numb-skull-art · 1 year
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She's very beautiful to me!!
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
for your charr folks for the oc grouping thingy--biggest fans of candy/sweets/pastries (and what types) vs not-so-big fans? :) @kerra-and-company
Ooo thank you for the ask! Let's see...
Biggest Sweet Tooth:
Valens - will and can eat their body weight in candy.
Phil - likes more maple flavored or earthy flavored sweets.
Larthi - enjoys cool sweets like ice cream!
Neutral on sweets:
Sigilis - will eat sweets if they are there but doesn't make a b-line for them.
Ordia - likes sweet tea but that's about it.
Zoticus - only really likes a mint or something after he eats not like 'proper' sweets.
Galla - doesn't really like them but if something is sweet, she won't refuse the food.
Dislikes sweets:
Elder Parteira - hurts her teeth to eat sugary things so she avoids it.
Vissenta - just finds them to be a bit underwhelming, she prefers spicy and savory.
Semni - doesn't have much in the way of taste anymore most of her taste buds have already gone caput so no point to eating them.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from French forenames and minerals, excluding the letter combo "Te"
Abertz Acharne Acrolinger Adettase Adoran Affeties Akine Alasot Alauin Alcis Alenagne Alethen Alinel Almene Alque Alsben Altiniene Alzin Amakie Amalas Amane Amantinoé Amium Ampie Anabasse Anawar Anbuksine Ancrane Andorre Ankah Ankine Anoph Anthome Antiantine Aplinacum Aralsiocer Arcocroce Ardel Arine Astonine Auden Auelleer Aurentie Avane Awakdie...
Badorard Barliant Barne Bartz Baschle Batalar Bauroutne Berdine Berhovine Berianhied Berie Bertine Betine Beuche Bichrick Biechal Biseine Bisminald Boeptomse Bogel Borazo Botacinès Boune Bouse Breeksotum Bricren Brine Brint Broscle Brumse Brégolope Bueller Buetase Burronyx Caccolepic Cafferlen Cahes Calce Camure Cargum Carkeile Cartzeme Caruis Cashne Catrayllin Caven Caverianue Cellase Cemel Cergum Chabauline Challiale Chaul Chaël Cheddium Chert Chiatral Chile Chlombene Chloville Chrolie Chryne Chumbas Chäfel Chèlexis Cladia Clanie Claron Classine Claumieul Clayane Cline Cliobswie Coffetrot Coine Colactince Collient Colum Contibne Copine Corne Cretar Crodenne Croma Crone Cuble Cuparomen Cupilitz Curan Curiderose Cyardorind Cymonyx Dandia Darbene Darleine Darse Daward Dockin Dowleude Dultrolie Dumieck Dymice Dymonis Emeline Evide Farne Felle Fellinet Ferne Ferovin Ferssimon Fertz Fethenicon Flomic Fluar Flucia Flude Fludlase Flume Flumene Fluoise Frafton Framilmque Frand Frany Frapide Frard Fregre Frenardine Frédrée Fukhand Galine Gamel Garde Gennes Genorsa Gesleud Gettie Glabine Glanne Glauchle Goistic Goliel Gorscocie Granger Grapmarmi Grase Greile Grellmet Grodum Grosia Grozo Grusond Gunne Géline Haggede Hamine Heddersone Hedrolde Helenielle Hellum Helparagas Hentale Herie Herlinne Herroxmant Hertz Hetricie Hierse Hiletan Hofis Horane Hucobick Hupre Hurine Hydreine Hydricer Hylluorben Hübne Iasean Ichin Iline Incar Iobice Jacque Jances Janne Jeane Jearne Jeaul Jettran Jevia Johales Kathuauel Kegede Keland Kellochèle Kerin Keverise Knore Krogaramel Kröhne Laenium Langhin Lantil Larin Laucoline Lazzonna Lesentana Logral Lonyuyal Lucchris Lucchrois Luchale Luchie Ludianle Luordier Luorthul Lybdene Lémyros Machmine Maline Mande Mandine Manemphan Mangtover Manor Mantarne Manès Marce Marince Marpie Marry Massanie Maulferce Mawal Maxisèle Maymose Melenble Menzeu Mermax Mespilgade Metonde Mirie Mohel Monnazur Mosérène Motaine Muilosel Munelis Mustane Mélinne Mélène Nabré Nadorpham Nalad Nerthor Niseune Nshid Ordia Oreelle Ornum Orphine Osine Ospier Otibisèle Otoraddiny Parssamar Pasenium Patkaël Paurianne Peandium Penne Periele Phenne Pherinoît Philin Philina Phuaryonis Phylana Phynerne Pididiobon Pidone Piebine Piene Pigibbille Plabier Pougue Pringerine Proene Puhyllume Putic Pyrocie Pyrocolie Pyrone Pääkköne Quampe Quarne Quert Quettase Ragne Rahne Reane Reyerriane Rhanie Rhodum Rhophame Rocevianie Romettorna Romice Ronine Roodiose Ropid Roprith Rucieris Runiquauy Runzanne Réminde Saingel Salin Sambotis Sanownlum Saplorice Saroxene Sarse Satazzine Sather Schasclane Schemen Scherime Scine Scoli Seazuline Seucre Sharile Shaël Sklonyx Sodametone Sodickie Sondgine Sonne Spale Stine Stütz Sulgine Surane Suriose Surubie Sylle Sérène Sévedel Taaffen Tahiline Taide Tanne Tarosinie Thale Thock Thoren Tonargen Trocorend Troneshie Tsaven Tsine Tsugine Tsule Tupridie Tyrine Ukucolin Ulauline Ulinald Urezine Urromick Urélène Valde Valémesis Vervé Wainonal Wakaël Weerickine Welsicore Werel Wicalum Wodozo Wolline Wolum Xafonie Xavalaum Xenocli Xiersum Xocias Ytonne Yttine Yvord Zactibne Zhocoscold Zirce Zirès Zuranie
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saganorthom · 1 year
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Habéis conocido esta mañana a #Sarrax, y no parece contento con lo que le dice #Alexis. ¿Por que le habrá molestado lo que han dicho de los #Uklham? ¿Quién es Alexis y por qué se pasea por el centro de Ordias tan fácilmente? 👀📖 🤩#RESERVAS ABIERTAS: 16€
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lojugames · 6 years
An example of our metaball UI in action! :D 
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yazilimuniversitesi · 5 years
Ordia 1.0.7 Apk Full Paid latest #Güncel Hile #mobil hile
Ordia 1.0.7 Apk Full Paid latest #Güncel Hile #mobil hile
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Ordia 1.0.7 Apk Ücretli son bir Arcade Android oyunudur
Son sürümü indir Ordia Apk Tam Ücretli İçin Android doğrudan bağlantılı
Ordia, android cihazlarınıza bir zevk yükleyebileceğiniz Loju tarafından yapılan bir Arcade android oyunudur!
Ordia, ilk kez garip ve tehlikeli bir dünyaya atılan yeni bir yaşam formu olarak oynadığınız tek parmakla bir platformdur.
Zengin ve canlı ortamlarda…
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afriupdatenews · 3 years
Senate approves Buhari’s $5.8b 2018-2020 external borrowing request
Senate approves Buhari’s $5.8b 2018-2020 external borrowing request
Lawan. Photo/facebook/NgrSenate/ • Bill seeking women empowerment, gender equality hits wall Senate has approved $5,803,364,553.50 and a grant component of $10 million under the 2018-2020 External Borrowing (Rolling) Plan. The approval followed consideration of a report by the Committee on Local and Foreign Debts. Chairman of the Committee, Senator Clifford Ordia, in his presentation, said…
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globalgistng · 3 years
Gunmen attack senator’s convoy in Kogi, injured three police officers
Gunmen attack senator’s convoy in Kogi, injured three police officers
Three police officers sustained injuries after gunmen opened fire on a convoy of Clifford Ordia, senator representing Edo central. The attack happened on Monday along Okene-Lokoja road in Kogi state. The senator was returning to Abuja from his hometown in Edo state when the gunmen rained bullets on his convoy. Speaking with journalists on Wednesday in Abuja, Ordia said he is still traumatised…
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vladvodadracul · 3 years
Năvala lui Ţepeş - Dimitrie Bolintineanu
Noaptea-i furtunoasă, şi superbul domn
În deşert mai cheamă fugătorul somn:
O gândire mare sufletu-i îmbată;
Printr-o faptă rară să triumfe cată.
Printre noapte, ploaie, tunete de foc,
Cu cinci mii de roşii el îşi face loc:
Cum furtuna cade p-ape dormitoare
Si d-odată-nalţă valuri mugitoare,
În ordia turca roşii năvălesc...
Turcii se deşteaptă, strigă, s-ameţesc.
Sunetele d-arme, strigăte turbate,
Printre vijelie zbor amestecate;
Caii calcă rânduri de fărămături;
Sângele ca ploaia cură din săcuri.
Mohamed sub cortu-i dulcea pace cată;
Vise graţioase sufletu-i îmbată.
Uşile, la cortu-i, iată, se smicesc
Şi pe cal apare domnul românesc.
Mohamed p-o poartă repede dispare...
Printre umbra deasă caută scăpare.
Când pe fruntea nopţii ziorile se joc,
Domnul cu românii las al luptei loc;
Dar sultanul cearcă spăimă-atât de rară,
Cât, la miezul zilei, fuge spre hotară.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
🗡️ for Ordia
Oooo fun choice! Mean Tiger Lady Hours!
Raw Power: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Formal Training: ⭐⭐
Willingness to Kill: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Previous Victims: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Notes on the above:
- Ordia, for all her priss, is formidable. She's a warrior who specializing in axes and throwing axes, which asks a lot of her in terms of both mobility and arm strength. While not as brute strength as say, Galla or Sigilis, she's got more maneuverability and thought put into her combat.
- Blood Legion training that she doesn't really use. Ordia has a hair trigger temper and once she gets set off all her training goes out the window.
- Will kill with 0 hesitation and 0 prompting. You don't even have to do anything to warrant an axe in the skull, maybe she just thought you looked at her wrong. To say she's paranoid is putting it a little mildly.
- SHE'S GOT A BIG OLD LIST OF BODIES. All of her former Warband, various random people who got in her way, and a plethora of people who it worked in her interest to make 'disappear' so she could blackmail someone else for it. She's likely planning on murder as we speak.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Sindarin and Orc (TES) names, excluding the letter "W"
Adanerch Adbull Adogumgh Aeragob Aerisell Agdaite Agdumoronst Agnora Agoth Aguluk Akhador Alaneldir Amdarzok Andagdushak Anderes Andromgo Anlay Anrabest Anter Aragdoth Arazhnir Argohil Arlen Arnson Arorolah Artham Arzuld Atzuk Azglogzub Azgol Azhal Azhub Azolmuff...
Bagaroodh Bagelen Bagob Balonnegla Barfzag Barlag Barzuga Basters Beedeledh Bekhaega Belazgol Belumphirin Blond Bogne Boldornt Boras Bordh Boret Borgathir Borgolon Borguil Bormesh Brakh Brest Brezugnad Briar Brikhout Brimburim Brimlabzaga Brinnor Bruzukhak Buglim Bugulron Buguthórion Bugzarahzgh Bulon Bumogbugul Burkh Burzbulgaka Bushug Buzollugbul Caland Calfalarku Carom Caryn Carzok Cedher Celesha Cellebrava Chorg Ciond Cirhúrimait Clozagases Credai Cresh Crumph Dagul Daiht Delebbly Deluzug Dessë Dhigh Dirien Dirishnak Dolgarn Dorlvionnûr Dormazba Drand Dufbagros Duine Dulamamorok Dulfistog Dumalast Duravar Durbu Durom Dushamok Dushurdo Duska Dúnag Dúnedaingen Eadburgorg Ecelm Echîr Ecrubeed Eglaeglozog Egluch Eigher Emorgol Ennedh Eorfashulga Erachîth Ereth Ethushugog Exilly Faetheir Fargu Farovalak Farrine Fatrom Fembub Fiennabeka Finen Finnor Fivostug Fixedhel Fordaer Foree Forlivalku Fuiand Fuildorg Fuins Fíregluga Gaigul Gairdh Garamdulin Gards Gargol Gaven Geldir Geldos Geleymaur Gezoglîn Ghagrulfzak Ghambelug Ghoven Ghufgor Gikhag Glaglandolg Glarad Glargob Glashagikh Glear Gleguzbulza Glinill Glonomrahag Glount Gluga Glurzbalch Glushulaga Glóminaelum Glóreth Godes Gogakob Gogder Gogolgush Golad Gollin Golph Gondin Gondol Gonlob Goren Gorgob Gorig Gornt Graguk Grandul Grangilion Granim Grarakhad Grasharth Groaght Grogorloth Gruda Grugarght Grukaug Grulbart Grunchil Grundh Guanfan Gudag Gughol Gunim Guroamorcir Guzburgoth Hakgurui Hamaag Hamul Hargra Harzakhdug Hasham Hatzodor Hegusha Helen Heles Higikh Hilogruag Hordod Hufingorcer Idroth Ielegyr Ildirhub Imramlon Innag Iorgul Isteellon Kalphog Khaguku Kharaz Korbulg Krideag Krumagub Kular Lacher Ladar Ladlagon Laeglon Lagosh Laings Laran Lashondepos Lashuldfor Lattoushal Lecth Lerioniene Liang Limbend Linder Linen Lokithimra Loorah Loorbagdor Lorgog Losgrugar Loveread Lugnorg Lugoossin Lugruhl Lumbulza Lunga Lurunder Lurzbuzgor Lushos Luzbaadel Luzgu Magezunk Magnuz Magogoru Magram Mahabazog Mainniel Makhardan Malag Malar Mandrak Marainekh Maruznagar Mashak Maudak Mennionk Minak Mingon Mirree Mithama Mogaurgol Mokrome Morkulzul Morog Mothuga Moush Mugag Mugbas Mugzu Mukhreph Mulag Mulargutheg Muldo Munliat Murah Murbzakash Murzold Muzga Mírefthed Nagor Nagul Nakhale Nalron Nambath Nanthirnar Nareach Nasharnat Natum Norkub Nugran Nuindir Nuthesh Nuzgarz Oglantalber Ogzakhavir Okhadreadak Onash Oplash Ordia Ordol Orgaaling Orlessar Ormakh Orneghant Oshumph Othbashaga Othorakharz Othul Ozagrush Pagrag Pauron Pebarz Phang Pilth Pinest Pingaloks Pippielind Prignikhan Prikh Radendresh Rakanesheed Ramagil Rashagans Rasta Rhanarcot Riely Rindagdura Rodrimfanc Roladkul Ruazhna Rugul Ruhlarak Rundelming Saeghogorse Seave Sgaluch Sgraiden Shagnens Shalugdo Shapheith Sharam Shazogug Shellooss Shkga Shnaga Shuin Shurub Sinil Sirighirgum Skilly Skulphak Slash Smasham Smaumarg Smazer Smirhaglum Snakhalder Snazurds Snech Snuzgak Somazod Stain Steridor Stizaga Sunles Taenad Tagencala Taloondron Terclail Thaith Theding Thegdus Thill Thozorbalae Thrusha Thuging Thuth Togmash Torod Toroveryss Tugruingion Tuougarg Tyrak Túrind Ubess Ugrumnibir Ugudul Uiathon Uilliven Unínimpag Upokal Urael Uragnoghil Urancern Urasgarom Urzumarus Ushundor Uugnaravore Uurolgama Uzgul Vaill Vrinn Vulthrang Yagakh Yarahzunt Yargassing Yathevnu Yatubegon Yazgol Yazgugzoguz Yazguhop Zalail Zikhagar Zubal Zubest Zughag
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saganorthom · 1 year
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#Cänek, miembro del consejo personal de #Valtyr, Máximo Dirigente de #Ordias.
Parece un hombre preocupado por su sus compañeros. Yo, al menos, estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que dice. ¿Tú no? ¿Qué piensas que ha podido pasar para que esté hablando de un tema tan delicado? ¿Te atreves a entrar en #Northom y descubrirlo conmigo? 👀
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lojugames · 6 years
We use metaballs for a lot of the visuals in Ordia. We also integrated with Unity’s UI system so we can build, animate and layout screens with them! 
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lalmohanpatnaik · 2 years
The Making of a Lexicon
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Bhasakosha Lane got its name from the Purnachandra Ordia Bhasakosha - a monumental seven-volume Odia language lexicon with 1,85,000 words and their meanings in Oriya, Bengali, Hindi and English, which was compiled over 90 years ago.This encyclopaedic work of 9500 pages considered to be a treasure of Oriya language was conceived and compiled by Gopal Chandra Praharaj whose residential house was in that locale in Cuttack town.
 The magnum opus was the outcome of twenty-seven years’ labour.  The collection of words commenced in 1913. Starting with the first volume on 13 vowels in 1931, printing of the other six volumes on 34 consonants was finished in August 1940 at a cost of about Rs 1.5 lakh.
 Praharaj’s teacher W W Henderson’s suggestion to him to do something for his own language inspired him to undertake the compilation of a comprehensive Oriya dictionary.
 In 1913, Praharaj was nearing forty and already a flourishing lawyer in Cuttack, when he busied himself collecting Oriya words and idioms from Ganjam, Sambalpur, Singhbhum and the erstwhile feudatory states and from classical and modern writings.
 For it he toured the entire present-day Orissa and outlying areas with Oriya speaking population which are to be found in today’s Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. He collected and noted peculiarities of their dialects, including words borrowed from other languages like Persian, English and Telugu.
 In the compilers introduction to the Bhasakosha’s first volume Praharaj said: “One peculiarity of the Oriya language has charmed foreign philologists. The other sister languages have broken up into various dialects. For instance, Bengali spoken by 50 million people has four dialects, the Assamese spoken by 170,000 thousand of people has two dialects, the Bihari spoken by 35 million has 8 dialects, the Hindi or Hindustani has got at least a dozen dialects.
 But Oriya, properly speaking, has got no dialect. The grammatical frame work or trunk of the Oriya language remains constant, though thousands of Bengali, Hindustani, Telugu and Marhatti words have been incorporated into it in the outlying Oriya speaking tracts by the influence of these neighbouring languages.”
 Praharaj started arranging the collected words alphabetically in 1917 and compiling the manuscripts in 1919. Srimati Pitambari Devi, his sister-in-law made invaluable contribution by way of collecting from original sources – from the mouths of people proverbs, popular sayings and songs, female songs, songs sung by the cowherd, the fisherman, the cartman, the ploughman and the folktales. From her collection he was able to add at least five thousand popular and dialectical words. The others who assisted him were Pandit Kulamani Das, Ramachandra Rath and Chandrasekhar Mishra. With their assistance the manuscript was ready in 1927.
 In August 1928, at the instance of the Director of Public Instruction (Government Bihar & Orissa) Rev H W Pike (modern Oriya translator of New Testament) after careful study of the manuscript of the lexicon recommended financial help to the undertaking saying: “It is a monumental work partaking of the nature of an encyclopaedia, built on the line of some of our larger dictionaries. It aims at being exhaustive, including words in use in all parts of Orissa as well as words incorporated in the language from other languages (English included). It includes proper names and gives brief summaries of the history of the more interesting ones in Indian history.
It gives a vast number of references to Oriya literature by way of illustrating the usages (particularly unusual usages) of words, and it finally explains the meanings in three languages. In my opinion the work would be a great advance on anything now in existence and would prove of great value to scholars and students and for the comparative study of Bengali and Oriya. There is at present no Oriya dictionary which remotely attempts at what this work does. As a monument of the Oriya language and a standard work of reference on that subject, I believe the dictionary is well worth printing”.
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 The quadri-lingual Oriya lexicon in seven volumes covers 9250 pages of dictionary matter and about 250 pages of other matter. Utkal Sahitya Press published the seven volumes between 1931 and 1940. Each volume was priced at Rs 15. Apart from its own office at Chandni Chauk in Cuttack the Bhasakosha had agents for the publication in London, Leipzig (Germany), Paris, Berhampore and Patna.
 In addition to compiling the lexicon, Praharaj raised the finances for its printing by collection of public donations, grants and subscriptions. He also supervised the printing and sales of the published work.
 As work progressed Praharaj was forced to give up a lucrative practice in the Bar and toil day and night. Then again when contributions ran short at one stage in the middle of the work, he had to part with his residential house in the town to meet the financial requirements for production of the lexicon.
 The title of the work has the name of Maharaja Purnachandra Bhanja Deo as per the wish of his brother Maharaja Pratap Chandra Bhanja Deo of Mayurbhanj who gave liberal donations for the project.
Praharaj dedicated the seventh volume to the then Viceroy and Governor General Lord Linlithgow. In his consent note Lord Linlithgow wrote: “The Viceroy has never lent his name to any such undertaking; but considering the excellence of the work and the herculean labour the compilation has involved, I lend my name unhesitantly to this marvellous production of yours”.
But after the publication the Bhasakosha charted a pathetic course as it had not many takers. While it adorned the libraries of the princes who had patronised the work a large number of printed copies were destroyed unsold. Some were pawned away or sold cheaply by the owners who by then were stalked by penury. Purnachandra Bhashakosha went into obscurity after the death of Praharaj in 1945.
 The monumental work, copies of which had become rare and partially destroyed  got a new life after over five decades. In 2006, Lark Books started reproducing it and Srujanika, a registered society for research and innovation in science, education and development came up with E-Bhasakosha - an electronic version of the lexicon.
In the same year a digital version was prepared by the South Asian Language and Area Center at the University of Chicago by using the base work by Srujanika for coming up with an electronic form of the lexicon. With it Purnachandra Ordia Bhasakosha became a part of an online dictionary on South Asian Languages prepared by the University of Chicago.
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alabingo · 3 years
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Ordia is a one-finger action game where you play as a new life form taking its first leaps into a strange and hazardous world.
Jump, bounce, stick and slide your way through rich and vibrant environments. Guiding each creature to safety in a primordial world filled with various perils, challenges and surprises.
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