and grasping for an explanation.
“And I remembered that I—” When he raised his eyes to meet yours again, they searched your face. He lost his voice for a moment, all sense of thought. You still didn't know what he saw there to make him pause. A sigh fell from his lips. “When demons are born, they're given a naming ring,” he said quietly. “The stone used adjusts to the wearer's finger, so it can be worn all throughout their life. I guess it's kind of like a birthday celebration, just at the beginning of our lives.”
He motioned to the ring in your possession. “That's… that's mine. My name's in Latin on the side.”
Your thumb ran along the grooves carved into the stone, and though you didn't know Latin, you would commit the feel of his name to memory.
“Why are you giving this to me if it's so important to you, hm?” You asked softly.
“You're important to me.”
And if only every question between two people could be solved with so simple, yet so powerful an answer. You were positively devastated. “Oh, Changmin—”
He was quick to add, “If you don't want it and it's weird, then that's fine. I—”
“I love it. Thank you.”
A smile curled itself onto your face and you saw it slowly reciprocate on his. You held up your hand, inspecting your fingers and wondering which you should wear it on. “Y'know,” you murmured, “Sena told me that the jewelry on each finger represents something.” You couldn't remember every one specifically, but you didn't have to doubt either of the ring fingers. Though this was no wedding ring, your right ring finger would do nicely.
“What does that one mean?” He asked quietly as you slid the band over your chosen digit. The stone was cool and smooth to the touch, and it seemed to fit exactly right, just as he said it would.
“Not really sure,” you confessed as he took your newly adorned hand into his. His thumb immediately went to feel his name curled around your finger. “Something that describes what you mean to me though.”
The light in Changmin's eyes was tender, warm, happy. He cupped the side of your face with his hand and brought his lips to your head, mouth lingering there for a second longer. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
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a/n: it's not an engagement ring, so don't look at me like that. i'm Not Delusional, YOU ARE— (for those who need to know, the right ring finger is love and trust :'))
night terrors fic / collection
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @tinkerbell460 @kaaimins @hyunjaespresent-deobi @otterly-fey @zzoguri @floatingpluto @winterchimez @ethereal-engene @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @loveliestfelix @bless-311 @zhaixiaowen @leaz-kpop-life @amourdsr @pxppxrminty @kqyutie @sseastar-main @kxthleen14 @fluorescentloves @mosviqu @justalildumpling @jaerisdiction @super-btstrash-posts @jundundun @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @outrologist @vernonburger @maessseongs @ericlvr @mars101
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dark-angel-of-muses · 11 months
The Gift Of The Mag(Pie)
Lu Wing Bois AU by @breannasfluff
AO3 Link
“How do I look?” Hyrule spun around to show off his yukata. It was forest green, with light yellow maple leaf imprints dotted across the fabric. Naturally, there was no back so his wings could stretch free behind him, so the top was tied behind his neck in a pretty bow.
“You always look lovely. How about me?” Ravio opted for a navy blue set of robes, with white dots speckled across the fabric to imitate a night sky. He also twisted his hair to include a crown braid framing his bangs, holding the braid in place with a lapis lazuli bead clip.
“If it weren’t for the feathers on your ear, I’d be saying you were trying to attract some suitors.” Hyrule’s laugh sounded like bell chimes.
Ravio blushed, but brushed off the comment. He and Mr. Hero were still at a bit of an impasse. He was hopeful his flockmate was interested, but they still hadn’t put anything into words yet. Wild and Hyrule loved teasing them for it. Even if it made him flush with embarrassment and want to bury his face into his wings, he was glad they seemed to support their relationship. Maybe the teasing would help Mr. Hero make a move.
“Are you ready to meet up with the others?” Hyrule slipped on his geta, handing Ravio his own pair.
The bowerbird made a flock call in assent, put on his shoes, and the two made their way to the festival.
Lorule’s Kakariko village was a den of thieves and cultists. Ravio had to stop going long before he ran away from his kingdom entirely for fear of losing his money and/or life. 
By contrast, Mr. Hero’s Kakariko was vibrant and happy. A center of commerce and safety. For the festival, streamers and paper lanterns had been strung up throughout the public square. Temporary stalls with games, street food, and specialty wares were lined up in rows alongside the walkways. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t open up a stall here, Ravio.” Wild was wearing some of the Sheikah clothes he’d gathered over his travels, hair tied held in place with two crossing hairsticks. His own yukata was sky blue like his Champion’s wrap, with a pattern of multicolored pastel lines criss-crossing the fabric. 
“Trust me, he tried. I convinced him that he should take at least one year to enjoy the festival with flock before trying to turn it into a business opportunity.” Mr. Hero wore a red yukata with crimson flowers printed on the ends of the sleeves. His pink hair was curled, giving it a bit of extra volume and bounce. There were ruby clips slid into his hair right above the red shock of hair that framed his face. Ravio felt his wings shuffle and flash as he drank in the image.
“Oh, look! That tent has ocarinas!” Hyrule’s wings flared in excitement as he bounded for the shop. Ravio managed to tear his gaze away from Mr. Hero and followed the Thrasher.
It seemed to be a handcrafted instrument store. There were reeds of varying sizes and colors, from silver flutes to wooden recorders. The ocarinas were the most eye-catching, porcelain painted in all sorts of bright patterns and colors. Hyrule’s fingers hovered over one that was wooden, but with gold paint in swirling little lines to imitate blossoms.
“You want one?” Wild asked, chin resting on Hyrule’s shoulder as he peeked over the wares.
“It’s so pretty when the flock plays ocarina when I sing, it’d be cool to do that on my own!” Hyrule’s wings fluttered, making Wild laugh as they tickled.
“Wouldn’t it be pretty hard to play the ocarina and sing at the same time?” Mr. Hero raised an eyebrow.
“That- Oh. Hm. You’re right.”
“You might not be able to play a woodwind, but what about these?” Ravio directed his flock over to the percussion section. There were maracas in every color and pattern, rain sticks, egg shakers, hand drums, and bells.
“Ooo!” Wild reached over to grab a sample egg, shaking it wildly to hear the rice inside. That bird possessed absolutely no sense of rhythm.
“Oh, this is darling!” Hyrule picked up a tambourine, giving it a test shake and trilling in delight as the cymbals chimed. The skin stretched over the middle had a print of a sunflower, yellow petals reaching to the light wooden frame holding everything together.
Hyrule seemed so delighted, a song bubbling in his throat as he admired the craftsmanship. Ravio made his decision right there. “How much for the tambourine?”
“Five hundred forty rupees.”
“I’ll take it! Hyrule, do you want it wrapped?” On the pricier side, but not unreasonable for something clearly hand-crafted with a lot of care.
Hyrule squealed. “Oh thank you, Ravio!” He chirped in excitement, melodic as he clutched the sunflower tambourine to his heart. No amount of rupees could pay for that sweet smile and soft hug as the Brown Thrasher sang in excitement. Ravio leaned into the hug, before his eyes caught a flash of yellow feathers in his peripheral vision.
Mr. Hero was looking at him, wings spreading. Ravio swallowed thickly as he saw those pretty yellow feathers rise and fluff, and averted his gaze as his own wings rose on instinct. The Flame Bowerbird wasn’t fair, flustering him like that. He was just being nice; it was rude to tease!
Hyrule played with his new toy for a bit, singing and drumming rhythms. With the purchase of a gift for one flockmate, Ravio was naturally on the hunt for two more.
It hit when he saw the flash of the most beautiful blue from the corner of his eye. All his instincts screamed and he darted into the rows of clothes. He heard Legend yelp, but Hyrule and Wild were laughing so it was probably fine.
The blue fabric belonged to a dancer’s costume. There was a long skirt, with beads sewn into a diamond pattern near the waistband. The top was separated, a black crop with blue tassels of bead dangling over it. Ravio might be a clothing size too big for it, but…
“Wild, come look at this!” He chirped a flock call, and the magpie trotted over to him. The moment Wild saw the outfit, his eyes widened and his wings fluttered. 
“Oh, that’s so pretty! I’d love to wear it.”
“You should!They have a dressing room over there!” Ravio extended one wing to point towards the tent. 
Wild cooed in agreement, then snatched the clothes off the rack and raced to put them on. As soon as he stepped out of the tent, he twirled, showing off the blue fabric. The hue matched the back of his wings perfectly, The skirt was loose, meant to lift and settle to showcase a dancer’s movements. Wild’s little spin had the skirt billowing beautifully. Additionally, the blue bead tassels clicked and jingled from the movement. It was beautiful.
“Nice outfit you have there, Wild.” Legend walked up next to Ravio, bumping wings. Mr. Hero had a little growl in his throat as he said it, and Ravio tried to bump wings back to alleviate it. Silly bird, he was just appreciating their flockmate.
“Oh, they have this little veil that comes with it!” Wild pulled out the item in question. Instead of cloth, there was one singular band that went over the nose and had dangling chains of rhinestones to cover the face. They caught light and sparkled at the tiniest bit of movement.
Wild giggled. “I’d love wearing this to Gerudo Town. Riju would be so jealous.” He did another twirl, soaking in the fabric and beads all spinning with him.
“Then you should, because I’m buying it for you!” Ravio declared, bringing out the ten gold rupees he saw as an asking price to give to the cashier. 
Wild stared at him for just a moment in surprise, then launched at the Bowerbird in a hug. “You’re the best flockmate, Ravi!”
“What am I, chopped boko guts?” Legend grumbled.
Wild looked up, putting on an innocent front. “Well, if you wanted to get me something too, I wouldn’t say no.”
“Greedy little magpie!” Legend huffed in accusation, and Ravio laughed at the both of them, melting into Wild’s hug. It was worth the lightness of his wallet to see them so happy.
Getting Legend something should have been obvious. He was such a silly bird, with his obsession for red things. Ravio didn’t get it, when blue was right there, but he’d indulge Mr. Hero’s strange tastes today.
That said, finding which red thing to give him had been a challenge.
Legend was a hoarder, and had no shortage of rupees. As soon as something genuinely caught his interest, he’d whip out his wallet faster than Ravio could. A red fan, a pair of carbuncle earrings, a red makeup palette, a strawberry apron, a red luminous rock nightlight, red leather belt, red dagger. If it was on prominent display and seemed like Legend would have liked it, he had already taken it and stashed it in his magically deep pockets.
Ravio clicked his teeth in annoyance. Legend’s obsession was really getting too far at this point. He was going to buy out the entire festival’s stock, at this rate, and Ravio wouldn’t be able to get him a good present!
The day was getting longer and he was getting desperate. Each merchant stall they hit was another potential source crossed off the list.
Finally, Ravio broke down. “Hyrule, I need your help.”
“Hm?” The Thrasher allowed Ravio to pull him aside.
“I’m going to need you to stall Legend from getting to the next booth. I want to get there before he does. Can you do that?”
If you were a stranger, you might have called Hyrule’s answering smile sweet. But all his flock understood it as the terrifying omen of chaos it was.
“Done and done. When you hear Legend’s screeching, make a break for it.” Without giving Ravio the time to ask what he was planning, Hyrule bounded off to enact his plan.
Ravio didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if he was deathly curious what Hyrule had said to get Legend so puffed he was showing off the scandalous skin under his scapulars. Wild seemed to have joined in on the assignment unprompted, grabbing something from the Flame Bowerbird and flapping his wings to fly away in a game of chase. 
Tearing his eyes away from Legend’s stunning wings, Ravio booked it to the next stall. They were a goldsmith, rings and bracelets glittering on their display tables.
“Sorry sir, you wouldn’t happen to have anything with a red gem or charm on it, would you?”
The merchant’s frown made Ravio’s stomach drop. “Sorry. All out of red gems.”
Ravio’s wings drooped. There weren’t that many stalls left to check out, and he didn’t know how much time Wild and Hyrule were going to buy him.
“...I could paint one of my existing charms. But I’ll need help color matching the dye.”
Ravio perked up. “Really?”
The merchant brought out a clear stone, and a pot for dye. “Do you have anything red on you?”
Ravio brought out a red rupee. He’d rather give something less expensive, like the skins of their apples or one of Legend’s infinite supply of red garbage, but he had no time.
“I’m going to need at least five of those, and you won’t be getting them back. That’s in addition to the product cost which is gonna be another 60. Is that alright?” 
His wallet was getting down to a few green rupees and a wish. But it was worth it. He wanted to get something nice for his flockmate.
The merchant was fast, inserting the rupees into the magical dye pot and creating a brilliantly shining red, dipping the clear stone into the pot. With the paint dripping from it, Ravio saw the stone was hollowed out, clearly drilled through. The paint dried in less than a minute. (Maybe something about the magic in the dye substance?)
The smith grabbed a gold ring and quickly looped it through the hollowed stone, finishing by wrapping the gold wire around the makeshift bead.
“And like this, it spins. Great for people who like keeping their hands busy.” The smith demonstrated, and Ravio snorted. Every Link seemed to have a penchant for playing with tiny trinkets and treasures. He trilled a call of thanks and snatched up the box. It might have been a hundred rupees more expensive with the dye, but he was just grateful to grab something before Legend could buy out an entire village.
By the time he returned to his flock, the situation had escalated.There was a beautiful blue streak in Legend’s pink hair, although based on the yelling the Flame Bowerbird wasn’t happy about it. Hyrule’s hands were criminally the same shade of blue, Legend edging away from them in fear. Wild was grounded again, though still seemed to be mastering a game of keep-away with- Oh. Was that the bracelet Ravio gave Mr. Hero all that time ago, when they first met? Huh. Wild should… probably give that back.
“Mr. Hero!” Ravio bounded in, interrupting the standoff as all three birds greeted him with a flock call on instinct.
“Ack, sorry Ravi. These two are just being idiots.” The apology was unnecessary since Ravio asked for it in the first place, but he wisely kept his mouth shut.
“Um, I wanted to give you something.”
Legend tilted his head, anger giving way to curiosity.
“Here!” Ravio thrust forward the box, flipping back the top to show the ring nestled inside. Ravio’s wings fluttered on instinct, opening just a bit.
Legend made an odd choking noise. Ravio bit his lip. Did he like it? Or was it too plain, a small, non magical ring?
“You’re giving me a ring. A red ring.” There was an odd warble in the Flame Bowerbird’s voice.
“Uh, yes. I wanted to get something for everyone in the flock. If you don’t like it, I’m not sure if I can return it since it was custom, but I can find you something better!” Ravio tried to keep bravado in his voice instead of giving into the instinct to curl his wings around him and crouch into a ball of feathers.
“Oh, so this is a gift for a flockmate?” Did he sound disappointed?
“Um, yes. Sorry if it’s not much, I really can buy something better later-”
“Stop that!” Legend interjected. “It’s wonderful and I love it!” The words were yelled in such an aggressive tone Ravio had to take a second to get the meaning.
“You really like it?” Ravio’s voice brightened with hope.
“Of course I like it, you bird brain! You know that’s my favorite color! And you said it was custom?” Legend picked the ring out of the box, violet eyes sparkling. He still was using his usual array of insults, but there was an unmistakable smile on his face as he looked it over.
Ravio sighed in relief. He’d have to thank Hyrule for whatever it was he did later. As he looked over Legend’s shoulder, he saw Wild and the Thrasher in question elbowing each other, smiling like they knew something he didn’t. 
Silly birds.
The last stall of the festival was a local knitter. Quilts, potholders, beanies. She used soft yarns, it was a joy just to run his fingers along the display wares.
Then he saw it.
The most perfect scarf that he had ever seen. 
It was lovingly knitted in a gradient, from a bright teal down to a smoky indigo. Along the range of vibrant blues were little sections of white cloth meant to resemble clouds. It was so perfect! Ravio reverently ran a thumb across the cloth, and marveled at how the blue somehow made it feel even softer. His senses were delighted, and his wings fluttered on instinct.
“Excuse me, ma’am, how much for the scarf?” He had to own this. It was destined to be his.
“200, sir.”
200? For something so well made, that was trivial! Ravio excitedly pulled out his wallet, not realizing the problem until his hand was inside, sorting through the few green rupees he had left.
Ah, right.
Well, he treated money like it was no object for his flock. He didn’t regret that, even if the beautiful scarf belonged with him. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t have enough-”
“I’ll take it!” Wild jumped in, startling Ravio into a yelp. The magpie threw two silvers onto the counter, turning back to Ravio.
“You’ve been so nice to us all day, it only makes sense to give you something back.” The magpie bumped Ravio with his shoulder, beaming.
Ravio clutched the precious scarf, now a gift from his flockmate. He didn’t even try to hold back the happy tears. He didn’t regret a rupee of kindness spent on flock.
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sweetsmalldog · 4 years
A Night at the Tree
The Bramblewood was beautiful in spring but the forest always seemed more alive when she was with Scanlan. Animals didn’t seem as scared. Deer ran by and birds happily chirped as they passed. Sometimes Pike could swear she’d seen dryads glancing at them through trees or pixies hiding behind leaves. Scanlan pretended not to like the animals that passed them but Pike had seen him pet the rabbits he’d asked directions from more than once also the birds and most of the animals she’d seen him talk to actually. The only animals Scanlan didn’t seem to get along with were bears. He claimed there’s a bear mafia. Pike didn’t know if he was kidding about that.
They held hands as they walked. Flowers bloomed at their feet violets, asters, daisies, and so many others Pike couldn’t hope to name. They were all purples and yellows and blues and white. Butterflies fluttered past. Bird songs played around them in a natural melody. She glanced at Scanlan who was pretending he wasn’t willing the flowers to grow.
He gave her a mock-innocent smile, “Nature is beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes affectionately, squeezed his hand, and wondered if one day, when he made this walk alone, he’d still create flowers as he walked or hum a sweet summer tune. If the forest would still feel as vibrant after she was gone and he was alone.
She decided not to dwell on it for now and instead hoped she was doing a decent enough job hiding her nerves well enough that he couldn’t see them. Scanlan wasn’t very perceptive. She wanted to surprise him, wanted tonight to be memorable. She’d spent weeks planning it. If she ruined it now by being obvious she didn’t know what she’d do.
The slowly forming path they continued to walk it eventually opened to a clearing, their spot, a pond that Pike wasn’t entirely certain was wholly on the material plane, though she couldn’t explain how. At the center was an island with the largest tree she’d ever seen in the middle, it’s branches stretched across the entire length of the clearing, towering above the rest of the forest yet untouched until they’d come upon it a few years ago. They’d found it on their first walk in the Bramblewood and Pike had since built docks and a boat to reach the island.
When they finally reached the clearing it was almost sunset. Pike quickly went to the boat, she’d carved it and named it the S.S Trickfoot. Scanlan followed, the flowers ending at the water’s edge. He smiled at the lavender tied to the Bow with white ribbon. Before he could do it himself she cast control water and slowly propelled the boat forward. Making slow lazy circles around the pond before stopping at the island’s dock.
She smiled when she saw that the flower petals hadn’t blown away since that morning. Pastel silks draped in the tree branches and currently unlit lanterns lined the path, Vex and Gilmore don’t mess around when asked for help like this. Small multicolored lights danced in the air. The sky was clear of any clouds as it slowly turned from orange and pink to purple. The path led up the impossibly tall tree to a table and chairs, branches stretched out in all directions around them.
He pulled her chair out of her. She smiled and sat down, “Thank you.”
“Of course Pikey.” He said as he took his own seat.
The tree seemed to tower over the forest like a castle. You could see all the way to the mountains from the top. Grey peaks stretched out to the west already cast in darkness. She wanted to watch the sunrise from those mountains one day Scanlan at her side.
“Do you like it?” Pike asked, slightly nervous though everything seemed to be going off without a hitch.
“It’s beautiful.” Scanlan’s voice had a soft bit of awe that she savored.
“Well I wanted everything to be perfect.” She admitted.
Scanlan squeezed her hand from across the table, “As long as it’s with you it will be.”
As the sun started to dip farther below the horizon and the moons began to rise the lanterns lit up illuminating them and doing away with any bugs. They both ignored the soft rustling that Scanlan probably thought was the breeze but Pike wondered if it was one of their friends hiding on a branch. As Grog appeared in the vest and hat he’d only worn once before holding a tray.
“Dinner is served.” He said very formally, like he’d practiced it, as he set two plates down.
“Thank you.” Pike said as he backed away.
Scanlan glanced around admiringly, “I feel a bit underdressed.”
“I think you look great.” She replied.
“You look radiant.” He returned, “Like the sun-”
“I’m spoiling you tonight.” Pike reminded him gently as she cut him off.
Scanlan gave her a mock pout, “Fine.”
She gave him an exasperated but loving laugh, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” The smile he gave then was tender and honest. She was almost overcome with emotion as he returned it. No matter how many times he said it, her heart soared. She almost spoiled the end of the night right then and there.
They ate in relative silence. Stars glittered in the sky. The moon reflected on the pond. It was warm but not uncomfortably so. The slightest breeze blowing through the tree. The soft playing of enchanted violins came down from higher in the treetop. The dreamy glow from the lanterns illuminated the area around them bouncing off the spirals of silk that hung like streamers and across smooth almost polished looking wood. She had an idea.
When they’d finished she took Scanlan’s hand, “May I have this dance?”
“Of course.” He replied with a wink.
She did her best to remember the steps as they danced. She’d never been very good at this. She almost stepped on Scanlan’s feet a few times. Nerves were getting to her. She was internally keeping track of where they were. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Until she stopped them near where the moon was rising. He gave her a confused look. A hand slipped her the flower, brighter than the Ozmit, blue as the sky. She held it out to him.
“Is that…” his voice trailed off.
“Forget-Me-Nots.” She confirmed as his hands cupped her’s.
“Pike…” For once in his life it seemed he couldn’t find the words.
“I know I’m only going to be a few short verses in your song, a chapter or two in your book of life if I’m lucky, but I’ll do my best to make those the best verses and the most eloquent chapters,” tears welled up in her eyes but her voice didn’t waver as she got down on one knee, “so Scanlan Shorthalt will you marry me?”
Scanlan looked at her with love and sadness and everything in between before he pulled her into a kiss. Pike let her tears fall. The violins changed to a no less beautiful but more somber piece. After they pulled apart he wiped her tears away. She tucked the flower into his hair and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Of course,” Scanlan managed, “Of course Pikey.”
They stood there together watching the moons continuing to rise higher and higher into the sky, holding each other. Eventually they made their way back down the base of the tree. Scanlan put his hand against the trunk and opened a swirling pale purple doorway that they hurried through. They emerged in the center of Westruun from a rather large oak. Not many people were out given the time. They made their way through the city, wildflowers grew in the sidewalk cracks. She doesn’t comment on it this time.
When they finally make it back to the reassuring brick of their home Scanlan b-lines for the kitchen and grabs a vase filled with water before placing the Forget-Me-Nots inside and putting it within a ray of moonlight giving them a ghostly aura, it’s oddly fitting. She brushes his bangs out of his eyes. He squeezes her hand.
“You're going to be the only chapter that matters, the only verse of any worth.” Scanlan admits softly as he lays his head on her shoulder, “I’ve got you now and this is going to be the time of my life worth telling.”
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hochzeit3863-blog · 4 years
Out-of-doors Decorations For Fall along with Winter Weddings
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The home decor you select for the outside areas of your wedding are the versions which will create the first effect of your wedding. Whether your invitees will view them merely briefly as they scurry in a warm church on a icy December day or can spend the entire celebration between them at an early fall months outdoor wedding, the exterior interior decor are very important. Create a gorgeous welcoming design with these delete word outdoor decorations for drop and winter weddings.
From the autumn, outdoor decorations generally take on a rustic flavor. It is great for the diy woman, as they are often easy to build. Grand stalks of wheat or grain tied to the columns of any country inn with a russet colored ribbon would be a wonderful means to set the tone for the charming country wedding when using early October afternoon. Range the front steps with containers of mums in holiday colors for a gorgeous leaked of color. The bins of flowers can be re-purposed as table decorations to the post-wedding brunch the following moment, or simply transport them to the house to decorate your own porch or even yard after the wedding. All these decorations would be very much commensurate with the taste of a bride who have likes a simple silk shantung gown and handmade wedding ceremony jewelry.
Wreaths are amazing decorations for doors, forest, even the broad side of an barn. The marvelous issue about a wreath is that you can produce a nearly infinite variety of models using the same basic application form. For an elegant wedding in the Christmas season, adorn typically the church doors with a set of two square wreaths made from boxwood. Tie on wide bright satin bows with further long streamers for a artisitc chic effect. For a slide celebration, create a rustic wreath from grapevine and all berries to hang on the door of the restored barn reception. Give a bow in a cranberry or perhaps pine green burlap for just a festive touch. Wreaths can even be very feminine, such as a common round pine wreath adorned with dried white hydrangeas or preserved white magnolia blossoms. Or add seashells and starfish to a desire wreath for a nautical winter months wedding by the sea.
Lights is an easy way to increase drama to the exterior places of your wedding. Classic very small white lights can be used to excellent effect when hundreds are generally strung through trees flanking a front door. Or hold small clear glass terre over an entry technique filled with flickering white candle lights. On a snowy day, coated lanterns with ivory wax lights planted in the snow together a walkway would be a stunning way to brighten up a dreary day or icy nighttime. If your ceremony and wedding party will take place outdoors prior to fall weather turns way too cold, hang candle loaded lanterns on shepherd's hook varieties to line the junction or around the perimeter on the reception space.
Great wedding patterns always surprise guests along with at least one big "wow". Consider having hundreds of illuminated wood pumpkins set out on a gemstone wall beside the driveway prior to your country club for any late October wedding? Or maybe suspend giant illuminated snowflakes from lamp posts away from wedding venue as does one January bride I realize. (So fabulous for her Winter months Wonderland wedding, which was detailed with handmade wedding jewelry together with crystal snowflakes. ) Seeking another splashy way to spruce up your outdoor space? Drape fantastic swathes of fabric in your marriage color to frame outside to your ceremony or office reception space.
There are countless more ways to decorate the exterior of an autumn or winter wedding. Chain garlands of preserved fall leaves over an arbor, hang chic wreaths created from frosted silver Christmas at any time you on the windows of your wedding reception site, or simply carve a significant heart in the fresh gone down snow. The special attention offer to decorating the outside of the wedding party site will make an incredible first sight.
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angered-turtle · 6 years
Roman’s Birthday
Summary: It’s Roman’s Birthday and each of the other main sides have planned activities for him!
Ships: Platonic LAMP (Its more like Platonic Royality and Platonic Logince but eh), Romantic Prinxiety
Warnings: Food (just 2 brief mentions)
Word Count: 1227
Author note: This was supposed to be up for Roman’s birthday but its like 1:20am right now so I missed it on accident (I got distracted a lot, I’m very easy to distract)
 Roman stood from the vanity and made his way out of his room with a skip in his step. He was extremely excited for today, for it was his birthday and the others told him they each planned something special for him.
Once he reached the common room he gasped at the sight that was before him. Everything was decorated is red, white, and gold. There was balloons, streamers, and paper lanterns. The kitchen table had been moved to the center of the common room and had a red tablecloth draped over it.
“Good Morning Birthday Boy!” Patton called out. He rushed over to Roman and ushered him to the table.
Once Roman was seated Patton disappeared for a moment returning with breakfast for Roman. He had chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. He set the plate down before speaking,
“Eat your breakfast and then we’ll do some fun stuff”
“Alright, thank you Padre” Roman smiled before digging in.
Once he finished Patton returned and took the plate, “So our plan for the day starts with you and me, we're going to hang out until about 10:30 and then you’ll be with one of the others”
“Sounds splendid, what might we being doing Patton?”
“We are going to go my room and revisit all of your favorite performances!” Patton exclaimed
Roman beamed “Sound magnificent, shall we be off?”
“Let go!” Patton dragged Roman into his room and they spent to morning reminiscing in performance memories, reenacting scenes, and trying on old costumes. Once it reached 10:30 Patton’s phone went off.
“Oh it looks like its time for the next part of your day, Roman” Patton said gesturing for Roman to follow him out of the room. He set down a prop he had been examining and followed Patton down the hall to his own bedroom door. Patton knock and after a brief moment the door was opened by Logan
“Ah yes, right on time. Thank you, Patton. Roman shall we” Logan gestured for them to enter the room.
Logan brought Roman over to the bed where there was several items laid out.
“I’ve planned a quest for us for today and I want to ensure you are properly equipped for it.” Logan explained
Roman looked over the supplies, “Well, let's get ready and go for it”
They both geared up and armed themselves. Roman with a sword and some throwing knives. Logan with a bow, arrows, and a pair of daggers.
After arming themselves Patton reached under the bed, “This is a gift from me!” he explained handing Roman the box. Roman opened the box to find a cloak, It was red with golden accents to match the Prince’s typical style of dress, the material was sturdy but comfortable
“Thank you, Patton, it is amazing”
“I’m so happy you like it!” Patton exclaimed
“I love it!” Roman corrected hugging the father figure “I’ll use it today for my quest with Logan!”
“I’m glad to hear it” Patton said returning the hug “I’d love to stay but you guys have a quest, so have fun and I’ll see you both later!” Patton then retreated from the room
Logan fastened his own cloak around himself before speaking, “We need to go begin that quest soon if we want to have time to finish it”
“Alright lead the way”
Logan moved towards the door to the imagination and opened the door and lead Roman into a dark forest. They traveled around the forest to fulfill the quest and before long they reached the end of the quest where Roman made the final slash of his sword ending the dragon-witch who promptly dissolved into nothingness freeing the village that had been terrorized.
The villagers thanked them repeatedly and gave them their reward. Once they claimed their rewards and left the village. Once they returned to Roman’s room they sat down for a moment. Roman opened the reward box the villagers gave them. He pulled out an ornate sword, the handle was a beautiful mixture of red and gold, the blade was so light it appeared white. Roman looked at the sword in awe.
“This sword is actually your gift from me. If you would like we can go on another quest to test it out.” Logan offered
Roman beamed and replied “That sounds wonderful. This sword is absolutely beautiful, thank you“
“Your welcome, now I believe it is almost time for you to go and enjoy Virgil’s planned festivities so I might suggest cleaning up and changing into some more suitable attire”
“Alright, I think I’ll take a quick shower then”
“That sounds satisfactory, Virgil is expecting you in 27 and a half minutes in the common room” Logan said as he left the room leaving Roman to himself.
Roman disrobed himself and placed him questing materials in their proper place before hopping in the shower and cleaning off. Once he cleaned, dried, and dressed in his usual attire he made his way to the common room.
In the common room, he saw Virgil setting down a covered plate at the table in the room.
“Hello Virgil” Roman called out
Virgil jumped “Oh hey Roman, good timing I just finished making your dinner”
“I can see that,” Roman said, “shall we?”
Virgil nodded and pulled out Roman’s chair for him
“Oh, what a gentleman!” Roman proclaimed
Virgil smirked before pulling the chair out from under Roman “You sure about that?” he laughed before helping the Prince to his feet.
They both sat down and Virgil uncovered the plates to reveal a delicious looking dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans. They both ate and talked casually. Once they finished Virgil took the plates and silverware to the kitchen before returning to the table.
“So um- Roman, I have a question for you. so, would you like to, uh, possibly, maybe” Virgil began “goonadatewithmethisfriday?” he quickly asked in one breath
Roman blinked at him for a second, “Virgil, did you just ask me on a date?” Roman questioned with a smirk
“Yes, I mean, maybe, I mean, if you want to to be, or we could go as friends, or we could-“ Virgil rambled before Roman cut him off
“Virgil, I would love to go on a date with you”
“You would?” Virgil asked somewhat shocked
“Absolutely, truth be told I’ve been trying to find a way to ask you out, I was worried being put on the spot would make you anxious, so I wasn’t sure how to approach it” Roman admitted
“Well in that case, how does Friday at 7:30 sound?”
“Perfect! We shall have a date at 7:30 this Friday!” Roman proclaimed
“Alright, you nerd. Here let me grab your gift then we can get the other two for cake”
“Oh, you got me a gift!” Roman exclaimed
“Yeah, it's your birthday, what did you expect?”
“Well, you already gave me the best gift you could”
“What’s that?” Virgil asked crossing his arms
Roman brought Virgil close to himself “Being my boyfriend”
“You are such a romantic sap” Virgil said giving Roman a kiss on the cheek “I’ll be right back” and with that Virgil retreated up the stairs.
Roman was frozen, he reached his hand to touch where Virgil kissed him and smiled
“I don’t see how any gift could top that”
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Uninvited Guests
~~ Connor hosts a birthday party, 
                                                                     Roman’s just couldn’t stay away ~~
                                              ~~ FOMO is real ~~
Connor had spent the whole afternoon and evening setting up for his party. The woods made it feel more like Camp Half-Blood, which was comforting. The problem was that he had gotten so sidetracked with other things, that he had only managed to put up one line of bunting and set up a table with a few plastic cups and snacks by the time it was dark. The rest of the table with taken up by unused bunting, untouched balloons, party hats and streamers. He was busy putting up fairy lights and hanging lanterns when he heard footsteps crunch the leaves below them as someone approached. “Hey! Welcome! I know it’s not done yet, but I’m busy with it. Is it 8 already?”
Though skeptical about the soundness of mind that had gone into planning this party, Percy wasn’t about to complain at a chance to have some morale boosted. Things had been pretty depressing since the curse, even before the curse really and he didn’t want to see a repeat of that if he could help it. But despite that he was careful to be on his guard. “You must have lost track of time Connor,” he replied with a smirk, “but yes, it is already eight.” He looked around the forest, impressed that one man could do this in so little time. “We need to remember to be careful, but this should be fun.”
Connor glanced at Percy with a side eye. “Let’s not be the party police Jackson.” He knew that they had to be careful, but it was his birthday and he wasn’t about to not have a party. “The Romans will hear the amazing music and will want to join us, nevermind attacking us. It’s going to be lit.” He now walked up to the table and flipped up two cups and then filled them both with beer from the keg he had supplied. “Cheers Percy.” He said, handing him the other the cup. “To a great week, and to your own birthday at the end of the week!” He rose his cup to clink it with Percy’s. “Thanks for coming, I appreciate it.”
It seemed like a bad idea having a party at night in the middle of the woods. Lina would be surprised if something didn’t happen. She wasn’t exactly a party person, but she did like being in the middle of the woods at night. Plus, she had people to protect, and she was finally feeling completely okay again with her magic. She hoped that no one would start anything, but she was there to help if they did. “I have to agree with Percy. We should be careful. Happy birthday though. We haven’t had a birthday party in quite a while.”
“I’m not saying don’t have any fun,” Percy said as he took the red plastic cup full of beer from Connor and couldn’t help but feel as if he was back in his freshman year of College, “I’m just saying that there is a way to have fun and be sensible at the same time… I know that sounds like a party police thing to say but you know it is the truth.” He didn’t want to lose anyone else because they were too foolish to play things safe. He wasn’t going to allow hubris to be his downfall. “Just as long as we keep everything on the downlow everything will be fine, but anyway, happy birthday man!” He smirked brightly. “Here’s to being one year older.”
“Yeah yeah. I get what you’re saying.” As much as Connor wanted to get sloshed and party all night, he knew that he couldn’t. He had a responsibility as one of the older and more experienced demigods to protect those younger than him and his friends. He couldn’t do that if his whole world was spinning around him. “I’ll drink responsibly and music will be turned down at 10 and all that other bullshit.” He quickly poured a drink for his newest friend, Lina, and passed it to her. “Thanks guys. And yeah, a whole nother year older.” He didn’t sound so enthusiastic, in fact, he didn’t like the fact that we was already 25. He didn’t feel 25, he still felt like a kid, not an adult that is about to settle down and start paying taxes. “I thought that a party would maybe just get everyone in a good mood.” He smiles at Lina. “Now let’s turn on some music and pray that more guests arrive.” There wasn’t anything wrong with his current guests, the only problem was there were only 2 people so far. He hoped the music will attract more people, even people he didn’t know, he just wanted a crowd.
Lina hid a smile at his comment, she felt a little like a worrying mother, but his joke made her feel a little better. The party probably wouldn’t end at 10 pm, but she liked that he was aware of what was going on. She took the drink and sniffed it,“I don’t drink alcohol.” She told Connor softly with a little smile. “I tend to start arguments when I drink,” At least, if the centurion dinner was to go off of, she liked starting friendship ruining arguments about politics. “More people will come, I’m sure. We haven’t had a reason to celebrate for a while. If I had to guess, they’re doing that thing called ‘pregaming.’”
Though Percy was unable to speak to the potential safety or danger of their situation, Percy wasn’t about to take the risk that someone could get hurt. Now more than ever it was of the utmost importance that he set an example to the younger and potentially more vulnerable Greeks. After all they had so much more to lose if they were reckless and dangerous because they saw Percy doing it. “We’ve been here for a total of less than five minutes, take a moment, relax, enjoy your birthday and let the magic of having the coolest person in the city here start to work. Before you know it you’ll have more people than you know what to do with.”
When Wally had heard about a party, he felt more than inclined to come and crash it. Of course, you couldn’t really do that if you had been invited. At least, he assumed he was invited. Mostly, Wally just wanted some cake and soda. When he saw only a few people standing around the decorated area of the forest, he gravitated toward them. “Am I fashionably late or fashionably early?” He smiled at them all, coming up next to Lina. “Happy birthday, Connor. How old are we this year?”
Connor nodded at Percy and Lina’s comments on waiting for more people to arrive. He knew more people would come, nobody arrived on time these days anyways. He would also tend to show up late to parties due to having pre drinks with friends. He let out a sigh, it wasn’t the fact that a lot of people weren’t here yet, it was the fact that Travis wasn’t with them. He tried to push back the thought and put on a grin, “I wouldn’t say you’re fashionable at all.” He joked, “A whole 25 years of surviving wars and monster attacks, that should be something to be proud off.” He then downed his drink in a couple of seconds and then started at the cup that was meant for Lina. “If you don’t drink alcohol, there’s a couple of sodas and things in the cooler box over there.” He suggested and pointed towards a box under a tree. “Help yourselves, drinks are courtesy of me!”
Percy kicked a log over to the center of the clearing where everyone else was hung out, slipping down he perched on it and smiled as he sipped slowly at his beer. He was impressed that Connor had managed to source this many drinks, he’d need to put in an order for goods that he knew he couldn’t live without. “Congratulations on not beefing it, 25 years is really pretty impressive if you think about it, especially considering how much of a moron you can be sometimes.” He laughed and smiled gently. He was of course joking. Connor had always been a good friend. “We’ve all done well to survive this long!” Which begged the question of how long their luck could last, but that wasn’t the sort of thing that Percy wanted to focus on.
Lina happily surrendered her cup to Connor. “Thank you,” She smiled as she went over to the cooler, making herself a safe drink. She didn’t mind parties, they weren’t usually her scene. This one, however, was something she could enjoy. It was only mainly because of the woods. She was always surprised when they mentioned how young they died. It happened here, they were still demigods, but it wasn’t amazing to make it to twenty five if you lived in New Rome. People lived long lives there. She sat by Percy, though she sat on the ground rather than the log, her fingers twisting in the grass. “How did you get this many drink, Connor?”
Connor shouted a hey in protest against being called a moron, but he knew Percy was only joking. And besides, it’s how he acted most of the time anyway, so it was only fair. He watched as everyone made themselves comfortable and then joined them, forming a circle. “I have friends in special places.” He said with a shrug, happy that he had already made connections in this new setting. “Just had to give up the rest of the money I had earned at casinos whilst traveling here, it wasn’t that much anyway.” He sighed and lent back, using his arms to hold himself up. “Let’s play a drinking game, everyone knows how never have I ever works?” He asked with a grin. He always enjoyed playing this game and finding secrets from people he’d never expect to hear them from.
Percy smiled gently at the scene. There wasn’t too many occasions in the last six months that they had been able to really celebrate. As mundane as a birthday could feel, it was important that they were more than surviving. They needed to really live. “A birthday gift from you to us?” he said faking surprise, “I’m touched by your truly generous spirit.” Raising an eyebrow, he lifted his glass which was actually plastic to his lips and swallowed a generous mouthful of beer. It wasn’t great, already going warm, but that’s how it was with plastic cups in the forest. That was part of the charm of the situation. “Never have I ever stolen something from a close personal friend.”
Connor was already taking a sip when Percy asked the question. He almost spat the drink out and gave Percy a look. For some reason, Connor felt that that question was aimed at him. Nevertheless, he took another sip from his drink. “I’ve stolen from Travis and Travis counts.” He shrugged. That wasn’t the only friend he’d stolen from, but he felt it was the most acceptable answer to say right now. “My turn. Never have I ever … been submissive whilst in bed with someone.” He had a feeling that Annabeth was more dominant than Percy, and now the truth would come out.
Lina took a moment, pressing her lips in thought. She didn’t think she had stolen from a friend. She didn’t steal from people in general, but for some reason she felt like she might have stolen something from a friend. “Does stealing a lock of someone’s hair count?” She taken people’s hair for a potion before without them knowing. “Because then yes, I have stolen from a friend.” Magic made her do weird things. Her face flushed a bit, thinking of December and a member of the Karavadra family. She took a sip from her drink as slyly as she could. “Never have I ever… broken a bone.” She paused,“Wait no, I broke a rib once. Never have I ever, broken my nose?”
Wally took a seat on the log, looking up and around, wondering if any sprites or spirits would come to join the fun. Since the war started, many of the fauns had come to reside with the Greeks. He looked around as Percy started a game of Never Have I Ever and then grabbed a beer. He smiled at the first question and nodded. “When we were rooming together in college, I stole a pair of your underwear once,” he told Percy. He then looked over to Connor and blushed. “Nope, forever a top,” he told the son of Hermes. Wally’s changed direction to Lina and smiled. He raised a hand. “Surprisingly no, I haven’t broken my nose either.” After they cleared up any of the other questions, he raised a finger. “Never have I ever . . . fallen off a chariot while it was going at top speed.”
Percy had to admit that he hadn’t been planning on drinking four times in a row, but he had done all of the things that were being said and if you didn’t follow the rules of a game then what was the point? Swallowing the last of the alcohol that he had left in his glass, he set it down and took a moment. “Jeez no wonder the Romans have had enough of us and have decided that now is the time to wipe us off the face of the Earth. Apparently most of us are submissive thief’s who have broken bones, I’ve even fallen off of a speeding chariot…” he laughed gently and looked around the party as more people began to arrive. Connor had drawn a relatively large gathering. “Do we wanna keep playing?” Percy asked curiously as he looked around the clearing as more people seemed keen to join in.
Connor drank for breaking his nose and falling of a chariot. He loved this game, along with many other drinking games. As Percy decided to break the chain of questions, Connor looked around. “No, I should probably mingle and say hello. I mean, after all, I’m the reason they’re here.” He knew that wasn’t true, most had probably just come to see what it was like or because they hadn’t been to a party in so long. He stood up and brushed the grass off of his jeans. “Let’s get wasted!” He cheered to the crowd around them, “but responsibly wasted!” He said with a hushed voice to Kolina and Percy. Having to be responsible was going to be hard, especially since someone brought a bottle of jagermeister with them to the party. As people started chanting about shots, Connor couldn’t help but join in. “It’s going to be a lit night, that’s for sure!”
It wasn’t like Martina was looking for the Greek party she heard a rumor about. She just happened to be wandering through the woods at night. It was her twenty first birthday and she wanted to celebrate by casually being in the woods by herself, one hundred percent not looking for a party. She could have party at home, if she really wanted to. It might have been a little quieter since most of her friends were in their late twenties and no one was really looking to go clubbing in the middle of a war. It wasn’t like she sad that she wasn’t getting the twenty first birthday she imagined. It was more like she was desperate to have fun on her birthday, so maybe she was looking for a stupid greek party. Which was pretty easily found by the loud chanting of shots. Trying to blend in as best she could, she went to the cooler and took a beer. “It’s party, yep.” Acting natural was really hard,“Party in the woods, totally normal.”
Swallowing gently, Percy watched the party continue as more people arrived, the music got turned up and everyone really started to enjoy themselves. They might have been miles away from the city but they had to be careful. Making his way through the crowd, he watched Connor knock back a shot of Jaegermeister, crouching down by the cooler, he rummaged through it until he found a soda that he felt like drinking. The ice cold sugary drink felt like heaven. Percy was going to have to see who Connor had got this all from, he would certainly like to get in on the proverbial action. Spotting someone familiar, he made his way over to Martina’s side. “Have we met before?” he asked with a gentle smile, “You look familiar but I can’t think of your name.”
Aidan was one of the first to hear Roman spies confirm the existence of a Greek party out in the woods. Something he wished desperately he could have gone to since he’d been stuck finishing paperwork for the people that covered him while he was out sick. At least until a small group of centurions summoned him and a few others to infiltrate and disrupt the Greek celebrations. Aidan’s heart sank a bit, but at least for a moment he’d be able to feel like he was having fun. The small group of Romans met up outside the woods, weapons hidden and light padded armor underneath their clothes. They split, one by one heading into the woods, branching out and staggering their times to appear as late arrivals. The closer Aidan got, the louder the music became and the more his stomach twisted. What’s so important about crashing this party? He thought. Should I get a drink? I’m a lightweight, maybe I should go easy… He managed to snag a drink and some pretzels, and hung around the outskirts of the dance floor. It was the first time he’d ever felt awkward at a party. Unsure of what to do with himself. How long would it take until they gave the signal? Would they? Or was this all a prank from higher ranks? He sighed, and leaned against a tree, nursing his drink. At least others looked to be having fun.
Connor had managed to find himself in a predicament. He told himself he was going to go easy, but after the 5th shot and a chugging challenge, he was knee deep in trouble. He already felt the alcohol affecting him, causing him to become a little tipsy, but the worst part was that now he had started drinking, there was probably no stopping. Connor, along with many of the other Hermes kids, often liked challenging the children of Dionysus. Those kids were the life of the party and the Hermes kids were the rest of the party. Not only that, but Connor had probably found himself drinking too much to get over the fact that Travis wasn’t here, and somewhere out there, Travis was having a grand old time, probably not even thinking about Connor. Which was probably not true, but that’s how Connor felt. Then nature called. Of course, with lots of drinking involved, there was a need to empty his bladder. Connor had thus stumbled into the woods, just far enough to get some privacy. After he was finished, he was about to head back to the party, when he heard someone in the bushes. Sure, it could have been anyone, doing the same as what Connor just did, but he had a bad feeling about it. He turned and hurried back to the party to report the mysterious noises to Percy, the only problem was that Connor was no longer sober, and with the crowd that had gathered, it was not going to be easy to find Percy. Once in the crowd, he immediately stumbled into someone. “Shit sorry, sorry, I need to find Percy, sorry, it’s urgent. Shit.” He apologized to the person in a slur.
Martina felt her breath catch when Percy to her. The last time they had spoken, she remembered being very rude to him. They had connected on their mexican heritage, but once she had learned that he was the fabled Percy Jackson, she had been cold to him. She knew that she still didn’t love the greeks, perhaps never would, but she had learned from Blossom that all of them weren’t bad. “Can I be honest with you?” In a rare moment, Martina wanted to tell the truth, she wanted to be out with who she was. “I’m a Roman, Martina Acosta.” She took a sip of her beer, before sighing. “I heard there was a party and it’s my twenty first birthday today.” There was no good reason to be so honest with him, but she knew at some point he would find out. Better to tell him now.
Honestly, Percy wasn’t really sure what to say. He remembered Martina now. It hadn’t been long after the festival of Fides had ended that they had met, or perhaps it was during the festival of Fides. “Well, in exchange for your honesty I think it’s fair that I am just as honest. I’ll pretend I don’t know that you’re a Roman, enjoy yourself and don’t make any trouble and hopefully no one else will notice that you’re here. Just please be good.” He swallowed. He didn’t have it in him to make a big deal about this. Putting everyone else on alert wasn’t going to be helpful. He didn’t want to ruin the night for Connor. “If there is trouble, well, it’ll ruin Connor’s night and we want to avoid that if possible.”
Getting up from the log, Wally went around to meet with the other Greeks that had started to pile into the clearing. It didn’t take long for him to start throwing out some magical party tricks. Wally tried to keep an eye out for anything that looked not normal, but his desire to let loose was getting stronger the more the sun set on the party. He vowed that he would keep it to two beers for at least an hour. It wasn’t even for the fact that Romans could show up. Mixing alcohol and someone with powers like his didn’t always make for a good combination.
Finding himself with a nice buzz and enjoying the music, Aidan had to admit the party was turning out great. He had slowly made his way towards a small group at the edge of the party, who were enjoying the drunk ramblings of a Hermes kid who had tried to outdrink the Dionysus cabin. He couldn’t help but grin, but as the night progressed felt more uncomfortable. He wanted desperately to get this over with, wondering where and when the signal would come. Patience thinning, Aidan contemplated joining the party. It’s not like anyone would notice him having left his post. Say it was to get some important info out of a plastered party goer. He shook the thought out of his head, and sighed. If he was going to wait, he was going to have another drink at least.
After apologizing to the person he had bumped into, Connor continued to make his way through the crowd. He hated how drunk he had gotten, was it possible to have gotten this drunk after the few drinks he had had? Perhaps the lack of drinking recently had made him a lightweight or perhaps he had been spiked. The gods would only know, but here he was, in the now and drunk. He finally found a person who resembled Percy and lent on his shoulder. “Percy. I think -- I think there’s is Romans, outside party, in the wood.” He said, trying his best to mentally sober up. Of course, Connor had no idea if there were Romans outside camp, but it was the only thing he could think of that could have caused the mysterious noises he had heard.
Raising an eyebrow, Percy internally panicked. He was immediately taken by the mention of Romans, concerned that Connor had realised that Martina was here. But his concerns were even greater after Connor had finished talking. “If there are Romans here then we’ve got to evacuate the party as soon as possible, but I don’t want to spook anyone and I don’t want to make a panic.” Swallowing gently, he frowned and looked around. “Come on,” he said quietly, taking a step in the direction that Connor had come from, “we’ve got to check on this and see what is actually happening before we make any decisions.” It was a good thing that he hadn’t been drinking.
Connor thought his will power had managed to sober himself up a little, however, as soon as he began to follow Percy, his world started spinning again. “I could always call it off.” He said, barely able to keep up with Percy. “I could throw up in the middle of the clearing you know? Gross everyone out.” He’d be willing to wreck his social status for something important like saving lives. Connor stopped briefly to grab a bottled water from the cooler and downed it as fast as he could. If anything were to go down, he’d need to sober up to be any help, and if it was just an animal or something, he’d have to be sober enough to talk his way out of causing unnecessary panic in Percy. “It was somewhere around there.” He said, pointing unsteadily in the direction he had heard the noise.
Being a lightweight, it didn’t take much for Aidan to become nearly incapacitated. He lay on the ground in a drunken haze, staring up at the sky. He laughed, catching snippets of conversation between songs. The out of context phrases and bits of gossip seemed a lot funnier than any story attached to them. He heard voices drawing close, and half remembering he was on a mission, sat up. Two blurry figures, little more than silhouettes against the lights from the party. He groaned, and leaned back against a tree. Probably some party goers trying to get freaky in the woods. Aidan thought briefly about pretending to be an animal. Snap a few twigs, rattle some nerves so they would flee back to the safety of the lights and music. Something was familiar about their voices though that he couldn’t shake. Maybe he’d just had too much to drink. He sighed again, beginning to feel a little humiliated for coming out. He’d been at camp for so long and he was still being hazed? Maybe he should join the party out of spite…
Honestly, Percy wasn’t sure that Connor throwing up would be enough to stop everything that was in motion when it came to this party. From his experience people were willing to ignore things when it came to a party that they were enjoying. Besides they all could do with the distraction. “Chill out dude, we need to check this out before we do anything else,” he swallowed nervously and made his way towards the direction that Aidan was pointing. At first he didn’t notice anything, but then he heard the rustling of branches and twigs and leaves. “I can definitely hear something,” Percy said creeping through the undergrowth as he moved towards the noise. “I’m sure it’s an animal or something…”
Brock had arrived, to likely no one’s happy realization. The man had only been doing what he does best. Patrolling the forests weren’t usually an area he did anymore. He usually left that square of New Rome to the newer legionnaires. But he felt like getting some air, and what would you know, he happened upon a little party. Coming in, decked in his armor with a sword on his waist, he strode through the gathering of Greeks. He recognized a few faces, Percy Jackson’s in particular. That’s how he knew right away this was all for the Graceus. “I can’t say I blame any of you for wanting to celebrate,” he chimed in, making himself louder than anyone else. It was his goal after all to gain the attention. “You managed to stop the curses destroying us all and now you celebrate.” He turned to Percy and gave him a plastic smile. “Mr. Jackson, I suggest you take your friends and go back to the lake, or one of your other strongholds. This party, or, whatever it is, is now over.” He looked off to the side, and then noticed Aidan. “What . . . Aidan?!” Brock moved over and knelt beside him. “What in all of Pluto’s frozen fortress are you doing?! Get up!”
Lina had been in the middle of a conversation when she heard Brock’s voice. Bristling, she left her conversation partners and strided up to him. “Brock, leave them alone. Let us have our party, we aren’t even being that loud.” She hoped that her asking him would maybe soften up his decision. She followed him over to the side, grabbing his arm. “We broke the curse that saved you. We should at least get to have a party when we want to. Don’t make this bigger than it really is.”
It wasn’t hard to over hear what Connor said to Percy and now Martina had to find a way out of this whole thing. She followed Percy quickly, telling him as they walked ,“This wasn’t me. I didn’t do this, whatever it is.” She looked around the area trying to see the other Romans around. “I have to go. They can’t see me here,” She said as she moved away from the party and Percy. She couldn’t be caught there, especially after she heard Brock’s voice.
Hearing Brock’s voice was a comfort to Aidan. Finally, at least someone he knew was here. He shushed Brock, and used his shoulder to stand slowly, legs wobbling and head spinning. Aidan felt like he might be sick, but clenched his jaw tight, and tried to swallow the feeling back. “Super secret mission.” He slurred out, giggling. He waved at the small group that had begun to gather. “It’s a cool ass party, y’all.” Aidan belched loudly, face turning red. “Y’all just need s-some glow sticks, and it’s a real rager. Really pop-lock-drop and rave. Really, really-“ Unable to contain it any longer, Aidan bent over and vomited. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and gave a thumbs up when he finished. “It’s all good in this ‘hood.”
“Go the other way,” Percy muttered to Martina, surreptitiously pointing behind him towards the other side of the forest. He didn’t know Martina, but he didn’t want her to get in trouble for being here. The more bridges they built the stronger they were. “I’ll try and keep them busy.” Stepping forward, he cracked his neck and smiled at the Romans. “Welcome to the festivities my friends,” he spotted Aidan who he recognised from earlier and wondered just how many Romans had somehow made it into the party, “unless you’re here for a drink, I’m afraid we won’t be down to do what you’re saying, this party isn’t hurting anyone and there’s no reason for it to. Just move along and leave us alone. We don’t want any trouble.”
Connor had been up close behind Percy. He was trying his hardest to keep his chill, to remain level headed in the situation. “Holy shit! Yes! Glow sticks!” He exclaimed, throwing his chill out the window. He was ranting on about how cool a glow in the dark party would have been with body paint and everything when the kid threw up and made Connor feel queasy. Shutting his mouth and standing still in an attempt to now throw up, he listened to Percy address the Romans. Connor wasn’t ready for a fight, he had no weapons and wouldn’t last two seconds in his current state. He had no idea who this Brock fella was that Lina had addressed, but he wasn’t about to let someone ruin his birthday party. “There’s plenty for everyone if you’d like to stay.” He offered, following Percy’s hospitality move before encouraging violence.
Brock couldn’t say he had expected that kind of rebuttal. Facing Percy, another Greek and Lina head on, Brock let his shoulders relax. He had agreed some of the girls on their side that he should be taking recovery sessions for his body after what happened with the curses. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t in the shape to take on this entire group, even with Aidan. Especially with Aidan, considering his altered state of mind. “It’s also because of you all that the curses began in the first place,” he remarked to Kolina. “I won’t be partaking in this little festival.” Truth be told, he had no reason to shut this down, other than the simple fact that he was Roman, these were Greeks, and he was at war with them. His eyes narrowed at the brunette next to Percy and he was clearly taken back. “Glow sticks? You’re all like children.”
“Because of us? Please explain how a poorly created attack from your side was our fault, Brock. I would have told them that mass curses were a bad idea, if that’s what you’re implying.” Lina scoffed, annoyance bubbling under her skin. He had always been one of the few people who could get strong reactions from her in anyway. Maybe that’s why she married him. Her teeth grit at his comment toward Connor,“Did you come here to try to break up a peaceful birthday party and insult us? Or did you have an actual goal in mind.” She wanted this to be a good night for Connor and she was willing to push Brock for it. Even if he was going to be an ass about things. “You have your hands full with that one anyway,” She said motioning to Aidan.
“Hey, I am not a handful and glow sticks are amazing, you’d see it if we pulled it from your ass.” Aidan said, waving his hand in dismissal at Lina and Brock. “Drunk? Definitely. But I can have- I’m here for the fun. Let’s go.” He slurred. “They’re being nice, you can be nice. We can follow the golden rule. I wanted to be there when they chugged what’s left of the keg. Cause I can definitely, I mean want to be on the receiving end of that dealio, my dude. I can handle it, I freed up a lot of room right now. I’m feeling great.” He said, his smile cracking as his stomach churned again. “I got this.” He was starting to panic, now knowing people he knew were at the party. This made the mission, if there actually was a mission, a little bit tougher to swallow. “Please, Brock?”
Cat had been the one to order the infiltration, gathering some intel before they rounded up the Greeks who thought that getting drunk was a good idea. Especially in the middle of a war. They’d be valuable prizes to say the least. “Aidan?” she asked spotting the son of Venus and frowning gently, “I had expected better of you than to get drunk whilst on duty, we’ll have to speak to your centurion about your actions…” she frowned and looked at the cohort that was fully armoured behind her. They’d arrived as the debate had raged on between both sides. “I’m afraid this is not up for debate, I’d love to leave you to have your fun but orders are orders.” She drawled all of this without a hint of sadness. “Romans, arrest them, do what you must.”
Lina wanted to punch someone in the face. Of course, the moment they make progress, Cat shows up. She looked at Percy and Connor,“Go, go. You two can’t get arrested, you especially,” She motioned at Percy. Squaring her shoulders,”Got out of jail once, probably can get out again.” She would admit that Callum was the reason she got out, but out of the group she was probably the expendable. They couldn’t let Percy get arrested, and it was Connor’s birthday, getting arrested again on his birthday would not be fun.
Although Percy wasn’t one to leave, he knew that Lina was right. Clenching his jaw, he shooks his head at Lina. “I’m sorry but that just isn’t how things work around here,” he smiled morosely and reached into his pocket, fishing Riptide out he pulled the cap off of it and threw it on the ground. His sword leaped out of its housing, the short celestial bronze blade glittering in the dim light. Swallowing he took up a defensive stance and wished that there was more water than the ice boxes around here, but for now they would have to do. “Lina, you and me are going to play stall duty,” Percy summoned as much water as he could around them as the Romans advanced, “everyone else get out of here. Connor that means you.”
Aidan froze, face paling as he turned to see Cat and group of Legionnaires with steeled expressions. While he had a growing distrust for the Centurion, he continued to have a healthy fear of her. He could already feel the dagger between his ribs, one she would probably place herself if he so much as hinted at treason, but he had enough alcohol in him for a little bravery. “Looks like we’re both disappointed then.” He fumbled with the long knife hidden at his side. “Orders are orders.” He slurred mockingly, preparing himself to be butchered by Percy’s bronze sword. He was at a serious disadvantage in this fight already, and especially with his drunken hands unable to hold his knife steady. It’s not like he could run, what with Cat behind him. Legionnaires marched slowly from the woods, weapons drawn and some with faces excited for the battle. The music at the party stopped, and Aidan felt his heart stop with it.
Rolling her eyes at Aidan, Cat shook her head with a serious hint of disdain. “We’re going to have to have a conversation about your actions, but for now you’re obviously way too intoxicated to fight, so try and keep behind the other capable soldiers and we’ll review your performance on a mission soon.” She smiled sweetly at Aidan before barking orders to her Legionnaires. They locked shields and filled into ranks, five wide, five deep. The Greeks across from her seemed to rally around Lina and Percy. Locking eyes with her former centurion colleague, Cat charged her, running head long at Lina with her gladius drawn and shield raised. “For the first!” she cried as she hurtled at the enemy for the thousandth time that year.
Connor hesitated as Percy uncapped riptide. Part of him was like, not this shit again, the other part of him was wondering if he’d be able to salvage what was left of the beverages anytime soon. As the events unfolded and the Roman woman screamed for the first, whatever that was supposed to mean, Connor’s instincts kicked in. Connor was able to pickpocket someone in his sleep, thus, even in his un-sober state, he had no problems moving like lightning and unarming Aidan, snatching the knife from his hands. “Thanks mate, I’ll need this.” He had just escaped from the Roman prison and barely made it out in one piece, the worst part? The recovery afterwards, he couldn’t deal with not being able to do much due to his injuries. Thus, tonight he wanted to make it away without too many scratches. However, due to his drunken state, he wasn’t sure how realistic that idea was. As many Greeks fled in the situation, many stayed as well and formed ranks amounts Lina and Percy. When the Romans charged, a Gladius aimed straight at Lina, Connor ran and pulled one of his football moves, dropping and sliding against the wet grass, trying to get under the shields and swipe at the Roman’s legs.
Brock smiled as Cat arrived with more than enough backup. “Good to see someone with a clear head.” Brock tugged Aidan back as he pulled out his knife, smiling and shaking his head. “You’ve got spirit, McKay, but maybe next time don’t get it from drinking, alright? I’ll watch him, Cat.” Brock helped Aidan to the back of the cohort. This may have been the perfect excuse not to fight. He took another look at Lina as as Cat went against Percy, shaking his head. “What in hell happened to her,” he thought aloud. Brock’s attention to his former wife had caused him to miss the son of Hermes stealing his fellow Roman’s knife.
Wally who had started to mingle with a few of the satyrs that had showed up was already breaking through the other Greeks. “We’ll set up a meeting with Z later on, boys,” he told the horned lads, before they both went their separate ways. Wally’s hands were ignited with a violet glow. When he saw Cat, his mind started to race. “I’ll let Percy take her,” he said to himself. Thankful that he had forgone drinking, Wally used only his magic against the other Romans, launching hexes and charms at the armor-glad group.
Cat was aware that a straight fight with Percy Jackson was not one she could take. She would allow her troops to keep him occupied until she had come up with a solution to her sea demigod problem. Speaking in rapid Latin to her troops, she led from the front, locking eyes with Lina and moving towards her. “This is nothing personal Lina,” she promised as she hurled a javelin handed to her from her before hurling it at the daughter of Trivia completely confident that Lina would be completely capable of deflecting the attack, “it is just orders.” Ca knew if she could keep her busy then she wouldn’t be able to use her magic to disrupt Cat’s operation. “Rally around me and carry out your orders. Round up as many of them as you possibly can.”
With Cat solely attacking her, Lina would have to wait a little before being able to cast much. She certainly couldn’t cast anything big enough to make the Romans fall back. She’d have to make do with her whip, a weapon she rarely went without, but rarely used. Deflecting the attack quickly, Lina unraveled the golden whip attached to her belt. With a startling noise, she cracked it at Cat, the tail snapping towards the other woman. “It’s never is in War, Cat.” She kept her eyes focused on Cat and her crowd of Romans, before calling,“Wally! Push them back!”
Connor had managed to keep the injuries to bare minimum at the moment, which was great. He recovered and regroup with the rest of the Greeks. When Lina asked Wally to push them back, he had an idea. Running over to the clearing and grabbing glasses of vodka and bottles of other alcohol, he had his way back to the front line, dodging any attacks that were aimed at him. “Wally! Over here.” He shook a bottle and threw it into the air, “Light it up my dude.” He called out. Connor’s plan was to try and keep the legionnaires back with fire.
Wally kept his eyes trained on a few specific Romans, pushing his magic out into the ground, making it turn soft underneath their feet, so much so that they began to sink. When he let up, the ground went back to its original state, locking the soldiers halfway into the earth. He heard Lina and Connor shout for him, and when he looked over to see Connor throw bottles up into the air, he acted right away. His fingers made rhythmic motions, his eyes aglow as he put his attention on the bottle of alcohol. For a moment it glowed, then exploded into a fiery blast which Wally was able to manipulate and aim down onto a pile of legionnaires. He didn’t want to risk creating a forest fire though. Right now there wasn’t enough water that Percy could use to put it out.
Percy leaped into action, summoning all of the water that he could and hardening it into a thick block. Sending it barreling through the first row of Romans he immediately summoned it back to his side, Riptide flashing through the dull light as he danced forwards and slashed at anyone who moved close to him. The bright flash of fire exploding into existence and flashing through the lines of the Romans. Percy danced backwards, doing everything that he could to keep the Romans in line. He should’ve known that something like this would happen.
It took Aidan a moment to process the loss of his weapon, and scowled at Connor as he took off. He watched Brock carefully, and slunk into the trees, determined to at least get his knife back. Aidan watched through the trees as the two sides clashed, making his way towards the Greeks as silently as his staggering legs would allow. As he closed in on the group he spotted the son of Hermes and charged, tackling him to the ground, gripping his wrist tightly to hold the knife back as his vision swam. He held back blowing more chunks as best he could. “That doesn’t belong to you!”
Connor had just thrown the last alcohol bottle when an unexpecting force had attacked him from the side and pushed him into the hard ground. He let out an ‘umf’ as he felt some new injuries add to his old ones. “Since you asked so nicely, I would, but that would be aiding the enemy.” He said with a bitter smile before trying to roll over and push the kid off of him. There were other issues to worry about, like the massive horde of Romans. But perhaps he shouldn’t underestimate the chunder child, he was a Roman after all. “Surrender and I’ll give it back.”
Catching a bottle of flaming alcohol with her shield Cat winced as the heat washed over her and paused until the blaze had calmed down somewhat. Pressing forwards she moved towards Lina and the rest of the Greeks. Her pilum darted out and shishkebab-ed someone’s knee and they responded with a high pitched scream collapsing to the floor as the Roman troops spilled into the clearing that the Greeks had been celebrating in previously. “Someone find Aidan,” she ordered, “make sure he doesn’t get himself killed whilst he is drunk.” She would carry out this mission as efficiently as possible. Or she would die trying. Catching sight of Lina, Cat headed towards her nemesis. If they had to fight one another then this was the best way.
Cat was after Lina. She knew it was coming back at the same time it was kind of annoying. She didn’t need to fight her old friend every time they saw each other. She took a quick second before deciding she was going to do something very dumb. Something that wasn’t expect. She went to tackle Cat instead of just fighting her with her whip. They were both long range fighters most of the time. At least this would make the fight more interesting. “I’m really over fighting you,” She grunted.  
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imashayne · 7 years
Klance Christmas Fic.... thing
Okay so here it is, right on the dot for the final week, a fic that was supposed to be a short which is definitely not because it has two parts. Also this first part covers the first weeks, part two has the fireworks bit. So I guess I just tag things? idk how do. It’s really rough I didn’t have time to go over it or have anyone look at it. Hope someone enjoys this. I had fun writing. And it was a fun break from my main Klance fic XD. A very Klance Christmas                
Keeping track of time in space was hard. Well, of earth time specifically. But Lance would be damned if he didn’t even try.                
So ever since the first night they’d arrived in the castle-ship the blue eyed boy had done up a makeshift calendar. It was a simple thing. A piece of note book paper that Lance had found folded up in his jacket pocket. He’d made a grid on it, marking the months and days. Each night before he struggled into an exhausted sleep he made sure to X out another square.               
 Sure it wasn’t perfect. But it was what Lance had to work with. Even Lance doubted its accuracy, but it lent the boy a much needed sense of normalcy. Gave him an anchor in this chaotic mess that had become his life.                
It was because of Lance’s calendar that the three of them were at the space mall.                
Pidge picked up a bright orange streamer which had just been tossed at her feet. More decorative items flew around her in a confusing whirlwind.                The green paladin blinked in confusion. How had she ended up here? “What are you guys doing?”               
 “What about this one Lance?” Hunk called over to the other boy, holding up what looked like a banner.               
 Lance poked his head out from the pile he’d been working on. “Maybe if we can’t find anything better…” Pidge held up her hands in exasperation since she’d been ignored. The movement caught Lance’s attention and he sighed. “I know your head is in Galra space right now but focus Pidge!” His tone was flustered as he dove elbow deep into another stack of odds and ends. (Since they were the poor alien’s only customers the shop owner allowed them to look through the back of his shop)”Well since you weren’t listening before-“ he grunted, lifting up and moving bundles of fabric. “According to my calendar it’s almost Christmas! Now I’ve missed a lot of things fighting in this war. My brother’s 11th Birthday. The fourth of July… HALLOWEEN! Which is like the best in my family you know! But so help me I will NOT miss this!”                
“Your… calendar?” Pidge pushed her glasses up her nose. “You know that I can calcula-“               
 “No! No no no nu-huh nope!” Lance dropped the mass of electrical wiring that looked completely tangled beyond help and stomped towards Pidge, waggling his finger and shaking his head decidedly. “You stop right there. You don’t get to take this away with…. Science!”               
 “Anyway Shiro thinks this will be good for morale!” Hunk added in, placing another item in the sadly small usable heap.              
   Pidge picked up the banner, holding it up to inspect. “This isn’t even that Christmas-y” She muttered.                
“We’re working with what we got.” Lance snapped.               
 “ You could help us out instead of standing there like a cave bug.” Hunk added hopefully.                
“Hey I only came along to see if they had any new video games in!” 
 “Okay yeah-“ Hunk huffed as he pushed a large box to the side that looked to contain nothing but old VHS tapes. (Pidge made a mental note to dig through it later to see if there was anything good amidst the artifacts) “But was there anything new?” He didn’t even pause to wait for an answer. Hunk already knew that if Pidge had found anything that’d caught her eye she wouldn’t even care what the other two were doing.                
With a groan she stepped into the fray.
 Alteans didn’t seem to believe in ladders. So lance had to improvise. Currently he teetered upon one of the trays that had been used to serve food and beverage to the Arusians. Lance wasn’t sure how much the weight limit was or if they even had one, but it hovered precariously for him and Lance was more than thankful that he was almost done.               
 Of course Lance had done up the entire room by himself. Which had eaten up most of the rest of his day. Once they’d gotten back Pidge had muttered a swift excuse and disappeared. Hunk was already putting together a space Christmas dinner to be remembered! As he’d put it. Lance thought it was already going to be pretty memorable, being as it was in space. Shiro was busy being the leader and Allura was busy being a princess.               
 Coran had helped Lance for a bit, but the new red paladin had to send the inquisitive Altean away. Sure Lance loved to talk but not when he was trying to actually focus on something and the mustached man kept asking about Christmas! Lance had almost yelled that he’d explain later.                
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by the residents of the castle of lions that Lance’s mood had been less humorous and more sharp. Now he had never been known for an abundance of patience but the boy’s fuse seemed to be at a record short. Almost like a certain mullet haired boy who had once been a paladin. In fact this short tempered change had seemed to overtake Lance around the same time that Keith had decided to step back from team Voltron and into team Mamorites. Or whatever.                
While the rest of the paladins knew very well of Lance’s current frustrations (being as each of them had their own given the circumstances) none of them dare speak about it, or well knew how to breach the topic with their usual bright and teasing Lance.               
 But for the Hispanic it was always on his mind. Keith was always on his mind.              
  Lance gave a particularly hard tug on the streamer he was setting up above the entryway and felt the thin paper rip just as the hovering tray tipped. He only had a moment to think ‘oh quiznak’ before he felt himself falling.               
 It came as a surprise to him that he was able to stop himself, lowering his center of gravity and tilting his body to regain balance. The blue eyed boy was just congratulating himself- The training was really paying off- when something bumped straight into the tray, sending both Lance and this someone toppling to the floor.               
 “What the-“ Lance gasped as he felt strong arms circle his waste. Even as he himself threw his arms out to catch himself, and whoever had knocked him down.                
It all happened in less than a tick. Kolivan and he had just left the bridge where they’d been giving their report from the last information gathering mission. As they’d prepared to leave Shiro mentioned that Lance would probably want to talk to Keith. And before the boy could ask even so much as a ‘why’ Shiro had turned back to Allura, already the two of them back to planning out the coalition’s next move.                 
That had led him here, into the great hall, after seeking out red’s new paladin on the training deck (Keith knew it was unlikely but still ….) in Calterneck’s room and the pool with no luck. He hadn’t even been gaming with Pidge.               
 Finally Hunk, who’d been covered in some powdery green substance akin to  flower and had been found in the kitchen’s (of course) told them that Lance was….decorating? Which had of course led Keith and his superior (and mentor) Kolivan to this moment. The half galra boy’s shoulder had bumped into something midair upon entry to the room. Keith of course being Keith, was now almost constantly in battle mode and as he felt a body slam down into him, before he’d even worked through how an enemy could have breached the castle’s defenses, or who this was, he was moving. Reacting. His arms wrapped around a slim waste, readying to throw the person, only he’d not had any time at all to plant his feet and so they fell fast.                 
They never actually landed though. Not hard at least. The other had twisted their body so the impact was not fully on him, Long arms braced against the rest of the force and a voice that he recognized was sputtering.               
 “What the-”               
 A loud clang echoed as the tray came down against the bac of Lances head, “-cheese” squeaked out.               
 It was Lance that recovered first surprisingly. Since he wasn’t suddenly painfully aware of how the other boy’s body was pressed against his own like Keith now was.                
He tried to scramble away but their limbs had become tangled in the fall, legs folding around each other and arms intersected.                
 “Sorry! I  didn’t mea-“ Lance’s half formed apologies were cut short as he was lifted bodily by Kolivan. As soon as they were free of each other Lance was finally able to see who he’d fallen on.                 
“Oh it’s you-“                
“The black paladin-” Kolivan began to speak but Lance was talking over him.                
“Why don’t you look where’ you’re going?”                
Keith had righted himself and was now glowering at the other.               
 “What are you even talking about?”
“The princess requested-” Kolivan tried again to no avail. 
“ You’re the one who fell on me!”
“Yeah well if you’d been paying attention!” They continued to ignore and talk over the older Galran soldier, who wasn’t entirely sure how to interject between these two. 
Lances voice held a hard edge to it. Once Keith hadn’t heard in a while. It was so weird. They hadn’t really fought for a while. But with everything else that had been going on, namely how it was always mission after mission with the blade, Keith didn’t have patience left for Lance’s shit. His violet eyes flashed before the blue light of the castle’s torches caught against silver tinsel that was twisted and strung down from the vaulted ceiling.
The fight was instantly forgotten as Keith finally took in the room around them. It had been transformed.Different shades of red fabric had been folded and pinned in such a way as to make them look like flowers. These had been hung beneath the lanterns. Along the stairs streamers of forest green had been twisted and swirled around the banister.The arched ceiling was the true beauty. Lance had managed to find a box of simple glass ornaments, which he ‘d suspended down along with thin silver and golden threads. Everything sparkled
.“Woah…” It was all Keith was able to get out
.“What is all of ….. this?” Kolivan was apparently seeking out a word that wouldn’t insult what he could only see as useless and frivolous. Realizing that there was a moment of silence between the two of them he swiftly spoke before either could answer him. “The black Paladin stated that you wished to see us?” 
Lance blinked in confusion, catching up with the sudden switch from fighting to having to fight down his own blush at Keith’s reaction. He turned to look at the tall Galra instead. He’d wanted to see Keith, though it didn’t really matter if Kolivan was there as well. It just made sure Lance could keep himself in check.
Of course Lance hadn’t been aware of his feelings for the hotheaded mullet until it was too late and he’d already left team Voltron. Not that Lance knew what he would have even done if Keith was still around like all the time. It would still be better than wondering when…. If he’d see the other again.But no Lance was studiously trying NOT to think about all that right now! He could sort through his own luggage later.Now was the time for Space Christmas!
“Yeah!” He threw his arms open, smiling as brightly as he could in an attempt to emulate cheer he didn’t quite feel. “You guys are invited to the Christmas party! It’s gonna be the bomb… not like… bomb like the last party we had here of course.” A nervous laugh escaped him and he cleared his throat, powering through the awkwardness he’d created. Because he could already see in Keith’s posture and expression how non-plussed the newest member of the blade was. Where as Kolivan seemed simply more puzzled. “But this time there’s not going to be so many people. Just…” Lance swallowed hard past the lump that had formed in his throat. “family ya know? But since the blade is like, your new team now they’re welcome to come.” Lance only faltered slightly at the end, muscles in his face growing tense and he tried to keep the smile up and pretend as if saying that new team thing hadn’t hurt at all. As if his chest hadn’t grown tight with the words.
“I don’t know Lance… we’re in the middle of a war-“
“I won’t take no for an answer!”
Keith opened his mouth again, not even sure how he could explain to Lance that they had another important mission (weren’t they all?) that they were supposed to be leaving for right now. But he didn’t want to be the one to shatter that hopeful look. He always seemed to be after all.
“What is this Chris-mas?” Kolivan saved him. Keith snapped his mouth shut for once. The leader of the Blade could be the bad guy here.Lance took a deep breath in, readying himself to launch into an explanation when Hunk came huffing into the room, apron still in place and looking somehow messier than he had when they’d left him.
“Hey guys sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to make sure I got the taste down for these space fried plantains. I mean they’re not actually plantains but it’s the closest I could get-“
 “Plantains?” Keith asked as he watched Lance take a large bite out of …. Whatever it was, straight off the fork that Hunk held
.“From Earth- you really are an alien!” Hunk joked as Lance moaned happily, taking his dear sweet time to swallow. Keith shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.
 “Hunk!” It was weird hearing Lance take on a chastising tone, and yet it seemed natural coming from him. But it wasn’t the yellow Paladin’s comment that had made a strange kind of heat fill up his body. “It’s kinda like a banana I guess?”
Keith had to bite the inside of his cheek as Kolivan sounded out the word silently. His stoic features not changing in the slightest as he mouthed out ‘banana.’
“Seriously you’re a genius big guy! Ellos son perfecto! Though you don’t gotta put ‘space’ in front of everything!” Lance snuck another bite. And another rolling wave of fire moved down through Keith, coming to settle in his lower abdomen. Lance needed to stop making those noises. And feed his damn self. And maybe not talk in Spanish like that again. Something else that had caught Keith off guard. “Anyway Kolivan, Christmas is an earth thing right?” Lance again turned back to the conversation, but Hunk swiftly interjected again.
 “Oh yeah! It’s the best! It’s when you get together with your family and you eat all this wonderful food-“
 “And you put up all these really pretty decorations like trees and lights and candy canes.”
“Candy canes taste so good! And Fudge and Peanut brittle!”
Watching the two of them explain what Christmas was reminded Keith of two literal children. 
“Oh and you get to open up presents! Our tree always have piles on piles of presents but that’s more because of all my siblings-“
“Speaking of presents I almost forgot about the secret Santa! Good thing I caught you guys.” Hunk pulled a small bag of folded up papers from his apron pocket and held it out. Kolivan looked skeptical as he reached in and pulled out a paper.
 As soon as Keith had done the same a heavy hand came down on Keith’s shoulder. “Well Paladin’s we shall make this…. Chris-mas. Now we must leave for another mission.”
Keith hated howLlance’s face crumpled, and how he’d swiftly pushed a smile back in place as if he’d never lost the bright expression.It pained the half galra that he’d grown more used to seeing this forced smile than Lance’s true one. 
“Really? What are you guys up to this time?” Hunk asked.
“Oh nothing too big!” Keith rushed out before he’d really thought his words through as Kolivan led him out, thankfully remaining quiet. Without realizing it Keith had curled his fingers into a tight fist. The crumple of the paper drew his attention down to the fist. Cautiously he unfolded it. For some reason dreading looking at the name scrawled across it in tiny messy lettering. He wasn’t evens sure why. He’d faced down legions of Galra! Fought Alien armies in a damn warship to free the universe!
He quickly peaked downwards, shoulders slumping.
“What is this secret Santa? What secret is he keeping? And why is the red Paladin’s name written on this small scrap of paper?” Kolivan was shaking his head, bemused by the earthlings and their traditions.
“What!” Keith resisted the urge to storm on ahead of the other. Taking in a deep breath. “no-Santa is… a big guy that gives out presents. So with secret Santa you get a present for the person who’s name you pull, but YOU keep it a secret.”
“Hmmm…. I do not know what to get the young paladin.”
“Yeah? I got Allura and I’m in the same exact boat.” Keith folded his arms.
“Would you perhaps prefer a trade? You have known Lance for longer than the princess. It will be the same to me either way.”
Keith’s head swiveled.
 “Really?” He coughed and had to keep himself from snatching the paper from Kolivan’s larger hand. The sudden excitement abated swiftly though as he looked down at Lance’s name.It wasn’t as if he even knew what the Cuban boy liked besides girls and bad humor. If he had any time he might have been able to talk to Hunk about what he should get for the other boy.
“This celebration of gift giving, the Galra do not have a day such as this. Presents are only given on the day of one’s birth. You must share with me more stories of this Chris-mas.”
Keith folded the paper back up gently and slipped it into his pocket quietly. “I don’t have as many stories as the other two. Dad…. Wasn’t around as much. Not on the holidays … or any other day of  the year.” He muttered.The silence stretched out painfully for a moment before Kolivan’s deep voice spoke through it. 
“Why did you not tell the two paladin’s of our mission? It would have been pertinent for them to know.
”“Ch-“ Keith scowled, “I just didn’t want to bring Lan- I mean the other’s down with details. They were so excited.” 
Every mission was dangerous. Some however were more so.Especially when dealing with the druids. Which was where their next mission would be taking them. With ricks such as the komar and Naxzela they had to be more prepared for the magic users. But they had told Lance that they’d make it to his party. And Keith wasn’t a liar.
 If everything went according to plan they would make it
The space was dark and silent. Keith’s body swayed as the ship they stood in entered the planet’s atmosphere. The only other movement was Kolivan, who was fiddling with his blade. Keith’s fingers gripped tightly on the bar above his head. Nine other Galra waited alongside him in the hold as the coalition fought around them in the sky. Even through the metal walls they could hear the ravages of the battle. Once an opening presented itself they would be dropped down. Right into the Druid’s keep. The faces behind the metallic masks were stoic, each soldier contemplating and preparing for the task before them. 
All save for Keith who’s thoughts were a thousand light years away. Pre-occupied with what could be the perfect present for a certain perfect boy. What did Lance even like? Keith asked himself for what felt like the millionth time. Girls, obviously, but it wasn’t like the boy could get Lance a girlfriend for Christmas…. Or wanted to. No. It had to be something he could wrap right? Like maybe some sort of…. Keith would have groaned in frustration, but even in his current state he could feel the heavy apprehension in the air around him to break this silence would break the rest of his teams’ concentration. 
Keith tried to focus on the mission at hand, chastising himself.But before he could enter the same frame of mind that the other’s around him were in, ready for blood, the floor dropped out beneath his feet and he was falling, purple light rising up to meet him.A veritable river of dark quentescense snaked beneath them. The other blade’s angled their bodies. But Keith had reacted too late. If not for Kolivan snatching him he would have dove into the acidic substance. He didn’t even have time to thank the leader before they were all moving. Sprinting towards the almost medieval like castle.
His body moved automatically even as the legions of drones clashed with their meager force. The knife in his hand almost seeking out the mechanical hearts. They moved easily through this obstacle.
Keith’s mind was still elsewhere. On the gift. It was such a simple thing! And yet he couldn’t conjure a single idea. Of course it wasn’t like Keith had much practice with this sort of thing. His dad had tried…. At times. But they’d never had much money. Keith had learned at a young age not to hope for too much. And at the same time to be grateful for what little he had.The experience he did have in receiving gifts he had even less in giving them. 
Keith should have simply kept Allura’s name. That way there wouldn’t be this pressure. Getting something for a princess would be less work. Lance had probably been spoiled as a kid. He sure acted like it. So what in the world, no the universe could Keith possibly find to impress the boy. For the briefest of moments Keith considered making something. But the idea was swiftly discarded. With what time would he be able to craft something And what would he even make? At this point the best he’d be able to throw together would be the severed head of a druid… which wasn’t something he thought Lance would appreciate. 
Vaguely Keith was aware of his surroundings. When the reddish glow of the dying star that served as this planet’s sun was no longer beating down on him. When the drones gave way to live soldiers. They’d reached the stronghold. Good, that meant that their mission was almost over.Keith wasn’t sure how much time had passed but with how smoothly things were going they were definitely going to make the Christmas party. It was weird. He knew he wouldn’t have a gift prepared…. But still he didn’t want to miss it. Easily enough Keith told himself that it was because he didn’t want to deal with a pouty or angry Lance next time they ran into each other. He wasn’t going to acknowledge any other reasoning.
It was pain that brought him crashing back into reality. He felt the blistering sting flare across his shoulder. He clumsily dodged the droid’s next two blasts before smoke swirled to his right and the dark clawed hand of a druid reached forth from it. Magic lighting up the palm. A wall of power slammed into Keith and the wind from the blow screamed in his ears. His back crashed into a wall and he crumpled. Black dots scattered across his vision, but as the violet mist once again churned around him Keith rolled. A tick later there was a crunching sound. He pivoted, snapping his arm up and letting the knife fly from his grasp.The druid’s were fast and their attacks unforgiving. He was beaten back, giving more found than he wished.
“Luxite blades are so interesting.” The deep voice intoned. “The metal is capable of reacting to the will of the one who wields it, and yet…” One of those strong arms snapped out and long fingers wrapped around Keith’s throat, easily lifting him from the ground as if he were nothing more than a rag doll . With his free hand the druid yanked out the sharp edge of Keith’s knife from his side where it had imbedded. Holding it up to Keith’s cheek and slicing open the flesh. “It still cuts you.” 
Keith swung his legs, hooking one up and around the druid’s arm even as he felt the growing pressure close off his wind pipe. Fortunately the momentum he’d already built up carried them both over. Unfortunately the grasp around his neck was still tightening. Keith tried to keep control of his body as they fell, thinking that if he could just get enough leverage he could escape this deadly hold.The druid wouldn’t let him. He was battered into the floor. The druid’s strength and body weight driving down against the one point. Keith flailed for his blade, had seen it fly from his attacker’s grasp when they fell. The edges of his vision were growing black from lack of air, and Keith wasn’t aware that the shadow that had risen up behind the druid was Kolivan until a blade was thrust through the monster’s chest and pulled upwards. 
Kolivan didn’t say anything to Keith as he helped him up but the silence was more than enough. The deep breath that he took into center himself sent a flare of pain sizzling through his body. There was too much going on right now to properly pinpoint exactly where this was coming from but it felt like everywhere. The boy jumped in after Kolivan, his generalized agony now enough to keep him focused on the fight. 
The battle continued to go downhill. The ease with which they had fought and destroyed the droids was now the mirror opposite to their conquering of the keep itself. They managed to complete their mission successfully. However it wasn’t without casualties.
And with how long it had ended up taking them they’d surely missed Lances Christmas celebration. Keith dare not even look at the time. Simply ask Kolivan as calmly as he could if he could to borrow a pod.
“You should get rest while there is time to do so.”Keith set his shoulders, not budging otherwise. If he had been human Kolivan might have sighed, rubbed at his temples or punched his nose whenever he was faced with the young one’s stubbornness. As it stood those mannerisms were of the human variety and so he simply nodded after a short pause. “Then I shall accompany you and deliver the information we’ve gathered along with the report to Princess Allura in person.”
Keith fidgeted the entire ride there. Ignoring both his aching body and the one time Kolivan suggested that he try to sleep. It seemed to take forever to get there. Each tick another that he was late. However when the beautiful Altean space craft came into view amongst the vast darkness and distant stars Keith wasn’t ready Forget the present that he wasn’t showing up with, Lance was going to be pissed that he was crashing in battle worn and late. The half galran hesitated in the pod as Kolivan disembarked, half hoping that the Galra leader would ask for Keith to accompany him to the debriefing.
Of course no invitation came, the older male knew why coming here so quickly was important to the former paladin. And so Keith took a deep breath. Like during the battle agony set his nerve endings aflame, but this time he knew it was due to the bruising along his rib cage. As he walked it was with a slight limp. Where he’d been shot throbbed as a reminder. Keith turned his feet towards the great hall.
He wasn’t even aware that he’d made it there, and for a moment blamed the haze of pain. Realizing a tick later that it was because the room was as dark as the hallways he’d been walking through. Only the dimmed lights catching on the silver tensile as if it were falling snow alerted Keith that he’d made his destination He stopped short and looked around, hand coming up to press against his sore side. The silence was deep.
He had missed the party then. 
It was almost like nothing had been touched at all. Despondently his violet eyes scanned the room. He was about to turn and find Kolivan when a hunched form caught his gaze.It was a testament to his training that before he could even blink Keith had his blade held aloft and at the ready. His first few steps towards the figure were soundless. Until he made out the white and blue design of the armor. Keith stopped trying to be stealthy and shifted to sheath his knife. He sighed in relief, opening his mouth to ask the other what he was doing here. But before he could get a single word out the other boy spoke.
“leave me alone Hunk. I’ll go to bed when I know he’s okay.”
Keith’s eyes widened. Perhaps if he’d not been so exhausted, or injured, he might have folded his arms, allowed one of his rare smirks to grace his features, and ask Lance in an almost innocent tone, ‘me?’
But as it stood his heart jumped up into his throat, which made the single word a breathless whisper. Lance’s head snapped up and Keith felt his chest tighten when he saw the bag’s under Lance’s beautiful azure eyes. “Shit Lance I’m sorry I missed the party-“ Keith didn’t often find himself apologizing, and yet Lance was one of the only people who ever got one from him it seemed.
Lance had jumped to his feet and crossed the space between them in just a few long strides. Keith spoke faster, thinking that the paladin was angrier than he looked and that he was about to get decked in the face. “I came as soon as possible but I couldn’t think of a present for you and there wasn’t any time between the mis-“ Warmth enveloped Keith, Lance’s arms circling his shoulders, pulling him in tightly. Fire ignited all throughout him that had nothing to do with the pain that spread as Lance squeezed him. Keith tensed for only a moment before leaning into this abiding heat from the other boy his own arms coming up under Lance’s gripping against the hard armor.
“You…” Lance’s voice was shaking and Keith’s eyes widened. He’d never heard the other sound like this. “just you, home safe. That’s all I ever want. That’s all I’ve ever needed Keith.”
That same incandescent fire that had burned earlier now rushed up into his face and Keith couldn’t do anything but turn his head into Lance’s shoulder.Neither of them was sure for how long they stayed like this, but Keith could feel how hard and fast Lance’s heart was beating even through his breastplate. And though the pace didn’t slow his own rhythm began to match it before Lance finally shifted. Keith didn’t let go as the Cuban boy leaned back and their breath mingled. It surprised Keith to see that a cherry red colored Lance’s olive cheeks, which of course only worsened his own blush. Beneath his fingertips the half Galran could feel Lance trying to pull away, to take another step back. Retreating the same way he’d been doing around Keith for a while now.Keith didn’t let him. The crimson on Lance’s cheeks grew deeper and spread up to the tips of his ears. 
Since he’d noticed months ago how the red paladin had began to pull away from him Keith had been at a loss for what to do about it.
Until now.
He looked up. “Oh shit we’re standing right under a mistletoe.” 
Keith felt proud of himself for catching the notorious flirt off guard as he spluttered, tilting his head to look and stuttering out, “I t-thought Hunk couldn’t f-find any? I was gonna put so many up-“ His voice was trembling in a very not-Lance like manner
Keith’s smile grew. “you idiot-“
“You were just supposed to shut up and trust me remember?” Without waiting another moment Keith tugged hard on the front of Lance’s chest plate. The other’s lips were so soft beneath his own.
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yeolsmuffin · 7 years
Married to a Monster || Drabble - 13th Birthday
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Pairing: readerXjongin
Genre: Fluffy Fluff 
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Jongin shows his affection for you on your thirteenth birthday and makes you feel special when you’re struggling to find your own identity while in the shadow of your older sister.
Read the series here!
“What am I supposed to get her?” Jongin said looking at Hani hopelessly while the pair walked around the shopping mall.
Hani flicked her gaze over at him, “Are you seriously asking me?”
Jongin shook his head and pointed to a guy with a beard who was manning a sunglasses stand, “No, I was asking him,” he replied sarcastically.
She smacked him, “You’re such a shit.”
“Seriously, Han. I need a good gift. She only has a thirteenth birthday once.”
She scoffed out a laugh, “What does she see in you?”
Jongin rolled his eyes, “What do you see in me?”
Licking her lips, she sighed and cast her gaze off in the distance. “Jongin-”
He waved his hands in the air, “I know. We aren’t supposed to talk about it. I was just saying. She probably sees whatever you see in me.”
“No, she sees more Jongin. I know she’s young and her crush should be laughable at our age, but she’s so bright and mature. You need to cherish her and protect her because she sees so much in you that you don’t even see,” Hani said with a sigh.
“That’s why this gift is important,” he simply stated.
“Yes, you’re right,” Hani nodded and trailed beside Jongin. “but don’t think about it too much. You know her better than I do.”
Jongin opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly when his eyes panned over an art supply store.
Hani smiled to herself. “And as long as you follow that heart, you’ll be led in the right direction,” she whispered.
The living room was decorated with pink and yellow balloons, streamers, and paper lanterns. You smiled as you ran a hand across the fireplace and looked at the pictures that were surrounded by streamers. Various pictures of your family and ones that included Jongin.
You sighed.
Oh, how you had such a stupid crush on the older boy.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t a crush anymore. It was love. It had to be love. You couldn’t imagine a crush being this intense.
He was fifteen and while the age difference was only two years and a handful of months, most boys his age saw you as a child - well, Jongin never did.
Maybe that’s what fueled this crush more than it needed it be.
It was embarrassing to love him the way you did. After all, Hani was much more interesting than you. Longer hair, longer legs, brighter eyes, and just more filled out than you. Jongin would never see you when you were standing in her shadow.
You weren’t having a big birthday party. Just your family, Jongin’s family, and Jongin. You didn’t like many people from school and you preferred to keep to yourself. Besides, most kids at school picked on you for the constant paint stains on your clothes.
You had plenty of clothes, sure. You had some idea of how wealthy your parents were but it didn’t matter how much clothes they bought you - the clothes would eventually be covered in paint from your constant need to work on a new canvas. Art was your only friend besides Jongin and Hani but you were okay with it.
You liked the flecks of paint on your bedroom floor and your clothes. And well, so did Jongin.
Or at least you thought so as he once told you that you were cute with paint stains on your cheeks and your favorite purple dress.
“What are you looking at?” you heard Jongin’s voice behind you and you quickly spun around. His bright smile shined at you and you felt your heart ache.
“Just these pictures of us,” you said pointing to one of you, Jongin, and Hani by a waterfall.
Jongin smiled and walked towards you. He was wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans but he looked as good as ever. You couldn’t help but shake as he neared you. Lookin briefly at the picture, he looked back at you. “You look nice,” he said carefully as he eyed you.
Giving him a confused look, you looked down at yourself. Of course you looked nice. Of course he liked how you looked. You were wearing one of Hani’s sundresses. He thought you looked nice because of Hani’s clothes - not because of you. Unintentionally, you let out a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” he asked and you swore his hand reached out towards you but it quickly dropped.
You shrugged, “This is Hani’s dress. She looks so much better in it than me.”
Jongin scoffed, “Why do you always compare yourself to her?”
Looking up at him, your eyes met and warmth spread throughout your body and right down to your toes. “Well because we’re a lot alike except she’s like version 2.0.”
“That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said. You guys are hardly alike and even in the ways you are, she’s not better than you. You’re different, Y/N. Okay? Just because your wearing her dress doesn’t make it her dress. I happen to think you look better in it,” his gaze felt too intense so you had to look away.
“You don’t have to say that to flatter me. I know Hani is the cool one. The one everyone likes,” you picked at your nails. “even you.” and once the words were out, you covered your mouth.
Silence surrounded the two of you for a moment and you wanted to drown in Hani’s dress. “You say that as if I don’t like you,” Jongin said with offense thick in his tone.
You shrugged. “I know everyone will always prefer Hani.”
“Well, I prefer you,” he replied quietly.
Your heart pounded against your chest and even though his words sounded sure, you didn’t fully believe them. Jongin would never feel the way you felt and that was enough to ruin any good feeling he gave you.
It was late that night when you finally got Jongin’s present. 
All through opening presents from your parents, sister, aunts, uncles, and Jongin’s family, Jongin kept you waiting. Even after cake and while you spent some time with everyone, he refused to let you have it.
Jongin waited until everyone was gone before he snuck into your room after Hani and your parents were fast asleep. He was staying the night and was supposed to be in the guest bedroom, but most nights he would come to your room anyway.
“Nini,” you whispered from where you sat cross-legged on your bed sketching on the new sketch pad that his parents had got you. He closed the door gently and the two of you were encompassed in the darkness of the night apart from the two candles you had lit to draw next to.
Crawling up on your bed with you, Jongin held a pink bag. “Ready for the best birthday presents ever?” he asked with an eyebrow raised. 
Putting your pencil down, you give him a smile. “Technically my birthday is basically over.”
Jongin smacked one of your legs gently, “It’s not even eleven. I would have been here sooner but Hani’s light was on forever,” he groaned.
“Why can’t Hani know you are in my room?” you wondered.
He gave you a look, “Because she’s Hani and she’s annoying. Besides, we don’t have to tell Hani everything.”
Chill spread through out your body as Jongin handed you the bag.
“Go on.”
Dumping the contents on the bed, Jongin rolled his eyes at you as you looked at what he had gotten to you.
You gasped when your hand ran over a large box of brand new oil pastels since the last ones you had, Jongin had stepped on one night when he had come into your room to bring you chocolate cake after everyone had fallen asleep.
Alongside the pastels was a packet of incense which made you grin over at Jongin who was watching you with an amused look. He was the only one who knew about your newest addiction to lighting incense when you painted since sometimes the smell would mingle with your paint and stick to your canvas. They were scented with a woodsy scent called Oak Forest but somehow the smell of Oak Forest, smelled a lot like Jongin. 
The last thing in the bag was something about the size of your hand and wrapped neatly in a white gift paper. Opening it just as carefully as you were sure it had been wrapped, you were shocked when the paper had come all the way off.
It was a painting of you and Jongin - just you and Jongin, no Hani.
It was a small but detailed painting of you and Jongin dressed up for one of your middle school dances. His arm was gently wrapped around your waist as you smiled the biggest you probably ever had. He had taken a picture with Hani but in that picture, you knew he didn’t hold her waist - which made you happier than it should since it probably didn’t mean much. The two of you almost looked like a couple and the painting somehow displayed that much better than the original picture. The painting brought the two of you to life in a way that gave you goosebumps.
Could you guys ever be a couple?
While you had a lot of growing up left to do, you couldn’t imagine life without Jongin.
Looking at Jongin, his eyes seemed to sparkle at you. “Do you like it?”
You nodded slowly, “But why just us? There were plenty of pictures of the three of us?” You wanted to smack yourself. Why would you ask that? Couldn’t you just be happy that Hani wasn’t apart of it? As much as you loved your sister, there were times when you wished you could have Jongin all to yourself.
Pushing your oil pastels and incense back in the bag, Jongin dropped the bag to the floor and crawled on next to you, pushing you over slightly and tucking his legs under the covers with you. “Sometimes it will be just you and me. Hani doesn’t always have to be included, silly girl,” he said ruffling your hair and putting his arm on your shoulders when he finished.
“I just feel like maybe you’d rather spend time with her,” you said as you turned the painting around in your hands.
Jongin tightened his hold around your shoulders. “If I wanted to spend time with her, I’d be in her room,” he whispered.
He groaned, took the painting from your hands and tossed it into the gift bag. “Do you ever listen to me? I have no reason to lie to you. If I was only interested in Hani, why would I be in your room 95% of the time I’m here?” Dropping your sketch pad down to the floor, you shrugged. “Y/N, you mean the world to me. Now can we get some sleep? I spent all day looking for the perfect gifts for you.”
His words made you smile as you nodded slowly.
With that, Jongin pulled you down next to him and pulled up the covers over the two of you. You didn’t cuddle but you might have well had because Jongin kept his hand resting on one of your shoulders all night and that was enough to make you feel warm.
That was enough to make you forget that he probably liked Hani more than you.
At least for the night.
a/n: a gift to all of my readers who have been so patient with me. I wrote this to help me get back in the swing with MtaM so I thought I should share it with you guys! I hope you like it and you can expect MtaM final chapters and more drabbles soon. I love you guys. <3
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Magnus Chase and the Obligatory Hogwarts AU Ch4
On ao3
And her it is, folks! I hope you enjoy this and just know that I’ve never written a sporting event before, so any comments on the game are very appreciated. Once again, thanks to @tearfulmelody for editing this.
Btw, I’m sorry in advance.
The Hufflepuff Horror Party had come soon after their Hogsmeade visit and it was great.
Of course, that was to be expected. The Hufflepuff House prided itself on,  among other things, throwing great parties, and they all put their best efforts into it. The party took place in the Hall of the Slain, the night after the Halloween Feast. The hall was decorated so it was dark, like you were standing inside the Forbidden Forest in the dead of night. In fact, fifth year students from Hufflepuff, when asked to practice spells that made plants grow faster in Herbology, had practiced on tree seeds from the Forest. This resulted in full grown trees decorating the Hall, completed with spider webs and fake bats that flied as if they were real. The traditional floating Jack ‘o Lanterns of Hogwarts weren’t missing either. They drifted across the room, casting their dim, in many cases multicolored light upon the partying students like magical disco balls.
In the end, while they might not have gone to the party as the Scooby Doo gang, they went as the Power Rangers (blame Magnus). That, of course, had brought up the discourse of who would get to be the Red Ranger. In the end, after a lot of fighting and arguments between Halfborn and Alex he preferred not to think back to, they had decided Sam should be the Red one. Halfborn was Blue, T.J was Green, Magnus was Yellow, Alex was Pink and Mallory was Black. The might have been incredibly warm in their suits, and wearing their helmets may have resulted to Halfborn stumbling over a group of second years, but hey, they had an excuse to strike ridiculous poses without anyone judging them (that had been Magnus’ main argument in favor of this choice).
They had a great time! There were party streamers and confetti all over the place, which the first and second years used to play war. At any given moment, you could be knocked off your feet from a rushing kid who was running away from an attack or on a mission to steal the enemy’s supply of party goods. Since Alex had never had the opportunity to partake in Hogwarts’ legendary Party War, the table 19 gang joined the younger students, Magnus, Sam and Alex on one side and Halfborn, Mallory and T.J on the other. They threw confetti and party streamers at each other. Halfborn head-locked Alex and rubbed confetti on his hair as he struggled to get away. T.J and Mallory had a full on “snowball fight” with balls made of party streamers and dragged Sam into it too. Magnus used his legendary attack and threw a giant pile of party supplies at the enemy side while yelling “Booyakasha!”
It had become much quieter at ten, when the first, second and third years had to leave because of curfew. The older years, however, were allowed to stay longer and Magnus, like his friends and everyone in his year, were extremely giddy about being able to stay longer. They danced and pulled ridiculous shit, like trying to form a human pyramid even though they had never done that before. They ended up a mess of spandex clad bodies on the floor, wiggling around like fish out of water and trying to get untangled.
Magnus and Alex were by the buffet table, having a competition to see who could find the nastiest Every Flavor Bean. This far in, Magnus had to eat some that tasted like egg, berries, vomit, grass (which tasted surprisingly nice) and pineapple. He was about to eat a green one Alex handed him that could be either bogeys or green apple when Alex talked.
“So what did Sam want to talk to you about the other day?”
“What do you mean?” Magnus asked as he popped the candy in his mouth. Thank goodness, it was apple.
“When Sam took you outside to talk when we were in Valhalla,” Alex said. “You didn’t look too good afterwards. Neither did she,  now that I think about it.”
Magnus averted his eyes from Alex, now finding the bowl of candy much more interesting. After his talk with Sam, he had tried to act normal. He had tried to act like everything was fine, but his mood had dampened significantly and, even though he hadn’t realized it, all his friends picked up on it. Magnus joked along with them and laughed with them, but he wasn’t there with them; his heart wasn’t in it.
“Look,” Alex said as he stepped closer to Magnus, the candy forgotten completely now. “I… don’t know what’s happening, honestly. And I’m not good at this whole ‘friends’ thing, I never got much practice. But everyone is worried about you and… I’m worried too.” He paused, taking a deep breath like he was psyching himself up to say what he wanted.  “What you said after what that boy did really helped me. I want to help you too and talking to people makes you feel better.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair, pink tonight to match his costume. “I’m not that good in talking to people about what bothers me, so I probably don’t have a right to tell you this, but… talk to Sam. Even if you don’t tell her everything, getting some of it off your chest will help, whatever it is.”
Magnus looked at the bowl of multicolored beans silently. What Alex said made sense, but still… he was afraid.
When he finally talked, he didn’t look at Alex. “I thought you’d ask me to tell you what happened.”
From the sound of his voice, the notion surprised Alex. “No, you’ve know Sam much longer. If it’s something so bad to make you this miserable, I thought you’d trust her with it more. Plus, I wouldn’t know what to do if you cried. I’d just stand there awkwardly.”
Magnus sighed. All around them, the music was beating loud and fast as students danced under the shining colored lights. It was noisy and the air warm and even a bit study from the dozens of sweaty teenagers. Magnus had never thought he’d be in a place so bright and alive and feel anything but that. Until now, he had never understood how you could be around so many people and feel so utterly lonely.
“But,” Alex said, his voice cheery. Maybe a bit to cheery. Like he was hoping that his cheerfulness would rub off on Magnus and make him feel better. It didn’t quite work. “If anyone has hurt you, then I’m 100% willing to make them pay. That’s what friends do, right?”
Magnus gave a pathetic little chuckle. He wondered if Alex could bring his mum back from the dead by punching the Grim Reaper in the face.
“Yeah,” Magnus answered absentmindedly. Maybe he should talk to Sam. Maybe it would make him feel better. “Thanks for talking to me, Alex.”
“No problem,” he said cheerily and popped an Every Flavor Bean in his mouth. Unfortunately for him, it was cat piss. “Eww! Gross!”
Magnus, despite himself, laughed at his friend’s misfortune. What Magnus didn’t know was that Alex knew perfectly well what that bean tasted like before putting it in his mouth ad it was hardly an accident.
“Come on!” he said after most of the cat piss taste left his tongue and Magnus had had a good laugh at his expense. “Let’s go dance with the others!”
“Nah, I think I’m good over here,” Magnus said. “I need to do some thinking.”
“Nuh uh. No way. I’m not letting you here on your own.” As Alex said that, he grabbed Magnus by the wrist and dragged him to the middle of the dance floor. “Plus, I asked them to play that song we talked about in class about now.”
“What song?” Magnus asked, right as the band started playing Macarena.  He looked Alex dead in the eye. “Seriously?”
She beamed at him. “Yep! Now show me how you dance this again!”
Magnus had meant to talk to Sam after the party. He did, he really did, but… some things are easier said than done. In the week that followed Halloween, he had caught himself about to speak to her at least a dozen times, but every time something always happened and he didn’t get the chance to talk. Every time he told himself it didn’t matter because he could just talk to her next time. But when the next time came, he still chickened out of it.
Magnus was in the library, doing his homework. T.J was tutoring some younger students for extra credit (not that he really needed it) and he wasn’t quite sure where Halfborn was. He was supposed to run some errands for Professor Jack, if Magnus remembered correctly but he wasn’t sure. He was sitting by the large window that overlooked the Quidditch field. Mallory, Sam and Alex were practicing along with the rest of the Slytherin team.
Sam was the team’s Seeker from this year on since the previous one had graduated. It had been the position she wanted since the beginning, but up until now she had been a Chaser. She was great in the field, but then again Sam was born to fly. Learning how to fly on a broomstick had been what she was most excited about in their first year, and she was amazing at it.
Mallory was a Beater, because of course she’d choose the position when you had to beat up people. She was deadly in a game and might have broken her fair share of bone by accident while playing (both her own and other’s). Alex was a Chaser and with their first match of the year this Saturday, she could hardly stay still.
He turned back to the Potions essay in front of him and struggled to get the words to come out. He knew he should have started earlier, but with everything that was happening he couldn’t focus on it for long. That resulted with him having to turn in the essay in two days and being hardly half way through the first paragraph.
He sighed again, using an erasing spell to erase the line he had just written. Ugh, why couldn’t he write it? It was just a simple essay! And it wasn’t even on something difficult, he knew this stuff, but he couldn’t concentrate enough to write it.
Or, well, he was concentrated on something, just not what he was supposed to. Struggling to talk to Sam about his mother meant that the topic was always front and center in his brain instead of at the very back, along with all the other horrible things he would have preferred never happened. That, in turn, meant that he had had a horrible mood for days.
Magnus, well, Magnus was a bottler, if that hadn’t been clear enough already. He didn’t talk about what bothered him, at least not on his own accord. If something troubled him, he never brought it up, preferring to keep it in instead of annoying people with his problems. If he did talk to someone, it was after the other person initiated it and asked him what was wrong. And even then he wouldn’t speak unless the bottle was absolutely filled to the brim and one more drop would make it explode.
But keeping all that in, when the bottle was full and heavy with all the small or big things that bothered him, made him feel horrible. And Magnus didn’t like feeling like that, which in turn made him feel even worse and drop by drop the bottle kept filling.
He groaned again, much too loud for someone in a library, and flopped down on the table, letting his head rest on the hard wood. This shouldn’t be so difficult and he shouldn’t get so frustrated or sad over it but he was and that made it even worse.
The blonde was contemplating asking T.J. to write it for him when he heard the scraping sound of someone pulling back a chair. He looked up to see Professor Hearthstone sitting opposite him.
The Ancient Runes teacher was tall and thin, he reminded Magnus a bit of Jack the Pumpkin King from the Nightmare Before Christmas with his long arms and legs. His hair, complexion and even eyes were so white that Magnus wondered whether or not they would be able to find him in snow. There was a slightly pointy tip to his ears and Magnus knew that he had elf blood in his family, however distant it might be.
“Professor Hearthstone?” Magnus asked, confused as to why the Ravenclaw Head of House would be here. “Is there something I can help you with?”
That’s actually what I wanted to ask you, the Professor signed.
Professor Hearthstone was deaf and talked in BSL and Halfborn had taught Magnus after he asked him because it seemed interesting. A few parents had complained about his hiring in Hogwarts, saying that the fact he couldn’t speak would make lessons more difficult for students. A lot also had problems with his elf descendancy and didn’t want their children to be taught by him. As T.J. had explained to them, the matter was resolved when Professor Hearthstone sent every single parent who complained about him a letter containing his family tree to show them how far back his elf ancestor was. In the letter he also told the parents that he used a spell to voice his thoughts for lessons, so if they wanted to complain they should first inform themselves, and that, at the end of the day, their children didn’t have to take his lesson if they didn’t want to.
I understand you are not necessarily my student, the Professor continued, however it has come to my attention that something is troubling you and I wanted to help.
“H-how did you realize?” Magnus asked, too tired to even try and lie about it.
The teacher raised an eyebrow. I talk frequently with Blitzen, and many of your friends are students of mine. They’re all worried about you.
Dread filled up Magnus’s heart. He didn’t want to worry his friends,  that was why he didn’t let them know what was wrong with him. But doing that changed nothing, apparently, because his friends still worried, and felt powerless to help their friend when they didn’t even know what to help him with.
“I-I don’t really want to talk about it,” Magnus muttered, training his eyes on his unfinished essay.
Professor Hearthstone reached out and raised his face so Magnus would look at him. I understand, he signed, but as a teacher, I don’t enjoy seeing my students in pain. I understand you might not want to talk about some things, and you might not feel comfortable talking about them to everyone. But I know firsthand how much it can hurt everyone around you and most importantly you to keep them in.
Professor Hearthstone sat up straighter. I am not here to make you talk to me. I understand you might not want to. But letting it out of you will help. If you don’t want to talk to a teacher or a friend, you can write about it.
“Like a dairy?”
I suppose. What I wanted to say is that you should talk about it if you want to. I can guarantee to you that if you talk to a teacher, they won’t tell what you told them to anyone.
Professor Hearthstone stood up, tall and slightly imposing despite being so thin. However, I cannot make you talk if you don’t want to. In the end, it’s your choice.
The Ancient Runes teacher walked out of the library, leaving Magnus behind, sitting on his own by the large window that overlooked the Quidditch field and feeling lost.
The sky was bright and the atmosphere was buzzing as the stands around the Quidditch filled were alive with the Hogwarts students, young and old, excited for another match of the wizarding world’s most famous sport.
If one where to look at the stand from high up, they would see a sea of red and green. Students of all ages were wearing their house scarves proudly to cheer on their teams. Some were waving banners or flags and there was even a student that had charmed a stuffed lion to roar. The air was buzzing with the cacophony of the students shouts and the game hadn’t even began yet. Magnus knew from experience it would get much worse as the game progressed.
T.J. and Magnus were in the stands, excited to watch their friends duke it out in the field. Supporting both teams, they were among the few, if not the only, students dressed in both House’s colors. T.J had Halfborn’s scarf hanging around his neck and Sam’s scarf in hand, prepared to start waving it around when the game started. He had a large hat that had ‘Slytherin’ spelled out on it in silver, glittering paint and a Gryffindor flag in the other hand. Magnus, in the meanwhile, was wearing Alex’s scarf around his neck and, like T.J, held Mallory’s scarf in one hand and a Gryffindor flag in the other, with his blonde hair covered by a large Gryffindor hat.
“Slytherin! Gryffindor! Slytherin! Gryffindor!” T.J. practically chanted, turning from side to side and waving his arms around.
“T.J., the match hasn’t even started yet,” Magnus said, keeping a straight face with great difficulty. T.J. always got over excited about Quidditch matches.
“I’m practicing,” the dark skinned boy said and went back to waving his arms.
Magnus smiled. T.J. was rightfully excited. Quidditch matches between Gryffindor and Slytherin always got the school buzzing with excitement. The two Houses, while not out for blood, were definitely the most competitive among the four. Their matches were always intense and managed to get everyone’s adrenaline pumping, even if they didn’t know a lot about the sport.
It wasn’t long before the commenter started talking, announcing the teams’ entrance.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and all you lovely folks in the stands, it’s time for the much awaited match between Gryffindor and Slytherin!”
The stands roared with excitement. Magnus could swear the whole pitch was shaking from the power of their voices, and he might have cared about them collapsing and falling down if he wasn’t screaming alongside the other students.
The Gryffindor team run in the field, brooms in hand, as the announcer introduced them and gave fun facts about them.
“And Halfborn Gunderson walks in, real name a total mystery. But don’t be fooled by his size, because this giant of a man will beat you in grades like he beats you on the field. Will he be able to score points for his team?”
Claps, whistles and cheers rocked the stands as the Gryffindor students and supporters went wild. Their whole team was lined up in the filled, a row of blazing red and gold flowers among the green grass.
“And now, on the other side of the field, please give a warm welcome to Slytherin!”
The announcer did the same thing as before as the Slytherin players walked in, walking proudly in their dark green robes.
“Mallory Keen walks into the field. Petite as she might me, don’t underestimate this fiery redhead unless you want a concussion. Though I wouldn’t mind getting one from a beauty like this.”
Mallory stood next to her teammates with the confidence of a winner, her wild mane of hair pulled back in a puffy ponytail. She didn’t seem to have heard the announcer’s flirting, and if she did, she didn’t seem to care.
“And here we have Alex Fierro! She/her today, folks, and this young girl seems ready as hell to win her team points!”
Alex was holding her broom on her shoulders, like one might hold a stick to carry buckets of water. She beamed up at the stands and the crowd went wild.
“And now, the Slytherin Seeker, the lady of the skies herself, Samirah al-Abbas!” Sam ran onto the field, green hijab fluttering as she run. She had earned herself a reputation in Hogwarts as an amazing Seeker.  
Hunding went over something with the teams, probably asking them for a fair game, before releasing the balls. The players shot up after them, fast and fierce. They flew with such speed and precision Magnus got equally scared and thrilled watching them. They flew left and right, high and low, so fast Magnus could barely keep track of them.
Magnus wasn’t the best person to describe a Quidditch match to you, mostly because he only knew the basics of the game, like how many points a goal was worth and that the game ended when the snitch was caught. His limited knowledge, however, didn’t stop him from realizing the game was bloody intense. It was been twenty minutes into the match and no one had score yet. The players flew up and down, throwing balls and catching them, zipping past the stands so fast Magnus’ hat was almost blown off.
Sam and the Gryffindor Seeker were hovering above the rest of the players. Their eyes were scanning the field, patiently waiting for the appearance of the Snitch. At one point, Sam suddenly dipped down, chasing after a golden blur. The other Seeker soon followed her, desperately trying to catch up. In his hurry, he crashed into Sam and they both lost their chance at the Snitch.
Another twenty minutes passed and now the two teams had each scored a goal. Alex and Halfborn were in a heated battle over one of the quaffle and neither of them was giving up anytime soon. Mallory and the other Beater flew around and attacked the enemy players. Once, Mallory smacked a bludger so close to a Gryffindor player it only missed her by a hair. The Gryffindor girl, surprised by the ball that had just zipped past her, lost her balance, and fell off her broom. Luckily, the pitch was charmed so if one of the students fell, it was like falling on a trampoline instead of on hard ground.
Magnus’ voice was going hoarse by the time Alex scored her second goal. The crowd’s excitement was contagious and Magnus’s cheeks were flushed red from all the yelling and cheering. He was about to turn to T.J to tell him something when the two Seekers suddenly dipped down. They flew towards the ground, going faster and faster, chasing the tiny golden ball that zipped past the other players.
The whole student body watched with bated breath as the two Seekers were neck to neck. They held onto their brooms with one hand, the other hand stretched forward to catch the Snitch. Down and down they went and Magnus couldn’t take his eyes of them.
Then, a breath away from the ground, they pulled up. Magnus wasn’t sure whether his heart had stopped beating or whether it was beating too fast. He would never understand how Sam could pull stunts like that without feeling scared.
The two teams had stopped playing, waiting to see who caught the Snicth like the other students. The silence that descended on the field was just as deafening as the cheering had been before.
Then Sam raised her right hand up high to show a pair of gold wings jutting out of her closed fist and fluttering wildly.
The stands erupted with cheers. The Slytherin supporters’ yells were loud and happy, and while you couldn’t make out what each student was saying, you could still understand how ecstatic they all were to have won the match. Even Gryffindor was cheering, simply happy to have seen such an intense match.  
“And Slytherin wins, folks! What an amazing match!”
“We won! We won!” T.J cheered, ignoring the fact that, since they were cheering for both teams, they would have won either way. Still, Magnus didn’t have the mind to tell him that because he was too busy cheering along with everyone else. Watching his friends play Quidditch gave him this adrenaline-filled feeling like his whole body was buzzing with energy begging to be released. If this is what it felt like for Sam to be flying out there, no wonder she loved it so much.
The stands emptied slowly as the teams went to their respective changing rooms and the students started leaving for dinner. Magnus was still high from the match. He remembered when he first came to Hogwarts, how excited he had been over the peculiar sport. He wrote to his mum after every single match and even though what he wrote must have made no sense whatsoever, she always seemed so happy to hear his rapid, excited rambling.
His mind wondering off to his mum brought Magnus back to the scary reality of what he had promised himself to do after the match.
Talk. He was going to talk to Sam.
A part of him told him not to. A part of him found excuses, how she must be tired, how he shouldn’t bring her down with his troubles after she just won a match. You can just tell her some other time, part of him said.
But Manus knew that if he listened to that part of him then he’d never speak to Sam. And he wasn’t sure how much more the bottle could hold before it burst.
One by one, the Slytherin team members left the locker rooms, excited for dinner after such a great match. Mallory, Halfborn, Alex and T.J were talking among themselves and even though Magnus was standing next to them he wasn’t paying any attention to what they were saying. The last Slytherin player left too, but Sam was still nowhere to be found.
“Hey, um, where is Sam?” Magnus asked. He really hoped he didn’t look like he felt. Like a nervous wreck.
“She’s still inside,” Mallory said, gesturing at the locker rooms with her thumb. “It’s her turn to tidy up the place today. We told her she didn’t have to do it since she won us the match, but you know what Sam is like.” She shrugged and went back to the conversation she was having with Halfborn.
“Oh, um, I’ll go check on her,” Magnus said as he slipped away from the group.
Inside, the locker room was, well, like any other locker room. There were white tiles everywhere and wooded benches as well as the ever present musky/sweaty smell that came with a room sweaty teenagers change clothes in. It was eerie to be in here without any of the other players (Magnus had come here with Sam once to cheer her on before a big game), especially when he only knew some of them from the locker room.
Magnus moved through the little rooms, like the boy’s and girl’s changing areas, the showers and this little lounge thing for before games, but Sam wasn’t there. Things were clean and tidy so she must have already finished with this.
He moved deeper inside the locker room. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster and his flight instinct was going crazy. Dread settled in his throat like heavy, gooey slime and it wouldn’t go away no matter how hard he tried to swallow it down.
He reached an open door with a sign on it that read “Sports equipment”. He heard moving around and rattling from inside and, with the eagerness of a man heading to his execution, stepped inside.
Sam was on top of a stool, putting away some spare Quidditch things Magnus didn’t know the name of. Her back was to him and she hadn’t noticed him yet. If his flight instinct was going crazy before, now it had gone completely haywire. He bit his lip anxiously. He felt so frightened, like it was his first day of school again and he both wanted and was afraid of going. He was just a scared little child that wanted his mummy, even if he knew she couldn’t be here to tell him everything was fine.
Yet, scared or not, Magnus took a step closer and made himself known.
“Um, Sam?”
She turned around to look at him. He green hijab, now pulling around her neck, rustled as she moved. “Oh, Magnus. What are you doing here?”
“I, uh…” Deep breath. “I need to talk to you.”
Maybe it was the tone in his voice, maybe it was that he held himself like a frightened rabbit, maybe it was that nothing good ever came out of “I need to talk to you”. Whatever the reason, Sam’s carefree expression disappeared completely.
“What’s wrong?” She asked as she moved closer to him. Her brows were furrowed together, creating a wrinkle between them like every time she was worried about something.
“It’s- “his voice broke, “it’s about my mum.”
The wrinkle became even deeper. Sam’s arms were held in front of her body, like she wanted to reach out to Magnus but she was afraid he’d crack if she touched him. He felt like he would.
“What you said. B-back at Valhalla. She’s not sick.” Another deep breath. And another. They came out shaky, shivering, like leaves in the wind.
“She’s dead.”
Sam didn’t talk. She didn’t gasp or anything like that. She stayed quiet, so quiet it was like Magnus was on his own. Even if she wasn’t standing next to him, he wouldn’t have noticed. His eyes were glued to the ground, to a dirty spot in the floor that was getting blurrier every second.
When Sam finally talked, it was quiet and breathless, as though she couldn’t even begin to phantom what she was hearing. “When?”
“T-this summer,” Magnus continued. The cork was off the bottle and he couldn’t put it back even if he wanted to. “We- we were going to go camping the next day. I had gone to bed early so I wouldn’t be tired and- and- When I woke up, when mum woke me up, there-there was smoke. Smoke and-and heat and” a sob tore its way out of his throat, “Mum- she told me to get up and-and we ran to the door but then part of the ceiling collapsed.”
Magnus hadn’t realized it, too deep in his memories, but Sam had led him to the stool she had been using and sat him down. She rubbed his back but all it did was remind Magnus of his mum doing the same when he cried and his sobs came harder.
“We ran for the fire escape. We-we were almost there when-“ Magnus felt like he was going to throw up. “The ceiling collapse again. On-on mum.”
A small gasp came from Sam but Magnus kept going.
It was like he was there again. Their small apartment, the place where Magnus had made so many happy memories, turned into a fiery inferno. Smoke and heat and flames everywhere and Magnus was scared, so scared. His tears dried on his cheeks from the heat and his mum held his hand, telling him it was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay. They would get out of there.
They didn’t. He did.
“S-she was trapped and-and I tried to get her out but-“ Another sob tore his body in half. “I wasn’t s-strong enough. She-she told me to run. She t-told me she’d be right b-behind me. I-I grabbed my b-backpack a-and jumped out the window. I la-landed in the ga-garbage bin and I-I looked up e-expecting her to come- but-“
It hurts. Stop. It hurts.
“The-the window ex-exploded.”
Please stop. Stop, please. It hurts.
“She didn’t come out.”
Sam was holding him close, hugging him. Her body shook with silent sobs and Magnus felt her tears soak the back of his shirt. They stayed like that, hugging, crying rivers, oceans. Sam didn’t speak. No ‘I’m sorry’, no nothing. Sam knew what it was like to lose your mother. She knew that ‘I’m sorry’s felt like empty words.
She knew there was nothing she could do right now except holding Magnus as he cried his heart out.
Magnus wasn’t sure how long he was crying. It could have been a few minutes or it could have been days and he wouldn’t have noticed the difference. He cried and cried, leaving wet trails down his cheeks, and he didn’t even know he had this many tears in him.
Magnus was crying, still crying, when his friends appeared on the door. Whatever they were going to say –about where Magnus and Sam were this whole time, about missing dinner if they didn’t hurry up- died in their throats when they saw their two friends close together, crying like it was the end of the world.
Alex wasn’t hesitant to touch Magnus, not like Sam had been. Then again, he was completely wrecked now. There was nothing for her to break.
First it was Alex, then T.J, Mallory and Halfborn. They rushed forward, not a word spoken, and hugged Magnus and Sam. They didn’t know what was happening, and they didn’t really need too. What they knew was that their friend was a crying mess and maybe, just maybe they could put all the broken pieces of him back together if they hugged him hard enough.
Magnus thought of what people always said when you couldn’t move on from a loved one’s death. How they wouldn’t want you trapped in the past, how they would want you to move on. He wondered if his mother was somewhere out there, anywhere, watching Magnus happily, glad he made the first step.
He liked the idea she was.
Magnus stayed there, crying in the smelly Quidditch storage room as his friends and his mother’s memory held him close.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[FN] The Will of the Heart: Chapter 1
Achilleus stared wide eyed at the man with black cat ears and the man with curly red hair that stood among the crowd behind him. Both them and the others within the crowd were shocked and astonished by what just happened.
It was currently the change from spring to summer in Oles, a massive continent with four kingdoms that sat across the sea from the Heart of the World. It was tradition in the Eastern Kingdom on the first week of summer to try to unsheathe the sword that was held by The Traveler who established Oles’ kingdoms some two hundred years ago.
Bournemouth laid just outside the castle and its walls; the town was home to the week long festival was that held there since the death of The Traveler. Hundreds of people from the neighboring kingdoms and from across the Soaring Sea came to Bournemouth to prove that they were worthy of wielding the legendary sword. The town was adorned with streamers and wires that hung lanterns from them which ran from building to building across from the streets. A large statue depicting The Traveler in his hood with his face hidden in the market square was decorated with flowers and lantern to honor him. Music played for hours on end while games were played and food was served. Most merchants thrived in having the festival and right at the foot of the statue was where the sword laid on a table set up by the royal family. The festival celebrated the welcoming of the warm season as well as to honor The Traveler.
Achilleus was a farmer who took bounty hunter jobs on his days off for the extra money. He lived within the Southern Kingdom in the countryside not too far from the Eastern border. His skin was tanned dark from the hours of intense labor out in the sun within his fields which made him look older than a man in his mid twenties. He was, by nature, a tough man for being born in the countryside and working as farmer since the job was not easy. The brunette hated being the center of attention especially when it concerned him and the unsheathed sword that belonged to The Traveler that he held. He never would have thought to try to take the sword out of its sheathe if were not for his two best friends Chaz and Milo.
Chaz had the black cat ears and the glowing mischievous golden eyes; one of the many forms of the human-animal hybrids that appeared two hundred years ago along with The Traveler. Being the middle child of five sisters and the constant look of mischief within his eyes gave him more than enough reasons to join the bounty hunting business with his boyfriend Milo. The two worked together only as a pair until they met Achilleus, who joined them often for the thrill and money. He had a method of capturing those with bounties in an unusual or prank-like way that only failed half of the time he used those plans. Along with his love for causing overall chaos, he never shied away from making bets or challenging his friends.
He had bet one hundred coins on the legendary sword saying that Achilleus would not be able to get it out of its sheathe. The bet was impossible to beat yet Achilleus’ pride and empty wallet said otherwise.
“Alright, but if that sword comes out of that sheathe you owe me those coins,” he declared before walking up to the sword making Milo, the man with the red curly hair, roll his eyes.
The crowd that circled around the table had human and half-humans alike who would step up to the table to try to release the sword while the guards at the two ends of the table watched on. People would cheer for whoever was at the table to help them get the sword out so they could see the beauty of it, yet no one had ever succeeded.
He was able to block out their cheers while he rolled up his sleeves except for Chaz who was the loudest of all of the people in the crowd.
“You ain’t gonna be able to open it!” He yelled with his hand cupped around his mouth while Milo shook his head disapprovingly.
He said nothing back as he took the sword in his hands and studied the decorative sheathe. The green vine like patterns reminded him of the forests around from his childhood farm and the brown backing gave him a sense of nostalgia. He wrapped his calloused hand around the leather bound hilt of the sword and took a deep breath while bracing his muscles for the strength he was going to have to use. With one tug however, the sword clicked and the blade slipped out of its home like butter to gleam in the afternoon sun.
Now Achilleus stood in the center of the crowd staring in disbelief at his best friends while everyone stared at him in silence. Even the two guards who had been watching the participants with smug amusement were awestruck by his feat.
The long double edged blade shimmered in the golden rays of the sun that graced it with its warmth it had not felt in centuries. The shine gave it an ethereal glow that captivated everyone’s eyes.
Achilleus looked to the guards for answers as he stood there in disbelief, thinking that maybe this was a trick they were playing, but both the man and the woman stood there withe the same dumbstruck face as everyone else did. His stomach sunk as he realized that this was not just a trick and that he had actually pulled the legendary sword from its sheathe.
The crowd, after a moment of shock, rushed for Achilleus and barely gave him enough time to cover the sword again so it would not hurt anyone as it was ripped from his grasp. He was pushed roughly away into the crowd that now looked more like a riot as they desperately tried to reopen it
If it were not for Chaz and Milo to catch him he would have fallen on the ground and laid there still in shock with the sun in his eyes. The three of them watched as a few more guards joined the other two as they tried to stop the riot from breaking the sword or harming others around them.
“Guess I owe ya a hundred,” Chaz chuckled nervously but Achilleus did not reply and only stared on at the crowd.
It was not until the King’s Guards rode up to the riot, along with the King himself, that the crowd dispersed and left the sword laying on the ground alone. The King of the East was an old man who wore a bushy white beard that went past his chest; different from the young burly King of the South that three were used to. The heavy set king looked down at the crowd with fierce eyes from on top of his white stallion that dared those around to move.
The King’s Guards, women warriors from the sister Western Kingdom, hopped off of their horses and approached the sword that laid along the brick ground. The one whose skin was a beautiful dark brown handed her halberd to the other guard before gently picking up the sword and holding it as if it were made of glass. She ran her finger tip across the sheathe and looked over the sword carefully before walking over to the king.
“It’s unharmed, your Majesty.” She presented it form him to take and once the sword was within his possession he glared at the two guards who were overseeing the event.
“What happened?” He demanded with a booming voice that made them jump and stand at attention.
“Your Highness,” the man began nervously, “Someone was able to unsheathe the sword.”
The woman guard looked around and pointed her finger at Achilleus who was tying to sneak away from the commotion along with his friends. “It was him!”
Everyone looked from her to him causing him to freeze in his spot and swallow hard as the king ushered his horse to stand in front of him.
The King held out the sword for the farmer to take with the fierce look still in his green eyes.
“Take hold of the hilt and show me.”
Not wanting to refuse the order from a king, Achilleus took hold of the hilt and pulled out the sword just as he had moments before.
The two King’s Guards quietly gasped at the sword and the crowd again looked on with amazement while he held the sword weakly in his hand.
“Sagol, Urule,” the king called to his guards as he gave Achilleus the sheathe. “Escort this man safely to the castle.�� He ordered before slapping the reins against his horse and rode it towards his home.
Sagol and Urule rode up to Achilleus as he sheathed the sword once more and gave him a look of doubt. They beckoned him to follow them as they rode their horses on either side of him while he walked towards the castle.
Achilleus glanced back at his friends who nervously shrugged back at him while those in the market square watched on in wonder at what he had down to be escorted the castle by the king’s personal guards.
submitted by /u/sbearooo [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2XqUojW
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