polymorphiczooid · 2 months
your art is awesome!! it's good technically but it has MASSIVE scores for fun and inventiveness, which are way more important in my book. I can’t believe you get so few notes!! I don't have much of a following myself but I've shared it in various discords as well as reblogged, so I hope you see an uptick
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Thank you so much! This was a lovely message to wake up to, so I couldn't help making a little thank you doodle (as a fellow furret appreciator).
Since art is my hobby, rather than a source of income, I don't worry too much about notes -- though I won't deny that bigger numbers do feel nice. Thank you again for writing in!
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feralfennecfox · 4 months
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@secretlyawizard I have anxiety so I don't talk too much abt my OCs because I don't want people to think I'm annoying but here are the ones I mentioned in that post <3
Mira is a trans werewolf girl in a polyamorous triad relationship with Rona (a selkie) and Ziri (a kitsune), she finds them while trying to clear her name as a suspect for the mysterious disappearance of her human roommate Shannon Murphy. Or as the summary in the google doc I made of her reads: "One night, Mira comes home and the light is on in the kitchen. She runs in to ask her roommate where she’s been, only to find a fennec fox in her kitchen, who jumps out the window and turns into a cute girl! Mira meets and befriends this girl, a kleptomaniac kitsune named Ziri, as well as a whimsigothic selkie girl of Lenni-Lenape heritage named Rona. Rona, Ziri, and Mira become a polyamorous lesbian triad, and Mira discovers a vibrant underground community in New York City of fellow 'therians' like her and her girlfriends. At the same time, they try to solve the disappearance of Shannon, who was admittedly acting quite odd before she vanished…"
This story does not yet have a name yet, and is in early planning stages.
Sloane is a nonbinary retired magical girl dealing with PTSD-induced alcoholism from being a literal child soldier. (Their story is a deconstruction and eventual reconstruction of magical girl tropes... with Norse mythology monsters.) They're a deeply deeply flawed character, and when the next generation of magical girls shows up on their doorstep for training, they fall into an on-again off-again relationship with Roxy Parker, single mother of one of the new magical girls.
Sloane's story is called Magic No More, and I originally wanted to do it as a webcomic but I just do not have the patience to finish a comic. The first chapter is completely outlined, though.
The two stories technically take place in the same universe but don't really cross other than the same rock star, Mercy, showing up in both as a minor character. (She is a vampire.)
I have some other stories kicking around in my head as well, but none of the others are currently connected to these two stories :3
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iguanodont · 2 years
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Secret Santa gift art for @secretlyawizard of Morgan (below) and Myfanwy (above), the star characters of their Infinisea setting!
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kuruna · 2 years
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( Late 😭 ) birthday gift for @secretlyawizard ! I've always thought Aisha has such a pretty design, I hope you like this!
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squidknees · 3 years
are the Penrose siblings named in honour of Roger Penrose?
they are!! my naming process was Penrose because it’s a nice sounding last name with mathy associations -> Iris because she’s based on a character named after a flower and a character named after a goddess -> Aster because you know what, let’s just go all out with the flower theme. these sibs are a garden now.
also 100% of this is intentional in-universe too. they’re both trans and dorks, and coordinated flower names with each other. the Penrose who Aster named them after in-universe is an entirely different guy, though
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appleslices · 6 years
secretlyawizard replied to your post “not to be dramatic and overly sensitive but i really hate the way my...”
how dare you need nourishment to survive!!!
yeah i know :( but i dont think she’s doing it intentionally like she’s clearly just internalized a lot of toxic shit about what everyone thinks a woman should looks like and eat like and is trying to push it on me and i know its not Her Fault that she is affect by misogyny and diet culture etc etc but she also doesnt listen to me when i try to reason with her so *shrugs*
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kosmicdream · 7 years
Fork’s infertile, right? does that bother him?
I mean, maybe it would bother him if he understood cause i think at the back of his mind he’d really like to be a dad with a lot of kids someday. However, I don’t think he really grasps it, much like with the different hekaton types-- it was something knife didn’t teach him about. He has likely been called infertile before as an insult but probably just found it weird and brushed it off. No one has explained what hekaton eyes do (and he has never really asked) and he mostly interacts with humans. I think ppl generally just assume fork does know.
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wellntruly · 7 years
secretlyawizard replied to your post “thebluemeany replied to your quote: I still get letters of thanks from...”
that’s....kind of beyond problematic. it’s different from consumption because (as far as I know) consumption was never politicised the ways the AIDS epidemic was, and did not primarily affect an already marginalised group of people. AIDS would never have been the nightmare it was if it was not for the homophobia that stopped it being correctly handled. I don’t think you should make jokes like that, especially as I doubt you’re HIV+ or even a gay/bi man.
[CONTEXT, if you stumble across this without having seen the first part]
I hemmed and hawed over how to respond to this for even longer than I hemmed and hawed over whether to Go All The Way There in my original post. But I’m glad I had, because now it looks like I’m going to give this the amount of space it should have had to begin with (and would have spared me from my swiftly approaching fate of having to explain my own joke, which is just, god, always embarrassing for everyone).
So for starters, I need to extra clarify that this trend is certainly NOT GOOD. I wrote about it with a light, wry voice because that is, unfortunately, how I write about everything, but the #joke of my comments was supposed to be how they were like a call-out post for not just myself for thinking this, but at western society at large and its enduringly creepy feature of aestheticizing wasting diseases.
Unhooked from it’s jokey ~virtue signaling~ hashtagged baggage (which is why I deliberated didn’t use a hashtag), I really do think problematic is the right word for it. To me this concept lands SQUARELY in what ‘problematic’ should mean when we’re taking that concept seriously. I wasn’t even on Tumblr in college, but that was where I first ran into this word. It was actually already a joke to us even offline, because it was one of those academic buzzwords that students would use to sound important --- we were always unpacking problematic texts and whatever else. So to my eyes, things that are properly problematic are things that do nooott reflect positively on the people doing/saying/thinking the thing, reflect quite negatively in fact, but are still worthy of study. Actually, maybe even more worth studying for their problems, because if we don’t examine and interrogate the murky underbelly of our culture, then what is the point of like, remembering history.
So I’m not exactly certain what you meant by “beyond” problematic, but hopefully I’ve made my position more clear, and maybe we might even be more on the same page than you thought!
The other issue was me being flippant about death, which is, again unfortunately, another of my usual vibes :/  I know I’m not alone in that though? In fact, I’m not even alone in making morbid jokes about the specific topic of stylishly succumbing to terrible illness, as the first handful of results from a cursory Google search for “consumptive beauty” turns up an article that literally opens with “As Hollywood continues to impress upon us even today, the most beautiful and glamorous thing a woman can do is drop dead.”
But while I was blithe in my tone, I was not being offhand with my link between the aestheticizing of consumption and AIDS, which I genuinely think is a really damn good comparison. I’m not a scholar in the history of tuberculosis either, but I do know that while the disease itself didn’t care who it got (and got a lot since we knew fuck all about germ theory at the time), in popular culture it WAS disproportionately associated with a marginalized group: Victorian era women. And like, do I think there is a whole lot of hay to be made over a society going from fetishizing dying young women to fetishizing dying gay men? Heck yeah I do. That sure seems like A Thing To Unpack!
And in case anyone thinks this HIV incarnation of the Wasting Babe isn't as widespread as I'm making it out to be, shall we take a quick tour of just some of Tumblr’s favorite aestheticized AIDS metaphors I mean thin chronically ill gays? Kieren Walker from In The Flesh. Fanon pre-serum Steve Rogers. Brideshead Revisited’s Sebastian Flyte. And probably the golden example: Remus Lupin.
The thing is, I don’t blame you for disliking this! We all should! It’s uncomfortable, and disturbing, and immoral, but ohmygod, we do it. We did then, we do it now. Yes, over the decades the latest suffering populations have been variably politicized to different monstrous degrees (we haven’t even touched on Heroine Chic for instance, which is a whole other barrel of complicated, as the white girls who popularized this ~high fashion look~ were not discriminated against the way the black communities who were exaggeratedly linked with drug addiction were). And yes, making grim jokes about the collective morbid creeper kink is definitely less acceptable the closer we are to the epidemic in question, that trauma being a more recent wound --- which is probably why we, y’know, have taken to hiding this one under lycanthropy and zombie-ism. But the fact is that dark through-line from the consumptive beauty to the frail twink is there, and while yes, I’m not a gay man, I can’t see what good would be done in trying to restrict a queer woman from attempting to confront, however mixed my attempts may be, this phenomenon that affects her communities.
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dunesand · 7 years
if Noshi’s crew were stranded could they pull enough paper off him for a fire, or would he start to hurt/get thin/something else bad?
of course! it wouldnt hurt him. : ^ ) as long as he himself is not close to the fire!
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jayrockin · 8 years
what’s the staraway aliens vision like? what colours can they see, any we can’t? the avians don’t look like they have eyes...
Avians have six eyes, they’re just sort of like a chameleon and you can only see the pupil behind a sphincter of skin.
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They can see in our visual spectrum and further, into UV ranges. They’re also good at picking out color “blends” human eyes interpret as an in-between, like whether something is reflecting green, or reflecting both blue and yellow.
Ferrets can really only see the shades red, green, and infrared; but can also see in light conditions everyone else is blind in, so who’s really winning here
Centaurs can see red through blue wavelengths, but are best at discerning shades in the red-orange range, like how humans are best at discerning blue-green shades. The vegetation on their planet is mostly red in color.
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geirutoneido · 8 years
okay but the real question: how many messages should you send without getting a response before giving up. maybe they’re busy! or maybe I’m friendship pestering them into an early grave!! we just don’t know!!!    
honeslty it depends on you? like if you feel bad about sending a lot of messages w/o people replying to you then dont do that
there’s lots of reasons why someone could be not replying to you, many of which arent because they think you’re annoying (irl life, ppl forget, no energy, too many total messages from ppl to reply to them all) & like... its up to you to decide how much of that you can and want to deal with if that stresses you out
if its not something you can handle altogether, or you feel unwanted by your friends, then move on from them to new people that can and do reply to you, because the amount of response you are going to get out of people is probably not going to change much regardless of how much you talk to them (unless you dont/barely talk to them at all)
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lunarlines · 3 years
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@secretlyawizard requested a seal!!!!
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feralfennecfox · 8 months
thank you so much for all the lovely comments you've left on my infinisea stuff, it really means a lot!
Of COURSE! My autism doesn't let me keep it inside when I'm really excited about things, and this universe you've created is so many of my fave things all in one!!! I may just be one random tumblr user but I am a big fan :3
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Our boy Popplio has just been adopted!  Thank you Secretlyawizard for adopting him and I wish you both well! <3
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dismalpersonas · 7 years
secretlyawizard replied to your post
I prefer the 8 house system, under which I’d be in Ravendor. you get more ~nuance~
That’s the good shit. I should have paid attention to my second - I think it may have been Slytherin though. Gryferin, then? Hm.
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kuruna · 6 years
@secretlyawizard I think trombones are a goblin instrument!! Trombones, tuba, saxophone....maybe the clarinet too
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