#or self indulgent fandom ocs lmaoooo
feralfennecfox · 4 months
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@secretlyawizard I have anxiety so I don't talk too much abt my OCs because I don't want people to think I'm annoying but here are the ones I mentioned in that post <3
Mira is a trans werewolf girl in a polyamorous triad relationship with Rona (a selkie) and Ziri (a kitsune), she finds them while trying to clear her name as a suspect for the mysterious disappearance of her human roommate Shannon Murphy. Or as the summary in the google doc I made of her reads: "One night, Mira comes home and the light is on in the kitchen. She runs in to ask her roommate where she’s been, only to find a fennec fox in her kitchen, who jumps out the window and turns into a cute girl! Mira meets and befriends this girl, a kleptomaniac kitsune named Ziri, as well as a whimsigothic selkie girl of Lenni-Lenape heritage named Rona. Rona, Ziri, and Mira become a polyamorous lesbian triad, and Mira discovers a vibrant underground community in New York City of fellow 'therians' like her and her girlfriends. At the same time, they try to solve the disappearance of Shannon, who was admittedly acting quite odd before she vanished…"
This story does not yet have a name yet, and is in early planning stages.
Sloane is a nonbinary retired magical girl dealing with PTSD-induced alcoholism from being a literal child soldier. (Their story is a deconstruction and eventual reconstruction of magical girl tropes... with Norse mythology monsters.) They're a deeply deeply flawed character, and when the next generation of magical girls shows up on their doorstep for training, they fall into an on-again off-again relationship with Roxy Parker, single mother of one of the new magical girls.
Sloane's story is called Magic No More, and I originally wanted to do it as a webcomic but I just do not have the patience to finish a comic. The first chapter is completely outlined, though.
The two stories technically take place in the same universe but don't really cross other than the same rock star, Mercy, showing up in both as a minor character. (She is a vampire.)
I have some other stories kicking around in my head as well, but none of the others are currently connected to these two stories :3
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rainy-circle · 6 years
1, 4, 8 from the fic writer questions meme!
All of my asks get really long, but this got RIDICULOUS so under a cut it goes:
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
OH MAN GLSJF okay. Here’s like, a bingo checklist of me-fic.
Stars two (or more) characters who have almost certainly never interacted in canon before.
People have meaningful conversations in the middle of the night.
Earn Your Happy Ending
related: the Power of Friendship always win in the end
If a romance, a minimum of like, at least 10 000 words before any kissing happens.
Adventure elements sneak in, mostly in the form of action scenes. Sometimes hints of a mystery.
MAGIC, thinking about how magic works in this particular universe. Even if a sci-fi universe, magic will sneak in.
if a romance, no one ever says “I love you”, for some reason lmaoooo
ain’t nobody dies in THIS house, CANON CREATORS. “no but they definitely died. on screen.” MAGIC BROUGHT THEM BACK, I DON’T CARE, I’LL BULLSHIT SOME RULES.
Minor characters Take a Level in Badass and wreck house.
If a romance, characters suddenly/randomly notice attractive physical features of their love interest in their narration and then move on, sometimes going ‘huh that’s weird, they sure are attractive, when did this happen’
probably lots of other stuff I’m forgetting sljfksjf
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Oh goooddd a lot, haha. Most of my Overwatch ideas are things for future chapters of Old Habits, most of which can be boiled down to ‘a thing happens - Satya and Genji react to it and each other’, though I also have a couple of Lindholm family related ideas floating about. I’m pretty sure all of my other ideas are Long Fics for various different fandoms, all of them falling into one of these categories. Uhhh hmm which one to share? 🤔 
Okay, I’ve mentioned it before but it’s the one I’m sort of fiddling the most with, in terms of planning and outlining. Basically, it’s a canon-divergent retelling of Gravity Falls, based heavily on some headcanons/ideas/rps @hirschmania and I tossed about a couple years ago, about the time the show ended (if that’s alright with you, Ryland!). I think I’m also going to toss in some other things in the vein of ‘this theory didn’t end up being true but I liked it a lot so it’s a thing now’. 
It’s mildly terrifying to think about actually writing/publishing because it involves an OC in a pretty major role, and the internet I grew up on hated that sort of thing. Not to mention that the OC is a love interest for, brace yourself, a humanized version of one of “Tumblr’s Horrible Boyfriends”. But I just keep telling myself that all fanfic is self-indulgent and life is too short to wait for permission to write silly stories on the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
UHHHH oh gosh, I tend to think of my dialogue as less strong than my descriptions, so!! There aren’t a whole lot that immediately spring to mind. But, Heart to Heart to Heart is fairly dialogue driven, being a fanfic for an audio medium. I suppose my favourite bit is this, because it’s basically the emotional climax of the fic, and I felt I did a pretty good job of emulating the McElboys tendancy to slip humour into even some pretty heavy moments! I’ll edit it to cut out the descriptions a bit so it’s a more dialogue-centric excerpt:
“S’not a huge deal,” [Taako] said. “It’s still absolutely none of your beeswax, but yes, a date happened. I’m just trying to make the most of this place while it lasts, okay?”
“What do you mean, ‘while it lasts’?” Merle asked. “It’s not like this is Lucas’s lab - it’s not gonna fall out of the sky.”
“Not like that,” Taako said, […]. “I mean this job isn’t going to last forever. We’ve already found Glovey, the fancy-pants monocle, the Stone, the Chalice…” He counted the Relics off on his fingers and paused, finding only four.
“The Sash?” Magnus supplied.
“Right, the Sash. And didn’t the Director say they had already found one Relic when we got here? I honestly don’t know, I haven’t listened to that episode in a while.
“Either way, we have two more Relics to find at the most. After that, we’re done. Finished.” […] “We go back to being three strangers wandering around looking for jobs on Craig’s list.”
“‘Strangers’?” Merle said into the silence.
“Yeah, why would we split up?” Magnus asked, honestly confused.
“Taako… this is what Magnus and I were talking about before you came in,” Merle said in a steady reassuring voice […]. “The three of us are family now. Or- at least, that’s how we see it.”
“Did… What did you think we were going to do?” Magnus asked, horrified […]. “Did you think we were just going to cut you out of our lives? Don’t you think we’re your friends?”
“No!” Taako snapped, too quickly, […]. “No, that’s not what I meant- I mean-”
“I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” he admitted, answering all of their questions with one answer.
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