#organic candles in melbourne
magickofartemis · 3 months
Embracing Witchcraft in Melbourne: Your Guide to Organic Candles and Spell Kits
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Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture and eclectic communities, has a thriving scene for those interested in witchcraft and the mystical arts. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, Melbourne offers a variety of resources to support your spiritual journey. In this blog, we'll explore the best places to find organic candles and spell kits in Melbourne, and how you can incorporate these into your practice.
Witchcraft in Melbourne: A Flourishing Community
Witchcraft in Melbourne has seen a resurgence in recent years, with more people embracing the ancient practices and wisdom of witchcraft. The city boasts a variety of stores, workshops, and events dedicated to the craft. Whether you're looking to join a coven, attend a workshop, or simply explore on your own, Melbourne has something to offer.
Popular Witchcraft Stores in Melbourne
The Empress and Wolf Located in Brunswick, The Empress and Wolf is a haven for those interested in witchcraft. They offer a wide range of products including crystals, tarot cards, and spell kits. The store also hosts regular workshops and events.
SpellBox Situated in the iconic Royal Arcade, Spell Box is a magical emporium offering everything from books on witchcraft to handmade organic candles and spell kits. The ambiance of the store itself is enchanting, making it a must-visit.
Muses of Mystery This Fitzroy-based store is a treasure trove of witchcraft supplies. They specialize in handcrafted items, including organic candles infused with essential oils and herbs, and spell kits tailored for various intentions.
Organic Candles in Melbourne: Purity and Power
Candles play a crucial role in witchcraft, serving as both a source of light and a focus for energy and intention. In Melbourne, there is a growing demand for organic candles, which are made from natural ingredients and free from harmful chemicals. These candles are not only better for the environment but also enhance the purity of your rituals.
Benefits of Organic Candles
Eco-Friendly: Made from natural waxes like soy or beeswax, organic candles are biodegradable and sustainable.
Healthier: Free from toxic chemicals, they are safer to burn, reducing the risk of indoor air pollution.
Enhanced Rituals: Infused with essential oils and natural herbs, organic candles can amplify the energy and intention behind your spells.
Where to Buy Organic Candles in Melbourne
The Empress and Wolf Not only a witchcraft store, but they also offer a beautiful selection of organic candles. Each candle is crafted with specific intentions in mind, making them perfect for spellwork.
Luna and Quartz A boutique store in Melbourne specializing in organic, hand-poured candles. Their candles are made with natural soy wax and infused with essential oils, ideal for meditation and rituals.
Honeybee and Blossom This store focuses on sustainability and purity, offering a range of organic candles that are perfect for witchcraft and spiritual practices. Their candles are beautifully crafted and come in various scents to suit different needs.
Spell Kits in Melbourne: Tools for Your Craft
Spell kits are pre-assembled sets that include all the necessary components for a particular spell or ritual. They are incredibly useful for both beginners and experienced practitioners, providing a convenient way to perform spells with confidence.
Components of a Spell Kit
Candles: Usually small taper or chime candles that correspond to the spell's intention.
Herbs: Specific herbs that enhance the spell's power.
Crystals: Stones that resonate with the desired outcome.
Instructions: Detailed guidelines on how to perform the spell.
Where to Find Spell Kits in Melbourne
SpellBox Known for their comprehensive spell kits, SpellBox offers kits for various purposes such as love, protection, prosperity, and healing. Each kit is thoughtfully curated and easy to use.
Muses of Mystery This store offers a wide range of spell kits, each designed by experienced witches. They provide kits for different intentions, complete with high-quality ingredients and clear instructions.
The Empress and Wolf Offering personalized spell kits, this store allows you to customize your kit based on your specific needs and intentions. They also provide guidance on how to best use the components for effective spellwork.
Melbourne is a rich tapestry of mystical resources and communities, making it an ideal place for those interested in witchcraft. Whether you're seeking organic candles to purify your space or spell kits to enhance your practice, Melbourne has a wealth of options to explore. Embrace the magic and let the city's vibrant witchcraft community guide you on your spiritual journey.
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gremlins-stuff · 10 months
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Chapter 1 🟢
Sabrina Jones is known for being the life of the party. Any given Friday night you can find her at any one of the local clubs or bars in Melbourne, but this story isnt about Sabrina.
This Story is about an introverted homebody, Zoe Burns to be exact. Zoe works hard to come home and sleep hard. She's happy with her Calm waters. She had the Power to make waves, but thats not her style. Even When others had something to Say, She didnt Care. Its her life, she Should do as she pleases right?
Zoe first met Sabrina when they were 19 and freshman in College. When Zoe Walked into her first lecture, it was Packed. There were very few seats open, indicating Musicology is a very popular course. Her eyes scanned the room, there were very few Open seats. One next to 3 boys slouched into their chairs, seeming to clutch their small fanny packs over their chests. Weird. They all looked like douchebaggy soccer players.
"Hell no " Zoe Whispers to herself. As she wandered further into the lecture hall, another seat became visible. Next to the empty seat there were 4 girls talking about Choreography and lyrics. Feeling confident, Zoe introduces herself and asked to sit down. All of their heads whipped around, their eyes scraping over Zoe head to toe.
"we're good.”
Said one of the girls before they all turned back to whatever they were doing. Zoe not comptetely sure of what just happened, turns and continues looking for a seat, She knew there was a reason for being early.
Just as Zoe was ready to admit defeat and just sit on the floor for the rest of the semester, a small girl with dark hair popped up from her seat, frantically waving Zoe over. The girl was stunning! She had hazel eyes and Small freckles littered all over her round Cheeks and the brightest smile Zoe had ever seen.
"Over here!" She Called. Zoe was caught off gaurd by the girts excitment. After the last interaction she had with her class mates Zoe didn’t expect much from the strangers in her class. Regardless, She squeezed past a few People to Claim her seat. As Zoe sits down the girl introduces herself as Sabrina Jones. Zoe returns the Sabrina’s kindness and introduced herself to Sabrina. That was the beginning of an unbreakable bond.
The girls never spent much time apart after becoming friends. After graduating from RMIT together, they moved into an apartment in Sabrina's hometown, Melvern. Felix, Sabrina's boyfriend moved in a few months after the girls had settled in. Sabrina met Felix at Some Club in Melbourne and says they “Zinged”.
Zoe only had 1 boyfriend throughout College. She didnt See that going very far so she broke it off. All he ever did was play video games and cheat off other students come exam time. The cheaters always disgusted Zoe…
Boys and dating were never her strong suit. She tried but always found herself more interested in her kdrama or book. When they would text it would be hours before there would be a reply. Zoe knew she sucked at dating so she just never really put effort into it. She was happy with herself.
Although working and watching TV doesn’t apeal to all, it apeals to her. After Coming home from a long day as a vocal coach for local Chair groups and organizations. She’ll immediately B line to the bathroom so she can relax in a hot bath with all of her favorite body oils and scents, Or she’ll be wrapped up in her warm comfy bed with her teddy bear David, a hot cup of coffee and a couple candles burning. Her career isn’t exactly what she wants but she’s happy to lend a hand when it’s needed. It also pays really well.
Zoe's little life pleases her. She loves her people and take pride in the fact that they are genine. They way she sees it her life is perfect as is.
Authors Notes:
AHHHHH!!! I hope you guys like it. The 2nd chapter is already in the making and this is just the top of the iceberg. Let me know what you think!! I love you all very much 😭🫶🏻
@straykeedz @imastraykidsfan
(If you would like to be tagged in new chapters and progress updates please let me know in the notes)
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nbmsports · 1 year
Yiddish Is Alive and Well in Melbourne, Australia
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“Mir kumen on, mir kumen on! Un fest un zikher undzer trot!”Late on a recent Friday night, dozens of voices joined in this Yiddish anthem — “We are coming, we are coming! And our step is firm and true!” — and soared from a conference center among gum trees and kookaburras outside Melbourne, Australia.Today, Yiddish is most commonly used in ultra-Orthodox communities in places like Brooklyn or Jerusalem. But in Melbourne, snatches of it can be heard on certain streets, around multigenerational dinner tables, on stages and in classrooms.And one weekend a year, Australian speakers of Yiddish come together at Sof-Vokh Oystralye, or Weekend Australia, for 48 hours of total immersion in the language of a thousand years of Jewish life and culture that, before the Holocaust, was spoken by 13 million people, mostly in Eastern Europe.For some of the singers at this year’s retreat, in late May, Yiddish is the hard-fought language of everyday life. For others, it evokes a long-ago childhood in an immigrant neighborhood in Melbourne. For many of the tiniest participants, including some who had already been dispatched to bed, it is the language of the classroom, sitting easily alongside Hebrew and English at the world’s only secular primary school where it is a compulsory daily subject.At Sof-Vokh, attendees in beanies and scarves emblazoned with the insignia of Australian football teams played Dungeons and Dragons, basketball and chess; smeared creamy cheese into blintzes in a stainless steel-wrapped catering kitchen; and played games in which they impersonated animals and translated gibberish into poetry — all in Yiddish.From a makeshift Twister game set up in the hotel’s foyer, a tumbling child let out a loud “Oy vey!”Beyond the lighting of candles and blessings in Yiddish over bread and wine on Friday night, there were few signs of organized religion. Yet the preservation of the language has, for the founders of the event and others in the Jewish community in Melbourne, become an almost holy crusade.In 1995, when Melbourne’s last Yiddish newspaper closed, Freydi Mrocki, a musician and a teacher, fell to the floor of her dining room, weeping, she said. “That’s when I decided Yiddish would die over my dead body,” Ms. Mrocki, 63, said. “I gave my life over to Yiddish, in the same way that some people give their life to God.”Along with Dr. Doodie Ringelblum, she co-founded Sof-Vokh in 2004.“Yiddish is our contribution to world culture,” said Dr. Ringelblum, 60, “and Judaism is our contribution to the richness of human life.”Dr. Ringelblum and his wife raised their three children to speak Yiddish as a first language. But with few other Yiddish-speaking families in Melbourne, and scant secular resources — as well as the occasional recalcitrance of his teenage children — passing it on has been “horrifically difficult,” he said. “The two words that are spoken most in our family are ‘redt Yiddish’ — ‘speak Yiddish.’”Many of Melbourne’s present-day Yiddish speakers, including Ms. Mrocki and Dr. Ringelblum, descend from a wave of Jewish refugees who settled in the city between 1938 and 1960, giving Australia the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors of any country beside Israel.Hania Joskowicz, who will turn 100 in February, moved to Australia in 1951 with her husband and daughter.She spent six years of the war in a labor camp, unaware that the Nazis had murdered her parents and two of her three siblings. It had been a “nothing life,” she said in a recent interview at her Melbourne home. “In every minute, you’re dead. Every second.”But in Melbourne, she found ready community in the neighborhood of Carlton, living among fellow Holocaust survivors and other new migrants, and picking up Greek and Italian alongside English.“It really was shtetl Carlton, back then,” said Arnold Zable, 76, a writer who captured the community and area in his book “Scraps of Heaven.”At the Kadimah, a Jewish cultural center and library in Melbourne, Ms. Joskowicz and her husband attended Yiddish theater, dances and other events. She recalled the shock of suddenly encountering a close friend from before the war there. “I fell down, for happiness,” she said.As Melbourne’s last generation of prewar Yiddish speakers fades out, the language comes to life for most present-day speakers in settings like Sof-Vokh or in classes, as well as through Melbourne’s thriving Yiddish music scene.This has been the case around the world, said Rivke Margolis, a professor of Jewish studies at Monash University in Melbourne. “There’s no indication, at all, that Yiddish is ‘dying,’” she said.At Sof-Vokh, she guided a rapt crowd through a monologue by the writer Aaron Zeitlin, in which a Yiddish-speaking migrant to the United States muses on his assimilated family before noting, stricken, that no one will say Kaddish, the Jewish mourners’ prayer, for him when he dies.Over time, Melbourne’s Jewish population moved slowly from Carlton to the city’s present-day “bagel belt” south of the river, where the Kadimah eventually relocated. At 111, the organization still puts on plays in Yiddish and teaches the language to people of all ages.Around the corner is Sholem Aleichem College, a secular Jewish primary school named for the acclaimed Yiddish writer, where about 300 students learn in English, Hebrew and Yiddish.At a lunch at Sof-Vokh, Helen Greenberg, the school’s principal of 17 years, laughed as she chatted with former students, and greeted those still in her charge.“Their intonation is sensational,” she said, of her students’ proficiency in Yiddish. She added, “They don’t just see it as a language, they see it as part of their identity.”At the school recently, in a bright, modern classroom, children of 3 or 4 fidgeted through a Yiddish-language acknowledgment of the Aboriginal inhabitants of the land, before joining together to rattle off the days of the week, starting with “montik.”The school is now independent, and Israeli flags hang on its walls. But it has its roots in the Jewish Labour Bund, a 19th-century Eastern European socialist workers’ union that espoused Marxist and anti-Zionist values and today survives only in Melbourne, along with its youth group, SKIF.The Bund’s political philosophy, though still socialist and unaffiliated with Zionism, has shifted over time toward a focus on “Yiddishkeit,” a catchall term for Jewish culture that extends to the promotion of Yiddish language, and “Doikayt” — supporting Jewish communities wherever they are.During the pandemic, many of Melbourne’s Yiddish institutions saw an uptick of enthusiasm in online activities that has since filtered into the physical world. In March 2022, the Kadimah presented a modern Yiddish-language adaptation of “Yentl,” by Isaac Bashevis Singer, which sold out its two-week run at one of the city’s top theaters, and won multiple Melbourne theatrical prizes.Late on Saturday afternoon at Sof-Vokh, a small group led by Joshua Reuben, 27, and Tomi Kalinski, 71, pored over two different Yiddish translations of the “Uluru Statement from the Heart,” a 2017 petition for reparations by Aboriginal leaders that has led to a forthcoming referendum on constitutional reform.A clamor from the dining room grew louder as they reached the end of the passage: “We invite you to walk with us,” Mr. Reuben read, in Yiddish, “in a movement of the Australian people, for a better future.” Source link Read the full article
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lysetfragrances · 19 days
Soothe Your Soul with Our Hot Air Balloon Candle
Escape to Serenity with Our Hot Air Balloon Candle
Imagine floating gently above the city, surrounded by a serene landscape of rolling hills and sparkling lakes.
 The warm sun shines down upon you, casting a golden glow over the scene. As you drift lazily through the air, the stresses of everyday life melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and tranquility.
Of course, not everyone can take a hot air balloon ride over Melbourne's picturesque countryside. 
But what if you could bring that same sense of calm and serenity into your own home?
->> Introducing our Hot Air Balloon Candle, carefully crafted to transport you to a state of relaxation and tranquility with every flicker of the flame.
Find Peace with Our Hot Air Balloon Candle's Soothing Aromas
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Our Hot Air Balloon Candle is more than just a simple candle – it's an experience. Made from the finest ingredients and poured by hand, each candle is infused with the essence of black cherry, grape, and raspberry.
 These carefully selected scents evoke the sweet and tangy aromas of the fruit, transporting you to a sunny orchard on a warm summer day.
But it is not just the scent that makes our candle special. The unique blend of organic ingredients and essential oils used in its creation ensures that every candle burns evenly and consistently, releasing a soothing fragrance that fills the room.
A Sense of Adventure
Our Hot Air Balloon Candle is more than just a way to relax – it's an adventure. 
“Imagine yourself soaring above the city, taking in the breathtaking views of Melbourne's skyline. The sounds of the city fade away, replaced by the gentle rustle of the wind and the soft hum of the balloon's burner.”
As you drift above the rooftops, you are surrounded by a sense of freedom and possibility. You are not just stuck in traffic or stuck in your daily routine – you are floating above it all, untethered and carefree.
Order our Hot Air Balloon Candle today and experience the magic of hot air ballooning in your own home.
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Of course, not everyone can take a hot air balloon ride. But with our Hot Air Balloon Candle, you can bring that same sense of adventure and relaxation into your own home. Light the candle and let the soothing aroma fill your space, transporting you to a world of serenity and calm.
As you sit back and let the stress melt away, you will be amazed at how quickly your worries disappear. The gentle flame of the candle casts a warm glow over your surroundings, making you feel cozy and protected.
It is the perfect way to unwind after a long day or to create a relaxing atmosphere for your friends and family.
The Perfect Gift
Our Hot Air Balloon Candle makes a unique and thoughtful gift for anyone who loves relaxation and adventure. Whether it's for a friend who loves to travel or a family member who appreciates the finer things in life, this candle is sure to bring a smile to their face.
Read More: How Scuba Diving in Rio Candle Can Bring a Taste of the Ocean to Your Living Room
Relax and Recharge With  Hot Air Ballooning Candle From Lyset Fragrances:
 Hot Air Balloon Candle from Lyset Fragrances is more than just a candle – it is an experience. 
With its unique blend of scents and essential oils, it is designed to transport you to a world of serenity and calm. 
Whether you are looking to unwind after a long day or create a relaxing atmosphere for your friends and family, this candle is sure to deliver.
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decorguruvic · 1 month
Drinks Trolley Melbourne | Decorguru
If you love to entertain, a drinks trolley is an essential addition to your Melbourne home. Not just functional, it adds a touch of sophistication and charm to any gathering. Whether you're hosting a dinner party, a casual get-together, or simply enjoying a quiet night in, a drinks trolley can transform your space and experience.
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1. A Versatile Entertaining Companion
A Drinks Trolley is more than just a mobile bar. It’s a versatile piece that can be styled to suit any occasion. Use it to serve cocktails, wine, or coffee, or even display your collection of spirits. The trolley’s mobility allows you to move the party from the dining room to the living room, or even outside on a sunny Melbourne afternoon.
2. Stylish and Functional
Drinks trolleys come in various designs, making it easy to find one that complements your home décor. From sleek, modern lines to vintage-inspired pieces, there’s a trolley for every style. Not only does it add an element of elegance, but it also helps keep your bar essentials organized and within easy reach.
3. Perfect for Small Spaces
Living in Melbourne often means making the most of limited space. A drinks trolley is a compact solution that doesn’t sacrifice style. It provides storage and display options without taking up too much room, making it ideal for apartments and cozy homes.
4. Easy to Customize
Personalizing your drinks trolley is part of the fun. You can curate it with your favorite glassware, cocktail shakers, and garnishes. Add some greenery, candles, or a stack of coasters to give it a personal touch that reflects your style.
A drinks trolley is a must-have for anyone who loves to entertain. With its versatility, style, and functionality, it’s a smart investment that will enhance your hosting game in any Melbourne setting.
For More:
Ph: 0430 310 820
Working Time: Monday to Friday 9.00am - 6.00pm.
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The Art of Gifting: Exquisite Christmas Hampers for Your Loved Ones
Welcome to our blog, where we explore the art of gifting and the joy of spreading love and appreciation to our cherished ones. With the holiday season just around the corner, it's the perfect time to delve into the world of exquisite Christmas hampers, a timeless and thoughtful way to express your affection for family, friends, and colleagues.
In this article, let’s take a closer look at a variety of stunning Melbourne hampers that are sure to delight your loved ones and add warmth and joy to their festive celebrations. Whether you're searching for the ideal gift for a foodie, wine enthusiast, or wellness aficionado, we've got you covered with inspiring ideas and insights.
So, let's embark on a journey of festive generosity and discover the perfect Christmas hamper to make this holiday season truly unforgettable.
Curating a Memorable Experience
Carefully selecting high-quality products that cater to diverse tastes and preferences is key to curating exquisite Christmas hampers for your loved ones. Ensuring each item is thoughtfully arranged to create an elegant and visually appealing presentation adds a touch of sophistication to the gifting experience.
Additionally, including customizable options to tailor the hamper to the recipient's individual preferences and needs shows a personal and thoughtful approach to gifting. Finally, providing a delightful unboxing experience with attention to detail, from packaging to personal touches, enhances the joy of receiving and unwrapping the special gift.
1. Thoughtful Selections
Delightful treats sourced from renowned local and international brands ensure premium quality and variety, providing a diverse and indulgent experience for the recipient. Incorporating seasonal delights such as gourmet chocolates, fine wines, artisanal cheeses, and exquisite confectionery adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to the Christmas hampers Melbourne.Furthermore, offering a selection of dietary-friendly options, including vegan, gluten-free, and organic products, caters to health-conscious recipients, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the special gift. Additionally, curating themed hampers such as wellness baskets or luxury spa sets adds a personalized touch tailored to the recipient's interests, making the gifting experience thoughtful and memorable.
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2. Personalized Touch
Adding a personal touch with custom monogramming, handwritten notes, or engraved items for a heartfelt gesture is a wonderful way to show thoughtfulness and care. Incorporating bespoke elements like handpicked items based on the recipient's hobbies creates a truly unique gifting experience that reflects a deep understanding of their interests.
Allowing customers to add their preferred items or include special mementos makes the hamper even more meaningful and personal, ensuring that the gift is truly tailored to the recipient. Providing flexibility in packaging options, including elegant baskets, stylish boxes, or reusable containers, caters to different preferences and ensures that the presentation is as thoughtful as the contents.
Meaningful and Thoughtful Gestures
Incorporating personalized notes or cards with heartfelt messages adds a touch of warmth and sincerity to the Melbourne hampers, showing the recipient the depth of your thoughtfulness. Adding small, meaningful items that cater to their hobbies or interests, such as gourmet chocolates for a food lover or soothing scented candles for someone who enjoys aromatherapy, further emphasizes the personal touch and consideration put into the gift.
Including high-quality, luxurious products like imported wines, artisanal cheeses, and premium skincare items conveys a sense of thoughtfulness and care, making the recipient feel truly valued. Opting for custom-designed packaging and presentation elevates the entire gifting experience, showcasing the time and effort dedicated to creating a truly exceptional and memorable gift.
1. Personalized Touches
The hamper contents can be curated based on the recipient's favourite flavours, colours, or scents, adding a personal touch that makes the gift unique to them. Including personalized keepsakes or monogrammed items adds sentimental value and shows the extra effort put into making the gift personal and meaningful.
Moreover, handpicked items tailored to the recipient's lifestyle, such as spa products for relaxation enthusiasts or tech gadgets for tech-savvy individuals, further enhance the personalization of the hamper. Adding a handwritten note expressing appreciation and well wishes adds an extra layer of personalization, making the Christmas hampers Melbourne truly special and heartfelt.
2. Tailored to Individual Preferences
Crafting a bespoke hamper involves a thoughtful selection process that takes into account various aspects of the recipient's preferences and needs. Tailoring the contents to accommodate dietary preferences, including options for vegan, gluten-free, or other specialized diets, ensures that the recipient can fully indulge in the delightful treats.
Moreover, customizing the selection by considering factors such as allergies, ethical choices, or eco-friendly preferences demonstrates a deep understanding of their lifestyle and values. 
Adding a personal touch to the presentation with unique wrapping styles and decorations that resonate with the recipient's aesthetic preferences and personality elevates the gifting experience, making it truly individualized and meaningful.
3. Creating Lasting Memories
Surprise your loved ones with a beautifully curated Christmas hamper filled with gourmet treats and delightful goodies, making this holiday season truly unforgettable. Embrace the spirit of giving by presenting an exquisite Christmas hampers Melbourne that reflects your heartfelt sentiments and appreciation. 
Show your thoughtfulness with a personalized Christmas hamper tailored to suit the unique preferences of each recipient, adorned with festive decorations and premium products.
4. Unique Experiences
Unwrap the joy of discovery as your loved ones explore the delightful assortment of artisanal delights in their Christmas hamper, sparking moments of excitement and surprise as they uncover the carefully curated treasures within. 
Create memorable moments as you witness the delight on their faces while they unwrap the carefully selected treasures within their festive hamper, infusing the holiday season with joy and anticipation.
Offer a truly unique experience by presenting a Christmas hamper filled with rare delicacies and exclusive delights, creating an air of anticipation and excitement that adds an extra layer of magic to the festivities. 
Elevate the gifting experience by surprising your loved ones with a one-of-a-kind Christmas hamper that embodies luxury, elegance, and unparalleled quality, ensuring a truly unforgettable and exquisite gift-giving experience.
5. Shared Moments of Joy
Celebrate togetherness and create lasting memories as you indulge in the decadent treats from a shared Christmas hamper with your loved ones. Experience pure bliss as you bond over delectable treats from a thoughtfully curated Christmas hamper, cherishing every moment together. 
Spread happiness and laughter by sharing the contents of a festive hamper with family and friends, fostering unforgettable moments of joy and connection.
Forge beautiful memories by gathering around a bountiful Christmas hamper, savouring each delicious morsel while basking in the warmth of shared love and appreciation. 
The shared experience of delighting in exquisite treats from a Christmas hamper adds an extra layer of joy and togetherness, creating cherished memories that will be treasured for years to come.
Final Thoughts
The art of gifting an exquisite Christmas hamper involves thoughtful selections and personalized touches that make the gift unique to the recipient. Tailoring the contents to individual preferences, dietary needs, and lifestyle choices ensures that the hamper is truly tailored to the recipient. By creating lasting memories and shared moments of joy, the gifting experience becomes truly unforgettable for both the giver and the recipient.
Embracing the spirit of giving with personalized Melbourne hampers reflects heartfelt sentiments and appreciation, making the holiday season truly special for your loved ones. Celebrate the joy of togetherness and create cherished memories with a thoughtfully curated Christmas hamper that embodies luxury, elegance, and unparalleled quality.
Source URL: https://melbourne-christmas-hampers.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-art-of-gifting-exquisite-christmas.html
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mimicocoaus · 9 months
5 Must-Have Bathroom Supplies for a Luxurious Experience
When it comes to creating a spa-like haven in your home, the secret lies in the details. Transforming your bathroom into a retreat requires more than just fancy tiles and ambient lighting—it's about investing in the right bathroom supplies Melbourne that turn your daily routine into a pampering ritual. 
In this blog, we'll explore five essential bathroom supplies that will take your bath experience to the next level.
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Plush Towels: Wrap Yourself in Luxury
The foundation of any indulgent bath experience begins with the touch of a plush towel against your skin. Upgrade your bathroom supplies by investing in high-quality, soft towels that not only dry you off but also cocoon you in luxury. 
Opt for Egyptian or Turkish cotton towels for their superior absorbency and silky texture. Having a set of oversized bath sheets adds an extra layer of comfort, making you feel like you've just stepped out of a high-end spa.
Aromatherapy Essentials: Elevate Your Senses
Enhance your bath time escape by incorporating aromatherapy into your bathroom supplies arsenal. Scents have a profound impact on our mood, and there's no better way to create a serene atmosphere than with the right fragrances. 
Consider adding essential oil diffusers, scented candles, or bath salts to your collection. Lavender, eucalyptus, and chamomile are popular choices known for their calming properties, turning your bath into a sensory retreat.
Luxurious Bathrobe: Lounge in Style
Extend the spa experience beyond the tub with a luxurious bathrobe. This key addition to your bathroom supplies not only keeps you warm after your bath but also adds a touch of opulence to your routine. 
Opt for a plush, heavyweight robe made from premium materials like cotton or bamboo. Imagine wrapping yourself in a cozy cocoon as you sip on your favourite beverage, extending the tranquillity of your bath well into your post-soak relaxation.
Tech-Savvy Showerhead: Turn Your Bath into a Waterfall
Upgrade your daily shower routine with a state-of-the-art, tech-savvy showerhead. The world of bathroom supplies Melbourne has evolved, and now you can turn your bath into a waterfall experience. 
Look for options with adjustable settings, rainfall features, and even LED lights for a touch of modern luxury. A high-quality showerhead not only enhances your bathing experience but also adds a touch of sophistication to your bathroom.
Organic Bath Products: Treat Your Skin Right
Pamper your skin with organic bath products that not only cleanse but also nourish. Make sure your bathroom supplies include sulphate-free, paraben-free, and cruelty-free options to indulge your skin without any guilt. 
From botanical-infused shower gels to rich body creams, investing in organic products ensures that your bath is not only a sensory delight but also a moment of self-care for your skin.
Incorporating these five must-have bathroom supplies Melbourne into your routine can turn your ordinary bathroom into a sanctuary of luxury and relaxation. From the touch of plush towels to the soothing aroma of essential oils, each element contributes to creating a spa-like experience within the confines of your home. 
Elevate your bath routine, invest in these essentials, and transform your bathroom into a haven of tranquillity. Your daily self-care ritual is about to get an upgrade!
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Read Before You Inspect: The Ultimate Information To Open House Inspections
Property purchasers and traders can get immediate information critical to property negotiations, and agents and distributors save the time and trouble of multiple inspections. Search our database of recently completed inspections and immediately professional building inspectors melbourne purchase and obtain your inspection report. Building and Timber Pest Inspection identify the presence of termites and timber pests, in addition to highlighting circumstances conducive to future exercise. Moisture causes wood rot that may jeopardise the structural integrity of a deck or pergola construction. Decay is frequent to the bottom of supporting timber posts, alongside the top fringe of rafters and floor joists.
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An inspection may also be required if you uncover that your home has developed a building defect over time or as a consequence to an incident.
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You do not need to be rescuing your roofing from the neighbour’s yard after a big storm. Termites can even trigger appreciable damage to pergolas and decks by devouring timber parts until they're now not sound. Look out for signs of onerous mud monitoring up assist posts, and where potential, search for hollow sounding damaged timber parts. Wooden floorboards are often the popular alternative of flooring in Brisbane due to many houses now being positioned on stumps or posts to keep away from flooding.
Book A Building Or Pest Inspection
We present a radical inspection of funding homes, identifying any potential issues that may have an effect on your funding. Our staff also provides you with detailed stories that include recommendations for any repairs or maintenance that might be required. When it comes to skilled home and pest inspections, ZYNC Inspections have you lined.
Building Inspection
For rooming lodging residents, an Entry discover (Form R9) have to be given with a minimal of forty eight hours notice for entry to the residents rooms. Asking this might let the seller know you’re a severe purchaser, and might let you realize if the property’s market value is its true worth or not. If you are not successful with the present house you're looking to purchase it can additionally provide you with a leg up on the following opportunity.
Routine inspections are carried out to make sure the property is well cared for by the tenant and to check if there are any repair, upkeep or well being and questions of safety. For as little as $395, you may get a complete building report that could prevent hundreds of dollars in the lengthy run. Our building reviews can prevent the stress and monetary burden of buying for a money pit and give you the info you want to negotiate a decrease purchase value. Whether you’re about to make an offer or making ready to bid at public sale, with a PPI building and pest inspection you’ll know exactly what you’re buying.
If this is the case, contact your native Jim’s Building Inspector instantly as many supply discounts to help you the place additional building inspections on other properties are needed. You must also take a look at web sites like BuySmart and get in contact with the agent to ask if an building inspection has already been completed on the property. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=building inspection report Jim’s Building Inspectors usually conduct what we refer to as ‘on spec’ building inspections on properties which are going to public sale and that they expect to be well-liked.
Brisbane’s roofs have so much to cope with, from excessive winds and storms, as nicely as high temperatures, surrounding timber and possums. It’s essential to examine the construction and roof area, in search of moisture, roof leaks and basic damp points as well as checking for indicators of structural failure and incorrect roof construction. Like rising damp, lateral damp happens when water penetrates your wall.
It can additionally be not intended to estimate the cost of fixing issues, for which a ‘special-purpose’ property report is required as an alternative. A building inspection report does not deal with each facet of the property. Its function is to determine any main issues visible on the time of the inspection. The extent of a problem shall be influenced by the age and kind of property. We perceive that property investment is a big decision, which is why we’re right here to help you each step of the method in which.
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Inspirational Mum - Soft and Feminine Selection
Our ‘Inspirational Mum’ bouquet is a beautiful assortment of all pink blooms. All our Inspirational Mum bouquets will be crafted with seasonal flowers using the traditional Mothers’ Day bloom as the focal.
As our special gift to your Mum, we are including our premium botanical wrap valued at $10, complimentary.
Starting from $100 you can then choose to have your bouquet wrapped or displayed in a glass vase (vase + $35)
Add Chocolate peanut brittle from Bramble & Hedge + $27.50
Add an in bloom fragrant candle from Peppermint Grove 370g + $45
Add a bottle of Rosé from Tamburlaine Organic Wines + $35
Where possible we always support our local Australian flower growers. This includes growers from Peats Ridge, Dural, Arcadia, Mangrove, Horsley Park and Melbourne. We love supporting our local flower growers whom are often 2nd and 3rd generation family businesses.
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bigflavours7 · 1 year
Why hire Big Flavours for Birthday Party Catering?
Catering to everyone’s tastes may not be easy. Choose the easy way – Hire the services of Big Flavours’ birthday catering in Melbourne and witness the best of everything served at the most affordable rates.
You will find our menu different from other caterers who have served you so far – different not only in taste and style, but varied in the range of assortment, quality and customisation in accordance with our guests’ requirements. We serve food cooked in house, which means that you can spare the fear of contamination or use of stale ingredients. We see to it that the vegetables and fruits we serve are fresh and the meat is procured from licensed vendors, thus alleviating the risk of food allergies and sensitivities to preservatives.
We understand the pain that goes in deciding the flavour and design of the right choice of menu. So, we went one step further and built a team specialized in making the most mouthwatering and delicious dishes decorated in the most innovative manner that will make your imagination run wild. We are averse to the idea of baking customary birthday cakes or engaging our customers in the wishy-washy custom of blowing candles on cakes. Rather, the birthday parties we organize are different and unique.
With our team fanatically inclined towards hygiene, soulful presentation and generous portion sizes, quality is just another sobriquet we are known by. Our professional catering crew ensures that no food gets wasted and that there is no mess leftover for you to clean up after the party.
When it comes to birthday party catering Melbourne, Big Flavours’ reputation is unprecedented. So, if you are looking for someone who can help you with birthday catering in Melbourne, look no further. Call us now to know how we can serve you with the best we have.
Importance Of Birthday Party Catering
Birthdays of a loved one bring back fond memories of our years spent with them. Be it the first birthday of your teeny tiny child or the 15th birthday of your rebellious teenager, 40th birthday of your loving husband or the 90th birthday of your grandparents, organising the perfect party for your loved one can be a laborious task. But now with Big Flavours’ team including some of the best chefs of Australia and cooks hired from all parts of the world accepting orders of birthday catering in Melbourne, you hardly need to worry. All you have to do is to choose from our wide range of menu items that includes sit down meal, gourmet breakfast catering, etc  and decide the ones that your friends and loved ones would relish and enjoy.
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silkysmooth456 · 2 years
Online Shop
They use what is out there in season and what they will collect in only the most ethical method from native growers and artisans. Petal&Post is a novel flower supply and reward studio in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban . We are an online florist in South Africa providing same day flower and gift delivery in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. Send valentines flowers, birthday flowers, anniversary flowers in Durban, and Cape Town metropolis, northern and southern suburbs, Durbanville and Johannesburg. And delight ourselves in delivering the perfect presents, company items and extra to destinations all over South Africa. Our attention-to-detail hampers are made up using varied objects to please any style or desire.
The pellets have a pH of roughly 5.three and are wrapped in a skinny, degradable net. For further info on this product and different Biogrow products please see the Biogrow web site for details. Azadirachtin also serves as a feeding deterrent for some insects. Depending on the stage of life-cycle, insect dying may not happen for a number of days. However, upon ingestion of minute portions, bugs turn out to be quiescent and stop feeding. Residual insecticidal exercise is obvious for as a lot as seven days or longer, relying on insects and utility rate.
We ship objects to the location of your selection with magnificent care and a spotlight to element. Whether you're in search of one thing to mark a special occasion or just brightening up someone else's day, our vary and careful delivery is bound to create smiles all around. Aspen Flowers & Co is a boutique florist in Cape Town that creates lovely flower preparations for on a daily basis functions and special occasions. From our retailer in Woodstock, we have provided fresh, uncommon and top quality flowers to our Cape Town clients since 1987. Are you in need of beautiful flowers or gifts corresponding to candles, fruit, balloons, cheese, or luxurious hampers?
Hospitals don't settle for bunches of flowers not in a container. We additionally acquired photographs of the flowers that was delivered. Provided common updates on have been they're flower box distributors at and when the flowers was delivered in report time. To ensure on time delivery, kindly permit 2-3 working days' notice and 3-4 working days for remote areas.
Our florists take great care to observe all specs received by our clients when placing an order, either on our web site or creating a personalized flower arrangement or hamper. If you’d like online flowers south africa to send flowers, hampers or gifts elsewhere in South Africa, please order from our primary website. Hello, I actually have had delivered to my door, a really useful, FRESH and glorious hamper despatched to me from Melbourne Australia.
My third suggestion regards online status administration. A seek for “Netflorist complaints" reveals a rather tatty wanting Google CV. This has the potential to deter potential customers, particularly those that haven't used the service earlier than. The key difference is that Netflorist utilises numerous most popular florists for the delivery system, particularly given SA’s scarcity of dependable courier companies online florist south africa. To ensure customers get what they order, Netflorist is constantly updating their web site pictures so that you aren’t ordering flowers out of season. “They all need comfort, an organization they can trust, a simple approach to order and the assurance that what they buy might be delivered on time,” he says.
More than 3500 florists belong to our community of delivering florists. They are positioned everywhere in the world, and every of them operates on a local foundation, so you might be doing enterprise with a florist that's positioned close to your recipient. Our dependable identical day flower, next day hamper and reward delivery, and personalized customer support is unmatched wherever in SA! And if that doesn't persuade you, listed right here are a quantity of more reasons why we expect you must use inMotion Flowers. This stunning dark centred variety has 12 to 15cm flowers surrounded by wonderful bronze-maroon petals. The branching crops grow a hundred and fifty to 180cm tall with ten or extra buds per plant.
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magickofartemis · 3 months
Embark on a Spiritual Journey with Magick of Artemis
Nestled in the mystical enclave of Port Melbourne, Magick of Artemis stands as a haven for goddesses and witches, beckoning visitors to delve into the enchanting world of spirituality. Founded by the visionary Ellie Garnham, this ethereal store offers an array of meticulously crafted and spiritually charged products to elevate your spiritual journey to ethereal heights.
The store boasts an extensive assortment of offerings, including candles, spells, witches' brew teas, sacred body oils, crystals, incense and smudging tools, jewelry, pendulums, bath salts, and an array of books. Every product, diligently crafted and channeled with high frequencies by Ellie herself, serves as a conduit for healing and liberation, empowering individuals to connect with their highest timelines. What sets these creations apart is their unwavering commitment to being non-toxic, organic, and ethical, a testament to Ellie's dedication to offering products that are both spiritually conscious and sustainable.
But Magick of Artemis is not just a purveyor of spiritually infused products; it is a realm of spiritual healing and growth. Reverberating with healing energies, the store offers Reiki energy healing sessions in-store, as well as iHEAL Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Therapy by appointment. These transformative sessions provide individuals with the opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, guided by the visionary Ellie herself. It is within these sacred sessions that visitors can unravel the tapestry of their past lives, awakening a deeper understanding of their spiritual roots and enhancing their connection with higher realms.
The store also invites visitors to partake in its offerings. Upon arrival, guests are welcomed with a complimentary cup of Witches Brew Tea, and are encouraged to pull tarot or oracle cards, or peruse through an array of books on positive embodiment, witchcraft, higher consciousness, and past lives. The thoughtful curation of the store offers a nurturing and supportive environment for spiritual exploration, thereby fostering a sense of community and belonging among like-minded individuals.
One particularly enchanting facet of Magick of Artemis is its reverence for the Goddess Artemis, the embodiment of protection, love, healing, and soul growth. Ellie has channeled the essence of this revered deity into a range of specially crafted candles, infusing Pink Opalite and Clear Quartz Crystals with the pure essential oil of Vanilla fragrance. These candles not only serve as exquisite home decor but also radiate Reiki healing and the goddess's energies when lit within one's sacred space.
Testimonials from visitors to Magick of Artemis attest to the profound impact of the space. One such testimonial, shared by Millie Clifton, a Reiki Energy Healer and Sound Bath Healer, extols the store's beautiful ambiance and the transformative experiences it offers. Her words encapsulate the sentiments of many who have been embraced by Ellie's warm welcome and the profound energy that infuses the space.
For those yearning to further immerse themselves in the enchantment of Magick of Artemis, the store offers the opportunity to join its coven by subscribing to the newsletter. By doing so, members are not only granted access to free healings and spells, but are also kept abreast of upcoming classes and events. Becoming a part of this sisterhood of witches grants access to exclusive techniques, discounts, and a sense of belonging that transcends the bounds of the physical store.
Located at 361 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Magick of Artemis beckons those on a quest for spiritual enrichment to step across the threshold and into a world of magic, spirituality, and interconnectedness. For those eager to explore spirituality, embrace healing, and foster personal growth, this enchanted store offers an open invitation to embark on a transformative journey.
In conclusion, Magick of Artemis transcends the notion of a conventional store, emerging as a luminous beacon for those seeking to enrich their spiritual path. Through its meticulously crafted products, transformative healing sessions, and nurturing environment, the space serves as a testament to Ellie's vision of creating a sanctuary that fosters spiritual well-being and growth.
This blog emphasizes Ellie Garnham's visionary creation, Magick of Artemis, showcasing its commitment to spiritual wellness and sustainable, ethically sourced products. It also invites readers to engage with the space and captures the essence of the founder's profound vision.
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hotelcollingwood · 2 years
Why Should You Host Functions in Your Private function rooms?
Private function rooms Melbourne are a great way to host private functions. Private function rooms can be used for anything from birthdays to weddings, from lunch meetings to conferences. They offer many benefits over other venues, such as hotels or restaurants, including a sense of privacy and flexibility. Here are some of the best reasons why you should consider hosting your next event in a private function room:
When you host an event at home, you can have it just the way you want. You choose the menu, drinks and entertainment. You can choose a theme for your function room that fits your personal style. 
Perhaps most importantly of all, you get to plan the time and number of guests yourself. This means that if something comes up at work or with family commitments, there is no need to worry about cancelling—you are in control!
As well as being convenient for those hosting events at home, they are also convenient for guests who don't want to go out into town after work or spend hours waiting around in a busy bar/restaurant before heading off home again afterwards.
A comfortable environment is essential when hosting a private function room. A nice, relaxing feeling will make your guests feel welcome and they'll be able to enjoy themselves more. As a result, they'll be more impressed with the event overall.
A good way to create an inviting atmosphere is by using soft lighting in your private function rooms. This can be done through the use of candles and other forms of decoration that have warm light bulbs in them, such as incandescent bulbs or halogen bulbs.
You should also try to avoid putting any hard surfaces on the floor like tile because this could make it difficult for people with mobility issues to move around freely without causing damage or discomfort due to friction between their feet and those surfaces (especially if they're wearing shoes). 
Instead, consider using carpeting or even just regular flooring so everyone can walk around comfortably without having any trouble moving around throughout your venue's space!
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Perfect Atmosphere
The atmosphere created at your private function rooms Melbourne is a key factor in the success of any event. The right atmosphere allows people to relax, feel comfortable and enjoy themselves. An excellent host can create an environment where guests feel valued and connected with one another, as well as more connected to the host.
The importance of creating a good atmosphere cannot be overstated; it not only has an impact on the success of your event but also on its outcome. In addition, it can help you connect with other hosts who will now know that you are a skilled organizer and someone they could work with in future events at their own venues.
Hosting functions in your private function rooms is cost-effective. Function rooms are often much cheaper to hire than traditional venues, such as hotels or restaurants. This allows you to host a greater number of events and makes them accessible to more people who might not otherwise be able to afford the expensive costs associated with hosting an event in a more traditional venue. 
Security is a big issue for private function rooms. Security guards are in place to ensure the safety of guests and their belongings, but you may be wondering what security guards can do for you, or how much they would cost.
It's important to know that there are different types of security guards who provide different services. Some are trained to deal with any situation, while others simply keep an eye out for troublemakers and alert other personnel if they see anything suspicious. 
You have many options when it comes to hiring a security guard: most businesses offer packages that include bodyguards at varying levels of price and quality.
You'll find that hosting your event in private function rooms Melbourne can be a great way to ensure that it goes smoothly. With the many benefits outlined above, there's really no reason not to try this out and see how much better your next gathering will be!
 Source by - https://bit.ly/3PyCYyG 
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Shock questions after the gruesome murder of a Palestinian gay
As news of Abu Markhiya’s death spread, a completely different version of events emerged from Israel. LGBTQ organizations and emergency shelters that help LGBT asylum seekers said they knew he was gay and needed to escape from the Palestinian territories, where he was a target. Rita Petrenko, founder of The Different House, an Israeli gay rights organization serving the Arab community, said Abu Markhiya’s fear was palpable when they met in 2020. “He told me that people not only in his family but in the village wanted to kill him,” she said, adding that he fled to Israel as news of his sexual orientation spread in Hebron two years ago. “He was afraid for his brothers, uncles and cousins.” Petrenko said Abu Markhiya was going from shelter to shelter and taking out occasional jobs at a Tel Aviv restaurant, while she helped him apply for resettlement in Canada. He had no prospects in Israel. Petrenko said he was temporarily prevented from working until last July, when Israel began granting work permits to Palestinians who have sought asylum due to violence and persecution based on their sexual orientation. “The situation was appalling for all of them,” said Ibtisam Marana Menuhin, an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset who petitioned the Supreme Court to grant gay Palestinian asylum seekers work visas. Israel frequently promotes tolerance for issues of sexual orientation, despite the rejection of homosexuality in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities. But Tel Aviv is proud of its reputation as a top destination for gay and lesbian travelers. Critics accuse Israel of “pink washing,” saying it uses such tolerance as a way to divert attention from its unchecked occupation of the West Bank, now in its 56th year, and its harsh policies toward the Palestinians. Petrenko said that just hours before Abu Markhiya was killed on Wednesday, he spoke to volunteers at his Tel Aviv shelter for a regular check-up. There was nothing wrong. The next day, the story of his beheading dominated the media. From Tel Aviv, there was an avalanche of pain. loading “We are broken… We will always remember you, Esso,” said Elm, a group who helped Abu Markhiya, addressing him with a nickname. “We will never stop fighting until others like you can live as freely as any other human being.” At the shelter he recently stayed at, staff lit a candle for Abi Markhiya during a vigil Friday. Petrenko said she did not know how he appeared in Hebron. “He never felt safe,” she said. Palestinian gays tend to be wary for fear of attracting unwanted attention from their socially conservative society and backlash from the authorities. In 2019, Palestinian Authority police banned a gay and transgender rights group from holding events in the West Bank and threatened to arrest the participants. Homosexuals in Israel’s Arab minority have faced violence and ostracism in their communities. West Bank Palestinians, like Abu Markhiya, have long crossed the border into Israel to live openly. Representative Marana Menuhin said there are approximately 100 Palestinians living under asylum, but the number is likely much higher. “It’s not that these people are coming out of the closet. They were found and hunted down,” said Hila Beer of Aguda, an Israeli LGBT rights organization. “Ahmed’s case is just another example of how bad the situation is and how dangerous it is.” AP Get a direct note from our alien correspondents About what’s making headlines around the world. Subscribe to the weekly What in the World newsletter here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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Tea Light Buddha Candle Holder Buddha Tea Light Candle Holder
Dimensions: Single: 12.5cm x 12.5cm x 4cm Doubles: 22cm x 13.5cm x 2.5cm
Material: Candle Holder: Glass Container: Wood Buddha: Resin
Weights: Single Candle With Buddha: 700g
Notes: - Each stone motif has a slightly different size. - The color of the stone given will be random - We will make the packing of the goods as good and safe as possible with plastic bubbles, paper and boxes.
price $64.84 free shipping
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deepakverma123 · 3 years
A Motivational Story Of Uppma Virdi
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Uppma Virdi, the young entrepreneur, was born in 1990 in Chandigarh, India, and raised in Melbourne, Australia. After completing her graduation in Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws from Deakin Burwood and graduating in 2013, she began practice as a corporate lawyer in the Australian Supreme Court. Subsequently, the girl specialized skills in employment and commercial law. The lady was fond of making tea for relatives and friends. During her brother's marriage, she prepared thousands of cups of tea for every guest who attended the function. It made her realize that tea is a brilliant idea of bringing individuals to come together. Thus, Uppma Virdi decided to invest in the future in selling tea and then started the tea manufacture in Australia. In 2014, the home cook left her job as a lawyer to launch Chai Walli company to promote healthy drinks in the country, where crowds love coffee and, it began the success story of the woman entrepreneur.
Initially, the family and friends opposed her idea of making Australians’ taste the delicious tea and that too by leaving a respectable job for an insecure dream. When everyone realised the importance of the desire in her life, subsequently, all the loved ones supported the budding businesswoman and became the strength. The rising tycoon made even household work of making tea look stylish and encouraging among her consumers. Slowly, the tea of Uppma Virdi gained popularity among the social circles, and the journey of ‘tea future’ began steadily. The youngster tasted the success, and thus, the lady began experimenting with the tea and its ingredients. She has always thanked her grandfather, Pritam Singh Virdi, who was a Homeopathic and Ayurvedic doctor who taught a remarkable Ayurvedic tea that used to find a solution to every medical problem through his special ayurvedic tea, spreading the Indian culture, served as an inspiration for the girl. The motivational story of the herbal tea supported the adult to carry it out in the special mixtures.
Uppma Virdi has an online tea store that sells a different variety of tea, which includes sticky wet chai, 11 species chai, caffeine-free, turmeric latte and many more. The trader also delivers products such as candles, pots, kettles, strainers. The eCommerce site trades noteworthy chocolates made from tea, and it has become very popular among her customers. Other than the tea, her e-business helps consumers buy organic spices from India. The tycoon also conducts workshops where she teaches to make the perfect chai. The website has become an awesome shopping destination for tea lovers.
She won the Businesswoman of the Year Reward from the India Australia Business Community Awards in October 2016. Also became the winner of the Business Excellence Award at Victorian Sikh Association in 2016. The youngster was selected in Forbes 30 under 30 in the Asia list for retail and e-commerce. The lady has also been featured by CNN in their 20 Under 40 series in 2017. The NRI Welfare Society of India appreciated Uppma with the Hind Rattan Award for her contribution. The special tea of Chai Walli became the finalist at the Best Health Food and Beverage Awards. Moreover, Uppma Virdi was a semi-finalist for the Victorian Young Achievers Award and featured as a Woman to Watch by the Project on Channel 10. All these endless achievements have made India proud.
The NRI was invited to the Melbourne Tea Festival. At the event, she expressed her desire of promoting the unique preparations of Indian tea throughout the world. The young lady has raised the firm from two signature chai blends to fifteen Ayurvedic mixtures and teas. All the ingredients used by the company are imported from the organic farms of India. Apart from making tea, Uppma Virdi has always been there to listen to Indian tea makers and helps in spreading their entrepreneurial success stories around the globe. Uppma Virdi has taken the delicious tea from the Indian kitchen to the global platform and has become an inspiration to several tea sellers and farm owners who make their dream come true with the healthy drink.
People like Uppma Virdi prove that no wsh is small, it only takes determination and courage to be successful. Being a lawyer, she might have achieved more luxury but chasing the dream gave her satisfaction, popularity and love. Her life gives the message of connecting to the roots even when you reach the highest peak and it will show you the path of accomplishment.
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