famousinuniverse · 8 months
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Cai Mon Orchad Village, Chợ Lách District, Ben Tre province, southern Vietnam: Cai Mon Orchard Village is considered as the kingdom of bonsai in Vietnam, and the cradle of fruit trees in South Vietnam, with fruit ready for visitors in any season. Located on the bank of the Tien River in Tien Thuy village, Vinh Thanh Commune, Cho Lach District, Ben Tre Province, Cai Mon’s professional village annually supplies products such as durians, mangosteens, mangoes, longans and varieties of citrus. 
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opinated-user · 7 months
Wait…the video was removed from Courtney's channel? How? Did Poppy and Zena copyright strike it?
that they did. that's also the reason why they haven't just deleted the video, so they can do that when there are re-uploads. another thing they have in common with LO, as if the world needed more.
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danadotz · 1 year
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terrorized @bbreecake herself with this now it's y'alls turn
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artverso · 1 year
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Christian Ward - Bone Orchad 
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lascitasdelashoras · 6 months
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Todd Webb - Orchard Street, New York, 1946
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brunossan · 1 year
Today i come here to say...
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And The fact Lily Orchard still didnt give her what she fucking deserves in Pokemadhouse. In The Wikia of Pokemadhouse is revealed Syir is ABUSING Diantha, and What The Main character do? NOTHING.
In fact is Very revolting that The Main character of The comic, C!Lily, LITERALLY SNITCHES AN ABUSE VICTIM BACK TO ITS ABUSER!
@Lily-Orchard you are an abuse Victim, right? Why are you letting an abuser Win? Its because its a Female one like YOU?!
The message you are passing with memes like these and The Wikia are That abuse Victims should not try to escape or call for help because NO ONE WILL HELP!
You think people hate you because you are trans.
But look at you fucking write.
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banditomojado · 1 year
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1 ticket for Barbie, please
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crowkitty69 · 1 year
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I call this one "An Act of Desperation". It's all just self indulgence and I just kinda threw stuff together because I had several different ideas in my head!
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heiressofdoodles · 2 years
I made creature fusions for a college project
The technique I used to make all seven of these guys was the SCAMPER technique. Again, college project; I had no choice. I like these designs a lot, though, hence why they’re being posted here. Take this as my apology for the lack of Prisma Knight content lately.
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I’ll take my teacher’s description of the SCAMPER technique so I don’t die trying to explain it, and because I need to do stuff I really enjoy for a while. And don’t worry, I’m not halting any personal projects, it’s just going to take a bit more time.
SCAMPER: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Maximize/Minimize, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse/Rearrange
Substitute - The substitute technique focuses on the parts in the product, service or solution that can be replaced with another.
Combine - Analyze the possibility of merging two ideas, stages of the process or products into a single, more efficient output.
Adapt – Adapt or tweak a product or service for a better output through enhancing the existing system.
Maximize or Minimize - Refers to changing the process in a way that unleashes more innovative capabilities or minimizes problems.
Put To Another Use - This technique concerns how to put the current product or process to another purpose or how to use the existing product to solve problems.
Eliminate - This technique identifies the parts of the process that can be eliminated to improve the process product or service.
Reverse or Rearrange - This technique aims to explore the innovative potential when changing the order by rearranging or reversing the process or part of it to solving problems or produce more innovative output.
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salsabila539 · 2 years
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Lady Speed Stick Orchad Blossom
Anti- Perspirant ini dapat dicoba untuk teman-teman yang sedang mencari produk yang bisa mengurangi bau yang tidak sedap dan keringat di ketiak
Kelebihan yang aku rasakan di produk ini adalah sangat mengurangi keringat dan bau, tidak menimbulkan bercak atau noda di baju dan tidak membuat ketiakku menjadi hitam
Kekurangannya : sedikit sulit untuk dibersihkan jadi harus double cleansing
Produk ini bisa dibeli di e-commerce maupun toko kosmetik terdekat untuk harganya aku beli ini Rp.35.750 / 45 gram di salah satu toko e-commerce.
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mitrasprayers · 2 years
Different types of agriculture sprayers and their uses
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A sprayer is a machine often used in agricultural contexts to spray various liquids, including water, insecticides, and pesticides, among other things. The same machinery might also be used to apply liquid fertilizers and pesticides to the crops grown on your farms. Spray guns, spray nozzles, liquid tanks, sprayer pumps, pressure regulators, valves, and fluid pipework are the standard components that make up agricultural sprayers. A pressure regulator is an extra feature that may be included on some sprayers. Farmers can spray high up on trees such as mango, coconut, and date palms using a tractor trailed sprayer.
Today’s market offers a wide selection of different models and styles of sprayers to choose from. Farmers can obtain a larger harvest with the assistance of the newly released Mitra Agro Low Volume sprayer. These sprayers are versatile enough to serve several applications, including gardening, crop spraying, and other requirements unique to gardening. In a perfect world, the sprayers come in various sizes, designs, and operational parameters.
Some agricultural sprayers also have a spray gun in addition to the standard spray nozzle, liquid tank, sprayer pump, pressure regulator, valves, and fluid piping. These agricultural sprayers are available in various sizes, styles, and performance levels. There is a wide range of sprayers available, from those designed to cover a small amount of land to those intended to cover a vast area.
For spraying purposes as varied as gardening, crops, trees, fruits, animal requirements, and weed control, a wide variety of sprayers are available. There is a fair probability that you are aware of using agricultural sprayers whether you are a farmer or if your job involves working on a farm. They are available in a wide range of forms and dimensions, and each is put to a specific purpose.
On any given farm, they serve several purposes, whether giant versions designed to be attached to tractors or smaller ones that can be carried about independently. Even if you do not intend to cultivate crops on your land, sprayers may greatly assist your property’s management and the upkeep of its quality.
The following sprayers are only some of the wide available varieties:
·         Since the method includes spraying water or liquid chemicals to a restricted land area, a hand-operated sprayer is an ideal choice if you are looking for modest plant treatments. This is your best option. Sprayers that do not need air are the most effective option for treating large areas of plants. Using an air pump, the sprayer achieves its effects; first, it pumps compressed air into the tanks and pressurizes the liquid.
·         Once the pressure inside the sprayer decreases, the spray pattern will move more slowly. This will continue until the pressure is back up. Before the spraying process can commence, the applicator has to have the air pumped out of it first. Even though it only runs at low pressures, the fact that this sprayer is not only affordable but also portable and straightforward to use makes it the most attractive feature of the product.
·         Sprayers that have a significant amount of pressure The size and number of tanks required will determine whether you should acquire a tractor mounted sprayer, a trailer-mounted sprayer, or a truck-mounted sprayer. Each type of sprayer has both advantages and disadvantages. In this case, hydraulics serves as the primary force that is responsible for how they operate. They come equipped with a pressure indicator, control valves, and a hermetically-sealed air chamber.
·         Air carrier/air-assisted sprayer: With the assistance of air carriers and air-assisted sprayers, it is possible to apply dangerous chemicals in vast amounts in a manner that is both rapid and effective. While being transported, the chemicals have their concentrations reduced. A sprayer that is designed specifically for use on fruit trees is known as an orchard sprayer.
·         Foggers can transform liquid pesticides into a vapor that can be sprayed using the device. These sprayers are the most useful when dealing with an infestation of a crop pest or in a controlled setting like a greenhouse. The usage of an orchard sprayer is essential to spray horticulture crops effectively.
Mitra has expanded to become India’s most prominent manufacturer of agricultural spraying equipment. Some of the products that Mitra produces include tractor-mounted sprayers and an air blast sprayer, as well as dusters, boom, micro tractor sprayers, and orchards and vineyards. Because of this, there are a lot of sprayers, and you may use any of them according to your needs.
If you’re looking for high-quality agricultural goods, go no further than Mitra Agro. We’re a manufacturer and supplier of cutting-edge farming equipment for micro and small farms. If you have any questions or concerns about our products, please leave a message, and a customer service person will contact you as soon as possible.
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opinated-user · 2 years
apologies in advance for an absolute essay about the "fusion is sex" thing in your inbox;; theres a tldr paragraph at the bottom but i encourage you and anyone else to read through the whole thing
if we can all agree that, despite what lily claims, the violate arc in pokemadhouse is an allegorical rape (a severe breaching of privacy and boundaries for the sake of creating a "mating bond," a concept in the comics universe that isnt necessarily a sexual relationship but that brings that idea to mind outside of the comics universe based on the name/context), then cant we agree that the sardonyx arc in steven universe is an allegorical rape? i think that were hesitant to call it that because its such a strong word and a harsh concept for a show like steven universe, and we want to call out lily for being wrong or inappropriate at any opportunity, but the fact is: pearl violated garnets trust and her boundaries to fuse, with fusion as a whole being a representation of romantic/intimate relationships, among others (garnets is romantic love, malachites is unhealthy/toxic/abusive relationships, id argue smoky quartz is like a sibling relationship—and along those lines, we see steven fuse with ALL of the crystal gems, his surrogate mothers/sisters, and his own dad, so its safe to say at least that fusion is not ONLY an allegory for romantic/intimate relationships)
i think that lilys language when describing it ("pearl rapes garnet and excuses it by saying garnet is just so stoic and she wanted her to step on her," paraphrased) is pretty reductive and insensitive, but based on the actual content of the arc and what other analysts, particularly black ones, have said about it, i think its a perfectly justifiable way to describe that arc
pearl, a character with no strong racial coding in any direction but who can be seen as white based on that fact plus her white skin, violated a character with strong and intentional black coding, for the sake of her own ego. she used a black woman, with little regards for that black womans feelings and boundaries regarding fusion (a deeply personal and intimate thing for that black woman, whether we see it as explicitly a sex allegory or not), for her own gain. to a lot of people, this speaks way too strongly to the idea of a white woman using a black woman for sexual and personal satisfaction while not recognizing or ignoring the black womans personhood and ability to consent (pearl lied to garnet about needing to fuse to form sardonyx to "stop peridot," even though pearl was the one committing the acts she blamed on peridot). i think its the lying part that pushes it into a rape allegory more than not, since pearl was withholding information about why she wanted to fuse and garnet could not meaningfully consent to the fusion because she was deliberately not given all of the information. garnet herself says pearl tricked her, so it wasnt the act of fusion that bothered garnet, it was pearl lying about why they were fusing and garnet feeling betrayed that pearl gave her false pretenses
i think lily is wrong about A LOT of things—i rewatched the steven universe is garbage video the other day and so much of it is just so… wrong, or blatantly misunderstood and under-researched and charged by a personal parasocial hatred of rebecca sugar—but i dont think shes wrong in the conclusion she draws about the sardonyx arc. mostly because i personally think shes just parroting black analysts talking points about it again, like she did in the original video, only this time shes being more careful to not explicitly steal racially charged words from black analysts (unironically calling sugilite a brute and "ape-like" in the original video because she maybe saw black analysts describe her that way… yikes)—she even says in the original video that she depends on other people to explain a characters coding to her because she just doesnt see it, so id be completely unsurprised if we learned she didnt think the sardonyx arc was a white woman raping a black woman until she saw black analysts critiquing it through that lens, because SOMEHOW she just. didnt see garnet as black. until someone told her. which is pretty fucking stupid and unobservant of her imo
tldr: i dont think fusion is sex in a 1:1 way, and i dont think we can say lily does either just because she talked about one instance where fusion can be read that way. lily DOES have an issue with oversexualizing things and projecting sex onto stuff that doesnt have it, but in this particular case, i dont think thats whats happening: i think shes just parroting what black analysts have said/felt about this arc. black viewers felt betrayed by this arc because a black woman is shown to suffer at the hands of a white womans insecurity, and the black woman is forced by the narrative to not only accept the white womans white tears as justification for being violated, but also forced to commit the intimate act again under the threat of death (forming sardonyx to escape a shrinking room). pearl and the narrative stripped garnet of her emotional agency and ability to consent to an intimate act, twice, and its a MAJOR violation whether we choose to see fusion as sex or not
i feel like this is still kinda reductive of both narratives.
on pokemadhouse G formed a mating bond with a sleeping underage CLO, who she knew had a crush on her at the time, to get what she wanted. but what was what she wanted? to avoid death, which means that the author really sat down to think about a excuse in which this violation, this metaphorical rape, was actually a perfectly understandable and justifiable decision for G to take.
to drive this point further, LO later writes her own fiancee at the time to tell her to go forgive her abuser or else she'll become the same as her abuser, who in multiple other ocassions is described as a monster who almost destroyed LO. regardless of what you think about LIzzy and how truthful LO is about her retelling of the events, that is the story we're meant to take as true for this fictional universe. after CLO is confronted with this abuse apologist rethoric, she agrees completely with it and tells G that they'll be fine. from that moment forward no one talks again about the metaphorical rape. you could miss the entire arc entirely and nothing of value would be lost, because nothing of weight changed because of it.
take into considering that this whole thing of life spans, bonds and everything else are things that LO completely made up. she made them up to force this situation to happen and then refused to deal with it's consequences.
it's not just about a "violation of trust", it's the whole situation, it's the way that it's written to try to reframe this "violation" as a necesary thing that had to happen or at least a reasonable decision to make, to then later framme the victimas an actual monster for rightfully wanting some space from her rapist.
there's no real way in which you can argue that this isn't a rape metaphor, since mating is already a pretty explicitely sexual term, a term that LO deliberately choose to use, and G deliberately took advantage of a kid she knew had a crush on her during a time where she couldn't consent at all. at some point G actually explains that the mating couldn't have worked at all if CLO didn't had this crush, which just pushes further the rape apologia with the old excuse that "she wanted it all along"...
after all of this, G then continues to keep pushing her romantic feelings onto CLO, no matter how many times she says no. the narrative keeps pushing this romance situation between a rapist and her victim, to later have a brief moment where CLO admits she does still love her rapist but can't have a relationship because it's illegal... rather than because that was the creature that raped her as a kid and permanently modified her mind for the rest of her life, so she never has any privacy on her own head or can be free from G.
the narrative tell us that CLO, the child on this situation, would have agreed to that mating bond (a life changing permanent change she could never take back without killing someone) if only she had known about it.
all of this should be the worst nightmare of any victim. to reduce all of this to simply a mating bond done without consent and not look all the other narrative elements that actively push for a rape apologist conclusion is a disservice.
if we want to add a race perspective... how does it look if we take into account that CLO is supposed to be a indigenous child while this was happening to her and G could be codified as white, precisely because of her lack of any other racial coding?
as for SU, i feel like this conclusion "the black woman is forced by the narrative to not only accept the white womans white tears as justification for being violated, but also forced to commit the intimate act again under the threat of death (forming sardonyx to escape a shrinking room). pearl and the narrative stripped garnet of her emotional agency and ability to consent to an intimate act, twice, and its a MAJOR violation whether we choose to see fusion as sex or not" it's not entirely accurate to the situation. this is my own personal reading of the show so i'm not claiming any of this to be objective or the entire true. i absolutely see what you mean, anon, and i understand what those analysts go for... but if we're going to make a direct comparison between that episode and the arc violate, we have to first see that they're not actually comparable at all.
violate's ultimate message is "an author wrote a situation where a full grown adult had to take advantage of a child for the sake of saving her own life and ultimately this was for the better because the rapist and the child became best friends, so the child now grown up has to forgive her rapist because else she's going to be a hateful monster. the rapist only did what she needed to do and any accountability is cruelty towards her."
the message of that arc is "pearl did a horrible thing that really hurt garnet, no matter if her own inferiority complex (born from being created to be a literal slave) got the best of her, there's no excuse for it, and she has to learn to do better" (a message that it's literally brought back again by having jasper wishing to fuse with lapiz so she could feel greater than herself). there's at least three more episodes that deal with the aftermath of it. in one of them garnet actually unfuses because the two part of her can't decide how to even feel about the situation: Ruby rightfully wants to be angry, while Sapphire chooses to numb herself because it's easier than deal with the pain. then on the episode where pearl and garnet fuse again, that happens three episodes later, the fusion is undone just as quickly because it was made for practical reasons... as actual fusion are treated as in homeworld and they both grow up understanding it, so they're both familiarized with the idea. it's not an intimate act, nobody treats it like that, but done purely for survival and mutual agreement.
before that we have multiple characters commenting on how tense the situation is at home, so we can infer clearly that garnet absolutely is allowed to still be upset during this period of time and nobody tries to convince her to let it go any faster, especially not for Pearl's sake. garnet explicitely tells pearl "i can't forgive you, there are consequences for your actions" and they both agree that what Pearl needs to do is to stop trying to make everything right immediately, and just let things keep their course. they'll be fine but not now and not because pearl is sad about it.
even when sapphire says to ruby that they have to forgive pearl, the story still makes a point for Sapphire have a moment to realize that's not correct, that Ruby is allowed to be angry and upset now if she feels like it, and it was bad from her to expect her to get over it quickier.
i already saw a story where all of those things actually do happens and it was on pokemadhouse, written by the same woman who claims to care about this while having multiple allegations of people having their consent and boundaries disregarded by her.
i have my own issues with SU, and problems with this arc as well, but that doesn't matter because whatever Sugar did on the show, including this, is still miles better handled that the mess that LO wrote in pokemadhouse and she defends to this day.
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danadotz · 2 years
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he’s angy
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artverso · 1 year
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Andrea Sorrentino - Bone Orchad 
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getpropertyreview · 2 years
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bananavirginia · 2 years
Watch 123 movies free online blood and orchad
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GREGORY, ⌜aside to Sampson ⌝ Say “better” here comes SAMPSON 55 But if you do, sir, I am for you. SAMPSON No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, SAMPSON, ⌜aside to Gregory ⌝ Is the law of our side if I Them, which is disgrace to them if they bear it.ĪBRAM 45 Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? GREGORY I will frown as I pass by, and let them take it SAMPSON Let us take the law of our sides let them GREGORY ’Tis well thou art not fish if thou hadst, thou SAMPSON Me they shall feel while I am able to stand,ģ0 and ’tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh. GREGORY They must take it ⌜in ⌝ sense that feel it. SAMPSON Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads. With the maids I will cut off their heads. When I have fought with the men, I will be civil GREGORY 20 The quarrel is between our masters and us I will push Montague’s men from the wall and Weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall. SAMPSON ’Tis true, and therefore women, being the GREGORY That shows thee a weak slave, for the weakest Will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague’s. SAMPSON A dog of that house shall move me to stand. GREGORY To move is to stir, and to be valiant is toġ0 stand. SAMPSON A dog of the house of Montague moves me. GREGORY But thou art not quickly moved to strike. GREGORY Ay, while you live, draw your neck out of SAMPSON I mean, an we be in choler, we’ll draw. GREGORY No, for then we should be colliers. SAMPSON Gregory, on my word we’ll not carry coals. ⌜Scene 1 ⌝ Enter Sampson and Gregory, with swords and bucklers, Their deaths appear finally to end the feud. Juliet wakes, sees his body, and commits suicide. The plan goes awry, and Romeo learns instead that she is dead. The friar will send Romeo word to be at her family tomb when she awakes. To avoid this marriage, Juliet takes a potion, given her by the friar, that makes her appear dead. Juliet’s father forces her into a marriage with Count Paris. He spends that night with Juliet and then leaves for Mantua. When Romeo refuses to fight, Romeo’s friend Mercutio accepts the challenge and is killed. Romeo and his companions almost immediately encounter Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, who challenges Romeo. Their families are enmeshed in a feud, but the moment they meet-when Romeo and his friends attend a party at Juliet’s house in disguise-the two fall in love and quickly decide that they want to be married.Ī friar secretly marries them, hoping to end the feud. Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet a Capulet. The prologue of Romeo and Juliet calls the title characters “star-crossed lovers”-and the stars do seem to conspire against these young lovers.
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