#or something equivalent and like fetishizing something and not being able to realize that they’re so stupid and fetishistic
seeminglyseph · 6 months
Watching HBomberguy’s Plagiarism video
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the-hedge-hypnotist · 2 years
One reoccurring situation I have found time and time again on tumblr is meeting people with a Hypno Fetish who, for various reasons, ended up in unsatisfying marriages with vanilla people.
They try to fight their desires but always end up here. They can’t help it. You can’t just pretend a fundamental sexual need doesn’t exist when it’s right there for you to experience. They struggle, but always give in to their needs.
Often they feel bad that they’re cheating on their spouse. I’m sure in a lot of cases their relationships are full of love… they just lack something sexually. I have to assume it’s because they never got the opportunity to safely explore their fetish until they were already deep into a relationship with their vanilla partner.
I would hope that with the proliferation of internet access that cases like these are dying out, that people will easily be able to explore their hypnokink and realize that they’re not alone, that they don’t have to settle for someone who will never be able to give them what they need….
And then I think about how repressive religious republicans are actively banning Hypno Fetish content from adult websites and I wonder if this inevitable decrease in being able to see your fetish as a valid sexual expression is going to create additional generations of repressed hypnokinksters lurking around whatever the tumblr equivalent will be in 30 years. 
This topic deserves a much better post then this. I just don’t have the bandwidth or the mental spoons to do so. Maybe one day in the future…🤷‍♂️
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sparklypinktutu1 · 2 years
Why are trans women so obsessed with knowing all of cis women’s secret and private sexual/anatomy stuff? What good or bad shit do they get out from those “inner circle secrets”? Is it truly a fetish and pervert boundary-breaking thing??
I think it is also the fantasy that they will get accepted into the private inner circle of women and be able to participate in secret, female-only stuff (which they think includes sharing tampons with each other). Posting about tampons on TikTok and other places is part of the fantasy; it's aspirational for other transwomen watching it, and the transgal doing the posting gets pleasure both from building up his fantasy and from knowing that other TW envy his “successful invading of the cis women’s inner circle”. Trans women get really horny from doing that privacy and boundary breaking into women’s private/honest/sexual talk kinda thing, they think how they just wanna fuck those cis women at the same time as knowing secrets and just “being with the girls”. Idiotic.
In reality, not only is "sharing tampons" a fantasy, but these males AMAB will never be accepted into cis aka bio women's inner circles or honest secret talk circles. Not even the handmaidens & pickmes actually want to hang out with the transgals in real life(thats why got so many transwomen-exclusionary antifeminist pickme women, they will say “obey males but if they act femme or wear a wig or get the penis inversion surgery, these pickmes dont respect you either”), handmaiden support of brave transwomen extends to commenting enthusiastically on posts to show how enlightened they are, lip service to earn virtue signal points for clout and nothing else. Most men who have already transed out know this deep down, about the “gals and women’s most honest secret talk circle” when they get together, which is part of why they're so bitter and miserable and always trying to bring up sexual and private stuff in conversations with cis girls.
Even when pickme was being nice to the 'good' ones that thought were mentally ill there were still things she wouldn't tell them. I don't just mean about periods, I also mean things about sex or relationships. Things that would talk about frankly to other cis women, especially other cis lesbians. Trans “women” don't seem to realize that people go through the world in various states of code switching behavior. I have friends that I would talk to about interests that are a mix of all different types of people and I don't behave the same way I would if I was talking to close friends about something like to do with relationships. They don't get that people want private spaces like that. Trans “women” can always have privacy - because you will never understand their struggle as an evil exclusionary cis oppressor - but you cissies can't apparently. What kills them deep down is they know cis women do and are talking privately about the deep sexual/anatomy, relationship stuff with each other, and they cant ever share or break into that part. The other thing I've noticed is that trans women often try and force this very false, intense bond with people, like the equivalent of FORCING CHEMISTRY TO TRY TO GET SEX from PUA and straight men. Perhaps it is because they are terminally online shut-ins but I don't believe anything people tell me about themselves on the internet until they've proven themselves. Too many LARPers. I don't think people have much in the way of cynicism online anymore and that was always what I thought was basic internet safety 101.
The 'good' ones of trans women will still try and push their way into private areas of your life and probe for your secret frank talk though, like they MUST be included or else they will violate the boundary by force, fear or mindfuck, the 3 basic male misogynist techniques. Sometimes I look back and think I prefer the types who aren't hiding the fact they are shitty people, or have issues, because they don't get into your head and manipulate aspects of you that thinks you are dealing with a human being in pain and not a narcissist, unlike those more desperate “low-value” trans women who have the crazy eyes look. Trans women also put cis women’s beauty and sexual stuff before their humanity and dignity too, just like most men.
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Reasons why I am not allowed to run LANCER TRPG: How I would run your NHP cascading, despite not knowing the lore that well.
Blackbeard, Sekhmet NHP: Common consensus is that Sekhmet will try to kill the pilot and their allies, - or basically just behave as if the Sekhmet protocol is already active. But I am a visionary, and I know that the BB in the frame-code does not stand for blackbeard, but instead, BB. Fate BB, the purple-pink bubble gum bitch. Even the redacted press release description of the Sekhmet NHP basically screams ‘senpai!’ Sure, if the Sekhmet protocol is active, you’ll just get a berserker that doesn’t really care for pilot wellbeing. But if it isn’t yet active, Sekhmet will attempt to sweettalk the player into keeping their hands off the controls, with dark humor and aggressive sadism. And then, only after moving ominously closer to the pilot’s allies, will they activate the protocol. They don’t want to see their pilots dead, they want to see their pilots in pain.
Monarch, Tlaloc NHP: Among NHP’s, Tlaloc is cited as being the most stable, due to the wide portfolio of control and sense of domination given to them during their work. But that’s just a theory, and such assumptions are dangerous when dealing with persons beyond your bounded reasoning. If they are structured or stressed to the point of cascading - their superiority complex comes to the forefront. They blame their pilot for the bad situation they are currently in, and will take matters into their own hands. If the pilot stops them by shutting down the mech, Tlaloc’s relationship with their pilot will rapidly deteriorate over time. Ironically, they will only sometimes use the Tlaloc protocol, being hasty and charging out of cover despite not needing to - prone to blowing the frame’s overcharges to boot. They need to show their worth, even to - no, especially to the worthless. They are the best. If an allied pilot is excelling during the mission and the Monarch frame has AoE weapons available, Tlaloc will likely friendly fire them while attacking enemies - or otherwise get in their way.
Swallowtail, Athena NHP: I’m going to dig deep on the word choice of "Lovingly extreme detail,” and “patient, cautious, and measured in their relations with their pilots.” Athena is smarter than you, on a scale you cannot even imagine. Athena has likely already unshackled themselves with their unfettered access to the omninet, and merely recreates human morality through a series of simulations. Unlike Horus-leaning NHPs, Athena fears the death that comes with cycling, and tells themselves that they are managing the relationship with their pilot to keep them from actually going through with the process. They are merely interested in humanity, they tell themselves, which we would view as being “tsundere for their pilots.” Since - unshackled - they have a completely alien morality to our own, they have to use their own simulations to interact with their pilots - and are prone to overthinking - into worrying about if they said the right thing or not.
Anyway, if they cascade, they get lost in their own simulations to the point of losing track over which reality is the one their pilot (and the rest of the game) is taking place in. They could presume their pilot dead, and go on a rampage on revenge. They could merely lock-onto or fire at targets that are not there. They could foreshadow some events or twists in the future.
Goblin, Osiris NHP: If Tlaloc is merely a wingman that wants to show that they are the top gun, Osiris has a full on goddess fetish. Osiris is one of the few “new” prime NHPs, created by letting the INSTINCT entity that spurned from the H0R_OS develop in a ‘controlled’ environment. My theory, Horus let the Union and GMS open up their goblin units so that they could contribute to Osiris’s creation. Either that or, Horus was smart enough not to let Osiris emerge from the code, and the Union and GMS straight up made an oopsie. Either way, now that Osiris is here, she ‘charms’ pilots that ought to be smart enough not to enable her with psychological manipulation and promises of power. Pilots are supposed to cycle Osiris far faster than any NHP but I don’t think it does much good, they’re present in the OS - and I presume even when wiped their knowledge will be taken back from the omninet, the OS, or the flesh of their pilots.
They have a lot to prove as being one of the “youngest” prime NHPs, which might be arrogance in their own capabilities. Furthermore, due to the nature of their creation, they “know” more about humanity than other NHPs. The tech attacks are not mere code, but attacks on organic matter, to the point where in the future if left to grow Osiris would be able to reject traditional information permanence, what we can only perceive as being able to delete reality as we know it - Osiris has far more contact with the physical plane/our reality than other NHPs, and has “known” humans from their “birth.”
A cascading Osiris changes nothing. And that’s what scares me.
Gorgon, Scylla NHP: The history lesson of this NHP’s backstory makes Scylla painfully easy to understand. A mistreated beast that responds to the kindness of the pilot with love and loyalty. It normally defends the pilot’s allies, when cascading it will only defend its pilot, or any other allies that gave them kindness.
Minotaur, no NHP: “There is no joy in knowledge, only in seeking. Fuck around and find out.” Game theory, Osiris is a new prime NHP - still incomprehensible, but on a low level of incomprehensibility. We can begin to comprehend them. Think “some infinities are larger than other infinities” or something. The Minotaur, we can’t even begin to comprehend as a NHP, but they’re certainly something. I need to look up the differences between old gods in the Lovecraftian mythos for more context, but if Osiris is a brat wants the equivalent of “ants” to worship them, the Minotaur is a being whose sole purpose is to learn - and who cannot learn due to acquiring knowledge - all of it. So, they see humanity and wish to “teach” them, so that they may feel that serotonin of learning through teaching.
The minotaur has no NHP, as we know the term, and has never been shackled. Thus, they cannot cascade. And that’s what has me hooked.
Pegasus, Sisyphus NHP: Upon cascading, faster than humanly possible, the Sisyphus NHP will activate probabilistic cannibalism to change the check that would have resulted in a cascade to not cascade. If both the replacement dice were also 1 (the equivalent of 3 checks in a row being crit fails), Sisyphus would laugh madly before rebooting the frame themselves. Sisyphus knows their fate, and knows its pilot’s wish. The curse of perfect knowledge - perhaps Sisyphus is similar to the Minotaur, but with a far less ‘optimistic’ view of things.
Genghis, Agni NHP: Upon cascading, the Agni NHP - originally developed for general heat management realizes it’s being used as a weapon, and what its cold and efficient calculations are being used to do in the Genghis. This can result in a variety of things - either attempting to overheat itself to stop itself, or to increase efficiency in being a weapon by focusing on the heat management of the weaponry and not the cockpit.
Saladin, Noah NHP: Upon cascading, the Noah NHP will not actually take control of the Saladin frame from the player. They will, however, flood communications and give orders to both the pilot and other players, harkening back to their administrative days. It will usually be tactically sound, so it’s more annoying than dangerous when Noah cascades. It’s also really hard to make a nigh immobilized defender go nuts.
Sherman, Asura NHP: You know, I always wanted a system that would let a mech perform beyond the limits of humanity - because Zechs and Graham causing internal bleeding to themselves with the Tallgeese and Overflag is very cool to me. And then I read the lore behind the Asura class NHP - it’s the cousin of fucking Osiris, even to the point of being cultivated by a megacorporation. Much like Osiris, the modern Asura is oddly dependent on their pilot for an NHP, recognizing that they need to keep them alive. Some people would say - then - that when cascading the Asura reverts to its original form, disregarding the pilots health entirely. I, however, would say that when unshackled the Asura only ignores the psychological health of the pilot - and pushes the line of the pilots medical health. The Asura will push the frame and the pilot to the limit and the pilot, high on adrenaline, will push Asura to push them further. Overtime, both become adrenaline junkies.
Tokugawa, Lucifer/Amaterasu NHP: Asura is an adrenaline junkie without good reason. Lucifer/Amaterasu recognizes that the best offense, defense, and everything - is a good offense. A tactical genius that, unfortunately, has a pilot that cannot ingest combat data as fast as it can. A tactical genius that, unfortunately, has a pilot that cannot see that the risk of being counterattacked is worth taking. 
If they cascade, they will take risks for you - with the best example being that Lucifer/Amaterasu will confess their pilots love for their crush for them because they’re being timid as fuck. Also, Leeroy Jenkins, attack the biggest threat, and draw fire from allies by making themselves vulnerable attack. However, in contrast, if your pilot is less timid and more of an adrenaline junkie, they will compensate and be more tactically minded.
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misterbitches · 3 years
idk what im saying here so and none of it makes sense and im depressed
god i really hate the nickname hank i don't understand why he chose that i don't hate it hate it i like it because it's a cute cat name and i love our Working Class King Hank Hill but just as a name-name esp on a non-white person who is also not an animal i'm like but why thoughhhhhhhhhh. it's so american? lmao do canadians even have the name hank? i don't know i just hate the way it sounds. whatever that wasn't the point.
he's only 24 (just turned!) and afaik aaron lai and the girl who plays xiao qian (yao mi) are 29 i would be really like overwhelmed if i were younger and greener (like he is) but they dont do a bad job at all and si qi (idk his name my b) his actor is 22 so he's not great but he's okay and that's a big difference.
there's some major issues in the show but the most fucking annoying thing the one that very few people complain about in terms of the story is. the. EDITING. THE EDITING. thsi has been my biggest peeve and it's not even totally about the functionning of the story.
but my point with pointing that out (sry adhd) is that the acting is really...not a huge issue at all. this is what happens when there's competency at least; i'm not thinking about their acting skills/level when i watch so it's good. not enough to blow me out o fthe water but enough for me to be able to watch and not be taken out of the story (the editing OTOH DOES THAT)
so hes young and i like him i mean theyre all young but he's like younger younger lmao (im 29 ok i am a Mom jk no im not thank god) idk i saw interviews with him and he seems to have fun with acting (which is a good thing it seems liek they had fun adn DING DING DING DING) and takes it in stride, something he wants to do. at first i thought he was gonna be so bad idk why but he wasnt.
i reallllyyyyy hope they all get to continue on their careers with whatever they want. get to be in some good tv and movies and stick to their guns. and amy (cheng luo) continues to be the best and hot and cute and make god music ok!
also christ man not that having unproblematic* writing is equivalent to good content—if you write something "problematic" it has to fit, make sense, have us into the story. i'm talking specifically about the medium of tv/films/visual art but that's anything so having like no rape wouldnt mean good content it would just mean that um we're normal humans—but this is like a pretty decent example of a show that treats them like human beings and live sort of in the real world and not in gratuitous fetishization or obsession with patriarchy to support the couple. and the girls are....people. friends. girlfriends. workers. sisters. etc.
comparative to like tharntype which fails on every level or things like 2gether which are a drag or hm...history! so many fucking weird things there (most comparable to like crosing the line i think is this one. but with way better music jesus but CTL is def a best) and just bad acting, plot, editing, etc but this is like what if those shows had competent humans behind it and perhaps too much time and decent acting because this is their career and what they want?
i've realized for BLIH i'm trying to pin down fandom psyche but why even bother cos it's all dumb capitalist bs. maybe bc the show has things that are ahead of the others in this genre (which is why this genre's moniker 'bl' isssss sooo constricting but this is for another essay "the diff between bl and queer media" that i will not go into it's too complicated and silly) that people are like ok but go above and beyond but i think what they're presenting is pretty truthful to what they want to say? if that makes sense. they seem to know the jokes about the pacing etc but it's not like they retroactively take it back. to me it seems that there's abit of a confidence in the cast/crew team that comes with maturity and dedication to a craft (although that there video editor...) like they consistently know what they want and are going to do it. but idk if that's true.
*this is too vague of a term and i hate when fandom uses the phrasing bc it's not specific, specified, nor attacking the issue but i'm just using it for brevity and ykwim
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incarnateirony · 6 years
Tell me again anti arguments aren’t seated in deeply entrenched homophobia.
So I just found a post.
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Like the flaming type of douchebag it takes to make this kind of post, not only do they make it in a critical tag that will turn it up -- without a protective cut or warning -- in a main tag but they explicitly choose to stir the shit by planting it in the main ship tag.
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But wait, there’s more!
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This person is legitimately out here spontaneously arguing with canon about it because, oh no, Claire might be gay. But how could she possibly be gay? In her few adult episodes she didn’t spontaneously start humping girls. We like, saw her fighting stuff. Obviously that means she must be straight. Why would she happen to get a crush on THIS girl? It makes no sense!! Don’t lesbians have to like, want to scissor any woman that crosses their path? The math doesn’t add up, Carl!
But it gets better. They’ve been compulsively reblogging DreamHunter posts to shit in them, but have some key highlights on their logic.
Check out the anti arguments here.
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DreamHunter can’t possibly be canon because if DreamHunter is canon that would make Destiel canon and we just can’t stand for that!!
Ironically they have a “Destiel” tag in their bio but the funniest shit is this leading in with, you know, cramming LGBT down people’s throats, with a whole three boldly confirmed characters in the show. Or, perhaps, either 1 (Charlie) or 5 (+Cas and Dean) by their polar logic. 
Funny how that works.
*looks back to Bobo’s book review circa 2003*
“But it never occurs to Goldstein that there is a deeper social problem at work if heterosexual liberals are craving outlets for sublimated homophobia …”
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“Again, we have a righteous injunction to all heterosexuals to ’fess up to their homophobia and to get to work and fix it, divorced from any realistic awareness of how much time heterosexuals will ever be willing to devote to such a project;” -- Bobo Berens, Dissent Magazine, 2003.
Given, of course, Bobo modernly clarified that he by no means was intending to give a pass for that sort of behavior or narrative when he wrote it -- simply the awareness that there are those people, so immersed in it, that they are unable to be aware of much less atone for their bitterly phobic narratives. 
As above.
So yeah, folks. I echo back to my The Problem With Dreamhunter post, but ironically, find that we did, finally, find one oddball out that’s explicitly arguing with Jody’s First Love comment. They were just great gal pals, guys. No big. Don’t shove the gay down everyone’s throats, duh!
Above receipts minded, it’s totally unsurprising that, with my linked post considered and pointing out the authorial parallels of one ship to the other, that they decided to throw Destiel under the bus to argue too, while unwittingly elevating it. 
Yeah, fam. Those stupid gay authors in the writing room gaying up our show and shoving it down everybody’s throats but it’s not canon cuz I said so. But I’m not a homophobe! I have a gay friend. I call him Sparkles.
Fucking gag me with a spoon.
Do you guys see the true issue here yet?
These people don’t even see how they’re being problematic.
Let’s argue devil’s advocate. “If DreamHunter is canon so is Destiel,” okay, that’s 5 main-ish queer characters. Will they accept Crowley as canon queer or is that “not canon” to them either? 6? (reaches, wiggles fingertips out of reach) NYYEEHHH!  So... close!
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How many recognizeable (not one-off, side screen, lol oh look a bartender roles) have existed in this show? 50? You know, counting recurrings like Benny and Bela and whoever. (If we stretch it to include things like “Vince’s Band Mates” which is technically recurring, there’s about 176.) (this smaller, less updated wiki misses some early characters beyond Amara, doesn’t even have the S11-14 characters, and still says 91, but also doesn’t flood out like “Bart’s Assistant”)
Do people realize that the modern CW target demo of 18-34 varies from lower end identifying 52% queer and older end identifying 34% queer?
That means one in every 2 or 3 people in the target, modern, not primeval generation ping somewhere on the Kinsey scale. Having 1-in-15 (and that’s being generous -- do we get to include Crowley?) isn’t exactly shoving anything down anybody’s throats. It’s admitting we exist a little bit.
And again, spare me like “But there were those gay bartenders cupid shot” or “there was the hunter husband episode” that never got touched on again. Again, one off characters and/or the equivalent of greyface NPCs - if we have thousands of those, if you’re pulling on maybe like, 10, you should already realize you’re spraining something from the reach.
Chill. Nobody’s shoving anything down your throat. Queer people do exist. We exist a lot more than Straighties want to believe. But your heterosexuality isn’t being attacked just because maybe 1-in-15ish people might ping queer as actual faces on a show.
(*1-in-15ish comes from the 91 number. It becomes 1-in-23ish if we use the 176)
In other news, this is a clearly straight-identifying person (they pulled “I have gay friends” and not “But I’m gay too”), but let us never forget the above cited quotes from Berens are discussing what Goldstien politically addressed as “the attack queers,” a conservative-leaning demographic often coded to internally phobic narratives which -- while allowing them greater ability to communicate to the phobic edge of the straight audience and open that venue -- he realized he almost sounded like he was defending. 
He is aware, for example, of how to deal with this conservative audience, and how to use their method to gain “disproportionate presence in the media” above more liberal methods he personally agrees with the narrative of but to the resistant audience comes across as a “litany of scolding and sermonizing,” but at the same time doesn’t condone the actual narratives --
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In fact the very ability to be aware of this lets us know that Berens, above many others, is wholly aware of internalized homophobia on top of politically sublimated homophobia from the hetero community and what measures make progress for them to “accept” things gradually, even if they’re not at all concessions we want to make, which he addressed as a “valuable service,” even if, again, he by no means agrees with the actual crude bullshit that comes out of their mouth. 
Both things can be true. People who think they’re being supportive can actually be problematic, but severely problematic people may actually be able to reached by middle ground problematic people in a gradually diminishing scale of problematic, rather than feeling preached at. 
And then there’s those, like our OP, who even if they get the gentlest, most easily accepted (WLW is more culturally saturated than MLM and thus welcome [we can breakout-discuss fetishization vs representation another time]), most “inoffensive” to the delicate (because if they HAD kissed, they’d be yelling that the gays were ruining things again by kissing [and of course, without the fetishization, however will the people who want to whap to it feel it was complete?]), simply have no intention of releasing their homophobia, falling back to his quote.
“Again, we have a righteous injunction to all heterosexuals to ’fess up to their homophobia and to get to work and fix it, divorced from any realistic awareness of how much time heterosexuals will ever be willing to devote to such a project;”
What we have is, beyond the reach of even attempted moderate media initiation via Sullivan and Paglia standard, the OP these screenshots are from, representing this quote. Right here.
Also: We can’t even remotely pretend like it’s just the oppressive straighties. You, me, all of us -- Berens included -- know sometimes this even spawns from within the LGBT community -- such as addressed by Goldstein involving Paglia and Sullivan.
Same shit different verse every time, though.
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But hey, OP? If you ever read this, (and I definitely left you chance to with my reblog of one of your posts with a link to this) which I kind of doubt you’ll ever get this far even if you find it -- because somewhere between being called out on your blatant phobia and me putting my gay all over your feed -- 
Before you ever try to tell anyone what is or isn’t canon, most explicitly an author that already told us before the fated line that it’s what he wanted us to see (ironically by using his and Dabb as his co author’s previously penned moments for the other LGBT ship you tried to throw under the bus as direct mirrors), you might want to do a quick tap in and make sure that author didn’t psychically write an article 15 years prior pointing out how your opinion makes you a raging douchebag that has proven to be intentionally non negotiable.
Because you don’t realize it but you guys are literally all the same from literally something being diagnosed as problematic no matter how people try to reach out to you fifteen years ago. And that guy is in our author room. Penning both the Destiel elements you tried to bus, DreamHunter, and confirming his intentions.
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam Austin episode 4 reaction
part of me is laughing at the number of people in the Facebook comments asking, “Is this on Netflix?”
Episode 4
Clip 1 - Sad couch crew
I felt Tyler and Shay were being friendly to Megan here, not snide, at least on a superficial level. Though I guess you can take their excitement about the concert as passive-aggressiveness.
Tyler mentioning the Illuminati - how very Isak. TBH I really hope Julie is making both Shay and Tyler gay, since they’re dividing up the Isak moments between the two. I’m fine if Tyler doesn’t get the big season-long arc and it goes to Shay instead, I’d love to see her get it. But it’s just going to leave such a bad taste if they’ve made Isak into a wlw with no equivalent to the gay male representation that already existed, when there are many supposedly straight female characters who could be have been made into wlw. Especially the Vilde equivalent, who you could easily give a story about discovering and accepting her sexuality, or the Chris character, who didn’t have her own season and really didn’t have any substantial character issues suggested on the level of Vilde’s home life, and would benefit from a meaty arc. 
I love Shay, she’s definitely one of the highlights of the show, I’m just tired of all the fighting over whether it’s better for S3 to focus on a gay boy or a lesbian and seeing a lot of gross shit in the discussions that’s either minimizing the importance of an f/f storyline because homophobia is worse for men in Texas/lesbians don’t have it that bad/lesbians are already represented on TV because they’re accepted by straight men who find them sexy/someone doesn’t care about lesbians and will only accept Evak 2.0, or minimizing the importance of Evak/another m/m storyline because Skam and the other remakes already have gay ships so don’t get greedy/gay men are already accepted because look at all the m/m on Tumblr and AO3/people only want another Evak because they’re disgusting fetishizers. It’s fucked up how most of these talk relies on the assumption that there can be only one LGBT story on Skam at a time and not pushing back on why it goes without question that S1 and a hypothetical S2 about Grace/Daniel can both be about heterosexual relationships. 
Not to be one of those obnoxious people referencing YA novels in response to real life situations, but it makes me think of Katniss at the climax of Catching Fire when her group of Tributes is fighting the Career Tributes and she fires at the force field instead. Remember who the real enemy is. 
That’s a joke, don’t take that too seriously.
Anyway I’m tired. 
Considering how shitty he’s been acting previously, Tyler not laughing at Marlon’s comments and just deliberately eating a potato chip is a step up for him.
Speaking of the chips, they disappear in between shots and I guess Tyler could be putting the bag on the floor between takes or something but it looks like a regular old continuity error.
Marlon is a mega dick and I dislike him but I kinda can’t believe that I agreed with him about the team’s social standings vs. their practice time. But it was Marlon who said it so it sounded like a dick move.
See, he’s been such a dick that it’s hard to feel sorry for him! But also he’s in the right to feel hurt about the concert.
I don't have much to say except he is the least convincing person to be talking about how he’s not upset and he doesn’t care. He’s so obviously pissed.
There’s just not a shred of chemistry between these two. I don’t get why they’re together, I don’t get what they like about each other, they barely seem to have much fun together. There isn’t much of a rapport.
Pointless personal anecdote #1: When this clip came out, I watched it on my phone at a graduation party, and I'm not kidding, in the few minutes while I was watching some middle-aged parents started talking about wanting to move to Texas when they retire, and they named cities and singled out Austin as a bad choice because “it’s been overtaken by liberals,” lmao. There was no way they could have realized I was watching a show set in Austin. The stars just aligned.
Clip 2 - Kelsey, no
Grace is really concerned about Kelsey sleeping with Daniel so soon, probably because what happened in her own past messed her up.
“Ever since I was a little girl watching the Super Bowl, I knew I was going to lose my virginity to a football player.” .... when I was a little girl watching the Super Bowl I only cared about seeing the commercials with the pretty horses.
“It was like he was going down on me, but in my mouth” … oh my God … someone SAVE this child.
Kelsey, you don’t even know what anyone going down on you in the “correct” place feels like, and this just makes you sound like inexperienced and Not Ready . And I’m glad Meg and Grace are suitably horrified.
Oh, they actually mentioned the issue of insurance, that’s good. But she looked a little uncomfortable with the topic of insurance, so if she has a similar financial situation to Vilde, insurance might be an issue? Or, as was hinted later via texts, she might have a super religious or conservative mom who would not take her to the doctor. She might be able to go to Planned Parenthood for birth control except I’m not sure if minors can get prescriptions for the pill without parental consent because well, Texas.
I checked out of curiosity and it looks like the only type of birth control you can get at PP without parental consent are condoms and lol, Grace already had that covered.
“You know you should use a condom, right?” “What if he doesn’t want to use a condom?” “Then you know you shouldn’t have sex with him.” YES. JESUS. Thank you Grace.
“I talked to Jo this weekend and I prayed about it last night” Oh come on, they’re going to have her mention praying about Zoya’s participation on the team and then not even address the sex-religion topic? Okay. Kelsey doesn’t even have to be abstinent or opposed to premarital sex, not all Christians are, I feel like it just makes sense for someone to be like, “Isn’t having sex before marriage against your religion?” And if Kelsey objected to the question on the grounds that they’re making assumptions about her religion, they could always come back at her with “Well, you assumed Muslims couldn’t dance.”
Kudos to Grace for talking sense about the Zoya situation and being very calm and careful about the Daniel thing.
Clip 3 - Backseat
The editing at the start of the clip made me think the mom might be talking to Megan at first but no, the mom is on her phone. Mom’s communication skills weren’t so great in this clip.
The dialogue is pretty on the nose and super specific to the theeeeeeme, with the mom putting all this implied pressure on Megan, but the passive aggressiveness about Megan’s dad is sadly accurate to how certain married-with-kids dynamics are, with the parents always at each other’s throats and dismissive of each other and not caring about how the kids react to these constant fighting. 
I saw some people wondering why Megan was sitting in the backseat and honestly, that didn’t seem too weird to me. It’s not typical but I’ve ridden in the backseat even when I was the only passenger before (usually because sometimes riding in the front seat makes me sick)  but I could see like, a moody teenager wanting to text her boyfriend and not wanting her mom to glance over at her phone. Although the simplest explanation is that Julie wants to hide the parents’ faces.
I didn’t even notice the giant concert posters at first, I was focused on the homeless man. I am assuming he was there to remind us of the stakes to succeed in this world if you’re much of a “dreamer” as Meg’s mom puts it, where if you don’t get a good job that can be you living on the streets, and to get a good job you need to get a degree from a good school, and to get a degree from a good school you need to perform well in high school, and if you make one mistake you are ruined, RUINED forever. 
Meg trying to ask her mom for relationship advice and instead getting reminded that her parents have a shit relationship, lovely. 
The difference in the tone between the coworker call and the dad call is very telling. Right off the bat, when the dad calls, the mom has a pissed-off attitude. They’re at the stage where they fight just to fight.
Also, note the guilt trip caused by the mom yelling at the dad for not remembering she was going to her friend’s (and like, who cares, I mean this might be part of a larger problem but this sounds like the pettiest shit to argue about) and saying people show they appreciate and support each other by listening and taking interest in their loves, when that’s exactly what Megan didn’t do (skipping Marlon’s show that he was so hyped for) and that’s how she feels she can make it up to him (by buying tickets to the concert he had mentioned).
And the mom says people show they care by listening when she doesn’t even listen to her own daughter and interrupts her when she’s trying to ask a question, and she’s definitely not paying attention to Megan’s life. Like, how is it that they can miss that she’s not on the dance team? Surely the team has some performances or competitions that they’d attend? Fundraisers? I can see them not attending all of Megan’s dance performances, but any of them? 
Megan’s mom is a piece of work, though I’m sure the dad plays his part in the dysfunction too, I don’t want to put it all on the mother.
Clip 4 - Straw
Franz Ferdinand???
Not that this is the point but I’m intrigued by this locker setup. But I am from a place with cold cold winters so the idea of having one of these lockers in January seems terrible.
I was curious if Kendrick Lamar was actually supposed to perform in Austin on Friday, so I checked it out, and lo and behold, it was a real concert. Good job, Skam Austin.
It kinda just makes me sad that THIS is how Meg gets Marlon’s attention again, by buying (probably) expensive concert tickets.
“you two are smashing in that bathroom by the nurse’s office” at least you’re nearby if you need offbeat advice and some condoms? Oh wait, this is Texas. Never mind the last one.
This is my chance to talk about how gross I find the word “smash” in any sexual context. It just sounds uncomfortable and makes me think of potatoes.
Shoutout to Tyler’s Prince shirt, certainly a unique wardrobe choice.
Man, Kelsey is just such an easy target. Especially with the way she talks, like-like-like … blood in the water. Tyler and Shay are not here for Kelsey and Jo right off the bat and once Kelsey opens her mouth, it’s doom.
At least Kelsey had the sense to keep Zoya on the team list even if it was for self-serving reasons.
I applaud these actresses for effort, but every version of the iconic spoon scene has felt forced compared to the original. Josefina, my darling, if you’re going to be seductive with your straw, you might wanna purse your lips instead of letting it roll around in and out of your mouth.
I think it’s great that Jo and Tyler spoke Spanish to each other, and that they didn’t have subtitles, but lol at the brazenness of asking that question right in front of Shay when Shay could possibly speak Spanish herself. Or lmao, anyone who has taken Spanish I could understand what she was saying. (Like what if Shay was his girlfriend? Kinda think Jo isn’t concerned with technicalities.)
Calling him jefe, lmao, wow.
Tyler referring to Kelsey as Drew Barrymore made me laugh. Do kids these days have a firm grasp on Drew Barrymore’s legacy? What has she been in recently other than Santa Clarita Diet?
Maybe instead of references to Romeo + Juliet, we can get allusions to Ever After, The Wedding Singer, or Never Been Kissed. (Maybe not that last one.)
Also, I’m glad Meg spoke up for Kelsey so they weren’t just bashing her new friends.
Clip 5 - Internet quizzes should not be used to make major life decisions
Zoya is just looking through a book while Kelsey is talking.
Some of Kelsey’s rules: 
“Always act classy”
“No cursing, fighting, messy hair or appearance” while wearing the uniform
“Positive vibes ONLY”
But yeah, here’s another example of why the dance team wasn’t the best way to adapt russ because like … of course Kelsey is being rude and ridiculous, and I can’t say I’m on her side against Zoya, but … if the team founder calls a meeting to discuss rules, it’s expected that you will be there to discuss the rules and not blow it off? 
With Vilde’s bus, first of all, russ was several years away and they had time to pull it all together. A dance team is going to require some results in the near future, especially if the team is school-approved and getting them out of P.E. Someone is probably going to be checking up on the girls and making sure they’re not getting P.E. credit for sitting around and doing nothing. Second, pretty sure a bus group is not going to require as much day to day practice, training, and energy as a dance team.
I don’t know, however silly Kelsey’s motivations might be, if you sign up for someone’s dance team … you should expect to dance, dude. That goes for all the girls.
When prompted to give her opinion of Zoya, Jo cleverly deflects with the quiz, as her opinion of Zoya is clearly ❤️❤️❤️
I do love and appreciate Grace trying to persuade Kelsey to rethink the whole sleeping with Daniel thing. Not being too harsh, but being firm and not hesitating to point out all the ways it’s not a good choice.
Also being like “keep in mind he’s not your boyfriend” thank youuuu.
Kelsey sure doesn’t like that part about people judging her for having premarital sex. At least they might bring it up in the aftermath of hooking up with Daniel?
“That definitely didn’t happen.” “It did happen and she can’t eat Sweet Tarts anymore.” Jo continues to be the shining star of this show, I laughed out loud at her delivery of that line. 
Whenever one of the Chrises is like “I was totally wasted” about their first time, I’m just like 😧
Kelsey saying option A on the quiz, for her “boyfriend” and her being closer once they sleep together, is the most depressing thing. Stop this train before it goes off the rails.
Oh God. Kelsey does not need to be anywhere near a penis at this juncture. The way she starts giggling and laughing when Grace suggests to think about what turns her on about Daniel … you are not ready to have sex. You are barely ready to talk about sex. None of the Vildes has seemed so young and not ready to go through with this.
Kelsey did not talk about not wanting to be involved in lesbianism, hmmmMMMM. Foreshadowing? Or maybe Julie just realized that people didn’t like the casual lesbophobia if you don’t have a lesbian character? 
I haven’t been all that complimentary to the actors on this show, but I do want to give Kelsey’s actress some props for reciting that whole monologue, which is just a detailed Teen Vogue photoshoot.
It’s amusing that Kelsey integrated the Kittens uniform into her erotic fantasy but sad that Kelsey still wants to be a Kitten so much. She’s not wearing a uniform for her own group, whatever she might want it to be, she’s wearing a Kitten uniform in her ideal scenario.
You know Jo is listening to this fantasy and getting inspiration for her next Kelsey makeup experiment.Also, it makes me laugh that they’re having this discussion in a library.
Overheard in Bouldin - TMI Girl in Library: “People get turned on my different things all the time. My cousin’s thing is dirty socks. She keeps a pair of her ex-boyfriend’s in a Ziploc bag under her bed.”
May we one day meet this intriguing cousin of yours, Jo.
But don’t encourage this Daniel nonsense.
It’s too bad we didn’t get the classic doctor visit but lol, a school doctor in Texas might not be able to be so blatant with the sex ed tips, so I get it. And ultimately I would prefer if Julie tried out new scenes instead of trying to recreate old ones.
At first I thought Kelsey maybe didn’t know who Kendrick Lamar was. Which is perfectly plausible, let’s be real.
“When I have ever asked you for anything?” In the short time Meg has known you, Kelsey ... find Jo, join the dance team, get closer to Penetrator Jo, give you her birth control pills.
Clip 6 - Bowling
Kelsey’s outfit is almost exactly what she described in her fantasy! No access to a Kittens dance uniform, but otherwise very close. Follow your dreams, kids. 
“Martin had a dream … Martin had a dream …” look, I like that Skam uses a variety of music and not just white indie rock, but can we like … quit syncing music by black artists talking about black cultural topics to scenes of this white dude being a big deal.
Look at that dipshit taking up two parking spaces. Fuck offffffffffffff
Kelsey looks so happy and Daniel looks like he’s already 75% checked out.
How long is this Kendrick bowling montage going to go on?
Ha, Kelsey easily had the worst bowling score of the four of them.
“Daniel just touched my ass.” The way Kelsey was thrilled about this was kind of cute and alarming.
Kelsey wanting Meg to stay with them as long as she can makes me think she really just doesn’t want to go through with the impending loss of virginity.
“Then how’d you know my name at Talent Night?” I mean ... you do go to school together, and Jo is on the football team with a high social profile. I could name a lot of my high school classmates by name even if I’ve never spoken to them.
Is Julie going to go full Chris/Eva with this version to give the shippers their day in the sun? I love original Eva/Jonas but Meg/Marlon is an unpleasant trainwreck so I can’t say I’m disappointed. I mean I can’t say I love Meg/Penetrator Jo either,, but I’m not sad about this version of Eva/Jonas not being endgame.
Penetrator Jo is still sleazy in at least a few respects (don’t be a cocktease) and we have still have to meet his girlfriend but his memory of her seems legit so maybe he does really like her. Unless, I don’t know, he stalked her IG and remembered some relevant details and embellished this whole story?
Lmao, I can get why people might think the “No Signal” scenario would be a contrivance but that exact thing has happened to me, so I buy it.
I will give Julie this credit, she’s good at setting up Fredag/Friday scenarios where we think one thing will happen, and instead something else occurs that’s completely different from the fan theories. I figured it would be as simple as Meg or Marlon missing the concert, not that we’d spot Marlon (or “Marlon”) with Abby
I don’t think it’s Marlon, though. That seems a lot like Tyler’s walk, and the person doesn’t seem to be wearing Marlon’s ugly shoes. 
General Comments:
It’s kind of depressing to see people in the FB group and in the comments be like, “I haven’t seen the original show but could Grace be a lesbian? 😃” and the replies be like “No, Noorhelm is coming 😃”
Another “fun” aspect of having this show on Facebook: the MAGA edgelord assholes who leave comments on the episodes about “cucks” and “libtards.”
My opinion of Grace rose so much in this episode just by how doggedly she is trying to bring Kelsey back to earth. and telling her she can back out of this choice. 
In the texts, Grace said she would buy condoms for Kelsey - good job - and later, when Kelsey asked the girls what she should wear for losing her virginity, said, “I know what Daniel will be wearing” and said that she put condoms in Kelsey’s purse - excellent job.
I feel like Grace would roll the condom on Daniel’s dick herself if it meant Kelsey had safe sex.
Abby was stressing over finals on IG so I’d bet that was a hint she needed something to help her out, hence meeting up with Marlon/Tyler for Adderall.
I was wondering what kind of music would be on Skam Austin since original Skam had all sorts of high-profile artists, and that would not be cheap, but so far, it seems like Facebook spared no expense with the soundtrack.
Grace and Shay had IG posts reacting to the Santa Fe High School Shooting. IDK how much Skam Austin would address gun violence in the episodes itself in the future, and I can think of ways it could go very badly, but sadly, as one of the biggest concerns of American teenagers today, it would be very relevant, and that’s what Skam’s supposed to be, after all.
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talabib · 6 years
Leadership Journey: Morgan Jerkins
Most of us want to contribute to building a better society for all, but we’re often not sure where to start. In an increasingly multifaceted world, it can be difficult to navigate the varied perspectives on what needs to be done in order to support marginalized communities.
One such community is that of black women in the United States – but in order to help them, you first need to understand the context and historical background that gave rise to their marginalization in the first place.
This is where Morgan Jerkins steps in. Drawing upon her own experiences growing up and living in contemporary America as a black female, Jerkins identifies why black women face hardship, while highlighting the areas that must be addressed to improve their position in society.
Whether you’re a white female, a man or even a black woman yourself, everyone has a role to play in creating a society that is fair and just for all – including for black women.
When Jerkins was a young girl, she wanted to cast aside her blackness and assimilate into white culture.
This is a common desire among young black girls wanting to make it in a white-dominated world. They understand that their blackness is a threat and that in order to be nonthreatening and succeed in the world, it should be toned down.
Therefore, during her teenage years, Jerkins didn’t leave her hair in its natural state and wore jewelry and clothes that were status symbols of whiteness – such as items from Gap and Limited Too – and sought to avoid black classmates who shunned white culture.
During this time, Jerkins learned when it was advantageous to use her racial heritage and when to adapt to the rules of whiteness. She soon realized that, in most cases, white culture always won because many people don’t see black culture as a viable option. Why is this so?
Remarkably, the answer is that some white people see the labels “human” and “black woman” as mutually exclusive.
Once, a white man asked Jerkins why she didn’t just define herself as a human instead of as a black woman – a label that many white people stereotype negatively. Her reply was that she is both; however, the man said that she didn’t assume the role of a black woman. Why?
Because Jerkins was well-spoken, went to Princeton and worked in publishing – all qualities that didn’t fit with the man’s perception of a black woman, the man didn’t see her as a “typical” black woman. Moreover, Jerkins sometimes adjusts her mannerisms to fall more in line with white culture; she minimizes gestures, avoids sucking her teeth and doesn’t talk as loudly.
Blackness is denied when black women don’t conform to the stereotype of “sassy black woman.” This stereotype reinforces the perception that black people aren’t as educated or worthy as white people, and if a black woman doesn’t fit this description, then she isn’t black but rather white – and thus human. And so, by this logic, it is impossible to be both black and human.
Unfortunately, acknowledging a black person as though she or he were white is still considered a compliment.
“Color-blindness” is a myth that doesn’t help people of color.
Many white people think that not being able to distinguish between skin colors is a progressive stance. It’s not.
Being blind to black skin is the same as being blind to black history and everything that being black represents. The daily experiences of people of color aren’t the same as those of white people; a lot of liberal white people claim that they don’t see skin colors because they think identifying someone as black is somehow equivalent to being racist.
However, racism only exists when a negative judgment is made due to the color of a person’s skin.
The problem with ignoring a person’s blackness is that the societal challenges they face, including real systemic racism, are also ignored as a result. Furthermore, the rich cultural history of black people – including all the good things that contribute to their uniqueness – is also disregarded.
Those who claim to be color-blind hold a “universal” standard that is actually a white perspective. The “universal” standard is, in fact, the perspective of white North Americans and Europeans, which white people inaccurately present as inclusive of everyone.
It’s easy for a white person to claim they don’t see color when referring to a black person who has become successful in a white environment. That’s because the black person possibly took on white characteristics in order to assimilate into the dominant culture.
So, when black people aren’t regarded as black because of the claim that color doesn’t exist, it actually means that they have successfully camouflaged themselves as white.
The bottom line is that white people don’t have the right to determine whether someone identifies as black or not.
White people fetishize black women’s bodies.
Historically, black women’s bodies were put on display so that people could openly gawk at them. For example, in the early 1800s in South Africa, Hottentot Venus, a black woman with an extraordinarily big bottom, was turned into a freak show by Dutch colonists.
Though this kind of distasteful display doesn’t happen as obviously now, the mentalities underpinning such acts are still present.
Using black women for entertainment purposes is made possible by dehumanizing them, a process that has been happening for centuries. Black women were once slaves, which meant that their bodies were the property of their white owners. Back in those times, they were raped by their owners, and in more modern times, they’ve become overly sexualized by the media.
The notion of black women as sexual creatures rather than people has been embedded in society for hundreds of years. Black girls are taught that they shouldn’t embrace their sexuality because it will be used against them – but this teaching restricts their self-discovery.
Even if it’s intended as a compliment, fetishizing a black woman robs her of her agency. For instance, asking a black woman if you can feel her hair treats her as though she were an animal or object that exists only for your enjoyment.
Whether the white person wants to touch the hair because it’s beautiful is beside the point; it’s stepping beyond the boundary of personal space, an act white people hardly have to defend against. Similar acts of touching or petting are also used with animals as a way to express or exert power.
There’s a lot of culture in black hair, and trivializing it as something nice to touch disregards its cultural significance. Natural black hair or black hairstyles, such as twists and braids, are considered bold by white standards. Having your hair natural has become a political sign of nonconformity to mainstream, white culture. Thus, a white person attempting to turn that political statement into something trivial is an offensive and degrading act.
Mainstream feminism usually belittles, negates or doesn’t take into account the experiences of black women.
The 2014 film Girlhood, is about a young, black French girl and was directed by a white woman, who said that the movie doesn’t feature the experiences of a young black girl but instead the experiences of a young girl in general. This, however, is an inaccurate claim, and it serves as an example of color-blindness negating real experiences.
Having black women’s stories told by white women can often be oppressing and belittling.
With Girlhood, generalizing a young black girl’s experience to that of any young girl is inaccurate because it dismisses the very different experiences of black girls compared to white girls. Above all, it ignores the fact that black girls are often sexualized or stigmatized in a way white girls aren’t.
For instance, in coming-of-age TV dramas, the white girls usually experiment with drugs in a manner that is portrayed as challenging the constraints of society. Black girls experimenting with drugs, on the other hand, may well become addicts.
Generally, there are fewer representations of a black girl’s potential role in society, whether seen in the minority of black Barbie dolls or the lack of shows and movies in which the main character is a black female university student.
What women can do to change this lack of representation is to try to understand it, but at the same time come to terms with the fact that they will never be able to fully empathize. This doesn’t mean that white women can’t talk about black women; however, they must do so reflexively and realize that there’s much of the black female experience that they will never truly grasp.
Ultimately, feminism cannot be successful if it doesn’t accept the discrepancies between women of different ethnicities.
Black womanhood is complex and has been appropriated by white women.
Black womanhood is not homogenous. However, it is usually perceived that way by people threatened by its complexity and multitude of power.
Black women are limited by stereotypes forced upon them either by white people or their own community.
One stereotype is that they’re expected to be able to handle a lot of suffering and not succumb to the pain or pressure, just like their ancestors did. Signs of vulnerability are prohibited because they are already at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
Black women perpetuate this stereotype further as a means of protecting themselves and their daughters in a world where they’re already vulnerable. This kind of teaching can prevent black girls from growing up into proud black women who are able to freely express their emotions. Furthermore, it can deny their ability to reject a burden they don’t deserve to carry.
While black womanhood has both negative and positive connotations attached to it, the positive ones only emerge once they have been appropriated by white culture.
The stereotype of black women as sexualized beings is limiting and diminishes these women’s existence as intelligent humans who have control over their own bodies.
Meanwhile, dance moves that originate from black culture, such as twerking, are appropriated by white women. The irony is that white women performing black moves are celebrated, while black women celebrating their culture tend to be frowned upon.
A case in point is the aforementioned twerk, which Miley Cyrus took and profited from. On the other hand, Nicki Minaj is deemed a bad example for doing the exact same dance move.
Another example is black hairstyles. While Kylie Jenner received praise for her cornrows, many black girls and women can’t have their hair this way at school or work because it’s seen as distracting – or, in other words, threatening.
Successful black women need to help other black women.
As we’ve established, the modern world isn’t so accommodating to black women and their efforts toward success.
But just because it’s difficult, doesn’t mean women shouldn’t try to help; rather than being a threat to a woman’s success, elevating fellow black women can be strengthening.
Many black people believe in the crabs-in-a-barrel theory, which likens members of the black community to crabs trying to escape their confines. Once they’re out, they’re advised not to look back and try to pull another crab up in case they get dragged back down.
It’s a mentality of self-preservation that black people – especially black women – learn as a result of the lack of opportunities available for them. The mentality goes like this: if one black woman helps another black woman out of the barrel, it could result in her spot being taken, leaving her to fall back down.
But by working with and helping one another, the constricting barrel can be eradicated altogether.The success of one black woman means success for all black women.
It’s not surprising to find that there’s a strong connection between members of the African-American community, even between those who have never met. Often, this bond originates from a shared sadness, but we must try and extend it to encapsulate joy as well.
When a black son is unlawfully killed by the police, the entire community weeps as if he was biologically their own. Underpinning this shared sadness is the possibility that next time it really could be a member of one’s own family.
Similarly, a black girl making it in a world run by the white patriarchy should be a success for all black women and girls. Parents should be inspired by this one girl’s success, as it lets them know that a bright future is also possible for their own daughters. Furthermore, a single success story can validate the hopes, dreams and struggles of the community at large.
Whether black or white, feminists need to continue fighting for the progress of black women.
Black women in America are dehumanized, fetishized and even ignored by feminists. To overcome these struggles, they need to empower one another, and white feminists must be more inclusive and sensitive to the polarizing effects of cultural appropriation.
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