#or will bootlickers keep them afloat
clowningaroundmars · 11 months
you can tell disney is STRUGGLING lately
offering subscriptions of disney+ for like 3 bucks
hiring remote data entry positions for like 18 bucks an hour, emphasizing that anyone can apply (ads i see on yt nowadays)
tons of ppl making "disney fucking sucks and heres how its impacting their revenue" videos
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msraynerabbit · 1 year
Dude is anyone else seeing all these bootlicker blazed posts telling us the moral thing to do is to give Tumblr money. Like fuck off, even under capatilist logic I'm not gonna use my money to keep a failing business afloat because they keep shitting the bed. If Tumblr dies I'll just play more video games or something, I'll miss it but I'm not gonna give them any fucking money when they straight up hate me because I'm a gay tranny. I use Spotify premium because I like the benefits not because I need to keep poor baby Spotify afloat. I have PlayStation plus because I wanna play online not because poor little Sony needs a leg up. Eat shit and die losers. I'm never gonna feel bad about a business dying even when it's something I use and I'm sure as fuck not gonna use any of my $15 hour menial labor money to keep a bunch of terfs and racists employed
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Stop Attacking People Who Leave Update Feedback
Can the thread-derailing trolls taking jabs at people who want an obviously- defective gene fixed shut the hell up please?
You're the reason threads of valid criticism get locked because you decide to stir the pot for personal entertainment.  A lot of people consider it trolling at this point. 
When threads get locked for this petty bickering, everyone suffers, keep that in mind:
First of all the staff will continue to sell and distribute defective products if we don't say something, and the company's image will be affected permanently
Because of the mindless scuffles in the forum post, the staff will start further ignoring the userbase across the board.  We may not even get a chance to write about how we receive updates in the future
People can get banned for expressing criticism right now, especially when you staff bootlickers antagonize them after leaving criticism that has no relevance to you
FR is a company, and already has a track record of not treating it's userbase ideally.  However, if it is to survive it needs good customer relations and to continue producing quality products.  We can help this company stay afloat by submitting respectful, but reasonable, feedback, and letting people freely submit that feedback.
Thank you
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You know what confuses me? People who argue that it's perfectly fine and normal for people to need to work 2-4 jobs to keep their kids fed, including when it's both parents, but will also argue that its better if the mom stays at home with the kids. How do you idiots think that the family will keep afloat on only one income?
That and liberatarians who argue that every form of government is evil and call you a bootlicker if you tell them that Interventionism can be good sometimes, who then turn around and are like "this should be illegal because i think its wrong and dont like it". That's fucking stupid too.
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fslut · 5 years
Hi yes hello while we should give our money to independent LGBT content creators during pride, someone buying some trans pride shirt from vans or whatever isn't gonna single handedly keep capitalism afloat, someone smiling at the magnum ice cream lesbian wedding does not make them a bootlicker
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zucca101 · 7 years
Can't have people being paid what they're worth after all, can we? As we all know, keeping those plebs at work is far more important than making sure they can keep a roof over their head! Corporate bootlicker.
I understand if all you think of is in terms of childish tropes and fiction, but here in reality, the small and mid-sized businesses are things that actually exist.
Do you think that Mrs. Jean can afford to pay you $20 an hour to pump gas or flip burgers at the local cafe?
Do you think that Mr. Sheldon can afford to pay your dentist bills, optometry bill AND every doctor’s appointment you make from the funds drawn from the car wash?
Do you think that Mrs. Olga can pay your auto insurance tab with the money she brings in from her quilting business in return for your watching the register?
Do you think any of them can do that AND keep their business afloat?
I’m not trying to egg you on or anything either here. These are legit questions.
Because if you do think that, then you understand nothing about small business.
Let me put this as clearly as possible for you...
When you pass laws that require businesses to have difficult payment requirements, guess what businesses will be the only ones to survive?
The giant corporations that nobody likes.
Because they can afford to take that hit.
Whereas Main Street will close down.
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