#this isnt counting like dnd characters or anything like that either
feralfennecfox · 4 months
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@secretlyawizard I have anxiety so I don't talk too much abt my OCs because I don't want people to think I'm annoying but here are the ones I mentioned in that post <3
Mira is a trans werewolf girl in a polyamorous triad relationship with Rona (a selkie) and Ziri (a kitsune), she finds them while trying to clear her name as a suspect for the mysterious disappearance of her human roommate Shannon Murphy. Or as the summary in the google doc I made of her reads: "One night, Mira comes home and the light is on in the kitchen. She runs in to ask her roommate where she’s been, only to find a fennec fox in her kitchen, who jumps out the window and turns into a cute girl! Mira meets and befriends this girl, a kleptomaniac kitsune named Ziri, as well as a whimsigothic selkie girl of Lenni-Lenape heritage named Rona. Rona, Ziri, and Mira become a polyamorous lesbian triad, and Mira discovers a vibrant underground community in New York City of fellow 'therians' like her and her girlfriends. At the same time, they try to solve the disappearance of Shannon, who was admittedly acting quite odd before she vanished…"
This story does not yet have a name yet, and is in early planning stages.
Sloane is a nonbinary retired magical girl dealing with PTSD-induced alcoholism from being a literal child soldier. (Their story is a deconstruction and eventual reconstruction of magical girl tropes... with Norse mythology monsters.) They're a deeply deeply flawed character, and when the next generation of magical girls shows up on their doorstep for training, they fall into an on-again off-again relationship with Roxy Parker, single mother of one of the new magical girls.
Sloane's story is called Magic No More, and I originally wanted to do it as a webcomic but I just do not have the patience to finish a comic. The first chapter is completely outlined, though.
The two stories technically take place in the same universe but don't really cross other than the same rock star, Mercy, showing up in both as a minor character. (She is a vampire.)
I have some other stories kicking around in my head as well, but none of the others are currently connected to these two stories :3
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strykingback · 15 days
Okay so now p/apitimefire177 has responded... well unsurprisingly on a vague post (Well I wouldnt say vague) about Doom and I. So I have to pull up again since they have made the choice to mention me. So, let's go band for band and see what you had to say.
First things first, you stated how Jaune is not Aryan, including providing the definition of it and how "those guys" bastardized it. Good, you know what it is. But nowadays the meaning of Aryan has sadly since been affiliated with White Supremacy and "Those Guys" Fair enough. Let's also not forget this isnt the ONLY thing they bastardized as well.
Once again, Doom was using this as either a joke to piss you off, since you know White Supremacists like to describe the perfect race as Blonde hair, Blue Eyes, white skin....?
Which once again they could have done a Joan of Arc allusion with Jaune, but decided to go with the Paladin/Knight allusion. Showing that they only used her as the inspiration for Jaune, in no means did they explore anything with the allusion at all.
Nothing from Joan of Arc's life being used to develop Jaune even further. Just making him into a DND Paladin, with his semblance being literally. "Lay On Hands" from surprise-surprise. Dungeons and Dragons. Nothing exciting about that...
No Semblance that could make Jaune see into the future and see Cinder amongst the flames alluding to Joan of Arc's death....
Or anything about him making an effort to learn how important a sacrifice is to bring about the swan song of victory. Y'know.... just like Joan of Arc?!
Or maybe making Jaune be a good strategist despite protests from his teammates... LIKE JOAN OF ARC!
Then papi goes off again on a ad hominem tangent, calling Doom illiterate and stating that they needed to do research and state how they throw tantrums.
No Papi, you are the one throwing tantrums. You are proving me and Doom right because what did you do right after Doom and I called you out. You went back to your regularly scheduled Jaune Simping and Cardin-Hate Posting. Plus as I said before, Doom may have used this as a means of making it an INSULT to the character as a whole.
You are being a belligerent fool, and you are proving Doom right. I'm even still surprised that you havent been banned off tumblr yet for harassment, using ableist slurs (despite your half-hearted apology), and so on forth.
Now you are indeed correct.. kind of about one thing. R/RWBYCritics isnt a valuable source. But I digress because I used it for ONE thing and that was to see how much screen time did Jaune get in RWBY as part of my research cause good lord I am not going to sit around and watch Volumes 1-9 having to time how much screentime he had. . Which from Volumes 1-6 He got and I repeat from that one post.
5,489 Hours of Screentime
Which when converted into an actual time it comes up to.
One hour thirty-one minutes and twenty-nine seconds
This is NOT counting Volumes 7-9 and I did NOT say that R/RWBYCritics was a Valuable source. If you actually paid attention to my other posts of me being critical about Jaune especially in the Twin-Revisions of why I think Jaune is a horrible Knight
One of the sources came from the Infographics Show. Where they gave a summarized talk about how Real Life Knights were not like the actual knights you would see in the Romanticized stories.
Even providing sources when one such historian talked with Spiegel Online about Sir John Arundel and his band of knights taking refuge in a convent violating the Nuns and stealing from them and throwing them overboard once they were all but used up.
Or how in that same video, quoted by Nigel Saul in his book Chivalry in Medieval England: "Knights only fought for three things. Land, Gold, and War Booty."
Since RWBY is a show that takes the romanticized takes of knights or stories from those romanticized stories. Such as Robin Hood, the Grimm Tales, etc. And apply them to RWBY.
Which once again, I only used R/RWBYCritics once for a source on Jaune's screentime and you falsely proclaim that I use it for all of my RWDE posts. Which I dont...
Now, let's also talk about this little thing I found where you made the statement about someone calling Jaune Fans Jaune-Turds. Which I do not know what the context was about, maybe an episode back then... but I am more surprised that you tunnel visioned to the insult instead of CHECKING THE FUCKING TAGS AND DATE.
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Right off the bat. I see no mention of the RWDE tag there... and no mention of "Does this count as RWDE?" on there. This was a personal rant... and the date?
Here lemme put it in caps for you Papi.
"NOVEMBER 17th, 2018"
You are using a post from SIX YEARS ago as a means to "prove" that "Oh RWDE are all just meanies and what not." Gee its also not like you have been doing more wrong than us. Once again in my reply to your Stop The Hate 2.0 I simply put down at the START to not witchhunt you but to Block and Move On. Guess that didnt click in your head didnt it?! That was the only form of respect I was going to give you. Because I atleast have some form of morality to give you!
Lets not forget you got pissy from a post after this which was A JOKE. a fucking JOKE. Dude are you the DJ Akademiks of Jaune stans like getting all pissy over a JOKE?
I think we're done here. Pack it up. Cause listen Papi you called me out for not having valuable sources, well I provided while also once again cooking your ass in the Malevolent Kitchen. I dunno maybe at this point you are just way too easy to beat... plus the fact that it took you two months to say something about the call out, but either way. Have a good one, drink water, do some self-reflection and yeah Jaune still sucks.
Good Day.
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