#or reading a lengthy hc or liking a post or whatever honestly!
if you ever choose to indulge me in any way, shape, or form, pls know you have my heart :’ )
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zosonils · 3 years
For the fandom asks: d, i and n :--)
for all these fandom asks assume my ‘main’ fandom is pnf unless i specifically mention otherwise :O !
d - a pairing you wish you liked but just can’t - gonna say perryshmirtz for this one. i don’t dislike the ship at all, and they definitely have an absurd amount of romantic chemistry, i just have An Intense Burning Indifference towards it. it’s a shame because i’m pretty sure it’s the most popular ship in the fandom besides phinabella, which means there’s no shortage of genuinely really wonderful content for it, but i just can’t get In To It for whatever reason. i wish all perryshmirtz fans a very pleasant evening [except the ones bombarding the ao3 tag with explicit works :/] but it just doesn’t do anything for me that their already established dynamic doesn’t do just as well
i - has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms? - none that i can remember! i’ve fallen out of plenty over the years, but tumblr has never been a factor in me wanting to leave. aside from a couple cases where something suddenly changed and made the whole thing feel gross and bad suddenly, pretty much every time i’ve fallen out of a fandom has just been that the hyperfixation faded and i amicably packed my metaphorical bags and left quietly
n - three things you wish you saw more in your main fandom - gonna split this into a bulleted list for easier reading because boy howdy do i have Meta
fics/general Content about the main kids as teens that isn’t exclusively for shipping purposes. phinabella is the prime culprit of this but it’s not about what pairing is the focus it’s about the fact that people only want to focus on everyone’s romantic futures instead of like, ‘baljeet finally nosedives into burnout after building violent academic anxiety for seven years’ or ‘ferb comes out as nonbinary’ or ‘buford has a lengthy character development arc from jock to gay himbo’
FERB AND VANESSA AS FOUND SIBLINGS please it’s SUCH a good take on their dynamic. it’s got all the established mutual respect and affection with none of the creepy age gaps. let vanessa be ferb’s cool punk older sister who introduces him to new music and teaches him how to effectively fend off sensory overload at otherwise fun events and highkey enjoys the normal-ish sibling shaped dynamic after growing up as an only child with shaky relationships with her parents
candace being portrayed as mentally ill and not in the ‘hurr durr candace is hallucinating everything because all children’s content must be secretly edgy for me to enjoy it’ way but like a genuinely serious well-written portrayal of it. i personally hc her to have obsessive-compulsive disorder [in addition to autism and general anxiety because it’s my neurodivergence and i get to slap it on every character i look at] since her obsession with busting phineas and ferb really reads like a compulsion the way it’s presented, but honestly i’ll take anything if it’s respectfully written and makes the most of all the very clear hints in her behaviour. somehow i haven’t posted about this yet i don’t think?? but come on it’s such a great take on her character i promise
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misdre · 7 years
i said a few days ago i could just write a post about my rei/max headcanons and why i ship it and such, and i just really love rambling about these two, so here is my little reimax brainstorming post that i spontaneously felt like writing. (this is all based on animeverse, obviously.)
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☆ well, first i'll say that despite whatever headcanons and interpretations, i first and foremost ship characters just because it's fun, so basically It's Not That Deep and i never claim anything as canon at all, i can literally list my first reason for shipping them as rei and max being so nicely complementary characters design-wise (long dark & short fair hair, light & dark eyes, different skin tones, purple-red & yellow-green, white & black, my self-imposed cat & dog and moon & sun allegories all that kinda stuff that just works out nicely) that's all i need to enjoy a ship honestly. i don’t like the practice of undermining other possible pairings because yours is “correct”.
☆ rei and max both basically come to japan as foreigners pre-series (max speaks the language with an accent so i take it he's not too adapted to the country yet, even if he got some of the culture from his dad’s side) which i like to think brings them together early on, since they have a shared experience of not quite belonging. i like thinking of it as a sort of over-arching feature of their friendship that sets them apart from the rest of the team. (on the other hand though, there's the obvious clash of max being a rich kid from new york and rei from the backwoods of china..... i haven’t explored that much, other than rei being completely clueless about technology and max eventually forcing him to get a cell phone because he cant keep writing letters forever for cucks sake)
☆ really obvious from my art and all but i headcanon rei as sensitive and easily flustered, based on his gentle personality and how he tends to be swayed by emotions (and lack of self confidence which isn't exactly ever laid out i think, but that's how i read him losing his way so easily), and his arrogance especially at the beginning is just him putting up a front and looking down on people at first out of wanting to feel superior himself. i actually headcanon rei to underestimate and brush max off big time at first over his favour for takao whom rei is totally amazed with at first - i mean, is ever since, but in s1 takao is still New and Exciting. max on the other hand is seen impressed with rei's strength from the start, and he isn't fazed by his arrogant attitude, nor does max ever particularly put himself on a pedestal so he doesn't mind the one-sided sentiment. max is also really patient, and i like to think that his smarts and personality gradually draw rei in, especially because rei wants to think of himself as rational and mature and a big brother of sorts -- since he’s got so much experience travelling, and has had the big brother-like role in china (i headcanon him as a bit older than the rest of BBA, i mean how else would he ever have had the time to travel) but, as said, he’s easily swayed by emotions instead. the fact that max seems so childish but has this surprising depth to him gradually makes rei acknowledge him as a blader too.
☆ the thing about their friendship is that it's very stable and sort of subtly constantly on the background. i don't even headcanon there to be any dramatic turning point of them suddenly becoming closer or anything, they're just naturally drawn to each other and end up spending time together a lot. i think of them as the observant half of the BBA team, and they work amazingly well as a team early on (synchronised moves already in s1 like wow) as something that just comes very naturally to them from thinking alike and being together. (during the domestic bits of s2 they are basically always together, like just sitting in the dojo by the two of them tuning their beys together, it’s actually really cute) there isn't the sort of dramatic element in their relationship that there is between them and takao, and kai to an extent, because they never consider each other rivals but rather are always on the same side. half of g-revolution is them banding together (in spirit) to position themselves as takao’s rivals and they work for a shared objective (which they, by the way, apparently agree on just between the two of them and meet up at like death o'clock in the morning without telling anybody else before leaving together in the beginning of g-rev. and then they return to the same place later in a dramatic sunset to reminisce about that morning, i've always wanted to write a fic about how gay that actually looks) ANYWAY point being...... what was my point. that rei and max are just forever low-key together, even when they physically aren’t.
☆ basically my canon-compliant reimax includes a lengthy friends-to-lovers mutual pining of them making the perfect pair for a really long while and being close to the point of others probably thinking they're already dating when they themselves haven't even discovered or admitted they have romantic feelings yet and everyone’s just "what".
☆ back to headcanon land, also pretty obvious from my fanworks, but i hc max as the more assertive one by a mile, and my usual depiction is that he actually is aware of his feelings for rei (starting from wherever i choose that to start. “forever” is a good pick) and probably knows that rei feels the same, but max just loves teasing the hell out of him for it because rei's reactions are so emotion-based (against his own will. he'd want to be a calm and rational adult so bad) and he takes himself so seriously. max sees through rei's tough act pretty much from the start and only finds it endearing. and max is the kind to perpetually surprise everyone else, either on purpose or just by the virtue of being so much more than he seems to be, so in turn rei is infatuated with the complexity of max's character (and also just his cuteness but you know) but somehow repeatedly finds himself fooled by max anyway, e.g. rei would sure as hell think max is all innocent and cute and would probably think it scandalous if max ever found out he's having such INAPPROPRIATE thoughts about him, but then it's max making the first move by casually throwing some pick-up line at rei (....or slapping his ass or whatever) which max isn't ashamed of doing in the least. that's the sort of dynamic i headcanon them to have.......when it's not just a smooth sailing of them easily moving from friends to boyfriends, anyway, which i can also more canon-compliantly imagine. like one day they just end up making out and go "oh" and it makes perfect sense to both. that also works. which do i like better?? i love all of it. (alternatively, they're just both too dense to make the first move and the girls, hiromi and mao usually, wind up being their wingwomen who have to spell their obvious feelings out to them. girls because they are so much smoother at this stuff than guys. also, it's somehow a running thing in my imagined settings that kai is the only other BBA member who knows of them, just because he's the only one actually sitting there quietly observing everyone. and he is groaning internally all the time because these idiots just don't get it. like i could literally write a fic like this from kai’s POV. actually i have a zillion different settings for how reimax could happen and this post isn't supposed to be a masterlist of them, but that's a couple of thoughts)
☆ not a surprise but i have like a compulsive need to depict max being crazy about rei’s beautiful hair, and also his build in general (the tips of rei's ears are an erogenous zone by the way) -- i guess i headcanon max to be much more actively *attracted* to people (pan max is my way of max) and it’s very natural for him to find rei’s characteristics attractive, while at rei's end it's more of a "i have no idea why i feel this way about him what is this we're both guys it shouldn't be like this ohmygod did i just think he was cute for a second no it can't be oh no." i also think that rei would have a harder time dating another guy and dealing with what other people would think about it and all, being from the boonies as opposed to max being from a big american city. which then could also contribute to rei addressing his feelings much more slowly or being alien to the whole concept altogether. but i don't care to address real world issues in my 100% fictional noncanon fanworks, so i don't think about that aspect much.
this is probably enough rambling for one post, tl;dr i sure am attached to an imaginary relationship of a couple of cartoon boys
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