#oriental rugs|rug on carpet pad
oneforthemunny · 7 months
Always wanted to ask, how does each Eddie's house/apartment look like; where do you envision each of them living?
dom!eddie i picture living in a trailer sorta similar to wayne's. less stuff if that makes sense, since he hasn't lived there as long??? very boy decorated. mismatch, hand-me-down furniture. he tries to make it homey and tapes pictures of you and him on the wall lol. no frame, just packing tape and it's sweet and a little funny. quilts on the bed he got from wayne, posters in his room- maybe the living room. not a throw pillow in sight until you move in lol. probably like one plate, one fork, one spoon, one knife type vibe lol. very boy coded.
janitor!eddie i picture the same vibe as before (i'll call dom!eddie the default) until he moves in with you. i think it would be a small home. two bedrooms (technically three if you count the small 'office' space that you turned into a room). no garage, but he built a covering for you. it's very homey. he built shelves in the living room for all your books (i fuckin' lost the book blurb if anyone has it lol). lots of pictures on the wall, over the mantle. really just a very homey cozy vibe, and i'll leave how that looks up to you :)
older!eddie also has a house. it's not huge by any means, bigger than average. like a one story, three or four bedroom, two and a half bath kinda vibe. he got it after the divorce and he could afford it. he wanted brielle to have her own space and have some extra room for the hopeful future, and he's glad he did. probably very bare minimum as well before you moved in. like a nicer couch- no throw pillows, maybe one throw brielle bought at target, like one of those cheap ones from the $5 section lol. pictures of brielle in frames, but that's the only decor. not even a doormat. two flat ass pillows on the bed, but in nice sheets. a toothbrush holder, hand soap, and no towel on the bathroom. has a music room with his guitar and stuff, garage full of tools to do oil changes and stuff if he needs to. one half broken plastic laundry basket, and candles brielle brings home from bath and body works lol. please tell me you're getting the vibe lol.
mafia!eddie is a 180 entirely. ENTIRELY. mansion. he built it so it's new, but he wanted it to look gothic and ominous as fuck. like very unapproachable. dark exterior, steel gates at the front of the property. he bought land out in the middle of the woods in hawkins, off the beaten path for sure so you wouldn't see the entrance unless you were looking for it type? lots of dark red oriental carpets, red sheets, mahogany wood, chandeliers that are kinda dramatic and dark. all the furniture looks victorian but dark. i think it's mentioned in curiosity killed the cat that he was going for a vibe that was "a mix between dracula and the godfather" lol. large book shelves, candle opera lighting, dark grand stair well, bear skin rug (with the head bc he thought it looked sick). large, tall windows but all the glass is one way glass so it looks even freakier from the outside. very gothic victorian chic.
rockstar!eddie ok so pre-kids- he had a home in malibu, a penthouse in la. owns a couple different properties bc why not. he hired someone to decorate, but really it's like he put weird shit in there lol. like very rockstar- bachelor pad coded. like there's a fifty thousand dollar imported couch... next to light sabers on the wall that he won at a bidding bc they were used in a movie. bedroom is very... interesting lol. def has a waterbed in at least one room. has a bed post with clips for his... activities lol. probably a hook for a sex swing too. then a whole music memorabilia type room. plaques, his achievements, but also things he's collected.
tamed rockstar!eddie with kids- he lets nb decorate mainly but he also adds a few things. he designs the sex dungeon and it does in fact look like a dungeon. dramatic ass lighting, literal chain cuffs on the wall, a bed that with thick posts, mirror on the ceiling, a whole wall of toys. it's so him, like his mind. then he also has a studio in his basement. really, it started bc when he started having kids, he didn't want to leave his house. didn't want to drive into the city to record, so had one put there bc why not? he's got the $$ lol. he also gets the flowers pressed from their three weddings, the baby showers, any really big achievement- he'll get a bouquet made and pressed and preserved. nb always hangs them and decorates with them, and it makes him so proud lol.
bouncer!eddie lives in an apartment. it's very sketch, very cheap. like one bedroom, one bath, tiny ass kitchen and little living room. he literally just lives there. no personal touches beside a tv, a boombox. mattress on the ground, card table and folding chairs, leftover box as a nightstand, towel as a bath mat. he mainly stays at your place so he's not too worried about it, but the first time you come in, you're a little horrified.
cowboy!eddie- i know this is going to sound cliche but if you've ever seen the ranch on netflix lol. that's what i picture. like that wooden, ranch style house. a little older, i think it's been renovated since it was built like forever ago. small screened in porch, wooden dutch doors. a sun room in the back of the house with some house plants. an older couch and recliner, a wooden heater stove in the living room- it was apart of the original design of the house so he kept it, even with the ac/heating unit. patterned quilts on the bed, old school floral sheets that came with the house lol. really, he didn't do much to it besides add a few of his things when he moved in, because it was his grandparent's home before his.
modern!eddie had an apartment close to the park for a very small time. roomed with gareth, and then once he started staying with you, he didn't stay there anymore. probably didn't have a bed, but a futon they put in one of the rooms and had all their gaming stuff in it. he's victim of the striped, blue comforter that's faded as hell. has a rick and morty poster he put on the wall with thumb tacks. tv on the ground with his gaming stuff, wires everywhere. a closet that has shit spilling out of it. very messy lol.
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hirecarpetcleaner · 4 months
How to Remove Milk Stains From Carpets
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A little spilled milk on the carpet may appear easy to handle at first glance, but this could be further from the truth. Milk leaves stubborn stains and a unpleasant smell you’ll want to avoid at any cost. Still, with the right approach, you can rescue your carpet. Our carpet cleaning experts are sharing a few tried-and-tested cleaning methods to know how to remove milk stains from carpets using products and ingredients you might already have at home.
A wet/dry vacuum is a great tool to remove the excess milk from your carpet.
Get Rid of the Excess Milk From Carpet
Proteins and lipids present in milk are excellent sources of energy for the body but harmful for your carpet. When Proteins and fats dry they form a strong connection with fabrics , making stain removal challenging. Moreover, over time, the natural sugars in milk are converted by bacteria into acetic and lactic acid. If you don’t clean up the spill right away, it will become yellow and release unpleasant smell. Therefore, the first step is to get rid of as much milk from the carpet as you can, regardless of the cleaning technique you decide on.
Removing Freshly Spilled Milk From Carpet
Take a bundle of paper towels or a clean, absorbent towel and gently put on the affected area. Depending on the volume of the spill, the thickness of your carpet’s pile, and the duration of time that has passed, the milk may have penetrated deeply into the fibers. If this is the case, then apply pressure to the area to absorb the liquid from the padding underneath. Continue blotting until the cloth is dry, ensuring maximum absorption of the milk.
Dealing with Dried Milk Stain From Carpet
If dried milk spill is visible on carpet then, use a spoon to carefully scrape away the dried milk and then use vacuum to any remaining residue. Lightly spray the spot with clean, lukewarm water. Rinse the area by blotting it with a clean, damp cloth, then pat it with another clean, dry cloth to completely remove any remaining residue.
Once you’ve dealt with the excess milk, you can remove the stain from your carpet using one of the methods outlined below. Whatever product you choose, always start cleaning the outside of a spill and work toward the center to prevent the stain from spreading.
 Also, remember that some carpets might require a visit from your local cleaner. We highly recommend professional stain removal and carpet cleaning for all oriental rugs, carpets made entirely of natural fibres like cotton or wool, as well as carpets made from viscose (bamboo silk).
A few drops of powerful dishwashing liquid can do wonders in removing fresh milk stains.
Cleaning Method 1: Dish Soap and Water
Pour one cup of cold water into a bowl and add a few drops of gentle dishwashing liquid. Stir well to combine the ingredients. Dip a clean sponge or cloth into the bowl, wringing out most of the liquid so the sponge is slightly damp but not saturated. Begin by lightly blotting the milk stain, working from the outer edge towards the center of the affected area. Rinse the sponge or cloth frequently, dipping it back into the solution and continuing to blot. You’ll know you’re ready to move on when the rinsing water runs clear. Finish by giving the area one final rinse and then dry it using a clean cloth.
You can use a brush to distribute your solution more easily onto shaggy carpets.
Cleaning Method 2: Ammonia Solution
If the milk stain remains visible after using the previous method, dilute a tablespoon of ammonia in two cups of lukewarm water and work on the area again. Apply the solution onto the carpet using a sponge and continue to blot until the stain is no longer visible. Rinse the area with a clean sponge and cold water. Finally, blot the carpet dry with a clean cloth to complete the milk stain removal process.
Enzyme cleaners are your best friend if your toddler is still learning how to use a spoon.
Cleaning Method 3: Using Enzyme Cleaner
If you have small children, you’ve already realized you’ll have to deal with stains quite often in the foreseeable future. That is why we recommend arming yourself with a good enzyme cleaner and having it at hand when (the inevitable) milk spill occurs. Here’s how to proceed.
Remove the excess milk.
Spray your carpet with some water and apply the enzyme cleaner according to the instructions on the product label.
After you are done, extract the product by blotting it with a dampened white cloth.
Lift the cleaner completely, rinsing the towel with clean water until it stops releasing soapy residues.
Blot the carpet with a clean towel to dry it.
Note! This method is not suitable for cleaning wool carpets as enzyme cleaners can damage them.
Leave the baking soda for at least 4 hours before vacuuming it from your carpet so it has enough time to absorb the smell.
Eliminate the Lingering Milk Odour from Your Carpet
Spoiled milk has an unpleasant smell that can persist even after the visible stain has been removed. If you still detect the odour, baking soda is a handy tool for absorbing unwanted odours, and it’s something most of us typically have at home. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the affected area, whether wet or dry, and leave it overnight. The following day, thoroughly vacuum the area to remove the baking soda, and voilà! The odor will be gone.
The Hire Carpet Cleaner provides a wide range of professional cleaning services in Australia. If you need help removing stains from your carpet, then don’t hesitate to contact us and request a free quote.
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aslamqureshicarpet · 5 months
Common errors to avoid when buying carpets
Floor treatments are among the greatest ways to update the design of the various rooms in your home. The look and feel of a space can be drastically changed by adding an accent rug or installing a carpet. This process is more challenging than it looks, though. Many homeowners frequently make poor decisions or choose the incorrect carpet for their house. Below you can see the errors to avoid when buying carpets:
Failing to notice the under pad
Not carefully checking the under pad before purchasing a carpet is another common error consumers make. Area rugs and carpets are held in place by the under pad. You will quickly need to get a replacement if it is not good. To stop the carpet from rolling around, ensure the under pad is thick and high quality when purchasingcommercial carpet in Thailand.
Wrongly calculating square footage
Select the appropriate carpet shop in Thailand to purchase the carpet that best suits your needs. Measuring yourself provides you with a baseline. However, a trustworthy seller will want to check those measurements for you. It is more complex than adding up your room's square footage. A retailer will consider the specific details of your area, such as the carpet roll's width and the carpet pile's orientation. They will recognize when you have overlooked anything crucial and make the necessary adjustments.
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Attempting DIY installation
In addition to looking bad, poorly laid carpets will require repair sooner rather than later. Many individuals want to install things themselves, but they often turn out differently than they planned. When you walk on bad flooring all the time, it leads to a lot of problems. To make the flooring fit your daily routine and extend the life of your flooring carpets in Thailand, you must choose a top-notch installation.
Winding up
From the above detailed information, you will learn about the errors to avoid when buying carpets. Avoiding these common mistakes can help you choose the ideal carpet and enhances the appearance and functionality of your home.
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samsorientalrugs · 6 months
Why Persian Carpet Cleaning Is a Necessity?
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Maintaining a clean Persian mat is essential for any rug owner. Not only do these exquisite pieces add a luxurious flair to your home. But keeping them in excellent condition is vital to protecting the investment you've made in them. Persian Carpet Cleaning services will assist you in keeping your floor cloths new forever.
On most Persian mats, vacuuming is generally acceptable. However, we advise turning off the beater bar for best results to prevent vacuums from picking up loose fibers. It could further damage any micro-holes or fiber tufts in your rug.
Dirt and Debris
Persian mats are tightly woven. It means that dust, dirt and crumbs can lodge deep within their fibers and become lodged there. Regular vacuuming should help reduce this buildup. However, special care must be taken in choosing a tool that does not damage the rug itself.
Additionally, prolonged moisture exposure can damage rug fiber. It could result in mould or mildew growth that not only ruins its beauty but poses health hazards to people and pets. Sam's Antique Oriental Rugs experts are well trained to pull out the stubborn pathogens from the mats.
To reduce moisture buildup in a carpet, furniture casings on chair legs and thick rubber pads on upholstered items should be used. This will prevent the compression of fibres. Furthermore, for the best results when dealing with these mats it is essential that a dry cleaner who understands their care be employed instead of general carpet cleaners. They may not have experience dealing with this specific kind of rug.
Stains and Spots
Persian rugs often exhibit signs of wear after being placed in high-traffic areas. Stains often appear as white spots that blend in with the rug's colors and patterns. It necessitates a proper cleaning procedures in order to restore them to pristine condition. It's essential that carpet owners learn how to effectively address such spots before they ruin the carpet altogether.
When cleaning a rug, its frequency of use and location in the home determine its frequency of cleaning requirements. Most hand-knotted rugs should be vacuumed every few weeks for optimal performance. Too little frequency results in dirt accumulation while too much frequency can loosen fibres. In the end, it could cause irreparable damage to carpet.
When dealing with a stain on a Persian rug, it's best to act swiftly. Blotting with a clean cloth is often sufficient to reduce its severity; any attempt at rubbing could spread the stain further. Keep contact with a Rug Repair in Dallas Texas expert handy at all times to fix mat-related issues.
Mats that are so highly valued for their hand-woven designs and vibrant hues may also become breeding grounds for mildew and foul odors. It necessitates regular cleansing to maintain them in perfect condition. Rug cleaning services should be used to preserve these delicate textiles for future generations.
Soggy carpets can encourage mold and mildew growth which poses health threats to both humans and pets. It could draw dirt into them, creating a cycle that's hard to break. Sam's Antique Oriental Rugs would be happy to help you with floor cloth wear and tear issues.
Professional cleaning techniques will remove stains and odors from your Persian rug without damaging its fibers, including harmful substances like smoke odors that leave behind a musty or unpleasant odor. If you want to tackle the job yourself, use the same method that works well on refrigerators and litter boxes. Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda onto the rug and allow it to sit before cleaning with another solution.
Rugs can become magnets for dirt and debris due to the movement of people and pets. Persian carpets in particular can quickly accumulate dust over time. Regularly vacuuming them helps extend their lifespan while keeping them looking new! Keeping rugs clean also contributes to their lifespan by keeping the air cleaner. Vacuum cleaners may help remove some parts of dirt, but they often don't get all of it. This is particularly true with Persian rugs with small and intricate knots—too much force can break apart their fibers!
There are various methods available to you for keeping your floor cloth in great shape. Rotating it regularly is one such approach. It will even out foot traffic distribution and reduce wear and tear while protecting its colors from sun exposure. The best strategy for maintaining its condition is to have it professionally cleaned. Persian carpet cleaning services ensure it gets cleaned without damaging its fibers in any way.
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brilhoservices101 · 1 year
What Cleaning Administrations Could an Expert Cleaning at any point Organization Offer?
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There are numerous expert cleaning organizations accessible in London nowadays. Some can give a general cleaning administration while others choose to work in regions, for example, homegrown cleaning, end of tenure cleaning administrations or even business cleaning.
Recruiting a cleaning organization in London can end up being an exceptionally practical and modest method for getting your home, office or explicit thing, like a rug or upholstery, cleaned effectively.
Many cleaning organizations give cleaning administrations all through More noteworthy and Focal London: South West London, East, North West London, West and South East London. They can cover Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Sussex and Kingston.
Here are a portion of the more particular areas of cleaning:
Cover Cleaning As you will be aware, it is not difficult to spill various substances on your floor covering and there is additionally the well established soil and residue that can be difficult to get out. On the off chance that you require your home or office floor coverings to be cleaned completely, profoundly prepared cover cleaners and steam experts can act the hero with their cutting edge cover cleaning methods.
Homegrown Cleaning In this speedy age, it's not difficult to get behind on every one of those significant family undertakings, for example, cleaning the house; the washroom and kitchen demonstrating particularly testing assignments, also the cleaning up and pressing. Homegrown cleaning administrations are accessible in London to help you out with this multitude of house tasks.
Office Cleaning Proficient agreement cleaners can clean workplaces and places of business for organizations, everything being equal. From fundamental day to day undertakings like office cleanliness in kitchen and washroom offices to the consideration of windows, walls and the rugs; office cleaners can clean the part.
Floor covering Cleaning Carpet cleaning experts can likewise be employed to deal with any floor coverings that need cleaning. Whether an Oriental carpet should be carefully dealt with, or an antique mat, the most reasonable technique for that sort of floor covering can be utilized really by a mat cleaning administration.
Sleeping pad Cleaning It is critical to rest in a truly spotless and sterile bed, in any case, nowadays individuals seldom clean their sleeping pads, permitting dust parasites and microscopic organisms to flourish. This can be undesirable, so normal sleeping pad cleaning administrations can clean the sleeping pad for you, passing on you to have numerous a decent night's rest.
London Cleaning Organization Lond Cleaning organizations are accessible to give a scope of homegrown cleaning administrations to clients, generally homegrown cleaning administrations to people as well as business organizations. Cleaning Organizations can be recruited to clean a home or office; to an incredibly elevated expectation.
Cleaning Organizations in London On the off chance that your home or office is needing a decent spotless, either on an oddball cleaning or consistently, you can enlist an expert homegrown cleaning organization to meet your necessities. The adaptable scope of administrations a London cleaning organization gives can be depended upon to clean your living or workplace to your total fulfillment successfully.
End of Tenure Cleaning This is a particular profound cleaning administration that can be used to clean any leased home prepared for new occupants to move in, or to get the spot looking perfect and clean once more so you can guarantee back your store. One way or another, these cleaning administrations can disinfect the property and make it look spotless and inviting once more.
Upholstery Cleaning In the event that your furniture upholstery or potentially shades are needing a decent spotless, there are administrations accessible that can visit your home or office in London to give an answer. Upholstery can be cleaned utilizing either the wet or cleaning strategy which incorporates stain treatment. Click here https://brilhoservices.com/
Window Cleaning It is generally considered normal to find that your windows look dull, messy and smeared. This can significantly influence the external view. Yet again proficient window cleaning administrations can guarantee every one of the available windows in your home or office are left shining clean and smear free so you can see the value in the view.
Pressing and Washing Have you at any point wished you didn't need to do all the washing and pressing that is by all accounts continually stacking up? Regardless of whether you simply need a brief break from these tasks, homegrown cleaning administrations are accessible in London that can deal with these responsibilities regarding some time. Proficient London cleaning administrations can be recruited on a normal or even month to month premise to remove the weight of these vital homegrown undertakings.
After Party Cleaning When the party is over in some cases the wreck left over can be a genuine bad dream. By using these administrations the garbage can be cleared, pots washed and the restroom and kitchen can be gotten back to business as usual for you.
After Developers Cleaning The developers might have left, yet the obliteration abandoned in your home or office can cause you to feel distressed. Cleaning administrations can eliminate all the extra structure residue and soil prior to cleaning, tidying and scouring every one of the surfaces for you, making the region look livable once more.
Party Help Cleaners can likewise give help at parties; whether you really want assistance with the cooking, serving drinks or the general cleaning - both when the occasion.
The ideal guidance is to utilize an expert more clean.
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waynejenkinswj54 · 2 years
Tips for Caring for Your Expensive Oriental and PersianRugs!
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Area Rug Cleaning Lawrence Township NJ
Rugs from the Persian and Oriental rug traditions add a touch of elegance to any space. When handled with care, these rugs can retain their value for decades. In addition to having your Persian and Oriental rugs professionally cleaned, there are measures you can take to ensure their safety and preservation at home. Read these helpful guidelines from Continental Carpet Cleaning to find out how to preserve the life of your rugs.
Place Rugs at the Front Door. Dirt, muck, dampness, and filth are all kept out of the house and off the rugs with the help of an entry mat. Walk-off mats should be placed in each doorway of your house. Oil, asphalt, road sealer, and other impurities are no match for these rugs. It’s important to keep the entryway rug clean so it doesn’t collect additional dirt and dust.
Utilize Rug Pads of the Highest Quality. Under carpet padding is beneficial in more ways than one. As a result of the padding, your carpets will offer a more pleasant level of resistance when walking, sitting, or playing. In addition to keeping your rug from wearing out too quickly, a cushion will lessen the impact it takes while you step on it.
Make Some Changes to Your Furnishings! Dents and depressions in the carpeting can be caused by furniture that is too heavy for it. Regularly rearranging your furniture can keep heavy items from stomping on your rug. If you’re happy with the way things are set up, there’s no reason to change a thing. You can save money on rug repairs by moving your furniture just a few inches.
Moving Furniture Requires Caution. Protecting a rug includes occasional furniture rearrangement, but this must be done with care to avoid damaging the carpet. Don’t scratch up your carpeting by dragging heavy furniture across it. Put forth an effort to pick up your furniture, transport it to the desired position, and then place it there. Use floor protectors to move heavy furniture if you can’t carry it.
You should not place any furniture on your rug that can cause it to move around. While casters and wheels provide convenience to furniture, they can ruin delicate Persian carpets. The wheels on pianos, chests, buffets, and other heritage furniture make them convenient to move. These days, it’s common for even office chairs and other pieces of contemporary furniture to be equipped with wheels or casters. Don’t move heavy furniture on a delicate Oriental rug. Rug fibers are easily snagged, torn, and otherwise harmed when rolled. In the event that you must roll heavy furniture across your rug, please use protection pads.
Please Vacuum Your Area Rugs. Rug care at home begins with regular vacuuming. Soil and dirt particles can’t be ground deeply into a rug if they are regularly vacuumed out. This maintenance will protect your rug from permanent discoloration and fiber damage. Frequently vacuum your rugs, focusing on the wear and tear in high-traffic areas.
For optimal results, use a high-end vacuum. The most heavily traveled parts of your carpeting may require as many as seven vacuum passes. In low-traffic areas or on rugs that are rarely used, two or three passes should be enough.
Tend to Your Rugs So That They Remain in Prime Condition
These easy preventative measures will ensure that your Persian and Oriental carpets retain their beautiful appearance for as long as possible. Protect your rugs for decades to come with these suggestions and Continental Carpet Cleaning’s expert services.
Continental Carpet Cleaning
174 Nassau St, unit 305 Princeton NJ 08542
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supersteamers · 2 years
Complete Guide on Carpet Steam Cleaning Plymouth Michigan
Super Steamers Carpet Cleaners is a full-service cleaning company for homes and businesses. In Plymouth, Michigan, we are the go-to business for complete carpet steam cleaning Plymouth Michigan, upholstery cleaning, and tile and grout cleaning. Serving Southeast Michigan's citizens and business owners with pride.
It has been demonstrated that cleaning your carpet can assist persons with allergies and asthma breathe better indoors. Not only will our expert carpet cleaning services eliminate allergens in your carpet, but also in the air of the cleansed regions. The Bee Clean procedure uses far less moisture than standard steam cleaning because it uses a green seal-certified solution. Our truck-mounted steam extraction technique strikes the ideal mix between thorough cleaning without sopping the carpet or pad at the back. This technique produces speedy drying periods and stops bacteria and mould from growing under your carpet.
Your carpet cleaning requirements can be met by Super Steamers Carpet Cleaners, which has over thirty years of experience in carpet cleaning. A tried-and-true method for keeping your home clean is to clean your carpet and upholstery at least twice a year. Your carpets will inevitably seem old and unclean as a result of pets, kids, and everyday activities wearing down the carpet fibers. Soiled, unclean carpeting is a result of outdoor factors such dirt from shoes, dust, pollen, and allergens in the air. To ensure that all soil, allergens, and stains are removed from your carpeting, we offer a truck mounted deep extraction steam cleaning.
When it comes to carpet steam cleaning Plymouth Michigan, Super Steamers Carpet Cleaners is one of the most reputable companies. The owners of our businesses have been residents of Canton for more than 20 years. We take pride in serving the neighborhood and have progressed with Canton. Both business properties have been in our care for more than three decades.
Truck Mount Steam Extraction                                                                                                           
To clean carpets and upholstery, we employ the well regarded truck-mounted hot water steam extraction technique. We bring the hoses from our own truck mounts inside, spray hot steam, and rinse to remove both filth and detergents at once. Your carpet is left fresh and clean while all soil and leftovers are returned to the truck. Any other carpet cleaning rental equipment, rotary scrubbing, or dry cleaning techniques fall short in comparison to the truck mount method. It is acknowledged as the industry's best technique for cleaning carpets.
We can offer you great service, top-notch goods, and restored outcomes because we are fully licenced and insured. Super Steamers Carpet Cleaner can handle all of your cleaning needs, including steam extraction if your oriental rug needs a deep clean. For details about Carpet Steam Cleaning Plymouth Michigan, take a look at our website.
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pikimusta · 2 years
Picking the Perfect Rug
The very best rug is an appropriate rug boosts your colour program, along with enjoying noise in a timber area. You are actually in good luck if you draw up your eco-friendly shag rugs as well as uncover a timber prize. What perform you carry out along with those nude floors? If you carry out thus, it is actually vital to place stick-on really felt pads on the shoes of your chairs and also location tiny, cleanable shake rugs at higher web traffic locations (under the kitchen space area sink, the frontal door, as well as thus on) to boost the lifestyle of your floor. You do not regularly possess to re-carpet or even redecorate the wood if your fresh revealed floor is actually in negative design.
Put up floor tile simply in the high-traffic locations presenting damages, leaving behind the rest of the timber undamaged.
Work with a real wood repair work professional to re-stain as well as spot-replace altered, scorched or even analysed regions.
Nobody will definitely keep in mind an uninteresting arid flooring, however a terrific rug will definitely leave behind individuals really wanting the very same! If you wish to accommodate it all inside the rug, you need to preferably leave behind the specific quantity of area in all the edges of the rug. As soon as you possess the furniture selected out, you need to have to opt for a rug that will definitely cover it all. You'll yearn for to get an easy-to-clean rug if it is actually going to go to a high-traffic area at house. If what you wish is actually an amazing rug for your workplace, thus go along with it! It is actually certainly not that challenging when you possess all you require to understand in thoughts currently go include up some structure, colour and also comfort to your house along with a stunning rug.
Select a sturdy versus a formed rug, such as handmade area rugs, silk rugs, Persian rugs, Oriental rugs, wool rugs and so on. Sound coloured rugs ease the eye, having said that, present regions and also dust a lot more swiftly. When I was actually looking for my excellent living room rug (along with an 8-foot through 10-foot lowest as well as a 9-foot through 12-foot optimum), I desired to commit a lot less than ₤ 750 yet was actually readied to pay for up to ₤ 1,000. Style the rugs on your garage and also establish what area of the rug may be actually re-utilised. Take the rug to a rug service prepped to carry out the lacing and also voila a "new" location rug for the price of the sewing!
Make an effort garage or even real estate purchases. You may discover new, vintage or even imported rugs at swap meet, often at a fantastic expense. Furniture consignment outlets in many cases deliver superior made use of rugs at a portion of the new price.Acquisition a remainder coming from a rug channel.
Choose on a tough versus a formed rug, such as handmade location rugs, silk rugs, Persian rugs, oriental rugs, wool rugs as well as thus on. Take the rug to a rug provider prepped to perform the lacing and also voila - a "brand new" area rug for the cost of the sewing!
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embroidery-pro · 2 years
Setting Up an Embroidery room
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Whether you reclaim a room after children have moved out, only have a corner of the family room, or you're custom designing your dream studio, there are some things that all sewers need to make their work go smoothly. Electricity You need power in several areas of your sewing room—for machines, iron, task lighting and computers. Dedicated circuits are ideal, and a surge protector is essential to avoid damaging equipment. Try to avoid stretching extension cords across traffic areas to avoid accidents. Wall mounted power strips allow you to plug in multiple things in a single area. Consult an electrician to add outlets if needed, and explain what will be plugged into them. .Lighting Good lighting is important to sewing success. Not only do you need general room lighting, but task lighting as well. Tabletop lights work well to illuminate individual work areas for sewing machines, sergers and computers. Daylight bulbs allow for true-color viewing. Cutting Table Depending on the room size and orientation, try to find space for a dedicated cutting area. If you're a garment sewer, it should be large enough to allow for a folded 60" fabric width; if you're a quilter, a 45" fabric width is sufficient; length depends on the available space. The height of the cutting surface is key to comfort. It should be 3-4" below your elbow height for using scissors, and 6-8" below for using a rotary cutter. If you use both, pick a midpoint. A perfect tabletop is a hollow core door from the hardware store, or a padded sheet of plywood. Take advantage of the space underneath by placing it on a chest of drawers or a sturdy shelf pair. Flooring Sewers often disagree about the best flooring options. Some prefer hard-surface flooring like wood, tile or vinyl; others prefer soft-surface flooring like carpeting and rugs. The choice depends on your sewing and cleaning style—pins are easier to find on hard-surface flooring, but carpeting provides warmth if you sew in your bare feet! If you plan to do other related crafts in the same room, consider floor cleaning options. Dyes, paints, glues, etc. are harder to remove from carpeting than most hardsurface floorings. StorageThe biggest concern most sewers have is storage —not only for the burgeoning fabric stash, but for the cadre of notions and tools. It's good to be able to find the things you need. There is no one perfect storage system for sewers—some people prefer plastic tubs for everything, others like to see what they have and don't want it behind any cabinet doors or in boxes. It's important to keep your sewing things clean and neat, as well as away from sunlight which can damage and fade fabrics. If you choose covered storage like tubs and bins, be sure to label them clearly so you know what's inside. The "out of sight, out of mind" saying can cause you to duplicate purchases simply because you can't find something. Computer Station If you're downloading embroidery designs directly to your machine, you'll need space to have a computer (laptop or desktop) near your sewing station, and power for the computer. Even if you don't download designs, your machine may utilize online updates, or you can use your computer to find free patterns, online technique resources, etc.  Embroidery Station Perhaps the most used area of your sewing room is the space with your sewing machine(s) and serger. It's important to have a comfortable chair that's the correct height for your body and sewing surface height. Your chair should allow you to sit at the machine in a straight and upright position, with knees bent at a 90° angle and elbows the same. Your forearms should be parallel to the floor. The ideal height of your machine bed is the distance from your elbow to the floor. If you prefer a sewing machine surface that's tilted, purchase a special mat or stand for this purpose. It supports the machine base at a 10-15° angle to reduce stress on arms and neck. Don't skimp on your sewing chair purchase. Select one with an adjustable height, adjustable back support, arms and a seat with good support for your body and legs. Wheels on the chair allow for easy movement around the room, and from machine to computer to iron, depending on the configuration. Read the full article
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wizteamincil · 2 years
11 Reasons Why Lake Zurich, FL is a Great Place to Live
Carpet Cleaning If you're looking for a great place to call home, look no further than Lake Zurich, FL. This charming town has everything you need to enjoy an idyllic lifestyle. Here are 11 reasons why Lake Zurich is a great place to live:
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1. It's surrounded by natural beauty.
2. There are plenty of things to do in the area.
3. The schools are excellent.
4. It's a safe community.
5. The cost of living is affordable.
6. You'll have easy access to transportation options.
7. The town is clean and well-maintained.
8. The people are friendly and welcoming.
9. There's a small-town feel.
10. It's a great place to raise a family.
11. You'll love calling Lake Zurich home.
So, if you're looking for a great place to live, be sure to check out Lake Zurich
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fresh-rug · 2 years
Green Rug Cleaning NY
Caring for Asian Rugs
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Hand-knitted, high-quality asian carpets can last for many years if taken care of effectively. In order for asian rug to preserve it's beauty over the span of years, it needs to be safeguarded from water damage, fading and deterioration from an over-exposure to sunshine and chemicals in specific cleansing representatives that aren't suitable for that sort of rug. In order to maintain your asian rug looking and feeling like new, you need to keep up with regular treatment and routine deep cleansing. As part of your everyday treatment, make sure to maintain we plants and other products that produce moisture away from the rug. This consists of dangling plants that can leak onto the asian rug. When an asian rug splashes and is not dried effectively, the base of the rug can warp and degrade. The adhesive can become breakable and create the rug to become unwoven and loosened from all-time low up. Because of this, it is essential to never ever maintain an asian rug on floorings that are subject to moisture, such as cement floorings.
Make certain to rotate your asian rug a couple of times each year to make certain that it wears uniformly. High traffic locations will certainly create the rug to become visibly damaged after a couple of months of heavy use. Regularly turning the rug will certainly extend its life and maintain the wear to a minimum. Heavy furniture must not be put on an asian rug because this can create it to put on a lot more swiftly. Make certain to have furniture pads on the legs of tables, chairs and sofas to maintain the damage to a minimum. It will certainly also assist if you buy rug padding for beneath the asian rug. The padding takes some of the stress off of of the placement. Because asian carpets are constructed from wool or silk, moths are brought in to it. Moths like to lay their eggs in fibers high in protein in dark locations, such as under furniture. The moths will certainly eat the fibers of the rug, creating irreversible damage. Make certain to vacuum your asian rug at the very least as soon as every 2 weeks to maintain moths off of the rug, but make sure to vacuum delicately. Do not use a powerful brush vacuum. You may also need to vacuum the bottom of the rug, too. This can be done as soon as every number of months. Try to maintain your rug out of straight sunshine. If there is a specific time of day when the sun shines straight on the rug, draw the blinds or draw the drapes shut. After prolonged direct exposure to sunshine, the color of the asian rug will certainly start to fade. This can not be repaired. UV light creates irreversible damage to fabrics. Once in awhile, you will certainly need to call in the professionals to deep clean your rug. They recognize the appropriate process to clean the rug and completely dry it effectively without damaging the woven fibers in any way. A expert rug cleansing firm must always execute a deep cleansing on an pricey asian rug to guarantee it preserves its beauty for as long as possible. https://greenrugcleaningny.blogspot.com/2022/08/green-rug-cleaning-ny.html Green Rug Cleaning NY Oriental Rug Cleaning NY Oriental Rug Repair NY https://freshrug.com/ https://acrepairbocaraton653.blogspot.com/ https://acrepairbocaraton653.blogspot.com/2022/08/ac-repair-boca-raton.html https://persianrugrepairbonsall535.blogspot.com/ https://persianrugrepairbonsall535.blogspot.com/2022/08/persian-rug-repair-bonsall.html https://klori1734.tumblr.com/post/693913630515871744/persian-rug-repair-laguna-bea
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thatgoblin · 3 years
Play Date
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Summary: It's Date Night with Leon and Ada. You and Carlos have them over for some fun recreations.
A/N: Reader is afab for this.
Warnings: Smut, Kinks, Puppy Play, Sex Toys, Mommy-dom, Daddy-dom, oral sex, breeding kink, leather kink, bondage, spanking of all body parts.
One night a month, you and Carlos have a double date with Leon and Ada. Sometimes you two go to their home and sometimes they come to yours. That evening, Carlos and you were hosting.
You both liked to get dressed up for the occasion and this time it wasn't any different. Carlos was handsome in anything he put on, but there was something about when he wore tight fitting slacks with a button up, tie, and vest that had you wiggling in anticipation. His usually unruly hair was slicked back and his large, rough hands were covered in fitting leather gloves.
"Now, let's get you dressed, puppy," he smiled at you as he worked his hands in the gloves, the leather creaking delightfully as he made a fist. In the bedroom, he pulled open the bottom dresser drawer. You had already showered and groomed yourself appropriately, so you sat on the bed in the nude waiting for Carlos to pick out your outfit for the night. "I think it's a pretty purple collar night," he said, setting the collar on top of the dresser. A few more items were picked before he moved over to the bed with them in hand.
He hummed as he buckled the collar around your neck, making sure it was snug without choking. Then came the mitts made of black leather that would force you to have paws. Carlos made sure they were comfortable before he had you stand for the knee pads. Then came the 'x's of tape over your nipples, it made them easier for him to grab to correct your behavior if need be.
A headband with floppy ears was pressed into your hair, giving you that silly, dopey puppy look that Carlos loved.
"Okay, baby, on the bed. Tail time," he said, patting the spot next to him on the bed. Getting on all fours on the bed, your kept your ass up while resting your head on your folded arms. Hearing the bottle of lube click open, you felt the coolness of it dribble onto your tight pucker making you gasp softly before Carlos began to slowly work your rubber tail into you. "Just relax, let Daddy take care of you, Pup," he said, rubbing your lower back as he worked the tip in to start pushing in and out to stretch your hole.
You couldn't help the soft pants as he diligently worked the plug into you. It never hurt and when he was done, you couldn't help but clench around it and moan. The moment it slid into place, you couldn't help but wiggle a bit to wag it.
"Silly Pup," Carlos chuckled as he let you take a second to adjust to it. "Our friends are going to be here soon. I believe it's Leon's turn to play with you while Ada and I chat."
Pushing up to all fours, you gave an excited bark and smile. Carlos couldn't help but return the smile as he stroked your hair.
Taking the leash he'd picked out, he clipped it to your collar before whistling for you to follow. Hopping down to the floor, you went to your hands and knees, following behind him as he led you to the play room.
It looked like a living room with two sofas facing each other, side tables next to them while a thick oriental rug was in the middle of the room. On the walls were different large paintings, save for one. That wall held all the toys and punishments for your group.
From riding crops to wooden paddles to leather cuffs to vibrators galore, there was a tool or toy for everything.
Hopping up onto one of the sofas, you waited for Carlos to sit before snuggling up in his lap. He always adored having you in his lap, stroking your back and petting your head as you pressed against him. In everything you two did, you always felt safe and loved and cared for and that was why you two were together. When Ada and Leon came along, it felt easy to accept them into the fold of a relationship. The four of you would have group dates or even have a girls night and a boys night or you and Leon would spend time together while Ada and Carlos hide away somewhere. The group dynamic wasn't full proof, but you all cared enough about one enough to work through the bumps.
A sudden knock with Ada calling out had you pull from Carlos, barking at the new people.
"Shhh, you know them," Carlos said, patting your ass before having you get up.
"Give us just a moment and we'll be there!" Ada called out. They had their key to your home and you had one to theirs, making the change easier for dates like this. After all, it would be almost too difficult to travel in pup gear.
"Alright, we'll be in the play room," Carlos said as he went to the door. You were quick to follow, whining as you tried to see around his legs. "Back up, Baby. I don't want to step on you." Doing as you were told, you went back to the couch. Kneeling on it while resting your mitted hands on the back of the sofa, you watched and waited. When Ada came to the door, giving Carlos a kiss on the cheek you gave an excited bark to get her attention.
Dressed in her signature red, her dress was long and had slits on either side of her going all the way up to her waist. You could see her garters holding her stockings up in her black heels. She even wore her leather opera gloves.
"Hello, Sweetie," she cooed, coming over to you to give you a kiss on your nose. "Have you been a good puppy for Daddy?" She asked, as she stroked your hair. "Oh what a pretty collar you have. My puppy has a new one he's showing off. Come on, Puppy. Come say hi." Looking over to the door, you saw Leon on all fours with mitts and knee pads as well at Carlos' feet. The two of you matched with the purple collars and ears placed in your hair. His nipples were taped as well, but his tail was bigger than yours.
You did your best to not stare at him between his legs, wanting to have puppy play with him before things became more heated.
"Sorry," Ada sighed as Leon took his time coming into the room. "He's been fussy all day. It's a miracle we're here on time."
"It's fine," Carlos said, giving Leon's head a rub. "Mine's been excited the whole day and is hyper as hell."
"Well, maybe some of that energy will rub off on Mr. Pouts," Ada said with a snort. Getting down from the sofa, you moved around to meet Leon as Carlos closed the door behind him. While Ada and Carlos stepped over to the other sofa, you greeted Leon with a few sniffs and pants as you wiggled your tail.
Leon sniffed you back, going right to your already wet pussy to press his face to it, making you yelp in surprise.
"Leon, don't be rude," Ada said with a huff. "Play nice."
You turned back around, barking and smiling at him as you pressed your nose to his. He hummed softly, pressing back to nuzzle. Happy that he was responding to you, you led the way to the middle of the room to play with him. Carlos had dumped a few tugging toys into the middle to let you two play as he and Ada had some wine and talked.
Leon and you had a bit of tug of war, which he usually won, before rough housing a bit. The two of you took turns trying to climb on each other before he began to get more aggressive and domineering. He growled softly as he tried to mount you from behind, his cock hard as it pushed against you.
"Leon, no, down," Ada commanded, snapping her fingers. Not that Leon listened. You didn't want to play like that yet, so you growled and snapped your teeth at him as you reared back to try and get his shoulder.
"Shit," Carlos said as you and Leon began to try and bite one another while growling and barking. Ada went for your collar since you were smaller than Leon and Carlos pulled Leon back. "That wasn't nice," he said sternly, the two of you still growling till you both received swats on the ass. "Behave or we'll get the muzzles, that goes for both of you," Carlos threatened as you hung your head, whimpering at the stinging of your ass.
Leon backed down with a huff, sitting still as Carlos and Ada switched back to their proper pups.
"Don't be a mean pup," Ada said, holding Leon's chin tightly. "We can still go home early. Now go apologize."
Carlos sighed as he stroked your head, knowing you felt bad for disappointing him by fighting.
"It's okay, Baby," he said softly. "You needed that swat though because you got mean back when you know better." Whimpering you nodded as Leon came over to nuzzle you. You nuzzled him back, licking his face and neck before pressing against his side. "There, all better," Carlos said with a smile.
"Good boy, Leon," Ada said, giving him praise as she moved to give him a kiss on the head.
"Are you ready to have the other kind of play?" Carlos asked you. You yipped and nodded, pressing against Leon again as you nuzzled his shoulder. "Alright then."
"Leon, remember their cues," Ada said, moving away with Carlos to sit back and watch.
Leon leaned in towards you, catching your lips with his. You moaned softly into the kiss as you returned it. Nudging you with his body, he wanted you to lay on your back. On the carpet naked, you could feel every fiber dig into your skin. While it was nice for walking on or crawling on, the rug always gave you burns, but you liked it. Leon's head dipped between your legs without hesitation as he began to lap hungrily at your pussy.
Gasping, you bit your lip as you tried to stick to puppy noises. You whined and whimpered as he pressed his face against you with eagerness.
"Good boy," Ada purred as one of her hands was rubbing Carlos through his trousers. "Make sure they cum nice and hard before you go further."
You glanced at Carlos, your Daddy, as he watched you get your pussy eaten. He had this look on his face, something dark and tense as he leaned back in the sofa, letting Ada stroke him as his eyes stayed glued to where Leon and you connected.
Sometimes when he got that look, you would be at the mercy of his whims which meant you'd be walking funny the next day. You loved those times.
Leon didn't let you ponder on it much, his tongue diving into you to slide up and swirl around your clit. He was always good at commanding your attention when he was down there. Groaning, you kept your legs spread and your hands to yourself; puppies didn't have hands to touch themselves after all.
"Don't forget to toy with their other hole," Carlos said with a grunt. You looked up to see his cock free from his pants as Ada lifted her dress to show she'd chosen to not wear panties that evening. It was impossible to look away as Carlos' thick cock was fully hard and ready to plunge into the woman in his lap. You were jealous only because you loved that cock so much, but you would have it later.
"Oh fuck," Ada gasped as she slowly lowered herself with Carlos' help onto him.
Leon's tongue slid up and down your pussy before his teeth were pulling at your tail to tease you. You keened as he pushed it in hard, making you clench and flutter as his tongue ran around the edge of the plug. Your attention was firmly back on the man between your legs.
"Make them cum with your mouth then you can have their ass," Carlos moaned, his fingers dipping down between Ada's legs to rub her clit.
Panting, you watched as Leon looked up at you before diving back into your wet cunt. His lips latched onto your clit to suck and focus his heat there as you began to sob in need.
"That's it, baby boy," Ada moaned. "Keep going, you're almost there."
Legs shaking, you cried out as you came in Leon's mouth. He didn't stop though, no. He kept lick and sucking till you were squirming from being so sensitive. Leon didn't miss a beat as he let go of your sensitive clit to move up your body to kiss you hard. Tasting yourself on his lips, you moaned as you opened your mouth to let his tongue in. His cock was pressing into your belly, making his hips rock a bit as he growled into the kiss.
"Someone's a needy boy," Carlos said with a chuckle. Breaking the kiss, Leon was nudging you with his head to roll over. Back on all fours, you presented your ass to him, moaning as he began to pull the plug out with his teeth.
"Come here, baby, let Mommy lube that poor cock of yours," Ada said, grabbing lube from the side table. "It's so red and leaking. Poor thing." You watched as Ada dribbled the lube onto Leon's cock before stroking him to coat him fully. Leon sighed softly as he closed his eyes at her touch. "Give Mommy a quick kiss so I can taste them."
It was more than a quick kiss. It was lewd and loud and had you getting wet all over again as Ada gripped his hair tight to dominate him. Their tongues slid against one another as he passed along your essence to her.
"Good boy, now go cum in the other puppy's ass," she said before turning to Carlos behind her. You watched as they shared a just as intense kiss, knowing Carlos wanted to taste you. He looked at you as he kissed her, rubbing her clit faster as she moaned into his mouth.
He wouldn't cum in her though. Carlos was saving his need for you when Leon was through with your ass.
The other man was mounting you again, this time with consent. Leon held your hips as best he could while guiding his cock to your tight pucker. You couldn't help the twittering noise that came out of you as he pushed in. The plug you had had in you was not as big as him by far, making it burn a bit as his cock stretched you. Hanging your head, you felt him bottom out before he covered you with his body. Leon nuzzled against your neck, giving it kisses and licks and nips while you adjusted to his girth.
Not that you would complain. You loved having Leon fuck your ass. His cock was made for it. It wasn't as thick as Carlos', but it was long and reached deep inside you. The lull didn't last long as he began to draw his hips back to snap them forward, forcing a guttural moan from you.
"Good boy, fuck their ass," Ada encouraged him as she began to pant harder as Carlos sped up his fingers. Leon went slow the first first pumps before he began to get harder and faster with his thrusts. You cried out, whining as he growled in your ear, his hips slamming into yours. Sometimes you swore you could cum just from him fucking your ass.
Leon's teeth were kneading the skin on your shoulder, but knew better than to bite down or leave a mark. Your moans grew louder as you felt his thrusts stutter. He was close and would be filling you up soon. Then puppy time would be over, but the date wouldn't be. Panting, his breath hot on your face, Leon let out a small whimper before groaning loud and long. He pressed in as deep as he could, painting your insides with his cum. The two of you stayed there for a moment, catching your breath as the other two disconnected and stood up.
You could hear them picking a few things off the wall of toys and tools, but didn't bother trying to look. Leon was still inside you and coming down for his orgasm. Turning your face towards him, the two of you shared sloppy kisses and moans till Ada was pulling him off and out of your ass.
Letting out a soft moan as Leon pulled out, you weren't ready for the plug that was pushed into you, forcing a cry of surprise more than pain. It wasn't a tail plug, no, it was one meant for you to keep Leon's cum inside you.
"You did such a good job. Now let Daddy have some fun," Carlos said. He helped you out of the knee pads and mitts and ears, but left the tape and collar. Ada was doing the same for Leon, forcing him to lie on his back as she straddled his face.
"Now, make Mommy cum by licking all of Daddy out of her," she said before sitting on his face.
Carlos pulled you by the collar to the sofa where he spread his legs to let you between them. "Clean all of Mommy off of me and Daddy will fuck that tight pussy of yours, Baby," he said, smiling down at you.
All you could do was moan as you nodded, hungrily taking his cock in your mouth. Your jaw always ached after blowing him, but you couldn't get enough of him. Moaning, you licked dutifully up and down him, even going to suck on his balls. His gloved hands were in your hair as he pushed you down his length, forcing you to gag a bit before you were able to relax your throat and swallow him down.
"Fuck," he hissed, moving your mouth up and down for you. "Best cock sucker ever." You were proud of that, proud of making him cum quickly sometimes with just your mouth. "Keep going. Get all of Mommy's juice off me."
Moaning, you gripped his thighs, rubbing up and down the smooth fabric as you swirled your tongue around his head before letting him go to look up at him as you flattened your tongue to lick up his length. That dark look had become more, his pupils were blown and he looked ready to snap.
"Stand up and face the other couch with your hands behind you," Carlos growled, his hand snaking around your throat to give it a squeeze.
"Yes Daddy," you said, your voice rough. Standing, you moved around to the spot and position he wanted you. You were able to watch as Ada rode Leon's face till she was crying out in bliss, leaving his face glistening and wet. Carlos was quickly behind you, his hands pinning yours to your back as you shivered. Cuffs were buckled tightly to your wrists, leaving you vulnerable to whatever he wanted.
"Up," Ada said, panting as she unzipped her dress. Sliding out of it, she draped it carefully over the back of the other sofa. "Stand, don't move." Leon did as he was told while Ada picked up a thick dildo. It was the kind that didn't need a harness for being used, instead it slipped into Ada's pussy, allowing her to essentially have a cock. She sat on the sofa across from you and Carlos, lubing the toy up liberally before calling Leon back over. She gave Leon's tail plug a quick jerk to pull it out, forcing a choked sob from him. "Straddle Mommy."
Carlos gave your ass a swat, making you yelp before pulling you back towards him. Sitting on the sofa again, he groaned as he groped you roughly. The leather making you moan as he pushed your legs apart. Without warning, he pushed two fingers into your dripping wet cunt. You cried out and let out a shuddering moan as he worked them quickly in and out of you, only pulling them out to slap your clit.
"You make the best noises," Carlos moaned as he kept spanking your pussy all while you cried out and sobbed. He held tight, his legs keeping your open as he kept up the ass before moving to your ass.
"Daddy!" You cried out, shaking as your bottom and pussy stung.
"Mmmm," Carlos hummed as he pulled you back more, forcing you to squat in his lap.
Ada was no kinder to Leon, his hands cuffed behind him allowed her to tug and slap his cock no matter how much he begged and pleaded.
"It's Daddy's turn for fun, Baby," Carlos groaned in you ear. Moving you how he wanted, he held his cock as you sunk onto it with a deep moan. "Always so tight for me," he moaned as he nipped at your shoulder. "You want Daddy to fuck the shit out of your cunt? Hmm?" He asked, slapping your tits hard.
"Yes!" You wailed as he kept going to your chest was red. "Please Daddy, fuck my cunt."
"Good," he said with a chuckle before he gripped your waist hard and began a brutal pace. There was no lead up like Leon, no, Carlos did not have mercy. Sobbing and babbling as he fucked you, Ada had Leon on the floor. His ass was up in the air as his face was pressed to the rug. The toe of her shoe was pressed to his cheek as she fucked him ruthlessly.
"Who do you belong to?" Carlos snarled as he griped one of your tits painfully hard.
"I belong to you, Daddy," you sobbed as he let go to slap your nipple, pulling on it as well. All you could do was ride his cock and take the delicious abuse.
"Damn right," he grunted before shoving the fingers that had been inside you into your mouth, forcing you to suck on the leather that had soaked you into it. Tears ran down your face as you rode him, moaning around his fingers as you felt your orgasm closing in. "I'm gonna cum and fill you up. Your my bitch, yeah? I get to fill up your cunt with my cum. No one else."
You mumbled agreements around his fingers as his other fingers found your clit and began to rub it viciously, making you scream as you sat on the edge.
"That's right, cum on my cock. Milk Daddy's dick with that pussy of yours," Carlos snarled as you came hard. Hard enough to black out a moment as you shook and clenched tightly around Carlos, your muscles indeed milking him. Soon the room was full of people crying out as they came. Leon was back in Ada's lap, crying as she stroked his sensitive cock to completion, making him cum all over his belly and chest as she ground into him with the dildo fucking her into an orgasm. Carlos was right there too, roaring as he slammed one last time into you before shooting his load deep inside you.
"Mine," he growled into your skin as the four of you all took a moment to catch your breaths.
"Yours," you mumble as you lean back against him. His hand snaked up to grab your jaw, turning you to look at him before giving you needy and still dominating kisses as Ada and Leon mirrored you two.
As much fun as you had being used by the boys, next time you wanted to be on top.
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ti-bae-rius · 3 years
Following on from @imherongraystairstrash’s amazing Thomas and Kit fic (which is here: https://imherongraystairstrash.tumblr.com/post/654901507028828161/i-know-you-write-about-relationships-in-tlh-and) here’s my addition to this lil fanfic universe, in which Thomas and Christopher discuss love and what love means.
Some period-specific discussion around sexual and romantic orientation but pretty darn positive!
Christopher dropped his carpet bag down on the bed in the room opposite Thomas’s with a sigh.
“Mam went to visit Uncle Henry, and he said that we should be able to go back to the house tomorrow by tea time. Mam and Dad have taken Alex to Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will’s. I haven’t a clue where Anna went. Mam asked if she’d somewhere to go and Anna said ‘I’ll find someone’ and Mam said ‘you mean somewhere?’ and Anna said ‘If you like’ and that caused an almighty row, so I’ve come here.”
Thomas glanced up from where he’d been filling the basin for Christopher, and grinned at him in the looking glass hanging above it.
“What a palaver.”
“Not half. And then Mam made me get rid of all the clothes I was wearing when the experiment went awry, so that’s another shirt gone to buggery. Anna’s inherited wardrobe is waning by the second.”
“I can’t imagine Anna would be seen dead in your old clobber, Kit.”
“Not anymore, but she used nab it all. I’m sure she thought I didn’t notice, but I did.”
“You never asked her about it?” Thomas asked. A knock at the door made him pause before he got an answer, accepting the plate offered by one of the maids. He handed Christopher the tea cake, pooling with melting butter, and stretched out on the rug as his cousin ate.
“Well none of it mattered a jot to me. They were just clothes. They meant something to Anna.” He set down his tea cake in indignation. “Oh, and I was pretending to sleep in the carriage here, but I heard Mam and Dad talking about Anna. Apparently the Clave are kicking up a fuss again about her, saying she could be muddling foolish shadowhunter girls. But Anna in spats and a waistcoat is still Anna. I hardly think a pair of trousers is going to baffle ladies out of their heads, and if they think girls are so easily duped, then it’s not the girls who are the foolish ones.”
Christopher understood Anna so well, Thomas thought, watching as - now serene after his outburst - Christopher happily tucked into his tea cake, fingers slick with runny butter. He understood Anna, so he’d understand Thomas. At least, Thomas thought, he hoped that was the case.
“I’ve something I want to tell you,” Thomas said, and his voice trembled a little with the nerves as he said it. He picked up his teacup but the saucer clattered against the base as his hands shook.
“Mind, you’ll drop that,” Christopher said, and Thomas put the cup back down. “Well whatever it is, it sounds frightfully serious.”
“It’s not all that serious,” Thomas insisted. “I don’t suppose it is anyway. Unless you find it serious. You might do.” He forced a breath between clenched teeth and reminded himself why he wanted to tell Kit. Because he’d understand. Because he was Anna’s brother. Because he was Thomas’s best friend.
“I...don’t fancy women. I fancy...other boys. You’re the first person I’ve told.”
Christopher’s violet eyes widened behind his spectacles, brows shooting up towards his hairline.
“Are you surprised?” Thomas hazarded nervously.
“You didn’t guess then?”
“About you...I didn’t give it a fig. I mean, I’m surprised you told me first. No one ever tells me anything first.”
“Well, you’re my best friend.”
If possible, Christopher’s eyes widened further, huge saucer-like circles of shock.
“I’m your best friend?”
Thomas almost laughed. “Of course you are. ‘Course, Kit. Besides, you can’t possibly be more surprised by that than...than the other part.”
“Well that is interesting news,” Christopher nodded. “Certainly interesting. Lots of recent scientific papers have been published on the subject. I tried to show Anna but she asked if they had any advice for seducing women, and then when I said it wasn’t a how-to guide she said it sounded dull.”
“Well I’m not to be experimented on,” Thomas said, and Christopher glanced across, wounded.
“Of course not. I didn’t mean...It’s just how I explain things I...” He patted Thomas’s shoulder helplessly. “It’s all alright with me, old boy. Any of it. Because I’m your...best friend.” He said these last two words with such earnest, such pleasure, that it set Thomas’s heart alight.
“You won’t tell the rest of the lads, will you?” he asked nervously and Christopher shook his head so firmly his spectacles shifted down his nose.
“Of course I shan’t,” he said, pushing them back up with a finger. “I’ll probably forget by supper tomorrow.”
They both knew that wasn’t true, but Thomas ruffled Kit’s hair in thanks anyway, muttering some gruff comment about that being about right. Nevertheless, he could see Christopher grinning.
“Thomas? Are you up?”
Setting down his book, Thomas padded over and opened his bedroom door, admitting a Christopher who was squinting without his spectacles. Thomas pulled him into the room and closed the door behind them. The candle he was reading by was starting to burn low, so he activated his witchlight lantern and set it on the bedside table. Christopher peered at the book and then back at Thomas.
“Couldn’t you sleep either?”
“You look like a mole when you don’t have your eyeglasses on,” Thomas replied instead, evading the question. His heart still felt as if it was leaping out of his chest, like he’d been infected with demon poison. He felt lighter and heavier all at once. His secret didn’t feel quite so suffocating now he’d told Kit, but speaking it had made it somehow more real. There was no hiding from it now.
“I had a question for you,” Christopher went on, tucking his knees up into his nightgown. Thomas, in a pair of striped pyjamas his mother had bought him, didn’t know how his cousin didn’t freeze to death.
“Which was?” Thomas prompted.
“When did you know that you liked other lads, not girls?”
Thomas tried to swallow the shock of the question. When did he know? How did he know? Didn’t everyone just somehow know? “I suppose...I’ve always felt it. But it became impossible to ignore when I was about 11 or so.”
Christopher seemed to heave a sigh of relief, though Thomas was half-inclined to believe he’d imagined it. Was his cousin wondering whether he was out of the woods to fall victim to Thomas’s own proclivities?
“I suppose it’s the same as you knowing you fancied girls.”
Christopher didn’t say anything for a while, and Thomas presumed that was all, when Christopher suddenly spoke again into the silence, voice dropped to a hush.
“Well, you see, that’s sort of it. I’m not sure I do know that. I don’t really know that I’m fond of...anyone in that way, girls or boys.” Though the light was low, Thomas could sense Christopher wrinkling his nose the way he did when he was puzzled. “I suppose that makes me awfully peculiar,” he said quietly.
“Not peculiar, at least not any more so than me,” Thomas told him. “Besides, you’re only 14. Perhaps you’re just a late bloomer. You’re ever so studious, you’re probably just too busy for courting. You have plenty of time to court girls.”
“I just...” Christopher cut himself off with a sigh. “I’m fond of lots of people. I’m fond of you, and Jamie and Matthew. I’m fond of my family - even Alex and his relentless grizzling. I’m fond of lots of people. But...I don’t think I can really imagine wanting to kiss anyone - and I definitely can’t imagine wanting to do anything in a marriage bed.”
“Well,” Thomas began, not really sure where his answer was going to lead him. “Like I say, you have plenty of time. But, even if you didn’t ever want something like that, you’d still be Christopher. It wouldn’t change anything for us, all of us who know you.”
“You don’t think that would be a tremendously odd life? Never being in love?”
“I’m not sure I’m the one to comment on what’s odd or not, especially not in matters of love,” Thomas pointed out, smiling. “But...I don’t see why it should be. Like you said, you’re fond of so many people, and they’re all so fond of you. It wouldn’t be as if your life was without love. By the angel, you’d be lucky to even escape it for a day with so much family around you who dote on you. Just because you wouldn’t want to take a wife...that shouldn’t mean you would have a life without love. Not when we all love you so.”
“And even if you were in love with some lad, we’d still be friends, wouldn’t we?”
“‘Course we would, Kit. You’ve seen what Aunt Tessa and my mother are like; Shadowhunters stay friends for life, especially when they’re family. We’ll always be best friends.”
“Well then, I don’t suppose the rest of it matters,” Christopher said, and Thomas’s heart wriggled free of the iron grip of anxiety, just a little, because Kit still loved him. And, Thomas agreed, the rest of it didn’t matter.
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embroidery-pro · 2 years
Setting Up an Embroidery room
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Whether you reclaim a room after children have moved out, only have a corner of the family room, or you're custom designing your dream studio, there are some things that all sewers need to make their work go smoothly. Electricity You need power in several areas of your sewing room—for machines, iron, task lighting and computers. Dedicated circuits are ideal, and a surge protector is essential to avoid damaging equipment. Try to avoid stretching extension cords across traffic areas to avoid accidents. Wall mounted power strips allow you to plug in multiple things in a single area. Consult an electrician to add outlets if needed, and explain what will be plugged into them. .Lighting Good lighting is important to sewing success. Not only do you need general room lighting, but task lighting as well. Tabletop lights work well to illuminate individual work areas for sewing machines, sergers and computers. Daylight bulbs allow for true-color viewing. Cutting Table Depending on the room size and orientation, try to find space for a dedicated cutting area. If you're a garment sewer, it should be large enough to allow for a folded 60" fabric width; if you're a quilter, a 45" fabric width is sufficient; length depends on the available space. The height of the cutting surface is key to comfort. It should be 3-4" below your elbow height for using scissors, and 6-8" below for using a rotary cutter. If you use both, pick a midpoint. A perfect tabletop is a hollow core door from the hardware store, or a padded sheet of plywood. Take advantage of the space underneath by placing it on a chest of drawers or a sturdy shelf pair. Flooring Sewers often disagree about the best flooring options. Some prefer hard-surface flooring like wood, tile or vinyl; others prefer soft-surface flooring like carpeting and rugs. The choice depends on your sewing and cleaning style—pins are easier to find on hard-surface flooring, but carpeting provides warmth if you sew in your bare feet! If you plan to do other related crafts in the same room, consider floor cleaning options. Dyes, paints, glues, etc. are harder to remove from carpeting than most hardsurface floorings. StorageThe biggest concern most sewers have is storage —not only for the burgeoning fabric stash, but for the cadre of notions and tools. It's good to be able to find the things you need. There is no one perfect storage system for sewers—some people prefer plastic tubs for everything, others like to see what they have and don't want it behind any cabinet doors or in boxes. It's important to keep your sewing things clean and neat, as well as away from sunlight which can damage and fade fabrics. If you choose covered storage like tubs and bins, be sure to label them clearly so you know what's inside. The "out of sight, out of mind" saying can cause you to duplicate purchases simply because you can't find something. Computer Station If you're downloading embroidery designs directly to your machine, you'll need space to have a computer (laptop or desktop) near your sewing station, and power for the computer. Even if you don't download designs, your machine may utilize online updates, or you can use your computer to find free patterns, online technique resources, etc.  Embroidery Station Perhaps the most used area of your sewing room is the space with your sewing machine(s) and serger. It's important to have a comfortable chair that's the correct height for your body and sewing surface height. Your chair should allow you to sit at the machine in a straight and upright position, with knees bent at a 90° angle and elbows the same. Your forearms should be parallel to the floor. The ideal height of your machine bed is the distance from your elbow to the floor. If you prefer a sewing machine surface that's tilted, purchase a special mat or stand for this purpose. It supports the machine base at a 10-15° angle to reduce stress on arms and neck. Don't skimp on your sewing chair purchase. Select one with an adjustable height, adjustable back support, arms and a seat with good support for your body and legs. Wheels on the chair allow for easy movement around the room, and from machine to computer to iron, depending on the configuration. Read the full article
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Tips for Selecting the Perfect Oriental Rug for Your Room
Rugs are the best way to accentuate a room and define spaces if they lack walls to delimit it and now I will tell you how to choose the best one. As a direct importer of Persian rugs Orange County
Buying a rug is not an investment to take lightly. Choosing the correct carpet can be a boring and complicated task for many, but it is very important to know how to do it in the best way. 
Quality and good style
Muslim and Eastern countries produce products with very good carpet techniques and they are durable.
Persian, Pakistani, Caucasian, Indian or Nepalese rugs are internationally renowned and taste favorites. Although not for all pockets. 
Persians: They are of great quality. His drawings are curvilinear and floral, with bright colors and resistance to the passage of time. Ace of silk is the best option.
Parquistanis: The best of materials, geometric design, such as the Jaldar rug, and with more neutral tones.
Caucasian: They are called Kazak, perfect for all types of decoration. Cotton is its main raw material and the texture is very soft. Ideal for spaces where there are children.
Indies: Their sheep's wool or silk are the favorites of many. They are undoubtedly of Persian inspiration; however, they are made up of an earthy color palette.
Afghan: Made in silk and reddish tones, with curved shapes, very dynamic lines and perfect symmetry.
Nepalese: Its size is small. Their motifs are more novel linear, they eliminated geometries and introduced more diverse colors in their design such as blue, white, gray, warm and more.
How to choose according to the materials
 Investing in a resistant material is better than having an appetizer at home that does not withstand the onslaught of time. 
Avoid low prices, as they are associated with low quality.
Wool, silk and cotton are very common materials in the best rugs on the market. The texture is unbeatable and the designs are exquisite.
The insulating materials from cold and heat are wool or carpet. On the other hand, if what you really want is one with stain resistance and easy to clean, those made with natural fibers such as cotton are always a good choice. 
In this case, try to choose a suitable tone for the mood you want to have. 
Red: It is preferable that it is not of great intensity, but rather worn.
Garnet: fits perfectly with the furniture.
Warm / earthy: any of these shades can be a good choice.
Dark blue: better not to use light ranges within the blue ones.
Beige: more daring tone but with a neutral character.
Remember the Rug Cushion
 It's enticing to bring a carpet home and put it down quickly, yet there's a stage you shouldn't skip: putting a nonslip mat cushion under.
Slice the cushion to a size somewhat more modest than the rug. A basic guideline is that it ought to be managed about an inch more limited than the mat on all sides, to give greatest grasp while forestalling an apparent change in level where the carpet advances from cushion to floor.
Floor covering cushions offer a hint of extra padding, Ms. Hopf said. In any case, their genuine utility is more "about keeping it set up and protecting the existence of the floor covering," she said.
As such, it guarantees that your new floor covering will no t slide like a banana strip.
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jenniferfshaw · 3 years
How do you find the best rug cleaning company in your area?
We welcome your feedback
You can find the best rug cleaning company in your area by looking at the feedback on their official website. It is because the reviews and feedback are submitted by customers. Those who have used the agency's services. The feedback and reviews are not misleading in this instance. It is also posted by real customers and not a PR scheme. To learn more about the offered services, you should carefully review the feedback and reviews posted. Lastly, be sure to read the reviews and feedback Read this Reference website for more info - More Info.
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Services available
It is obvious that you don't want a carpet cleaning company with a low rating. It is because the quality of the services provided will be lower than that offered by a professional carpet cleaning agency. You should be aware that there are many services available such as carpet cleaning, rug pads, and area rug dusting. This will allow you to find out more about the services available to help you choose the right area rug cleaning agency. This should all be considered when choosing the best rug cleaning agency in your area.
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It is important to know that the contract includes terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are crucial in choosing the right area rug cleaning agency. Before you choose an area rug cleaning agency, it is important to understand the terms and conditions. This will allow you to choose the best.Cleaning of Oriental Rugs This will not cause any problems in the long-term.
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