#or that nonbinary people Don't Transition so they aren't truly trans? Like I've seen this exact shit for YEARS now
uncanny-tranny 7 months
It's okay to just be binary you know
It's also okay to let trans people do whatever they want forever. Hope this helps.
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residentialrabbit 1 year
heya! first of all, i fucking LOVE your game, and i don't mean to be harsh at all.
the main thing i wanted to say that i appreciate the inclusivity of the gender options, but the way it's split between "men/non-men" for the different routes is a bit frustrating.
i'm bigender male + female and panromantic, i see myself as both a girl who likes girls and a boy who likes boys. the problem is it's a bit frustrating essentially having to choose between "men/non-men" when i'm both.
i'd choose the nonbinary option, but i'm planning to transition ftm. i prefer mr over mx, and the idea of not being seen as enough of a guy for irene's route is rather dysphoric.
i'd choose trans man in the options, but the idea of not being seen as wlw enough or "enough of a girl" for rositas route is also dysphoric. i've previously identified as a lesbian and i'm dating one, so it feels kinda weird to be completely locked out of the option. it's a different type of dysphoria, but it's still not great haha
i understand most people who identify as ftm aren't bigender or wouldn't want to be seen as wlw, so i feel like this could possibly be fixed with more customizable gender options. maybe tickboxes and a way to change the pronouns/honorifics used would work? i'm not quite sure.
overall, i understand if this is too complicated to add, and i understand the way you implemented it covered the most ground, and that i'm an exception here. i just wanted to share my experience. thanks for hearing me out, and good luck developing repurpose further! i'm super excited for cherri's route btw. ^_^
hi there! I completely understand where you're coming from, truly I do. but our current gender system is complex enough as it is for someone like me who's very very novice at programming ^^; I'd love to have a pronoun system as complex as other games like Our Life, and I am aware they recently even released their script for their gender system, but Repurpose is very much at a state where overhauling our gender system would be more work ontop of a mountain of work I already have to do.
Myself on top of being the director am the artist for sprites and CGs, editor, and programmer, as well as managing a bunch of other things it stresses me out to even have to think about having to build up something from scratch again after a turbulent production that now just me and my partner Sam along with outside help for parts I genuinely cant do myself (voice acting/direction, music, backgrounds).
Again, I totally get where you're coming from especially also someone who is enby and gets frustrated with games that don't even have nonbinary options but a system more complex than the one we have is just not feasible with our current state of production. 馃槶
Perhaps if I ever do another visual novel I would but given how much I struggled with Repurpose alone it's unlikely....
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jules-hoard-of-stuff 4 years
More gender ramblings bc why not. Not as angry or venty this time tho
I think the reason I have trouble seeing myself as a trans guy, is that seeing myself in a fully masculine light is foreign to me. I can imagine myself with different genitals, or a deep voice, or being called boy but like. The moment it shifts into the thinking of binary transhood, that's when it just stops working. Suddenly it's impossible for me to think "Magnus is a Man" and i don't know... Why.
On the other hand, I can't be a gendernonconforming woman, because I'm just flat out not a woman. That parts easier.
And I've been thinking a lot lately about the Nonbinary flag and label and how it can encompass so many experiences, including those of trans people and its like... I can still be Nonbinary while transitioning similarly to a binary trans man, I'm pretty sure. Some parts of my presentation are effeminate to the traditional gender binary, like painting my nails or the way i dance or sometimes not binding so I don't do damage to my ribs, etc etc etc, things people see as effeminate even if they aren't.
So like... Maybe Nonbinary works in terms of my experience, and how much it changes and moves. Not in a genderfluid way but in a 'still figuring things out' way. I am not quite sure where i sit but just saying I'm trans Nonbinary feels alright in terms of just, it's a flexible term, and there's not specific 'do x do y' expectation from society at large that I truly care about. As I'm not seen as female, I'm good.
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