tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
Plunks the little boy in front of his wife. "His name is Joshua. He'll be living with us now."
" ─ Is that so." Her voice is not unkind, albeit Rennala at times questions her husband's tendency to bring various creatures he's found into their home. At least this is the first time that he comes back with a boy all of a sudden. But, just like with Lovek, she reckons he must have a good reason to do want to take in the young child. A gentle smile curls her lips, the same that she gives their young Ranni whensoever their daughter is woken by a nightmare and requests to stay with her parents until the morrow. The boy is small, fragile, not even reaching the height of her hips, and she decides to kneel before him. "Shall we prepare something to eat for thou, little culver?" Of course she would not deny him.
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Or this
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korvyna · 10 months
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The sun dawned upon the horizon, it's glimmering golden orb spreading warmth upon the dunes of Leyndell. A bright, scarlet tree stood erect in the distance, covering the dusty, ashen skies with its crimson hue.
Morrigan held the vibrant purple cloth close to her nose and mouth as to not inhale the sand, treading upon the silken grounds with the aid of her hooved companion. Amber eyes scanned the surroundings as she inched closer towards the gold and sandstone structure. Word of mouth was that Kieran had been last spotted venturing upon his own towards the Capital - as to why the witch could not fathom but most of all it had her worried about the rather demure boy. She chided herself lazily for being a bad mother, but she came around it and trusted she had taught the boy well enough to survive on his own. Upon reaching an opening, she began to tread forward; she kept to herself, only ever pausing to admire the architecture and often calling out but with not a response in return.
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arathina · 1 year
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ㅤㅤthe dream , as all things do , comes to an end -- fields of gold melt away to rays of sunlight , piercingly bright , brilliant enough to blind a man in an instant . sleep seeps away from the muscles , tree branch brambles loosening their grip on muscles and freeing it's captive companion and allowing him to rise , following the path of that illuminated sunlight . ㅤㅤunknown feet carry him , stumbling though he might be , searching , searching, searching for something he can't quite recall . he recognizes distantly that he is some form of home , but it's not the one he loves . not the one he had fallen asleep within . he looks up to what should be a familiar sight and finds there is nothing , and that the only golden light that bathes this world is from the sun and the sun alone . ㅤㅤdesperate , he still searches , and with every pad of bare feet he grows faster , panicked , his mind not entirely free of the world he had lived within for so long -- memories form slowly , identity comes even slower , but he knows , if he follows the path , eventually , someone will appear . ㅤㅤhe stumbles into him , and the weight of his own self becomes too much to bear as he falls down onto his legs , having run to this point only to be caught up . fire red hair flashes in his eyes , and in familiarity and love he reaches up to the person and grips their clothes tight . ㅤㅤ"ㅤmalenia ,ㅤ"ㅤa voice that is not his voice speaks , desperate , but the face he calls for is not the face he expected . he looks in surprise , hesitating just for a moment , and pulling his hand away just to put it back , seeking out his hand . ㅤㅤ"ㅤfather ,ㅤ"ㅤhe gasped , pressing forehead to knee as he had done so many times before . ㅤㅤ"ㅤwhere is my haligtree , father ? where is my sister ?ㅤ"
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foxiams · 1 year
@ordervessel​ :   i'm afraid you've come all this way for nothing.
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how the cursed blood stills in her veins upon the spoken words. it might have been more merciful to utter a  curse  or simply drive the misbegotten fox away. radagon could not  forsake  them, not when all but their destiny marched into a new era    (  still forsaken, misbegotten, cursed, undeserving  ).    no, she would not allow it.     “   you deny me the right to speak, then?   ”     the woman, tail, teeth and claws, stands her ground. a wrinkle forms between dark brows, as if the weight of a whole number of lives lay upon her shoulders.     “   i’ve said naught, yet you dismiss me so. why?   ”
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kikiyo · 1 year
⤳   @ordervessel​​​​ asked:     ‹ be strong. the gods are cruel. ›
each step she took with this wretched corpse of hers, dragging it along with her across wet earth, made her feel as though her body had grown heavier. she was carrying with her the weight of fifty men, as if they clawed at her ankles and sought to drag her back into the soil, to take her to the resting place she had wandered so far from. were she less restrained, were her impulses less finely practiced, she might've responded in earnest: i am growing sick of strength. of course, even without the words spoken, she can assume the sentiment is well-received. she does not look the fresh face of the girl who had died years ago.
“ as are men, ” she answers, a simple and honest response. she has found herself no stranger to the lengths men will go in an effort to enact the will of greater beings (her own death, her own rebirth, this had all been on the basis of a belief she could no longer bring herself to hold). “ i have lost much of my faith in the gods in the same way i have lost it with my own kin. ” all things with sentience seem to seek to betray you: strength was not only a recommendable suggestion, but a necessity.
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adenial-a · 1 year
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keyward-aa · 1 year
@ordervessel said : Teleport around. It's easier.
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*mumbles* ❝ i can do that too...❞
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
Places the Elden Lord's crown before her.
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Long has Rennala abandoned the crescent crown she once wore so proudly, the garb gathering dust in the corner of their chamber. Instead, her hair falls over her shoulder freely, her fingers now weaving the strands into a loose braid. It occupies her mind just enough to keep her mind from plunging back into the chasm she lost herself in for so long, her escape yet but a feeble thing that threatens to shatter should she losen her grasp on reality. A reality in which her kingdom has long turned into ash, the stench of slain men and women rotting away permeating the air.
A reality in which Radagon freed her from what should have been her tomb.
When he enters the room, his presence draws her eyes to him immediately. Even after all this time, after all the heartache... Rennala finds herself incapable to hold onto her grudge and agony long enough to feel a mere modicum of pure, genuine hatred.
Quietly, she watches him oh-so-closely as he places the piece of metal before her ─ the crown of the Elden Lord, the consort to Queen Marika. First Godfrey, than Radagon. Marika and Radagon, two pieces of a whole, interconnected in ways that Rennala shall never understand. But Marika is gone whilst Radagon remains bound to duties that were hers once. No longer is he a part of her, and she no longer a part of him.
A soft exhale slips past Rennala's lips. "I will ask thee once, and only once, my dear Radagon," she begins, slowly and carefully, and takes one of his hands between both of her own. " ─ Art thou certain?"
Mayhaps her inquiry is unjust in light of the fact that Radagon returned to her side once he was freed of his shackles, and took the burden of looking after her upon himself when naught prevented him from averting his eyes from the broken shell of the woman she had become. Still she needs to ascertain herself, and she feels that, after everything, she has the right to.
But a simple 'yes' from Radagon's lips will be more than enough.
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enavant · 1 year
❥ give my muse a nickname / pet name ━━ accepting !!
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      ❝ i do understand perfection can be hard to give a name to. ❞
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tripleflames · 10 months
let's fight god i guess
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blows a kiss up at the sky. you're next ultima.
but also uh oh, besties. looks like they got to byron first 😩.
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tagged by @secondflame ( thank you, smooch you <3 ) tagging: @ultimaleus / @ordervessel, @pheoniks and whoever hasn't done this yet.
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adenial · 11 months
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animal: very obviously , rabbit / bunny . but also , snakes . colors: blue and white month: january
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omori & alter - omori
combat beneath the waves - genshin impact
labour - paris paloma
a dangerous thing - aurora
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day or night: night plant: baby's breath , forget me nots scent: sweet parfume , fresh linens dried out in sunlight gemstone: opal season: winter food: ice cream element: ice drink: cold tea
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Tagged by: @legendscried & @saviourofzaun Tagging: @ritterblood , @petrokhelidon (dion) , @ordervessel , @drachenblood , @revorto , @curenone , @caediis , @primalvessel , you .
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adenial-a · 1 year
Hands him another rubix cube.
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ㅤㅤshe furrows her brow in a moment of frustration , and then minor confusion , looking at the familiar cube placed into her hands before looking up at her father with a raised brow . he had to know that lovek did not care for the toy , right ? her frustration as a child , patience wearing thin , ultimately lead to finding various ways to cheat an answer out of it -- repainting the blocks , breaking it's mechanism and repairing it , or simply hiding away somewhere radagon could never find it . ㅤㅤdoes he think she's mature enough now to play with the toy the correct way ?
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ㅤㅤwith hesitant hands she begins to twist the blocks , but it was only a mere two minutes before her face morphed into a familiar look of frustration and she made a noise in the back of her throat as her irritation grew . ㅤㅤ"ㅤthis damnable toy ,ㅤ"ㅤshe looked closer , her hand movements becoming more rushed and harsh , until she rolled her eyes and gave up , giving it back to her father . ㅤ"ㅤi have not the wit for this thing .ㅤ"
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keyward-aa · 11 months
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❝ my eyes are up here. ❞
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tsckcyomi-archived · 11 months
"The end." Radagon closes the book of fairy tales.
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He's been quietly staring at Radagon for the past few minutes, rather disturbed by the tales that he had decided to read to him ─ a boy who got his thumb cut off, another one who starved to death because he refused to eat his soup, a hare who shot the hunter… Joshua doesn't think he'll be able to sleep after these stories, but... Well. Maybe he shouldn't let Radagon know, lest he decides to find another book containing such disturbing tales in. "Um. I'll ─ go to sleep now. Goodnight." He pulls the blanket over his head before Radagon can even reply.
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enavant · 1 year
slowly walks towards her with the tankbuster.
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shield sambas n runs the hell away. go kill the healer she's too pretty to die if u want a hug just say so damn
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sarastuss · 1 year
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HOW DO YOU BEST LIKE TO BE LOVED? : 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑. you want to be thought of with intent, for someone to sit down &. want to share their thoughts with you specifically. &. their thoughts about you, even more. for someone to know you, or at least desire the knowledge. for them to write it out in a way that you can read as quickly or slowly as you desire. that you can reread again &. again, or lock in a box &. never read after that first quick consumption. you crave that tangibility. &. the small moments that lead up to the letter being in your hand. to be told, ' it's in the mail ' &. then to have the simple joy of checking the mailbox to see if it has come today. to hold the envelope &. feel the love within. there is a purpose of intent within physically written words, &. it patches the parts of you that feel like you aren't worth thinking about. my darling, know that you are. you are worth intentional thought &. cursive letters &. an envelope sealed with a kiss.
tagged by: @godsbox thank you lovely! 💛 tagging: @myrlin , @fen-harel , @dollpink , @ordervessel , @rhindons , @danhang ( muse of your choice! ) , @batfall , @gunbash , @chiwit ( muse of your choice! ) @warbyrds
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