#Worst part is I never get to find out what actually happened to Lilo’s parents
malwarewolf404 · 2 years
Every once in a blue moon I’ll have this recurring dream about a pubescent Lilo from Lilo and Stitch discovering a plot where her parents were actually murdered in order to satisfy some sort of white blood pact or something. Then Lilo confronts the person she suspects to have killed them (a suspiciously wealthy doctor woman who denies everything?) and throughout the entire thing Lilo is also able to commune with her dead parents by cuddling a warm stuffed animal and connecting to a sort of supernatural spirit realm that resembles her childhood home? After which gallons of blood explode from her (intact, thank god) body and cover the walls?
There’s also a half-Australian half-Hawaiian native man who was a friend of the family and is kind of obsessed with cutting off people’s fingers and is clearly on the verge of snapping into bloody rampage if he discovers that Lilo believes her family was killed, which Nani has to constantly hide from him? Jumba and Pleakly are there for like two minutes at a family dinner at Nani and Lilo’s new apartment (I think they were priced out of their beach house :( mortgage payments got insane after the 2008 crash) where Lilo discovers her psychic blood powers and then are never seen again.
The whole thing ends with Lilo stuck in a running clothes dryer by choice in the lobby of the doctor’s office, trying to use the warmth of the dryer to tap deeper into her psychic powers and screaming at her mother’s spirit to “Wake up!” I push a sunburnt white guy with blue hair carrying buffalo wings out of the way as blood explodes out of the dryer The Shining-style. The whole thing is some sort if twisted Carrie/Akira/Sabrina/L&S hybrid with actual colonization and Hawaiian-native people’s real world suffereinh, and it’s incredibly sobering to wake up to.
And if you are wondering, yes, I’m Stitch in the dream.
#Literally what the HELL does this mean#Had this dream at least three times now including just now when I was able to fall asleep for like twenty minuts#also my fraternal cousins are present through most of it#which is a brilliant use of word association with the Hawaiian meaning of the word ‘cousin’#Worst part is I never get to find out what actually happened to Lilo’s parents#or if the doctor lady is in any way responsible#or why the half-australian family friend likes to chop people’s fingers off or is present to begin with#like he’s been in the dream before but tonight I actually recall him shouting the words:#‘I’m thankful my English ancestors spread their colonizing genes everywhere it gives people thin little fingers that are easy to saw thru’#like excuse me what the HELL does that even MEAN#I feel like this might be subconsciously related to my empathy towards polynesian cultures who have been colonized to hell and back sadly#and still are being colonized#but there is SO MUCH I can’t make heads or tails of#like Lilo’s Carrie powers#or#and again I cannot stress how odd an inclusion he is#the Half-Australian guy who wants to saw off someone’s fingers#absolutely fucking insane stress dream experience thanks brain#I feel like this would give a therapist who believes in dream journals a heart attack#also absolutely hate how consistent it is every time I have it#like it’s the same dream#every time#i’m also not under the influence of any drugs or medicatiion rn#so it’s probably just my brain producing an incredbly insane movie for me
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theangrycomet · 4 years
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“You win. Kind of cheated, but you win.”
-Devlin Evan Levin
Notes: Edited
*When first writing my stories I didn’t realize Kevin wasn’t Canonically Trans, so his procreations follows the Trans!Kevin Head Canon*
*Osmosians are Aliens*
*The Rooter’s arc is the same, except Kevin was just rescued by the Rooters*
*Devin Levin is Canon here, though his backstory varies*
After Kevin’s break up with Gwen, he was kind of a mess. He went back to his more shady businesses and practices. 
Sunny, wanting to snub Gwen a bit, approached him during a a lower point to have some fun
Kevin was unfortunately fooled.
When he’d found out he’d been tricked, he tried to absorb her to death. It was nearly successful too.
Due to a combination of the two’s previous *ahem* nightly activities and Kevin absorbing most of Sunny’s energy, Kevin got pregnant, much to his dismay.
Convinced he would be a bad parent, he tried to get multiple abortions to no avail; baby was too damn stubborn.
When Devlin was born, he was born in his 11 form.
But hey, Kevin finally got that Hysterectomy he’s been pushing off for years
Kevin was bluntly horrified at what he’d done to the kid. But, as Devlin reached out for him, he determined that he would love his kid to death, even if no one else would. Because f*** all if he was going to let his kid go through what he did as a kid. 
Went back to Earth because Gwen needed help (and missed him)
Went well for about two years until he was forced to absorb excess Turbonic Energy
Barely escaped being sent back to the null void (not by Tennysons, other plumbers)
Still dealing with the jerks of the business, he proceeded with the criminal lifestyle to pay the bills. He managed to keep Devlin from most of it and spent as much time as he could with him. 
He felt like he had no idea what he was doing most of the time, and constantly had to deal with other aliens trying to mess with his kid b/c of people wanting to mess with the infamous Kevin 11000
Actually got a better understanding of his own powers by teaching Devlin about his
Levin’s don’t get Normal childhoods
Birthday: Earth Time: January 2nd
Picked up his fathers’ technological prowess as well as his looks
Though it did not happen often, Devlin was knew how to deal with Kevin’s energy hangovers and subsequent mood swings
Was usually able to talk him down before anything too bad happened
Generally avoided him or fled the scene when told when Kevin got especially bad (only happened 2-3 times but the memories are still pretty vivid)
Though always threatened with being locked out if he came back after curfew, if Devlin was never actually kept out of the house. Kevin just kind of went into small panic mode.
When he was little, he loved using his alien form to cause trouble
Lighting fires with his pyronite arm
Making playhouses with his petropsian arm
(This one was tricky to figure out) Leaning back against walls hand hack security buildings with his Galvanic Mechamorph shoulder blades
Trippin’ up passerby’s with his tail
Devlin preferred the in betweens, when Kevin was most like himself and not worrying about “jerks at work”. Those were rarer than either Osmosian would have liked.
Whenever Kevin got stuck in the Null Void, waited at their hiding place until he got back
When the last time he got stuck, he waited 3 months, pretty much alone
Argit actually snuck Devlin onto Earth
Knew about his plan to get his dad out of the Null Void
Refused to help him publicly.
“And furthermore this plan is ridiculous. What, do you expect to just walts on in, befriend Ben’s youngest son, best after an argument with his old man, get him to slip up how to get in, *cough* 32ndstorybigpadlockeddoorcan’tmissit *cough* and walts out Kevin in tow? Ridiculous”.
Kenny’s Birthday weekend wasn’t the first time Devlin hadn’t been able to talk his dad out of a stupid brawl
But it was the first time Kevin physically hurt him
Devlin's not really sure how much Kevin actually cares about him any more if he was so easily able to throw him aside like that. 
Inside the Tower
He hadn’t realized that Kenny had a sister, or a mom for that matter
Didn’t really know Gwennie at first,
She eventually found a wonderful middle ground of space cars
Kai was… different
Waited to get the story from Ben about the mysterious Emo Kid presence in her living room
Immediately lost her shit at Ben, not for Devlin being brought into the house, but for not talking to her about it and, since he had evidently already made up his mind about the whole thing, still not having one of the guest room set up as his own
He hadn’t met any adult (aside from his dad) who was so brutally honest and upfront about things, having grown up with and around conmen and politicians his whole life
She kind of intimidates him
She thinks its funny that she intimidates him more than big bad Ben 10k
Ben doesn’t
Overtime, they settle into the “Protective but will let you do your thing” older sister Gwennie and “How could you be so stupid to get hurt like this! Get over here and you will let me take care of you, young man” mom role for Kai.
Kenny is definitely his best friend
As he did not grow up on Earth, he doesn’t get a lot of Earth culture stuff, especially the American side of things
What’s with all the holidays?
And why are you so obsessed with social media?
What the kriff is anime?
He regretted asking that last question
He was enrolled with school with Kenny the next school term, giving him about a year to adjust to the Tennyson household
Kids tried to pick on him for being Kevin 11K’s kid, but Kenny quickly shut that down
Ironically met one of his few friends outside of the family by starting a fight with him
Believes what he sees
Does not believe in magic. Period.
Ben tries to fill the Uncle role without stepping on toes for the Dad roe
Works surprisingly well
More of an introvert
Still a sweetheart, its just when he’s forced into an unfamiliar social situation he tends to get defensive and surly
Wasn’t interested in soccer, but found he loved hockey
Pretty damn good at it too
While smart, if he’s not interested in a subject or if a subjects hard he won’t study it
History’s his worst, with English being a close second
Tried to hide the D’s and F’s but Gwennie sniffed them out
She always knows
Additionally, he doesn’t really think past what’s in front of him
He thinks of the evidence he has in front of him and the knowledge he’s got
long term planning? Impossible
He didn’t know she was an Anodite for about a year or two. 
It wasn’t ever really brought up
Can and will question dumb leadership
Mellow other wise
Favorite Disney Movie: Lilo and Stitch
Aroflux Demisexual
Regarding his Powers
His 11 form is still his main form
He does have his own Mana, but his Osmosian side is constantly eating it away so he cannot manipulate it like a “true” Anodite can. 
He can absorb energy, but material is impossible for him
The excess energy goes into maintaining his 11 form. Because of this, when he does absorb energy
He goes to his 11 form
Retains control of his mind
If he tries to stay “human” and absorb energy is where in lies the problem
Because the energy doesn’t have anywhere to go it warps his mind
This doesn’t happen too often because he always allows the energy to outlet to his 11 form and his Anodite side generally finds ways to redirect it
With time, he learns to activate parts of his 11 form at a time
Ben mentioned off hand that at the WAY beginning, when Kevin was Devlin’s age, he could modify the energy to only work on parts of his body
It requires less energy and is convenient if he’s trying to avoid attention
Regarding Kevin
He’s still sore about being literally tossed aside in his father’s quest for power
Doesn’t want anything to do with the lying b****** at first because of he doesn’t really know what to do. He loves Ben, but he wants his dad. Like how things were before everything got all complicated. 
He has no idea what Gwendolyn saw or currently sees in him
Was conflicted when he found out his dad was getting treatment
Part of him wanted Kevin to hurt just as bad as he did when he was thrown away
Part of him wanted Kevin to get better
Part of him wanted Kevin to go away
Part of him wanted Kevin to come home as soon as possible
He was confused as to how Dr. Kincaid could help drain an Osmosian of excess power without getting killed
Devlin’s lack of Pop Culture and Current Super Hero knowledge was shown through at that point
“Turbonic Energy’s what got him into this mess, Turbonic Energy’s what’s going to get him out.”
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Alright, so once again, this is the most recent post I could find vague blogging about me on her tumblr in regards to this specific issue so I don’t know where all the “Wow! heartshapedcreaturefromcriptoon DID THAT?!” Anons are coming from here, or how those anons are aware that you even tried to submit me something, unless you’re just sending them to yourself to try and stir more trouble but just ....
Leanne, Leanne, Leanna Leanne.... I feel as though I must para-quote Gene Wilder’s character in Young Frankenstein here because just what is the matter with you? Like do you not understand the concept of hyperbole at all? Don’t you know a joke when you read one?
The entire reason I screenshot that ask this way was to show case the fact that color and formatting of the ‘t”,  on what I didn’t know happened to be goth day just happened to match both the obnoxious eye sore color palette and theme of your tacky little blog, Princess. 
The whole coincidence gave me the willies, so I was just making a funny, honey.
Although, apparently, you can’t comprehend my humor or my kindness because now isn’t that part of what got you into this mess in the first place?
“Luna” is for long time mutuals only. Don’t pretend like we’ve ever spoken more than twice, and don’t pretend like you ever gave a damn about my well being when you can’t even get my disability right. My correct name and minority status is written all over my blog.  And to think you’re the one who bitched and complained to me about being called “Honey”.
I only found this on your blog because I have no way of responding to your original Submission even if I wanted to now because Tumblr seems to have eaten it (which, to that I say good riddance) and the only reason I found your Twitter is because it’s exactly the same as your gmail address due to the fact that you’re that basic. There wasn’t anything “random” about it.
“I would never send hate for no fucking reason...” Ah, but by that logic you would dish back hate to someone if you had a reason. So why would you like, concern troll me and chastise me for hate trolling someone when they gave me a reason?!
“And then to say that you that I would hack into your account? WHY??????? Why would I do that? I dont even know HOW to do that! YOU ARE TEARING MY HEART EMOJI APART LUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Again, honey, please calm down and teach yourself how to form a coherent sentence, learn the concept of what a hyperbolic joke is, leave your fandom(s) and get a freaking life.
I thought you were my friend too until the night you pulled that shit with me, respect that I blocked you and frick off.
And for the love of God, stop “joking” about writing smutty fanfics between you and Al and getting “married” to him and delete all of Angel’s pictures from your blog why don’t you!
Your obsession with all of us is beyond unhealthy.
“I know that you have reason to listen or believe me...” Honey, I know that when you were typing this your little crocodile tears were hitting the keyboard so hard that you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence and you need to shut the fuck up. (Also SIDE NOTE of how Cletus and Striker are like, the worst Helluva Boss characters to have “taste” in: Some sleazy little man baby and an ever only slightly cooler and more tolerable Wild West Reincarnation of Toffee, I should have known you were like this. Oh and that Vampire Chick from RE7 everyone including yourself is into right now is like if Eclipsa was a freaking Fairly Odd Parents Pixie and Meteora would have her daughters for a snack, both figuratively and literally. Die Angry About it.)   
I had two whole interactions with you and I wanted to beat that bunny fursona of yours down with a tree branch Lilo and Stitch style the second you hopped into my ask box that night and 4 days later you gave me an excuse to. I only found out about the shit that you were putting my friends through when Orn started vague blogging to me about what you were doing to them after I exposed you as a snake in the grass arse little bitch and they had no reason to try and White Knight you.
In starlatte27’s case she was just tagged to help attack me by the same stalker that you were going out of your way to defend and latte blocked me before I could even so much as figure out who she was, meaning we didn’t even have an “altercation”, her existence to me personally at that point was merely a blip that served to cause me more disorientation and stress, but I knew she was just as much of a bitch as you were before my friends did and now you’re both causing them immeasurable harm in comparison to what I was put through and you both need to delete your blogs after you apologize. NOBODY WANTS YOU TWO IN THIS FANDOM!
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in reading you reiterate your excuses for your racism and gross mistreatment towards my friends to me, nor do I care for your off putting arse attempting to have some sort of petty, infantilizing, paternalistic, para-social relationship with me!
Angel and Al, may I add, haven’t been online in weeks because of you and starlatte27, and now you’re only trying to get to me because I’ve still been available online and you’ve been bored. And if I had the capability and privilege of doing anything other than sitting, I can tell you that I certainly wouldn’t be in front of a computer right now if I actually even had the option not to be ether.
And for your information, being able to meet Angel and Al, at least out of all this mess in the first place, has been the only good experience that I’ve had within in this fandom thus far and their presence on my dashboard only makes my day brighter, I willingly shared my experiences with them to let know they’re not alone in all this shit.  
Stop being a sleaze to Angel just because he’s more attractive than you and clearly not white passing, and delete all his photos from your blog.
Stop being a skeeve to Al and stop making “jokes” about marrying him and your jokes about smut because that’s actually beyond the conception of “cringe”.
Stop infantalizing me and acting as though you have some weird parental para-social relationship over me or some shit when I’m freaking three years older than you are, apologize to all three of us before deleting your accounts and dropping off the internet why don’t you and then leave all three of us the fuck alone!!! 
I can tell how the little twit whom said this to me the other day has certainly never met you.
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