#organge addison
puppycharmz · 1 year
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haven't posted art in a bit and probably won't for the next big while (I am very busy) but I will post old art :)
this is clem I hate him with all my heart (affectionate)
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
I bet the orange addison would put like a little addison uniform on the mannequin. It looks too similar to their old friend and I bet when days were slow or thoughts of the past would haunt them they’d play with their styles and get early close to the get up of the missing little white addison…
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
Damn, I can't leave a Lady in distress!
So I want to know the reactions of Spamtons brothers (pre phone guy) to the silliest product, he ever wanted to sell! Just some comedy or fluff for my poor soul
AH HA HA! I can always count on you for some good prompts 😌
But yes! Here ya go!
They all looked at it, not sure what it was
It was round and blue, maybe if was an egg, what had spamton called it again? Pipis?
"Ok since no one's going to ask, I'm going to" Yellow began "Spammy, what is this?"
Spamton smiled wide "my newest product!"
"Ok but what does it do?"
"Well, they can make you little friends to play with!"
"What do you me-" as Yellow was about to ask Spamtkn tapped on the pipis and it began to hatch
And out of the blue egg a smaller version of yellow came out
"Oh my god" was all he managed to say as his usually closed eyes shot open
"I know! Isn't it cute?" He said picking uo the Tiny Yellow and handing it to his brother who grabbed it still in shock
The other addisons leaned over to look at it
"If this doesn't sell out our society is broken" Pink said not looking away from the Tiny Yellow
Banner turned to look at Spamton "where did you even get these?"
"I made it myself!" He proudly said puffing out his chest to seem bigger. Banner chuckled not holding the smile that grew on his face "well, danm you should be very proud of yourself" he said ruffling the youngest's hair who was a bit annoyed by the action but still couldn't stop smiling
They we proud of him! And impressed too! Wich means he did good and the sales will do amazing!
End notes
For all intentions it did go well, this is the one time it went well
I can't belive he hadn't made ONE one good sale on his life, I jusf can't
At least one has worked out for him for some time, short yeah, but it worked
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
Falling Down Like Dominoes
Part 1 - The Beginning
The fic became to long so I separated it in 3 parts
The Beginning
Main Even
The Aftermath
(I will link the next parts when it's out)
Sunny - Yellow addison (oldest)
Mango - Orange addison (second oldest)
Peach - Pink addison (middle child)
Plum - Blue addison (second youngest)
TW// violence, abuse, drugs, alcoholism
(This au is about the addisons being assassins to protect Spamton only for it to backfire many times, this is their origins as to how they got there)
Life is quite an unexpected thing, full of surprises throughout it's time and unfair at most.
One single thing can trigger a life long event that can be either good or bad.
And the Pallet Brothers suffered the latter.
Born into a family of alcoholics and drug addicts who did not care for them at all. Cheating scandals and scamming, there was never a dull moment in this house hold.
The eldest child, Sunny, was responsible for most things at the age of 4. Taking care of his siblings and usually doing most of the house chores.
Now, it was normal for addisons to start working at that age, it was ingrained on their codes since birth! But this wasn't a typical job for an addison to do.
No, instead he had to keep his siblings safe from the roaring monster that was their dad and cheating mother.
Sunny had go keep constant eye on Peach, ever since they found out that Peach was the child of another man their father has been particularly mad.
But not even an year after, they "reconciled" and had another kid they did not care for.
They thought that was it, that they would stop bringing life into this world that they didn't care for but no, 5 years later and they had another one.
Or rather, she had another one. She cheated with the same guy AGAIN and has been for the past few years and brought home another child.
Life hasn't been easy since then, not that it was before, but it sure got messier.
Peach took a stand for the youngest and would take their egg and hide it in her pocket and run out of the house to keep it safe so his dad wouldn't shatter it.
And that habit led up to even after Spamton hatched, taking him out of the house to parties she was invited to by friends from school or simply to go out with the little allowance he had with him.
It kept him safe from most of the outburst that happened and didn't have to experience most of what his siblings have had to witness.
They didn't want him to suffer like they did, so they really tried their best and kept waiting until Sunny was old enough to adopt all of them and move out.
And it was going good for the most part, but it all came crashing down by one slip up.
Peach had gone out with her friends and came back home late, he expected to just be his brothers home but to her surprise their mother was home.
She had decided to stay home and help Sunny around the house for the first time, wich he had begrudgingly excepted and foolishly believed she might have been getting better
But when she spot peach trying to sneak back in she got furious
"Where in the HELL were you mister!"
"W-well i- I was just hanging out-"
"With your friends? I told you not to go out with them! They are bad influence" she turned to Sunny "I thought you were looking after him"
"I was-"
She turned back to Peach "you little SLUT, always hoeing around with your friends"
"Well you aren't any better, huh? Fucking around with any men you can get!" Peach shot back but quickly put her hands over his mouth and had a panicked expression "i- I'm so-"
"SHUT IT" she yelled back her grip on the pot getting tighter "I'm tired of your attitude"
Sunny placed a hand over the woman's shoulder "mom please, she didn't mean to-"
She turned angrily at him "she??? Are you blind or something, he is poisoning your mind as well" she shot back at Peach who flinched a bit "you ruined everything for me!"
Angrily she grabbed the pot with boiling water and was about to throw it at Peach, Sunny panicked and in a quick motion went to protect him. Everything felt like it was going on slow motion as he held his little sibling tightly under his grip up to the point that the water hit him
He felt his skin burn like acid as the hot water penetrated through his skin, the pain was so unbearable he hadn't even realized he was screaming, it hurt so much
"You stupid bitch! Look at what yoy made me do! Now my poor baby is hurt, this is all your fault!" The woman shouted at Peach who was still frozen under his grasp, she ran up to the phone and called for help
After that point everything was a blur to him, he didn't even remember getting to the hospital
It was a tough recovery, his parents (if you should even call them that) didn't even bother to take care of him once he was dispatched, Mango was the kne taking care of him, like always. Their mother drugged him on sleeping pills so she wouldn't have to take care of him, they almost had to take him to the hospital again
This also ment that Sunny, the one taking responsibility of everyone, was out of commission and things....only got worse from there
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saltynsassy31 · 3 years
Imagine the Addisons and Swatch being alone together without Spamton. Would it get awkward? Especially after Swatch and Spamton got together?
What would they even talk about?
I feel your pain gurl, i feel it XD
Ooooh it definitely would be awkward
Also yeah, sorry I keep loosing your asks I just found out that I kept sending you privately so only you have access to it and I don't even have access to finish it!
But yeah
Also I'll put it here cus not everyone read end notes
Feel free to request anything in my ask box! Please I would love to write you a fic!
Now on to the fic!
If swatch thought that seeing Spamton be kicked out of the palace all those years ago, well he was in for a surprise
Spamton had reconciled with his brothers a few days ago and he had thought that they should get to meet his brothers
He had agreed to do so, get to know them all a little bit but this wasn't how he expected things to go
They were at a smaller cafe in town, less classier than his but it was cozy
And he'd appreciate how the lighting complimented with the city around it yet it was still very soft if the atmosphere wasn't so thick he could cut it with a knife
They couldn't dare look at each other silently drinking their coffee
Pink cleared his throat as he put the cup down on the table "Uh, well Swatch was it?" They nodded "Um Spamton talked alot about you-"
"Very fondly too, he always seem excited to talk about you" Banner chimed in but quickly shut his mouth as Pink glared at him for interrupting
"Yes, and he has talked alot about you all as well, albeit the first time wasn't so pleasant" Swatch said the last part with a bit of a bite, they weren't going to hide away of how much they all hurt him but he promised Spamton he'd try so he held back
Though they still recieaved a flinch of fear and guilt put of the addisons "Ah well, we get why" Orange said with a dry laugh
The guilt they all carried was enough for Swatch to at least soften up a bit, they regret it he could tell and the fact they still wanted to try and reconcile and try to be better for Spamton, even when most would have thought of it as a loss was a bit admirable
Spamton has been happier going out with them too so they added "but... he's been happier around you guys, we can't truly change what happened no matter how hard we try, all we can do is move on so I don't hold to much against you" Swatch placed his cup down and looked at the addisons
"There is alot to yet be said but we can leave it for another time. How about we get to know each other more, I hear alot from Spamton but I think it be nice to hear it from you all directly"
They all smiled "Yeah that would be nice" Yellow said with the nod of agreement from the rest
End notes
Welp went with fluff for this gkskgkakgka
I'm making them short cus I don't wanna take to long to finish it cus I don't have much time and also to leave it to your interpretation of what happened next
And if you want me to keep adding to it well, ya know the drill, just ask XD
Anyways hope you liked it ^^
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