#whenever i start feeling a bit better i instantly start getting worse. my god
celticwoman · 1 year
when will it end!!!!!!!!!!
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min1check · 9 months
Leto! Joker x side chick! Reader ig…
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1248 words
Barely proofread ts so i’m so sorry if u see errors
pt 2
Description: You work at one of Joker’s clubs and he starts to take an interest in you….
Every night there would be presents and money left on my small table in my small ass kitchen in this small ass apartment. 
It all started when I finally learned the real identity of my boss’s boss’s boss at the club I worked at. I really needed money desperately for my family who lived out of the country. I’m currently working on the papers so they can gain legal presence but until then I need to work hard and study hard. 
At the club I worked at, they paid me better than most places and I would be able to go to university in the daytime and work at night. 
The club was pretty high class, there were many high profile politicians who were VIPs. Given that they were even at a club, they were most if not all sleezebags who tried to hit on the staff to the point that I could file sexual harassment charges. But nevermind that. 
The club was so high class and full of VIPs that I didn’t expect it to be owned by the biggest crime lord in this city, the Joker. This whole city was corrupt in and out. Even if I tried to file those sexual harassment charges I would’ve been shut up instantly. 
When I saw this head of green hair and his pale deathly looking skin and his red lips that I couldn’t tell if it was lipstick or blood, I tried my best to not be noticed by him. 
Though he looked like a corpse he was extremely attractive. Maybe in another universe I would actually try to get at him. Well and if his fellow Clown Queen of Crime didn't exist. She frightens me even more than Joker. Well actually that’s a lie but as a girl I can say that we’re ruthless when it comes to boyfriends and husbands and such. Too blind and in too much love to use actual reason.
Harley’s beautiful though they genuinely look good together. 
I went over to Joker’s table where he was talking to (or more like taunting) his client to drop off the drinks. It seemed that everyone else already knew what his regular drink was and his client’s. 
I tried my best not to mess up or to not loudly drop the drinks because at this moment I could actually not stop my whole body from shaking. They continued talking about their deal without even looking at me. I kept a friendly smile on my face. 
I walked off a bit quickly because I was terrified. Yet I felt like someone was staring right at me. I quickly turned my head and all I could see in that moment was Joker with his usual devilishly grin looking straight at me. My blood ran cold. 
When I was out of his sight I closed my eyes and started to pray. 
‘Dear God, please forgive me for any sins I have committed for I do not want to die tonight. I have too much to live for so please don’t let me die. Thank you for everything you have blessed me with Lord, amen.’ 
I was crying internally. 
Literally was gonna kill myself right then and there. But I brought myself back to reality and back to work. 
Whenever I would come to work the Joker would be there with Harley. 
I literally think I’m going crazy because I think he keeps looking straight at me…. With his girlfriend/wife/partner in crime which was even worse. Yeah he was hot but cheating men are scum of the Earth. And Joker’s a mass murderer and other stuff. To be honest I kinda forgot I’ve been too busy with school to care about politics….
I finally got a shift off and a day off of school today. I’m just gonna sleep and lounge around and be fat. I got out of my bed to go get some more ice cream in my kitchen. 
It felt a bit unnerving when I was in the kitchen, like someone was watching me. I shook off the feeling because I had locks on every single window and door. The crime in my country is a bit bad so Gotham wasn’t that much different. 
As soon as I turned around to go back to my bedroom with my ice cream in hand…
“What the fuck?!” I screamed so loud that I dropped my bowl of ice cream and it shattered. 
“The look on your face doll… it’s so… funny!” The intruder was the Joker and he couldn’t and wouldn’t stop laughing at my reaction.��
“…” I just stood there in silence thinking about how that bowl was so expensive…
I didn’t want my floor to be sticky so I started picking up shards of the really expensive bowl. 
“Aww~ Are you.. mad doll~?” He teased me with his usual grin. 
“Not really, I’m just a little sad because this bowl was really expensive.” I sighed to myself. 
“If that’s it then here.” Joker tossed money at me. 
“Um… It’s okay I’ll just work for it back.” My mom always taught me that I shouldn’t accept money and that I should always offer to pay so I gave that money back to him. 
“Just take it Doll, think of it as my~ first~ gift~ to~ you~” he really emphasized on the last part like really. 
He got comfy and sat down on a table chair as I cleaned the floor from the sticky mess. 
That sounds a little wrong, I just mean my ice cream trust…
After cleaning it all, it occurred to me…
Why and how did the Joker get into my apartment…
My blood ran cold. I feel like I could turn into a reptile with how much my blood goes cold. 
“I liked seeing you at my club but I like seeing you in this shaggy apartment more.” He looked at me. 
“Um… how did you get in here?” I spoke quietly afraid I would somehow strike a nerve. 
“It was easy! I broke your window.” He spoke like he just finished climbing Mt. Everest. 
My mouth dropped to the floor. 
Like I tried to close it but it just wouldn't. 
“What~? Cat got your tongue Doll?” He grinned. 
I’m actually going to kill myself. 
At this point I hope he pulls out the glock 19 and shoots me….
Wait but all my windows are barred up…
I looked into my living room and realized there was glass everywhere and the metal bar was stretched apart enough where it would fit the Joker perfectly. 
Calculating the cost in my head I actually started to cry. Tears ran down my face. 
I would be fine if I picked up a few extra shifts but I had to study more because finals were coming up. I’ll have to cut down on food and sleep…
The Joker awkwardly patted my back. 
“Here’s some more money Princess.” 
“I.. Cant accept it.” I said between sniffles and pushed his money back to him. 
He suddenly grabbed my head with both his hands and made me stare him in the eye. 
“Take. The. Money. Princess. Or else I’ll shove it down your throat.” His face was way too close to mine. 
“Thank you…” I tried my best to smile while he was still manhandling my head. 
He kissed me out of literally nowhere. 
My blood went cold again. 
I don’t want to be a mistress or some side bitch….
And Harley’s gonna kill me……
Yet it felt so good. 
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nychta-luxury · 2 years
An Imposter or a God's Helper? Part 2
You have been playing in Darling's account while they focus on their studies, you notice many strange things happening that you never seen nor heard of, despite the fact you have been playing before Darling. You have thought about contacting Hoyo, however Darling stopped you. Your not sure why, but it's not your account to control so you let it be.
Part 1 Part 2 (your here)
Warnings: Cult like behavior, Worship, Religious themes, Not proofread.
Darling AU
It's been a few days since you started playing in Darling's account, you have to admit playing on their account is like playing an unreleased hard mode in genshin.
You continued to roam around the world opening chests and trying out characters you have always wanted but never able to get. Surprisingly, Although you played before Darling, in fact you were the one who introduced genshin to them, Darling has all the characters already.
Your not sure why but Darling has always been very lucky on genshin, whether it's artifacts, wepons or characters. They would never reach hard pity. But they do still expirance the tragic lose of 50/50 something no one can escape.
You sigh as you get yet another def% artifact with amazing substats. This is worse then getting no five star. You left the domain and looked for the next one to farm, but then
Ding Dong
There goes Darling spamming your door bell. They were always the playful type.
"Hold on! I'm coming." You yell, leaving your game open.
You opened the door and saw Darling,
"About time you visited bruh." you say
"I almost believed you abandoned me with your children, and ran away with some other person" You say dramatically, acting like one of those dramas where the father left the mother alone with their kids.
"Oh no, how could I ever leave you, what can I do to make it up for yo-" Darling was playing along before you cut them off
"Child support welkin."
"Shut yo goofy ass-"
"whatever, anyways how has my account been doing? Hope they weren't too much of a hassle." Darling says, as if they are in some parent teacher conference. You roll your eyes
"A brat. I swear I lost my sanity playing on there" You say
"Ah, they tend to do that. If you want you don't need to look after it for me," Darling says with slight worry
"Nah, I can handle it. I can babysit your characters, they can be a bit tough, Darling however, they also are pretty fun to use"
"Good good, otherwise--" You hear Darling mutter about something but you couldn't hear it, it probably isn't important.
The characters have gotten use to your presence, this doesn't mean they gotten fond of you. More like gotten use to your controlling them and your ways of control (playing style)
They still very much despise you, after all in their eyes you stole their grace from them and that is unforgivable.
As much as they want to minimize their damage, they still have amazing artifacts due to darling already building them. So sometimes they crite even if they don't want to, and yet you praised them for it, you would yell in joy after only hitting above 30k even if they did way better with their grace.
They are not sure why but whenever you praise them they feel a slight flutter in their chest.
But their number one objective is the creator, no matter what.
Suddenly they hear a loud bell ringing repeatedly, they are quite curious who this person is and what do they have to do with this imposter.
"Hold on! I'm coming." They hear you yell, they heard a door opening. However they can't see anything all they can rely on is their hearing.
Sadly they couldn't make out your conversation however.
"-----Darling however, they also---"
Did you just call The Mighty One by their name?
Teyvat instantly fell silent, everyone froze. Not only did you take their grace's world you also dare to mention them informally?
Everyone had different thoughts.
'Who are you?'
'How dare an imposter call their grace informally. '
'What is your relationship with their grace maybe enemies?'
'When is their grace coming back.'
After you logged off genshin a meeting was called in Teyvat
The Archons and nation leaders were called. Everyone was stiff, the room was very suffocating.
Ningguang was the first to speak up,
"As I'm sure everyone has heard, Teyvat is now being watched by an unknown individual."
Zhongli nodded and continued for her
"It also seems like this imposter has similar powers to their grace. They somehow mange to obtain one of the most known power of the creator."
Everyone was dreadfully aware of this, and many questions have yet to be answered or showed any signs of it.
Raiden decided to speak up
"I suggest we start a rebellion, it's clear that this individual believes that they can just steal the all mighty's place. As their grace's acolytes shouldn't we discard this imposter?"
"Now now, we shouldn't act so irrational now. After all we have very little information about this imposter, there are many things we have yet to consider. From what I can see all we know is that that person knows the creator so much they can even mention them informally."
Yae Miko says, the room knows she is right, there is too little information about this person. There are countless possibilities on what happened.
"Who knows maybe they might even be lovers." Yae Miko mentions, playing a very dangerous game.
"Or they might just be enemies, after all we don't know their identity. Whos to say they are lovers when we couldn't even discover? Heh."
Venti says still singing rhymes even with how serious the situation is. Although he did sound a little passive aggressive.
"Hm yes yes my apologies. " Yae Miko says half heartedly.
"I have to agree with Barbatos with this one. The chance of them even being friends are low. After all there were no mentions of it in any ancient scriptures or in any book." Jean says
"Yes, I believe that we should lable this person as an enemy, we have no clue what this person has done to their grace, they might of even stole their powers. It could explain why they manage to use the powers of the might one. Perhaps they even sealed them away."
Once the Tsaritsa said those words everyone fell silent. She might be right about this, after all it does explain a lot of things and why they haven't even seen their grace.
Everyone decided to bring their grace back to Teyvat, they will aid the might one on getting their powers back.
Welp thank you for reading part 2! Don't worry there will still be a small revenge but I need to get some lore in first
Tag list: @dreamlessnight @mushroomsfordays @ciaratomioka1432 @almighty-raiden-shogunate @thesnakefromafar
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flosbelova · 3 years
I’ll Always Protect You
florence pugh x fem!reader
warnings: mention of death threats.
word count: 1.7k
summary: you and florence had been dating for a while. when she posts you on her Instagram, you receive a bunch of hate comments and florence defends you and your relationship.
request from @the-loving-quotes​
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Dating Florence Pugh has been one of the greatest decisions you have ever made in your life. You both have managed to keep your relationship lowkey until she randomly posts you on her Instagram. It was a photo of you looking at this mountain view at sunset from the balcony. She captioned it “My happy place.” 
Your heart started to race as soon as you saw a photo of yourself on her Instagram-- and the fact that she tagged you almost made you pass out.
You looked through her comments and let’s just say most of it wasn't what you would have expected. Some were positive-- for example, there were comments that read:
“I’m so proud of you <3”
“You guys are the absolute cutest!”
Then, there were comments that weren’t so positive. It was a mixture of homophobic comments and comments that said “Florence deserves better.”
Of course, they hurt, but you didn’t mind at first and chose to focus on the more positive comments. 
A couple days pass and you also decide to post Florence on your Instagram. As you hit “post,” your phone instantly started buzzing with notifications. Again, the comments were all a mixture of the positives and the negatives. However, you wanted to focus on the positive side and ignored the comments.
You posted Florence on your Instagram story, and you received a lot of DM’s. Although you don’t open your DM’s, you decided to check just for the hell of it. As soon as you swiped to your message requests, you instantly regretted swiping. 
“Kill yourself. You don’t deserve Florence.”
Tears started to well up in your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away when you heard Florence come into the living room.
“Dinner’s ready, darling,” she says, holding a wooden spoon.
“Hm? Oh, right. I’ll be there in a sec,” you respond.
“Is everything alright, love?” she walks towards you with a concerned look on her face.
You take a deep breath. “Yes, everything’s fine.” You clench your jaw hoping Florence would drop the subject.
She pouts and looks at you with worry. Florence knows every little detail about you. She knows that nothing is ever “fine,” when it follows with you clenching your jaw. However, Florence doesn’t like to overstep on your boundaries, so she drops the subject and figures she’ll ask you later. 
“Alright, love. C’mon, let's eat. I’ve made your favorite,” she says, giving you a soft smile.
You loved Florence’s cooking and you always made sure to compliment her dishes whenever she cooked. However, tonight was quiet. The two of you sat in silence, quietly eating your dinner. 
You were grateful that Florence knew to get off your back whenever you were in a mood. That’s one of the things that you appreciated most about her, her ability to understand your emotions and how you cope with them. 
You knew that she would eventually ask you what happened as you have both communicated that suffering in silence wasn’t healthy.
You finished dinner early and asked yourself to be excused. You headed to bed as soon as you finished your meal. Florence stayed in the kitchen to tidy up and to give you some more space.
Laying on your side, you couldn’t help but to grab your phone and scroll through your notifications. As hurt as you were already, you were too stubborn to gain some self-control. As terrible as that message was, your comment section got even worse. Not only was it filled with homophobic comments, but you were also getting sent death threats. You had checked Florence’s account and pressed on your photo. You noticed that she turned off the comments.
You felt the bed behind you dip as an arm wrapped around your torso.
“Hi,” Florence whispers, and she rests her chin on your shoulder.
“Hi,” you weakly respond. You sigh as you turn your phone off and place it on the bedside table. You turn around in Florence’s arm and face her.
Florence gave you a worried smile and she wiped the tears on your face. You were so busy scrolling through the hate comments that you hadn’t noticed that tears were falling from your eyes.
“Oh, my love.” Florence places a gentle kiss on your forehead. She then looks at you with worry in her eyes. Florence couldn’t imagine what was going through your mind.
“I know you saw the comments,” she begins, “I saw them too. As soon as I saw the hate comments, I immediately turned them off.”
You sniffled and took a deep breath. “I got death threats,” you say, your voice breaking.
“What?” Florence says, appalled. Florence could feel her heart race and feel herself be filled with rage.
“That’s it, I’m making a post, this is unbelievable,” Florence says getting up to get her phone.
“No, please, you don’t have to,” you plead, “it’ll only make things worse.”
“No it won’t, Y/n, I promise you,” Florence says, already typing in her notes.
“You can’t promise me something that you have no control over,” you say coldly.
Florence pauses. She looks over at you, takes a deep breath and pouts. She stares at you for a while, studying your face. Florence is the type of person to defend the people she loves and doesn’t care if it will give her a bad rep. You just so happen to be one of the people that Florence loves, and she will do whatever it takes to defend you and her love for you.
“It doesn’t matter, what matters is that someone I love is being sent death threats, so please, let me say something,” she says, reaching for your hand.
“I really don’t deserve you,” you sigh.
“You do Y/n, you deserve every bit of me as much as I deserve every bit of you,” Florence says, caressing your cheek. 
A few days passed and Florence posted a video on her Instagram regarding the hate you had been receiving. 
“To my “fans,” who have sent a tremendous amount of hate to my girlfriend, Y/n, kindly unfollow me. I do not need your negativity towards my relationship with her. The hate you throw at her is hate you throw at me. The death threats you throw at her, are also death threats you throw at me. It is not your place to tell me who I should and should not love, nor is it any of your business. I do not appreciate the comments you have thrown at her. She does not deserve it, and nor do I. I am happy with Y/n. She makes me a better person. So please, leave my relationship alone and stop sending my girlfriend death threats. I will not ask again.”
After watching the video, you were in shock. Even if you had talked about it a couple days prior, you still didn’t expect that she would actually post it. Florence kept the comments on and fortunately, it was filled with massive support from other celebrities. You were grateful.
Florence had an interview with Jimmy Kimmel this week to discuss her recent and future projects. Of course, her video regarding your relationship was a topic of discussion. You stayed backstage and watched Florence’s interview from her dressing room.
“Okay, I think everyone here has seen the video that you had recently posted regarding your relationship,” Jimmy says.
“Yeah, I hope so,” Florence chuckles nervously.
“So tell me, if you’re comfortable, why you had said what you needed to say?” he asks.
“Did you watch the video?” Florence says sarcastically, earning a couple laughs from the crowd. “Um, I figured that I needed to. I mean my girlfriend was getting sent death threats for no apparent reason and it needed to stop.” This earned Florence a clap from the audience.
“That’s fair. God, the internet is so toxic, isn’t it?” Jimmy complains.
“Yeah,” Florence agreed. “Y/n and I had been dating for a while now and we’d managed to keep it lowkey. I just thought that when I’d finally posted her that I wouldn’t receive such horrid comments. Which is why I felt the need to address this because I hate seeing the people I love get hurt.”
A couple people from the crowd “Awwed”
“So, tell me what it is about Y/n that just makes you so in love with her?” Jimmy asked curiously.
Florence smiled as she thought about the things that she loved most about you. “Her smile was something that caught my eyes right off the bat. She has such a kind smile and I would do everything just to keep her smiling.”
The crowd “Awwed” again.
“Also, Y/n is so loving. She won’t admit it because she likes to be that “tough” person on the outside, but inside she’s a big softie. She gives the best cuddles. I also love how she makes me tea every time I come home from filming.”
“Aww, that must be nice. I think we all need a Y/n in our life, right?” Jimmy says.
The camera pans to the crowd who was cheering and nodding their heads.
“Well, too bad, Y/n is only one person and I’m the lucky girl who has her,” Florence says wittily. 
The crowd laughed and clapped.
“Alright, well it was lovely having you, Florence,” Jimmy says, shaking Florence’s hand. “And that’s all for tonight, we’ll see you tomorrow!”
On the ride home, you rested your head on Florence’s shoulders.
“You really had to call me out, didn’t you?” you ask.
“Yeah, maybe just a little,” Florence says, making a gesture.
You chuckle and look at her. “Did I ever tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid my eyes on?”
“Yes, Y/n, you tell me everyday,” she says, grabbing your cheek.
You smile and close the gap between you. Florence melts into the kiss and moves her hand to the back of your head, running her hands through your hair. You pull away to catch some air and Florence rests her forehead against yours.
“I love you, Flo. Thank you for everything.”
“I love you too Y/n. and don’t thank me, you know I’ll always protect you.”
The End
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sugawaraxo · 4 years
“are you sure?”
warnings: smut
characters: koshi sugawara, keiji akaashi
request: Hiii! I just found your blog and I just want to say that I love it so much!! I thinking maybe you could write some headcanons of sugawara and akaashi w/ a shy and very inexperienced s/o (nsfw please, if you’re comfortable with writing that!!) Thank you so much! (//∇//)
a/n: i may have went a lil overboard with suga but i’m sorry, i just love him ok lmao
- suga is your first everything
- your first boyfriend. your first kiss. your first love. and now, your first time
- it’s something you and him have been silently anticipating for awhile
- but he wanted to wait until you were fully comfortable and ready for it, and you did too
- but as you are currently straddling his lap on the couch, his lips glued to yours in a messy kiss while his hands find their way under your shirt, lightly grazing your sides
- you know you’re finally ready
“suga.” you say, pulling away from the kiss.
“hm?” he hums, his eyes meeting yours as he patiently waits for you to continue.
“i-i want you. i’m ready.” you say almost too softly for him to even process what you just said. but he does process it and his eyebrows raise in shock.
“are you sure?” he questions and you nod in response. he looks at you for a moment before giving you a quick kiss as he picks you up. your legs wrap tightly around his torso and your arms losely around his neck, then he takes you into his bedroom. 
he doesn’t want you losing your most precious gift on a dingy old couch, and would much rather do it in the comfort of his bed, hence him taking you there. he lays you gently on your back, you just looking up at him nervously. you don’t want to be nervous, but you can’t help it. you’ve heard so many varying stories of how losing your virginity could go terribly wrong, or beautifully right and you are truly hoping for the latter. suga notices your worried expression and frowns.
“are you sure you want to do this y/n? there’s no pressure, really.” he says softly.
“no i want to, trust me i do. i’m just nervous. i mean, you’ve done this before. plenty of times. what if i’m just not as good? what if i can’t satisfy you?” you admit.
“what? y/n, no. please don’t think like that. it doesn’t matter how much experience i’ve had, nor how much you’ve had. what matters is how much i care about you, which is enough to make this better than anything i’ve ever done.” suga reassures you and you smile. the boy always has such a way with his words.
“you’re right. i’m just in my head too much and i think the anticipation of waiting is making it worse so can we just...” you trail off and suga knows exactly what you were going to say.
“right, sorry.” he chuckles before leaning in to kiss you again. your back is on the bed, with suga hovering above you. he kisses you gently, making sure not to be too rough so that you feel safe, and it works. his body is placed in between your legs and you can feel yourself get hotter as you feel suga growing harder, lightly and subconsciously jutting his hips against you. 
you find yourself accidentally moaning into the kiss and you swear you feel suga smirk, which makes you slightly embarrassed. but at this point you don’t care. you want to be moaning for him. you want to be a moaning mess for him and only him. he slowly breaks the kiss away from your lips, moving it down your jaw, then to your neck. you knew your neck was sensitive but once suga’s lips were against it, you realized the severity of that sensitivity. a soft moan of suga’s name leaves your lips and his whole body goes stiff before he pulls away to look at you.
“you sound so pretty.” he says sweetly and you can’t help but shy away at his words, hiding your face with your hands.
“hey, nuh uh. let me see your face.” he chuckles and you comply with his orders. “much better.” he mumbles before reattaching his lips to your neck. he works there for awhile, sucking and nipping at the skin. surely leaving a bruise that you would have to figure out how to cover up the next day. then he pulls away and begins taking your shirt off. within seconds the thin piece of clothing is off your body and on the floor, and suga is back to sucking marks onto your skin. this time on the exposed parts of your chest, and the whimpers you’re providing him are giving him quite the satisfaction. he skillfully reaches behind your back and unclaspes your bra, then tosses the article to the side just as he did your shirt. you’re amazed at the lack of effort in this trick of his, but not given the time to bring attention to it before suga’s mouth is sucking softly on your nipple. you hum at the new sensation, and smile at how peaceful suga looks as he does his work.
“you’re so cute.” you say and suga just looks up at you and smiles, your nipple still in his mouth which makes you laugh. even while pleasuring you suga doesn’t fail to put a smile on your face and you love that. a few more seconds of nipple sucking and soft moaning goes on before suga moves on and starts kissing his way down your body.
your whole body tingles as he gets closer to the area between your legs, your eyes watching him closely. he slides down the shorts you’re wearing with ease, you helping him get them off your ankles. he then looks up at you, the expression on his face looking as though he’s asking for permission. with your permission, he takes your underwear off aswell, instantly fully erect at the sight of your bare core.
“fuck” he mumbles under his breath, wasting no time in getting a taste of you. his tongue is warm and soft against your sensitive area, and it feels good. so good. you moan out suga’s name and grip onto his hair, a little too hard at the sudden sensation. “shit, sorry.” you groan, feeling your face get hot. “don’t be, i liked it.” suga smirks and you roll your eyes, forgetting that your boyfriend has quite a kinky side that you haven’t gotten to tap into yet. but that’s quickly forgotten as he continues to lick your sweet spot. tongue fucking you for a little, then sucking on your clit. a nice little rotation that was driving you insane and just when you thought it couldn’t get better, he sticks a finger inside of you.
“holy shit.” you gasp, and again you swear you can feel suga smirking against you but you don’t care, he’s earned his right to smirk. you find yourself grinding your hips against suga’s tongue and fingers, desperate to reach your high and suga clearly notices. he helps you out by adding a second finger and focusing his mouth just on your clit, which makes the most obscene noise leave your mouth.
“hm, you’re close aren’t you?” suga asks, pulling his fingers out of you slowly. you groan at the sudden lack of contact.
“well i was.” you say shortly, somewhat annoyed that you were just robbed of your release.
“don’t be mad bunny. i just want you to cum with my dick inside of you, not my fingers.” suga grins and your stomach churns. the way he had just said something so dirty with the most wholesome smile on his face did something to you, and you’re sure that was his intention. he pulls off his pants and boxers, his hard member slapping softly against his stomach. this isn’t the first time you’ve seen it but it still takes you by surprise as you watch him put on a condom and the urge to feel it inside of you takes over.
“please suga, i need it. now.” you beg, desperate to feel something again after the tease that suga just gave you.
“hm, what a good girl. begging for me and i didn’t even ask you to.” he smiles before slowly inserting himself into you. you both moan at the wave of pleasure that rushes over you while he slides himself all the way in. suga places one hand on the headboard to steady himself and uses the other to rub your clit with his thumb. his thrusts are slow enough for you to get used to his size without hurting you, but deep enough to make you moan desperately.
“mm, suga. you feel so good.” you sigh, your eyes shut in pleasure, head thrown back against the pillow and your mouth agape letting out more moans. this image alone makes it nearly impossible for suga not to bust right then and there but he holds back, wanting to make you climax first. he continues to rub your clit while simultaneously beginning to speed up his thrusts, earning positive feedback with your noises. he does this for another minute or two while also alternating between kissing you and your neck. before you know it, you’re gripping the sheets and arching your back off the bed, the most intense wave of pleasure coming over you as you quickly reach your orgasm. you’ve made yourself orgasm plenty of times before, but never like this.
“fuck suga, oh my god.” you breathe out, attempting to regain your composure while suga is beginning to lose his.
“that was so hot, you’re so hot.” his voice shakes and you can tell he’s close by how sloppy his thrusts are getting. he gets a few more pumps in before pulling out, yanking the condom off, and cumming all over your stomach with a deep moan of your name. his fingers grip onto your waist as he releases, and you watch the pretty face he makes as he begins to come back down.
suga collapses down beside you. “sheesh, i don’t think i’ve cum that hard ever.” he chuckles, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
“yeah, me either.” you giggle, your mind still hazy from your own orgasm.
“hm, i’m glad. i hope i was able to make your first time meet your expectations.” suga says sweetly.
“oh baby, you exceeded them.”
- you and akaashi have done sexual things before
- but you just haven’t been ready to fully go all the way yet, and akaashi is completely ok with that
- he’s patient and respects that you need time despite secretly wanting to just fully let go whenever you guys do anything sexual
- but he knows you’re a virgin and is aware that you’re a bit shy in regards to that
- so he doesn’t pressure you, not in the slightest which you appreciate deeply
- but one day your mindset completely changes and you’re just about ready to risk it all
you’re watching akaashi closely on the court. he’s doing amazing in today’s game. all of his sets are landing perfectly, helping the team earn some powerful spikes and rack up points. although you swore you were paying attention to the whole team, the truth is your eyes were glued to akaashi the whole time. something was hitting different about him today. maybe the way he was glowing with sweat from going all out? the way he was exuding confidence on the court after his team kept making points? you don’t know, but what you do know is that you want him and you want him now.
but unfortunately that can’t happen, so you patiently wait for the game to finish before you meet up with your exhausted yet triumphant boyfriend.
“great job today babe.” you say embracing the boy in a big hug, wrapping your arms around his neck while he gently rests his around your waist.
“haha thank you y/n, i’m drenched in sweat though. you never hug me when i’m sweaty like this.” he says with a raised eyebrow, wondering why the sudden change.
“honestly just needed to touch you.” you admit more to yourself than you do to him.
“oh?” he says noticing the look in your eyes. he’s seen that look before. the look you give because you’re too shy to say ‘fuck me.’
“so you really enjoyed watching me out there today huh?” he smiles, now knowing exactly what you want without you having to say a word.
“mhmm.” you hum, waiting for him to take the initiative as he usually does.
“i’ll take care of you when we get home.” he whispers into your ear and a shiver runs down your spine, you couldn’t wait.
the ride home seems antagonizingly long, but finally you arrive to yours and akaashi’s shared apartment. as soon as you’re within the doors of your home, the two of you are all over each other. lips attaching messily, tongue involved in no time. hands. hands everywhere. both of you feeling each other up, eager to feel the other’s touch. somehow you make it safely to the bedroom with no trips or stumbles, never disconnecting the kiss until you plop yourself down onto the bed, akaashi doing the same next to you.
“so what do you want? the usual? you want me to eat you out?” akaashi asks breathlessly.
“um, actually akaashi...” you trail off, a bit nervous to tell him what you want.
“what is it babe?” he asks, concern spreading over his face.
“i want to go all the way this time. i want you to take my virginity.” you say bluntly. akaashi’s mouth gapes open slightly at your words. he has been waiting for this day for who knows how long, and now that it’s here? he has no clue what to do with himself.
“are you sure?” is all he mutters.
“i’m one hundred percent positive.” you assure him.
he smiles at you cutely before kissing you again. slowing down the tempo now that he knows this will be a bit more of a serious ordeal. you like the slowness of the kiss though, feeling his lips pressing gently against yours while his hands rest on your hips. it gives you butterflies.
akaashi temporarily stops the kiss to move you farther up onto the bed so now your head is resting on the pillows. he wants you to be as comfortable as possible and figures this will help.
“comfortable?” he asks, just to make sure and you nod. he then takes off his shirt and you follow his lead, removing yours too. then goes your pants, and your underwear, and the two of you are left completely naked.
you blush at the sight of your boyfriend. you realize you’ve never seen him fully naked. you’ve either seen him with his shirt off, or with his pants off while you gave him head. but never at the same time. and he’s never seen you fully naked either. either with your shirt off, or your bottoms off. never both. so you both just take a moment to soak in the sights in front of you.
“you’re so stunning.”
“you’re so handsome.”
the two of you speak in unison and laugh at the coincidence.
“no seriously though y/n, you’re insanely beautiful.” akaashi says, scanning over your body.
“hm, thank you baby.” you hum and a huge grin takes over your face, and akaashi’s as well.
he then starts kissing your neck. leaving soft small pecks all over the exposed skin. that was his favorite thing to do because it tickles so you always giggle a little bit. half giggle, half moan, and he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
“i know foreplay is important, but if i don’t fuck you now i’m not gonna make it.” akaashi admits agaist your neck, still placing kisses.
“that’s ok.” you laugh, “i’m already wet enough anyway.” you confess.
“shit, you are.” akaashi groans as he pulls away to peak at your pussy, which was currently glistening with your wetness. “that’s hot.” he mumbles more to himself than to you but you still smile anyway.
“are you sure you’re ready?” he asks again.
“i told you, i’m positive.” you reassure him.
with that, he positions himself at your entrance. his eyes are locked on your face, wanting to see your reaction as it goes in. he pushes himself in at a slow pace. a pace that would have been irritating to anyone with more experience, but for you it was perfect because the stretch you feel is very new. it hurts a little, but watching akaashi’s face and hearing his soft moan as he thrusts himself into you makes it all worth it.
“shit.” he groans once he’s all the way inside and you moan too, him hitting a spot that made your whole body tingle.
“right there, do that again akaashi.” you say and he does exactly that, earning another rich moan from your lips. he smiles at your noise, secretly trying to hold himself back from cumming just from that.
he continues to slowly thrust into you, purposely aiming to hit the spot that you like so much just so he can keep hearing your moans. he then watches you as you place your fingers on your clit, rubbing it expertly. his cock twitches at the view in front of him. you with your legs wide open with him deep inside you as you desperately rub yourself, looking up at him innocently. a complete contradiction to what the two of you are currently doing. and just as he thinks you can’t make it any harder for him not to cum you moan,
“akaashi, please go faster.” and he nearly passes out.
though he does not, and gives you exactly what you asked for. his thrusts increase in speed but he maintains his deep aim into your g spot and you feel yourself begin to tremble. he just watches in awe, knowing that you’re getting close to your limit.
“i-i’m close.” you moan, legs beginning to tighten around akaashi’s waist where you currently had them wrapped.
“cum for me y/n, please cum for me.” he says, partly wanting you to cum for your own pleasure and partly because he’s quite literally about to explode.
he can tell you’re there by the way your trembling gets slightly more aggressive and your moans get quite a bit louder and more consistent, and this brings him over the edge too. he quickly pulls out of you and cums on the bedsheets next to your body, the two of you panting as you come down from your highs.
“my god akaashi, if i would have known it’d be that good i would’ve asked you to take my virginity forever ago” you say and he laughs before showering your face in kisses.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Little Blue Pill ~ JJK [M] [Request]
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↬↬↬Word Count: 4.2k
↬↬↬Genre: SMUT with a little dash of fluff
↬↬↬Pairing: College!Jungkook x Fem!Reader
↬↬↬ REQUEST: A horny girl mixes Viagra in Jungkook’s drink, Y/N knows Jk hates this girl and yet she’s on top of him. Y/n gets Jungkook off of her and gets him to her room. (Note: They have unconfessed feelings for one another) @kb-bangtanenthusiast
↬↬↬WARNINGS: language, drinking, sex, unprotected sex, intense orgasms, mutual masturbation, oral (f receiving and m receiving) best friends to lovers
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This was a bad idea, going to a party was a bad idea but going to a party where you knew there would be alcohol and girls throwing themselves at Jungkook even worse. It was hard enough to watch them flirt with him in the halls of college but to have to see that out at the frat house was going to be even worse for you. 
"Cheer up, it'll be fun." Jungkook chuckled bringing over a red cup full of liquid you didn't even want to think about, you just wanted to down the cup and hoped it made the time go by faster. 
"You'll have fun, I'll be in the corner like a loser with no friends." It was always the same, he would drag you along to a part promising not to leave you alone but eventually be dragged off by the guys or by girls to have drinks alone leaving you to deal with yourself. Eventually finding a drunk Jungkook later only to struggle to get him up to his bed in the frat house, 
"You have me," You stared at him swallowing the lump in your throat, maybe it was the rush of being alone with him for the first time all day or the thought of him going home with another girl but you had the sudden urge to confess your feelings to him, 
"Jungkook can I-"
"KOOKIE!" You stopped talking instantly when Jaine's voice came through the air and burst your eardrums, you looked down at the floor as she engulfed Jungkook into a hug. He glanced at you for help but you couldn't help but giggle at the sight, he hated her but she was convinced they were supposed to be together. 
"Y/n, what are you still going here? I'm here now you can leave." You stared at her with a raised eyebrow taking Jungkook by the arm, 
"We're fine thanks Jaine, but if you want to go and get us a drink I won't say no." You smiled condescendingly at her and she scoffed looking at Jungkook and then to your arms that were linked together, it was an unspoken rule to act as though you were together whenever he was around. She'd been obsessed with Jungkook since your first year at college, always following him around and trying to flirt with him so he told her that you and he were an item just to make things smoother but it didn't work. She just got more aggressive towards you and more hands-on with Jungkook, always trying to hug and kiss him.
"You can't leave my side all night." He whispered to you snaking his arm around your waist, he wasn't going to lie and say he didn't enjoy this feeling because he did. Jungkook had one of the biggest crushes on you but he'd never admit it to you in fear of losing you as a friend, he always wanted you in his life in one way or another. 
"Jungkook what if I have to pee-"
"I'll come with you, girls do it all the time right? What's the big deal?" You rolled your eyes playfully at him and gasped as he pulled you closer into his chest, your heart was racing at the sudden closeness of you both and he smirked down at you. The smirk that had girls weak at the knees and made your heart skip a beat,
 "Careful Y/n, someone will think you're actually in love with me." He joked licking his lips as his eyes danced between yours and your lips, he was dying to reach out at kiss you but a huge slap across his back pulled him back to the harsh reality where he wasn't your boyfriend. 
"JUNGKOOK! Let's go! Beer pong in the kitchen!" You were dragged along with him as he clutched onto your waist tightly, not wanting to risk losing you in the party crowd or to be left defenceless against Jaine who was lingering around the kitchen.
"Is the pretty little lady joining in on the game?" Jimin asked as he walked up behind you and placed his hands on your hips, you shivered at the contact but shook your head. 
"No, just here to support." You smiled as politely as you could and Jungkook linked his hands with you - something you did so often and yet you still got butterflies every time he touched you. 
"You alright? You got a little hot." Jungkook whispered frowning as he turned to look at you, he wanted to make sure you weren't getting sick if you got sick he would panic he hated whenever you got sick.
"I'm okay." You whispered to him handing him the small ping pong ball and waited for him to take his first throw.
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A couple of hours had passed and the party began to get overcrowded, you'd lost Jungkook when he was trying to follow you to the bathroom. He'd been serious when he said he wasn't going to let you leave him alone but now he was alone and you were trying to find him, 
"Namjoon have you seen Jungkook?" You yelled over the booming EDM music that was coming from the speaker system he was standing in front of, 
"He's with Jaine, think she took him outside to get some air!" You frowned, why would he be with Jaine when he couldn't stand her? You followed the gap in the crowd to make your way out to the back door, low and behold Jungkook was sitting on the porch swing with Jaine attached to his neck. Sucking along the skin while she moaned out his name, begging him to fuck her. For someone who couldn't stand her Jungkook seemed to be enjoying himself a bit too much, she ground down against him and he let out a strangled moan. 
"Jungkook?" His eyes were on you as he placed his hands on her hips to stop her from moving on him, he clearly didn't want her there. 
"Upstairs now!" You were trying to fake being mad at him, faking a fight was going to be the only way Jaine was going to get off his lap but he stood up dropping her to the floor the second he heard you yell at him.
"Y/n let me explain-" You took his hand in yours pulling him in back through the house, ignoring the wolf-whistles you were getting from his frat brothers as you pushed him into his bedroom and locked the door.
"Y-Y/n you might not want to stay in here." You frowned turning to face him but he was shyly pulling a pillow over himself, 
"What? Did she turn you on?" You stopped laughing when you realised he was nodding his head but biting his lip. 
"I-I think she slipped me something," He groaned looking away from you as his cheeks turned a bright red colour,
"Like a blue pill kind of something?" You whispered you couldn't help but feel turned on by the thought of him being hard under the pillow, it wasn't the first time he'd been hard in front of you though. You woke up one morning after staying over and his erection was against your ass, you'd gone home that night and drained the batteries out of your favourite toy after feeling it against you for the first time.
"Want me to leave you to it?" He nodded his head shyly and you smirked sliding out of the room so he could have some time alone to himself even if you were aching out to stay there with him and help him out yourself. 
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[Jungkookie] Come here? 
You smiled looking at the messaged, it had been an hour so you were finally glad it was gone and you could go up to sleep. You'd changed into one of his shirts in Namjoon's room and decided to hide out in there until his problem was taken care of and you could go to sleep. 
"Thank god cause I'm so tired-" You stopped yourself as you entered the room to see Jungkook with tears on his face, 
"J-Jungkook?!" You shut the door and locked it going over to him, he had the pillow on his lap once again but he was in his boxers, 
"What's wrong?" You cupped his face in his hands but he shook his head at you looking away from you, 
"I-I tried but it won't go away and it's starting to hurt." You felt for him you really did. 
"Did you try-"
"Yes I tried everything, n-nothing will work." The look on his face broke your heart as he looked up at you with sad eyes and then he scanned your body as you stood in front of him with nothing but his T-shirt on, not helping his situation if anything it only made him hornier.
"Want me to help?" You had no idea where the sudden burst of confidence was coming from but you were willing to do anything to make Jungkook crying plus...Getting to see him naked had been on your mind for years. 
"Y-Y/n, are you sure?" You nodded your head at him walking over to his speaker to put on some music, it covered the awful sounds coming from downstairs and gave you a little extra confidence for what you were about to do. 
"Just sit back Kookie," You breathed in his ear kissing his cheek gently before standing in front of him and slowly raising the edges of his shirt from around your body, he licked his lips as the bright red underwear you'd picked out that morning.
"Fuck." He grunted his eyes widening as you threw the shirt somewhere else in his room, you bit your lip as he watched you closely holding out his hands to touch you so you moved closer to him. Standing between his legs so he could reach you, he ran his hands up and down your sides as he stared into your eyes. 
"You're so beautiful you know that?" You felt your body heat up at the sudden compliment and attention but you continued to strip out of the remaining clothes, unclasping your bra and throwing it somewhere before you began rubbing your breasts in your hands and smirking at Jungkook. 
"O-oh shit," He groaned feeling himself grow uncomfortably harder as he watched you touching yourself like that.
"Relax baby," You cooed taking control of the situation you slowly moved the pillow from his lap and took on of his hands to place it on top of his boxers while you took the other to touch your own breasts with. He began to pump himself slowly but you resisted the urge to watch him deciding it was better to help him this way than to let yourself get greedy with him but you couldn't deny how wet you were growing. 
You let your hand travel down to the waistband of the red panties you were wearing and slowly teased the edge of them away from your skin, kicking them off before your rose your fingers to your lips and began sucking them. 
"What are you-" Jungkook stopped his question when he watched you dive your two fingers into your core as you stood in front of him, he groaned at the sight pumping his hand faster to match the pace of your fingers trying act as though it was him making you whimper the way you were. 
"F-Feels good." You breathed out pulling your fingers from yourself and smirking as you laid down on Jungkook's bed, you spread your legs in front of him as you leant your back against the headboard of his bed. 
"You wanna watch me, baby?" You teased running your fingers between your folds imagining it was him the way you always did in your own dorm room, you never thought in a million years he would ever see you do this though. You threw your head back against his headboard as you moaned out his name loudly not caring about anyone else in the house since it wasn't like they could hear you anyway.
"Jungkook-ah." You whimpered pumping your fingers in and out of you the way you always imagined he would be being right in front of him wasn't working, you needed to feel his fingers inside of you instead. 
"T-Touch me." You begged him opening your eyes to see him working his cock at the same pace as your fingers, 
"Please Kookie! I need you," He was about to ask if you were sure when he looked into your eyes and could tell you were positive about it, he'd been with other girls so he knew what to do but with you it was different. He felt nervous and afraid he wasn't going to be able to please you but he shook it aside, slowly pulling your fingers from your core and licking them clean. 
"You taste just how I always imagined." He chuckled looking at you as he ran his hand down your stomach and to your core, he used his ring finger to tease you clit slowly making you whimper as he stared you in the eyes. 
"Jungkook don't tease me." You hissed at him bucking up your hips to make him move faster but he pinned your hips down to the bed. 
"I'm in charge baby, be a good girl." He warned you bending down so that his lips were hovering above yours, you pushed up to meet his lips and moaned into them as he pushed two fingers into your core meeting your g-spot instantly and beginning to curl. 
"S-So good," You whimpered against his lips as he moved you to lay down against his sheets, he continued to pulse his fingers in and out of you curling occasionally just to hear your strangled moans of his name. It was like music to his ears. 
"I'm going to do something else now-"
"Anything, Jungkook just take me okay?" You begged him looking at him as he smirked kissing down your body, he gently placed a kiss on both of your thighs before pulling out his fingers and pinning your legs to the bed so you were spread out for him to see. 
"So wet-
"Don't tease." You hissed once more and he chuckled bending down to lay a small kiss on your clit, sucking on it as he pulled away. 
"Fuck I can't wait to taste you," He kept your legs pinned down either side of your body and he dove into you, sucking and licking as he ate you out loudly. He'd dreamt of the day he could do this to you, have you moaning and wriggling beneath his grasp as he made you come undone on his tongue. 
"Jungkook!" You breathed loudly throwing your head back down against the silk pillows and putting your hands into his long black hair, you began tugging at the strands of it to bring him closer to your core. 
"Close." You warned him as you felt the familiar building of your orgasm, he smirked humming against your clit as he began pumping two fingers in and out of your curling them up so he could bring you closer to your release. 
"J-Jungkook-" You tried to push him away from the experience you had guys didn't like it when you came on their tongue but Jungkook stood his ground, 
"Cum on my tongue baby girl," You whimpered at the words he used for you and you threw your head back as he began humming on your clit sending vibrations through your body sending you over the edge. 
"Fuck!" You began breathing heavily as you grasped onto his hair holding you tightly against your core as you came on his fingers and tongue whimpering his name as you moaned loudly.
"What are you doing?" He chuckled watching you shakily slide of the bed sitting between his legs, 
"It's not fair for one and not the other," You whispered pulling down his boxers coming face to face with his cock for the first all-night and your mouth fell open, you hadn't imagined him to be this big. 
"What is it?" He hissed as you touched him, he was sensitive due to the uncomfortableness of the boner and your shook your head at him, 
"J-Just bigger than I thought." You whispered looking up at him as you wrapped your hand around his length, slowly starting to pump looking up to see if he was okay with this but he groaned, 
"Spit on it," You nodded but instead of spitting, you used your tongue to lick from his base to the tip swirling your tongue around so get him wet enough, spitting into your hand as you started to pump him. You didn't know if you could fit him into your mouth but you would try when it came to it, he licked his lips watching you as you pumped him in your hand swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock. He moaned out winding his hands in your hair as you continued to work on him. 
"Shit Kookie, you're red-raw." You sighed looking as his tip spilt precum down his length, you licked it up moaning out as the taste it was salty but nothing you couldn't handle. Jungkook's eyes seemed to darken and widen a little as he watched you do that, 
"Y/n please, suck it." He begged you and you gladly obliged taking his head into your mouth and hallowing your cheeks out so you could fit more of him into you, his hips jerked a little as he got used to the warm feeling of your mouth but he pushed your head down with his hands. 
"Y/n-ah." He cried out closing his eyes as he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, you tried to take him a little deeper, taking a breath through your nose and ignoring the tears in your eyes. 
"Mmm," You moaned around his length and he grunted loudly feeling the vibrations run through his cock and through his body he looked at you and moaned out as he saw you trying your bed. He went to realise some of the grip on your hair but you let out a whine of protest looking up at him and smirking around his length. Your hand began to play with his balls, rolling them between your fingers as you continued to bob your head around him. 
"Oh shit." He moaned out as you sucked harder, swirling your tongue around the head as you pulled up for air only to take him back into your mouth again and hit the back of your throat, repeating the same step but stopping at the tip to drag your tongue around his slit taking him once again. 
"Shit," He shouted out thrusting his hips up into your mouth a few more times, his abs tensing as he felt himself getting closer to his release, you moaned around him to let him know it was okay and he groaned holding you in place as he twitched in your mouth, shooting into the back of your throat, you pulled off when he filled your mouth but he continued pumping releasing more onto your breasts as you swallowed what was in your mouth. You giggled slicking some of his cum up onto your fingers and licking them clean but he was still just as hard as before and he let out a groan of annoyance as he realised it wasn't going to go away any time soon.
"Come here baby," You giggled pulling him onto the bed as you kissed him lovingly, you laid beneath him as you pumped him with your hand earning groans and moans from him as you spread your legs for him. 
"Y/n- Are you sure?" You nodded your head at him, 
"I've never been so sure about anything Jungkook." You whispered kissing him lovingly as you lined him up at your entrance, he moaned out at the contact and slowly eased himself into you. 
"S-So warm," You giggled at his crude term and kissed him again bucking your hips to let him know it was okay for him to move and he slowly began to pull in and out of you hitting your hilt with ease.
 "You're so big Jungkook- Fuck-" Your nails ran down his bare back as you cried out his name feeling every inch of him deep inside of you just as you imagined it. His hand went onto your waist while his other lifted your leg up to pin it down to the mattress,
"So deep!" You whimpered as he began thrusting more roughly this time, pulling all of the way out of you only to slam right back inside causing you to moan loudly.
"JUNGKOOK!" You cried out locking eyes with him as he smirked at you slamming in and out of you ruthlessly as he felt you clenching around him, 
"You're so fucking tight, has noone fucked you this good before Princess?" You hissed at his words not being able to talk back to him as you moaned out his name, it was all that took over your mind. The feeling of him finally filing you up and his name. 
"Jungkook!" You begged him as he reached down to touch your clit rubbing it in first rough circles to match his thrusts, you began breathing heavily as you felt your orgasm building up like it did before. 
"You gonna cum for me?" He questioned cocking his eyebrow up as he slowed his thrusts down until your breathing slowed only to pick them back up again and ram back into you. 
"You wanna cum all over my cock?" You nodded your head looking up at him with pleading eyes begging him silently to let you cum but he chuckled pulling out of you and spinning you so you were laid on your stomach, 
"Legs together Princess," He ordered slapping your ass cheeks as you obeyed him, he groaned pushing his cock between your folds, he lifted your ass up just an inch from the mattress before he sunk into you all of the way. The new angle somehow made it feel deeper than ever and all you could do was croak out a loud cry of his name, clutching on the sheets as you fought to keep your legs together. 
"So tight-"
"So deep!" You yelled out moaning loudly as you felt him pounding in and out of your grabbing your ass as he massaged in his hand,
"Cum around me like a good girl," He whispered in your ear as he continued to pulse in and out of you groaning in your ear as he sucked on the skin of your neck. 
"Jungkook! I-I-" You couldn't even finish speaking before your orgasm ripped through your body, your legs shook as you came around him bucking up into his hips as he tried to pull away you needed him to hold himself deep inside of you. 
"DON'T STOP!" You begged him looking over your shoulder as he chuckled thrusting back into you as he fucked you through your second orgasm of the night. 
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"S-Shit, Jungkook please," You begged him but this time you were begging him to finish, you were so full of his cum and sore from him fucking you so much. 
"C-Close baby girl," He promised you leaning down to kiss you as he thrust into you on the bed, 
"Fill me up Jungkook." You whispered into his ear as you brought him into another loving kiss, the whole night had been rough fucks but with loving kisses. He had you in the missionary position now staring into your eyes as he felt himself getting closer. 
"I-I'm close too Kookie okay?" You whimpered looking at him as he hocked your leg over his arm slowly thrusting into you as he moaned out your name, he nodded his head at you and kissed you sweetly. 
"Shit right there," You whimpered clenching around him as he got just as deep as the first time and had you crying out his name. 
"Jungkook I'm cumming! J-Jungkook! Fuck- Ugh I- s-shit! I love you Jungkook!" You screamed out as he pushed you through your sixth and final orgasm of the night you whimpered loudly as he held himself inside of you cumming into you again. 
"I love you too Y/n." He grunted holding himself in place, he didn't want to pull out and have the night be over just yet, your eyes fluttered shut as you fought to keep them open. 
"Sleepy?" He chuckled pulling out of you slowly and sighing in relief as he finally felt himself going soft for the first time all night, he had no idea how many viagra Jaine had slipped him but he was secretly thanking her for it right now. It meant he finally got to confess his feelings to you. 
"Very," Your voice came out hoarse from all the screaming you'd been doing and he chuckled reaching for a bottle of water from the side of the bed and handing it to you. You hissed as you tried to sit up from the bed and he told you not to move. 
"Stay here alright, we'll move in the morning," He chuckled wrapping the sheets around you both as you laid there panting heavily and giggling at one another in a post-orgasmic state.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @jooniesdarlingdimples @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @callingmyangel @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie​
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
sypnosis: he hears from Kuroo that you’ve been getting close to someone and he comes to put an end to that. taking you back with him in the process. 
pairing: yandere! kenma kozume x fem reader
request status: OPENED 
note: HEY BESTIES!! I’M BAAAAACK. kenma might be a bit ooc but this is a yandere au so deal with it. 
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both you and Kuroo had decided to attend the same college as you got into their honors program based off the results from your entrance exam. since you were Nekoma’s manager throughout Kuroo’s entire volleyball career, you both went into the sports management program at your college, hoping that you’d score some kind of volleyball internship while you still in school. 
you were kind of upset that Kenma hadn’t decided to follow you both along to the same school. he had different aspirations at a different college and it broke your heart in an odd way. it was no secret to anyone on the Nekoma team that you had your heart taken by Kenma. 
the two of you were as close as Kuroo and he were. whenever Kuroo wasn’t available, he’d end up at your house, playing games on your TV while you sat back and watched. at first, you thought that Kenma had reciprocated the same feelings but alas, once graduation came, he never ended up confessing his feelings for you. 
you were upset when he slowly started to drop you over the summer. since you were a year older than him, he remained at Nekoma while you moved over to the city where your university was located at.
eventually, you slowly started losing those feelings for him at the start of your second year.
a part of you did hope that he’d come back for you but as the year progressed, you slowly started to forget about him. you started to indulge yourself in sophomore year internships and trying to get into different managerial positions with different teams throughout the year. 
“morning Kuroo!” you whispered, sitting down at the table he was at. he gave you a smile, ruffling your hair, “you look exhausted. something keep you up at night?” he asked, seeing the dark circles under your eyes. you shook your head no, “I stayed up, face timing a friend and didn’t fall asleep until the late hours of the night,” you replied, taking a sip of your coffee.
Kuroo’s eyebrows fluttered in confusion, “who’s the friend?” he asked, now interested too hear. “he’s apart of the soccer team here,” you murmured. “I’m helping the team until the volleyball season starts up and they need me back for it,” you added on. 
while Kuroo hadn’t responded, he already knew who the guy was. Kuroo had seen you walking around campus with him before and even heard through mutual friends that you both had gone out on a few dates. at first, he didn’t know whether to believe it or not but now that you were ultimately admitting to it, he knew it was time to tell his long time best friend. 
Kuroo and Kenma although no longer attending the same university still had that strong friendship bond and one night, after both of you graduated from Nekoma, the two made a pact. one that they know would kill you if you had found out. 
right at the start of both your third year at Nekoma, Kenma and Kuroo had agreed on one thing. they had this protective nature over you. more Kenma than Kuroo as the rooster haired boy thought of you as a sister than a potential lover. 
Kenma knew that if he didn’t have a chance with you in high school, he knew the college reunion would be that much better when he saw you again. he would’ve grown more without you seeing it and he was sure that you would fall at the knees for him. 
the plan was have you go to the same university Kuroo did until Kenma made his college decision and then persuade you to transfer over after he started going there. was it a very dangerous plan probably! but Kuroo nor Kenma couldn’t have cared less. you were Kenma’s and Kuroo refused to let you slip through his fingers for some random soccer boy. 
as you were at the cafe, getting your very shitty breakfast for the morning, Kuroo made the call to Kenma. making sure to keep it short and simple.
“come tonight, it’s time.”
that was all it took for Kenma to understand where this was going. 
there was going to be an unsanctioned campus party at one of the fraternity houses that was nearby. more than likely, you were probably going attend and have Kuroo come along as your plus one. you kept him close at all times as you didn’t trust anyone enough with your drinks or bag. 
“you going to the party tonight?” Kuroo asked. you nodded yes tiredly, “yeah, a few of the boys on the team are attending and want me to come along. you’re coming right?” you asked. Kuroo shook his head yes, “yep! I have surprise for you too. make sure to dress nice,” he joked. 
you gave Kuroo a look of pure confusion but remained silent nonetheless. he never really cared for what you wore when it came to going to parties with him so you couldn’t help but wonder why he cared now. you could see the small smirk on his face and tried to figure out what he was hiding from you. 
after you finished your breakfast and headed to your first class, you kept trying to see what it was that Kuroo was going surprise you with. at first, you thought that it might’ve been Kenma but you quickly tossed that idea out when he scoffed at the guess and muttered a yeah right in response. 
by the time dinner came, you were out of ideas and had no idea what he was going to bring. you walked out of your class, stomach rumbling and ready to eat dinner before heading back to your campus apartment to start getting ready for the night. 
“Daiki, you’re coming tonight, right?” you asked the boy after his practice. he nodded, putting his arm around your shoulder, “of course. I’m your date tonight, aren’t I?” he asked a bit cocky. you rolled your eyes, trying to respond before Kuroo came up to you, “lets go. I have your dinner and don’t want it to go cold,” he stated, grabbing your wrist softly.
you gave Daiki a quick wave, “duty calls! see you tonight!” you yelled to the black haired boy before looking to Kuroo, “I was in the middle of a conversation, you ass!” you said, shrugging him off. Kuroo shrugged, “probably wasn’t important anyway,” he replied. 
you looked inside the bag, seeing your favorite food from down the street. it was extremely hard to get dinner there and even worse to try and get it Friday nights. 
“how the hell you’d pull this off? it’s always busy Friday nights!” you exclaimed, digging into the food once you back to the apartment. Kuroo chuckled, “not hard when you’re friends with the manager. say, have you kept your sweater from Nekoma?” he asked. 
you nodded, “course I did! I have the managerial sweater as well as the one Kenma gave me one time. why do you ask?” Kuroo shook his head, dismissing the question with a simple response, “my grandmother found mine the other day and just shipped it in the mail.”
“your grandma is so sweet, I hope she’s doing well with you not being home,” you muttered. “she’s happy I’m not there anymore. she doesn’t have to feed me anymore,” he joked. you rolled your eyes before looking at the time, not realizing how late it was getting, “Kuroo! shit! it’s getting late and I still have to get ready!” you yelled, instantly getting up. 
Kuroo muttered that he was already wearing what he was going to the party in, “well, I’m not about to go in a sweater and sweatpants,” you screamed from the bathroom. 
you put all your makeup onto the counter and primed your face while you dug through you closet for your clothes. you had decided on a casual dress with white converse to seal the deal. the makeup was going to be on the lighter side as you had no chance to do an entire glammed face. 
by the time you finished up your makeup, Kuroo was already pressuring for you to hurry up before it got too late. you slipped on your shoes, trying not to slip in the process, “come on!” you screamed, throwing him your bag to hold, “Daiki is waiting for me there too.”
Kuroo rolled his eyes, trying not to make it seem as though he was bothered. at the end; however, he knew how tonight was going to end. you were going to be smothered up against Kenma as you would try and accept his offer to transfer over to his university. 
even if Kenma had to act completely out of his element in order to do that, he had to do what he needed to do in order to get you back in your rightful spot. right next to him. 
“ready?” Kuroo joked, seeing the way you were panic spraying your setting spray all over your face, “yeah, get my keys. they’re in my bag,” you yelled, walking in front of him so he could lock your door. you did the final touches of your makeup in the car as Kuroo parked it a few streets down. 
you and Kuroo almost immediately got separated when you walked in. Daiki and some of the boys from the soccer team dragged you in one direction while Kuroo had gotten dragged by a few of his friends in the other direction. you knew you would be relatively safe with Daiki but every time you went to the bar to get a drink, you’d make sure no one was in close contact with it. 
the music was blaring throughout the house as you danced with a few of your girl friends to it. you hadn’t been paying attention to who was walking in through the door so as you were in the middle of dancing, you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. 
you turned around and felt your heart fall to your stomach as you realized who it was. “KENMA!” you screamed, dropping your drink on the floor and running to him. he chuckled, opening his arms for you as you engulfed him for a hug, “oh my god, Ken!” you whispered, holding him tightly. 
Kuroo gave the two of you a smirk, knowing that the plan was working out smoothly. you pulled away and looked at him, “what are you doing here? Ken, oh my god, you ass, why didn’t you tell me?” you screamed, pulling him for another hug. 
“figured a surprise would be the best idea,” he murmured, feeling his own heart race at how close you were with him, “I can’t believe you made the drive up here for this lame party,” you said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the dance floor. 
a few minutes later, Daiki had found you with Kuroo and Kenma as he tried to figure out who Kenma was, “hey, there you are,” Daiki said happily. Kenma and Kuroo looked at him and smiled mischievously, “yeah! this is my friend Kenma! why don’t you stay with them while I get all of us drinks!” you introduced. 
Kenma looked at him with an unamused expression as soon as you gone. Daiki could feel the awkward tension radiating from the both of them, “I wouldn’t continue to chase her if I were you,” Kuroo told him, catching Daiki off guard, “he’s practically her boyfriend and it would take one kiss to make that official,” Kuroo added on. 
Daiki laughed, “oh yeah, that’s pretty interesting to hear considering I had her in my bed, moaning my name like I was her god last Friday,” Daiki retorted. 
Kenma’s eyes widened as Kuroo instantly shot up from his seat. before Kuroo could do anything, Kenma with all the strength he had pushed Kuroo aside and decked him in the nose, making sure to connect it as hard as he could. you got to the table to see Daiki on the floor, holding his bloody nose as others around them laughed at the scene. 
“what the hell happened?” you screamed, no longer caring for the drinks you waited so long for. Kenma wiped the blood from his hand on his pants, “you want to repeat what you said about her or should I?” Kenma sneered. you looked to Daiki in anger as he didn’t respond, “come on! don’t be scared now! how about you mention what you said to us. everything about you using her in order to get into her pants and making sure you treat her like the slut you said she was,” Kuroo repeated. 
your eyes widened as Kenma grabbed your wrist to make sure you didn’t do anything irrational yourself. Kuroo knew he was telling a complete lie but they needed Daiki out the way to fulfill the rest of the plan and the only way they could do that is if you absolutely hated his guts. 
“you prick!” you screamed at Daiki who was still on the ground, “and to think we actually had something!” you continued. Kenma grabbed your wrist, whispering that everything would be okay. he slowly pulled you out of the house as they saw Daiki basically thrown out himself. 
“wow, what an ass,” you whispered to Kenma as he shook it off, “how’s your hand?” you asked grabbing it. you saw it was a bit red and it would probably get bruised but at least there wasn’t any cuts. 
“fine,” he whispered pulling his hair back, the way he knew you liked it. you smiled, “seriously, what are you doing here Ken?” you asked, sitting on the steps of the front porch. “I was in town for a book I need for class,” he lied, “and I figured I would pay my favorite girl a visit,” he added on. 
a warm feeling came across your face as Kuroo saw the entire interaction from inside, “I also wanted to ask you a question,” he said softly. your eyebrows fluttered in confusion, “transfer over to my university. I need someone to run my company with and you’re the only one I want to do it with,” he confessed, this time with no hesitation in his voice. 
your eyes widened at the wild request. 
“Ken, you haven’t talked to me in almost a year and now you pay me a visit and expect me to follow you?” you asked with slight annoyance in your voice. Kenma sighed, “I know but after both you and Kuroo left, I felt like you weren’t going to care about me as much anymore now that you were off to college,” he replied. 
Kenma hated being this vulnerable to anyone and truthfully, what he was telling you was kind of a true but also not. he knew your schedule would be busier but he also knew that you would have made time for him if you would have kept in contact. 
“Kenma, I would always make time for you,” you whispered, “you should’ve known that. we were practically best friends.” Kenma rolled his eyes at the end of what you said, “I know but I couldn’t help it. I really need you by my side for this though. you’re the only one who understands gaming as much as I do.” 
you sighed, your heart not knowing what to do. you knew the university he attended would accept you but you also knew that just dropping your current university to follow a boy would get you killed by your parents, “and what am I going to tell my mom? that I’m transferring so I could go to school with you?” you joked. 
Kenma laughed, taking your hand softly. 
“you could say they’re raising tuition and say that my university is offering you s cheaper option,” he suggested, “I just want you to be right next to me when this takes off,” he pleaded. 
he could tell you were still hesitant on the idea but as a last resort, he knew what he had to do would get you to say yes. Kenma pulled you closer and kissed you. you were completely taken back by his actions but for the first time in what felt like years, you felt that happiness you only had with Kenma crawl back up. 
as soon as he pulled away, you smiled in a dazed state of mind, “well?” he asked. you thought for a few moments, “well, if you really need me that bad, I’m sure I can make a convincing argument to my mom on why I need to transfer,” you finally said. 
Kenma smiled gleefully, pulling you in for another kiss. you ran your fingers through his dyed blond hair as he deepened it. 
without your knowledge, Kenma looked through the window to see Kuroo standing in front of it. Kenma gave him a thumbs up, indicating the plan worked. Kuroo smiled in response as Kenma continued to kiss you with a smirk playing on his face. 
what you didn’t know wouldn’t kill you, right? 
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klvbxlove · 3 years
worried (yu x gn! reader)
a/n: God, i’ve got so many ideas for persona 4 fanfics so y’all might see some coming soon LMAO. but no worries, i’ll try my best to write more iida drabbles as well (of course, i could never forget my number one anime husbando. but i’ll be honest, kanji might take his place very soon? maybe? huehuehue). anyways, i saw some persona 4 requests in my inbox (which i did not expect, haha), but i’ll try my best to get to them whenever possible! so until then, enjoy this yu drabble :)
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reader type: gender neutral 
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): angst, hurt/comfort
trigger warning(s): mentions of car accidents, mentions of injuries
summary: after being a coma from a car accident, you finally woke up, much to the huge relief of your family and friends, especially yu.
word count: 2.6k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(e/c) = eye color (l/n) = last name (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Today should have been another day of you and the Investigation Team hanging out with Yu. He had come back to Inaba a few days ago for another (surprisingly long) break, and you were excited to see him again. 
   But unfortunately, no. That day did not happen. 
   Instead, you found yourself in a hospital room. You had woken up almost a week ago, having no idea what had happened. All you remembered is that as soon as you got the strength to sit up from your hospital bed, you felt nothing but excruciating pain. And when you looked down at your body, your (E/C) eyes widened at the extent of your injuries. You were in terrible condition. 
   Then a few minutes later, the nurses and doctors rushed into your room in complete shock when they realized you woke up. At first, you were confused. But then they explained everything. From what you could recall, you were hanging out with your friends when you saw Yu’s younger cousin, Nanako, standing in the road. Realizing there was a car heading towards her, your instincts caught up with you, and you quickly pushed the younger girl out of the way, which ultimately resulted in you getting hit. 
   Unfortunately, the impact was so severe that you had slipped into a coma. Even with the surgery (which luckily was a success), you were still fighting for your life. The staff had no idea if you would even wake up. 
   Your eyes widened in shock. However, the one thing that made your shock worse was when one of the doctors said that there was a chance you would have died due to the severity of your injuries. “Consider yourself lucky,” one of the doctors said, “Because if not, well, there would not be much we could have done to save you,”
   You were in disbelief. You could have died?!
   You swear, you almost thought your jaw dropped. You did not even know how long you laid there in bed, thinking of the word ‘died.’ 
   There was nothing but silence (you could almost hear a pin drop) for a few minutes after taking in the news. 
   Then you heard that your family and friends knew of the accident and you would be able to have visitors in a few days. But all you could do was think about how injured you were. It was bad enough that you were in this condition. However, you could not wrap your brain around the fact that you might have been dead. 
   And then your family would have to set up a funeral for you, bury your body underground, and you would be there until the end of time. 
   Maybe you would even have a spirit in whatever place you ended up after death. 
   Oh God, you could not even think to imagine how your family and friends would react. Especially the Investigation Team--
   Wait a minute. The Investigation Team! 
   Now the worry was starting to kick in. You just realized that you have not heard from your friends since you woke up. Not at least one thing from one of the members (and nothing from Nanako either!). You had no idea if anyone had told them what happened to you when you arrived or the fact that you were alive. Hell, you would not be surprised if they thought you were still in a coma and would be for who knows how long. 
   You sighed, the apprehension still in you. Today was certainly not your day. You just wanted to be able to hang out with Yu again before he had to go back to Tokyo (even though it was a long way from now). But you had no idea when you would be able to leave the hospital! Not for a while, that was for sure. You might as well try to dwell in pure boredom. 
  Oh yeah, and also try to ignore the pain. You might have felt slightly better for the past few days, but the agony was still shooting in almost every part of your body. You could only hope that all of this will be over soon. And then later, when you were finally feeling better, you would be back home with your family.
   You were in the middle of messing with your bedsheets when you heard your name. Looking up, you saw one of the nurses giving you a small smile as she stood next to your bed. You did not even remember hearing her walk towards you. I guess you got a little too caught up with your bedsheets. “How are you feeling now, sweetheart? Any more pain or anything?”
   You looked off to steal a glance at one of the hospital walls. The pain was still there, but it was not bothering you compared to the day you woke up. You could say that you were fine (mostly), but you could not find the strength to tell the nurse for some reason. No, you did not care that you looked like you were  staring off into the distance pondering about life. 
   “(L/N)? Are you alright?”
   The voice brought you back to reality, and you saw the nurse looking at you with a somewhat concerned look on her face. 
   “Oh, sorry. I’m fine, for now,” you said,  “No pain or anything,”
   “Alright,” the nurse smiled in relief. “I know the staff and I keep telling you this so many times, but if you begin to feel pain or need any assistance, you let someone know, okay?” 
   “I know, thank you,” you nodded. 
   “Of course,” the nurse looked over at the door, “Now, you got a visitor who wants to see you. Well, he and a couple of his other friends wanted to see you for a while. We had to tell them no since you were still in a coma at the time, but they were determined to go to your room,” she chuckled sheepishly. 
   “Who is it?” you asked. The last time you knew, your family members had visited first. 
   “Yu Narukami, one of your classmates,” the nurse answered. “Would you like me to let him in?”
   You blinked before nodding. “Yeah, sure,”
   It was only a few seconds of silence you faced in your hospital room. During that timespan, you began to feel nervous about your friend being in the same room as you without the Investigation Team (wherever they were). Your heart was almost beating at the thought of it, and you could feel a blush on your cheeks; if you were capable of blushing, that is. 
   But before you knew it, you instantly recognized the familiar gray-haired male as he walked inside. 
   Upon his eyes glancing upon you, Yu’s eyes widened. “(Y-Y/N),” he said, “You’re awake.”
   You nodded, giving him a weak smile and waving with your free hand. “Yep, I am.” 
   Yu walked over to sit at the chair next to your bed. “How have you been lately?”
   “Slightly better compared to when I woke up, but only slightly,” you replied honestly. “Still feeling some pain. Hopefully, when I get out of the hospital, I’ll feel much better.” 
   “That’s good to hear,” Yu gave you a small smile.
   Then you paused. “How about the others? Are they okay?--” And of course, there was another person you were worried about, “--What about Nanako? Is she hurt?”
   “No need to worry, everyone is alright, just a bit shook up after the incident, though,” Yu said, letting out a light chuckle. “Nanako only had some bruises on her legs when you pushed her out of the way, but that was only it. Everyone would have come to visit you alongside me today, but they got busy. And Nanako came down with some sickness. Not the flu or anything major, but we decided to let her rest until she recovers. They promised they would find the time to visit you when they can.”
   You sighed in relief. “At least no one else was hurt. As much as I hate being in the hospital in pain, it’s better than seeing Nanako here for the same reason. I think that would hurt more than my injuries, and they hurt like hell, you know?”
   “But being treated for severe injuries in the hospital is still frightening, (Y/N),” Yu pointed out, “Everyone watched as you got hit by the car. It was awful, you know? You were bleeding so much from your head, too.” The gray-haired male felt like he was about to wince in pain, seeing the injuries you had. 
   “Yeah, I honestly dunno much of what happened after getting hit, other than feeling immense pain,” you admitted, scratching your cheek, “I could only hear muffled voices, but that was it. And then I just closed my eyes. Must have slipped into that coma or something afterward.”
   “Maybe you did.” 
   Moments of silence passed, and Yu felt a knot in his stomach. It had been like that for almost a week. Every time he would think of you in your hospital room in a coma, he would have to go somewhere else alone to relieve his thoughts. But even then, it still was not enough to help him. How could he even talk about his feelings to someone? Yu was aware he had the other members on the Investigation Team to talk to, but he could see them struggling. 
   There was only one person he could talk to about it.
   “(Y/N), I-- Listen,” Yu spoke up in seriousness. Once you looked up at him after staring at your cast, he continued, “I have no idea how else I’m going to begin talking about this. But do you realize how happy I-- no, we are that you’re alive?”
   Okay, that took me off guard.
   You had to admit you were puzzled. How were you supposed to answer that? It was not as if you could put yourself in the shoes of one of your friends. You did not even know what it was like to wait for someone to come out of their coma. So really, you could only shrug at his question. 
   “I remembered when the nurses told us you slipped into a coma and you would need surgery," Yu continued, "God, we were just in shock. No one said anything; you could hear a pin drop in the waiting room. But as soon as they left us alone, we just started crying, you know. Silently, though. But Teddie was the only one wailing.
   “And Nanako?” Yu paused a bit before picking back up, “Well, at first, she looked like she was trying to hold back her tears. That is until we went back to my house. She just started sobbing, saying how it was her fault that you were hurt. She blamed herself for being on the road since she knew it was dangerous. Of course, we kept telling her that it wasn’t her fault, but it was no help. Not even Uncle was able to calm Nanako down, and so she just cried until she fell asleep.”
   If your heart could physically break, it might as well be in a million pieces by now. Your injuries were suddenly hurting way less than seeing Nanako sobbing.
   Meanwhile, Yu looked down at his lap as he felt himself about to shake. “It hurts so much just seeing her upset. And Nanako still blames herself to this day. By that point, it felt like there was not anything else the rest of us could do other than to dwell in sadness. We even had to wait to visit you at the time since the nurses wouldn’t allow any visitors. I just hated not knowing if you were going to live. I hated thinking that there was a chance you would die.”
   Something caught your eyes. 
   They were coming out of his eyes and falling onto his lap. 
   You could even hear small cries coming from him. 
   Oh God, no.
   Why did this hurt a lot?
   “DAMN IT!” 
   You felt yourself jump hearing Yu yell out like that. But what startled you most (it made a squeal come out of you) was when the gray-haired male suddenly engulfed you into a warm hug. The grip was not tight enough to where you could not breathe, but you could tell he was holding onto you as if you were going to slip out of his reach. Yu rested his head against your shoulder, and you were beginning to feel tears staining your hospital gown. It did not even matter that there were butterflies in your stomach. 
   “D-Damn it, (Y/N),” you heard his voice almost cracking,  “You gave us a scare there! I know it would be rude to blame you for getting into that accident since you weren’t asking to get hit by a car. And, of course, I am incredibly thankful that you saved Nanako from getting hurt. But still! I could go over and over again about how relieved we were when we heard you had woken up. We thought it would never happen and that you would never make it.” 
   You felt tears in the corners of your eyes. Damn, you were getting emotional. If there was one thing you hated, it was seeing someone close to you (especially if it was someone you loved) so upset that they cried. And that was what Yu was doing. So you wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back. His grip on you tightened, but you did not care. All you wanted was for him to let out his tears. 
   Once his cries had turned into sniffles, he lifted his head to make eye contact with you. You could feel your tears pouring out just seeing his tears. You cupped his cheeks with your hands.
   “I’m sorry about that, (Y/N),” Yu mumbled. 
   “No need for an apology,” you assured him. “I know how you-- no, I know I’ll never fully understand what it was like for you guys after the car accident. I mean, how could I? But still, I had no intention of scaring you guys.”
   More silence passed. God, you had no idea what to say at that point. You had no idea how your other friends had been coping through this time, but it was evident there were tears shed. Besides Nanako, you did not even want to imagine their disheartened faces. You knew that you had to comfort Yu in some way. But how?
   You sighed.
   Saying this might as well work. 
   “Look...Yu, listen to me,” you found your voice as you looked into his eyes. “I know you and the others are still upset. I get it. But please don’t go dwelling on the past anymore, okay? Yes, it was a scary situation that should NOT have happened-- it sucked that it even occurred right when you were visiting us --but in the end, I’m alright. Of course, it will take a while for me to recover, but I will do my best to get through this as quickly as possible for you and everyone else.
   “So please,” your thumbs began to gently wipe at Yu’s on pouring tears, “don’t cry anymore. I promise you I’ll be alright.” 
   That was when a sudden bolt of bravery came from inside you. So you leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek.
   You spoke every word as if you meant it (because you did!). You no longer wanted to be a burden to everyone around you. You worried your family and friends enough in the hospital, so the least you could do was make it through your recovery. All you could hope was for Yu to be reassured by everything you said. 
   And thankfully, it worked as he gave you a nod and a tearful smile (you could almost see a light blush covering his cheeks from the kiss). Yu hugged you again, placing his forehead against your shoulder. “Thank you, (Y/N),” he mumbled, “Thank you so much,” 
   “You’re welcome,” you whispered.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Something For You
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Request by @frattsparty: #42 with Nestor: After “I Do” Kiss (Prompt from This List)
Warnings: enough fluff to get buried in
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I got so in my feelings writing this. This is, hands-down, the softest Nestor I’ve ever written and I almost made myself cry with it. Plz enjoy.
General Mayans Taglist: @garbinge @mayans-sauce @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @sillygoose6969 @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @multiyfandomgirl40 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @encounterthepast @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @masterlistforimagines @kkim120 @toni9 @shadow-of-wonder @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @punkgoddess-98 @black-repunzel99​ (If you want to be added just let me know!)
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When you had first started dating Nestor, you knew quickly that he was the one for you. Being with him helped put the rest of the world into perspective—it all made a little more sense with him. You had assumed that, that because of what his life was like, that he wouldn’t be the type to be all that hell-bent on getting married. You were alright with that. A ceremony and a piece of paper weren’t really what mattered to you, as long as the two of you were together.
So imagine your surprise when he popped the question on your anniversary trip. You’d said yes, of course, but you were in shock that he was so excited for a wedding. The grin that would take over his features whenever you brought up the wedding to him or anyone else, or when he’d see you toying idly with the ring on your finger while you spoke, was unbelievably contagious.
The two of you had agreed on a small ceremony—just close friends and family. You found a beautiful outdoor venue that the two of you had agreed upon immediately. You were pleasantly surprised by how involved he wanted to be in the planning. It was a relief, really, because he was more organized than you could ever hope to be. Between the two of you, the whole buildup to the big day was far less stressful than people said it would be.
You were getting ready inside the back room that was reserved for you and the bridesmaids. You were about to step into your dress when there was a knock at the door. You walked over but didn’t open it immediately.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me,” Nestor’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Go away!” you laughed, “You can’t see me yet!”
“I have something for you,” he chuckled.
“Slide it under the door.”
“Can’t,” you could hear the amusement in his tone.
“Okay, I’ll send one of the girls to get it.”
“I don’t think you should.”
“Seriously, Nes?” you sighed, yanking the door open and immediately bursting into laughter as he almost fell to the floor upon losing the support the door had been providing him with, “What’s up? Whatcha got for me?”
“You look beautiful,” his eyes traveled up and down your body.
You laughed, “You say that any time you see me in my underwear,” you shook your head, “You said you have something for me?”
“Oh,” he nodded, “Right,” he made a big show of patting down the pockets of his slacks, coming up with nothing.
“Nestor,” you shook your head, “What do you—”
“Got it,” he nodded, hands still empty.
“What is—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence as he pulled you into him and pressed his lips to yours. You laughed into your kiss, leaning more of your weight onto him as he tried to bring you closer still. His lips moved hungrily against yours and for a moment you completely forgot about the rest of the day.
He pulled back, a small, satisfied smile on his face. You laughed, a little breathless, “That’s what you had to give me?”
“Aren’t you glad I didn’t give it to the bridesmaids?” he laughed as you gave him a playful shove, “I just wanted to give you our last kiss before we get married—before you’re my wife.”
You smiled, lightly caressing his cheek, “You’re a sap, Mr. Oceteva.”
“But?” he leaned into your touch.
“But I love you,” you lightly pushed him away, “Now get going so I can get ready and we can get married.”
He chuckled as he walked away, “Yes ma’am.”
The first part of the ceremony felt like a little bit of a blur. How you were supposed to think about anything besides the man standing in front of you, you had no idea. His first time seeing you in your wedding gown was one of the only times you’d ever seen Nestor with tears in his eyes. His smile was infectious as his eyes glassed over with tears watching you walk down the aisle. You noticed him fidgeting slightly with his hands, fighting the urge to reach out and touch you.
You drank in the sight of him standing in front of you, within arm’s reach but you couldn’t hold him the way that you wanted to in that moment. In all the years that you’d known Nestor, this was the first time you’d ever seen him go out of his way to do something different and special with his hair—stepping out of the comfort zone of his typical two long braids. His hair was still braided, but the braids ran back along his head leading to a bun. Every fiber of your being wanted to reach out and run your fingers along the patterns the braids created, but you knew that there would be time for that later. His tuxedo jacket was black on black brocade, his yellow shades in the pocket where a pocket square should’ve been, and it made you smile. His vest and tie were solid black to go with his slacks, and a crisp white shirt underneath to tie it all together. Your heart felt like it was beating at a million miles a minute inside your chest as the ceremony got underway.
The jitters refused to subside when you heard the words, “And now the couple has prepared their own vows.”
The two of you had agreed that Nestor would go first, but he hadn’t even started speaking yet and you already felt a stray tear escape and trickle down your face. You knew he saw it too, and he reached out and slid his hands into yours. Your hands shook slightly and he gave them a reassuring squeeze as he started to speak.
“I remember so clearly,” a smile took over his face, “the first time I thought to myself, I’m so in love with her. We weren’t even dating yet,” he chuckled, trying to pretend that he didn’t feel the tears gathering in his eyes again, “and that thought was immediately followed up with oh god I am in so deep. And it should’ve been scary—but it wasn’t. Every fear and doubt that I had faded away instantly the second you looked at me and smiled. And no matter how much time goes by you still have that effect on me. Every time I look at you, the world instantly gets a brighter. There aren’t,” he took a shaky breath, trying not to lose his composure, “there aren’t a lot of things that I can promise you, not a lot of things that I can say will be forever. But if there is nothing else in the world that I can promise you, I can still say this—everything that I have to give is yours for as long as you want it. You’ve helped me become a man that I didn’t think I could be, given me a life I never thought that I would be able to have. You’ve been my rock, my best friend, the only person who cares enough to be honest about when I need to shave my face and redo my braids,” he laughed through the tears, “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I love you, and I can’t wait to be your husband.”
All the time you’d spent on your makeup was officially a waste. You couldn’t even try to stop the tears that you shed, unable to wipe them or the smile off your face. You took a few deep, unsteady breaths as you tried to get it together enough to begin your vows. You laughed as you sniffled, “I don’t know why I let you go first,” you took another deep breath, “Ever since I met you, I don’t think that there’s been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t wanted to spend with you. No matter what happens in a day, no matter what life has thrown at us, you are always the first person that I think of. There is so much out of our control, but day after day we wake up and keep choosing each other. And if we keep doing that, the rest doesn’t matter—we can take on whatever the world has in store for us as long as we’re together. Life with you has always been, and I hope it always will be, an adventure,” you squeezed his hands lightly, “I love you beyond measure,” you felt your bottom lip starting to tremble again, “You’re my best friend, and the love of my life, and I,” you sniffled, “I can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to be your wife.”
There were a few beats of silence to let the weight of both your words and Nestor’s settle in before you and Nestor both snapped back to attention upon hearing, “Do we have the rings?”
You repeated back the words that you had studied day after day for weeks in an attempt to say them as smoothly as possible. You smiled as you slid the ring onto his finger, “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows,” you traced your finger over the band once more before releasing his hand.
Nestor took your still-shaking hand into his, smiling as he delicately slipped the ring onto your finger, “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows,” he kept his hands entwined with yours.
All eyes were on you, “Do you take Nestor to be your husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
You nodded, all the trembles gone from your body, “I do.”
“Nestor, do you take—”
“I do,” he didn’t even wait for the rest of the question, causing both of you and everyone in attendance to laugh.
When the chuckles had subsided, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” they paused, “You may now kiss the bride!”
Nestor’s smile was as broad as you’d ever seen it as he pulled you in, spinning and dipping you as he pressed his lips to yours. You smiled as you cupped the sides of his face in both your hands, locking your lips onto his. He braced one arm underneath your shoulder blades while his other hand rested on the back of your thigh, completely supporting your body weight as he kissed you. if there was a way to live in that moment forever you would’ve done it.
He brought you upright again, both of you laughing as your foreheads touched in the midst of people clapping and cheering for the two of you. Despite the noise and the excitement, you locked your eyes onto Nestor’s.
“I love you,” you stroked your thumb along his cheekbone.
He placed his hand over yours, “I love you too.”
He tangled his fingers with yours as the two of you turned to face the rows of people there to share your day with you. You both started to make your way back down the aisle together, hands entwined. Looking over to the side at him, you found him already looking at you, both of you grinning from ear to ear. As you reveled in the sensation of him giving your hand a squeeze, all you could think about was that forever looked good on him.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Drip || (M)
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→ A/n: Yeo One x Fem!Reader
→ Genre: smut
→ Words: 2K
→ Warnings: Shower Sex; Light Spanking; Riding.
→ A/n: We absolutely loved writing this request and got carried away imagining these fancy showers, so we just couldn't help but let our imagination run lmao we hope we fullfiled the request and you guys like it!
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"That was a blast!"
"It truly was", your boyfriend Changgu answered, already leading the way to your shared bedroom. "But I need a shower".
You had just arrived home from one of your childhood friend's weddings. It was a lot of fun and it was the perfect opportunity to get Changgu to meet your long time friends. Since you all mostly lost contact after school ended and years later you met your boyfriend, it was amazing for you to watch two of your worlds merge so well together. That being said, your friends never lost the carefree attitude you knew them for and as you all shared drinks and the space on the dance floor, Changgu gladly joined in, dancing and drinking with everyone as if he was already part of the group.
The only issue to you was how insanely hot he looked in a suit. If you were honest, anything your boyfriend wore made him look stunning but there was something about him wearing suits that made you lose it. And watching him dance in the black dress pants he wore alongside a white button up with matching black suit was insane. He was an amazing dancer, his body moving freely and hips so loose that you smirked at whoever stared too much at him. You knew what they were thinking and yeah, you were lucky.
Whenever you watched him dance it sparkled something inside of you, a want for him that hardly subdued until you had your way with him, so while you followed him into your bedroom, you tried to think of a plan to get exactly what you wanted. The sight inside the room was even worse - or better - as Changgu slowly undressed. He seemed distracted but his movements made you feel like he was putting on a special show for you. And so you reciprocated. You fully entered the room and the moment Changgu saw you his cute smile showed up and it warmed your heart, it truly did. But it wasn't the expression you wanted from him.
You slowly moved your dress up, bending over enough that he could see the round of your ass as the dress revealed your skin. Noticing Changgu stopped with his pants open and no shirt, holding his belt tightly as he watched you straighten your back and throw the dress away with a wink at him. He tossed his belt on the bed with your dress and took his pants off quickly, no longer seemed distracted about it. Both of you stared at each other in your underwear and it made you shiver with anticipation. He was looking at you with hunger, hands clenching on his sides. Making the first move, you walked past him to the bathroom of your suite bedroom, making sure to lightly trace his shoulder as you moved. Instantly he followed.
You turned the shower on and you smiled when you heard the door close behind you. Changgu was on you in an instant, hands moving to caress your waist and grind slowly against your ass. Your hand found the hair on his nape and held on, closing your eyes briefly with a sigh. When the water was at a good temperature you walked in, your hands holding Changgu's on your waist, so he could move with you. Looking at your bathroom, you were glad that you were wealthy enough to have a marbled shower with a sitting space. Taking your undergarments was hard as you stepped forward and Changgu followed until he noticed your intentions and backed away with a chuckle. You turned to him when you were fully naked, watching him discard his last piece of clothing as well.
You moved to kiss him and he gladly opened his arms for you, embracing you with a mix of adoration and excitement in his eyes and you looked just the same. Kissing him was heavenly, he was skilled and made you weak only with his tongue in your mouth. His calloused hands ran all over your body, grabbing at you like an anchor, fingers expertly awakening goosebumps where they touched. You gave as good as you got, hands exploring his toned chest, strong arms and the expanse of his back. You heard him grunt when you moved, grinding against him as the kiss got heated.
"Baby", you said against his lips, "watching you dance ends my sanity".
"I can say the same about you, moving this ass around for everyone to see", Changgu squeezed your asscheeks, making you moan.
You could feel his cock getting harder with the make out and grinding, only spurring you on, making your hands get more daring. The first contact of your hands on his member made him moan and buck his hips, the burning sensation on your belly growing stronger at the sound. You couldn't help but tease, lightly touching the slit before jerking only the head, making him whimper and move more insistently.
"Baby, please. Don't tease. You teased me all night long with this tight dress and dancing", Changgu pleaded and you chuckled.
"You're no fun", you stuck your out at him and he quickly moved to take it into his mouth. Your playfulness backfired at how you moaned at the almost obscene act, even if you had your hands on his cock.
His long fingers didn't take long to move downwards and find your clit, rubbing you as slowly as you were jerking him off.
"See? I can be fun", Changgu said with a smirk, bucking his hips into your hands, that now circled his cock and jerked, making him whimper at the friction.
He backed away from you abruptly, making you stare at him walking backwards past the water falling down. It was the hottest thing to see, him naked and hard with the water falling down his body momentarily. Changgu sat on the marble bench, one hand supporting his weight as he leaned into it, the other lazily stroking his length. He smirked at your stare and cocked his head to the side.
"What are you waiting for to come ride me?", his low voice made you shiver.
You walked to him slowly, stopping in front of him for a second and pulling your hair back. The hand that was stroking his cock stopped, only holding it and waiting for you. You supported yourself on his shoulders and slowly sank down on his lap, moaning at the feeling, noises matching his groans. You only sat on his lap for a few seconds, a playful smirk on your face as he squeezed his eyes and took a deep breath, both hands now supporting his weight. Only when Changgu bucked his hips up gently did you move, not before chuckling at his pained expression for holding back, having you so tightly around him and not moving.
You started to bounce, slowly at first, getting used to the feeling and making sure he wouldn't slip because of the wet bench. His eyes were stranded on you, mouth hanging open and knuckles turning white from holding on. You kept your arms around his neck, stroking his hair from time to time. And whenever you did, he'd lean forward and capture your lips in a breathless kiss, barely closing both of your mouths from the pleasure. When you picked up speed, Changgu closed his eyes, his head rolling back, exposing his neck for you to bite and mark as you pleased, earning more groans from him.
Both of you were lost in pleasure, your ass making slapping sounds where it made contact with his lap, his cock buried deep inside whenever you sank down. Soon enough you felt your legs beginning to falter, choosing to rock on his cock instead of bouncing, the grinding movement being just as good. You could feel your clit dragging into his crotch, creating the most delicious friction and you moaned, a broken sound enhanced by his hips moving with you, grinding slow and sensually into you. With a grunt, Changgu sat up straight, hands on your ass for a quick squeeze before he slapped it playfully.
"Up", was all he said and you felt glad for your legs.
You got up and let him move both of you until you were bent over on the bench, ass completely up and open for him, your hands gripping under the bench.
"My baby was getting tired, wasn't she?"
"Yeah, I was", your answer turned into a moan as he entered you once more, not even giving you time before he picked up speed and strength.
"It's okay, now we can have more fun", Changgu already sounded out of breath, his big hands gripping your ass enough to burn a little but it only made it all more pleasurable.
He was going hard, his thrusts were fast and hard, making your body move forward every time, only to be pulled back by his hands, making you meet his cock halfway. Your moans became more constant, louder, he was giving it to you and you loved it. Usually he was all about sweet talk and praises but tonight he had no words, his grunting and low moans filled the room with yours, the sounds of skin on skin just as loud.
"Fuck, baby, I won't last long", you said, already moving your hand to rub your clit.
"Me too, baby. Just a bit more. You can wait for me, can't you?".
You nodded, feeling him speed up and become sloppier. In the heat of the moment, he gave your ass a hard slap, quickly smoothing the skin with soothing rubs even as he became more vocal, on the verge of cumming.
"We gotta- shit- we gotta talk about that later", you said, body bouncing with his force. "I have to cum, baby. Please cum with me, please", you begged, fingers rubbing your clit and fast and too much pressure.
"Oh my god, baby. I'm-", he couldn't even finish the sentence before he was shaking in synchrony with you, his body moving forward, his breath on your neck as he spilled his seed in you and you leaked down your thighs with the force of your own orgasm.
Changgu rocked inside of you as you both rode your high, the hot feeling on your lower belly growing with each second as your orgasm lasted, his own cock twitching inside you at how you were clenching.
Coming down off both of your high, you felt him pull you up and hold you from behind, a gentle kiss on your cheek as he pulled you backwards under the shower spray.
"We need to stop wasting water like this", you said lazily, falling into his embrace. You heard him chuckled and hum in agreement.
"Your fault", he said with a nudge on your cheek.
"Oh, I know", you laughed.
Changgu stepped away and gathered your soap and sponge before slowly cleaning your body. You felt a mix of a new wave of heat at watching his hands run all over your body and relaxation at his ministrations. When he finished with you, Changgu motioned for you to sit at the bench as he finished his own cleaning routine. Watching him was always amazing but specially tonight, after everything, you felt the burning heat of horniness growing once more. You waited for him to finish his shower and close the faucet to stare at him until you had his undivided attention. When he looked back at you, two towels in his hands, you slowly opened your legs, hands moving gently between them and licked your lips.
"Again?", he asked with a raised brow and you nodded. "Aren't you a horny baby tonight", he chuckled.
You winked and got up, getting a towel from his hands.
"I'm waiting on the bed", was all you said before walking away.
It wasn't seconds after that your heard his rushed steps following you into the room. "As it should be", you thought with a smirk.
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ginemrys · 3 years
Catapults and Caught Feelings
For @jilychallenge August 2021
Theme: Summer.
Prompt: “we have to crush the team of our unbeaten rivals in this waterfight (even if the other side has a rlly cute red head) oh god fOCUS”
@ginemrys vs @jilyism
big thanks to @figg-anon for betaing for me!! <3
Thus far, the end of year trip had been the best one yet. All of the year elevens, minus a few whose parents hadn’t given permission, were bundled onto a coach and driven for a few hours to Dartmoor to spend three nights camping and three days doing water sports and going on interesting walks.
James Potter and his friends had gotten everything that they could out of the trip. The four boys went camping with James’ parents every summer, so were enjoying having a bit more free time just the four of them. Their teachers were great, they kept an eye on their students, but trusted them all enough to do their own thing, since most of them had already turned sixteen. So the self-named Marauders spent most of their days running through the woods, climbing trees, and having a whale of a time.
Of course, the entire group did have to convene for certain activities, like a den building competition or a swim in the river. On the last day, the final full day of being at the campsite, the teachers instructed everyone to get into their swimming costumes and simple clothes because they were going to have a water fight.
Naturally, everyone cheered, the different groups racing back to their tents to change. Sirius was nattering away in James’ ear as the boys pulled on their swimming trunks and t-shirts, chatting excitedly about how amazing this was about to be. A teacher-approved water fight? What could be better?
“I hope we’re all in the same team, it would be awful to be separated.” Peter was saying to Remus as he stuck his arms into a long sleeved top.
“I think it will be done by forms to be honest, Pete. So we should be alright.” Remus smiled, patting Peter’s back gently. They met in the same form and shared many classes, which was how they had originally become friends at secondary school. And here they were five years later, still just as good friends as always.
“If we are split up though, just know I’m going to absolutely destroy you all,” James said confidently, adjusting his glasses.
“You wish, Prongs!” Sirius laughed, shaking his head. “We all know I have the best aim here.”
All three of the others stared at him for a second before bursting out laughing, knowing fully well that James was the sportsman amongst them. He was captain of the football team after all and had been playing for years.
“Oh shut your mouths, the lot of you,” Sirius rolled his eyes, unzipping the tent, “let’s go.”
As Remus had predicted, the year was split up into groups based on which form they were in, all of the kids separated down the middle into two mostly even groups. The Marauders were happily together in a group.
But then the most incredible part of the water fight was revealed.
“Alright everyone, before we start-” Mr Flitwick piped up, holding a megaphone to his mouth to be heard over the chattering, “-we have to be careful with these catapults, only the water balloons are allowed to be thrown. Got it?”
“Yes, sir!” they chanted in unison, though the Marauders all shared a look.
“No, boys! I saw that!” Flitwick shouted, pointing at the four boys. “I mean it! You will receive detentions, I don’t care if you’ve only got a few weeks left and you’ve finished your exams. Water balloons only!”
“Fine.” James and Sirius both looked put out while Remus and Peter held their thumbs up to their teacher in response.
A small scoff sounded from the other group, James’ eyes meeting a pair of green ones. Of course he was against Lily Evans rather than being with her, he was sure she wouldn’t hold back at the chance to pelt him with water balloons. They’d gotten along much better over the course of year eleven, ever since James had needed to help her with Physics. He’d almost say they were friends, even if he still pissed her off a bit. But none of that stopped his overwhelming crush on Lily. Ever since year nine when he started to notice girls, he’d been besotted with her. Sirius called it sickening, Peter called it sweet, and Remus just rolled his eyes whenever James asked him to put in a good word for him since he was mates with Lily.
But right in that moment Lily was smiling at him; a glint in her eyes. A challenge.
Oh, it was on.
The two teams stepped together to form huddles, discussing strategies and tactics. More than half of the football team were on James’ side, which worked out perfectly for him. As a natural born leader, though being captain of the team certainly didn’t hurt, James easily adopted the role of Field Marshal in the war against the other team. The team listened to his plan, nodding along, and looking excited.
A whistle was blown; the huddles separated once more.
Instructions, rules, and everything in between were called out by Ms McGonagall, the stern woman not even needing to borrow Mr Flitwick’s megaphone to be heard. Catapults were loaded, water balloons at the ready.
Another whistle. Hell was unleashed.
It was intense, chaotic, and possibly the most fun James had ever had in his life. Students were pelted with balloons; the thin plastic splitting on impact and drenching the victim’s clothes in surprisingly cold water given the summer heat. Screams and gasps filled the air alongside the balloon, but laughter rang loudest.
And James couldn’t help his eyes from drifting to the girl who, like he, manned the helm of the catapult. Their eyes met again; green hitting hazel. The base of James’ catapult slipped beneath his fingers, firing too early before Sirius had loaded in another balloon.
“What the hell, Prongs?”
Oh god, focus, James, he berated himself for getting distracted by the cute redhead that he never quite managed to get out of his mind. Not that he had long to regret his mistake, not when a well aimed water balloon landed directly on the top of his head, drenching him.
“I guess being a football captain isn’t all it’s cut out to be, huh?” A soft, though slightly taunting voice spoke, one James instantly recognised as belonging to Lily Evans.
Everyone had managed to dry off, taking turns to use the awful showers at the campsite before changing into warmer clothes. Groups were gathered around campfires, mugs of hot chocolate clutched in cold hands. Sirius, Remus, and Peter were leading a group in a jaunty sing-a-long of Drunken Sailor, much to Ms McGonagall’s chagrin (though Sirius would swear later that he’d seen her tapping her toes). But James had opted to sit alone, always a bit of a sore loser. It worked out though, as Lily Evans swung her legs over the log he was seated on and sat beside him.
“I had a strategy, my team just didn’t pull through,” James replied, glancing at her before sipping his hot chocolate to hide the blush on his cheeks. She had a thick woollen blanket draped over her shoulder. Her hair was neatly braided down either side of her head into two plaits, the fire highlighting the freckles across her nose. She was so pretty, it was almost unfair.
“Sure, your team didn’t pull through,” Lily laughed, sending a jolt running through James’ stomach at the sound. The feeling was made worse when she plucked the mug out of his hands and took a sip, humming as the chocolate coated her tongue. “I’m pretty sure I saw you get distracted for a moment there, Potter. Or did I imagine that you fired an empty catapult?”
“No, you’re right,” James managed a soft smile, watching her. She was so more at ease now that exams were over, the usually constant strain on her face having vanished. “I got distracted.”
Lily hummed again, shifting a little closer to him on the log. Was he imagining it, or was she blushing?
“Distracted by what, exactly?”
“I think you know.”
“I think I know too.”
The singing grew louder and louder as more classmates started to join in, the kids all dancing around the campfire like they were in a scene from Peter Pan. Even the teachers were clapping along. But two figures sat together, away from the group, oblivious to their classmates. They were smiling softly at each other, hands intertwined beneath the blanket Lily had been wearing which was now tucked neatly over their laps. Unnoticed by most of their friends, the two spoke quietly to one another, leaning close.
James had been right, this end of year school trip was by far the best one he’d ever been on.
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daegall · 3 years
End of a day
pairing: Na Jaemin x reader
Genre: fluff, angst (?)
🎶: End of a day by Kim Jonghyun
Word count: 2.3k words (more than i planned jgsjjf)
Warnings: umm lots of fluff?? And sad jaemin :((
Network/s: @neoturtles
A/n: JFNSJFBJWBF UGHHHHH TUMBLR 😩😩😩😩 STOP BEING A BITCH PLS 😭😭😭😭😭 THIS IS HE SECOND TIME IM POSTING THIS 😃 enjoy it tho :)) it’s better than all my other works tbh so dint be too disappointed if you check the others :’)
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Thousands of people work every day, tired and upset, and yet they get up the next day to do the exact same thing. That’s how life is. It seems like nobody has a problem with that, maybe it’s because they’ve become so accustomed to it, or maybe they don’t want to come out pathetic and weaker to others, but they just keep going. It’s amazing, really, the way the mind works. Some people want to come off as strong and hard to read, and others just want to make friends and have fun.
Perhaps you were both, but today, you were none. All you felt was tiredness and stress. All you wanted to do was rip off these painfully uncomfortable clothes and curl into bed next to Jaemin.
At last, you reach your home you share with Jaemin, opening the door as he texted you he would leave it unlocked for you. Sluggishly and with no care in the world, you fling your shoes somewhere around the shoe rack, launching your bag to the couch, “I’m home!” no reply. With a huff, you make a beeline towards your shared room, emotions getting worse with every step you take. You twist the knob to your room, pushing it open, “Jaemin, you in he-”
Reach out and cover my neck
Please massage my shoulder a little further down
All your moodiness fades away when you spot your tired boyfriend quietly sniffling into his palms, seating looking too uncomfortable, even the sight of it throws your clothes into despair. “Jaemin...” you slowly inch towards him, heart shattering when he lets out a sob. He’s still in his work suit, something you loved on him, but now it just looked like it was suffering him. “Jaemin, baby,” you gently place your hand on his messy hair, cooing and running your fingers through his delicate strands when he leans into your touch.
“Come on, let’s go change. You feel uncomfortable, don’t you?” You beckon him softly, picking his face up and swiping a thumb over his wet cheek. He gives you a tight nod, squeezing the last few tears out before standing up, enveloping your hand around his. This is what he came home for. Your comfort and reassurance.
Even if the sun has already risen at the end of a tiring day
Now that I close my eyes
Just when you unbutton the last button of his jacket and throw it somewhere behind you, Jaemin can’t help but lean down to place his lips softly onto yours with care. His lips are salty from his tears, but you really don’t mind when his kisses are so soft, unlike all the other teasing and a bit rough ones he gives in the day. You pull away slowly, grinning up at him. He finally feels what he’s been longing the whole day, relaxation and tranquility. It feels so perfect and so… you.
Within 5 minutes, all uncomfortable work clothes are long forgotten, only soft big tees that envelop you and lul you slowly to sleep. That’s what you plan to do, right after Jaemin’s done in the bathroom and is next to you.
By the time your eyes are drooping close, the bathroom door is open, and you spot Jaemin shaking his hands dry and wiping them on his shirt. He instantly climbs in next to you, rushing into burying his face into your neck snugly.
On my day when I close the door later than others
Playfully tickling the earlobe
Even if we've been in a different world all day
Because we are always together at the end of the day
“Hard day?” You mumble into his forehead, chuckling lightly when he nods his head aggressively. “Do you want to talk about it?” Jaemin sighs, “Not really. It’s just the usual, given more work than the others. It’s just frustrating me,” You let out a thoughtful hum, nodding and threading your fingers into his messy hair, “So it all finally got to you?” He nods once again, this time a bit softer as he pulls you closer to his body.
“That’s good to hear, that you didn’t suppress your feelings, I mean. It’s been so long since you’ve actually relaxed.” Jaemin grins, you can read him so well, it’s amazing how you can determine how he’s feeling just by how he eats his breakfast or how affectionate he’s been.
Your little shoulders, your two little hands
At the end of my tiring day, it becomes a cozy blanket
Good job, you worked really hard
It makes him guilty, how you know every single part of him, and yet he doesn’t even try to know your small habits and actions you do. But then, he knows about your slow steps in the evening when you come back home, and the way your frown turns up quickly, almost too quickly, too fake. ‘Oh my god, you haven’t been good either,’ he thinks, as he squeezes you to him, as if trying to get rid of all the guilt he felt.
“Have you been okay?”
You are alarmed at the sudden question, tilting your head down to give him a confused look, “What?” Jaemin places his hand on your face, this time it’s him who’s stroking your tear away. You didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt the moisture spreading on your cheek.
“You’re not having such a good day either, huh?” Quickly, you try to scoot away from your boyfriend and wipe harshly at your tears, but the second you wipe one aggressively, Jaemin stops you, instead sitting up and wiping them himself, “You’re suppressing it too much.”
A scoff falls from your lips, before you playfully shove him away, “Don’t copy me!” There is a moment of laughter, before the atmosphere falls quiet. Not even a few seconds later, Jaemin is scooping you up to his side, enveloping you into his chest, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner.” Instead of replying, you soften to his embrace, letting the last few tears finally release.
To you, my two hands with my blunt shoulders
I hope it will be a warm comfort at the end of your tiring day
I want to breathe with you naturally
Now you feel it, what Jaemin was yearning for when he came home, serene and pure ease. One of Jaemin’s hands tangles into your hair, fingers prodding soothingly on your scalp, his other hand venturing underneath your shirt to caress your bare skin with care. He was wrong. He did know every part of you, he knew perfectly what you wanted and when to give it. You inch closer to Jaemin, craving more of his warmth and touch.
He only coos at your eagerness, happily letting you cling onto him and bury your form into his hold. He places a tender kiss on your forehead, as if a silent reminder that he loves you. You shift in his hold, “Thank you,” your whisper felt soft, almost soothing against Jaemin’s skin, and he continues pressing quick, loving pecks all over your face, just as much until you giggle out at the lingering sensation when he finally stops.
You finally have the strength to look back up into Jaemin’s eyes, and you find nothing but clarified love and affection, no doubt you have those as well in your own.
Like the water in the bathtub that tightly embraces you
Warmly and completely
At the end of my embarrassing day full of clumsy mistakes
Are you waiting for me to be proud of you
The ambiance is everything soft, it feels comforting and like home, it feels like Christmas night, the ones where you just finally calm down from the buzzing day from before. For a second there, you almost forget about the hectic day you had previously, but honestly, all you want to do is thank it, without it you wouldn’t be here, you would most likely be still working.
Work is a bitch, you conclude, because even when you’re done with it for the day and want to take a break from it, you can’t, you can’t help but worry and think about the next time you encounter it, you want to finish it, but where is the end of it? Work will always be there to bring you back to the reality that you can’t slack off, you’ll get off track.
Now your thoughts were just getting out of hand, and you really hate work now.
“Baby, you’re overthinking, I can tell.” you shake your head, getting rid of the thoughts, “Sorry,” Jaemin chuckles lightly, caressing your cheek dearly, “No, I kind of am too.”
The conversation ends there, it’s like you don’t want to ruin the peaceful little aura you’ve created, opting to keep it as long as you can. Jaemin decides to revive the conversation, sliding down to relax and lay down on the bed, bringing you with him, “Tell me,” His eyes catch yours, almost pleading you to tell him, “Tell me what you were thinking about,”
“Well,” You start, “Work is just so inevitable, and honestly? It’s full of shit.” Jaemin chortles slightly at your choice of words, “Tell me about it.” You give him a mischievous look, “Like, no matter how much you hate it and don’t want it, you’re still gonna have to do it anyway, you basically can’t live without work.”
The small sigh doesn’t go unnoticed by Jaemin, as he pats your back comfortingly. “And whenever you want to just get over with it, you can’t. It’s still gonna be there again the next day or two. I don’t like it at all. Not one bit.”
Your boyfriend almost agrees, but stops. He should encourage you instead, he thinks.
“But hey, a the end if you work hard there will be a present waiting at home for you.” You roll your eyes, thinking it one of his corny jokes, but he continues, “At least that’s what I tell myself to get throughout the day, I get to see you again, that’s practically magical. Coming back home and tumbling into your hugs and kisses are literally soo perfect, it’s surreal, almost.”
Your little shoulders, your two little hands
At the end of my tiring day, it becomes a cozy blanket
Good job, you worked really hard
A big smile spreads across your lips, and you turn your head to look at Jaemin. He smiles at you, affirming his words, softly running his hands through your hair, “I know it’s really cheesy, but it works for me.”
Your perspective might change completely because of that, imagine just a hard ass day of work kicking your ass, tiring, and most likely emotional and full of breakdowns, and in return for dealing with all the shit, you get to relax and spend some time with Jaemin without any work interrupting you two, you might just want that every day.
You give him a bigger, more satisfied smile, “Okay, I’ll do that.”
To you, my two hands with my blunt shoulders
I hope it will be a warm comfort at the end of your tiring day
I want to breathe with you naturally
Jaemin is another breed, because who on earth would come up with that idea? Na Jaemin did. While others, and most likely you, think of all the bad things that happened throughout the day, Jaemin thought of the future, what’s happened has happened, if it was shit then so be it. But time with you could never be shit for him, he can’t find a single bit of it boring.
Despite being with him for so long, you can’t help but always be so mesmerized by him, he’s absolutely fascinating. The way he sees life is honestly on another level, a level that you want to reach and a level he will happily help you reach.
From now on, you decide, you will find the goods at the end of the day, you will work hard, maybe even extra hard, just to be happy at the end of the day when you meet Jaemin once again.
I can't cry as much as I want and I can't laugh as much as I want
At the end of a tiring day, if it’s next to you
You scream like a child and laugh like you pass your breath
I meet myself, who has become awkward too
So when the next day arrives, you work super duper hard, staying an extra hour to help Mark with his own work he struggles with (he’s not that good with technology) and even doing extra small tasks your coworkers ask you to do, which they found funny because usually, you reply with an excuse or simply turning it down, this was definitely a good thing.
And when you go back home, this time you’re about 3 times more exhausted, and 10 times more excited to finally meet Jaemin after a long day.
You bust the door open harshly, throwing your shoes messily at the shoe rack with a bright smile on your face.
“I’m home!”
Jaemin’s soft mop of hair peeks out from the kitchen, “Oh? Baby? How was-”
Suddenly, the air in his lungs gets knocked out from force, the force of you rushing into his arms. You feel it. The happiness. Jaemin was right, this feels victorious. You feel like you’ve won in life, you feel so accomplished.
Jaemin sighs, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his forehead on the top of your head, “I’m so proud of you.”
Good job, you worked really ahrd
You are my pride
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
return from Sicily 🖤
sfw // gn reader // so much pining like whew 
Hello everyone, it is i, Cozy, back to give you a lil snack between schoolwork. This was fully self indulgent, to a worrying degree, so my apologies for that. But please enjoy, it was a fun little writing exercise since it’s been a while!💖✨
A distant car door shut, the sound muffled by the thick brick walls that separated you from the sparsely populated street where La Squadra Esecuzioni has been residing for a little while now. It’s not an uncommon sound, not at all actually. You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve woken up to heavy car doors slamming in the middle of the night, men of disputable morals stepping out and going about their even more so morally disputable business. But instead of filling you with annoyance that you’d have to lull yourself back to sleep again, this faint slam meant the return of your capo!
He’d been off on his very first holiday since joining Passione. Perhaps it was even the first in his life, the past never really presenting such opportunities unfortunately. 10 days. 10 whole days since the looming figure that brought a sense of calm and comfort to your shared homebase had left to start his travels to Sicily. And God had you missed him. You thought your crush on him had been manageable, maybe it would even dim by not seeing him for a while.
But oh no. It got worse. It got so much worse.
You hadn’t realised it before, but living so close with your teammates had conditioned you. You saw them every single day, for worse or for better. And that also included Risotto. Sometimes he’d be too busy to come out of his office but you were always sure to pay him a quick visit. Just to check up on him, you told yourself. You’d shoot him a warm smile that always received a small nod in return from the tired form pouring over his work.
A rush of excited energy barreled through your body, trying to suppress the need to wait at the front door like an overzealous golden retriever. You put down your phone and exhaled deeply, mentally preparing yourself as to not let on how much you’ve missed seeing him around.
You heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking and got up from the living room couch you’d been lounging on as casually as possible. Casually making your way to the entrance to casually welcome back your colleague. Casual.
Risotto looked...magnificent. His skin had darkened under the Sicilian sun and given him a nice tan that evenly spread over his figure. He was wearing a simple black shirt that clung to the right places, adorning his chiseled chest and barely holding onto his built biceps. His hat was nowhere in sight and his silver locks poked out in different directions, clearly not bothered to tame them for his drive home.
Your quick once-over cut short over the sound of your own voice. “You’re back! Did you have fun? I missed you-” To your own surprise the words left you all too soon. In an attempt to fix the slip up you hurriedly continued. “We all missed you, I mean…” you trailed off. Risotto’s lips quirked up into an amused smirk, showing off his dimple that rarely appeared. He looked a lot more relaxed than before he left.
“Oh? We?” he said, making it a point to lean to his side to direct his gaze to the empty apartment behind you. No one else had been home. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and the desperate need to run and never return. Why was this already so hard?
You nervously chuckled and wrung your hands together, casting your eyes down at Risotto’s bag that had been put near the messy shoe rack Formaggio promised to clean up while your capo was gone. Sensing you weren’t going to rebuttal his comment, he continued. “It was nice. But I did miss you all, too.” The baritone of voice only stoked the fires burning under your skin.
He had missed you. Your mind swatted away the unnecessary word that followed his statement indicating that he’d also missed your teammates. You really needed to get a grip on your feelings.
You looked up again, feeling a bit braver to face your capo. “You look at ease, it really did you good, huh?” you softly hummed. His eyes held kindness in return, no matter how dark and spooky they were to some, they held no sharp edge whenever they landed on you.
As soon as you both stepped further into the apartment you heard him let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t of displeasure, no, those were way deeper and mostly kept for difficult meetings. He was breathing in the familiar smell of home. One that strangely enough had become the one he most associated with you. Walking behind you towards his room with his bag gripped tightly, his hand clutching the straps even harder turning his knuckles white.
He’d missed you too. So much. His trip was fun and relaxing and he could finally spend time by himself after being surrounded by people 24/7. But with every stroll past the beach, every dinner spent by himself- calmly sipping a glass of deep red wine, he wished you were there to spend it with him. To hold your hand and gently sway it as the sea breeze washed away the stress work had caused to settle onto you both. To rest on the beach together, lazing on a towel while the sun beamed down and a comfortable silence that rested between you.
Risotto was thankful for the holiday he never thought he’d have while working for Passione, but even more thankful to be back home. Where you were.
You had kindly opened the door for him, that cute smile resting on your lips as you let him pass by. The room smelled fresh and sweet like the breeze outside, the wind fluttering the curtains. “I changed your sheets and opened the window for you. Thought you wouldn’t mind it.” you shyly said as he set down his bag and huffed down on the edge of his bed. Idly caressing the light sheets in appreciation. He offered you a quick smile in return, instantly making that heat rise back to your cheeks.
“I’ll let you get settled.” You were glad he was back home safe, maybe you’d rest easier now and maybe your feelings would reach a more manageable level again. But before you could get far, not even a step further towards the hallway, you felt a big hand grasp your wrist. It felt warm and calloused, one that has worked hard and endured too much. You bounced back but steadied yourself to face Risotto who had cleared his throat and swiftly let go of your wrist. Bold move there, he warned himself.
“Sorry, I- I got you something.” he grumbled out the apology, brow creased as he dipped down to reach for something in his bag.
“Here.” He handed you a strangely shaped crumpled newspaper, cursing himself for not wrapping it in something a bit nicer. It was much heavier than your average weekly publication so you held it steadier, gently trying to unwrap whatever was hiding inside. Excitement was still bubbling inside, but a sense of ease that only Risotto supplied had nestled its way into you.
Risotto took over the discarded newspaper to let you admire the gift, trying his best to hide his excited stare, eager to know if you’d liked it. In your hands rested a ceramic mug, it looked handmade and the uneven strokes of shiny blue coloured glaze gave it a rustic touch. Lemons and leaves decorated the sides, making you turn it over a couple times to fully admire the handiwork. You were so enamoured by the gift you’d forgotten to let him know your thoughts.
“For your collection…” he trailed off, getting a bit nervous at his choice and doubting if you’d liked it. He knew you had a particular taste in mugs that were allowed into your hallowed collection. (not to be touched by your other teammates of course)
“I love it Ris. Really, it’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.” You really did love it, your heart could barely take how much you did. Clutching the mug in your hand, you reached over and hugged him. He had barely processed the relief of you liking his gift to be hit with your form clinging to his torso. Carefully, he placed a single hand around your middle, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable as he reciprocated. “Thank you.” you quietly let out while giving him a curt squeeze.
His arm eased you down  to sit next to him on the edge of the bed, feeling his very own surge of warmth ghost over his cheeks. His hand remained on your side, comfortably resting there, feeling right at home. You didn’t mind, not in the slightest. You were just so happy he’d returned and even brought you a thoughtful gift.
“Maybe next time I could show you around the shop I got it from. They have lots more to choose from.” he urged himself on, hearing his own heartbeat reach new speeds at the suggestion and its implications. A next time, but with you by his side.
You held onto the mug for dear life, clasping your fingers even tighter around the sides in case you’d drop it and shatter it like your chances with Risotto. Your mind raced, his suggestion having caused a mild short circuit of all functions. After a trained breath you find the strength to reply. “I’d like that very much. Just be sure to keep Ghiaccio away from the fragile stuff.” you chuckled nervously. A heavenly sound to the smitten capo.
“The rest of the team- as much as I like them- are uhm… not invited.” The smile that danced on his lips and the glint in his eyes made your heart flutter all over as you looked up at him.
A holiday? Just the two of you?
“Oh. Oh.”
You can’t seem to tear your eyes away from his as the thought settles between you. His hand on your hip hadn’t moved, only growing warmer and now finally urging you to scootch a little closer. His soft touch lingering on the small of your back now, closing in the distance and letting your hands rest on his chest as he moved to your inviting lips.
You felt like you’d burst any second, steadying your breath seemingly the hardest task you’ve had to face yet. But then your lips met, softer than any you’d felt before and easing over yours like it was the greatest privilege ever granted. A warm palm cupping your cheek, only deepening the finalisation of your mutual holiday plans. Everything you’d both been wishing to let out finally coming together, moving along your lips with a deep need and hunger that got its chance to grasp at a godly buffet.
With disbelief you both let go- regrettably so, softly gasping for air. If you wanted to go on a holiday together, you would still need to be breathing to get there. As you shared the lingering moment of closeness, appreciating the warmth and love of each other’s gazes, your hearing picked up on scuffling in the hallway.
Mortified you snapped your attention to Melone in the doorway collecting what looked like money from a passing Formaggio and Prosciutto. “Told you they’d do it after he got back.” he smuggly grinned, counting his winnings as you heard Risotto let out a small chuckle under his breath. Earning him a playful jab to his side from you.
“Melone, I won’t kill you if we split the winnings. We have a holiday to save for.” you grumbled.
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anime-academix · 4 years
I’m Not Invincible
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A/N: I’m totally gonna rewrite this because I think this is so bad 😭I lowkey had writers block, so enjoy this huge piece of garbage. ): 
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, minor swearing
Pairings: Aizawa x reader
Requested by: @tonii​ Always happy to provide for the Aizawa supremacy! 🛐
Tags: If you would like to be tagged, just message me and ask to be added to the list :)
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It happened because of an argument
In all honesty, you guys don’t really argue often
Aizawa is extremely rational and level headed, so he keeps the two of you both grounded, no matter how angry you are
But then again, when do you do argue, and it doesn’t dissolve, it’s most likely about something serious
Usually when the two of you argue, he’s the type to remain calmer and not lash out
If he does retaliate, he uses sarcasm in his response
Though he’s tired all the time, when he’s pushed past his peaked exhaustion, it’s harder for him to keep his cool
The argument started because after a major injury, he wasn’t following the doctor’s orders AND your demands for him to take it easy and rest so he could fully recover.
After a major battle between a group of villains, he had taken a serious hit which had forced him on bed rest for a whole week.
Though Recovery Girl did the best she could to possibly heal him, he had been instructed to take it easy for a bit. And since the two of you and Aizawa lived together, the doctors and Recovery Girl instructed for you to keep an eye on him as well. You had absolutely no problem taking care of him while he was on bed rest. If anything, you went above and beyond to make sure he was always feeling comfortable and recovering well. Even when he insisted that you didn’t have to waste your time taking care of him, you shut his comment down instantly; even then, you knew he was grateful you were there for him.
It was only 2 days into his recovery, that Aizawa was already moving and working out. You were glad to see him moving well, but it worried you that he was doing too much. You didn’t think too much about it until you found out that on his 3rd day of recovery--the day he was supposed to be resting at home, he was ALREADY back at UA, teaching.
When you woke up this morning, you were panicking when he wasn’t in the bed beside you. You dialed his phone several times, but it went straight to voice mail. It wasn’t until Present Mic called you, that you were informed of your boyfriend’s presence at the school. Not only were you exasperated that he ignored the doctor’s orders, and annoyed that you had to find out from someone else that he was already doing activities, but you were stressed.
You waited on your shared couch as you waited for him to come home. 5:30 PM, your phone clock read…’He should be home by now,’ You thought to yourself. You would be lying if you said you weren’t anxious…
What if something happened? What if a villain attacked and he was the only pro hero around to stop it? What if he collapsed and no one was around to--
A door opening and closing pulled you out of your thoughts, and you were presented with your boyfriend.
“Shouta, what the hell?!”
“Hey to you too.” He muttered.
“Don’t start with me. You were strictly instructed to rest and recover for a week! Not whenever you feel like it!” You snapped, standing up from the couch
“Y/N, please. I’m fine. I’m healing a lot faster, anyway, so it’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?! What if you got hurt again?! What if you were attacked, huh?! You would be forced to fight with no way of leaving that situation because you wouldn’t just stay down and let your body heal!”
“But I wasn’t attacked. And I already told you, I’m fine.”
You had to admit, he did seem like he was already getting better. Though his wounds were still healing and he would wince from time to time when you could tell the painkillers were wearing off, he had been recovering quickly so far.
“That’s not the point. I would prefer you feeling great than just fine, Shouta.”
He rolled his eyes, walking into the bedroom with you trailing behind him. He didn’t waste a second to carefully take off his scarf and jumpsuit--noticing his subtle winces from the movements every now and then. Your heart ached seeing his entire abdomen and arms wrapped in bandages and his back and neck painted with bruises and small cuts.
Aizawa slips on a pair of sweatpants and a dark t-shirt. “See. I’m fine.”
A sigh left your lips as you shook your head. “You were told to stay on bed rest for a week. This wasn’t just some normal injury. You almost died, Shouta! All we asked for you to do was to rest and recover back to full health. And now, I had to find out from Hizashi that you went back to teach?! What if there was a repeat of the fight with the Shie Hassaikai or USJ incident?!”
“But there wasn’t and I made it out of that alive too! This is exactly what you signed up for when you decided to date a pro hero. Getting injured is apart of the job, I’m not going to quit just because you hate seeing me hurt.” 
He walked from out of the bedroom and into the hallway as you followed behind him. Aizawa wasn’t wrong. You knew the risks when you decided to date a pro hero. Injury and even death was apart of the job once a pro hero took an oath to serve and protect civilians. Even when he was injured, it didn’t stop the pang in your heart when you saw the damage his body would take on. Despite his protests, you did everything you could to take care of him. And yes, he did make it out alive from those two incidents, but he still sustained serious injuries. However, this current incident was substantially worse. He was on the brink of death after this battle. 
“You could have died, Shouta! All I ask is for you to rest and let me take care of you, please!” You pleaded.
And you were right. Truthfully, if it hadn’t been for Recovery Girl, he probably wouldn’t have made it to see the next day. 
A low growl escaped his throat. “For the love of God, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m fine?!”
It happened so suddenly. His body turned around as his hair floated up, his eyes glowing a light shade of red.
Your body froze as silence enveloped the two of you. Everything felt like it stopped: time, the blood flowing through your body and even your heartbeat. You would be lying if you said you weren’t scared. His eyes bored into yours as his brows furrowed, knitting together. In the time you had been dating, Aizawa had never used his quirk on you, ever. 
It was the single tear rolling down your cheek that brought you back to your current situation. Slowly, you began to feel your body shake as you stared back at him in disbelief. 
This situation suddenly hit him too as his expression softened, deactivating his quirk. He had scared you. The one person he loved more than anything in the world, the one person he couldn’t live without, the one person he’d travel through hell and back for, the one person he always wanted by his side, was suddenly on the receiving end of his quirk. 
“Y/N...” Aizawa began softly as he took a hesitant step towards you. You shook your head slightly as you took a step back, now allowing the tears flow down your face. He felt his heart clench as you took a step away from him and seeing the tears fall from your eyes. Not only did he activate his quirk against you, but your tears were because of him.
“No..no...what have I done?” He whispered to himself. He was supposed to be the one to protect you, never harm you. 
“I just wanted to help,” You finally said, voice breaking towards the end as you choked out a sob. 
Aizawa wasted no time swiftly moving towards you, relieved when you didn’t back away. As gently as he could, he wrapped his arms around you. “I know, kitten...I know. I’m so sorry. I’m...so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he repeated, his body shaking just slightly.
You melted in his touch as a quiet sob raked through your body, your head resting against his chest. Being careful not to hurt him, you snaked your arms around his abdomen loosely. 
“I’m so sorry, love. I wasn’t thinking and I was just frustrated...” He paused, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “Sometimes I forget that I’m not invincible. So, when I get injured, I force my body to heal faster than it’s even able to. I know that I’m pushing myself too hard and you’re there telling me to take it easy or rest. I know that you’re right, but I just get so aggravated knowing I’m limited right now.” He paused again and kissed the top of your head. “I know that you’re right, but I just get so aggravated knowing I’m so limited right now. But...that doesn’t excuse using my quirk on you.” He added, his voice growing quiet, the scene flashing back in his head.
“God...I’m so sorry...I’m so fucking sorry,” he breathed out, his eyes squeezing shut. Aizawa wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to leave him. That after everything you had done for him, this is how he treated you. For the love of his life to be on the receiving end of his quirk for any reason was something he would never forgive himself for.
“It’s okay, Shouta,” You whispered softly against his chest.
His eyes sprung open, almost convinced that he had misheard you. His question was answered when you shifted to look up at him, face puffy and slightly wet with tears. Another pang hit his heart. He was the reason for your tears. Instinctively, he reached his hand up to wipe the remainder of your tears away with his thumb.
“I forgive you.” You moved to lift your hand up, cupping his face as he leaned into your touch. “I understand, but you have to let me take care of you. I know exactly what I signed up for when we started dating, and I’ve come to terms with that, but you also have to let me do my job to take care of you when you’re hurt. As long as I can help it, I’m not to lose you--not to a villain and especially not to an injury. So you’re going to be resting, here at home, for the rest of your recovery time, got it?”
He nodded as a small smile creeped onto his lips, shifting slightly to kiss the palm of your hand. Aizawa lifted up his hand to hold onto yours as he leaned down, pressing his lips softly against yours. Though it was gentle, it was passionate; and you could feel that it was a reminder that he loved and appreciated you. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your lips during the kiss. 
“I love you,” he muttered against your lips.
“I love you too, Shouta,” you replied softly.
After a brief moment, you pulled away. “Now that you understand, go lay your ass down in the bedroom.” You instructed him. 
He smirked at you before pressing another kiss to your lips, this time a bit more heated. “Fine,” he muttered, pulling away just slightly. “But you’re coming with me,” he added before pressing his lips against yours once more.
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hpalways · 4 years
Lyrical Mess || Venti
BARD Venti was someone you looked up to. Words would spill from his mouth like a waterfall, for he never ran out of lyrics and rhymes alike to sing about. You aspired to be like him, to one day have talent in bringing people together through music. Unfortunately, your mind was a little underwhelming in the creative department. Phrases and sentences jumbled up like a mess, trapping you in a sea ridden of any motivation whatsoever. 
"The distant lands, the people, the trees, they all truly resonate in me!" he sang, filling your ears of the melody. He was currently sitting on the huge tree in Windrise, rocking back and forth on the branch. Meanwhile, you were on the ground and leaning against the bark, trying to write down anything that could be worth mentioning. However, the page was as blank as it could be, an empty void of nothingness. The quill in your hand shook and squeezed, because the frustration was beginning to take its toll. 
"Venti, I can't think of anything! Don't you have any secrets that could help me?" you whined, pulling the ends of your [h/c] locks. Grabbing the lyre that was brought everywhere with you, you thrummed the strings of it, playing an ugly chord that halted his own singing. The golden instrument glimmered against the sunlight, nearly blinding your eyes. After spending almost all your savings on it one day, it easily became your most treasured item. 
The male leaned forward from the branch, his two aqua ombre braids waving along with the wind. Green eyes on you, they crinkled as he grinned in excitement. In his usual white top and teal shorts with stockings, his style was enough to make him recognizable. Not only that, but he was as adorable as when you first met him. To have him by your side... well, you certainly looked like a nobody. "Well, why are you sitting there on the ground? Come up here and you'll get loads of more inspiration." 
"Really?!" you exclaimed. Your gaze brightened as if you had met God and you quickly scrambled to your feet. He nodded, putting his hands on his hips in pride. "Okay. I'll go join you then." Rolling up the sleeves of your shirt, you knitted your brows together in perseverance. Readying for the climb ahead, you lifted your foot to take that first step. 
Goodbye. You were ready to die. Venti had made it look so easy with those fast and flexible limbs of his, but you were trembling to the core at this moment. The tree was much taller and wonky than you expected, gnarly and dangerous for someone with no balance like you. Panting heavily, you tightened your hold on your lyre as you heaved yourself upwards one last time. You crashed on the spot beside the bard and hit the hollow trunk in annoyance. Flinching at the pain inflicted more-so on you, you rubbed your hands as you tried to settle down. 
The view surely was nice. Mondstadt, the city of Freedom, could be seen from here. Meadows and small hills laid out across the board too, luscious and full of natural beauty. The color of it reminded you of Venti. 
"I can't do this," you groaned, rubbing your face in weariness. "I'm too tired to even think."
"You quit too easily," he said, frowning. Feeling all ashamed suddenly, you drooped your head and sighed. There was nothing worse than getting critiqued by someone you looked up to. "Oh, I know! I have a few other secret spots to show you. What do you say, my friend?"
"Alright. I'll give it another shot."
Before announcing to you what he was about to do, he scooped you up with those nimbly arms of his and jumped straight off from the branch. A scream threatened to leave you, but you kept quiet as you held onto him for dear life. He was crazy! But that might just be the reason why he was so popular in Mondstadt. 
With a thump! at the landing, Venti smoothly reached the ground with two legs still working. Carefully releasing you, he took out his own lyre from under his arm. It could not be said the same regarding you. Wobbly support below, you kneeled down and calmed your racing heart. 
Once you gained your grounding again, that was when it was time to set off. Following the bard on his tail, you watched as the dirt path turned into pavement and then into bricks. "Mondstadt...? Are you sure this will be helpful?" you questioned, squinting at the mundane scene in front of you. Living here your whole life, it was all too familiar for you to believe you'd find anything here. 
"Just trust me, [Y/N]!" he said, turning his head over his shoulder. Giggling softly, he returned to look ahead and marched onward.
You assumed it would be an unknown spot that could exhilarate you instantly. But of course, reality bit the dust. Standing in front of you was the local tavern, crowded of drunken adventurers. "You just wanted to stop by for a drink!" you said, whirling around to glare at the male. 
He stuck a tongue out and winked, leaving you more infuriated. This was the guy you idolized so much? He was such a sham. "Trust me... trust me..." he repeated, pulling your arm with him. The door opened up and he slipped in, with you stumbling after him. His grip never once loosening, he waltzed towards the bartender and dropped coins of mora. "The usual, please!" 
Securing a table to sit at, he set you down and sat directly from you. As you were about to spew words of insult, he beat the punch. 
"I'm serious. This is one of my secret spots," he explained. He nudged his head at the back of the tavern, where an empty space cleared of tables took place. "I sometimes perform here and so whenever I come here, I would get a good amount of ideas."
He had a point. You had been there too when he performed here, intrigued and immersed by a new world introduced by him. Slumping your shoulders slightly, you mutely nodded in agreement, tapping the quill against your chin. He grinned at your reaction, as if he was relieved to have escaped your wrath.
As he sipped his drink in peace, you began to write down some ideas. It was silent at the table, but it was not uncomfortable or awkward. You had known Venti for quite some time... and though you still admired him tons, he became a dear friend. Ink met the parchment and you scribbled them down quickly, as if your life was on the line. This proceeded for a while until he slammed his first empty glass down. When showing the notebook, you fidgeted in your seat as you waited for his thoughts.
"Whisking her away, he drowned the walls. She said he said to come to the dock..." he read it out loud. His features tightened and he let out a nervous laugh. "Um... er... it's not bad... How about this?! Why don't you perform a song from Teyvat! Singing a song always inspires me. You can use the stage over there! I'm sure the customers would love a lovely song sung by the beautiful maiden [Y/N]."
"So it's bad," you deadpanned.
"It's not!" he argued, panic shown in his eyes. "It could use some improvement, but anything can be improve, you know?"
"You don't need to lie to make me feel better," you sighed, pulling yourself up from the seat. Lumbering up to the stage, you strummed the strings of your lyre, catching the attention of a few customers. Breathing in deeply, you closed your eyes and started to sing a song. The song you heard Venti sing a few times. The song your parents sang as they lulled you to sleep. The song that wasn't yours, but everyone's. 
You were a fake. A lyrist who couldn't form her own words. A singer with no direction to turn to. 
When the song ended, a round of applause exploded from the audience who were smiling in approval. They all enjoyed it, except you. Giving them a quick bow with a smile plastered on your face, you then exited the stage and rushed through the tables, passing Venti and straight out the door. Running to the gates and not stopping once until you were out in the wilderness again, you slumped to the ground in shame. Angry tears blurred your vision and you crumpled the poor grass upon your hands. 
"You performed it perfectly..." he whispered, his small figure crouching down next to you. When did he get here? "What's upsetting you?"
"I messed up," you told him, glancing at the lyre in your hands. "I can't do a single thing right."
"No one noticed it."
"But... I did. It doesn't matter if no one else realized it, I know of my mistakes. And I'm so sorry Venti. I've been such a hindrance towards you today. You don't deserve listening to my complaints. Nor do you deserve cleaning after my mess." More tears slid out, slipping down your cheeks. "I just wish I was you."
A thumb swiped the droplets from your face, his skin warm to the touch. Startled, you watched him grow slightly sad. Why was he making that face? It looked so... empty... hopeless. He knew of something you didn't. "You don't want to be me, [Y/N], trust me. And I like you the way you are... so please, don't say that ever again." He straightened up and all traces of any misery was erased from his expression. "Let me cheer you up a bit! I can go sing a tune for you! I think that should do the trick for some inspiration."
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"...So I Married A Monster" *Chapter 6*
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Note I was going to put a 'rough sex' gif under the cut for Lewis's shot, but I don't know if people want that. So here's a scared Rafael for your...pleasure?
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Alright SO I posted a warning post earlier, but obviously I'm gonna put one here too.
This is probably the most graphic, dark chapter I've ever written for any story. With rape.
Please read at your own discretion.
Also it's a pretty short chapter, but trust me-- you wouldn't want it any longer. But I wrote another sweet short fluffy chapter after this one to make up for it.
You did your best to keep calm and keep Billy happy as he aggressively groped at you with his hands, ripping off your shirt and then your bra before tossing you on the bed. Before all of this, you would have been super excited about the events transpiring. If there was one thing you and Billy were great at, it was sex. But somehow, this time it felt...different.
You didn’t know why, it didn’t make any sense to you. This was the same man, it was the same situation, he knew all your special places and you knew his. There were so many nights after he left you and the girls that you would dream about this moment, wishing for it so badly. But now that it was here, it almost felt...wrong.
“What’s wrong sweetie, you look like you’re somewhere else,” Billy stopped hungrily nibbling your neck to look into your eyes.
You used to look into those eyes and see such warmth and comfort, such lust and wanting. You had even told Rafael that you were still in love with Billy, so why didn’t you feel like it? Had they just been words? Words to hurt him because he hurt you by choosing Olivia?
Right now, that’s sure what it felt like. It felt like you were...cheating, on Rafael. Which was stupid, because you had literally just broken up with him. Didn't you? That’s what ‘done’ meant, right? Surely you had meant it in that moment; surely you meant it.
But now you weren’t sure.
“Hello, earth to Y/N!” Billy’s voice grew more agitated as he flicked you across the temple. He had never been so quick to anger before, you didn’t like this one bit.
“S-Sorry, baby,” You quickly put on a smile as your hand travelled down to his jeans, unhooking his belt. “It’s just been a day,”
“Oh, I know sweetheart,” He quickly changed his tune as soon as he felt you fondling with his belt. He helped you undo it and pulled off his jeans. You could feel his throbbing erection against your thigh.
“But daddy’s about to make it all better, I promise,” He gave you a sly grin.
You felt one hand wrap around your head and pulled it into his face even more aggressively than before. He began tugging at your hair as he attacked your neck and shoulders with hard, assertive bites. You remembered the sex between you two being rough, but you didn’t seem to recall it ever being this rough.
"Don't you like that, babe?" He asked as his mouth moved down your torso, pulling off your jeans this time.
"Mmmhmm…." You tried faking it as well as you could, feeling more and more uncomfortable the lower his mouth moved.
"Y'know, you used to be a LOT louder than this when we'd get down and dirty, baby girl," he observed while he moved to the end of the bed, ready to plunge inside you.
"Well Billy, the kids are in the next room," you thought of a plausible excuse as to why you weren't your "usual" self.
"Oh, makes sense," He nodded with a smile as he started chowing down on you like a sloppy dog.
You wanted to enjoy it, you tried to enjoy it, but you were accustomed to Rafael's sweet love making, he was so gentle with his tongue along your folds, taking time to enjoy every little moan and pleasure noise you made.You could often feel him smiling inside you while he gently lapped you up. You wished so badly you were with him right now. How had you fucked this up so badly?
Why didn't you listen to Rafael when he told you about Billy? Why had you not trusted him more? Why did you just react erratically just because you were mad at him? You should have thought it through, you should have heard him out. You should have--
"Alright now you're not even reacting Y/N, where the fuck are you?" Billy demanded.
"O-Oh I'm sorry Billy its just been--"
"A day. I know. You know I had a stressful fucking day too Y/N, having to deal with that prick ADA--- Wait," His eyes suddenly narrowed, he moved his face away from near your opening and looked you in the eyes, his glare in full effect.
"Is that who you're thinking of right now? That fucking beaner?" He asked in an accusatory tone.
"He's Cuban not Mexican…." You muttered with a roll of your eyes.
"You really wanna get fucking cute with me right now, bitch?" He acted as if he was going to back hand you, but stopped himself.
"Billy!" You gasped. He had never been vulgar to you before.
"No, no Billy," He growled, pulling your naked body towards him.
"You're gonna stop thinking about that asshole right FUCKING now. I'm your goddamn husband, NOT him. I get to have you whenever I want and I want ALL of you. All of your attention, all of your fucking body. Do you understand me?" He snarled, practically drooling with rage.
"Y-Yes Billy," you tried not to start crying, now fully scared out your mind
"Good. Now flip over, I can't fucking look at you right now," He ordered you.
You flipped over to let him do doggie style but he started going in the wrong hole.
"Billy! What the fuck?" You tried not to yell.
"Well if you're gonna act like a whore thinking about other men than your husband, then I'm gonna fucking treat you like one. I'm gonna do what I want, and you're gonna shut up and take it. Got it?"
"B-Billy, please…." You pleaded with him. "Y-You know the last time we tried…"
"I don't give a FUCK, Y/N," He barked angrily. "I stopped last time because I didn't want to hurt you, because I loved you and you loved me. But now you've hurt me, so you're gonna hurt. REAL BAD," He barely rubbed some spit on his dick before he rammed it up your asshole.
You grabbed a pillow and screamed in pain, howling and trying to wriggle free from him. But he kept his hands wrapped tight around your stomach as he pumped rough and hard as fast as he could, getting off on the pain he was causing you, both mental and physical.
You tried to think of anything other than the pain, but it was so bad you could only cry and continue to scream into the pillow. It was worse than both times you went through labor, and that was saying something.
You prayed to God it would stop soon, he seemed to go on forever and ever. He was cackling softly as he felt you vibrating from the pain.
"Yeah, bet your fucking ADA didn't do you like this did he? What would he do if he saw you now? Hmmm….maybe we should find out,"
Your head snapped from out under the pillow at his threat. You saw him reaching for your phone that he had dropped next to your bed as he carried you into the bedroom.
"Oh God" You practically choked out, unable to speak from the pain. "N-n-no, Billy d-d-don't…"
"Oops would ya look at that I already did," Lewis shrugged with an evil smile.
Rafael was busy helping Olivia plan a rescue mission/battle plan when his phone went off. A FaceTime call request from you. He was absolutely terrified to answer it, but he had to answer it. He had to. As soon as he did, he wished he hadn't.
"Hey there Barba'' Lewis panted, a maniacal smile on his face. "You're missing all the fun!"
He could see Lewis had you pinned to the bed, shoving in and out of you forcefully. Your head was shoved into a pillow, to keep from screaming he imagined. He didn't know if he wanted you to look at him or not. He was watching you get raped, and he wanted to vomit.
Olivia noticed the horrified look on his face and stopped talking with the squad.
"Rafa are you-- ohmygod!" She instantly saw the revolting scene on his phone and immediately started pushing him into an interrogation room.
"Nobody needs to see this," Olivia started to shut the door but not before Lewis got to shout "NICE TO SEE YOU TOO DETECTIVE!!" At her.
Rafael was trying his best not to start sobbing; he didn't want to give Lewis the satisfaction. But the more he heard your muffled whimpers and screams of pain, the more he couldn't hold it back anymore.
"Lewis let her go," he begged. "Please I'll do anything you want, just let her go…."
"Well see Barba that's the problem," Lewis smirked. "I want Y/N to--" he suddenly stopped pumping you, feeling your body go limp. He angled the phone downward to reveal blood coming out of your anus and starting to cover the bed. You had passed out from the pain.
"Sorry Barba I'm gonna have to call you back, I have a situation," Lewis half laughed while wiping your blood off his dick.
"What the fuck-- LEWIS!!!" He screamed. "You better be calling a FUCKING ambulance!"
"Chill Barba, I'm sure she's fine. Just a little boo boo. I'll shove some toilet paper up there and she'll be good as new!" Lewis dismissed it, taking a pillow and putting it under your legs so the blood would at least attempt to stay in.
“Good ol’ RICE,” Lewis smirked, thinking of the old term they used in gym class back in the day. ‘Rest Immobilize Cold Elevate’.
“Now if I can get an ice pack from the freezer and tape it there…” Lewis thought out loud.
"Fuck you if you don't call one I will send one, I know exactly where you are" Rafael was losing his patience with him.
"NO, you're not," Lewis warned. "I'm not about to scare my girls by having cops and ambulances showing up here with all the bells and whistles,"
"She's going to DIE, asshole!!!" Rafael continued to scream. "You think your daughters won't notice THAT?"
"Look if she doesn't wake up in a few minutes I'll take her to an Urgent Care, tell 'em she liked it a little TOO rough, Kay?" He said flippantly.
"The fuck you will--" Rafael started to tell again but Lewis put the phone up to his face real nice and close.
"If you send ANYONE here Barba, she'll bleed out before you can touch her," He warned.
"Lewis…" Rafael was shaking. "Don't you love her? You told her you did, don't you care about her at all?"
"Of course I love her!" He snapped. "I'll always love her, she's the mother of my children. That creates a bond, greater than the two of you will ever have,"
"So why are you---"
"Because she needed to be reminded of that bond." Lewis explained. "She was thinking about you while WE were being intimate. I can't let shit like that slide, Barba," Lewis explained while gesturing to your unconscious body. He removed the pillow from your head so Rafael could the tear stained splotches on your face from screaming and crying so hard. Your face was almost white, he wasn’t even sure you were breathing.
"No…." Rafael's voice fell soft.
You had been thinking of him? Wishing you were with him? While Lewis was...having his way with you? He had caused this, he had caused your pain. You were being punished for simply loving him, and that broke his heart even more than it already was.
"You have a nice night there, counselor, ta!" Lewis's evil chuckle came through the screen before it went black.
The image of your body laying there unconscious and bleeding was going to be forever burned into Rafael's mind. He had to do something. SOMETHING.
He bursted out of the interrogation room where the team was still discussing strategy. Olivia immediately went to his side, knowing what he had just been through.
"Liv we--" he tried to stop from crying and compose himself. "We have to go there. We have to get her. We HAVE to,"
"Okay, Okay Rafa," Olivia tried to calm him down while the rest of the squad looked on in shock. They had zero idea what was happening.
"We'll go get her, it'll be okay," She assured him while trying to get him to calm down.
He hoped they wouldn't be too late.
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