#or when they give tommy a jumper/sweater to look more like wilbur
ghostly-groves · 11 months
looks like it's time for another round of is that mcyt fanart of a blond british white boy with a red shirt and bird wings grian or tommy
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ventihonklightice · 3 years
Clingy || Wilbur Soot
word count: 3.5k
Y/N had been lounging around the flat all day as her boyfriend filmed videos with his fellow Minecraft friends. Wilbur had currently been recording with Tommy and Quackity, another one of their wild Minecraft mod videos. She knew her love was busy and had his responsibilities with his own videos alongside the ones made with his friends, but she had been scrolling through Twitter and saw that he had just gotten verified. There was no way he knew about the news as he had been busy all day doing his job.
A smile grew on her face as she rushed to his bedroom door to share the great news, however she paused as she heard the nature of his current discussion with his friends.
“- but she’s been good. We’ve been really good,” Y/N smiled at his words, seemingly knowing it was about her. That smile quickly disappeared at the words her boyfriend was about to spew. “Just, she’s been kind of needy and clingy or something,” Wilbur shook his head not fully understanding his own words, looking at the wall behind his monitor too lost in his thoughts. He couldn’t quite understand his own thoughts half of the time, especially today as all he has done was played Minecraft. Slowly, the hate he has been receiving has been catching up to him, forcing him into this pit he’d never thought he’d be in which added to the stress that fueled his words. “Like she thinks she always has to be with me. Right now even, she’s at the flat.” Wilbur ran his fingers through his messy brown hair as he proceeded to explain his relationship. “I love her, I do, but I can’t even be with her right now so I don’t understand why she has to be here,” he confessed, mind clouded with tiredness masked by the wine he downed in an attempt to calm his nerves.
Y/N furrowed her brows leaning forward to listen further. “Well, she loves you, so what do you expect her to do? Not want to be with you?” She heard an American accent, likely belonging to Quackity.
“I-I don’t know. It’s just- I’m not used to this. It’s been a while since I’ve seriously been with a girl like this before. I just need space, but she wants to be around me constantly. It’s annoying.” The anger, the annoyance, and the frustration were all evident in his voice, making Y/N second guess a lot of her choices the past few days. She looked down at her hands, the mustard sleeves reaching past her palms belonging to the man behind the door she leaned on.
She closed her eyes in an attempt to push back her tears before she walked away, not being able to listen to him any further. Her eyes began to water more and more as bothering him was the very last thing she had ever wished to do. She sat on the couch before pulling the jumper off of her body, folding it neatly in her hands before pulling on her shoes.
Fanning her face quickly to reduce any possible puffiness or redness, Y/N timidly knocked on the door to Wilbur’s room. “Hold on guys,” he spoke to his friends, muting himself on discord. “Yeah?” She heard his deep voice call from the other side, taking it as her cue to push the door open. His hair fluffed about as he turned to face her. “Hey what’s up?” He asked with a soft smile.
“I uh think I’m gonna head home, got an early shift tomorrow and all,” she spoke softly while avoiding his gaze. Y/N wasn’t one to lie so she felt guilty for doing so but she didn’t know what else to do.
He furrowed his brows, confused at her words. She almost always stays the night, especially when she works early because he lives closer to her job.
“You sure? You’re more than welcome to stay the night. Y-You always do,” he muttered with slight concern in his words as he took his headset off.
She shook her head lightly, “nah it’s alright. Gotta water the plants,“ Y/N fiddled with the door handle as her other hand traced the sweater, knowing full well she doesn’t have any plants.
“Alright, I’ll walk you out,” he stood up, adjusting the chair in order to do so. Y/N reached out to him, his jumper resting in her hand, “where’d you like me to put this?”
He stood up, increasingly getting confused at her actions because he knew that she loved wearing his clothes and stealing them any chance she got. “I-I’ll um, just toss it on the bed,” he pointed to the made bed, slipping on his shoes to walk her out.
She felt his form loom over her as he walked with her out of the flat and to her car. They walked in silence, uncharacteristically. Wilburs’s hands were stuffed in the pockets of his pants lost in his thoughts as he heard her car alarm He walked to the driver’s side, lost in his thoughts while he opened the door for her.
She approached the door, getting ready to sit in the driver’s seat before turning to Wilbur to bid goodbye. He leaned down to kiss her, standard for all of their farewells, but she turned her head at the last second, his lips crashing onto her cheek. His heart dropped at the odd situation he was placed in, wondering why this was happening.
“I-I’ll see you later,” she smiled softly before sitting down and preparing to drive.
He could let her go like this. He had to know if things were good, okay even. Before he shut the door, he leaned down a bit to get closer to her. “Is everything okay? You seem a bit off, darling.”
“Y-yeah I’m just really tired,” she chuckled humorlessly, placing a hand on her forehead. “Sorry, it’s just been a weird day.”
“If you’re that tired you could stay here,” his voice practically pleaded, assuring her once more that she always had a place there.
“I-I’ll be fine, I promise.” Her words were soft along with her eyes, but she just wanted to give him what he desired; space.
“You sure?” He asked once more, extremely concerned, but what answer was he really expecting? Y/N nodded her head, “positive.”
“Alright, text me when you get home,” he leaned back, preparing to shut the door for her. She nodded her head, pushing her keys into the ignition. “I love you,” he spoke sincerely, bending down so that she’d be able to see him better once more. There was an emotion in YN’s eyes that he couldn’t recognize, but the smile on her face was sad. “I-you too, I’ll see you later,” she fiddled with her keys before meeting his gaze.
His heart shattered at the words. You too? What the hell is that suppose to mean?
He gave a tight smile before shutting the door for her. You too, the words echoed in his mind as he began walking back to the front door, pausing his steps on the pavement to watch her pull out of the driveway. He sighed before turning back to his path home. Upon returning, the place felt dimmer without her presence and he quickly took note of that.
Letting out a huge sigh, he plopped down at his desk, unmuting himself on Discord. “Sorry bout that, I’m back. J-Just walking Y/N out,” he spoke, taking the only opportunity his friends quieted down to speak.
“Wilbur!” Tommy yelled as the rest of the VC, which now had Niki, Jack and Fundy, errupted in chaos. “W-What? What the fuck happened?”
“Dude you got verified on Twitter,” Quackity shouted. His eyes went wide, opening the light blue app to see if it was true. Sure enough, a small check mark emphasized his name. He beamed at the sight of it, rushing to make a tweet about how grateful he was.
He went back to his feed, noticing that Y/N had made a tweet about ten or so minutes prior.
y/n✨| @yourusername
so proud of my favorite boy getting verified <3 love you @WilburSoot !!
His heart clenched at the tweet, being drawn back to the events that occurred moments beforehand. He liked and retweeted it, watching his fans swoon at the couple’s interaction without knowing what was happening behind closed doors, before getting back to his friends being completely distracted by thoughts on the girl he loves.
Y/N never texted him to tell him that she was home. She woke up late that morning seeing a few texts from him about twitter, how his stream went and so on.
As she looked at the time on her phone, realizing the lie she told him about working early and chose not to answer quite yet.
She spent the rest of her day around the house, cleaning, cooking or watching TV. She wasn’t in any mood to go on social media, not wanting to interact with Wilbur quite yet. Y/N sighed thinking about yesterday, thinking that it would be a better idea to just give him some space.
And so she did, for several days before Wilbur’s worry consumed him.
He sat on Discord with his friends, days after his last interaction with his girlfriend. “It’s just weird because she’s never like this. She always calls or texts me whenever she gets the chance regardless of whether or not I ask,” he expressed to his friends as they were fucking around on their own Minecraft world. He wasn’t even paying attention to what he was doing in the game, just aimlessly pressing buttons and moving his mouse as he thought of Y/N.
Tommy chuckled shortly, “now look whos being needy.”
“Shut up Tommy,” Wilbur explained, running a hand across his chin, fingertips gracing his incredibly overgrown stubble. “Look I’m just saying,” the blond furthered, “there’s no need for you to say she’s clingy or whatever when your freaking out over a text! Like you saw her less than what, two, three ago?”
Wilbur shook his head, fuming now, “Oh my god, shut the fuck up Tommy! How would you, a literal child, know anything about what’s going on? You’ve barely hit puberty!” His outburst caused his friends to quiet down, them not being used to anger being directed in such a way.
“Wilbur,” Tommy started once again, becoming more serious, “I know you. You worrying over a few short days almost disproves everything you said the other day. I think you don’t know how to handle affection well, not that she’s clingy or whatever.” Hearing Tommy acting serious and not childish for this one second made something snap within Wilbur, knowing that the child was right.
He sighed, “I-I’m sorry for snapping at you. Everything is happening at once in my life right now and Y/N not talking to me has me worried. This isn’t what’s normal between us. It’s strange.”
“But isn’t this what you wanted? She isn’t being as ‘needy’ now. You got your wish, didn’t you?” George chimed in, hoping to help even though his own experiences with relationships hasn’t always been the best.
“Yeah, and I fucking hate it, I don’t know why I even said that. I don’t mean it. I love when she’s around, I hate when she isn’t,” Wilbur went on, his thoughts focusing on the good memories he has with his girlfriend.
“Be careful what you wish for,” Dream spoke ominously, feeling as if now was the most appropriate time to speak.
“I-I’m gonna call her,” the distressed twenty year old expressed, whipping out his phone to go to her number. As the phone rang, he became more and more nervous.
“What if she got in an accident? Or someone kidnapped her or something?”He rushed before him and his friends heard “please leave a message for 3-“
“Wilbur, she’s probably fine. She probably had a long day at work or something,” Niki spoke, hoping to add a small but of optimism to the situation.
“Yeah but she would’ve told me that. She would’ve called me to rant about her day, and tell me how much she wanted to see me, but she didn’t.” He leaned back in his chair, getting more and more stressed out over this.
“I-I think I’m gonna head to her flat.”
The drive was long as his anxiety slowly but surely began to increase with every green light. He pulled into her complex, parking and building up the courage to confront her.
“It’ll be fine. Things are fine,” he muttered to himself as he walked up the steps to the familiar doormat.
He knocked on the door, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. After a minute, there was no response so he knocked again with more ergency.
“Just a minute,” he heard her soft voice yell out, flooding him with relief. The voice wasn’t as warm as it typically was, only increasing his nervousness.
Before he knew it, Y/N opened the door, eyes meeting his chest before trickling to his eyes. “Wilbur? What are you doing here?”
He froze, shocked at the situation that he forced upon himself without realizing it. “I-You weren’t answering any calls or texts. I was worried,” he mumbled, immediately taking note of her puffy eyes.
“Have you been crying?” He stepped closer to her with concern lacing his voice. He reached out to hold her waist, caress her cheek, anything, but she stepped away slighted. Y/N blinked, “y-yeah, it’s just allergies.”
“You don’t have allergies like that Y/N. May I please come in?” Wilbur knew her better than that, probably even better than she knew herself. She nodded shortly opening the door wider for him to enter, looking down at her sock clad feet.
He entered the tiny flat, taking not that the once welcoming space has become littered with turmoil. The tissues by the sofa didn’t go unnoticed and neither did the pile of dishes in the sink. “What’s been going on? These past few days you’ve been acting strange,” he asked sincerely.
Y/N looked around, finding something and pretending to be busy with it. “I’ve just been busy,” she mumbled looking over the pile of mail she refused to actually look through. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, would you like some tea?” She asked, realizing her manners.
“Y/N,” he spoke defeated, “come on talk to me, please.” He practically begged as he followed her steps into the kitchen to start the kettle, even though he didn’t give her an answer.
“Everything’s fine, Wilbur,” she replied absentmindedly as she searched for her various teas. “We got chai tea, black tea, Engli-“
“Y/N, I dont fucking want tea right now I want you to talk to me,” he shouted, approaching her in the kitchen and forcing her to face him by pulling her waist gently. She gasped at the loudness of his words, not used to him yelling at her.
“Wilbur,” Y/N whispered, her hands on his chest as he looked down into her eyes. Desperation was clear in his before being mimicked in his words, “this is the longest you’ve gone without calling me Wil. Come on Y/N, please.” His voice cracked towards the end, the shakiness not leaving.
She closed her eyes tightly before she pulled herself out of his arms, turning to grab two mugs out of the cupboard, “you’re getting chai tea.”
“Love, I just want us to be okay,” he spoke passionately, pleading for things to be right.
“We are okay Wilbu- Wil,” she corrected, more so forcing the nickname to combat his complaint. As she prepared each cup, putting Wilbur’s desired amount of sugar into his cup and respectively her own.
He shook his head, not believing her words as his own eyes began to turn red, “there’s something wrong and I can tell. Please just-please Y/N.” His voice was completely broken and she knew she had to express her concerns. She paused her motions, staring at the jar of sugar she just placed onto the counter.
“I-I didn’t want to bother you,” she muttered softly, examining the mugs before her.
The man sniffed, confusion growing within him. “W-What do you mean? You could never bother me Y/N,” his voice soft, approaching her once again.
She shook her head, moving to put sugar in each cup, forgetting that she already did so, “but that’s not true. We both know that.” The water remained on the stove while copious amount of sugar occupied each cup. Wilbur gently grabbed the hand holding the spoon that shoveled the sugar into the mugs, making her stop her own actions.
“Yes it is, love.” Wilbur whispered softly as she put the spoon into the jar, coming back to reality. Y/N let out a shaky breath, facing the counter while Wilbur occupied her side, facing her.
“So why’d you tell all of your friends that I’ve been clingy and needy and overbearing and everything under the sun?” She whispered as her voice wobbled, indicating that tears would soon come falling down.
Wilbur furrowed his brows, confused at the words she expressed. He scavenged his mind, not understanding what she was stating. “What are yo-“ he cut himself off, taking his hand from hers as he remembered that conversation.
Guilt washed over his soul as he realized the greater impact of his words. She thought she had to change....for those idiotic meaningless words expressed in a fit of stress and exhaustion. He shook his head lightly, refusing to look at her, refusing to look at the damage he’s caused.
“I didn’t mean it Y/N. I just-there was a lot on my plate and I just had to complain about something. A-And you were there to complain about.” He spoke honestly, knowing that it doesn’t excuse his behavior. The sound of the kettle went off, the whistle tones attacking his ears while Y/N ignored it to focus on the conversation at hand.
“I just didn’t want to be a burden,” she muttered with a wobbling bounce that made the tall idiotic man pull her into his arms.
“No,no,no don’t ever ever think that again. You are not a burden. You never were Y/N. This is on me, I shouldn’t have said what I had said,” he muttered into her hair, repeating apologies like a mantra while kissing her hairline.
She let go, allowing her pent up feelings from the past few day flow out through tears while in the comfort of his arms, “my biggest fear is bothering people. I-I didn’t want to upset you.”
“You didn’t,” he pulled away to hold her tear stained cheeks in his hands, regret prominent in his gaze, “you have been nothing but patient with me these past few months and that is something I don’t even have the words to express, love.”
“You, Y/N L/N, are not a burden, not now, not ever,” he whispered lovingly. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m sorry I even said it. I didn’t mean it, but fuck I shouldn’t have. Look at what I’ve done to you,” his voice wavered as he pulled away to assess the damage. “Fuck,” he shook his head as a sob escaped his lips before he could pull her into his arms again.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, holding her tight while the whistle pierced his ears. She leaned back slightly, pressing her forehead against his while closing her eyes, “I know, I know. It’s okay. I know you. I know you wouldn’t mean it.”
“I love you,” he whispered, holding her head in one of his hands. “I love you too, Wil,” she whispered back, pulling his lips onto hers, sealing their words with this actions.
As much as he loved the feeling of her soft lips on his once again, he pulled away. “Okay, okay, as much as I don’t want this to stop, that damn kettle is driving me mad,” he expressed, making Y/N chuckle before kissing him on the cheek and going to turn off the stove.
He watched fondly as she was about to pour the water into the mugs, stoping to see the plethora of sugar in each. “Oh shit,” she paused, laughing at the mess she had made. Wilbur snapped out of his gaze, examining the scene that caused her words.
He shook his head lightly, grabbing the kettle from her hands before placing it back onto the stovetop. “You,” he turned to face her, poking her cheek, “go to bed, get all comfy and put on a film. I will finish the tea and bring it to you.” His eyes got soft towards the end of his statement as he went to assess the mug situation.
“Then,” he spoke gently, grabbing her waist once again, littering her face with kisses that trailed down her neck, “I’ll spend the whole day making it up to you.”
Y/N laughed, running her fingers through his soft hair, “can’t wait.” His lips stayed pressed onto her neck, before they made their way back to her own.
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arc852 · 3 years
Can I request a short story of Tommy taking Wilbur to go shopping for new clothes? For the pet au(don’t remember the name) only if you want too
I definitely want to. Hope you enjoy!
Some New Clothes
Summary: Tommy takes Wilbur to shop for some new clothes.
Warnings: Dehumanization, and treating a person like a pet.
Word count: 849
Tommy made sure he had woken up early that morning in order to catch Phil before he left for work. He let his dad know that he was gonna go down to the shops to get some new clothes for Wilbur and Phil handed him some money with a promise from Tommy to be careful. Tommy watched Phil leave, a pang of sadness in his heart at the sight but he ignored it, distracting himself with the borrower still sleeping up in his room.
He poked Wilbur awake, the borrower flinching back before relaxing when he realized where he was. Tommy made the two a bowl of cereal, well, a bowl for him and more like 3 individual pieces of the cereal for Wilbur, while explaining to the borrower what they were going to do.
And that’s what led them here, on a street lined with different shops of various things. Wilbur had been stuck in Tommy’s pocket but Wilbur couldn’t find it in himself to mind too much. He’d rather be in a pocket than outside with so many humans walking around.
He wasn’t sure where they were going. Tommy hadn’t told him that part, just that they were going shopping for something and Wilbur had to come along. Wilbur assumed whatever the thing was that it was for him but Wilbur was currently blanking on what things it could be.
It wasn’t until a ding filled the air, signifying that Tommy had entered one of the shops, and Wilbur stuck his head out of the pocket that he realized what Tommy was getting for him.
It was a small, in-the-wall store but for a place selling borrower-sized clothing, the actual building itself didn’t need to be that big. The place was still packed with all different kinds of clothes Wilbur’s size and honestly? Wilbur was itching to try and buy some new clothes. Not that he didn’t like his sweater or anything but having only one thing to wear got old, and smelly, pretty fast.
Maybe he could even find something similar to what he wore before he had been caught.
Although, this was all under the assumption Tommy would let him choose his own clothes.
“Alright Wil,” Tommy suddenly spoke up. He seemed to have stopped in the adult males section of clothing. “How do you want to do this?”
Wilbur let out a little sigh of relief, glad that Tommy was mindful of his opinion and how he felt about things. Really, Tommy was great and his only real problem was still viewing Wilbur as a pet.
Wilbur tugged at his collar and decided to let those thoughts fade away for now as he dropped his hand. There were other things to focus on right now.
“You could carry me in your hand while we go up and down the aisle?” Wilbur suggested, squirming a bit in the pocket and preparing for the hand he knew would soon come. Just as he thought, Tommy hummed in acknowledgement and reached into the pocket, gripping him gently in his fist. The hand opened as soon as Wilbur was out, letting him sit in the center without being constricted.
The two went down the aisle, Wilbur picking out several pairs of jeans, a new set of shoes, and several jumpers. Tommy threw in a few t-shirts as well, which Wilbur didn’t mind too much. They had just about finished and were heading towards the front to check out and pay when Wilbur caught sight of something familiar.
“Wait, Tommy, go over there real quick.” He pointed towards the direction he meant and Tommy followed. As they got closer, Wilbur grinned as he realized it was what he thought it was. A long brown coat similar to the one he had before he was caught. Of course, this one was a lot cleaner and made a lot nicer than the one he had thrown together from different brown fabric scraps--he would always miss that one--but it was close enough.
“I want it.” Wilbur said, looking up at Tommy. Tommy gave it a look and a brief feeling of dread entered Wilbur’s chest but it was quickly pushed down when Tommy simply shrugged and grabbed the jacket off the shelf. Wilbur’s smile returned.
Wilbur was placed back into Tommy’s pocket at checkout, the human paying for the new clothes before Wilbur heard the bell ring once again as Tommy exited the shop.
“Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, how about some ice cream!” Tommy said and Wilbur could just hear the grin in his voice. It made Wilbur smile as well.
“Sure Tommy, sounds great.” Wilbur was just happy the clothes shopping trip had gone well. He had been worried that maybe he wouldn’t get a say, that it would be more dress-up then actual clothes for him. But it wasn’t and Wilbur got some that he was actually excited to wear. Already he was itching to put on the long brown coat.
Maybe putting it on would give him some semblance of his past life.
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thesmpisonfire · 4 years
Okay, this accidentally got suuuuper long (and I forgot how to put "keep reading" in mobile) so skip if you don't want to read about Schlatt and Wilbur in the void
Good read if you want!
It felt like a sharp pain, then... There was nothing.
Not only the lack of surroundings, but the lack of feelings, memories, pain, and himself.
Then, it came all of sudden. The drug van. The ambush. The betrayal. The bow. And then nothing.
Schlatt was floating around in the void, his mind clear for the first time since he trapped himself in a one by one room to escape from lava. That was the beginning of that mess, the feeling that he could win and beat all the odds, even if he needed to sacrifice someone in the process. You can tell it was like a parasite, growing bigger, but also taking something out from the ram.
He felt remorse for the first time, not only because he was dead, but because he never said sorry to Wilbur for that, or for exiling him, or for setting a war, or for... Oh my, Schlatt was really a bad friend.
At the beginning, he really liked L'manburg. Without that parasite in his brain, messing with his thoughts, Schlatt could see that he enjoyed the place. He enjoyed taking the walls down and changing the name. It felt like a good thing to do. He enjoyed his cabinet, Quackity, Tubbo and Fundy made a good job at first.
He sighed as he thought about those three. Schlatt thought he could trust all of them. Tubbo's betrayal was too much for him to maintain his facade. His sickness was taking over him, making easier to trap the kid and order his death. At every betrayal, the fear of losing his spot only made him more paranoic and sick, revealing a side he tried to keep in control for so long. A side that was his all along.
Schlatt only felt disappointment when he remembered the White House episode, ignoring Quackity's pleads as he destroyed it. The vice president had all the rights in killing him, Schlatt was a fuckin dick.
Fundy... It was a shock, honestly. Schlatt thought that, at least, the fox would be with him. That's why he snapped, hitting him with a broken bottle as the parasite took over everything. Schlatt wasn't even thinking anymore, spitting his venon to all the people that betrayed him. Fundy was a coward, Quackity would always be Flatty Patty.
Schlatt even had his final vengeance over Tommy, not even letting the kid do justice with his own hands as the disease got to his heart and mind, the worried looks not being seen as Schlatt bended over to cough, not being able even to listen to the calls.
And then... He was at the void.
Something, deep down, wanted to go back. To respawn and live again. But, as Schlatt thought about it, he decided to give up. He didn't want to go back and face the consequences of his own actions
He watched a colorful fog leave his body, suddenly feeling so cold. His suit was gone with the fog, leaving him with a bright blue jumper. Schlatt smiled to himself, he always loved that sweater. The fog hovered around, and then it was gone.
Schlatt knew that this was the end. No more respawns for him. He gave up life in order to be free in this peaceful place. Surely, he would think about all his life and achievements, but its not like he didn't enjoyed being a businessman. His life was good... If not for the part he discovered he was a monster deep inside and gave an entirety country PTSD.
Someone joined Schlatt, who turned his head to see Wilbur. "Heyyy" Schlatt called, getting his attention.
"Heyyy... Just pressed the button." He chuckled, spinning around.
"What?? You fuckin madman, you really did it!?" Schlatt was surprised, a half smile in his face.
"Yep. Right after Tubbo got nominated as the president." Wilbur kinda layed on nothing, not seeing surprised by the emptiness.
"Tubbo as the president?? Wow..." Schlatt thought to himself about it... And yes! Tubbo would make a good president. "Proud of the boy"
"He is the president of a crater now" Wilbur laughed this time. "At least I got to see the destruction... Right before Philza killed me."
"Philza? Like The Philza? Philza Minecraft?" Wilbur nodded. "Yikes, man..."
They enjoyed the silence for a while, appreciating each other's company for the first time in years.
"So... Are you going back?" Schlatt heard Wilbur's question, then shaked his head. "Nice, neither am I."
Schlatt asked why, lightly kicking Wilbur and making him spin. "My time there was gone, I died like I wanted. In a big spectacle!" Wilbur's smile now seemed sad, like he finally proceeded what he had truly done. "You are such a showman..." Schlatt half smiled, remembering their time back in SMPLive, another land dammed to fall.
They watched as the colorful fog came out from Wilbur's body, taking away his trenchcoat and leaving him with an old yellow sweater and jeans. All color from Wilbur's body was also gone, Schlatt now noticing that his hooves weren't a darw brown anymore, and his fur looked even whiter.
Now, there was no way back. No more chances for them.
Wilbur got slightly uncomfortable, boredom filling his brain. He looked at Schlatt, who was so different from the sick man he saw die in that van, and grabbed his arm. He smiled a little, now noticing how much he missed J. Schlatt.
"Wanna go up there and see how much we can mess?"
Schlatt laughed, floating up and taking Wilbur with him.
"I thought you were never going to ask, lover boy."
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