#or why the half-australian family friend likes to chop people’s fingers off or is present to begin with
malwarewolf404 · 2 years
Every once in a blue moon I’ll have this recurring dream about a pubescent Lilo from Lilo and Stitch discovering a plot where her parents were actually murdered in order to satisfy some sort of white blood pact or something. Then Lilo confronts the person she suspects to have killed them (a suspiciously wealthy doctor woman who denies everything?) and throughout the entire thing Lilo is also able to commune with her dead parents by cuddling a warm stuffed animal and connecting to a sort of supernatural spirit realm that resembles her childhood home? After which gallons of blood explode from her (intact, thank god) body and cover the walls?
There’s also a half-Australian half-Hawaiian native man who was a friend of the family and is kind of obsessed with cutting off people’s fingers and is clearly on the verge of snapping into bloody rampage if he discovers that Lilo believes her family was killed, which Nani has to constantly hide from him? Jumba and Pleakly are there for like two minutes at a family dinner at Nani and Lilo’s new apartment (I think they were priced out of their beach house :( mortgage payments got insane after the 2008 crash) where Lilo discovers her psychic blood powers and then are never seen again.
The whole thing ends with Lilo stuck in a running clothes dryer by choice in the lobby of the doctor’s office, trying to use the warmth of the dryer to tap deeper into her psychic powers and screaming at her mother’s spirit to “Wake up!” I push a sunburnt white guy with blue hair carrying buffalo wings out of the way as blood explodes out of the dryer The Shining-style. The whole thing is some sort if twisted Carrie/Akira/Sabrina/L&S hybrid with actual colonization and Hawaiian-native people’s real world suffereinh, and it’s incredibly sobering to wake up to.
And if you are wondering, yes, I’m Stitch in the dream.
#Literally what the HELL does this mean#Had this dream at least three times now including just now when I was able to fall asleep for like twenty minuts#also my fraternal cousins are present through most of it#which is a brilliant use of word association with the Hawaiian meaning of the word ‘cousin’#Worst part is I never get to find out what actually happened to Lilo’s parents#or if the doctor lady is in any way responsible#or why the half-australian family friend likes to chop people’s fingers off or is present to begin with#like he’s been in the dream before but tonight I actually recall him shouting the words:#‘I’m thankful my English ancestors spread their colonizing genes everywhere it gives people thin little fingers that are easy to saw thru’#like excuse me what the HELL does that even MEAN#I feel like this might be subconsciously related to my empathy towards polynesian cultures who have been colonized to hell and back sadly#and still are being colonized#but there is SO MUCH I can’t make heads or tails of#like Lilo’s Carrie powers#or#and again I cannot stress how odd an inclusion he is#the Half-Australian guy who wants to saw off someone’s fingers#absolutely fucking insane stress dream experience thanks brain#I feel like this would give a therapist who believes in dream journals a heart attack#also absolutely hate how consistent it is every time I have it#like it’s the same dream#every time#i’m also not under the influence of any drugs or medicatiion rn#so it’s probably just my brain producing an incredbly insane movie for me
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