#order weed from colorado
madtomedgar · 2 years
5 states including kentucky (!!) voted to protect abortion access. 3 states did away with slavery (prison labor) as punishment for a crime. 3 states made massive commitments to affordable housing. illinois made collective bargaining a protected right. 2 more states legalized weed. connecticut is moving towards early voting. alabama removed racist language from the state constitution and is investing in statewide public broadband internet. california massively expanded funding for arts and music programs in public schools. colorado raised on the wealthiest in order to provide universal free school lunch to students. georgia may no longer pay cops who are suspended on a felony indictment. massachusetts massively expanded funding for public education and infrastructure, massively expanded dental insurance, and will allow residents to get a drivers license or state id regardless of immigration status. montana will now require a search warrant for access to electronic data. nebraska will increase its minimum wage to $15. new mexico will massively improve and expand senior facilities, public libraries, higher ed, special public schools, and tribal schools, residential utilities (water, internet, electricity). new york is putting 4.2 billion towards climate change mitigation. rhode island is increasing funding for public education and environmental protection. south dakota expanded medicaid.
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phoward89 · 2 months
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Happy (late) 420! I tried to get this out yesterday, but that didn't happen. Anyways, here's some Dealer!Coryo x Reader in honor of 420.
Weed, drugs, guns, cussing, Coriolanus Snow being Coriolanus Snow, p in v, slight degradation?, um that's bout it
Series Masterlist
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Chapter 1:
“Your brother's drunk again?” Coryo, your weed dealer and fuck buddy, asked as he flung the door to his section 8 apartment open as soon as he saw you thru the peephole. 
He knew what was wrong with you just by the sullen look on your face. Anytime you had that look on your face it was because your brother was either drunk and fighting with you or your ex (who Coryo nearly beat to death after the last time he cheated on you- which if you ask the dealer shouldn't have happened cause only a fucking idiot would stick their cock in a skeezy cunt when they've got your perfect, tight cunt to fuck on the regular) did something (like cheat) to upset you. 
After getting beat within an inch of his life, your ex skipped town. Rumor has it that he went to California. So, Coriolanus knows that there's only one reason you're on his doorstep looking like an anxious mess: your brother, Rein.
“Yep.” You popped your tongue.
“Come in.” Coriolanus ordered, moving aside to make room for you to enter his shithole. As you walked by him and into the apartment that smells heavily of cigarettes, weed, incense, and rose scented glade plug-ins, your favorite drug dealer announced with a lopsided smirk, “I was just ‘bout to roll a joint.”, while shutting and bolting the door.
“It's been a while since I smoked. I could use a few hits to calm down.” You admitted, making a beeline to the lumpy couch and in extension the glass coffee table nestled right in front of it.
A glass coffee table with chipped corners that was cluttered so much that the glass could barely be seen. It was a cluttered mess of magazines, rolling papers, plastic sandwich baggies, large bags of weed, a scale, a few empty beer bottles, an empty chip bag, a red solo cup, zippo, and a cheap ashtray.
Sometimes you wonder about Coryo, who could be a dead ringer for Eminem. Hell, his looks got him the nickname of Paneminem. You know, cause he's the Slim Shady of your small bumfuck Colorado town of Panem. 
A town that both you and Coriolanus Snow, known to a very small select few as Coryo, hate with a passion. 
But, anyways, sometimes you wonder about the dealer with the platinum buzzcut (which you were shocked to find out was his natural hair color) that lives alone. He doesn't have a lot of friends and the only family he's got is a cousin, Tigris, that's a stripper at Pluribus’ club. But they had some kind of falling out after he got a dishonorable discharge from the army and barely talk anymore.
And you only know about Tigris and his brief stint in the military cause you curiously asked him about his dog tags, chewing on the corner of them during a half-high afterglow while cuddling with him.
“What dumb shit did Rein do this time, baby girl?” The hardened drug dealer asked, following you over to the sofa. A sofa that has a board under it to level and prop up the saggy seat cushions.
“He’s pissed that I got laid off and can't find another job.” You told Coryo as the two of you sat down on the couch, making it dip under your combined weight.
“So, does that mean you're gonna start helping your favorite dealer sling shit for cash?” Coriolanus slightly chuckled, slipping his hand underneath the hem of his oversized white T-shirt and pulling his gun out of the waistband of his baggy jeans; placing it down on the coffee table.
You've seen the black Glock so many times, gosh it must be at least 50 by now, since you started buying weed and hooking up with Coryo. Him handling the weapon around you doesn't even phase you anymore. It should. It really should, especially since you weren't raised around guns or violence- but apparently the more time you spend around Snow (Coryo's surname and one of his street names- the other being Snowball) the more you're being corrupted by him.
Unknown to you, Coryo doesn't want you to become corrupted by him. He thinks you're a really sweet girl that had some shit luck of being abandoned by your mom and raised hovering above the poverty line by your much older half-brother and his girlfriend. Despite your crappy conditions, you’re as sweet as honey. Or at least to Coriolanus you are.
For some reason, the hardened drug dealer that's a couple of years older than you wants to keep you safe from any and all dangers in the world. Hell, Snow's not supposed to have feelings for you, a girl that occasionally buys weed from him; comes over to his place to vent about her life, but he does.
And that's not good because feelings are dangerous in his world. The drug underworld. The side of town, hell life, that decent people don't see. 
Coryo's got people that would love to put a bullet in him; the cops also want to lock him up for at least half his life too. Having you around him so much, getting wrapped up in shit isn't good at all. It's not good for you or for him. It'll only end up bad and in heartbreak.
And Snow can't have that. Oh, he has to protect you from his world. The world of drugs and all other illicit activities that transpire in the criminal underworld. You're just too sweet to have as a permanent fixture in his life, which is why he doesn't hang with you unless you're buying weed from him. He won't actively seek you out, despite the fact that you always bring a smile to face and warm his cold, black, dead, frostbitten heart.
“Coryo, you're my only dealer.” You dryly remind him, watching as he perches on the edge of his couch; leaning forward to grab the items he needs from his chipped coffee table to roll the joint with. “And no, I'm not gonna help you deal.”
“Only dealer, favorite dealer: same thing from how I look at it.” Coriolanus retorts while his long fingers nimbly work to fill and roll a joint for the two of you to share. “It was a joke, baby. I wasn't serious.” Your dealer dryly told you before giving out a lecture of, “My line of work’s dangerous, babe. I'd never send you out into that shit just to make a buck.” Waggling a long weed scented finger in your face, he added in, “And I would've fucked some goddamn sense into you if you’d agreed to my fake offer.”
You’re not stupid, you know that Coryo’s not just a weed dealer, but that he sells some hard shit and it makes his job- hell his life- dangerous. But you don't care. You accept him as he is. You're not trying to fix him; you're fine with him the way he is. You're also fine with being his customer/sorta friends with benefits.
You know that Coryo has a lockbox full of various pills and coke that he deals. The box is shoved in the side table, that looks like a weird ass octagon, caddy cornered between his sofa and a heavily duct taped easy chair. You saw it once when you were over, crying about being cheated on by your ex and needing some weed (and maybe some big dick) pronto to make you feel better and calm you down. 
Coryo had a customer he needed to meet and sell some powder to, so he prepared the crap right in front of you. After cutting the white powder finely with a credit card (that you're sure he stole from somebody) and portioning it up in a baggie, he made you swear to never touch the hard shit. He even said that he'd shoot whoever dares to give you the shit right between the eyes if he ever found out that you dabbled in the hard shit.
And then he sent you on your way with a few joints and a promise that he'd stop by to check up on you; see if you need anymore post getting cheated on weed to help feel better with. He kept good on that promise, he stopped by and took you out for a ride. A ride that ended with you desperately riding his cock in the backseat of his car- which was parked in some alleyway in a seedy part of town.
“Calm down, Coryo. God, don’t pop a vein over there.” You sarcastically tell the platinum blonde while he finishes rolling the joint. Watching him pick up his zippo off the table, you assure him.“You don't need to worry about me being in danger from the big bag drug dealers; I'll only make my money legally.”
“Y/N…” Snow mumbled warningly, slipping the joint between his lush lips and lighting up. Taking his first hit, he sighs, “The more you hang ‘round here, baby girl, the more you might be putting your sweet lil ass in danger.” 
“I’m a big girl, Snowball. I can take care of myself, plus I trust you and know that you'd never hurt me.” You said, watching him take his second hit. 
Passing the joint over to you, he dead ass says, “I got enemies; if they think we're a thing they'll fuck you up to get to me.” Shaking his head, he leans his elbows on his knees (of course he was manspreading- he always does when sitting on the sofa). “Cops would haul you in; jam you up just to try and catch my ass.”
Your brows furrow at his words. At their implications.
“So, what, you don't want me coming ‘round anymore?” You asked, brushing your fingertips against his rough, calloused ones as you took the joint from him. “Want me to find somebody new to buy weed from?” You took your first hit, coughing slightly. “Maybe I'll drive a couple hours to Denver and buy from a regulated dealer: from the man.” You threatened, taking your second hit and passing the joint to the broad shouldered man next to you.
“You're not driving down there for weed. You hear me?” Coryo sternly ordered before taking a deep hit off the joint.
“Then don't say you don't want me around, Coryo.” You countered, watching your dealer sexily blow a large billowing cloud of smoke from his perfect O shaped mouth.
“I didn't say that, babe.” Coryo snapped, his voice a bit hoarse from smoking weed all day (or at least you think he's been smoking all day). “I don't wanna have a heavy talk while smoking. Let's table this for now, yea?” He told you before taking a second, even longer hit from the joint perfectly pinched between his thumb and forefinger.
“Yea, my life's stressful enough.” You agreed, taking the offered joint from Coriolanus as soon as he exhaled a lungful of smoke.
Coryo didn't say a word, just leaned back into his couch and snaked an arm to rest behind you. He gave you a lazy thin lipped smile as you took your hit. His icy eyes, usually void of emotions, were shinning with fondness as he watched you instead of whatever bullshit was on his tv. 
A very nice large flatscreen that somebody gave him for payment. Fuck, the damn thing was worth nearly a grand since it was some top of the line Samsung smart tv. Snow knew it must've fallen out the back of a truck, but he didn't give a shit. Meant he didn't have to use he crappy tablet to watch stuff anymore.
But instead of watching tv, his attention was on you. God, Coriolanus loves watching you smoke. He thinks you're so sexy when you smoke. This cute, lil sweetheart taking in a large burning lungful and letting it waft out of your mouth expertly. 
It turned him on.
“It's not polite to stare, Coryo.” You remind the menacing man next to you, your tone a bit teasing, while passing him the joint after finishing your hits.
“I'm not staring, so don't know what your talking about.” He firmly denied, acting like he wasn't just caught ogling your gloss coated lips, while taking the joint.
You're starting to feel a bit hazy from the weed, unlike Coryo you don't smoke around the clock so a few hits mellows you out quickly, and lean your head against his shoulder.
“Your such a fucking lightweight.” The platinum blonde chuckles, shaking his head with a hint of an taunting smirk on his lips. 
“Not everyone can smoke and fuck all day, Snowball.”
“I don't smoke and fuck all day. I'll let you know that if I don't sling my shit then I ain't making any bank.” Coryo sneered, sounding a bit insulted by your remark, before taking a quick hit and holding the joint out to you.
Your fingertips brush over his, sending shockwaves through both of your buzzed bodies, as you take his offering. “You know, I'm still having a dry spell.” You reluctantly sigh between taking your two puffs and passing him back the joint.
Coryo's not stupid, he knows why you've been having problems finding somebody to hookup with let alone date. Word on the street is that he's sweet on you. That you’re Snowball's baby. Or at least Plinth and Creed, his only friends that are also dealers, told him that's the word.
Been the word since somebody saw you and him at some house party few weeks back- disappearing into a bathroom together for a good 15 minutes or so (yea, long enough to fuck).
“Maybe I can do something ‘bout it then, yea?”
“Maybe.” You coyly shrugged.
Even tho both you and Coryo knew that as soon as the joint turned into a roach; was snubbed into the ash trash, you'd be making out and undressing each other on his sofa.
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“Hmmm…Coryo, that feels so good…” You loudly moan, feeling your cunt twitch and grow wetter, as you ride Coryo's cock.
Coryo's sucking on one of your titties while roughly squeezing the other in his large, calloused hand. His other hand is holding onto your ass like it's the most prized jewel into the entire world. 
“God, Coryo, I needed your cock so bad.” You admit to him, your voice nothing more than a pathetic mewl, as your wrap your arms around his neck- one hand pressing into the back of his platinum buzzcut while the other holds the back of his neck- while you leverage yourself to bounce faster on his dick.
His cock, very long and thick with veins that catch every velvety piece of your walls, fills your cunt up perfectly; turns you into a whinny mess. His tip hits against your cervix, causing the coil to begin to tighten inside of your lower body with every move. And the way his cock presses into your g-spot just right- oh fuck he's completely ruined you for men.
Whether you want to admit it or not, you're addicted to Coryo's cock. He's the only man that can fuck you just right. God, you would be all hot and bothered over your dealer.
Your nipple falls from Coryo's mouth with a loud, wet pop. He looks up at you, baby blues smoldering midnight with lust, and slaps your ass. “Fuck, baby. Ride my cock, ride my cock like the lil slut you are.” His hand slides over your chest, leaving one tit and going to kneed the other, as he lands two quick slaps to your ass. “Baby, your cunt feels so tight and good. Ride me, baby, ride me.”
“Fuck…Coryo…think I'm gonna cum.” You breathing tell him, forehead pressing down against his; hair curtains around your faces, as you grind your hips faster against his.
“Yea?” He asks, his voice heavy from lust and hoarse from smoking weed, as he places his hands on either of your hips. “Hold on, baby. I'll make ya cum.” Coryo tilts his chin up, sloppily kissing you, before digging his fingers into the meat of your hips and thrusting fast and hard up into you.
“Fuck!” You scream, feeling your insides literally getting rearranged, as Coriolanus’ cock plunges deep inside of you. Deeper then you’ve ever felt it before (and that's saying something since the man’s cock always leaves an imprint in your lower stomach everytime you fuck) and it's making you see stars. 
Your arms are tightly wrapped around Coryo's neck in a vice grip as he pounds up into your cunt at such a strong, punishing pace. He's fucking you so hard and good that you can feel the rubber band inside of you get ready to snap. “Coryo…I'm gonna cum.” 
“Cum, baby. Be my good lil slut and cum on my cock.” Coryo orders, his baritone rough and raw, as he presses you against his chest while bucking his hips at lightning speed.
And you do. You cum hard, moaning a string of curses mixed with Coryo's name, before leaning limply against him and panting to catch your breath. Your head's pressed into the crook of his neck and he's now holding holding your back to keep you afloat while chasing his own high. Coryo pistons his cock in and out of you quickly before groaning a couple fucks and your name while shooting his hot load of thick pearly ropes of cum deep into your cunt.
“Damn…” Coryo trailed off, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath.
Your head's still resting in the crook of his neck as you unwrap one of your arms from around his neck. Running your hand up and down his toned chest, you blurt out, “I'm hungry.”
“Of course, you get the munchies now.” Coryo scoffs, shaking his head. “I got some pizza rolls in the freezer, I'll nuke us some in a lil bit. Okay, babe?” He offered while trying to enjoy his blazed out afterglow moment with you. 
Honestly, he just wanted you to cockwarm him for a while because he didn't know when you'd be in that position again. 
And Coryo knows that he's going to have to cut you loose eventually. You're a liability in his line of work. Snow, the cold hearted drug dealer that doesn't think twice about popping a cap in somebody's ass, has a soft spot for you. Hell, to be honest he cares for you.
He cares a lot.
And that's dangerous. Feelings are a weakness that he can't afford in his life. The thought of you being used against him makes him sick.
And Coriolanus will never forgive himself if something bad happened to you because of him.
He knows that he'll have to cut you loose soon. Put his combat boot covered foot down; lay down some rules for the two of you to abide by. Something like he'll drop your weed off at your house then leave type of deal.
But right now, for a few minutes, he just wants to bask in your warmth.
And for right now, you're Snowball's baby.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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passivenovember · 5 months
Billy's leg hair is soft. Like peach fuzz.
Steve touches it when Tommy convinces them to hop the pool's security fence one sweltering night in August even though Steve has a goddamn pool.
"Fuck off," Tommy says.
"Don't be a pussy," Tommy says.
"Leave him alone," Billy snaps, so Tommy does. Whatever Billy says. Always and forever.
So they go, even though Steve's got a pool and a baggie of Colorado weed at home. He thinks it might be a way to prove some sort of point, just for the thrill of it, and he almost says no, almost pussies out, until he sees the bright big smile on Billy's face, and. Well.
Steve's never claimed not to think with dick, so.
Billy's the first to go over. All teeth and bright blue eyes when he says, "I'm the one who fuckin' works here, I should scope it out first," and Tommy agrees because Billy's the pied fuckin' piper now. The King.
"You're a pal," Billy claps a hand on Tommy's neck. Squeezes. "Who's gonna get me over the ridge?"
"I will," Steve says quickly. Too quickly. Showing his ass a little, but. Fuck it. Tommy gets the smiles for operating as Billy's little fuckin' lapdog, but he doesn't get to touch Billy, Steve decides. "I'll lift you."
Billy smiles at him. Small and secret and just for them, "Alright, pretty boy. Gimmie a boost."
Tommy gets to hold Billy's cigarette and suck on the filter where those cherry red lips have been, but Steve gets to fold on one knee. Gets to feel the balding sole of Billy's sneaker press into his thigh. Gets to tangle is fingers in the thatches of hair along Billy's calf and just under the hem of his tiny green Hawkins High Phys Ed shorts, and.
Tommy's green with envy. Like Billy's shorts.
He chickens out just when Billy hoists himself onto Steve's leg, his perky little ass at eye level so they can both watch it jiggle while Billy tries to jam his sneaker toe into the chain link. They stare. Salivate. Catch each other staring and realize that they're competing for this. For Billy. Just like they did with Connie Mitchell in the first grade, and point guard all sophomore year.
Steve raises an eyebrow.
Billy may be the king now but that's only because Steve lets him. Only because Steve thinks of his dick first and only and seceded the throne in order to get at Billy's cock. Threw in the towel, y'know, small losses.
Point is, at the end of the day, Tommy's gone toe-to-toe with Steve Harrington enough to clock a lost cause when it presents itself, so.
He chickens out.
Billy gets his toe into the chain link and calls Tommy a pussy, treats them both to the fuckin' ace view of one ass cheek peeking out from the hem of his shorts before Tommy ducks across the parking lot with his tail between in his legs.
Once he's gone, Billy hops over the fence and lands grinning. Gorgeous. "Damn, been a while since I've climbed anything other than a pair of legs."
Somehow, his shirt is already off. What's left of Steve's brain goes out the window.
"Could use a swim," Billy says. The cicadas are loud as hell.
Sweat makes Steve's jeans stick to his legs. His mouth is dry. Can't goddamn take his eyes off the pink, tender swatch of Billy's nipples. "Totally," He says, lost.
"Hot out here."
"Mmm," Steve says. Losing his mind.
"Tommy took the hint. Nothin' to keep tabs on anymore," Billy tells him. He ducks, trying to catch Steve's eye. When he finally does Billy grins, slow and terrible. "You comin' over the wall, pretty thing?"
A skinny dip isn't the most sexual thing Steve's ever experienced, all things considered.
It's the before. The build up. Steve watches Billy undress, like a fuckin' creep hiding in the shadows with his eyes glued to the tanned curve of Billy's ass. He tugs his shorts down and Steve gets that he was commando that whole time.
Steve mourns what could've been if Billy's balls had slipped out of his shorts instead of his ass cheek ten minutes ago, pouting until Billy turns and says, "Race me?"
Before Steve can respond Billy's tucking his knees up under himself, slamming like a canon ball into the deep.
Steve struggles out of his clothes and runs toward the water, the soles of his feet burning on the pavement where it holds desperate to the heat of the day.
And the thing about Billy is that Steve's met his match finally. Has known since that first basketball practice last year, when Billy wouldn't stop frustrating the hell out of the other players.
It's like. Everything Billy does, everywhere he goes and everyone he meets is forced out of mediocrity. Forced to be better.
So, they play horse in the darkness. They dunk each other. Race back and forth across the entire length of the pool until Billy wins, even though Steve kept grabbing his ankle to slow him down.
"Damn, princess, that was tragic" Billy giggles, hoisting himself to sit on the edge of the pool and Steve gets a peek at his cock, soft and thick between his legs. "Lucky it was just me and the cicadas here to witness that. Anyone else would laugh you outta town."
"Who would boost you over fences?"
"Tommy Hagan."
Steve snorts, "Tommy Hagan is made of hamburger meat and boxed jello. He's all mass, he'd get too excited about finally being allowed to touch you and you'd fall right through him."
Billy giggles at that, again. High and bright like a church bell, and.
The thing about Billy is that he's gorgeous. Looks like one of those old ass Greek and Roman statues, slick with water that only makes him glow incendiary in the moonlight.
Steve paddles around just for something to do. Probably looks like a fuckin' dork and Billy will never let Steve touch him again--
"Shit, you're cute when you're jealous," Billy says, pushing his hair out of his eyes. Grins when he notices Steve watching him, "Could use a cigarette, Bambi. You got one?"
"No," Steve paddles toward the edge of the pool. "I think I killed a lung, anyway"
"Or two," Billy teases, spreading his thighs a little when Steve gets close enough, and.
That does nothing to help the situation. Steve's out of breath and hard at the way Billy's curls turn into lazy ringlets when they're full of chlorine. Hard at the obnoxious cut of his Superman abs. Hard at the way Billy's looking at him. So.
He can't catch his breath. His lungs burn.
Billy watches him for a moment, thoughtful, before he says, "I don't like Tommy Hagan at all."
Steve laughs. "Me neither."
"Why do you hang out with him?"
Steve shrugs, gripping the wall next to Billy's legs. "'Cause you do."
"Now that's just pathetic. Aren't you supposed to be the King around here?" Billy watches him so more and then grins, slow and terrible, "King Steve, right?"
"Ugh, shut up. I hate that."
"What, you're bored of your crown? You don't want it anymore, baby?"
Steve rolls his eyes, "No."
"What do you want then?" Billy asks. His gaze rests, heavy as a boulder, on Steve's face. His eyes burn a line down the bridge of Steve's nose, all but cutting his skull in half with their intensity.
Steve swallows. Thinks. They're sitting around naked at the public pool, for Christ Sake. Says, "I want you, Billy." and prepares for the sky to cave in around them.
Steve holds his breath.
Somewhere, behind the lifeguard station, an air conditioning unit disrupts the lazy summer air. Steve wills himself to keep steady, to stand his ground and hold Billy's gaze while a million different expressions shutter over him like sunlight.
Finally, Billy cracks. "Are you fucking with me, Harrington?"
"No," Steve says. Too quickly. Showing his ass a little but Steve thinks they may be beyond that, now. His knuckles turn white on the tile lip of the swimming pool, trying to keep the rest of him afloat, "I think. Ever since you got to town I've. Wanted you."
"Wanted me how?"
"I," Steve kicks his feet in the water, stomach swooping with lust and, fuckin'. Embarrassment. "I want--"
Billy cocks his head, considering. "Don't look like you've ever sucked anyone off, sweetheart."
"I haven't," Steve says. Feels a little like a school girl in a porn tape, looking up at Billy through his lashes while he admits to being a virgin, or something. Needing to be shown.
The thing is, Steve probably could've sucked guys off before, now that he's thinking about it. Tons of guys. Every guy on the basketball team, probably, but.
He doesn't say that.
The only guy he wants to suck off is Billy.
Billy smirks at him. Mean. "No shit?" But his cheeks are pink. Strawberry.
"No shit," Steve tells him. "I want to try, though. I want--"
"--You wanna suck my cock, baby?"
Steve flushes bright red, feels flame licking at his skin. No one's ever spoken to him like that, no one's ever--
Steve nods. Wets his lips, and. Billy tracks the whole thing, leaning back on his palms so his abs jump and strain. Fuckin' asshole.
"Say it," Billy demands, voice gruff.
Steve blinks, "Say...?"
"Tell me what you want," Billy tells him slowly, "Ask. And maybe I'll give it to you."
Steve's palms slip on the tile, slick with sweat. "Can I suck your cock, Billy? Will you show me?"
Billy exhales, sharp and fast, "You want to?"
"You're sure?"
"Why should I let you when Tommy Hagan would--"
"Tommy Hagan would use too much teeth," Steve says. When Billy blinks at him, eyebrows raised, he huffs, "Look, I said I've never sucked a guy off, not that a guy has never--"
"--Tommy Hagan sucked you off?"
"All summer between junior and senior year," Steve tells him. "Small towns are boring."
"That makes me a little jealous," Billy hums, "Why should I let you suck my cock? How do I know I'm not payback?"
"What, for Tommy Hagan?"
Billy shrugs. And Steve knows, alright? He gets it. Being an asshole is Billy's version of foreplay, but he snaps. Desperate. A little bit of a whore, but. Who gives a shit.
"Look, Hargrove, you want me to spell it out for you or something? Let me suck your dick, you fuckin' asshole, I'm not getting any younger--"
"--Gonna come in my pants if you keep talking like that, baby."
Steve swallows. "You're not wearing any pants."
Billy's smirk turns into an awful grin. He stares down at his thighs, spreading them until his cock bobs free, flushed head nodding at the moon. "Well. Would ya look at that."
It hangs in the air between them. Figuratively.
Billy grips the base of his cock, thighs spreading until his peachy leg hair grazes Steve's pinky finger, and Steve smirks. Kicks his feet. Swallows. Kicks his feet. "Ask me nicely and maybe I'll give it to you."
Billy exhales a laugh, "You're such a bitch."
"I'd let you come inside me."
Billy groans, "Fuckin' brat."
"Guess you're gonna have to shut me up, then," Steve says, more turned on than he's ever been in his life when Billy tangles his fingers in Steve's hair to pull him through the water.
"Jesus Christ," Billy breathes, shoving his fingers in Steve's mouth and pumping them in and out, in and out just to watch his lips blow fat around the digits. "I'm gonna fuck your face," Billy says, matter of fact, "Tap my thigh if you want me to--"
"Jesus Christ, are you gonna fuck me or not?"
Billy laughs again, a little winded, and forces Steve to take him to the root. And. Okay. Steve's never taken a cock down his throat before. It's nice, Steve likes the pressure and immediately he's addicted to the way it cuts off his air supply. He relaxes around Billy's length which is a fuckin' feat, because.
Steve doesn't remember this hanging between Billy's legs at school. He focuses on breathing when he can. Some poor pool boy is gonna have to use the net to scrape his come out of the water in the morning for $3.50 an hour.
He hopes it's Billy.
Thinks he'll have to use his father's name and make some calls to get it to happen.
And. Judging by the sounds Billy can't hold in, looks like he's met his match in Steve, too.
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protag johnny truant talks a lot abt his sex life and the girls he fucks, seemingly without a direct relation to what he footnotes. but theres always this weird dissociative vibe to it and a lot of ppl think he's lying to sound better than he is (smth he admits to having done, telling insane stories abt how he got his disfigurements is part of his (often unsuccesful) pickup routine), but i ask what does he have to lie about in footnotes no one is ever going to see? my theory is that they are things he thinks happened, or things he is afraid of happening, and writing them out is his way of assuaging the anxiety brought on by delusion or ocd
notably these alleged fantasies are not particularly flattering or satisfying. they are under bizarre or unideal circumstances, involve him feeling deeply ambivalent and lonely, and explicitly mentions not finishing. a woman he doesnt remember becoming friends with uses him as revenge sex on her fiancé. so i find it hard to believe hes doing it to bolster an image or even an ego. if they do happen, even in part, these are not healthy or even necessarily coping mechanisms that make him feel better. often they make him feel worse, lost, alone.
I won't deny that Johnny's parts can be hard to get through. He can be crass, misogynistic, uncomfortable, unhygenic, dissociative, painful, ugly, and sometimes there's just plain bad sex. But I think it's unfair to discount these sections as entirely discrete from and unrelated to Zampano's paper on The Navidson Record. Johnny's story is included in House of Leaves for a reason. It's a part of the whole. There's a lot to be said about Johnny, whose life has never had any security to begin with, whose life is a series of winding pathways that leave him substance reliant and unsure of his place in anything-- in space in time in other people's lives-- reading a book about a movie where this upper middle class nuclear family moves into a new house and immediately have their own sense of domestic safety completely and totally shattered.
Here he is, speaking about his disfigurements (the things he has to tell ludicrous, pulpy stories about in order for people to not recoil away from him):
"All of it true too, though of course scars are much harder to read. Their complex inflections do not resemble the reductive ease of any tattoo, no matter how extensive, colorful or elaborate the design. Scars are the paler pain of survival, received unwillingly and displayed in the language of injury."
Here's him talking about that lady who has him as revenge sex:
"Before I left she told me our story: where we'd met-Texas- kissed, but never made love and this had confused her and haunted her and she had needed to do it before she got married which was in four months to a man she loved who made a living manufacturing TNT exclusively for a highway construction firm up in Colorado where he frequently went on business trips and where one night, drunk, angry and disappointed he had invited a hooker back to his motel room and so on and who cared and what was I doing there anyway? I left, considered jerking off, finally got around to it back at my place though in order to pop I had to think of Thumper. It didn't help. I was still hurting, abandoned, drank three glasses of bourbon and fumed on some weed, then came here, thinking of voices, real and imagined, of ghosts, my ghost, of her, at long last, in this idiotic footnote, when she gently pushed me out her door and I said quietly "Ashley" causing her to stop pushing me and ask "yes?" her eyes bright with something she saw that I could never see though what she saw was me, and me not caring though now at least knowing the truth and telling her the truth: "I've never been to Texas.""
I don't know. I just have a profound compassion for this guy. Maybe it's my own history with abuse and neglect and dissociation and unreality but it kind of shocks me to see how many people respond to this guy who desperately needs help and isn't going to get it, who is deeply terrified of other people and wanting them and hurting them or himself... as an imposition and annoying. It's such a fundamentally different read, one I hadn't even considered.
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baronetcoins · 1 year
So. The US has a speaker of the house(*). If you've seen the memes floating around for the past few days, you might find yourself wondering: how did that happen? Buckle in folks, this was a bit of a ride.
(*) for now
When we last left our... main characters, Kevin McCarthy had failed an 11th ballot to be elected speaker, down 20 Republican votes when he could afford a maximum of five defectors. The house then voted to adjourn until 12 eastern time on January 6th. Overnight, some deals happened, because for the first time since day 1 there was a significant movement in votes. Round 12 saw 14 of the representatives who had previously been defectors voted for McCarthy—not enough to give him the speakership (lmao, imagine?), but enough to prove his chances of victory weren't entirely dead. Important for later, three representatives were absent—Ken Buck (R-Colorado), Wesley Hunt (R-Texas), and David Trone (D-Maryland).
Round 13 went much the same in actual voter count, with one more of the never-Kevins peeling off to vote for McCarthy, though it was the first round in which there was not another republican candidate formally nominated. Trone came out of his voluntary surgery to vote for Hakeem Jeffries, and there was a motion to adjourn so the republican caucus could continue haggling, which passed. Setting the house up to reconvene at 10 pm eastern time, and some of the most dramatic hours we've seen in this whole glorious train wreck.
Signs suggested Kevin was feeling good—when asked why he felt confident he had the votes to clinch this, he responded "because I count." Two of the more notorious never-Kevins (Boebert and Gaetz) seemed open to negotiating. The press reported Buck and Hunt would be returning for the evening vote. A cart loaded with giant boxes of Five Guys burgers rolled into the speaker's office.
The hours pass. 10 pm rolls around, and the air is thick with anticipation. The house chaplain offers a prayer in which she suggests the gridlock may finally be over. Patrick McHenry (R-North Carolina) gives a nominating speech for McCarthy with not one but two jokes that fell extraordinarily flat, all the while wearing a bow tie.
Now, the votes for speaker are conducted as roll call votes. The poor, probably underpaid, long-suffering house clerk reads off the name of each representative in alphabetical order, then goes through a second time calling the name of any representative who didn't vote the first time. This takes... a while, but what it means is that when you know who's vote to watch, you spend a while in anticipation of that person's name being called, listening to the alphabet.
The other thing to understand, as this gets deep into the weeds, is a little more of the nuts and bolts of how the count works. The speaker of the house is elected by a majority of the votes cast—that is to say, the number of representatives-elect who vote for a name instead of not voting or voting present, divided by half, plus one.
M = [ (# reps elect - # of reps elect not voting - # of reps elect voting present)/2 ] + 1
The US House, while normally filled with 435 reps, currently has 434, due to one death. 212 of those are democrats, the remainder are republicans. If all 434 vote, the threshold for a majority is 218 (434/2, +1). If, say, two members vote present and everyone else votes, the threshold is 217.
The remaining detractors were Biggs, Boebert, Crane, Gaetz, Good, and Rosendale. Biggs, first on the list, voted for a non-Kevin guy, Jordan. Boebert, second in line, voted present. This was a difference that got audible applause from the chamber. For one brief, beautiful, shining moment, it seemed like we might have a resolution. And then Crane votes for Biggs, which. Fine. Kevin can spare a few losses. And then, Gaetz doesn't. vote. Not voting present, which is a different thing. He just lets the first round skip him. Good votes for Jordan. Rosendale votes for Biggs. At which point, the math is as follows. 434 congresspeople, 432 votes, 217 to win. McCarthy has 216 votes. It all comes down to Gaetz: if he votes for McCarthy, Kevin wins. Anything else, and we're doing this again.
Gaetz. Votes. Present.
At first, this gets cheers and claps. And I look at my mom, who's watching the vote with me, and wonder "what the fuck?" The reaction makes me doubt my math. The floor is in chaos. Pretty quickly, it seems people realize that McCarthy is not, in fact, speaker of the house. Kevin runs back towards Gaetz and starts "negotiating" (fig 1)
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Fig. 1: things get heated
A democrat heckles from the distance, yelling "On your knees!" To Kevin as he approached Gaetz. There are calls for order. Mike Rogers, R-Alabama, has to be physically dragged away from Gaetz (fig 2)
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Fig. 2: lol, and furthermore, lmao
All this, followed by a motion to adjourn until Monday that at first appears to be successful, until Kevin runs to the front to tell members to change their votes. It appears a deal has been struck—and ballot 15 proves it. All the remaining holdouts vote present, lowering the threshold to 215, and allowing Kevin's 216 votes to take him over the line. Truly, our long national nightmare has come to a middle.
What does this mean? Probably bad things. The rules package and committee assignments are yet to be formalized (that'll come on Monday), but expect the house ""freedom"" caucus to be more or less running the show (*) (*pending a long and bloody battle over the rules, which is, IMO, still on the table).
I could go through the speeches, but it's 2:30 am and I've got a flight tomorrow so I would literally Rather Perish so instead, to conclude, i'll leave you with this.
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(3: source)
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
Drive 50 miles from Boise, Idaho, past the suburbs, exurbs and farms into Oregon, and you’ll find yourself in the largest conservation opportunity left in the continental U.S.
In the Owyhee Canyonlands, Western sagebrush landscapes surround rock formations reminiscent of the Colorado Plateau, leading some to liken it to the Grand Canyon. It stretches across roughly 7 million acres of high desert in Oregon, Idaho and Nevada. Roughly a third of that landscape is high-quality wilderness—more land than in many existing national parks—with no roads or cell service. 
Some of the last pristine sections of the rapidly declining sagebrush habitat that once dominated much of the Western U.S., the Owyhee Canyonlands—named for the phonetic pronunciation of Hawaii after three island natives were lost in the wilderness and never found—have remained wild despite little federal protection. “Its remoteness protected it,” said Ryan Houston, the executive director of the Oregon Natural Desert Association, an environmental group leading efforts to protect the area.
But the Owyhee is under threat. The population in Idaho’s Treasure Valley and Boise, to the north of the canyonlands is growing, with suburbs expanding into the area. The south is home to a new mining boom, with the second approved lithium mine in the U.S. now under construction just over the Nevada border. In between, invasive weeds have invaded the area, sparking bigger and hotter wildfires that are turning portions of the region from sagebrush to grasslands, threatening the entire ecosystem and the cultural sites found throughout the canyonlands that are important to local Indigenous tribes. 
For decades, groups have pushed to protect the Owyhees and come up short. Current legislation introduced by Oregon’s senators to protect the area has broad local support but stalled in Congress. So a growing grassroots coalition is taking matters into its own hands, urging President Joe Biden to designate just over 1 million acres in the Owyhee Canyonlands as a National Monument under the Antiquities Act, which allows presidents to protect naturally or historically significant places without Congress. 
“It used to be you could find a place like this, write a bill and protect it,” said Aaron Kindle, the director of sporting advocacy at the National Wildlife Federation, who has helped lead the conservation group’s involvement in the monument push. But times have changed, he said, so communities and conservationists are turning to the nation’s highest office, rather than just representatives from their state.
They believe now is their best chance to protect this stretch of land in eastern Oregon. In his first few weeks in office, Biden issued an executive order tasking his administration to conserve 30 percent of America’s lands and waters from development by 2030, establishing conservation as key to addressing the climate crisis. That led to the America the Beautiful initiative, which outlined how to work with local community stakeholders to protect biodiversity, the natural resources needed to address climate change and Americans’ access to wild spaces. 
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Why You Should Spend More Time Thinking About legit online dispensary
Your house Of Ganja has been serving Californians since 2009 with its extensive selection of top quality cannabis items at competitive price ranges. The store gives leading shelf flower kinds as well as vape cartridges, edibles, creams & lotions as well as a number of other items personalized specially in direction of health care individuals’ demands - making it one stop store place for any type of user trying https://eliteonlinedispensary.org/product/bubble-hash/ to find high quality potables! Moreover - they pride them selves on speedy processing situations which helps make sure prompt arrival time when orders have already been positioned by means of their Site or cellular app (i OS/Android).
Canna Biz Depot has developed up a loyal subsequent among health-related users thanks mainly owing its motivation to individual satisfaction above anything else – a thing apparent when browsing however their expansive catalogue! All product sales are conducted by means of safe credit card transactions which makes certain privateness while buying large grade buds etcetera… On top of that
The Green Resolution is among the preferred on the internet marijuana dispensaries in Colorado. This dispensary offers a big variety of leading-shelf cannabis solutions, from common flower strains to edibles and concentrates. Consumers can purchase their wanted merchandise by using a straightforward-to-use Web page or cell app, and luxuriate in convenient shipping and delivery companies in the course of Denver metro area. The Inexperienced Remedy also prioritizes customer service by supplying knowledgeable staff members that happen to be delighted to answer inquiries and assist prospects discover the right products for them.
Liv Very well is another notable on line dispensary in Colorado that strives to provide shoppers with premium quality cannabis merchandise at competitive costs. Liv Properly carries every thing from flowers, tinctures, edibles, pre-rolls and more – all sourced from locally grown plants so purchasers know they’re getting the freshest products doable! In addition they supply speedy shipping periods together with discreet packaging options to make certain privateness when purchasing on the internet.
Buddy Boy Farms stands out among other marijuana dispensaries due its superior customer service expectations; this keep assures each shopper receives personalized focus although looking for their beloved goods on the internet. On top of that - Buddy Boy Farms provides a big variety of flowers ranging from indica/sativa hybrids like Gorilla Glue #4 & Blue Aspiration to rarer versions including Super Lemon Haze & White Fire OG – plus lots of exclusive concentrates as well!
The Lodge Cannabis has become the oldest dispensaries in Colorado owning been founded back in 2009; considering the fact that then it has grown to be renowned for its huge assortment of quality grade bud versions sourced directly from regional farms inside of compliant states like Oregon or Nevada (despite your choice you’ll you should definitely come across a little something acceptable listed here!). Not merely does this store have fantastic weed but they also replenish on vape cartridges & edibles in conjunction with other components making it best destination no matter if You are looking health care relief or leisure pleasure!
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Shopping online for cannabis goods gives numerous strengths which can’t be observed at area dispensary shops. Certainly one of the most significant benefits is usefulness – buyers can browse by means of a variety of items from the comfort of their very own property, and purchase them with just a couple clicks. This eradicates needing to travel to different retailers searching for certain items, allowing consumers to get the things they want swiftly and simply.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Actually, you know what? No reason to be cryptic about it. Enjoy the journey on Aaron's current life choices.
So I mean, I've not made it secretive that I'm, among many things, a pothead, mostly for pain management. And that I've had an interesting life, and have some surprising influences in rings that I always stood as the Most Unlikely Hobbit in.
But certain things I witnessed, I observed, I learned a great deal, even had the means to get involved with but just, didn't. I had enough chaos in my life, let's not add FBI drug raids to it, thanks.
But on February 6th, weed is legal here.
The first places that were approved on licensing for it were established medical dispensaries. They've already gone through the process and most of them are importing established brands etc etc and so on. And most home growers don't have the mix of knowledge, and time to do all the hinky beaurocracy shit as a backyard operation, so they mostly just grow and quietly share with besties if they got overflow, and it's kind of whatever they got.
I've also lived in a location where it was legal, as it went legal, so I remember watching this process happen before. The first thing that happens is lines down entire blocks at major established medical dispensaries, while the overage joe still smokes something from their friend's potted plant basically, and it's cool, as long as you're not like, busted trying to distribute random shit on the corner.
And then over time the market shifts because since legalization application is open for everyone else in a few months, after it's Roughly Pretended Nobody Planted Early, We Swear, and smaller licensed recreational-predominant dispensaries open, but often struggle and fail on profit margins vs operations vs whatever. Like I have literally seen this circus, I have watched the monkeys rise and then die.
So I hear them asking, well, isn't this gonna bring the cost of weed way down? and I'm like... nyes?
If you mean the demand to have some random shit dropped in your mailbox by your uncle Ben's neighbor, yeah, that's gonna go through the floor. Even if they Swear It's Their Best Shit. Because the market is going to be full of high end prices with menus and educational information that lets customers select what they want, and the prices START where they used to be and only go up from there, plus taxes. So. No. Weed actually gets a little more expensive but the shit you get is hand over fists better.
Like someone I know is all "You know weed is cheap, no matter how good it is right, where do you think I get all my shit." and I'm like. You get all your shit because it's inventory nobody wants, was harvested way too young and is indiscernible from higher end ditch weed dude, this is just what market availability has done.
Then they argue, no, don't order your seeds from XYZ, my buddy in colorado can send you any strain you want, bet.
Nawwwww. NAWWWWWW. That's shit they shook off their plants, best guess at gendering and is probably lowkey hybridized somehow, no I want to know EXACTLY what they fuck I'm starting with and be in control of my plants without having an invasion of boys fucking up the crop.
So then of course there's the issue of competition even if I got the startup equipment. Yeah, lots of people grow for themselves, but expecting to make a profit margin is where people fuck up. Because by the time they pay for space beyond one table in their kitchen, or anywhere to sell it or have space, they're in the hole before they ever open the door.
So considering the remodeling plans I had, the local zoning and other things, I got the operations front covered, and it'd be part of a paid off home. It's just built in cost of living anyway, only now Home Earns Money with the layout I have planned and so on, because again, I need to remodel the basement for disabled living anyway, And This Fits. Wheelchair floorplan and all.
But um. Because of my life path, DESPITE my somehow squeaky clean record, I have seen things. The system will ironically let me coast through application easily as an, awww, look at these two white nerds trying to make a profit margin on their pain management dotting all their i's and crossing all their Ts. When really we have quarterly plans set out for two years as a rough estimate.
We being a friend of mine, a dear real life friend, who has history in realty, accounting and business management that was looking for a way out of the grind too, and is happy to help quickbooks his way through this and match the money I can put in on the 18th.
Because no, no I will never be able to out compete the established big dispensaries. But I got something better. The common sense to know pulling in a quarter what they target in a week is great. The ability to incorporate it to living expenses. The available manpower to handle all the form filling and dotted i's and crossed T's on that end while I handle the production, at no cost to us, no inflation to customer, and everything beyond some essentials really being minimal cost for profit. And cured and treated right you get this sticky bud NO dispensary can match, period.
And then there's where I'm at. I'm in a food desert. How do you think the dispensaries look. If you go up the main road maybe five miles there's one, and I can guarantee you it'll be expensive as fuck, so everyone will keep buying ditch weed.
The point is to be the middle ground of that, to be KNOWN to those people, to have local referrals and community.
Like naw, I don't want a store front. I'll do everything I can to be healthy, legal, maintained, all of that and it won't be that hard with the two of us. But you get me 200 locals that already spend 500 a month in weed you got me 100K/month, bro. And they still get to menu pick That Good Shit like at the dispensaries but because there's no storefront or middle management it outprices them for actual hand reared good shit that aint dried out or whatever.
Yeah. I know EXACTLY what the fuck I'm doing, and to NOT overgrow and to NOT overaim, and to KEEP it small and simple and to NOT expect to be a millionaire overnight, but rather, to be a Thousandaire smoothly for a bit and, then if my buddy does the right business cost writeoffs, we can see about expanding year two or what have you. Yeah, sure, buy the house this year on early profit margins, collateral it against itself for repairs and write it off as a business expense to get started. The room is there but it's not about ever trying to be One Of Those Ones. It's about fitting a local demand in a market and being THE one to set up that demand, and you can't do that if you fuck around waiting a month to invest it.
SOOOO to roll back to the start of this post on the 18th I am Buying Some Shit that will not see investment return for, oh, 10-14 weeks one could say, and then after that things start rolling, at about the rate getting a license approved happens, iykyk.
It's just about 500 investment on either end, scaled to 15 plants expected to drop 15-25 low to high ounces as a start. You can outprice the market and still pull 100K. And after you get round one going next month double it over into a second wave with a few more troughs and again the next month. You only run three. Suddenly it's like when you have too many chickens. That's it that's the sweet spot right there. So give it a quarter.
So that's about where I'm at right now. I'm worried about getting them started first, as I can't fight against time itself. He's gonna work out the licensing and LLCs shit in the meantime and put in his half and we're getting it rolling NOW. I can bat around customer reward and referral programs loosely and whatnot as that's already on the mind, but this is the point of motion I'm at right as my hip literally blew, so there's a lot of chair sitting by force going on right now. [uses cane to push gamer chair around the house] HOLDING FOR INVESTMENT MONEY FIRST CHAIR SECNOD I CAN MAKE IT TILL THE FIRST DAMMIT.
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How old do you have to be to smoke marijuana
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Marijuana authorization has become progressively well known among Americans, even the individuals who don't share, and states are paying heed. Lawful, controlled pot deals offer many advantages to people and state and nearby legislatures including expanded charge income, admittance to more secure items, and diminished movement and reliance on the unregulated bootleg market. Legitimate controlled substances frequently accompany age limits, and these can differ on a state-by-state and made to order premise. How old do you need to be to partake in ganja? We should investigate.
For what reason do states have age limits on marijuana use?
Like liquor and tobacco, marijuana stays a controlled substance in the 33 states that have legitimised it for clinical or sporting use. Policymakers put age limits on these substances trying to advance protected and dependable use. Liquor's just generally acknowledged clinical purposes are as a sanitizer, sterile, and remedy to methanol harming in situations where fomepizole isn't accessible. Tobacco, then again, is answerable for more than 3 million passes each year around the world. In spite of the horde of clinical utilizations of pot, many states have put together their weed age limits with respect to existing liquor and tobacco regulations. The drawn out impacts of pot use in minors have not been well-informed and many concur that deciding in favour caution is ideal.
What is the lawful age to involve sporting weed in the US?
While marijuana remains governmentally unlawful in the US, the states which have legitimised sporting pot deals, including Gold country, California, Colorado, and Michigan have set the legitimate age to buy weed at 21.
This age limit reflects the lawful drinking age from one side of the country to the other. The government legitimate age to buy tobacco was as of late raised from age 18 to mature 21 too. The fundamental rationale behind setting the sporting use age limit at 21 is, probably, that on the off chance that an individual can be relied upon to utilise liquor dependably at 21, similar sounds valid for marijuana.
Should the law be changed?
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There are two significant ways of thinking with respect to the suitable age to start utilising pot. The people who advocate for higher age limits contend that the human cerebrum keeps on creating until the age of 25, and that mind-adjusting substances can adversely influence mental health. Despite the fact that liquor is an intensely mind-changing substance, the "creating cerebrum" contention isn't reflected by the lawful drinking age of 21.
The individuals who accept the lawful age for sporting pot use ought to be brought down to mature 18 contend that the repercussions of higher age cutoff points could be more hindering than accommodating. In an overview of in excess of 42,500 understudies across the US, scientists saw that as 30.3% of twelfth graders detailed day to day marijuana use.
Without controlled admittance to pot, youngsters are probably going to search out illegal methods for obtaining pot. Not in the least does this fuel the underground market, it likewise implies there is no guideline of item wellbeing. Moreover, in the event that got and sentenced, the ramifications of a lawbreaker record can meaningfully affect all that from lodging to work possibilities.
At what age might you at any point utilise clinical weed?
Many states that offer a clinical cannabis program set the base age to apply at age 18. This is the age at which one is viewed as legitimately a grown-up in the US and may pursue lawful choices and enter contracts without parental assent.
It makes sense that here a grown-up can advocate for their own clinical treatment too. A specialist's proposal in view of qualifying conditions is still commonly required. What might be said about more youthful patients who experience the ill effects of similar qualifying conditions? The regulations in regards to clinical pot use by minors fluctuate by state.
In states including Nevada, Michigan, and Hawaii, there is no age breaking point to apply for clinical pot given the patient gets a clinical suggestion. Different states permit minors to utilise clinical marijuana on the off chance that a grown-up parent or gatekeeper gives assent and registers as the minor's guardian.
Because of the current narcotic emergency, a developing number of specialists are supportive of recommending marijuana to minors for help with discomfort in circumstances where profoundly habit-forming narcotics could somehow be applied, like in case of sports wounds or while recuperating from a medical procedure. A few states have further limitations on the clinical utilisation of marijuana by minors.
Lawful age for weed use in Canada
Weed has been lawful in Canada starting around 2018, and the Canadian Team on Marijuana Legitimization and Guideline has suggested that the legitimate age for sporting pot utilise be set at least 18 years of age.The legitimate drinking age is comparable, set at 18 or 19 years of age, contingent upon the area.
Areas have the tact to set their own age limits on sporting marijuana use. For instance, the legitimate age for pot use in Alberta is 18 years, while the legal age in Quebec is 21. Different areas and regions have been set as far as possible at 19. Explorers are supposed to adhere to the neighbourhood regulations when in another territory, so 20-year-olds may legitimately have marijuana in Alberta, yet not Quebec.
Lawful age in different nations
Marijuana acknowledgment and use has not quite recently expanded in the US and Canada. No less than 30 nations have authorised the utilisation of clinical weed.
Others have decriminalised marijuana in modest quantities or made specific concessions in regards to the utilisation of weed. We should investigate a few models.
In 2014, Uruguay was the principal country to sanction sporting marijuana.
This country's initial reception of sporting weed was pointed toward lessening how much medication related coordinated wrongdoing. The lawful age to consume pot in Uruguay is 18 years. Buyers are expected to join a library and are simply allowed to buy little amounts(10 grams each week). They might grow up to 6 plants in the home.
The Netherlands
Amsterdam cafés are probably the most universal images of marijuana utilisation on the planet, yet weed regulations in the Netherlands aren't as free-wheeling as you might suspect. As a matter of fact, it is against the law to deliver, have, sell, import, or commodity drugs in the Netherlands.
Least legitimate age for pot use ought to be nineteen, study recommends
The ideal least legitimate age for non-clinical weed use is 19 years old, as per a review distributed in BMC General Wellbeing.
A group of specialists at the Commemoration College of Newfoundland, Canada, explored how Canadians who began utilising weed at a few youthful ages varied across significant results (instructive fulfilment, cigarette smoking, self-revealed general and psychological well-being) in later-life.
Dr Hai Nguyen, lead creator of the review expressed: "Preceding sanctioning, the clinical local area suggested a base lawful age of 21 or 25 for non-clinical marijuana use in Canada. This suggestion depended on logical proof around the possible unfavourable effects of weed on mental turn of events. In any case, policymakers dreaded a high least legitimate age might prompt huge secret business sectors, with those under the lawful age proceeding to unlawfully utilise weed. Eventually, a lower legitimate age of 18 or 19 was chosen across territories, but there remains continuous discussion and calls to raise the lawful age to 21."
To decide if the age at which individuals start to utilise pot might affect later-life results, the creators dissected information from broadly delegate Canadian Tobacco Use Checking Studies (CTUMS) and Canadian Tobacco, Liquor and Medications Reviews (CTADS) led somewhere in the range of 2004 and 2015, which every year interview up to 20,000 people matured 15 years and more seasoned.
The creators found different ideal least legitimate ages relying upon the result of interest. For smoking, respondents who previously utilised pot matured 19-20 were more averse to smoke cigarettes sometime down the road than the people who originally utilised marijuana matured 18, however no tremendous contrast was found in the people who began utilising pot at a more established age, demonstrating an ideal legitimate age of 19.
The quantity of respondents revealing an elevated degree of finished schooling was 16% higher among the individuals who initially utilised marijuana between the ages of 21 and 24, comparative with the people who originally utilised it before age 18, proposing an ideal least lawful age of 21.
General wellbeing was fundamentally better among the people who began utilising pot at 18, comparative with the individuals who began before age 18, however no tremendous contrast was found among the individuals who began at a more established age, recommending a base lawful age of 18. Be that as it may, emotional well-being results were viewed as higher among the individuals who previously utilised marijuana matured 19-20 than before age 18, recommending a base lawful age of 19.
Dr Nguyen said: "The lower level of finished schooling revealed in the people who previously used weed at a prior age might reflect poor neurological turn of events or a higher 'drop-out' rate from additional training. It is likewise conceivable that the people who start weed utilise it early may involve it as a door for additional unlawful medication use, bringing about less fortunate wellbeing in later life, which might make sense of the unfortunate general or emotional well-being scores kept in the review."
Dr Nguyen expressed: "Considering every single estimated result, that's what our outcomes show, as opposed to the Canadian national government's suggestion of 18 and the clinical local area's help for 21 or 25, 19 is the ideal least lawful age for non-clinical weed use. Keeping the lawful age under 21 might work out some kind of harmony between possible expansions in black business sectors and unlawful use, and staying away from the unfavourable results related with beginning to utilise pot at a previous age."
The creators alert that as the review utilized self-announced information, respondents might not have precisely reviewed the age at which they originally utilized marijuana. Information was additionally gathered before authorization of non-clinical pot in Canada and the creators couldn't anticipate the effect of marijuana use after legitimization. They propose that further examination is expected to lay out possible causal impacts between the age at which weed is first utilized and the results estimated in the review, and could likewise zero in on unexpected results, for example, driving ways of behaving and road drug use.
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dankdeliveryd · 1 month
Exploring the Buzz: Washington DC Recreational Weed Delivery
In the realm of recreational cannabis, Washington DC stands out as a unique landscape. While not a state, the District of Columbia has its own set of rules and regulations when it comes to marijuana consumption. One particularly intriguing aspect of DC's cannabis scene is the emergence of recreational weed delivery services.
As the capital of the United States, Washington DC often sets trends and precedents, and the legalization of recreational marijuana is no exception. However, unlike states such as Colorado or California, where dispensaries are a common sight, DC operates under a different model. Here, residents can legally possess and consume marijuana for recreational purposes but cannot purchase it from a traditional retail store. Instead, they can cultivate their own plants or obtain it through a gifting process.
Enter washington dc recreational weed delivery services. These businesses have sprung up to meet the demand for convenient access to cannabis products while adhering to DC's unique regulations. But what exactly do these services offer, and how do they operate within the confines of the law?
First and foremost, it's essential to understand the legal framework surrounding marijuana in DC. While the sale of cannabis is prohibited, the transfer of up to one ounce of marijuana between adults over the age of 21 is allowed, provided that no money, goods, or services are exchanged. This loophole has paved the way for the gifting economy, where vendors offer various items or services, such as artwork, clothing, or snacks, with a complimentary "gift" of marijuana.
Recreational weed delivery services operate within this framework by offering a range of products that can be purchased, with the cannabis itself given as a gift. Customers can browse through an assortment of strains, edibles, concentrates, and accessories on the delivery service's website or app, similar to shopping on an e-commerce platform. Once an order is placed, a delivery driver will discreetly drop off the products at the customer's preferred location, usually within an hour or two.
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One of the key advantages of weed delivery services is their convenience. Rather than having to visit a physical location, customers can order their favorite products from the comfort of their own home and have them delivered directly to their doorstep. This level of convenience has made these services increasingly popular among residents and visitors alike, especially in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted many people to seek contactless shopping experiences.
Moreover, weed delivery services often boast a diverse selection of products, catering to a wide range of preferences and tastes. Whether you're a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a curious newcomer, you're likely to find something that suits your needs, from classic strains like Blue Dream and Sour Diesel to innovative edibles and potent concentrates.
However, it's essential to exercise caution when using recreational weed delivery services. While marijuana possession and consumption are legal in DC, there are still regulations in place to ensure responsible use and prevent abuse. It's crucial to verify the legitimacy of the delivery service and confirm that they are operating in compliance with local laws. Additionally, customers should consume cannabis responsibly and adhere to dosage recommendations to avoid adverse effects.
In conclusion, Washington DC's recreational weed delivery services offer a convenient and discreet way for residents and visitors to access cannabis products in a city where traditional dispensaries are not permitted. By operating within the bounds of the law and embracing the gifting economy, these services have carved out a niche in DC's vibrant cannabis scene, providing consumers with a safe and reliable means of obtaining their favorite products. As the landscape of marijuana legalization continues to evolve, recreational weed delivery services are poised to play an increasingly prominent role in meeting the demand for cannabis in the nation's capital.
Also Look The Business Details
Name      -     Dank Delivery DC
Address -      4140 Georgia Ave NW Washington DC
Contact  -      202-888-6138
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kcwagenseller · 3 months
Errands With My Friend
My neighbor and I have started to become really good friends, and it's refreshing. I honestly do not have many real life friends. What's fun, is he is ex-Army and I am ex-Navy. Both of us have anti-terrorism training, so we talk about our experiences with training and real-world experience from time to time.
I woke up from my mid-morning nap and saw a text from him. "Hey, if you want a ride to go do breakfast and to the store, I can be ready in 5 minutes."
"Let's do it." I said.
We dropped by Kountry Kitchen in Dayton, Texas, his favorite store, but they were closed Monday and Tuesday. I was really looking forward to trying it. Maybe another day.
I said, "How do you feel about Dayton Diner? Pointing to it right across the railroad tracks. "The food isn't as good, but we don't have much of a choice, do we?" He said
"I like the food there. That's where I go when my Mom and I go to breakfast." I assured him.
We went in and picked a seat in the corner, I ordered an omelet and he ordered a typical egg and sausage breakfast. I got to sharing my experience with him about my book, writing, Colorado, and specifically dosing on methamphetamine.
"People don't realize that meth was given to soldiers and sailors in WWII. It kept them awake, fighting, alert, brave, and eating less. Imagine having to feed 500,000 troops, and they only eat a third or a quarter of what a normal person eats."
"That's wild." He said.
"Yeah man. Once I found out about that, I started dosing. I did one or two lines in the morning and rode the buzz. I felt giddy, creative, awake, and after a few months, I was wearing my skinny jeans. When in public, I would talk to strangers, even cops, like I did yesterday."
He laughed. "Yeah. That took some balls."
"It got to the point that I wore my skinny jeans and I would stay up like 100 hours straight playing Black Ops 4 Zombies. I had a total of 2,000 hours for the year."
"Man, I miss zombies." He said, reflectively.
About that time another patron in the store stepped in, "I used to do abunch of drugs. Weed, crack, acid, all that shit. I'm 10 years sober now and happy about it. I didn't want to be one of those people sucking dick to get a hit."
"For sure. I feel like most people get to that point because the Drug War does not allow them to hold a real job once they get arrested."
Both neither agreed or disagreed. The gentleman said his goodbyes, and my friend and I paid and left. It was a productive time of bonding and sharing my story, and engaging the community.
I look forward to doing that more today and in the future.
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careerarm2-blog · 9 months
September 28 - Colorado Springs
The nice warm weather continues. But the air is so dry that we have to put on a lot of moisturizing cream, sunblock and aquaphor. My hair is totally straight not one curl!!
Today we had a trip planned aboard the Pikes Peak Cog Railroad that leaves from Manitou Springs. It started in the early 1900s carrying tourists up to Pike Peaks which is one of the over 14,000 ft high in Colorado. This train is almost new as all the tracks and the train were replaced between 2017 and 2021. There are 2 other ways to go up the mountain: in a winding road full of switchbacks or the Manitou Incline, a trail made of 2100 railroad ties. It is basically straight up.
The train was completely full, everyone with reserved seats. The trip takes 1 hour 15 minutes each way with 40 minutes at the top. The train goes on an incline, but is is very smooth. It passes through forests of evergreens and aspens, small waterfalls, until getting to the top that is nothing but rocks. It is 14115 ft high and the thin air is felt up there. Snow was still on the grounds from a recent storm 2 weeks ago. The views are incredible!
After the trip we went to Manitou Springs which is a really cute town. We had the best cheesecake I ever tasted. Not too sweet or full of cream. Manitou is known for being the first town to legalize weed for medicinal purposes. It is full of shops and restaurants and from what I heard, many of the art, clothing, jewelry is produced by local artists. It has many nice homes dating from the late 1800. The town hosts a “coffin race” every Halloween I order of a woman whose coffin came down a mountain. Apparently it is very funny and popular.
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420kicks · 10 months
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California – the largest producer of cannabis in the U.S. at more than 13 million pounds per year – saw a price drop of 12 percent in 2019. The price of a pound of wholesale California weed did drop in 2020 but only slightly, from $1,550 to $1,510. In Colorado, the cost of a pound of outdoor wholesale cannabis costs $1,327, and in Oregon, $1,470.
Typically, in order to get pound pricing in the legal market you will need to own a cannabis dispensary or processing operation.
The black market pricing is heavily influenced by supply and demand, as well as how connected a person is to the grower of the cannabis. Typically, purchasing directly from the grower, or processor, will get someone the best price. However, it can be difficult to get in touch with growers and understand who may be willing to work with you. Prices for outdoor flowers typically are $1500-2000 from California or Oregon, then $1800-2400 for light depreciated buds or greenhouse grows, and $2000-7000 for premium indoor buds.
What impacts the price of weed?
There are a ton of factors that impact the price of cannabis. Starting with the grow environment, was it indoors (more costly) or outdoors (more affordable)? Was there a special buildout required to bring in power or electricity to help run the operation? The initial setup for a grow operation can be costly.
Taxes play a big role in the price fluctuations by state. Local and state taxes as well as excise taxes which varies per location also impacts the price. States can impose excise taxes similar to what is imposed on alcohol and tobacco. These tax rates can be as high as 37% as seen in Washington state.
The size of the operation can impact price. Many large multi-state operators and larger grows benefit from economies at scale where they are able to produce at a cheaper price because they get their bulk materials cheaper. This allows them to produce more buds at a lower price per pound which ultimately helps their bottom lines.
Whether or not the cannabis is coming from a legal licensed grow, or the black market may also impact the price of a pound. The black market will often get “taxed” or paying a slightly higher price to the person who gets you the cannabis. These middle men add their own unspecified amount to the cost of the pound depending on their connections and the quality of the product. Typically the longer you do business with someone in the scene, the better pricing you are able to get.
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This Week's Top Stories About buying weed online safe
The home Of Ganja has long been serving Californians given that 2009 with its broad selection of high quality cannabis items at aggressive prices. The store presents conquer rack blossom assortments and also vape cartridges, edibles, creams & moisturizers furthermore many other matters custom-produced notably in direction of therapeutic people’ requirements - which makes it one particular halt store purpose for any sort of customer attempting to locate high-quality potables! Also - they delight them selves on rapid getting ready instances which makes a difference guarantee incite entry time once orders are set via their web site or flexible application (i OS/Android).
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The Green Arrangement is among the foremost renowned on-line pot dispensaries in Colorado. This dispensary provides a wide dedication of prime-shelf cannabis objects, from classic blossom strains to edibles and concentrates. Clients can prepare their wished matters by means of a straightforward-to-use web page or moveable app, and recognize valuable conveyance administrations all by means of Denver metro variety. The Environmentally friendly Answer also prioritizes consumer reward by advertising figured out staff which are cheerful to reply thoughts and offer aid clientele find out the proper products for them.
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Buddy Boy Ranches stands out amongst other pot dispensaries owing its common customer gain benchmarks; this store guarantees Each individual client receives personalized thought Whilst buying their favorite objects on-line. Also - Buddy Boy Ranches gives a huge decision of blossoms extending from indica/sativa fifty percent breeds like Gorilla Stick #4 & Blue Desire to rarer assortments for example Tremendous Lemon Cloudiness & White Fireplace OG – Furthermore bounty of Distinctive concentrates also!
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A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About cheap weed 20 Years Ago
The home Of Ganja has been serving Californians due to the fact 2009 with its extensive collection of top quality cannabis goods at competitive price ranges. The store features leading shelf flower versions and also vape cartridges, edibles, creams & lotions as well as all kinds of other objects personalized especially towards healthcare individuals’ needs - rendering it a single prevent store place for any sort of person seeking top quality potables! Additionally - they pleasure by themselves on rapid processing periods which allows make certain prompt arrival time after orders are actually placed via their Web-site or mobile app (i OS/Android).
Canna Biz Depot has developed up a faithful subsequent among professional medical people thanks mostly owing its commitment to affected individual gratification earlier mentioned every little thing else – anything apparent when browsing nevertheless their expansive catalogue! All revenue are performed via secure credit card transactions which ensures privacy when purchasing superior grade buds etc… On top of that
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The Green Resolution is one of the most well-liked on the net marijuana dispensaries in Colorado. This dispensary offers a wide selection of top rated-shelf cannabis items, from basic flower strains to edibles and concentrates. Clients can purchase their ideal merchandise by way of an easy-to-use Web-site or cellular application, and revel in practical supply https://eliteonlinedispensary.com/buy-weed-online-germany/ solutions during Denver metro space. The Eco-friendly Option also prioritizes customer service by providing knowledgeable personnel which can be pleased to reply questions and support prospects obtain the perfect product for them.
Liv Perfectly is an additional popular on the internet dispensary in Colorado that strives to offer buyers with top quality cannabis products at competitive charges. Liv Well carries almost everything from flowers, tinctures, edibles, pre-rolls and a lot more – all sourced from regionally developed crops so shoppers know they’re receiving the freshest goods feasible! As well as they provide rapid shipping situations in addition to discreet packaging options to be certain privateness when ordering online.
Buddy Boy Farms stands out amongst other cannabis dispensaries owing its superior customer service criteria; this retail outlet guarantees every purchaser gets individualized attention though shopping for their favored goods on the internet. Also - Buddy Boy Farms presents a big selection of bouquets ranging from indica/sativa hybrids like Gorilla Glue #4 & Blue Aspiration to rarer types for instance Super Lemon Haze & White Fire OG – furthermore an abundance of special concentrates much too!
The Lodge Cannabis is amongst the oldest dispensaries in Colorado obtaining been founded back again in 2009; due to the fact then it has become renowned for its huge assortment of high quality grade bud kinds sourced straight from community farms inside of compliant states like Oregon or Nevada (regardless of your desire you’ll be sure you obtain one thing acceptable right here!). Not only does this shop have terrific weed but Additionally they stock up on vape cartridges & edibles as well as other add-ons rendering it suitable desired destination regardless of whether You are looking health-related relief or recreational enjoyment!
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Shopping online for cannabis solutions features many strengths that can’t be observed at regional dispensary shops. Certainly one of the most important Advantages is advantage – shoppers can browse through many different products with the ease and comfort of their own individual dwelling, and get them with only a few clicks. This gets rid of being forced to generate to unique retailers in quest of certain goods, allowing clients to acquire the things they need quickly and easily.
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kayadc · 1 year
Cannabis Law 2023: Which States Is Cannabis Legal?
Living and working in the United States and enjoying Cannabis at the same time is an interesting challenge. Whether you travel or want to find a recreational dispensary near you, it’s important to know the quilt-work of legality defined by our state borders. Much of the West Coast and the Northeast are fully legal and the center of the nation has embraced medical cannabis, but there are still a few holdout states where cannabis is fully illegal or restricted to medical use only.
Know your local laws! There are even some cities like Atlanta, GA, and Austin, TX that have decriminalized marijuana separately from state law.
Let’s dive into the weed map of the United States. You can find a recreational or medical dispensary near you, or plan to find a dispensary near your destination if you choose to travel.
States Where Cannabis is Fully Legal: Recreational + Medical
In which states is cannabis totally legal? There are a total of 17 states where both recreational and medical use of marijuana is legal. In these states – including the legendary legal front-runners Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and California – medical and recreational dispensaries are often found in the same place. In most cities, you can find dozens of marijuana dispensaries nearby.
Cannabis Legal States
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Districts & Territories
Washington DC
Northern Mariana Islands
States Where Cannabis is Legal for Medical + Decriminalized
In states where medical marijuana is legal and cannabis is decriminalized, it is safe to walk around with a few buds in your pocket as long as you toke respectfully. In these 11 states, most major cities and many small communities have at least one cannabis dispensary where those with a medical card can buy medical marijuana. You can also safely share your cannabis with friends in private spaces because possession has been decriminalized.
Cannabis Medical Decriminalized States
New Hampshire
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Districts & Territories
US Virgin Islands
States Where Cannabis is Legal for Medical Only
In strict-medical states, you will need to have a medical marijuana card in order to legally possess cannabis on you, in your car, or in your home. You can often find a medical marijuana dispensary near you, though these venues are very tightly regulated to discourage or prevent recreational use. In most medical-only states, cannabis possession is a misdemeanor without a medical card or in excess quantities.
Cannabis Medical Only States
South Dakota
West Virginia
Districts & Territories
Puerto Rico
States Where Cannabis is Illegal but Decriminalized
In only two states, you will find no cannabis dispensaries, but you also won’t get in a lot of trouble for personal possession within state borders. Nebraska and North Carolina have, so far, decriminalized and hopefully legalized in the near future. Decriminalization alone is often a small step on the slow legalization path.
Cannabis Illegal Decriminalized States
North Carolina
States Where Cannabis is Illegal
Finally, it’s important to remain aware of which states marijuana is illegal and not safe to carry or use within state borders. Be safe when in these states. Where possession is fully illegal, even traces of THC in shake, vape cart empties, and concentrated crumble in the car can get you into trouble. If you need medical marijuana or prefer a lifestyle that includes dispensaries nearby, don’t settle in these states until policies change and be careful when passing through.
Cannabis Illegal States
South Carolina
Districts & Territories
American Samoa
Finding a Marijuana Dispensary Near You
In any state with recreational or medical cannabis law, you can often find a dispensary nearby and in most major cities. For Washington DC area Kaya DC is only a phone call away and in multiple locations and we will deliver to you. Visit us at www.kayadc.co/
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