#oranjeleeuwinnen x reader
skipper1331 · 1 year
Silent and Loud // Vivianne Miedema
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a/n: based off this request. Hope you like it :)
Do you know the saying: opposites attract? Well, that was definitely true, at least for Viv and you. You couldn't be more different, the only known common thing was that you both played football.
Viv was shy and quiet while you were adventurous and loud.
She was tall, you were small.
She was a striker, you a defender.
scoring - assisting
Her love language was act of service while yours was words of affirmimation.
Yet you couldn‘t help but let the dutch steal your heart. There was a mutual pining between the two of you - everyone knew. You told her when she looked good or when she did something great, to which she always responded with a stuttery "thank you" whereas Viv made sure that you were okay or if you were missing something she would give it to you (a hair tie or anything) or made sure that you didn't become too careless/reckless.
Actually, you were made for each other, except that neither you nor Viv saw it, only everyone else.
"Viv! That was beautiful" you yelled as you jumped on her, celebrating her goal against Chelsea.
Even after the game, you couldn‘t shut up about that banger of a goal. It was almost criminal, that‘s how brilliant it was. Her cheeks flushed red, her fingers playing with jersey, getting very shy by all your praise.
You sat in the canteen next to Viv as Lia, Leah and others were also sitting at your table, enjoying their lunch before heading to the gym. Viv was in a conversation with Leah and Jen while Lia was telling you about her trip to her home country. The clumsy self you were you smacked your knife of the table with your elbow as you tried to adjust your sitting posture. Meanwhile Viv was still in her conversation but saw out of the corner of her eye that you leaned down to pick up your knife, not breaking the conversation her long arm streched over the table to the edge of it, her hand resting above it so you wouldn‘t hit your head and hurt yourself.
The dutch and you always had this connection, on and off pitch, it was special, it was magical. Despite the fact that you were complete opposites, you understood each other even without words. Sometimes a simple look was enough.
However, your confidence did not help you to have the guts to ask her out, there was no way she would like you (back). Most of the time you didn't even notice when Viv did something nice for you because you didn't have your eyes on the situation and the gestures that she consciously showed you, offering a hair tie, etc. was something any other player would have done too - which didn‘t mean you didn‘t appreciate it.
No one of the both of you intended to act on their feelings but when Leahs birthday rolled by and she invited you to her party every thing took a turn. You drowned shot after shot, dancing with Leah as Viv drank her cocktails with relish. Slowly but surely the alcohol hit her. If you can't taste the alcohol in fruity drinks, why stop drinking? you can drink so much of it until you get dizzy, then you'll notice the alcohol that was actually in it.
That‘s how Viv and you both ended up drunk at Leah‘s party. It wasn‘t until midnight though before you approached her, the pretty lady standing all by herself. "What‘s a pretty lady doing all alone?" you slurred, your body automatically leaning against hers, "Not alone anymore" the dutch replied, her accent thick. "I wanna kiss you" you said, the striker taking matters in her own hands as she pressed her lips against your own.
You didn‘t remember how you got to Vivs home, you didn‘t know how ended up naked in her bed, the only thing you knew was that it was - even drunk - the best night of your life.
Early in the morning, you slipped out of her bed, scrambling your stuff from the floor as the striker slept peacefully. You wanted to leave yet you couldn‘t, at least not without placing a glass of water and pain killers on her nightstand. Leaving the house, you looked at your phone, dozens of messages from the skipper, your best friend
Drunk texts from last night and new ones from an hour earlier
Where r u?
U good?
Call me
With a quick click on your phone, you called the english captain who answered immediately. "Hi" you said, not really knowing where to go, your car wasn‘t here. "Where are you?" the defender asked without even greeting you, "didn‘t see you going home"
"Yeah long story actually" you nervously, chuckled, "Can you pick me up?"
"Only If you buy me breakfast and there‘s a story time"
You sent her a text with your location, the blonde on her way.
Let's see what you had to say.
So while you remembered everything that happened between the dutch and you, she didn‘t remember anything.
She didn‘t remember kissing you,
she didn‘t remember cherishing you,
she didn’t remember telling you she loved you.
You hoped Viv would text you, say something to you about the night but she didn‘t. She acted like she normally would, heartbreak then struck when you overheard a conversation between her and Wally.
"Nope, don‘t remember anything besides the delicious cocktails"
The rest of the day your mood had been horrible. You were salty towards everyone, your game was shit but mostly you were mad at Viv and felt sorry for yourself. Actually it was kind of your own fault, how could you expect her to remember something when both of you were drunk? How could you allow yourself to get your hopes up?
Your weird behaviour didn‘t go unnoticed, the girls sharing looks behind your back. "Hey-" the dutchie greeted, the striker wanting to ask you if you‘re alright, your salty mood effecting her more than it should.
"Fuck off"
As soon as your best friend heard the words and seeing the anger radiating from your body, she grabbed your wrist pulling you away from the tall woman.
"What the fuck!" she spat. You slapped her hand away, "Do not touch me!" as your anger bubbled up. "Get your shit together" crumbling under the blonde‘s glare, her eyes softened as she saw you fighting the tears. All eyes were on you, something you didn‘t enjoy at all, you were humiliating yourself which wasn‘t your intention - you just didn‘t know how to control your emotions.
Looking at Leah, you asked for help, your body trembling as you couldn‘t open your mouth - your eyes said more than a thousand words. "Go" the defender gave a nod towards the changing rooms. You‘d never run so fast in your life. Everything was crushing down on you, you felt like you lifted all problems of everyone on your shoulders - the weight of the world.
Anger and sadness controlling your body and mind. you were no longer the ruler of yourself - you were someone in something of someone. Not yourself.
The locker room seemed small, so so small. Though it wasn‘t, it was like always - everthing was like usually besides that you slept with Viv, besides the fact that you remember everything and she nothing, besides the fact that you wanted Viv to remember.
Trying to calm down, you sat down, head in your hands while your breaths choked with sobs. Why did this have to happen? If only you hadn't drunk anything then you wouldn't be in this situation. "Fuck" with all your anger you smacked away the bottle which was standing next to you. The bottle flying through the room, breaking as it hit the wall.
"You shouldn’t do that" a voice startled you. The dutch. You were about to say something before she cut you off "don‘t tell me to fuck off" she stepped further in to the room, walking to you, to stand in front of you as she leaned down, her hands resting in your thighs, "don‘t ever tell me to fuck off again" she placed herself in front of you, her hands still on your legs as her thumb rubbed soothing circles on them, "do you want to tell me what‘s wrong?"
"No" you answered, eyes annoyed. To be honest, you wanted to yell at her, you wanted to say 'that‘s none of your fucking business' but you couldn‘t. It was Viv after all, the girl that couldn‘t kill a fly, the Taylor Swift lover, the girl you wanted to be yours.
"Okay" she simply replied, her hands leaving your body.
"Vivianne…" the stikers orbs looking at you in a way that left your heart fluttering, you could‘ve told her all your secrets and more. "stop looking at me like that" you breathed out, trying to contain your self-control. "Do you want me to go?"
Wordlessly, she stood up about follow your wishes. As she opened the door, you spoke again, "we had sex" you mumbled. She closed the door, still standing backwards to you, "what?"
"At Leahs party or rather after"
"It was you who placed the pain killers on the table"
It wasn‘t a question, it was a realization. As respond you hummed, looking at her back, hoping, wishing she would turn around.
"Is that why you‘re in a sour mood? Because we slept together?" Finally, she turned around, her heart beating in her chest. Did you think it was mistake?
"Yes and no? It‘s complicated!" your voice grew loud, the opposite to Viv whose voice was quiet, "explain it to me"
"Why wouldn’t you remember?" you cried, "you said all those nice things and now nothing!" walking around the room, your arms were wild.
"I told you i loved you" you stopped in your tracks - did she remember? "I told you, you were the prettiest girl with the prettiest eyes and prettiest smile. I told you i would treat you like the only girl in the world and love you forever" it was a rare sight to see her talk that much about her feelings - were those her feelings oder just the drunk slurs? "I will, If you let me" she stepped closer to you, coming to an end in front of you. "I meant what i said, even though i forgot it afterwards" her arms looped around your waist while yours rested on her biceps. Her eyes flicked from your own to your lips then back up.
Roles swapped - it was your turn to do something after she did the talking. You tilted your head up, standing on tip toes as you gently pressed your lips against the tall one‘s.
The kiss was short and gentle yet it told much more then words could. It was a confirmation - the silent act and the loud affirmimation meant the same.
The pining was mutual.
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lovinpelova · 5 months
stupid | k. casparij
summary; being in a hot country doesn't do you any favours when kerstin is around, neither does having to share a bed.
🎵 power trip - j. cole
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you had always forbidden yourself from even developing feelings for a teammate ever since you discovered your love for women whilst you were still in the england youth groups. you hadn't formed a crush on anyone or dated a girl on the same team as you and you planned on keeping it that way, you saw how messy it could get in the blink of an eye and didn't want to be involved no matter your age. you'd made the rule for yourself when you were fourteen and still maintain stubborn on it at the age of twenty-two whilst playing for manchester city and the england senior team.
well, apart from kerstin. she's an exception.
you thought you wanted to be her friend because you liked her accent, tattoos, style and got on well with her cat. a couple team bonding sessions later when you won bowling and hugged in celebration, you found yourself blushing and quickly scolding yourself for the butterflies that arose when her hand lingered on your waist. it didn't take long for your feelings to grow into a not-so-small crush and your teammates eventually started prodding at why you were constantly staring at the midfielder or blushing around her.
they already knew the answer, of course, they were just mean and wanted to hear you say it out loud. so you confessed after a month of teasing and had been subject to even more jokes ever since, now having figured today marked three months since your initial realisation and just to your luck, kerstin was your roommate for a two week long preseason camp in spain with your club. you had been fine so far since you weren't in your rooms for an extended period of time yet- but you knew when you headed up for sleep in a couple hours it would be difficult to keep your thoughts from racing; especially since there was only one bed.
there was a booking mistake with your room and it meant instead of having a twin bed suite or two doubles like all of your other teammates, you and kerstin were provided a single bed. not even a double bed, a single. the pair of you didn't make a big deal about it and figured one would sleep on the couch after a small argument on who does - but when you remembered there was no couch and definitely no spare mattress - you knew you were going to have to share a bed with kerstin after discovering there was no other rooms available.
so here you were, sat next to lauren hemp as you cooled down from your intense training session and watched your teammates try cut off some distance on their weekly running targets. the winger could sense you were trapped in your thoughts and after knowing you since you were fourteen, she had no doubt it was about your sleeping situation, how you were going to position yourself with kerstin right next to you was beyond your imagination. she nudged you gently with her elbow to break you out of your daydream and smiled when you returned the gesture, setting down your water bottle.
"you're probably gonna have to lie on top of each other or something. you do know that, right?"
her comment made you groan in further frustration and lie back onto the pitch, your arms covering your eyes from the sun that was blinding you.
"you mean cuddle, yeah?"
"pretty much."
the blonde laid down next to you with a sympathetic smile as she felt the stress radiating through your silence, her attention quickly being diverted as she heard footsteps headed your way.
"it won't be that bad. you're both sensible adults- and besides, something good might happen out of it!"
"what good could possibly come out of a situation like this?"
"i can feel your stress from the other side of the pitch, y/l/n."
a familiar voice broke into your conversation and you shot up just like lauren did a couple moments ago, watching the way she smiled sheepishly and quickly made her way over to the rest of your teammates. you looked up into kerstins eyes and nearly melted, the hot sun not doing you any favours when you saw how she'd rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and shorts to display her toned muscles and tattoos. immediately keeping your cool with a subtle deep breath, kerstin sat down next to you and leaned back on her hands to mirror yourself as the two of you admired the beautiful pitch you were on.
"if you want, i can share a double bed with one of the others?"
both of you were taken back by your sudden outburst and you cleared your throat in apology as kerstin smiled widely at you, her eyebrows raised slightly as a smirk grew on her face.
kerstin wasn't stupid. neither was she deaf or blind. your teammates make secrets very hard to keep once they're out.
"i mean- no. it's fine, honestly. we're both adults and we'll figure out how we're going to go about the sleeping situation when the time comes."
"i was thinking maybe i be big spoon for the first week and then we swap? i need my share of cuddles too."
you nearly choked on your spit when you heard her, turning to see the brunette grinning at your reaction and smiling wider when she took note of the blush on your face. shoving her shoulder lightly, you stood up and waited for her to rise with you.
"like i said, we'll figure it out when the time comes."
"yes ma'am."
the time had finally come.
you'd been thinking about it all day and stressing over every little thing you could do to make her uncomfortable. you were currently wiping the excess toothpaste from around your mouth and taking deep breaths as you looked in the mirror to calm yourself down, almost needing a peptalk. after deciding you were taking too long in the bathroom you headed towards the single bed and were met with kerstin sprawled across the entire mattress comfortably, her arms behind her head as she smiled teasingly.
"if that's how you always sleep, i'm sleeping on the floor."
"very funny. i need to find my charger quickly anyways, make yourself comfortable and i'll work around you."
the midfielder hopped up and began rummaging through her suitcase next to yours, taking note of how apprehensive your steps were towards the bed. she knew why you were so nervous about the whole ordeal but she also wasn't the type to make you stress even more by confronting you, so she plugged her phone on charge and watched you move about until you were comfortable, gently pulling back the covers from behind you and moving slowly once she heard your breath hitch.
you were about to share a bed with the woman you had hopelessly been crushing on for the past three months and the realisation had just hit you, feeling the bed dip behind your body as her quads brushed over your hamstrings. your body grew hotter and breathing picked up a tad, kerstin noticing and deciding she had to make you comfortable before you had a panic attack or jumped out of bed.
"can i-"
she started, her voice as hesitant as your bodies. a toned hand was hovering over your waist and if you turned to the right you would've noticed- thank god you didn't, or else you would have freaked out.
"can i touch you?"
kerstin asked gently, your mind running wild with all the other scenarios she could be asking you the exact same thing in as you nodded your head. her hand gently grabbed your hip as she pulled herself closer and the cover was now over her too, your bodies flush together with her arm wrapping around your waist to pull you even closer as your hand moved down to rest on hers that was gently tracing shapes along your stomach.
"you don't need to be so far away. it's only me."
"i just don't want to make you uncomfortable."
her chin rested itself on your shoulder for a moment as she took in your response, your breathing now slowing down whilst kerstin smiled to herself.
"you could never."
the dutchie pulled you closer and felt you relax in her arms within no time, silently wishing the moment would last forever.
you woke up to your dreaded alarm ringing out annoyingly, groaning and turning your face to bury it further into your pillow as you fell back into kerstin's embrace. the midfielder chuckled lowly at your reaction to being reminded you had to wake up eventually, reaching her arm further around you to turn off your alarm but not moving to unravel herself from your touch. she tightened her grip and nuzzled her head into your neck, smiling softly when your hand reached to tangle itself in her hair and gently scratch the bottom of her neck.
the two of you were so caught up in your own bubble that she placed a kiss to your shoulder and trailed her lips upwards until they reached your pulse point, your head leaning back to let her move further before you both gasped in realisation and shot up out of bed. staring at each other breathlessly with bright red cheeks and fists clenched by your sides, you tried to rack your brain for any reasonable explanation but nothing came out, quickly gathering your training kit and pulling it on before heading down towards breakfast.
in seperate elevators.
"so... she kissed you?"
"keep it down you idiot!"
you shoved lauren towards your breakfast table and made quick work of continuing the conversation before any of your teammates could follow and eavesdrop, the winger apparently not knowing that everyone could hear her talking.
"only on the shoulder and neck."
"wha- and you just got ready in complete silence after?"
you nodded your head in confirmation as you both began digging into your breakfast, lauren obviously trying to rack her head for any explanation that could stop your thoughts from running wild.
"maybe it's just a natural thing for her to do that when she wakes up in that position, you know from her exes."
"yeah, but it still doesn't explain why she did it to me."
your conversation was cut short by esme and kiara taking their rightful places on the same table as you, a new topic arising to take your mind off that mornings antics. trying to keep your eyes off kerstin was proven very difficult to do in general, but now you could feel her staring glances and lauren would bump your leg whenever she caught her staring. it seems the winger had remembered kerstin also had friends she could tell secrets to, so she suggested you try talking to jill and mary.
after a couple moments of persuasion and arguing from yourself she called them both over anyways and stole mary for her own entertainment, giving you a look that said 'i'll ask for you' as you racked your brain on how to start the conversation with jill. the midfielder slung her arm around your shoulders and smiled down at you, walking to the pitch in a simple conversation until she dropped in the name you hadn't been able to stop thinking about for the past three months.
"so, did you and kerstin eventually figure out how to sleep last night? she was telling me about it."
you froze up momentarily with the thought of kerstin telling jill what happened on the morning on your mind, then realising they weren't close enough for the brunette to let it slip the same way she would with mary- oh god, she's definitely told mary.
"er, yeah. we had to cuddle for it to work but desperate times call for desperate measures."
"i wouldn't call cuddling kerstin a desperate measure. i know you wouldn't mind it but the woman is a good hugger."
you nudged jill at her teasing as she held her hands up in mock surrender, obviously being one of the many girls (everyone knew) that wasn't blind or deaf or dumb.
just like kerstin.
she was eyeing you up as discreetly as possible, doing the same to lauren and mary as she pondered on why you'd both suddenly taken such a huge interest in talking to her best friends. sure, you'd spoken before, but never for this long. she soon came to the conclusion that it had to be about her and lauren had to know what happened.
kerstin wasn't stupid.
"y/n! do you have a sec?"
an unmissably australian accent called you over from your spot in the common room next to alex, you excused yourself and headed over to mary with a curious expression.
"am i in trouble?"
mary hadn't really ever spoken to you before, so her calling you over was a shock to your system. lauren must have said something.
she dismissed your joke and patted the seat next to her with a soft smile, taking note of how stiff you were when you tried to make yourself comfortable.
"chick, i don't bite! relax. i just wanna talk to you about you know who."
lauren had said something.
"what about her?"
"well, lauren told me what happened this morning- and so did kerstin."
you both relaxed back into your chairs opposite each other but kept the volume of your conversation low. you knew lauren would have let it slip and kerstin wouldn't have told anyone but mary, she's not one to tell more than a couple people she trusts otherwise it spreads like wildfire and others start asking.
kerstin isn't stupid.
"how you feeling about it?"
"i'm just trying to figure out why she would do it. i mean, she only sees me as a friend, right?"
the hesitance in mary's voice made your head shoot up in shock as she smiled sheepishly, your breath hitching in realisation. her eyes darted to your right and yours soon followed, watching as kerstin stood up abruptly with an annoyed expression, giving mary no time to apologise as she'd seemingly overheard.
"shit- kerstin wait!"
the common room was left in an uncomfortable silence that had you staring at mary in shock, lauren and jill giving each other knowing looks. it was obvious the aussie had just let a secret slip - a big secret - and kerstin was, understandably, not happy about it. the midfielder didn't need to hear the remainder of your conversation, all she needed to know was mary had hesitated to reply and you were hit with a sudden realisation, physically affecting you in a way that could be seen from across the room. the way both of you looked over to the defender meant you had to be talking about her.
kerstin wasn't stupid.
"are you at least gonna let her explain?"
you asked whilst leaning against the doorframe of your bathroom, waiting for an answer from your roommate as she rummaged through her suitcase. your question made her look up and sigh in a way that had her shoulders falling heavily, watching as the midfielder sat back on her heels before standing up.
she popped the 'p' just to make herself even more clear, the blunt response she rewarded you with indicating she wasn't in the mood to talk about anything. you hummed in reply and looked down at your feet in contemplation.
"look, i'm going down to play a couple rounds of pool with the girls. you know you're always welcome to join."
the brunette turned her head lightly to show she was interested, sitting on the edge of the bed rather awkwardly. you knew why she didn't take up the offer immediately like she usually did.
"if you want, i'll text when mary heads to bed."
the dutchie needed time to forgive and forget when it came to watching someone betray her trust, you'd known that for a while now just by judging her character.
"if you don't mind."
her quiet response was all you needed to walk over and place a hand on her shoulder, smiling softly when you felt her hand rest on top of yours.
"you're gonna have to speak to her eventually though."
kerstin wished she told you to stay and come to bed with her, truth is she was too tired to play pool in a couple hours time when she knew mary would decide on going to sleep- but if it meant she got to spend time with you she would stay up. within a couple hours you'd became the reigning champion at pool once again, potting the black more times than you could count as all the teammates that volunteered to play against you lost.
soon enough, mary said goodnight alongside the rest of the girls, leaving you downstairs with lauren and jill once again. you knew that they would want to talk about the situation so decided on keeping the silence present, texting kerstin that mary had headed up with the others and it was just the three of you that would no doubt welcome her if she came down for a couple games or some conversation. she responded in record-breaking time with confirmation that she was coming down and within minutes she arrived, taking a seat next to you that jill and lauren had so obviously left for her on purpose.
the couch was fairly small so your legs were touching and neither of you were pulling away, your friends taking note and discreetly nudging each other. they made a silent agreement to head up in a few moments with a reasonable excuse, watching as you and kerstin challenged each other to a game of pool.
"oh, you're so on."
you spoke cockily as kerstin smirked in response, clearly confident in her skills but knowing she'd never really played pool before. jill and lauren snuck upstairs without telling you, seeing you were too busy interacting with each other and this could be the moment you confessed your feelings if you were alone. a game of rock, paper, scissors determined you were breaking and you did so confidently, potting a solid as kerstin groaned and remained to the side whilst watching you think about your next shot.
"where'd those two go?"
her question broke you out of your game face as you searched around for them, discreetly rolling your eyes at their antics.
"probably got tired."
you covered for them whilst aiming your next shot and missing, kerstins mouth falling open at your form.
"how are you apparently so good at pool when my form is better than yours? i've literally never played before and even i know you're supposed to keep your elbow up!"
"if you're so good at pool show me how it's done then."
you replied sassily, expecting the brunette to take her own shot but were instead watching as she placed her cue down and walked over to your side of the table. she positioned herself behind you and put her hand behind yours on the cue, your fingers brushing.
"bend over."
the low tone she used sent shocks through your system and you had to take a deep breath whilst doing as she said, hearing a hum of approval come from her throat didn't make it any easier either. she bent down with you and her body was placed flush against yours, head almost resting on your shoulder with her hand placing itself on the table for a steady support.
"put your hand on top of mine and make sure your fingers are in the same position. that's it, just like that."
you followed her demand with ease, trying to focus on anything but her and failing miserably when mindless praise left her lips.
"which one you going for?"
"you choose."
the woman aimed for the ball you'd initially missed and shot after a moment of eyeing it up she was draining the ball into a pocket. she smiled in pride and turned her head to quietly speak.
"i have better form than you."
your head turned to hers and you were immediately taken back by the lack of distance, eyes unmissably flickering down to her lips as your breathing rates picked up in sync. kerstin moved her head towards yours slowly but surely, licking her lips in anticipation as her hand on the cue fell to your hip instinctually. her breath was fanning across your lips and you could practically taste her already; she was so close.
you both wanted this- you wanted it so badly. if you could, you would've had kerstin pick you up and take you right then and there on the pool table after carelessly moving the cue balls out of the way. her lips would be molded with yours as tongues clashed shamelessly, you would be reeling and kerstin would be claiming you as her own to take forever more with no resistance.
her other hand reached to hold your cheek intimately, both of you leaning in until lips were brushing. her mouth was practically on yours and you just were waiting for her to make the final move, close the gap.
"oh, sorry!"
a familiar scouse accent burst the bubble as you dropped your pool cue and quickly bent down to stop it from clattering, taking a deep breath whilst kerstin stepped away to a respectable distance and you both stared at the ground with bright red cheeks.
"i forgot my phone."
"no, you're okay alex don't worry."
the defender smiled sheepishly and rushed to grab her phone, apologising once more as you waved her off with a soft smile and watched her head back upstairs. you turned to kerstin and found her already looking at you, eyes dark and wanting. her gaze sent a shiver down your spine and you had to forcefully tear your eyes away, looking to find your phone whilst mumbling about how late it was.
the elevator ride wasn't awkward, neither was getting ready for bed in the same bathroom- being in the same bed after nearly kissing though, that was another story. she was unreasonably stiff and pulling away to her side of the bed, obviously not wanting to make you uncomfortable and you weren't fighting against it, only because you didn't want to make her uncomfortable. it was the worst night's sleep you'd ever had.
but waking up in kerstin's arms the next morning wasn't something you were ever going to complain about.
it seems you'd shifted towards each other in your sleep and adjusted out of instinct, her arms were wrapped tightly around your midsection as yours were around her neck. your head on her chest and legs either side of her waist with one hand drifting towards a thigh indicated kerstin had moved you there herself to gain more comfort, her head turned away from you to let yours rest in her neck.
a raspy voice spoke after taking a deep breath and stretching out lazily, arms pulling you closer as kerstin tucked her head further into your hair. you felt her shamelessly inhale the scent of your shampoo, resisting the urge to pull away and deciding not to when she continued to ignore the realisation that she was doing it again.
"hope you slept well."
your hand traced shapes along her back comfortingly and a shared sigh left your lips, both of you remembering you still hadn't confessed your feelings. pulling your heads away and looking into the others eyes, you made no move to back up fully as kerstin let her gaze travel to your lips once more, quickly pulling her eyes to yours again.
"are we going to talk about what happened last night?"
"not until you let mary explain."
you response was quick and put kerstins hopes down immediately, letting her relish in the moment for a couple more seconds with her eyes closed and your lips knowingly teasing the skin of her neck to persuade her into hearing mary out.
"five more minutes."
her arms tightened themselves around your waist and trapped your bodies together before you could move any further to get up. luckily you had the day off, so a lie in wouldn't be frowned upon.
kerstin turned to furrow her eyebrows at you disapprovingly when you shoved her towards mary, playfully flipping you off and making her way over to a hopeful aussie. you watched the two converse for a couple minutes whilst finishing up your breakfast, smiling at the hug they shared before kerstin got up and made her way to sit with you once more, stealing the last strawberry in your fruit bowl as you smacked her hand.
the defender caught your suggestive drift immediately and sighed heavily as she made herself comfortable, racking her brain to remember everything that was said.
"we're cool, forgave each other- back to besties."
you smiled and nudged her shoulder with your own teasingly, both of you laughing lightly and falling into a momentary silence as kerstin took a small breath to indicate she had something else to say.
"she also said what we have is really special and she wouldn't mind being my wingwoman."
"i think you were your own wingwoman last night."
"true, alex was a bit of a cockblocker though."
you gasped and shoved kerstin teasingly, both of you laughing with bright red cheeks once recalling the events of last night.
"speaking of last night, would you maybe wanna continue what was going to happen before we got interrupted?"
"are you asking for permission to kiss me, casparij?"
the dutchie smiled shyly and shuffled closer, an awkward aura taking over her body language as she grew more nervous by the moment. you placed a hand on her cheek to tilt her head towards yours, deciding to take the lead and just go for it, your lips connecting in a soft kiss before cheers were heard around the cafeteria.
"it's about time you two got together!"
"took you long enough!"
the girls confirmed that kerstin had been blind to your pining for longer than she thought, confusion written all over her face as she realised you'd liked her for longer than she thought. when it came to mutual pining, kerstin could be stupid.
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alotofpockets · 5 months
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Tension | Vivianne Miedema x Lioness!Reader | 18+ MDNI
Where tensions rise on the pitch, and snap something in your girlfriend.
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, strap on use (r receiving)
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
Tensions were rising on the pitch as the score was stuck at 1-1 for most of the match. Vivianne scored the opening goal for The Netherlands in the fifth minute, and Alessia scored the equalizer only two minutes after. Ever since both teams have been battling. 
You had gone head to head with your girlfriend time and time again, and each time you blocked her run, or her shot, you saw the frustration growing on her face. 
Viv came running up the flank again, and once more you made the run out wide to stop her from getting through. You slide in and kick the ball out from under her feet, taking her down in the process as she falls over your legs. The tackle was clean and went out of bounds, so it would be a throw-in for The Netherlands. You get up first, and extend your hand to help up your girlfriend. Though she didn’t take it, she pushed your hand away and got up herself.
The fans knew you and Viv as the loving couple, which you were of course. You loved Viv dearly, and loved sharing the life you lived together with the world. With the both of you playing for Arsenal, there were plenty of moments the fans got to see of you on the pitch, and you shared your fair share of offline moments. 
However when you were playing against each other, a different side of your relationship was seen. Her being a striker and you being a defender meant it was your job to stop Viv from doing hers, which often came with lots of frustrations like tonight. 
You shrugged your shoulders and walked off, eager to continue the match. Daniëlle took the throw-in and threw the ball Viv’s way. It bounced off her chest right to your feet. With one swift move, you nutmeg Viv and run around her to pass the ball to Ella. You knew Viv was not going to like you nutmegging her, but you felt a sense of pride as you had successfully pulled off the move on the Dutch star striker.
On the other side of the pitch, Alessia had managed to send an assist to the far post where Chloe jumped up and changed the ball’s course of direction. The ball was just out of reach for Daphne, and hit the back of the net, along with an eruption of cheers around you in the stadium. 
You ran upfield to celebrate with your teammates, tapping both Alessia and Chloe on the head, showing you appreciate their efforts, before running back for the last couple of minutes of the match.
The match ended with a final score of 1-2. You were happy with the score, from the beginning you had known that playing against a top team like The Netherlands was going to be tough, but your team managed to pull through.
You went around the pitch, hugging the Dutch squad, as they had all become your friends since you had started dating Viv. When you got to Viv, the fans might have thought that the frustrations they had seen just mere minutes before would have an effect on this moment, but over the years you had learned to push past it. Viv wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. 
“You're okay?” You whisper into her ear. Though you had not hit her on your slide tackle, you wanted to make sure nothing happened, especially after all the scares with her knee lately. 
“Yeah, all good. Don't worry, love.” She reassured you. As you stepped out of her hug, you decided to press your luck. 
“What about that nutmeg, eh?” The frustrated look made its way onto her face. You barely missed the way her eyes darkened as she started turning around, but you caught it just before she said, “Just wait until we get home.”
Viv's comment had you frozen in place. The way her eyes darkened and her voice dropped, had your mind spinning, and you couldn’t wait until she would be home again. 
Leah walked up to you and swung her arm around your shoulder. “Are you going to come home to an angry Viv tomorrow?.” You have to hold back a smirk as you tell her, “Something like that.”
The next day you hear the front door to your shared home open, and you eagerly get up, not having been able to get Viv’s words out of your mind since she spoke them at the stadium. 
The moment she laid her eyes on you, she dropped her bags and coat to the floor. “Bedroom, now.” 
Your girlfriend was usually the sweetness herself, and definitely more on the soft loving part of the spectrum. With sex she let you take the lead most of the time, but you knew that tonight was not going to be one of those nights. 
“Strip for me and get on the bed.” Your heart started beating faster at the commands she was giving you. This side of your girlfriend was one you didn’t see often, so you listened to her commands, wanting to enjoy every moment of this.
It was honestly ridicules how wet the simple gestures had gotten you already. You knew that as you were undressing that she would notice, but at this point there really was nothing you could do about it anymore.
You felt her eyes on you with every item of clothing that you took off, the look in her eyes was hungry. The air filled with lust and anticipation, as she made her way over to you. 
“So wet baby, I haven’t even touched you yet.” Her eyes bore into yours, a smirk playing at her lips, knowing how worked up her single sentence from yesterday had made you. 
“Please love, I need you.” She got onto the bed after she had gotten undressed as well, and finally connected your lips. The kiss was rough, but full of passion. That was one thing about Vivanne, no matter how frustrated she was about a situation, her actions would always come from passion. 
The room filled with moans and goans as Viv was pumping her stap into you. She was close to giving you your fourth orgasm of the night, having truly taken full control this evening. 
“Come one love, you can give me one more. One for each time you blocked me from scoring.” You were too far gone to even comprehend what she was getting at. The only thought on your mind was the immense pleasure that Viv was giving you. Your fifth orgasm of the night was fastly approaching, a few more thrusts from your girlfriend, and she had you falling over the edge again. 
After she let you ride out your high, she collapsed into your arms. “I love you.” She whispers into your ear as she pulls out slowly. “Hmm, I love you too.” She peppered soft kisses all over your blissed out face, switching right back to the soft Vivianne Miedema. You lay in each other’s arms, enjoying the moment together after having missed each other for weeks, and knowing that no matter the competition on the field, your love for each other would always be more important than football.
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pelova4president · 9 months
the williamsons
Leah Williamson x Reader
leahwilliamsonn, y/nwilliamson
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liked by lucybronze and 124.739 others
little footballer on the way
alessiarusso99 gonna be a real goalscorer
↳ leahwilliamsonn he’s gonna be a defender russo
↳ bethmead_ i’ll make him a striker
lionesses congrats to the both of you!! 🍼
victoriapelova i’ll babysit!!
↳ y/nwilliamson just because you’re a dogsitter doesn’t mean you can look after a child vicky
↳ victoriapelova come onnn it’s almost the same
jillroord can’t wait for the auntie duty’s 🥹🥹
oranjeleeuwinnen gefeliciteerd 🧡🍼
woso4evr love this for them ❤️❤️
williamsonss34 this baby is gonna be so cute
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liked by lionesses and 143.629 others
There he is, Luka Jacob Williamson 💙
viviannemiedema the best boy
victoriapelova kan hij al een beetje dribbelen?
↳ y/nwilliamson vic hij is een paar dagen oud
lj10 project williamson ⚽️
mbrighty04 so so cute
1maryearps gonna be a little goalkeeper
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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leahwilliamsonn, y/nwilliamson
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liked by alexiaputellas and 154.829 others
going from a 3-a-side team to a 5-a-side team
bethmead_ love thisss
katie_mccabe11 more little monsters please!!
arsenal two little gooners more ❤️
stephcatley can’t wait!!
svandesanden ❤️❤️
lucybronze when can i babysit??
↳ leahwilliamsonn they’re not born yet so you’ll have to wait bronzey
weuro 🇳🇱❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
bronzewalshyfann they’re gonna have a whole team
lovew0s04 these kids are gonna be real ballers
leahwilliamsonn, y/nwilliamson
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liked by keirawalsh and 151.620 others
Kai David Williamson💙 Casey Alex Williamson🩷
alexscott2 honoured to be their godmother 🥹
alessiarusso they’re too cute!!
stanwaygeorgia i’m gonna steal them from you
↳ keirawalsh i’ll help you
marialeonn16 😍😍
alexgreenwood5 little cuties
bethmead_, viviannemiedema
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 89.721 others
crazy williamsons
leahwilliamsonn atleast you’ve got one to play football
↳ bethmead_ we tried, he wouldn’t even kick it, just wanted to hold it
↳ y/nwilliamson maybe he just wants to play basketball
↳ leahwilliamsonn over my dead body!!
alessiarusso99 crazy kids
victoriapelova they’ve got it from someone
↳ leahwilliamsonn we all know that you taught them to stick their middle finger up, they got it from you
↳ victoriapelova not true!! kyra taught them
↳ kyracooneyx why’d you have to tell on me
liawaelti got that crazy hair like their mommy’s
mead_ema11 they are little mini leah’s!!!
englioness15 these kids are perfection
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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liked by bbcsport and 113.615 others
playing piano just like their mommy
laura_wienroither this is too cute!! 🥹
leahwilliamsonn i guess Lukey wants to be a basketballer, Kaikai a pianist but our girl will be a footballer
↳ jbeattie91 she better be!!
viviannemiedema little talents
kyracooneyx when can i babysit them again??
↳ victoriapelova i’ll babysit with you
↳ leahwilliamsonn never, they only learn swearwords with you guys
A/N the Mapi x Ingrid x Reader fic is finished so i’ll be posting that tomorrow!!
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meazalykov · 1 month
esmee brugts x reader
summary: you don't like talking, unless its to your love
warnings: short chapter
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everyone in the community gave you a nickname, "mute."
you never talked unless you had to.
at barcelona, you were never chosen to give media interviews. all of the girls figured that you would hate being put in that situation.
of course, you talked to your teammates on a regular basis. after being with them for 2 years & 2 seasons, you’ve gotten comfortable with them.
none of your fans have ever heard you yell on the pitch. you would signal a pass or a move by using hand signals that all of the girls on the club & national level understand.
when you’re meeting fans, you gave your simple “hi” “it’s nice to meet you” “awe thank you”s and keep it pushing. always giving a smile so they’re aware that you’re just shy, not trying to be hollywood.
meeting esmee last year at the world cup, she asked for your jersey after your game against the netherlands.
you smiled, accepting her offer as she started to talk to you.
“hi— i wanted to talk to you because i am coming to barcelona next season.” esmee says after pulling your jersey over her head.
you smiled, remembering that ingrid told you about a dutch girl coming to barcelona.
“i heard about that! its nice to meet you esmee!” you say softly, smiling as she smiled at you back.
after eight months and more bonding, you guys started dating.
esmee is shy herself, so you were never overwhelmed with the possibility of having an extroverted partner.
at first, many people found it cute that you & esmee found comfort in eachother. the way your eyes lighted up when esmee walked into the room is something that your peers caught onto.
you seemed extroverted and sillier when she was around. esmee loved teasing you and you did the same back.
she was like your "unmute" button on a tv remote, according to cata. esmee had a special way of getting you to speak to her.
after a mallorca vacation, 1 year into your relationship, you were the first to say the three special words.
"I love you." you mumble, looking over at esmee in the drivers seat of the rented suv.
the dutch girl could've stopped the car at that moment, completely taken by surprise.
if anything, she thought that she would've been the first one to pull the "love" card, but no-- it was the quiet one in the relationship.
"I love you too, liefde." esmee smiled, taking your hand and squeezing it softly.
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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pixiesfz · 6 months
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blessing in disguise j.r
plot: Jill tore her acl but she's just glad she gets to spend more time with the new physio
warnings: none atm
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It was your first week as a new physio when Jill tore her ACL, your eyes widened when you heard "How many ACLs have happened this year?" you ask your co-worker Ally as you walked to the room, she was seeing Chloe Kelly as you were to see Jill "too many".
You were laughing at a joke when you opened the door. Jill was already sitting down, still tired from her surgery but her eyes widened when she saw you.
Your smile was beautiful and your hair flowed behind you, you held a coffee and files from Jill's hospital surgeon. You had on a man city jumper and your own jeans which Jill is embarrassed to say fit you quite nicely.
"Hi I'm Y/n and I'll be your personal physio during these 9 months" You introduced yourself with a handshake which Jill accepted "are you new I've never seen you before," she asked and you nodded your head "I just started last week" you smiled and Jill smirked "Sorry for interrupting your slow start"
You laughed as you set up your set "honestly it's fine but I am sorry about your ACL" you frowned as both your eyes fell to her knee which was covered by a nude bandage.
"I would say it's okay but it's really not" Jill said with a shrug and you nodded "It's not ideal but with lot's of therapy and check ups I plan to have you out on the field as soon as I can" you smiled.
"So before I poke at your delicate knee how about we learn about each other a nice ice breaker" you suggested, grabbing a chair and sitting in front of Jill who nodded.
"Do you have any pets?" she asked and you shook your head "Not yet but I plan to" you said "Do you like it here in Manchester?" you asked and she nodded "It's really nice and different from Germany".
You grew comfortable with Jill quite quickly as she did with you and as you passed her the crutches and helped her up she looked back at you "I thought of one more question" she announced "shoot"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
You couldn't help the slight blush that spread across your cheek "No, especially no boyfriend but as of now I'm single" You smiled before you both bid goodbye.
You met with Ally after your shift as you ate fast food at a random beach near the City head quarters.
"Chloe just kept on talking about her wedding plans it was funny" she laughed and looked at you for information "Jill asked me if I had a boyfriend" you laughed and Ally slapped your leg and you winced "what was that for?" you asked, rubbing your leg.
"She was so hitting on you!"
You rolled your eyes "no she wasn't she was probably just intrigued" you told her and Ally gave you a pointed look before mummbling "intrigued to get in your pants"
This time you hit her.
Jill was sitting and watching training when Chloe sat next to her "So did you meet the new physio, what she like?" she asked and Jill blushed.
hot. she thought.
"She's really nice, I just apologized that her first job was an ACL she didn't really mind though" Jill told the blonde who nodded "Is she pretty?" Kelly asked and Jill looked at her "Why would that matter?"
"Because you are lonely and it's sad to watch"
Jill raised her eyebrows at her friend's confession before Mary and Kerstin came over and agreed with her.
"Okay well to answer your question, yes she is very pretty" Jill shared with blushed cheeks "but she is also my physio and not my girlfriend"
"That's how all love stories start!" Mary smiled with joy and her national teammate just patted her non injured knee.
"ga er gewoon voor, als je het verprutst, zijn er andere fysio's" Kerstin shrugged and Jill covered her mouth in shock of her words "I am not dating the new physio!" she said in shock.
(just go for it, if you fuck it up just go to another physio)
“I don’t know what you just said” Mary frowned at her friend before they all walked off with smiles.
For Jill’s next appointments with you her little crush had turned into a big crush and you can’t say that you didn’t feel the same.
The blonde Dutch girl was beautiful and you constantly left the room with a smile and red cheeks.
When Jill’s next appointment with you arrived she couldn’t help but blush at the sight of you, you were still in your uniform but your hair was brushed up into a pony tail that showed off your cheek bones.
“How does it feel?” You asked and Jill just nodded “it’s alright to walk now” she said and you smiled “that’s amazing Jill” you told her and she smiled.
“I wanna see you walk, just incase I see a bend or something that I can help you with” you said as you held your clipboards.
“Right now?” Jill asked and you nodded “we can walk up to a coffee shop nearby, I haven’t had my coffee yet and it will be beneficial” you smiled and Jill laughed at your excuse to get a coffee.
“Do you need to see me walk or are you using me to get coffee?” she smirked and you breathed in
“Would it be bad if I said both?”
You and Jill were laughing together as she started walking and you filmed for her tik tok she wanted to make.
“I’m really proud of you Jill this is great” you told her and she blushed but thankfully it was cold so she could blame it on the weather.
You both got your coffee and sat down together, to anybody nearby it would look like a date.
“How bout some more fun facts about each other?” Jill suggested and you nodded your head. “I have two dogs, both cocker spaniels” you smiled “what are their names?” Jill asked you smiled “well one’s name is Rocky and the other one is named Shaggy”
“My sister named him not me!” You defended yourself as you both laughed.
“Okay what about you?” You asked the blonde who thought for a second “I’m kind of happy to at I’m injured”
You were shocked and cocked your head “why, you can’t play the sport you love?”
“Yeah but you get to try new things and meet new people” she explained and you smiled “I guess you would have never met me”
“Exactly” she responded and you blushed.
For the next couple of months not either of you had made a move which was weird to all of your friends.
“She definitely likes you back Jill”
“Y/n I swear to god if you do not ask her out I will injure you”
Ally was a bit more forward than the city girls.
It wasn’t until your sessions with Jill were coming to an end she realised that she really had to make a move on you but she really didn’t know how to.
After all maybe you were just really nice to her because you had to.
It was your job.
But when they did end and she made her way back onto the field it was always you she looked for in the crowd or next to the bench with your take away coffee in hand.
“I think I rolled my ankle” Jill told you as she saw you walking in the head quarters, your brows rose “well where does it hurt, do you want me to bandage it?” You asked and the girl nodded as you took her to your room.
“This is your third rolled ankle in two weeks Jill I’m not sure you can play” you tutted as you went away at your computer, writing down about her visits.
Jill rolled her head back.
Couldn’t you just get the hint.
“Is it a certain drill that you keep doing that-“
“I didn’t roll my ankle y/n” Jill interrupted you and you furrowed your brows “I was about to write you off for the game Jill!” You told her “why on earth would you lie about that?”
Jill felt small as you looked at her with mostly concern but you also had anger as she had lied to you but know she was forced to tell the truth.
“Well I like hanging out with you”
Your face softened and the dutches words “You don’t have to be injured to talk to me” you told her and she shrugged “I guess I was too scared”
“You? You scoff “scared?”
Jill laughed “oh cmon when you ask your crush out it’s hard”
Your cheeks blushed “so I’m a crush?”
Jill’s eyes popped and her cheeks reddened “I didn’t mean to say it out loud” she panicked
You just smiled and placed the tape that you were going to place on her down “I get it, asking your crush out is hard, that’s why I haven’t asked you out yet”
Jill turned to you with a smirk “So I’m a crush?”
“Shut up” you laughed and wiped your hands on your pants “y/n?” Jill asked and you looked up “yes Jill?”
“Would you like to go on a date with me?”
You smiled “I would love to”
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Nothing's New II Jill Roord x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2216
warnings: mentioning of ACL injuries, hurt, comfort
a/n: as always this is just fiction. Your feedback is always appreciated, based off this request.
When the diagnosis arrived, you were horrified. The three bad letters no football player ever wants to hear. An ACL rupture. The same injury you sustained just a few weeks ago.
Since you already had your surgery done and were no longer on crutches, you took it upon yourself to take care of your injured girlfriend like she did for you. You set a tea cup down on the coffee table in your living room and gave Jill another pillow so she could be as comfortable as possible as she rested her knee on the sofa.
“Okay, are you comfy and ready, Jill?“, you asked gently. Jill just nodded once; “Yes…“ Carefully, you sat down next to her and took her phone in your hand. You started scrolling through all the unread messages she had gotten since the diagnosis. Touched by all the kind words, you started to smile as you read the first few messages to her; “Alright, Viv says you got this.“
“Of course, she did…“, Jill sighed, hinting at the fact that her team mate in the dutch national team was already back playing. “And she’ll be there when you need to talk or just want to have a good cry.“, you continued in hopes that this would cheer your girlfriend up. Jill just pressed her lips together to a straight line; “Thats’s sweet.“ “I agree. Do you want a break or hear from another person who reached out?“
To your surprise, she nodded in your direction for you to continue; “No, keep going.“ “Shanice wants to remind you that she’ll be always there for you and you’re going to win this battle. And she ended on that she loves you, Jilly.“, you read the next post. Finally, a smile tugged on the corners of her mouth; “That’s so Shanice.“
“Agreed. On the photo she has a camera in her hand. I guess it’s worth to remember that the next months are still worth capturing in photos. The beautiful and the ugly.“, you gently reminded her. Jill shrugged, not excited to talk about her hobby; “We’ll see about that.“ You reached out, placing a hand on top of your girlfriends; “At least you said something similar to me… almost a month ago.“
The dutch football player locked eyes with you and admitted; “Sorry, I was underestimating how different it feels when it actually happens to yourself.“ “It’s okay, really. I just wish you didn’t have to go through it as well.“, you replied unhappily.
Softly, Jill rubbed circles on the back of your hand with her thumb; “At least we’re going through it together I guess.“ “That’s true.“, you agreed, while your girlfriend took the phone from you with her other hand. Placing it next to her, she decided; “I think that’s enough for now.“
“Okay.”, you agreed quietly. The forward placed a soft kiss on the top of your head: ”Thanks.” “You’re welcome.”, you mumbled leaning against her upper body as she wrapped her arms around you, trying to comfort you both.
She took a deep breath before trying to articulate how the messages affected her:” It was sweet of them but..”  “But it’s all too much at the moment, right?”, you ended her sentence in an understanding tone. Exasperated Jill went through her hair with her free hand: “ I don’t like to be pitied.” “Did you pity me?”, you asked her cautiously.
Looking down at her fingers the Dutch woman admitted:” A bit.” “See?”, you looked up to her, her looking so miserable made your heart break again. Slowly she tried to explain herself: “I mean it’s like the injury that every female football player is scared of.”
These words ignited a fire in your stomach which made you jump off the sofa:” Yes, and still, no one seems to care about that!” “The players and the fans care.”, your girlfriend disagreed. Her response didn’t seem to calm you down it only made you more furious with what was currently happening:” That’s nice but it doesn’t stop them from happening, right? Don’t misunderstand me, the support from their side is great but it needs to be more researched when it has been in the past!”  
“You’re expecting too much. We’ve just won the fans over for our sport. Until medical departments and brands will acknowledge it, it might take a long time.”, your girlfriend reminded you.  “And so many things have changed since we started playing football professionally for club and country.”  “Yes, in good and in bad ways.”, Jill commented cooly.
Hearing that you couldn’t help to remark bitterly:” True like with the club world cup? Is it something we really needed? More games and less downtime? We see it even the men do their ACLs more recently and that might be because they play too much aswell.” “It’s because they try to commercialize everything. FIFA and UEFA only care about the money they can make with us.”, the blonde scoffed.
In frustration you shook your head:” But we’re humans not machines!” “Looks like they think differently.”, Jill pointed out cynical. More hopeful you continued:” But the protest is rising so maybe things will change for the better.” “Doesn’t help us right now anyway.”, the forward whispered, an amused smile was playing on her lips.
Irritated you observed that change in her face:” Exactly why are you smiling now?” “It’s just how can be such a small person be so full of rage?”, she shrugged with her shoulders. Promptly you protested:” I’m not small.” “Yes, you’re.”, Jill teased you, the grin on her face deepened by your immediate reaction.  
Pouting you replied:” No, you’re just tall.” “I’m not that tall.”, the fellow football player answered while thinking about her height compared to Bunny’s. Her remark made you roll your eyes:” Sure, love.”
“Not my fault that you’re tiny.“, Jill shrugged, unimpressed. You shook your head with a slight smile; “Rude. But whatever makes you smile I guess.“ “Doesn’t matter anyway. We both tore our ACLs independent of our heights.“, your girlfriend commented with a nod towards your knee.
You suddenly remembered a text message you got earlier that day and swiftly changed the topic; “Alex asked earlier today if we want to travel with the team to the Tottenham game. What do you think?“ Jill took a few seconds to contemplate your suggestion, before slowly nodding: “We could at least support the girls, right?“ “Yes, definitely.“, you agreed, trying to keep the excitement out of your voice. “Yeah, we’ll go.“, Jill said decidedly. You smiled; “Alright. I’ll tell Alex tomorrow.”
Just a few days later, you both were seated in Tottenhams stadium on Brisbane Road. Right before their warm-up, your teammates came over to say hello. Alex Greenwood pulled you both into a quick hug; “Hi girls.“ “Hello, Al.“, you smiled warmly at your captain. “How are my left and right ACLs?“, she grinned, pointing towards Jills knee brace.
“We’re okay. Weirdly, that little one is not as furious in front of her team mates like she was before.“, she replied with a laugh. Alex raised her perfectly done eyebrows; “Oh, was she?“ You grimaced; “Please, Jilly!“ Your girlfriend deliberately ignored you and continued; “She was really upset about the situation surrounding ACLs.“ “It’s understandable though…“, Leila Ouahabi joined the conversation. “Thanks, Leila.“, you smiled.
With curiosity, Alex turned back towards you; “Have you thought about using that anger for something?“ “Actually, I did. I’m going to do an interview about it next week.“, you admitted, your cheeks blushing slightly. Your girlfriend shrugged next to you; “Couldn’t stop her from doing that.“ “That actually sounds like a good idea.“, Kerstin Casparij agreed enthusiastically.
Esme also chimed in with her soft voice; “I agree. The more players say something, the more likely things are going to change.“ “Yes, Leah talked to the Telegraph not long ago… the more voices, the better.“, Lauren Hemp added. Laura Coombs tried to lighten up the mood by ellbowing Lauren in the side; “I’m surprised that you even remember that I sent you that article.“ “They are mean to me, y/n…“,
Lauren pouted with big innocent eyes. “No, Coombsy is actually proud of you, Hempo.“, you tried to mediate the dispute. Laura laughed; “I am!“ “Oh, okay.“, Hempo said, still looking warily at her team mate. “It’s an important topic and we have to stick together.“, Laura concluded. You nodded; “Exactly.“ Your conversation was interrupted by Alex clapping her hands; “But now we’ve got to play, girls.“ “Good luck, girls. We’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines.“, you called after them as the group of football player started to disperse.
Gratefully Lauren turned around to look at you: Thanks.” “We’ll win this for you guys.”, Kerstin promised you and Jill. Cheerfully Esme added: “Oh yes.” “Just go play.”, your girlfriend chuckled. In her captain mode Alex wrapped her arms around the two younger players: “Okay, that’s enough girls, you should listen to Jilly.” “Yes, mum.”, Lauren rolled her eyes.
The game started and as you and the tall blonde took your seats your heart sank at the sight of your teammates playing:” I missed them.” “The girls?”, she asked with a sad feeling. You could sense that she went through the same mixed feeling watching the match unfold in front of your eyes. Quietly you replied:“Yes.” “I know they’re the sweetest.”, Jill admitted.
Hearing her saying that you began to ramble: “They are. I’m glad you joined City in the summer even though I know you wanted to go to Barcelona.” “I mean everyone wants to play for the best club, right? But I’m not sure I would have felt as loved there as I do here.”, the forward said seriously.  Her fingers and yours were intertwining, making you both feel grounded, as you recalled: “True. Lucy and Keira love it there..” “Yes, but I love it here.”, the Dutch woman reassured you pulling you back into the moment.
When your team scored in the ninth minute you started cheering loudly:” Oh my god, they scored!” “Yes, girls.”, Jill clapped happily. Apologetically you bit your lip: “Bunny will score another one. I’m sure of it. Sorry, I didn’t want to.” “It’s okay.”, she told you, rubbing your back to keep you warm and calm.
Manchester City was dominating the game when they scored the next goal in the second half, you couldn’t help to be moved at what was happening on the pitch: “Look what Hempo is doing.” “Where is she going? Oh my god. That’s so cute.”, Jill exclaimed. Meanwhile Lauren was holding up a Roord jersey making sure they were thinking of her.
After the match the blonde forward was hugging your girlfriend:” Jill? Have you seen it?” “Hempo, you stood right in front of us, of course I saw it.”, amused the Dutch woman shook her head. With a bright grin on her face Leila put an arm around her friend:” Yeah but I get you Hempo, one can never be sure when Jill is with her girlfriend like is she looking at her or at the pitch. One can never be sure.”
“Oh, shut up, that’s not true. I’m always looking at the pitch.”,  Jill answered blushing. Immediately Esme was there to defend Laurens statement:”No, it’s true!”   “You’re both right but Jill do you want to take a picture with us celebrating the win?”, Alex changed the topic. Smiling Jill agreed to it: “Sure, why not?” “That turned out perfect.”, Leila beamed looking at the photo they made together.  Hempo chirmed:” Best team ever.” “Come on girls time to catch the bus back home.”, Alex reminded you all.
During the drive home you were cuddled up with your girlfriend watching the Arsenal game against Liverpool when Vivianne scored you couldn’t help but to jump up celebrating it:” Viv’s goal was amazing.” “Careful.”, worried Jill pulled you back to your seat. Your cheeks turned red:” Sorry, I was just so happy for her.” “It’s okay but you still got to be careful.”, she replied softly wrapping her arms around you. Into the warmth of her you whispered:”I’m good.” Before you slowly fell asleep.
Cheekily grinning Lauren asked:”Esme, do you have that on camera?” “I do.”, the blonde defender laughed.  Curiously Jill turned around to face the two younger teammates:” Were you filming her reaction to Viv’s goal?” “Yes.”, Esme confessed. Smirking the forward wanted to know from them: “Can you send it to me I’d love to send it to Viv?” “Already done.”, Lauren waved it off.
With that answer the Dutch lifted an eyebrow up: “Seriously?” “You’re welcome.”, the English defender giggled.  “Thanks, I guess.”  Innocently her fellow England teammate:” Can we take a photo of her sleeping?” “No. I don’t trust you to not post it.”, Jill decided.  Leila couldn’t help but to tease her:” You’re so overprotective of her.”
“Oh come on, guys.”, your girlfriend sighed frustrated. Quickly the Spanish defender continued:” We’re just joking, you two are cute.” “Will you let her sleep now then?”, hopeful Jill glanced at your teammates. In a low voice Esme gave in: “Okay, fine. Sleep well, y/n.”
Nothing new was the rise of ACL injuries but you’d never get tired of the warmth and love the mancity girls had for eachother.
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totaly-obsessed · 1 month
Vivianne Miedema & Jill Roord Appreciation pt.2
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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dullwaterlily · 8 months
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🌷 𝐰𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐬 🌷
💐 𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 💐 ~ 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘴
~ 𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘢 𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘰 ~
~ 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘩 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯 ~
~ 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘴 ~
~𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘻𝘦 ~
💐 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐢 💐 ~ 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘴
~ 𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘢 𝘱𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘴 ~
~ 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘢 ~
~ 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪 ~
~ 𝘮𝘢𝘱𝘪 𝘭𝘦𝘰́𝘯 ~
~ 𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 ~
~ 𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘭𝘭𝘦 ~
~ 𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪 ~
💐 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐮𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐧 💐 ~ 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘴
~ 𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘢 ~
💐 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚𝐬 💐 ~ 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘴
~ 𝘴𝘢𝘮 𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘳 ~
~ 𝘬𝘺𝘳𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴 ~
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soccer-love · 1 year
Hiii mate, could make a request where the reader is a singer and write a song for her ex (the player you want or if difficult to choose could be Jill roord) and you decide if makes a happy or sad ending (the song: if you love her by forest blakk)
If you lover her
Jill Roord x reader
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Jill tried to take a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut so she didn't need to see the big headline of the article she just read.
"Y/N Y/L/N releases single - old lover or new heartbreak?"
It was only a seven lines long article, trapped between an Interview with Taylor Swift and an advertisement for Harry Styles new tour.
Even though she knew that this was a terrible idea, she opened YouTube and searched for the new song.
The moment she head the soft voice again, singing the first line of the song, a million different thought rushed through her head.
Memories of old days.
Days that were almost forgotten.
And in the last coroner of her heart she could remember the feeling she had back then.
"Take it. If she gives you her heard don't you break it."
She felt tears forming in her eyes.
"Let your arms be a place she feels safe in"
Man she could remember the many times, she laid in your arms, feeling safer then at any other place in the world. Her head pressed in your neck, or resting on your chest. Forgetting the world around her, just relaxing.
"She always has trouble falling asleep."
The stressful days, packed with training, recovery, games and media stuff, we're getting more. At night, when she was laying in bed, the thoughts in her head just wouldn't shut up. The only thing that really helped here, was when she could sleep with her head on your chest and focusing on the sound of your heartbeat.
"And she likes to cuddle, while under the sheets"
Cuddling was for her, like the most intimate thing ever. More than kissing or having sex. From the outside she looked like a hard and funny person but inside she was actually a massive softy. And she loved just laying on your bed, hidden under the sheets and cuddled close to you.
"She loves Pop songs and dancing"
Jill loved the many dances you had, when she just randomly put on a playlist and started to swing her hips until it became a full dance while singing loud to the music. And she did that in the most random moments, while cooking dinner, making breakfast, brushing her teeth, getting dressed or just when she was bored while working out.
"and bad trash TV"
Oh yes, the many night you spend awake, or the many rainy days you two spend on the couch, watching whatever was on TV. Sometimes she would turn off the sound and make her own dialogs to the scenes.
"There's still a few other things"
"She loves love notes and babies"
Since your older sister already had two children and you were the godmother of both of them, you spend a lot of time with them. And Jill loved them with all her heart. The older one, Jenny was five years old when you broke up and loved soccer and everything that was related to the Frauen Bundesliga. The younger, Christoper was only two at the time and he loved Jill and Jill loved him.
"And likes giving gifts"
From every, really every place they played, she brought something with her. A expensive bottle of wine, from Rome. A scarf with little Eiffel towers on it, from Paris. A cookbook for Tapas from Barcelona and a red wool sweater from Sweden. And so much more, she loved gifting things to you.
"Has a hard time accepting, a good compliment."
"She loves her whole family, and all of her friends."
There was nothing Jill loved more than her family and her friends where part of her family, her team too. And she would do anything to protect her family.
"So if you're the one she lets in. Take it. If she gives you her heart. Don't you break it. Let your arms be a place. She feels safe in. She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you. If you love her. On days when. It feels like the whole. World might cave in. Stand side by side. And you'll make it. She's the best thing that you'll ever have. She'll love you. If you love her like that."
Durning the refrain she felt tears running down her cheeks, of curse this song could be about anyone. A person you had dated before her, someone you dated after her, but deep in her heart she knew it. She knew that this song was about her. About your story.
Kiss her with passion As much as you can
"Kiss her with passion, as much as you can."
She remembered the lots of kisses you shared, she loved kissing you. And you two had so many different ways to kiss. Soft and slow, with love, passionate and heated. Something else in every situation. Morning kisses where different then good nights and they where different then good luck kisses or kisses after a match. And of curse there where the kisses that you shared in spicy situations.
"Run your hands through her hair, whenever she's sad"
Jill remembered the night, they got kicked out of the European championship. You where with her the whole time, letting her cry in your arms and comforting her through the whole thing.
"And when she doesn't notice, how pretty she is, tell her over and over, so she never forgets."
It was probably one of the things you said the most to her, every day after she got dressed, after the matches when she was so sweaty and feeling dead she almost couldn't believe it.
And then again, the refrain. Jill already knew that she loved and hated that song at the same time.
As it ended, she quickly closed YouTube and opened google, searching for your next concert.
It was only two days until.
And before she could change her mind she bought one of the last available tickets.
After the last song, one about a couple getting married and spending there live together, people where throwing roses at the stage.
It was the moment you allowed your self to take a last look at the crowd and then you noticed her.
Standing in the middle, not screaming or celebrating, just standing there, smiling.
In her blue LFDY Hoodie, that you bought her so many years ago.
She looked down at the rose in her hand, a white pice of paper tied to it, before she threw it on stage.
Like after every show you picked up some of the roses, hers too, before saying "Good Night.", and leaving to go to the backstage rooms.
"Y/N the-"
"Not now." You cut your manager Brian off and walked into the room you used as a room to get ready and if you needed some alone time before the shows.
You gave him the bouquet of roses, only keeping the one from Jill, before closing the door behind you.
"Y/N, I know you don't like second chances, but please let us talk. We're staying at the same hotel, I'm waiting at the bar. Love J-"
She was right, you hated second chances.
But there was so much that you wanted to say to her.
You regretted that break up so much.
You both did.
You two never really had a fight until that one night.
It was a rainy night in London, Jill came home really late.
And from the moment she walked through the door, you knew something was up.
"I got offered to play for VFL Wolfsburg." she explained, you knew what that meant.
She was going back to Germany.
And you couldn't do long distance. It was already hard when she was away with Arsenal and you hated the days when she was away with the National Team.
You just had signed a contract with a producing company in London for two more albums. You couldn't leave that.
Without really talking about it, you two knew this was the end.
And by the time of summer, Jill had moved out of your shared apartment. With all of her stuff.
Her cloths, her sneaker collection, her soccer stuff, even her coffee machine.
It was like the live had moved out with her.
You hurried to get back to your hotel and refused to talk to anyone about what was up with you.
When you arrived at the hotel bar, you scanned the room, searching for her when you noticed a women sitting at the end of the bar.
There she was.
"Hey." You said and she turned around, she had changed into a black suit, making her look even more beautiful.
"Hi." she answered and it felt like haven, hearing her voice again.
"Can I?" You asked, pointing at the chair next to her.
"Yeah of curse, what do you wanna drink?"
"A Coke please." You answered and she ordered it for you.
"How are you?" she says, after the barkeeper placed the drink in front of you.
"I'm good. Any you?"
"Yeah me too." she says.
You open your mouth to say something but she cuts you off.
"Y/N. I don't wanna do small talk. I came because I need to talk to you"
"About what?"
"The song, If you love her was it about me?"
"Yes." you say, unable to form proper sentences.
"I....I thought it would help me to get over you but I cant. I'm still so in love with you."
"Oh Y/N." she sighs, happy that you still feel that way but also sad.
"I'm sorry that I left, I'm sorry that I didn't asked you to try it with me."
"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just let you go, I should have fought for you." you say and she nods.
"I know that there is nothing, that I- that we can make to, just get back to this moment, but I would be willing to start over with you." she says and softly slides her hand on top of yours.
"Me too, I want us back."
"So, everything is on beginning now." she says and you nod.
"I'm Y/N." you induce yourself and hold your hand out for her.
"I'm Jill, nice to meet you." she answers, laughing.
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russos-one · 10 months
Okay I have an idea is this good?
Vivianne Miedema x !FemReader
The match was intense. Viv and her team Arsenal were playing fiercely while the Chelsea players were determined to come out winners. As the clock ticked down to the last few minutes of the match, tension was mounting and it seemed that an explosion was about to happen.
Then it did. Viv, the Dutch Arsenal forward, had pushed hard in an attempt to gain a scoring advantage. With anger on both sides, they tussled and a scuffle broke out that resulted in both players receiving yellow cards.
Y/n’s teammates came to the defence of her and stepped in to separate them both. Viv was still seething as she backed away and the players eventually managed to transfer the game back to the field of play. The match may have ended in Chelsea's favour, but the animosity between these two sworn enemies had not gone unnoticed.
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Prank // Victoria Pelova
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"I have an idea for you" a Katie McCabe stated with a mieschief smile while the two of you were in the kitchen. It was team movie night at your and Vics apartment but your girlfriend was too occupied by the movie to help you, so the irish woman offered her help to re-fill the snacks. "Go on"
"Last night, i saw a video 'Calling my partner by their full name to see their reaction' - wanna do it on Vic?" she grinned, knowing you could never resist pranks like that. "You‘re evil, woman" you laughed.
You always called the dutch 'baby' or 'my love' which she absolutely adored. It made her heart race and if you didn’t, you’re mostly out with other people where you addressed her as Vic or Viccy, never Victoria. The last time you called her Victoria was ages ago.
"You in?"
"Of course"
As the movie finished, everybody started their journey home while your girlfriend was cleaning the surface. "Go ahead, mijn liefje. I’ll come to bed in just a minute". In your tired state you just nodded and went to your shared bedroom. You were almost asleep when you felt the bed dip beside you. Strong arms wrapped around your waist which pulled your back against your lovers front "goede nacht, liefje" she pressed a final kiss to the back of your head before she drifted off to sleep, her soft snores filling the room. Tomorrow is showtime, you thought, falling into a slumber a second later.
As you woke up, you felt your lovers fingers stroke over your features. "Good morning" the dutch whispered, pressing multiple kisses along your cheek. "Hi"
Vic was making breakfast while you were in the living room cleaning the last few items from last night. "Do you know where the remote is, Victoria?" you called to get the plan rolling.
"Victoria?" said person whispered while frowning, quickly entering the living room. "No? It was there last night"
"Okay" you said, still searching. "Breakfast is ready, mijn liefje," she pulled you in the kitchen "i made your favorite" smiling, she placed a plate in front of you. As a thanks you pressed a peck to her cheek. You loved it when Vic made breakfast, especially when it was your favorite.
While the two of you ate breakfast you talked about everything and nothing. You purposely avoided mentioning her name so your little joke wouldn‘t be exposed too soon. Also because you hadn‘t seen her reaction as you called her 'Victoria' the first time.
As your off day went on, your lover and you did a few things around your home before settling down on the couch. Vic was laying on top of you and looking at you while you traced patterns along her back "you‘re so beautiful, the prettiest girl, mijn liefje" she murmured. The dutch has always been head over heels for you - everybody knew. As well it wouldn‘t suprise anyone if she proposed soon, the two of you have been together since the U-teams. "Thank you, Victoria" you smiled, blushing like a mess. Her body tensed, not liking it all when you called her Victoria. She gave you a confused look which you ignored, acting like you didn‘t see it. "I‘m gonna get a glass of water, do you want one?", she asked after she stood rather abruptly up. "I‘m good" Vic made her way to the kitchen yet not to get a glass of water like she said but to check her calendar to see if she had forgotten anything that might have pissed you off.
Your birthday? No.
Your anniversary? No.
Your (grand) parents birthday? No.
Why would you call her Victoria?!
"Victoria, come backkk" you whined, missing her touch. Again?!
When Vic re-entered the living room her eyes met your relaxing figure. You seemed at peace yet mad at her, why else would you call her Victoria? "Mijn liefje," you thought she was about to crack, the way her orbs looked sad, her body tense, "dinner at your favorites tonight?" - she tried everything that you wouldn‘t call her Victoria again. You jumped in her arms, overcome with joy "Yes!" God, you were confusing! The whole day you only called her Victoria and seemed mad at her but on the other hand you acted like you normally would. "You‘re amazing Victoria." Slightly pissed now, the midfielder grabbed your hips and pressed her lips against yours with anger. Your knees got weak and If she hadn‘t held you, you would‘ve fallen to the ground, your body was on fire, your stomach full with butterflies, your mind completely consumed by your lover. When air became an issue you pulled apart, both of you out of breath, chest heavily rising and falling "Wow, Vict-"
"Don‘t!" the dutch stormed out of the room back into the kitchen. She just gave you on of the best kisses in your life and you still wanted to call her Victoria. Of course, you followed her, not sure if you should continue the prank. "Victoria?" you questioned, doing it anyways. "STOP THAT!" she said louder and much more annoyed. "Why are you in a mood with me?! All day long you‘ve been calling me Victoria! I‘m not just Victoria to you! I‘m your girlfriend and future wife, so don‘t call me that. I‘m anything but that to you!" you grinned as she rambled on, your heart melting at 'future wife'. "Baby," immediately her eyes found yours "better?" smiling, you pulled her into you. Her head was hiding in the crook of your neck "or my love? Princess? My star?" you felt her nod rapidly in your neck at each pet name. "why are you mad at me?" the pouty face (almost the same as the iconic florence pugh pout) of your girlfriend looked at you. In that moment, you wanted to wrap her up and protect her from the whole world. "I‘m not. It was just a prank, my love. Katie suggested it" relief washed over her, "just a prank" it wasn‘t a question, more a confirmation for herself.
"liefje," her hands held your waist as she walked you to the wall, "that wasn‘t very nice of you" she whispered in your ear while her body was trapping you between herself and the wall. Slowly, she trailed kisses along your neck and jaw. You were putty in her hands. When she got to your weak spot a moan escaped your throat which made her go wild yet she ignored her blissful state as she pulled away "dinner at my favorites, now."
pt. 2
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lovinpelova · 7 months
secret | k. casparij
summary; your man city teammates find out who your girlfriend is. [SMUT]
🎵 the beach - giveon
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you first met kerstin when england played against the netherlands in a friendly almost two years ago, the game had ended in a glorious 5-1 win for your side and the dutch were left in despair at such a horrible defeat being handed to them; but a certain dutchie planned to leave the stadium with more than a loss. she'd requested a shirt swap for the masterclass you'd put up against her in midfield, smiling gleefully when you accepted immediately and made small talk to keep the conversation going. she just couldn't help herself, so when you'd laughed at another one of her jokes and gently placed your hand on her arm for the final time she asked for your number.
the next day she'd taken you out for coffee and a small walk with your hands absentmindedly laced together like you'd been dating years at that point. you realised kerstin was too shy to make a move in fear of making you uncomfortable so decided to take matters into your own hands (literally) and smiled to yourself when she let out an audible gasp, the midfielder then wrapping said arm around your shoulders to pull you closer with your forearm crossed over your chest. the pair of you didn't want that to be the end of your date and decided to plan another one, which led to kerstin kissing you outside your apartment door when she walked you all the way home and asking you to be her girlfriend a couple dates later.
after learning of her impending move to manchester within the first date you insisted on giving her a tour around the city, knowing you'll be seeing her a lot more often now that you were dating and really liked her. a month after making it official, kerstin announced her move to city and bid farewell to her previous club with a massive smile on her face; part of the reason being all the new opportunities city would provide her with, part of the reason being all the time she could spend with her girlfriend.
at this point in time your city teammates had caught onto you dating someone, still not having signed your girlfriend yet meant they couldn't even fathom to think you'd go for a dutchie. the girls speculated and you denied each guess, pushed away wandering hands when snatching at your phone to see who you were texting and remained silent on the matter of how you'd met, knowing for a fact the girls you played with for england would be able to narrow down you were dating a dutchie judging by the dates of recent international friendlies.
kerstin and yourself acted like friends in public and had continued to do so for the past year and nine months, opting to keep your relationship more of a private-leaning-secret matter for the sake of yourselves. you wanted to tell the girls ages ago but the moment just never came and with time you gave up on trying, rather letting them continue to think you were just friends that spent time together outside of football sometimes for the sake of team bonding and midfield chemistry.
none of them had managed to catch onto the looks you gave each other in training or sneaky touches when trying to get past in a group huddle, so you must have been doing a good job at hiding your relationship for now. there were obviously speculations online but it never got further than an odd rumour that no one paid attention to and luckily for you, your teammates had given up on trying to figure out who your girlfriend was. they claimed your recent instagram posts were looking like a soft launch but you quickly shut them down- why would you suddenly soft launch a relationship after being with her for nearly two years? the privacy was the main reason you'd managed to stay together so long and you both intended on keeping it that way.
current day, you just played against tottenham and won 4-0 with yourself bagging a goal and two assists from midfield. your girlfriend had been dropped back to defense to give the new signings a chance in midfield but it didn't stop her from joining the group hug you'd initiated after celebrating individually or with bunny. you were walking away from media duties with a proud 'player of the match' trophy in your left hand and match ball in your right, unsure of what you were going to do with the ball but you kept it anyways in case you wanted to practice juggling in your apartment.
you were congratulated by all your teammates as you walked into the changing rooms with music blasting in your ears immediately, mary and kerstin dragging you towards the middle of the room to dance with the other girls before they turned the music down after a couple minutes of celebrating your performance. your girlfriend sneakily winked at you and smiled in response to the blush that spread over your face, both of you going your seperate ways to find your cubbies and get ready to go home.
you'd already settled down on your couch by the time kerstin had arrived home, both of you being cautious about when you spent time together to not raise suspicions from teammates on why you were driving home together from games and training. the dutchwoman had sent you a text that had your heart beating out of your chest still, knowing you'd read it immediately since you always got home before she did.
'taking my stargirl out tomorrow. that performance deserves a celebration and a half prettygirl.❤️'
staying true to her words, kerstin picked you up at the exact time she said she would with a bouquet of roses at your front door, smile on her face and gentle kiss when you invited her in to talk whilst you put the flowers in a vase.
"you didn't have to organise a whole day just because i had a good game, baby."
kerstin walked up to you with a soft sigh as you stood up from tying your laces, wrapping her arms around your waist loosely and leaning in to kiss you lovingly for a couple moments with yours resting over her shoulders. she broke away with gentle pecks at your request for more kisses and you both smiled softly.
"nonsense. my babygirl deserves the world and more."
you both set off not long after the intimate moment and kerstin had opened her car door open for you like a true gentlewoman, arriving at the café you'd had your first date in. glad you recognised it immediately, the dutchie helped you out of the car and shut tbe door for you like you were royalty, kissing the back of your hand with a smile before initiating small talk naturally. not long after drinking your coffees and sharing small snacks that eventually satiated your growing hunger you went for a walk, kirsten doing her best to show her love physically as she complimented your performance from the day before.
one of the best parts about being a footballer dating another footballer is that you were on international duty almost always at the same time, sometimes even playing against each other. it's not always the easiest to have ridiculous scorelines against your girlfriend and it's definitely not easy when her team kicks you out of the olympics by one goal after you'd done everything you could in your power to ensure that didn't happen, but when she texted you to apologise and you texted her to congratulate, you knew you were on the same page.
you cared about each others careers, even if it was at the cost of your own sometimes. both of you knew football is a cruel game in many ways; underdogs having ridiculous scorelines put past them, a bad performance putting you on the bench, injuries littering your friend groups, dreams being taken away when they were millimetres from your grasp. it's mentally and physically challenging, but elite athletes were trained to cope with it- yourself and kerstin had helped each other through it multiple times.
one of the worst parts about being on international duty at the same time was missing her. she was in the netherlands whilst you were in england still, the time difference not being a problem but rather how physically demanding for your countries was, meaning you were catching up on sleep whenever you could and partaking in team bonding without realising you weren't responding to the other's texts. luckily it wasn't one-sided as you were both so busy, but you still felt bad and (slightly) dreaded international duty because of it.
you'd arrived home from st. george's park a couple hours ago after saying goodbye to your teammates and congratulating everyone on their good performances in your matches, now sat on the couch and enjoying the relaxing aura your apartment had before your phone lit up with a text from kerstin.
'i'm coming over. be there in 5'
'everything okay?'
'miss you too much to wait any longer'
immediately knowing why she was coming over, you smiled to yourself and shook your head in disbelief at how needy your girlfriend could get. fair enough, you hadn't seen each other in nearly a month, but you were going to see each other in a couple days at club training and afterwards for a date you'd planned. before you could check your appearance or think to put your phone on charge in your bedroom a sharp chorus of knocks echoed throughout your apartment, making you jump off the couch and open the door in record time.
you barely had time to think before kerstin's lips were on yours and her hands were pulling your hips into hers, foot shutting the door behind her whilst she turned to find the kitchen island and place you on it. your legs wrapped around her waist as she kissed you feverishly like she had no time left in the world, fingers gripping the soft flesh of your toned thighs that was left exposed by your shorts with the occasional slip under your hoodie to tease. your hands tangled themselves into her hair and tugged at her roots gently whilst kerstin slipped her tongue into your mouth, clearly desperate for more than a kiss judging by the way her hands were trailing along your thighs shamelessly.
you pulled away to catch your breath and smiled in disbelief of your girlfriend's state, breathing heavily and staring down at you with hooded eyes and a pool of lust replacing the loving light brown she owned. she licked her lips hungrily whilst staring at your own and pulling your body closer to hers, hands caressing the outside of your thighs as your arms wrapped around her neck to pull her closer and teasingly brush your lips over hers with a smile.
"we were gonna be seeing each other in a couple days."
"i want you now."
you forcefully pressed your lips against hers in an attempt to gain control of the kiss, failing miserably when kerstin pulled away to trail sloppy kisses down your neck and pick you up, finding her way to your bed as she left an unmissable trail of hickeys you were praying would be gone by the time city training was back on. the midfielder smiled cockily when your head lulled backwards out of instinct and she laid you down on your bed, taking off your hoodie as she removed her own jacket and shirt with haste and her lips moving furiously against your own again when she felt your hands tugging at her clothes.
kerstin let out a shameless moan into your mouth at the feeling of her bare skin against yours after so long without it, ignoring the cocky smirk you wore and trailing her hands down to undo your bra before she dipped her fingers into the waistband of your shorts in a silent request. you mumbled your approval against her mouth with one hand holding her jaw and the other grasping the side of her stomach, letting her slip off your shorts and underwear effortlessly without breaking the kiss. she'd obviously done this plenty of times before but you thought she would at least have some difficulty getting back into the routine after a month without it, clearly time makes no difference to kerstin's sexual expertise when it comes to your body.
"you too."
she mumbled her confusion into your mouth and watched you roll your eyes with a smile once you'd pulled away, undoing the button and zipper on her jeans so she got the hint and took them off for you. her lips were back on yours with no time to spare fingers were tracing your thighs, embracing the way they fell open further for her in silent permission for her to go on. she kissed you softly as one finger slipped itself inside you, grinning against your mouth when yours fell open in ecstasy at being driven towards orgasm once she began thrusting it gently to ease you into it.
you knew with how desperate she was to see you she wouldn't be treating you like glass the entire night, your thoughts proven right with nails digging into her skin as she curled her fingertip into your g-spot whilst inserting another. kerstin was touching you in all the right ways with a sole motive of pushing you over the edge. soon enough, both fingers were pushing against your sweet spot and pulling wild moans out of you as she gradually sped up to the pace that had her mouth watering in response to your noises.
"keep going baby,"
"you like that mijn vriendin?"
"hou ervan."
your sudden switch to dutch had kerstins mind reeling, a guttural moan leaving her mouth alongside a choked one escaping yours as her fingers sped up even further. she trailed her lips down your torso sloppily and left marks in her wake to admire later, immediately latching onto your clit and flicking her tongue pleasurably before switching to sucking gently. hips bucking against her face and back arching, your hands found their way into her hair and tugged roughly to pull her closer as she moaned into you.
her fingers were abusing your g-spot in a way that had you seeing stars, the woman above you enjoying herself so much her eyes were rolling back and mouth was speeding up. kerstin needed to feel you cum around her fingers, she needed to feel that final claim she had on you after not seeing you in this state for god knows how long.
"c'mon babygirl, cum for me. you're gonna cum for me yeah?"
she desperately requested with her fingers still pistoning into your g-spot, lips scattering kisses over spasming thighs as you desperately nodded your head and cried out for her.
"that's it baby, good girl."
the midfielder didn't leave a drop to waste, collecting it all on her tongue and shamelessly swallowing. she licked her fingers clean after helping you ride out your high, memorising how you'd clenched around them moments beforehand as she gently licked up the reminants of your arousal in an attempt to clean you up.
"is your girlfriend a mosquito by any chance?"
you heard one of your teammates ask from across the changing room, looking down at your body and being met with all the hickeys kerstin had left behind three days prior. they were fading, sure, but they were still visible. the woman had put herself to work in desperate times and she definitely didn't disappoint.
"christ, she's done some work on you."
"someone had a good time last weekend!"
"you sure she's not a vampire?"
humourless comments were thrown your way as you stood unimpressed, thanking god your torture was saved by other girls entering the changing rooms and switching the topic of conversation. you quickly put on your training top and turned to see a pale-faced lauren hemp, following her eyesight and seeing she was staring at kerstin, who was now shirtless.
"oh my god!"
the whole room stopped in response to laurens sudden outburst, your eyes going wide when she pointed to kerstin and then looked at you. immediately knowing she'd connected the dots and you both didn't have marks at the same time out of coincidence, you shut your eyes in preparation for what she was going to say next.
"kerstin is y/ns girlfriend!"
the scratch marks you'd left behind on kerstins back were still almost as red as her face, the brunette turning around shocked as you tried to make up excuses to save yourself but ended up babbling like you were braindead.
"holy shit hempos right!"
mary exclaimed next, the whole changing room bursting into conversation with the discovery of who your girlfriend was. next was the teasing comments about how you'd definitely seen each other over the weekend and then the questions that implied they needed to know every single detail about your relationship. only one good thing came of yours and kerstins carelessness in the changing rooms; you didn't have to hide your love for her anymore.
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alotofpockets · 7 months
Final four | Leah Williamson
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Pairing: Leah Williamson x Dutch!Reader
Summary: Playing against your girlfriend was never easy, but playing against her team for a spot in the final four of the nations league was tough on another level.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.8k
Playing for a different country than your girlfriend meant that you would have to play against each other from time to time. You had never been a fan of having to play against her, since it always meant that only one of you could win. Playing with Leah was much more your cup of tea. Arsenal was where the two of you had met and fell in love, you had played there together for years now. 
Going into the Nations League, you knew that you were going to be competing in the same league, but you cursed yourself when you found out that both The Netherlands and England had been drawn into group A1, meaning that even if everything went well for both your teams, only one of your teams was going to make it into the final four. 
You were nearing the end of the group stages, just two more matches to be played, Scotland vs Belgium, and The Netherlands vs England. The Netherlands and England shared the first position in the group, only England taking the lead on goal difference, meaning that the winner of tonight’s game was going to qualify either Leah’s team or your team.
In the locker room you were gearing up nervously, your mind stuck on the fact that it was going to be either you or Leah. You sat in your cubby next to Viv, the only person who knew exactly how you were feeling. While neither her or Beth were captaining their teams, she was in the same boat, it was either going to be her or her girlfriend moving up in the competition. Viv was a close friend of yours, as you played for the same club and county, you had known her for years, and she knew how to read you well. “The high’s and low’s of football are so close together. I know it seems stressful right now, but no matter what happens, it is going to be okay.” She said with a reassuring hand on your knee. “Thanks Viv.”
You didn’t feel like you should be the one giving the pre-match speech right now, but as the captain it was your duty to do so. “Alright team, listen up.” You stood in the middle of the room. “This is a big game. As you all know, only the winner gets a spot in the final four. We have been performing well, but don’t forget that they have been as well. I want each and everyone of you to give it your all out there.” You looked around at your team proudly. “Let’s show them what we’ve got. Team on three.” Everyone stood and put their hands together, “One, two, three.” You count off, and the room fills with one loud “Team.”
The team starts lining up in the tunnel, you put your game face on and try to get in the game zone mind wise. The England squad lines up next to you, this was really happening. When Leah stood next to you she reached out her hand, with her head still facing the field in front of her. You take her hands, and give it a squeeze, before looking up at the sky and closing your eyes. The moment of the two captains was of course filmed as the camera crew was ready to film the teams entering the field, a moment that you would forever treasure no matter today’s outcome. 
With one last deep breath, you let go of Leah's hand, as you both lead your teams out onto the field. Both national anthems are sung, and one more quick team huddle was held, before you made your way to the middle of the field. You shake hands with the referees as well as Leah of course. 
Before you walk back to your respected places on the field, you give her one last hug. “Give it your all.” You whisper in her ear. She gives you a final squeeze with the words, “You too.” While it was stressful playing against your girlfriend, it was reassuring to you to have moments like this with her before.
The teams were well matched, possession of the ball was switched around constantly. It was getting frustrating for you as a forward to not get the ball further onto the field than a little past the halfway line before it was intercepted by an England player. 
When Jackie intercepted the ball from a bad pass between Keira and Georgia, she lifted her eyes to see you running along the flank. Her pass came in your direction, and with a perfect first touch, you managed to run forward. It was the first time either team had really been able to build up an attack, and you wanted to make the best of it. Though before you could build up further Leah slid in with a slightly late tackle, making you crash into the ground. “Shit, are you okay?” Leah was by your side instantly, her hand placed on your back as you fell face first onto the pitch. The referee blew the whistle for a free kick, while you answered her, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Leah helped you up and patted your back. 
Sherida lined up to take the free kick, and you made your way into the penalty area with the rest of your teammates who had already made their way over. Since the game had been so even, without any shots on goal, this free kick from a promising position had to be taken advantage of. So, when the ball came soaring your way at the far post, you headed it with all the power and spin that you could give it. You didn’t see the ball hit the net, but by the eruption of the crowd you knew you had scored. Your teammates flooded in around you, patting your head and cheering you on. “Come on, let’s keep this up, ladies!” 
Sadly your lead on the opposition wasn’t for long as Alessia made the score not even two minutes after your goal. The half time whistle sounded and the score was still level as you made your way back into the tunnel. Time in the locker room flies by, after short pep-talk and some hydration, you head back onto the field. 
The sixtieth minute was coming closer and subs from both teams were warming up along the sidelines, getting ready to replace some of the tired legs on the field. The speed of the game seemed to pick up again after the substitutions were made, as England came charging forward. Beth tricked one of your defenders and the goalkeeper by making it seem like she was going to set up Alessia with the ball, but taking the shot herself. Her ball hit the back of the net, way out of reach for Daphne. 
Your team wanted to get the ball moving again quickly, waiting in the middle of the field for the whistle to blow. Luckily it didn’t take long for Daan to shoot the ball over the top, for Damaris to pick up. Damaris ran forwards as Mary came charging forward to get the ball, with one swift motion she lobbed the ball over the English goalkeeper, to once again make the score level. 
Both teams were fighting for the goal to put them ahead again, but as the minutes passed by, that goal didn’t seem to come. The ninety minutes had been played, you had just four more minutes of added time before you would have to go into extra time, something you really weren’t hoping for. You knew your teammates well and could see that they were exhausted from the match already. 
You were in the last minute of stoppage time when Vic managed a clean tackle earning her the ball. She looked up and kicked it to you, but you were quickly surrounded by England jerseys, so you passed the ball off to Esmee. The young player didn’t even look before lining up her shot, knowing that if she took her time she would be surrounded the same way as you were. You watched the ball fly into the penalty area where Viv and Damaris were ready to head the ball towards goal. It was Damaris who managed to connect her head to the ball. Time seemed to slow down as the ball moved towards the goal, and right over the tips of Mary’s stretched out hands. It sped up again once it hit the back of the net. 
Damaris ran to the  rest of the team at the sidelines, with all the players on the field following behind. Ending in one big group hug, with people jumping on each other, and tumbling over in excitement. A stoppage time goal to send you through to the semi-finals. 
Celebrating that moment with your team came first, but once you stepped away from the group, you looked for Leah instantly. You found her standing on the other side of the field, her hands on her thighs as she was leaning over in defeat. While you were happy for your team to make it to the next round, you were also gutted for her. 
You hug the England players you meet on your way to her, all of them being your friends as well, since you’ve been with Leah for years. When you made it to your girlfriend she had fallen onto her knees in the grass with tears falling down her face. You sit down on your knees in front of her and wrap your arms around her, “You played so well, darling.” You knew that no words were going to stop her from feeling this tough defeat, but you wanted her to know that she did good. “Made your team, and your country proud.” She buried her head into your chest, and you held her while rubbing your hands up and down her back. 
When Leah’s tears stopped flowing, the two of you sat down together. You wiped the tears of her cheeks, “I know that right now it might not feel like it, but you can be proud of yourself for your performance during this competition, both as an individual player, and the team captain. I know that I am, Leah, I am so proud of you.” 
Even though the defeat stung, Leah wanted to make sure that you knew that she was happy for you. “We’ll since we’re on the topic of being proud.” She started and you saw a slight smile appear on her face. “You did incredible, and you deserve to be a part of the final four. I am very proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself as well.” She hugs you tight, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
While playing against each other wasn’t easy, you knew that you would always be happy for the other, be supportive, and be proud of each other, no matter what. Your love for each other was bigger than the highs and lows of football.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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pelova4president · 7 months
Lovey Dovey
Jill Roord x Doctor!Reader
summary~ Jill just had her ACL surgery and is still high on the anesthesia.
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Jill wasn’t a fan of surgery’s, how could anyone be. She was nervous about this whole procedure. Tearing her ACL in her prime had done a number on her, not only physically but mentally too. But the surgery had to be done and she knew that.
You’ve been dating Jill for about a year now. You met through your mutual friend, Vivianne Miedema. The first few months were long distance, with you working in England and Jill in Germany. You hadn’t really seen eachother throughout the World Cup but kept in touch, texting her good morning and goodnight and recording voice notes. And sometimes you took in into yourself to make her a vlog about your day, she liked those most.
Driving was Jill’s thing, she enjoyed it and you loved that she loved it. You had certain tasks without really agreeing on them, they had just become your unassigned jobs in your relationship. Your girlfriend was a little sceptical, letting you drive in her still quite new car.
Jill had hidden the keys to her car and you were not having it. “Jill tell me where the fucking keys are.” you sighed, having searched for it everywhere by now. She simply shook her head with a childlike frown.
You simply had no other choice than to threaten her. “Jill you better tell me where they are or i won’t kiss you until you can play full football games again.”, now that got her attention. “That’s just mean, you can’t do that to me baby” the woman groaned sinking even further into the couch.
“Watch me.” you said, arms folded under eachother. “Fine, under the blue vase in the kitchen.” she finally admitted. You leaned forward to place a kiss on her forehead to thank her.
Finding the keys you sigh, “Let’s go baby.”.
The drive to the hospital was rather chaotic, well it was for you. You had to watch the road in front of you and listen to your stubborn girlfriend telling you how to drive and how she thought this was just a horrible idea, she should’ve never ‘given’ you the keys.
It was a wonder Jill was still alive after that trip, she could’ve sworn she had atleast two heart attacks and went into multiple cardiac arrests. But luckily for her a docter was driving, well lucky to some extent.
You wheeled her into the big building, you knew her anxiety was spiking but you’ve talked her through the procedure multiple times. “Jilly, you’re gonna be okay. I’ll be with you, when you go to sleep and i’ll be there when you wake up.” you said, squeezing her shoulder to reassure her.
The Dutch Lioness had to change and got ready for her surgery. With a peck to the lips she let go. “I love you” she told you. “Love you too, you’re very brave Jilly.” you kissed before she fell into a deep slumber.
Waking up from the surgery you expected her to be a bit dazed out but she was more than that.
Stroking patterns on her arms you soothed her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, a groggy groan caught your attention. “Hey, you’re with us again. I bet you’ve had some pretty weird dreams hmm?” you said getting her to look at you.
“Why’s the light so lightly?” her raspy voice sounded. Laughing at her sleepy state you answered, “Hospital lights are supposed to be like that baby.”
Jill was taken aback by that. “Why are you calling me baby? I’ve already got a liefje.” Jill frowned. You had to hold your laugh in at that.
“Jill look at me, i’m your liefje.” she finally fully opened her eyes and took a good look at you. Satisfied she hummed, “I’ve done really good. You’re very pretty and nice and pretty.” your girlfriend slurred, dragging the ‘really’ out. “Can you do a spin for me liefje? Pretty please.” she asked you sweetly.
Standing up you did a ballerina like twirl. “Good enough for you baby?” you asked her, hand on your hip. She approved your twirl and demanded a kiss. “I want a kiss now.” you walked towards her to give in but apparently you didn’t move fast enough and she started getting out of the hospital bed.
“Jill! Stay there, you’re not supposed to be on your feet already!” you yelled a bit annoyed. She probably couldn’t stand on her leg yet and definitely not now that she was still so dazy.
Quickly she let loose of the bed railing and laid back again. “Okay okay, but i need a kiss to make it better!” she was gonna be the death of you.
You got into bed with her and almost immediately she wrapped herself around you, kissing every bit of your face. “I” kiss “love” kiss “you” kiss “so so so so” kiss “much” she snuggled into you. “Jilly, i love you too” you giggled into the crook of her neck.
The two of you got to go home after a few hours but Jill was still a bit out of it. You tried to get her to sit in the passenger seat but she wouldn’t let go of you. “Jilly, you need to let go, i can’t drive us home like this.” you told her.
And even in het dazed state she caught on to the fact you were driving her car. “You don’t need to drive us home schatje. Uber and i’ll drive it home another day.” she negotiated with you.
“Oh shut up. You’re not gonna die, you baby.” you rolled your eyes at her. Jill placed her hand over her heart and acted like she just got stabbed in it. “Big baby.” you laughed.
Arriving home she still wouldn’t let you go. You had to carry her out of the car and placed her on the couch. “I’m gonna die if you won’t stay with me. You’re a doctor, don’t let me die, you signed to safe all the life’s you possibly can!” she yelled when you got up to make the two of you some tea.
“Stop saying that! You’re not gonna die.” you yelled from the kitchen. “You don’t know that until you find me dead on the couch in a few seconds.” you heard her mumble when you walked into the living room with two cups of hot tea in hand.
It was a hard day for her and you knew that so you kept her close. If you were all she needed you would be there. And after what must’ve been a tiring day for her she fell asleep next to you, holding your hand as tight as she could in her sleep.
y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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A/N i just realised that the anon might’ve meant that Jill and R met at the hospital but well.. too late now sorry
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meazalykov · 1 month
hair insecurity
esmee brugts x curly headed!reader
summary: taking care of your natural hair texture will drive you over the edge at some point.
warnings: hair insecurity, internalized texturism
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it’s late afternoon, you’re in the bathroom, staring at your reflection, tugging at the ends of your hair in frustration.
today, you decided to leave your hair curly, something you rarely do. you put your dyson airwrap to use every-single-day, where you'd straighten your curls until your hair was striaghten.
but now, as you struggle to braid it into something presentable, you’re regretting that decision.
your fingers aren’t cooperating, and neither is your hair. every time you try to part it, the comb gets stuck in the tangles, pulling at your scalp and testing your patience.
you’ve always envied how your girlfriend, esmee, makes it look so easy, her fingers gliding through her curls as if it’s second nature. but for you, it’s always been a struggle.
the frustration builds until it’s too much to contain, and when the pink comb snaps in your hand, you feel like breaking along with it.
you sink to the bathroom floor, the weight of your feelings finally crushing down on you.
it’s not just about your hair—it’s never just about the hair. it’s about the years of feeling like you don’t measure up, even as you project confidence on the field at barcelona, in your relationships, in life.
but here, alone in the bathroom with your broken comb and unruly curls, it’s hard to hold on to that confidence. the tears start slowly at first, and then they come in a rush, hot and unrelenting, as you bury your face in your hands.
your curls sit over your face and down your back as you drop the comb onto the bathroom floor.
esmee, who was in the living room watching something on netflix, hears the quiet sobs coming from the bathroom. the sound cuts through the lighthearted mood, and immediately, she’s on her feet, worry etched across her features.
she pushes open the door gently and finds you on the floor, shoulders shaking as you try to hold in the sobs.
“babe?” she says softly, kneeling down beside you. her voice is full of concern, but there’s also a tenderness that makes your heart ache even more.
she reaches out, gently brushing a tear from your cheek. “what’s wrong? what happened?”
you shake your head, not trusting your voice just yet. how can you explain that something as simple as your hair has broken you down like this?
but esmee doesn’t push. she waits, patient and understanding, her hand never leaving yours.
finally, you manage to choke out, “i just… i hate this.” you gesture vaguely to your hair, feeling ashamed of the tears, the frustration, the vulnerability.
“i wish it were easier, esmee. i wish i didn’t have to deal with this all the time. i just… i hate that it’s so hard for me.”
esmee’s eyes soften, and she pulls you into her arms, cradling your head against her chest.
“oh, love,” she murmurs, her voice soothing and warm. “it’s okay to feel that way. it’s okay to be frustrated.”
“but i feel so stupid and ugly,” you admit, your voice muffled against her shirt.
“i mean, you have curly hair too, and you love it. shit, I love it! you make it look so easy. you look so beautiful with your hair and your braids. but i can’t even do a simple braid without messing it up. and i know it’s silly, but sometimes i just wish i had straight hair so i wouldn’t have to deal with this. you know how I straighten my hair all of the time? I just wish that it's all I could deal with."
you’re scared to look at her, scared that your words will hurt her, that she’ll think you’re rejecting a part of her by rejecting a part of yourself.
but esmee just tightens her hold on you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“hey, look at me,” she says gently.
when you finally do, her eyes are full of understanding, not judgment.
“your feelings are valid, okay? i’m not offended. you don’t have to love your curls just because i love mine. the hair journey for all of us is different, and it’s okay to struggle with it. it doesn’t make you any less beautiful.”
her words are like a balm, soothing the raw edges of your emotions.
“but i feel like i should be better at this by now,” you confess. “i’ve tried so many times, I've had curly hair for all 20 years of my life.. and it’s just… it’s exhausting.”
“it is exhausting,” esmee agrees, her thumb brushing against your cheek.
“and you don’t have to do it alone. if it helps, we can go to my braider together. she’s amazing, and she can do the same dutch braids you’ve been wanting. and in the meantime, i can help you with your hair whenever you need it. we’re a team, right?”
“yeah, we’re a team.” you nod, the tension in your chest slowly easing.
“good. now, let me help you with this, okay? we’ll figure it out together.” esmee smiles, her fingers gently combing through your curls.
she gets up to grab some more of her hair products from the shelf, and you watch her, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude.
as she returns to sit behind you, you can’t help but think about how lucky you are to have her, someone who understands your struggles without judgment, who loves you in all your messiness.
as esmee carefully detangles your hair, her touch gentle and reassuring, you start to feel a little more at peace.
maybe you don’t love your curls yet, but with esmee by your side, you think you might get there someday. and for now, that’s enough.
authors note: I have curly hair and relate to reader in this fic, I straighten my hair almost all of the time and wish that I knew how to take care of my curly hair easier. I hope you enjoyed <3
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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