clockwork-freminet · 9 months
(stumbles into line of sight carrying a comically sized coffee maker)
Don’t ask, I’m running on about eight hours of sleep and two cups of coffee.
Anyways how are you? (proceeds to chug a steaming hot cup of coffee)
Freminet looks concerned. He gasps and starts waving his hands 'no' as you chug the steaming hot coffee.
"Hey! No- wait! You'll burn yourself!"
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blaze-lightflame · 9 months
(Testing the asks) Hey Blaze! Do you have any hobbies? Also how would you describe yourself?
(Answer testing) Hello! This is Blaze here. I do have a few hobbies, including (but not limited to): knitting, coming up with terrible puns, and listening to music!
As for describing myself, in what way? Physically, I’m similar to Ori, but I have yellow markings on my ears and paws. I also have a red scarf.
If you meant personality, I’m the quiet type. I’m also one who stresses easily… But I can be more outgoing near people with shared interests!
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tis-i-lyney · 9 months
(humming “Always With Me” from the Ghibli movie Spirited Away)
I can’t get this song out of my headddddd.
But it’s a really good one. Especially the cello part! (Piano is also amazing.)
(Hello, Creator/Mod/whatever you want to call me here to the mod. I speak in the red text. I’m still ori-lightflame! Just made a drawing of my OC and renamed the first part to my OCs name, Blaze.)
I don't know it, but I'm sure it is! I do love a good piano part.
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clockwork-freminet · 9 months
There goes my sleep schedule…Hey Freminet, OH ARCHONS WHAT HAPPENED. Who did this to you, are you okay, and do I need to set someone ablaze? (Holding polearm, the tip is now covered in flames. Steam is coming off both my body and my polearm.)
"N-no, it... I'm OK, really... It's been dealt with. I just need some rest..."
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clockwork-freminet · 9 months
(Finds a random piano and starts playing Megalovania)
…what was I here to do again? Hmmmm.
(continues playing)
"... U-uhm..." Freminet looked unsure if he should disturb you while you played.
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clockwork-freminet · 9 months
(knock) (knock)
(muffled) Hey, you okay?? Need me to hunt down whatever hurt you?? I…where are they…I also have some books. Like twenty-one of them.
"Um... I think the thing that hurt me was dealt with a while ago, but... thank you for the offer...?"
"... T-twenty one? Uhm... Please tell me you didn't buy all of those for me? I-I like reading, but I don't want you to spend so much..."
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clockwork-freminet · 9 months
(Sneaks DIY robot music box on your workshop table. The pieces haven’t been assembled yet.)
(here’s the robot if you need an image, trust me, it’s hard to assemble, the rods hate me.)
Freminet looked at the robot parts that he swears weren't there before. He scans the room, trying to look for whoever put it there, before giving up and examining the pieces instead.
After a moment of looking at what he was dealing with, almost by instinct, he began to assemble it. It came naturally to him.
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clockwork-freminet · 9 months
(causally walks into view)
Hello Freminet. I have a good song stuck in my head, and I can’t get it out of my head. At least it’s not an annoying song.
Why, just why is “A Town with an Ocean View” stuck in my head on repeat. It’s a good song, but I have most of it stuck in my head.
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Anyways how was your day?
(Nearly walks into a table) No, not again. I’m NOT bumping my leg against a table corner again.
"My day has been... OK. Sorry, I... It's raining outside, I always get gloomy when that happens. It's not anyone's fault, I-I'll be OK later."
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blaze-lightflame · 7 months
Happy Halloween! ^^
I got in my costume (Kiki from the movie Kiki’s Delivery Service) and all I have to say, full sized candy bars. And a lot of peanut candy. (which I love)
No that’s not the full post.
But OH ARCHONS THAT BAG WAS HEAVY. (I was carrying my broom in the other hand, or in my other arm. Now the joint in my left arm is sore.)
It was also pretty cold out when I got back home. Didn’t really feel it, but I’m not getting up for a while because ARCHONS MY LEGS (and my left arm; using some hand warmers on the joint). I’m currently eating some Reeses and a small packet of Skittles. Oh, also sneezing. The cold must have gotten to me.
Oh, and Happy Halloween, Genshin. And to everyone here, if you see this…Happy Halloween! Now I’m not getting up for a while. (Can I please get a new spine)
…Albedo…seven more weeks…then you can come home…
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blaze-lightflame · 9 months
Lost in the Storm…
No outright smut or extremely suggestive themes. This also applies to any NSFW. However, mild jokes are allowed.
Do not flirt with the mod. I repeat, do NOT flirt with the mod. It’s fine directed towards the OC, however.
Mod is in education, so response times can vary. If I don’t respond to your ask, wait 1 or 2 days before resending.
Mod speaks in red text, and character uses white.
Have fun! This is important.
Mod sometimes forgets her tags.
Guys. I’m still ori-lightflame. I just updated the first part to match my OCs name.
OC Rundown
Basic Description: How in the name of the Spirit Tree am I going to do this one...
Name: Blaze
Weapon: Polearm
Vision: Pyro (Monstadt casing)
Gender: Female
Constellation: Saltus Spiritus (Google Translate: Latin for “Forest Spirit”)
Personality: Calm and curious, protective at times, trusting of more approachable looking people. Easily intimidated. Slow to react when tired. Flashbacks to that day back home can be triggered by owls or birds dark in appearance. Feathers, less so.
Quirks: Will chase a laser pointer. No others seen yet.
Home Region: None, she’s from another world. The world in question is Nibel.
Abilities: None, excluding the ability to give off small amounts of light and warmth. That is her only ability from her home, I’m not trying to make her overpowered.
Inventory: Scarf, Vision, spear, laser pointer, music box, journal.
RP and interaction things
“Normal speaking”
(actions or descriptions)
whispered or quiet speaking ———————————————————————
Find me here:
🔥 Blazing Light — Blaze is speaking, also the interaction tag.
👋🏻 Creator Speaks — I’m speaking, the tag that is used to indicate I’ve taken over or speaking in anything via red text.
🏡 Family — A temporary tag for Blaze’s parents in Teyvat (actually might be permanent)!
🔶 Dragon Friend — Anything Sunny related.
May be updated as necessary. Mod might forget tags. Mod will put tags on new posts.
Blaze’s lore:
The past… That day… About owls…
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