#orc political intrigue drama
poundfooolish · 2 months
in like 99% of fandoms and stories I get into, I do not give a Singular Serious Shit about Shipping, it's just not important to me, I don't really get much out of it-
Except Dungeon Meshi, a story with no fully front facing romance (Falin and Marcille are so heavily coded it's not funny but it's still not like. If you really wanted to be pedantic about it they are not 'confirmed official', but that's also As Close As We Get, the trials of romance are just not a part of Dungeon Meshi's storyline, Desire and Obsession are so that's the aspect of their relationship that shines through the most) has me absolutely going insane over the Specific Romantic Dynamics of basically every fucking character alongside their platonic ones. I've got a ship for everyone.
I gesture wildly at my red string corkboard 'for once I have opinions and how convenient that they are correct and right'
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erlie · 5 months
Favorite books of 2023
You seemed to like my historical m/m recommendations, so I am going to give you my favorite books of the 2023!
Doesn't mean they were published on 2023, I just read them that year.
The Scottish Boy - Alex de Campi Historical fiction, M/M, politics, war - Harry, a young English man participates on a raid to Scotland where they capture a wild and unrefined Scottish boy, who mysteriously can speak fluent French. Their lives are entangled forever. This I already recommended, but it bears saying it again. This is wonderful. It has enemies to lovers, star-crossed lovers, political intrigue and betrayal.
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree Fantasy, F/F, coffee shop, romance - Viv is an orc mercenary, who after a life of adventuring and battles wants to start a coffee shop, but she is battling tax office, suspicious customers and magic.
Tooth rottingly sweet. Absolutely cozy, low stakes fantasy series that makes you kick your feet and giggle.
Also read the prequel, which is also wonderful: Bookshops & Bonedust
This Is How You Lose The Time War - Amar El Mohtar, Max Gladstone Sci-fi, time travel, war, F/F - Agents on opposing sides of the time war leave messages to each other over time and space, falling in love with each other in the process. If Bigolas Dickolas Wolfwood did not get to you, hopefully this will. Beautiful and poetic story about love and faith and war. -
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara Contemporary fiction, drama, M/M - Four classmates go through life, sometimes alone, sometimes together, always concerned about Jude.
Changed me as a person. There is Elsa before A Little Life, there is Elsa after A Little Life. Hated every second of reading it. Physical discomfort. Never again. 10/10 PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THE TRIGGER WARNINGS WITH THIS ONE. It'll kill you if you don't. TW: Mental health, suicide, suicide attempts, rape, child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, there might be others but these just from the top of my head.
Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide - Rupert Holmes - Historical crime comedy - Three people want to murder their employers and they go to school for it. One of them will fail. Absolutely fun, easy read. One of those "can't put it down" type of books that will keep you entertained all the way through.
I think that's all for now. I'll do a part two maybe tomorrow, so I won't clog your timeline with a gigantic post. Anyway, hopefully at least one of you finds something new to read from this list!
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enby-blorbo · 7 months
Hey hey! My name's Emy, 25 NB, ey/em/any pronouns, in desparate need of more Tolkien content with a partner that is 21+, writing charas that are also 21+. On my hands and knees begging 🙏 I have two specific ships in mind, one MxM and the other MxF, but I am absolutely okay with non-romance plots as well as I think they would be a lot of fun!
Here are the characters I play:
Tar-Miriel (Silmarillion), AKA Witch-King of Angmar (LOTR). - Very AU/Headcanon based, but Witchking!Miriel has my heart
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
Here are the ships I'm looking for. Bolded has current interest:
Tar-Miriel/Elendil - very much friends to lovers to enemies vibes here. Also good with unrequited/onesided feels on Miriel's part as that could be v juicy to play out, or this can be played platonically too.
Tar-Miriel/OFC - would love some WLW drama.
Thorin/Bilbo - It's a classic, but my love for the ship has been reignited after 10ish years, would love to play it again.
Thorin/OMC - down for MLM drama.
Non-romance plots:
Thorin - Anything with the dwarves pre-Quest for Erebor, especially during The War of the Dwarves and Orcs, or the building of Ered Luin. Imo that is an extremely interesting period of time that is hardly ever covered and I am endlessly thirsty for it needless to say.
Tar-Miriel - Evil plottages with the Witch-King are yes. Or, better yet, could play out a political intrigue setting pre-fall of Numenor. Tbh it'd be quite fun.
Bilbo - Someone come bother this kooky old man post-Quest for Erebor I feel like he'd just be an absolute riot to be around. Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pippin are a plus here. That & threads with members of the Company, like Balin or Ori, or even his old pal Elrond, would be fun as well!
Alternate Universes
If so desired, I am absolutely A-OK with plotting out an AU verse, feel free to discuss with me via DMs.
If interested, add me on discord @ thewhisperingwood !
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thecandywrites · 2 years
The Switch- Chapter 1
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Woo, for Day 28 of Monster March being my favorite prompt in the whole wide world- Orcs. But this comes with a side of intrigue and that ‘are you gonna pull this off in time’ kind of thing. This is also a piece that is happening just after Burn Without You and Souja. Same universe, different point of view. But again, you don’t have to read those others to understand this. Since this can still be a stand alone piece. 
So let’s meet our characters. Top left, Baron Kragan Salgria and going from left to right and at a slant. Next we have “Tessa” aka our reader who has a dire and pressing situation on her hands who is our leading lady. Next to her is “Milli” her next youngest sister and then the guy all the way on the left, Count Roncharles Lavine. 
The Switch
Chapter 1
You laid in your bed, having your mother hold your hand as two doctors, one elven and one human invasively looked you over laying there in only a nightgown and poked and prodded you. One was from the Orient, the other from the Middle East. You had fallen ill about a month ago and at first your family’s preferred doctor had dismissed your sickness as “an upset stomach” and suggested a change in diet to correct it. But as more time went on, the more serious it got and the more agonizing pain you experienced. It was obvious that it was serious and not something to be dismissed. Now your parents were reaching out for a second and third opinion but doing so far and wide and most importantly- quietly. 
The reasons for their cautiousness- besides their natural love for you, is because you had been betrothed since you were a toddler to a young Count by the name of Count Roncharles Lavine. Who was from a very wealthy, powerful, influential and very prestigious family. And the match had been made when the Young Count was born since he was two and a half years your junior. It was expected that you would grow to be a sophisticated, intelligent and competent yet submissive wife and Countess. And birth many heirs for the young Count and the wedding was yet a year away and your wedding dress was still being heavily embroidered and embellished with the best silks, threads and laces money could buy because all of noble society and even royalty was supposed to come and attend the event. And with such a prestigious match, your parents had made sure to do all they could to ensure the match would be a success. And this illness was a dangerous complication.   
One of the doctors began to press on your abdomen and you lurched in bed and cried out and both doctors froze. 
“How long have you had this?” One of them asked as both of them took turns continuing to press and feel around on your side as you were in tears from the agonizing pain as even your mother was about ready to demand for them to stop but they obviously just found the cause for your illness. 
“I don’t know, I have had discomfort when wearing my corset recently so I’ve had my maids tie it loosely. But only for the last month or so, but when you press that, it’s like you’re stabbing me there and on the other side.” You whimpered before they were both pressing on it, trying to feel for something as you wanted to hit and kick them both. But managed to not do so, with coaching from your mother. But you couldn’t help but writhe in bed from the pain and cry out and wail in pain before both doctors gave each other a worried but meaningful look before they looked to you and your mother apologetically as they both came to the same conclusion. 
“She has side sickness and I can feel a growth.” Dr. Morad, the human diagnosed. 
“The growth must be cancer.” Dr. Tian, the elf diagnosed. 
“Yes, I’m so sorry but it is cancer, and the worst case of side sickness I’ve ever seen. Between your symptoms and your coloring, and judging by the way your urine has changed color. It is most definitely cancer.” Dr. Morad explained as he gestured to the vials of urine where they collected it earlier and divided it into five different bottles and added various components to see if the urine would react and reveal the cause of the illness. 
“No. No you can’t be serious, there’s no way that’s right.” Your mother shook her head no as tears welled in her glasz eyes as her breath hitched in her chest, causing the words to come out in almost a stutter. 
“I would stake my career on it. She doesn't have long left, you need to start to prepare yourselves since this will be terminal.” Dr. Morad insisted as Dr. Tian nodded. 
“I agree, this will be terminal, I’m so sorry.” Dr. Tian offered consolingly as you laid there in shock and felt completely numb from the news. 
“How long does she have?” Your mother asked. 
“If she was feeling fine months ago but her pain has increased in such a short time and the tumor has grown this much in such a time. And since she has shown such a steep decline in health, she could live for another 3-6 months without issue, but in a year, her abdomen will swell like she is with child and then it may be a matter of weeks after that.” Dr. Morad speculated. 
“If that long, my diagnosis is she has 6 months to a year at the most, maybe three months at the soonest.” Dr. Tian professed apologetically. 
“What can be done? Surely there is something that can be done- magic, medicine, I don't care how, but she can't die! Too much is… ” Your mother pressed. 
"Duchess, there is no medicine for this, there is no magical cure. Even the strongest, most powerful Wizard or Witch would die from this and even fully collared mouras have great difficulty in trying to heal this ailment. And it would cost you and your family everything you have ten times over to even try to buy a moura’s cure for this. I'm sorry but this condition is always fatal and the moment it's detected, it's already too late. Surgery would kill her. She is already so weak." Dr. Morad explained. 
“But surely there is something that can be done!” Your mother insisted. 
“We can prescribe some herbs and healing teas to preserve what life she has left. Some medicine for pain and discomfort. But otherwise, we need to keep her comfortable. But from now on- no more corsets, that will make it worse and possibly progress it faster.” Dr. Tian suggested. 
“I second that council. I have some medicinal oils to press into her skin that will help with the pain. And help her have an appetite so her body doesn’t waste away before her spirit can. But yes, no more corsets and she must be kept comfortable. Turn her frequently so she does not get bed sores. And medical rubbing is a must to keep her comfortable and preserve her body and her spirit. And make sure she gets fresh air and sunshine from now on. But otherwise, all you can do is try to keep her comfortable.” Dr. Morad urged. 
And just like that it felt like you were in a coffin and the nails were being driven in and you felt like you couldn’t hardly breathe as everything fell out of focus as your mind stopped your ears from hearing and stopped paying attention to their words as you looked out the window at the tree where a bird was over it’s nest and you felt so jealous of the bird. To have wings and to fly freely, to be slave to no will but your own. All you could hear is the bird’s chirps and whistles to it’s mate who had come to feed it a grub so it could stay sitting on the nest before the male left again. 
You were all of 20 and your whole life had been controlled. Every breath, every movement, every step, carefully calculated and measured before it could be taken. And now you were facing death when you had never really lived.  
Then a thousand and one regrets came barreling over you. Maybe you should have run away with that stable boy when you were 16, or even that elven hybrid merchant’s son at 17, or even that dashing blacksmith in town with the large, muscular arms and eyes that while dark, burned bright like the coals he worked with at 18. Or any number of suitors that had come up since then. At least you would have had a few years of happiness. Of course, if you had gotten sick with any of them, both would have had to resort to begging to pay for your care now and it would have been looked at as the gods punishing you for running away from your responsibilities and duty with the betrothal. 
But now? Was it just bad luck? A cruel twist of fate? 
You had lived your life so carefully, afraid to make a misstep to ensure your family’s safety and success. And now, you were going to die and you were suddenly so angry that you would never get to see the pay off or reward for all of this hard work. And you knew that once the truth would be found out, that Count Lavine would probably dump you on your parents’ doorstep and demand one of your sisters in your place. All your plans and hopes and dreams as Countess Lavine seemed to vanish into smoke. 
Although, you had only met him once when you were 15 and he had barely been a boy of 13 and all he wanted to talk about was shooting and hunting and he didn’t like the fact that you weren’t that pretty. To be fair, you had been an awkward teenager but you had grown into your looks and blossomed into a beauty within the last few years but still, you would last only for one more, if that. 
Your maid got you dressed only in something soft and comfortable and then another left to get you some tea as that was the only thing that brought your mind out of your reverie  as you realized that your mother and the doctors had left you alone in your room.  
“Mildred.” You called. 
“Yes My Lady?” She said as she paused from leaving. 
“If I drink one more cup of bitter healing tea, I will vomit. Please bring me some fruit tea or lemonade or something like that.” You pleaded from your bed as your mother and father were still arguing with the doctors down the hallway as you could hear your father’s rising voice in anger and denial and demands that the doctors contact other doctors but to do so under the greatest secrecy while also demanding what their price would be for their silence but also insisting for more doctors to come to do a fourth and a fifth consultations and diagnosis. 
“Yes my Lady.” She answered with a small, rather pitying smile. 
Within a week two more doctors came and all five of them did the same examination, retested you and your bodily fluids and all of the tests came back with the same result- terminal cancer from advanced side sickness. Your father paid them all more than double their fees to keep their silence and their visitation to your family’s estate a secret. Because if this got out- it would ruin you and your family and every plan they had ever had regarding your future, much less the futures of your younger sisters. 
Then the next two weeks after that were just a blur of sleeping, taking medicine, getting medical rubbing which had been prescribed. The medical rubbing all over your body from a female practitioner to help ease and relax you was something you quite enjoyed actually. Otherwise you got to eat all your meals in bed. You also got to read some really good novels your sister Milli had picked out for you from the library. The ones with the happiest endings where the hero whisked his princess off into the sunset to rule in a perfect castle, far far away with a happily ever after being her personal favorites. Which you appreciated her efforts to try to keep your spirits high by keeping entertained. But sadly, you couldn’t relate to the stories because such a thing was never going to happen to you. 
Your mother informed you that your father was taking the news of your illness very hard, but you wondered if it was only a hard blow for him because he could no longer use you for his business and political purposes. And only when all five doctors had come to do their examinations had been the only time you had seen your father since the diagnosis of the second and third doctors. 
Then one morning Milli came bursting into your room, her red face and puffy eyes accompanying her wail. 
“Tessa! It’s not fair! You have to help me!” She begged as she knelt down next to the bed and reached for you. 
“What’s happened?” You asked. 
“Papah! He’s married me off to orcs!” She wailed. 
“What?” You breathed in shock. 
“Some merchant orc, some filthy sailor! Who somehow struck it rich and is trying to buy their way into nobility!” She cried. 
“H...how?” You asked. 
“Instead of my inheritance of 30,000 gold bouillon, he’s offering Papah 50,000 gold bouillon for my hand and Papah already accepted! He didn’t even give me a choice or ask for my opinion at all!” She said. 
The sum raised your eyebrows, that would not only pay off every debt your father had but it would also set your family up for at least 3 generations at it’s current spending habits and then some.  
“How many heirs are they demanding?” You asked. 
“I don’t know! One is too many! I would rather trade my life with yours than marry a barbarian!” She continued to wail into your bosom. 
“Help me out of bed.” You told her. 
“What?” She asked. 
“Help me out of bed, if Papah will not come to me, I will come to him.” You insisted before she helped you out of bed and put a shawl around you before she helped you walk to your father’s office where your mother was equally hysterical inside of it. 
“Tessa! What are you doing out of bed?” Your parents chastised. 
“I’m not in my grave yet! There is still life in my breast and I demand to not be treated as if I’m already in my coffin.” You growled. 
“Tessa this is not like you.” Your father urged. 
“How would you know?! Since the doctors came you have not come to see me once!” You snapped angrily at him which caused him to turn downcast and flush with shame. 
“Now, will someone tell me what in all of the gods’ graces is going on?!” You demanded as you took a seat across from your father’s desk and looked expectantly at your father. 
“Milli has had an offer of marriage.” Your father began. 
“Which I refuse!” Milli insisted but you raised your hand to hush your sister, before you reached out to hold her hand. 
“Tell me the whole offer, read it word by word if you have to.” You insisted calmly before your father picked up the letter from his desk. 
“’Baron Thaddius Salgria offers his hier’s hand to my daughter Millicent who he has heard is unbetrothed. He is looking to legitimize his family into the nobility since King Grenver has bestowed the title of Baron onto him and his family and he is currently building an estate in northern Solowards and the estate will need a Great Lady to ensure the estate’s success and is offering me fifty thousand gold bullion for her hand in marriage’.” He paraphrased from the letter before he handed it to you for you to read it yourself and tried to look at this with the utmost objectification, not letting any emotions get into your mind or your thinking. Because such an offer from anyone else would have anyone with reason doing all they could to agree to such a thing. Newcomers to nobility were both a novelty yet treated with weary suspicion because they were unknown and the fact that they were of orcish descent was the farthest thing from your mind, if this had been a human or elven or any other offer from any of the other “high” species, this would have been a done deal and your sister would not be reacting like this.
“What do we know about the Salgria family?” You asked calmly as you kept the letter in your other hand as your other was still holding Milli’s. 
“They’ve made their great fortune in Forestrong from the Brighway Line. They’ve also gained great fortune in Fitsdale which was just outside of Brighway Line. And now they’ve increased their income almost a hundred fold by being the first to have a hand in doing business in Wakanear and Yekemeni. Especially since Yekmeni now owns Wakanear as it’s territory. The Yekmenians killed off the pirates and built it up to be a trading outpost and since both places are now ruled by human Dorierran royalty as queens and princesses. Dorierra now has two more jewels in it’s every growing crown of the Dorierran Alliance. But the King of Yekmeni is an orc, and his cousin, the Prince of Wakanear is an orc as well. But they married sisters to my understanding. And since the sisters have started to rule both places have practically doubled several times in wealth and success ever since. Especially having Dorierra as an ally and they now do business with all of Dorierra’s allies which we are a part of as well.” Your father began to list off as you kept his gaze steadily. 
“The Salgria’s hired their clan connections to work and build up Wakanear and their fleet of sea ships and skyships are now a constant in all four places and now that they have connections in Yekmeni and Wakanear, their shipping and trading with Dorierra has also greatly increased. And even in Dorierra they keep ships there so their presence is even to be had there with great success thanks to Yekmeni and Wakanear’s backing. Salgria Shipping is now poised to be a major monopoly in shipping in the whole supersphere. And their ships from their multiple shipyards are the finest ships in the supersphere. And they have shipyards churning out ships at almost an alarming rate at all five places. And even though their quantity is going up, their quality has not lacked at all. If anything the quality of their ships has improved as well. They have just as much money as the royal family at this point, if not more. And it was because of their very generous donation to King Grenver for his fleet and his treasury that he gave them the title of Baron, only last year along with the allotment of land in the kingdom. Hoping to keep the Salgria’s here and their taxes to fuel the empire and the king has since ordered for me to see to it that they stay here so of course Milli is the obvious choice. Since then everything the Salgrias touch practically turns to gold. If word got out that they were looking for a lady, the Harringtons, let alone any other and every other family in the nobility would slit our throats for this offer. The fact that they offered it to us first and only us right now is a great advantage.” He insisted as he gestured to the letter.  
“How many heirs are they asking for? Because this offer doesn’t say, I take it you’ve had some correspondence with them since. This letter was dated weeks ago, a letter like this demands a prompt response.” You asked as you held up the letter and pointed to the dated- noticing it was only days after Dr. Tian and Dr. Morad gave you- your terminal diagnosis.  
“It was not mentioned but I would wager it’s implied.” He answered. 
“Well then I think the solution to this problem is clear. Count Lavine’s offer of marriage was always contingent on my ability to produce heirs. And with my current state of health, that’s no longer possible. Switch Milli and I.” You proposed as you put the letter back down on his desk. 
“How? You’ve been betrothed since his birth.” Your mother contested. 
“And Young Count Roncharles has never once liked it or been agreeable to it! He has always fought against it and resented it! Look, Milli is prettier than I am and the reason why Young Count Lavine has chafed at the betrothal was because he thought I was too plain and simple the one time he met with me face to face. And he has never tried to meet with me or converse with me or exchange a single word with me since and despite all of your best efforts and his parent’s efforts. It was always going to be a strenuous dutiful arrangement. There has never been any effort on his part to incite any kind of affection in our match, despite my best efforts- so there is absolutely no love lost here.” You pointed out as you dug your index finger into a letter from the Elder Count Lavine on your father’s desk. 
“All we need to do is to arrange for Milli and Young Count Lavine to meet in a setting he will feel comfortable meeting her in. Make it a ball where his peers and friends will be in attendance so he will actually want to attend. Put her in the prettiest dress we can buy or have made for her. Using Young Count Lavine’s favorite colors that compliment her. And have it set the bar in fashion. Have her dripping with jewels, even if they’re paste. Make her up to be the most ravishing lady in the room. The belle of the ball. And Young Count Lavine is only 18 now, like any young man his age- his eyes will be more influential on his mind than anything else. Make Milli into the prize any young man his age would want and be enraptured with. Stuff her corset with stockings to make her bosom larger if you absolutely must. Do whatever it takes to make her as appealing and appetizing to him as you can.” You pointed out as you kept your gaze locked with your father’s but you could see in your peripherals that your mother was realizing you had a good point and was nodding in agreement. 
“Especially since he is the same age as Milli, hopefully she will catch his eye and all of us will just have to pray that he likes her more than me. Or that his friends will also find her even more attractive and interesting than she has already demonstrated to be- to stir his own competitive streak to take action and take an interest in her to assert his dominance among his peers. Then tell Senior Count Lavine, very secretly that I have seen many doctors and they all say I am barren. That I fell from a horse or I have been in an accident, or whatever lie you wish to tell because I sincerely doubt you’ve told them I’m terminally ill yet.” You wagered as you pointed to the letter from the elder Count on his desk and noticed it was dated only recently, your father cast his eyes down at the letter as his cheeks flushed with even more shame. 
“Pay the same doctors who gave me the diagnosis- give “an official report” to Senior Count Lavine as “proof” if need be. Because if you can buy their silence, I would wager you could also pay for them to change said diagnosis to suit Senior Count Lavine’s ears too because he doesn’t need to know the truth, all he needs to know is all he would want to hear.” You insisted as you gestured to the diagnosis reports from the doctors still on your father’s desk to this side. 
“And for Senior Count Lavine to hear that I am barren will be enough to induce him to release me from the betrothal and if and when he does- and Milli can secure the Young Count Lavine- the switch will be a success. Because Young Count Lavine wouldn’t be fighting against it, but would be fighting for it to secure the most beautiful diamond of the season and the season is still new and still full of excitement. Because Milli has already gotten a lot of interest from Young Count Lavine’s peers. So I would wager he has at least heard about her beauty and would be eager to see it with his own eyes and if his father gives him the freedom to choose anyone but me, he will most likely go for Milli with much more enthusiasm.” You insisted as your father was impressed by how you were dealing with this and being so quick to find an equitable solution. 
“Then tell Baron Salgria that Young Count Lavine has fallen in love with Millie, broken off his betrothal with me, when he saw her. And make it sound like love at first sight for the pair.  And then offer me instead but stress that I’m not broken hearted about it. But that I too was not agreeable to the match either. And that I am grateful and relieved to be released from the betrothal. Which if this switch can be successful, I will honestly and truly be. My marriage into the Salgria family will be just as legitimizing as Milli’s would be. And since Milli refuses the offer from the Salgrias, I will accept it in her place- if she can secure the Young Count Lavine.” You proposed as you pointed to the letter from Senior Baron Salgria again for emphasis.  
“I have trained my whole life to be Countess Lavine. But I wager I can’t muck up being Baroness Salgria anymore than I could muck up being an Archduchess at this point. Just tell the Salgria’s I have a delicate disposition and constitution since my “accident” but that I will make a full recovery soon. But that should be enough to explain why I need as much medicine and tender loving care from the physicians as I am getting. I don’t look that sick yet and I can put on a show of being well long enough for a quick courtship, engagement and wedding to the Salgria’s. Because surely their business will pull them away quickly again and they can simply take me with and I can always come down with my illness while I travel. It happens all the time, it wouldn’t be suspicious to anyone else.” You proposed. 
“Once Milli can capture Young Count Lavine’s interest, and that switch is set. Then make the plans for my own wedding to Young Baron Salgria as quickly as you can and marry me off before I show any more signs of sickness. That way when the truth of my illness may be known, it will be in their care and the blame for it will be on them. And if they want to spend their enormous wealth on a collared moura’s cure then so be it. But the blame and responsibility for my cure will not be on you. I may be dying but I will rest in peace if I know that Millie and Gwen are taken care of, and have a measure of happiness and comfort in their matches. And for all we know Milli will be much happier with Young Count Lavine than she will be with anyone else right?” You insisted. 
“Yes, I would.” Milli confirmed with an emphatic nod of her head.  
“If Baron Salgria has fifty thousand bouillon to offer for Millie’s hand or even mine for that matter. They have more than enough money to make sure my final moments are in comfort if even they can not afford a cure. And it will ensure our family’s position and prosperity for generations. For at least three by the calculations off the top of my head at our current spending rate. I have spent my whole life preparing for a future that will never be mine. The least I can do is trade what life I have left to ensure that all of you will live well. Let my dying wish be to sacrifice myself for this cause. At least this way I’ll get to travel and be able to see a little bit of the world before I leave it.” You negotiated with your father as your mother and Millie were both crying, being touched your effort to at least try to sacrifice yourself for the good of the family as all three of you were looking expectantly at your father for his answer before he nodded in agreement and got up from his seat and walked around his desk and pulled you to your feet before he hugged you tight. 
“Alright, alright.” He agreed softly before he started crying as he held you in his arms as you hugged him back just as tightly and couldn’t help but give way to tears to as you finally got to feel the love your father had for you before your mother and your sister joined in the hug before your father brought you back into your room so you could get back into bed. 
“I’ll take care of everything.” He reassured you. 
Within a week, carts full of yards and yards of new fabrics and laces came into the house as the seamstresses came en masse and fitted Millie for new dresses as you sat down in the salon with her as she stood on top of the pedestal as your mother went over all the kinds of lace that had come in and directing another seamstress about where to put each one on the dress while your father was picking out a selection of jewels since several jewelers and other people with their accessories, had come with the best jewels they had for your father to choose for. Each one setting their wares out on a table for him to peruse from the comfort of your mother’s dressing salon. Your father was not just shopping jewels for your sister but for you, Gwen and your mother as well- using your own dowry to pay for all of it. The bank had come with stacks of bills since your father kept your dowry at the best bank in the country that accrued interest off of it.  Your father’s steward and your mother’s head mistress were making plans for the ball your family would be hosting where Count Lavine and his family were promised to attend along with Baron Salgria and their family along with everyone else in nobility too as your whole family’s estate was being transformed to host the largest ball of the season. 
In that week your father had paid off all five doctors to give the report that you were kicked by a horse in a riding accident, and had become barren. Senior Count Lavine immediately believed the lie and immediately released you from your betrothal. And secretly accepted Milli in exchange and your father even offered to increase Millie’s dowry by five thousand gold bouillon for the ‘inconvenience’. Which was also immediately accepted. 
Young Count Lavine had never been more happy or relieved to hear the news as he felt like he was finally in control of himself and his own destiny and your father simply gave Young Count Lavine the option that if he wanted Milli instead, he would have his blessing. But that Young Count Lavine was not obligated to accept her in order to give Young Count Lavine the illusion that he had a choice in the matter. Which for once Young Count Roncharles was looking forward to attending the function to finally meet your sister of who he had heard many reports that she was exquisitely ravishing and he was for once eager to see if the reports were true as he actually seemed excited at the prospect. 
And only an hour later- your father got in touch with Senior Baron Salgria and told him the news that Millie was no longer available but that you were. And that you were happy and relieved to be released from your formal betrothal. Because there was a small clash in personality that made the betrothal a little bit strenuous for the Count. Senior Baron Salgria also immediately agreed on the switch upon hearing how Young Count Lavine had fallen in love with Millie. 
And all you could do was pray that young Count Lavine would play along and just like Millie. And this switch would work out successfully. You immediately reached out to Young Baron Salgria and his family. Getting the names of every member of his family and their approximate ages as you made sure to send individual letters to all of them. You did so in attept to try to get on some kind of good terms with them which worked. The letters you got back from the whole Salgria family were encouraging and they were happy and eager to have you join their family as their daughters especially were keen to have a sister who knew Solowards and it’s fashions and how to adjust to it and how to navigate the social spheres. Which you were more than happy to offer any and all advice you could. 
But all Young Baron Kragan Salgria responded with -’was that he would be looking forward to meeting you at the ball’. He did not make any other efforts to contact you further. And from that moment, you took that as face value. And frankly you didn’t care if Young Baron Salgria would only tolerate you, like Young Count Lavine always had. For you- all that mattered was that Young Count Lavine would actually like Milli and go along with this and “choose her of his own free will”. But you were pleased that the rest of the Salgria family seemed to be eager and pleased with your correspondence and especially between his mother and his sisters, an easy friendship was struck with them and so there was regular correspondence with them in such a short amount of time as you had just gotten letters from the Baroness and her daughters just that day as you sat down at your mother’s writing desk and were reading them and replying to them about your own eagerness to finally get a chance to meet them in person.  
Once you were done and you handed your responses to an attendant to send them to the post- post haste. You finally got up and walked past the tables of jewels. Before you sidled up next to your father and helped your father pick an exquisite set of jewels for Milli as you handed your father your correspondence with the Salgria’s so he could read them and see your progress with them as he read them and gave you his approving smile before he handed them back. 
“Very well done Tessa, at least you’ll have friends among his mother and his sisters. The Salgria’s are good people, and Baron Thaddius is an exquisite businessman. Very practical and very reasonable and his son and hier- Kragan is a lot like his father- very practical and reasonable too. I’ve been using Salgria Shipping before and after his receiving a title. Because usually his ships are so well manned and run in protective formation that very rarely do they fall prey to pirates. And especially since his ships are now armed with Yekmenian armaments, any cargo the ship's hold is practically insured and guaranteed to make it to its destination in pristine condition. But they have come from humble backgrounds and have had difficulty adjusting to the formal manners of nobility here in Ramer. But you are handling this very delicate situation very well.” He praised. 
“Thank you, I’m doing my best to simply appeal to them as a friend rather than anything else, like you’ve suggested.” You answered. 
“And that will get you far. The Salgrias for the most part have a hard time discerning genuine interest from polite manners. It’s led to some very awkward encounters at court. So at court I’ve done my best to try to take Thaddius under my wing so to speak to help him navigate the unfamiliar waters.” You father admitted. 
“Who have they managed to offend then?” You asked. 
“Oh almost everyone. Everyone thinks that the Salgria’s have tried to buy and bribe their way into the King’s court with their family’s donation to the King’s fleet in dealing with the pirates south of the Brighway Line that everyone else here has to deal with. And the fact that they are orcs has it’s own prejudice hurdles that they are having difficulty in overcoming. But the King is adamant that he wants them here. And so he has tasked me with helping them ease into society, and this betrothal is pivotal to that. Even if you only have a few months left, any help you can offer them will be invaluable. Especially to Thaddius’ wife and daughters who have had no training whatsoever about how to navigate society.” Your father urged you. 
“Of course.” You nodded in understanding. 
“However it’s Young Kragan Salgria that will be your greatest challenge.” Your father gently warned you as he held a set of jewelry up to you and immediately told the jeweler he would take it for you and to put it into a case and put it with the others he was buying for you and yoru sisters and your mother. 
“Harder than Roncharles has been? Is that even possible?” You couldn’t help but sarcastically retort which got your father to grin in amusement. 
“Simply different kind of difficulty. Kragan is prone to closing himself off completely and is difficult to draw him out. But if you can manage to get him comfortable and draw him out and assure him and reassure him that you won’t judge him harshly, you might stand a chance.” Your father mused. 
“How could I do that then?” You asked. 
“When he comes to the house for the ball, pull him aside, off to the side, somewhere secluded and private. Like the balcony of the music room that overlooks the gardens. Drop the pretenses, drop the formalities and just try to have as open and honest of a conversation as possible without telling on yourself or the family too much. He will most likely be nervous and hesitant. But if you can make him ease enough up and make him laugh, you’ll be doing good. Be genuinely witty and charming but not forced at all, simply be open and inviting, let him know that you are a trustworthy person and can hold his confidence and he will hold yours.” Your father advised thoghtfully. 
“But isn’t it usually prohibited to be alone with a gentleman?” You asked. 
“This will have to be an exception. I will make any and every excuse for your absence and assure that you are being chaperoned to keep your reputation intact. But do anything and everything you can to win him over and make yourself as non threatening, non judgemental, friendly, approachable and not intimidating in any way. Cuss if you have to.” He urged you as your eyes went wide as your eyebrows nearly went into your hairline as you couldn’t help but snort a laugh.
“Really? Cussing?” You repeated in amusement. 
“He’s a born sailor, cussing is like his second language.” Your father muttered to you under his breath which got you both to stifle your laughter. 
“Fair point. I will take and use your advice. Besides, it’s practically a done deal anyway right? Maybe if I give him the illusion of letting him have a choice in the matter- he might go willingly, like Roncharles should be doing.” You mused. 
“That would work too, probably might work even better on Kragan, than it will work on Roncharles. Besides, Roncharles has never appreciated you or your efforts which has always irked me. Kragan no doubt will though. He will be very appreciative and much more willing to listen if he can discern that you’re there to help and not hinder.” Your father reassured you. 
“And yet all I have from him is just this. It barely counts as a letter, much less a note.” You admitted as you pulled out the one piece of correspondence you had gotten from Kragan. Saying that he was coming to the ball. It was only a single line. No other comments and nothing to go on, even though you had written him back. But had not heard from him since, and you dare not send even more to him, for fear you’d come off as insincere and desperate. You had even tried to analyze his handwriting to see if you could glean anything from that because otherwise, you didn’t have anything else to go on, other than his parents saying he was ‘busy with business’ that kept him from writing you back. 
“He’s reluctant and very apprehensive because of his other experiences at court. You must prove to him that you are nothing like the rest of the gentry. That you’re nothing to be afraid of. And that you’re trustworthy. That he is safe to let his guard down around you. You must do your best to not be offended by his manners, while also not giving him any cause to be offended either. It’s a tall order but I have every faith and trust that you can do it. If you’ve dealt with the petulant Roncharles, an apprehensive but infinitely more mature Kragan will be much easier for you to deal with.” Your father encouraged you. 
“Thank you Papah, I will do my best to not let you down.” You offered to him as you let your head rest on his shoulder before he hugged you from the side. 
“You never have Tessa.” He offered before he kissed the crown of your head which made you both smile. 
“I think these would look best on Milli.” You suggested as a particular pair of earrings caught your eye before you picked them up and left your father’s side to bring the earrings to Milli who was still standing tall on the pedestal, being measured as different fabrics were put to her body to see how she would look in them. 
 “I almost feel guilty.” Milli murmured as you held earrings up to her ears to see how she would look in them. 
“Don’t. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Enjoy my lemonade Dearest.” You urged her goodnaturedly. 
“It’s the sweetest ever, only a sister who truly loved another would do such a thing as this.” She professed. 
“As if there was ever any doubt?” You posed rhetorically in a light teasing tone.
“The pear shaped ones look best with your face shape.” You insisted. 
“No.” She shook her head to your rhetorical question. “Your dress should be just as great as mine.” She insisted. 
“No, you have to be the belle of the ball. Young Count Lavine must take one look at you and in that first moment- fall as much in love with you on sight as possible and then be won over by your charms the next moment after that. There can be no competition for his attention. When he looks out among the guests, you must shine like the full moon among the stars. Baron Salgria will be grateful he’s getting me at all. He shouldn’t fuss about my trappings too much. I won’t be dressing in burlap, I promise.” You reassured her before you looked over at your mother who directed which lace she wanted to see where in which of the dresses as she was ordering so many as the seamstresses were barely keeping up with your mother and her orders and specifications and demands as she had the seamstresses make your sister’s dresses waistline lower and much more pinched while she felt like your dresses were going back in time to the Renassiance. With the waistline just under your bosom. But in order for you not to be in pain in a full corset, it was just how it needed to be.  
“Ma’mah, you must make sure the softest silk lace is against her skin, we can do a second layer of the stiffer lace on top of the soft, she must be in comfort at all times. She can not be itched by the stiffer lace and need to scratch her skin and have it turn red. It’ll be seen as blemish, and she must be the epitome of unblemished.” You urged your mother as you looked at her comparing the lace. 
Meanwhile, nearby, another woman who was a Master of Cosmetics was already mixing powders, pigments and crushed flowers and butters and balms with crushed pearls and dust from gold leaf for Milli’s cosmetics so that it would look like she had a glowing complexion. Using only the best ingredients so that the skin would not be irritated by the cosmetics themselves along with making cosmetics for every woman in your family. 
“Yes of course Tessa, you’re right.” Your mother conceded which made you and Millie smile gratefully back to her. 
One of the few comforts you could get in your final days is that nothing you asked for was ever denied now. And you would use that power to benefit both of your sisters and your younger brothers. 
Meanwhile, against the advice of the first three doctors, the fourth and fifth doctors were working on concoctions to help you look healthier and more vibrant. They were mixing a variety of medicines to achieve this and while it would make you look healthier and act healthier and give you more energy in the moment and mask your current symptoms. When the medicines would wear off, you would most likely feel and look worse than you did before. But it was a price you needed to pay for the foreseeable future until you were married to the Young Baron Kragan Salgria. They all however had warned you and your parents that in the long term such medicines could be harmful to your health. But since you were terminally ill anyway, such cautions were ignored. Since you and your parents insisted that in order for this to work, it was a risk that you needed to take and a necessary measure for success. And at least the concoction was a nice mix of sweet with a twinge of sour. But the aftertaste left much to be desired. 
You needed to appear perfectly fine and healthy to Baron Salgria and his family. So that they wouldn’t be suspicious of anything. The doctors made many bottles of the medicine. So that the moment you felt one dose starting to wear off, you would take another dose and keep up the facade for as long as you could stand to. And while it would ultimately shorten your already shrinking lifespan, this was already a race against the clock and right now you and your parents were desperate to win such a race.
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gone-series-orchid · 3 years
another ask game (inspired by @mewhiphand)
1. were there any expectations for plot elements, relationships, and/or character arcs you developed based on the events of the first book that weren’t fulfilled by the fifth?
2. what, in your opinion, are michael grant’s strengths as a writer? his weaknesses?
3. which characters of your choosing do you think wear makeup (at least pre-fayz)? which don’t?
4. which characters of your choosing do you think wear perfume/cologne?
5. what are the grooming habits of characters pre-fayz?
6. which job do you think characters would be best at post-fayz?
7. if you could soften one plot element of the series, what would it be?
8. if you could intensify one plot element of the series, what would it be?
9. which protagonist of the series do you think would be an interesting villain? vice-versa?
10. if you could take away one character’s powers and give it to another, who would that character be and what power would you give them?
11. what kind of books, movies, and tv shows do you think the characters would like?
12. you have the ability to change the decade in which “gone” takes place, but the catch is, it can’t be set anytime after 2007! what time period do you pick and why? what elements of the story would change based on this change of setting? how would the characters change?
13. body type headcanons?
14. how do you feel about how michael grant writes romance? if you had the opportunity, how would you rewrite the romances in the series?
15. opinions on drake’s misogyny?
16. gone is now a soapy high school drama akin to riverdale/skins/euphoria! who fulfills which teen archetype and why?
17. hairstyle headcanons?
18. what would your ideal gone fanfic look like?
19. if a tv adaptation does happen, what would be the worst possible change the showrunners could make to the plot/characters?
20. gone is now set in a high fantasy world full of fantasy races, magic, and political intrigue (think world of warcraft or dungeons & dragons)! what fantasy race (humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc.) do you think the characters would be?
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necroarchy · 4 years
     i realized suddenly and violently tonight that I fucked UP by anchoring my primary wow interests with the kingdom of lordaeron, because lordaeron is. so fucking boring to my Fantasy Kingdom tastes. where’s the political intrigue. the drama. where’s the ugliness. where’s the fleeting reminder that fun fantasy feudalism is, uh, yanno, a Real Bad Idea, Champ. Maybe Hierarchies are a Shitty Way to Order Society. 
     “lordaeron was a utopia for fifty years because terenas was Good and Perfect” is a cookie cutter basic story that WORKS as the overwrought doomed hometown of our beloved icy bitch prince, but it’s just. so, so fucking boring when i’m out here trying to write about Artie thinking of that time in his life. 
     and there are aspects that I probably COULD talk about that I don’t think b.lizzard really... deals with enough ( but expecting nuance or a deft handling of Issues from them is a bit of a doomed waste of energy at all, huh. ) orc internment camps. that whole thing with deathwing, probably, minus the admittedly rampant mind control. Blackmoore being allowed to be Super Obviously a Slimeball even while Arthas is purportedly investigating him for corruption, the law enforcement sector being so pathetically understaffed that the CROWN PRINCE has to be wrangled into INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION, also I recall a vanilla Forsaken quest mentioning Terenas had torture pits? did that happen? did that happen or was 10 year old me so terrified of the skeletons and the spooky forest that I conjured them myself?  
     but there’s literally no way for me to say any of this without it  sounding like covert “no arthas really didn’t do anything wrong, we are shunting all responsibility off onto the shoulders of Daddy Issues and We Live in a Society” perpetration.  
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Who is the Villain Teased in The Lord of the Rings TV Series Synopsis?
Amazon’s billion-budgeted television series for The Lord of the Rings has clarified things—albeit ever so slightly—with the release of its first official synopsis. While we’ve known for some time that the show will take place during Middle Earth’s Second Age—thousands of years before the story of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings novels or the iconic Peter Jackson-directed films—the description doesn’t exactly narrow things down, seeing as said age lasted for 3,441 years. However, its teasing of an unnamed villain has sparked some intrigue.
The synopsis, arriving via Tolkien fan site TheOneRing.net, affirms the earlier-confirmed idea of the series taking place during the Second Age, a time in which Middle Earth’s political—and geographic—infrastructure was different, starting with the statement, “Amazon Studios’ forthcoming series brings to screens for the very first time the heroic legends of the fabled Second Age of Middle-Earth’s history. This epic drama is set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and will take viewers back to an era in which great powers were forged, kingdoms rose to glory and fell to ruin, unlikely heroes were tested, hope hung by the finest of threads, and the greatest villain that ever flowed from Tolkien’s pen threatened to cover all the world in darkness.”
The synopsis continues, “Beginning in a time of relative peace, the series follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of the elf-capital of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.”
Interestingly, the ambiguous phrasing of the “greatest villain” and “the long-feared re-emergence of evil” has yielded a speculative debate over the identity of said character. Yet, there are only two candidates who feasibly fill that spot: Morgoth and Sauron. The former may not have had a presence in Tolkien’s main stories, but he is an integral figure in the elaborate, quasi-Biblical backstory mythology that the author crafted, as depicted in the 1977 posthumously-published chronicle, The Silmarillion. The text reveals that Morgoth—who began life as Melkor, an archangel-esque Valar and one of the earliest creations of deity Eru Ilúvatar—would eventually fall from grace into evil to became the mythology’s equivalent of Lucifer.
Read more
Lord of the Rings Amazon TV Series: Cast, Release Date and Everything to Know
By Joseph Baxter
Amazon Prime Video New Releases: January 2021
By Alec Bojalad
Indeed, Tolkien’s main novel appendices and array of non-novel stories—many of which were published posthumously under the editorial stewardship of his recently-passed son, Christopher Tolkien—depict Morgoth (as the character came to be known upon his evil turn,) as the original big bad of Middle Earth. Morgoth waged wars against the races of Elves, Men and Dwarves on an unfathomable scale, using the might of Orc armies and monstrous allies like Balrogs, Dragons, Trolls and Giant Spiders for many millennia until his final defeat and exile into the Great Void, which marked the end of Middle Earths First Age. That would be the last time Morgoth would ever inhabit Middle Earth, although ominous prophecies foretold his return, which never ultimately happened.
Consequently, barring an anachronistic direction from the series, Morgoth has to be eliminated from being the villain of The Lord of the Rings series. That’s where Sauron comes in, since the character—originally called Mairon, a Maia (primordial spirits who serve the Valar)—succumbed to a desire for more power, and was thusly influenced by Morgoth’s evil, serving as one of his lieutenants throughout the malevolent lord’s epoch-spanning wars. However, after Morgoth’s final defeat, Sauron’s subsequent millennia of misdeeds would be—unlike his former master’s adherence to raw power—rooted in deceit. Yet, Tolkien left some of Sauron’s exploits open to interpretation about whether he was even truly evil—at least during certain eras—and there is room for the character to manifest in a nuanced manner on the Amazon series as a Loki of sorts for Second Age Middle Earth.
Yet, while Sauron’s own trickery in Middle Earth spans multiple millennia, his most infamous act was, of course, the ruse that inveigled the leaders of Middle Earth’s races to forge and utilize the Rings of Power, which he secretly controlled with the One Ring; a story that was famously told onscreen with powerfully pithy dialogue from Cate Blanchett’s narrating Galadriel in The Fellowship of the Rings’ prologue. However, said prologue doesn’t reveal that Sauron’s initial entreaty with the Rings came about by way of an insidious, slow-burn plot to befriend the high Elves of Middle Earth while disguised in a fair Elven-like form under the identity of “Annatar” the “Lord of Gifts.” Promising to teach forms of magic that would save the world—in case Morgoth would ever return—Sauron manipulated master Elven craftsman Celebrimbor into forging the secretly-tainted Rings of Power: three for the Elven rulers, seven for the Dwarf lords and nine for the kings of Men—you all know how that ended.
New Line Cinema
This seems the likely initial storyline for the series, especially since the show’s official Twitter account started early hype for the series by teasing Tolkien’s lines about the Rings of Power. Adding fuel to that notion is the fact that Peter Jackson originally had designs to utilize Sauron in his “Annatar” form for Return of the King’s climactic Battle at the Black Gate. Indeed, as you can see in the image immediately above (from a behind-the-scenes documentary), the original context of the scene—set after Aragorn appears entranced after seeing the Eye of Sauron—was that Sauron had become powerful enough to physically manifest onto the battlefield, first in his old fair form, after which he transforms into the armored figure we saw in the prologue, and starts directly attacking. However, Jackson eventually had to digitally replace Argorn’s opponent with a towering armored troll.
The other viable Sauron story would be the fall of the island kingdom of Númenor, which occurred a few hundred years after the Elves, joined by the Númenoreans, waged a first war against Sauron. After the initial defeat of his armies, Sauron was taken as a hostage to the island kingdom, which was inhabited by a race of long-lived men (of which Aragorn is a descendant). There, Sauron, again under the disguise of a fair form, insidiously ingratiated himself to the corruptible King Ar-Pharazôn, eventually leading to the rise of Morgoth worshippers promised eternal life. This culminated in an attempted invasion of the Undying Lands that angered the Valar, resulting in the island being swallowed by the sea—and Sauron retreating back to Mordor, eventually setting up the culminating War of the Last Alliance, as depicted in the movie prologue.    
With all that established, it’s probably safe to conclude that Sauron—presumably depicted as an anthropomorphic character with lines and not as a giant flaming eye—will be a prominent part of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings series, and might even be portrayed by one of the announced cast members (Maxim Baldry seems like a good candidate). With a backstory mythology as rich as Tolkien’s, there should be plenty of fodder for compelling stories, with stakes high enough to exist independently of the massive literary and cinematic franchise from which they were spun.
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Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings television series is set to commence production this month in New Zealand, picking things up from the pilot, which—upon a recent return from last year’s COVID-caused hiatus—was completed by director J.A. Bayona.
The post Who is the Villain Teased in The Lord of the Rings TV Series Synopsis? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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bookmania2020 · 4 years
Different Types of Fiction – Michael Barbour
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The word "fiction" is generally used to describe works of literature, which are imagined and constructed by an author. It could either be a short story, novel, novella, or a book series. More recently, the meaning of fiction has been altered to include nonfiction works that contain some imaginative elements, which would usually be found in fiction. Some examples of this kind of nonfiction are Midnight in the Garden Of Good and Evil by John Berendtand Dutch by Edmund Morris. In its truest form, fiction is a creation from a writer’s mind. According to Dummies, here are the different types of fiction.
The two main types of fiction are literary and commercial.
·        Commercial fiction attracts a broad audience and may also fall into any subgenre, like mystery, romance, legal thriller, western, science fiction, and so on. For example, The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller (Warner, 1992) was a hugely successful commercial novel because the book described the fulfillment of a romantic fantasy that is dear to the heart of millions of readers. Written in a short, easy-to-read style, the book was as mesmerizing to 15-year-olds as it was to 100-year-olds. Other blockbuster commercial fiction authors include John Grisham, Sidney Sheldon, Danielle Steele, and Jackie Collins.
·        Literary fiction tends to appeal to a smaller, more intellectually adventurous audience. A work of literary fiction can fall into any of the subgenres described in the following sections. What sets literary fiction apart, however, is the notable qualities it contains — excellent writing, originality of thought, and style — that raise it above the level of ordinary written works. A recent work of literary fiction that enjoyed wide popularity was Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier (Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997). Other popular authors of literary fiction include Toni Morrision, Barbara Kingsolver, John LeCarre, and Saul Bellow.
·        Mainstream fiction is general term publishers and booksellers use to describe both commercial and literary works that depict a daily reality familiar to most people. These books, usually set in the 20th or present-day 21st century, have at their core a universal theme that attracts a broad audience. Mainstream books deal with such myriad topics as family issues, coming of age initiations, courtroom dramas, career matters, physical and mental disabilities, social pressures, political intrigue, and more. Regardless of the original genre or category, most of the novels that appear on the bestseller list are considered mainstream, whether the author is Sue Grafton, Arundhati Roy, Michael Crichton, or David Guterson.
·        Mystery is a popular genre, boasting a huge established audience. All mysteries focus on a crime, usually murder. The action tends to center on the attempts of a wily detective-type to solve the crime. And the climax usually occurs near the end, in a leisurely setting where all the elements of the mystery are neatly assembled for the reader’s convenience. The solution, complete with surprises, is then delivered to the characters and the reader alike.Great practitioners in this genre include Arthur Conan Doyle, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, and Earle Stanley Gardner, creator of Perry Mason. Present-day giants include Carl Hiaason, James Ellroy, Robert Parker, James Lee Burke, and Elmore Leonard.
·        Romance is a huge category aimed at diverting and entertaining women. In romance novels, you have elements of fantasy, love, naïveté, extravagance, adventure, and always the heroic lover overcoming impossible odds to be with his true love. Many romances, especially the gothic romance, have an easy-to-follow formula — a young, inexperienced girl living a somewhat remote existence is courted or threatened by an evil man and then rescued by a valiant one.
·        Science fiction/fantasy novels depict distant worlds and futuristic technologies that whirl readers far away from the here and now and yet provoke contemplation of contemporary issues. Imaginative, thoughtful, and other-worldly, this robust category is made even more popular by the Star Wars and Star Trek series. Leading science fiction and fantasy writers include Ray Bradbury, Arthur Clarke, Isaac Asimov, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as the current, multi-best-selling, young adult author J.K. Rowling.
 R. B. Michaels is an accomplished writer and his latest book, Knights of The Wind 978-1-95-163054-6, is a fantasy novel set in a world where orcs, elves, human, and other dark creatures exist together. In Knights of the Wind, evil has returned to the kingdom after centuries, threatening the peace of the kingdom. A knight and a powerful mage band together to save the kingdom from evil.
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aurelliocheek · 4 years
Book of Heroes: Looking into The Dark Eye
How Wild River Games and Ulisses bring the TDE brand back to PC and consoles.
We also had the chance to talk with Michael Hengst, Producer of Book of ­Heroes at German publisher Wild River Games, and Nikolai Hoch, responsible for The Dark Eye at Ulisses Spiele, the owner of the 36 years old franchise.
Making Games: First of all, let’s talk about The Dark Eye in general. The franchise is more than 30 years old. Where do you see the significance of the brand in international comparison? Nikolai Hoch: The Dark Eye tabletop roleplaying game was first published in 1984. Since then, there have been five editions, more than a dozen PC games, and translations into eleven languages, making it one of the biggest and best-known fantasy universes in Europe. Its setting, the diverse and colourful continent of Aventuria, delivers medieval and renaissance realism mixed with high fantasy and exceptionally detailed mythology. The Dark Eye is not just another high fantasy setting, it has an enormous depth that has grown for almost 40 years. Aventuria is a living world! The world of The Dark Eye is ever-changing. Events are presented for fans in adventures, PC Games, and a bi-monthly newspaper: the Aventurian Herald. No other fantasy world in existence has been chronicled and updated so often and ­thoroughly, always opening up new opportunities for adventure and drama. Fans love the dynamic, changing world, and since 1984 The Dark Eye has seen several kings and emperors rise to power, a dark demi-god has risen and torn the continent apart, and celestial struggles shattered the very stars! Aventuria is a continent full of magical and supernatural creatures, but with deep and strong roots in the history of our own world. The Dark Eye’s authors studied medieval times, culture, weaponry and life to imbue the world with gritty realism. From tactics on the battlefields to courtly intrigue, The Dark Eye taps into a wealth of real-world history and delivers even new fans the feeling that they are coming home as everything simply feels right.
A comic was done, especially for the computer game. The story comes from the Game Designer Arto Koistinnen, and it was handdrawn by famous TDE-artist Elif Siebenpfeiifer!
Which were your last releases? Nikolai Hoch: For the international edition of The Dark Eye we recently released the first rules supplement for heroes with magical abilities: Magic of Aventuria. It was accompanied by The conspiracy of mages, a play your own adventure-style module, and Legacy of the Theater Knights, a campaign supplement for the epic 6-part ­Theater Knights campaign that is set in the northeast of the continent. Parts 1-3 of this campaign have been published earlier, the remaining parts are in different stages of the translation and editing process. For the German version the releases in 2020 so far included supplemental sourcebooks like the Herbarium, covering the aventurian flora in great detail, or the Pandämonium, a sourcebook on demons from all domains of the netherhells. In April we‘ve also released the last volume of a 6-part novel series called Das Blut der Castesier (Blood of the Castesians). As you can see, the world of The Dark Eye is ever-growing, and there is a lot to discover.
Why did you decide to bring a new computer game five years after Blackguards 2? Michael Hengst: The idea came up prior to the gamescom 2018. One of the shareholders of Wild River Games’ mother company Telepool introduced us to Ulisses, and at the end, it was a house call. Since Wild ­River is already concentrating on games based on well-known IPs, the concept was a natural choice. And of course, we are very excited about working with such a famous IP.
Can Book of Heroes be seen as a continuation of Blackguards (2)?  Michael Hengst: No, Book of Heroes is a completely new game and it is not a continuation. We always wanted to some unique and new.
Why did you choose Random Potion as a developer and Wild River Games as a publishing partner? Nikolai Hoch: That was a complete coincidence. Random Potion was already developing an RPG that we liked a lot, and they were talking to us a while back. So, at the end, we just talked about the possibility of changing the setting and making some adjustments to their existing prototype. They were very open to the idea.
How strongly are you involved in the ­development? Nikolai Hoch: Aventuria is a world with tons of lore. It has a rich history dating back thousands of years, numerous iconic characters long dead or still breathing with life and the world is ever-evolving through new products, mostly in print or pdf format, released on a regular basis. Aventuria is a living world, and we always go to great lengths and into very much detail to make every piece of the puzzle fit into what is already there – and Book of Heroes is no exception in this regard. The developers at Random Potion consulted with us on every aspect of Aventuria, being it rules of the pen and paper RPG, which iconic events in history to refer to, or which regions would fit which kind of story and so forth. The rich world of Aventuria that has already been published in various formats ranging from books to card-, board- and computer games also means a lot of visuals are set. Members of a specific church wearing certain colours and symbols. Many important characters got portrayed at least once. Coat of arms in realms and cities of Aventuria already exist. Whenever a question regarding that popped up within the studio, they consulted with us so the visuals within the game won’t differ from the actual setting.
Can I play the game even if I am not familiar with TDE? Nikolai Hoch: Absolutely! It’s even a great start to get familiar with the overall setting. So even if you’re a TDE newbie: don’t worry. You’ll need no knowledge in advance to get into the game mechanics or the game world. In case you want to learn more about the world of TDE we also got you covered. Within the tavern „The Black Boar Inn“ you’ll find a bookshelf containing a lot of information on several topics.
Which aspects of Aventuria are particularly important to you? Nikolai Hoch: Everyone working at Ulisses Spiele for The Dark Eye is not only a developer working on Aventuria, but also a player, usually for many years but also up to several decades. The deeply fleshed out lore and the ongoing history is what keeps all of us captivated and what drives us to dive into new adventures after work or on the weekend. For most of us it is the consistency of Aventuria, the ever-developing plot or rather multiple plotlines at the same time, spanning the whole continent, like the politics between different realms and the fictional characters that we became attached to. For some it is also the look & feel that is incredibly important, since through artwork you can get pulled directly into the world of Aventuria. It sparks your imagination and sets the tone for gaming sessions.
Were there aspects that the developer could not implement? Michael Hengst: Oh, yes. That is one of the fantastic things about Aventuria, but also a challenge for a developer! The world is huge, complex and rich of lore and content that makes it impossible to implement everything we wanted. There is always something you would love to implement but can’t due to budget or time restrictions. Simple example: The setting of the game is the Middenrealm. But of course, that is only a small portion of the world. We’d love to show more different and diverse settings or use more professions, but Random Potion is a small team and we had a very tight schedule. We have plans for additional content like adventures and dungeons in the city-state of Tulamydes and using Witches as a playable profession. The plans are there, but that highly depends on how well the game is doing at the end. Book of Heroes is already planned as an open system that can be easily expanded.
To bring a table top game, as rich in lore, history and details as The Dark Eye to the computer screen is always a challenge, sometimes similar as a fight with an Orc.
How difficult is the financing? Michael Hengst: Well, financing a game is always a challenge, especially if you are a smaller publisher. In this particular case, we were lucky, since part of the original game that Random Potion developed was already paid for, and it was partially funded by Finland. At the end, the production budget was very manageable.
RPGs have been very popular for many years. Do you see this as a chance because there are so many RPG fans or is it more of a risk because there is such a strong competition in this genre? Michael Hengst: With every game development, you have a certain risk. With the well-known universe of The Dark Eye we already lower this risk. It is always better to do something that players already know and love.
Nikolai Hoch: Moreover, we see Book of Heroes as a chance to make the world of Aventuria known to a broader audience. And if the game inspires the players and makes them want to learn more about this fascinating fantasy world from Germany that has been developing over the past 35 years, all the better. There is a lot of already out there, and there is more to come!
Book of Heroes will be released on June 9 for PC. Do you have plans for console versions and/or a release on Google Stadia? Michael Hengst: Simple answer: Yes! We are currently talking about porting the game to various consoles and also to ­Stadia. However, we are in the early stages of planning, and there are some challenges to overcome. From the technological standpoint it might be somewhat easy, since we use Unity as an engine. However, we need considerable changes to the user interface and the network portion of the game, for example. In a nutshell: We’d love to, and we are checking the possibilities at the moment!
Are you planning further digital games in the TDE universe in the near future? Nikolai Hoch: Absolutely! We certainly have a ton of cool ideas on how TDE could be turned into numerous great digital games that will enable the fans to ­visit Aventuria and experience the fantastic but still ­realistic world of The Dark Eye. It is very important for us though, that every game breathes the spirit of The Dark Eye and is not just another fantasy game with a ­different skin. This is something that we owe our fans that have made TDE the most successful German fantasy setting for ­almost 40 years now! Therefore, we take our time and choose our partners very carefully.
Nikolai Hoch Lead Line Developer of The Dark Eye at Ulisses Spiele
Born in 1977 Nikolai discovered tabletop roleplaying games in the late 80s. More than 20 years later he took the step from being a fan and customer to become an author for his favorite fantasy roleplaying game: The Dark Eye. In 2015 Nikolai joined Ulisses Spiele for a full-time position as head of the development team.
  Michael Hengst Producer at Wild River Games
Michael is the Producer at the publisher Wild River Games for Book of Heroes. He has worked in the games industry since 1988. Michael used to work for the famous Power Play and Video Games, did a ton of strategy guides, founded (unsuccessfully) the first German developer magazine and is now a well-known Producer and Project Manager and teaches some game-related courses at the SRH in Heidelberg.
The post Book of Heroes: Looking into The Dark Eye appeared first on Making Games.
Book of Heroes: Looking into The Dark Eye published first on https://leolarsonblog.tumblr.com/
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thecandywrites · 2 years
The Switch Chapter 9
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And this is where we get a third puzzle piece together. Warning, angst ahead. 
The Switch 
Chapter 9
Once you got all that business done and out of the way, then you went to Yekmeni but by the time you got there, it was already so late, you barely had time to get something to eat from the market that was starting to close up for the night. Before you were shown your rooms and promised an audience with the King and Queen the next day as you had Mildred direct your trunk full of much finer clothes be brought in as you worriedly went through it and started laying the outfits out and worrying that they would be too wrinkled or not good enough.  
“Tessa, you do not need to worry about this. It’s Audrey and Lukher. The most Audrey likes to be called by is Savia which all that means is she is Lukher’s favorite person. And tomorrow when I introduce you to them, I’ll be introducing you as my favorite too. That’s it. That’s all the formality you need to have.” Kragan tried to soothe you as he could see that you were getting worked up about it. 
“But it’s the King and Queen of Yekmeni. Look around us, there is more wealth and luxury here than even my own King and Queen’s Palace back in Solowards and this is just a guest room! Maybe I should wear those jewels my father got me. They would be more appropriate right?” You asked as you asked for Mildred to have the trunk that had all your finer jewelry in it be brought in too. 
“No, trust me, with Audrey- less is more. She’s The Queen and even she dresses down and simply dresses comfortably and with simple sophistication and with minor jewels except for special occasions. That’s all she will want from you- is to be comfortable. She’s thankfully unlike any other royalty. She’s a lot like you- doesn’t like a lot of formality or pretense. Just genuine personality and honest, and surprisingly frank conversation. She’s fun you’ll love her. And you have like a 99% chance of being her new best friend. She’ll be very happy to be yours too. If you ever wanted a strong amazing ally, Audrey is it.” He reassured you. 
“So what you’re saying is I need to wait until the market opens and buy an outfit there so I look like I belong here and am Yekmenian myself.” You concluded. 
“I mean if you want us to settle down here and become Yekmenians, I’m all for that. Yekmeni is awesome and I wouldn’t mind calling this place home or building you an estate that rivals even this palace here. Especially since if we make Yekmeni our home base. That would be ideal, good workers and craftsman, good food, comfortable clothes. Royalty and Nobility that are already close friends. None of that primogeniture bullshit or hypocritical or sexist bullshit either. My sisters and the rest of my siblings as well as you would always be my equal in every way and have just as many rights and freedoms as everyone else. It would be a win win.” Kragan shrugged. 
“Then what is keeping you from doing just that?” You asked him. 
“It’s not my decision to make- it’s yours. I will move wherever you feel the most comfortable and the most welcome and at ease at. I don’t care where. As long as we both get to call it home.” Kragan reassured you as he helped massage the stress and anxiety in your shoulders and keep you from getting too worked up and stressed about it before Mildred came in with the trunk that had all your jewelry in it. 
“Thank you Mildred. I just…I’m tired from traveling, please, can I get my regular nightly medication?” You requested as the emotional and mental strain was wearing on you on top of the strain from traveling and still keeping your secret away from your husband and his family was starting to become a lot to bear. You felt so guilty for trying to keep up this charade as Mildred got into her special case that she always carried your variety of medications in and put the vial down on your bedside table for you before she bid you both good night. Then Kragan happily helped you get undressed from your traveling clothes since your nightgown was laid out on the bed already since your sleeping mask continued to rest in the tea in the shallow bowl next to the bed as well that was cooling off.  
“Could I try to fuck the nerves out of you?” Kragan offered hopefully which got you to snort a laugh as once your body was bared to him, he had a hard time not groping you. Honestly, since the moment he was allowed to touch you, he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Even after the honeymoon since seeing you blush and smile and give him those ‘keep it up and you’re gonna have to finish what you’re starting’ looks from you had him eager to answer such wordless invitations. 
“You can try. I doubt you’ll succeed, but you can try.” You offered. 
“No harm in trying.” Kragan shrugged as he quickly and easily seemed to slink out of his own clothes that were very clearly more Yekmenian and were rather simple and easy to get dressed and undressed in before he happily ushered you into the bed and into the silk sheets and covers and only when you had both met your satisfaction did you take your medicine and apply your mask and promptly fall asleep in his arms. 
But come morning, you awoke to Kragan not in bed with you as the bed was quite cold where he had been laying what felt like a moment before. 
“My Lady!” Mildred called out- outside your room and her tone of voice came out in a panicked tone and it caused you to gasp and practically spring out of bed and open your door to see Mildred being restrained by two orc guards and three young women who looked stoney and armed. 
“What is going on?! Let her go!” You ordered. 
“Duchess Salgria, are you aware that your Lady in Waiting is poisoning you to death?” One of the ladies behind the first accused. 
“What? No she is not!” You argued. 
“Duchess Salgria, I’m Queen Audravienne Azurah. You must know that in Yekmeni, it is forbidden to bring poison into Yekmeni, and the punishment for such a crime is death. Your Lady in Waiting has been found with poison on her person, and…” Audrey began before you shushsed them. 
“Shhh!” You uncharacteristically shushed The Queen as you looked around to see who was in the hall to make sure that Kragan wasn’t here to hear this. As Queen Audravienne and the two women with her and her guards looked surprised and offended that you would shush their Queen. 
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but I can not have this matter discussed here in the hall and so openly. Please, would you let me explain this situation in full? If you’re going to put anyone to death for breaking your law, it should be me. But before you decide one way or another, please, just give me a chance to explain myself and my situation.” You pleaded as she raised a curious, if not critical brow.
“My Lady, we should discuss this in the throne room. If she is to make an official plea...” Seyda reminded her mistress. 
“Please, no, you can put me to death right now, but you must ensure that Mildred has safe passage home first.” You pleaded. 
“You have five minutes of my time to plead your case.” Audrey decided before she nodded for everyone to come into your room. 
“My Lady, no, please! Just let them put me to death! You can’t do this to yourself, not when…” Mildred tried to dissuade you as the guards brought her into the room and you shut the door. 
“Mildred, it’s ok. Please, just sit down. I only have five minutes. Let me talk.” You urged her as she was forced down into a chair before you went over to the bed and shakily collapsed to sit down on the bed now that the adrenaline in your system had subsided. 
“So I’m assuming you have tested the substances in all the bottles that were marked to be my medicine with a name that didn’t fit what was in the bottle?” You assumed. 
“That is correct.” Hayati answered. 
“Since I know that you are a master of medicine and poison alike. I know you must have tested it thoroughly and found quite a number of poisonous substances in the mixture that I take as medicine. Violet Eye for complexion, energy and also for warding off pregnancy…” You began as you listed off all the ingredients since you had studied and knew each one by heart as the Queen and her attendants just frowned deeper and deeper at you. 
“If you knew what was in it, why would you take it?” Queen Audravienne asked. 
“To hide this.” You answered as you pulled the face mask off to reveal your true self to her as she and her attendants gasped softly. 
“Your Majesty, this is not how I wanted our first meeting to go. I was hoping it would be under much better circumstances. But maybe it’s best that our first meeting is as what we really are. You are a Queen of Yekmeni, and I- am just a desperate woman who is dying of cancer and side sickness and trying to hide that fact from my husband and his family and the rest of the world. A few months ago, I was diagnosed with very advanced side-sickness and a cancerous growth that is- as we speak- eating it’s way through my abdomen and has already eaten most of my liver and my side. Even now you can touch it if you were to touch my right side, as excruciating as that is for me to endure since any touch there is extremely painful for me.” You confessed. 
“My father is a Duke of Solowards. And has many businesses and is quite wealthy compared to most. But even he- could not buy a cure for me. He inquired of the collared mouras in Dorierra how much it would cost to cure me and they answered back with a million gold bouillon. Which I’ve come to know that a gold bouillon is the same as one of your gold drakars. If my father sold every business he had, every inch of land and every house and every jewel from every girl and woman in my family owns- he would not even be able to come up with a quarter of such a sum. And no bank in the world would have given him the rest on loan for anything. When I was diagnosed, I was only given a few months to live. And I’m already past that. So every day that I wake up is on borrowed time already. To keep my father and my family from ruination- I told my father not to sell everything to try to cure me. Which even if they did, I doubt they could fully cure me, even for such a sum.” You began as Queen Audravienne and her attendants breathed in sharply and their eyes went wide at the news of such a high price even though they could understand that such a high price would be warranted to heal such a severe ailment. 
“Since I was two- I have been betrothed to a man I hated, who hated me just as much. But because of the nature of our betrothal, it might as well have been written in stone and neither of us could break out of it. Solowards is a primogeniture patriarchal society your Majesty. Women are the property of their fathers until they marry and then are the property of their husbands once they do marry. My betrothed had already served me with an ultimatum when I was 15. Either I gave him two sons within the first two years of marriage to him when he would finally marry me- or he would divorce me and publicly shame me to the point I could never return home to my family. And I would live only off of what jewels I could sell after the fact and that the moment the sons’ umbilicles were cut- the sons would be removed from me to be raised by his favorite mistress instead and all of his bastards would be considered legitimate and have an equal standing in his house. If I ever talked back to him or argued with him or outsmarted him or embarrassed him in any way, I would be put out into the street immediately. And his wealth, and station, even though he is of a noble title less than my fathers- still eclipses my father because he and his family have been in the nobility for the last several dynasties from Solowards.” You explained as Queen Audravinne’s eyes blazed with anger as a scowl was on her face and her nose flared as her breasts ached to be nursing Ahi right now and wanted nothing more than Lukher’s arms around her at such a horrible prospect while declaring war and executing such a horrible man. 
“And then a year before we were supposed to be married, which was only a few months ago- I was diagnosed with cancer and side sickness and left with only a few months left to live. And then two days later, Kragan’s father- Thaddius- his offer of marriage for Kragan came in. And instead of a bride having a dowry, it was the groom who did and his dowry was twice what mine was. The offer was actually for my younger sister Millicent since she was unbetrothed and I was already betrothed.” You began to explain. 
“But Millie only heard that Kragan was an orc and a sailor and threw a fit that my father agreed to it. She tought that he was just some filthy whoring sailor. And that she was too good for him and that such a match would not only ruin her but ruin the family and ruin the familiy honor and standing within Solowardian Society. And to a degree, she was right. Solowadian high society hates Kragan and his family. And are extremely prejudinced against them. But my father had already agreed and given his word and could not go back on it.” You explained. 
“And so- as a last ditch effort to save Millie, and to save my family- I suggested to my father to switch Millie and I. Suddenly, my previous betrothed groom dropped all his hatred and horrible disposition and transformed from spoiled, selfish brat- to Prince Charming for Millie. Because she’s younger than him and much prettier and skinnier than I am and almost infinitely more stupid than I am. And because he was not intimidated or emasculated by her intellect as he was with me and mine. My doctors who diagnosed me, came up with a fake diagnosis and a fake accident to tell my betrothed and his family. And simply said that I was in an accident, has been kicked by a horse and was now barren. And that was finally enough for them to release me from the betrothal and accept Millie instead. Because after they all examined her- they found her in perfect health and her womb ready and able to bear as many children as a husband could put into her. And with my ex-betrothed- being free of being betrothed to me, he took one look at Millie and fell in love with her. Because she was everything he had ever wanted. Young, beautiful and naive. And I was older, uglier, wiser and fatter.” You explained. 
“You’re perfectly lovely, unless your sister is as beautiful as a goddess…” Queen Audravienne began to waive off. 
“Oh no, she is, she’s ten times more beautiful than I could ever be even in my wildest dreams. And they both get to be happy and content that they’re both young and beautiful, rich, powerful and most importantly- popular among their peers. All the things I never was.” You interjected as you leaned against the headboard and hugged your pillow to keep the sheerness of your nightgown from being a distraction to anyone.
“For me, I didn’t care if Kragan was an orc or an elf or drow or a drider or what he did for a living. Whether it be sailing the seas or skies or could work in a whorehouse for all I cared. Or if he were poor or wealthy or powerful or powerless or ugly or handsome or blind, deaf and dumb or anything like that. The only thing I cared about was that he would be kind to me. Since I had spent all my life being betrothed to a man who was as ruthless and cruel as he was handsome.” You explained as Audrey just shook her head at such nonsense. But knew you had a very good point. 
“And so in order for myself and my family to secure Kragan’s dowry and not put myself and my family under suspicion and for my father not to get sued for plying a “lame” bride onto an unsuspecting groom. Because such a thing does exist and grooms, when their new wives do not come to be with child immediately- often do sue their father in laws for plying “lame” brides who can be considered lame for any number of “defects”.” You began to reveal. 
“Even “defects” as simple as having a mole in a place they find displeasing. Or mismanaging household finances or their lady’s maids having bad manners. Or the Lady’s not falling pregnant within the first month after marriage to a disagreement over anything and everything. And I didn’t want my family to be sued. Especially for such a crime as this- for selling me as a bride who only had a few weeks to a few months left to live. So I asked for two of the five doctors to make my “medicine” knowing full well it was poisonous. But only to take it long enough to hide the truth. All five doctors, all of them world reknowned and masters and professionals at their fields- who bled me until I passed out and tested my blood and every other bodily fluid I had and all the tests came back with the same result. Cancer and incurable side sickness. And with a cancer in my liver and no doubt many other vital organs- to operate on me would be to kill me since the cancer is very deeply rooted.” You revealed. 
 “So if you are going to insist on justice for breaking your law, kill me by whatever means you feel apprpriate. Because I was the one who knowingly broke your law and purposefully did so. Because and all you will do is shorten my life by a few weeks at the most. I don’t have long now. Obviously. And all that substance in those bottles was doing was masking the truth until I could get to Kragan’s home and tell him myself once we were safely there. I wanted him to be on his home soil, surrounded by his friends and family to recieve the most support possible and be far enough away from Solowards that he couldn’t retaliate against my family, in particular my father- who is solely responsible for the care and wellbeing of my family and after him, my younger brother Saffiro will be since he is the first born son.” You insisted. 
“And on our trip so far, I have simply been on the lookout for any other who had their eye on him before his father had forced him to marry me. So that when I do have to leave him. He will have someone to pick him back up, put him back together and help him move on and move forward.” You confessed as you wracked a sob and hugged your pillow for comfort. 
“Do you not love him?” Queen Audravienne asked as she came forward and sat beside you and reached for your hand and held it comfortingly in both of hers. 
“No, I do! I love him more than anything! I want him to succeed and be happy more than anything. I fell so hopelessly in love with him and had we met under any other circumstances. I would have tried my best to break out of my previous betrothal to run away with him. Kragan is everything I never knew I always wanted. He’s not just kind, he’s loving and caring and thoughtful and he loves me so much. And we are so strongly and deeply and we’re genuinely attracted to each other. And we’re so happy together. And it breaks my heart that Fate would be so cruel to deal me this death blow and then bring me my perfect match. So that even though I don’t have long left, at least I get to take my first and last adventure and it’s with him. A fellow adventurer.” You sobbed as you used your sleeves to soak up your tears. 
“And when we went to Fitsdale, there were so many girls there that were sweet on him. And while he was embarrassed by their attempts at advances on him- he wore me and my love like a shield against them. And he has been nothing but loyal and faithful to me even before he met me. Even when his father matched him with me, he stopped using whores, he cut off all ties to any other woman in an effort to be free of all restraints just for me and he hadn’t even met me. Or knew me. Just on the principal and his honor alone. Meanwhile it was only after my previous bethrothed- Ron- met Millie and promptely fell in love with her at first sight that he finally got rid of his mistresses. And all those horrible threats and agreements he made me agree to- he withdrew them and ripped them up and wouldn’t dream of doing, let alone threatening such things against Millie, which I’m eternally grateful for.” You explained. 
“But when I went to Fitsdale and saw and met the others, I wrote down all their names so that when I do have to pass, at least Kragan has somewhere to start looking for another to replace me. And while I know I will love him for the rest of my life. It kills me that it won’t be for very long. And I know my loss will devastate him and I’m so scared that it’ll destroy him. Sending him careening down and crashing instead of staying on the breeze and soaring the way he was always meant to.” You sobbed as Audrey gave you a sympathetic smile and started petting your arm as even her sensitive touches told her that you were very sick. But she had not quite begun to learn or differentiate between all the senses of sickness so while she could sense you were sick, and gravely so. That’s all she could decipher. 
“I saw him for the first time was at the same ball at my house that Ron first laid eyes on Millie. Ron and his family came through first and I was all the way at the end of the recieving line so that Ron wouldn’t even have me in his field of vision when he first walked it. And the moment Ron came in- his gaze narrowed and concentrated on Millie who was dressed up like a proper Princess. And he barely breathed. He was in utter awe of her beauty and elegance and that’s all it took. She took his arm as he led her into the rest of the ball and the rest of the night and from that night on- he only had eyes for her and his heart was already divorced from the very idea of me. So it wasn’t hard for his heart to go to her and hers to do the same. Because besides the Crown Prince- Count Ronchalres Lavine was the most eligable bachelor in all of Solowards. And Millie couldn’t be happier that she caught him. And was happy he was human and the cream of the crop so to speak because that’s what she is. And when she came out into society only 5 months ago- she debuted as “A Diamond of the first Crown” which the Queen and all the Princesses all bestowed upon her when she was presented in the Queen’s court and the only rank higher is ‘A Diamond of the Imperial Crown’ which is what the Princesses all automatically debuted at.” You explained. 
“I only debued as “A Pearl of the First Solowardian Sea” because I debuted as already betrothed two years ago. Which is still a the highest an already betrothed Lady can achieve. And that was only because Countess Lavine, Ron’s mother and my own insisted on such a thing to the Queen and the Princesses since Countess Lavine debuted me as her future daughter in law and my mother debuted me as her eldest daughter.” You added. 
“But Kragan didn’t know any of that or care. His father had promised him to me and to him- he was terrified I was just like Millie. And I was terrified he was just like Ron.” You began to recount. 
“But all of that worrying was for nothing. Because the moment he came through the door, he was dressed up like an eagle wearing a peacock’s feathers and he couldn’t be more uncomfortable and he looked like a masculine version of a damsel in distress. And I instantly just wanted to rescue him. So I just took his arm and led him away from the ball and we just talked…for hours and hours we just talked. And instead of it being stiff and full of nothing but formalities and pleasantries- I told him to forget all of that nonesense. And invited him to just be himself because that’s all I wanted- I just wanted to get to know the real him and see if there was even a chance we could at least be friendly and kind to each other as friends first and foremost.” You recalled fondly as you smiled through your tears at the memories. 
“And he was surprised and hesitant at first. But when I did the same, he began to relax and open up. And talking to him was like talking to an old friend I had known all my life. There was instant comfort and camaraderie and instant rapport. And I let him take off those ridiculous peacock feathers so to speak and reveal himself as the eagle that he is and I just let him fly and he soared cloud high. And it was beautiful. He’s beautiful, inside and out. And he’s wonderful, inside and out. He’s extremely intelligent, and worldly, well traveled, and an adventurer. And he’s been taking my hand ever since and taking me on my first and last and greatest adventure. And I couldn’t be happier that I switched.” You insisted. 
“And I’m so angry at Fate for finally giving me a great love only to ask me to leave it all too soon. I don’t want to die. But I don’t want to ruin him by him selling and risking everything he has- for him to try to buy me a cure either. I don’t want his dreams to tank and sink before they have a chance to take flight. And even now, all we have is on the Violet Skye and it’s still not enough. It’s only a fraction of what would be asked to cure me and not even completely cure me, but only a partial curing at that. And it would ruin him and his family and Salgria Shipping. And even though it’s poised to become the greatest shipping magnate on the supersphere. That dream won’t be realized for another five to ten years at least. And I feel like I only have five to ten days.” You insisted. 
"And I he has already given so much more than he ever should have and he has already had to pay such a high price just to marry me. I dare not ask him to pay anything else. I’m in his debt and he continues to give to me without a thought or care of being paid back. Which is why I do everything I can, every day to give him back in kind. He saved me. He saved me from Solowards and their awful, backstabbing, brutal and cruel high society. He saved me from my betrothed who would have been a monster, had I not been sick and had married him anyway. I would have wished my current circumstances to befall me so I wouldn’t have to live with such a vicious beast that Ron, my ex betrothed had been while he was betrothed to me.” You explained. 
“And it was like I was caged and Kragan just bought the cage and opened the doors wide and let me soar for the first time in my life and he soars right along side me. And it’s wonderful but for soaring so high, I know I will dive soon enough. And when I do- there is no winds or wonders that could ever save me. And I just hope it is a quick and painless end for us both. Because I don’t want him to suffer watching me suffer.” You insisted. 
“That first night at the ball. Before he met me- he was so worried I would be exactly like my sister Millie. And be rude, shallow, selfish and self centered and have nothing but pretenses and hide my insults in pleasantries. And he was so happy and relieved that I was nothing like that. And I was worried he would be just like Ron who is just like any and every other man in Solowardian high society. Save for my own father and brothers. And I was so happy and relieved he was nothing like them too. And the greatest gift we gave to each other was to just be ourselves and show each other who we really were and what our true personalities really were.” You revealed. 
“The reason he’s in Solowards at all is because The King of Solowards wanted was a wealthy merchant he could tax heavily to fill his coffers. And my father wanted all the money he could get his hands on to save me, even at the expense of the rest of his family. And Kragan is getting the short end of the stick in every way. He had to pay ten times the average man in titled nobility’s yearly income just to marry me. And he was sold a ridiculous piece of land that might as well have been a cliff face to build his main estate on. And only given the lowliest title of nobility by the King and only after he gave everyone in that class an upgrade in noble title so that the Salgrias were the only one in that lowliest of high society class. He wasn’t offered any interest at the banks on any money he would deposit. But instead forced to pay stupid, exhorbatant fees. The land he was sold was purposefully made to be as inaccessible as possible so that he would have to pay even more just to build a new road to access it. Because no one wanted to share even a path in the woods with him. Solowardian high society, literally chewed him up and spit him out in quick succession. My own father included. And all anyone else in Solowards sees when they look at him and his family is someone to take advantage of. And I feel like I’m the one who had done it most of all and that guilt eats at me just as much as this cancer does.” You sobbed. 
“On our wedding day- Kragan designed the most beautiful and wonderful luxury sky ship and will be naming it after me. He has loved me to the point of invention. And today we were supposed to go to the foundries to commission adani anti-gravity disks for it. And commission for the artisans here to build it according to what you would think places like Dorierra or any other royal or wealthy family in the world would like to travel in. Between Salgria Shipping being a very popular shipping company for bulk goods. The Contessina Ships would be extremely popular among the supersphere’s elite and would make Salgria Shipping a force to be reckoned with. And would hopefully be lucrative enough that any kingdom both in and out of the D.A. would want to bend over backwards just to have a chance for the Salgria’s to have a home on their soil. And give them the highest ranking titles possible outside the royal families. And incedible interest rates at their national banks. And not only give them lands for their future estates but lands for the seaports and especially the skyports either in or next to all their major cities so that those who sail on The Contessina Ships will not only travel in style but become world travelers and see the all the major and wonderful attractions each country in the D.A. could offer.” You explained. 
“But it would be a few- if not several years for that dream to become realized. And I don’t have that long. Every day since my wedding day, I wake up happy and relieved to be alive yet anxious to get as much into motion and gain as much momentum as possible. So that even when I die, Kragan will have something to live for. Reasons to keep going and not stop and not look back. But to look forward to a wonderful future, even if I’m not in it. And if I must go into the grave, I insist on not taking any other soul other than my own into it. Which is why just about every medicine and poison alike to ward off pregnancy is in it. I can’t risk it and I can’t take that from Kragan. My love and my life is already too much to take, I can’t take his child too.” You cried as you continued to use the sleeve on your night gown to wipe away your tears and snot from your nose. 
“So yes, my medicine has poisons in it. In doses that I know are harming my body but my body is dying of worse things anyway. If you need to put me to death, I understand. But please, if you insist on justice- by my life, please, just make sure Mildred can make it back home safely. She has done nothing that she wasn’t explicitly asked by me to do. Do not punish her for carrying out my orders. She has looked after me and cared for me since my birth. And she insisted she follow me to the end. Wherever that will be.” You begged. 
“And I know you are a collared moura, as are your attendants. But I know if Kragan were to find out here and now- he would give away his livelihood. And it would sink Salgria Shipping like a stone. And I know that all of you are new mothers. All of you have your own families to care for first and foremost and I am just a stranger. I dare not ask anyone here to risk their lives to save mine when mine is already so decidedly slipping from my hands and escaping my grasp like the wind. Please, if you demand justice I’m willing to pay that price. All I ask for is for mercy for those that I leave behind.” You pleaded with Queen Audravienne who was crying quite a bit herself, so moved and touched and heartbroken at the news. 
“So how can I help?” Queen Audravienne asked. 
“Make it easy for Kragan to come and stay here. He told me last night he would love to make Yekmeni his home. If the Contessina Ships are made here. Please, all I would ask of you is to guide the design and decoration of the ships so that they will appeal to Dorierra. Because surely such ships will help with the bride program. And then make sure that they will appeal to other royal tastes so that they are easily customized, furnished and arranged to suit the tastes of anyone and everyone wealthy enough to either buy or rent one.” You requested as she readily nodded in agreement to that request. 
“Of course.” She immediately agreed. 
“Salgria Shipping as it is- is already a well oiled and fine running machine. It’s The Contessina Ships that will need a good well trained eye. If I can not find someone to do that. If you could consider doing that until someone else could be found for it. And if you know of any woman, no matter what background she is- if she will see Kragan as himself, and the wonder that he is, and not his purse that is about to become larger and heavier than any other in the coming years. If you could just help him stay on the path. And stay true to the course. That’s already more than I could ever ask for. And please, ask whatever price you wish to, as long as it does not hurt Kragan and his company to pay it. But if you are to ask a price, ask it of me and me alone to pay it.” You tearfully pleaded with her. 
“The price for my justice is that we must dump your “medicine”. Because I have to fulfill that demand that the law says that ‘all poison, once discovered- must be destroyed’. But I can not ask for your life or the life of anyone else. Since why you were taking such poisons as medicine- is perfectly understandable and actually very reasonable. And in such extreme circumstances, of course you had to take extreme measures. But I will have Hayati create for you a new medicine that is actually medicine with no poison at all. And while it won’t give quite the same effect as Violet Eye. It should be much better and kinder to your body. And I will have Thobin use his healing stones on you- since that won’t cost anyone anything. And while I want to heal your cancer, you are right, cancer is a very serious and heavy illness to cure. And for as advanced as I can see it to be in your face- I do have my family and my kingdom to think of first. And you have your husband and his family to think of first as well.” Audrey nodded in understanding and agreement. 
“I respect your decision and your self sacrificing spirit and your need and want to make sure that you cause no one ruination- but help them instead, any way you can. If you will trust me to care for The Contessina project. I will make sure that each one is perfect for their intended buyer. And just the business of having such wonderful ships being built here and employing my people is enough. And I will only charge a very small, nominal fee for such a thing.” Audrey decided. 
“Kragan has talked all morning about how wonderful you are and how brilliant you are and I can see that his praise has not fallen short. And I’m just sorry that you will have to leave him sooner than any of us want you to. I will help guard him from gold diggers and users. And I will also respect you and your decision to wait until the time is right to tell him. Because this is not a secret for me to tell. It is yours and yours alone since it is your body and your sickness. And I too respect your decision for wanting to be discreet about it. And wanting to put your husband on the best path possible. And the people in this room will keep it that way until the inevitable.” Audrey insisted as she turned to look at Seyda, Hayati and the two guards who all nodded their agreement to the command.
“I wish you peace and prosperity for as long as you live and for as long as Kragan and his family lives and countless generations more. Thank you for telling me the truth. Even at great personal cost to yourself. I will respect and keep your confidence.” Queen Audravienne offered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her before she pulled you into a hug. 
“Guards, please let the Duchess’ Lady in Waiting go. But also, Lady Mildred, I ask that you hand over all of your Lady’s poisoned medicine to my guards and Hayati for destruction.” She requested as she hugged you tightly. 
“Please Mildred.” You added. 
“Of course Your Majesty.” She said as she quickly got her key and left with Hayati and the guards to go back onto the ship and hand over the chest that had your medicine. 
“Is there anything else I can do?” Audrey asked. 
“Be Kragan’s friend.” You requested. 
“I already am. And I will happy- be yours, as well. Please, just call me Audrey. No need for titles or pretenses.” Audrey invited. 
“Tessa, I’m no longer a Duchess.” You offered. 
“To me you are. I am making Kragan and yourself and his family- Dukes and Duchess of Yekmeni. I will give whatever lands Kragan wants- to him. And any rooms he wishes to stay in- in this palace until he wants to build his own or can build his own. I will help him navigate the D.A. And I will make sure that Dorierra doesn’t steal him blind. And if Dorierra were to ask for such an abhorrently ridiculous price for your cure. I will make them pay through the nose for ships in your name when they couldn’t bother to be reasonable during your life. And in the meantime. Don’t give up hope. The stones can do many wonders. I just hope they can give you the one thing no one else can- time. Seyda, send for Thobin and I need him to use the stones on my friend Tessa today while Hayati makes her new medicine.” Audrey requested. 
“Yes My Lady.” Seyda smiled bittersweetly and got up and left. 
“Please, don’t say anything to Kragan, I want to explain this to him myself.” You requested. 
“Of course.” Audrey agreed before Thobin came in a short while later. 
“Thobin, meet my new friend Tessa, she’s very sick. I need you to use the stones on her and heal her as much as possible.” Audrey requested. 
“It’s ok if you can’t heal all of it though.” You supplied. 
“What am I trying to heal?” Thobin asked. 
“Can you swear to me that you won’t tell anyone?” You asked before Thobin looked from you to Audrey who nodded. 
“Yes.” Thobin answered wearily. 
“I have very advanced side sickness and a deep rooted cancer that is eating my insides. I know it is already too much for any collared moura to cure. But I am already on borrowed time. Audrey was just hoping to try to give me more.” You explained. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry Tessa. I don’t think these stones can quite cure cancer but hopefully it will help with the side sickness and slow the cancer down. I take it this is what the Violet Eye in your medicine was for?” Thobin ventured as you nodded. 
“I’m sorry.” He offered sympathetically. 
“In Solowards- where she is from, grooms can sue their inlaws for “defective” brides. And she has been trying to keep that from happening and keep her family from financial ruination if that were to happen. So Kragan doesn’t know and neither does his family. And I have already given her my word that none of us would tell him and that she would when she chose to. Since it’s her right and her body and her decision. And she doesn’t want Kragan to sink Salgria Shipping try to leverage that against the million drakar price Dorierra leveled against her to even attempt to cure her. So while I doubt any of us here could cure her. I would never ask for such a price for such a thing but I don’t know enough about moura healing to say either way. But the stones at least can help, at least a little and it would keep anyone else here from knowing about her ailments or getting involved and risk exposing Tessa before she’s ready for the truth to be known.” Audrey explained. 
“That’s awful.” Thobin frowned. 
“I know, but it’s just the way things are there.” You shrugged. 
“Ok, lay back in the bed and I’ll put the stones on you and we’ll see what we can do.” Thobin suggested as Audrey helped you get back into bed and comfortable before Thobin placed the stones on your head and could only shake his head at their dark maroon color as you fell into a coma. 
“Can they help?” Audrey asked. 
“Yes, but not completely and not all the way.” Thobin regretfully answered. 
“Just do what you can. And do it all day and night if you need to.” Audrey urged him before she heard Kragan’s call for you but you were already under the stones. 
“Kragan,” Audrey answered as she poked her head out of the door. 
“Hey, is Tessa ok?” He asked worriedly. 
“She will be. I noticed her medicine and talked to her about why she’s taking it and I’m having Thobin use the healing stones to help her so she doesn’t have to take such harsh medicine.” Audrey tried to delicately explain. 
“I knew something was wrong with that stuff! She and Mildred won’t let me anywhere near it. And I think that medicine made her more sick than she was to begin with.” Kragan offered. 
“Probably. You know these small, backwards countries who have no real medical knowledge and training. She was telling me a little about how awful Solowards is. And I am so happy you could rescue her from such a place.” Audrey smiled as she showed him in so he could see you laying there. 
“Oh my gods, look at her face! No wonder she wanted to wear a mask all the time. She looks halfway to death!” Kragan noted in alarm. 
“Well that’s what we’re trying to avoid for the present. Anyway, I talked with Tessa and she would love to have you guys settle here and she told me about the awful way Solowards treated you both. And how angry and upset she was over it. So I told her my counter offer and she accepted.” Audrey offered with a forced pleasant cheery smile. 
“Oh good. Yeah, she’s been so happy and excited to come here and I wish she wasn’t so sick, I would have loved to show it to her today.” Kragan explained as he sat on the bed and held your hand and watched you sleep while the stoned worked their magic.  
“Well for now, we should let her rest and heal. I’ll have Thobin do all he can with the stones. Come, she told me of her ideas for The Contessina ships. We should help her ideas come to fruition and reality.” She beckoned him and brought him out of the room and back to Lukher in the foundry as they were making the anti-gravity disks. 
“Everything ok?” Lukher asked his wife when he saw the look on her face. 
“Yeah, it’s just time to nurse Ahi.” She readily excused herself to find her way back to Ahi’s nursery in their suite of rooms as he was waking up from his mid morning nap and was eager to nurse again for lunch as she readily gathered him into her bosom and readily attached his mouth to her engorged breast and his mouth readily sucking deeply around the nipple as he happily nursed down as Audrey looked down and couldn’t help but smile through her tears as she watched her precious son nurse before Lukher joined her in the room. 
“Audrey?” Lukher called. 
“I’m in the rocker.” She called back. 
“What’s wrong with Kragan’s wife?” Lukher asked. 
“I swore to her I wouldn’t speak about her personal business and I’m already doing all I can for her.” Audrey tried to deflect as she just combed Ahi’s hair with her fingertips before wracking a sob and Lukher was kneeling at her feet in an instant as Ahi paused in nursing to look up at his mother questioningly. 
“Audrey, I don’t care if you just entered a blood oath with her- you’re clearly upset. What is going on?” Lukher asked worriedly. 
“She’s dying! She has an incurable disease and condition that even I can’t heal. Not even ten or a hundred mouras could heal her- because of how far-gone she is. She doesn’t have long left, and she knows it. She can feel it and so can I. She’s already on borrowed time and that poison we found in her medicine was just to mask her condition from her husband and inlaws. Because in Solowardian society, Kragan can sue her family for everything they have because of it. And if Kragan were to try to buy a cure, it would financially ruin him and kill Salgria Shipping in it’s tracks. And all she’s trying to do is save her family and save Kragan and his family and their business from ruination. Dorierra gave her a price of a million gold drakars to even attempt to heal her. And with how far gone she is- it would still not be enough. It would take at least a thousand mouras all working together to try and…there is no price high enough to warrant that. No price she or anyone else can pay for such a thing. And she refused to even ask me or anyone here to try because…she has already accepted that it’s too late for her.” Audrey cried as she held onto Ahi tightly in her arms and cried her eyemakeup off. 
“And all she would ask me for is to help Kragan recover once she passes. That’s all she would and could ask and of course I gave her my word that would try. But she won’t tell Kragan until they get home. She wants him to be surrounded by his family and friends and have every help, comfort and support when she does tell him. And she’s just trying to give him enough momentum so that he won’t lose any when she does die. Lukher, if you had seen her and could have felt what I did. You would know that it would be impossible for me to even try to heal her because trying to save her life would surely cost mine and any other I would try to bring in to help. But I need to respect her wishes. And the fact that she is facing death head on and is still using every moment she’s alive for everyone’s benefit other than her own. Is so commendable. She doesn’t want Kragan to suffer unnecessarily and never wants him to be the victim ever again like Solowards has been victimizing him.” Audrey explained. 
“And she’s so sick. Her skin is so yellow and green when it should be pink and cream for her fair skin. And for humans, that’s the color they get when they’re deathly ill. And she is, so deathly ill. And she pointed out that she’s just a stranger. And that I have Ahi and you and Yekmeni to consider and it would take weeks of negotiations to find enough mouras in the colonies to even find something, anything that they would willingly risk their lives to help cure. Because cancer is the one thing that even collared mouras have great difficulty in healing. And can cost a moura their own lives trying to pour that much magic to cure one with cancer. I have heard that even a hundred mouras would not be enough depending on the kind of cancer and where it is and it’s already in her vital organs and deeply rooted. It would take at least a thousand mouras to do it.” Audrey theroized. 
“And as much as I want to heal her and her and help her- I can’t help any more than I already have. And it breaks my heart that I feel bound and restrained from doing so but even my own sense is telling me no. And you have to swear to me on Ahi- that you will not say anything to Kragan or his family. Like you can’t even hint at it. This is Tessa’s secret that she has bear until she’s sure that Kragan is in a safe place to hear it.” Audrey urged her husband. 
“Ok.” Lukher reluctantly agreed as he wracked his brain, trying to think of something, anything that he could do to help but if his wife was at a loss. He didn’t think he could come up with a solution either. 
Kragan came back to the room several times, and each time. While he could see the progress, it worried him that it was taking so long while Hayati did all she could to come up with a recipe that would be something similar to what you had but wouldn’t be detrimental to your inner health either. She exhausted every medical textbook she knew and felt like a failure for coming up with something that she felt was kind of just slapped together instead of actually crafted. But it was the best she could do based on the current situation and findings. 
When you finally awoke. Thobin was taking the last stone away from your head and Kragan was anxiously pacing the room as Audrey and Lukher and Ahi were there too as Audrey and Thobin had used marinai and nadasi to translate what the stones were telling Thobin as Audrey tried to gently and carefully translate bits and pieces that weren’t so bad to Kragan. Thobin and Lukher weren’t happy or thrilled that Audrey was leaving so much out. But they simply kept quiet out of respect for the promise and word that Audrey had given. 
“Hey, is everything ok?” You asked as you slowly let your eyes flutter open. 
“Your medicine was successfully replaced.” Audrey offered. 
“Tessa, do you know what was in it? Did you know it was actually poisonous?” Kragan asked you. 
“I knew it had trace amounts of certain things, in particular, Violet Eye. To improve my complexion since after my accident, my complexion worsened.” You answered carefully. 
“But it was paired with Green Tansey, which was supposed to counteract any negative side effects and counteract any negative effects Violet Eye can have when you take it alone. But because most places consider it a poison. It must have shown up when it was tested. That’s why it had to be destroyed, but thank you Audrey for replacing the medicine that had to be destroyed because of it. And extra thanks for not demanding my life for bringing it into Yekmeni.” You tried to smile at her as Thobin helped you sit up as your head was throbbing.
“Well your intent wasn’t to harm anyone or anything and you were under the belief that it wasn’t harmful at all. Thank you for allowing me to test it so thoroughly and being so flexible and accepting the other medicine. Hopefully this one won’t be as hard on you.” Audrey offered. 
“I’m sure it’ll be a thousand times better than my old medicine.” You smiled weakly. 
“Me too. Now it is, unfortunately late, dinner should be brought to your room soon. Eat and rest some more tonight and we can start fresh tomorrow.” Audrey offered. 
“That would be wonderful, thank you.” You smiled before Audrey ushered her family and Thobin out of the room. 
“Is that why you didn’t want me anywhere near it?” Kragan asked once everyone else had gone. 
“Yes, I didn’t want you to sense the Violet Eye and think I was purposefully doing all I could to keep from getting pregnant. Since that’s one of the things you can still sue my father for by Solowardian Law.” You admitted. 
“No! Why would I…? No- no, no, no. Solowards is literally a thousand miles away and it needs to be a million more miles away. Neither of us is either under Solowardian- anything. Especially arcaic and horrible laws such as suing for such a stupid thing. No. You are my wife and my mate. I only want what is best for you and for you to be happy and healthy. To hell with any other beauty standards and complexion. I mean there’s countries that still use lead powder in their faces and have horrible sores and those doctors were idiots. Yeah your complexion improved but at the cost of your health! They literally poisoned you just to achieve an aesthetic. Just like corsets can deform ribs. No. To hell with all of that. If anyone is going to sue anyone else it’s you and you should be suing those doctors for malpractice.” Kragan insisted as he got in bed with you and held your hands in his own. 
“But I want them to stay a thousand miles away from me and a million more.” You decided to tease, with a soft laugh of relief. 
“Well, yes I agree. From now on, if you’re sick, there are two places I want us coming. Here where there are mouras, or back to Fitsdale to have Agnes heal you herself. And honestly, I trust Agnes more than anything cause she’s saved my life more times than I can count.” Kragan insisted.
“Ok.” You agreed before dinner was brought in and you got to enjoy the warm, temperate climate of Yekmeni and the amazing food and views of the ocean just outside your balcony door. 
Then Mildred came in with a royal decree and placed it into your hands that was the offer Audrey and Lukher offered for Kragan and yourself and the rest of his family to become Yekmenians. And Duke and Duchesses at that. 
“Do I have to sign this now?” You asked Mildred. 
“She said no, but she wanted you to have it all the same.” Mildred answered. 
“Offer number one.” You told Kragan as you handed it over to him as he smiled when he read it himself. 
“The one to beat.” Kragan answered. 
“The one to beat.” You smiled as you put a piece of baklava into your mouth and thorougly enjoyed the feast that was sent to you as you did feel so much better thanks to the stones. And not that you had days left to live, but at least a few more months worth. And time- was the greatest gift of all. 
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thecandywrites · 2 years
The Switch Chapter 11
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Ok, this lovely woman above Contessina is Mama Mildred and then in the upper right hand corner- That’s Kragan’s mother Astrin. To the right of Tessa is Saffiro. And then of course we have Grandma Agnes in the bottom and to the right of her is Samantha. 
Yes, I am stealing the Soul Forge from Thor because it’s awesome. 
The Switch 
Chapter 11
Astrin was just happy to be home and didn’t have to worry about dressing any other kind of way except comfortably which you loved and were happy to do. Especially with the undergarments Audrey had gotten made for you- a bralette for your breasts instead of a corset and underwear. Both of which were infinately more comfortable and easy to put on by yourself. Astrin very happily and proudly taught you how to cook and was grateful you were a quick study and learner. Astrin also proudly showed you the accounting books for Salgria Shipping that she always had on her at all time since she managed the money for the company- leaving Thaddius and Kragan and her other children for the hands on part of the business. 
She showed you how she kept track of the business and all of it’s money and already had made her own money changing system before and independant of the D.A. Which you happily used and agreed was a much better and more accurate one to use since the Dorierran one was slanted in Dorierra’s favor. You loved and adored the details and the presicion and accuracy in which she kept her business straight. They were the most beautiful and wonderful accounting books you had ever had the pleasure of seeing and to your utter delight- there was absolutely no way to improve upon them. Salgria Shipping didn’t need you to overhaul the accounts- they were already in perfect running order which was solely why Salgria Shipping was as rock solid of a company as it was. Astrin was happy you weren’t intimidated or daunted by it. Especially when the book itself was actually dozens of books because each country in which they did business had it’s own book. And she had every single employee and their wages and how long they had been with the company noted as well.
When you told Astrin about your accounting service that you ran under your initials of C.V. DeBaringer and every single business you had done it for- she was very impressed and exceedingly pleased. Especially to hear how each one was run and the fact that before you got ahold of their books, you had overhauled their businesses and the business models and saved them money and helped them earn even more. 
She was rightfully disgusted that because you were a woman- that by Solowardian Law- it was your father that had to collect for the fees and that without your father’s kindness, he could have- in theory, kept every penny of it. And she wholeheartedly agreed that the best place for Salgria Shipping to call it’s home base was Yekmeni. Where she and her daughters would have equal rights as people among their male counterparts and proper titles and good interest rates and was impressed that you could get Audrey to be so generous. And when both of you worked out the changes of Salgria Shipping, and the uniforms and the copyrighted nature of the business, the projections of the business before the changes was already almost astronomical and she could only laugh at the thought of how much money they would be raking in once the changes were implimented into Salgria Shipping. And especially once The Contessina Project was introduced to the market. 
“So I had an idea.” Astrin began as you sat at the table and drank wine as dinner simmered in the pots and dishes in the hearth of the kitchen as the books were all laid out on the table as you finished putting the last and latest information into your own book for The Contessina Project. 
“I’m all ears.” You invited. 
“Since those skeletons got done early, and now they get to be fleshed out early- what if we debut them at your sister’s wedding?” Astrin suggested. 
“Well it would be a tight squeeze but I think Yekmeni could pull it off. I mean the skyport would have to start being constructed right about now. So that when the first three ships are done, we have somewhere to put them when they would be flown there. And her wedding would be the ideal place to debut them. All of Solowradian high society and royalty will be there and it’s still seven months away because they had to push the wedding back to it’s original date. Now granted- the Lavines would have to buy it sight unseen so that when the ships sail in on their wedding day- it can appear that the ship was a wedding present and really make a big splash so to speak. And especially if we have an Origninale, an Agile, and if not a Magnifica- then at least an Elegante, it would give a small- medium-large range. Millie still thinks that the whole fleet will have just the Origniale’s. But if we give her the medium and we can either tempt them with upgrading or leave the larger Elegante or Magnifica to royalty. And could give them the royal price tag to go with it. Kragan was hoping that Dorierra would get the first peek at the line. But if we give Solowards a pre-view so to speak. Yes I think that would be a very good idea. Wet their appetite so to speak.” You noted with a nod and pleased grin. 
“You know, now that Kragan isn’t hogging you all to himself, I see why he fell in love with you so fast.” Astrin grinned. 
“Why?” You laughed. 
“Because your mind and personality are that of a businesswoman. You’re very clever and creative. Kragan didn’t stand a chance.” Astrin gently teased which got you to laugh harder. 
“Honestly, I didn’t either.” You shrugged as your laughter subsided. 
“Why’s that?” Astrin asked. 
“Because Kragan is everything I never knew I always wanted and needed. I’ve always loved numbers because unlike with words because the common tongue is a bully language that beats up other languages in back alleys and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary...” You began which got Astrin to laugh. 
“Numbers don’t change or lie or have special rules for when they mean one thing or another. And as long as the numbers you are working with are true- they’ll never fail you. And Kragan appreciates my intellect and adores my grasp of mathmatics. I’ve spent the last 16 years betrothed to a man who couldn’t even do simple math and hated the fact that my grasp of mathmatics and business was better than his because it bruised his ego.” You muttered with a shake of your head. 
“Well the bastard will be getting what’s coming to him. He’s getting a pretty but stupid wife. His ego gets to be boosted but his pocketbook will be run empty.” Astrin assured you. 
“Oh I know. I’m just grateful I’ll never get to see the day when it turns from intense infactuation to bitter and resentful hatred. Cause that day is coming. It’ll come when they both wake up and realize that they’ve built their relationship on nothing more than their youthful looks and popularity among their peers and both of them wanting needing to be the center of attention to be pleasant people to be around.” You mused as you sighed tiredly. 
“Because you’ll be Duchess Salgria of Yekmeni, and a thousand miles away, making money hand over fist while you and your husband grow your family and grow your businesses.” Astrin grinned as you smiled at the thought but couldn’t look at her. 
“Well that’s the plan anyway. But since when does life go according to plan? Life is full of surprises. Some of them good, and some of them bad and you just have to play the cards life keeps dealing you.” You allowed. 
“Speaking of surprises- I noticed quite a few women at Souja Tavern greet Kragan enthusiastically.” You recalled. 
“Oh, pshhffb.” Astrin razzberried and waived it off. 
“Each and every single one of em were nothing more than a whore in a whorehouse, looking to divest him of his coin and nothing more.” Astrin insisted. 
“Well there were a few in Yekmeni that seemed to have their eye on him too.” You recalled. 
“They may have had their eyes on him but before he met you- his mind and his eyes have always been on the business and nothing else.” Astrin maintained. 
“And now that he has you- his eyes will never wander or stray, not unless every bit of sense leaves him first.” Astrin assured you. 
“So Kragan didn’t have any other loves or lovers before me?” You asked. 
“Lovers? Eh, again loosely- those whores at Souja, Loves? No. At least none that I know of.” Astrin answered. 
“Who would know?” You asked. 
“Look at you, Kragan’s been gone a day and you’re worried that he’s already gonna be unfaithful?” Astrin asked as she tried to play it off even though you could tell she was at least a little offended by the notion. 
“No, it’s not that at all. I have every faith that Kragan will be faithful to me as long as I draw breath. But he was extremely hesitant to even meet me or exchange a letter with me before he met me in person. It made me wonder if his heart was already with another before me. Which was what held him back so much before he met me. All I want to know- is if that was the case. I’ve asked Kragan and he has told me there were others before me but he never gave me names and he was simply assuring me- as his new bride- that I didn’t have to worry about them. Which I trust his word. But I was just curious to know specifics. To at least know names and know what happened and how long ago it did happen.” You explained. 
“Oh, ok, well- granted I’m his mother so he doesn’t tell me a whole lot since he’s grown up and been on his own so to speak, but at least in childhood he was sweet on...” Astrin began before she told you about what she noticed and saw when he was a young boy and a young teenager. But once he left her side to be with his father on the various boats at 15. But after that point- she didn’t know of anyone or anything. So for her- the last eight years had been a bit of a blank. And that either Thaddius would know or Thaire or Johnny as you made a mental note to write to Johnny at least. 
And after a week of not taking the medicine you actually felt so much better. And you had more energy. And the less you felt you needed to sleep 24.7. Astrin helped you keep track of The Contessina Project from the loads of mail and reports that came in from Yekmeni, Drauch and everyhere else. 
Kragan called you at least twice a day on the messengerari including writing you love letters and business letters and updates every day. He always called once in the morning and once again at night to give you progress reports on things in Drauch. He was so happy and relieved that without the medicine altogether you were improving by leaps and bounds again. And while he hated to be apart from you- he was grateful that he could be there where he was needed. And could work and be so hands on and feel useful and help build your dream with you as you were happy that at least you got that much as were so happy to see his face through the pane of the messengeraries at least that Audrey had made sure that you both had. As even she would call once a day to check up on you and give you updates about the work in Yekmeni and the progress she and everyone else was making. 
By the end of the week, Yekmeni had finished welding three more ships. And sent those to Drauch too as Audrey loved your idea of unveling at least one ship from each of the classes at your sister’s wedding and insisted that if you could and would not be there to introduce them yourself, that she would go too and if you could not show them off- she would. 
Kragan had bought up a third of Drauch’s houses so all of his workers and their families could be working there. And the families that had first moved had expressed an interest that they wanted to stay in Drauch forever. Because the Stormbreaker Clan was awesome. They were friendly and supportive and so welcoming. And were happy that Drauch seemed to finally feel full. The women were happy to have such fine houses with amazing amenities. The kids were happy to go to a school and have parks and playgrounds to play in. And the single young men were happy that Stormbreaker had its own population of fine young women who cooked extremely well and were quite pretty and even the local moura population within Drauch were happy to heal any who would be injured for a very reasonable price. 
And the men of Suchi also came to Drauch to be hired on too because they could fly. For them to fly the ropes and rigging for the sails and masts made that job almost too easy for them to do. And in no time, new dryers to speed cure the planks of wood were built and being used in bulk. Because once the trees had been cut down and then sawed into planks of the right sizes and lengths, the boards needed to be cured. A huge factory was built to do it. And then once the boards were cured and treated- then they could be put into the steamers to soften the planks and make them bendable and maleable without loosing integrity or splintering. And while the old steamers were a help- they had to be steamed twice with the old steamers because stone timber pine was so dense, in order to reach the core of the plank- they needed to be steamed at the proper temperature but for twice as long as usual. Once the plank was steamed- they would be moved and hammered and drilled and nailed into place over the skeletons. Drauch seemed to be working non stop on the now six ships in it’s shipyard, each one bigger than the last. And it was a relief to Kragan that he could actually pay his workers both a good wage while also letting them rent to own the houses they were inhabiting in Drauch and the rent could subsidize the wages. 
And with all of this business booming, you got to see for yourself how Salgria Shipping was actually a multi-million dollar company when you looked at their income and profits over the course of a year. But even still, for your million dollar cure- it would still put the business in jeapordy and kill the project. Just a week past the probationary period by Solowardian Law. 
But by the second week, your nausea came back full force and it didn’t matter what you ate or drank- all day every day- you were sick again. And you started to lose weight. And you started sleeping more and more every day and began to miss Kragan’s calls so that you only got to see him once a day when you would call him. And he literally would drop everything just to talk to you for however long you could talk for as he wanted to come home so bad. But he was at the most crucial stage in production and couldn’t come away and you couldn’t come to him. 
When you were awake during that second week, you withdrew to Kragan’s room and had Mildred bring you everything as you had to resort to using a chamber pot because you could never make it to the outhouse in time. You would spend your precious few hours of consciousness writing your final goodbye letters to everyone. You instructed Mildred that Lena would get all of your childhood clothes and jewelry while you split your jewels evenly between Kragan’s mother and sisters, leaving only the most prized and precious pieces for Kragan and Saffiro and their future wives.  
“I think it’s time Mildred. It won’t be long now.” You whispered as she put you back in bed after you had finished writing the last of your letters and gave them to Mildred to deliver for you when you would pass in either the next couple of days or hours- you weren’t sure.  
“Can you invite Astrin in here please?” You requested of Mildred. 
“Yes My Lady.” Mildred nodded before she got Astrin and brought her in. 
“What’s going on Tessa?” Astrin asked as she sat on the bed with you and noticed that you started to look really sick again and frowned. Because you had been doing so good last week but it seemed like you were slipping backwards again. 
“I feel very ill, and faint. Like I’m going to die. Can you...can you tell me who else Kragan has loved in the past, so that when I die, she can come and take my place?” You asked her. 
“What are you talking about?” Astrin asked both confused and appalled to hear you speak like this. 
“Kragan, I know he has loved others before me. Can you tell me who they are and contact them to be ready to comfort Kragan when I die? You said yourself that you didn’t know. Have your husband or your other sons tell you if you must.” You requested. 
“You’re not going to die. You have morning sickness. You’re pregnant I’m sure of it. And no I’m not going to call anyone else- because Kragan has loved no other than you. You are going to be just fine. You just need to sleep Tessa, you need to eat and sleep and that’s all there is to it.” Astrin insisted as she firmly shook her head no. 
“Astrin- please, for Kragan, can you at least tell me about..” You asked as you opened your notebook of the other women you had taken note of in Fitsdale. 
“All of them are whores in Souja Tavern. Not a single one of those love him, only the coin in his purse and he knows it. He loves you. He only wants you. And I will be damned if any of them think they can come in here and replace you. You just need to eat, you’re not thinking straight.” Astrin insisted. 
“But..What about Samantha Souja?” You asked. 
“I’m not having this conversation with you Tessa. You’re delirious from not eating or drinking enough. Morning sickness can make any woman feel like she’s dying but you are not. I will personally make sure you don’t die. There’s no need to think this way.” Astrin insisted. 
“But just to be sure, can you fetch a doctor?” Mildred requested. 
“Yes, of course.” Astrin agreed before she left and got her favorite doctor from the nearby village to come in and have a look at you. You submitted yourself to her test as she only took a tiny drop of blood from a pin prick and a small sample of urine. 
“Well, congratulations, you’re pregnant. But you are also very sick. You need to be put onto a special diet because the medicine to cure you will kill your baby.” The medicine woman, Dr. Kalli informed you.  
“I’m what?” You asked in shock. 
“You’re pregnant. But you also have side sickness. It’s from too much sugar and fat and grease in your diet. If you stop eating sweets or fried things or fatty things, you’ll feel better. But you have to be very careful, your pregnancy is still early and still in danger.” Kalli repeated. 
“But the side sickness, is that all it is? Is there anything else?” You asked her. 
“What were you expecting?” Kalli asked. 
“Cancer.” You blurted out. 
“Oh! No! You don’t have cancer. The inflammation of your side, your bowel on your right side especially- is quite high. And sometimes inflammation and cancer can show up as the same result on certain tests. But there are specific tests to differentiate the two and the tests to differentiate the two all showed side sickness and inflammation but not cancer. But look. Look at the blood yourself.” She invited as she brought you over to her microscope that was set up on your desk. 
“Do you see how there’s white blood cells and red blood cells within the blood?” She asked you. 
“Yes.” You answered as you looked through it and saw in awed wonder what was before you. 
“Because of your inflammation- there’s more of them than normal. But if you had cancer, your blood would look like a sea of white blood cells instead of just slightly more than the red.” She insisted. 
“So I don’t have cancer?” You asked in disbelief as you frowned deeply. 
“No, why? Did another doctor tell you that you did?” She asked. 
“Yes.” You answered. 
“Wait, other doctors told you- that you had cancer? Did Dr. Hayati say you had cancer?” Astrin asked. 
“Yes. And five others before her. That was why I was taking the medicine I was. It was supposed to be…a cure.” You stuttered before you looked at the blood in the microscope again. 
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?! Does Kragan know that you had that diagnosis?” Astrin asked. 
“No. I didn’t want him to worry. I didn’t want that news to hold him back or hold the business back and the medicine was supposed to… help.” You tried to excuse. 
“But if you were taking medicine for a cancer that you didn’t have- that is very dangerous. Some cures for some cancers that I’ve seen and heard other doctors use- actually make the cancer worse. Or- give someone who just had inflammation like you- end up giving you cancer anyway. Because sometimes inflammation can be a pre-curser to cancer. How long have you been taking such medicine?” Dr. Kalli asked. 
“For the last four months.” You answered with a wince and grimace. 
“What?!” Astrin shrieked as she looked like you had just burdered her baby in her arms.  
“Oh no. Astrin, she needs to get either to a moura or another healer. Maybe we caught this in time. There’s still time to fix this and heal this.” Dr. Kalli insisted to Astrin before Astrin nodded, paid Dr. Kalli and immediately left to her room and called Thaddius and Kragan as you called Saffiro who was actually on the other line with Kragan as the two were talking and catching up. 
“Uh, hang on, my mom is calling and saying it’s urgent, hang on for a second.” Kragan excused. 
“Yeah, I’m getting another call too. I’ll put you on hold.” Saffiro said before he saw it was you calling him and put his call with Kragan on hold. 
“Is it time?” Saffiro asked worriedly when he saw your tears down your cheeks. 
“Yes, but it’s now really complicated. I’m pregnant.” You revealed with a sob. 
“But the medicine was…” 
“Kragan took me to Yekmeni to meet King Lukher and Queen Audravienne. She has a law- ‘no poison is to be brought into Yekmeni, and those bringing it in are to be put to death and the poison is to be destroyed’. She tested my medicine and found all the poisons and was about to put Mildred to death. Since Mildred had the medicine on her. So to save Mildred’s life I had to tell Audrey everything. I told her about my true diagnosis. And the fact that I knew the medicine was poisonous. And why I was taking it. She spared my life and Mildred’s life. But she still had to uphold her law. She destroyed my medicine supply. And then her master of medicine- Dr. Hayati tried to make me more but it wasn’t the same. And I feel like I’m asking for death every time I take it.” You tearfully confessed to Saffiro. 
“I got sick off of it two weeks ago and so I stopped taking it. But it was my pregnancy making my body reject it. I just got another doctor who claims I only have side sickness and I’ll get better with a change in diet. But I don’t believe her. How can six doctors- one of them a collared moura healer- get this wrong? Even Queen Audrey and Dr. Hayati who are fully collared mouras could sense it. I was never supposed to fall pregnant. And now I feel like I’m going to die any moment now. “You added as anxiety gripped your chest harder than any corset ever had. 
“And Astrin or any of his siblings won’t tell me anything about anyone who was in his past who can step in for me. Astrin is about to take me to another healer but surely they will find the cancer. I can’t do this alone! I can’t do this Kragan!” You cried. 
Astrin could hear you through the wall and was furious that you would hide this from them, from Kragan especially as she told Kragan to drop everything and come home and take you to Grandma Agnes because that was the only healer she trusted besides Dr. Kalli. 
“Ok, I’m coming. With Kragan’s dowry I got a pegasus. As soon as I’m packed, I’ll ride to you.” Saffiro insisted. 
“Please hurry.” You pleaded with him before you gave him directions on where to find you as Saffiro was already packing up everything that he could before his call to Kragan came back. 
“What are you doing?” Kragan asked as he was still in shock. 
“I’m packing and I’m coming to Tessa, she needs me by her side and you need to go home to her as soon as you can.” Saffiro answered him as he was throwing his things into a pack as he went about his room.
“I will as soon as..” 
“No Kragan, not as soon as whatever you have going on is done- NOW!” Saffiro cut him off which startled Kragan to see the sudden change and outburst as he culd recognize genuine panick in Saffiro’s tone and facial expression and body language.  
“You need to drop everything and go home right now because if you wait, Tessa could be dead before you get home!” Saffiro barked as he was both upset and worried as he just threw things haphazardly into the pack before he got dressed in riding leathers, boots and grabbed his helmet.
“I bought a pegasus. I have directions to your house. I’m flying in. You need to use whatever you can to fly home too.” Saffiro insisted. 
“Why would Tessa die before I can get home?” Kragan asked as panic and anger both swirled in his mind and chest. 
“Because she’s dying of cancer!” Saffiro yelled from his spot. 
“So it’s true? She’s been hiding her cancer from me?” Kragan accused as angry tears of betrayal filled his eyes. 
“Yes. We all have. Look, there was no horse riding accident. Two days before your father’s marraige offer came to the house, two doctors had come to check on her because Tessa was in excruciating pain. Both of them found very advanced side sickness and cancer of her liver. And a week later three more doctors came and all five of them including our family doctor tested her again. And every single one came to the same diagnosis. Very advanced side sickness and deep rooted- incurable and inoperable cancer. She was given only a few months left to live and at the very most- a year. And when my father inquired of Dorierra how much it would cost to cure Tessa, they told him a million gold boullion to even try. If my father sold everything my family had, we could only ever come up with a quarter of such amount. And there was no way for us to come up with anything else. My father agreed to your father’s match because he was just trying to amass enough wealth to leverage for Tessa’s cure. But Tessa stopped us.” 
“Why?” Kragan asked. 
“Because when Millie learned of the match- she through a fit and threatened to kill herself by throwing herself off the roof and would rather be dead than marry you. Because she was this season’s diamond and she didn’t want to go to- and I quote- “a filthy sailor”. And Tessa’s betrothal to the Lavines was always contingent on her producing two male hiers in the first two years of marraige or they would throw her into the street. And Ron- was actually happy and relieved when he found out she was dying!” Saffiro confessed as you sat at his desk and cried into his hands. 
“So Tessa suggested the switch of Millie and herself. Tessa didn’t care about who or what you were, only that you would be kind to her and give her a measure of comfort at the end of her life. Otherwise she only cared that our family would be safe, secure and protected and benefited. She swore us all to secrecy to protect us and to protect our family’s reputation. Because by Solowardian Law, there is a probationary period. It’s the first two months after marriage.  And if the bride is found with any defect, the groom can sue her family for the defective bride. So Tessa asked for the doctors who diagnosed her to make a false diagnosis to the Lavines about the horse accident and the fake diagnosis that it resulted in her becoming barren. But to protect the Lavine’s honor and our family honor- it was done in secret. Her and my father practiced that lie so that when they would retell it- it would sound like the truth. But it was just to cover up the truth. The medicine was to hide her true symptoms and make her appear healthy but would also keep pregnancy at bay so that when she did die, she would take no other soul into the grave but her own. That’s why she was so insistent to marry you so quickly and help Salgria Shipping and kickstarting The Contessina Project. She poured every cent she had into it so that you would not feel cheated and sue when you found out and would not sue my family for everything we had for plying you with a lame bride.” Saffiro confessed as Kragan just stared in horror as tears ran down his eyes as he wanted to break Solowards like a bug in his palm for being so ridiculusly horrible. 
“And she managed to live two months past her estimated death date. And a week beyond the cut off point where you can sue us by Solowardian Law. She was going to tell you but you got called away by business. And she didn’t want to hold you back or keep you from that. Not when you’re at the most cruicial point for it. And she didn’t want you to lose momentum or traction. She wanted to give you every help and every advantage she could.” Saffiro insisted.
“So she’s already on borrowed time?” Kragan asked as Saffiro nodded as Kragan’s eyes just giving a river of tears down his cheeks.  
“She even took note of every woman who expressed an interest in you. So that when she died, you’d have someone, somewhere to swoop in and save you from losing yourself to heartache and grief. She’s been lowkey looking for replacements for herself all along. And at the top of her list is Samantha Souja, because if Sammy can help run a tavern, she can at least have something to use to learn to run a business. Even one as great and grand as The Contessina one.” Saffiro explained. 
“When you took her to Yekmeni- her medicine was tested and found to be poison and Queen Audravienne was going to kill Mildred for it. But Tessa intervened and explained what it was and why she was taking it. And told her that if Queen Audravienne was going to kill anyone- to kill her but it would only shorten her lifespan by a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks at the most. So Queen Audravienne still insisted on destroying the medicine but replacing it with other medicine. But it wasn’t the same and it wasn’t as effective. And then because it wasn’t effective- she got pregnant anyway. And now she’s stuck at your home and scared out of her mind because she has made her peace that she’s dying for the last four months. But now that she’s pregnant, she will do whatever it takes to prolong her life so that she can carry that baby as close to full term as possible. But I sincerely doubt she will survive the birth. She didn’t want you to sink Salgria Shipping just to buy her a cure. She didn’t want you to kill The Contessina Project just to save it’s name sake. Especially now that Yekmeni and Drauch are both hinging on it and countless others are now gainfully employed for it. She’s been telling me that she’s just one life and that the needs of so many outweigh just her. She never wanted to hurt or ruin you. She’s never wanted to hurt or ruin anyone. So if you get to her before me, swear to me you won’t hurt her either.” Saffiro tearfully pleaded. 
“I give you my word.” Kragan answered as tears continued to flow from his own eyes. He kicked himself for not seeing all of this sooner. He just thought that he was struck by true love and soul mates and all of that to explain why dating you and courting you and marrying you was so rushed. This explained everything. And while he was angry and upset for you keeping this from him. He also couldn’t fault you too much either. A million gold bouillon. He could pay a million gold bouillon if he had to. He would put everything on hold for now but he could do it. He could buy you a cure, one from anywhere you needed it. 
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon.” Saffiro offered before he ended the call and ordered for his pegasus to be ready as he quickly told the rest of his family the news and then got into the air within the hour as Kragan had taken a speeder- which was a small but especially fast skyship that would sail as fast as lightning would light up the sky and flew home. 
“Tessa!” Kragan hollard as the ship was barely docked in his front yard and he was tossing the knotted rope around the special holder as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him as his call for you, woke you up from where you had fallen asleep, having Mildred bar the door to keep Astrin at bay. 
“My Lady, Lord Kragan is back.” Mildred informed you.
“Yes, I can hear him.” You answered. 
“Where’s Tessa?” Kragan asked his mother. 
“Mildred and Tessa have locked themselves in the room.” Astrin answered in angry irritation. 
“Tessa! Please open the door, I just want to talk to you. I promise I won’t lay a hand on you if you don’t want me to. But we need to talk.” Kragan asked as he came up and knocked on the door after trying the handle to find it was locked. 
“Let him in. But stay outside the door.” You whispered to Mildred after she helped you to sit up in bed. 
“Please, be careful with her. She’s in a delicate state Sir.” Mildred tearfully pleaded as she openned the door to let him in before she dissolved into whimpering cries as she left the room and shut the door behind her. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kragan asked as he came over and sat on the bed with you and anxiously wringed his dirty hands together to keep from reaching out and holding yours. 
“Because by Solo…” You began.
“No, don’t pull the Solowards card again. You used in Yekmeni, that card is already played. What have I done to make you think that you needed to fear from me so much you wouldn’t tell me you were dying?!” Kragan asked as you could see how wounded he was. 
“Nothing. You’ve done nothing to make me fear you physically. But my own fears have been larger and heavier and louder than anything else in my life. They’ve had my whole life to grow and develop. And past experiences didn’t help. Watching men go from kind and sweet one moment to cruel, vindictive and spiteful the next. And I just didn’t want to test to see if you would be the next. Because I didn’t want you to stop loving me.” You answered as tears were already streaming down your cheeks as you curled in on yourself and used the sheets to soak up your tears as you wracked a sob as Kragan felt like his heart was being pulled from his chest and being crushed by a sledgehammer. 
“I thought I told you I’m nothing like all the others?” Kragan recalled. 
“You did. I just..I was too afraid to test that out. Because everyone I have ever tested in that respect has failed. And if I never tested you- you could never fail me. Or prove me wrong or show me where your love for me stops and at what point it would turn from love to hate. At least, that’s what I told myself.” You admitted. 
“I was so afraid that if it didn’t make you hate me- that at the very least you would sink Salgria Shipping and kill The Contessina Project in it’s tracks to save me. I’ve gone over the books for Salgria Shipping. You are pouring every cent possible into The Contessina Project. You can not have it and buy my cure at the same time. And thousands of people depend on you. I’m just one person.” 
“But you are the only person who I love and who matters to me.” Kragan insisted. 
“The Contessina Project will simply have to wait until you are cured and the world can wait to see the fucking ships. Because without you, without my Contessina, there shouldn’t be a ship in your name. Because you are worth more than a fleet of ships, more than any business or money I would happily and gladly spend saving your life. Even if you weren’t pregnant. I would do so. But now that you are- you need to be cured as quickly as possible.” Kragan insisted. 
“But I’ll never make it to Dorierra.” You shook your head no. 
“Good, because that’s not where I would take you. Fitsdale is where I’m taking you. It’ll take a couple of hours at the most. I have a lightning rider. I’m taking you to Grandma Agnes. She’s healed me more times than I can count and she won’t charge any fees that are nearly that price. But she is the only healer I trust with you and I wish you would have told me about this when we were there last.” Kragan insisted. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” You apologized. 
“And if she can’t do anything- which I sincerely doubt she can’t help. Dorierra isn’t the only place with mouras who can cure you. And I know for a fact I have ten thousand of them at my disposal- right now- between several colonies, all of them would be lining up to heal you if I asked and none of them would dream of charging so much.” Kragan insisted. 
“How much would she charge?” You asked. 
“Whatever it is- I will happily pay it. You don’t have to pay for anything anymore. I am your husband and your mate and I made a vow to every god we both believe in to take care of you. And nothing will keep me from that vow.” Kragan insisted. 
“You could have told me all of this- in your first letter to me. You could have told me the first night we met. You could have told me the real reason why you switched with your sister. And I still would have taken you as my wife and I still would have you healed. And I would have done so before you ever took a drop of that poison. I’m the world traveller remember? I know a lot more people and places. And I would have used all of them to help you. Even as just a friend. And I still would have fallen as hopelessly in love with you as I have. So that you never would have had to carry such a heavy burden all by yourself. I’m sorry that you grew up thinking that you have to spend your whole life serving your father or your husband. You don’t. You are servant to no one’s wishes or will but your own.” Kragan insisted. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him as you reached out and finally got to hold his hand again. Not caring if they were clean or dirty, or whatever. They were his hands and the only hands you ever wanted to hold before he just gathered you in his arms as you both just cried into each other and hold each other as tightly as you could. So happy and grateful that he came home to you as quickly as he did. 
“I love you so much Tessa. I love you, I love you, I love you. I will do whatever I have to do to prove it to you so that you know and feel it in every fiber of your being. I never want to let you down or dissappoint you. And my love for you will never, ever turn to hate. Test me all you want. Test me over and over again to be sure. Test me as harshly or extremely as you want to. And I will do my best to never fail you. Nothing will make me stop loving you. Nothing will stop me from wanting to care for you better than I care for myself or anyone else. I don’t want this or anything else to ever get between us.” Kragan insisted as he peppered your face with kisses. 
“Ok, there is nothing else than. This was it. You already knew everything else, complete with names and dates and everything.” You assured him. 
“Yeah, I should have done the same. You’ve been asking about my past and I just though you were feeling insecure. If I had know this was why you were asking. I still would have reassured you but I also would have been more forthcoming with the details.” Kragan answered. 
“But Sammy? No. Never gonna happen between me and her. Mostly because I’ve already fucked her sister since her sister Sasha works as a whore in Souja Tavern.” Kragan admitted which got you to laugh through your tears and got him to crack a lopsided grin. 
“Fuck Solowards and their stupid rules and their really fucking stupid laws.” Kragan insisted which got you to laugh some more. 
“I agree, fuck them and everyone in that gods foresaken country. I want to show up at my sisters wedding with a huge pregnant belly a fleet of ships and covered in jewels and silk and a dress just as fine as hers and basically walk backwards down the isle flipping them all off and make each and every single one of them- except for Saffiro to pay through the nose if they ever want the pleasure to step foot on any ship with my name on it.”  You insisted which got Kragan to bark a laugh. 
“That’s my girl.” Kragan cooed as he pet your head and pet down your back and smiled when you practically melted into him. 
“I agree. I also want to go to that wedding just to give Ron the biggest “Fuck You!” ever.” Kragan admitted, happy that at least you still had that wicked and wonderful sense of humor. 
“Well, he and his father did give us that land to build the Contessina skyport on. But that was more out of guilt once they learned of my true diagnosis. On our wedding night no less. Frankly I thought Millie was going to blab the truth much sooner because the girl can keep a secret as well as she can keep a true friend.” You muttered. 
“Ouch.” Kragan snorted a laugh. 
“Saffiro told me Ron was happy when he found out that you were dying. I want him to fuck right off and take a long walk off a short peir, tied to a millstone if you know what I mean.” Kragan admitted. 
“No, Saffiro got that wrong. Ron was happy and relieved to find out I was potentially barren and that was one of the clauses that qualified to break our damned betrothal. And it was a great relief to both of us. But according to Ron and every single member of his family- they all- including Ron- cried like a baby. And he felt like the world’s biggest asshole for being so mean to me. And being so difficult and being a total jackass to me my whole life. And regret has eaten him alive too. I’ve gotten several letters and calls from all of them, begging for any chance or any opportunity to help. And Ron has apparently- done a 180 in personality- now that he’s no longer betrothed to me. Figures. Which for Millie- I’m grateful for the present. But yeah, after their wedding- the only exchange I want with Solowards is with my family. Countess Lavine and then taking all the money anyone will pay us for the ships and that’s it. Everyone else can burn for all I care.” You insisted as you buried your head into Kragan’s chest and let his scent be a grounding force of calm for you.
“Yeah, figures.” Kragan muttered. 
“So, why did you ask my mother about my love life before you? My father would have been the better person to ask. And how come you didn’t ask me? Well, actually you did. But why didn’t you tell me why you were asking? Don’t you think if the possibility of you dying and me moving on with someone else that I should have been involved in that conversation?” Kragan asked. 
“Because I did not want to insult your pride or honor, yet alone aggrieve myself to your face. Besides, you should know that pregnancy is dangerous. You know how dangerous the sea and the skies can be yet you sail anyway. Because you love it and it’s what you were put in this world to do. It is no different with pregnancy. Each one is an adventure and a danger. I am already weak and at a disadvantage physically. And women stronger and braver than I have gone through this ordeal and have been lost. I needed to prepare myself and those around me for eventualities which at this point are practically inevitable. It is my duty to do as such. And if I don’t make it, I want to ensure that you have someone already in place- that you have an affection for, who can take my place and take care of you and take care of the estate. And with me out of the way, you can finally live in peace and happiness with your previous love, not your obligation. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have everything you want.”  You implored him as tears returned and welled and fell from your eyes because you didn’t want to die, you didn’t want to leave him. And especially if you were pregnant, and ill, you wanted the baby to live, even if you couldn’t. 
“But you alone are My Love! You are already all I want and all I need and it is you and only you that have made me happy. Why do you think I just made a four day journey in only five hours? I did it just to get home as soon as I heard you were sick and with child! Our child. In our marriage it is just you and me. No one else. I will only ever want you for as long as I live. The rest of the world can burn for all I care. You are more precious to me than any sea or any treasure. You are so much more than an obligation. You never were and you never will be. You are my life, my wife, my pride and joy and delight and happiness. And every day I thank the gods for having you in my life. And every day I smile because it’s you who has made me so happy.” He implored as he tenderly held your face in his hands as you both were brought to tears. 
“I don’t care if I have to spend every cent I have on doctors and medicine. But I will do whatever it takes to make sure you live. Cost what it may. I can’t do without you. Not even for a day., or an hour or a minute. And it’s killed me to be away from you for the last two weeks. I’ve hardly slept because you haven’t been there to sleep beside me and only eaten enough to stave off hunger because none of the meals are ever as tasty as they are when they’re shared with you. Nothing I’ve done for the last two weeks has brought me any degree of real satisfaction. You are my best and dearest friend in the world. Being lost at sea or adrift in the skies with no wind- doesn’t hold a candle to being lost without you. I’m just… so lost without you. Because only you see me for me and I like to think that I too, see you for you. And you are all I ever want to see.” He vowed before he pressed his mouth to yours in a desperate kiss which you eagerly returned as you pulled him to yourself with all your depleting strength. 
“Likewise.” You answered as you pressed your forehead to his. 
“Come on. Hopefully Mildred didn’t unpack everything. Or if she did, she can pack it all quickly again. Just get only what you absolutely can’t live without and pack it into the boat, cause it’s not that big. I’ll find a way to tell Saffiro where to find us. We’re going to Fitsdale to Souja Apothocary and Grandma Agnes can bill me for whatever she wants to.” Kragan insisted before you nodded in agreement.
Kragan helped you out of bed and helped you get dressed and wrapped you in that fur and carried you to the boat and laid you down in the one bed on board.  Astrin and Mildred had been outside the door and overheard and Astrin felt like a bitch for getting so angry with you earlier and apologized profusely now that she understood the whole situation and the circumstances before she helped Mildred help you and Kragan to get packed and ready to go to Souja Tavern. Astrin and Mildred got a trunk of your clothes and put it onboard before Mildred and her own pack of clothes got on board herself. 
Kragan flew you both to Fitsdale by dawn. He carefully carried you out of the boat and put you into a carriage and had Mildred take care of everything else. He had the carriage drive you straight to Souja Apothocary and even waited in the hall where it connected to Souja Tavern for it to open as Agnes’ daughter Ainsley came to open the shop for the day. 
“Oh my goodness, Tessa? Are you ok?” Ainsley asked when she saw you laying down on the bench, still wrapped in that wonderful warm fur. 
“No,” you shook your head. 
“She’s very sick and pregnant and right now she and the baby are in danger of being lost.” Kragan informed her. 
“Oh my gods! Come on, get in, we’ll see what’s wrong and get you fixed up immediately!” She urged you before she went and got her mother who came in and took one look at you and winced and grimaced at the looks of you as she pet your head and felt for a fever. 
“Oh you poor thing. Come on, Kragan, put her onto this table. Ainsely, we need to get the soul forge up and running to see what’s going on.” Agnes insisted as Kragan laid you down on the special table. Then Agnes awoke her soul forge and “peered” inside of you without having to actually cut you open to see. 
“So tell me what’s going on.” Agnes invited. 
“Four months ago, I was trying on a new corset to pinch my waist tighter for my wedding dress to my previous bethrothed. And that wedding dress was more to his tastes than mine.” You began as Agnes scuffed at the news and crinkled her nose in disgust. 
“It was your wedding dress, it should have been everything you wanted it to be.” Agnes insisted. 
“It’s Solowards- women are second class citizens the property of their fathers before marraige and the property of their husbands after marraige.” Kragan sneered hatefully. 
“Disgusting. Remind me to never go there. Glad you married him and he got you out of there huh?” Agnes urged you which got you to huff a laugh and smile dreamily. 
“Yeah, you have no idea.” You smiled at Kragan and squeezed his hand tighter as he smiled softly. 
“She’s the best thing to ever come out of that gods foresaken place.” Kragan cooed to you. 
“So, wedding dress to asshole is where we left off.” Agnes prompted. 
“Oh yes, well the new corset hurt like hell and it felt like a ball of broken glass and metal shavings with acid inside was inside me and I screamed and passed out.” You continued. 
“And at the time once the corset was cut off of me, I felt better but the family doctor simply said that all my fat was pushing on my inner organs and that if I just lost all the fat in my abdomen, I would be fine. But for a month- the pain just got worse and worse and I was put on a diet of water crackers and water and nothing else and it was still painful and my body didn’t lose weight but actully found a way to gain weight.” You ventured. 
“Becuase your body was in starvation survival mode. Ancenstors that lived through famine and when put on starvation rations- genetically it backfires. Because the body’s natural defense mechanism is to hoard fat. Because body fat is the body’s only food source and vital for the body to survive when in those conditions. If they wanted you to lose weight- feed you like a queen. When the body feels and knows that food is not a precious commodity- it’ll let it go freely.” Agnes countered. 
“Well, that explains it. Anyway, when the pain intensified so that any pressure from anything was over my abdomen- I was in agonizing pain- that’s when my parents called in two doctors. Dr. Tian from the Orientals and Dr. Morad from the Middle East. When they examined me, they swore on thier careers that they felt a cancerous growth in my liver. They tested my blood and urine and even my spit and vaginal discharge. Every body fluid I had and they claimed all the tests came back as a positive result for incurable side sickness and they said if they tried to operate on me- that I would bleed to death before they could cut the tumor out and they gave me only weeks or months left to live- but nothing longer than a year.” You revealed. 
“And then my father demanded that they- bring in other doctors and specialists but in the greatest of secrecy because in Solowards- a father can be sued for playing a “lame” bride as one would sue for being sold a lame horse.” You explained. 
“Now I really don’t like Solowards.” Agnes admitted. 
“It’s ok, neither do we.” You waived off which got Kragan and Agnes grinned. 
“Anyway- when three more doctors came and they bled me until I passed out and once again tested every body fluid I had. And the answers once again said that it was cancer and side sickness. And so since such a diagnosis would ruin me and my family by Solowardian rule and law, I talked them all into giving me a fake diagnosis saying I was in a horse riding accident and had become barren and then I sent that fake diagnosis to my previous betrothed. He was happy and relieved at the news and most importantly- about his parents releasing me from my betrothal to him and he happily and gleefully took my younger, prettier, thinner and stupider sister instead.” You recounted. 
“And I hope she bleeds him dry.” Agnes offered. 
“Oh she’ll do that within the first month of marraige, no doubt about it.”  You readily offered. 
“Anyway, so in Solowards- there is a law- stating that any bride found to be “lame” within the first two months after the wedding- her family can be sued for anything from double the dowry or up to- anything and everything the bride’s family has- depending oh the degree of lameness and severity of the issue. So with that in mind- and not knowing Kragan because I had wrote to him to feel it out and he stonewalled me. So I bribed to of the doctors to make me a special concoction of...” you began to list off all the ingredients as both Kragan and Agnes paused and just stared at you and frowned deeply when you listed off what was in it and why it was there and what it was for and how long exactly you had taken it for and what strength and dosage it was before you listed off what happened in Yekmeni and what Dr. Hayati had replaced that previous medicine with. 
“Well that would mask the symptoms all right. especially if all you had to go on was those tests and the results. Well, that’s a proper fuck up. At least you’re here now and at least it’s not to late to try and fix this and make this right. Let’s get to work.” Agnes appraised. 
“Oh my goodness.” Agnes breathed as she looked around. 
“It’s cancer isn’t it?” You sniffled. 
“What? No. No it’s not cancer. Here, look.” She turned the “screen” to you. 
“So, good news is- you’re definitely pregnant.” She said as she had it look at your womb and then into your womb to see the little baby developing safe and sound as it was the size of a fingernail and looked like a piece of candy actually.
“But the problem is, is your gallbladder is full of stones, see?” She moved the “eye” so to speak up to your gallbladder that was swollen and lumpy from all the stones. 
“And you have kidney stones.” She moved the eye to both of your kidneys as the stones looked like sea urchins- little stones covered in spikes. 
“And your liver is very weighed down so it will need to be flushed.” She noted. 
“Ah, and here is your appendix, it looks like it is about to burst and is quite sick. So between those three things that definitely counts as the trifecta that is “side sickness” honestly- such a broad term. So good news is we can heal all of this.” She noted as Ainsely wrote all this down. 
“And this is probably what your doctors have been feeling and calling cancer. It’s your colon. It’s inflamed and stiff instead of soft. You have a disease that is affecting your colon. But otherwise, you’re sick in a few of your vital organs but nothing to the extent that they need to be replaced or anything like that. Look- there is no cancer at all. You don’t have cancer. You never did. So good news is. You’re not going to die. At least not anytime in the next oh..I’d say fifty to sixty years.” Agnes showed you and Kragan as you were both crying tears of relief. 
“So how can she be healed?” Kragan asked. 
“Well the gallstones need to be taken out. The kidney stones need to be dissolved and the liver and kidneys need to be flushed. Her appendix should be removed. But good news is- she can live perfectly fine without it. Now, all that inflammation from her colon probably threw all the other doctor’s tests into giving a false positive for cancer. And when someone takes medicine for something- they don’t have, that medicine is always like poison. Which is why her liver is so bogged down. But once we get the inflammation down and that part of the colon healthy again. She’ll be fine. She will have to change her diet from now on, but she’ll be fine.” Agnes diagnosed. 
“Please heal her, charge me whatever you want. I’ll pay whatever it is.” Kragan pleaded. 
“Ok. I will. Now Tessa, I’m going to put you to sleep to take care of all these issues so you won’t feel anything in the moment. Your abdomen will ache a bit. So go easy- no intercourse or heavy lifting or anything physically strenuous for at least a few days- the closer to a week or so- the better. And when I’m done, I’m going to have you both moved to a room in the family wing that has it’s own bathroom and most importantly- it’s own kitchen so that you can cook your own special diet. It’s gonna suck because this special diet is usually nothing but everone’s least favorite foods. But if you can find a way to stomach it and stay on and stay true to the diet for as long as possible- you’ll be fine. That and seasonings and how you prepare those foods can go a long way.” She insisted. 
“Ok, I can do that.” You readily agreed. 
“I know you will, because your life and the life of your baby is counting on it. And I know you’ve been taking more medicine for the last four months than most will take in their lives. But do not take anything that I don’t perscribe to you from now on. Most “doctors” don’t know shit about how different medicines affect women differently than men anyway. Let me guess, men doctors had you taking this medicine?” She guessed. 
“Yes. But Dr. Hayati was a woman, but she only tried to replicate what my other doctors had already perscribed me.” You admitted. 
“Figures. Stupid men, no offense Kragan.” Agnes offered as she reached out and touched his arm with her hand. 
“None taken.” Kragan grinned. 
“I will have you take something for the inflammation, something to boost your immune system. And when I’m done, I’m going to give you a special medicine that will make you extremely thirsty. Drink all the fresh and clean water you can- and don’t go much father than a few steps from a toilet. And you’re going to feel like you’re living on it for a while. Because we need to flush your body from all the toxins that have been building up in your system before your baby starts to feed on what you eat and what you take into your body. Ok?” Agnes urged. 
“Ok.” You nodded as you squeezed Kragan’s hand as you finally felt so much better and lighter now that you weren’t carrying this burden with you anymore. 
“Ok, now sleep in five, four, three, two, one.” Agnes coached before you fell into a deep coma right there on the table as your breathing slowed down. 
“Ok, Astrin, write down the list of what foods are on and off of the low residue diet and the low fiber diet. I don’t want her colon stressed any more than it is. And once I get these stones out of her gallbladder, she should be able to eat fat better because her colon will need the fat as a lubricaiton to clean everything out. Gelatin and broths to start, gentle foods for a while and then that special diet once she fully recovers. But she’ll be here for a while. And you’re going to have to take your appointments and mine the rest of the morning cause I’ll be spending my morning on Tessa.” Agnes urged Ainsley. 
“Yes Mama.” Ainsley nodded in agreement as she was already pulling out her mother’s special diet books and writing down the special diet and pulling the appropriate ingredients for the medicines her mother would need to make when she was done with the surgery before she answered the almost incessant knocking at the shop door from the street. 
Kragan sat next to the table, his hand never leaving yours. Agnes pulled up a chair across from him and continued to use her soul forge to manipulate your insides without having to actually cut you open and operate on you herself. She cut off the appendix. Then took all the stones out of the gallbladder and unclogged all the bile ducts so that it could continue to make bile and put them into your colon so you would pass them out on your next bowel movement. She corralled all the toxins in the liver and moved them to be the first things to leave to go into your bladder once you would drink water. And then she broke up all the kidney stones and primed them to be flushed. 
“So? How long had she been diagnosed and she was betrothed to you?” Agnes asked Kragan thoughtfully as she worked. 
“She was diagnosed only two days before her father betrothed her sister to me but thankfully her brat of a sister refused and she switched places with me immediately after. And I’m so grateful she did. Tessa’s awesome. I would have fallen in love with her even if she had been betrothed to another. And had she not switched, I would have.” Kragan admitted. 
“And how much did the other doctors charge to try to cure her?” Agnes asked.
“No idea. But Dorrierra demanded  a million doubloons to even try.” Kragan said, figuring that would be the equivalent. 
“Oh good grief.” Agnes frowned. 
“Those stupid doctors. If they had actually tried to operate on her, they would have absolutely killed her trying to root around for a cancer that wasn’t there.” Agnes ventured. 
“Which is why I brought her to you as soon as I found out.” Kragan revealed. 
“You mean she didn’t tell you until just now?” Agnes asked. 
“Yeah. Fuck Solowards, Tessa really is the only good thing to come out of that place. Well that and her brother Saffiro.” Kragan grumped. 
“I agree.” Agnes hummed a small chuckle.  
“So with such a high price, I take it she didn’t tell you because she didn’t want you spending that kind of sum.” Agnes ventured. 
“Yup.” Kragan nodded.
“Well I’m happy it isn’t cancer. And even if it was. Cancer isn’t the death sentence it used to be. Why do you think I have this soul forge? I’ve operated on almost countless cancer patients when mouras give them unreachably high costs to cure it.” Agnes revealed. 
“Now I’ve known mountain moura who will charge about ten thousand silver doubloons to heal cancer. But a million is just stupid ridiculous. But if she was a Duchess, in such a place as Solowards. It’s probably the kind of place where family honor and family reputation is more valuable than gold and silver.” Agnes ventured. 
“It is apparently.” Kragan nodded. 
“Then that was why she probably didn’t try to get any other offers for cures. And most people think that whatever Dorierra can charge- is in fact the going rate for all. If only they knew the truth that usually Dorierra is the stupid high price. And in colonies is where it’s at. Once I’m done with her. If it costs you a thousand silver doubloons to cure her colon, I’ll be shocked because it should be about half of that, especially if she’s with child. Mouras will often take a cut if it’s for a mother because they put very high values between the relationships of parents and their children. But I’m curing everything else.” Agnes insisted as she double checked your body to make sure she didn’t miss anything as she had the eye travel over your whole body to make sure that nothing else was escaping her or her soul forge as she stood up to move it around you. 
“Thank you. How much do I owe you?” Kragan asked. 
“A kiss on the cheek would be nice.” Agnes giggled which broke the tension because it got Kragan to break out into a big grin and chuckle softly. 
“No, really, how much?” Kragan asked. 
“Oh let me tally it up later.” Agnes waived off before she finished and shut the soul forge down and began going through her apothecary and getting the other things she needed for her medicine for you and getting it prepared before she handed Kragan the list of foods to eat and the other list of foods to avoid. 
“Uh oh.” Kragan huffed a laugh.
“All her favorite foods on the ‘avoid’ list?” Agnes guessed. 
“Yes they are.” Kragan nodded. 
“Well, I think once she wakes up, she’ll happily eat grass if it means she can keep the baby. Oh that’s what I need, wheat grass.” Agnes recalled as she stepped into her little greenhouse and used some scissors to cut up the wheatgrass that was growing and all the other fresh herbs she needed for the medicine and came back to her work bench before there was a knock on the door. 
“Yeah?” Agnes called through the door. 
“Mama Mildred and a guy who claims to be Saffiro- Tessa’s brother are here to check up on Tessa.” Ainsley called through the door before Agnes looked to Kragan who nodded his permission for them to come in. 
“Let them in.” Agnes called back before Ainsley opened the door to see Mildred and Saffiro both tearfully entering the room. 
“Oh My Lady!” Mildred cried as she practically threw herself onto your body. 
“Easy! Easy! She just had surgery.” Kragan helped pull Mildred off of you. 
“But she made it through?” Mildred asked as she reluctantly let you go and made sure you were still breathing. 
“Yes. She’ll be fine. Give me like ten more minutes to finish up this last bit of medicine for her and I’ll show you myself.” Agnes placated. 
“Oh thank the gods.” Mildred and Saffiro both nearly fell to their knees besides the table. 
“So she’ll live? The cancer won’t claim her life?” Saffiro asked. 
“No it won’t because she never had cancer to begin with…” Agnes insisted before she repeated her earlier sentiments and diagnosis and what her previous findings were with help of her soul forge before she finished with the medicine and revived the soul forge and showed Agnes and Saffiro herself what was inside of you without having to actually open you up to do so. 
“See? No cancer. Yes on the side sickness which was her appendix being sick and her gallbladder being full of stones. But I removed the appendix and the stones from the gallbladder. And as you can see, her colon is inflamed and stiff and angry. That’s probably what the doctors were feeling and where her pain is coming from. But otherwise she’s fine. As long as she sticks to the diet until a moura can heal her of her of that she’ll be just fine for the next forty or fifty years at least. Maybe even sixty.” Agnes ventured.  
“Oh praise all the gods.” Mildred and Saffiro both cried in relief before Agnes shut the soul forge off. 
Saffiro and Mildred both pulled her into a tight hug as she accepted their thanks before Kragan hugged her too and kissed both of her cheeks which made Agnes giggle. Then Agnes repeated to all three what your care would entail for the next month or so as Kragan and Saffiro both playfully fought over who would pay Agnes’ bill which she still wouldn’t say exactly how much it was. 
“Whoever can put their money on the table the fastest.” Agnes decided before Saffiro reached into his pocket and put a wad of bills on it and smiled victoriously at Kragan before Agnes took only a few off the top and nudged the rest back at Saffiro. 
“No, that can’t be all. The medicine alone is worth four times what you just took. You just saved my best friend in the world’s life and my favorite sister and the mother to my other best friend’s future children. I owe you ten times what I just put on the table. Please, take it, take all of it and every and all other money I could put into your hands.” Saffiro insisted. 
“Ok, two good things came out of Solowards, Tessa and you.” Agnes grinned to Kragan. 
“Yes.” Kragan laughed. 
“Ok fine, I’ll take oohhh, this much.” Agnes finally caved and took half the stack. 
“And that’s all I’ll take from either one of you.” Agnes insisted as she pointed between Saffiro and Kragan. 
“Ainsley?” Saffiro asked. 
“Yeah?” Ainsley asked as she came to the sound of her name. 
“Can you take this please for my sister’s care?” Saffiro offered her the rest of the money. 
“Yes.” Ainsley smiled as she took it and grinned at her mom. 
“Getting soft in your old age mom.” Ainsley teased. 
“She’s pregnant and already the victim of greedy doctors. I didn’t want to be another one of them.” Agnes defended. 
“You’re right. But I’m not about to turn down well earned money for hard work that was well done. Especially when Felicity needs new shoes and a new winter coat this winter.” Ainsley shrugged before she left to go to her next client. 
“You can pay for Tessa’s room and board while she’s here though.” Saffiro offered to Kragan. 
“Ok fine, you get this round Saffiro. But it’ll be the last time.” Kragan playfully warned before he went over and picked you up off the table just as Mildred came back with the room key to the right room that was given to her from the instructions on the note Agnes wrote to the Inn side for you to stay in a family room. Since you would be staying for at least a month or two as Kragan picked you up and carried you to the room. 
“So did she make it through alright?” Samantha asked as she saw Kragan carrying you and walking with another gentleman along with Mama Mildred who she had given the room key to. 
“She did. Hey, this is her brother Saffiro,” Kragan introduced. 
“Hi, I’m Sammy.” She answered as she shook his hand.  
“Miss Samantha, I was hoping I could get your help. Do you know where the market is that I can get these ingredients?” Mildred asked hopefully as she saw the list and showed it to Samantha.
“Oh my yes. This is a very special diet, poor Tessa. Do you have a budget that you need to stay in?” Sammy asked
“No.” Saffiro and Kragan both answered at the same time. 
“Let me get her in the room and I’ll get you all the coin you’ll need Mildred.” Kragan insisted before Mildred used her key and opened the door for him so he could put you on the bed and let you sleep before he got his bill fold out and handed Mildred a stack of bills. Mildred passed off your new medicine and the prescriptions onto the bedside table for when you would wake up. It was a very standard room. Just small one room apartment with a small kitchen and bathroom area and a bed. But not much else. 
“You’ll need cooking equipment and things too.” He insisted to Mildred. 
“Yes Sir.” Mildred nodded before Saffiro insisted on going with her and helping her in the market before Sammy decided to go and help out too since Sasha was taking care of the desk for the day.  
Kragan opened the windows to let the nice summer breeze in since it was still mid morning and the heat wouldn’t be too high yet. Then he laid down in bed with you and rested while you recovered. After a little while- he felt movement to see you had turned towards him and were frowning in sleep. You squirmed in the thick fur blanket still wrapped tightly around you before Kragan partially unwrapped you so you could move easier before you immediately felt Kragan and cuddled up with him and then relaxed when you were in his arms once more. 
“Is it over?” You asked as your abdomen ached but differently than how you were used to it feeling. 
“Yes, Agnes healed you as much as she could and when you’re ready- I’m sorry- but you do have more medicine to take. But don’t worry, hopefully this will be the last medicine you take for a very long time.” Kragan murmured. 
“If you trust this medicine- I do too.” You said simply. 
“I do. If there was any healer or doctor or medicine. You just got seen by the best there is.” Kragan insisted. 
“I’ll take your word for it. I’m so sorry for keeping this from you. I should have told you so much sooner. You gave me chance after chance after chance to tell you and I never took them and those regrets have been eating away at me.” You murmured tiredly as tears began to escape your closed eyes.
“You never should have let it to begin with. But at least it’s out now and at least it’s not eating at you now is it?” Kragan comforted. 
“No, thank you for not being more furious with me than you already are.” You thanked him. 
“My Love, you thought you had cancer. And because you had the very unfortunate curse as to be born in such a place as Solowards, with it’s stupid rules and laws and such. No wonder you didn’t want to tell me. I..I understand why you didn’t. I just wish I had earned enough of your trust to overcome all of that.” Kragan soothed as he held you tight and pet your hair and down your back. 
“You did. I just let my own fears overwhelm my sense.” You insisted. 
“So tell me how to chase those away too.” Kragan offered. 
“You already have.” You reassured him. 
“As long as I can get through- however long this will take to get my liver and other vital organs flushed out, I shouldn’t have to worry about anything else. Well, for another 9 months at least. And then that something will have a name of it’s own.” You offered with a smile through your happy tears.  
“Yes it will, and I want you to know that I don’t care what if it’s a son or a daughter. It will always get equal love in my eyes and heart.” Kragan assured you. 
“Me too.” You whispered as you hugged him tight and wiped your tears off of his shirt. 
“I can’t imagine starting a family with anyone else.” You added.
“Me either. That child will have one hell of a smart mother.” Kragan grinned. 
“And one hell of a sailor and captain for a father.” You smiled too. 
“I’m just happy that it’s taken care of and dealt with, is there anything else you should tell me?” Kragan asked. 
“Audrey threatened to kill Mildred when we went to Yekmeni over my medicine. So to save Mildred’s life, I had to tell her and it was why Thobin used the stones. Twice.” You confessed. 
“And you never got kicked by a horse?” Kragan ventured. 
“I have in the past but I haven’t been kicked by a horse since I was a teenager.” You clarified. 
“And all this from trying to get a new corset?” Kragan asked.  
“Yup, because each and every single lover Ron has ever had has always had a tiny waist.” You murmured. 
“He’s still an ass.” Kragan insisted. 
“I know.” You readily agreed. 
“And of course- to add insult to injury. When I told Mamah to use my wedding dress to Ron for Millie- she told me she needed to take most of it in the waist but insisted doctors give her special medicine to make her breasts bigger so that the bust of the dress could stay the same so she would pretty much look like an hourglass.” You murmured with a sigh. 
“Well that’s her problem and her health that she’s gambling with.” Kragan sighed too. 
“Oh I know. I’m just grateful I’ll be pregnant and have an excuse not to squeeze my ten pounds of sugar into a five pound bag for the wedding.” You snorted which got Kragan to snicker a laugh too. 
“Nah, I’ll upgrade it to a full 20 lb sack of flour- how’s that?” Kragan teased. 
“Perfect.” You giggled. 
“And so now- you can burn every corset I have. I want to move to Yekmeni after this. I love it that they don’t have corsets at all and the weather is awesome and the food is superb but most importantly- it will give your mother and your sisters and our daughters just as many rights and liberties as it will give to your father, your brother and our sons. But I also want to live in Druach because Drauch was awesome too with the same peramiters that Yekmeni offers, or even anywhere else you want to go. Because with you gone from my side-  noklwhere feels like home without you calling it home with me.” You admitted. 
“Well then we will have a house in both. Besides, I own about a third of Druach anyway, And I’ve been getting that estate even more ready for you for the last two weeks. And I might know of a few more places you might like to lay down some roots in addition to those places.” Kragan admitted. 
“Aww, thank you. You’re too good to me.” You cooed before you finally opened your eyes and pulled him down to kiss you softly but before you could kiss him deeper, your bowel growled. 
“Oh shit, I need to get up, I’ll shit the bed.” You gasped before Kragan helped you up and over to the bathroom before you promptly evacuated your bowles. 
“Oh gods, this wreaks!” You waived the air as you tried flushing it to try to get the offending smell at bay. But still it was awful before Kragan lit a bunch of matches around you to help with the smell. Which got you both to laugh at how rank it was before you heard someone in the street start gagging and cussing up a storm. Which got Kragan and yourself to laugh harder which only made you pass gass even louder and the sound echo in the room which only made you laugh hysterically as Kragan was trying to find something to fan the smell out towards the windows. 
“So how long do we get to stay here this time?” You asked Kragan as you finally finished and had to flush a couple more times to get it all out before you took some special soft toilet paper to wipe with and no sooner had you done that before Mildred came in and nearly fainted. 
“Oh gods!” Mildred began gagging as she dropped her things on the floor and backed out of the room. 
“Potpourri, I need to buy some potpourri!” Mildred insisted before Kragan and yourself picked up what she had bought as she quickly bolted down the hallway to escape the stench. 
“I know that smell, that’s- shitting your guts out to get whatever your body needs to get out- out in a hurry.” Sammy noted with an apologetic look as she was carrying things in as Saffiro’s arms were about ready to give out from all the things he was carrying as he was trying not to gag himself. 
“Good heaven above- did she buy half the market?” You asked Saffiro as you helped unload Sammy’s arms. 
“Yes and more is being delivered at the end of the day. Mildred insisted that if the four of us are going to be staying here for the next two months- that we needed to be comfortable. So I’m right across the hall and Mildred is right next to me.” Saffiro offered as Kragan helped unload his own arms. 
“And all four of you are invited to eat with the family while you’re here. It’s an hour later than the other guests in the dining room. Save for whatever is on the menu that you shouldn’t have Tessa.” Sammy explained. 
“Oh thank you so much.” You thanked her. 
“You’re welcome. You’re going to be part of the family for the time being. Just take your time, rest, recuperate. Hopefully the time will fly by before you know it.” Sammy offered before Nora and Johnny, Lena and Grayson all came to the room. 
“Hey neighbors.” They smiled. 
“Hey.” You waived. 
“Do you still like your dresses?” You asked Lena as you sat back down on the bed. 
“I love them, thank you so much. I wear each one when I go to temple and I get so many compliments whenever I wear them.” Lena giggled gleefully as she was wearing one of your dresses just for this occasion of seeing you again as she twilled in the dress happily. 
“Oh good.” You smiled tiredly. 
“We just came to give you house warming gifts since you’re going to be with us for a while.” Nora explained. 
“Thank you.” You smiled. 
“So are you here cause you’re gonna have a baby like my Mama?” Lena asked you as you had placed your hand over your belly. 
“Yup. I am. It’s still really early and new so I have to be extra careful.” You answered her. 
“Well you have Kragan. My Daddy has been telling me all about how Kragan fights pirates! So if there’s anyone who can keep you safe, it’s Kragan!” Lena insisted which got you to giggle and wrap her up in your arms and hug her tight as Saffiro awed. 
“You’re right. There is no one I’m better off with or safer with- than Kragan.” You readily agreed. 
“Hey have you met my brother? That’s Saffiro.” You introduced her to your brother. 
“If she was a Duchess, does that mean you’re a Duke?” Lena asked. 
“Nope, our father is the Duke. I’ll only inherit that title when my father dies. So not for a very long time. So I am just Saffiro, at your service My Lady” Saffiro insisted charmingly to Lena who giggled in delight.  
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Burn Without You Chapter 33 Finalle
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Ok, so top Row to the right, Queen Audravienne and to her right Clan Chieftess Benyana who are BFF’s. 
The row under then, blue guy- our guy- Crown Prince Ahi-Shumai Azurah and the lovely lady next to him is Benyana’s eldest daughter Brillanni and the two are one hell of a power couple and will be really fun to work with in the future. To the right of Brillanni is Crown Princess Jahaline and Jahoel might as well be Ahi’s twin because they look so much alike except Jahoel is slightly more purple and pink where as Ahi is much more blue. 
Third row is Princess Monrhi- Queen Audravienne’s eldest daughter and next to her is Brive! Benyana and Brock’s eldest son. So handsome and they are so in love. And then next to them is the jewelry that Ahi gave to Brillanni and then all the way to the right is Dastrin’s daughter Ararila, who is in love with Jahoel. Then bottom row, that pearl jewelry is what Brive made for Monrhi and then the girl all the way to the right is Monrhi’s younger sister Assahnnah. 
Just so you guys know. I suck at drawing so I manipulated THE HELL out of a bunch of pictures from Pintrist and now I know why digital artist’s very rightfully charge as much as they do because their art is worth ALL THE MONEY because I just about lost my sanity trying to get these pictures right because what is in my head- all my stories are like movies and miniseries that play out in my head and I can see all of it so clearly in my head and I try to describe what I see to add rich details and I probably end up choking the hell out of the pacing of my stories- and trying to find anything even remotely similar to what is in my head? Practically impossible so like any fanfic writer who is unhappy with a media that whole ‘fine I’ll write it/do it myself’ kind of attitude and that’s what I did to these pics. I did my best. I’m not great but I tried and I was/am too broke and impatient to actually commission any artists to draw my characters. 
Look most of my “fun money” goes to Momolady on her Patreon which is an investment that has been worth every penny and if I could give her more, I would in a heartbeat. And she and Monstersandmaw are the reasons I’m in the EXO community to begin with. First it was the Rakshasa, then the Werewolves then the Orcs and Orcs have stuck with me the longest and strongest because my inspiration just goes haywire whenever I just think about them. And WHAT COULD BE thier wonderful, rich, intricate, varied, and steeped in tradition cultures. I mean I have an entire section on Pintrist just dedicated to orcs and bead culture. And I have SO MANY HEADCANNONS about the beads especially. To me, there is SO MUCH MORE to them than just furs and skulls and weapons and being fighting warring machines. You can blame my childhood and my facination with Klingons. Because to me? Orcs more or less are like Klingons in a lot of ways, at least to me. 
Anyway, enjoy the last and final chapter and epilogue of Burn Without You. Enjoy. 
Burn Without You 
Chapter 33 
It was only two month’s later when Noe’s wife Hasbi gave birth to their son- Dursin. 
Then it was only a couple months after that when Harashu was born then a month later when you and Lukher welcomed Ahi-Shumai into the world and then only a couple months later when Maisarra gave birth to Jahaline and Jahoel, Jahaline coming out first only several moments before Jahoel did and only a couple months after that, you helped Seyda give birth to her son- Emrah and her sister Hayati gave birth to Senol only a couple of weeks later. 
However, you barely had time to show Ahi-Shumai to Avalise because there was something serious going on in Suchi and Suchi’s Council of Elders were all embroiled in the most horrendous scandal and she was flying in to serve as a judge on the most distressing case since she was seen and needed as a neutral and objective judge in the case.
There was an entire clan on the West Coast of the continent that had interbred with orcs, creating “Auric Orcs” or gold orcs, because many male councilors in the west coast colonies had been infertile in the heavenly realm and even in the colonies and for the last hundred years, had taken advantage of a few clans of orcs, being reborn in the ashes and despite their “infertility” apparently there was only kind of womb where their seed could take root- in an orc woman’s womb. And the male councilors had done everything they could to cover it up and coneal it because of their own hypocritical prejudice and they had talked a Fae Prince into stealing the orc’s moura collars that were the orc’s proof of mourakind. 
It was absolutely sickening that such lofty elders would be guilty of such heinous crimes as Avalize assured and reassured you that nothing of the kind had ever happened on the east coast and all the colonies that were in alliance with Yekmeni had never engaged in such horrific behavior but there was an issue, a seperate court case that was in a way, tied to this about another orc enslaving a moura with a silver cuff. Like the way Rasime and Haydar had done with your sister Maisarra and Daon. 
For you it was hard to believe, because you had met that moura. She did not view it was an enslavement at all and you had befriended her even! Her name was Benyana Auksa at that summer solstice, and her mate Brock- while you were still pregnant with Ahi since you had gone to that summer solstice celebration at Suchi and had seen the cities made in the clouds by the mouras and the angels trying to court her.  
She had readily befriended you too. Especially since seeing another moura woman with a male orc husband, she was drawn to you- and you to her- and she had been interested in your story as you had been interested in hers. And when she explained what had happened and why Brock had done what he did and how she felt about it- it was rather easy for you to accept him and Lukher and Brock had gotten along really well and had become friends rather easily and you gave them a wedding present of a messengerari so that you could keep in touch in the future.  
But to hear that Brock was now on trial for enslaving Benyana in the beginning of their relationship, had you feeling very conflicted about it. Avalise advised you and Lukher to stay out of it and simply see how it would play out. But that for now- that all these matters needed to be attended to by other elders and other councilors from other colonies but thanks to the messengerari in Benyana’s house, the two of you kept in touch and while legally you couldn’t help her, you tried to offer her comfort and support while she went through this trial of having her own husband being prosecuted. 
And when Avalise came back a few months later and gave you the official update- that Brock had been found guilty and been put to death by dragonfire. Only to be reborn in the ashes and when he awoke, his memories had brought him back to the Lunar New Year and thus- way before his attempts to get in touch with Benyana and he had no memory of Benyana, or their relationship or how he impregnated her. Avalise was absolutely sure that something was wrong but she couldn’t put her finger on it when Brock rejected Benyana over it. It saddened you immensely to continue to talk to Benyana as she tried her best to deal with this new “Brock” that was nothing like the man she fell in love with and he didn’t even remember you or Lukher and was in fact- quite rude to both of you. Which upset Lukher that the Brock that came back from the ashes was not the Brock he had befriended either. 
Lukher and yourself tried to offer Benyana any support you could but she insisted that your friendship and your proof that such a relationship could work and be successful was helpful support enough and when Brock officially rejected Benyana to the point that she had no choice but to move her house to Suchi- it was a deep blow to everyone as you officially left things with the skyport build in the hands of your foreman and Irelu as Lukher, Ahi and yourself flew your griffins to her in Suchi where Matae was with her as was the rest of Brock’s family. Lukher, Ahi and yourself were not there as King, Queen and Crown Prince of Yekmeni but simply as Benyana’s friends and Mr. and Mrs. Azurah yet again as Benyana put you and your family in a guest bedroom in her house for your stay. 
“I don’t get it. I thought when moura’s are reborn, they usually don’t have this much of a personality shift. This doesn’t make any sense. Brock loved Yana so much he risked his life just trying to be with her and while I agree, his methods were wrong and a bit extreme. Doesn’t honor, even among any and all clans push males to take responsibility for their actions? Like if someone got black out drunk and did some damage, they should still pay for the damages right?” You murmured to Lukher as you stayed in one of Benyana’s guest bedrooms as you nursed Ahi who was only three months old as Lukher curled himself around both of you protectively.  
“I agree, his honor as a warrior and a clan member, especially a Clan Chief’s son- should have pushed him to accept her and her son, his rejection of her doesn’t make any sense at all. Do you mind if I leave you tomorrow to fly to him and try to talk to him?” Lukher asked. 
“Go for it, I doubt you’d get very far with him if he’s as awful as his family makes him out to be, but I know I would feel better about it if you tried. You two connected like long lost brothers when we met them at the Summer Solstice festival, maybe if you go alone, you’ll do better. I’ll stay with Benyana.” You urged him. 
The next day Lukher flew and found Brock in the woods. 
“What do you want?” Brock asked Lukher when Lukher landed his griffin nearby and began to approach him, with his griffin Atlas, who was Panacea’s mate- walking behind him as Lukher walked with his bridal in his hand. 
“I just wanted to talk.” Lukher said as it was clear that Brock was in a very bad mood. 
“I recognize you, you’re one of that bitch’s friends. The ones from the east coast, aren’t you like a king or something? Where’s your crown? Don’t you have a kingdom to attend to?” Brock sneered as Lukher had to take in a deep, steadying breath to not easily take offense because getting angry and arguing would not get them anywhere. 
“I left my crown at home, I’m not here as the King of Yekmeni, I’m just here as Lukher Azurah. No titles, no honorifics. Just another orc, another eldest son of a Clan Chief. I’ve heard you lost your memories from the last few months.  Which is a shame because at the summer solstice, we met and we became friends, so I’m not here as a king, I’m just here as someone who used to be friends with you. Besides, Yekmeni is perfectly fine in the hands of my half brother Irelu while I’m gone, do you remember meeting him? Do you remember meeting me? Being friends with me?” Lukher asked, still in his dragon scale armor and weapons just in case Brock got violent as Lukher stopped just out of weapon’s range. 
“No I don’t. Like I keep telling everyone. One day I woke up and it was the Lunar New Year and then I remember waking up the next day and it was like three, four months later, I don’t remember anything in between, I don’t remember that bitch, I don’t remember a colony and I certainly don’t remember being burned to death by a dragon. And if we met at a moura festival, that means you’re friends with them and no one who is friends with mouras is any friend of mine now.” Brock insisted. 
“Wow, ok then, sorry you feel that way. But could I just talk to you orc to orc for minute?” Lukher asked. 
“Sure, why not.” Brock grumbled. 
“As an orc, who didn’t grow up with mouras either, and only heard whispers of legends about them. It is hard to believe anything you hear. Especially when you meet them in person and they don’t seem any different than anyone else.” Lukher sympathized. 
“Does your clan treat your wife like she’s a goddess and actually build a shrine to worship her?” Brock questioned. 
“No, I take it that’s what’s happened in Stormbreaker.” Lukher answered. 
“Yeah, she’s no goddess, she’s just a person and it’s like everyone is so convinced that she’s this…goddess that needs to be worshiped and adored and they treated me like I was the crazy one for not believing in her and worshiping her when I didn’t see any signs that she was worthy of such treatment.” Brock grumbled. 
“Well, having met her, I would agree, she is really just a person. Just like my wife, Audrey, she’s just a person too. Granted they are both extraordinary people, and while my wife is adored by my people, my family, and myself. She’s earned that adoration by earning not just their respect but my own as well.” Lukher nodded in agreement. 
“How’d she do that?” Brock asked. 
“Well Audrey did it by being honest and forthcoming about everything. She showed me all the ways she was imperfect, all her shortcomings, all her flaws, limitations and vulnerabilities. Granted, I had to earn her trust and respect to the point that she felt comfortable showing me all of that in the first place. But she showed it to me all the same. But that also helped me do the same with her and what helped was that we were both willing to accept the other as perfectly imperfect as we were. Willingness in attitude to adjust to each other and humility to admit our own and each other’s imperfections and did our best to work together did go a long way too.” Lukher confessed. 
“Well at least your Audrey was willing to do that much.” Brock realized and felt bad because Benyana had tried to do the same but he had not accepted her and her efforts. 
“Yup, it meant a lot to me. You know, only a year and a half ago, I too was only the son of a Clan Chief, trying do dodge advances from other women who only wanted my status but weren’t genuinely interested in me, while also fighting off enemies and trying to protect my home from invadors. So in that respect, you and I were equals then.” Lukher began, trying to find some common ground with Brock to at least try to reason with him. 
“Then you know how frustrating it can be, to always be looked at for what you have and not what you are.” Brock nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah, I do. Having to grow up so guarded about every woman around you, wondering if the only reason they’re being nice to you is because they think they have a chance to use you to get power.” Lukher sympathized. 
“Thank you! Exactly my point, now wouldn’t you be weary if you were me and you woke up one morning and all of a sudden, everything is different? Everything changed and everyone around you changed and yet everyone looks at you and thinks you’re the crazy one for not remembering any of it because of something crazy and completely out of yoru control? Like waking up from a coma? And a woman who you have no memory of, is not only not an orc, not even from a clan, not even from a culture that has anything in common with your own. But she something completely different and yet everyone acts like she’s this perfect angelic being and you’re the asshole for seeing the fact that she’s not perfect? At least not as “perfect” as everyone claims she is?” Brock questioned. 
“I would.” Lukher had to admit. 
“So wouldn’t you call bullshit when that same woman claims that you’re the father of her child when everything about her- you find repulsive?” Brock pressed as Lukher tried not to laugh because he knew for a fact that Brock couldn’t really be repulsed by Benyana, Yana was universally gorgeous. 
“You know, honestly, I would be suspicious, considering that viewpoint. But at the same time, if my own father, who was the Clan Chief before he appointed me into my current position, insisted that he knew for a fact that I was the father of the child, even if I found the woman repulsive, I would trust my father and his word about it. Now the woman who birthed me? The woman who was technically my mother, when she was alive? I wouldn’t trust her word so much.” Lukher admitted as they both decided to sit down on some rocks near the little creek that was running nearby. 
“Why would you trust your father and not your mother?” Brock asked. 
“Because my mother and your mother are two very different people. Because my mother was that woman that did everything she could to woo my father because he was the eldest son of the Clan Chief and therefore next in line to be Clan Chief and did everything in her power to become Clan Chieftess and gain and then hold as much power as she possibly could.” Lukher admitted. 
“What happened?” Brock asked curiously. 
“She was a two faced bitch. Anyone who challenged her and her power- she pugged them. She used every bit of cunning and two faced, lying trick she could. She was the very kind of woman- both of our fathers have always tried to warn us about. The woman who birthed me who was technically my mother- when I met my wife and got to know her, in the process of revealing her own imperfections- she in turn exposed my mother for being the treacherous woman she was. And in response- the woman who birthed me tried to kill my wife for it.” Lukher admitted. 
“But she failed right?” Brock asked. 
“She did, only because my wife was smarter and more cunning than she ever could have been and saw the trap my mother tried to lay for me and for her and exposed the trap. Like a snare you set on an animal’s path.” Lukher confessed, still ashamed for what Auralu had tried to do to him and his family. 
“And she didn’t stop there, she tried to kill me and my half brother and his wife, even though my wife and my half brother’s wife were both pregnant at the time. The four of us had to go into hiding to get away from her. Because the woman who birthed me- loved her own power more than she ever loved me or my dad or anyone or anything else and could not accept the fact that she had been exposed for being anything less than perfect in front of anyone, especially the clan. She was a monster and I’m so happy that she’s dead now and can’t hurt me or my wife or our son ever again. He is now only a month old and the very idea of having him being interested in that kind of woman has me shuddering at the thought and I too will be warning about the kind of woman who was technically his grandmother. So I’ve seen what it’s like when power hungry bitches actually win and take control. Do you honestly feel that Benyana is that kind of woman?” Lukher explained. 
“Yes.” Brock insisted. 
“Well, personally, I’ve met Benyana, I’ve known her for a while now and she doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who is that way. But how I or anyone else feels about her, doesn’t really matter. It’s how you feel about her. And if that’s the way you feel then that’s all there is to it I guess.” Lukher shrugged.
“So you didn’t come to coerce me into accepting her?” Brock asked. 
“Nope, like I said, I just came to talk as a friend, orc to orc.” Lukher maintained. 
“Well then you’re the only friend I have, everyone else has forsaken me and cast me out, my own dad pugged me for refusing that woman, even though he knew I hated her and was repulsed by her.” Brock complained. 
“Yeah, I heard. But you didn’t have to choke her, you have to admit that was a line too far.” Lukher insisted. 
“Yeah, it was, I regret that part. In the moment it was like my temper got the better of me and I acted without thinking or caring about anyone or anything and just let my temper consume me.” Brock admitted. 
“Well at least you haven’t lost all sense.” Lukher nodded in agreement. 
“Well everyone acts like I have. Especially when I feel like it’s the other way around, I feel like I’m the only one left with any sense that hasn’t been put under that bitch’s spell that makes everyone around act like she’s this perfect goddess.” Brock insisted. 
“Then getting distance from her and everyone who feels that way will be best for you.” Lukher mused. 
“It is.” Brock adamantly insisted. 
“Well, personally, I can say with absolute certainty that I’m grateful that my wife is nothing like the woman who birthed me. She’s not a power hungry bitch who feels she needs to have everyone else’s stamp of approval to be happy or have all the control of everyone else to be happy.  She’s the opposite actually.” Lukher smiled proudly as he thought of you. 
“How is the opposite? Isn’t she a queen?” Brock questioned, rather disbelievingly. 
“Because all she cares about is how I feel about her and what I think about her and that’s all I care about too. What I care about most is what she feels and thinks about me. And because we are happy and content with each other, makes everything else, no matter how complicated or mundane- seem enjoyable because we work together. It’s why I’m happy and grateful that my wife and I actually, really, truly love each other. And what I love and appreciate the most is my wife couldn’t care less if I was a King or a Warchief or the son of Clan Chief. She would be just as happy with me, if I was a single orc, alone in the woods- as she is with me in a palace.” Lukher insisted. 
“And how I know that is because when we had to go into hiding as commoners from the woman who birthed me when our lives were in danger- we got to spend three whole months, just being man and wife and in those three months, my wife was actually happier and more content with us being on our own than she ever was being in a palace and all it’s trappings. We got to live like normal people, no servants, no cooks or maids or anything like that. We just had a humble house with a garden that we harvested food from and had barely just enough to get by to get the necessities but nothing lavish. We didn’t have everything we wanted but we had everything we needed. Humble food, humble clothing, humble shelter and each other. We got to cook all of our meals together, we got to wash our clothes together and do just about everything else together. All the menial tasks the common man does. It was actually really nice and both of us were rather reluctant to return to our previous lives because we had gotten so used to the simplicity and just being man and wife for a while because being in hiding meant we depended on each other completely and if we had a really close relationship before, it got to grow even stronger and closer than ever before during that time and we’ve only gotten closer ever since.” Lukher revealed. 
“I’m sorry the woman who birthed you did that to you.” Brock offered. 
“Me too. But when I said my wedding vows, my wife and I became one, so every attack against her, was like an attack against me. So when my mother turned on my wife, she turned on me too and it was easy for me to not feel any kind of sadness when she was put to death for treason and attempted murder of me, my wife, our son, my half brother, his wife and their son. If anything, all I felt was relief, relief that she was dead and couldn’t keep trying to trick me or anyone else or try to hurt me or my wife or my son or anyone else in my family.” Lukher confessed. 
“Well, in that case, I can understand why you wouldn’t trust your technical mother.” Brock realized. 
“Well that’s why I adopted my father’s other wife, the mother of my half brother, she adopted me and I adopted her because for her- she never cared about whether my dad was the Clan Chief or not, she was just always genuinely liked him for who he was as a person. Which is why she and the woman who birthed me never got along. Because she too could see that my mother was a monster. But she couldn’t say anything for fear of her own children and what my mother would do to them. My former mother ruled through fear. And my current adopted mother and my wife don’t, they lead by example.” Lukher admitted proudly. 
“So are you just here to rub my nose in the fact that you have everything while I have nothing?” Brock asked, irritated to see and hear how happy Lukher was.  
“No, my point was, that if I was in your place and what happened to you- happened to me- even if I didn’t remember my wife, and felt differently about her and felt the way about her the way you feel about Benyana, I probably would have swallowed down my disgust for her and my honor and my own respect for my father and the rest of the clan would have pushed me to accept her and her claim anyway because it would have been the right thing for me to do and I would have tried to get over it and try to make it work anyway. But I’m not you and you’re not me. Obviously you felt so strongly about it that you rejected her and you hate her so much that you can’t even bring yourself to say her name.” Lukher realized. 
“I would rather be an orc without a clan that be married to that bitch.” Brock insisted. 
“And that’s exactly what you are, Brock. You didn’t want her, and you separated yourself from her, even at the cost of losing your family and your clan in the process. And so now- that’s how you’ll live. I hope you find peace with your decisions and their consequences. Because that’s what I’ve had to do too.” Lukher offered before he got up and dusted himself off. 
“Goodbye Brock. Thanks for the talk. I wish things could have been different for both of us. But I hope you will find the happiness you seek in your decisions that I have found in mine. Because they were your decisions to make and yours alone.” Lukher offered before he got into his saddle and clicked his teeth so his griffin would stand up before Lukher flew away as Brock could only sit there and contemplate his conversation with his former friend. 
“And?” You and Benyana asked when he landed back in Suchi at Yana’s house a short time later. 
“He is very stubborn and I tried to reason with him but he refuses to listen even to me. I’m sorry Yana, I tried my best. Even I couldn't get through to him.” Lukher apologized. 
“I’m sorry Yana.” You offered to her as you hugged her from the side with Ahi tucked into the mother’s sling on your chest.  
“It’s ok, I knew it was probably a lost cause but thanks for trying Luke.” Yana thanked him. 
“You’re welcome, if there’s anything else we can do or any way we can help you, don’t hesitate to let us know.” Lukher offered. 
“Will do.” She nodded in agreement. 
You stayed as long as you could before Yekmeni needed for you and Lukher to return to attend to things with the skyport and Wakanear.  
But by the time things calmed down in Yekmeni and Wakanear, and Wakanear especially had been built up and the traditional ports and the skyports were built and were getting put to use after the invitation for the sky shipping companies to start using them, you flew back to Stormbreaker to find that Brock had reunited with Benyana and were there when Brock officially proposed and then immediately married Benyana as he had welcomed you and Brock and thanked Lukher for trying to be his friend and talk some sense into him even when he was senseless for a while. 
Brock explained to everyone present what the full story had been about what had happened to him after he was executed and came back in the ashes and the remarkable journey the two had been through as you got to hold their one month old son Brive who was just so handsome. 
Meanwhile Benyana got to hold your 7 month old Ahi and you were so happy and relieved when Brock seemed to have returned to “normal” so to speak as he was the first to come out of the house and hug Lukher tight when you had first arrived as you were both happy to invite Brock, Yana and Brive to Yekmeni if they ever wanted a break from being Clan Chief and Clan Chieftess of Stormbreaker for a while because you enjoyed having breaks, visiting the colonies where you were looked at like a friend, instead of a Queen as it was the beginning of a life long friendship, your kids and thiers growing up together. 
Then when Ahi turned three, the most remarkable change happened, slowly but surely, his dark olive green skin turned a royal kashmir blue and the brown splotches turned a royal purple color and a dark peacock teal was between the blue and the purple and when Ahi’s younger sister Monrhi did the same thing at the same age, as did your sister Maisarra’s children, it was as if Maisarra and yourself were the mothers to a new subspecies of orcs.
Meanwhile Benyana and others from her colony who married into the Stormbreaker clan, their children were the most beautiful light aquamarine color as your family and hers got to see each other not just at the solstices but a lot more often than that through the years, each time your family and hers got together, you both seemed to have more kids, and the kids you already had were growing bigger every time you blinked and because Benyana was so fair and had almost white, platinum blonde hair, that got passed down to all of her children, who had just the prettiest bright gold blonde hair and that beautiful aquamarine skin and were of course quite beautiful themselves, as you could see bits of both parents in each one. 
And for all of your children and Maisarra’s children, all had the same phenomenon, when they were newborns up until they were toddlers, they all had their father’s coloring, but then just as they were three, between three and four, all of them had the same transformation from dark and drab olive green turning kashmir blue, the brown turning purple with hints of pink and dark peacock teal between the blue and the purple while Ashurah’s kids kept the rich dark brown the but the olive green turned a beautiful kashmir blue as well. And and when your kids, Maisarra’s kids and Benyana’s kids and the other kids from the other moura and orc pairings were grouped together it was like new subspecies of hybrids had been created as you were grateful that they all got along, and could all speak the common tongue and marinai with each other as even Brillanni and Brive learned nadasi so they could speak with your kids and Maisarra’s kids better and it made it easier for them to visit Yekmeni. 
Then when they all became late teens, only six months before the mouras would take their first flight around the supersphere as part of their entrance into adulthood. You noticed that summer solstice as Ahi and Monrhi were talking with Brive and Brilanni there seemed to be something that aired on the romantic side between them now. Which as they were growing up you had a sneaking suspicion that there were at least crushes on either side. 
But this was beyond a crush, this looked much more serious. So you waived and got Lukher’s attention and signed to him to look at his eldest kids and see how the four of them were sitting at a table, eating a large platter of food piled so high they could barely see each other over it as you were happy that there were more and more moura orc hybrids every year and it seemed that with every subspecies of moura and orc that interbred, suddenly there was an explosion of color and the children themselves had the best of each parent’s genetics in addition to being universally beautiful, handsome, charming and appealing. Almost all of them were all very healthy, very robustly so and you were relieved and grateful that they weren’t alone, or the only ones of their kind, but were not only accepted but surprisingly popular among their peers. 
You continued to watch them and their friends as they all crammed into the space as Ahi had Brillanni sitting in his lap, to “help make room” around the table for themselves but one of his arms was wrapped rather possessively by the looks of it- around her waist. You also couldn’t help but notice she was now sporting a new necklace in a very Yekmenian style. You were certain that Ahi had commissioned to be made just for her.  You knew he had spent months since the last solstice at the jewelers helping design and make this particular set of jewelry out of the airstones that matched her skin and matching earrings and a bracelet that really made her stand out and complimented her gorgeously. 
So she was currently leaned back against his big, broad and very well muscled chest that had filled out in just the last year or so because Ahi had worked so hard to attain it. She looked happy but not smug, content and quite comfortable there as Ahi was now big enough that his head practically rested on her shoulder as he used his other hand to eat and drink in between taking bites from Brillanni’s hand as the two were grinning like the love drunk teenagers they were at each other as Ahi was wearing a matching, but masculine version of a bracelet that matched hers. 
You and Lukher had known that Ahi had practically been in love with Brillanni the moment she was born and when his coloring had changed he had been so embarrassed because he felt like he was wearing “girl colors on his skin” according to Harashu, but Jahoel hadn’t seemed to mind the change one bit but little Bri seemed to even more drawn to him when he did change and Brillanni had always made a point to say how handsome and striking his coloring was ever since. 
Of course at the time- your advice to him had been the same advice you had recieved from your grandmother and your mother and was the same advice The Great Vienne had given her children, especially her daughters, her daughters in law and her grand daughters- ‘to be as deadly as you were beautiful’ so that he would never be underestimated. Of course Lukher had told him that if anyone ever made fun of him- he could always work to be strong enough and quick enough and smart enough to either insult them in turn or beat them into the dirt for making fun of him. Which worked to a degree.   
But what seemed to make all the difference was that Brillanni didn’t think he looked silly, but that while he was around, she didn’t want or care to look at any other than him. That no one deserved her gaze other than him because not only was he stunning and handsome, but that she could see his heart of gold no matter his skin color and his personality was better than any others. And that she was his friend and he was hers and that’s all that mattered, at least to her and then that seemed to be that all that mattered to him.  
And that really boosted his confidence, especially as an awkward younger teen when his confidence seemed to hinge solely on what Brillianni thought of him. He was always calling her “Brilliant Brillanni” which she quite liked and she was the only one who could use “My Shumai” with him and he practically came running every time she said it. But this time, when he had put that jewelry on her and she practically purred ‘Oh my Shumai’ you saw him practically melt and you knew you’d have to protect the key to the treasury and your jewelry room, because he’d try to poach what he could just for her. But he got that part honestly from Lukher, since a jewelry box had never been large enough to contain all of your jewelry. Hell there were jewelry sets from your wedding you had yet to wear, even 18 years later because every year, every anniversary, every birth, you got more and more jewelry. You wondered if half of everything that ever came out of the mines found thier way into the hands of your own personal Royal Jewelers. 
But you also knew that Brillanni didn’t like him just because he was The Crown Prince, but because she could also, use that same ‘My Shumai’ on him and tell him exactly when and how he ever tried to act entitled or better or more superior to his peers and kept him humble which Lukher and yourself appreciated the most. Plus Brillanni was very beautiful in her own right. That light aquamarine skin and that gorgeous bright gold blonde hair and equally bright aquamarine eyes and she was a spitfire as far as personality went, a lot like her mother.  Which you really liked too because that kept Ahi on his toes and in line and really threw him into his studies to be just as sharp verbally and mentally as she was. 
Although most of the time, she was actually really sweet too and you and her got along and because of Ahi’s attraction to her that had never strayed once, you knew it was a strong possibility of the two becoming romantically involved as adults. Although you knew if you ever tried to push, prod or encourage it, it might not happen, so you kept out of it and just sat back and watched how it would play out. 
Especially since Brillanni had grown up feeling like he was just her big brother’s best friend and with Brive and Ahi only being six months apart in age- they grew up together and had always been the best of friends. And while technically Ahi was a Crown Prince, Ahi didn’t presume on that, anywhere but at home in Yekmeni, which he was proud to be- when she wasn’t there. And a little embarrassed to be when she was an everyone called him Prince Ahi. He was always happy and grateful to leave Yekmeni and just be Ahi when he was visiting Stormbreaker and even especially Drauch where you took up temporary residence when in Suchi because when you stayed in Stormbreaker, you stayed with Yana and Brock and when Yana and Brock would visit you in Yekmeni, they got to stay in Auralu’s former suite which had been redone and improved so that it was your rooms that you always put your guests of honor in. 
But Ahi wasn’t the only one to feel that way apparently. Brive too had something similar to happen to him when Monrhi was born at about the same time as Brillanni. Brive had actually really liked Monrhi’s coloring when she was a toddler because she could play hide and seek in the gardens and always be the last to be found. And then when Monrhi’s coloring changed into a peacock’s colors, Brive thought Monrhi was the single most beautiful girl in the world as Brive did all he could to imitate Ahi, to be the Prince he felt he needed to be- to be worthy of a girl like Monrhi.
Brive had thrown himself into learning nadasi so he could speak all the languages Monrhi did but like Ahi, Monrhi, also liked to leave her title at home and just be Monrhi here, just another moura orc hybrid girl like her peers as she and Ahi both dressed down when they weren’t at home and besides their coloring, no one looking on would have ever thought that they were royalty. It helped them feel more ‘normal’. 
However to see that Monrhi too was sporting some new jewelry that was very distinctly Stormbreaker because it was really pretty pearl jewelry that Brive had made just for her. He had dived and shucked who knew how many oysters, clams and mussels just to get the right pearls in the right colors to suit Monrhi. And because Brive had not just designed but made this jewelry all by himself, she was wearing it with more pride than any other piece of jewelry she owned because of who had made this and you could tell that Brive had really poured his heart, mind and soul into it and it showed. The craftsmanship was really good and seeing Monrhi wear it and smile so brightly and proudly gave you a smile in return. 
With so many traditionally educated Dorierran brides in Yekmeni, it wasn’t hard for Yekmeni to have an advanced school system, many of the taunstons who had come- becoming professors of one subject or another. Ahi and Monrhi learned right along side every other child in Yekmeni in their age group. Also while you, Maisarra and Ashurah also gave all of your children and their siblings more private lessons on how to successfully run a kingdom, how to engage in business and politics and rule over citizens successfully. So that they could be beloved rulers and in turn, it was Ahi and Monrhi’s secret joy to pass on those lessons to Brive and Brillanni because they too had a clan that was growing into a nation- that they needed to have the confidence to lead as Ahi helped Brive especially with this. 
Especially since both of them were moura orc hybrids, they could fly together and do stunts in the air and all kinds of cool things together. And especially when both boys were with Jahoel and Harashu, the four of them together could wreak all kinds of crazy ridiculous havoc together and especially when all four of them were with the moura orc hybrids of Stormbreaker, while Ahi and Monrhi still stood out since they had eye catching colorations, they felt included and to be among peers who actually liked them for their personalities rather than their titles, wealth or privileges.  
But to see that Brive had been bold enough to invite Monrhi to do the same, inviting her to sit on his lap was a good sign. While Ahi had possessively wrapped his arm around Brillanni’s lap it was Brive who blushed like crazy when Monrhi practically took Brive’s arm and wrapped it around her and slowly began to lean back into him and the shy but happy and bashful smiles they gave each other were just darling. 
Even Jahaline had taken a similar seat in Dastrin and Kallimisia’s son Dahar’s lap while their daughter Ararlia was in Jahoel’s lap too as just about all the boys had different girls in their laps. You could clearly see it wasn’t siblings, like brother’s allowing their sisters to sit in their laps- far from it, most of the siblings were sitting across the table from each other while their crush’s sat in their laps, it was a very clear indicator that they were coupling themselves off. 
“Looks like we might have some weddings on our hands.” You murmured to Yana with a knowing grin as the two of you sat side by side with your toddlers in your laps, eating bits of food off of your plates. 
“It does.” Yana grinned back as she watched her own older children closely while she was helping to feed her younger children as you were doing the same as Brock and Lukher and the other guys were already laughing and making their own assumptions as to how that was going to go and play out. 
“To love, for conquering all.” You toasted to Yana. 
“To love, for conquering all.” Yana repeated as you clinked glasses and drank down your drinks with scheming smiles and twinkles in your eyes. 
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Burn Without You Chapter 29
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ah, it seems like conflicts of interest are spreading. 
Burn Without You 
Chapter 29
With “Talome’s” report, Haydar and Rasime were not surprised, and in fact delighted when Talome’s report was confirmed only that night, only a few hours after Talome gave it and Dorierra and it’s allies and Yekmeni and it’s allies declared war on each other and agreed that the battle line would be just a few longitudinal lines off the coast of the Nuvaric Continent as Dorrierra agreed that they would sail their ships either above or below Wakanear because they didn’t want Maisarra to be harmed as Yekmeni had also agreed to not pass that particular line either because they didn’t want Daon harmed any more than he already had been either. 
Rasime and Haydar accepted the declaration of war and approved of the battle line and they were outright delighted by the insults Yekmeni and Dorierra seemed to throw at each other through the declarations of war and watched gleefully as Maisarra’s family was “moved” into a servant quarter district and “assigned” to serve their denounced brother Rifki and Serhan’s sister Belma who was quite pregnant herself by now. 
In reality however, Rifki and Belma simply invited Maisarra’s family to stay with them as guests until this ruse was over as Maisarra’s family’s palace was actually being renovated, improved and expanded because when you would emerge from that tomb as Queen of Yekmeni and Wakanear, your family’s palace needed to reflect that and with Rifki opening up his old family’s palace to your family, which consisted of just your parents and your younger siblings because all of your other siblings were already married and already in their occupation and their own smaller apartments just for newly weds and very small families. Rifki and Belma almost immediately noticed how much more peace they felt and prosperity they enjoyed when your family was in their house as Rifki and Belma felt blessed to have them and offer them help, protection and refuge from the eyes of Rifki’s other siblings. 
Haydar and Rasime’s other siblings all called them and told them that all the stones in the mind stone storehouse- had all turned on and turned purple, even when they were being stored and that the crystal angels had been called and the crystal angels had reminded Dorierra that ‘this was what was going to happen eventually and that their own prophecy of “that the scorned would come back to haunt them and scorn them in turn”,’ and refused to get involved and refused to give any more stones, but that the orcs were going to fight anyway, and that Dorierra was already contacting all of its allies to gain more support since Yekmeni had allied with so many colonies and every island nation in the Brighway Line remained neutral but that every Dorrierran man who was old enough to be married and had at least one son to carry on his lineage but was not so old that he was useless in a battle was being called to either make arms or man the army as all of Haydar and Rasime’s siblings officially cut them off because of the betrayal to Dorierra and that there was no love between them any more and that Rasime and Haydar chose their side, and would surely lose and that Haydar and Rasime were in affect signing every Dorierran male’s death’s certificate with this and when and if Dorierra were to win this war- they would turn on Flirara too. 
This news worried and upset Haydar and Rasime’s moura allies who were all from Flirara before all the other messengeraries except for the main one that the High Council used to declare war and the main one in Yekmeni that Wardeen had used to declare war were cut off from Rasime and Haydar’s view and access thanks to the crystal angels in the heavenly realm as even the report about the stones was a lie because the stones in the warehouse were in reality perfectly fine and perfectly usable and the crystal angels gave them more stones so that every adult male orc in every clan could take and wear the stones as more master stones were made and more headbands were made to hold the stones. 
Because while the crystal angels had warned Dorierra this would happen, because Jahoel was involved and because his oath to protect Yekmeni and those in it and especially his oath to make a way for the Queen of Yekmeni from Dorierra was involved and threatened, the entire crystal heavenly realm was involved as the crystal angels worked with every messengerari maker to help make a new kind of messengerari, that had the same clarity and other wonderful elements that the ones in Yekmeni had but would have extra security measures so that no one could eavesdrop on any other’s conversation from now on and that once Rasime and Haydar would be eliminated, all Master Messengeraries would be destroyed so that this could never happen again. 
Meanwhile Rasime and Haydar assured and reassured all of their moura allies from Flirara that Dorierra would be in a stalemate because it was moura against moura and that only the Yekmenian orcs had anything to lose and would be the only casualties from this war but surely Flirara would be just fine. And Flirara’s own dragons would keep them safe along with the knowledge that they knew exactly how to take down “the immortal orc warriors” Dorierra used and that such knowledge would keep them and the colony safe and if need be all those in Flirara and themselves could find refuge in Dorierra’s enemy territories in exchange for this information which did appease and calm everyone and keep anyone from panicking and trying to fly home to Flirara to warn them about the threat because now they just needed to wait and see how this war would play out. 
Meanwhile Daon had forgiven Maisarra and the two had made up and once she had constructed a rather large but good and surprisingly sturdy shelter, she moved him into it to get him out of the sun. Granted she had to use the stoned orcs as her floor but thanks to a protective shield around them because of the stasis state, even though the floor was orcs, the protective shield was like a flat barrier between the “floor” of the shelter and the stoned orcs themselves.  And that barrier was large enough that there was still room for the orcs who made up the bottom portion to keep breathing just fine because of how Maisarra constructed the barrier, air moved around all of them enough and exchanged itself so that the air was fresh even for them so they could breathe easy and simply rest and recover. 
Then she put the second shelter, a tent, the one that had been in the pack that even though it did look large and felt rather heavy actually held almost infinite supplies and infinite weight inside of it to carry what Daon and Maisarra would need to realistically survive this trial. Daon and Maisarra made a few woven rugs out of dried grasses and fronds that covered up the stoned orcs that made up the floor so that their shelter looked like a normal tent to them on the inside but to Haydar and anyone else it would look like the shelter Maisarra had constructed save for the few supplies that would conceivably be held in the pack, like a bed roll and a blanket to cover them along with a cooking pot, and soap and other survival supplies.  
Once Maisarra brought Daon inside of the shelter and reconstructed the turtle formation around it, Maisarra explained the full situation to Daon using nadasi sign language. Now that they were alone in the shelter and no one could spy on them and see them and they had some privacy. Daon had started to teach Maisarra nadasi sign language ever since it was revealed that Lukher had been deaf and even after Lukher was healed, Maisarra still wanted to learn it just in case she needed to use it and right now she was so happy and relieved that she had done so because she was needing to use it right now and Daon was equally happy and relieved that he had taught it to her too and they had a way to communicate. 
She explained to Daon that the collars were listening devices for Rasime and Haydar and that if they were going to “fight” do so out loud to give Haydar and Rasime the impression they were still mad at each other, but if they were going to talk regularly or especially “privately” they needed to use sign language as a way to communicate which Daon readily agreed to. 
Maisarra woke Krich up just long enough to put the two barrels of water inside the tent inside the turtle formation of the tent and constructed the formation in such a way so that all the water that fell on them from the rain would be instantly absorbed to the warriors and that the water would flow from one warrior to the others first but once they were fully hydrated, the barrier would go back up and then the barrier would carry the remaining rain water to the barrels because Maisarra had the warriors positioned in such a way, and locked the “shelter” in with the rest of the army that if it rained, the warriors could move a limb and “open up” a hole above the barrels to allow rain water in and close again to keep the space locked, secured and concealed and how Maisarra’s helmet as well as Daon’s would provide them with air if they needed to do that when the “turtle” would be completely shut and closed off. 
Daon had never been so happy and relieved once he learned the truth that you and his cousins and Ashurah were alive and just fine and safe and that they were going to be rescued and that the Angel of Death that was on the door was the one helping them and that he and Maisarra didn’t have to worry about being choked any more, especially to the point that their necks would choked to the point their heads would pop off of their bodies. 
Daon was adamant that when they would be rescued, he would be healed by Maisarra and her collar then and that he could put up with being partially lame now but was adamant that he was not going to have the stones have any part of healing him as Maisarra conceded to his wishes at the present but they did make up and by that night, they were grateful that the little shelter that came with the pack had a pretty comfortable bed roll and blankets for them and cooking supplies, like a pot and tools for roasting fish over the fire.
Maisarra helped Daon in and out of the shelter so he could relieve himself and eat and breathe just fine outside and despite being constantly surrounded and watched and even listened to. He could stand to endure it because at least he had Maisarra, his Sarah and with her giving him all the other stones, it did help heal the break in trust as he gave in and wanted her as close as possible now that she couldn’t and wouldn’t stone him. 
And that night Daon did, rather playfully strip search Maisarra to make sure she wasn’t concealing anything else as they “officially” made their marriage vows right then and there and then promptly re-consumated the marriage on the day they were supposed to be married anyway. Although because of Daons wounds, it was Maisarra who had to mount him to do it, but she didn’t mind because Daon was just as good being ridden as she supposed he could ride her as Maisarra felt a small victory in praising Daon’s lovemaking skills as neither of them stamped down their voices or sounds as they enjoyed their carnal pleasures from each other as Maisarra actually got to ride Daon’s face and the feeling of Daon feasting on her was unlike anything she had ever felt before and she wondered if she had been collared by her moura collar and if this silver one hadn’t interfered with it, if she would have sprouted wings because everything else that was outside of their shelter didn’t seem to exist or matter. 
Once Maisarra had ridden Daon to her second orgasm and Daon to his first, she cleaned him off and then tried orally pleasing him the way he had done for her, and she had never been more grateful for her second throat, the one that went from her nose to her lungs so she could keep the one that went from her mouth to her stomach clear for every inch of Daon’s manhood as she was also grateful for her double hinged jaws so her jaw could open wide enough and her throat could stretch enough to take all of him without gagging and still be able to breathe as Daon just about lost his load when her lips touched the base of his cock as he instantly knew that even for just this skill alone every moura woman was worth every cent she cost because sex with a moura was epic and everything else was a bonus as Daon’s thought the sight of Maisarra sucking him off as her breasts pushed up onto his thighs as she fondled and stroked and cradled his balls was pure heavenly bliss and made sure to voice that. 
Meanwhile Rasime and Haydar were both jealous yet vindicated that they knew the two would fuck eventually but the sounds of thier lovemaking were making them sick just listening to it as they both took the necklaces off and tried to turn the feed down to as quiet as it would go and wrapped them up in a cloth to muffle the sounds and put them in a drawer in their rooms on the ship and tried to get as far away as possible so they wouldn’t have to hear it and give away the fact that they could listen in on the couple as they tried to get their own desires met and sated, having to go through the whole moura group practically to do it. 
Once Daon came in a gasping, grunting growl down Maisarra’s throat and his body relaxed, did Maisarra make sure to suck down every drop before she detached her mouth from him and then collapsed on the bed next to him as she caught her breath too. 
“Wow, yeah, ok, in the game of ‘best sex partners in the world’, moura’s get the gold prize.” Daon praised which got Maisarra to giggle. 
“That good huh?” Maisarra grinned as she cuddled into his side, happy that her body and his both turned and easily conformed to the other. 
“The best ever?! Like good doesn’t even come close to describing it like...wow. I mean, no wonder Lukher and Irelu and even my mom are..like..any chance they have to go into their own suite of rooms for “privacy”, I can see how and why they take it, honeymoons need to be longer, like more than just a week, I’m thinking at least a month to just..do this, all day, every day. Because damn.” Daon confessed.
‘I’ll bet Lukher and Audrey, Irelu and Ashurah have been doing this constantly too, now that they have privacy and space to do it.’ Maisarra signed to him with a knowing smile. 
‘Yes.’ Daon signed back as he pulled the blanket up and over them because now it was late at night for them and there was a chill in the air. 
“My head hurts.” Maisarra complained after a moment as she tried to settle and relax and get ready for sleeping but because of the head mind stone, sleep was not coming to her easily and in fact gave her head a small ache right where the stone was sitting against her forehead. 
“Why?” Daon asked. 
“This mind stone, keeping all these orcs asleep and healing from whatever poison Haydar and Rasime put into them. Stoned orcs only have “a measure” of immortality. Even now in stasis, everything about them is slowed down except for their healing process but because even now, most of them are still maroon color, means that whatever poison it was- had they not been stoned- would have killed them by now. And even if I wasn’t ordered to keep them in stasis, I would have to do so anyway. Because stasis is the only way to keep them alive to give their bodies a chance to focus solely on the poison and to counteract it. While their outside skin can not be bruised or harmed or burned or cut. The inside of their nostrils, mouths and their digestive system can be, like biting the inside of your own cheek. That’s how those Flirarian mouras took them down, they knew exactly where and how to strike to bring them down because Haydar and Rasime told them about this weakness and if such knowledge escaped to Dorierra’s enemies- our “immortal warriors” wouldn’t be so “immortal” any more and Dorierra would pay the Fliarian mouras quite a bit to keep their mouths shut about how they did it too. So Flirara is safe and no one can get at them for this. They’re untouchable with such knowledge that is supposed to go to every Dorierran moura’s grave, it’s more than just the messengeraries, it’s Dorierra as a whole that this threat is against, and even just the rumor of such a thing is powerful enough to topple even them, no one is fully immune from anything.” Maisarra whispered. 
“No wonder Thobin didn’t want this stone anymore and Krich had to be almost a hundred to be mentally strong enough to bear it. Even though there can be great power in this stone, it’s also an equally great burden and a strain. Mentally I’m beyond tired and exhausted just keeping the warriors in stasis but floating and increasing the shield around them so that nothing comes close to harming them while also keeping air circulating in the barrier so they can all breathe while they are in stasis. Even if the lava were to try to flow over them, it would act like water on a leaf of a pond plant- the kind that repels water, and the lava will flow over the shield without sticking to them at all so that they can’t be trapped in any of it. It’s probably that- that is the hardest mentally to maintain because I feel like if I fall asleep, the increased shield will lower even though I am mentally telling this stone that the shield needs to be up and as high as possible no matter what.” Maisarra confessed in a whisper as a stray tear escaped her eye.
Daon was saddened that she would have to constantly wear that mind stone and could see how much of a mental burden it was for her to wear it to do everything Maisarra said they did as he was grateful for the tent and the floor mats to cover the orcish warriors so he wouldn’t have to constantly be reminded that they were there which for him was beyond unsettling but yet the more he thought about it, the more grateful he was for them.  
“Tell you what, if you feel like it ever gets to be too much for you. You said, all that the main mind stone does is control the others right? It can’t take away your mind or anything?” Daon asked, his own voice barely above a whisper, his mouth in her ear to keep his voice down so that hopefully only Maisarra could hear him. 
“No, it actually gives you more mind control actually, the ability to control yourself and everyone else and gives you feeds on everyone wearing it.” Maisarra answered, keeping her voice barely a whisper too as she scooted up to say the words as quietly as she could into his ear, so that Rasime and Haydar wouldn’t necessarily hear it just in case they were still listening or had hopefully fallen asleep themselves by now. 
“Then, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but, if the load gets to be too much for you. We can try to take shifts, see if it will obey me like it obeys you and give you a break. Even if it’s just to sleep and we can try to trade on and off, as long as it doesn’t take any of myself or my mind or my own control over my own body away.” Daon offered. 
“Thank you, I’ll try to bear it as long and as much as I can. I don’t want to chance it until we would know for sure.” Maisarra answered before she kissed his cheek and then she kissed him on the lips before she settled back into his chest, with his arm wrapped tightly around her as her arm reached out across his own massive chest before the two fell asleep in as much peace as they could as the barrier thankfully stayed up even when Maisarra was sleeping. 
The next day, Maisarra and Daon tried to go through everything that could be in that pack and found a suture kit and some medicine in the pack, but Maisarra recognized that only half of it was for disinfecting wounds, the other half was for nausea. So they tried to disinfect Daon’s cuts on the back of his ankles as she tried her best to clean the wound and at least sew the cut closed so it would heal and wouldn’t get infected further but by the looks of his uncharacteristically red, inflamed and just plain angry looking skin around the cut, she worried that no matter how many times she tried to clean the cuts or fix it, it wasn’t going to be enough. 
But Daon encouraged her that she was doing everything right and she was doing great and had to bite down on a stick to keep from screaming and cussing too bad as she cleaned out the cuts as best she could before she tried to sew them shut again before she wrapped them in freshly washed and dried cloths because that pack had a very large brick of really good general soap in it and Maisarra and Daon cut it down into smaller bars to make using it easier for them. It was like a whole sheet cake of soap that they were able to cut into three long beams and then cut the beams into general normal sized bars of soap and would be more than enough soap to keep them, their clothes and their belongings clean for the next six months as long as they didn’t use all of their water up too quickly to do it. 
But even after washing the wound and trying to disinfect the wound and dressing it, Daon still insisted that he had gotten hurt way worse than this when the githyanki had attacked and had shown Maisarrra all the scars from his previous injures as proof and that he just needed to give his body time to heal and wrapped up his feet and ankles tightly so that his feet were permanently in a fixed position so that his ankles wouldn’t move at all as he found the tendons to his previously cut muscles and tried to pull them down with the hooks in the suture kit and sew them to the one last remaining tendon that was barely holding any of the muscle on the back of his leg to his heel bone at all so the muscle wouldn’t recede any further so he could at least kind of walk and hobble around as Maisarra made him actual crutches so he could get around easier without her having to take up one of his sides to get him around. 
 But the more they explored the unburned portion of the island, it seemed Jahoel had blessed their little island paradise part of the island as the trees that had already been harvested of coconuts the day before were growing new ones, even the banana trees were growing new bananas as the wild lime trees and the wild orange trees were growing limes and oranges and other tropical plants and trees and bushes and vines were producing new and fresh fruits for them. Maisarra managed to weave more palm fronds together to make more baskets to keep their new fruits in that they collected as she climbed the various trees to get them since Daon was grounded but could bend over at the waist and pick up from the ground or pick what he could reach from the ground. 
When they explored the tide pool even all the fish in the tide pool seemed to spawn and give birth as there were mini coral reefs in a circle from the main pool where the larger fish swam around as the “dam” that Jahoel had formed there was actually more coral that only the smaller of the fish could escape from but would “open up” like doors made out of fan corral when the tide came in and with it, Jahoel as a lion fish siren would school more larger fish into it before the tide went out and the fan coral, like doors would close up the “dam” again from the water pressure, but even this would only last until the island sunk to the point that the water level would be higher that the tide pool. 
But when this happened, Daon got to see Jahoel himself and see Jahoel’s burning orange eyes like fire was burning in them as Jahoel gave them both updates telepathically on what was happening and what was being done as Maisarra was grateful for Rifki and Belma taking in her family as Jahoel did confirm that he had blessed the island for them so that they would have more than enough food to gather and to stockpile before the island would sink completely but did have to tell Daon that he could not heal him because that would be too suspicious for Rasime and Haydar and the others which Daon was confident he could endure this trail until they were rescued as Jahoel could still sense that Daon was still too adamant and stubborn to realize he needed to use the healing stones but didn’t push that issue. 
But sadly Jahoel had to explain to them that other than what he had already given them in the pack and occasionally replenishing the tide pool when it was low was all he could give them and that they needed to be careful about what they said aloud so that Rasime and Haydar would not overhear anything important but to keep the knowledge that they knew they were being listened to a secret because Haydar and Rasime were using that as a weapon against them and they needed to make sure that Rasime and Haydar still thought and felt in control and still thought and felt that they had the upper hand and that Daon and Maisarra were absolutely at their mercy for this to work. 
Daon assured and reassured that Jahoel had already given them more than enough and was very grateful and appreciative for even this much, especially the soap and the pot to boil seawater to make more fresh water from the condensation and the glass jug to contain the fresh water they would gather from the condensation and thus could use the salt from that process to season and maybe even cure the fish for later consumption which Jahoel agreed was the best use for the pot and to do that as much as they could and as much as they needed to but that it would rain in a week and whatever water they used in that time, would be replenished in that rain before Jahoel swam out and away from the main island, leaving the couple with a feeling a peace and assurance and reassurance that they were going to be ok as long as they stuck together and worked together. And it renewed their faith not only in themselves but in each other. 
After Jahoel had left, Daon made a makeshift raft from branches of bushes that weren’t producing any kind of fruit and went around and found more things to put onto the fire as he attached the lead to the little raft to his belt so that he could pull it around from his torso with his crutches. So that Maisarra and Daon could stay together but still work together doing different things but wouldn’t let each other out of their sights, as they found coconut crabs on the island and promptly ate those for lunch, while marking the other’s burrows with the hatchet as they decided that they would get the coconut crabs that were burrows closest to the water line first, leaving the ones who were closer to the center and higher up for when the island would sink further to eat those then. 
When they got back to their camp they double checked the pack and Maisarra discovered “a special hot rock” that once turned on, with a simple switch on the side- could be used in place of a fire and a cooking surface for when the island would sink completely and they would have no other way to cook their food so they didn’t have rely on an a literal fire. But for now, they were happy to hide that away in the pack, along with their riding leathers and armor since they really didn’t need it and just remained in comfortable clothes but kept their weapons always close by just in case. 
On the morning of the second day Maisarra made a signal by waiving her hands wide where Haydar was looking at her through his spyglass. 
“I take it she wants to talk.” Rasime gathered. 
“I’ll talk to her.” Haydar insisted because he had a feeling he would probably get farther with Maisarra than Rasime could. 
“What?” Haydar demanded as he flew and landed in front of her, kind of disgusted with himself to see how beautifully she had already tanned in just two days and to see that she was only wearing that thin but loose shirt with the front of it tied into a knot at her waist, accentuating the pinch of her waist and the sleeves rolled up on her arms that had gained strength and muscle.  And her capris could easily become shorts if she hiked them up and had put on some really beautiful womanly curves since the last time he had seen her in person and the fact that she chose not to wear any undergarments and that the swell of her breasts and the erect state of her nipples were clearly and painly seen were practically making him salivate and he really hated how much his body still reacted to her after all this time. Maisarra was always beautiful and Haydar hated himself for how much he instantly wanted to fuck her right there in the surf of the ocean washing up onto the beach that seemed to grow and claim more land day by day ever since he got here as he tried to push the smell of her natural pheramones out of his nose that were strangely very intoxicating as he struggled to remember that he was supposed to hate her. And not...practically fall in love with just the sight of her all over again. 
“I wanted to make an agreement.” Maisarra began as Daon stayed a respectful distance away but if looks could kill Haydar would be dead by now as Daon tended to making Maisarra’s and his own breakfast over the fire, the fallen fronds and other branches making up the fuel for said fire. 
“Daon and I have talked and since you have put us on this sinking volcanic island and have forbidden us to leave it. We would also request that neither you, your sister, any of your allies, moura, pirate or whatever- be allowed on this island either. You all have your own islands all around us. And those islands have plenty of resources to sustain you and your islands are not sinking. Ours does not have that many resources, in fact the volcano claims more and more of the island every day and it’s the volcano that is sinking this island altogether. Daon and I simply ask that you let us continue to forage from our own island and fish in our own tide pool in exchange that we will never try to escape until Dorrierra comes to rescue us and even if the island sinks before it does, the stoned orcs can float and become a living raft for us that you can more or less keep us in the same spot as we are in right now. We would like and appreciate it if we had the ability to stockpile any food and supplies we can manage to capture in that time so that when it does sink and if our rescue is not here by then, we won’t starve to death before they can get here. Is this an acceptable agreement?” Maisarra asked. 
“Fine. You have my word, I will tell the others, to stay on their islands as you stay on yours, but when your resources are depleted, they are depleted and you will not be getting any more from us since we won’t take any from you.” Haydar insisted. 
“That’s fair, thank you.” Maisarra thanked him before she took a step back and tried to turn away from him to go back to Daon. 
“Why him?” Haydar suddenly asked, halting her retreat from him.  
“I’m assuming you’re talking about Daon?” Maisarra asked with a quizzical brow raised. 
“Yes. I saw this coming the moment he set foot in Dorierra, why did you let him seduce you?” Haydar demanded as his eyes searched hers as Maisarra could still see the hurt and betrayal and most of all the jealousy he still felt about it which surprised her. 
“Well then you were the first to see it then, you saw it months before I or anyone else did. But I don’t have an answer for you.” Maisarra shook her head no and took another step back and looked at him fearfully and distrustfully as she tried to retreat again.  
“What do you mean you don’t have an answer?!” Haydar demanded, prompting Maisarra to turn and face him again. 
“Because any answer I give will never be good enough for you and will never satisfy you. Just like I was never good enough for you and I was never enough to satisfy you. And if you don’t like what I have to say then you’ll just turn that dial and choke us to death in retaliation and Daon is already wounded beyond what I can fix and repair and neither of us can afford to bear your wrath any more than what you’ve already dolled out. I don’t have any answer that is the truth that won’t piss you off. So to keep you appeased and not offended and keep my head on my neck and shoulders, I would prefer not to answer at all and just let you believe whatever you want to believe. Just like you always have.” Maisarra maintained as she stared pointedly at the silver necklace with a dial on it for emphasis before she looked back up wearily yet pointedly back up into his yees. 
“But what if I don’t do any of that?” Haydar asked because it was burning him up inside to see and here her be so happy with Daon. Just as happy or even happier than she was with him.  
“Haydar, every time I have tried to tell you the truth ever since the envoy from Yekmeni landed in Dorierra, you have never believed me. Even though I had always told you the absolute truth. So why would you ask me a question when you and I both know you still won’t believe any answer I give, whether it was a lie or a truth, because whatever it would be, I feel like it would still be the wrong answer for you and I’m too exhausted from wearing this mind stone to keep all the orcs from dying from whatever you poisoned them with- to play mind games with anyone. Even you, even as fun as they used to be.” Maisarra insisted as Haydar could see just how tired and exhausted she was, even though it was morning and even though she should have had a restful night of sleep and he almost hated the fact that she had a very good point and was absolutely right. 
“Well, now that my temper has cooled off, I will listen. Please, tell me why you chose Daon over a Sultan.” Haydar invited before he took a seat in the sand and let his moura cloak cause his shoes to disappear and let his feet rest cool off in the waves that washed up on shore before Maisarra hesitantly and wearily sat down with him but far enough away that he could not reach out and touch her, just in case he used his father’s dagger and tried to stab her or hurt or maim her too and far enough that even if they both reached out towards each other, their fingertips still wouldn’t be able to touch each other. 
“Sarah, I’m…I’m not going to hurt you, you don’t have to sit so far away, I just really, for the first time, I just want to talk and I just want to listen to what you have to say.” Haydar offered because even after all this time of swearing that he hated her, it still pained him that she was scared and terrified of him now even though that had been the whole point of all of this, because somehow picking her up in his arms, even when he was throwing her overboard, brought back all of these memories of how many times he had held her and carried her and all the physical and mental and emotional intimacy they used to share and he had tried to fuck it all out of his mind but somehow when she came to Yekmeni and she was trying on wedding dresses and looked so beautiful and so happy he got even angrier, more vengeful and more hateful and even more jealous but now that everything was out in the open, instead of feeling vindicated and validated and even though he had won, this win felt so incredibly shallow to him. He had spent so many months swearing that having Maisarra suffer the same kind of loss would make his own sense of loss less painful and less poignant. 
But yet, after all of it and after Dorierra and Yekmeni declared war and Maisarra and Daon were at his mercy, it wasn’t enough, Audrey’s death didn’t lesson the sting of his parent’s death which he had always tried to tell himself was Maisarra and her family’s fault but yet instead of feeling relief and a sense of justice that he had hurt her just as much he was hurt- here she was just begging for a chance to live and survive off of a shrinking volcanic island, half of it was already under water and the other half that wasn’t, was a giant lava flow So all she had to work with was a quarter of the original island to work with and he couldn’t save her from the very predicament he put her in. He couldn’t heal the hurt he intentionally inflicted and hated how hurting her felt just as awful as his own hurt had felt, if not so much worse because he was the one to cause it. 
He hated how she was right. He hated the fact that his own anger, bitter and petty jealousy and thirst for vengeance had completely blinded him and today it was like he woke up, for the first time, not being blinded by it and he felt like for the first time in a long time he was actually more or less himself, or at least, his old self, who he was before all of this started and happened but now that things had sprialed and snowballed, he couldn’t stop it. And worst of all, he couldn’t help it either.  
And he hated how much he wanted to help her instead of hurting her even more as all the feelings that he swore had turned to hate- seeing Maisarra scream and cry and mourn the loss of her sister and her family and home still pulled on his heart strings and seeing her now, even though she was trying so hard to be calm and to be brave, her fear was still in her eyes and it was those big dark eyes that always captivated him and now those same eyes that held so much hurt, distrust and weariness towards him that hurt just as much as losing his parents had. Because when he lost his parents, he was helpless to stop or help it and now that he was in a position that he could stop this, he could stop hurting her and making her suffer and he actually could help her and ease her pain. He had the power and he was surprisingly so eager to do so but he also knew that if he did, Rasime would either kill him for getting weak and not sticking to the plan that they had spent so long crafting and putting together the perfect plan with the perfect traps to bring the Great Dorierra and even Yekmeni to it’s knees. But now in this moment, with her looking at him like that, none of it seemed to matter.  
And he could still so vividly remember when she would smile so bright so that her eyes were smiling too when she used to give him her brightest, most amazing and adorings smiles, they were so beautiful and now that she was sad and scared it made him feel even more like a hideous monster than the literal monster she married and it hurt him. It hurt him to the core like it was his own mother’s dagger that his father stabbed into his heart that was stabbing him in the heart and in the gut right now with Maisarra looking at him like that and he actually hated himself for doing this to her. 
After a moment of Maisarra still looking at him wearily, Haydar took his mother’s damn dagger and took it off and leaned over in the sand in the opposite direction and set it down and then used his fingertips to push it even farther away so he really was unarmed before she hesitantly and reluctantly scooted close enough that if they both reached out towards each other, their fingertips might touch if they tried. 
But he wanted more closeness so he took off the silver necklace and turned it off so that it wouldn’t give away that it was a listening device and that he couldn’t threaten to choke her or Daon and Rasime couldn’t either since it was his necklace that was the first and most powerful of the two and Rasime’s didn’t and couldn’t work if his was turned off. Then he put that with his father’s dagger so that all the threats about him were out of his reach so to speak before Maisarra wearily looked to Rasime who was staring at them through the spyglass before Haydar used Marinai’s sign language for Rasime to leave him alone so he could talk privately with Maisarra and ‘get more leverage’ before Rasime put the spyglass down and walked away but the look of anger and mistrust in Maisarra’s eyes because she knew what he had signed and instead had retreated even father than before which was very counter productive for what Haydar was trying to do. 
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean what I signed to Raz. I’m not trying to get more leverage on you or on Daon, I just signed that so we can talk for a moment so she can’t read our lips and “eavesdrop” on our conversation.” Haydar insisted as Maisarra still looked from the boat and back to him a few times wearily before Haydar huffed and got up and took the step to get the dagger and the necklace and put them several paces away before he came back and sat down in his original spot before Maisarra finally came closer and sat close enough that if he reached out, he would be able to touch her with his fingertips and Haydar knew that was probably as close as he would ever get to her. But he didn’t want to test it and instead sat still right there. 
“Daon, can you go find more things to throw onto the fire. I’ll be ok, Haydar and I just want to talk for a moment.” Maisarra urged Daon. 
Daon signed ‘Are you sure? I could spear him from where I am.’ Which made Maisarra smile but nodded over to the thicker part of the jungle on the island before Daon begrudgingly got their breakfast off the fire and put it to the side so it wouldn’t burn and got up and hobbled away with his crutches and his little raft for taking debris as he found it before Maisarra fully sat down in the sand next to Haydar, sadly remembering the last time they did this, it was only nine months ago, the first warm day of spring in Dorierra, they met on the beach and it was still chilly enough they cuddled close together in a blanket wrapped around them but all of that felt like a lifetime or two ago. 
“So, you asked, why him?” Maisarra repeated. 
“Yeah, why him?” Haydar asked calmly. 
“Well, the most honest answer is Daon never tried to woo me or seduce me in the first place, all he did was befriend me and our friendship grew naturally and organically from there, like slowly then all at once. When Audrey went to the High Council Chamber and auditioned and agreed to Lukher’s offer, Jenobi sent a messenger to the house, saying that ‘two people bearing gifts were coming to the house’ and since I was the eldest person at home, I was in charge of welcoming them and the messenger urged me to ‘give whoever would come as warm of a welcome as possible and that who was coming was very sensitive to any kind of provocation or disrespect and that they spoke the common tongue and to only speak the common tongue to them when they would come and to not be surprised or offended by what kind of persons they were but act as natural as possible when they arrived’.” Maisarra recounted. 
“Ok.” Haydar nodded in understanding. 
“That’s when Daon and Irelu came only an hour later. Daon barely spoke a few words of the common tongue, Irelu didn’t speak hardly any at all. I tried my best to follow the instructions and followed the welcoming tradition and tried to be as warm and welcoming as I could be even though I was terrified that two non native orcs, heavily armored and weaponed were in the house and could easily overpower me and everyone else at home. I sent all my little siblings to their rooms and had them lock their doors and told them to remain as quiet as they could and one look at Daon and Irelu from the upstairs balcony and they all vanished and for once- were obedient to me, the little snots. Irelu was happy to get something to drink and a snack. Daon commented on how plain and small of a house I lived in, he was trying to say ‘simple, warm and cozy’ but he said “house- very plain, hot and small”.” Maisarra recounted as she did her best impersonation of Daon with the same gestures Daon had used which got Haydar to snort a laugh. 
“Great first impression.” Haydar sarcastically laughed. 
“‘Awkward’ would be much more accurate. Daon did like the tea and he and Irelu ate everything on that tray of snacks that was supposed to feed the whole family for morning tea but was interrupted by the audition. They picked up that trunk full of gifts that had to weigh a few hundred pounds like it was just a big empty box and carried it to Audrey’s room. They barely fit down the halls and they put it down and realized that the two of them barely fit in her room. Daon said “she has small slave room, she will live like rich woman in Yekmeni with many big rooms”.” Maisarra recalled as she impersonated her husband again with another laugh which made Haydar laugh, a real genuine laugh, not scornful, but genuinely entertained and delighted one which Maisarra’s heart almost stung to hear it again, thinking she was never going to hear him laugh again. 
“Oh by the gods! How did you not cuss him out and kick him out of the house?! How much further could he stick his foot into his mouth?” Haydar asked incredulously. 
“I was ordered by a High Councilor not to be offended! And whatever was going on with them and Audrey, it was my job to not fuck it up! It was the first big serious thing I was put in charge of in my life and I was terrified I was going to fuck it up! So I put my ‘Dear gods just keep smiling, no matter what happens, just keep smiling’ face.” Maisarra said as she showed Haydar the particular face she made which made Haydar smile in amusement because he could still tell that wasn’t a real smile, at least, not from her. That was a fake- ‘put on for those watching’ on kind of smile. And nothing compared to the real thing. The way she really would smile at him before then and he almost hated how much he missed it. 
“Oh no, let me guess, because the “lost in translation” they thought that was your real ‘I’m so happy to meet you and that you’re here’ smile.” Haydar guessed. 
“Yup and so when Audrey came home and told us what happened and why she did it and agreed to the marriage proposal, it was our job to support her. And then when Oathresh came the next morning and really explained what was going on and what was at stake and what the offer really was and how much the country was going to benefit then that put the pressure on all of us to make it work, no matter how we personally felt about it. Then when Daon and the rest of the envoy came to have afternoon tea that ended up being a late lunch feast that should have fed over a hundred people but was barely enough to feed my family and the envoy because of their large appetites. I mean nothing compared to our native orc appetites but still pretty big ones anyway. So because Daon spoke some of the common tongue and I had already met him the day before Audrey assigned me to him to mine information from him and that’s what I did and I did the best job I could for her sake and her sake alone. And then when those generalley bitches tried to bribe her to go along with their lies, I rode like the wind to where they were staying and begged for them to intervene and expose the generalley brides for what they were doing because even if Audrey did choose to go to a clan of orcs to be their queen, by the gods she was not going to be beat out by a basic generalley bitch.” Maisarra insisted as Haydar chuckled and hummed in amusement, as he was once again struck by how much he had missed her candor too. 
“And because I did that, that’s when Daon gave those two chests of gifts, literally as a reward for exposing those bitches for their lies. That’s literally all it was. But then…” Maisarra trailed off sadly as she brought her legs up to her chest and hugged her knees to her chest as she just looked at the way the waves lapped at the shore, a few more inches more than they had done the day before. 
“And then I misread that.” Haydar finally confessed, breaking the  awkward silence that settled over them. 
“Yup.” Maisarra nodded as she looked away from him as tears welled in her eyes so that Haydar wouldn’t see how hurt she still felt about his initial rejection before she sniffled to keep her nostrils open and tried to wipe her tears away and stare out at the waves coming in and out from the ocean around them. 
“And then once you did, you seemed to make up your mind pretty strongly and pretty quickly and decided against me and my family and our choice to support Audrey, even though she had the entire High Council backing her but no other support in our quarter except for Serhan and Merrattah’s families who had agreed to it too. And then with the vote and then the Cisoras- somehow in all of that, Daon and I became more than just ‘sister of the bride’ and ‘cousin of the groom’ and ‘someone to mine information from’. And once he learned more of the common tongue and began to understand that what he said was not always what he meant and once he learned to use the right words to communicate what he meant to and tried to communicate. Things went smoother. Then we just become friends after that and then slowly but surely, day by day with the help of the tethering stones, he was able to learn so much more than just the common tongue and I couldn’t help but learn nadasi just as much as he learned the common tongue and marinai and so much more and it wasn’t him wooing me and seducing me or me wooing him and seducing him either, it was just a friendship that grew into more naturally, it wasn’t forced at all. And you may still only look at him and see a monstrous orc, but that’s not what I see. I just see a man. A man I love and I very happily chose over a two faced lying sheep fucking sack of shit.” Maisarra couldn’t help but snort another laugh which chased her previous tears away as she insulted Bature which got Haydar to actually bark a laugh at her surmise of Bature. 
“Yeah, he’s a fucking scumbag is what he is.” Haydar admitted. 
“You’re preaching to the choir on that one. Do you have any idea how happy it made me to shove his face into the stone ground of our courtyard and prove to him and all of his men that he had nothing on the great grand children of The Great Vienne and his skill in swordsmanship was so painfully simple, he barely knew the basic blocking moves and killing strikes and most of what he knew was the cheap shots and he tried to use his mouth to distract me and my mind and I threw it all right back at him and then some and because I didn’t change myself to suit him the way “a good Dorierran bride” should, he liked it obviously. Because that sheep fucker grew up poor in a small village and he hated the pretenses and he hated all the ways us Dorierrans use and play with our words. And the blunter I got with him, the better he liked me.” Maisarra mused. 
“Yeah, you never fit that mold, thank the gods.” Haydar praised. 
“Thanks,” Maisarra grinned appreciatively. 
“But Audrey had been keeping tabs on him and told me what he really was and what he was really like when he wasn’t actively trying to woo me which every time he tried I flatly refused but he was too stupid and dense to realize that when I said “no” I meant “no” and he just thought I was making him chase me which I wasn’t doing at all. I was doing everything in my power to offend him and to offend his men and his councilors and generals so that if he tried to continue to woo me, his men would revolt against him and I had hoped that that would have been enough to finally deter him and refusing him was the best and easiest decision I ever made in my life.” Maisarra insisted. 
“And yeah if I had agreed to him, it would have been a pretty physically comfortable life in a palace, but it would only be a gilded cage I could never escape from and you were right, what you said to me on the that day you left Dorierra when I told you that I was going to agree to Bature, you called it I only agreed to his offer to spite you and thankfully Audrey saved me from following through with that because I never would have been happy there. I would have had to protect my sons from their half brothers, share that sheep fucker with not just the livestock but his other wives and other harem and the fact that he tried to play the system because he was a greedy son of a bitch, pissed me off even more.” Maisarra professed as Haydar appreciated that she was humble enough to realize that she had been wrong and he had been right, about that at least.  
“And when Bature claimed he had you. All I really wanted to do was burn him to ash, get you and Raz and drop you off at the nearest colony and we could wash our hands of each other but at least you and Raz would live in peace as I would try to do the same. But, obviously, that didn’t turn out like I had hoped or wanted to at all.” Maisarra confessed lowly as Haydar could only have a bittersweet sadness in his eyes as he turned and looked at her and for the first time, even though he felt vindicated that he had been right, it still wounded him to see how even though he had hated her and done everything in his power to hurt her, how she was still the better person because all she wanted was for him and his sister to live in peace, but seperate from her and it made him regret what he had done. 
“But now that you know how to make even the immortal warriors not so immortal, I can only assume that you’re going to use that to keep Dorierra from turning on you and it’s that knowledge that will keep you and the Flirara colony and those from there safe from them and maybe when all of this is over and you get what you want and Daon and I can go home. Maybe we just might have a chance to live peacefully apart, but live all the same. Because even though I can tell from the tethering stone that Audrey wore- that she’s gone, and I miss her and I will always miss her watching out for me and keeping me from making more stupid mistakes in the future. At least the rest of my family is alive, granted they get to be servants, but at least they get to live. And I really am sorry that you and Raz lost your parents and I’m sorry that this whole sorry business turned us into enemies instead of friends and I can feel that Auralu is in a coma but I can’t wake her up without waking up everyone else and it’s too dangerous for eveyrone for me to do that. So now I can only assume that Dorierra and Yekmeni are at war now?” Maisarra asked. 
“Yeah, they declared war this morning and the only transmission they will give to Dorierra is to your family, showing Audrey’s funeral.” Haydar supplied. 
“Well if I had stayed, I suppose it would have been my funeral too. Because I doubt Auralu would have let me and Daon live either, at least Daon and I are here and away from the fighting and the war and at least Auralu can’t hurt Audrey any more and I can only hope and pray that Audrey and Lukher’s souls have found peace and can stay together and meet again one day. Because she agreed to Lukher in the first place because of ‘ra’aytuk ruhi waqalat naeam’ or at least that’s what she told all of us and what I thought we had once upon a time. But if she hadn’t seen Lukher and hadn’t seen that in his eyes, she probably wouldn’t have agreed to it to begin with and Daon and I never would have met and you and I may have had something completely different…but…we can’t go back and change the past, no matter how much we may want to.” Maisarra explained which felt like another stab in the gut and the chest for Haydar because he remebered all the times they bad both said that to each other and how much he had felt he meant it. Which is why he was so jealous of Daon’s attentions to Daon in the first place and now to know that it really was his own jealousy seeing things that weren’t there that he made his own wedge and put it between them and that if he had just listen to his own reason and had really listened to her the first time she had tried to tell him this, how different things could have been for them. But he had been too hurt and too jealous to do so at the time and here was his regret, eating him alive again. 
“Even now, I chose Daon of my own free will and I’m happy and content with my choice because even though we are stranded on a sinking island and we’re both wounded and trying to heal from our past, but we’re together. And now we just get to wait and see how it all plays out and while we didn’t get to say our wedding vows in front of a priest and any other witnesses, we still said and meant them with each other. And I’ll stand by my decision. Even when it has cost me so much and will probably cost me everything else I could have ever had. Because I love him just that much. He has my whole heart and I have his and that is enough for me, and I can only hope that when this is all over, that you can have something similar. Because even though you hate my guts, and even though I’m mad at you for hurting so many others in your quest to get your vengeance. I can’t blame you.” Maisarra confessed which really surprised Haydar to hear her say that. That even despite everything when he absolutely was to blame for everything, she didn’t hold a grudge against him for it. 
“Why?” He asked curiously. 
“Because if our positions were reversed, I probably would have tried to do something similar, granted I would have failed spectacularly because I’m not as smart or as cunning as you are. And where I would have failed, you have succeeded. And I hope your success is what you want and need it to feel so that your own losses don’t hurt so bad.” Maisarra ventured as Haydar’s cheeks had flushed with shame because he had encouraged Auralu- had Maisarra not flown into this trap to kill her and Daon both and he was actually relieved that Auralu couldn’t threaten Maisarra now anyway as he- in a twisted sense of pride was happy he could save her from Bature and from Auralu. But he couldn’t save her from himself as Maisarra looked up and could see Rasime pacing on the deck of the ship, practically scowling at the pair. 
“You should get back to Rasime, thank you for giving me your word about the island. You have never given me any indication that I could never trust it. So if you give your word that the others will leave me and my husband alone and simply give us a chance to survive, I will trust you and your word. Thank you for giving it and in return you have mine. And I hope you can still try to trust mine in turn. I appreciate it more than you know. Goodbye Haydar. If…if you would permit me to at least see Audrey’s funeral, even though I know they can’t open the chamber to reclaim her body because anyone who even tries, would go mad and kill themselves too trying to, just to know that at least her memory is being honored, would mean a lot to me. But only if you want to. You don’t have to and it’s not a request that you feel you have to give into and grant. Especially when I can’t offer anything in return for it, just..think about it ok?” Maisarra pleaded. 
“Ok, I’ll think about it.” Haydar pacified her. 
“Thank you for this chance and opportunity to talk to you Haydar. Thank you for really listening. I really do appreciate it and even though you still probably hate me and want me dead, know that I don’t feel the same way about you, I know you think it’s pathetic and stupid, but we were always good friends before our friendship grew into anything more and sitting with you and talking with you the way we used to, has only reminded me of that fact and I’ve missed you, probably more than I should have and more than anyone will know. I still wish things could have been different for us but now that you have chosen your path, and I have chosen mine. All we can do now is walk the paths we have chosen because that’s the only way forward. Fly safe Haydar. Raz still counts and depends on you. And it’s obvious that the mouras from the Flirara colony look to you to lead them and you were always really good at that. Probably why you have gotten so far and why they follow you so loyally. Take care of yourself, and I’ll try to take care of myself and my husband.” Maisarra offered before she hesitantly almost reached out to touch him before she brought her hand back to herself so she wouldn’t because she couldn’t trust herself or him if she actually were to try to touch him even though once she pulled her hand back, Haydar looked at her, almost begging her with his eyes to try again even though with just a simply touch, he felt like she would undo him. 
“Why don’t you just use the stones and heal him so he’s not lame? So he can at least walk around and help take care of you instead of you taking care of him?” Haydar asked, surprisingly hurt and offended that Maisarrra was forced to bear the brunt of the burden here. 
“Because Daon despises the mind stones and the healing stones and just getting him to wear a tethering stone was like pulling teeth without numbing treatment, he truly and absolutely hates and abhors what they take away in order to heal. He prizes his mind, his individuality and his sense of personality and autonomy. Every Yekmenian orc feels the same exact way and it was only Lukher’s desperation to save his own life that pushed him to use the stones in the first place.” Maisarra revealed. 
“Why?” Haydar asked.  
“Because without them, he would have starved to death. He sustained very serious and almost life threatening injuries when the githyanki attacked Yekmeni last. His jaw was shattered on the right side, he was missing teeth and eating was torture for him on top of his other wounds that debilitated him and deformed him. And he tried to hide all of that from Audrey because he was ashamed that here he was- the next heir to his father’s throne and he couldn’t even speak or hear or eat and by the time Audrey got to him, the stones could only do so much and while they healed his jaw, he was still deaf. So Audrey had to learn nadasi sign language just to talk to him and communicate with him but to Audrey, none of that mattered to her. It didn’t matter that he was an orc, even a deaf and partially lame and debilitated one, his soul was still the same and it was her soul that said yes to his and vice versa and that was why she said yes. That’s why she was willing to give up everything, her family, her home, her country, just to be with him. She was always the strongest of all of us. She’s going to missed so much.” Maisarra confessed as she couldn’t help but cry, surprised that she was showing and feeling all of this as if it was the gospel truth. 
Haydar just stared in anguish back at her because it was all his fault that she was hurting so much and as much as he wanted to gather up into his arms and apologize and try to set this right, she was right, he couldn’t go back and change any of it, not that she would probably even want any comfort he would try to give her anyway. 
“Sorry, just, thank you for coming and thank you for listening and thank you for giving me your word. Please, go back to Rasime before she tries to turn her own dial to choke me so I shut up and don’t keep you here any more.” Maisarra pleaded with him as tears flowed freely from her eyes as even Haydar’s eyes became glassy before he nodded in agreement. 
The two got up to their feet and he walked over and got the necklace and turned it back on and put it back on and got his father’s dagger back and left because he did not trust his voice at all to not say what his heart was begging his mouth to say, which was that he was sorry, that he regretted this and he wanted to make up with her but now that she admitted she had “officially” or “unofficially” married Daon anyway, he knew that her heart was officially divorced from his own and as much as he had tried to divorce his heart from hers, somehow seeing that she still cared for him, gave him hope that maybe they would have a chance if Daon would refuse to get healed from the stones. That meant that Daon could still die and could in theory, give him another chance to win her over once again and maybe it was her love and care that would be the only redemption he could hope for now. 
So he flew around the other islands and told them that Maisarra had sworn that neither she or Daon would even attempt to escape, and that they just wanted to be left alone and that he had given his word that they would be and anyone who approached the island that wasn’t himself, would be out, and would not have any share of the riches that were going to come to them and that satisfied them that they didn’t need to constantly watch and fly around the island to track the couple’s movements and that they could simply enjoy a few months of the idyllic paradise around them as Haydar then flew around the island, breaking up the coru clouds so that the weather could move over all of Wakanear normally again and that the coru clouds would not obstruct Maisarra’s or their own view of the stars at night. 
‘What did you say to him?’ Daon signed. 
‘Say the words, I need them to hear me tell you what we talked about’ Maisarra signed back before Daon repeated his question aloud as Maisarra told him what she and Haydar had talked about as Rasime rolled her eyes as she and Haydar listened in as Haydar was grateful and relieved that Maisarra left out key points that would tip Rasime off that he was beginning to feel sympathy for Maisarra and her situation.
“You should have asked them for at least a bar or two of soap from them in exchange for your word that we won’t poach their island of any food.” Rasime grumbled.
“We can make our own soap just fine out of the coconut oil and the lye from the ash of our own fires. You’re just mad that I didn’t lesson their already bad circumstances even more than we already have. Besides, she left out a key detail in her recount and that detail is the very leverage I told you I would get. She told me that Daon has refused to take on a mind stone, even a healing stone, which means he will probably die before they can get rescued.” Haydar grinned triumphantly. 
“Don’t tell me you’d actually make up with her if that happened. They’ve fucked, she could be pregnant, you aint raising Daon’s bastard.” Rasime insisted. 
“No, I would never do that.” Haydar immediately shook his head no and shuddered at the thought. 
“Well at least you got that and now Maisarra knows that Daon’s fighting a losing battle with infection. And with Daon’s insistance about not taking on a healing stone- that gives us the advantage because if he gets bad enough, that means we can leverage just about anything for her to get her collar back just to heal him and save his life.” Rasime grinned mischieviously. 
“Like what?” Haydar asked. 
“Oh, like one of their barrels of water, they’ll have to ration out their water even more and we could always let her have her collar back just long enough to heal him and take it back when she’s done but it will cost her precious life saving water because they can only burn so much water in that little pot and make fresh water from salt water.” Rasime grinned evilly. 
“But one barrel of water would only give the two of them a month, and they are four to five months away from being rescued. If Maisarra’s dead, we have nothing to bargain with Dorierra for.” Haydar frowned as just the thought of Maisarra being without water and her life really being threatened gave him a sense of panic that the tried to stomp that down. 
“Oh on the contrary, we have something even more priceless than just a single moura’s life, we have the secret to bring down all stoned orcs from now on and Dorierra’s main enemy is only a three day sailing away from here or even just a long flight for us mouras. They’ll surely take us in for such knowledge. And we have that bottle of mourkatili that Talome didn’t dump down Yekmeni’s water supply. Even that jar alone is worth quite a bit to any enemy of Dorierra’s and with Flirara protected with such knowledge too. Either way, we win and everyone else loses.” Rasime insisted as Haydar didn’t say anything in response. 
He just got up and tried to find Adrina who was similar enough in looks to Maisarra as Haydar tried to fuck his feelings of guilt out of himself to vent his frustration and his sudden conflicted feelings about all of this and try to grab onto his hate to push out all the feelings of guilt and remorse that were starting to creep into his mind, heart and soul as Jahoel simply sat on the nearby island and had watched and listened to Haydar and Rasime’s exchange, his angelic vision showing him everything as he could only smirk in satisfaction that the seeds of guilt and remorse that Maisarra unintentionally planted were taking root and growing. 
On the the third day on, Maisarra and Daon soon took up a regular daily rhythm. Wake up, have some really amazing morning sex, then get up for the day, brush their teeth using the sticks of a particular bush that grew on the island that was known for acting like a natural toothbrush and whose sap acted like a natural toothpaste, before they brushed their hair with a comb that had been in the pack as well and wash themselves and their other clothes since the pack had a second pair of clothes that fit Daon pretty well and Maisarra had packed a few changes of clothes in her pack so they could wear one set one day and wear the second set the second day while the first set dried on a line that they made by using a piece of rope that had been used to tie them up but once the rope was cut to free them, they could rety the pieces and create a natural clothe’s line between two trees when the weather was nice enough for it. And after they washed their bodies and hair, then they braided each other’s hair, each day experimenting with new braids, new ways to do each other’s hair to keep it out of their faces and out of the way and keep it detangled as they used the oil from the coconuts to moisturize and condition their hair and bodies to counteract that very good quality of general soap but while the soap washed themselves and their belongings very well, it tended to dry out their skin and hair and the coconut oil was a good way to combat that. They made hats to keep the sun off of them so they wouldn’t get sunburnt too badly.  
Then they would use their freshly washed flat rocks from the night before that served as their plates to eat their meals off of. They would have fruit that was gathered the evening before for breakfast along with bread from breadseed, each day, splitting the loaf between them so that they both ate to their satisfaction and tiny little slivers of tomb meat, rehydrated in seawater, which worked just fine to rehydrate it and it would even add to the flavor, but the meat itself wouldn’t pick up anything harmful from the seawater itself in the process and a little sliver of the cured fats cooked over another large, smooth rock that they kept in the fire to cook on and the fat gave whatever they cooked good flavor too. 
All the meats were seasoned with salt made from when they boiled seawater in the pot that was in the pack, made a skimmer to skim the crud off the top of the water, collect the condensation on a piece of waterproof leather from Daon’s riding leather jacket that hung in such a way over the pot to collect the condensation, and put the condensation into a glass jug that was also in the pack, and either use the full jug of water, refilling it at least two to three times a day from the condensation of burned seawater to bathe and to drink out of, for the day or if they had any left over, to actually put the leftover water in the two barrels of water and on the hot days when it wasn’t enough, they dipped into the barrels of water for water in between rain showers that always seemed to refill the barrels to the full line again whenever the barrels could get only a quarter empty. They then would use the salt that stayed behind from the boiled ocean water to salt and cure their fish and other meats in addition to the citrus from the limes. 
Then the pair would spend the afternoon after lunch when it was the hottest point in the day to have sex again, then take a nap in the cool shade of their little shelter, Maisarra mentally telling the orcs to move thier arms or legs or even bodies so that there was a breeze in the space itself as the cloth of the tent took out the humidity for them so that it was actually closer to airconditioning for them inside of their shelter than on the outside as the other mouras continued to fly around to the other islands at their leisure, practically ignoring the pair and their movements because Haydar had insisted that if Maisarra should ever try to leave, he would be the first to know and the first to retaliate and punish them for breaking their word. 
So after the pair’s afternoon nap in the cooled shelter, then they would wake up, go gathering for food for dinner and more fruit for dessert after dinner and for breakfast the next day, spear some fish and a few other shellfish from the tide pool, hunt another coconut crab or two depending on the size of the crab and have roasted fish, and coconut crab for dinner and more fruit for desert. 
Meanwhile Irelu, Ashurah, Lukher and yourself got into a similar lifestyle. Wake up, have breakfast, gather what the garden ripened and gave you, make your meals, play games when you weren’t also washing your bodies and your clothes and your dishes and linens as you were so happy that this little chamber had its own plumbing and irrigation system so that you all had hot and cold running water and fire for cooking as it felt like you were a village of four as you had all decided to explore every bit of this chamber, and try to learn all you could about each component since the taunstons had planned on using this as a miniature mock up of an advanced civilization and had “buildings” of all kinds for every purpose to make anything and everything people would need, from ceramics that would give anyone any dish for any and every purpose or glass blowers to make windows, or a foundry to make weapons or building suppplies to looms to make textiles and clothes, to plumbing, engineering, irrigation, everything was here.
The way it was all set up inspired you and everyone else in the chamber with you to go into your superbook so that when you all got out of here, Yekmeni could be transformed from a fortress meant to keep everyone out, to a nation inviting people in as the four of you worked out how to expand it. Just like Dorierra had once only been in the original fortress then expanded to have quarters and a much larger country beyond that and have a society and a civilization all it’s own. 
Yekmeni would have the same however all of you had fun twists on those ideas and even ideas on how to improve such a framework. To have the Fortress of Yekmeni still have it’s palace and the surrounding fortress to still be lodging for now, but how you wanted to expand it so that it would be a nation, with multiple cities, with potentially hundreds of thousands of citizens and how you could use this technology and capture more skyland, to have more secured water sources and to create water and even rivers and aqueducts and bring not just water but electricity to said cities and where people could build houses and have gardens and parks and use civil engineering to create roads and ways of travelling throughout the whole country and every other aspect and component for not just any society but an advanced one that people would actually want to live in.
As all of you couldn’t help but create laws that dictated what would qualify an individual for citizenship in the country of Yekmeni. What laws should be enacted so that there would be a measure of peace and security and basic and even higher education for the citizens who wanted it- along with protective measures and where to build walls and fortifications to keep the territories safe and each citizen would have rights and freedoms as long as they followed an orderly and honorable code of conduct as all four of you continually prayed each morning, day and night for everything to turn out well and for Maisarra and Daon to hold out long enough to get rescued along with thanking Jahoel for waking up and helping you and your family and taking care of Maisarra and Daon. 
Meanwhile once the other crystal angels gave Wardeen and the High Council the all clear that only the main messengerari in the High Council and only the main master messengerari in Wardeen’s possession were the only ones that Rasime and Haydar could listen in on and all others were being blocked and hidden and secured from their eyes and ears- that’s when Wardeen and his allies and Dorierra and their allies launched a new plan to surround Wakanear on all sides all at the same time and to coordinate their attack so that only those in Wakanear besides Maisarra and Daon would die or suffer.
 Seyda and the rest of your household along with Ashurah’s household prepared a proper “funeral” for the four of you. Complete with super fancy sarcophagus’ and all these other arrangements as the feast that had been prepared for Daon and Maisarra’s wedding would be used for the biggest and greatest “memorial service” for you and the others as she even wrote a very moving eulogy for herself and for Basri and for Wardeen and Rubati and even Davkee as another was being done for you in Dorierra as your “memorial service” there would be even bigger than any Cisora that the country had ever hosted as the whole country seemed to really throw themselves into their parts of mourning for your loss as the stage for this part of the plan was getting fully set.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Burn Without You Chapter 22
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Now let’s tempt a man beyond what he can bear shall we?
Burn Without You 
Chapter 22
“Incredible!” Bature praised as Maisarra pinned him down with her blade held carefully at his throat so as not to cause him real harm which made Maisarra smile brightly and happily as she eased off and helped him back to his feet. 
“Again?” She asked. 
“Yes, please, again.” Bature invited as he got in position again as his men were sitting all around the courtyard, all of them happily drinking wine and continued with the afternoon feast as they watched Bature and Maisarra spar and so far, Maisarra, even though she was a smaller person and technically weaker, she used those “disadvantages” to her advantage and could move about him so much faster and with much more nimble dexterity than he could and was practically fighting circles around him and showing more heart, courage, spirit, art and finesse than he ever could. And that was because she had a decade and a half of advanced lessons and he only had what he was able to learn and survive with and be taught by Dorierran Generals who had come to help him lead his army and turn him from a frustrated man in a small villiage to a conquieror to a Sultan. 
He was used to using brute strength with only the most basic of moves, simply kill shots or simple disarming moves. But she was outmaneuvering him with apparent ease as the smarter of his men watched her closely to see if they could imitate her style or even find any weakness in her fighting style. But there was none. If she had been a male, she would have been recruited to be the army’s drill sargent so that she could teach his army these techniques. Pity she was a female and none of her brothers or brothers in law present here even compared to her. But Bature also knew that most of the men took offense that a woman was besting their Conqueror. Bature’s Dorierran Generals and Councilors simply sat back and watched and just shook their heads as they inwardly groaned. 
Maisarra, while impressing Bature, was insulting his patriarchal followers and thus showing how much their champion and conqueror lacked in comparison with her which should have been humiliating for Bature and was actually embarrassing to them and most of his own men. A girl who had barely reached womanhood and had never seen a battlefield or fought against an opponent that was actively trying to kill her and while they appreciated that she showed restraint at the killing blow, they were being insulted and incensed that she was even sparring in the first place and especially when she was clearly the better fighter.
They too had known Vienne and knew her family’s tradition of all the women especially being excellent fighters with any weapon they picked up. But as far as first impressions were concerned, Maisarra was showing off while also exposing Bature to weaknesses that they didn’t want to admit he had. It was a wonder Bature survived his battles at all. And if Maisarra didn’t have so much control over her body and movements, she would have killed him in over a few dozen ways by now. And they could tell that Bature was getting tired and fatigued, but Maisarra still had a lot of strength, stamina, endurance and spirit now than when she started and had not grown tired or weary at all, even though they had been sparing for over two hours already and were approaching a third. 
She had blended the traditional styles she was brought up with as well as the Yekmenian one as she used only Yekmenian weapons because they were the best weapons she had and she had already sliced and practically broke, dented and chopped four of his swords into pieces because her steel was sharper, stronger and much better than his own and because of her weapons and techniques- Bature couldn’t even get a good strike in while Maisarra was striking like viper and could have been deadly if she only wanted to be. 
“Whoever your bladesmith is, I must meet him, because your weapons alone are better than any of mine or any other I’ve ever known and your skill in using them is phenomenal and exquisite! What I would give for every man in my army to have weapons only half as good as yours! We could conquer the world and if I could ever have the pleasure of having you fight beside me instead of against me, we would be unstoppable. I must come tomorrow and every day I am here so you can teach me all of these wonderful techniques. Please, I would be honored to be your pupil.” Bature praised as he did his best to keep her swinging and stabbing blade away from his vital areas as even chainmail was of little use against such weapons and his leather battle suit was already in a heap of cut leather strips and pieces off to the side while his metal armor was actually denting with the force of Maisarra’s blows and actually getting holes in it too and he knew he was going to have to invest in better armor and the fact that Maisarra was wearing some simple armor but had not even gotten a single mark on it yet, other than dust or dirt from the courtyard. 
“I would love to teach such a willing pupil. But I don’t know who the bladesmith is. No one in the envoy from Yekmeni told me or anyone else who their weapons makers were. Yekmeni itself holds the secrets to it’s weapons closely and only gave Dorierra a dozen steel ingots, of which even our best master blacksmiths can not figure out how to work - with any kind of proficiency. Even by brother Noe is dumbfounded how they made such perfect ingots to begin with. Not even Dorierra knows how to make the adani steel itself and since it hasn’t been a month since Audrey’s wedding, she has not gotten her stipend to even attempt to send back anything else and finished her wedding week only a couple of days ago so she has been too busy to find out much of anything.” Maisarra explained as she easily evaded his attacks and counter attacked with more power and ferocity and practically brought him to his knees as he did his best not to let her push him to the ground again. 
“Not even information on how to unlock such precious metals, because once adani is added to a metal, it can never be taken out of it again, because all attempts to even try- have all failed so far. Adani gold, silver, copper and steel have no equal. We have yet to receive any adani mineral by itself or anything else that contains adani other than what was already given to the High Council as a sample of their goods, and to the individual brides, of which there was only six and to myself and Ashurah as rewards for helping and protecting Audrey before she left for Yekmeni. I will admit, they are the best and greatest weapons I have ever used. As if they had been customed made just for me the way Audrey’s were to her.” Maisarra panted in delight as Bature managed to find his feet again before she used a sweeping motion with her leg to knock him off of his own feet as he barely jumped up to keep from falling to that tactic again as she practically pounced on him like a tiger and they were both loving every moment of this spar.  
Here Bature had been told by the High Council of Dorierra how Maisarra would be this “perfect” Sultana Supreme with the perfect pedigree with unbeatable connections while his own generals who kept in closer touch with you, had revealed her “imperfections” and “faults” from your own mouth so to speak, which he had his most loyal men who he had earned their trust and loyalty completely- intercept some of the correspondence as his most loyal men who had more schooling- read to him your correspondence with his Advisors and Generals who were the same Advisors and Generals on his Council from Dorierra who also kept in close contact with you in addition to keeping in close contact with Dorierra. 
He did so in order to make sure that he wasn’t going to be used as just a weapon by them because while he was appreciative for the gift of food, funds and support, and he knew to ‘not look a gift horse in the mouth’ he didn’t want to be sold on something that was too good to be true either and to see that you seemed to be very intelligent, attentive to his efforts and success but not breathing down his neck about it like some of the other Generals and Councilors from Dorierra were, but you kept a respectful distance and you seemed to be happy to let him do as he saw fit and conquer this region the best way he could without impeding him, or judging him on how he did it, which he appreciated greatly. 
He was also struck how even though you clearly loved your sister, you also tempered that love with the concern of if she really was the best choice for such a lofty and high position in his harem as he was curious to see if these “faults” really were what they appeared to be because while most of his Councilors who had read your correspondence agreed that such a woman as Maisarra with her “faults” would not make a good Sultana Supreme, and the fact that she had yet to really make a stance and her “undecided” answer did not invoke the best hopes and faith either. And while he could see his advisor’s points that perhaps Maisarra wouldn’t be a good choice as Sultana Supreme, he also knew that it was still ultimately up to him to really make a decision when he could see her and judge her himself and he was relieved when she had not instantly agreed and was undecided. Because while he made the proposal at the insistence of the Commanders and Generals from Dorierra who got their orders from the High Council, he had done so out of duty. Not out of any natural affection and he didn’t want his Sultana Supreme to be someone he didn’t even like. Let alone couldn’t get along with or tolerate.
Bature knew he wasn’t the smartest man, he knew he wasn’t that clever, but he had heart and courage and it mattered to him that if he was going to give such a high status and honor to a woman, he wanted to at least like her, if not love her to a degree. But never to the point that she would have more power over him than he would have over himself. And right now, he was absolutely enamored with Maisarra because all of her “faults” were not faults at all, they were strengths and he loved everything that was “unconventional” about her. And the fact that she kept besting him with ease, only inspired him to try to rise to the challenge and try to instantly imitate her and her fighting style and learn all he could while fighting off his own instant arousal because this might as well have been foreplay for him. This was more alluring and sexy than any dancer scantily clad. He could see her soul and spirit burn brighter than the sun in her dark eyes and it was a delight to see it and he could tell this wasn’t an act for her, this was the real her and he felt honored that she would let him see the real her. 
He had learned in his path of conquest that anyone who was won over too easily could be lost and turned against him just as easily. And he appreciated that when he worked and fought hard, for his respect, authority and victories- they were that much sweeter and felt that much better to him. And if this Maisarra was going to put up a fight and make him work and earn her good opinion, she was a better woman for it and thus- worth it in his opinion. Because he was both “traditional” yet “unconventional”. He let those men who had earned trust and respect with skill and success advance in his army. And if Maisarra could prove that she was more than what she seemed on paper and if she actually lived up to these “imperfections” and “flaws” then she would be worthy to be his Sultana Supreme. He wanted a real woman, not a false pretense and pleasant smile but something of his equal and similar to himself in temperament or at least compatible with his own character to be in such a position. Just fighting with her like this he was ready to take a knee and propose but knew that would probably push her away and he didn’t want that, he wanted to draw her in and he could now afford to be patient and do that and to him, any efforts with her would be efforts worth the expense. 
He didn’t want boring, polished and proper perfection. He wanted a challenge, he wanted raw and whole personality, and not a pretense. He wanted fun and excitement. It did pique Bature’s interest that such a woman as Maisarra was allowed to live in Dorierra, here he thought Dorierra was where all the perfectly boring, cold, heartless queens and sultanas were practically bred to be docile, to be submissive yet intelligent but never to the point of exposing their partner’s stupidity or his own faults but only flatter him and make him look good while concealing anything other than pleasantness. And he couldn’t be happier about the fact that Maisarra was none of those things. 
And he was so happy that her “faults” were not exaggerated or diminished either. She had such an intense fire burning inside of her, it was clear in her words, that once she grew a little comfortable around him and began testing him out and found that she could actually tease and play verbally with him and match him remark for remark, each remark and bit of wit sharper and faster than the last and she was very fun to be around and even more enjoyable to spar and fight with and he was very sure that if he tried to mount her, she’d be the best lay of his life and give him a ride like the wild arabian she was and he would be happy to let her mount him if she was ever so inclined. 
“Stop holding back!” Maisarra roared, finding it hard to believe that he had conquered Tahir with just this little bit of swordsmanship and rather pitiful fighting effort. 
“Well you’re not actually trying to cut my head off or dismember me limb from limb like my opponents usually do and since I can see that you hold restraint from killing me, I wish to restrain myself from hurting you, much less kill you.” Bature confessed. 
“I understand that predicament Bature, but when you hold back from giving me your all and your best, especially in front of your men who I can hear taunting me and insulting me that I am “a kitten with little claws”, you make it appear like you are a cat toying with a mouse, or do you see me as just “a little kitten with little claws” too? I have fought The Lions of Persia, The Leopards of Arabia, Tigers of Sumatra and Kashmir, surely I can take on the Champion of Tahir if he gave me a worthy effort and a proper chance. I do not fear breaking a nail or blood from my nose or a cut on my lip or a bruise to my ribs if it means my opponent is giving as good as he’s getting. Or else, “this kitten” shall grow bored with your games and go find someone else to play with, someone who will play more fairly.” Maisarra warned as she put the tip of her sword at his throat and let it dig just enough to break the skin and let her blade taste his blood and suddenly Bature’s men stopped laughing and suddenly found their feet when they saw how with just a little more pressure from her blade, she could kill him. 
“You are right, this has not been fair to you and the last thing I want is for anyone ever to give you any kind of disrespect- ever- including myself, and if my best and all my strength is what you want, I will happily give it to you, if that will make it fair and make you happy.” Bature practically purred before he kicked at her own feet and made her stumble before she quickly tucked and rolled away and found her footing again as Bature addressed his men who were seated around the courtyard.  
“I take it as a great insult that you would taunt this lioness, that she is only a kitten with little claws when she is clearly much more than that and has- for your benefit, kept her claws sheathed. I do not wish for her to gain any embarrassment or lose face, she has already endured enough of it before we ever came and no more will ever be tolerated against her or her family! And anyone who dares, if Maisarra wishes for it, my blades will taste their blood, their flesh and their bones. Enough, no more toys, no more games, she is no kitten! She’s a lioness! Don’t you see?! Anyone who can not see that is blind and has no place in my company or my army. And she deserves to fight a lion in turn and anyone who disrespects her either to her face or behind her back or especially to me, shall be beheaded! Since she has given me due respect and dignity in fighting with her all, I will do the same. She is owed that much honor, respect and dignity as well!” Bature bellowed to his men as they sheepishly sat back down and didn’t say anything further as they watched as Maisarra and Bature circled each other.
Maisarra had already found some weaknesses but was now wondering and second guessing if they were really weaknesses of if they were just false weak points to throw her off completely as she decided to throw everything that she had used and learned up to that point out and decided she would fight him like this was the first time she was fighting him as she regained control of her breathing and strengthened her stance and posture as she simply waited on him to make the first move and react accordingly as he tried to make a little jab which she quickly used her sword to deflect away but kept her sword down as her gaze narrowed onto him and his body, waiting to see how he would move as she could see it now, the predator in his eyes, the hunter, the conqueror, whereas before he had simply been charming but rather foolish. No, that was clearly an act- this was the real him and she could still see his desire for her burn in his eyes which was never an act- but was genuine and Maisarra almost hated to admit it, but she liked it. 
Bature on the other hand looked at her and saw that the appraisal of her being as fiery as a phoenix was true and her being as intense as a hurricane had not been an understatement in the least. She was pure, raw fire and it was lighting him up like lightning in the best way. He usually only felt this kind of thrill in the heat of battle, not even his favorites could make him feel this kind of thrill when he was close to finishing them and himself.  
Oh yes, he could foresee some epic sex in their future because if she was even half as fiery in her lovemaking as she was in her fighting, they would make a mighty pair indeed and their children would be the fiercest and mightiest of all and the way her clothes and armor had hugged her body, she had real power in her small size and yet planty of soft curves and ample cleavage for nursing many babes and hips large and round enough to carry them with ease and that pinch of a waist? Oh he was nearly done for. But she asked for a fair fight, she asked to see and feel his best and he was not going to disappoint her. So he threw everything he had at her and Maisarra matched him blow for blow, strike for strike and then some as Maisarra could tell he wasn’t holding back anymore and it thrilled her. Now he was a worthy opponent and one worth fighting. 
“Much better.” Maisarra practically giggled as she used her last little bit of strength to keep his own blade from cutting off her head as she was keeping him at bay as he pinned her down. 
“I’m happy you’re pleased.” Bature practically cooed. 
“Very.” Miasarra insisted as she moved her legs up to his chest and kicked him off, sending him flying back and was forceful enough to get upright and ran towards him just as he found his feet and kicked him squarely in the chest and knocked the wind clear out of him and throwing his body further back even more and practically flattened him out on the ground before she used his own dagger as well as hers to land on his chest and had then crossed the blades over his neck and pinned his neck down with the daggers while pinning his arms and wrists with her knees while sitting on his upper chest and despite struggling for a moment, Bature had to admit, she had him beat, even his best was not enough to beat her and he couldn’t be more happy about losing because of who he had lost to. She had earned his highest of opinions and respect just in this instance. This was the best possible start. 
“I give, I gave you my best and you still bested me. You are no kitten, not at all, maybe as a small child you were but for a long time now, you have been a full lioness and any man who says otherwise shall have his manhood removed!” Bature bellowed from the ground as he fought to breathe with her sitting on his chest like this as he wished he could move her to sit on her face and really have her ride him that way but it was worth it as Maisarra beamed happily at him before she got off of him, returned his dagger to his hand before she helped him up to his feet as the men gave a round of applause because while she was small, she was fierce. And they respected that and they could see that Bature had not held back but still, Maisarra bested him and only held back from dealing a deathblow but had not pulled any other punches, or kicks for that matter.  
“Thank you.” Maisarra thanked him gratefully.  
“Enough, I have had my ass kicked enough for one day, return, I will rejoin you shortly.” Bature told his men before they reluctantly obeyed his command and got up and started to leave her palace. 
“I understand that because of your sister’s betrothal and marriage to the inhabitants of Yekmeni, your family was served vulture feathers at her Cisora.” Bature noted as he wiped the blood from his cuts and abrasions on his face as they stood next to each other, partly facing each other as they both attended to their weapons. 
“Yes, they were demoted to the lowest class possible, the true perpetrators though, still roam the world free. And have, according to Audrey, haven’t been able to be found again.” Maisarra confessed. 
“I understand that the male…” Bature began to say. 
“It’s ok, you can say his name, Haydar. It was Haydar that I was secretly engaged to, he broke it off when Audrey accepted Lukher’s marriage proposal all because he was an orc and he found the thought of being a brother in law to such person from that species was too much of an insult to his very fragile ego and pride. But Yekmenian orcs are unlike any and every other orc I’ve known, they are only slightly larger than us but just as intelligent, speak several complex languages and have an equally complex, rich and advanced culture, traditions and society. They hold firmly onto a famed fortress, the last of it’s kind- that is impenetrable and have held successfully against any other attacker for the last 15 generations and have invented weapons and technology without equal. And Haydar could not see their superiority to other orcs, even compared with our own native ones- past his own prejudice and his petty jealousy.” Maisarra explained. 
“Why would Haydar get jealous?” Bature asked curiously. 
“Because the envoy’s Ambassador, Sunco, her son, Daon, he became my friend while they were here, Sunco is the Clan Chief’s or- the Orc King- I guess you could call him- she’s his sister, Lukher is his son and thus next in line to be Clan Chief or King whichever term you’re more comfortable with. Daon is Lukher’s cousin and a good friend of his. At first I befriended him only to see what I could glean about Lukher for Audrey’s benefit but the more I got to know him, and the more he got to know me- the better friends we became and through messengerari’s we’ve kept in touch ever since and if people didn’t judge him based on his appearance, I’m sure a lot more people would see that he’s actually a really good person. He’s one of the best fighters I’ve ever faced off against and he’s the one who taught me the Yekmenian style of fighting and he didn’t pull his punches or hold back when he sparred with me either, of course I had to ask him to not hold back too after the first round because at first he did not wish to hurt me either but I needed and wanted the challenge, so he indulged me and did as I asked and I have never been put into the dirt so hard before and I was sore for days after, but it was well worth the pain because I grew in skill a lot with him and by the end of his stay we were almost evenly matched, granted he will always be bigger and stronger than me but that just meant that he fell harder and faster too, but I was never happier to lose to such an opponent- I appreciated the fact that he didn’t take it easy on me and really made me earn every inch of ground and I obviously learned quite a bit from him too.” Maisarra revealed. 
“Sounds like you admire him a great deal.” Bature realized. 
“That’s because I do, I hold him in very high regard and esteem. He earned my trust as much I had earned his and while he is far from perfect, as am I. He has honor, integrity, a sense of justice, intuition, conscience, ethics, morality and intelligence that matches and might even surpass my own. He has learned the common tongue as well as marinai, aramaic and persian so he can teach those languages to Lukher so that Lukher can speak the languages of Audrey’s heart as easily as she speaks the languages of his. And I helped him learn all of them and he made so much progress in learning not just to speak but to read and write in those languages in such a short amount of time- to be fluent in all of those languages in just three short months because he learned those four languages simultaneously. It was very impressive and he’s so much smarter than anyone else is willing to give him or his family or his people credit for. It was Daon who gave me these weapons and other generous gifts as a reward when I asked for him help to keep the generalley brides from beguiling Audrey and attempting to bribe her to go along with their lies to get into Lukher’s harem which Audrey refused to be bought off and exposed them and their plan to Sunco and Sunco was furious with them and wanted to behead them but she couldn’t do such things here in Dorierra, or at all, sneaky snakes they are. Although, much good it did them, a truthsayer was brought and they were forced to kneel at her feet to tell the truth and when their plot was exposed, he rejected them completely in favor of Audrey. He rejected all of them in favor of Audrey because his love and affection for her is the strongest of all.” Maisarra explained. 
“Your sister highly prizes truthfulness.” Bature realized. 
“Yes, as do I. And the fact that those generalley bitches squeaked by based on a tiny technicality and the biggest stretch of a teeny tiny truth- ended up costing them a lot more in the long run. My sister has always insisted that she ‘would rather be hurt by the ugly truth than be led astray by a pretty lie’ and it’s a sentiment I share as well. Honesty, integrity, honor, to me they are all interwoven and interconnected within a person.” Maisarra added. 
“I like that sentiment very much. That’s probably the wisest piece of advice and stance any one could take, do you think your sister will mind if I steal it and use it myself?” Bature asked, rather jokingly but was actually serious. 
“By all means, it’s just a principle, free for anyone to take and use.” Maisarra encouraged him. 
“Plus Lukher feels the same way she does about that and he’s wonderful too, he’s the perfect partner for Audrey and she to him…I’m so jealous of them actually.” Maisarra confessed. 
“Why? Did you desire him as well?” Bature asked. 
“Nope, I’ve only seen him through a messengerari once, and it was when the messengerari was pointed at them as they gave their wedding vows. Which ended up being way more complicated than anyone thought it would be.” Maisarra revealed. 
“Complicated how?” Bature asked. 
“When the githyanki last attacked the fortress about I think 7 almost 8 months ago now- he was wounded, very badly, a cannon failed and he was too close to it, it killed his eldest brother, which is why he inherited the next place to inherit his father’s throne and while the explosion killed his half brother Kingu, because Clan Chief Wardeen has three wives and Kingu was the eldest son of his first wife, Lukher was the oldest son of his second wife, and they were actually born only six months apart. But in the battle, when the cannon failed- a piece of shrapnel hit him in the face, it broke his jaw, destroyed his right eardrum and tore muscles in his neck, like this.” Maisarra traced the trajectory across Bature’s face to illustrate. 
“How did he not die? There are vessels for blood to your brain in your neck, how did it not damage any of that? Or even the rest of his skull?” Bature asked, intrigued even further. 
“Luck I think. After that moment, when the cannon exploded, because he was so close, he was instantly deaf and because of the injury from the shrapnel, his jaw was shattered and he lost teeth and could barely eat because he was just in so much pain and agony. And he had to wait six long months for Audrey to come but because she was uncollared, as am I and everyone else in our family, the only way to heal him was through the healing stones our native orcs have. It helped heal his jaw and make it’s once shattered state whole again and it brought back a measure of hearing but ever since Audrey has had to learn nadasi sign language to communicate with him best. And so you can imagine, him with a shattered, broken jaw, and deaf, trying to say his wedding vows was painful for even us because we could see how much pain he was in and how difficult it was for him. He lost so much weight and muscle mass because his metabolism was still high but he couldn’t hardly eat. It was awful. But Audrey, she didn’t care and wasn’t phased in the least. She was just sorry she was uncollared and couldn’t heal him in that instant.” Maisarra explained. 
“Wow, what a shock, meet your groom after a three month journey only to find he’s deaf, deformed and starving to death. Most women would have walked away and backed out of that situation.” Bature realized. 
“Well then you don’t know Audrey. She knew that he had been fighting most of his life, she knew he would have injuries and wounds, granted I don’t think she understood how severe they would end up being but they have adapted wonderfully and accepted each other as perfectly imperfect as they are. She didn’t waiver for a moment, steadfast to the last. Which I think means more to both of them, especially to Lukher. He felt bad that here was my sister, this perfect goddess in his eyes and he didn’t feel worthy of her. And for Audrey, it didn’t matter if he was deaf of partially deformed or could barely speak or eat, his soul and who he was as a person had not changed and that’s all she cared about. And for Audrey, she could care less if Lukher were to step down or have any of his other brothers take his place to inherit his father’s throne, Audrey’s love for him would never diminish or waiver for an instant because she married Lukher, not a prince, not a Warchief, not a future Clan Chief or King. But him. Just him. And she’s perfectly happy and content with him.“ Maisarra explained with a fond smile. 
“That’s what makes me so jealous is that because she feels that way about him, he feels the same way about her. He’s perfectly happy and content with her and only her, no title, no collar, no power or abilities or connections or anything else and we just found out a few hours ago that his seed took root and is sprouting already and they are both so incredibly happy. I think that’s probably what I’m most jealous of. Because Audrey’s free from this place.” Maisarra admitted as she looked up at the high walls of their courtyard and the tree tops above them. 
“She’s free to live her life with the love of her life half a world away, bear all of his children and he won’t care if they were sons or daughters, he will love them all equally and just as wholly as he loves her. Even my brothers and sisters who stay here and got married already, their own children will always be used as future workers for the Dorierran state if they are sons or their daughters- future potential brides. And even the ones in your own harem, they will need to guard their sons while also training their daughters to be foreign princesses or pawns in a game of strategic politics. It’s just…the normal way of life for a Dorierran moura. And I’m jealous that Audrey broke free of it because the Aki-Aya clan doesn’t believe in such things, that before Audrey’s marriage to Lukher, all their marriage matches are made out of love, never out of anything else and all of Audrey and Lukher’s children will be the same and what really isn’t fair is that even though it’s a political marraige and alliances, they ended loving each other and practically being each other’s soulmate anyway. That’s probably the most unfair about all of it. Is that even the sister who married in the bride system found true love and gets to enjoy all of it’s monogamous fidelity and she doesn’t have to share him with anyone just like my other brothers and sisters don’t have to share their own spouses either.” Maisarra gripped and complained as Bature looked at her appreciatively as he was practically biting his tongue to keep himself from offering that to her because he kenw it was impossible to do, but maybe if he conquered Cabbar also, all of his harem would be for that place and she would be the only one in Tahir’s palace and when he would visit there, she would be his one and only wife and Sultana Supreme there, and move everyone else to Cabbar. Could be done, it was possible. 
“How do you know that they were soulmates?” Bature asked, intrigued by that statement.  
“Because the lucky of a bitch, he took one look at my sister, saw past her beauty, past her body, all he saw was her eyes and her soul beyond that, and he instantly fell in love with her. His soul saw hers just as much as she saw his and in just a small moment, that was all they needed to see. They both took a leap of faith and caught each other and never looked back, never regretted their decision because their souls recognized each other and instantly knew they were meant to be together and they both felt the same exact thing at the same time and even though, for most, it’s hard to believe that such a fairytale romance would be true, it’s been true for them and I’m happy for them. Jealous but happy.” Maisarra answered. 
“And now that she’s there and living with him?” Bature asked.
“Oh now that she’s there, they won’t leave each other’s sides, and they consult each other about everything, and they see each other as equals in everything and their own private room is their sanctuary where they don’t have to be a prince and princess or for them it’s technically Warchief and Warchieftess, they leave rank and position and everything else at the door and inside their sanctuary they just get to be their whole selves and honestly enjoy each other’s company as husband and wife only and get along and they are unquestioningly loyal to each other and faithful to each other to the point that Lukher dismissed all the notions of having a harem all together because all he wants is Audrey to be his one and only wife and give all of himself to her the way she gives all of herself to him. And, again, they know how lucky they are that it ended up working out for the best for them and they don’t take anything or each other for granted and even if Lukher lost his position and wouldn’t inherit the throne. Audrey would not love him any less and would be happy and content that their lives would actually be simpler and no other man I know of would give up a throne to pursue love like that. And the more I grow up and understand the world, the more I realize how rare the kind of man Lukher is- exists in the world.” Maisarra revealed as Bature hummed in contemplation as even he was weary to believe such a thing. 
“And it’s also why I realize that that is the kind of person my own father is. My father is the same way. He’s happy and content just to be a jeweler, he’s happy and content with just my mother and loves her as wholly and completely as she loves him and every child they’ve ever had has been made in love and just how precious and rare such a thing is despite it being all around me, I feel like it alludes me. All my brothers who are of age are now married and their wives are already with child and they’re becoming fathers and they love their wives the same way my father has loved my mother and always treated her with the utmost respect and dignity, care, attention and affection and even my other sisters, they too have their husbands who treat them the same way too. And I feel it’s entirely unfair that I can’t have that too, that I’ve never been that lucky or will ever be that lucky, all because the man I chose to give all of myself to, rejected me in every sense and I’m still not over it and most days I feel like I never will either.” Maisarra explained as she fought to keep her composure as there was a soft bittersweetness that filled her eyes as she wouldn’t look up at Bature since she didn’t want to show him how glassy her eyes instantly became but kept her focus on cleaning every nook and cranny of her weapons as Bature considered her and felt his heart pull towards her and while he knew that she was right, part of him wanted to see justice for her and to hunt down this Haydar himself and give his head to her on a platter because while you were half a world a way, your reach had shrunk, whereas his had grown, and he was sure he could dispatch a group of his most ruthless and vicious of men to hunt this Haydar and his sister down and kill them. Maisarra deserved that much at least. 
“Don’t sell yourself so short Maisarra, maybe there’s hope for you yet.” Bature offered. 
“Maybe.” Maisarra reluctantly allowed. 
“My parents though, they grew up here, my father’s brothers instead of being their victim of fraticide of a sultan’s throne, they get to be his friends. My parents’ life is so simple yet they enjoy pure love and that while Audrey’s life is much more complicated than she would have wanted, it’s worth it for her to be with Lukher and to have his undivided love, attention and affection and I had hoped I would have enjoyed the same, but it looks like Hadyar destroyed every hope I ever had of that and with you here, and with your harem and your two or maybe three dozen locked in favorites. I know it’s not something you can give me either and it would be unfair and very selfish and unreasonable for me to ask such a thing from you which is why I have been undecided so far. Because while you are a good fighter, you have heart and courage, and a willingness to learn and you have a lot of potential to grow and learn and adapt, which has brought you far and will bring you father still. But right now, with you being in your position and myself being in mine, I think we should remain just friends for now, because wanting any more than that, will not make any of us very happy in the end. Because for all your success, and all your wealth…” Maisarra confessed lowly, as Maisarra and Bature cleaned the little bits of blood off of their weapons but were otherwise alone in the middle of the courtyard with Maisarra’s family keeping a respectful distance.  
“But none of that matters to you. Only the person, their heart, mind, soul and character does and you have every right to feel that way. And if that’s what you really want. That’s what you should go after. But I can’t help but wonder if you feel that because of that son of a bitch Hadyar’s actions, that you’ll never love again?” Bature asked thoughtfully, delighted that she was comfortable enough to cuss around him which gave him the go ahead to cuss around her and the snort of laughter from her nose and an appreciative smile was worth it. 
“Yes and no. It’s only reasonable that I’ll  eventually find someone, somewhere, but…I will never love anyone the way I did Haydar, he was my first and he had my whole heart, mind and soul and I was willing to do anything for him, excpet turn my back on my family and when he rejected me, rebuked me and chastised me because I was loyal to my family, loyal to Audrey- he accused me of being a whore for adani gold and steel, which I never was and cursed me even when he was half buried and bound and ready to be stoned to death by his own brothers. Still, he never yielded, and every tiny shred of love he had turned from love to hate in what felt like only a heartbeat of time and two and a half years of nurturing our relationship, completely unwravelled in just two weeks, and I don’t think I will heal from his wounds, at least easily or anytime soon.” Maisarra confessed as she couldn’t help but let a few tears from falling at the painful memories that were practically burned into her memory. 
“What a prick.” Bature spat in disgust.  
“Oh I know. I know. Bature, I really appreciate your efforts. But that old saying- once bitten- twice shy. We’ve only known each other a day, dueled for three hours and spilled some blood. It’s going to take me a while to ever be ready for anything romantic with anyone. But you asked to be my friend. And I will agree to be that. But surely even you can understand my hesitance and…my reluctance. You are a Sultan, with a harem of over a hundred and favorites in the dozens. And in just a week or two so, the same brides who tried their best to woo Lukher and failed because Audrey stole his heart completely before they ever got a chance, will be coming back. And what’s more is, that two of them, Serhan and Merrattah, while they were in Yekmeni, they found colonies, and they both got the one thing every moura wants more than anything, a collar. So I have no doubt that the moment, they land, if you’re not ushered to meet one of them. Either one or both of them would actually make much more sense as your Sultana Supreme. To have a fully collared moura mate- it’s been the ultimate dream for any man since the convergence.” Maisarra revealed. 
“Really? A colony gave them each a collar?” Bature asked. 
“Yup, and a third gave Audrey one too. Which is how she was able to fully heal her husband Lukher, so now he’s no longer deaf, they still sign to each other though, like a secret coded message that they don’t have to be side by side to “hear” or understand each other. And if anything it shows how amazing Lukher was because he could have still claimed all of them, and had all of them be his collared mates in his harem, turning mountains of mud and brick into gold for him. But he didn’t care about any of that. All he cared about was Audrey’s happiness and didn’t want to make her jealous and did not want to share any of his attention or affection with anyone but her and any and every child she would give him. He passed up immeasurable wealth, for my sister’s love and if that isn’t a sign of true love, then I don’t know what else it could be. But his loss could very well be your gain Bature. And I can already tell you that your Councilors and Advisors will push either one at you. But don’t let an afternoon of sparring with me deter you from them. I’m practically a lost cause, but with them, Tahir would be much better off if one of them were it’s Sultana Supreme. And who knows maybe you’ll look in their eyes and see their souls and they will look into your eyes and see your soul and both of you will see everything that you want and need to see and your decision about who to make your Sultana Supreme will be a choice that you can make with your head and your heart and maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones too. To get to have love, glory, power and a sultanate state to boot. Be careful going home Bature, I look forward to seeing you soon and hopefully teach you a thing or two about how to be just as good of a fighter as me.” Maisarra laughed cheekily which made Bature laugh. 
“Yes, tomorrow, I will send word when I am ready.” Bature offered. 
“As will I, goodbye Bature, it was a pleasure meeting you and sparring with you. I hope it’s not the last time we will get to do so.” Maisarra offered as she finally walked away from him and went back inside after bowing respectfully to dismiss herself as Bature watched her walk away as she absentmindedly took off her armor and carried it with her into the house, revealing more of her body in motion which Bature did not hide his leering before she disappeared. 
“So?” His best friend Mihat asked as he came up to Bature after Maisarra had walked away. 
“She is better than I had hoped she would be. She is a wild arabian, who can only lead me to paradise and a lioness who will care for her cubs well. She’s perfect to be my Sultana Supreme for Tahir. But now we need to conquer another state, for the lioness does not wish to compete for me among others. So I want her to be the only Sultana Supreme in Tahir with no other wives or concubines there with her, we can put all the others in the other state, that lioness just told me that two collared moura brides are coming back here from Yekmeni, we need to extend our stay here, because Yekmeni’s loss will be our gain and if we can get that lioness to Yekmeni, maybe she too can get a collar and truly become a phoenix. Everyone else can choke on a horse cock. Gather the best people hunters, trackers and killers in the army. The reason she withdraws from me now, is because she is still nursing a near fatal wound and one who gave her- her near fatal wound is still waking free, I want his head on a platter as my proposal to her that never again will another ever dare to harm her, much less disrespect her.” Bature ordered. 
“Of course Bature, I’ll see to it personally.” Mihat grinned schemingly. 
“So who am I killing?” Mihat asked. 
“Haydarsorra Mehmet, and his sister Rasime Mehmet.” Bature answered. 
“They were last seen walking out of the country by the southern gate, where there are many ships. Do whatever you have to and track them down. I will give you and your team all the funds needed. I don’t care where they went, travel the whole supersphere to find them or if they have already died, find their corpses and proof of their deaths. Two Dorierrans outside of their country stand out like a dove among ravens. Granted they have a three month headstart on you. We’ve tracked escaped prisoners through worse though, I will get you pictures of them so all of you will know who you’re tracking.” Bature insisted. 
“What if they too have collars?” Mihat asked. 
“Then I will have two prisoners to turn a hundred times their weight in gold to spare their lives and to keep them from being tortured and when we’ve used them up, poach their collars, I will take Haydar’s give Rasime’s to Maisarra if she can not get her own. But either way. Find them. And then find a witch and find a way to keep Haydar and Rasmie locked in a cage so they won’t fly away and Maisarra, upon receiving proper justice by my hand, will never want to leave me and I will enjoy many years riding her to paradise. I’m confident I can give her enough love to satisfy her. And she’s very understanding of me and my situation. But there is no equal to her. I have made up my mind. Now we just need to make it happen.” Bature insisted. 
“Whatever you say Bature, Maisarra gave you the big fight today, I can see why you want her, she’s worth the fight.” Mihat readily agreed. 
“Not a fight, a challenge, and no other challenge could be more rewarding.” Bature winked. 
“What about this other orc that the others told us about? This Daon? Son of the Ambassador?” Mihat asked. 
“He met her at the worst possible time, right when her heart was already taken by someone else just as it was breaking and even now, her heart is too guarded for him. He’s half a world away and she only sees him as a friend, but even I can see that she only learned what she could from them to improve herself and help her sister, which familial loyalty. Plus with him being so far away and too focused on his home of Yekmeni, he can’t do for her what I can. I can offer to be a Sultana Supreme in a palace all to herself. He can only give her a small room in a small and inconsequential fortress. There is no competition and nothing to worry about there. Besides, if he does come back, I’m sure I can keep him busy teaching me these Yekmeni fighting ways and I can always ask Maisarra and her sister Audravienne that in order to fully secure Tahir and Cabbar and possibly Arjun too, I will need three Sultana Supremes, one for each state but only the other two will have a harem. And surely no one could object to that. Audravienne will get what she originally wanted for Maisarra, Maisarra will be happy to get what she wants and the Council and Generals will be happy that two of my three Sultana Supremes will be more to their liking and I can always split my time between them, using the excuse of ‘affairs of the other state’ if I ever get tired of the two boring perfect ones. But my Maisarra, no, her bed will be the best bed to lose sleep in.” Bature laughed licentiously which got Mihat to laugh too. 
“Oh by the way, I have received word, just after breakfast, our palace were sent two calls via messengerari- one from Serhan, the other, from Audravienne herself.” Mihat revealed. 
“Well it should be the middle of the night there by now, surely they will need their beauty sleep, I will call them back tonight when it is morning for them. I would imagine this Serhan will want to make herself my Sultana Supreme too, which I will let her try her best to seduce me into and agree, but be broad. Say she can be my Sultana Supreme, just not for Tahir, but Cabbar. It won’t take us long to conquer it. Especially if Serhan can talk Audravienne into giving up how to turn those adani steel ingots into proper weapons, because once we do, and have weapons as strong as Maisarra’s if not better, then we will be unstoppable, and all the surrounding territories will give us their tribute to keep from being conquered in addition to having three collared Sultana Supremes, gold will flow out of the Palaces like a mountain river.” Bature ventured. 
“I was worried her beauty and fiery nature were going to make you chase after your lust for her and lose your sense.” Mihat admitted. 
“No, no woman ever could. She may be a wild arabian, but every horse eventually take a bridal and a saddle. And I will never let any woman, no matter how beautiful or wild, have more control over me than myself.” Bature vowed. 
“Good.” Mihat nodded. 
“Come, we should get you bandaged up properly.” Mihat urged his friend. 
“Yes, of course.” Bature agreed as he took off his armor and picked up his old leather armor and threw them all in the nearest trash can outside the palace.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Burn Without You Chapter 32
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Second to last chapter. It’s been a fun ride. But as you will see in the next chapter is when we really tie things in with Of Heaven and Fire since this story took place about a year before Heaven and Fire did so these two stories overlap and will, obviously- interlock later. But here’s where we tie up the loose ends and put it into a nice pretty bow. Oh also trigger warning- gory death and sexy times to follow. 
Burn Without You 
Chapter 32
Meanwhile Maisarra and Daon were so just beyond happy to be reunited with both sides of their families as they introduced everyone to everyone else and sailed back just in time to get cleaned up and dressed in their finest attire and get ready for the party to end all parties that would take place as everything was set and ready to go. 
Then the moment everyone had been waiting for- your emergence from the tomb. Your family and Lukher’s family all gathered around the secret sacred chamber. Lukher and yourself were wearing the same outfits you were seen walking down into the tomb in, but in the last three months, Ashurah and yourself and your husbands helped you add to the fabric over your bellies to help cover your growing wombs as you had put the mini city just as you had found it, ready to leave it as Jahoel had magically walked Rasime and Haydar to the prison cell Auralu was in as he took Ashurah’s tethering necklace off of Auralu to give it back to Ashurah. Rasime and Haydar stared at Talome’s dead body in horror before dawning realization hit them hard.  
“Yes, Talome actually drowned in the water tower, trying to poison Yekmeni. I took his form after I was awakened and flew back in his form and that’s when I put the cage up and your collars on all of you, why do you think Talome was one of the first mouras to die from being eaten by sirens?” Jahoel asked rhetorically with a smug grin as Auralu was now awake and she too was wearing an angelic collar, gag and shackles too. They had formed the moment that Rasime and Haydar had been put onto them as the gag kept them from going any hungrier or thirstier than they already were but would preserve them alive until they could face justice for their actions.  
Jahoel took their chains and left them with his brother while he came into the tomb, the stairs going down as he gave you all your tethering necklaces back. 
“Wear them for as long as you live, they will give you all long, happy and peaceful lives as will all others who wear them after you.” He urged you all as in a motion, he resupplied what you and the others had used from the space before locking it back up and helping you back up the stairs as he put an opaque shield on the walls so that none of you could see what was on the walls and go mad before he opened the door. 
“May I present- the King and Queen of Yekmeni.” Jahoel announced as he led you and Lukher out of the room, putting special crowns he had made himself on your heads as everyone else cheered as you eagerly went into your parents arms and the arms of your siblings and their beloveds as you and Maisarra hugged the hardest and the longest, all of you crying happy tears to be reunited while Lukher was so happy to see his father and proclaim Rubati as his mother while Auralu could do nothing but stare in anger as her plan was foiled as even Haydar and Rasime had to endure Rifki and Belma’s looks of smug victory at their fall. 
“And the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Yekmeni.” Jahoel claimed when he produced Irelu and Ashurah next, placing special crowns on their heads as well as he led them out next. 
“And last but not least, Prince and Princess of Wakanear.” Jahoel proclaimed as he put another set of crowns on Daon and Maisarra in turn as all of you were happy to see all of your family were there, eagerly waiting to see you before he grabbed the chains of Auralu, Rasime and Haydar. 
“Wait,” Maisarra asked before she came up to Haydar. 
“Just in case you want the suffering to end quickly.” Maisarra offered to Haydar as she put the vial of mourkatili on it’s necklace that Rasime had given her three months prior and put it around his neck as her last gift of mercy to him as Haydar looked at her and she could see his look of thanks as they shared one last look of meaningful understanding as Maisarra could see Haydar’s acceptance of his fate and while Maisarra was happy about Rasime’s death as was the rest of everyone there. For Haydar to accept the truth and the facts of his situation and the consequences, showed, for once- a sign of maturity and Maisarra could only feel a bittersweet relief that he would not suffer in death since he chose not to live in peace either. 
Then Jahoel led his prisoners inside and put a barrier around the upper chamber so that no one would hear their screams of agony and death since the stairs had once again been closed up as Haydar looked down and saw the remains of the coconuts that were smashed and could only smile bittersweetly behind his gag as he was actually for once, happy to be wrong and knew in his heart of hearts that Daon was a good man and would be a much better man and husband to Maisarra than he ever could have been and with that knowledge, he could die in peace. 
Once inside Jahoel let the opaque wall vanish as Haydar didn’t need to see the walls and the moment his hands were freed from the shackles, he immediately opened the vial and drank the mourkatili down, welcoming death with open arms and falling down dead instantly and rather painlessly. Auralu and Rasime both went mad and screamed when they saw what was written on the walls before Auralu had no choice but to smash her own skull in on the ground to escape the madness before Jahoel looked at Rasime and that angelic collar and the silver collar both choked her as he raised her off the ground before the collars severed her head from the rest of her body before Jahoel took her skull and crushed it in his own hands, Stopping her soul from ever going to another and simply wiped her life and her soul out from existence. Then Jahoel cleaned up all the blood and other bodily fluids. Before he opened the door and produced Haydar’s dead body, Auralu’s dead body along with Rasime’s as proof of their deaths for all present to see as you looked at Lukher to see how he felt about it only to see relief and happiness in his eyes and on his face as the looks were mirrored by everyone else around you. 
Then in a flash, Jahoel burned their remains in angelic fire so that all remnants of them were gone, leaving only the silver collars and the silver dial choking necklaces behind which Jahoel’s brother picked up and melted down into a single bar of silver as Jahoel destroyed not just Auralu’s body but her soul as well, wiped it from existence but let Haydar’s soul continue to be reborn, so that maybe in a lifetime in the future, he could try again and do better next time. 
Once that was done, Jahoel let all the moura collars fall from his arms into two large sacks before he handed one to you and one to Lukher while Maisarra still had the other collars from the others that had been killed in Wakanear. All the collars were for whoever you deemed worthy as all of you gave Jahoel your thanks for his help in your salvation which Jahoel happily accepted before Maisarra announced that if she was carrying a son, she and Daon would name it after him and if it was a girl, her name would be Jahaline, which was a feminine form of his name which Jahoel happily accepted such a high honor before he reached out and gently touched Maisarra’s belly. 
“Twins, Jahoel and Jahaline. Wakanear could not ask for greater a greater Prince and Princess to rule there and they will do nothing but prosper and they will have the same gifts as their mother- able to swim among the merfolk with ease and know them better than their mother did and will be a blessing for Maisarra and her whole family to enjoy.” Jahoel informed them which got everyone to cheer which got Maisarra and Daon’s eyes to bug out in surprise that Maisarra was carrying twins but that would explain why her belly was the same size as yours even though your pregnancy was technically twice as old. 
Then Jahoel’s brother Saman put Jahoel back into the door, relocked it as he instructed you and Ashurah that for all the taunstons who had come to Yekmeni, if they wished to use the tomb’s inhabitants to regrow the taunston population in the future- to turn Jahoel’s left hand in a certain direction and his right hand would still be the handle for the door and when the left hand was turned, it would cover the walls in an opaque shield and would let down the stairs for them to access the chamber underneath without the threat of them going mad from seeing the walls, but otherwise, the room could be used as a killing chamber for any future enemies or criminals which would serve as deterrent enough for anyone. It was a perfectly acceptable solution and you thanked Saman and Jahoel for providing it for you as you and Ashurah tested it out, making sure you and anyone else whom you chose, could do this in the future. 
Then all present paid their final thanks and respects to Jahoel for saving them all before Saman took the silver into the foundry and pulled off equal portions of the silver and added it to the vats of adani steel that was molten and claimed that as long as more ingredients were added to the foundry’s large molten vats- that the silver would not be a curse, but a blessing and improve the steel coming from this foundry forever. 
Then he saw to it that Maisarra’s volcanic breadseeds were planted in pots around the large vats of molten metal in the same volcanic soil that Maisarra had salvaged and made sure the breadseeds all sprouted new plants and instantly became full sized and produced new breadseed that would last until the taunstons would awake as the first crop was collected and added to the feast, dropping off the spicy volcanic breadseeds to the kitchens himself before he vanished for good.  
Everyone else left the secret, sacred room, most of who- for the first and final time- to go up into the feasting hall that was chalked full of other people, from Yekmeni, Dorierra and the colonies and even others from the nations of the Brighway Line all of them mixed together and happily sharing tables with each other and a feast fit a proper King and Queen was being set out. 
Wardeen made his declaration clear to the entire clan that he was stepping down as Clan Chief, but that they were no longer a clan needing a Clan Chief. They were an independent and sovereign nation, a kingdom with a proper King and Queen, which was you and Lukher as all cheered at the news and readily accepted the change with open minds and hearts and joy as you made plans to talk with Daon and Maisarra to discuss plans and ideas on how to make Wakanear spectacular while you excitedly had your superbook with you. Full of ideas on what to do for Yekmeni as Lukher declared ‘all who called Yekmeni home- Yekmenians, citizens with rights and freedoms, protections and chances and choices about what they would want to do with their lives and contribute to a flourishing society’ which was met with great applause.  
And then after the announcement, there was an impromptu collar ceremony because Maisarra eagerly got a collar for Daon before they switched collars so now they were a bonded, mated pair as collars were given to your families and their mates and even others from your household as Seyda happily gave you- yours back in exchange for another’s while Basri gave Lukher’s back so he could take another while he took one and gave another to Hayati since the two had become a pair as Seyda and Damaphane switched collars so they were a bonded, mated pair as well and once all those received collars and switched collars with their mates, they too were bonded, mated pairs as all the children of these pairs were also given collars as well. 
Then all remaining collars were put into a single small bag so you could give them out as you wanted or needed to in the future before Basri told you of some wonderful news that had happened after Bature had withdrawn his interest in Maisarra. 
While all of this had been going on- Bature and his men had died in battle when Mazhar defeated him and won Cabbar and Tahir and made them both into a Superstate and named the Superstate Mazhan, or The Great Mazhan Superstate, was after both himself and Serhan as Serhan was happy in her new palace that had just been constructed in a central location that was once the border of Tahir and Cabbar while Merrattah was happy in Arjun with Kiraz as you were happy that you didn’t have to deal with that two faced sheep fucker anymore while Serhan reported that Mazhar was a much better man that Bature ever could have been. He was appreciative, respectful, mindful and let Serhan corule with him in Mazhan and his harem was much happier with him because he treated each wife and concubine as a special treasure, with love, respect and dignity and actually abhorred intrigue but appreciated open hearted honesty and while he understood the pretense. He made sure that every day he got to spend with each wife and concubine, he devoted the entire day to her and got to know her, the real her and not a pretense and because of his efforts, his entire harem adored him as Serhan was happy and content to be Sultana Supreme of Mazhan and rule beside Mazhar as for once- life in a harem, life in Mazhar’s harem, was peaceful and wonderful for the time being at least, and not the thorn in her side she thought it would be. 
That night, Lukher and yourself were happy to be back into your own suite and happy to take your new spectacular crowns off and put them on tables by the main door since you didn’t need to wear them inside your own sanctuary. 
“Are you sure you’re ok with Auralu’s death?” You asked Lukher softly as you got into bed with him. 
“Oh yes, she can’t harm either one of us ever again now. Serves her right for doing what she did to us and serves that bitch Rasime right as well as Haydar. I’m just happy your sister wasn’t pained by Haydar’s death this time.” Lukher admitted. 
“Me too. Well now unfortunately, instead of being just Mr. and Mrs. Azurah. Now we get to be King and Queen of Yekmeni. It’s going to be a lot of work.” You gently warned him. 
“Can’t wait to get started.” Lukher reassured you with a fond smile. Although to spend the last three months to be just Mr. and Mrs. Azurah was so nice and wonderful and he almost missed it’s simplicity already.  
“Besides out there we can be king and queen, in here, you are just you and I am just me and I am so happy that we got a chance to be man and wife with no other complications or anything else going on. Or anyone interfering for as long as we did. Gave us a break from things and let us get a chance to really get to know each other without anything getting in the way. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I almost got used to the peace and quiet.” Lukher reassured you as he gathered you in his arms and stroked your belly as Ahi-Shumai had just started to kick and always seemed to respond to Lukher’s wonderfully deep, warm and smooth voice. 
“Well in 6 months, that peace and quiet will officially be over.” You teased with a laugh.  
“New kind of peace, but definitely more fun and exciting times for sure.” Lukher grinned. 
“I love you Audrey.” Lukher offered before he leaned over and kissed you sweetly. 
“And I love you too Luke.” You murmured back before you deepened the kiss and before you knew it, the kiss progressed and followed a very welcome chain of events as Lukher insisted it had been too long since the two of you had had sex in this bed last as he made love to you with a sweet, soft, tenderness that almost made you cry because you knew and felt in every fiber of your being that you loved him wholly and completely as he loved you just as much and both of you loved Ahi more than words could say. 
Meanwhile Auralu’s suite of rooms had been redone for your parents to stay in while they were here while your other siblings were given their own suite of rooms to stay in while they were here as well as they all got really get to know and enjoy just how luxurious Yekmeni was and easily understood why Maisarra and yourself would never want to leave as many of your siblings toyed with the idea of staying indefinitely. Especially your brother Noe because he really wanted to work in Yekmeni’s foundry. 
Meanwhile Maisarra and Doan were all too happy to be in their own rooms and finally got to reconnect physically, the moment the main door was shut and the servants were sent away, they were on each other, kissing and holding and caressing each other like the newlyweds they were. 
“I have ridden you for three months straight, you get to ride me now.” Maisarra playfully teased Daon as they eagerly got undressed, stripping their layers of clothes off of each other as Daon walked Maisarra to their bed before her legs bumped into the side of it before Daon laid her down gently on the bed and let her lay back as he knelt next to the bed and feasted on her the way he had wanted to for the last two months. 
“Gods, I almost forgot how fucking delicious you are.” Daon practically growled as he slurped up Maisarra’s essences that practically gushed into his mouth. The scent of the aphrodesiatic incense in the room was burning and a bit heavy, they didn’t need it but it was appreciated and a welcome change in scent in the air as Daon wanted to fuck Maisarra senseless and remind her that from now on, she didn’t need to lift a finger, she took care of him, now it was his turn to completely take care of her and he wanted her to want or need for nothing. 
“That good?” Maisarra asked breathlessly as she laid back into the bed, her legs resting on Daon’s broad and very muscular shoulders, happy he didn’t lose any strength in his body. 
“That great Babe, or maybe it’s because you’re carrying my children that makes it especially tasty.” Daon praised as pride was practically pouring out of him. Not only had he gotten her pregnant but gotten her pregnant with boy- girl twins.
Which was seen as an exquisite sign of virility and masculinity and the entire clan had congratulated him on the triumph of not just surviving such an arduous trial but to see the perpetrators know justice and getting twins on his first try which ensured great and wonderful blessings for him and his family as even all the priests and priestesses had blessed the couple, accepting their impromptu vows back in Wakanear as their legitimate wedding vows and made sure to put in their books the date and location the vows were given so that future generations would know that it was a sacred and legitimate union.
But right now Daon was solely focused on Maisarra, her taste, her smell, her body, every dip and curve and swell. It had changed since he had seen it last but he loved the changes. Maisarra was absolutely exquisite pregnant and her mound, covered in dense curls only to part to reveal rosey petal feminine lips dripping for him, nearly undid him and she tasted so much better than he had remembered and to see three hills when he looked up from feasting on her, her belly in the middle and her two breasts on either side and her face just beyond that since she had pulled a pillow down to lay on it to be comfortable and watch Daon try to eat her soul through her pussy was a sight she forgot could be outstandingly erotic. 
It was a sight they both wanted to commit to memory, and practically engrave it in stone before Daon added a finger then another to her canal, stretching her and rubbing against that spot inside that made Maisarra’s voice pitch and her legs shiver and her back arch before her legs locked tight around his head as her whole body practically arched off the bed as she almost screamed in ecstasy as she pulled on his hair and her nails clawed at his scalp as she rode out her orgasm against his face and his fingers as Daon nearly lost his load just listening to her and tasting her as he had to close his eyes to keep her moura marks from blinding him because the last thing he wanted was to lose his sight, not when he could fully enjoy it now. 
“Holy fucking shit, did I miss that.” Maisarra panted as her body went lax and was practically limp on the bed as Daon licked his chops and lips and gave her sex one last teasing lick which got her to squirm and shudder from being overstimulated. 
“Easy, easy.” Maisarra pleaded before Daon simply let his head rest on her inner thigh as her legs rested on his shoulders again. 
He let her recover and forced himself to calm down before he would finish himself too soon. He passed the time by stroking her belly, reaching around her legs so that both hands could touch and caress it as Maisarra’s hands soon rested on his own. They were both so happy that not just one was in there, but two as they wondered which one was on which side. 
They both had gotten scrubbed and cleaned from head to toe when they had first come home and then their bodies practically drenched in body butters and conditioners and oils so now her skin was silky smooth and soft as was his own and they were so happy and content in this moment. They were home, those fuckers that put them through hell were dead and Maisarra was happy they were dead too as Maisarra hadn’t even shed a single tear when Haydar died and was actually happy to see Rasime’s dead body and Auralu’s and they both had to admit, seeing the dead bodies gave them much needed closure. 
And for Daon to know that Maisarra was never going to leave his side ever again just as much as he was never going to leave hers also helped him feel confident that he fully had her heart and that Maisarra held nothing back from him and never would either just as much as he would give her his all too, and always had.  
In fact over the course of the feast, one of the young men who had married one of her sisters came up to Daon and to Lukher and had said ‘you can go all around the world and nothing will compare to the love of a Tumay girl’ which Lukher and himself had to admit was a gospel truth. 
In fact it was hilarious to Lukher that even though Daon was “asleep” he still got laid by his wife. Daon was never more grateful that Maisarra could use him that way because the gods knew that if they were going to be stranded in an island paradise, he was going to fuck his wife so much his balls went dry. Daon was happy and relieved every time Maisarra let herself enjoy him and what he could manage to give to her in such a sate.  
It was Maisarra and her talking to him and singing to him and having sex with him and even feeding him and taking care of him in every way were the only things that kept him sane in all that time because being awake mentally but not quite awake physically was frustrating as hell. Then it was Lukher’s turn to admit that he and you had fucked in every square inch of that chamber which was a small city in of itself as he really enjoyed the one on one time he got with you.
And now Daon wanted the same, nothing but one on one time with Maisarra where he could do the talking and they could sing together this time the way you and Lukher had sung together and created a beautiful harmony and had danced beautifully together that night at the feast, as did everyone else.  
“Ok, you ready for round two or…?” Maisarra prompted after she recovered a few moments later. 
“Been ready, waiting on you to be ready.” Daon eagerly answered as he found his feet and picked her up and carried her up the bed and pulled back the covers before he let his knees sink into the mattress as he laid her in his lap before he watched, almost hypnotized as his cock slowly disappeared inside of her. He was still amazed that all of him would fit inside of her as he grabbed onto her hips while her legs crossed around the small of his back as he then slowly started to stroke himself inside of her and stroke himself out again before picking up the pace and it felt like an eternity yet all too soon, he was pounding away, one of his arms wrapped around her waist to keep her up while the other hand’s thumb circled and pressed onto her nub as her belly rubbed against his own before Maisarra came again, her legs tightening around him and pulling him to her as he braced himself up to keep himself from putting too much of his weight onto her and onto her pregnant belly but he outright roared as he emptied himself into her and once they both had ridden out their orgasms, he collapsed onto the bed next to her but still happily held her in his arms. Holding her as tight as he dared. 
“Are you sad that your aunt is dead?” Maisarra asked. 
“No, very relieved actually. She’s been a thorn in the family’s side since before I was born, well ever since she joined the family.” Daon confessed. 
“Are you sad Haydar is dead?” Daon asked hesitantly. 
“No, I’m relieved too. He drank the mourkatili, which considering the potent dosage of the vial, his death was instantaneous. But Rasime and Auralu, I’m happy that they suffered for the suffering they put us and everyone else through. Now we don’t have to watch our backs or worry that someone has it out for us. Now we just get to get on with our lives and live in peace, happiness and contentment. We’re home, we’re safe and we get to be happy without measure.” Maisarra insisted.  
“And we always will be.” Daon vowed. 
“I know we will.” Maisarra smiled as she cuddled into his chest as he pulled the blankets up and over them, enjoying the soft silk and satin blends of the sheets and blankets and cushion of their pillows and mattress as Daon watched Maisarra fall into a blissful sleep and simply laid there and watched her rest for once as the moonlight came into the room from the domed stained glass ceilings in their suite before Daon kissed her forehead as his hands cradled her beautiful face in his hand. 
“Sweet dreams my Sarah.” Daon whispered before he touched his forehead to hers before he got comfortable and went to sleep, knowing he would wake up the next day.   
Over the next week, it was wonderful to eat with your whole family and all of Lukher’s family all together for the first time. Since all of you took to eating your dinners together, crowding one of the smaller private dining rooms as Maisarra brought her sketches and talked about Wakanear and the merfolk pods that called it home. 
Her and yourself agreed on a lot of plans about it. In particular, how you could turn it into not just a vacation spot but a major shipping hub as you wondered how tall the volcano was, if it counted as a mountain for it’s height. And now that it was dormant, you could put a skyport there for the skyships that were growing in popularity since the seas depended currents and weather conditions whereas skyships could harness the winds and harness lightning for electricity. 
You were happy to see that Maisarra and Daon seemed to not be too traumatized about the place because you half wondered if Daon especially would never want to set foot in the place ever again in his life. But on the contrary, Daon was actually looking forward to going back, knowing he practically and quite literally owned the place. 
He and Maisarra could turn a place that was used a prison into their palace as Maisarra was looking forward to going back and reuniting with her merfolk friends as Maisarra, Daon as well as yourself and Lukher and just about everyone else had ideas about the place and how to make it into a place everyone wanted to go to and go through. 
You wanted to build a second tower in Yekmeni, just as tall as the tower that held the skyland and have it be in higher, stronger, and larger because you wanted to build a skyport for Yekmeni too since the closest skyport was actually in Fitsdale which was on a southern continent just beyond the Brighway Line and with Yekmeni having a skyport and Wakanear having a skyport, that would open up shipping lanes in this part of the world since most of the skyshipping tended to stay on the other side of the Supersphere. 
This would be a way to get the ships to sail on this side of the Supersphere and having Wakanear being a direct link between the two polars and if one or two more island countries in the Brighway Line could also build skyports, there would be two stops between the northern polar kingdoms and the southern ones and everything in between as Maisarra’s “dowry” was already in the foundry, all the gold and silver coins being melted down and having adani being added to them to make them adani gold and adani silver which would be much more precious and valuable while all of Maisarra’s pearls were being made into jewelry for her and sewn into her other clothes or the irregular pearls being made into cosmetics. 
Once her dowry was “converted” into Yekmenian adani gold and silver. Then you bought the Dorrierran pleasure cruise ship- The Panjima, from them so that you and your family could sail to Wakanear comfortably as even though the ship was rather new, you still fitted it out and redecorated a few suites in the Yekmenian style so that it would be your home away from home while you would use the ship to sail back and forth from Wakanear and it was much easier to simply buy the vessel and customize it than building one from scratch. 
Meawnwhile the moura gold that was on the pirate ships was given the same treatment, all melted down had adani added to the metal and formed into Yekmeni gold drakars as the pirate ships were fitted out to be cargo ships to sail supplies and workers to Wakanear. 
Inside a month, everyone was ready to set sail as Noe and his family had chosen to move to Yekmeni because Noe was genuinely interested in being a Yekmenian blacksmith because working with adani and doing things the Yekmenian way was a better and smarter way to work. Whereas in Dorierra he had to work under “The Masters” and would always be considered “pupils” until they worked very hard to be extraordinary just to get any recognition to be allowed to work with any kind of independence and had a very strict hierarchy. Whereas in Yekmeni, it very much was a collective effort and new ideas and methods were welcomed and immediately tested out and experimented instead of challenged in theory before any physical work could be done before any attempts could be done to even go to testing.   
When the family and the workers came back to Wakanear, the islands were measured for square footage and the volcano was measured to make sure it was tall enough to serve as the foundation for a skyport and the wood from the previous shipwrecks was immediately salvaged and the whole place was surveyed while Maisarra walked Daon, Lukher and yourself into swimming with the merfolk as she assured you that you wouldn’t drown, but that all of you could really breathe underwater just as Jahoel had promised and to your surprise and delight, all of you could. It was like you were all part siren with how easy it had been. 
It took a bit of work- because the water was thicker than air to breathe but somehow your lungs adjusted to the water really nicely., as did everyone else's. Maisarra was eager to introduce you all to her merfolk friends who were eager to meet you all as they showed you the reef, and the water currents that were already at work and had changed since Jahoel had raised the land masses as it was clear that the water currents would make it easy for ships to sail in and out of Wakanear with ease.
 All of you thought the baby merbabies were just too cute for words as you held them to yourself as smiled happily to hold them and play with them and be able to swim in smaller, tighter clothes that wouldn’t drag in the water. The merfolk were excited to touch your pregnant bellies and to hear them “talk” and sing the most beautiful songs you had ever heard as you were happy that your voice was the same both in and out of the water. 
Once all of you came out of the water, it took a bit to drain the water from your lungs to start to breathe air again, but it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as you thought it would be. But once you got out, the engineers, surveyors and architects had drawn up fantastic plans about how to turn the island into a marvel of both engineering, travel and transportation and have room for a large, comfortable and lavish palace while also being able to turn the other islands as food gardens since they wanted to preserve all the food bearing plants and build a city in between them and around them while the islands that had lush tropical vegetation would be protected so there could be a natural food supply before you turned to Maisarra and Daon. 
“This place is your principality and your money to invest it how you want. What do you think?” You asked them as Maisarra and Daon both looked questioningly at each other and then looked over at the plans again along with the estimates of what it would cost to turn the large island paradise into beacon of international shipping both in the traditional sailing but also for skyships and what trade routes they could use if they chose to pursue that as well, before smiling excitedly at each other. 
“Let’s do it.” Daon and Maisarra insisted. 
“Alright, then let’s get to work.” You agreed before Maisarra and Daon instructed the architects, designers and surveyors to make preparations to bring in work crews to build this place up. 
And as Wakanear began to get built up as did Yekmeni, it seemed, day by day things were changing and growing, both externally and internally as the pregnant bellies only grew in size along with Yekmeni and Wakanear as you and Maisarra commissioned fleets of airships for Yekmeni and Wakanear so that both places would have thier own private fleet of ships of all kinds, sizes and varieties for every concievable want or need. 
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Burn Without You Chapter 30
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lets even the odds and get a new perspective shall we?
Burn Without You 
Chapter 30
The day after was your funeral in both Yekmeni and Dorierra as both places seemed to have everyone mourning your loss, along with Lukher, Irelu and Ashurah’s losses as well, as monuments and sculptures were being commissioned so that your statues would be in your quarters as testaments for your sacrifices and your achievements as Haydar had brought the messengerari with him to the main volcanic island so that Daon and Maisarra could see them and once the funerals were over and the ulugies were read, Maisarra thanked Haydar for letting her watch them as she hugged Haydar while Daon held the messengerari as Haydar’s conscience plagued him even more as memories of all the times he had hugged and held her in the past came flooding back to his memories before he felt like if he stayed another second he was going to fly away with Maisarra in his arms, everyone and everything else be damned before Daon cleared his throat and Maisarra pulled away from Haydar as Daon gave the messengerari back and Haydar awkwardly flew away again, trying to conceal his true feelings about this. 
But it was only a few weeks later, barely a month into their imprisonment, on the island when Maisarra woke Daon up early.
‘You need to wear this, I have to throw up, if I throw up, everyone throws up and they army can’t throw up’ Maisarra signed before she took the headband off and practically threw it at Daon and bolted from the shelter and promptly threw up even though she didn’t really have much in her stomach from last night to throw up as Daon hesitantly put it on his own forehead and suddenly he got to feel first hand the burden it was to keep the barrier up. The barrier then began to “deflate” once she took it off as Daon did his best to get the barrier back up and blew out a breath of relief when the stone eventually obeyed him. But he felt like he had to wade through so many alerts about his own health to do it as the stone had instantly “read” him and told him exactly how and why he was hurt and could potentially die if there wasn’t an intervention, and sadly lameness wasn’t the biggest concern.  
Daon had been trying so hard to hide the true nature of his own wounds because despite his best efforts, the infection grew to encompass his feet and then up his legs, slowly but surely, just as the island they were on sank a little more every day, more and more of his legs were being lost to infection. The skin on his legs turning red, growing puffy and inflamed and growing painful which he did his best to hide before his legs would go numb and practically dead because he couldn’t control any movement and had to rely on the braces he had tied to his legs to keep his legs functional. The infection was past his knees and now at his mid thighs and just walking was more and more of a challenge because his legs were more or less deadweight and his hip muscles were overworked from doing all the work of moving his thighs as Daon had even started to brace his whole legs so that they were both stick straight. 
He had been denying it was a problem, and had insisted that it wasn’t a problem all this time but the more braces he put on his legs and the less he would let Maisarra even look at them, because he refused to undress them to keep her from seeing what he already could feel was there. He knew that Maisarra was smart enough to know why he didn’t want her to see them and he appreciated that Maisarra had not brought up the healing stones but when she came back in and prepared that nausea medicine, he knew why she needed it. She was pregnant. 
They had been having so much sex it was unavoidable and her menstration was supposed to be a week ago and it didn’t come and was late and now that she clearly had morning sickness, and the mind stone told him what he could now clearly see, she was definitely pregnant and he knew, he wasn’t going to last at this rate. 
If his infection went up into his pelvis and into his internal organs, he was finished. He was officially out of time and they were still so long from being rescued and the tide pool was so close to the water line now and they had tried to do as much as they could do about stockpiling as much as they could, kill all the coconut crabs whose burrows were going to be under water the soonest and still, this was a losing battle for him any way and the only way out of this and the only way he was going to live long enough to see who and what Maisarra was carrying, was to take a healing stone. There was no way around it. 
Once Maisarra had taken the medicine and had recovered to a degree, he finally spoke. 
“I’m ready.” Daon murmured quietly. 
“Ready for what?” Maisarra asked. 
“Look at me.” Daon requested before Maisarra sat up, turned and faced him.
‘You- pregnant’ Daon signed. 
‘Yes.’ Maisarra signed back. 
‘How long will you have morning sickness?’ Daon signed. 
‘A few days, usually two or three days.’ Maisarra signed back. 
‘I will wear this while you go through that. When you are done, and feel better and can take this back, I will give it back but I want to trade it for a healing stone then.’ Daon signed. 
‘Why?’ Maisarra asked.
‘I’m fighting a losing war with infection in my legs, I have been stupid, and very stubborn, not wanting to admit I’m losing, if infection reaches belly, I die. Organs die from infection. I want to live to see our baby you carry. When you are done with morning sickness, take this back and then put healing stone on me. I’m sorry I didn’t let you do it sooner, I’m so sorry my Sarah, I should have swallowed my pride and listened to you and now because I didn’t, I’m in danger of dying from something that you could have prevented if I wasn’t an idiot.’ Daon told her as Maisarra looked both hurt yet relieved to see him finally say it or at least sign it. 
‘Ok, but first, before you take the healing stone- you need to clear out your bowels, I don’t know how long you will have to be under for it to work, but you need to clean out your gut, then eat the tomb meat straight without rehydrating and I will try to make borrer, I found only a single egg in a nest. I will use that to make it. So that however long you have to stay under, you won’t get sick.’ Maisarra signed back before Daon nodded in agreement.  
Maisarra did all she could, following the routine she and Daon had formed but now she did her part and his for the next three days, only having enough medicine to last her for three days, but on the fourth day, she woke up and didn’t feel the morning sickness and instead craved papaya which was fortunate because a lot of the papaya they had stock piled had become ripe and was ready to eat before it would turn and go bad and at midday of the forth day Maisarra took the head stone back so that Daon could empty his gut and his bowels to take on the tomb meat and borrer as Maisarra gave him seawater to kickstart the process and Daon spent most of the day throwing up and shitting into a deep hole in the sand Maisarra hud dug out under his butt and another where his mouth was so Daon could lay on his side and evacuate his gut from his mouth and his butt and used sand to cover up the stench of both so she wouldn’t get sick again too.
Once Daon had emptied his gut out besides water from the water from the barrel that was clean but would help him stay hydrated while the rest of his gut emptied itself out and when the last bowel movement was nothing more than water and Daon took one last piss, did Maisarra clean him up and help wash him up the best she could before she helped him inside the shelter and fed him the third to the last log of tomb meat and the largest flat loaf of borrer she could make that barely fit on the cooking stone in their fire. She made the borrer out of their remaining breadseed, only leaving two of them behind for herself.
The borrer was made from the crushed up breadseed and mixed with all the eggs she had found and collected on the island along with juices from the fruits that she had collected into the freshly cleaned out pot and boiled down to make something of a thick fruity sauce in their little pot that would be the substitute for honey, the eggs themselves that she found were surprisingly fresh and not rotted or fertilized which she was pretty sure Jahoel was responsible for that and grateful he had given them to her when he did so she could make this borrer for Daon. Daon sliced the tomb meat into slices small enough he could swallow straight and didn’t have to chew to chance his saliva making them bigger in his mouth in between bites of borrer which was very much a sweet fruity brick of bread, like fruit cake but without the bits of fruit, but sweeter because of the tropical juices reduced down into a sauce that flavored the borrer really nicely but it had the consistency of a very dense piece of bread as he felt like he drank half of that barrel of water just trying to drink it all down and once he finished it all, he felt very full as the water started to seep into the tomb meat and borrer in his gut but because he had only had one meal of it, it would keep him for as long as it needed to until he could wake up from this healing stone session and asked for one last chance to have sex with his wife to lift his spirits and to relax his body and his mind and give him peace while he slept as he set the mindstones around his head so that Maisarra could chose which ones she wanted to use on him. 
 Maisarra tried to ignore the stones altogether and chose to focus solely on Daon’s face, trying to commit every part of him and his voice and his touch and his undying love and care to her memory and tried to enjoy this last bit of sex she would enjoy until the mind stones could heal him and when they both had reached their satisfaction Maisarra kissed him. 
“I love you Daon.” Maisarra insisted between kisses as she closed her eyes tight, tears escaping them and falling on the apples of his cheeks. 
“I love you too, I’ll see you soon.” Daon whispered before Maisarra put the stone onto his head as the stone immediately knocked him out as his cock suddenly became limp inside of her as she got off of him and finally cut all the braces off and bandages off his legs as Maisarra cried to see how the infection was now at his upper thighs, just a few more days and he would have been dead but was relieved to see that now the stone was on his head, the infection was going down and his skin started to turn from red- back to the dark olive green and brown again before she looked back up in horror and gasped to see that the stone had imbedded itself into Daon’s head, the skin of his forehead surrounding the stone until it touched his actual skull as it glowed very brightly dark maroon, the darkest marron Maisarra had ever seen on anyone.  
“No, no, no, no!” Maisarra tried to tell the healing stone not to imbed itself and instead tried to put another on his head, and then another and another until his entire forehead was covered in healing stones as his skin grew to encompass all of them, making it literally impossible to get them out short of digging them out surgically and Maisarra was not about to start to try and while it did- to a degree speed up his healing, having that many healing stones imbedded into his head, the infection would not stop once it reached his knees again as Maisarra could tell from the head mind stone that if he did not receive any other sources of healing, the infection would go deep into his tissues instead of just on his skin and once it reached into his bloodstream he would die as the healing stones kept that from happening for now. She needed her moura collar to heal him. So she covered his privates up and left the shelter and waived to Haydar again as Haydar and Rasime could both see her panic as Rasime insisted she go with Haydar this time as they landed in front of her. 
“What now?” Rasime asked, irritated that she was being asked to come back onto this cursed island. 
“Please, Daon is dying, the healing stones won’t cure him, please, take whatever you want from me, just let me have my collar back so I can heal him and save his life.” Maisarra begged as Rasime grinned triumphantly. 
“Well let’s see what you have to offer then hmm?” Rasime said as she strut into the shelter. 
“Well the papaya trees haven’t really been giving us that many papaya, so I’ll take half of your stock pile of your papaya, and you know, really if Daon is going to be in a coma from the healing stones, you don’t really need all this food and all this water, so here’s the deal, I trade you- your collar and I’ll even turn down the effectiveness of the collar so that you can heal and even sprout wings but you still won’t be able to change into a bird form-for one of your barrels of water and half of all your supplies, because surely once you have your active collar you can fly around the island and get more yourself without having to pitifully keep climbing the same trees over and over again.” Rasime offered. 
“Raz, Sarah’s pregnant, she’s craving the papaya, she needs them.” Haydar realized as he could see the beginnings of Maisarra’s small baby bump and had flown around himself and had seen her signs of morning sickness the last few days and had worried that she had picked something up from Daon or that he picked up something from her when they were both sick. 
“Yeah, that’s why I’m letting her have her collar back for the duration of her stay instead of only letting her have it long enough to only heal him, but since you disagree with me, I will trade necklaces with you so that you can’t turn my off and on at your whims and you are weak and pathetic for giving her any sympathy. So I can’t trust you to not help her. So, my deal stands, half of everything Maisarra has and her second barrel of water, and your necklace for mine, or no deal at all.” Rasime leveled. 
“Deal.” Maisarra agreed as she gave Rasime half of her soap, half of her stock piles of all her foods and woke Krich up long enough to get the second barrel of water to Rasime’s ship as the other mouras flew in and gathered what Maisarra had offered before Rasime begrudgingly gave Maisarra her collar back only after all of Maisarra’s supplies were on her ship as Rasime could get first picks of all of it before she pushed a button on the necklace so that Maisarra’s moura gold collar would be just affective enough to heal and give her wings but nothing more as Maisarra took it back and when the collar was back on, she instantly sprouted wings and flew back into her shelter and closed it up and healed Daon. 
But to Maisarra’s horror, while she was able to heal his infections and heal his lameness, the stones would not un-imbed themselves from his head and he stayed in a coma and instead, all the stones imbedded themselves into the warriors heads and Maisarra screamed and cried before Haydar came back. 
“Sarah! What’s wrong?” Haydar asked before Maisarra had “the door” which was Krich himself- of the shelter open to reveal her sitting on the bed roll and crying benar into her hands as Daon appeared healed but the stones were still a dark purple and imbedded into his head. 
“I don’t understand, he’s healed, the stones shouldn’t imbed themselves like this, they’ve imbedded in all the warriors, I can’t get any of the stones out of any of them!” Maisarra cried before Rasime landed and came in. 
“So what? Now that means that you and the entire army just get to go back to Dorierra if they win the war against Yekmeni and the high priestess will just have to do her thing to remove all the stones there. You’re fine, you should be grateful actually. That means that you and only you will live off what you have left and you don’t have to ration what you have left so much. Come on Haydar, we need to get back to our ship. Leave her here to deal with the full consequences of her actions, the way we were.” Rasime insisted as she hauled Haydar out of there before he could say or do anything. 
“Ok, new change in command. Haydar has grown soft and weak for our little prisoner on Wakanear’s volcano and I vote ‘no confidence’ in him to stick to the plan. He is to be confined to his quarters to keep from flying to help the prisoner or from flying away to period, in fact Haydar, if you don’t want your head next to your body, give me your collar, because I don’t trust you at all any more.” Rasime growled as she took her mother’s dagger and put it to Haydar’s throat, and had the same burning anger and hatred in her eyes as she had always held for Maisarra. 
“Fine, take it.” Haydar said as he took his collar off and handed it to her and she put it where Maisarra’s collar had been before. Haydar then went to his quarters and turned off his silver necklace because the sounds of Maisarra’s crying was too much for him to bear as he cried benar into his own hands because now he really was helpless to help or save Sarah, even from Rasime who laughed at the sounds of Maisarra’s crying. 
‘Maisarra’ Jahoel called out to her from his siren form from near the tide pool as Maisarra immediately found her feet and went to the waters edge but the look of apology in Jahoel’s eyes only made her tears return once more. 
‘I’m sorry Maisarra, but I had to keep all the stones out of Rasime and Haydar’s reach. Daon will be just fine, you healed him completely and he will wake up as will all the others when you are rescued. But sadly you are only a third of the way into your imprisonment here. I will try to bless the island again. And don’t worry about the water, I took the magical properties away from the second barrel that they took so now the second barrel will fail them. However your barrel will never fail you, continue to keep yourself, and Daon and his things clean, don’t worry about rationing water and food. Eat to your satisfaction until there are three left of everything from the island and once there are three, the moment you eat one, it will replace itself. You will always have one piece that is not ripe, one that is about to be ripe and the third will be ripe, always eat the ripe ones and the cycle will continue to replenish itself while you sleep. Save all the seeds, for you will use them to plant new trees when you are rescued.” Jahoel encouraged her. 
“You need to be as strong as you can be from now on. I know the loneliness will feel especially harsh, but keep talking to Daon, even though he appears to be asleep in a coma, keep talking to him, he will still be able to hear you and while he can’t talk back for now- it will keep you both sane. Just make sure that you keep the truth about what is really happening both inside and outside the shelter to yourself, and let them all believe how desperate you feel right now. It will be ok. Plus now that you have your collar, there is still so much to discover about this place, it still has few secrets to reveal to you and only you.’ Jahoel insisted as he reached out and held her hand for comfort as he put the last super large catch of fish into the tide pool before he handed her a net as Maisarra and Daon had stock piled enough salt by now to salt every fish in this tide pool as Maisarra cast the net into the open part of the tide pool and caught the large catch and spent the rest of the day processing and salting the fish, throwing all the guts into the tide pool for the remaining little fish and other crabs and shrimps to eat. 
“That damn siren keeps helping her.” Rasime growled angrily as she watched them from the spyglass. 
“But he’s a lionfish siren. One of the most dangerous and deadly kinds there are. You can’t touch him, he will kill you if you get in the water with him. He’s been pooling all the fish around all the islands and bringing them to her. It’s like he knows we’re trying to starve her out. But I can tell by his patterns and his size and the fact that the other sirens seem to be working with him. He’s a leader of his pod and that pod has been circling all of the islands since she came here, I think they’re attracted to the stones in the orcs in the army. If you piss him off, he and the other sirens can and will destroy all the ships and sink us, there’s that many of them and they are capable of more damage than you think. It’s not worth it. Let her have those fish for now, that catch of fish ain’t worth losing our ships over.” The pirate captain- Pete- of the ship Rasime was currently on- warned her.
“Fine, but if he gives her anything else, let me know.” Rasime huffed as she put the spyglass down and opened three papaya at once and began to devour all of them at the same time as Pete just shook his head as even he could feel some sympathy for Maisarra as Rasime was wondering if she was pregnant too but Jahoel had stopped up every woman’s womb on Wakanear except Maisarra’s so that no one would get pregnant and no innocents would be harmed.  
The next day Maisarra finally figured out how to take the damn silver cuff off of her neck and once it was off, she did the same thing to Daon and took them off and put them to the sides so that she and Daon were both free from them but she kept them inside the shelter to still give the impression that Rasime and Haydar could still choke Daon “to keep her in line”, but now that it was off of her, she finally felt as free as a bird she deployed her wings to soak up sunshine and fly around the island, using the fishing net Jahoel had given her the day before to gather and regather all the coconuts, papaya and other fruits that the island had until she had effectively quadrupled what she had originally had before Rasime took half of it and had to reconfigure the army again to create a ‘storehouse’ for it all and even created a second part that was more or less a water reservoir for when it would rain again as she could use the water in the barrels for drinking but the water in the reservoir for bathing herself and her clothes and other items as she worked on weaving baskets to keep everything organized and keep seperate baskets for all the seeds as well as she dried those out in the sun so that they would keep until they would be planted. 
Then on the next day Maisarra discovered a new kind of breadseed, it grew around the rim of the volcano, it’s soil needing to be super hot and super hard volcanic rock to grow as she harvested the seeds and the leaves and when she tried to eat the bread, it was spicy but good, and the tea made her sweat and feel like her body was on fire but in a good way. Maisarra instantly knew that in Yekmeni, if she planted these seeds around the forge the heat from the forges would keep the soil hot enough to grow the seed and the polars would pay exorbitant amounts just for the hot tea that it didn’t matter what temperature it was at- it would instantly warm the body to combat the cold as she harvested all she could, from the seeds to all the leaves from all the plants and tried those to make tea leaves. 
Maisarra soon began to “talk” to Daon and sing to him and tell him more about her childhood, about her home, about her family, and how slowly then all at once she fell in love with him and even though he was sleeping right now, that he would wake up hopefully before she would have to give birth as she stayed talking to him in nadasi so he could easily understand her and kissed him as much as she could. Kissing him good morning, and in the afternoon before she took her afternoon nap and then again when she would wake up and then again before she went to sleep as she moved his body to accommodate her sleeping next to him, when she wasn’t giving him sponge baths to keep his body clean as the cuts on the back of his heels had healed and she removed the suture string like wire and his body was practically as good as new, as even old injuries were healed, all while the stones turned a light lavender to reveal he was now at the peak of health as was everyone else in her legion. They had all beaten the poison and now had antibodies so that if they ever got hit with it again, they would be immune to it from now on. 
But as days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, Maisarra did as much stockpiling and gathering as she could before all that was left to cook her food on was the same rock she had used before, now set near the mouth of the volcano before even that sank below the waters, leaving just her and her little three room raft of her legion floating in the water and the original special rock she had found in the pack that would serve as her heat source and her cooking surface from now on.  
Maisarra tried to fight the urge to not eat the food and try to save and preserve as much of it as she could but Jahoel came to her again, reminded her of his previous promise about her food supply and to have faith strong enough to believe in the miracle he would provide for her.  She believed him and put faith in him and in his promises as slowly but surely she ate everything in her storehouse leaving large baskets of seeds behind as she opened the storehouse roof up so that she could dry and preserve all the seeds for safe storage in the woven baskets which once had been full of fruits were now just as full of seeds of all kinds, having preserved at least not just seeds but saplings of all the different plants that the island had had as she woven more baskets to serve as temporary pots for the saplings as she had mixed the soil that they had grown in with the volcanic soil that she had smashed and crumbled up to mix in so that soil was rich and fertile for the saplings which worked out because the saplings were growing very well in her small storehouse as she made sure they got plenty of sunshine on the sunny days and water from the rains. 
Then she ate all the foods she had stock piled down until she left only one loin of tube meat, one node of fat, three of all her fruits, which she could safely store in her little shelter and her little water tower for bathing herself, her clothes, and Daon and the rest of her belongings. She was left with only two bars of soap, alternating which bar she used every day as whatever she used in one bar would be reformed and renewed while she used the other the next day. The water in the water barrel never seemed to be anything less than full. No matter how much she drank and helped Daon drink. 
She used the fish she would catch in her net off of her little “porch” to make a seafood stew or boil the tomb meat to make a meat broth so that she could put the broth down Daon’s throat as Daon was propped up on pillows during the day so that Maisarra could keep putting water and broth and juice down his throat to help him digest the borrer and tomb meat better and help him last longer. 
She knew that now that the island had sunk she was so close to being rescued as storms seemed to keep passing over them, raining almost constantly so that Maisarra’s little water tower overflowed and Maisarra had to keep the roofs permanantly closed to keep from flooding her shelter too and Maisarra reconstructed her orcs again to make a permanent bath tub in the shelter itself so she and Daon and their supplies could be safely within the turtle formation. 
The shield she had placed around the orcs kept herself, Daon and all of them breathing easy despite all the rain and the closed state she kept her shelter as Maisarra had used her own moura powers to create a coru cloud for herself to keep light in the shelter and often used the hot stone whose top half was hot, but the bottom half was cool when it was turned on to heat up her bath water so she could at least take hot baths and give Daon hot sponge baths while they waited patiently for their rescue to arrive in between using it as a heat source and her cooking surface. 
Meanwhile Rasime watched on as a peculiar current kept Maisarra’s raft of stoned orcs right where they originally were and was pissed that what she had gotten from Maisarra in exchange for her collar back, only lasted her and her group barely a few more weeks and they had eaten everything from all their islands which stopped producing food for them altogether. 
The fish were gone, the loins of tomb meat and the nodes of fat were long gone by now because they had not rationed it at all. Their breadseed was on it’s last generation and her and her entire group were facing starvation as the storms destroyed their water catchers and actually flooded the islands so that the barrels washed away in the storms. And what they did have left had to be rationed out to the smallest portions it could be. 
Even all the calls out to Dorierra or even Yekmeni went unanswered. And when Rasime tried to spy on any other, she could only get to the two others, the one in Dorierra’s High Council being the first, and the one in Yekmeni with Wardeen being the second. But absolutely no others. It was as if the addresses she previously had- had been changed or permantantly turned off and disabled and when she tried to capture any and all other signals, it was if no one was using messengeraries at all and she couldn’t see or hear anything. And the two she did have access to were put into dark closets and surrounded by sound dampening cloths so that she couldn’t see or hear anything at all. 
Haydar and herself felt thier grip of control over both places and their ability to spy on either Yekmeni and it’s movements or Dorierra and it’s movements was gone and they had no idea what was really happening around Wakanear and whenever anyone tried to fly out of Wakanear a storm would pop up and keep them grounded here and there was now only a really thick foggy haze on the sunny days and a really thick fog on the stormy days so that they couldn’t look past Wakanear at all as even their visibilities to the other surrounding islands was limited, much less what was beyond them. 
Meanwhile the storms kept them here on the ships in Wakanear as the sirens circled the ships, eager and hungry to eat all the people on board as the sirens had tried to even tempt the pirates and the mouras with fish to eat, only to drown them and pick them off until Haydar, Rasime and Pete had ordered for everyone to stay inside the cabins of the boats and to stop up the cracks lest the ships themselves get bogged down by the downpour and sink anyway. 
Jahoel and his fellow crystal angels, taking siren forms used their siren forms to try to tempt as many as they could to their deaths, snatching and keeping all the collars from all the mouras while all the pirates knew better than to be seduced by the siren’s calls and Rasime could only look out of her porthole window in her room at Maisarra’s turtle formation, seeing as how Maisarra’s tall watertower  was overflowing, giving Maisarra at least a few more months of water and got furious every time she saw it and hearing Maisarra on her necklace be so calm, and singing soothing songs and lullabies to Daon while he slept enraged her but only saddened Haydar because he knew she was translating marinai lullabyes into nadasi- so that while they didn’t rhyme, the meaning and the tune was the same and it made him even more homesick than he already was as he was left most nights to sing the real marinai lullabies to himself as he cried himself to sleep most nights just to hear Maisarra sing them as all the fantasies he used to have of Maisarra singing thier own children to sleep using these lullabies was downright torturous to him. 
Because instead of these songs being sung in marinai, the way they had been written, they were being sung in nadasi, and to know that Maisarra was singing them not just for Daon’s benefit but Daon’s child in her womb and that these songs would most likely stay in nadasi hurt him to the core as he had long given up trying to fuck his feelings out on anyone else. Instead he just withdrew into himself and while the necklace Rasime wore deactivated the choking dial, it still could be used as a listening device and Haydar had tried to turn it down and tried to turn it off but all he could do was turn it down but still could hear it as if it was right next to his ear even when it was wrapped in a cloth in a drawer accross the room. 
 Meanwhile Rasime was simply incensed that Maisarra could have peace and calm even when she was the one who was probably closer to death than Rasime was because there was no way Maisarra still had that much food left now.  
Rasime got so furious in fact that she ignored Pete’s orders and flew to Maisarra’s raft and stood on her little “porch” that she used to hang up her clothes when it wasn’t storming as she knocked on the barrier of the “door” that was Krich himself. 
“Who is it?” Maisarra asked from inside the formation. 
“It’s me! Let me in!” Rasime ordered. 
“No thanks, I’m not in the mood for visitors right now.” Maisarra calmly replied. 
“You open up this formation or I’ll choke you to death!” Rasime roared before Maisarra had one of the other orcs move an arm slightly to move so the space was opened up just large enough to serve as a peephole. 
“Nope.” Maisarra said as she pushed the two silver collars out through the space and they fell onto the “floor” of her little porch as Rasime gasped in horror as the smell of fresh bread from bread seed and roasting meat and fish and spice from the chilies and other spices that had grown on that island. As even the volcanic breadseed tea leaves served to spice up the food and the smell of fresh fruits wafted into her nose before Maisarra closed the peephole again to keep Rasime completely out. 
“How long have you had these off?!” Rasime demanded as she picked them up and noticed they had simply been unclasped and the locking mechanism was completely broken. 
“Oh ever since you gave me my moura collar and turned the effectability down. After you took half of my supplies, I flew back and when I healed Daon, they just fell off, but since I wasn’t allowed to leave and none of you were allowed to come to me, I couldn’t give them back right away.” Maisarra answered between eating her rather luxurious meal of not just roasted meat and fat and fresh, hot bread and a fish stew straight from the pot with all kinds of kelp that Jahoel had given her and that bread seed tea leaf that served as a seasoning spice along along with the roots of the plants that could serve as potatoes before the island had sunk completely that Jahoel had told her to harvest and keep on hand so that her diet would be complete and more than flavorful and nourishing for her, the baby and even Daon when he would drink the juices the water and the broths and be sustained just fine. 
“Well just so you know, even though they may not have choked you, they were listening devices! That’s how Haydar and I have been listening to every word you and Daon ever said to each other!” Rasime roared angrily. 
“Yeah, I figured they could do that. That’s why Daon and I used Nadasi sign language so much inside of our little home and out of sight of the rest of you watching us so closely, well, when he was conscious and we watched what we said in the presence of those things but now that they’re out of my makeshift house, I don’t have to worry about what I say, knowing you can’t use it against me any more.” Maisarra answered her back smugly with a shit eating grin as she sat down to eat on the other side of the door, pulling a pillow over from the bed rolls to sit on so she could be comfortable as her belly was growing by the day now. 
“How do you still have food left?!” Rasime asked. 
“Oh I was able to stockpile a lot more once you took my other barrel of water and I was able fly around. I used the space to stock pile all kinds of things, even roots from the other plants that have served like potatoes and even when the mouth of the volcano was close, I found wild breadseed growing around the rim of the volcano. So when I get rescued, I can plant these seeds in any volcanic soil and put the soil in pots around any foundry and the super hot temperatures should mimic a volcano’s heat. The bread from this breadseed is spicy, but in a good flavorful way and the tea made from the tealeaves is spicy too and heats you up like a eating a chili pepper. I know Dorierra would pay me a fortune for just one so they could cultivate it and then outright trade with the polar kingdoms for breadseed and breadseed leaves for tea. The tea from the poles keeps you cool and the tea from the volcanic variety keeps you hot, it’ll be a win win situation for me. And with you locked out completely from me, there’s nothing that you or anyone who is allied with you can do to me to hurt me any more. Not quite the upper hand you thought you had huh?” Maisarra taunted. 
“You motherfucking bitch!” Rasime screamed as she tried to blow fire onto the orcs but because of the rain and the shield, it couldn’t reach them. 
“Nuh uh Raz, such language, I don’t want my baby hearing such bad words right now. So how is that war with Yekmeni going?” Maisarra taunted. 
“It’s going great, Yekmeninans are being slaughtered by the thousands!” Rasime bellowed. 
“Oh so it’s almost over and my rescue is coming that much quicker, nice. I mean Daon will be sad when he wakes up in Dorierra after the high priestess manages to take all the healing stones out of his head and the heads of my entire legion but I’m sure Dorierra will still give him and I a very lavish and comfortable life in Dorierra in exchange for these volcanic bread seeds. I mean, these things are worth a mint to anyone, especially the polars, why I guess I could find refuge anywhere in exchange for this. Makes your own secret of how to bring down the stoned orcs pretty useless because that’s really only going to protect you and take you so far. Do you really think Dorierra’s enemies would let you live after you would give up such a secret to them? Because haven’t Dorierra’s enemies sworn oaths to never help or harbor a moura, neither mountain or Dorierran?” Maisarra reminded Rasime who just jumped up and down and screamed in frustration as she got as she transformed into a phoenix and tried to burn Maisarra through her warriors but the rain and the barrier was still there and still up and still keeping Maisarra and them all safe. 
“You’re wasting your breath and your energy. You’re gonna need it to negotiate with Dorierra.” Maisarra called out before she looked over at Daon and noticed he was grinning in his sleep and knew he was proud of her for taunting Rasime like this. 
“Oh just wait until Dorierra gets here, I’ll burn them all!” Rasime insisted. 
“Sure you will. You and what army?” Maisarra asked. 
“I mean, unless the entire colony of Flirara is out there with you, you don’t stand a chance. And even if they were all out there with you, there’s no way you would have enough food to feed all of them, even if they all came with the food. It won’t last too much longer.” Masiarra ventured. 
“The moment this storm ends, I will have every moura breathe fire upon you! You can keep me at bay but even you can’t keep all of them at bay!” Rasime insisted. 
“Right, and if I die, what happens to the orcs? Because right now, they are set that if anything happens to me, or to Daon or heaven forbid our little one I’m carrying, they all will turn red and they will kill you because I’ve bypassed the ‘don’t kill a moura’ line while wearing this for so long. I’ve already set them to kill all of you and hunt you down. Of course I really think it’s the high prieestess back in Dorierra that has allowed me to do that in the first place. Even all those in Flirara won’t be safe from these guys because they ate another huge meal of borrer and tomb meat before Ashurah gave them to me, so they’re good at this rate for the next six months, easy. As am I.” Maisarra announced. 
“How?” Rasime demanded. 
“You see, ever since I came here, I’ve developed a really nice friendship with the sirens who used a really cool form of telepathy to talk to me and to Daon. And they agreed to help me and especially once they sensed I was pregnant, they agreed to help me and to help Daon. That’s how I got so many fish and seaweed and other seafood from the ocean because they come and just drop it off to me now that the island has sunk. They even drop off pearls and all kinds of treasures from what’s been sunk around here. And the greatest treasure they have given me has been all the collars from all the mouras they’ve managed to pick off, drown and eat. The sirens are so sweet and such empathetic beings. I told them they could eat the pirates because the pirates have nothing to offer me but that mouras were especially tasty and especially susceptible to good music and a beautiful voice and judging by the fact that I have, hold on, let me count…” Maisarra paused as she counted all the moura collars she had in there. 
“And from just my rough estimate, that’s roughly half of your allies here in Wakanear from Flirara isn’t it?” Maisarra taunted again. 
“I swear to the gods Maisarra that I will have your head on a platter! And I will get that head stone and tell the army to turn on you and your family!” Rasime roared. 
“Well then that would be a miracle and one that I sincerely doubt could happen.” Maisarra insisted. 
“It can and it will!” Rasime growled. 
“Really? How? The moment you and Haydar were expelled from the country, you and Haydar were taken off the high priestess of the stone’s network. And surely you felt you lost something the moment your feet crossed the Dorierran border. Because any expelled moura from Dorierra, their bloodlines are kept off the network and since all those from Flirara are descendants from those who had been expelled and you and Haydar have been expelled, the only other ones who could wear this is anyone within the Dorierran network, moura or orc alike. Or anyone who has gone through the acceptance ceremony to take a stone, even a tethering one which Daon and I both have and any and every child we would and will have will also be accepted too. And surely even though it’s been what, a year now? Surely you couldn’t have forgotten that if you tried, the stone itself will kill you- causing your brain to shrink and smooth out, permanently retarding you before your skull caves in on itself first just for putting it on because you and your bloodline have not been accepted or deemed worthy by the high priestess herself. It would be a death sentence for you and for Haydar and all of your allies, moura and pirate alike.” Maisarra reminded her as Rasime hated how Maisarra was right, she had forgotten that. 
“You can’t last in there forever, even with the siren’s help! It’s never going to be enough!” Rasime insisted. 
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we? Now, go back to your ship, fuck your brother, because surely he’s the only one who knows how to do it right by now, and try to choke down any food you have left and know that you’re never going to win, even if the whole world burns down around you, nothing can save you now, not even your own moura gold collar.” Maisarra urged with a laugh before she had Krich suddenly punch Rasime in the face and punch her clean off of the little porch and into the water where the sirens were waiting as Rasime barely escaped them and got back to the ship alive. 
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