#im glad to see disney suffering a bit
clowningaroundmars · 11 months
you can tell disney is STRUGGLING lately
offering subscriptions of disney+ for like 3 bucks
hiring remote data entry positions for like 18 bucks an hour, emphasizing that anyone can apply (ads i see on yt nowadays)
tons of ppl making "disney fucking sucks and heres how its impacting their revenue" videos
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violet-amet · 1 year
owl house spoilers, and thinking back on what could had been. so yeah. rambling again. but, i will say, i loved it, and it left me an emotional mess. not as much as ffxiv's shadowbringers and endwalker, but still p good without comparison.
i enjoyed the ending tbh. i love titan-luz esp. there was a lot of things i found interesting in the world building, that i wish that if the series wasnt cancelled, could had been properly explored with time, and king can unite with his father, but unfortunately... yeah. but you know, despite all the good, i do feel that having the big bad have so much mystery, but no time to explore makes his death a bit weak.
like it feels good to have him beaten down as he was, and killed straight up, but i wish i could had learned more about his backstory. his reason to be there. yes luz caused him to get where he is, but like, thats only one piece to a bigger puzzle that is the big bad's story.
i wish i could had learn more about the collector's kind. what really happened to them and what happened to the titans. i wish we could had learned more about the collector as well, because giving just three episodes to the other big "bad" isnt enough, imo, to grown attached to him. but i do think he is adorable. just a kid with too much power and too little guidance. its a shame really.
thing is, im just a viewer, not a writer, and so idk what happened or what the creators were thinking to make what they did, but i still enjoyed it. there was too much that disney missed out on, and honestly, i wish the owl house existed when i was a kid. it would make me feel proud to not only be hispanic, like i always wanted a hispanic heroine, but also glad to be weird and different. im glad that this show exists for kids that exist today.
but it is what it is. im not angry at the mouse, im more angry at the people who direct the mouse. the mouse isnt to be blamed here.
anyway thats just summoning up my thoughts on it, and i nearly did cry at the end, to see a proper happy ending after so long. i havent finished steven universe, because i heard that the ending for that is p bad, and like, honestly, i just watched a few episodes of future, and felt content with just finishing it off pre-movie. but i know that even su suffered a lot from corp meddling. it sucks.
still, despite corp nonsense, im glad these shows are being made today, and for future gens to enjoy. i hope to see more shows like these continue to be made, despite corp nonsense. i want to see more good stories.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
House of Mouse: “Goofy’s Valentine’s Date” Review
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Come on in mouskeeteers! It’s Valentine’s Season here on popculturebuffet, and while I may be single, I do love a good romance story. I find them sweet, sometimes hilaroius, and endearing when done right. And the bane of my existance when done wrong, but we’ll be getting to smidgen of that too. Point is I may not be getting any romantic love this season but I can sure celebrate it. So for the next two weeks we’ll be diving deep first into some ending with one heck of a closer. 
So for our opening act since i’ve been going on in to the House of Mouse a lot lately, and since I NEARLY missed this one if not for Kevin, we’re going to be looking in on my boy Goofy as he grapples with being lonely and Daisy misguidedly tries to help him. Blind dates with a manquin and Mortimer hitting on women to predictable and justified results insues under the cut. 
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So as usual for house of mouse we’re chunking this up by segment. Let’s go. 
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Donald’s Valentine’s Dollar: Easily the segment of the night and the best House of Mouse short i’ve seen in a rewatch so far. The short is simple but awesome: Donald has only a dollar to spend for V-Day, and wants to buy daisy a tiny but sweet box of chocolates, but his dollar blows away in the wind and he chases after it. And that’s.. it that’s our premise. But it leads into fast paced looney tunes style shenanigans with donald zipping up and down kites and later taking goofy’s broken one and putting it on like wings Arthur Everest styles and taking after it. Also the nephews show up and dick around with their kites because their douchebags in some shorts. Also donald tries to punch a whale.. well a whale kite but still let it be said there’s a short where donald tries to punch what he thinks is a sky whale. And that is wonderful.  The climax is also really sweet, as Donald gets the dolalr, after another briliant sequence where they play hide and seek in the clouds, only to find it sold out and himself dejected waiting for her thinking she’ll be mad.. only for her to present him with the very gift he was going to give her and the two to share a look. 
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It’s cute enough on it’s own but after SEVEAL weeks of having to put up with the  three cabs version it’s NICE to have a Daisy back whose not an overly demanding monster from some stygian hole in the sky. Not much else to say about this one. I’ts just REALLY good and I could easily recommend checking it out on it’s own. 
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Mickey Saves Minnie: The Stairs This is one of those short segments from Mouseworks that lasts about a minute and is off a simple recurring premise, in this case Mickey saving Minnie from some sort of bizzare fortress of pete’s.. in this case THE STAIRS!
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I said STAIRS. In this case Gimmicked stairs with all kinds of traps: boxing gloves, giant balls...
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And giant slinkies. I knew one day they’d grow big and kill us all but they all laughed at me.. well whose laughing now.. well still them because Mickey gets past them easily. Pete turns the stairs into a slide but mickey rebounds by pure luck via slinky and uses one of the boxing gloves to win, minnie kisses him and this was real fun. Nothing really deep to go into just a fun few minutes of my life i’m glad i’m not getting back. Speaking of wishing I had minutes of my life back....
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Pluto’s Arrow Error: Well this one’s messed up. Look Love Potion plots genuinely ONLY work when the writer knows that giving someone something to make you fall in love with them is inehrently messed up. It worked in Buffy because Xander did so for vengance after Cordellia broke up with him, which granted she did REALLY hurt him but it’s still a bit of overkill. However while it ends up backfiing and making every OTHER girl in school into him, and psyotically so as the episode goes on, he never indulges, as he KNOWS it’s wrong and not under their power or choice. Basically it was one long deconstuction of this nonsense. 
My point is unless it’s used to deconstruct this type of plot or for some shenanigans, Love Potion plots are inherently creepy at best and rapey at worst. So naturally we get one with Pluto trying to make a dog who dosen’t know him love him instead of trying to woo her, and accidently making her bodyguard/boyfirend I guess chase after him for 2 minutes while he’s tinted pink. And yes i know he’s a dog, but he’s an intellegent dog who should knwo this is bad and never gets called out on it and his punshiment.. is one long gay joke. 
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So yeah while not the worst love potion plot i’ve probably seen, or love magic or what have you, I could make a list of those and might some day, it is still pretty uncomfortable and easily a dead spot in an otherwise pretty enjoyable episode. 
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Goofy’s Valentine’s Date: And fitting it’s accompanying shorts, the good ones anyway, this is a simple plot with funny gags. It’s valentin’es day at the house of mouse and Mickey encourages everyone to kiss their sweeties. So we get Aladdin and Jasmine, AWWWW always shipped those two so adorable, a toy soldier and some other toy from a work im unfamiliar iwth and Timon turns down Pumba. Come on man, who are you trying to kid me or the censors? 
But Goofy’s depressed since he dosent have a sweetie and Daisy feels bad for the poor guy while Minnie tells her “not to meddle”. 
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Minnie from a buisness standpoint, he’s crying while reading the menu and clealry not in great mental shape. Setting him up with someone or even just talking to him will help with that. And from a human being standpoint... your being a cruel ass to NOT help him in any way shape or form. The guys a fucking widower. He’s probably been lonely for some time and more focused on raising max. And since no one knows where Peg is he dosen’t have a lot options now he is ready to date again. It’s not MEDDLING to help a clearly lonely person whose gotten over his grief move on, it’s just called basic human decency. I expect that from cablleros daisy Min not you. 
So Daisy does end up meddling, in part because she thinks it’s shuffling around coins, and sets him up with a secret admirer.. without actually getting him one. 
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So Minnie does agree to help and they.. put him in a blindfold and have him date a manquin. In front of the entire restraunt. I have no words.. since this is pretty funny and Goofy’s shenanigans while blindfolded, because it’s a BLIND date.
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Also sidebar it’s very weird that she DID set Lincoln up with a blind date once but didn’t pull this gag. Point is it’s some funny stuff including Gus, in his first apperance on this blog seriously how’d it take so long, eating the shakes he orders since Goofy can’t see. 
Tying into the resolution to this is Moritmer, who spends the episode as you’d expect.. hitting on various characters. He hits on the wicked step sisters, whose cat attacks him, he hits on the lady gargoyle from huncback and her two friends rightfully beat his ass, he hits on madam mim who set shim on fire and he hits on the queen of hearts who somehow DOSEN’T cut off his head, and you know is married, and does launch him into goofy spoiling the ruse. Honestly I found this funny both because Moritmer is objectively hilarious and because the show DIDN’T take his side at all or give him anyone, and he suffered consequences for sleazly hitting on women. He also called himself a wonder man. No sir the only wonder men are these guys. 
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And if your wondering about the secod one there was a whole song about it. 
Your welcome. So Goofy’s dejected until after Pluto’s cartoon where it turns out he had a secret admirer after all. it’s clarabelle! Awww.. and Daisy says “Well it’s better than a manquin” what a supportive friend you are. And she’s STILL better than cabs Daisy. Point is happy ending pulled sorta out of their ass, as she showed up earlier but sitll it woudl’ve been easy to have Clarabelle chime in during their scheme or something and have Minnie set them up to fix it. Or Donald or Mickey. Donald was absent outside of the short. That’s not fair. But overall not a bad wraparound, ending is a huge copout and feels like not much, but i’m starting to think that’s usual for season 1. I do KINDA ship the two, but usually I prefer her with horace or him with Peg Pete. Yeah you heard me and you cant unhear it and frankly I don’t want you to. We also get a funny add about the Queen of Hearts valentine’s service.  Overall not a bad episode. Fun gags, a cute premsie and only one really terrble short. Check it out this valentein’s and hopefully disney will have this show up on plus by next valentine’s. Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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For both Ro and Vee: 28,24,19,5,7,12. Sorry for all the questions, they're just interesting! I'm glad you guys are back to posting on this blog again!- 🐇Buwwy
hi buwwy! don't be sorry thank u for askin them. and yeah we're glad to be back :) - 💜
5. Onesies or dresses?
I guess onesies? I've never.. uh i dont know. but mama's sweaters and shirts are like dresses and they're kind of my favorite thing to wear. okay maybe dresses maybe? idk - 💜
Onesies all the way! I have multiple Disney-themed ones that bring me immense comfort on slightly down days. Plus they are a mandatory requirement for family movie nights! - 👑
7. Pastel colours or neon colours?
pastel. bright colours hurt my eyes, and soft colors just make me happy when i'm small - 💜
Ohh that's tricky I love all colors! It's hard to get neon colors to work but I think I manage it in my art and my outfits - so yeah neons! But I try to avoid them if me and Vee are hanging out since they give him headaches! - 👑
12. Do you wear diapers?
Vee is a bit shy to answer himself but he let me take over. Yes he does wear diapers, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! He's my sweet little baby and anything that helps him is perfect! 💕💕 - 🐶
Nope. Also yeah, no one is allowed to tease Vee about it. Seriously. - 👑
19. Thigh highs or frilly socks?
i kinda like the look of thigh highs and theyre like.. fun and comforting? idk how to explain it but like pants make my legs feel trapped but then they get cold, but thigh socks are warm and they dont feel like they trap me so theyre cool - 💜
Any outfit can be enhanced by some extra frills!! I have frilly sparkly rainbow socks that are my favorite pair ever! - 👑
24. Do you have a baby voice?
yeah i guess so. i don't talk properly when i'm little, idk how bad it is though, gonna get logan to help explain better - 💜
Vee's language comprehension and vocabulary is very limited while regressed. Additionally, I believe he loses some semblance of control over his tongue and his diction suffers. In his older ranges he can speak in two word (and occasionally three word) sentences. "Where Papa?" "Wuv Mama" "Wo-Wo pway" for example, though as you can see some words are mispronounced still. Love = Wuv. Play = Pway.
In his younger age range (5- 9 months) he is unable to speak but can babble gibberish, which is highly entertaining. In his youngest age range (2-4 months) he is wholly unable to speak and relies on emotive expression to try to communicate his needs. This includes crying, whining, "grabby hands", etc. And yes, his voice sounds distinctly babyish. - ⭐️
Kind of! I change my voice a bit to stay in character, it's a bit more childush but not tons different to my usual voice. Just like unguarded I guess? I speak a lot faster and I suppose just talking about more childish things makes me sound younger! - 👑
Ro also mixes up F and Th sounds when he's little! And when he's super excited he stutters a bit and Logan said it's because his brain is going faster than his mouth can say his thoughts! How cute!! - 🐶
28. What is all the (little) stuff you have?
uhh i have a lot. a bunch of softies (Lo said about 50), quite a few pacis, a couple paci clips, teethers, some baby blankies, dad got me some bath toys recently, baby cutlery, sippy cups and bottles, uh and diapers and pull-ups too, soft clothes i wear when im small, a few rattles, baby books, and i think some more stuff i'm forgetting. yeah quite a lot sorry - 💜
Now that I think about it, not that much! I tend to wear clothes I already had as big me, but carefully selected (so like disney t-shirts and shorts that are easy to play in!) I guess most of all it's toys and craft stuff.
We already had stuff like play-doh and kinetic sand before the whole little family thing because they're great for anyone just for fun. I have action figures and a couple soft toys and toy cars! And a few sippy cups but I think that's it... I kinda wanna get a paci because I saw that people decorate them and I wanna try doing that! - 👑
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spicyboilouis · 4 years
pt 2 to it’s over isn’t it
(Only because I love them too much to see the suffer)
Regulus lived out his adult life and is now in a retiring home where he watches Disney movies with the teenagers who volunteer here. Regulus likes it a lot. He’s used to being on his own anyway. Sirius died a couple of years back and Remus died a couple of months after that. Regulus likes to think that Remus just could not live in a world where Sirius Black was not in. Regulus was still here and it was as nice as being alone could be. Well, he wasn’t as alone as he makes himself out to be. Harry and Ginny and their children would often visit him on the weekends and sometimes Ron and Hermione would tag along as well. Today was Saturday and in came the Potters. Ginny said she would take the kids to eat while Harry talked to Regulus. Which Regulus thought was odd, but didn’t question it.
“Papa! Hey how are you doing?”
“Harry oh darling I’m fine. How are you”
Harry sat dragged a chair to be by Regulus bed and was looking pretty serious. Regulus frowned and took Harry’s hand. Harry smiled a bit before a frown took over again.
“There’s just this one thing I need to ask you. I’ve had this question since I was 16.”
“Ok...whats the question Harry?”
Harry took a deep breath before looking into Regulus eyes. Harry’s eyes were filled with sadness and this whole interaction wasn’t making sense to Regulus. What was happening?
“Did you have a crush on my biological dad? It’s just the way you talk about my birth dad is the same way I talk about Ginny, and the same way Ron talks about Hermione.” Regulus can’t hold the truth from Harry anymore. Regulus doesn’t know when he’s gonna die but he knows it soon. So he gives him an answer.
“That’s a...tricky thing to answer. Well I guess you could say yes. We dated for a year before in joined the death eaters by my parents will. Once I came to my senses and fled it had been to late. Your father was with your mother.” Regulus already felt the tears and but he shook them away and sat up a bit squeezing Harry’s hand. “I was too late and I saw how happy Lily made James and I couldn’t come between that. He much happier with Lily then he was with me. So I just became his close friend. It’s pathetic i know, but I just wanted to feel close to him even though he wasn’t mine anymore. I wanted him to be happy more than anything in this world...I still do.” Harry had tears running down his cheeks and he leaned forward planting his elbows into the mattress.
“Regulus Arcturus Black you are not pathetic...you’re in love.” Regulus rolled his eyes out of habit but Harry kept going. “ You loved my dad so much you let him be happy with someone else. You’re so strong. I don’t think I’d ever be able to just see Ginny happy with someone else everyday.”
“Be thankful you never have to deal with that. It’s the worse type of pain. One that for me never went away.”
“Is that why you never dated anyone? My whole life I’ve never seen you dating anyone.” Regulus laughed because merlin knows he’s tried.
“I’ve been on some yes...none of them felt right. Ugh I must sound like Snape going on about Lily” Harry snickered but quickly assured Regulus he’s nothing like snape.
“Im glad you told me papa” Regulus smiled and Ginny returned with the kids and everything was alright.
It was Sunday morning and the whole family was sitting at the table eating their breakfast and talking. The phone rang and Ginny went to answer it.
“Hello is this the Potter residence?”
“Yes it is who is this?”
“Oh sorry this is the retiring home your relative is at a mister....Regulus Black?”
“Oh yes! That’s my father in law”
“Yes, sadly he passed away last night. I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“Oh...thank you” Ginny hung up the phone, and quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. Harry would depend on her during this hard time and she needed to be strong for him. She decided to tell Harry and then they’d tell the kids together. She sat back down and said the call was from some kid playing a telephone prank.
After breakfast Ginny pulled Harry into their bedroom and sat him on the bed.
“Ginny? What’s wrong?” She sat down on his lap and wrapped her his shoulders.
“Harry the call at breakfast wasn’t from a prank caller.”
“Ok...who was it from then?”
“...the retirement home”
“Oh did we forgot something while visiting pa?”
“No honey...Regulus died last night” Harry got pale and was stiff. The tears already welling up in his eyes.
“He died? No...they’re lying” Ginny pulled him into a hug rubbing soothing circles into his back.
“Why would they lie about something like that love?”
“I don’t know! They just have to be lying he can’t....he can’t be dead. He can’t be dead he’s my dad” Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny’s waist hugging her back and it was such a tight hug but Ginny didn’t dare say anything.
Regulus fell asleep in the retirement home and woke up in a white room. A weird lady with short blue hair showed him around and dropped him off at some weird common place. There were so many people around him he was a bit overwhelmed. He missed Harry he knew Harry was going to be devastated once he found out. A weird parting was formed and he saw Harry sobbing and Ginny hugging and comforting him.
“Oh don’t cry darling please. I love you so much Harry so please don’t cry too much.”
Afterlife wasn’t so bad James found it kinda freeing no more stupid war. He did terribly miss the people who were still alive. He missed Sirius like crazy. He wanted to be able to raise his son with his wife and for baby Harry to have a nice family. That dream basically went to shit when both James and Lily died. They watched over Harry from above and were pleasantly surprised when Regulus took Harry in. James missed Regulus a lot...a lot more than he should for being just friends with him.
Lily and James were both looking down at their own funerals when they both heard Regulus love confession about James to Remus. Lily was sad for a bit because she knew that James was still in love with Regulus. She knew and she wanted James to be happy so she let him go. They’re still the best of friends no bad blood between them.
James was just walking around aimlessly as one does when they’re bored when he paused. He heard something familiar but couldn’t place it. James being the gryffindor he is went after the sound and found a man sitting and looking down. He was muttering to himself and was shaking.
“...please don’t cry darling everything’s gonna be ok Harry”
James’ eyes went wide as the realization struck.
“...Regulus?” Regulus turned quickly because he could never forget that voice.
“James” for a second it was just them standing there looking at each other like the other wasn’t real. James couldnt take it and pulled him into a hug burrying his nose into Regulus’ neck to just breathe him in. Hot tears landed on him and Regulus was hugging him really tightly.
“Baby shhh it’s ok you’re alright now.” The crying seemed to increase by that sentence and James could do nothing more than say comforting words and rub his back.
“baby? what happened to lily?”
“Ah the whole death do us part kinda took its course now we’re apart as in not dating not married. We kinda realized we aren’t a match for each other.”
“Oh well in that case...”
James smirked his hands rose up to cradle regulus’ head in his hands.
“in that case?”
“I’m in love with you have been for a while.” James laughed squeezing Regulus face together.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me sooner Reggie because I love you too...I don’t think I’ve ever stopped loving you” Regulus looked so happy and he was. Regulus was insanely happy because James loves him. James loves Regulus.
“Can I kiss you?” James nodded and so they kissed and Regulus never felt as happy as he does right now. Who knew that dying would get him and James back together.
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Favorite Character (17/???)
Br’er Fox (“Song of the South”, 1946)
“I got ‘im! I got the little rabbit! I sure’s got ‘im! Hehehehehe! I got the little rabbit this time for sure!”
Yeah, that’s, uh, that’s what the fox has to say; no need to wonder no more, I believe. Anyway, I’m going controversial here, this time around: Song of the South, as a movie, ha been regarded for years as a problematic movie, since it’s very often regarded as insensitive in regards of black people and former slaves. 
Now debates have been made, and I don’t have enough information to hop into the debate properly, but I am able to say that the animated segments are exceptionally lively and fun, and James Baskett did an amazing job in portraying both our kind and wise Uncle Remus, and this crazy fellow I will talk about shortly. We’re basically talking about totally different characters here, but he gave his all in both roles (even lending a hand with Br'er Rabbit’s voice, how about that?) But it’s especially apparent in how Br'er Fox acts and speaks that you can see just how much passion went in working on this character.
In the stories told about Br'er Rabbit’s misadventures, we have Br'er Fox who, alongside his friend Br'er Bear, tries his darnest in trying to catch that rabbit. If he gets to do so in the most cruel way possible, that’d be better, according to him, the sadist. 
 If there’s one word I’d use to best describe Br'er Fox, it’d be… frenetic: this guy talks, moves and thinks fast, it’s almost like he never stands still. Even when he needs to think of a way to get Br'er Rabbit, he let’s his imagination flow, hoping to at least make sure that his prey gets to suffer properly before dying; naturally, even Br'er Bear, usually very simple-minded and calm (until you make him angry, that is) points out that merely bonking him in the head would be enough, but Fox insists that there’s no fun in that; well, if that makes him happy…
All this energy in him is also seen when he’s excited or angry: when he’s happy he barely ends a sentence without laughing mad, while he angrily shows off his teeth and gets really loud and aggressive when he grows more and more annoyed; kinda maniac, all in all, and he sure likes keeping that ax of his nice and slicy…
He’s proud of his supposed intelligence, and often wants to show it off in his schemes, but it’s not really easy to do so if you either let Br'er Bear get fooled by Br'er Rabbit’s tricks, or get too much arrogant, yes? So any defeat is very much a huge blow to his ego.
Also, you want to have an idea of how much energetic this guy is? Well, James Baskett’ s deliveries were so fast, the animators had to use new animation techniques in order to make sure Br'er Fox’s lip sync and movements were correct, and even then sometimes they don’t add up; I see this as less of an error, and more of a testament of just how hot blooded Br'er Fox is (and how talented James Baskett and the animators are).
Anyway, even if he’s not the nicest guy around, it’s hard to hate him: there’s something endearing about his enthusiasm, and, if his interactions around the Disney Parks are any indication, he’s often seen as being a bit of a prankster, and genuinely enjoys dancing and having fun (also, he wouldn’t say no to a hug. :3).So, yeah, he CAN be friendly when he wants to, just it’s better not to approach him if he’s in a bad mood.
So, I like Br'er Fox because of his high dose of energy and enthusiasm he shows in everything he does: I think no baddie has matched him in this regard as of yet, which makes him stand out even more. He’s crafty, arrogant, aggressive and everything, but when he’s not busy with his traps he’s surprisingly loveable. Now, I’d be glad to let Br'er Fox be present for this post about him, but I think he’s busy with Br'er Bear with their shenanigans, and he gets all snappy when he gets interrupted, so maybe another day.
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burgatroyd · 7 years
disney night thoughts
this whole episode flowed so well, and especially much better than last season’s disney night. so let’s get into it
victoria and val: i hate myself because while there were obviously better dances last night this one ended up being my favorite because it was just so so so cute. victoria is like human sunshine personified, and i think val did a really great job of showing that in his choreo. i loved the use of the troupe, i loved that it was literally like watching a silent film. tbh the song was kind of weird and I really think they made it work. im happy for them
vanessa and maks: okay....this was bad. like really really bad. i know vanessa said they only had two days to rehearse but unfortunately it showed. and on top of that, maks and vanessa had like no chemistry it was so so weird. i don’t know if vanessa is just suffering from the fact that she does so much better in fun dances where she’s able to show her personality, but I’m really worried for them. and i think i can no longer play dumb because it was highly suspicious that there was literally nothing in their package besides the bit with maks as the dwarves (which i loved). the choreo was pretty but she looked so unstable and tentative the whole time...idk im worried :(
lindsey and mark: this was a really smart move by mark. doing a traditional dance after 5 straight dances that were more conceptually creative paced them in my opinion. but i really think they suffered the effects of their running order. this dance was super underscored, and i honestly feel bad that mark had to see some of the later dances score the same or higher. 
nick and peta: this was decent in terms of execution but i LOVED it in terms of just sheer fun. i felt that nick really really got into it and peta’s choreo was STACKED. yeah he very obviously messed up towards the end, but i still loved this. it was also cute that they were freaking the fuck out during eliminations like i’m pretty sure peta was crying and both mark and cheryl did something to comfort them. very cute.
drew and emma: its crazy how much he has improved since week one. if anything, it shows how good of a teacher emma is because it really is night and day. i enjoyed this even if it wasn’t really memorable for me in the long run. but it did show how improved he is, so theres that.
sasha and gleb: im really sad about sasha. i’m not really one to say anything bad about the pros because they work so hard for very little praise imo, but i really really really think sasha could have gone so much further with another partner. it sucks and i was really sad for them, because its obvious that they’re better than probably all of the male contestants left in this competition with the exception of jordan, but it is what it is. dwts viewers really hate women. it’s crazy that even with the female contestant side being so much more stacked than the male contestant side only one of the eliminations has been a male celeb. the only pro about this is that it gives the female pros much more room to shine (especially because, again, the female pro side is so much more stacked than the male pro side. women > men as always)
terrell and cheryl: why did i lowkey stan this? i’m glad that terrell is shaping up to be an enjoyable contestant. he has potential and it’s clear he’s working hard. cheryl is literally the best pro possible for him, and it’s showing. i loved this dance.
frankie and witney: i don’t know why, but i wasn’t obsessed with this. i literally watched witney the entire time like i basically forgot frankie existed. it obviously wasn’t bad, but it just wasn’t exciting for me. also...do you think frankie wants to be there? idk i just get the feeling that its possible he’s enjoying this. 
jordan and lindsay: that was INSANELY good. like there’s really not much to say besides the fact that jordan is obviously the frontrunner here. i think they have to work on making him seem more relatable because tbh even his mmy story was him being a super special case (that hurt to type i feel like such a bitch). anyway this was incredible. i don’t really understand how there are jordan naysayers because i love him but obviously it’s all a matter of taste. also boy can sing whew he is talented.
nikki and artem: this was cute :) that’s really all i can say. i’m glad she finally got a good running order even if it was at the cost of getting the most commercialized disney package because they were forced to promote a movie. it was really a fun dance and i’m glad she was able to look like she was having fun. tbh from the getgo i was worried that the general audience might hate nikki because they usually hate sexy female celebs, but i think she’s doing well enough with them and i think this dance was good for breaking up the sexiness. 
that’s all! i’m really worried about next week’s eliminations...i guess we’ll see what happens
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nightwingxy · 8 years
Frozen Follows -2015 (warning: Not that good, Cheesy as hell)
Within the past 5 or so months, I came to a few odd revelations. The first is that the movie frozen is following me and stalking me. Just about every day I see something pertaining to frozen. It might be a cardboard standee in a store window that I see when i’m eating lunch, or its on the shirt of the girl in-front of me getting off the train, or I see 1000 random pieces of merchandise at whatever store I'm at. No matter where I go, Frozen will always find me, somehow, haunting me. It’s a horrible curse, but it’s also kind of a good thing. The other thing is that I have a crazy love obsession with Anna from frozen. I don't know exactly why, but I do, and its kind of weird. Sometimes she is all I ever think about. I would cry many sleepless nights wishing she was here with me, while I would fall asleep happy with her in my thoughts. Again, kind of weird. So every time I see frozen anything i both smile and cringe at the same time. And Sometimes I just cant take it, and drives me insane. But as of recently it isn't as bad, mainly do to a dream I had. About a few weeks ago I Went to bed with Anna on my mind. I soon fall asleep, but then I wake up on a bridge outside the city of Arendelle, the home of Princess Anna and Queen Elsa in Frozen. It’s afternoon, and Im wearing skinny jeans, a fancy long sleeve shirt, with a pocket in the front and i have my Darth Vader vans on my feet. I feel something in my pocket, I take it out, and it’s an
invitation to a dinner party/dance/Disney higher ups gathering thing at Queen Elsa’s castle in 20 minutes from now, with a personal note and signature by Anna. The note from anna also mentions something about disney executives. But then before I can react, the merchant from resident evil 4 comes up to me, and says:“Welcome, I’ve got a selection of good things on sale today, stranger. So, what are you buying?” The merchant proceeds to open up the left side of his coat, Revealing A plethora of Official Frozen merchandise. Dolls, clothes, school and office supplies, DVD’s, CD’s, kitchen ware, this guys got it all. I tell him I don't want anything. But before I can start to run towards the castle, he stops me and says“ I’ve got some rare things on sale, stranger.” He then opens up the right side of his coat, Revealing even more frozen merchandise, and some other random crap. While quickly scanning my eyes through his selection, and I notice the Batman watch that I got at GameStop and wear all the time in real life. I ask him how much, and he says “5 Dollars, stranger.” I pay him the money. He asks “ Is that all, stranger?”, I say yes, and he responds with “ He he he he, thank you.” I respond with “Yeah, sure, whatever” as I'm running off towards the castle, frantically putting my watch on. While I’m running through the town, I see everyone wearing frozen shirts, jackets, hats, dresses, backpacks, etc. The town is also littered with stores that only sell Frozen merchandise. When I start to get closer to the castle I see Anna greeting a small group of people, some executive types. Once they head inside, she sees me, then waves for
me and calls my name. I finally reach the castle, and ultimately Anna, the love of my life. I tell her hi, and ask her hows it going. She says its great, and she's been excited for this dinner party for days, and is super glad to see me. I ask her if Kristof is coming, since i don't know what our relationship is like here. she says “ no, don't you remember what i told you the other day? I said that A: Kristof is out adventuring or whatever, and B: were just friends, which was when you made your move and we started being more than friends”. “Oh yeah.” I awkwardly reply. Then quickly respond with “Sorry, my brain farted earlier.” She laughs, then we go inside, holding hands. I ask her about the Disney executives thing, and she says that they’re having meeting about the franchise with Elsa and that I can stay. I say sure, why not. We hang out talk, and dance at the party until the dinner/meeting starts. As we find our seats as I grab 2 pieces of cheese and 2 crackers from a cheese and crackers plate a waiter had when I passed by him.I pull her chair out for her, and she sits, then i sit. I take my piece of cheese and give Anna the other cheese and the 2 crackers, which she proceeds to make a mini sandwich with. She eats it, thanks me, then kisses me on the cheek. Then 2 servants come out and announce the queen’s arrival to the dinning hall. We all stand and clap for queen Elsa, then sit back down. She welcomes everyone to the castle, among other things. I zone out for a bit but Anna snaps me back to “reality.” I start to listen, and i find out the main guests are Legit actually THE Disney executives, as in the people who own and run
Disney. They start to talk about Frozen 2, the Frozen broadway show, Random Disney theme park stuff like meet n greets, possible rides and shows, etc. The conversation changes from disneyland stuff to merchandising and other media, like books, video games, etc.. They start bringing out the presentation stuff, complete with pointing stick. They start to talk about revenue, demographics, transmedia crap. Anna and I are both bored out of our minds. Then they quickly start to talk about what kinds of new merchandise with Anna and Elsa on it that they can crap out to the masses of frozen fans. They don’t stop, And it gets so crazy, i think that they’re trying to make Anna and Elsa look like big, greedy sell outs. “We can put your Faces on anything and people will buy up all of this crap!” says the guy with the pointing stick. Elsa tries to change the subject to something else, like frozen dolls with better looking faces. They ignore her and keep talking about having every kind of product with their faces and the films logo on it, so frozen can be sold anywhere to anyone. Elsa is getting worried this and says “we don't need that much more merchandise”. They ignore her again, and she gets pissed, and responds with “Stop trying to whore out the image of my sister and I!”. But then the head exec, gets up, and he looks a hell of a lot like senator Armstrong from metal gear rising, both physically and facially, except with more hair, and its grey. He tells her “SHUT UP, YOU HAVE NO SAY, WE OWN YOU!!!!” Anna has had it tells the exec “YOU CAN’T TALK TO THE QUEEN LIKE THAT!!” The exec Shouts “SHUT THE HELL UP, WE OWN YOU
TOO!!” So by now I’ve had enough of this rich douchebag’s shit. I stand up and yell “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO EITHER OFF THEM LIKE THAT, DICKHEAD!!” He growls “ WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?!?!? YOUR OBLIVIOUSLY NOT KRISTOF, SO DONT GET SO FRIENDLY WITH OUR OTHER FEMALE LEAD YOU LITTLE SHIT!” I Start to Retaliate with “ I JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE HER REAL BOYFRIEND, and end with “FUCK YOU MR. BURNS”. He then threatens us with his moon sized battle station up in space, the death star, and that he could “WIPE THIS SHITHOLE COUNTRY OFF THIS GOD FORSAKEN PLANET, BECAUSE DISNEY CONTROLS THE WORLD MOTHER FUCKER, SO WATCH YOUR MOUTH.” Then what I said Finally hits him, that Anna and Kritsof aren't a couple anymore, because she’s with me, ruining their marketing and a bunch of other shit all at once. He then gets Furious, starts storming towards me. Elsa has had ENOUGH, and starts to takes action and gets ready to freeze him, but he came prepared. As soon as feels the room get a little cold, he pulls out a remote with a single button. When he presses it, Elsa’s powers just don't work anymore. How?!?! I Don't really know. But then he heads towards Elsa instead, with Anna running over to protect her sister. She steps in front of elsa to protect her, but takes a mean pimp slap in the face for both breaking up with Kristof, and defying the grand master CEO of Disney as he calls himself. I just snap, and I dart over to the mother fucker and jump kick his burly ass. He stumbles back and drops the remote. I
quickly grab it, push the button, then smash the damn thing. Elsa gets her powers back, then immediately freezes the other executives sitting at the table. I go help Anna up, and she starts crying on my shoulder. She tells me to kick his ass to kingdom come. I tell her I will, Despite Knowing that I will probably loose. So “Armstrong”, as i decided to call him,starts running outside, so Elsa sends her guards after him. I tell Anna that I have to go, But as soon as i start to run after him, she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her, and we kiss very passionately for about 7 seconds. She then tells me to check the first closet to the right on the way out. I tell her she’s the best, and we say our goodbyes really quickly, as I run off. I check the first closet on the right, and i find a small case. I open it up and I find a lightsaber. I turn it on, and it turns out to be Kylo Ren’s lightsaber from Star Wars Episode VII, the one with the 2 smaller blades that come out to make a cross guard. I turn it back off, and run AS FAST AS I FUCKING CAN into the setting sun. I make it outside the town just in time to see the guards prevent Armstrong from escaping in his space limo, at least that’s what his vehicle looked like to me. I run through the guards to confront this mother fucker. He says that I’m “a fool to challenge the Disney empire!! You will suffer greatly for this.” He then pulls out his Darth Vader lightsaber. I pull out my Kylo Ren Lightsaber. When the cross guard comes out, I actually see fear in his eyes for the first time in forever as his evil smile quickly fades away. We have a extremely quick duel before I cut off his hands with the cross guard. I then cut off
his left arm. I then stab him in the heart shouting “THIS IS FOR ANNA!!”. I press the blade further and yell “AND THIS IS MY SANITY!!!” As his corpse falls to the ground i take the keys to his space limo or whatever it is, and decide to sell it to merchant if I see him again. Then I start to walk back the castle, and As soon as I see Anna Running towards me, I collapse to the ground on my knees. Then She then runs as fast as humanly possible, WhenI look back, I see that Armstrong didn't die just yet and shot me with his pistol, so I stumble back on my feet and cut his god damn head off with the lightsaber. I fall again, but anna catches me. I tell her I love her, and that I will always love her. We kiss, then I pass out, or possibly die in her arms, I'm not sure which. That’s when I Wake up and I'm in bed, and realize that it was a dream. I'm a little saddened by this fact, but get over it rather quickly. So i’m officially awake, but before i get out of bed i grab my phone and download a picture of Anna in her green dress from the end of frozen that she was wearing in my dream. After that moment, I didn't see frozen as much in the world around me as much any more. My love obsession with anna got better, as it didn't take up all of my personal life like it used to. My life got a little less weird because of this dream as a hole, and I also got excited for frozen 2. I still hope one day I can return to that world in my dreams to see Anna Again, to tell her that I lover her.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
never a dull moment
Sakuya: *nods* "Okay...Here we go..." lilac: *stumbling a bit* Sakuya: "Just one step in front of the other..." *supports Lilac* naho: *worried* -in the nurses office* lilac: *in a bed, passed out* Sakuya: "...Does he just need rest, or...?" nurse: he just needs rest for now...poor kid. looks like he's had it rough... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "Do you mind if we wait here? Just for a bit?" nurse: are you sure? naho: *she nods* Sakuya: "Please?" nurse:...very well. lilac: *asleep, shivering* -there are faded scars visible on his wrists- naho:....!!! Sakuya: "What is...Oh no..." naho: *tearing up, holding lilac's hand* Sakuya: "..." *pats Naho's back, rests another hand on her hand over Lilac's* lilac: ........*waking up* nnnn? naho: *she hugs him* lilac: ???? Sakuya: *sad smile, as he hugs as well* lilac: ????? Sakuya: "You're okay, buddy." lilac: ......??? did i....g-get sick again? Sakuya: "You...just needed some rest." lilac:...........*pulls the blanket up* you.....saw them.....d-didnt you?....t-those ugly things.... Sakuya: "...Lilac...I'm sorry. The past hurts...but it's in the past. And like scars, you can heal, however long it takes..." lilac:...*whimpering* Sakuya: "...Do you want to talk about it?" naho:....(thinking: i dont know what i can say...sakuya and lilac....they both suffered so much in the past....and i had a fairly normal life......but its not fair at all.....they should have had good lives too...) lilac: did i......do the right thing? Sakuya: "...None of us can answer that. That's up to you...Do you think you did the right thing?" lilac:...i-i dont know....i was just...so upset....h-he killed them....and i wanted to hurt him......but i....i feel like i did something really unforgivable.....i-im scared. Sakuya: "...This is beyond me, and I think beyond you...Maybe we should talk to someone else? Maybe a professional at this kind of thing?" lilac:.....mr mahiru....he's good at talking to people....but....im scared he and the others hate me for what i did......i wouldnt...blame them if they do.... Sakuya: "...You won't know unless you try...How about we meet up with Mahiru for lunch?" lilac: !!...o.....ok....*gulp* naho: hey, we're here for you, ok? lilac:....r-right... Sakuya: *small smile* "Yeah." Sakuya: "I'll call up Mahiru when we get home..." lilac: o-ok.... naho: ..... >///>; Sakuya: "???" naho: n-nothing. Sakuya: *shrug* "Lilac, want to head home early?" lilac:...y-yes please. Sakuya: *nods, holds out a hand* "Come on..." -later- lavender: *holding lilac* easy there, kiddo. lilac:...... Sakuya: "...Tsubaki, I was thinking of bring Lilac to see a friend. Would that be okay?" tsubaki: sure, who did you have in mind? Sakuya: "Mahiru?" tsubaki:.....ah. should i come with you? Sakuya: "I think it would help." tsubaki: *she nods* Sakuya: "...Lilac had a rough day. I think it's about...what happened." tsubaki: ....i'll try my best to resolve this then. Sakuya: *nods* "I know you will. You're the negotiator for this group now..." tsubaki: i suppose so. otogiri: she will be head of her family someday, so best to practice i suppose. naho: she's kinda like a princess in some ways. -w- tsubaki: ^^; i wouldnt say that. Sakuya: *small laugh* "You probably could pull off a Disney princess dress, Tsu." tsubaki: ^^; -elsewhere- Konro: *groans* kabuki: are you sure you're alright, commander? Konro: "Just sore...It's worse during some days than others. Probably the weather." kabuki:....shall i apply the medicine then? Konro: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: -w- kim: *in tanuki form, on jackie's lap* =w= Jacqueline: "Are you comfortable?" *strokes her back* kim: yeah. im so fluffy im gonna die~ -w- Jacqueline: *sigh* "You can be so conceited..." *strokes Kim--and not paying attention, strokes to her bottom* kim: KYUKYU! O////O *TAIL WHIP* >//////< Jacqueline: "Ow!" *realizes what she did* .\\\\\\. "S-Sorry!" kim: 7///////7; i-it was a reflex. Jacqueline: "Y-Yeah..." *holds her on her lap* "...You are fluffy. And cute in this form." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ midori: hmm? worker: im not sure if he's a kitsune or not, but i figured you might be able to take care of him for the time being. misuzu: ah, i see. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Midori and Misuzu* "???" *slowly approaches...sniffs at Midori* midori: hehe. <are you really a kitsune? i wonder...> Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" ^\\\\\^ *small fox laugh* midori: ^^ my sister will be visiting tomorrow with her friends. im sure they'd love to meet you. Mr. Tsubaki: *tentatively approaches...still sniffing* -elsewhere- Patty: *dragging Gopher into the room by his ankles* "Look what I found outside!" Gopher: x___x kirika: O-O; ...im not even shocked. Gopher: "I was in front of the door to knock--then the door bust open." Patty: ^^ "Sorry about that! I was in a rush to get out, and you were in the way." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *lying on the couch* nayumi: how're ya doing, commander? Akitaru: *yawn* "Alright. Just tired..." nayumi: ah. Akitaru: "How about you? Having an okay week?" nayumi: *she nods* i got a letter from my family, they're doing well. Akitaru: *smiles* "That's good. What are they up to?" nayumi: just the usual things. Akitaru: *nods* "Any visit you plan to make to them?" nayumi: soon, if squad 0 gets called out that way. Akitaru: "Right..." *gets off the couch* "Wait and see, I guess. Want some tea?" nayumi: i would like that. ^^ Akitaru: *follows her to the kitchen, puts water on the stove* "...It's good for you to check in with your family." nayumi: *she smiles* did i tell you how i joined squad 0? Akitaru: "Just a little bit...How did you?" nayumi: *she smiles* one day, my father and i paid a visit to the main sol temple, and there was commander miwa, offering anyone to join squad 0 as a sister. she ended up striking up a conversation with my father and he then spoke to me. he told me 'i want you to go with them. i know you are happy at home, but i dont want you to become sheltered. i want for you to experience the world, and understand your surroundings.' and, i suppose i do now, to some extent. Akitaru: *smiles* "And you get to see more of this world...not a bad lesson." nayumi: *she smiles* i will admit, its scary sometimes. but i still want to respect what my father asked of me. Akitaru: "...You value your father's advice, then?" nayumi: *she nods* i suppose the commander is a rather trusting person. Akitaru: "Yeah..." *pours the hot water over tea for both of them* "She is." -elsewhere- Lawless: *yawn* kranz: sooo? how was school today? Lawless: -_- "Exhausting...So many assignments..." licht: *already studying with julian* Lawless: "I just want to sleep for hours..." julian: but we havent even gotten to reviewing the works of Aristotle yet! Lawless: -__-; "I'll get to 'Poetics' in the morning...It's not that long..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *smiles, talks in his sleep* "You're lovely..." stocking: *she kisses him* Kid: "Hmmm~" *opens his eyes* "...Oh. Am I still dreaming?" stocking: you tell me~? *smooch* Kid: *smooch* "Mmmm~ This is better than my dreams...so this is real." *smiles at her* stocking: *she smiles* i love you kiddo~ Kid: *hug* "I love you, too..." -elsewhere- Emine: *sipping water* medea: *drinking coffee* Emine: "...So, how have you adjusted to life here?" medea: fairly well, minus the doll incidents. Emine: "Hmm...I am familiar with bad deeds. Those seemed far less destructive than they could have been." *pause* "...I mean that as a compliment." medea:.... Emine: "...May I ask you something? How did you...learn about your abilities?" medea: i often heard the voices growing up, and one day i heard my grandmother's voice amongst them. and we just started talking. Emine: "...Oh. And it...was an okay conversation?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Hello, Sister." kirei: *she smiles* commander. Benimaru: "How has today treated you?" kirei: it went well. Benimaru: *nods* "...I wish I could say the same." kirei:...is the commander- Benimaru: "He...is recovering, as best he can." kirei: *she nods* -some time later- lord death: happy birthday shiori! Kid: "Yay!" shiori: ^o^ Yumi: "Happy birthday, Shiori..." shiori: *stumble walks over to kid* hehe! Kid: *shiny eyes, gasps* "Awwww! Come on, Shiori! You can do it!" -she made it!- lord death: *SQUEEEEE* Yumi: *recording* "So good, Shiori!" shiori: kid! ^^ Kid: "Good work, Shiori!" *holds up a large box* "Your present..." -elsewhere- Tool: "Is this good enough to wear?" chie: looks good. mana: *thumbs up* Tool: "I-I hope so...Don't want to screw this up." chie: hey. you're gonna do great. Tool: *gulp* "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Anya: "At least I can move around enough to go to classes..." tsugumi: ^^ Anya: "I just hope that today goes smoothly without--" Lawless: "Bro, I'm just saying that if you are going to write a sonnet, you have to--" Anya: "??!!!" licht: oh. hey. *wave* Anya: .\\\\\. "Hi..." Lawless: "...Hey. Um...Glad to see you on two legs again." Anya: -_-; "Yeah..." ao: say, i'll be visiting the shrine later today, do you want to come with us? Anya: "Might as well...So long as the stairs aren't too much." -at the shrine- midori: ah, welcome. ^^ ao: i'll go get changed then. *she goes to a back room* licht: so this is a shrine, huh? Anya: "What was your first clue?" Lawless: *snort* licht: father did mention going to them when he was young, but i never actually visited one. Anya: "Hmm..." tsugumi: awww, how cute! licht: *shiny eyes* its so fluffy. Fox!Mr. Tsubaki: o___o ("Crap crap crap crap crap--") Lawless: "???" Anya: *shiny eyes* "Where did you find this pet?" midori: well a worker from a sashimi restaurant came by and dropped him off. we think he might be a kitsune, or someone's pet. tsugumi: awwww, he's so cute! Fox!Mr. Tsubaki: ("Stay in character, stay in character...") *approaches Tsugumi, sniff lightly* tsugumi: hehe~ ^^ mio: i guess he's kinda adorable. 7-7; Fox!Mr. Tsubaki: *lets himself be pet* ^^ -valentines day- misono: at least i'm feeling better now... Lily: "Yes, you are...which is good because--" *CONFETTI* "Happy birthday!!!" misono: !!! *blush* t-thanks. mitsuki: oh, you got two packages of chocolates today. misono: o/////o s-seriously?! Lily: "Oooooo..." -two packages, one from madoka, one from shinoa- misono: *opens the box from madoka*......'happy birthday'......*sigh* Lily: *hands on the side of his face* "Oh, my..." misono:.....*opens shinoa's box.........it's birthday/valentines chocolate* .///////. Lily: "OoooooooOoooooo...So couple-y!" -elsewhere- stocking: ahhhh~! >/////< Kid: "I take it you're pleased?" stocking: *pants* that was...amazing. -knock knock- stocking: !!! *she puts a bathrobe on* Kid: ._. "Um..." *puts on his robe* stocking: yes? postal worker: package from a mr b...bel..bei.. *squints* stocking: donate it. postal worker: y-you sure? stocking: yes. postal worker: ok then. Kid: -___-;; "Maybe send it to a bomb-disposal unit..." postal worker: o...ok then. -later- -knock knock- girl: ??? *she opens the door* y-yes? Postal Worker: "Donation for you, ma'am. Please sign here." girl: *she signs it* t-thank you.... Postal Worker: *nods, leaves* *The box shakes a bit* girl:.....*just stares* *The box breaks open, revealing a card and a box of chocolates...The card opens, playing Belkia singing 'My Heart Will Go On'...Badly* girl: ah....*blush* *she reads the note attached* Belkia's card: "My darling cinnamon bun, please say you will be my Valentine! Your beauty, your charm, your elegance, your--" *It goes on and on...The card even folds out to continue with a long list of compliments* girl: ah...*tearing up* Belkia's card: "I love you. I made reservations at the restaurant listed below. Please, say you will be there." girl: *she eats the chocolates, happily* (thinking: someone....really did this for me? w-was it donated out of shyness?....im so...so happy....ahaha....) -elsewhere- Wes: *holds out a rose* "Hello." liz: aww. *smooch* Wes: -\\\\- *smooch* "Happy Valentine's Day. Looking forward to dinner tonight?" liz: of course. ^^ Wes: *holds her hand* "It'll be intimate, good music...good food." -elsewhere- naho: =w= Sakuya: *smooch* "I hope a small gift for Valentine's isn't a problem..." naho: not at all~ ^^ otogiri: *in a heart sweater* Black Star: *looks at his* "...Thanks. This is really kind of you." lavender: *in a red dress* higan and i are gonna crash some valentines parties in the red light district, dont wait up~ otogiri: -.-; Black Star: "...Don't hurt anyone." lavender: the night is still young~ Black Star: *serious face* lavender: *sigh and hair ruffle* we wont kill anyone, ok? Black Star: -_____-;;; "Thank you. And no cutting. Or biting. Or anything that causes physical harm." Higan: "What about mental scarring and emotional pain?" naho: that too! Higan: *pout* lavender: we wont bite....too much~ tsubaki: be sure to keep in contact. -_-; lavender: alright alright. ready to go then~? Black Star: *GLARING* Higan: "Always." *puts a hand on his hip, guiding her...* otogiri: -___-; naho: *cringe* speakin of pervs, anyone seen belkia? Belkia: *in a suit* "Hello, hello, hello! I'm off to meet my destiny!!!" naho: of course you are. Belkia: *holds a bouquet of flowers, humming 'The Wedding March'* "Don't wait up--it's going to be a late night!" otogiri:...... Black Star: "...$5 says he comes back hacked to pieces." naho: where the heck are you even going? Belkia: "A fancy-ass restaurant to romance my delicious cupcake over a sumptuous dinner, where my magical charm will finally convince her to leave THAT DIRTY UGLY REAPER SHIT and marry me~" otogiri: .....sure. Belkia: "Maybe even breakfast with my sweet bun..." naho: just go and break a leg. -_-; Sakuya: "Break both." Belkia: "Hmph." *departs* -later- Belkia: *seated at his table, looking at this watch* "Hmm..." girl:......um..e-excuse me... Belkia: "??? Yes?" girl: y-you're 'belkia' r-right? Belkia: "Yes. Who is asking?" girl: -i-im ayami. i-its so nice..to finally meet you. Belkia: "Um...Hi?" ("Who the heck is Ayami?") ayami: w-when your card arrived for me i-in the mail...i was...so happy you'd waste your time on pitiful filth like me. and the chocolates were so yummy, and i felt i was beginning to love you even more. Belkia: "...What?" ("Something here isn't making sense...What card? What chocolates?") ayami: w-were you that shy that you had it donated? the card said to meet you in this place, so here i am. Belkia: "...'That card'? Wait..." *Thought bubble: Stocking + My Gift - Stocking + Random Girl = OH SHIT!* o____o "Uuuuuuuuuuum..." ayami: if you wish. i'll be yours forever. i-i'll do anything for you. *twitching* a-anything. Belkia: o_________________o;;; "Um...That's great. Just one question: who the hell are you?" ayami:..................hehehehe...you're so funny....im the love of your life...r-right?! *dark yandere aura* Belkia: o__________o "CHECK, PLEASE!" ayami: are we ordering to go then? Belkia: "Yes! I'm ordering myself a taxi to get the heck out of here!" ayami: w-we’re going to your place already? oh my~ U////U Belkia: "AAAAAAAHHH!" *runs away--and into a wall, falling back to the floor* x_____x ayami: oh no! y-you're hurt! Belkia: "I'M FINE! STAY BACK! MOMMY!" ayami: ....he's so shy...how cute....hehehe.. -and so- naho: hey belbel, how did it- Belkia: "DON'T TALK TO ME!" naho: !!!.... *pouts* rude. Belkia: *shudders* "Worst Valentine's ever! I need a shower..." otogiri: ?? Sakuya: "Guess Stocking didn't like her gift?" naho: nah, he's still in one piece. Sakuya: "Hmm. Wonder what happened to him?" -at the hoshino shrine- midori: .....(thinking: he looks so forlorn...poor lil guy...) Fox!Tsubaki: T_T *whimper* midori: .... Fox!Tsubaki: ("I know most of my family is safe with her...but I worry...") -elsewhere- Relan: ^^ "These are tasty..." shinra: im glad you like them. Relan: "I do--thanks! I...wish my gift was better..." shinra: its from you, so that makes it the best. *hug* iris: hehe ^^ Relan: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- kranz: HE'S HAD HOW MANY SHOTS OF BOURBON?! licht: yeah.... 7_7; Lawless: "HA HA HA HA HA! A quart of ale is a dish for a king, bruh!" romina: i think you've had enough tonight. ._.; Lawless: *whines, pulling the drinks towards himself* "I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking: I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment..." *HIC* licht: ugh... Lawless: "..." *ugly sob* "WHY?!" licht:...*awkward back pats* Lawless: *hug, cries into his shirt* licht: !!!!....*back pats* 7///7; Lawless: "Ophel--*hic*--ia! Why?!!!" licht:.......*humming* Lawless: *whimpers, his breathing steadies...he starts to calm down...* -elsewhere- Yumi: "I hope you like your present..." lord death: *opens his eyes* O//////////O *Yumi is in her panties, with a large ribbon tied around her chest* Yumi: "Care to unwrap?" lord death: *closes the door* oh goodness yes! Yumi: *approaches him, giving him a light push down to have him sit at the edge of the bed, as she sits on his lap and puts her arms around him* "Happy Valentine's Day, love." lord death: *he takes off his mask and kisses her* Yumi: *kisses back, rubbing his back* -elsewhere- Patty: "Thanks for winning me this big-ass sloth at the arcade, Takeru!" takeru: n-no problem. >///< Patty: "..." *kiss on the cheek* "You're cute." takeru: >//////< Patty: *holds his hand* "...Do you think I'm cute?" takeru: *blushing* Patty: *pouts* "Is that a yes?" takeru: *nods* Patty: *smiles widely--and taps her finger on his nose* "Thank you!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *holding up a spoonful of ice cream* "Excellent dessert." gabriella: im glad you like it~<3 Hibana: "Such good taste. Tell me, how often have you made ice cream?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *singing outside a window...badly* "Life is like a broken arrow- / Memory a swingin' door / I could be your great misfortune / I can make you happy every day of your life!" kirika: *right behind him* hey. Gopher: O-Oh! Um...I thought you were upstairs. In your room." kirika: i kinda figured you'd be out here. *head pats* points for effort, though. Gopher: -\\\w\\\- "H-Happy Valentine's...Day." kirika:....here. *she gives him some chocolate cat faces* so ya dont head home empty handed. 7///7; Gopher: "!!! Thank you! I will treasure these, always!" kirika: sure. (thinking: so pathetic and try hard....its almost kinda cute...) Gopher: "G-Good night." .w. *turns to leave* -elsewhere- Tool: "...I enjoyed your company tonight." saki: i enjoyed it too. ^^ *she holds his hand* Tool: *slight shudder* "Th-Thanks...Saki...I..." saki: *smooch on the cheek* Tool: o\\\\\\o "I...You...and Io are so...important to me...Thank you." -elsewhere- Kid: -\\\\\- "A bit embarrassing..." stocking: *smooch* aww. Kid: "But...for you, I can do it." stocking: ^^ Kid: *clears his throat, gets down on one knee...and sings lightly* "Whenever I'm alone with you / You make me feel like I am home again / Whenever I'm alone with you / You make me feel like I am whole again" stocking: *she smiles* awww. *smooch on the forehead* Kid: -\\\\\- *takes her hand, kisses it lightly* stocking: hehehe~<3 Kid: "I love you, my valentine. Please, say you'll be mine." stocking: i'm already yours kiddo. *smooch* Kid: *smiles lightly, as he hugs her legs* stocking: ^///^ Kid: *kisses her knees lightly* "Happy Valentine's Day, love." -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding up a jewelry box to Tsubaki* tsubaki: aww. *smooch on the cheek* Black Star: -\\\\- "I hope you like it..." *Inside is a camelia necklace* tsubaki: *blush* it's beautiful! thank you. *smooch* Black Star: *smooch* "It...seemed right for you." tsubaki: hehe. ^^ Black Star: *hug* "Happy V-Day, Tsubaki." tsubaki: *she hugs him* Black Star: "Mmm~" ^^ -elsewhere- Meme: -w- mio: h-hope you like it. *she gave meme a scarf* Meme: "I do! The color is great, it's so comfy and fluffy..." *puts it around her neck--then lets the end of it rest along Mio's shoulder* mio: o////o Meme: *smiles* "I like you a lot, Mio." mio: m-meme..... *blushing* Meme: "..." *kiss on Mio's cheek* mio: .//////////////////////////. Meme: *holds Mio's hand* "I think...maybe we need an official date to happen already...If you're not up for that, this is enough for me." mio: i would.....l-l-like that...... .///////. *head steaming* Meme: "Good...Um..." *pulls the scarf off to cool Mio down* "Let's get you some water to cool off..." -elsewhere- Fox!Tsubaki: -______-; *He is dressed in a puppy-size Valentine outfit* midori: ^^ adorable. Fox!Tsubaki: *tiny growl* midori: ?? Fox!Tsubaki: *puppy dog eyes, as he scratches at his outfit* midori: dont you like it? Fox!Tsubaki: *whining* midori:...*she sighs* hold still lil guy... *she takes it off him* Fox!Tsubaki: *slips out of the outfit, shakes his fur, sits, panting happily* midori: *she sighs* i hope we can find if you have an owner soon...they must really miss you. Fox!Tsubaki: "..." *looks down, sadly* midori:....you're welcome to sleep in one of the guest rooms, if you'd like. Fox!Tsubaki: *sniff...walks his way towards a guest room...* -the door is open.- Fox!Tsubaki: *slips inside...tries to shut the door behind him* midori: ^^; want your privacy? hehe, you're certainly an interesting lil guy. *she closes the door and walks away* Fox!Tsubaki: *sigh* *POOF* Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form* "Hate those tiny outfits..." -silence- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around the room...yawns* "Might as well get some sleep..." -morning- Kid: "Mmmm~" stocking: ahhh.... Kid: *smiles, kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "That was a good night..." *kiss* "I hope this is a good morning." stocking: hmhm~ *smooch* Kid: *small kiss on her neck* "I think...you deserve an excellent dessert this weekend." stocking: 7///w///7 oh~? Kid: "Yes..." *kisses her shoulder* "A feast fit for a queen like you...Flavorful...decadent..." *his hand lays along her leg* "Stimulate your senses..." stocking: oh my~ Kid: "But right now...I want to taste..." *his lips near hers* "...you." *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: *holds her in a hug* "I love you." stocking: i love you too kid. Kid: *holds her hand* "Ready to start the day?" stocking: *she nods* -at school- Meme: *in the scarf* "Come on--you can do it, Anya!" *points to where Licht and Lawless are standing* "Go on." Anya: -___-; "This is stupid." licht: just believe you can walk. if you trip i'll catch you because...*pose* im an angel. Anya: o____o "...Um..." Meme: *pushes Anya along* tsugumi: do your best! ao: good luck~ Anya: "!!!" *slowly walks over to Licht...* -nice catch- licht: hey. Anya: o\\\\\o Lawless: -_-; ao: aaaw, how sweet. Anya: "SHUT IT, AO!!!" *slips out of Licht's hands--and onto the floor* "...Ow." licht: *picks her up* i'll get you to the nurse. because im an angel. *pose* ao: fly her away to heaven~ ^^ tsugumi:..... O___O ao-chi that's really morbid. Anya: "Put me down! I'm fine! I can walk! I can--" Lawless: *follows Anya and Licht* -elsewhere- misuzu: *tending to the shrine* Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, curled up on the bed* misuzu: (thinking: alright. just need to clean the guest house) Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up in bed, stretches* "Hmm?" ("What time is it?") -the sun is shining through the window- Mr. Tsubaki: ("Morning? And quite late...I wonder what I should do...") *looks around the room...* -nothing much, other than what you'd expect from a traditional japanese room- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." falls onto his back, rolls on the bed like a doggie* "Ah, so good..." -footsteps approach- Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *sits up in bed, looks at the door* misuzu: *she opens the door* ah. hope you dont mind me coming in. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^; *small fox laugh, as he hops off bed, stands before her, smiling* misuzu: ^^ *she begins to clean the room of any dust* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sweeps his tail along, trying to clear up some dust* misuzu: hehe. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ *follows her* -a little dust falls onto his nose- Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q "Ah...ah...ah...CHOO!" *POOF* misuzu: oh dear im quite sorry abou-............ Mr. Tsubaki: o______o;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um..." misuzu:.... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! *swatting at him with the broom* Mr. Tsubaki: "OW OW! Stop it! I'm the fox! I just, you know, turned into a humanoid form--as you do..." -SWAT SWAT SWAT!- midori: mother? what's- !!! Mr. Tsubaki: D: "...I know this looks bad. But I'm the kitsune you brought in...Um...Surprise?" -OFUDA'D- Mr. Tsubaki: o___o "Oh, sh--" misuzu: <begone evil demons!> Mr. Tsubaki: "No! Wait! I'm not--" -OFUDA'D x2- Mr. Tsubaki: "Crap! Wait! I'm Tsubaki! I'm not--" -OFUDA'D x3- Mr. Tsubaki: "WOULD YOU STOP OFUDA-ING ME?! I AM NOT A THREAT! I'M A TINY FOX PERSON-THING!" -OFUDA'D x42- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *DIIIING* x___X -KO- Mr. Tsubaki: *collapses on floor, small smoke out of his mouth...* midori: what do we do? -later- Mr. Tsubaki: "...Wh-What...?" tsubaki?: i was so worried about you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom?" tsubaki?: *she strokes his cheek* im so happy...that you're ok. *she leans in* Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\o "I...You..." *closes his eyes, reaching out to her* -there is a warm feeling against his lips- Mr. Tsubaki: "Mmmm~" stray dog: *lick lick lick* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ._______. "...The heck?" dog: 83 Mr. Tsubaki: "..." -_- "Hmph...Where am I?" -seems he's in a field in a random park- Mr. Tsubaki: "...Darn. That bed was comfortable." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *pouts* kim: what? Jacqueline: *holds up heart bopper headband* "I just wanted you to put this on once..." kim: *she puts them on* *with the lights* Jacqueline: .w. "Yay..." *holds up phone* kim: .///_____///.; *SNAP* Jacqueline: "Thank you. You are quite cute like that." kim: you're evil. Jacqueline: *chuckles* "Just a little insurance for the future..." -elsewhere- Belkia: *shaking in the corner* otogiri: ??? naho: you feelin ok, bel? you've been actin weird since yesterday. Belkia: "That girl was crazy!" naho: who, the angel girl? Belkia: *shakes his head* "No, most definitely not! Crazy girl! Stalker girl! She got my gift for my darling buttercup--and instead it was some crazy broad!" otogiri: oh my. being stalked day in and day out by some pest. i wonder how _that_ must feel. Belkia: "Awful--that's what it feels like! What kind of a crazy person does that?!" otogiri:.................................................................. naho:............................................ lavender: *cough* Higan: "...You try for a 'friends with benefit' arrangement, Belkia?" Belkia: "NO!" lilac: ????? Higan: "Just suggesting...It works well for many people. And you could use an opportunity to de-stress." naho: could you talk about gross stuff like that somewhere else, old man?! -_-; Higan: "Yes, I could." *pulls out a notepad, moves his pen across it--then turns it around to show to Naho; a portrait of her disgusted face* "But I also get to practice my drawing." naho: *she goes under the kotatsu* =3= *pouts* Sakuya: *small laugh* "Ignore him..." *kneels down, pats her head* naho: =,= *nuzzle* Sakuya: -\\\\- Higan: "...Speaking of 'friends with benefits'..." lavender: 7w7 hmhmhm~ naho: WE CAN HEAR YOU OLD MAN! >n< Higan: *pats her bottom* "My room or yours?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *staring at a pile of Valentine's cards* "...I guess I am popular." fang-hua: no kidding. ._.; Benimaru: *flips through them* "Hmm...The usual suspects...and at least 12 from Tsukiyo. Can only imagine what is in these." *puts those aside* fang-hua: there's a few from the shrine....from that one very strange person...and.....*she hides her card* Benimaru: " 'Strange person'? A threat?" fang-hua:......not exactly. -elsewhere- Relan: *jogging* ayami: ....... Relan: "???" ayami: e-excuse me...have you....s-seen this person? *holds up a picture of belkia* Relan: "Oh!" *jogs back towards her, looks at the photo* "...Can't say I have. Is he a street magician?" ayami: do you know someone who has met him?? *twitching* Relan: *noticing the twitching* "...Um...N-No? I mean, if I never saw him, I wouldn't know whether someone 'met' him?" ayami:...*runs off* Relan: "...Odd." *jogs...in the opposite direction* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Yo, Ao--you alright?" ao: oh, hello. ^^ Black Star: "Hey. I heard something happened at the temple? Everything okay?" ao: yes. everything was resolved. Black Star: *nods* "That's good. If you got any more problems, you let me know--and I'll fix it!" ao: ok. -later- Yohei: "Tool tell you anything about his date?" chie: no, but saki did. she had a great time, it sounds like. Yohei: "That's good." *pats her shoulder* "I'm sorry we didn't get to go out for Valentine's..." chie: *smooch* Yohei: -\\\\- "How's the little guy?" chie: doing well~ Yohei: "That's great..." *hug* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Heh...Imagine his first Valentine that he'll get...Probably get glitter everywhere..." chie: hehe ^^ Yohei: "After that mess Shotaro made with his Valentine..." chie: yeah... ^^; Yohei: "Still better than what Mono got..." mono: oh shut up! >///n///< Yohei: *small chuckle* "One extravagant card from Assi, Zuno giving you 28 cards because he didn't remember whether he already gave you one...and whatever that thing was Emine put in your bed." mono:.... >_________>;;; Yohei: "When's the wedding?" mono: OH SHUSH YOU! *pap attack!* Yohei: "Wow! Hey! I was just kidding!" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *hyper-ventilating* shinra: commander you ok?! Takehisa: "V-Valentine's...Gifts..." shinra: o.o ~? Takehisa: "I was too nervous...and now Valentine's Day has come and gone--and I didn't do it..." shinra: didnt do what? Takehisa: "Didn't give this gift to Maki..." shinra: oh. well, she put something in your locker. i saw it happen. Takehisa: o___o "...I never opened my locker..." *goes to open it...* -seems there is a box of chocolates with a note- note: hey takehisa. thought i'd give you something so you dont feel left out. happy v-tines. maki *there is also a little doodle of pusupusu.* Takehisa: ._. *looks at the note* Takehisa: "..." T_T "Why didn't I give her my gift to her yesterday...?" shinra: hey, its never too late. Takehisa: "..." *runs for Maki's room...* maki: yes? Takehisa: "..." *holds up a wrapped item* "Vappy Halentine's Day!" maki: aww, thanks! *hug* Takehisa: o~o "I-I hope it is...good." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, wandering through alleys* ("And here I am again...Darn.") naho: i think the shop is this way. Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" naho: did you guys want to get anything while we're out? Sakuya: "Wouldn't mind a burger--with all the toppings." Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q *stomach growl* lilac: ..... naho: hmm? you ok? lilac: y-yeah... Mr. Tsubaki: *hidden, following* Sakuya: "Maybe you're hungry?" lilac: i guess...i'll just have a milkshake... Sakuya: "There you go." *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: T____T lilac: y-you can just...order me whatever.... naho: ok! Sakuya: "And fries...and dessert..." *drooling* -elsewhere- Rino: *holds up the kitten* "See? Cute, huh?" gabriella: aww. Hibana: -_-;;; "...You de-claw that thing yet?" Rino: -_- "No." gabriella: can we make him our mascot? *shiny eyes* Hibana: "...Seriously? A cat? Not something more elegant?" Rino: "Of course you can make him the mascot!" ^^ Hibana: -______- gabriella: *shiny puppy dog eyes* Hibana: "...F-Fine..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Big. Ass. SLOTH TOY!" *shakes it at Liz* liz: ^^; stocking: fluffy. Patty: "Very--and very kind of Takeru to win it for me! How were your Valentine's Days, ladies?" liz: it was wonderful. stocking: same. Patty: "Hee hee...I bet. I can tell from Stocking's smile--and that jewelry Sis is sporting." stocking: ^///^ Patty: *sighs, holds up sloth* "Just a few more months..." stocking: ?? Patty: "Then we graduate...and then...I don't know." -elsewhere- Yumi: *smooch* lord death: =w=~<3 Yumi: *hug* "So good..." lord death: i wuv yoooou~ Yumi: *chuckles* "I 'wuv' you, too..." *soft pat on his bottom* lord death: ^////^ Yumi: *smiles* "I love the moments of just us, together...and I love our children." lord death: UwU~<3 Yumi: *smooch on the cheek* "...You know...maybe we owe ourselves a small break...a mini-vacation, perhaps to a hotel?" lord death: oho~ planning something naughty, are we~? Yumi: -\\\\\\- "...Maybe a bit. I think you could benefit from some...discipline." *spanks his bottom* -elsewhere- Lawless: *writing poetry* licht: *practicing piano* kranz: how you two kiddos doing? Lawless: "Shhh...Geniuses at work..." kranz: *whispers* right sorry. Lawless: *humming along as he reads the words to himself--* "Blast. I can't get the meter right..." julian: would you like some help? Lawless: "...Sure. How much you know about syllables and meter?" -elsewhere- mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "??? What?" mafura: ......*leeean* zzzzz.... yumikage: -___-; what does she even see in him? Jun: "...A rock to depend on?" Tsurugi: o\\\\\\\\\\o yumikage: tsurugi if you lay a scratch on her you are a DEAD MAN DO YOU HEAR ME?! tinker: easy there, grumpy pants. yumikage: ...*hmph* im just saying, he's inexperienced with girls. tinker: so are you. yumikage: IRRELAVENT! Tsurugi: "I AM NOT INTENDING ANYTHING TO BE EXPERIENCED WITH GIRLS!" hyakuya:...anyone else confused? mitsuba: oh yeah. Jun: "I just keep my head down and focus on work...which you all should." shinoa: speaking of which, shall we get a head start on today's jinn clean up? *sunny* Jun: "Good thinking. Take a few of the team with you, and Tsurugi--" Tsurugi: o\\\\\\\\o Jun: "...Um...Either go with them, or keep being a pillow for Mafura." mafura: mafura wants to come too! Jun: *smiles* "Very good." *stares seriously at Tsurugi* "_Keep an eye on her safety..._" Tsurugi: o______o -and so, near the antique shop- mitsuba: not a lot of activity today... hyakuya: i suppose that's a good thing. mafura: ?? *looking all around* Tsurugi: "So...While we're here, do we have to do a checkin at the antique shop?" mitsuba: i suppose. Tsurugi: "..." -____- "Maybe...someone else could visit the antique shop?" mitsuba: fine i'll do it. *she opens the door* metsu: may i help you? hyakuya: just checking stuff out. mafura: *looooooks* O.O *staaaaare* Jeje: *in snake form* "???" mafura: !! metsu: ^^ mitsuba: oh! i-is mikuni in? metsu: yes, he's upstairs, shall i get him? hyakuya: yes. mitsuba: AKANE! D8< Tsurugi: -_____-;;;; "Whhhhhhhhhhy?" Jeje: *slithers up the stairs with Metsu...* mafura: o.o ~? Jeje: "Ssss...Mikuni. You have guests..." Mikuni: "???" *steps outside, not even looking* "Well, howdy there, y'all! And how may I help--" *spots Tsurugi and all...* "...Oh. So, you're here." Tsurugi: -_______________- mafura: ~? *head tilt* mitsuba: .///////////////////. hey. hyakuya: sup. Mikuni: "S'up. Tsurugi." Tsurugi: "Kuni-chan." Mikuni: *spots Mafura* "!!! Oh, hello! Who are you?" mitsuba: did it just get colder in here? hyakuya: oh fuck yeah it did. mafura: mafura-chan is mafura-chan ^^ metsu: ?? Mikuni: "...Um...And Mikuni is Mikuni. That's me! Where you from, buddy?" hyakuya: she's with us. Tsurugi: :3 "More like, she is with me." *holds Mafura's hand* mafura: OwO~? metsu:...eh? Mikuni: o____o Jeje: "...Sssssshit." Tsurugi: "Going steady. Staying together. Holding hands. All those things." mitsuba:...since when? hyakuya: oh my god. Tsuguri: "S-Since a long time now! So there! Isn't that right, my smoochy peachy?" mafura: OwO~?? metsu: ......*sweatdrop* Mikuni: "...Really now? Huh. Well, good for you." Jeje: *looks at Metsu, whispers* "Can you believe this?" hyakuya: *texting someone* metsu: i dont believe this for a moment. -_-; Tsuguri: ^^ "Thank you, Kuni-chan. Mafura and I are happy to hear..." mafura: ^^ *nuzzle* hehe~ mitsuba: *JAWDROP* Tsurugi: o_____o;;;; *slight shudder* "Oh...Um...Uh...Help?" Mikuni: "..." *crosses his arms, smirks* mafura: ^w^ -squiiish- Tsurugi: D: Mikuni: o\\\\\\\o Jeje: "...Yikesssssss." mitsuba: O__________O Tsurugi: "P-P-Please, love muffin--wait 'til we get home~" Mikuni: ._. "Good. Lord." mitsuba: is this even real? hyakuya: >->; Mikuni: "Um...Congrats? I guess. You two have fun with...whatever. I'll go back to my dolls." Tsurugi: "Y-Yeah! You go play with your dolls! Maybe have a tea party for them!" Mikuni: "...Yes. That's what I am going to do. Because that is normal. Unlike...whatever you're doing." Tsurugi: >____< "YOU WANT TO THROW DOWN?!" metsu: *chop* please dont cause a scene. -_-; Tsurugi: "Ow!" Jeje: :) Mikuni: "Hmph...Good day to you all, then..." mafura: O.O *hug* mitsuba: O-O Tsurugi: *slight whimper, whine...* "Um...Okay?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: D: "Did he say _anything_ kind about my Valentine's cards?" fang-hua:....you're quite enthusiastic. Tsukiyo: "Isn't that a _good_ thing? It shows I'm up for a lot!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* (thinking: no denying that...) Tsukiyo: "Well, tell me Beni-Hottie at least liked _your_ card..." fang-hua: >_>;;; Tsukiyo: "...Oh, sweetie, you didn't chicken out, did you?" fang-hua: >///< i only made the card cause you made me do it! Tsukiyo: "..." *sigh* *pats her head* "I guess you need to take your time..." fang-hua: 7.7; h-he's my commander...it would be weird for me to give him something like that... Tsukiyo: "But...I don't want you to live with regrets. I mean, it can't hurt to be open and honest, right?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *burp* "Man...That hit the spot." lilac: thank you for the meal... naho: now onto shopping~! Sakuya: "Awesome!" *puts money on table to the tip* Sakuya: "What you plan to buy?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "WE'RE HOME!!!" chie: welcome back! setsuna: ^^ Shotaro: *hugs both of them* "You should have seen the good deed today--I knocked a supervillain into a wall!" setsuna: good job! mana: (thinking: at this point, he's going to become a vigilante...) Emine: *enters in after them...with a black eye* setsuna: !!! emine! are you ok? Emine: "Yes. When Shotaro incapacitated the supervillain, I called him a rude name for my bad deed. Evidently, the supervillain really loves his mother and did not take kindly to that insult." lin: *she has the ice pack on the ready* Emine: "...Aw." *takes the ice pack...kisses her cheek* lin: hehe~ ^^ Shotaro: "Emine and Lin, sitting in a tree..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Look at you, Shiori--walking all over the place!" shiori: hehe! Kid: "Wait 'til you start running...just be careful doing that." shiori: ^^ Kid: "Let's walk around and see what everyone is up to, okay? I wonder who we'll see..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: we're home! otogiri: welcome back. Belkia: *whimper* lavender: you've been out of it all day. im actually starting to get concerned. Belkia: "Scary girl...We should change the locks. Maybe move. Change our names. We'll change Tsubaki's name to Camelia, Lavender's name to Mint, and Otogiri's name to Strings." -chop- otogiri: you're overreacting. Belkia: Q~Q "She was scary...I don't think I'll ever be able to fall asleep again..." otogiri: -_-; Black Star: "Could always just knock him out with a big stick..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *lies down on the couch, groans* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: "I don't know...I feel sore from stacking books, tired, hungry...but my stomach also feels weird." kim: want me to help? Jacqueline: "...Yes, sure." -elsewhere- Relan: "So I ran the other way...She was...odd." shinra: that is pretty weird. iris: yikes. Relan: *nods* "It was...also familiar." shinra: how so? Relan: "...Something hereditary, maybe..." shinra: ?? iris: ??? Relan: "I am...was a creepy stalker to you, Shinra...and my mother is...well, herself." shinra:...*holds his hand* you've outgrown that though. and we're proud of you for that. Relan: "...I don't want to go back to that." *small squeeze of his hand* shinra: you wont, trust us. *hug* Relan: *hugs both of them* -elsewhere- Shinoda: *humming...* nea: =w= zzzzz Shinoda: *smooch on her forehead...then exhales his breath, which is cold...smiles* nea: zzzzz Shinoda: "I love you...my queen." -elsewhere- Stein: "...What is _this thing_ doing here?" marie: care to elaborate? Stein: "This _thing_ on my front step...who is stealing my face." Johannes: *waves* marie: *stunned* valentine: ??? oh? aya: O.O ????? Stein: *puts a hand to his chin* Johannes: *matching the movement* Stein: ._. *takes a step to the left...* Johannes: *matching his movement* Stein: -_____-;;; "I need to put a lock on my cloning lab." ???: guuuugh... marie: !! valentine: seems the patient is waking up. Stein and Johannes: "Oh, good! Let's check on them." *stare at each other...* sayaka: just cause i can heal doesnt mean i like being vivisected. -_-; *hurk* Johannes: .w. "Hello~" sayaka: ahahaha...haaaa *FAINTS* XwX;;; valentine: mind helping her up to the couch? marie: way ahead of you. Johannes: "I can do it! Let me just get a hold on her--" Stein: *pulls Johannes's arm behind his back* Johannes: "Ow ow ow..." *getting on his knees, as Stein puts a knee to his back* "I mean, I'll wait here." sayaka: X____X awawawawaaa Stein: "Good boy." sayaka: nnng... *opens eyes* doooc? Stein: "It's okay. You're safe. You just...needed some care." sayaka: oh thank god. i had a really scary dream. *hurk* i feel sick. Stein: "I'll get you some stomach medicine...and tie this clone up." Johannes: "Actually, I'm not a clone. I'm Johannes--" *SMACK* Stein: "Quiet, clone...We're going to have some fun...Heh heh heh..." Johannes: x_____x sayaka: O_____O;;;; Stein: "You can't beat the original..." *a scalpel falls from his sleeve, as he holds up Johannes by the collar* "So let's cut to the chase, and see what's inside of you..." Johannes: o____________o ("...I think I've learned a valuable lesson today...WEAR ADULT DIAPERS.") -elsewhere- Anya: *staring at her phone* "..." ao: waiting on a call? Anya: "I don't know...More like waiting _to_ call..." ao: who are you planning on calling? Anya: "...I never gave a clear thank you to Licht and his friend for intervening during that attack...and the flowers." ao: ah, i see~ Anya: *stare* "...What's with that tone?" ao: 737~*whistling* Anya: "Hmph...Fine. I might as well be proactive--" *texts Licht and Lawless* kranz: [hello, rosen kranz, licht's manager speaking~<3 who do we owe the pleasure?] Anya: "...The devil? He has his manager intercept his texts?" [anya hepburn, wishing to thank licht and his friend for their intervention when i was attacked] kranz: [ah yes! my son hyde mentioned you!] Anya: [oh? i hope i was not a trouble, seeing as your son and licht helped me against that violent menace] -elsewhere- Arthur: "I hope the gift was...okay." tamaki: i appreciate it. thanks. 7///7 Arthur: "..." *nods* "I just didn't want to screw up too much..." tamaki: *hug* Arthur: o\\\\\o "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Ah...My stomach feels a bit better." kim: glad to hear. Jacqueline: *turns over on the couch, sits up* "I owe you one." kim: 25 dollars please. Jacqueline: "...You greedy little tanuki." kim: im joking! im joking!.............just 5 dollars will suffice. Jacqueline: -_-; *pulls out her wallet, hands five dollars* "Here." kim: thank you~ Jacqueline: *sigh* "I guess I should appreciate getting the 'Kim's partner' discount." *looks at her face* "...Kim...Did you get your hair cut?" kim: hmm? no. actually i've been growing it out a little. Jacqueline: *smile* "It's been a while since you had longer hair. It looks nice. Suits you." kim: 7///7 thanks, i guess. Jacqueline: "..." ("She's so cute when she blushes...") -\\\\- "I...I mean...You look..." kim: hmm? Jacqueline: "...Kim. You look cute." kim: i know~ ^///^;; Jacqueline: "..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Pretty..." kim: o////o Jacqueline: "...I just said that aloud, didn't I?" kim: said what? Jacqueline: o\\\\\\o "N-Nothing..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *batting at a cat toy* mahiru: ^^ cute. Kuro: "This is not cute. It is training. Reaction time..." *yawn* -the door opens- Kuro: "???" uncle toru: im hoooome! mahiru: hey uncle, how was work? Kuro: "..." ("What the heck?") uncle toru: went well. the weather was a bit muggy this morning, so i had to drink my coffee from a bowl. haha! mahiru: -__-; Kuro: "Boo." uncle toru: ?! did you hear something? mahiru: hear what? *gives kuro a side glance of 'act natural!'* Kuro: "..." *meow* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "...At least it's red. But I think I added too much salt--" akaderu:....i think its great. s-since you made it....that sounds stupid, doesnt it? Kepuri: "..." *holds his hand* "It sounds supportive." *smiles* akaderu: .////////////.;; Kepuri: "Next time, I'll try less salt." *smooch* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking through a garbage can* "..." hinata: *shiny eyes* hikage: cuuute! Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks at them* ("Twins"?) hikage: we can be foxes too! see? *fwooom!* Mr. Tsubaki: *shiny eyes* ("Babies!!!") *slowly approaches...* hinata: *pet pet* hehehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: ^^; ("Just don't burn me...") *stomach growl* hinata: *picks him up* come on lil guy, sister kirei will give you something to eat Mr. Tsubaki: *huddles* ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *curled up in blanket* =w= stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Good." *smooch on the cheek* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "These are such calming moments...I'm happy..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rubs her hand* -elsewhere- Belkia: "...Mommy? Daddy? May I sleep with you tonight?" tsubaki: ._.; huh? Belkia: "I have nightmares about creepy girl. May I sleep in your big bed?" Black Star: -______- tsubaki: .... ^^; i guess for tonight... Black Star: *sighs* "Fine...Just don't make it weird--" Belkia: *crawls up into bed, in his doll form--in footie pajamas* "I won't take any space!" tsubaki: ^^; Belkia: "Good night. Love you." Black Star: -_-; "Good night." -morning- Black Star: *snore, hugging Belkia's doll form* Belkia: *cuddle* tsubaki: *streeetch* *yaaawn* Belkia: "Morning, Mommy." Black Star: *eyes slowly open...* o_o Belkia: "Daddy..." *Doll flung so hard he opens the door and lands in the hallway* Belkia: *squeak as he hits the wall, squeak as he hits the floor* "...No pain!" otogiri:....*she picks him up and brushes him off* Belkia: "Thank you. Is breakfast ready?" -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~<3 *smooch* Kid: *smooch...smiles* "Good morning, Love." *hug* "Ah, I'm so glad..." stocking: hehe~ *forehead nuzzle* Kid: *nuzzle* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kiddo~ Kid: *sighs* "Can...it get any better than this?" stocking: *kiss* mmmmn~<3 U/////U Kid: *smiles* -\\\\\w\\\\\- "That's a start." *cuddles* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *stretches, hops out of bed* "What you want for breakfast?" kim: waffles. you? Jacqueline: *smiles* "That sounds delicious." *puts on Kim's jacket, zips up* "Some fruit, too." -at school- Stein: "I hope you all are ready for a fulfilling day of lessons. I would like to introduce my teaching assistant for the day--" Johannes: *tied up* o___o sayaka: O____________O misono: what the bloody hell? Stein: "We begin by showing reflexes..." *taps a physician's mallet to Johannes's knee, making his leg kick up* -in another room- Meme: *taking notes* "So informative..." tsubaki: *also taking notes* -shuffle shuffle- tsubaki: ?? Plush!Belkia: *whispers* "Hello, Mommy." tsubaki: .____.;;; Plush!Belkia: *holds up a sign* "GOOD LUCK WITH CLASS!" stocking: *cringe* tsubaki: ^^; Plush!Belkia: *shiny eyes...waves at Stocking* stocking: *face of disgust* Plush!Belkia: *pouts* "I don't think she likes me..." tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Plush!Belkia: "Maybe flowers?" -later- Kid: "It's okay..." stocking: thanks kid. *hug* Kid: *pats her back* -elsewhere- metsu: (thinking: he wasnt even phased by today... o_o; ) Jeje: -___- Johannes: "I think I should skip visits to school..." metsu: it would be for the best. Johannes: "But I will miss some finer points about the school..." metsu: -_________- spare us the details. Johannes: *pouts* "I got to be a dummy in class...Wasn't that good enough? I got to demonstrate anatomy." metsu:...right... *sweatdrop* Johannes: "Did you know that if you hit the right pressure points..." *tapping a hand along his shoulder* "...you can cause--" *His pressure point makes him smack Jeje in the face* Jeje: -________- metsu: D8 Johannes: ._.;;; *runs away* Jeje: "Owie..." metsu: are you alright? *cheek touch* Jeje: *shakes his head* "It hurt more than usual..." metsu: *hug* Jeje: -\\\\\- metsu: feeling better? Jeje: *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Where did this thing come from?" kirei: the twins brought him in. poor thing was famished... Mr. Tsubaki: *nom nom nom* Benimaru: "Odd to see foxes around here. How is his health otherwise?" kirei: he seems to be doing well, other than that. Benimaru: "Hmm. Domesticated?" kirei: seems so...almost human... Benimaru: "Will he be behaved?" Mr. Tsubaki: *puppy eyes* kirei: seems so. Benimaru: "...That should be good." Mr. Tsubaki: *wags his tail, leans against Kirei* kirei: ^^; hinata: he's so fluffy! hikage: fluffy fluffy~ Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ *hugged* Benimaru: "..." kirei: ^^; kabuki: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Kabuki* "..." *smiles, approaches* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...The chocolates were delicious. Thank you." maki: glad you liked them ^^ Takehisa: "...Maybe...I could make you something for lunch. Or dinner." maki: i would like that ^^ Takehisa: *nods* "Any particular dish you would like?" -elsewhere- Anya: "...So..." licht: this is happening. Anya: "...That is a nice suit you have on." licht: thanks. Anya: "So...What do you like to eat?" *opens menu* "I was thinking of starting with a salad..." licht: melon. Anya: "Oh. You like melon? I suppose that would be tasty..." -elsewhere- Tool: *humming happily* -elsewhere- tsubaki: we're home! Sakuya: "Yo." otogiri: welcome back. lavender: hey! Belkia: "School was fun! Can we go again?" otogiri: -_-; naho: ._. Black Star: "...Hell no." Sakuya: "Your 'girlfriend' was going to pull the stuffing out of you..." naho: *giggling* Belkia: -___-; "I don't mind her getting all up in my stuffing..." naho: ew. lilac: ???????? Black Star: "Stop that--and go set the table..." Belkia: "Fine..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *yawn* gabriella: tired? Hibana: *nods* "Yes...I was picking up cat hair..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "We picked up the pizzas!" saki: awesome! ^^ mana: ^^ Yohei: "Excellent. We got the plates out..." Emine: *opens one of them* "...Pineapple? Huh." chie: *nom* ^^~<3 Zuno: "Um...I don't remember what I ordered..." mono: *she points to a box with a name written on it* here, thats yours. Zuno: "Oh, thanks!" *opens up, takes a slice* Assi: "...I didn't know they made red-cheese red-crust pizza." akaderu: *nom* special order. nea:.... *pouts* Shinoda: "Can always have frozen pizza...or a concoction I have been working on..." -elsewhere- Relan: *holds up his camera* "Say cheese!" buttons: ^o^ *Snap* Relan: "Awesome!" *hands a bit of cheese to Buttons* buttons: *nom nom* Relan: "Such a good pet..." mikami: *looking at pictures of Lapis* Relan: "How is Lapis?" mikami: she's doing well. ^^ Relan: "That's good...Hey...What is her favorite food?" mikami: she really likes lettuce. Relan: *nods* "Rabbits tend to be so calm...and fluffy." -elsewhere- Meme: "Feel okay?" mio: yeah. Meme: *smiles* "I enjoyed tonight...Thank you for going out for a walk with me." mio: 7///7 n-no problem. Meme: "...Would you mind if we held hands?" mio: O/////O i-if guess it'd be...ok... Meme: *nods...holds her hand lightly* mio: *head steaming* ./////////////////////////////////. Meme: "...Should I let go?" mio: i-its fine.... Meme: *nods* "...Mio? I really admire you. You are so smart, so much fun..." mio: *blushing* even though im a NEET? Meme: "You are...who you are. You go out, you have friends, you are not alone. I am happy to be with you." mio: .....*teary eyed* that...really means a lot, meme. Meme: "Mio..." *hugs* "It's okay." mio: >//////< *hug* Meme: *chuckles, pats her back...kisses the top of her head* mio: .////////////////////. Meme: "...Want to head home?" mio: yeah. Meme: *holds her hand...walks with her* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sweeping the floor* shinra: zzzzz *asleep on the couch* Arthur: *pulls out a marker...* iris: *chop* no. Arthur: >< "...F-Fine..." -elsewhere- yumikage: SHOW YOURSELF, COWARD! YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME FOREVER!! Tsurugi: *hiding in a closet* Q~Q hyakuya: its not like he did anything lewd though. yumikage: HE STILL DECIVED A NAIIVE GIRL WHO DIDNT KNOW ANY BETTER! bless her lil heart. IM GOING TO CASTRATE HIM!! Tsurugi: *clutches his hands over his crotch* Q______Q mitsuba: arent you over-reacting just a little bit? yumikage: WHO'S OVERREACTING?! Jun: -_____-;;; "Stop yelling...It's loud." shinoa: latte? yumikage:....*siiiip* mitsuba: ok, that should buy us some quiet for a while. Tsurugi: *sighs with relief...slowly steps out of the closet...* mafura: ~? Tsurugi: *holds up a finger to indicate quiet* mafura: *nods and goes in with him* Tsurugi: *tries to tiptoe away from Yumikage* -elsewhere- Anya: -_- ao: so how was the date~? Anya: "It was dinner, not a date. And it was...good." ao: i see~ Anya: "He seems rather closed off, but not rude. He tends to talk about himself, but..." ao: but~? Anya: -\\\\\\- "I suppose he is not bad...and kind of cute." ao: how adorable~ Anya: "Q-Quiet...I was just saying, I would not be opposed to a second date." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Hmm." licht:...what? Lawless: "Did you have a good time out?" licht: you were there, remember? in my bag? Lawless: "I do--which is why I'm asking: did you have a good time out? 'Cause you're so inscrutable that sometimes I can't tell." licht: ...i guess. Lawless: " 'You guess'? You weren't listening to her talking about her favorite classes, favorite meals, or looking at that thing she does after sipping on her drink?" licht: and you _were_? Lawless: "Yes! Because I was in your bag and listening and watching! And I see your face all the time, so I focused on her!" licht: then why dont _you_ date her then? Lawless: "...I...um..." *remembers Ophelia...then pictures Anya* o\\\\\o "Sh-Shut it!" licht: *smirk* make me. Lawless: *slaps his hands on Licht's face* "I'll make you, alright!" licht: !! Lawless: *tugs on Licht's cheeks* "There! You shutting it yet?! How about now?!!" licht: -_________-# -elsewhere- Stein: *sigh* "Thank goodness that cheap imitation of me was not actually a clone." marie: thats good to hear. ^^; Stein: *collapses on couch* "I don't need that stress..." *pats his shirt pocket...then remembers...* "Oh. Right. Quitting. Again." marie: ^^; Stein: "This is miserable...You ever struggle to curb an addiction?" marie: hmmm? maybe try chewing gum? Stein: "...Might as well. Got any?" marie: mmhmm! you want watermelon or mint? Stein: "...Watermelon." -elsewhere- Yumi: *showing a photograph* "Look at how Shiori demolished that slice of birthday cake..." sid: dawww! Spirit: *shiny eyes* Yumi: "It took so long to clean that mess--but she got a bubble bath..." *shows another photograph* -elsewhere- Gopher: "The plants look to be growing well." eibon: *he smiles* Gopher: "I hope the medicine created is effective." eibon: i hope so as well, my child. Gopher: "...Are there any good plants here for delicious teas?" eibon: i believe so -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *catches the ball* hinata: hehehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *runs back, drops it at her feet* -elsewhere- tsubaki: ?? *checking the mail* Black Star: "Any bills?" tsubaki:.........*she looks around, the subclass arent present* a letter from C3...regarding 'negotiations'... Black Star: "...Crap...You're going to meet with them?" tsubaki: ........ note: 'rest assure, the subclass in your custody will remain unharmed.' Black Star: " 'Unharmed,' huh? I'll believe that when I see it..." tsubaki: ....do you think you could stand guard? i trust you. *she smiles* Black Star: *nods* "Always. You're going to go to C3 and talk to them?" tsubaki: ....*she nods* Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* "You come home..." tsubaki: i will. i promise. Black Star: *hug* -and so- tsubaki:....... Jun: "Ah, Ms. Nakatsukasa, welcome. Touma will see you now..." tsubaki:..... yumikage: .....*whispers* touma's kind of a prick, just a warning, but we got your back. *thumbs up* tsubaki:...right. Jun: *knocks on door* "She has arrived..." Touma: "Oh, hello." *stands and approaches Tsubaki, offering a hand* tsubaki:......hello. *shakes his hand, but keeps a firm look* Touma: "I am happy to see you here..." *puts his other hand on her shoulder* "We have much to discuss." tsubaki:....right. Touma: *directs her to a seat, where there is a pitcher of water and cups...he pours one for her and himself* "Let me begin with the obvious: you have had experience with vampires--far more than most humans." tsubaki: i suppose so... Touma: "Please, don't be modest, Ms. Nakatsukasa. After all, you were present during some of the earliest attacks by Melancholia, battles between vampires...and you are currently housing so many of these individuals in your home." tsubaki:..... Touma: "And you want to keep this individual vampires in proper order, yes? Make them well-behaved?" tsubaki: i've been keeping them safe and under control yes. keyword _safe_. Touma: *small laugh* "Of course." *opens a file* "I'm sure you want to make sure little Lilac is safe...young Naho Toguchi...stoic Otogiri...manic Belkia...flirtatious Lavender...aesthete Higan...bilious Sakuya Watanuki..." tsubaki: ....... Touma: *shows the file to her...with a photograph of the imprisoned Shamrock* "And one more." tsubaki: !!!! Touma: "Looks like you missed one when you gathered your close-knit menagerie..." tsubaki:....where is he? Touma: "Safe. Like your family. But that can change, can't it?" tsubaki:........what is it you want? Touma: "Information...Tell me if this sounds right. You happen to take in subclasses, all belonging to one vampire. Now that vampire is missing. I imagine...that you know where this Melancholia is." tsubaki:....no. he just left them in my care and vanished. i dont know his current whereabouts. put me through a lie detection test if you wish, but my answer remains the same. Touma: "..." *smiles* "Gladly." *presses a button on his desk--and clamps close around Tsubaki's wrists and ankles* tsubaki: !!! Touma: *turns on the intercom* "Jun and Yumikage...I need monitors for a lie detector test* yumikage: ..... shuuhei:..... hyakuya: this is inhumane! she's not a prisoner! Touma: "Relax. She won't feel a thing." *adjusts the test parameters* "This is just a clinical examination to ensure she is providing accurate information...Let's begin. Please, state your name." tsubaki: Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. Touma: *nods* "Age?" tsubaki: 21 years old. Touma: "Occupation?" tsubaki: im currently a DWMA student, EAT class. Touma: "Family?" tsubaki: my father, Sanjuro. my mother, and my late brother, Masamune. Touma: *nods* "You are a meister?" tsubaki: no, i'm a weapon. *After a few more questions to gauge Tsubaki's heart rate when telling the truth...* Touma: "When did you last see Tsubaki?" tsubaki: ....in january, during the parking garage incident. Touma: "You did not see him in February?" tsubaki: ....i think i may have seen a picture of him, but im not certain it was him, and if it was, i dont know if he is still there. Touma: "Interesting...When did you last speak with Tsubaki?" tsubaki: during the incident. Touma: "...Do you consider Mr. Tsubaki an enemy?" tsubaki:.....neutral. Touma: "Define 'neutral.'" tsubaki: i realize he has done terrible things, but i dont believe he is completely evil. Touma: "Hmmm...If you were to locate Mr. Tsubaki, would you inform us?" tsubaki: ....what do you intend to do to him? Touma: *smiles* "Protection." tsubaki: define 'protection'... Touma: "Heh heh...Now who is conducting the exam here? We will take all steps to ensure the safety of all parties involved." tsubaki: ....... Touma: "You want Shamrock to be safe, yes? I would so hate for something to happen to him." tsubaki: please, what is it you want? Touma: "I want to know...that when Tsubaki contacts you...you will give us his location." tsubaki:........ Touma: "I'm not hearing an answer, Ms. Nakatsukasa." -crash from touma's office- tsubaki: ?? Touma: "???" tsubaki: what was- Touma: *stands up to look...* yumikage: so is the meeting dismissed then? Jun: *watches Touma's exit...* "...Let her go. We'll speak when Mr. Tsubaki returns..." tsubaki:.... yumikage: like i said, touma's a prick. tsubaki:...... Jun: *opens the bracelets to let Tsubaki loose* "...You care about this vampire?" tsubaki: what do you mean? Jun: "That look in your eyes, when you are asked about him...You are concerned for him." tsubaki:...yes. yumikage: ..... Jun: "...We will contact you when next we require your services. Please continue to keep your subclasses in line." tsubaki: i understand.....please....keep _him_ safe. June: "...Yes." -in touma's office, a young woman is trying to cut herself loose from an ankle restraint- Touma: "Ah. I see you wanted attention. Here, allow me to give it to you..." himawari: !!! Touma: *examines the ankle restraint...and tightens it* himawari: *wince* p-please forgive me, i-i just- Touma: *puts a hand over her mouth* "Shhh...You were making far too much noise while I was working. You know I want quiet, yes? Quiet helps me think. I can't think clearly when I have to listen to your noise..." himawari: i-im sorry....y-you wont...punish me again..r-right? Touma: "Do you promise to stop squirming, making such a racket?" himawari: i promise. i'll k-keep quiet... Touma: "Good...girl." himawari:....*trembling, tearing up* Touma: "Now stay here...I'll be back for you soon." himawari:...... Touma: *exits the office...looks around* hyakuya:.......*glares* Touma: "..." *meets Hyakuya's stare* hyakuya:......*walks away* *to yumikage* prick? please, he's a fucking cactus. Touma: *continues down the hall, heading towards the downstairs...* mitsuba: where do you think he's going? mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "Maybe...something down there?" Touma: *follows stairs down to jail cells...* mafura: *follows* Touma: *approaches one cell...smiles* Shamrock: *curled into fetal position on the floor...looks up* "You...What do you want?" mafura: ~? Touma: "I was just meeting a mutual acquaintance of ours...a Ms. Nakatsukasa." Shamrock: "...Funny. She is no friend of mine." mafura: *listening* Touma: "Yet I imagine, should any harm come to her, your dear ‘Young Master’ would be most displeased..." Shamrock: "..." Touma: "How would he react should she have an accident? A broken arm? A pierced intestine? The separation of head from neck--" Shamrock: "Enough. What do you really want?" Touma: "...I simply want to make sure you are taken care of...because if Ms. Nakatsukasa does not provide me with whatever I ask...you won't be alive to see your previous Tsubaki ever again." Shamrock: "...You are sick." Touma: *chuckles...then reaches an arm through the cell bars, pulling Shamrock by his collar--and pulling back and forth, knocking Shamrock's skull against it before tossing him back, barely conscious* Shamrock: gnnn.. Touma: "You'll recover. So rest up." mafura: mr vampire? are you alright? Touma: "??!" ("Damn it.") *gentle smile* "It is okay, Mafura. Mr. Shamrock and I were playing a game. Right?" Shamrock: Q_Q *pulls back towards the corner of the cell* mafura: can mafura-chan play too? Touma: *approaches Mafura* "Of course...Why don't you choose the game?" mafura: hmmmm...mafura-chan doesnt know many games, the only game mafura-chan knows is when she takes father's thingy in her mouth. Shamrock: .____. Touma: "Hmm...How often have you been around vampires?" mafura: mafura-chan met mr vampire when her door was opened, but father made mafura-chan go back... Touma: "Say hello to Mr. Vampire, Mafura." mafura: hiya mr vampire. ^^. Shamrock: "H-Hi?" Touma: *removes a deck of cards, starts shuffling them...and 'accidentally' slices one along Mafura's hand, giving her a paper cut* mafura: *winces and licks at the blood* Sakuya: "!!!" *sniff...sniff...sniiiiiiiiff* Touma: "Why don't I teach you a card game, Mafura? Mr. Vampire can learn with us..." mafura: ok, mr touma. ^^ Shamrock: *still smelling the blood...staring at Mafura* mafura: ?? mr vampire? are you ok? Shamrock: *licks lips slightly* "F-Fine..." *stomach growls* Touma: "It's Go Fish...Players call out the other players for a card..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *pacing* -knock knock- Black Star: "??? Who is it?" tsubaki: im home... lavender: *hug* thank fuck, we were all seriously worried about you! Black Star: "..." *glomp* Belkia: "Mommy!" *hug* naho: welcome home! ^^ lilac:...*small hug* tsubaki: *tearful smile* Sakuya: "??? Tsu? What's up?" Black Star: "...Are you okay?" lavender: hey, higan, tsubaki's back home! Higan: "Excellent!" *exits...spots the hugfest* "...Want a portrait of this lovely reunion?" -tsubaki explains the situation- Black Star: *shaking* otogiri: so then, at least he's alive... Higan: "..." lavender: isnt there anything we can do? Belkia: "C3...Even I wouldn’t wish that on him..." tsubaki: i dont want to endanger any of you....i dont know what to do... Sakuya: "A break in...but we don't know what kind of fire-power they’re packing tsubaki: that seems too risky... lilac: t-they could- *trembles* Sakuya: "..." *pats Lilac's shoulder* naho: maybe ask mahiru and the others? Black Star: "Worth a shot." tsubaki: i'll see what i can do...im sorry that i havent been doing a good job taking care of you all... lavender: hey, *pats her shoulder* you're doing all you can, and thats good enough for us. Belkia: "Mommy has done a great job, and no one can change my opinion of that!" Higan: "We're still breathing, aren't we?" otogiri: you've been taking care of us. tsubaki: ....*tearful smile* right...thanks guys. Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: *she nods* Higan: "Until we figure out how to get Sham freed, and until we learn more about C3, might as well relax." tsubaki: right..... naho: *worried* Sakuya: *holds her hand* naho: thanks sakkun. Sakuya: "Any time..." -\\\\- -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Okay...What if you tried baking him something?" fang-hua: like what? Tsukiyo: "Cookies? Dessert? Even a meal? What does Benimaru like?" fang-hua: hmmmm.....why are you asking me this? >///<; Tsukiyo: "Because _you need to take a step forward_, girl! I'll even help make the meal!" fang-hua: jeez... -///-; Tsukiyo: "What? You want the Sister to get ahead of you?" fang-hua: w-what- i-i-i dont know what you're talking about! Tsukiyo: "...Don't lie to me, Fang--you aren't that good at it. Look, you like Benimaru. Kirei likes Benimaru. Heck, Kabuki likes him, I like him--" fang-hua: o-of course i like him, he's my commander! t-that doesnt mean i- n-nevermind. Tsukiyo: :3 "Fang-Hua...If he was not your commander, would you go out with him on a date?" fang-hua: w-what?! *blushing* i-i dont know. Tsukiyo: "..." *hug, pat on the back* "It's okay. I know you're confused. But whatever happens, he cares about you, and he would never want to see you hurt." fang-hua: i appreciate that...*shakes her head* we still have to focus on the matter at hand, we shouldnt be worrying about petty romantic subplots. Tsukiyo: "Right--the dopplegangers! Have to make sure we aren't near any fakers--" *slaps a paper on Fang-Hua's face* fang-hua:..... -___-; Tsukiyo: "...No, huh?" *takes it off carefully, puts it on her forehead* "...Well, I'm not...What next?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Mana, how have you been holding up?" mana: good. you? Shotaro: "Okay...I just...was...um..." mana: ?? Shotaro: "...Do you ever think about things, back home, with your family?" mana:...sometimes. Shotaro: "Maybe visit them?" mana: ....maybe someday. *hair ruffle* Shotaro: "Hee hee...Okay!" -elsewhere- Kid: "A penny for your thoughts?" kirika: yea? Kid: "How have you been? Feeling okay?" kirika: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Kid: "No reason. Just making sure, wanting to check in, have a conversation with you..." kirika: ah. Kid: "...You seem to be doing well. Mocha seems happy. Your boyfriend seems happy--" kirika: *CHEEK TUG* SHADDAP! >///n///< Kid: "OW! At least grab my other cheek!" kirika: i was, dumbass! Kid: T___T "Thank you for the symmetry..." kirika: Xp -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I'm done with the laundry." kim: awesome! Jacqueline: *sets down two baskets* "Yours is the top one." *starts sorting the bottom* "How was work?" kim: it went well. Jacqueline: *folding* "Getting along with your boss and coworkers?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: "I hope the meal was enjoyable." maki: thanks for dinner~ ^^ Takehisa: -\\\\- "You're welcome. I--" Arthur: *BUUUURP* tamaki: -_-; Takehisa: -_-;; "...I take pleasure in knowing my food satisfies so many..." Akitaru: "Indeed! But now I got to get back to my workout so I don't put on more fat..." -elswhere- eruka: *nestled under the blankets* finally home after visiting my parents. *sigh* Free: "It go okay?" eruka: yeah. they're doing as well as always. Free: "That's good...Did they mention me?" eruka: well, yeah? (sephy: if that werewolf boyfriend of yours does anything to hurt you, his ass is grass!) Free: "Oh, good! Were they nice comments?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "More tea, Blair? Izumi?" izumi: yes please blair: ^w^ sachiko: sounds good nagisa: ^^ Spirit: *pours out more cups of tea* "How have you been, Blair? Work okay?" blair: yeah, lily's been feeling a lot better now~ Spirit: "That's good. I'm glad you're watching that guy, after their injuries." -elsewhere- Wes: *holding a cold compress to his head* soul: you sure you're ok, bro? ghost maid: *worried* Wes: *small laugh* "Just a tension headache, I'm sure...Probably staring at music sheets too long." soul: if you say so... Wes: "...Soul? Have you gone to a doctor recently? You know, for a checkup?" soul: not recently, but i'll probably do it soon. Wes: *nods* "Could you recommend a doctor? How is Stein?" soul:.... >_>; -elsewhere- Konro: "Got our drinks." *hands Kabuki his order* kabuki: <thank you for the meal> *sips* Konro: "You're welcome." *sip* "...I don't like this calm. Not with some impersonator running around." kabuki: i dont think anyone does, it worries me... Konro: *nods* "I've had parents worried, children...They could be anyone." kabuki: .... Konro: "...In any case, just be observant." *points to a table where a couple is dining* "Like making sure people actually recognize who is seated across from them." -elsewhere- Stein: *chewing gum...blows a bubble* -a few days later- misono: *in an animal suit* *panting* this job is...ha...harder...than it looks mahiru: *also in an animal suit* its not all that bad. at least the suits are warm. misono: im sweltering in this damn thing! Kuro: "I'm going to suffocate in a prison cell of felt and annoying children..." Lily: "Smiles!" *holds up phone to photograph* misono: im gonna suffocate in here... im going to take a short break to breathe... mahiru: hey! dont just give up half way! misono: *removes mask* haaa...darn you lily for getting me involved in this. -_-; Kuro: "Yes, give up _all the way_..." mahiru: dont do that either! Lily: "Little old me~? But Misono, shouldn't a leader be involved in community outreach to today's youth? Look at these children's faces: do you really want to disappoint them?" ???: misono? Lily: "???" misono: ?!?! *spots shinoa* !!!! *puts head back on....backwards* (thinking: ohgodohgodohgodohgod) shinoa: hmm.... mitsuba~ lets go get balloons~! mitsuba: how old even are you? Lily: *waves* "Hello!" shinoa: hello again, lily? is misono around? Kuro: "??? Misono...Isn't that your girlfriend?" Lily: "...Yes." :3 misono: *falsetto* misono here? naw, i dont know who that is! *shaking* Kuro: "...Oh, this will be good." shinoa: oh? i wonder if he'd be jealous if i did...this! *hug* misono: !!!!!!!! *steam begins to come from the neck of the suit, which knocks the head off* O/////////////////////////////O mahiru: i think she broke him! Lily: "Misono! Oh, dear...He's burning up! Quick, remove his suit and clothes--" mahiru: just the suit will suffice! Kuro: "Like I said, _all the way_ or nothing..." licht: hello mr cat. mahiru: hmm? oh, hey licht- licht: *pets kuro's suit* you're handing out balloons today? mahiru: O_O; uhhh... Kuro: -__-; "..." *soft purr* licht: *shiny eyes* do you like piano? mitsuba: oh my god, is that licht todoroki?! shinoa: so it is. *getting water from the vending machine* Kuro: "...I don't mind piano." licht: *pet pet pet pet* Kuro: *purring...curls up, lying on his back* "Rub my belly?" licht: he even talks! how intellegent! mahiru: you already know him licht! =__=;; Kuro: "No, he doesn't--shut up." mahiru: *sweatdrop* ?? oh? another suit? mitsuba: what is this, a furry meeting? Lawless: *goofy voice* "Hiya, kids! I'm Sonny the Hedgehog! Ready to have a way-past-cool time today?!" ("I am _so_ into this role! This will improve my acting chops considerably!") Kuro: "...I instantly dislike this person." mahiru: hey lawless. Lawless: o_o "What?! How did you know it was me?!!" mahiru: well, licht's here, i figured you wouldnt be too far off. looks like we'll be working together to day. please take good care of us. licht: *shiny eyes + flowery aura* fluffy mr kitty... Lawless: "Why do I have to do it? Can't Licht--" *sees Licht* -____- Kuro: *purring* >w< licht: fluffy fluffy..... Lawless: "Well, why not Lily--" Lily: "Hello!" *now shirtless, with butterfly wings* mitsuba: O///O; shinoa: here misono, thought this might help. misono: 7/////7; t-thanks. Lawless: "..." *sigh* "I'll be the adult in the room, then..." mahiru: that makes two of us. ^^; Lawless: *handing out balloons* "Want a balloon, little girl?" mitsuba: dont patronize me! >n< shinoa: 4 please~! mitsuba: why 4? shinoa: for takuto, im sure mr jun would appreciate it. mitsuba: oh right. licht: can i get balloons too? misono: *sweatdrop* (thinking: he has a mature body, but the mind of a child...) Lawless: *hands four to Shinoa* "Enjoy!" *looks at Licht* "...You get none. Go back to stroking your cat..." -KICK- licht: die shit rat. Lawless: "OW!" mahiru: here. ^^; Kuro: "Excuse me--I'm not feeling my tummy being rubbed..." -later- Kuro: "...This is all we got paid for that many hours of hard labor?" mahiru: at least it's something. Kuro: "This isn't even enough for a used DS game..." misono: -////- cant believe she saw me like that today...i want to die from shame... Lily: "I think she thought you were very cute~" *still shirtless, still in butterfly wings* misono: and put your damn clothes back on! Lily: *pout* "I'm wearing wings." mahiru: *sweatdrop* *stomach rumbles* ah, anyone up for lunch? misono: sure. mahiru: i think there's a cafe not far from here. Kuro: "Cool." *cat form* "Carry me." mahiru: *sweatdrop* -and so- mahiru: here we are. misono: it's not that bad. naho: hello~ right this wa-.... OwO;; misono: O_O Kuro: “Oh, it’s the fujoshi-pire…” mahiru: oh...so it's a maid cosplay cafe then? Sakuya: "Yo, Naho, we got some delays waiting on Table 6--" o\\\\\\\o mahiru: oh! sakuya, you're working here too? misono:....watanuki. naho: yeah, the three of us decided to get some part time work. arent the uniforms just the cutest~? Sakuya: o\\\\\o *can't move* naho: yeah, shall i get the 4 of you seated then? mahiru: uh, sure. -once they are at their seats- naho: ok~, lila will be with you in a moment, also, please dont make fun of him, ok? mahiru: we wont. misono: ..... Lily: *shiny eyes* "It's an entire restaurant of adorableness!" lilac: u-um...h-hello..m-may i...take your...order? mahiru: oh hey liiiiillaaaaaa..... O.O -lilac is in the maid outfit- misono: O_O (thinking: CROSSDRESSER MOE?!) Lily: "Oh, Lilac! It's a pleasure to see you again. I like your outfit." Kuro: "..." *thumbs up* lilac: um... >////< t-thank you! misono:.... -///-; i'll have camomille tea please. mahiru: i'll just have orange juice. Lily: "Green tea with honey, please~" Kuro: "Cola." lilac: o-ok, right away then. Lily: *hands on his cheeks* "OMG, so adorbs~" misono: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Anya: "I do look forward to a change in weather--" ???: "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KICK ME SO HARD?!" Anya: "???" licht: because *pose* im an ange- oh, hey anya. tsugumi: hey guys. *wave* Anya: o\\\\o "Hi..." Lawless: o\\\\o "Y-Yo...How are you all?" soul: huh, small world. licht:...evans. soul: yeah, that would be me. Lawless: "Oh, Soul! Awesome!" *bro-fist* soul: hey man, whats up? licht: hyde had part time work. soul: oh? tsugumi: well, we were gonna meet meme, mio, and ao at the shopping plaza to get some shaved ice. soul: in this weather? tsugumi: maybe the cold from the ice and the cold from the weather will cancel each other out? soul: interesting logic. licht: shaved ice? what is that? tsugumi: well, its when you pour flavored syrup over crushed ice. soul: ever had a snow cone? its the same basic principal. tsugumi: right! Lawless: "Oh. Well, Licht is too sheltered to have ever had that--" licht: i want some. -and so- licht: *nom*....*shiny eyes* it's like taking me to the clouds of heaven and over the melting rainbow. soul:......interesting analogy. Lawless: *sharp-tooth crunch into the ice--* "Just don't eat too quickly--" mio: these damn celebs... *sweatdrop* Meme: "AAAAH! Brain freeze!" mio: meme! -elsewhere- Patty: *crawling along the floor* "Where did you go...?" stocking: looking for something? Patty: "...Hypothetically...I may have misplaced a child. And fireworks." stocking: WHAT?! Patty: "Look, you can blame me later! Just help me find Julie before--" julie: hiya. stocking: oh, there she is. Patty: ._. "..." *HUGE HUG* "OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SAFE AND HAVE NOT LOST ANY LIMBS OR FINGERS!" julie: ?? Patty: "Where are the fireworks, though?" julie: fireworks? -BOOOOM from outside- stocking: *she goes outside to check* what the-......oh. whats this shitty clown doll doing so far from the garbage? Belkia: *blown apart...coughs up stuffing* "I was going to light candles for you, m-my love...Why did you blow me up?" stocking: -STOMPSTOMPSTOMPSTOMP- get thrown in a trash compactor and die. Belkia: "OW OW OUCH OW oooooo that feels nice AAAAAAAAAAAH-OUCH!" stocking: *poker face while turbo stomping* Belkia: x______x stocking: *panting*.....haaa...haaa......*calmly drops the doll into the trashcan* Belkia: "Oh...At least I left you panting..." stocking: fuck...you.... Belkia: *shiny eyes* "I would love that!" stocking:.................................*closes the door* -________________________-;;;;; -footsteps are heard- ayami: oh..you poor dolly.....i'll...give you a home.....you....look just like him.... Belkia: Q___Q "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" ayami: hehehe....^^ *cradles the doll* you'll....keep me warm tonight...wont you, belbel? *faking his voice* 'of course my sweet lil ayamin~' hehehe~ Belkia: "Unhand me! Let go! No! Noooo! NOOOOO!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *petting Mr. Tsubaki* "Is this one still being behaved?" Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ kirei: seems so. Benimaru: "Let me know whether he is getting disobedient...and I'll keep teach him obedience." Mr. Tsubaki: ._. kirei: noted. ^^; Benimaru: "Have you given him a name?" kirei: a name? hmmm. not really. Benimaru: "Well, 'Kabuki' is out..." kirei: hmmm... i'll ask the twins later. Benimaru: "Good plan..." *pets Mr. Tsubaki* "How are you holding up, Kirei?" -elsewhere- Jeje: *yawn* metsu: zzzzz.... *laying with him* Jeje: *small hug, happy sigh* -elsewhere- takuto: izza bunny, papa! *playing with the balloon* hehe ^^ Jun: "Hee hee...Yes, it is a bunny, Taku." -w- shinoa: hehe, glad you like it. Jun: "Thank you for doing this. That was fortuitous to find balloons." mitsuba: eh, it was shinoa's idea. 7///7; Jun: *smiles* "Takuto, what do you say to Shinoa and Mitsuba?" takuro: thank you ^^ mitsuba: *flusted* n-no prob. shinoa: ^^ -elsewhere in the building- Shamrock: Q_Q -silence, he is left with his thoughts- Shamrock: "...I want to go home." -elsewhere- mafura: *nom nom* yumikage: jeez, you were hungry werent you kiddo?.....*sigh* Tsurugi: ^^; "Just feeding her...Where did you get the money for the snack?" yumikage: paycheck, where else? mafura: =u= *nom nom* Tsurugi: "Well, I'm happy she's eating. Need her at her healthiest." -w- yumikage: *gives him a look* Tsurugi: "Make her look good. Nice and fed." yumikage: you better not be perving on her, you little shit! mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "..." *smirk* "And if I was?" yumikage: *guns out* *GLAAAAARE* Tsurugi: o________o; *holds up Mafura as a human shield* yumikage: O____O you...*growls* mafura: owo~? *head tilt* Tsurugi: "You wouldn't kill a man using a woman as a human shield, would you~?" yumikage:....damn you. *drops the guns* you ok mafura? mafura: mafura-chan's ok~ ^^ Tsurugi: *smirk* "See? She's fine..." yumikage: ..... -elsewhere- Relan: -w- -morning- lavender: rough night, bel? Belkia: o____o;;;; "I feel awful..." otogiri: ....*pap pap* Belkia: "I need therapy. Please, help me..." otogiri: no offense, but you're kind of a lost cause for therapy. Belkia: Q____Q "I have seen things...I think something is needed." otogiri: a lobotomy perhaps? Belkia: *sobs* "I JUST WANTED MY SUGAR MAMA TO LOVE ME!" otogiri:.....*awkward hug* 7.7;; Belkia: *cries on her shoulder* naho: did he come home drunk again? Belkia: "I was touched in ways I have never wanted to be!" naho: O___O lavender: its ok. *back pats* lilac: will he be....o-ok? Belkia: "So bad...So awful..." naho: yeah, because i noticed that his feelings regenerate 3 times the speed of a normal human. lilac: is that true? Sakuya: "Maybe we should keep an eye on him. Someone should chaperone him--" otogiri: i'll do it then. Belkia: "YAY!" naho: and there it is. lilac: O.O tsubaki: ^^; *to higan* you sure are a lively bunch, huh? Higan: "Can go all night, ma'am." tsubaki: ..... ^^;; thats....not quite what i meant... naho: are you drunk again, old man? -3-; Higan: "I'm always drunk..." *looks at Tsubaki* "...You model?" tsubaki:..... *chop* down boy. Higan: >___< tsubaki: -,-; Sakuya: "Naho, let's lead Higan away...to the backyard. And lock him outside." naho: on it! -elsewhere- Yohei: *asleep on the couch* chie: zzzzzz...... Tool: *puts a blanket over them* "They're going to crash so hard at this rate..." saki: ^^; must have been a long night. Tool: *nods* "Chie will definitely need the rest..." saki: no doubt... Tool: "...I guess I need some sleep, too. You probably, too." -elsewhere- Kid: *collapsed on bed* "Ugh..." stocking: you ok? Kid: "Sore...tired...just feel off..." stocking: ....*she holds his hand* Kid: *smiles weakly* "I'm sorry." stocking: *kiss* its ok. Kid: *sighs* "One of those days." stocking: *she nods and hugs him* im here. Kid: "I am here for you, as well." -elsewhere- Hibana: "AH-CHOO!" gabriella: D8> here. *gives her soup* Hibana: *nods, takes it* "Thank you...Did you add some chili powder to it?" gabriella: *nods* Hibana: *slurp* "Hmm...So tasty. Thank you..." *sniffle* -elsewhere- Izuku: "This a good spot for the couch?" ochako: looks good! eijiro: soooo what are we doin' again? Izuku: "We're trying to help each other fix up rooms--you know, combine forces to get the work done more quickly." Bakugo: "THESE DUST BUNNIES ARE EVERYWHERE UNDER YOUR COUCH, OCHAKO! I'M GONNA BURN THEM ALL!" eijiro: right. ochako: nooo, not the little bunnies! D8> Izuku: *chop to Bakugo's head* "No burning things. You promised." Bakugo: >3< "I STILL WANT TO BURN THINGS..." kyouka: should i call up your girlfriend? Bakugo: ._____. "...The hell you just say?" kyouka: *whistling* mina: ooooooh.... *smirks* Bakugo: "SHUT UP, MINA!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Stabbing the wall, stabbing the wall, hi-ho the daily-o, stabbing the wall..." saku: too noisy... PlushFix: "...I can stab more quietly." *stab stab stab the wall* saku: ....... hina: she's sure chatty, aint she? mimeca: *nod nod* PlushFix: "Maybe we need some activity for bonding...Camping trip? Murder spree? Drinking? Kidnapping? Pottery class?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *tosses in bed* *groan* -elsewhere- Kuro: *nom nom nom* "Good cat treats..." -elsewhere- Patty: *hugs Liz* liz: hey sis. Patty: "Hello yourself! How you feeling?" liz: doing good, and you? Patty: "...I'm grounded for a bit after the fireworks..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *clutching the top branch of a tree* :< "...I'd like to come down now." kyouko: how did he even get up there?! Gopher: *slight shrug* "I was, um, trying to fly?" licht: ....!! little mr birdy, i'll help you because...*pose* im an angel tree climbing expert. Gopher: -^- "I'm not a birdie...and I thought I was an angel." -3- -up he go- kyouko: woah, he's really getting into it! Gopher: -_-; "I could've done that, too...I mean, I did, but..." -lift and drop- kirika: got ya. Gopher: o______o kirika: you ok, doofus? Gopher: *whimper* T~T *nod* kirika: you're still alive, arent ya? Gopher: "...I think my stomach is now half-way up my throat." kirika:...*siiighs and carries him back to his place* come on you big baby... Gopher: *clutches her* Lawless: "...What? They aren't going to thank you?" licht: they did with their hearts because....*pose* im an archangel who helps those in need. kyouko: *sweatdrop* Lawless: "...Dork." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "And clothes are now put away." *stretches* "About time for some sleep." kim: zzzzzzz Jacqueline: *looks at Kim* ("I see someone already had that idea...") *yawn* *crawls into her own bed...* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Comfortable?" naho: yeah. =w= Sakuya: *cuddle* "Have fun today at the cafe?" naho: *she nods* *smooch* ^^ Sakuya: *smooch* "...It was...interesting. But...it went well. And you looked great." naho: hehe ^^ thanks sakkun~ Sakuya: "Did I look okay?" naho: you looked quite dashing in that suit >w< Sakuya: -\\\\- "Thank you...I try." naho: hehe~ *huuuug* ^w^ Sakuya: *cuddle* "Maybe we can wear those outfits again..." naho: i would like that ^^ Sakuya: *nods* "...I...really like being with you." naho: *blush* Sakuya: *kiss on the forehead* naho: thanks sakuya. Sakuya: "Thank you..." *hug* naho: can we...do _that_ again tonight? i-if its...no problem... *blushing* Sakuya: "..." *kisses lightly behind her ear* naho: >/////< Sakuya: "Your skin is so soft...and warm." *his hand rests on her hip* naho: mmmm... >/////< Sakuya: *slight rub of her hip, as he kisses lightly along her neck* "Comfortable?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lying in bathtub* "Ah..." stocking: *washing his hair* feeling better? Kid: *nods* "Much." *sigh of relief* stocking: *she smiles and hums* Kid: *lies back* "I...have to accept some days are going to be harder than others." stocking: and i'll be here through all of them, ok? Kid: *holds her hand* "Promise?" stocking: always... Kid: "...I will be here through all of the days, for you. Okay?" stocking: ok. *kisses his forehead ala spiderman* Kid: -\\\\- "So cute, and talented." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rubs her arm* "I love you." stocking: *smooch* Kid: *smooch...* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Come out! I promise, I won't laugh at the outfit..." fang-hua: ??? Tsukiyo: "Fang, could you help me out here? The twins are afraid I'll laugh at their dresses." hinata: you picked these god awful things out. hikage: so unappealing. Tsukiyo: -_-;;; "I wanted you two to look cute, and this is how you thank me?" -elsewhere- Belkia: *sipping tea, shaking a bit* otogiri:...*pap pap* Belkia: "So creepy..." *yawn* -morning- Sakuya: "Mmmm..." naho: zzzzz..... Sakuya: "Time to wake up..." *kiss on the cheek* naho: *kitty yawn* im uuuppp.... Sakuya: "Sleep okay?" naho: *she nods* thanks.... Sakuya: "Same..." *holds her hand* naho: hey...sakuya?.....im glad you were my first... *blush* Sakuya: .\\\\. *gulps* "Y-You're welcome...I'm glad you were _my_ first..." naho: *bluuuuuuuuush* *smooch* >/////< Sakuya: "!!!" *smooch...* *hug* -elsewhere- mafura: zzzzz.... Tsurugi: *yawn...* -squish- Tsurugi: "Huh? What is go--" *squish* o\\\\\\\\o mafura: zzzzz..... Tsurugi: "Wh-Wh-Why a-a-a-a-re you in my bed?!" mafura: ~? hehe ^^ Tsurugi: " 'Hehe' is not an answer!" mafura: *head tilt* ~?? Tsurugi: "...Why aren't you sleeping in your own bed?" mafura: mafura-chan got cold. tsurugi's nice and warm. ^^ Tsurugi: "...Why didn't you put on extra clothes? Or another blanket?" yumikage: oi, tsurugi, you u-..................................................... Tsurugi: OwO;;;; yumikage:.....*darkly* start running. Tsurugi: "..." *leaps out of bed--and into a wall* mafura: O.O -elsewhere in the building- himawari:.....?? -elsewhere- Jun: "People still aren't up yet?" shinoa: morning. mitsuba: zzzzzzzzzz........ hyakuya:...mika....yuu.......*talking in her sleep* Jun: *smile* "Morning. Sleep okay?" shinoa: *she nods* mitsuba: mmmn....not here... Jun: "Where are the rest? Think I'll go check their rooms--" yumikage: there, at least you have something decent to wear, jeez... mafura: *pokes tsurugi* Tsurugi: x_____x Jun: "...What happened?" yumikage: im gonna check the others. hyakuya: *she jolts up in a shock* NO!.......*trembles* Jun: "???" Tsurugi: *flies buzzing around him* -elsewhere- Patty: *snore* julie: zzzz... Patty: *yawn, looks down...smiles* "Wake-up time, Julie." julie: *streeeetch* Patty: "Sleep okay in the big girl's bed?" julie: *she gets up* *nod nod* ^w^ Patty: "That's good. You got school today?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "GIVE THAT BACK!" tsubaki: *sigh* ok, everyone please keep calm. what happened? Black Star: "That stupid magician-head freak took my books for class!" tsubaki: belkia! Belkia: "I needed them for weapons! I could use them to bash that stalker over the head!" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* she doesnt go to our school, i dont think. and we need those for classes. Belkia: "Then give me a weapon!" *holds her arm* "You're a weapon! Let me use you!" Black Star: o_o tsubaki: *chop* down boy. -.-
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