#witchcraft in melbourne
magickofartemis · 3 months
Embracing Witchcraft in Melbourne: Your Guide to Organic Candles and Spell Kits
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Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture and eclectic communities, has a thriving scene for those interested in witchcraft and the mystical arts. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, Melbourne offers a variety of resources to support your spiritual journey. In this blog, we'll explore the best places to find organic candles and spell kits in Melbourne, and how you can incorporate these into your practice.
Witchcraft in Melbourne: A Flourishing Community
Witchcraft in Melbourne has seen a resurgence in recent years, with more people embracing the ancient practices and wisdom of witchcraft. The city boasts a variety of stores, workshops, and events dedicated to the craft. Whether you're looking to join a coven, attend a workshop, or simply explore on your own, Melbourne has something to offer.
Popular Witchcraft Stores in Melbourne
The Empress and Wolf Located in Brunswick, The Empress and Wolf is a haven for those interested in witchcraft. They offer a wide range of products including crystals, tarot cards, and spell kits. The store also hosts regular workshops and events.
SpellBox Situated in the iconic Royal Arcade, Spell Box is a magical emporium offering everything from books on witchcraft to handmade organic candles and spell kits. The ambiance of the store itself is enchanting, making it a must-visit.
Muses of Mystery This Fitzroy-based store is a treasure trove of witchcraft supplies. They specialize in handcrafted items, including organic candles infused with essential oils and herbs, and spell kits tailored for various intentions.
Organic Candles in Melbourne: Purity and Power
Candles play a crucial role in witchcraft, serving as both a source of light and a focus for energy and intention. In Melbourne, there is a growing demand for organic candles, which are made from natural ingredients and free from harmful chemicals. These candles are not only better for the environment but also enhance the purity of your rituals.
Benefits of Organic Candles
Eco-Friendly: Made from natural waxes like soy or beeswax, organic candles are biodegradable and sustainable.
Healthier: Free from toxic chemicals, they are safer to burn, reducing the risk of indoor air pollution.
Enhanced Rituals: Infused with essential oils and natural herbs, organic candles can amplify the energy and intention behind your spells.
Where to Buy Organic Candles in Melbourne
The Empress and Wolf Not only a witchcraft store, but they also offer a beautiful selection of organic candles. Each candle is crafted with specific intentions in mind, making them perfect for spellwork.
Luna and Quartz A boutique store in Melbourne specializing in organic, hand-poured candles. Their candles are made with natural soy wax and infused with essential oils, ideal for meditation and rituals.
Honeybee and Blossom This store focuses on sustainability and purity, offering a range of organic candles that are perfect for witchcraft and spiritual practices. Their candles are beautifully crafted and come in various scents to suit different needs.
Spell Kits in Melbourne: Tools for Your Craft
Spell kits are pre-assembled sets that include all the necessary components for a particular spell or ritual. They are incredibly useful for both beginners and experienced practitioners, providing a convenient way to perform spells with confidence.
Components of a Spell Kit
Candles: Usually small taper or chime candles that correspond to the spell's intention.
Herbs: Specific herbs that enhance the spell's power.
Crystals: Stones that resonate with the desired outcome.
Instructions: Detailed guidelines on how to perform the spell.
Where to Find Spell Kits in Melbourne
SpellBox Known for their comprehensive spell kits, SpellBox offers kits for various purposes such as love, protection, prosperity, and healing. Each kit is thoughtfully curated and easy to use.
Muses of Mystery This store offers a wide range of spell kits, each designed by experienced witches. They provide kits for different intentions, complete with high-quality ingredients and clear instructions.
The Empress and Wolf Offering personalized spell kits, this store allows you to customize your kit based on your specific needs and intentions. They also provide guidance on how to best use the components for effective spellwork.
Melbourne is a rich tapestry of mystical resources and communities, making it an ideal place for those interested in witchcraft. Whether you're seeking organic candles to purify your space or spell kits to enhance your practice, Melbourne has a wealth of options to explore. Embrace the magic and let the city's vibrant witchcraft community guide you on your spiritual journey.
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ashleabechaz · 2 months
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Here is my painting for Beinart Gallery’s Small Works exhibition coming up in a few weeks! (Brunswick, Melbourne)
I used gouache on wooden panel in a vintage frame. There are lots of lush gold details that you unfortunately miss in the photograph soooo I guess you’ll just have to come view it in person 😏💅
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hood-wytch · 2 years
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all my homies in the indecipherable automatic doodle gang gang
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beingmyself1991 · 8 months
In 2009, it ended a seven-year drought by achieving higher average VCE results than Mac.Robertson Girls'. A summary of the school's academic results up until 2009, a year which former principal Jeremy Ludowyke termed as "far and away the best VCE result MHS has ever achieved"
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navinakumari · 2 years
Witches are said to have supernatural power and the rituals they perform is called witchcraft. Nowadays there are no witches left but there are still people who practice witchcraft just to do badly of others. Witchcraft is an unseen force which can only be strongly felt. There can be many symptoms if a person is under the spell of witchcraft. Seeing shadows and having a constant feeling of someone watching are the two major symptoms. Any person who is under the spell of witchcraft will deteriorate his health and will lose appetite.
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ink-stained-clouds · 1 year
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Read in August ↴
favorites: ★
Jackal by Erin E. Adams
Only Survivors by Megan Miranda
Four Found Dead by Natalie D. Richards
Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun by Elle Cosimano
The Villa by Rachel Hawkins
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang ★
One of Us Is Back by Karen M. McManus
The Cloisters by Katy Hays
Infant deaths surge in Texas after abortion ban
People from all over the world are sending emails to Melbourne’s trees
‘Everything you’ve been told is a lie!’ Inside the wellness-to-fascism pipeline
The ‘Flu Shot Cheerleader’ is back – with a warning about the anti-vaccine movement ★
Even Conspiracy Theorists Are Alarmed by What They’ve Seen
‘You’re not God’: Doctors and patient families say HCA hospitals push hospice care
Richard Hanna, Rising Right-Wing Star, Wrote for White Supremacist Sites Under Pseudonym
Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race
A Basement Housing Bill Killed by Conspiracists ★
Oregon’s Greater Idaho movement echoes a long history of racism in the region ★
‘Essentially witchcraft’: A former naturopath takes on her colleagues
Maybe It’s Lyme: What happens when illness becomes an identity? ★
Everyone at West Virginia University Knew Something Was Up. I Hate That We Were Right.
Listened (not technically reading, I know)
The Retrievals podcast from Serial Productions and The New York Times ★
Did two honesty researchers fabricate their data? podcast episode from NPR’s Planet Money
Scamanda podcast from Lionsgate Sound
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somewitchymusings · 9 months
End-of-year witchcraft in the Southern Hemisphere
I've been thinking a lot about how we do end-of-year witchy stuff during the summer. Many of the witchy creators I follow talk so much about winter being this great time to reflect on the year, with the Winter Solstice being this cosy, meditative time for reflection. They then speak to the welcoming of the sun during the solstice, allowing you to dream big for 2024 and set those goals and intentions which get brighter with the sun, etc, etc. Naturally, these kind of descriptions and energies aren't super helpful for me in the Southern Hemisphere. As such, I have been trying to cultivate my reflections and new-year dreamings to move with the unique weather.
I just celebrated the Summer Solstice/Litha. It was sunny, I said prayers to Helios, bought some sun flowers for my home, and did a big spring clean. I feel a big clean before harvest season/Lammas or the "height" of the hot summer makes most sense for my practice. It clears out space for the upcoming year and helps me ground before the busyness of Christmas.
Although that day happened to be sunny, as I write this post a great thunderstorm is rolling in. Living in Naarm/Melbourne (Australia), our weather is pretty inconsistent (yeah the: "melbourne has 6 seasons in 1 day!" comment is pretty true). The Wurrundjeri people and other Kulin nation peoples call this season Garrawang, Kangaroo-Apple Season. It is characterised by changing, thundering weather and long days with short nights. I honestly feel that this chaotic weather suits the "silly season," especially as a queer person when holidays are always that bit trickier. I'm no chaos magician, but I think it would make a lot of sense to harness that in a way that feels good to you. I think this energy is overlooked by trying to fit our experience of weather to the (Celtic, and frequently Americanised) Wheel of the Year - just because it is "summer" really doesn't mean it's all about sunshine magick. Especially in Australia where summers can be a brutal time for many crops.
For me, this shifting weather has been an opportunity to reflect on the previous year of 2023. Not just reminding myself of things I achieved, but things I didn't. Some goals can move into the new year, but many I came to realise were just unrealistic or didn't actually resonate with me and the things that make me happy. I have a tendensy to over-interlectualise my problems - trying to find reasons for not achieving or under-achieving. All of this is, of course, a whole bunch of capitalist brain-rot, but nevertheless the perfectionist in me struggles with the New Year. Instead, I try to reframe and witness that there is a lot that is entirely outside my control. I'll be writing out some of these things on paper, burning them, and blowing them out to the wind for the chaotic weather to take away - a symbolic reminder to go-with-the-flow and that the wheel keeps turning. I don't know about others, but The World and Temperance have been showing up in my readings pretty consistently.
I see this time as very 9 of Wands vibes, like a message of push through: there's more goodness to come! (i.e. the wands court cards, and the harvest season/Lammas/the height of summer). But also, there will there be much change, and change is good (i.e. New Years, this thundering weather, how Autumn proceeds summer). Feels appropriate that the 10 of wands - a card of carrying too many burdens - proceeds this. We then get that lovely playful page of wands, keen to explore and create. End-of-year reflection, to me in the Southern Hemisphere, is not so much a cosy, introspective time; but instead a fiery, chaotic, energetic time. I have to actively cultivate calm moments, because everything else is shifting. And as everything shifts, I'm finding ways to go-with-the-flow and shift with it - honoring what I can't control.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Though women were still occasionally accused of witchcraft, and persecuted, in Regency England and though the range of legal punishments for women still included whipping and burning at the stake, a gentler ethos had begun to prevail. Women, it was felt, required protection, both the physical protection of fathers, brothers and husbands and protection on the part of society from the defilements of worldliness. The older generation of aristocratic women notorious for their sophisticated amorality was dying out. Byron's confidante Lady Melbourne died in 1816, Lady Bessborough was aging. Women such as these, with their convenient but passionless marriages, their lovers and illegitimate children, their public roles as cultivated hostesses and political patronesses were gradually disappearing. In their place were women who, though they might not always adhere to it, subscribed to a far more confining moral code and had no public roles to speak of.
"Lady Holland once told me," Lady Bessborough wrote to Lord Granville, "all women of a certain age and in a situation to achieve it should take to politics - to leading and influencing." That advice had been offered decades earlier. By 1813, the number of prominent women exerting political influence was exceedingly small. Decorous patriotism was replacing partisan intrigue. A ladies' subscription was organized to pay for a monument to Wellington, "to be formed of the cannon taken by the duke in various engagements," the subscription to be sponsored by the Duchess of York. Raising funds to commission war memorials, to rescue soldiers' widows and children from destitution, or to aid the Waterloo wounded, were permissible activities for women. Yet even in undertaking charitable endeavors they ran into opposition. Wilberforce would not accept help from any women in his antislavery campaign, insisting that such work was "unsuited to the female characters as delineated in Scripture."
Opposition to slavery was scripturally sound; what was unsuitable was the appearance, in women active in the arena of the world, of immodesty. St. Paul had defined the female character in the New Testament, and anyone who might have forgotten what he wrote there had only to read Hannah More's study of his doctrine published in 1815. Women, St. Paul taught, ought to "adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." They ought to keep silence, "for it is not permitted unto them to speak," lest they usurp men's authority. "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection," he cautioned. Let them learn from men, their divinely ordained superiors, whose primacy had been established beyond question at the time of creation. Adam was virtuous, Eve sinful; women suffered from an inherent weakness and sinfulness, and so ought to try to redeem their deficiency through living modest, quiet, passive lives "in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."
More herself, of course, breached St. Paul's precepts by usurping male authority and immodestly presuming to teach others. But at least she refused membership in the Royal Society of Literature, saying it would be inappropriate for a woman to belong, and her prefaces were full of shamefaced apologies for her presumption in writing.
Female morality went hand in hand with religious piety, and immoral women, the Evangelists taught, deserved punishments that were akin to penance. Among those Wilberforce condemned as immoral were divorcées, many of whom sought freedom from their husbands in order to marry their lovers. (Divorce was a relatively rare phenomenon, and limited to the aristocracy, since a special act of Parliament was necessary to institute it.) His Proclamation Society made strenuous efforts to pass a bill in the House of Lords making a divorced woman guilty of a crime if she married her co-respondent. The bill passed the Lords, but not the Commons. Still, divorced women bore a weightier stigma in the Regency than they had a generation earlier, and many Evangelicals thought that a divorcée ought to shut herself away from society and devote the rest of her life to repentance.
If divorcées were expected to immure themselves like anchoresses, women conspicuous for their virtue were all but deified. That a morally weak woman should triumph over her infirmities was thought to be a near miraculous achievement, especially in an age when wickedness was on the rise. Byron recorded with amusement how his friend Wedderburn Webster talked on and on about his wife's good qualities, ending his harangue by asserting that "in all moral and mortal qualities," she was "very like Christ." (The poet had reason to doubt Webster's judgment of his wife, for she had made an un-Christlike proposition to him.)
Webster was deceived, but in seeing his wife in beatific terms he was not unique. Men spoke of the women they respected as superhuman, angelic beings, pure and untainted, uncorrupted by any stain of vice. And once they became accustomed to seeing them that way, it was only natural for men to want to keep them pure by screening them off from contamination. Hence the bowdlerization of the classics, the sanitizing of fairy tales, the increasing segregation of women from worldly pastimes. Card playing, which had been the usual evening entertainment, was abandoned and piano playing and singing took its place. Women began to make a point of leaving the room when the men made jokes, even innocent ones. They toned down their dress; the more serious-minded of them put aside their jewels and wore diamond or amethyst crosses. More and more the lives of women were becoming closed in by a narrowing circle of propriety. They were defined as either well-bred or ill-bred, pious or impious, pure or impure. There was no middle ground, at least in theory, and only by strenuous efforts at self-improvement could they attain the propriety, purity and piety that mad them truly worthy.
Carolly Erickson, Our Tempestuous Day: A History of Regency England
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abwwia · 8 months
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Vali Myers (2 August 1930 – 12 February 2003) was an Australian artist, dancer, bohemian and muse whose coverage by the media was mostly in 1950s and 1960s in Europe and the United States. #bornonthisday
Myers was born in Canterbury, Sydney, on 2 August 1930. She displayed a talent for art at an early age. The family moved to Box Hill, Melbourne in 1941 and Myers left home at 14.
After working in factories to support her dance lessons, she became immersed in dance and later became the leading dancer for the Melbourne Modern Ballet Company.
In 1949 at age 19 Myers travelled to impoverished post-war Paris to pursue a dance career but found herself living on the streets of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés Quarter on the Left Bank.
Love on the Left Bank is a 1954 book of photographs from Dutch photographer Ed van der Elsken (1925–1990), documenting the bohemian life on the Rive Gauche of Paris; Myers is the heroine of this semi-biographical roman à clef, and is also photographed along with some of her early drawings. Via Wikipedia
#ValiMyers #artherstory #artbywomen #womensart #palianshow #australian #dancer #australianart #witchcraft #animallovers #contemporary
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audio-luddite · 9 months
More listening.
Stevie Nicks, Crystal Visions double LP.
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The double LP is pressed from clear vinyl which is kinda weird. While it spins it looked like some of the grooves are spinning backwards. The big room light is fluorescent so there is a 60hz pulse to it. I never noticed this on black (or colored) discs. It may even be a beat frequency thing from the grooves on the opposite side. I had to look away as it was disconcerting. Of course it could have been Ms Nicks witchcraft.
For those too young to recall, SN was one of the two girls in Fleetwood Mac and arguably the one who made the band a hit factory. For male people my age SN was a fantasy made flesh. She was not supermodel gorgeous, but infinitely cute and pretty. Oh and she wrote good songs. She has a pretty and delicate voice.
Crystal Visions is a mixture of tracks from several sources including live solo performances. The live tracks sound really good, The rest are hit and miss. One, Silver Springs, is historically notable as being cut from the famous "Rumours" album. Background for all the songs are described in an insert in the album which SN wrote about where and when and why she composed them.
I noted that the track with the full Fleetwood Mac group had the poorest sound to my ears. The rest were with her band and or the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for two tracks. She did duets with Tom Petty and Don Henley which may be the biggest hits that she had without Fleetwood Mac.
One song was too far from her lane, Led Zeppelin's Rock and Roll. My wife scrunched up her face saying it was just wrong. The previous day we had played a "Heart" album with Ann Wilson who is famous for doing Led Zeppelin's, Stairway to Heaven for the surviving LZ members being honored. That woman can belt and do the quiet thing too. SN just doesn't have the horsepower for Hard Rock.
Overall a good experience.
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magickofartemis · 3 months
Embrace the Magic: Crafting Spell Kits with Purple Candles
Introduction to Spell Kits
In the world of witchcraft and magic, spell kits are a convenient and powerful way to perform rituals and cast spells. A spell kit typically includes all the necessary components for a specific type of spell, such as herbs, crystals, candles, oils, and incantations. These kits are designed to streamline the process of spellcasting, ensuring that you have everything you need to focus your intentions and harness the energies around you.
The Significance of Purple Candles in Magic
Candles play a crucial role in spellwork, serving as a focal point for your intentions and a source of light to guide your magic. The color of a candle can significantly influence the outcome of your spell, as each color holds unique vibrational frequencies and symbolic meanings.
Purple candles are particularly powerful in magical practices. The color purple is associated with spirituality, psychic abilities, wisdom, and the higher self. It is often used in spells related to intuition, spiritual growth, and connection to the divine. Purple is also the color of royalty and luxury, making it a potent symbol for spells involving power, success, and manifestation.
Crafting Your Own Purple Candle Spell Kit
Creating your own spell kit can be a deeply personal and fulfilling experience. Here’s how you can craft a spell kit centered around the powerful purple candle:
Materials Needed
Purple Candle: The centerpiece of your spell kit, chosen for its spiritual and mystical properties.
Herbs: Select herbs that complement the intention of your spell. Lavender, sage, and frankincense are excellent choices for enhancing psychic abilities and spiritual growth.
Crystals: Amethyst and clear quartz are ideal for amplifying the spiritual energy of your spell.
Oils: Essential oils such as lavender, sandalwood, and jasmine can be used to anoint the candle and other components of your spell kit.
Incantation: A written spell or affirmation that aligns with your intentions. This can be a traditional incantation or one you create yourself.
Altar Cloth: A purple or white cloth to lay out your spell components, helping to focus and enhance the energy of your ritual.
Step-by-Step Guide
Prepare Your Space: Cleanse your workspace to remove any negative energies. You can use sage or incense to smudge the area, ensuring it is purified and ready for your ritual.
Set Your Intention: Clearly define the purpose of your spell. Whether it’s enhancing your psychic abilities, seeking spiritual guidance, or manifesting success, make sure your intention is focused and specific.
Anoint the Candle: Use a few drops of your chosen essential oil to anoint the purple candle. As you do this, visualize your intention and infuse the candle with your energy.
Arrange Your Components: Lay out your altar cloth and place the purple candle in the center. Surround it with the herbs and crystals, creating a circle or pattern that feels right to you.
Recite Your Incantation: Light the purple candle and recite your chosen incantation. Speak with conviction and clarity, directing your energy and intention into the flame.
Meditate and Visualize: Spend a few moments meditating on your intention. Visualize the outcome you desire, seeing it as already achieved. Allow the candle to burn down completely, or snuff it out if you need to end the ritual early (never blow out the candle, as it is believed to scatter the energies).
Close the Ritual: Thank the energies and spirits you invoked during your spell. Carefully gather your spell components and store them in a safe place, or dispose of them respectfully if they are no longer needed.
Spell kits, especially those featuring purple candles, are a powerful tool for any practitioner of magic. By creating your own spell kit, you infuse your personal energy and intention into every component, making your spells more effective and meaningful. Whether you are a seasoned witch or a beginner, crafting and using a purple candle spell kit can help you connect with your higher self, enhance your psychic abilities, and manifest your deepest desires.
Remember, the true power of any spell comes from within you. Trust in your abilities, follow your intuition, and let the magic flow.
Happy spellcasting!
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astrologer18 · 8 months
witchcraft spell in Australia
Australia, with its vast landscapes and rich cultural diversity, harbors a deep fascination with the mystique of witchcraft spell in Australia. Rooted in ancient traditions and woven into modern practices, witchcraft holds a unique allure for many Australians seeking spiritual connection and empowerment.
Across the continent, from the bustling cities to the serene outback, practitioners of witchcraft find solace in its rituals and spells. Drawing inspiration from indigenous beliefs, European folklore, and contemporary occultism, Australian witches craft their spells with reverence and intention.
The appeal of witchcraft spell in Australia lies in their versatility and adaptability to the diverse needs of its people. Whether it's harnessing the energies of the land for healing and protection or invoking ancient deities for guidance and wisdom, witchcraft offers a myriad of possibilities for spiritual exploration.
In cities like Sydney and Melbourne, modern witches gather in covens and circles to share knowledge and experiences, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary insights. They explore the depths of spellcasting, using herbs, crystals, and incantations to manifest their desires and effect positive change in their lives.
In the remote corners of the Australian wilderness, solitary practitioners commune with nature, drawing inspiration from the ancient spirits that dwell in the rugged terrain. They find magic in the whispering winds, the rustle of leaves, and the dance of fire under the starlit sky.
But beyond its mystical allure, witchcraft spell in Australia serve a deeper purpose – they offer a sense of empowerment and autonomy in a world fraught with uncertainty. Through rituals of manifestation and intention-setting, witches reclaim their agency and shape their destinies according to their will.
In essence, witchcraft spell in Australia embody a timeless quest for connection, empowerment, and self-discovery – a journey that continues to captivate the hearts and minds of those who dare to explore its mysteries.
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bewitchingbooktours · 8 months
A Bewitching Friday
A Round-Up of Daily Virtual Book Tour Stops
Hollywood by Connor Coyne #LGBTQ+ #LitFic #MagicalRealism  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3Osnxc0
Guest Blog by Stanislava Buevich #MiddleGradeHorror #MiddleGradeMystery  #bewitchingbooktours
Witchcraft & a cursed proposal?   Get ready for a whirlwind of love, betrayal & dark magic in Witching on a Star. Logan's dream proposal turns into a nightmare when mysterious magick throws suspicion on his love. Can he break the spell & save his future with Rhoslyn? https://amzn.to/47XI7Yv #paranormalromance #fantasyreads #mustread #spicyread #hotPNR #novella 
Hollywood by Connor Coyne - LGBTQ+, Literary, Magical Realism - A new American myth for readers who enjoy a bit of madness in their weird fiction. Guest Post  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3SoXdAA
In a broken future governed by the oppressive Technocrats and their parasitic technology, enslaved warrior Animkii’s mind is a battleground for control https://amzn.to/3SmQwPK #thendoftheworld #dystopianfiction #scififiction #books #sff #dystopianauthor #dystopianbooks #sciencefantasy #dystopian #postapocalyptic #postapocalypicbooks
From @LethePress, HOLLYWOOD is a new American myth for readers who enjoy a bit of madness in their weird fiction. Praised by the Independent Book Review as “An affecting coming of age story that explores change and its impact on the sense of self.” https://www.lethepressbooks.com/store/p699/hollywood.html  #hollywoodnovella #weirdfiction 
"I wanted to know if it was real. If this place was haunted, or if I was." Excerpt from The Hunter's Daughter by Nicola Solvinic from Berkley Publishing Group. Now available for pre-order: https://bit.ly/3YDcQHB  https://amzn.to/48NTMdP #nicolasolvinic #mysteryauthor #crimeauthor #thrillerwriter #criminology #criminologymastermind #crimefiction #crimethriller #crimenovels #detectivenovels #suspensenovels #thrillerbooks #murdermystery #mysteryseries #whodunit #mysteryreads #bookcommunity #mustread #bookrecommendation #bookish #booklovers #readinglist #bookclub #bestseller #newrelease
As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases #Amazon #ad #CommissionsEarned
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magickofartemis · 3 months
Embark on a Spiritual Journey with Magick of Artemis
Nestled in the mystical enclave of Port Melbourne, Magick of Artemis stands as a haven for goddesses and witches, beckoning visitors to delve into the enchanting world of spirituality. Founded by the visionary Ellie Garnham, this ethereal store offers an array of meticulously crafted and spiritually charged products to elevate your spiritual journey to ethereal heights.
The store boasts an extensive assortment of offerings, including candles, spells, witches' brew teas, sacred body oils, crystals, incense and smudging tools, jewelry, pendulums, bath salts, and an array of books. Every product, diligently crafted and channeled with high frequencies by Ellie herself, serves as a conduit for healing and liberation, empowering individuals to connect with their highest timelines. What sets these creations apart is their unwavering commitment to being non-toxic, organic, and ethical, a testament to Ellie's dedication to offering products that are both spiritually conscious and sustainable.
But Magick of Artemis is not just a purveyor of spiritually infused products; it is a realm of spiritual healing and growth. Reverberating with healing energies, the store offers Reiki energy healing sessions in-store, as well as iHEAL Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Past Life Regression Therapy by appointment. These transformative sessions provide individuals with the opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, guided by the visionary Ellie herself. It is within these sacred sessions that visitors can unravel the tapestry of their past lives, awakening a deeper understanding of their spiritual roots and enhancing their connection with higher realms.
The store also invites visitors to partake in its offerings. Upon arrival, guests are welcomed with a complimentary cup of Witches Brew Tea, and are encouraged to pull tarot or oracle cards, or peruse through an array of books on positive embodiment, witchcraft, higher consciousness, and past lives. The thoughtful curation of the store offers a nurturing and supportive environment for spiritual exploration, thereby fostering a sense of community and belonging among like-minded individuals.
One particularly enchanting facet of Magick of Artemis is its reverence for the Goddess Artemis, the embodiment of protection, love, healing, and soul growth. Ellie has channeled the essence of this revered deity into a range of specially crafted candles, infusing Pink Opalite and Clear Quartz Crystals with the pure essential oil of Vanilla fragrance. These candles not only serve as exquisite home decor but also radiate Reiki healing and the goddess's energies when lit within one's sacred space.
Testimonials from visitors to Magick of Artemis attest to the profound impact of the space. One such testimonial, shared by Millie Clifton, a Reiki Energy Healer and Sound Bath Healer, extols the store's beautiful ambiance and the transformative experiences it offers. Her words encapsulate the sentiments of many who have been embraced by Ellie's warm welcome and the profound energy that infuses the space.
For those yearning to further immerse themselves in the enchantment of Magick of Artemis, the store offers the opportunity to join its coven by subscribing to the newsletter. By doing so, members are not only granted access to free healings and spells, but are also kept abreast of upcoming classes and events. Becoming a part of this sisterhood of witches grants access to exclusive techniques, discounts, and a sense of belonging that transcends the bounds of the physical store.
Located at 361 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Magick of Artemis beckons those on a quest for spiritual enrichment to step across the threshold and into a world of magic, spirituality, and interconnectedness. For those eager to explore spirituality, embrace healing, and foster personal growth, this enchanted store offers an open invitation to embark on a transformative journey.
In conclusion, Magick of Artemis transcends the notion of a conventional store, emerging as a luminous beacon for those seeking to enrich their spiritual path. Through its meticulously crafted products, transformative healing sessions, and nurturing environment, the space serves as a testament to Ellie's vision of creating a sanctuary that fosters spiritual well-being and growth.
This blog emphasizes Ellie Garnham's visionary creation, Magick of Artemis, showcasing its commitment to spiritual wellness and sustainable, ethically sourced products. It also invites readers to engage with the space and captures the essence of the founder's profound vision.
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