#or well pre-k18
fullbattleregalia · 7 years
(More of the Android 20 universe, because that’s all that my muse is willing to talk to me about at the moment.)
Dr. Gero had taught 17 and 18 over and over again that nothing belonged to them.  Nothing.  Not their bodies, not their names, not their memories.  He even did his best to control their thoughts.  They had nothing because they were nothing – merely tools to be used and discarded.  Every time 18 woke up from stasis there was a tiny part of her, curled up small and hidden deep, that was afraid that this time she would wake up alone.  That this time Gero would have finally decided that her brother was a problem without a solution and would simply have disposed of him like all the rest of the other failures that had come before them.
Now Gero was dead, and 18 looked at the world around her and found that she wanted to hold onto things.  To own things.  To have things that belonged to her again.
She had 17, because he was her brother, and now that Gero was gone there was no one who could throw him away like so much trash.  
They now had a car, because 17 had insisted and 20 had agreed that cars were neat – especially ones that you could capsulize.  The car was a shiny, lime green convertible that had already lead three police vehicles on merry chases.  17 was currently driving, 18 had claimed the passenger seat, and 20 seemed to be enjoying himself perched on top of the rear seats behind them.  It wasn’t as if any of them needed to worry about seatbelts.
18 also had a small quartz pebble that she had tucked away into her pocket while the others weren’t looking.  Maybe it was irrational or silly, but machines didn’t want and 18 had looked at how that pebble had glinted in the sun and wanted it.  It felt like a tiny piece of proof.  I’m still human.  He didn’t take everything.
And then, of course, there was 20.  They had 20 as well.
18 glanced over her shoulder at him again.  The wind rushing over the car was making his hair look even more messy than normal.  He was the one who had suggested that they stop to try eating something.  18 couldn’t remember eating since she had first woken up in Dr. Gero’s lab.  He’d probably kept them on some sort of intravenous supplement while they were in stasis. She’d only remembered what food tasted like in an abstract sort of way – like she’d read about it once but never experienced it.  They’d found out four things from their little food detour:
1)  Moo shu pork was delicious.
2)  They were definitely going to be stopping to try other foods on the way to Mt. Paozu.
3)  Restaurants didn’t try to make you pay until you were done eating.
4)  They were going to have to steal someone’s wallet or something, because not paying for things seemed to make 20 anxious.
18 was starting to suspect that Gero had actually deemed 20 a failure more because his memories of being human weren’t as fully repressed as they should have been than because of his reluctance to kill.
20 leaned forward between 18 and 17 and began fiddling with the radio. They’d been listening to different stations for half an hour at a time.  So far nobody had liked the news, 17 had liked the obnoxious pop station, 18 and 20 had liked the classical station they had found, and everyone could agree that rock was all right.  Now the radio began to scream like a tortured cat.
“No.  Absolutely not.”  18 instantly reached for the radio controls.  “I am not listening to that for half an hour.”
“I dunno,” 17 grinned in that special way that meant that he was being difficult on purpose.  “I kind of like it.”
18 glared at him and then twisted to look at 20,
“Back me up on this, 20.”  
“I can’t even tell if they’re playing instruments or just breaking things,” 20 nodded.
“I like breaking things,” 17 shrugged, still smirking like the menace he was.
20 responded by bopping him on the head.  Gero hadn’t had him long enough to program away such casual gestures as much as possible, or perhaps the old man simply hadn’t bothered this time. Until 20 had laid a casual hand on her arm earlier that day, it wasn’t even something that 18 had been aware that she missed.  
“You’ve been out voted,” 18 told her brother flatly and changed the radio station.
17 rolled his eyes but didn’t put up any more protest.
18 and 17 hadn’t discussed it – not out loud – but they were keeping 20. They had found him, and they liked him, so he was theirs.  18 wasn’t really sure how friendship worked anymore – another piece of knowledge Gero hadn’t felt that his creations needed – but she thought that this was something like that.  Machines didn’t have friends, but 17 and 18 did.  He was short and a little odd (“Kind,” a faint voice supplied in the back of her head that sounded almost like 18 but not), but that didn’t matter.  It was one more small brush with humanity.  One more defiance of Dr. Gero’s programming.
 Two hours later 20 finally leaned forward and asked the question that had obviously been on his mind for a while now,
“So why did Gero wake you two up again anyway?”
They were halfway up a mountain road that weaved between trees like a river. They’d acquired a map the last time that they had stopped and discovered that 17’s navigational skills had only been taking them vaguely in the right direction.  18 probably would have been more annoyed if the gas station they’d gotten the map (and someone’s wallet full of zenni) hadn’t been selling ice cream mochi.  
“Something about having a run-in with Son Goku and his friends and Android 19 getting destroyed.”  17 wrinkled his nose.  “19 must have been a really inferior model.  Looked like the old man had gone back to the energy absorption design. Stupid move.  Goku’s friends were chasing him.  He wanted us to kill them.”
“Friends?”  20 had that weird subconscious sad-grief look on his face again.
“Gee, how bad is your programming?” asked 17.  “You know, that gang of weak idiots who cling to Son Goku’s coat tails.  Piccolo, Tienshinhan, Yamcha, Chaozu, Vegeta, and-” 17 hesitated.  Frowned.  “There are only five.  Why did I think there were six?”
“Maybe you’re malfunctioning,” 18 suggested blithely, but now that she thought about it, she could have sworn that Goku had six hangers-on as well.
20 frowned,
“I know faces and power levels and attacks, but I don’t have any names to go with them.”
Uncomfortable silence descended on the car full of unspoken questions that only a dead mad scientist could answer.  18 hated moments like this – further reminders of just how much Gero had played with their brains.  She knew that 17 despised them just as much.  The silence stretched out for almost a minute before 17 stabbed at one of the buttons on the radio panel.  Something featuring harmonica and banjo started twanging at them.
“Damn it, 17!” 18 snapped, relieved to have a distraction from her own thoughts – no matter how annoying that distraction was.
“No banjos!” agreed 20 quickly.  18 could hear the hint of equal relief in his voice.
“I’m the driver, and the driver wants banjos.”
The argument over the radio carried them all the way to the base of the mountain and the speed trap waiting there.  No one brought up Son Goku’s uncertain number of friends again.
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olboypacman · 5 years
The Cyborg and The Kid
A connected series of one shots revolving around Android 18’s interaction with the Son family (mostly Gohan), post Cell Games. Hints of K18.
A/N: I don’t own DBZ
1. Stopped Me from Moving Further from Myself
It had been a rough few months for Son Gohan.
If you were to ask most of his friends, they’d say he’s the same reliable and cheery young man young man he’s always been.
Pretty much all of them are in-tune with the nuances of Gohan had noticed something off with the boy.
He’d been withdrawn with their group whenever at a gathering. He’d been short tempered as well. He’d snap at friends and family at the smallest provocation but retreats further into himself realizing that he’s being unreasonable with them for no reason.
“Sorry for snapping at you, it’s not your fault things are like this.” He’d apologize.
There were times when Chi-Chi would insist that he’d hit the books for the morning, he’d give in. Now it’s important to understand he’d always eventually cave-in at his mother’s insistence, but not without trying to compromise or playfully find a way out it.
“Of course, mom.” He’d say sullenly.
There were times when Gohan thought she wasn’t paying attention; she’d find a gloomy expression fixed upon his face. His ebony orbs set on her (or more her growing baby bump), pain and regret evident within them.
And of course, there were many times when he’d talk in his sleep. Or, more what she surmised as nightmares.
“It’s my fault he’s gone, I’m so sorry.” He’d say as he tossed and turned.
Krillin had come by to visit the Son household this afternoon, though not an entirely uncommon occurrence. But today he’d brought a companion.
Android 18.
Gohan had seen her at the various gatherings the Z-fighters had organized these past few months. He’d been polite to her, as he’d been raised as such.
Unable to sense any ki from her, she’d been difficult for young half-saiyan to get read on. Whenever they locked eyes it always seemed like she had something to say to him.
It might’ve just been his imagination.
Or he’d maybe snapped at someone and removed himself from the party before she had the chance.
Sitting with Chi-Chi and Krillin, she’d seemed as aloof and standoffish as always. But Chi-Chi was a charmer and had eventually got the blonde to contribute to the conversation (though only in simple, blunt answers, but she’d got her smile more than once).
The group’s  waiting for the tea kettle to come to boil on the stove. Gohan had decided to excuse himself, telling his very pregnant mother he be practicing his katas for a bit of exercise.
“If you need me to get anything, just call me. I don’t want you to strain yourself in your condition, mom.” Said Gohan.
“Oh nonsense, dear. I can at the very least pour our guests some tea, I’m still very much capable of that.” She responds with a smile, waving her hand at her son. She catches him with the sullen look in his eyes once again before he makes his out the door. “Don’t take too long, dear. I’d like you see 18 and Krillin off when they’ve had their fill of us, OK?”
Gohan takes his leave to perform his katas.
Chi-Chi looks at her son forlornly as he takes his first form. She sighs, going back into hostess mode ready to engage her guests.
“So, he still blames himself, huh Chi-Chi?” Says Krillin, breaking the silence.
“Yeah. I don’t know what I can do to pull him out of it. I’ve tried to everything. Not just me either. Piccolo had as about as much luck me. And everyone else…” Chi-Chi sighs once more, “he just short with. I mean you guys saw the scene he made at Kame House a few weeks ago when Oolong tried to joke with hm. He won the Cell Games, but at what cost? I’m starting to fear I’ve lost both my loves.”
Krillin is lost as Chi-Chi takes her seat. Dealing with a pre-teen mourning his father isn’t something he’s terribly versed in. Especially when that said pre-teen blames himself for his death.
18 raises from her chair, getting the attention of other two in the kitchen.
“18?” Asks Krillin nervously.
“With your permission Chi-Chi, I’d like to see if I can get through to him.” Her electric blue eyes shimmering with determination.
“18, I don’t think now’s the time for…”
“Krillin!” 18 interrupts giving him a pointed stare.
Chi-Chi looks between monk and the young lady. She smiles and says, “Krillin, do you trust 18?”
“Yes, she’s become a very good friend.” He responded.
Chi-Chi nods, “OK, that’s all I need to know. 18, say what you need to say to my boy.”
18 nods to the Son matriarch, and heads toward the back door to talk to Gohan.
18 was a lot of things, but a cunning linguist wasn’t one of them.
“I hear you’ve been having a rough go of it?”
Subtlety was apparently a faraway art to her as well.
Gohan breaths out, finishing his kata.
“With all due respect Miss 18 what do even you know about me?” Snaps Gohan as he eyeballs 18.
She doesn’t even flinch at the flippant pre-teen’s outburst.
Before she even registers what’s happening, her mind is immediately assaulted with facts and figures regarding of the boy in front of her. She lists them carelessly, in a bored tone as always. She gasps, stopping as she looks a Gohan with mortification evident on her face and her widened eyes.
“I’m sorry, it’s…” 18 trails off not sure how to explain herself.
“It’s fine, I guess I owe you an apology as well.” Replies Gohan rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry for snapping at you, things are just hard without him around.”
He nods his head.
“Krillin tells me a lot about him, you know.” She tells him. “Not just the things from Dr. Gero’s surveillance and files.”
She approaches the boy, dropping to a knee when she’s close.
Without warning she takes the boy into a tight hug.
Gohan reluctantly hugs her back.
“Thank you Gohan. Thank you for saving our lives from that monster.”
“I, uh, your welcome,” he says embarrassed as 18 hadn’t let go of him yet.
“I mean it. My brother and I are eternally grateful to you Gohan. I don’t know how we’d ever be able to repay you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
She breaks the hug, her hands still on his shoulders. She flashes him on of her rare smiles, “Though I do have a suggestion of how you can pay me back in this moment.”
“Sure 18 what can I do?”
The smile remains on her face, but her eyes take on a deadly serious shimmer.
“I need you to stop blaming yourself for your father’s death. If anyone’s to blame its Cell, hell even heap some of it on Gero!”
“But if I hadn’t tried to make him suffer, dad would still be here. My mom would still have a husband and the baby wouldn’t have to grow-up without knowing their father!”
“Gohan, you were doing what you thought was right. There was no way you could’ve known Cell would try take you and the planet with him by blowing himself up when him things didn’t go his way.”
“No,” says 18 with finality as she stands up to her full height. “I told you who’s to blame, and we both know they got theirs’s.” She finishes as she lightly punches Gohan’s shoulder.
“I,” Gohan hesitates, “I guess your right Miss 18. But wait, how did you know I?”
“Please kid, it was kind of obvious to anyone with two eyes and two ears. And there’s Krillin of course. He’s worried for you almost as much as your mom. Now come on, I bet that tea is about ready by now.”
“I’m 11 by the way.”
“I’m 11, your files indicated I was 10. I spent 1 year outside of space-time in order to train to fight Cell.” Says Gohan, cracking wide genuine smile for the first time in a long time.
18’s eyes have widened in disbelief, before they narrow in humor, “Are you having me on, kid?”
Later, after 18 and Gohan rejoined Krillin and Chi-Chi, they both witnessed something renewed in the young half-saiyan.
He was joking, smiling; he was his old self again.
Whatever 18 had to say to Gohan had worked.
Before 18 and Krillin left for Kame House, Chi-Chi called 18 in the kitchen. Barely crossing the threshold, she was an assaulted by an iron gripped hug by the Son matriarch.
Breaking the hold, she says, "Thank you for pulling my boy out of that funk.” Chi-Chi then gets a playful glint in her eye, “But I do have to ask, based on that hug you gave Gohan should Krillin be worried?"
18 gets wide-eyed at in insinuation the Son matriarch is making, her cheeks burning the brightest of reds. 18 then turns her face away from Chi-Chi, responding "I've no idea what you’re talking about."
Read this and more @https://www.fanfiction.net/~olboypacman
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tastyie · 6 years
(A/N): I always wondered why Krillin calls Marron firefly, it seems kind of a random nickname for a kid. So here is my take on it. K18 one-shot, post cell pre buu
Our Firefly
“Alright 18, we have to do it today.” Krillin said waking up and rubbing the crust from his eyes. He was ready to get up and start the day off.
“We’ve already rescheduled with Bulma twice and we are lucky she is even doing it in the first place.”
18 had just opened her eyes.
“Lucky? Isn’t she one of your best friends, she isn’t doing it to help us out?” She said half awake.
“True, but there is no need to reschedule again. We have to go hun’.” He said, shortly after he ripped the blankets off of 18. Trying to wake her up while also exposing what they were going to see Bulma for.
“Don’t you want to know if our baby is healthy?”
“Yeah, I do. You’re right we should go.” She said
18 was 4 months pregnant and her belly is becoming bigger and more defined every day.
They were surprised to say the least when the couple found out 18 had a life growing inside of her. Once the cybernetic woman starting having repeating cases of morning sickness they were curious. Many calls to Bulma and Chichi and a home pregnancy test, eventually led them to founding out the news. 18 was shocked. She had no idea she could bare a child and she was really nervous about it. Although she had no one to blame but herself. Krillin kept on saying how protection during sex  was important so they didn’t have an unplanned child like this. 18 never understood his worrying when it came to that topic, she wasn’t fully human she can’t get pregnant anyways so why go through the trouble of buying pills or condoms. Well after a hand full of their unprotected adult endeavors Krillin’s warnings finally caught up to them.
18 went from shocked to being scared out of her mind, but like he always does Krillin was there to guide her through her inner turmoil and helped her realize how this was a blessing and it would only make them closer. She, or Krillin for that matter, didn’t know how to be parents but they damn well were going to try their hardest.
“Can you make us some Breakfast first dear?” The woman asked.
“Mmm I don’t know I’m still full from that huge dinner from last night.”
“Well sorry, You know I’m eating for two.”
“Ok I’ll cook you something to eat then I’ll call Bulma and see what time she wants us over.”
“All right you get started on that, I want oatmeal, toast and eggs. I’m gonna get some more sleep in the meantime.”
“Now wait a sec-”
“Thanks Krillin, love you.”
Before Krillin had the chance to rebuttal again she took back the blankets and covered her entire body with the thick cloth.
“Bu--- Okay fine be that way. But now I won’t make the eggs how you like them!”
He said opening the door about to walk out of it.
“Yes you will.”
“Yea...I know.”
And with that he closed their bedroom door and headed downstairs.
Breakfast was okay, 18 ate it in silence because Krillin went to go take a shower. Roshi was also out there but as soon as he saw 18 was going to be in there for more than 5 minutes he left. She had been at the island for 4 years now but they still weren’t on the best of terms Only talking when Krillin was still in the same room. Probably because Roshi kept on being his usual self around her. It was safe to say she didn’t care for that.
“Ok 18 are you ready.”
Krillin came down stairs and saw that 18 was in deep thought, she didn’t even notice him at first.
“Is something wrong 18?”
“Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about this leech inside me.”
“Hey don’t call it that! It's not a leech it's a miracle.”
“Yea, yea I know. But I was just wondering about it. Is it developing well enough, what gender is it, how being a mother will be. Stuff like that.”
“I do too honey, 24/7. Just talk to me whenever about it when you want. We are in this together.”
“I know Krillin. Thank you.”
“Good we can talk about anything you want while we are in the jet car. Speaking of which Bulma wants us there at 10:30 so let’s get going.”
“The jet car is too slow can’t we just fly?”
“No no no! I can’t let you fly when you’re 4 months pregnant!”
“Fine, you can just carry me then.”
“Uh, I guess that will work. Shouldn’t be any strain on you or the-”
“Can you go get my shoes from upstairs Krillin I’m ready to go.” She cut him off.
She found it best to just interrupt him when he was babbling on about stuff, she liked to cut straight to the point anyways.
They didn’t really conversate on the flight over to Bulma’s, due to the high wind messing with their ability to hear. At least they were close and could just feel each others embrace.
They landed safely and walked into the main lobby of capsule corp building. They saw the receptionist.
“Ahh hello!” She greeted them. “Mr. Krillin and Mrs. Eighteen, Bulma is waiting for you in the…”
She seized talking because 18 just straight up walked past the desk without even pretending to notice the woman talking. She just didn’t really like talking to new people, it was just best to ignore them when she could.
Krillin knew this and usually had to cover up for her.
“Sorry ma’am, she’s just nervous about the ultrasound.” Krillin defended.
“Oh I see, I can imagine then.” She said with a smile, she didn’t blame 18 for her actions.
“Well Mrs. Briefs is in the medical building in Wing E.”
“Thanks, sorry again. Have a good day!”
“No problem, you too!”
He had to do a light jog to catch up with his wife. For a pregnant woman she sure did walk fast.
“Do you know where you’re even going?” He blurted while catching up.
“Med building Wing E, I heard her.” She said matter a factly.
“You forgot to say something to her 18, you have to at least say hello.”
“Sorry, I’m working on it. You know I’m not a people person.”
“It’s ok. Let’s just focus on what’s about to happen.”
The still newlyweds made their way down a series of hallways and walkways until finally they made it to the destination.
“Why does she even have a hospital?” 18 asked.
“I don’t think its a hospital, they just invent test medical equipment. Like the ultrasound she is gonna use on you today.”
“Wow i feel so honored.” She uttered with the utmost of sarcasm.
After they asked one of the many people in scrubs walking around where Bulma was the duo finally found her. Sitting in a room looking at a monitor.
“I see you guys finally made it.” The blue haired woman greeted them while still focusing on her monitor.
“Bulma are you even trained to do this?” 18 asked, the thought never crossed her mind.
“I’m the smartest woman on the planet, and I’ve been prepping for the last two weeks. I’m confident this will go without a hitch!” She said proudly.
Bulma first weighed Krillin’s wife then started asking her a handful of questions before she got to the main attraction. Some of them professional, like how is she eating, are her feet swelling, is she putting any strain on her body, but most of them personal.
“No I do not have any maternity clothes!” The cyborg said kind of getting annoyed.
“Well after we check on your baby we HAVE to get you some. You’ll thank me later.” She responded.
18 thought about and maybe it would be good to listen to what Bulma was saying and it would be beneficial to get to spend more time with her. After all Bulma was just trying to help and she was friendly and she has been pregnant before. She also will probably pay of all of these clothes she was talking about it.
“Ok, I would like that.”
She actually said yes? Krillin thought to himself.
Wow she actually said yes, I was just fishing there. Bulma wondering the same thought as Krillin.
“Uhh, yea. She didn’t want to waste money on clothes she wouldn’t wear anymore after a year. She’s just been wearing my clothes mostly.” The short man said picking the conversation back up.
“No worries. I’ll pay, my treat.”
“Thank you!” They both said.
“Ok one last question.” The interviewer spoke up.
“Is this one relevant to the situation at hand unlike the last 5 you asked?” The interviewee asked.
“Yes, I swear. I just need to know if you guys are still having sex while this baby is inside of you.”
Krillin’s face heated up so bad it looked like he had a fever and 18 just looked straight pissed.
Bulma continued to speak.
“I’m serious guys, just tell me.”
Krillin decided to speak up about it.
“Uh, we stopped when she found out about the baby, we didn’t want to hurt it in anyway. So that was two months ago probably?”
18 nodded confirming that was the correct answer.
“Alright, well good. See for most people it’s perfectly fine to have intercourse while pregnant. But in your guys’ case I can’t recommend it. Since you guys don’t have normal strength it might injure the baby. But don’t worry. I can speak from personal experience after all the waiting the feeling is amazing. Vegeta and I---”
18 cut her off.
“Ok we get it. I really don’t wanna hear about you and Vegeta’s sex life.”
“All right then. Just lie down and lift up your shirt.”
She took Bulma’s orders.
“Alright this will be a little cold, but nothing you can’t handle. Let me just run one last test to make sure everything will run smoothly.”
It was cold, but in the grand scheme of things it didn’t really matter. She was here realising what was about to happen. She was going to get to see the first glimpse of the life she was raising inside of her.
Krillin could tell she was thinking negative thoughts so he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s gonna be ok.” He whispered. “You’re strong, you can do this.”
She smiled at him, he always knew just want to say.
Bulma grabbed the transducer probe and placed it where the gel was.
“Just so you guys know for context, the only difference between this machine and one used for regular ultrasounds is that this one detects your android parts and ignores them. This way they won’t interfere with the anything….Speaking of which, here is your baby!”  
It was kind of surreal to the two of them. It was just a blue blob with a black background, but it was filling them with so much emotion. How could they love something they just saw for the first time.  They wanted to protect it, hold it, spoil it, they couldn’t wait for it to be truly alive.
18 had to blink away the tears.
Heh. 18 tried to distract herself so the water didn’t fall from the eyes. If 17 was here he would tell me my human was showing. I would tell him we are more human than machine anyways, might as well embrace it.
“It’s ok to cry hun’” Her husband interrupted her inner thoughts. He could tell she was on the verge.
Bulma did notice what was going on, but she chose to let them have their moment without interfering. It was between them.
“I’m ok now, Bulma tell us we are looking at.” 18 said regaining her composure.
“Well here is the head, the arms, legs, and I’m pretty sure I can make you able to hear its heartbeat. But first want me to tell you want gender it is?”
“Yea that would be great, right babe?” Krillin got excited but then remembered it should be up to his wife.
“Of course.” She said.
“Alright let's see here, it looks like its….a...girl!”
The married couple started to rejoice. To be honest they didn’t care what gender it was, they were just happy to finally know what they were expecting. However their joy subsided once the machine started to make a noise.
“Uhh…” Bulma stuttered. She didn’t think that would happen.
“Bulma, what is that.” The ex-monk asked.
Before Bulma could explain what was happening the monitor started flashing warning signs.
Then the craziest thing possible happened. 18’s bloated stomach began to emit light, it started to glow from the inside.
“That doesn’t look right.” The blue haired woman said.
“BULMA WHAT THE FUCK!!!” 18 screamed, fearing for her and her baby’s life.
“BULMA DO SOMETHING!!!” Krillin also screamed, fearing for the same as 18.
“Ok ok, remain calm so I can think.”
Bulma was ineed frazzled and was turned and started to press many buttons on the ultrasound machine. She uninstanctfully dropped the probe on accident. It fell to the floor. Luckily this caused the glowing to stop.
All three of them sighed in almost unicent.
“Bulma what the hell just happened?!?” 18 snapped again.
“Well remember when I said this machine was designed to not detect your inner android parts? It did and when the sound censor in the probe detected it the part started to light up. That is the jist of what happened guys. I can ensure that everything is ok with the baby and with you 18, all the mechanism inside of you did was light up a warning because a sound wave hit it. Some sort of defense protocol, and the only reason it glowed at all is because of your bigger stomach area.”
“Ok, thank Kami.” Said Krillin.
“Sorry guys…” Bulma sounded defeated.
“If we are both fine then don’t sweat about it. It was just a scary experience that’s all. It’s kind of fitting though, sometimes, now that Krillin is with me i forgot I’m part machine. But I won’t forget it anytime soon.” 18 spoke up.
Krillin leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Bulma that was very sweet but still felt incredibly embarrassed.
“I’m gonna fix this now and get it over with for next time, how about you guys go get some lunch from my mom in the meantime. Then after I’ll take you to go get some maternity clothes.” The bluenette pleaded sounding very guilty.
“Alright, let’s go Krillin. Thanks Bulma.” 18 said
“I swear it’s nothing to worry about, and congrats again guys.” She said. “I’ll come find you two in an hour.”
Krillin went to go get some sandwiches that Panchi made and met his wife outside.
“Man that was crazy.” Krillin said sitting down next to the love of his life.
“I’m just happy everything is ok. I can’t blame her though, she couldn’t of known.” 18 said.
“Hopefully the next visit will go smoother. How scared were you?”
“I thought someone had wished the bomb back in me and...I don’t want to even think about it.”
“Oh 18 that is awful.”
“Yeah I know. What was going through your mind?”
“At first it was about losing the baby. But now all I can think about is how your stomach looked like it had a really big firefly in it.” Krillin chuckled scratching the back of his head.
She smacked his forehead.
“OWW, guess I deserved that.”
“You did.”
“I kind of like that as a nickname for the baby. Firefly!”
“Hmm, yea It’s kinda cute.”
That’s it
Thanks for reading, k18 for life. Thanks to @chestnutisland for running chestnutfest. Was writing this in advance but saw you had a free day planned so i decided to submit it for that.
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