#or more like... RegioJet in space
ryuki-draws · 2 years
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Silly 3 am doodles I ended up liking more than I expected :’D
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wildlyplanted · 5 years
Part 3 of 3: “Leaving Prague, Berlin, I love you and Final Reflections & Tips” – Budapest | Prague | Berlin Travels
The next day as we were leaving Prague we saw a RegioJet bus parked inside the bus terminal and a sign above it that said tickets can be bought at “blah blah” window. That sign would have been useful inside the bus station ticket area because we would have loved to travel with RegioJet again. Flickbus got us to Berlin safely, but I would never ride with that company again. The outlets didn’t work, and the seats were not comfortable.
Moving on to our accommodation. Once again, we did not make reservations beforehand. Once we arrived in Berlin, we took the subway to Hauptbahnof station (Central Station), where we sat for coffee and browsed on Hostelworld for options. We knew we wanted to be within close distance to Hauptbahnof station because that’s where we needed to catch the airport bus (btw, we both ended up getting an uber to the airport) and we each had morning flights -- side note: My travel buddy had to leave Berlin the day before me. I was so sad, even though it was just a day without her. After traveling solo in Ecuador two years ago, it was nice to have someone to share in all the various experiences of travel.
We settled on Heart of Gold hostel, which is centrally located in Berlin Mitte. I loved that we ended up in a completely different part of Berlin than where we stayed before. This hostel is located in walking distance to a number of sites and attractions including Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Museum Island and TV Tower.
Heart of Gold is a 10-minute walk from S+U Bahn Friedrichstraße station and around the corner from S Bahn Oranienburger Straße station. Although this hostel didn’t necessarily feel like the atmosphere was that social, I feel like if we stayed longer, we may have had a different experience. We stopped in the kitchen a couple of times during our first evening and we found people cooking and enjoying themselves. They were friendly, but we didn’t have time to stay and socialize, as we wanted to go have dinner on our last night traveling together. Also, it was cold, so the lovely courtyard/beer garden just outside the main lobby wasn’t really being used by guests. The hostel sells beer and wine (I’m not sure if cocktails were available) in the lobby, and complimentary coffee and tea is available all day, so there’s a café type of vibe that was nice. I imagine that in the warmer months, the courtyard/beer garden is buzzing.
*I failed to mention in the first blog that there are vending machines with beer for purchase in the lobby of PLUS Berlin hostel. Comes in handy after the hostel’s restaurant has closed.  
Coming back to Heart of Gold, we arrived there in the early evening. Check-in was fairly easy; I had to use my phone to go online and fill out a reservation form that took all of five minutes (they have wifi of course). Once that was done, they were able to check us in and send us on our way. One thing I noticed is how secure the hostel is. There are multiple floors and your key will only allow you through the lobby security door, onto your floor and into the kitchen. You can’t access other floors (we tried). Another side note -- You must leave £5 per key at the front desk, which they keep if you lose your key.
We were in a 6-bed mixed dorm that was spacious with a view into the courtyard/beer garden. This hostel is comfortable and clean with full private bathrooms (toilet, sink and showers were nicely spaced out within one room, and the shower was very roomy with good water pressure).
We had dinner at Peter Pane (my food was ok, nothing special – I had a vegan burger). The atmosphere was lively, and I liked the vibe, so I would visit again and order something completely different next time.
The next morning, my travel buddy left me and I was on my own for my last full day in Berlin.
I had the best lunch at Cappuccino Grand Café which was a five-minute walk from the hostel. The ambiance was beautiful, and I sat facing the large front window, which was great for people watching. I had a delicious cappuccino, a lovely tuna salad and fresh pressed cucumber juice to finish off.
I spent the rest of the day exploring Museum Island, I passed by Brandenburg Gate, Berliner Fernsehturm (TV Tower) and Alexanderplatz, and finished my day at Checkpoint Charlie.
In the evening, I was hoping to have dinner at this small cozy restaurant I spotted near the hostel, but they were booked with reservations, so I ended up at the lackluster Grand Bar Café Restaurant.
With all that said, I’ll be back in Berlin very soon to explore more of the city and to see some of the sights, like East Side Gallery, that I didn’t have a chance to visit this time around.
That’s the saddest part about traveling, not always being able to see it all. I continue to pray for opportunities to travel slowly and for longer periods of time so I can have a more authentic experience and feel like a local.
Final Thoughts:
For this trip (all three cities) I had no concrete plans. Although I looked up the main attractions and skimmed through recommendations from some great blogs, I was not tied to things I needed to absolutely do. The only thing I wanted, was to walk a lot and see as much of the cities, and their architectures, as possible, which I did.
Before leaving New York, I set positive intentions and I knew in my heart I was going to love all three cities. I was very much going with the flow, and that attitude really helped because right at the beginning of our trip, the unexpected occurred – our flight NYC to Berlin was delayed 6 hours so we missed our connecting flight to Budapest the next morning and we ended up staying in Berlin overnight (do not regret). Getting through security and check-in for our flight to Budapest was a bit of a disaster, but despite that, I was determined to navigate through it and guide my experience and choose my reaction rather than allowing the experience to guide me. I would not have been able to do that if this was several or a few years ago. My life experiences over the last several years have had an impact on how I perceive and receive life (more about that in another blog). That morning was a calamity, but our first night in Budapest was epic and made up for the non-sense we experienced.
Travel can bring out the worst in people, because there are so many factors that can alter plans and there is the potential for unwanted experiences and outcomes, and I know it’s easier said than done, but your attitude and thoughts really does play a factor in your experiences; in how you observe the experience, and how you move through the event.
Hostel Tips:
*The kitchens in three out of four hostels, we stayed in, were stocked with cooking supplies and utensils so you can purchase groceries and cook your own meals. I think this is fairly standard, but it’s something you can ask before booking if this is important to you.
My Personal Tips:
Pack flip flops for the shower and to walk around in while inside. I would never go barefoot at any point. Some people have no problem with walking barefoot or not using shower shoes, but I’m not one of them. I do the same for hotels, since they are not any cleaner than a hostel would be. If anything, some hostels are probably cleaner than hotels.
I pack 2 non-cloth reusable bags. One for my toiletries and everything I’ll need to shower, which I hang next the shower or in some instances, I had to hang it inside the shower stall with me (wrap one handle in the top corner of the shower door, close the door and let the bag hang inside. I do this to easily access everything I need while keeping them all inside my bag and off any surfaces. If water gets inside the bag, I drain it out at the end of my shower. When I get back to the room, I remove my things and hang the bag to dry.
I use the second bag for my clothes and everything I need (moisturizer, deodorant, etc.) once I’m done in the shower.  
*It may be a good idea to stop at the front desk and let the person on duty know you’re going out for the evening. Having an emergency contact on file is also a good idea. In Prague, our hostel’s office closed in the evening so sometimes this isn’t possible. If you feel comfortable, let a hostel mate know that you’re going out and where. In our all-female dorm in Budapest, we shared where we were going with each other, so we kind of all had an idea about where someone could be. I remember our first night when one of our roommates who also arrive that same evening didn’t reappear, we kept it in mind to ask about her if we didn’t see her the next day. She did return and turned out that a friend of hers was also in the city and she was with them.
*Travel is meant to be fun. Just remember that being smart and safe is also a part of travel. Never do anything questionable just for the heck of it, or just because you’re on vacation.
*Respect the culture and people around you (I hope this goes without saying).
Where you can find me/how to contact me:
IG: wildlyplanted (check out photos)
YouTube: Wildly Planted ( I uploaded short video and photo reels)
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uberstip · 5 years
Salah satu alasan utama orang menahan diri untuk ga traveling adalah duit. Ga peduli senista apa cara kamu traveling, jalan-jalan tetep butuh duit. There is no vacation without a bill. Tidak ada cara untuk menghindarinya. Tidak ada tiket pesawat dan akomodasi yang FREE!
Bahkan saat menang undian, tetap ada biaya yang harus keluar dari kantong sendiri. Jika ada orang bilang kamu bisa traveling tanpa duit, dia pasti gadun. Bisa juga dia ingin mengajakmu ‘join’, ‘Apakah anda punya mimpi? Ingin punya mobil mewah?’
‘Don’t ever say ‘I can’t afford it’ but ask yourself ‘How can I afford it?’
Sebagai guru finansial yang sering galau, berikut saya berikan tips menambah penghasilan, memotong pengeluaran yang ga perlu, dan menyisihkannya untuk traveling. Semoga dengan tips ini, kamu bisa bersenang-senang tanpa harus jatuh miskin.
1. Jangan kebanyakan nyemil. Selain bikin gendut, cemilan ternyata menguras dompet diam-diam. Kita berpikir Doritos dan Beng-Beng merupakan duit kecil, ga masalah. Tapi bayangkan bila nyemil sudah menjadi hobi. Bayangkan bila duit snack sehari 20 rebu, sebulan sudah 600 rebu, 50 tahun kemudian sudah 360 juta, bayangkan! Semua yang kecil bisa menjadi besar.
Apalagi bila cemilanmu papan atas, kayak Irvins, Garret, dan Ritter Sport. Lumayan kalo nyemilnya dikurangin, lalu disisihkan untuk ‘tabungan traveling’. Keuntungan lainnya, perutmu jadi lebih six pack.
2. Jual barang-barangmu yang tak terpakai. Jual sepatu dan tasmu yang cuma menghiasi rak. Saya biasa menjual winter coat dan sepatu yang sudah sering dipakai. Lalu beli model lain saat traveling berikutnya. Nilai tambahnya, fashion kita pun jadi ga terlihat itu-itu saja. Jatuhnya sama aja si, tapi ga papa sekali-sekali #labil #tipsgagal
3. Kurangin Ngopi di Cafe dan Order Bubble Tea via Go-Food. Secangkir kopi di Starbucks, bisa kamu ganti dengan se-pack kopi sachet buat sebulan. Segelas Pearl Milk Tea di Cha Time, bisa kamu ganti dengan Teh susu kental onde-onde.
Ya saya tau, rasanya berbeda, tapi kan ga selamanya. Setelah selesai dengan misi traveling, kamu bisa melanjutkan ngopi mewahmu kembali. Biaya minum kekinian dialihkan untuk traveling. Kalo lagi kepingin banget, belilah hanya saat ada promo cashback atau buy 1 get 1!
Saat nafsu tak tertahankan, mulailah buat video perbandingan di imajinasimu. Mana yang lebih enak, Caramel Macchiato atau ngemut Gelato diantara reruntuhan Romawi?
4. Berdaganglah. Cari tambahan penghasilan via online. Jual apa saja yang bisa kamu jual. Jual diri bila perlu. Maksudnya, jual tenaga dan pikiran yang ada didirimu. Di kotamu ada Uniqlo, buka jastip ke luar kota via Tokopedia. Dropship, reseller, beri nilai tambah. Profit sedikit, lama-lama menjadi bukit.
Jangan ngeluh susah, ga ada waktu, takut gak laku, gak ada yang mau. Shut up and sell! Jualanlah sampai kamu lupa siapa dirimu!
When you get everything you need, you will die of boredom. So enjoy the Good Fight!
– Paulo Coelho
5. Stop beli Fashion bermerek, Skin Care, dan Kosmetik mahal. Kurangi pembelian konsumtif yang sebenarnya ga perlu-perlu amat. Kalo belum punya income besar, jangan pinter boros-boros. Bukan berarti ga boleh gaya, tapi tundalah hidup mewah demi pengalaman di dunia baru. Itu.
Fashion is about how it looks, not how much it costs. You can pay millions for your outfit and still look weird. Style cannot be bought.
Ada yang bilang kecantikan tidak hanya datang dari luar. Yes, it’s Bullshit. Tapi ga papa, stop perawatan wajah sementara. Yang penting kamu tetap olahraga, makan sehat dan tidur cukup. Oppa yakin kamu akan tetap sensual seiring bertambahnya umur. Karena pada dasarnya semua wanita tetap cantik dengan ciri khasnya masing-masing. *Gombal minta jatah.
Menyisihkan pengeluaran kecil yang tanpa kita sadari memiliki porsi besar. Pengiritan memang ga enak, semua butuh pengorbanan. Namun jika traveling berarti bagimu, kamu akan rela membayar harganya. Mimpimu keliling dunia menjadi prioritas yang bisa kamu wujudkan. Train your spirit, don’t cut your dream!
Do it while you can! Travel is fun and it might save our world.
The people of the world are delightful, and the planet we share is spectacular. The only way to understand that is to go and see it for yourself.
Just like what Howard Stark said,
‘No amount of money ever bought a second of time. Tak peduli seberapa banyaknya uang, tidak akan bisa membeli waktu.’
Maaf, Oppa baru bisa update karena sibuk live more, dibanding post more. Boong ding, itu cuma alibi sok keren. Lebih tepatnya, Oppa kelabakan Multitasking. Membagi waktu antara dagang, bersih-bersih rumah, makan, olah raga, kencan buta, nulis dan tidur pules. Semoga tulisan ini bisa mengobati kerinduanmu dan menambah kebencianmu.
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Starting a day with Brioche Dorée’s Croissant and Cappuccino while waiting for my train to Vienna
Di pagi yang suhunya drop ke single digit, saya menggeret koper dan melangkahkan kaki ke Hlavní Nádraží Station. Setibanya disana, sambil menunggu keberangkatan menuju Vienna, saya mengunyah Almond Croissant dan menyeruput Cappuccino secara bergantian.
Hangatnya kopi yang bercampur roti di mulut, menjalar hingga ke hati. Sehangat pertemuan, sepahit perpisahan. Goodbye, Prague.
Prague to Vienna by train
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Prague to Vienna by Regiojet – 16 Euro | Rp. 258,000
Perjalanan kereta Regiojet dari Praha-Vienna, ditempuh dalam waktu 4 jam. Berbekal tiket online yang saya beli di Omio, saya tinggal menunjukkan e-ticket di ponsel ke konduktor, ga perlu di-print lagi.
Keretanya lumayan nyaman dengan jendela kaca yang besar. Selama perjalanan, saya bisa melihat pemandangan diluar dengan jelas. Yang ga asyik space kakinya, terlalu berdekatan dengan kursi depan. Kadang tanpa sengaja, kaki saya senggol-senggolan dengan penumpang lain. Mana hari itu kursi pada full lagi. Keram-keram dah.
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I love being sad on public transportation with my sad music and big window. I think i got OTD – Obsessive Train Disorder
Saya bersebelahan dengan seorang tante-tante, bule berperawakan kurus dan berkacamata. Selagi duduk, saya memperhatikan dia masuk ke kereta sambil membawa tas yang terlihat lusuh dan kresek berisi buah-buahan. Perlahan tapi pasti, dia berada di sejajar dengan saya dan menaruh barang bawaannya ke bagasi di atas tempat duduk.
Berawal dari teguran si tante yang memberi tahu kalo saya menempati kursinya, yaitu kursi dekat jendela. Dengan wajah pura-pura bego, yang tadinya berharap ga bakal ada yang tau dan menempati, saya pindah ke kursi sebelah dan kami pun ngobrol sepanjang perjalanan.
Tadinya saya pikir dia tante gembel yang kurang kasih. Ternyata dia seorang guru yang  berasal dari Canada. Dia sering menjadi volunteer untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris ke berbagai negara tanpa dibayar. Cukup dibiayai hidup, ongkos makan dan tempat tinggal. ‘Give your heart, but keep your head’ she said.
Don’t judge the book by its cover. Quotes abadi yang memang selalu benar. Dia jauh dari kata gembel, pengetahuannya luas. Kami berbicara banyak, dari tentang destinasi favorit sampai BREAKING NEWS saat itu, pesawat boeing Lion Air yang baru saja jatuh.
Saat itu kita berdua sepakat, kemungkinan besar penyebab jatuhnya pesawat adalah human error. Bisa karena pilot yang salah mengambil keputusan, atau teknisi yang abai sehingga mesin pesawat terjadi kerusakan. Ternyata kita berdua salah.
Dari yang saya baca di Kompas, berdasarkan investigasi terhadap 2 kecelakaan Boeing 737 yang masih berlangsung, sejauh ini diketahui ‘software’ nya yang bermasalah. Sensor pengukur sudut malafungsi, sehingga membuat sistem anti-stall untuk mendorong hidung pesawat mengarah ke bawah. Hal ini yang menyebabkan pilot tak bisa mengendalikan pesawat.
Perbincangan yang membuat perjalanan terasa lebih singkat. Saya pun jadi lupa mengecek iPhone, sehingga baterai tetap awet.
Where do i stay in Vienna?
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I have the whole room to myself
Begitu sampai di Vienna, saya langsung menuju Wombats City Hostel, tempat saya menginap. Lokasinya strategis, dekat dengan pusat kota dan metro. Harganya sesuai dengan fasilitas. Hostelnya bersih, ruangannya lapang, lantai kamarnya terbuat dari kayu, lightingnya juga cozy abis. Ditambah waktu itu cuma ada saya seorang di kamar, serasa nyewa rumah di Airbnb. Bahagia itu sederhana *lepas bra
Wombat’s CITY HOSTEL VIENNA Naschmarkt
Dekat dengan pusat kota. Cukup jalan kaki 2 menit dari U-Bahn station dan 14 menit ke Museum Kunsthistoriches.
Free Wi-Fi, 24-hour reception, guest kitchen, laundry, and suite bathrooms. Private rooms are also available.
Rechte Wienzeile 35, 1040 Wien, Austria
Price for 1 night: Mixed Dorms 16 Euro | Rp. 258,000
Direction: Keluar melalui pintu exit Kettenbrückengasse Station, belok kiri lalu jalan lurus 100 meter ke Wombat’s
I love to walk and getting lost in the new city. In Vienna, everything is within walking distance
Welcoming Myself to The World’s Most Liveable City 2019
Setelah menaruh koper, saya berjalan santai keliling kota. Saat itu peralihan fall ke winter, dingin dingin nakal. Saya berjalan dengan penuh kekaguman. Arsitektur bangunannya tertata rapi, trotoarnya juga bersih dan lapang. Pretty much all buildings in the city look wonderful.
Terdapat banyak taman dengan pepohonan yang cantik. Ditambah banyaknya tempat untuk refreshing, transportasi umum yang OK dan kriminalitas yang rendah, Ga heran, gelar kota ternyaman dunia yang dipegang Melbourne 7 tahun berturut-turut, berhasil direbut.
How to get around Vienna
Vienna memiliki jaringan transportasi publik yang mumpuni. Bus, Tram, dan Kereta bawah tanah membuat saya bepergian dengan cepat ke tiap sudut kota. Murah, bersih, dan aman, gak over crowded.
If you’re tired of walking around, you can take the underground trains, trams or buses
With this ticket you can go anywhere, you can use all public transportation in Vienna for 1 day. You can buy it from automatic ticket machines at most underground stations. Don’t forget to validate it before you use it for the first time
The city is safe with a fantastic infrastructure of buses, trams, and trains which are running on time and can take you everywhere around the town
Single Ticket-nya seharga 2.60 Euro | Rp. 42,000. Jika ingin bepergian ke banyak tempat dalam satu hari, kamu bisa membeli 24 hours ticket seharga 8 Euro. Dengan tiket ini, kamu bebas kemana saja dalam sehari, naik turun bus, tram, U-Bahn (subway), dan S-Bahn (local train).
Kamu bisa membeli tiketnya di mesin penjual otomatis, ga perlu nyiapin koin karena mesinnya support pembayaran dengan Kartu Kredit. Jangan lupa mem-validate tiket, sebelum kamu menggunakannya pertama kali. Info lebih lengkap, klik di link ini wien.gv.at
Metro U-Bahn beroperasi Senin – Jumat dari jam 5 pagi sampai 12 malam.
Khusus Weekend, Jumat – Minggu buka sampai 24 jam!
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Vienna is extremely liveable. There are 5 underground train lines, and an excellent tram and bus service. The underground usually comes every 2 to 3 minutes, and runs 24 hours at weekends
Seperti di beberapa kota Eropa lainnya, sistem naik turun transportasi umumnya berdasarkan kejujuran. Ga ada gate buat scan tiket kayak di MRT Jakarta. Namun bukan berarti ga ada yang ngecek. Petugas bisa tiba-tiba muncul kayak Polisi, memintamu menunjukkan Fahrschein – tiket sah yang sudah tervalidate. Buat yang senang diborgol bule, kamu boleh mencoba naik metro tanpa tiket.
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A laid back city full of culture and a sense of style. Whether you’re just wandering the streets or you’re devouring art in museums, you’re sure to find something you love about Vienna
Vienna has a lot of things to do and see. Banyak museum keren, gereja bersejarah, gedung opera elegan, cafe dan resto super nikmat, sampai istana spektakuler. Berikut 13 aktivitas menyenangkan yang membuat saya terlena di Vienna:
1. Savouring Apple Strudel and Wiener Melange at Cafe Mozart
It has an impressive architecture on the inside, it looks like a little palace. You feel like a royal just sitting inside
A little bit pricey but worth it
You can enjoy a good view in the terrace
Setelah lelah mengitari kota, saya menghangatkan diri di Cafe Mozart. Salah satu tempat nongkrong paling kece di Vienna. Cafe klasik yang berdiri sejak tahun 1794 dan pernah menjadi tempat syuting film ‘The Third Man’.
Begitu masuk, culture of luxury nya kerasa banget. Dekorasinya begitu menawan. Lampu hias, cermin, kaca jendela besar dengan horden menghiasi ruangan dengan lighting yang hangat. It feels like a scene from romantic movie. Dining is an entertainment for them. 
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The almighty Viennese Coffee ‘A Wiener Melange’. A small espresso with half steamed milk and froth. It’s similar to a Cappuccino. The difference is in the milder coffee and sweeter foam. It’s served on a silver tray with sugar, a spoon and a small glass of water
Tak lama setelah memesan, Wiener Melange pun tiba. Disajikan secara kolosal di atas nampan perak bersama gula dan segelas air putih. Sekilas tak ada yang berbeda dari Cappuccino khas Vienna ini. Campuran espresso dengan susu yang baru di steam dan foam.
The glass of water traditionally served with coffee is meant to cleanse the palate. The face-down coffee spoon on top of the glass is a sign that the glass has been freshly poured.
A remnant of Habsburg etiquette
Tapi setelah mencicipinya, saya baru tau yang membuatnya unik, foam-nya. Kerasa tebel dan manis di mulut. So creamy! Membekasnya tahan lama. Seperti kecupan mantan terindah.
Café Mozart
The cosmopolitan Viennese coffee house behind the Vienna State Opera. Popular with musicians from the opera house & where Graham Greene wrote The Third Man
Coffee specialties, Cakes, Pastries and Classic Viennese cuisine.
Albertinaplatz 2, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 8AM–12AM
Menu and Price: Original Wiener Apfelstrudel 7 Euro | Rp. 113,000. Wiener Melange 5.70 Euro | Rp. 92,000. Pattiserie Menu
Direction: Cafe Mozart Google Maps Location
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A classic Austria’s national delights: Sticky Apfelstrudel! A warm buttery pastry stuffed with gooey slices of cooked apples, cinnamon filling, and topped off with sprinkling of sugar. One of the fluffiest apple i’ve ever tasted. You can’t leave Vienna without trying it
Ga berapa lama kemudian, makanannya datang. Apfelstrudel! Semacam pie berisi irisan apel manis yang sebelumnya dimasak bersama saus mentega dan cinnamon, diakhiri dengan taburan gula halus diatasnya.
Disajikan hangat dengan Vanilla Sauce khas Cafe Mozart. I felt my soul instantly dance as i took the first bite. Rasanya nyesss di hati. Kulit luarnya tipis dan rapuh, menyatu sempurna dengan asam apple dan manis Vanilla. Sampe ada om-om bule yang duduk sebelah saya berkata:
‘That sure does look tasty’. Mungkin gara-gara dia liat ekspresi saya saat mengunyahnya sampe merem melek.
‘Hell, yeah. This is the main reason why i came to Vienna’ ujar saya melebih-lebihkan.
‘Well, no doubt about that’
Sambil ngunyah, kami sempat berbasa-basi kecil. Om-om bertubuh gempal dan berparas seperti Steve Wozniak ini ternyata turis juga. Dia makan sendirian seperti saya. Bedanya dia terlihat seperti pensiunan yang bahagia, sementara saya bujang lapuk yang merana. Dia berasal dari Amrik, dan tinggal di hotel bintang lima, sementara saya dari Sleman dan tinggal di hostel rame-rame.
Sambil meminum segelas liquor, dengan excited dia menunjukkan foto-foto lukisan yang baru saja dia ambil di Albertina museum. Quotes yang paling saya ingat keluar dari mulutnya adalah ‘Sometimes You don’t have to undertand every work of art, you just need to appreciate it’. Sama seperti hidup, kadang kita ga harus tau dan mengerti segala keajaiban, kamu hanya perlu mensyukurinya.
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Setelah selesai makan, saya pamit duluan untuk melanjutkan petualangan. Sebelum keluar saya sempat melihat-lihat cake dan pastry yang dipajang di display kaca. Gileeee.. semuanya bikin ngilerrr. Pingin banget nyobain satu-satu. Tapi apa yang akan terjadi dengan pipi yang hina ini?
2. Admiring St. Stephens Cathedral
There are 2 towers in this cathedral. The north tower which is accessible by elevator and the south tower which is accessible by stairs. The south tower offers better view because it is higher and has an unobstructed 360 degrees view of the city
It has four towers. The tallest of these is the south tower at 136.44 meters
You can pay 5 EUR to climb the several hundred steps of the south tower. You’ll get a birds eye view of the city
Gereja bergaya Gothic Romawi ini telah berdiri sejak abad ke-12. Struktur klasik yang sekarang dikelilingi oleh pertokoan modern. Gerejanya cantik luar dalam. Interiornya benar-benar elegan. Saat itu saya datang malam hari. Lampu hias bersinar indah diantara langit-langit berkubah dengan lengkungan yang tinggi.
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Inside the church, you’ll see an ornately decorated church with high archways, vaulted ceilings, and a plethora of statues and religious paintings. It makes me feel like i’m in another time period. Magnificent!
Patung dan lukisan bersejarah menghiasi kekokohan pilar penyanggah. Samar-samar tercium aroma dupa yang khas, melengkapi kemegahan sakral yang menenangkan. Kalo punya banyak waktu kamu bisa keatas, ngeliat pemandangan kota dari atas tower. Kamu juga bisa kebawah tanah, melihat makam yang dibangun pada zaman romawi kuno.
Domkirche St. Stephan
Medieval Roman Catholic place of worship with an ornate spire, catacombs & a treasury museum
Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Sabtu 6AM – 10PM, Minggu 7AM – 10PM
Entrance Tickets: Visitors can enter the cathedral free of charge. However, there are paid access areas (Catacomb 6 Euro and South Tower 5 Euro). The central path leading to the altar is strictly for people that pay a fee.
Direction: St. Stephen’s Cathedral Google Maps Location
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Beautiful cathedral right in the heart of Vienna. Amazing church with an incredible architecture. One can spend a lot of time taking pictures of its lovely exterior. I love its hulking, Gothic silhouette, so classic art deco
3. Explore the hidden street and spot the Anchor Clock
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A 100 year clock working based on the position of sun. This clock was built as an ornament for a bridge between two office buildings. An interesting monument which shows the time with different figures
Beautiful secret spot in Vienna. Menyusuri jalan dan gang yang saling bersinggungan,  tiba-tiba mata auto-focus ke jam gadang yang unik. Jam berdesain Art Nouveau ini diciptakan oleh pematung Franz Matsch pada tahun 1914.
Jam yang disponsori oleh Anker Insurance Company sebagai kontribusi mereka terhadap budaya Vienna. Itulah mengapa disebelah kiri atas ada patung bayi, dan sebelah kanan tengkorak. 2 figur yang melambangkan hidup dan mati. Pengingat akan pentingnya asuransi jiwa. Ternyata ada iklan terselubung.
Anker Clock
Elaborate, historic clock with copper accents & figures that move around on the hour
Hoher Markt 10-11, 1010 Wien, Austria
Open 24 Hours
Direction: Google Maps Location
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There is very beautiful fountain near the clock dedicated to Jesus parents wedding
Selain itu, jam ini memiliki 12 figur bersejarah. Penggambaran tokoh-tokoh yang berjasa bagi Vienna di masa lalu. Tiap jamnya mereka berotasi, bergantian menarsiskan diri. Konon, jika mendengar dentangannya tepat jam 12 malam, jodohmu sudah dekat. Maaf, Oppa ngarang.
4. Treat yourself a Wiener Schnitzel at Filglmuller
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It was back then that Johann Figlmüller opened a small wine tavern on Wollzeile, right behind St. Stephen’s Cathedral. 100 years later, it stood for the Viennese way of life. A home to mouth-watering Crisp Wiener Schnitzel
Restoran tradisional khas Austria yang buka sejak 110 tahun yang lalu. Wiener Schnitzel mereka telah melegenda dan menjadi magnet bagi turis seperti Oppa untuk datang mencicipi.
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Vienna is full of elegance and fancy restaurants. Glamorous are so normal here. Every cafes and restaurants are just like a place where Kim Shin and Ji Eun Tak have a date in Canada
Saya dipandu waiter menempati kursi yang berada di ruang bawah tanah. Nuansa klasik yang elegan begitu terasa. Atapnya terbuat dari batu bata dengan kipas yang tak dihidupkan, tampaknya cuma penghias. Terdapat lemari kayu berisi gelas kaca dan botol wine kosong, tampaknya cuma hiasan. Kenapa banyak hiasan tak berguna di tempat ini?
Kemudian saya melepas winter coat dan menggantungnya di cantelan khusus yang berada di dekat pintu. Entah kenapa saat melakukannya saya merasa keren. Ini persis kaya di film-film mafia jadul. Jiwa John Wick Excomunicado saya pun bangkit!
Dining rooms with wood paneling, exposed bricks & wrought iron, serving classic Viennese cuisine
Bäckerstraße 6, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 11:30AM–11:30PM
Menu and Price: Wiener Schnitzel of Veal 20.5 Euro | Rp. 330,000. Local sparkling wine 5.5 Euro | Rp. 89,000. Figlmüller House Specialty
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Wienerschnitzel is a thin veal cutlet, which is pan-fried. Served with a slice of lemon. You can order with french fries and BBQ sauce on it. I try the plain one without any sauce, i just wanna taste that meat without any interruption. Yes, it’s slightly tender, salty and tasty
Tak lama setelah mengamati menu dan memesan, Wienerschnitzel pun datang. Bentuknya sekilas mirip lumpia kegemukan, namun mereka dua makhluk yang berbeda. Roti goreng coklat keemasan ini berisi potongan daging sapi muda. Disajikan dengan lemon untuk kita peras diatasnya. Saya sengaja ga pake kentang, biar ga kekenyangan.
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Sparkling Champagne that can’t stop ‘bubbly’, holy molly!
Dengan pisau di tangan kanan dan garpu ditangan kiri, saya memotong buntalan surga ini dan memasukkannya ke mulut. Nyam! Asin-asin empuk, garing-garing seger. Lapisan rotinya crunchy dan buttery, dagingnya super chewy. Ditemani sparkling champagne yang ga berhenti berbuih, ngenesnya abadi.
5. Stroll along Kärntner Straße 
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It’s all lit up and gorgeous at night. Vienna has a glamour shopping streets with restaurants and coffee houses
Pusat pertokoan yang berdiri sejak jaman Romawi kuno dan tetap bertahan selama masa perang dunia ke-2. Surga shopping sampe kaki letoy. Zona pejalan kaki yang nyaman untuk jalan-jalan, cuci mata, tengok kanan kiri, kepingin, liat price tag, ga jadi beli, repeat. ‘Look at all the buildings! There’s so much price tag!’ 
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The heart of the vibrant Vienna. From Sank Stephan to the Opera, a diversified mix of historical buildings, traditional shops and stylish flagship stores. They are all wonderful!
Selain fashion merek ternama, di shopping street ini juga banyak produk lokal yang kece. Pernak-pernik Mozart menghiasi pertokoan cantik ala bangunan bersejarah. Mulai dari gantungan kunci sampai ‘Mozartkugeln’ – praline unik yang terbuat dari campuran Nougat dan Marzipan. Karena oleh-oleh teromantis yang bisa kita berikan kepada orang tersayang adalah makanan. ‘Baby, i brought you food’
Vienna is the capital of Austria and the smallest of the 9 federal provinces. The official language of Austria is German, although most people speak English
Kärntner Straße
Great place to shop and stroll
Kärntner Str. 27, 1010 Wien, Austria
Direction: U-Bahn U1 und U3 Station Stephansplatz Google Maps Location
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The boulevard of Vienna. The most picturesque shopping street in Vienna. Classical Europe at its best
6. Take a peek at Vienna Opera House
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The building looks stunning at night. One of the largest Opera in the world. Every year the prestigious Vienna Opera Ball takes place
Malam itu, saya ga sempat masuk dan menonton Opera. Lumayan nyesel si, namun mengamati bangunannya dari luar sudah cukup membuat saya terpukau. Gedungnya begitu prestisius. Tempat dimana musik, tari, dan akting menyatu dalam harmony dan menciptakan dunianya sendiri.
Dibuka pada tahun 1869 dengan pertunjukan megah Mozart yang menampilkan salah satu karyanya yang paling terkenal ‘Don Giovanni’. Sempat hancur selama perang dunia ke-2, gedung ini dibangun ulang dan menjadi kuil suci warga Vienna.
Ribuan artis dan tamu terhormat, datang untuk menyaksikan langsung seriosa, balet, dan drama yang tak berkesudahan. Opera ini pun menjadi semakin terkenal, semenjak jadi tempat syuting tembak-tembakan Ethan Hunt di Mission Impossible.
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This is a place of worship for those who want to experience a famously intense Viennese opera show
Wiener Staatsoper
World-famous opera house offering major productions, original decor & multilingual guided tours
Opernring 2, 1010 Wien, Austria
Tickets: Buy and order your tickets Online here
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Vienna is a charming city, with detailed architecture and dreamy streets which look all too inviting. Pretty much all buildings in the city look wonderful
Berjalan menikmati suasana kota di malam hari memang beda. Saya menganga melihat keindahan yang terpancar dari gadis berambut pirang diantara lampu-lampu jalan. Mungkin karena efek remang-remang. 
Dari gedung-gedung, pusat perbelanjaan, cafe, dan resto, semuanya terlihat elegan. Jalanannya pun sepi. Tidak ada keramaian yang menyesakkan seperti di Paris.
7. Explore the famous Schönbrunn Palace
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Take a pose behind the buttermilk yellow building
Istana yang dulunya merupakan kediaman musim panas dari Empress Elizabeth of Austria, Permaisuri Sisi. Permaisuri yang terkenal dengan kecantikannya yang di luar batas akal. Berambut panjang sampai ke tanah, dan berpinggang kecil karena keseringan make korset.
Karena sarat budaya dan sejarah, istana ini menjadi monumen UNESCO Cultural Heritage Site. Merubahnya menjadi destinasi wisata yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh turis.
Pagi itu, kabut melayang diantara langit abu-abu mutiara. Setelah menukarkan tiket dengan menunjukkan Vienna Pass, saya masuk ke dalam Istana untuk melihat seperti apa kediaman Permaisuri dan Raja Habsburg di masa lalu.
Selain Permaisuri Sisi, tokoh penting lain yang pernah tinggal disini adalah Maria Theresa. Satu-satunya wanita yang menjadi penguasa di kerajaan Habsburg. Kecerdasan, keanggunan, dan kharismanya membuat seisi istana tunduk. Secara strategis, dia menikahkan 16 anaknya untuk menghindari perang. Kekaisaran Austria pun tetap aman selama lebih dari 600 tahun.
Dengan menetapkan aturan ketat di istana, seperti tata cara berperilaku dan berpenampilan, diet dan perawatan tubuh ala ala, anak-anaknya selalu terlihat cantik dan menawan. Kecantikan yang membawa Pangeran dari berbagai negara datang kesini untuk melamar.
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The gardens surrounding the palace are really beautiful. Wandering around this palace is a pure pleasure! DI istana yang indah saya berimajinasi Princess Sisi mengendarai kuda mengelilingi taman.
Sayangnya didalam ga boleh foto. Ruangannya bener-bener noble, kayak kisah dongeng putri raja. Pilar, wallpaper, karpet merah, lampu hias, dan perabotannya semua terkesan mewah. Istananya cantik luar dalam. Mozart pernah diundang untuk perform disini waktu berusia 6 tahun. Konon, ada lebih dari 1.400 ruangan, tetapi saya hanya boleh memasuki sekitar 22 ruangan.
Saya memasuki kamar pribadi, ruang ganti dan ruang ‘fitnessnya’ Sisi. Sisir berwarna perak dengan cermin raksasa menghiasi ruangan. Dari sini terlihat, bagaimana cara Sisi menjaga dan merawat kecantikannya.
Banyak lukisan Sisi yang dipajang di dinding. Terlihat sekali, suaminya Frans Josef tergila-gila padanya. Pangeran yang menikahi Sisi, sewaktu umurnya masih 16 tahun. Pernikahan dini yang diawali oleh cinta pada pandangan pertama.
Ada juga ruangan yang menunjukkan cocaine pipe yang pernah dipakai Sissi. Dia menggunakan kokain yang dihisap dengan pipa untuk menahan sakit karena menopause. Kisah sisi berakhir dengan tragis. Pada tahun 1898, di umurnya yang ke-61 dia ditikam diantara keramaian di Geneva oleh  anarkis dari Italy, Luigi Lucheni. Kematian yang membuat seluruh kerajaan mengalami duka mendalam.
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It was pleasing in the morning
Setelah selesai main di dalam, saatnya main diluar. Saya menelusuri taman yang indah. Di peralihan musim gugur ke musim dingin, daun-daun telah menguning dan berjatuhan. Pepohonan berjejer rapi diantara keanggunan istana. Tempat terbaik untuk adegan patah hati.
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Schloß Schönbrunn
18th-century summer palace with tours of lavish rococo ceremonial rooms, plus gardens with a maze
Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 8AM–5PM
Entrance Ticket: Imperial Tour 16 Euro | Rp. 258,000. There’s no entrance to the main garden but if you want to visit the palaces you have to get tickets
Direction: Google Maps Location
It is one of the most popular sights in Vienna and very photographed attraction
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Potret pria setengah baya yang mulai hilang akal
An Indian rhinocerous, a gift from the Kingdom of Nepal
Kerennya lagi di dalam istana ini ada kebun binatang tertua di Eropa. Aksesnya gratis jika kamu memiliki Vienna Pass. Royal Zoo yang menurut saya kurang Royal. Terlihat kurang terawat dan banyak kandang yang kosong. Katanya si ada Panda dan Koala, tapi hari itu saya ga melihat keberadaan mereka.
Mungkin mereka dipindahkan karena saat itu lagi dingin-dinginnya. Saya menyaksikan berbagai hewan unik dari berbagai negara. Mulai dari gajah afrika, badak India, monyet berbulu, dan burung nakal. Yang paling lucu waktu ngeliat Penguin, dan Beruang Kutub. Lumayan menghibur.
Intermezo – Fun Fact
Saat kawin, jika landak betina tak terpuaskan, ia memaksa landak jantan untuk kawin berkali-kali sampai si jantan benar-benar kelelahan.
– Wikipedia
8. Enjoy the perfect Sachertorte at Cafe Sacher
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Sachertorte is the classic chocolate cake, topped with a thin layer of apricot jam and a smooth chocolate topping.  The cake is so light and yet so intense. I’m enjoying it very much
Puas mengitari Istana, saatnya ngafe ala istana. Saya mencicipi dessert yang awal mulanya dibuat khusus oleh remaja bernama Franz Sacher untuk Pangeran Von Metternich.
Sachertorte, chocolate cake yang kini menjadi salah satu simbol Vienna. Tak ada sponge cake yang lebih enak selain di Hotel Sacher. Tempat dimana Sachertorte pertama kali dibuat. Sampai sekarang pun masih tetap Handmade – Original. Slogan yang membuat saya akhirnya tiba disini.
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Setelah mengamati menu dan memesan, seperti biasa saya connect WiFi dan mengecek ponsel. Tiba-tiba saya melihat doggy melenggang masuk ke dalam cafe. Saat itu saya baru sadar, di Vienna guk guk diperbolehkan menemani tuannya ngemil cantik. Kalo anjing bisa ngomong, saya yakin mereka bahagia dengan kebijakan ini.
Si hitam manis dihidangkan. Ternyata Cake-nya sedikit kering, bukan tipe mousse yang lembut. Sambil mencocol whipped cream yang ada di piring, saya memasukkan potongan cake dengan menggunakan garpu ke mulut. Mmmm… rich bitter sweet chocolate! Creamy-nya whipped cream bercampur sempurna dengan pekatnya Chocolate. Selai Apricotnya juga kerasa banget, bikin seger dan ga eneg.
Café Sacher Wien
The perfect place to sample a typical Viennese coffee-house atmosphere and the best Original Sacher-Torte in town.
Hotel Sacher, Philharmoniker Str. 4, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 8AM–12AM
Menu and Prices: ORIGINAL SACHER-TORTE 7.50 Euro | Rp. 121,000. SACHER MELANGE 5.90 Euro | Rp. 95,000. ORIGINAL SACHER EISSCHOKOLADE 8.70 Euro | Rp. 140,000. Menu
Direction: Google Maps Location
‘Melange’, a hot cup of coffee with milk foam. It turns my dream into reality
Vienese Ice Chocolate was so rich and frothy. The drink was topped with whipped cream and two praline sticks
Saya menutup santapan dengan Ice Chocolate khas Vienna yang disebut Wiener Eisschokolade. One of the best Ice Chocolate i’ve ever tasted. Rich and foamy abis! Tak heran. pipi saya langsung mengembang.
9. Feel the vibe at The Hofburg
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Potret Pangeran yang hilang arah
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Vienna is magical, and it deserves to be the most liveable city in the world. Grand, imposing, ridiculously lavish
Istana kekaisaran dengan arsitektur Baroque dan Classicism. Istana yang kini berubah fungsi menjadi tempat kerja resmi Presiden Austria. Didalamnya juga terdapat Sisi Museum, Imperial Apartments, and Silver Collection.
Karena keterbatasan waktu, saya ga masuk kedalam. Kalo berminat melihat kehidupan Permaisuri Sisi, lengkap dengan souvenir pribadi, perabotan mewah dan sejarah keluarga kerajaan, kamu wajib masuk.
Hofburg Wien
Habsburg palace complex with ornate, baroque interiors, imperial apartments & a silver museum
Michaelerkuppel, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 9AM–5:30PM
Entrance Ticket: 15 Euro | Rp. 241,000
Direction: U3 (orange), alight at Herrengasse Google Maps Location
The Hofburg is the zenith of Imperial Grandeur. Incredible architecture combined with the omnipresence of the Imperial Court. Vienna flair, charm and art in high dosages. Fantastic!
Greek gods and Hercules in the corners and at the side of the gates
The main courtyard there is a cafe
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10. Treasure the art at Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
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One of Europe’s premiere fine arts museums. The home of priceless art treasures from five millennia. The building itself is a work of art. It’s gigantic!
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The Main Staircase is an outstanding beauty! It’s one of the highlights of Viennese 19th-century architecture. Its focal point is Antonio Canova‘s statue of ‘Thesus Slaying the Centaur’, which is flanked by two imperial lions
Museum dengan koleksi seni tak ternilai dari 5000 tahun yang lalu. Bangunannya sendiri merupakan maha karya seni. Pilar dengan berbagai fresko, patung dan lukisan yang menggambarkan sejarah dengan makna mendalam.
Salah satu daya tarik utama dari museum ini adalah tangga di hall utamanya. Megah nan picturesque! Tangga yang berfokus pada patung Antonio Canova diapit oleh dua singa kekaisaran ‘Thesus Slaying the Centaur’. Di langit-langitnya terdapat lukisan yang menggambarkan kemenangan Renaissance, Epic to the max!
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The large ceiling painting by the Hungarian painter Mihàly Munkácsy celebrates ‘The Triumph of the Renaissance’
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The twelve lunette paintings are by Hans Makart who portrayed famous artists, while the paintings left and right of the arches are early works by Ernst and Gustav Klimt and Franz Matsch. The area in front of Canova‘s statue is particularly well suited for welcoming your lover with music and dance
Wedding receptions in an imperial setting be like. The gorgeous monumental building it opens an unbelievable world, which stimulates all human senses
It’s located at the center of the 19th century complex. it’s also a meeting point for museum goers and locals. It is decorated with precious materials, differently coloured types of granite and marble, and outstanding stucco work
The hall is paneled with white marble and decorated in gold
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Religious art. One of the most famous painting in this Museum. The second of three versions of the biblical Tower of Babel, painted by Pieter Bruegel.
Salah satu lukisan yang paling terkenal di museum ini adalah Tower of Babel, karya Pieter Bruegel. Menara yang sekilas mirip dengan Colosseum. Lukisan religius yang terinspirasi dari Alkitab Kejadian 11:1-9. Penggambaran tentang manusia yang berusaha mendirikan bangunan tinggi agar bisa mencapai surga.
Dalam kisahnya tertulis, Tuhan tidak menyukai niat mereka. Tuhan pun membuat mereka tidak bisa lagi berkomunikasi, dengan cara membuat mereka berbicara dengan bahasa-bahasa yang berbeda. Ada yang ngomong Jawa, ada yang Londo, ada yang Cang Cing Cung. Peristiwa yang menandai munculnya berbagai bahasa di dunia. Karena saling gak ngerti dan selalu salah paham, ga jadi deh bangunannya.
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Di jaman Rennaisance, lukisan ini memiliki interpretasi lain. Menara ini sekilas terlihat besar dan kokoh. Namun bila diperhatikan lebih seksama, terlihat sedikit condong ke kiri. Hampir mengancam kota abad pertengahan yang berada di bawahnya. Bisa dibayangkan apa yang akan terjadi bila bangunan tersebut rubuh.
Sama halnya dengan kesuksesan seseorang. Kita bisa mengejar mimpi setinggi langit. Merasa hebat dengan segala harta benda yang dimiliki. Namun semua itu kadang semu dan bisa hilang dalam sekejap mata. Seperti pedang bermata dua. Keangkuhan manusia, akan membawa mereka kepada kehancuran.
The collection is structured in four large areas: funerary cult, cultural history, sculpture and relief and the development of writing
Among the world’s most important collections of Egyptian antiquities. 17 000 objects date from a period of almost 4,000 years, from the Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods (ca. 3500 BC) to the early Christian era
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Ada beberapa bagian dimana kamu tidak boleh mengambil foto. The room of Bruegel is a must see! Ruangan dengan koleksi lukisan terpenting di dunia. Mulai dari karya Modigliani, Mantegna, Raphael,  Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Giorgione, dan Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Selain itu, terdapat koleksi benda arkeologi dari Mesir seperti peti mati, patung dan peralatan keseharian di jaman Mummy eksis.
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Imposing, 19th-century museum with lavish interiors housing Habsburgs art collections & antiquities.
Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Selasa – Minggu 10AM–6PM, Senin tutup
Entrance Ticket: 16 Euro |Rp. 257,000. Children and teens under 19 years have free admission
Direction: Google Maps Location
11. Take a break at Burggarten
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Castle Gardens. Taman bergaya Inggris yang dulunya hanya bisa diakses oleh penghuni istana Habsburg. Sekarang, taman ini menjadi tempat warga lokal melepas penat, merebah di rerumputan, baca buku, scroll timeline, ataupun sekedar make out.
Patung-patung seni, lampu hias klasik, rumah kupu-kupi, dengan gedung konservatori seni nouveau yang indah melengkapi taman ini. Sore itu taman terlihat sepi, mungkin karena udara begitu dingin. Bule lagi pada males keluar, mending ngangetin diri dalem selimut.
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The green souls of Vienna with taste of old times. This photogenic park is beautiful. I took a walk and relaxed seeing gorgeous statues, flowers and trees
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In between two beautiful, towering Baroque-styled buildings, as well as the beautiful Schmetterlinghaus. An all round amusement that can be frequented when the weather is nice
A striking art nouveau conservatory with butterfly house stands in this statue-filled formal garden
Josefsplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 6AM–10PM
Direction: Google Maps Location
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Bundesgärten Verwaltung Burggarten
12. Interpret a painting at Albertina Museum
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The Albertina is one of the best museums in the city. It’s housed in one of the old private residence wings of the Habsburg and Hofburg Imperial Palace. It’s most famous for its print collection, which is comprised of over one million prints and 60,000 drawings
Museum yang bertempat di bekas kediaman istana kekaisaran Habsburg. Salah satu dinasti terbesar Eropa abad pertengahan sampai era modern. Lukisan karya seniman ternama seperti Monet, Picasso dan Cezanne dipajang dengan indah di seluruh ruangan.
Tiap lukisan dipajang dengan lighting yang pas dan transisi yang tertata di tiap ruangan. Dari lukisan Monet yang  impresionis, saya dibawa perlahan menuju lukisan realistis dan abstrak ala Picasso.
Karya-karya yang membuatmu berpikir dan harus membaca caption untuk ngerti. Seru si, seperti zaman belum ada gadget, mencari makna tersembunyi dibalik lukisan menjadi hiburan tersendiri.
It’s contains two and a half floors
It’s housed in one of the old private residence of the Imperial Palace
This is a nicely sized gallery with several rooms of Impressionist
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World class paintings everywhere! It houses famous works by Monet, Picasso, Magritte, Degas, Renoir, Modiglianiand, Cezanne and other local artists
19th-century Habsburg palace with staterooms & collections of old master prints & 20th-century art
Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 10AM–6PM
Entrance Ticket: 16 Euro | Rp. 258,000
Direction: U-Bahn (underground): U1, U2, U4 (station: Karlsplatz/Oper), U3 (station: Stephansplatz) Google Maps Location
The lighting of the portrait is well thought out, making them even more lustrous
The displays were carefully crafted to convey meaning beyond simply displaying the pictures
Childless Millionaire and the Poor Women with Children by Niko Pirosmani, Georgian painter
Childless Millionnaire and The Poor Women with Children. Salah satu lukisan yang membuat saya termenung, potret sepasang suami istri kaya raya yang tidak memiliki keturunan bersua wanita miskin yang memiliki 3 orang anak. Sometimes, you can’t have everything in life.
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Amazing museum in the heart of Vienna. Vienna is like Paris without a crazy crowd
Is it worth to buy Vienna Pass?
Jika berencana masuk ke banyak museum dalam waktu singkat, Vienna Pass benar-benar worth it. Ada versi mobile via ponsel, ga perlu repot tuker atau nge-print, tinggal tunjukin atau scan barcode untuk masuk.
Dengan 2 day adult pass, kamu bisa masuk ke Schonbrunn, Hofburg, Belvedere, Albertina, Kunsthistoriches Museum, St. Stephens Cathedral Treasury, Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel, Mozarthaus, Mumok Museum, Madame Tussauds, Danube Tower dan lain-lain. Info lebih lengkap tentang apa saja yang dicover Vienna pass, kamu bisa klik disini BUY VIENNA PASS IN HERE
Walaupun saat itu ga semua bisa saya kunjungi, tapi harganya tetap jauh lebih murah dibandingkan beli tiket masuk satu-satu. Selain menghemat waktu karena ga perlu antri beli tiket lagi, kamu juga bisa lebih fleksibel mau kemana duluan.
13. Eating Nuss Kuss at Cafe Central
The grandest and most popular cafe in Vienna, Cafe Central was founded in 1876
The cafe feels like a time capsule to a pre-WWI atmosphere with a live pianist
Cafe yang setia menemani warga ngopi sampe malem. Budaya ngopi ini sudah begitu kental di Vienna, sampai-sampai masuk UNESCO sebagai ‘National Agency for the Intangible Cultural Heritage’. 
Cafe yang berdiri sejak 140 tahun yang lalu ini juga menjadi tempat favorit para filosofer dan musisi ternama. 2 orang paling terkenal yang pernah makan disini adalah seorang psikoanalis Sigmund Freud dan revolusioner Leon Trotsky
Penemu metode pengobatan penyakit mental dan teori psikologi tentang kepribadian. Freud percaya bahwa peristiwa di masa kecil memiliki pengaruh besar pada kepribadian dewasa seseorang.
Sementara Leon Trotsky adalah politisi sekaligus penulis dan penemu teori Marxist. Salah satu quote-nya yang paling terkenal adalah:
Life is not an easy matter. You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.
Dekorasinya sangat mengesankan. Pilar glossy, lampu hias, dan lukisan seni semua terasa classy. Tempatnya asyik untuk berlama-lama memperhatikan sekitar dan menikmati suasana.
A high class cafe with pretty patisserie
Death by the chocolate
A mouth-watering choice of culinary creations
Café Central
Long-standing venue for Viennese cuisine, with famous historic links including to Freud & Trotsky
Herrengasse 14, 1010 Wien, Austria
Hours: Senin – Minggu 7:30AM–10PM
Menu and Price: Nuss Kuss 4.80 Euro | Rp. 77,000. Heiße Schokolade 5.40 Euro | Rp. 87,000. Coffee Menu
Direction: U3 Herrengasse station, U2 Schottentor station Google Maps Location
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Vienna memang surga bagi pecinta cake dan desserts. Nuss Kuss – The warm hazelnut chocolate cake was rich and squishy
Cake lovers’ paradise. Malam itu saya memesan Nuss Kuss, Chocolate Cake Hazelnut. Dentingan piano mengalun lembut sembari saya ngemut. Ditambah Heibe Schokolade ‘Hot Chocolate with whipped cream’. Malam saya semakin berlemak. Diabetes tak ada yang senikmat ini.
Sebelum pulang, seperti biasa saya membayar dan memberikan tip kepada waiter. Wajahnya terlihat bahagia, dan tanpa saya duga dia berkata ‘Just a moment, sir’. Tak lama kemudian dia kembali dari belakang dan memberikan beberapa bungkus coklat kecil. Wajah saya pun ikut sumringah.
14. See The Catholic Parish of St. Elizabeth
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Gereja kecil nan cantik yang tak sengaja saya lihat saat berjalan menuju Belvedere.
Katholische Pfarrgemeinde St. Elisabeth
Sankt-Elisabeth-Platz 9, 1040 Wien, Austria
Direction: Google Maps Location
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15. Take a wander around Belvedere Palace
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Absolutely fabulous! Noble, opulent, artistic palace. The Belvedere is a UNESCO Heritage Site. It has beautiful gardens which connect two historic palaces. It houses great collection of Austrian art, including those of Gustav Klimt. A beautiful palace with an extraordinary collection.
One of the best looking Palaces i’ve ever seen. Istana yang dulunya merupakan kediaman dari Prince Eugene, pangeran sekaligus komandan militer Austria paling sukses dalam sejarah Eropa modern.
Tamannya super luas! Dalam kesunyian pagi, saya tersihir menyaksikan kolam besar yang dihiasi air mancur dan patung seni. Seirama dengan jalan setapak yang dikelilingi pepohonan yang tertata rapi. Noble abis!
Sayangnya saya ga sempat masuk untuk melihat koleksi seni Gustav Klimt, pelukis paling terkenal di Austria. Karyanya identik dengan erotisme tubuh wanita.
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The Kiss (Lovers) by Gustav Klimt is the most famous Austrian painting and the highlight of the permanent collection at the Upper Belvedere. It shows a couple swathed in richly embellished robes embracing in a meadow of flowers on the brink of a precipice. The painting dates from 1907/08 at the height of Klimt’s ‘Golden Period’ when the artist developed a new technique of combining gold leaf with oils and bronze paint
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Perfect in the early morning before the big crowds set in. Take a casual stroll down the garden
Schloss Belvedere
Baroque, 18th-century palaces housing art from Middle Ages to today, with notable Klimt collection
Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Wien, Austria
Opening Hours: Senin – Minggu 9AM–6PM
Entrance ticket price: 16 Euro | Rp. 256,000. Free access to the garden
Direction: Exit melalui Schloss Belvedere Tram, lalu berjalan kaki 1 menit Belvedere Palace Location
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I enjoy the beautiful fountains behind the Baroque structure on a beautiful morning
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There was something about this landscape that touched me beyond words
Vienna memberikan dunia baru yang membuat saya kagum dan tersenyum. It’s not only the most liveable city on earth, this is city of heaven. Kota elegan yang kaya akan sejarah budaya dan kuliner. Rumah dari musik klasik ala Mozart, museum dan gedung opera yang mengesankan, Apple Strudel dan Chocolate Cake yang membahagiakan. Ditambah kisah nyata putri raja ala Disney, menjadikan Vienna begitu dreamy. 
Nongkrong di cafe, menikmati aroma pastry dan kopi. Mengagumi karya seni di museum super keren. Memperhatikan orang berpakaian dan berjalan diantara gedung-gedung cantik. Membuat saya ingin kesini lagi suatu hari nanti. Vienna seperti Doraemon yang mengajak saya terbang bebas, melebihi indahnya pergaulan bebas.
Terlena di Vienna. Top 15 Things to do Salah satu alasan utama orang menahan diri untuk ga traveling adalah duit. Ga peduli senista apa cara kamu traveling, jalan-jalan tetep butuh duit. 
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tommygunhazard18 · 5 years
EuroTrip 2019 Part Two: Welcome to Slovakia 🇸🇰
The flight to Vienna was a pretty cozy flight, I sat in the aisle seat which isn’t my most favourite spot, but better than the middle. Speaking of the middle, there was no one sitting in the middle seat so I could lean over and relax a bit.
I downloaded three movies for the flight, “The Happytime Murders”, “Get Out” and “Split”. I watched the first two movies, and I have to say both were very good for different reasons. Both were movies that I wanted to see but never had a chance to, do it was nice to finally see them.
They brought us “supper” which in Vienna it was 3 A.M. so it was a very late supper meal. It was pasta with a garden salad, cheesecake for dessert with a dinner roll. It was pretty good, and after eating this I felt like trying to get some sleep.
I might have slept two hours, but it was enough so that I could recharge the batteries. When I woke up it was perfect timing, as it was an hour before landing. We arrived just after 9 A.M., so it wasn’t so much of a rush to catch my bus to Bratislava.
The bus was on time which was great, arriving right at 10 A.M., thus truly starting the trip. It was a 45 minute bus ride to Bratislava, so it gave me time to enjoy the scenery. My friend who I’ll be staying with for some of the time in Slovakia, Kristína, told me to use Regiojet and I am happy she suggested it. The bus was comfortable, they have a very nice (and attractive) woman who was working on the bus who offered water to us.
I arrived in the central station at 11 P.M., driving over the very cool Most SNP bridge. In the distance on top of a huge hill was Bratislava castle, and this is when I realized that I was here. Welcome to Bratislava!
I walked along the river which the bridge goes over, it was a bit rainy so I was well prepared with the umbrella I bought the day before I left. It was really cool to see the display they had for the World Hockey Championships, where you can look inside it and it showed many attractions in Bratislava. After stealing some Wifi, I met up with Kristína who I’d be staying with Sunday and Monday nights.
We first went back to her apartment to drop off my things before going back into the city, as we had to wait until noon before we could do anything. She was still working but luckily she could work from home which was nice.
Returning back to the city centre, we went to a pub called “Slovak Pub” to eat some traditional foods. It was such a cool little spot, which had a very beautiful entrance to the pub itself.
I had to try out the Slovakian version of Coca Cola called “Kofola”, which tasted less sweet than normal soda here in Canada. For the meal I had “Bryndzové Halušky so slaninou” which is Potato dumplings with sheep cheese and bacon on top. Honestly it was one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time, the cheese was thicker I found and it was very enjoyable.
After eating as much as we could, we looked in the Old Town at some nice souvenir spots. I normally buy a keychain, badge, flag and magnet when i go to different places so it was nice to find this quickly.
We also walked the Hviezdoslavovo Námestie which is a huge square with lots of beautiful trees, old buildings and a few embassies. We also walked by the “Michalska Brána” which this was the municipal fortification gate founded in the 13th century.
From there we did some nice sightseeing of the city, but we had to figure out the way to go to Prešov. They have the app called “Bla Bla Car” which is a car pooling app where you can get a ride with people going to certain destinations. After talking a taxi to the meeting place, I got to meet my driver for this long voyage.
The drivers name was Marcel, and after driving with him for the four hour drive, I come to learn he is a really cool guy. He works with a bank company, and he’s done some traveling with the job. He intends to go to America next January, so it was great to talk with him about travel along with Slavic culture. We had some similarities and just this idea of using the app to car pool is so cool.
We drove on the R1 highway which brought us to the southern part of Slovakia, and then connected through the beautiful mountains. Demänovská Dolina was a beautiful area to drive through, kind of reminding me of Cape Breton.
From here there is a blank space because I fell asleep, but woke up in Prešov as Marcel dropped off the other two driving with me. We made it to my Airbnb destination, in which I’ll now be able to get a hold of him if I need anything.
Making a new friend: check!
I was staying with Peter and Kristína, who were both very smart and very funny people. Kristína was home first so she showed me how to get to Košice by bus and then Peter suggested going by train because of a potential strike with public transit.
Getting to learn about these two peoples lives was great, spending almost two hours just talking in their kitchen about travels, their work, and about Slovakia. Peter moved to Toronto when he was just eight years old, but moved back to Europe years later.
Overall today was such a crazy day, but there is so much more to come, and it’s going to be great. Like sleep, two and a half hours isn’t cutting it.
Goodnight, and more to come...
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ryuki-draws · 8 months
Alright, I just randomly discovered your blog, and I inhaled like all of the Local Trains AU content in less than half an hour. It makes me so happy and I can't wait for how it continues! I'm still incredibly new in the Transformers fandom and it's artists like you who make me want to learn the lore(s) even faster so I can also do silly stuff with my own little guys properly.
Also, as a Czech person, I admit I stared at the screen a bit too long when I read the AU description (≧▽≦) Czechs represented in fandoms? In this economy?! The RegioJet space shuttle made me cackle, too. Move over, NASA! I just hope the interior is more like the buses, 'cause that's the stuff...
Anyhow, keep on drawing, Astrotrain and Grease are absolutely lovely together and I need more of them. You've got talent! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
Hi, hello! :D Thank you for such a kind message, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the trains! There's a lot to explore in the TF fandom with many creative people around, I'm sure you're going to have a great time on your big vehicle robots journey. There are so many possibilities for OC creations and backstories!
YES, a fellow CZ & SK fan! :D I mean, it's fun to see all the stuff happen in canon, but what about we bring them here for a while? I want to see Optimus Prime as Tatra 815, thank you very much! (or, you know... a RegioJet Astrotrain). I've never actually been on a RJ bus though, shame on me. Though the idea of Grease boarding Astro for the first time and the interior is like in a Low cost train car... what a trip to the Moon would that be :'D
I definitely have more planned, their little adventures are really fun to draw! Thank you so much! ♥
Here's Grease and Astro dealing with your typical winter on Czech and Slovak rails :'D
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