#this really undersells how chaotic it felt
baronetcoins · 1 year
So. The US has a speaker of the house(*). If you've seen the memes floating around for the past few days, you might find yourself wondering: how did that happen? Buckle in folks, this was a bit of a ride.
(*) for now
When we last left our... main characters, Kevin McCarthy had failed an 11th ballot to be elected speaker, down 20 Republican votes when he could afford a maximum of five defectors. The house then voted to adjourn until 12 eastern time on January 6th. Overnight, some deals happened, because for the first time since day 1 there was a significant movement in votes. Round 12 saw 14 of the representatives who had previously been defectors voted for McCarthy—not enough to give him the speakership (lmao, imagine?), but enough to prove his chances of victory weren't entirely dead. Important for later, three representatives were absent—Ken Buck (R-Colorado), Wesley Hunt (R-Texas), and David Trone (D-Maryland).
Round 13 went much the same in actual voter count, with one more of the never-Kevins peeling off to vote for McCarthy, though it was the first round in which there was not another republican candidate formally nominated. Trone came out of his voluntary surgery to vote for Hakeem Jeffries, and there was a motion to adjourn so the republican caucus could continue haggling, which passed. Setting the house up to reconvene at 10 pm eastern time, and some of the most dramatic hours we've seen in this whole glorious train wreck.
Signs suggested Kevin was feeling good—when asked why he felt confident he had the votes to clinch this, he responded "because I count." Two of the more notorious never-Kevins (Boebert and Gaetz) seemed open to negotiating. The press reported Buck and Hunt would be returning for the evening vote. A cart loaded with giant boxes of Five Guys burgers rolled into the speaker's office.
The hours pass. 10 pm rolls around, and the air is thick with anticipation. The house chaplain offers a prayer in which she suggests the gridlock may finally be over. Patrick McHenry (R-North Carolina) gives a nominating speech for McCarthy with not one but two jokes that fell extraordinarily flat, all the while wearing a bow tie.
Now, the votes for speaker are conducted as roll call votes. The poor, probably underpaid, long-suffering house clerk reads off the name of each representative in alphabetical order, then goes through a second time calling the name of any representative who didn't vote the first time. This takes... a while, but what it means is that when you know who's vote to watch, you spend a while in anticipation of that person's name being called, listening to the alphabet.
The other thing to understand, as this gets deep into the weeds, is a little more of the nuts and bolts of how the count works. The speaker of the house is elected by a majority of the votes cast—that is to say, the number of representatives-elect who vote for a name instead of not voting or voting present, divided by half, plus one.
M = [ (# reps elect - # of reps elect not voting - # of reps elect voting present)/2 ] + 1
The US House, while normally filled with 435 reps, currently has 434, due to one death. 212 of those are democrats, the remainder are republicans. If all 434 vote, the threshold for a majority is 218 (434/2, +1). If, say, two members vote present and everyone else votes, the threshold is 217.
The remaining detractors were Biggs, Boebert, Crane, Gaetz, Good, and Rosendale. Biggs, first on the list, voted for a non-Kevin guy, Jordan. Boebert, second in line, voted present. This was a difference that got audible applause from the chamber. For one brief, beautiful, shining moment, it seemed like we might have a resolution. And then Crane votes for Biggs, which. Fine. Kevin can spare a few losses. And then, Gaetz doesn't. vote. Not voting present, which is a different thing. He just lets the first round skip him. Good votes for Jordan. Rosendale votes for Biggs. At which point, the math is as follows. 434 congresspeople, 432 votes, 217 to win. McCarthy has 216 votes. It all comes down to Gaetz: if he votes for McCarthy, Kevin wins. Anything else, and we're doing this again.
Gaetz. Votes. Present.
At first, this gets cheers and claps. And I look at my mom, who's watching the vote with me, and wonder "what the fuck?" The reaction makes me doubt my math. The floor is in chaos. Pretty quickly, it seems people realize that McCarthy is not, in fact, speaker of the house. Kevin runs back towards Gaetz and starts "negotiating" (fig 1)
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Fig. 1: things get heated
A democrat heckles from the distance, yelling "On your knees!" To Kevin as he approached Gaetz. There are calls for order. Mike Rogers, R-Alabama, has to be physically dragged away from Gaetz (fig 2)
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Fig. 2: lol, and furthermore, lmao
All this, followed by a motion to adjourn until Monday that at first appears to be successful, until Kevin runs to the front to tell members to change their votes. It appears a deal has been struck—and ballot 15 proves it. All the remaining holdouts vote present, lowering the threshold to 215, and allowing Kevin's 216 votes to take him over the line. Truly, our long national nightmare has come to a middle.
What does this mean? Probably bad things. The rules package and committee assignments are yet to be formalized (that'll come on Monday), but expect the house ""freedom"" caucus to be more or less running the show (*) (*pending a long and bloody battle over the rules, which is, IMO, still on the table).
I could go through the speeches, but it's 2:30 am and I've got a flight tomorrow so I would literally Rather Perish so instead, to conclude, i'll leave you with this.
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(3: source)
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thyandrawrites · 6 months
On "dream doping", or the lesson to be learned from despair
Alteratively titled: why breaking up with your high school sweetheart is vital for a career in soccer (with or without said sweetheart. Signed: Ego Jinpachi)
buckle up, this is a long one
We know that Reo went into this match with several hungups as to why Nagi would leave him behind, even going as far as asking Chigiri and Kunigami why they'd pick him
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And his voice shaking (notice the wobbly speech bubble) as he repeats the validation, like he doesn't quite believe it to be true anymore. And then during the match he kept alternating between talking himself up and trash talking Isagi with increasingly frantic urgency. He needed to test his worth against Isagi and come out victorious to prove that he was worthy of being the genius' partner, yes, but one important factor is that he did all of this specifically seeking Nagi's approval. He needed to hear it from him, because it's Nagi's departure that crushes Reo's confidence in the first place. Before that moment, Reo was self-assured and cocky, even looking down on other players he felt were beneath him. But we could argue that confidence was born from a shaky foundation—the idea of staying a team with Nagi until the world cup and their eventual victory together for Japan.
I think a factor that doesn't often get brought up in Reo commentaries is that Reo derives a lot of his winning self-image from tag-teaming with a genius
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And it's from "borrowing" his talent that Reo feels he lifts their collective value to genius level
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And in the process, Reo also tends to undersell his own skills by comparison, and letting them stay an accessory to Nagi's brilliance,
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despite how it's been remarked that Reo's a bit of a genius in his own light. If he honed that potential, he could be a big threat, too. Alone.
This is by design, of course. He foils pre blue lock Rin for this reason, too. Reo and young Rin are similar in that they both consider their soccer partner the true star of the show, subordinating their own skills as just a fancy accessory to make their partners shine and become world's best with them right at their heels.
The unfortunate consequence of this is that they end up internalizing that their dream is not achievable without their partner(s), because they ingrained being a sidekick so deep into that plan that they simply see themselves unwilling or unable to chase it on their own.
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Hence why, for the continuation of their dream, it becomes vital to have their partner's approval. They just don't see the point in going on alone. Losing the partnership means losing the reason to play altogether.
Now, of course this mindset is incompatible with blue lock. Nothing really new there. Reo was always framed as the delusional oddball for signing up for the program with the intended goal of using it to make Nagi the best, rather than himself. In other words, for trying to bend the system into accommodating his dream rather than accepting Ego's philosphy and playing by Ego's rules. And of course, that plan was bound to be put to the test when Reo&Nagi got the first taste of "despair".
The series posits that despair is the feeling you get when your dream doesn't measure up to reality and threatens to crash and burn. Ego posits that there's only one way out of it that doesn't involve self-destruction. And that's avoiding the trap of the so-called "dream doping".
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But what does "engraving despair" even mean in simple terms? I think Ego's point is that after experiencing a crushing, frustrating defeat, some players (the normies, or those who don't go very far) simply think "next time we'll win" without putting any active energy into changing their playstyle and rebuilding it anew to face the growing challenges and "devour" them along the way.
Think of Barou, and how he managed to come back after Isagi and Nagi made him effectively useless in the field. What Barou did was evolving into someone even more chaotic and unpredictable, and devouring them right back. Barou himself cites the despair he felt during that match as the catalyst of his growth and winning goal. In other words, instead of dream doping, Barou adapted and survived in a battlefield that would've otherwise left him in the dust.
But not every player has the presence of mind to pick themselves back up as the match is still unfolding, and when the defeats rolls around, they fold under the weight of that despair. We see this in action. When Sae evolves so rapidly in Spain and eats Rin for breakfast during their 1v1, Rin's reaction to despair is dream doping (at least at first). So is Reo's when he loses to team white. Faced with opponents that had an explosive soccer growth, they struggle to keep pace, and then refuse to face reality and admit they also need to change their playstyle to keep staying in the game.
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In Reo's case, he even goes as far as saying he doesn't have "the courage to let himself be destroyed and reborn." And that defeatist attitude is what leads team white to choose Chigiri instead. A real egoist doesn't think "I cannot do it" but instead keeps fighting tooth and nail until the end.
But Reo isn't there yet. If you analyse his body language at the end of the match, it's clear he expects a rejection before it even comes. Notice his posture
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Having just had a taste of the limits of his skills against strong opponents, his reaction is resigned. His stance is defensive and closed off. His arms and legs are crossed, he's the only one on the ground, his head is hung in defeat and avoiding Nagi's eyes. Even the camera angle looks at him from above, like he's already doomed himself by deciding to stay on the ground, not picking himself up. Remember, it's Kunigami who lifts him from his collar. Reo doesn't have that strength alone.
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This transition here also shows it well imo. True to fashion, he only shows a reaction when Nagi's directly addressing him. A part of him is still wishing for things between them to mend, to go back to how they were. There's hope written all over his face in that second panel, but the moment he hears what Nagi has to say, it abruptly morphs into pain.
Nagi echoes the words Reo wanted to tell him when they split, but to Reo it doesn't come across as the approval he was seeking. Rather, as the opposite: while Reo couldn't bring himself to encourage Nagi to go ahead in fear that Nagi wouldn't look back (that is, in fear Nagi wasn't as attached to him and their dream as Reo was)... Nagi says them easily enough. And to Reo, that's more crushing than the loss itself because he misconstructs it as indifference towards their promise.
It all circles back to Reo's insecurity. While Nagi just showed him he's able to change even without Reo as his partner, Reo is insecure about being able to do the same because he sees them as his biggest weapon, not anything inherent to Reo alone. Thus, once Nagi mines the foundation of Reo's confidence (their team up), any step Nagi takes in an effort to get them closer to the world cup in Reo's eyes is just another step away from it (and from him). Reo always assumed they'd crossed that finish line together, that he'd build Nagi up into the world's best striker. He wasn't prepared for a path where Nagi teams up with other people, leaving Reo powerless in the sidelines—their combo (and thus himself) a weapon that outlived its usefulness.
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Much like Rin declaring that he'd lose his reason to play soccer if he can't chase his dream with Sae the way they had agreed to, Reo metaphorically sees his future as the "abnormal monster duo" crumbling away (notice the decaying effect on the square with his internal narration). Instead of taking steps towards ensuring their dream still has a chance of happening in the future, he sees it as already doomed.
The thing is, Reo isn't ready to give up on it, though. He doesn't want to. I could be wrong about this but him seeking out a clean cut from Nagi came across to me less as if he was blaming Nagi for leaving, and more like he seeked a fight as self-punishment for his thoughts during the match. In the previous chapter, he tried stifling Nagi's potential and then resented himself for it. Now, his internal narration is almost goading Nagi's anger. I think it's still up in the air whether he was lashing out because he was overwhelmed by his conflicting feelings or if he was seeking out Nagi's rejection because he hated himself for not measuring up to his own standards during the match. Maybe a bit of both.
Point is, Reo is refusing to face reality. By saying "then pick me", to cite Ego, he's denying that he was powerless in the match, and putting the entire brunt of his loss onto Nagi's shoulders for not choosing him. Simply put, he's relying on Nagi to open up the door to go further in blue lock instead of growing into the player that gets to choose who to pick.
And Nagi recognizes this and feels hurt by it, cause if Reo refuses to evolve, switch up tactics and try new things, he's also implicitly refusing to go further in the program. From Nagi's perspective, it's Reo that's breaking their promise by being unwilling to put in the effort to keep staying in the game. Remember, the consequence for failing blue lock is no longer being allowed to play professionally for Japan. If Reo quit putting up a fight, his dream would be over for good.
And the story tells us, the measure of a great striker is how they react to the challenges thrown in their path. Nagi's growth happens specifically because he doesn't tie his success to Reo, but knows when to throw in other variables and when cooperating with Reo makes them stronger. In Nagi's eyes, their dream is not reliant on their combo, but their combo is a weapon that makes their dream achievable. Whereas Reo based his plan to get the world cup around his partnership with Nagi, and let his own skills lay dormant and underdeveloped cause he always defaulted to passing to Nagi to score.
But when Nagi leaves the equation for good, Reo's forced to address where his own strengths really lie and how to weaponize them to avoid elimination. That's why the chameleon awakens for the first time. It gets roused by Reo's despair, which gets "engraved" only when it dawns on Reo that their combo is not an option anymore, and it's on Reo and Reo alone to fight his way back up, evolving and devouring rivals along the way. And much like Nagi's talent for trapping, Reo's stregth was also inherent, and never just reliant on them being a team.
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danwhobrowses · 7 months
My Highlights of WWE Fastlane 2023
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Things are speeding up and with NXT and AEW delivering some strong PPV outings it's time to see if the main roster can do it too.
5 matches on the card is surprisingly low but it means some more time can be offered, let's see how it goes
Spoilers for the PPV
Not cool to leave Rey Mysterio on read, not cool, don't like them apples
Paul is right, 'Mega Tandem' is not a good name
WWE need to hold onto Paul Heyman for the entirety of his career because if they let him go they will have fucked up massively
Hey look it's Jade Cargill
'So Elite' huh?
Corey's Barbenheimer suit (in that it's half pink and half black)
Crowd is nice and loud (even if you look at the crowd it feels a little piped in or increased in volume)
That big kick from Priest to the back of Jey's head
Nice delayed superplex from Cody
I mean I can afford to be tempted by Rhea Ripley I would pay to be tempted by Rhea Ripley
The ending was chaotic fun
I will always smile at hearing Rey Mysterio getting a pop for his entrance
Could you imagine 10 years ago the idea of Rey and Carlito being in the same faction?
That's some good looking pizzas
Asuka immediately going for the mist
Asuka and Io are still so crisp
Meteora on a Figure Four-ing Charlotte
Moonsault on a Figure Eight-ing Charlotte
Pat out doing the same 'Let's do Wrestlemania here' shtick Cody did in the UK
Solo giving Jimmy the cold shoulder
Cena selling for Solo
Lots of build to Knight getting the hot tag too
They at least validated Priest not cashing in for the Last Man Standing, still a shame this felt like a perfect spot for it
Nakamura in all white
Rollins back with the undefinable outfit
NUNCHAKU! Not seen that used in a wrestling match since Moxley
The Announcer's desk has been through it this show
You know if it was AEW people would be ripping apart the fact that there's clearly a crash mat that Rollins fell on for the spot
Nakamura at least focused more on the back this match than last time
It's always a clever spot to roll out the ring to make the 10 count by landing on your feet
So it was a fine PPV show again. Good matches though the outcome or the method did feel a bit off at times, but it was good enough for a PPV, not the best of the recent bunch though.
Match of the Night: Gonna give it to the tag title match because the crowd was hot for it and despite the subjectively wrong outcome it didn't undersell the mist at all. Best Entrance: Wasn't really any flashy one so let's just give it to Jade Cargill since walking out of a car did draw some buzz Best Attire: Was close to giving it to Corey but I'll give it to Rollins Best Performance: Rollins again, he had to sell like a maniac, and while we could've given Nakamura more resilience we at least showed off Rollins' toughness. Spot of the Night: The ending Falcon Arrow in the Last Man Standing
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch 9: Love Advice & Interior Design
Note: Here’s the Master List for the full story. I recommend reading my stuff on my actual Blog if you enjoy OM! official music! Thank you so much for the support. Please let me hear from you in the comment section. I wanna talk OM!
I decided to make this chapter with more light banter and fun interactions and give the nephilim brothers some attention.
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW implied, light stuff this time ********************************
A couple weeks had passed. Construction on the attic was nearly complete. Lucifer and Azriel had negotiated a schedule in which the nephilim brothers would work on the attic bedroom for their sister. This helped avoid chaotic mornings, at least where the nephilim were concerned.
The overall mood of The House of Lamentation had shifted from the unease of having a new occupant amongst the Brothers and Lilly, to an odd sense of which the brothers had never experienced before. A shift in their dynamic as a family twisted due to a certain blossoming relationship.
Leviathan had become more outgoing and less reluctant in participating in events. He was more welcoming of everyone hanging around his room as well and his mood was less-likely to sour thanks to Lena. His brothers were happy for him, but it was an unusual experience for them as well. It was hard to ever find the two of them apart from each other.
“Thank you for doing my nails Asmo!” Lena chimed, “Your skills are amazing!”
Asmo grinned with brimming confidence, “Of course they are Leee-na. I’m an absolute master with nail art.”
“He’s also the best hair stylist.” Lilly chimed.
Asmodeus’s room had transformed into a spa for the two female residents and himself. The human was laying on his bed with a face mask and cucumbers over her eyes as her toe nails dried. Her hair was in a towel and she was completely relaxed as she sipped on her mimosa.
The nephilim had a peel on her face as she sat in a lavish chair while the demon painted a cute black cat on her accent nail. She too had her fill of mimosas as they relaxed from a week of cramming for a chapter test in alchemy. The math involved was exhausting, but she’d probably do well enough.
“Your brother is almost as bad as my old man when it comes to studying. I’m doing my best to be civil about it, but it’s getting on my nerves…”
Asmo gave a dramatic sigh, “If you think he’s bad now, wait until midterms. It’s a boot camp nightmare.” He then exchanged looks with Lilly as she peeked at them from her cucumber. He was underselling Lucifer’s regime.
“You know….” Asmo began with a sly voice, “I’m surprised Levi isn’t in here to get his nails painted…” Lena knew he was just baiting her at the mention of his brother. He wanted to open a dialogue to gossip about their relationship.
Shrugging, “I offered an invitation but Levi’s nails are still great from the last time you painted them. He’s also really engaged in a super hard game. The last time I saw him, Beel and Belphie were watching him battle a boss. It was getting intense in there…” It was also extremely cute, she thought.
“I’m just saying, given the fact that he’s the Avatar of Envy, I figured Levi to be a little more possessive and be following you around a lot more.” his younger brother admitted.
“Not gonna lie…” Lilly added, “I kinda anticipated that myself.” The brothers were all very possessive and it was easy to picture any one of them being like that. Well, Lucifer excluded. He was too damn cocky to believe anyone would stray from him ever.
Lena thought about it for a moment, ‘Well, I took your collective advice and talked directly with him when we went on that first date. I laid it all out for him: I’m not being held down to any single relationship. And in a kinder manner, that I basically don’t want to deal with jealousy. I’ve given up on monogamy….” he chuckled for a moment, “He actually compared me to you Asmo, and then asked if I wanted to start a reverse harem...and ya know what, I kinda like that idea haha!”
The other two blinked for a moment and joined in the laughter. “Pffft, that’s definitely a Levi-type of conclusion…” Lilly chuckled. She peeled the cucumbers off and ate them as she sat up. “It looks like you guys reached an amicable agreement then?”
The nephilim looked upward, clearly thinking about it for a moment. “We have. He agreed to an open relationship and to not be overly clingy with me. It’s beneficial to the both of u-”
“BOTH!?” Asmodeus interrupted, “Please explain!!?! Has my big, nerdy brother been hiding some secret affairs over these past few centuries?!” Why would it benefit the both of them, when only one of them has even been in multiple relationships?
“Oh, it’s quite simple really,” Lena chuckled, “His 2D waifus. I won’t ever complain about them or come between him and his fandom and I can have relationships with others as well. Besides, we’re immortal beings...forever is a realistic timeframe for us...why cling to each until we both become miserable? Monogamy hasn’t ever worked for any immortals I know...what about you?” Of course she was asking Asmo as he finished her last nail.
The demon shook his head as he released her hand and got his DDD ready to take pictures of his work for the gram. “Not that I’ve ever paid attention to it, I really can’t think of anyone...even angels drift apart and take loooooong breaks.”
“Well that’s a bit depressing….” Lilly mumbled.
“Oh, Lilly dear...don’t get depressed about it. It’s the beauty of humanity. You guys are far more capable of having a one, true love...not that you have to stick to it. It’s a valid option though.” She didn’t mean to depress the human. In her very long life, Lena had been in 100+ year relationships with various long-lived beings and it never seemed to work out. She was now trying this open relationship thing so that she didn’t feel tied-down or tired. She didn’t want anyone she was with to feel that way either.
“It’s all good. I was teasing for the most part.” Lilly smiled, “There’s only so many ways a person can spice things up and keep their relationship fresh; I’m sure an immortal couple could really struggle after a few centuries. It’s that case in my favorite vampire novel series anyways…”
Asmo didn’t comment on the matter. He couldn’t relate since he was loved by all and could charm anyone he wanted. He never for a moment considered a relationship because he could never love anyone more than himself.
“So, since you’ve found a way for things to work, have you guys……?” He smirked at the nephilim.
“ASMO!” Lily shouted. He merely chuckled.
“It’s none of your business…” Lena responded.
“That would be a solid ‘No’ then.” He quibbed. Lilly exchanged a look with him and nodded.
“Y’all are both horrible! It’s hard given he’s so reclusive and nervous. But also very cute….NO! I’m not talking with you guys about this, especially you Asmo. I’m not giving you any ammo to blackmail Levi…” She paused for a moment and contemplated, “I know he’s shy. But I also….”
“Also what?” Lilly blinked.
“I don’t know how to approach him. I’ve never been with a demon. Are you guys...very different for other beings?”
“Oh, you wanna see? Hmmmm?” Asmo teased. Or was he?
“Stop it!” Lilly smacked his shoulder lightly.
“Lena. You’re gonna have to make the first moves on Levi. Good news is there won’t be much effort you’d have to put into seducing him. It’s just finding the opportune moment when you’re feeling it.”
The girls both stared at Asmodeus for a moment.
“What? Is there something on my gorgeous face?” He immediately felt his pale, rosey cheeks.
“No, you’re just being surprisingly perceptive and giving profound advice on the matter.” Lilly said, “Lena should definitely wait until she feels right before taking the move. Like you said girl, you’ve got eternity. Take your time. Levi is a great guy and I know he’d never pressure you...”
Lena smiled and looked-up while thinking about him. “Yeah, he’s great. Special. I have so much fun with him. It’s nice to have someone interested in the same nerdy stuff as I am and not being picked-on about it 24/7.” Her last relationship went down like that. “When he blushes simply by me taking his hand, or how shocked he gets when I sneak behind him and wrap my arms around his waist...oooh... He’s too cute!!!!”
The nephilim squealed and shut her eyes hard thinking about her Levi-kun and the other two just laughed at her. Her responses to his cuteness just didn’t match her aesthetic at all and they found it hilarious to watch.
"Oh.." Lilly chimed in again, "They're 'normal' I guess."
Lena and Asmo blinked at the human for a moment.
"You asked if they were, ya know, compatible. I've had the horror of accidentally entering the men's bath when we went on a trip to a demonic hotspring before...I wanted to shove hot pokers in my eyes..." Lilly cringed.
"Oh, that's right! Lilly got to see me in all of my glory...jealous?" Asmo grinned.
The trio laughed and picked on each other all afternoon.
“Okay, we need a few more pieces of paneling. I want some nice filigree border work.” Azriel said to himself out loud as he took a step back to look at the progress made on his sister’s room.
Zak stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets, as he watched his brother pace across the room. “Hey bro. It’s looking good. You really outdid yourself this time.” His siblings were super artsy, creative types. He couldn’t keep up with them on that. Instead, the middle sibling put any creativity into vehicle design and engineering. “Let’s take a break and go to Hell’s Kitchen for lunch. Then when we get back, you can spot anything else we need to do….”
“You do have a point. Let’s eat and come back with a new perspective…”
The nephilim brothers went for lunch, meeting up with Beelzabub and Belphegor. The twins were in the back corner, where the owner often put them so they weren’t a distraction for the other customers.
Belphegor had his arms folded on the table, propping his head up as he watched Beel chow down on ten burgers.
“Hey guys, can we join you?” Zak asked when he approached the demons.
“Sh--rr” Beel nodded as he wadded another large bite of food. Zak could have sworn the demon’s jaw had unhinged to take such a huge bite.
Azriel took a seat next to Beel. The two of them were the same height, though Azriel was much thinner, with more of a swimmer’s body then a body-builder’s. Zak sat by a groggy Belphie. They too, were the same height but different build. Zak liked to work out when he wasn’t working on a new engine.
“You guys about to finish remodeling?” Belphie asked with a yawn at the end, “I’m curious what you’ve done to my old...space.” Was it a bedroom or a prison? He didn’t know quite how to label the attic Lucifer kept him in.
Azri gave a pleasant smile, “Yes. It’s all coming along smoothly. Lena will be thrilled with it. It’s a touch of old european with her beloved gothic asethetic. She might not like the light-colored flooring, but it makes the space look bigger…” he went off into deep thought for a moment. Then, he saw some green in the corner of his eye and smiled, “excuse me for a moment…”
“Sorry, I swear Azri has ADHD or something...don’t mind him. ‘Creative Genius’ at work 24/7” Zak chuckled and looked at the menu.
“S’okay.” Belphie nodded and closed his eyes for a moment. “Sounds like you’ve had a lot of things to do. It’s nice putting in that effort for your little sibling.”
The twins and Zaksalamel chatted and ate their lunch, nearly forgetting that the elder nephilim had even came to Hell’s Kitchen. When he finally returned, there was an empty plate left at his spot.
“You shouldn’t have ordered and left when sitting by Beel…” Belphegor responded after seeing the shocked expression on Azri’s face. “Your food didn’t stand a chance...and apparently the napkin…”
“S-sorry….” Beel scratched the back of his head.
After a moment of silence, Azriel sighed, “it’s okay. That one was definitely on me….”
Zak noticed his brother’s cheeks get a little rosy. His mind was elsewhere clearly. What was he up to. “Hey, Devildom to Azriel...where’d you disappear to?”
“Oh, forgive my rudeness..again.” He suddenly returned to the conversation. “I just happened to see someone I know and asked for their opinion about the flooring choice…”
“Mmmh-hmmm…” Zak’s eyes narrowed at his brother, knowing there was something else to it. Azriel’s voice tone was suspicious. He’d leave it alone for now.
“So, anyways, I made the right decision, and I think we will be finished with everything in 2 days.” Azri clapped his hands together, chipper with the apparent results of the consultation he’d just had. “Beel, if you’d like to make it up to me for eating my highly-anticipated lunch, could you help carry furniture upstairs? You must be very careful…Lena is going to flip out when she sees it!”
As the four of them returned to the House of Lamentation together, Beel and Belphie walked some space behind the nephilim.
“They sure seem to care a lot about their sister to spend so much time on this room. I don’t think it was that bad..” Belphegor said quietly.
‘True. But, we’d do the same thing for our sister too. And that means Lilly as well…” Beelzebub nodded.
Agreeing, Belphegor let out a small sigh. He wasn’t sure about his own opinion of Lena so far. They didn’t start off on the best of terms. No, he’d admit that he behaved like a brat that day. But he never had the opportunity to get to know her or to apologize for his overreaction. Maybe he’d help with the furniture too?
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rebelsofshield · 5 years
Panels Far, Far Away: A Week in Star Wars Comics 6/19/19
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The rebels may be warriors for justice and galactic revolution, but that can’t always be the case, right? Three different Star Wars comics from Marvel explore the gray areas of galactic war this week.
Star Wars #67 written by Kieron Gillen and art by Angel Unzueta
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After nearly thirty issues and four years of story, Kieron Gillen’s wild run on Star Wars comes to a close with the climactic finale to “The Scourging of Sho-Torun.” 
With Queen Trios dead and the partisans having turned Leia’s tactical strike into a potential worldwide cataclysm, our band of heroes desperately attempts to escape with their lives and prevent disaster.
Gillen and artist Angel Unzueta aim for fun and excitement here and the results undeniably deliver. After a run that at times tread rather close to being somber and tragic, it is a bit jarring to see Star Wars make a marked turn towards the lighter and playful here at the end of its latest incarnation, but the creative team here operates at such a fast story telling clip that it’s hard not to get caught up in it all. Whether its TIE fighter chases through the depths of Sho-Torun or surprising acts of heroism by unexpected characters, Gillen keeps the creative twists and turns flying.
The result does end up feeling a tad anticlimactic and thematically confused though. While Gillen does write some great interactions between him and Han, Benthic Two Tubes and his partisans end up being the largest problem here. When their involvement in Leia’s strike on Sho-Torun predictably turned into a mission of vengeance, Benthic became an entertaining wild card to an already complex story. Unfortunately though, Gillen pivots maybe too hard to making Benthic’s revenge responsible for the mission’s hiccups and takes away from the intriguing character study of Leia that this arc originally seemed set upon. Leia does get to put the pieces back together of her mission, but any message that was trying to be said about her flirtations with darkness feels lost in the midst of all the chasing and escaping.
Angel Unzueta’s potential final issue of Star Wars proves to be one of his strongest. Although his detailed and expressive faces at times still feels a little uncanny or separate from their bodies, this action heavy issue feels dynamic and energetic. The explosive collapse of Sho-Torun feels suitably apocalyptic and scenes of the Falcon diving through molten magma and collapsing super structures are a visual treat.
At the end of it all, it will be sad to see this creative team go even if “The Scourging of Sho-Torun” proved to not be the strongest story they would produce. Gillen in particular proved to be one of the most influential and inventive voices in the new canon and its hard to undersell how important some of the creative choices he made on Darth Vader and Doctor Aphra have shaped not only the Marvel line but the franchise as a whole. I would be happy to see him back someday.
Score: B
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #33 written by Simon Spurrier and art by Wilton Santos, Caspar Wijngaard, and Andrea Broccardo
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Conceptually, “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” is shaping up to be one of the strongest story arcs that Simon Spurrier has envisioned for this series to date. It’s premise blends elements of Rogue One, Indiana Jones, and Killing Eve style spy thrillers into a strange and colorful character piece that feels up the series’ alley and fits Spurriers particular sense for the weird side of the galaxy.
Turns out that magic Jedi gun that Aphra snatched last issue is more than just a valuable artifact. It may contain the design blue prints to an off the books rebel superweapon that may be useful in assassinating Emperor Palpatine. Also turns out that stealing this artifact combined with her recent actions on Milvayne landed her on the Empire’s most wanted list. Also turns out that Aphra’s ex-Imperial lover, whom she brain washed with a telepathic squid, is now a member of one of the rebellion’s most ruthless espionage units. Combine that all with some thematic throughlines about morality and motherhood, we are on track for another rich arc of Doctor Aphra.
Throwing Aphra into a sect of the rebellion that not only makes use of the archaeological plot points of her career but also stretches traditional ethics is a great move by Spurrier. While the flashback sequences with Aphra and her mother may lay it on a bit thick, making Aphra (and the reader) enter into a morally sticky faction of normally heroic characters is fruitful playing ground for writer and character. If past arcs of Spurrier’s run were about reinforcing Aphra’s chaotic and dangerous character, maybe the future of her story is finding out how that character may still be used to do some good.
Making Tolvan a prickly rebel spy is also a great twist and it’s nice to see her evolve as a character outside of being the object of love and misfortune for Aphra’s latest schemes.
Unfortunately, “Unspeakable Rebel Supreweapon” is still struggling visually. Wilton Santos, Caspar Wijngaard, and Andrea Broccardo all take on pencil duties here with Chris O’Halloran and Stephane Paitreau doing colors. That’s a lot of hands in the visual pot and the result is rather underwhelming. Of the three main pencilers, Wijngaard is again the most successful. While there is little apparent editorial logic to who draws what, Wijngaard handles most of the flashbacks and expository panels and these are often the most striking and fun images of the book. Whether it’s Jedi Apostate Oo’ob striding a starfighter and shouldering his experimental weapon or Tolvan and her team of spies letting loose on a group of hapless Imperials, Wijngaard’s moments in the spotlight are stellar. Santos struggles however. In particular, his decidedly sparse and underdetailed environments, which are done no favors by the coloring, lack the diverse and lived in aesthetic that one would expect from Star Wars or even past arcs of this title. It’s disappointing as the script for this story is so strong that its underwhelming visuals become all the more of a letdown.
Score: B
Star Wars TIE Fighter #3 written by Jody Houser and art by Roge Antonio and Geraldo Borges
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Last week saw the release of Del Rey’s latest Star Wars novel, Alexander Freed’s Alphabet Squadron, which harkens back to the military procedurals of the 90’s X-Wing series. I’m only about 100 pages into the book, but so far Freed has managed to bring to life rebel aces in a way that hasn’t been felt in sometime with characters that are exciting but also heartbreakingly human. Jody Houser has a much shorter and very different mandate with TIE Fighter, but so far the book and comic are managing to be fitting pairs.
Perhaps Houser’s biggest success so far is making us naturally root for “the bad guys.” It may help that that the forces Shadow Wing are fighting are mostly other Imperials, but this makes one of the few pieces of current canon with Imperial leads that doesn’t actively feature defectors among its protagonists. Shadow Wing are loyal to the Empire, but Houser so far has done a decent job of setting up these five pilots as relatable “everymen.” They aren’t necessarily blameless individuals, but they are understandable as people and it makes them engaging protagonists all the same.
This third issue of TIE Fighter explodes the central conflict and as a result Houser and artist Roge Antonio really get to let loose with well-crafted dogfight set pieces. Antonio captures the chaos of starfighters chasing each other through space with the appropriate intensity, but also thankfully, never loses sight of the central cast. Action scenes are clear, intense, and exciting.
That being said, there are some emotional beats here that TIE Fighter fails to fully sell. Whether it is the suddenness that they happen or that Houser hasn’t yet earned the emotion for these moments, there are beats that should sting or surprise but instead slip by quickly and passively. Maybe TIE Fighter would have benefited with just a bit more downtime for its cast before throwing them into this chaos? Who knows, but it’s hard not to leave this issue without feeling kind of hollow.
Score: B-
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spinneryesteryear · 5 years
Spinner plays FFXIV ARR
SPOILERS AHOY (not that anyone cares about ARR in this day and age)
- For my first dungeon, I was a Roegadyn conjurer surrounded by three Lalafell. I’d figured out by that point that players just clip through each other (even if mobs don’t, lol), but I was still kinda worried about stepping on them. They’re like knee-high to me at best.
- - (Conversely, I once ran a guildhest w/3 Roegadames, so there’s that. We commented on how unlikely of an occurrence it was.)
- I admit it, I enjoy walking around as a Roegadame feeling morally superior to all the Miqo’te. And most of the Viera now, tbh.
- one of my favorite things to do quickly became dispensing free heals/raises after a FATE or when running across stray people having difficulty fighting mobs in the wild. People would clap and cheer for me. It’s a great feeling. Made a few friends this way.
-- (I definitely always look to see if that cyclops FATE is up when I pass through the Coerthas Central Highlands so I can go repeatedly raise all the poor noobs dying left and right thanks to that dang 100-Tonze Swing. I usually don’t even bother level-syncing for it. I just stand on the outskirts and raise. And raise. And raise again, haha.)
- I frequently forgot (and still forget) to do the MSQ bc I get sidetracked gathering and crafting. or just doing side quests, no doubt to Fray’s great chagrin
- ground CNJ to 30 to get my unicorn, then figured out I had to unlock actually using mounts via MSQ, so I went off to go fight Ifrit in shame
- I fully admit I picked my GC (Twin Adders) based solely on which company salute I liked best. Also, Gridania was my starter city. Still not sold on the yellow, though
- as a healer, I usually commend my tanks unless they have evinced such stupidity that I do not wish to reward their behavior. If my co-healer has done a fantastic job (not often, sadly), I’ll commend them. If the red mage or summoner raises me or other party members, they get the commend. (This is vanishingly rare, especially for SMN.) If the dragoon outlives the tank by not eating AOE’s, he gets the commend. If the tank is a jerk and the dragoon is perfectly lovely (and probably does a better job tanking the mobs than the blue moron), the latter DEFINITELY gets the commend.
- shout-out to that one red mage on story mode Titan who died almost as much as the rest of us combined (the dragoon defied his stereotype and was just as durable as the tank, ironically enough). It wasn’t even the backflip killing the red mage; it was the avoidable AOE’s. It must be the black mage in them that makes them allergic to dodging.
- the tank for that story mode Titan just said, “LOL,” in chat when we all died, so that has been my inspiration ever since to take wipes with good grace
- Cid was an instant fave from the moment I first met his character. I admit I wanted to kick Alphinaud off the airplane as soon as we recovered it. He was not endearing himself to me, at all.
- didn’t really care for Haurchefant until he came racing into the middle of our fight with that heretical fake inquistitor with the bad facial hair. If a NPC helps me in combat, I automatically like them more.
- the story made me super worried about story mode Garuda, but she went down so fast I almost missed the second phase
- entered Camp Bluefog for the first time into a scene of absolute chaos with like 15 players grinding the lvl-40 FATE’s so I jumped right in alongside them and started throwing stones at ahrimans and coblyns. it was such an exhilarating feeling
- in retrospect, my first Castrum Meridianum run (that left me dead on the floor several times and questioning my skills as a healer) was not really due to me being undergeared but mostly to the tanks not doing THEIR jobs and picking up all the mobs. It was such a chaotic mess that me sitting there and doing nothing, not even healing, so as not to grab aggro was the only way I could survive
- shout-out to that warrior with the plain white shirt and plain white pants glamour on my first Praetorium run who looked like he just woke up, grabbed his axe, and ran off to tank Ultima Weapon in his pajamas. He was also an elezen, I believe, for extra points.
- also shout-out to that guy killing the 2.0 endboss with a magic moogle stick
- look, if you’re not spending your MSQ roulette judging everyone else’s glams and mocking Gaius’s speeches, what are you even doing??? I admit, though, that I mostly grab a book and a cup of coffee for those 5-min cutscenes. I found their story riveting the first time around, but not on the 30th time.
- I actually really liked Urianger even in his ARR outfit? It suited him
---- me playing DFFOO: I don’t care for Thancred
---- me playing FFXIV: *cheers when Thancred comes onscreen*
- Thancred is my son who shall receive less alcohol and more sleep and encouragement and a gunblade and a very nice coat and possibly a pet squirrel. I know he’s my tank now but I feel the urge to take care of him. (And laugh at him when his various angry girlfriends show up again, of course.)
- I would like to thank that tank in my first run of Lost City of Amdapor who gave me a trial by fire in pulling everything wall-to-wall and indirectly teaching me how to manage big pulls (hint: spam Holy)
- not even making, “Pull the lever, Kronk!” jokes in Sastasha Hard can atone for that tank who pulled 12 things w/o warning and kept leaving me to die via aggro’d adds and THEN telling me to bring adds to him. Like, it was advice I needed to hear, but it does no good when zombie fish pirates eat me before I can reach him.
- I might actually rather heal through Aurum Vale again rather than Sastasha Hard
- oddly enough, I’ve had 0% problems tanking Sastasha Hard
- according to the laws of equivalent exchange, however, this means that I have all the problems while tanking in Aurum Vale, between hideously undergeared healers, DPS stealing my morbol fruit on the 2nd boss, lag murdering me via Bad Breath, and general lack of coordination among DPS
- I actually got pretty good at tanking Dzemael Darkhold, though? I finally figured how and where to pull the mobs to get out of the various AOE’s
- I also got pretty good at tanking Cutter’s Cry, between grabbing the adds, avoiding death via cactuar, not stopping on sand traps or geysers, and memorizing the chimera’s attacks. Somehow, I always get morons for DPS and sometimes healer as well in Cutter’s Cry, so it doesn’t count for much. The last time I was there (on WAR), I had to kill the chimera without a healer because they died to the first eyes-glow-purple and I wasn’t about to wipe and start over when they were barely achieving anything anyway. Thank goodness for a rare competent black mage on that run.
- I ran the Odin trial pretty much as soon as it was available (and via DF, too, whoops; I know better now) and we wiped at least 8 times before clearing. 75% of the time I was one of the last 3 or the actual last person standing so clearly I had improved from all the dying left and right I did in my first Castrum Meridianum and Praetorium runs.
---- on that Odin run, my Lalafell co-healer uttered this immortal line in chat: “I am trying my best, though I am but a popoto... now a baked popoto.”
- speaking of which, I trust AST and SCH as my co-healers far more than I do fellow WHM as it seems I’m always raising them. They don’t do party heals when raidwides are going out, waste their mana pre-pulling Medica II, or spam Holy on single-target, unstunnable bosses, smh. As a DPS or tank, though, I trust only AST and WHM. I’m fairly sure 50% of my SCH healers have been asleep at the wheel and Eos was driving.
- shout-out to that one paladin main-tanking Garuda Hard who started emote-slapping Garuda right before she went down. Thanks, man. You gave me a good laugh.
- before seriously settling down to level my crafters and gatherers, I never checked the market board prices before putting stuff up for sale bc I just wanted to clean out my inventory, so there were probably some very disgruntled omnicrafters out there who wanted to lynch me for underselling them
- #1 cause of death: fall damage with mobs aggro’d
--- (special mention to that time I jumped off the higher floating island at Camp Cloudtop, landed below with 1 HP, and was promptly pecked to death by a gastornis. I now kill those stupid birds whenever I see them to avenge my humiliation)
- I feel like there should be job-specific levequests where you go out and do things appropriate to your job, like killing a dragon as a dragoon (before Heavensward, anyway) or cleansing corrupted sprites as WHM or investigating contraband cargo as ACN, etc.
- on that note, I’m probably the only person alive who enjoys the CNJ/WHm quests. I genuinely felt like I was learning magic, and, later on in the 50 - 60 quests, like I was doing what a white mage should.
- players frequently dance while waiting on someone to finish cutscenes, return from AFK, etc. Usually, it’s the Hildibrand or some variant thereof. I... never dance. Except by accident. I just stand there with my arms folded, towering above the rest of the party and looking mildly disapproving.
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