#or more like. i wouldnt get to eat cake/dessert lol
celticwoman · 1 year
when will it end!!!!!!!!!!
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bittcnneck · 7 months
@demonsfate asked: ♡
send me ♡ and i'll answer: shippy stuff!
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who buys generic brand products? who buys name-brand? Depends on the brand and the name tbh. But both of them would buy named brand on food I feel like. They would not get a knock off version of m&ms bc its cheaper lol. When it comes to electronic and clothing tho, Lacey is more likely to get generic brand, mostly bc those are expensive shit. Not sure abt Jin tho...
who upgrades their iPhone/Android every single year? Neither. Lacey would need her phone to be almost unusable for her to get a new one, like lagging SO much, battery dying too quick or screen too cracked to read.
who complains about their day? who listens? Neither would complain but Lacey is more likely to listen and Jin complains. Jin would listen too but u can't catch her complaining unless its a very big very important thing, even then, its unlikely bc she doesnt wanna burden other with her problems.
who gets shit-faced drunk forcing the other to drive? Lacey would drive bc she refuses to drink in public. U go to a bar with her and see a margarita glass in her hands ask oh what is that? She says its juice 🧍‍♀️ she would only drink somewhere she feels 100% safe, and would refuse to leave home when drunk, unless someone who is with her did not drink at all and is in a clear state of mind to protect her if something happens.
who sends the other 20 tiktok's in a day and expects them to react to every single one? LACEY. cute stuff, relatable stuff, funny stuff, ANIMALS!!! U bet shes spamming him w them like haha this is so us. Jin would send too but def not as often as Lacey lol.
who stuffs clean sheets in the closet without folding them? who complains about it? Neither. Throw em in there :P
who surprises the other with coffee/breakfast in the morning? Lacey bc of course she is she gotta make her man happy.
who starts a food fight while they're preparing a meal? Lacey but most she would do is like put a lil batter on his nose or cheek. She wouldnt do it with food that is already prepared tho
who thinks of the weirdest, out-of-pocket scenarios at 3 in the morning and calls/texts/talks to the other about it? JIN. Lacey thinks of weirder shit but doesnt call lol. She wakes up to a call from Jin shes sleepy asf like yeah..? And Jin is like what if were in a simulation
who refuses to eat the first & last piece of bread in the bag? Both would eat, but Lacey is more likely to bc she wants Jin to eat the good stuff.
who doesn't like the crust on their sandwich? Both would eat. Lacey hates wasting food and if Jin eats a whole bowl of peas with nothing on the side I dont think he would complain abt crust lol
who goes to Target for one thing and walks out having spent $400? Lacey, only if a worker pressures her tho. If theyre like hey wanna get this its on sale, and shes like no thanks but theyre like its very good and very cheap!! She would buy it bc she has a hard time saying no in general ;;
who pays for the dinner? who pays for the drinks? Lacey pays dinner, Jin pays drinks!
who's always looking at the dessert menu before even ordering their drinks? Lacey is more likely to, but that is if shes been craving it all day.
during the movie previews, who's the first to say "i wanna see that movie"? Lacey bc she wants to spend more time w her man ❤️
who shoves the other into the pool fully clothed? Lacey doesnt have the guts and I feel like Jin wouldnt want to inconvinience her.. but DJ would 💀
who has to have the corner piece of a cake/brownie/etc Lacey would, like the bread one, she would want Jin to get the good shit
who brings home a dog/cat despite the other saying not to? NEITHER SAYS NO!! FILL THE HOUSE LIKE ITS A JUNGLE.
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numinousxsims · 7 years
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sims q&a tag~
tagged by my absolute faves @catssimblr @simsxbayxworld @homesicksims​ ♡ i tag @charmedsims @recklessims @barleycoffee @vamprocillin @crushedvelvetsims @beaute-sims @feme-rebelle @kanashii-sims @stillgotme
Sim’s name: Luna Camille Barrero 1. What is your sim’s favorite food? thai food and all kinds of seafood. babygirl loves her shrimp and crab. 2. What is your sim’s favorite color? autumn-y colors, so brick red to orange type colors! 3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? libra! 4. Does your sim believe in “love at first sight”? yeah, she does. she’s a hopeless romantic. loves love. loves to love!  5. What is your sim’s sexuality? she’s straight!  6. Is your Sim a cat or dog person? (or both?) she’s… a dog person! but wouldn’t mind a cat, so maybe both?  7. Adding to the previous question, if your sim were to have a cat and/or dog, what kind/breed(s) would it be? for a dog, she’d love a labrador or a BEAGLE!! for a cat, she doesn’t really know lol. all she knows she wouldnt mind one! 8. Does your Sim have a best friend? cough, she had one :/ .. jk. she has several. at one point, it was Mikayla, they grew up together when they met at age 12 (but for now, it’s tarnished). since she entered her 20′s, she was able to meet the three others you’ve seen (through Mikayla and also when the others were job hunting) – Asha, Vivienne and Piper. all of whom she calls her best friends. they’ve just lost touch with Luna. except two people and you’ll know who eventually when we get to that part in my story. :) 9. Does your Sim have a favorite life stage? definitely childhood, but it’s starting to flip over onto young adulthood as things are starting to kind of get really good for Luna. 10. What is your sim’s ethnicity? she is half spanish from her dad and then thai/filipino from her momma’s side. 11. If your Sim could travel to anywhere in the world, where would they visit? probs Thailand and the Philippines, just to get to know more of her culture in that way.  12. If your Sim was a castaway on a distant, uncharted island, who would they bring? Milo, no doubt. the two have become inseparable, even if Milo can’t make a fire for shit (he could though, just hypothetically saying heh), she’d choose him always. 13. Does your Sim have a favorite tv show and/or movie? she doesn’t keep up with tv shows much but loves her movies. she lives for movies that just break your heart or just reaffirm her belief in true love (idk why lmao) so one of her top faves is Blue Valentine. 14. Does your sim believe in the “simulation theory”? nooo. (although…. she should bc thats how i control her……JK). 15. Does your Sim have a favorite kind of clothing to wear? yup, culottes or just really comfy loose pants/jeans (mom jeans/bf jeans)! thats like her #1 thing.  16. Does your Sim have a lucky charm? up to now, no actually.  17. What kind of music or singers does your sim listen to? babygirl loves her r&b and alternative indie music. she just loves a good soothing voice along with instrumentals that get you thinking about life and just feel all relaxed.  18. Does your Sim have a favorite family activity to do together? :/ what family? :( back when her grandma was alive they’d eat at a diner every friday night (thats now closed) which was 2 mins from her grandma’s house and would always get milkshakes to end their day. 19. What is your sim’s age? she’s 24. 20. Does your Sim have a dream job? hehehehe. this will be revealed in my story some time soon so i’d like to keep this a secreeeto :) 21. What is your sim’s favorite beverage? any of Teavana’s tea, but to pick a fave – youthberry tea! + coconut juice is always her shit, too.  22. What is your sim’s favorite dessert? she loves a good ol’ chocolate cake. 23. Does your Sim have any siblings? if so, do they get along with all of them? no she’s the only child. :-(  24. What activity/hobby makes your sim the happiest? writing in her journal, reading and listening to Milo practice his music has become one of her most favorite “hobby” to do lately looool.  25. If you could meet your sim, would you be friends with them? fuck yeah! 
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umnachtung · 8 years
Food survey stolen from @my-world-is-ruled-by-fiction​
69 questions
Breakfast! 1.) Have you ever eaten a “balanced breakfast” like they show in cereal commercials (I.E., bowl of cereal, fruit, glass of orange juice)? Yes. As a kiddo.
2.) When’s the last time you made someone breakfast? IDEK.
3.) What’s your favorite cereal? Weetabix chocolate minis
4.) What’s the highest calorie, most terrible for you breakfast you’ve ever had? I guess English breakfast with beans and sausages. 
5.) Would you rather get breakfast from McDonald’s or Burger King? Neither.
6.) Waffles or pancakes? pancakes
7.) Eggs or cereal? Eggs.
8.) Milk or orange juice? neither.
9.) PopTart or Toaster Strudel? neither.
10.) Do you even eat breakfast? kind of. Like a tea and cereal maybe. Sometimes just tea.
11.) Do you take vitamins with your breakfast? No.
Lunch! 1.) When do you usually eat lunch? 2pm or 3pm but usually never. If I actually wake up early and would have to go somewhere it would be 11 am.
2.) Did you get notes from your parents in your lunch when you were little? No.
3.) If you had one, what did your lunch box look like? I had several because I kept losing them or making them unuseable by forgetting them and leaving the things inside to slowly build their own culture and social system.
4.) What’d you have for lunch today? It’s not lunch time yet and it’s probably gonna be nothing.
5.) Do you like to go out for lunch? Where? Not really. I don’t like the idea of spending money.
6.) Do you have/want any cute sandwich cutters? (They decrust your sandwich into a shape) No. I like my crust, thank you.
7.) Do you sit with/meet with anyone for lunch often? Not really. Even at uni I usually ate alone.
8.) Have you ever had a peanut butter and butter sandwich, or does it sound appealing at all? Pls no.... peanut butter is enough already.
9.) Is your lunch usually a hot food or a cold food? cold. it’s like second breakfast.
10.) Has the word “lunch” been repeated so many times it’s a meaningless word by now? Yes.
Dinner/Supper! 1.) Do you follow the health rule of having a small dinner and big breakfast? Naw, fuck that rule.
2.) Do you ever say a prayer before eating dinner? No, I dig in like a savage.
3.) What’s your favorite take out dinner, if you have one? Italian.
4.) Have you ever been taken out to a nice restaurant for a dinner date? Yes. I think it was Greek food but it has been like idfk 5 years ago??
5.) Did you grow up eating dinner with your family? How do you think that affected you? It would affect me in a sense that I wouldnt like if someone bailed on dinner. Or you know... I would forget about dinner completely since my parents usually make it and I am just too lazy.
6.) Do you have “nice” dinner plates for special occasions? Not that I know of.
7.) Do you ever eat frozen dinners? No.
8.) What dinner foods can you cook? basics like noodles, potatoes, rice with chicken....most things that take around an hour or less to make.
9.) White or red meat (or their vegetarian substitute counterparts)? Red meat.
10.) Soup or salad? salad.
Dessert! 1.) Do you ever get dessert at a restaurant when they ask? Sometimes. but the food you get is usually enough so I am not hungry anymore.
2.) Is there a dessert food most people like that you hate? Rice pudding. Gross! -> lol same
3.) Cupcakes or real cake? true cake made by mom.
4.) Ice cream or pie? pie.
5.) What kind of birthday cake (or other sweet birthday type thing) do you usually get? My mom likes making cakes so she ASKS what kind of cake I want and I usually get those. This year will probably be a lemongrass lime cake sort of deal.
6.) What was your favorite childhood birthday cake? Something with raspberries.
7.) Do you have a favorite foreign (to a Westerner, anyway :P) desserts? (Baklava, biscotti, churros…) tiramisu.
8.) Do you bake sweets? Which are you best at? I have no real interest in baking so I never tried to make anything tbh.
9.) Have you ever had a good “diet” dessert, like something endorsed by Weight Watchers? What was it? Nah. I don’t care about healthy when it comes to food.
10.) What’s your dream dessert? Everything nom.
11.) Do you watch shows like Cake Boss or Cupcake Wars? I used to check out Cake Boss since my family watched it but it’s just 10x worse with the German voice acting over it.
Snacks! 1.) What’s the best candy in the world? Why are you making me choose one?!
2.) Do you eat more snacks or full meals? snacks currently I think.
3.) Is there anything you find yourself eating when you’re bored? chocolate.
4.) Do drinks with calories count as a snack? No.
5.) What’s your favorite food that’s usually served at parties? IDK. Pizza?
6.) Do you eat in class? If so, what is it, usually? My lunch. lol.
7.) Honestly, are your snacks healthy or bad for you? I don’t care.
8.) Potato chips or trail mix? Potato chips....trail mix is like.... just sad im sorry.
9.) What do you usually get at the movie theater? Nothing. too expensive.
10.) Did you get fruit snacks with your favorite character on them when you were little? Naw.
11.) Do you remember any sayings from conversation hearts? Which is your favorite? No. not only are they cheesy they are also gross as hell.
Food in general! 1.) Do you buy generic brand food? Depends on the food. 
2.) Is there a common food you find repulsive? Currywurst?
3.) What’s your favorite “ethnic” cuisine? Any country that can make a mean curry. yum. So I think India, Pakistan, Thailand and many more? 
4.) If you were stranded in a zombie apocalypse with only a full, run-of-the-mill and full-of-junk vending machine for food, which items would you eat first? snickers bars maybe?
5.) Are you a candy fanatic? Somewhat? I certainly dont mind trying new stuff.
6.) Do you like any weird food combinations? IDK what’s considered weird. Maybe cheese with marmalade.
7.) Are there any foods you shouldn’t eat because of your religion? I am not religious so no.
8.) Would you eat a bug if it was covered in your favorite food? Maybe?
9.) Do you think being a vegan would be/is really hard? With all the offers at the supermarket for them currently probably not so much. But it depends on the region and on the money you have. Veganism seems like a luxury to me. Also you have to like read the ingredients everytime. you cant just go and buy something.
10.) Do you eat in the car? I don’t have a car.
11.) Do you pay attention to serving sizes? No. Serving size for 2 means It will fill me maybe and I am hungry in 2 hours probably.
12.) Fruit or vegetables? both.
13.) Mustard or ketchup? mustard.
14.) Does mayonnaise disgust you? No.
15.) What’s your favorite holiday, in terms of the food you get to eat during it? Christmas, haha.
16.) Are you hungry? (: What do you plan on eating next? I’m good. probably around 3 pm?
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