#original lloyd frontera
ying-doodles · 6 months
episode 115 in a nutshell-
I went for more of the novel's version of ghost lloyd instead of the webtoon simply because solid red would've been boring. :P
a few still frames under the cut if you want! ^^
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Redraw the tged novel illust as the self-sabotaging theme statue: Goat ogLloyd and Mantis ogJavier. Spider ogAlicia and Octopus ogSuho will be next. Idea is @scifellgoddess and coloring is @silentnewtbark .
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toontalks · 7 days
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the fact that Javier hasn't committed insubordination yet is a miracle.
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fekatsitra · 2 years
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This series is hilarious 🤣
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
this hellsite can't stop me anyway in the switched protagonist au lloyd and damian are an absolute menace together they enable each other's most asshole-y traits and the levels of sass in the room grows exponentially for every minute they spend together.
they'll be going about their day and randomly start arguing about damian's pay completely unrelated to anything they're doing. full on haggling and negotiating "twenty-five percent and a week of vacation" "five percent and an extra weekend" "twenty percent and five days" "ten percent and three days but you don't mention my birthday for two months" "fifteen, four days and one month" "deal" lloyd does joke damian is the reason they'll fall in debt again. damian argues they wouldn't get nearly as much work done without him. lloyd can appreciate the commitment to getting fair pay even if it does put somewhat of a strain in his pocket. and damian does admire that lloyd never delays payments and he doesn't even has to ask for bonuses or hazard pay because lloyd just,,, gives them all of that (<- this is canon and no i am not mad the webcomic doesn't comment on it the way it should what are you talking about-)
also! they're sooooo good at squeezing shitty rich people out of their money. lloyd will draft the most ridiculous contract he can get away with and damian will loom ominously in the background until it's signed and then they high-five the moment they're out of the room not a single word needed between them.
plus the moment they see a monster and lloyd suggests running away damian agrees immediately, picks him up and fucking books it out of there. they are not in it for the heroics thank you very much. there would need to be a completely different reason for them to defeat the monsters and involve themselves in the drama cause they're both very much in favor of just. running lol
as for javier dealing with the fact that he can no longer protect rakiel the way he's supposed to because he has a demon king inside of him just itching to possess him and making hm as weak as possible in order to make him his vessel,,,, the mental issues would be delightful.
he would hate it with a passion, javier already has a big tendency to berate himself any time he's not strong enough to defeat whatever is threatening lloyd all by himself, so imagine the self-loath that would ensue if not only were he incapable of protecting rakiel but if he was the danger itself.
and then having rakiel push himself to exhaustion to keep him alive once acheros figures that if he can't put him in external danger than he can just make his own body attack him?? he'd be devastated. he'd feel ashamed and angry at himself for turning into a burden to rakiel, he'd try to brute force his way out of being ill only to crash and burn much the same way damian did when he tried to do the same.
javier is very much a 'gifted kid'. everything sorta comes easy to him, he never had to struggle too much to be good at things, not that he didn't apply himself or that he didn't put any effort, but he never encountered something he truly struggled with or couldn't simply surpass on his own. so when he's attacked by something he can't defend himself against, something that is so out of his league he wouldn't even have any idea of how to start defeating, he'd take it pretty darn hard.
i can see him trying to be more hands on while helping rakiel tho, like be it while he's trying to make the medicine for him or just in general around the clinic. like remember when lloyd told him to grow onions during the wetlands arc? and he ended up enjoying it?? he's just,,, a softie under the cool and badass exterior. so i think he would genuinely enjoy helping around in the clinic, he'd probably take an interest in learning some basic first aid or simple treatments. he likes helping people! he'd enjoy knowing how to bring some relief and heal instead of just fighting. and rakiel would be all over it because 1) free help and 2) hopefully if he keeps javier in the clinic they will avoid life-threatening danger that brings acheros out (doesn't work but it was worth the try)
oh my god now i am actually cooing a little over rakiel treating a patient only to look up and get startled by how close javier is leaning in to see, curious to watch the way rakiel heals his patients. and then when rakiel gently asks him if he wants to learn, he'd hesitate a little, worried that his hands, rough and callused from all the fighting he did in the gladiator arena, would harm more than help, but after some more gentle coaxing and a bit of teasing he accepts. and while he never quite becomes a nurse or attendant he's more than proficient at helping rakiel whenever they need some hands or when rakiel asks him to
i dunnot! the thought of javier being allowed to do more than just fight the way he was destined to makes me happy :]
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lynn-tged-posting · 2 months
so i've been working through the tged webnovel (really, really slowly) (but im getting there!) (it's been REALLY fun i love their banter so so much i wish there was more of it in the webtoon)
and i keep thinking back to chapter 43, where lloyd is surveying the wetlands and arcos comes with him
i don't really have much new insight, i just think about their interaction in this chapter a lot, especially since it's one that doesn't show up in the webtoon adaptation
arcos going out of his way to spend time with his son, and making him a lunch that he knows his son loved, all as an unspoken apology
because "how could he", right? how could a father hate his son and only start to love him again when success has been found? that's so haunting to realize; that someone you loved so much, someone you raised and nurtured, someone you knew the favorite foods of and why, could become someone you hate. and then, the son you once raised, the son who became a stranger, went and grew up without you.
did i give up too soon? did i abandon my own son? ... what kind of father does that? ... right?
and so he does what he can to offer repentance. he takes time out of his day to engage with what his son is doing. he shows that he still remembers his son, the boy who would rather eat boiled eggs and tomatoes over any other dish. he offers it all in a basket, carrying the love he feels he should've given to lloyd a long, long time ago.
... and it's not even the original lloyd frontera who receives it.
we don't get to know what suho is thinking in this moment, but i think his silence speaks volumes.
... because "how could he", right? how could this fraud in another man's body accept this silent apology that isn't truly owed to him? this man, this baron, this father, is asking for forgiveness when he had every right to be angry with the original owner of this body. and he doesn't even realize, because how would he possibly know his original fate? only you do.
this wasn't meant for me ... right?
but suho doesn't reject him, either. he doesn't interrupt arcos, he doesn't leave. they sit together and eat boiled eggs with honeyed tomatoes in silence.
it makes me wonder what suho is thinking about, what he's feeling, what he's remembering...
because (and call me crazy, call me speculative) heaven knows the love language of an asian parent.
here's some cut fruit. here's your favorite snack. here's dinner. i've brought it here to you.
you're working so, so hard. i'll support you, i'll be here. don't worry about anything else, just keep growing.
i love you, i love you, i love you, attached to every plate.
"this was your favorite food when you were young. ... i should have given you as many boiled eggs and tomatoes as you wanted."
and again, it's a little bit of speculation from me, but i think that's why suho doesn't say no, why he lets arcos make this apology. it's a piece of what he misses most.
and so they both leave a little bit healed. "the basket was lighter on the way home. and albeit very slightly, their steps became lighter as well." it might not have been between the right souls, but it's a weight lifted nonetheless.
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... all this to say that i am absolutely MOURNING that this didn't make it into the adaptation!!!
i understand that with comic adaptations, there are going to be some cuts to ensure pacing and workload stays reasonable, but this would've been absolutely devastatingly emotional (/pos) to witness visually,
because what would lloyd's (suho's) face look like? what expression would he make, can we visually see how he feels? and arcos, what does he see when he looks at his son? fatherly love and solemn regret, painted all over his face, what does that look like to the adapter? to the artist? to us?
and in general too, we lost the characterization and relationship of arcos to suho; i really, really wish it made it in :(
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pospoets · 1 year
NO NO WAIT GUYS. I HAVE AN AU IDEA; Original Lloyd but he's soon reincarnated as a baby right after Kim Suho took over his body, so two years pass and then the parents just say "fuck it" and abandon this toddler (Og Lloyd) in front of the Frontera door and then boom, accidentally get adopted by Lloyd (Kim Suho) and Javier.
Javier thought Og lloyd was an innocent small child so he spoils him a lot.
Don't even ask about the count and countess they'll be ecstatic to have a grandson who acts like Og lloyd already.
Lloyd (Kim Suho)'s hair keeps getting tugged by this toddler but he thinks it's just what toddlers do because they're curious.
Original Lloyd however, is desperate in trying to let them know that he's the original lloyd and not the impersonator, as he was forced to watch his look-alike be lovey-dovey with Javier
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therainnight · 2 years
Me blathering about Omgaverse JaviLloyd. 
Warning: I'm no writer. English is my second language AND this is me blathering about Omgaverse JaviLloyd. 
Of course, there is no beta reader. this is me blathering
hear me out- omega!Lloyd.
Yeah I know he must suit for being beta but I like the chaos of Suho and others that not is baron or baroness, don’t know if Lloyd is omega.
Originally, his death isn’t only because of drinking too much but also consumed heat suppressant pills for a long time and won’t let his body have heat after the first time it happened, and because of that most people think he is beta.
Unfortunately, Kim Suho aka our beloved young master takes his body without this knowing this. He did notice the pill bottle on the bedside table but don’t think too much about it. (In his defense, “it a pill bottle with no label. Who would dare to touch it?”)
The story continues like now it in the novel or webcomic. There was once or twice, Javier noticed a new scent coming from Lloyd. VERY SUS. At first, Javier thinks that Lloyd has a secret meeting with omega to steal the weird knowledge that recently Lloyd possessed but that theory has to drop out because Javier is with Lloyd 24/7 after he picks up Lloyd from passing out on the road on a faithful day.
Lloyd knows only a few things about this second-gender thing. “The knight of blood and iron” is focused on Javier’s knighthood journey more than the second gender. He knows what beta, omega, and alpha are but just that it.
After the mining & ant incident, it the moment that Lloyd learned about his real second gender. He learned from the mouth of his family doctor. At first, the doctor praised Lloyd for his choice of choosing to stop drinking after that he praised him for stopping taking heat suppressant pills and letting his body free for once, doing what it was designed for.
“Heat? What?” Lloyd asked but the doctor didn’t notice and keep talking.
“It’s good that now you consider your health, young master. But just completely stopping consuming heat suppressants immediately is kind of dangerous. I will write a new set of pills for u to stable your system, ok?”
“Oh and please don’t take it the wrong way but now you're out of pills, I think you should consider wearing a collar for your own protection.”
“I know. Sir Asrahan is trustworthy and noble alpha but as you always said to your soldier, safety first! Hahaha” the doctor laughed softly.
Before Lloyd could ask doctors more about this “heat” and pills. Baron and baroness break into the room and hug him while telling how they were glad that Lloyd is awake and safe. After a joyful family drop-down. Baron tells Lloyd that he knows about Lloyd's decision to stop taking heat suppressants. The baron presents Lloyd with a collar with the Frontera symbol on it. He said that ask for a mage to cast a spell cast on it to become invisible when the user wears it.
“I know how much you hate people knowing about it but please, think as to help ease your father and mother’s mind.”
Lloyd was confused but agreed to what the baron and baroness begged him for. Good for Lloyd, He wasn’t alone. Javier was also confused.
Nowadays, young master Lloyd has this- bewitching scent coming right off him. At first is very dilute, if it is not because of his sharp sense and of the time they spend together. He won’t notice it but now it becomes more clear and stronger. It smells like chocolate mostly but also another sweet scent that makes a sweet tooth like Javier crave for some.
On one relaxed night, The one that Lloyd can have a routine like normal people. He finished his bath, ready to put Javier into dreamland but Javier have some business before joining him in his bedroom. Lloyd rolls around on the queen-size bed. Lloyd can’t help but feel uneasy and annoyed with how his bed is.
Everyone would have some moments like this. When you feel like the bed is not right and they fix the bed until you feel comfortable again.
So Lloyd spend time waiting for Javier to fix his bed until he felt satisfied. He fluffs 4 pillows that he has. He keeps arranging it but is still unsatisfied.
‘Tomorrow was my day off!! I will have a good quality night's sleep today!!!’
Before he knows he collects the many pillows and blankets as much as he can. While Lloyd arranges his bed like a madman he notices Javier’s pink pillow on the chair near his bed. He picks the pink pillow up. Look around it. Before hugging it to test the quality of the pillow. Turn out it is perfect!
Lloyd replaced the pink pillow with his own pillow while thinking Javier won’t mind him borrowing this pillow just for one day.
-knock- -knock-
“Master Lloyd. It’s me”
“Ah! Come in.”
Javier didn’t prepare his heart for what he witnessed after he opened the door. The usually normal bed is now full of pillows and blankets. Anyone can see that each item has gone through a lot of calculations to determine where to put it.
‘I- it looks like a nes-‘ before Javier can end his thoughts suddenly Lloyd pops out.
“Ha ha! Lo and behold! This is my fortress!”
“....Young master, what are you doing?”
“...make my bed? ANYWAY! come join me! it's very comfy, you know~? Want to sleep with this big brother tonight~?”
“..with all the respect, sir. I have to refuse- wait. Is that my pillow?” 
"oh-AH. Yes. I will borrow it today! "
"You have a ton of pillow, Sir. Why you must borrow mine? please give it to me"
"What-? Did I just hear SIR KNIGHT ASRAHAN say he can't sleep without his pink pillow? don't worry. I won't tell a soul."
Javier moves closer to the bed with a fortress(?) make of pillows. To be honest, the nest- no- the bed looks very comfy and neat but he can't let himself go along with what this trash human planned.
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Thank you for reading! :3
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duckprintspress · 3 months
My June Reads
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Storygraph introduced auto-generated graphics for sharing our reads by the month, which makes it much easier to do a review, and here I am! Sorry it's kinda pixelly, the settings on Storygraph aren't perfect yet but they're planning to add functionality.
I've been posting on the Duck Prints Press Book Lover's Server for a while, so everyone knows there that the answer to "how do you read so much?" is the library, but just to be clear, if it's a graphic novel, I got it from one of three libraries - either my local system, @queerliblib, or the Japan Foundation Library. The last two are both free-throughout-the-US Libby libraries and they've both been awesome.
Prose books, I usually own.
Anyway. Onward! My June reads:
How to Love: A Guide to Feelings and Relationships for Everyone by Alex Norris (graphic novel, short self-help stories about how to be in relationships, how to be alone, etc., all very inclusive.
Blue Flag Vol. 1 - 2 by Kaito (manga series about modern high school and a young man and his best friend - who has a crush on him - and a young woman and her best friend - who has a crush on her. poly vibes.)
The Tea Dragon Festival and The Tea Dragon Tapestry by K. O'Neill (graphic novels, very fluffy fantasy slice-of-life with various queer rep)
Squad by Maggie Toluda-Hall and Lisa Sterle (graphic novel, modern with magic, wlw high school student discovers that fitting in with the cool kids means becoming a murderous werewolf)
Clementine vol. 1 and 2 by Tille Walden (graphic novel, post-apocalyptic set in the same 'verse as The Walking Dead about a wlw amputee surviving against the zombies.
A Thousand Hopes, A Thousand Risks by Kelas Lloyd (short story, fantasy, pre-mlm between a young merchant and a god)
Ride On, Shooting Star by J. D. Harlock (short story, science fiction, a space courier wants to retire)
Deadendia vol. 1 by Hamish Steele (graphic novel, modern with magic/horror elements, about a trans male teenager who runs away from home and moves into a haunted house at an amusement park)
Giant Days vol. 2 by John Allison and Whitney Cogar (graphic novel, modern college setting, about the somewhat silly lives of the main characters)
Yona of the Dawn vol. 1 by Mizuho Kusanagi (manga, fantasy, about a young princess whose kingdom gets taken over by someone she thought a friend)
In the Dark vol. 3 by Jin Shisi Chai (danmei novel, mlm, last of three volumes - I read the other two in May - about an undercover drug cop who returns home after six years undercover)
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation manhua vol. 6 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (manhua version of the MDZS novel, mlm, historical cultivation about a fraught political situation)
The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha (graphic novel playing on story of the fox maiden Gumiho in Korean mythology, with a side of wlw)
My Hero Academia vol. 9 - 12 by Kohei Horikoshi (manga series about teenagers at a high school for superheroes)
Frontera by Julio Anta and Jacoby Salcedo (graphic novel about a young man crossing the border between the US and Mexico illegally, and about the mlm ghost who helps him)
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi (autobiographical manga about a young lesbian in Japan trying to figure out her identity and find companionship)
Solo Leveling vol. 1 - 2 by Chugong (a manwha series set in modern fantasy Korea, about a young man is terrible at "hunting"...until he isn't)
Haikyu!! vol. 5 - 6 by Haruichi Furudate (manga series about young men who play high school volleyball)
Little Birds by Anaïs Nin (a collection of short erotic stories with lots of trigger warnings applicable and a few dashes of wlw, originally written in the 1930s and 1940s)
To Strip the Flesh by Oto Toda (manga collection of short stories, with the longest/most involved being about a young man's journey coming out as a trans man)
Shubeik Lubeik by Deena Mohamed (graphic novel exploring three stories of Egyptians getting first-grade wishes in a modern-with-magic world, includes NB rep)
Limerence by Jiang Zi Bei (danmei novel, mlm, about a young college student who breaks up with his boyfriend and ends up falling for his ex's roommate.)
Our Colors by Gengoroh Tagame (manga about a young Japanese gay man coming our of the closet and making friends/finding a mentor in an older gay man)
Silent Hearts vol. 1 by Jing Shui Bian (danmei novel, mlm, modern high school setting, lots of disability rep though not for either member of the main couple)
Rainbow! vol. 1 by Sunny (modern, maybe with magic, about a young woman with a tough life and the people around her; wlw implied in the future?)
Out of Left Field by Jonah Newman (real-life-inspired graphic novel about a young gay man navigating high school)
Escape From St. Hell: My Trans Life Levels Up by Lewis Hancox (autobiographical graphic novel about a young trans man with severe anxiety)
This was the most pages I've read in a month all year, and the second most individual books. There's actually one more book not pictured, as it wasn't on Storygraph and I opted not to add it.
Happy reading, y'all.
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popkin16 · 2 years
tged: bedtime kisses
1.6k. developing relationship, complete fluff, unbeta’d.
Lloyd develops a nighttime habit and Javier’s a pain in the butt. They’re in love.
Lloyd didn’t know where the urge came from that first time, but he had already kissed Javier’s forehead before he could think it through and beat the urge down. He’d frozen, inches from Javier’s face, but the other man merely slept on, his breathing deep and even. Javier had looked serene and comfortable despite sleeping slumped in a chair, and the firelight had cast a golden glow on Javier’s normally pale face. Lloyd had a difficult time looking away.
Lloyd climbed into bed after that first kiss feeling a mixture of relief, nerves, and quiet satisfaction.
Lloyd certainly didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about kissing Javier. Punching him when he was being particularly annoying, sure. But Lloyd was usually too busy to think about romance, let alone kissing the protagonist of the novel in which he was now living. The two were very separate things, Lloyd told himself. That kiss was an aberration, a one-off. Not romantic at all.
But it happened again, a week later. Javier had come in wearing pink bunny slippers, and Lloyd couldn’t stop the glow of fondness in his chest from flaring. It continued to burn even after Javier opened his mouth to say annoying things, which is how Lloyd knew he maybe… cared quite a bit.
Lloyd was smart. He was logical. He could recognize a pattern when it was right in front of his face. So he noticed that he felt more affectionate after one of their misadventures: when he woke to Javier by his bedside after Lloyd had fallen unconscious or when Javier was injured. When Javier showed he cared, in that cranky, subtle way he had.
“I can hardly allow the young master to come to harm,” Javier would say dryly, blue eyes mocking. As though he were doing it only to protect the heir to the Frontera estate, with no regard for Lloyd himself at all.
So sometimes Lloyd was overcome and pressed a gentle kiss to Javier’s forehead. Or touched his soft hair, marveling at its frankly odd color, keeping his touch gentle so he wouldn’t wake Javier.
It wasn’t hurting anybody.
Javier was always out like a light.
It didn’t mean anything, Lloyd told himself.
Javier was annoying and rude. Lloyd sometimes wanted to shake him violently, but having someone so steadfast by his side was…comforting. He was useful to have around, and he always had Lloyd’s back, despite any complaints or snide comments. And, Lloyd admitted - but only to himself! And begrudgingly! - Javier was handsome.
Maybe Lloyd had a tiny crush. Miniscule, really. He had far more important things to do than think of romance, and especially with someone like Javier. Besides, he refused to give Javier the satisfaction of knowing he’d reeled in someone else! There would be no love letters from Lloyd.
But on occasion, at night, when Lloyd was tired and weak to impulse, there might be some innocent touching. It was a point of pride for Lloyd that he could put Javier out. Javier was a man with keen senses and a strong sense of duty; if he felt there was any danger, there’d be no way he’d fall asleep, even to Lloyd’s engineering textbook lecturing. When the original Lloyd had inhabited this body, there was no way Javier would have let down his guard enough.
They’d come so far, even if Javier still refused to call Lloyd a friend.
Lloyd reached out with one careful hand, his fingertips brushing the soft, light hair. He carefully brushed the hair out of Javier’s face. He ran his fingers through Javier’s curls, once, twice, and pulled away.
Only for his hand to be caught in a solid grip before he’d moved more than an inch. Lloyd jerked his hand back on reflex, but Javier’s grip didn’t loosen. His arm hung there uselessly while Lloyd met Javier’s steely blue-eyed gaze. The air seemed thick, the moment drawn out, and Lloyd began to sweat with nerves. Javier was just…looking at him. Lloyd squirmed. He desperately racked his brain for something to say.
“I was checking for lice,” Lloyd blurted finally.
Javier raised a single eyebrow. “I don’t have lice.”
“You might,” Lloyd insisted, doubling down on his stupid, ridiculous lie. “I thought I saw you scratching your head earlier today.”
“I didn’t.”
“You did.”
“Anyway, you can let go now,” Lloyd said. Though he’d meant for it to come out as an order, it wasn’t nearly as firmly said as he’d hoped. The words shook almost imperceptibly and Lloyd cursed himself for the slip. Javier watched him thoughtfully, his face as unreadable as ever, and Lloyd wondered if this was it. If his stupid, selfish actions would make things unbearable between the two of them, with Javier now aware of Lloyd’s unrequited feelings.
But then Javier turned his face, his lips brushing against the rough palm of Lloyd’s hands. Lloyd sucked in a breath at the ticklish touch, the noise loud in the otherwise quiet room. Javier met his eyes steadily, a smirk curling the corner of his mouth.
“Forgive me,” he said archly. “I slipped.”
“You - you slipped?” Lloyd repeated.
Javier blinked innocently. “Indeed.”
“But - how does your face slip? What a sorry excuse.”
“It is just as unsound as your lice claim.”
“It is not! You could conceivably have lice,” Lloyd said, affronted. “It’s a misconception that lice like dirty hair, you know.”
“I have never had lice in my life,” Javier informed him, still holding Lloyd by the wrist.
“What, never?”
“I suppose you’ll also claim you’ve never been ill,” Lloyd said skeptically.
“It is so,” Javier agreed, and Lloyd sputtered.
“Are you a cyborg? You cannot be human.”
“What’s a cyborg?”
Damn protagonist! Lloyd should have pulled his hair instead. He had forgotten, in the intimate tranquil evenings, that Javier was the most annoying person Lloyd had ever met.
He was just about to demand his hand back when Javier moved it so it was resting on the top of his head. Lloyd froze, pinned in place by Javier’s gaze, his expectant expression. They stayed like that for another long moment, Lloyd’s heart hammering in his chest, before Lloyd’s fingers hesitantly caressed those curls. Javier’s eyes went heavy-lidded as Lloyd scratched at his head and played with his hair, his body relaxing into the chair he usually slept in.
Lloyd watched him with a soft smile. Javier was like a giant cat - standoffish, but permitting touch when it was on his own terms. It was almost…cute.
When it seemed like Javier had fallen back asleep, Lloyd let his arm drop back to his side. Javier blinked his eyes open sleepily to watch as Lloyd took a step back, toward his bed. An idea occurred to Lloyd, and he dithered for a moment, biting at his bottom lip as he fought with indecision and doubt.
“You could sleep in the bed, if you want,” Lloyd offered. He tilted his head away subtly, fixing his eyes on the fire merrily crackling in the fireplace.
“And you?” Javier asked, still looking soft and touchable.
“Well, I - we would share the bed,” Lloyd responded. He put his hands on his hips. “This is a limited time offer, you understand. If you don’t accept it now -”
Javier stood. He took a moment to stretch, and Lloyd eyed the strip of skin as his shirt rode up. He was too tired and things were far too tentative between them, but even so Lloyd’s body took note.
“I will take the side closest to the door.”
“What? Why?” Not that Lloyd cared, but he couldn’t let Javier go around just making decisions without Lloyd’s input. Especially not when it regarded their sleeping arrangements!
“I will be better placed to protect you,” Javier pointed out reasonably. He pulled back the covers and climbed in. He looked unfairly right, lying in Lloyd’s bed. Even when he looked smug.
“Someone could come through the window,” Lloyd argued, still standing next to the bed.
“Less likely than an intruder coming through the door.”
“What about drafts? My side will be colder, as it’s closer to the window and further from the fireplace.”
Javier sighed long-sufferingly. “I will be here to keep you warm, Master Lloyd.”
“.....oh. Right.”
Just to be an asshole, Lloyd deliberately crawled over Javier’s sprawled body to get to the other side of the bed. Javier grunted, eyes narrowed with annoyance as Lloyd did his best to squish him. Sitting on his pillow, Lloyd whipped the covers back, letting cold air beneath the blankets. He wiggled his way down and Javier tossed the blankets over Lloyd, making sure his face was covered by them. Lloyd batted them down with an indignant, “Hey!” that Javier ignored.
Despite his body crying out for sleep, Lloyd was feeling cheerful, and that meant being a little shit. He tossed and turned as though looking for the optimal sleeping position, jostling the bed.
“Master Lloyd,” Javier said reproachfully, and turned on his side so he was facing Lloyd, and wrapped his arms around Lloyd’s body to drag him close. Held in place by Javier’s grip, unable to toss and turn, Lloyd pressed his face into his cool pillow to hide his delighted smile.
“You should call me Lloyd,” he muttered, feeling his face burn with embarrassment. He added hastily, “Just in private, don’t get any ideas.”
Javier hummed in quiet agreement. Then, “Go to sleep.”
“I am, I am.”
“Shh.” Javier’s large hand patted at Lloyd’s face with a touch too much force, so Lloyd bit his hand. Not hard, just enough for Javier to feel the press of sharp teeth. Javier pulled away with an amused huff and returned his arm to its place over Lloyd’s waist. He breathed out, ruffling the hair at the back of Lloyd’s head, and then his body went slack as sleep overtook him.
Lloyd smiled, that too-wide, pleased smile that seemed to terrify all who saw it. It gentled into something sweeter as sleep stole him away, and when he dreamed, it was of Lloyd and Javier bickering in a room filled with money.
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ying-doodles · 7 months
y'all should read rebar by @/jessepinwheel, it's about an au where suho can see og!lloyd's ghost and it's very well-written!
some fanart of the last chapter where javier is very confused about suho:
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some design notes:
to differentiate the two lloyds, I decided to draw og!lloyd with the early webtoon hair (episodes 1 - 14)- :P honestly, he somehow seems more like a punk that way, which fits.
I drew suho's sword pommel like that cause it looks vaguely like a shovel handle lol-
EDIT: guys, I actually went back and fixed the hands cause they were bothering me so much,, (also I forgot to fill in suho's pants LMAO-)
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arezenithofyouthlove · 5 months
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Original Llojavi trapped inside the narrative. White titles represent the "good", black titles represent the "bad". In the end, none of them can escape from their fated tragedy ⬛⬜
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toontalks · 3 days
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Shameless as usual
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rislyann · 4 months
Title: Patience isn't always a virtue Fandom: The Greatest Estate Developer Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: M/M | General Relationship: Javier Asrahan & Kim Suho | Lloyd Frontera, one sided Javier Asrahan/Kim Suho | Lloyd Frontera Who can read this work: Only registered users (this is because the bots stealing ff to feed ai) Additional Tags: Time regressor Javier Asrahan, dark!Javier Asrahan, Time regressor Javier Asrahan meets original Lloyd Frontera Language: English Series: Part 1 of the Flawed Virtues series Summary: Javier finds himself in a place and time that isn't his. And the worst thing about it is that Master Lloyd, the Master Lloyd he swore to protect with his life, isn't there… Yet.
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Patience isn't always a virtue
. . .
Oh, how different the Count and the Baron were.
“I apologize my Lord, I was just wondering what level of destruction young Master Lloyd would have caused this time.”
“Ah, yes…” The Baron looked away, knowing that sending Javier would not only bring Lloyd back but also a new bill for whatever damage his son caused in his drunkenness “Please, make sure to inspect with our people how much do we owe them this time.”
Javier bowed respectfully, accepting the order.
“As you wish, my Lord.”
. . .
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lloydfrontera · 2 years
canon divergence and transcended noviel au!!
Where Lloyd complains out loud about wanting a normal marriage: so he asks Noviel to do something about the 'competition for the lady that deserves Lloyd Frontera's hand in marriage' challenge that Alicia hosts amdmxnd
btw long ask i am SO SORRY
Noviel at first asked why not just marry Alicia and live a good life as a king, but after much explaining earth customs he's convinced that Lloyd's making up excuses to be able to live at the Frontera estate freely, so he obliges anyway, just because he wants to see Lloyd truly happy, too
days before the competition Noviel makes an announcement to leave the barony for a month, much to everyone but Lloyd's shock, especially bc of what the Queen's planning to do, but either way Noviel leaves to do some 'work', and when he's fully gone, Lloyd's nervous, and Javier's delighted to finally be rid of his presence, albeit for a month
Fast forward to the day of the competition and Lloyd's sweating bullets bc Alicia's completely dominating the entire fight bc swordmaster queen(we stan🙏), but then. Suddenly, a challenger who wears an extra translucent black veil to cover her eyes, and adorning a very foreign looking dress appears, and??? Begins to show prowess in swordfighting?!?
the spectators watching immediately comment in awe that it's the fabled daughter of noble from a faraway continent, labelled the "slient beauty and power" of her family as she almost never speaks, yet is blessed with an ultra affinity for swordsmanship as a swordmaster AND beauty, to the point she needs a veil to 'ensure nobody immediately falls in love at first sight', and that the reason why she's here despite how the competition announcement had been only out for days was bc she roams around fighting challenges to find someone who can defeat her one day
inevitably, foreign lady and Alcia clash in the final spar against each other, with foreign lady showing sword techniques completely unknown to everyone, flashy yet practical moves, and just giving off pure power with every strike, and yet, somehow looks like she isn't giving her all in it, just fighting to prove something
Watching her fight, Javier's completely unnerved at the thought of another grandmaster in the making, and yet, silently grateful at the fact that Alicia won't marry Lloyd- and was about to comment on the tevhniques looking a bit familiar to Lloyd but.
Lloyd's completely enthralled at the fight, and dare Javier says with a pain in his heart, Lloyd's completely in love with the Lady, if the look of admiration, longing and shock on the other's face has anything to say. So he doesn't say anything out loud, and just watches the fight silently
meanwhile Lloyd's having the time of his life, completely flattered and extra grateful, because he knows that the lady that's slowly taking her time to defeat Alicia to prove a point is none other than Noviel, dressing up as a convincing lady. Lloyd's affection is definitely over the moon since Noviel didn't HAVE to put in so much effort for this one request, but he did;
Needed a competitor? Noviel dresses up as a lady that covers the eyes so nobody knows how he looks- oh but her identity? Spreading fake rumors days ago about a travelling swordmaster, genius plan- and most importantly, Noviel just. Showing off moves that were only described in the original "knight of blood and iron" just as a tribute for Suho, who always wanted to see how it looked in real life♥️, so of COURSE Lloyd's completely invested and enchanted during the whole fight, unbeknownst to everyone except Noviel and him :)))
The competition ends with Alicia being horribly defeated by foreign lady, the entire magentano kingdom congratulating and praising for foreign lady's win, and Javier's heart being broken seeing Lloyd excitedly going down to 'meet' her
Lloydcs in full fanboy mode completely praising and just so goddamn happy when speaking with the foreign Lady, even though she never replies, just chuckling silently
and later post competition, much to the shock of the spectators who know of "her story", after Foreign lady whispers to Lloyd to relay what she says to the crowd- Lloyd, using mana voice amplication, tells them all that the Lady who fought in the competition is none other than 'Lady Ione", the swordmaster who's only here to look for a challenge, and thus had never intended to marry Lloyd in the first place
However, she said, that any lady who would dare court Lloyd in the future will be challenged by her again, as she expressed deep interest in him (Lloyd's unsure if the last bit was an act or if it was genuine, so he's completely flustered either way, Javier's planning to train harder, and Alicia, though accepting defeat, plans to know more about her abilities)
Before Lady Ione leaves, Alicia requests a formal audience with her, along with Lloyd and Javier for a lowkey interview
After explaining her story on a paper as 'a young orphan who was discovered and trained by the "knight of blood and iron" and travelling around under his wing, until a noble family had decided to take her in after owing the knight for saving their lives, and from that point on, grew up as the adopted noble lady from a faraway continent, as a student of the "knight of blood and iron"' which explains how she's so strong and then saying that the Knight is now being held accountable by her family for her sudden disappearance, since she 'requested' him to distract her family so she could compete in the queen's competition (bc who DOESN'T pass up an opportunity to beat up a monarch right???)
Alicia's lowkey mad at the fact this competition basically meant nothing to her, Javier's glad that she doesn't want to marry Lloyd, and Lloyd's dying inside(gratefully) bc how the HELL does Noviel come up with such a convincing lie and getting away with it?!??!??
And if they needed evidence to back up the fact that Noviel and 'Lady Ione' are two different people, Lady Ione would show a pre-recorded intelligent video thing(like the one that happened in chapter 227 of the webnovel) of Noviel, with a helmet ofc, doing paperwork stressfully while communicating with everyone lmaoo
Eventually, Lady Ione leaves the lorasia continent for yet another 'challenge' and bc of her story, no one questioned this or stopped her- and when Noviel returns looking haggard a few weeks later, nobody has any suspicions against it, so it ends with (almost)everyone getting what they wanted 😌✨
Originally i was going to make Javier do the crossdressing but it would be funnier if Noviel did all this snnxndnd
Also about how the Noviel au works in the last arc of the novel ..... Let's think about that ina another time i can't handle the heartbreak yet mamzmsns
i have literally nothing to add to this it is perfect just as it is oh my god i am obsessed!!
like!!! noviel not only participating but actually winning the competition for lloyd's hand??? holy shit ajskdhksa
and like yeah he would! at this point he'd absolutely move heaven and earth for lloyd so this is like. nothing in his eyes. sure, he'll beat every challenger in the continent if lloyd asks him to, no problem.
AND JAVIER BEING DELIGHTED ABOUT NOVIEL LEAVING AHSKDASJKD i can just imagine someone half heartedly suggest getting another bodyguard for lloyd while noviel is gone and javier nearly biting their head off because how dare they, isn't it enough he has to share lloyd with noviel, that one is already superfluous enough as it is, no, this is his master he can protect him all by himself thank you very much
(altho coming back to what we said the other time about the novel ending with javier being literally unable to protect lloyd at the end,,, maybe javier would feel a little unnerved about noviel going away even as he tried to pretend he isn't. maybe he gets just a little bit more twitchy, a little more paranoid. maybe he gets a little more anxious about lloyd being out of his sight. noviel is annoying but at least javier knows he wouldn't hesitate to protect lloyd with his life. mmmmhh thoughts for another time)
ashdkja and oh my godddd lady noviel!!! yes yes yes yes i love that!!
i love the idea of javier being unsettled by some random lady suddenly start winning every fight and advancing through every stage with seemingly no difficulty. because at this point he would've been like. not happy but. at least resigned to alicia winning and marrying lloyd because at least he knows her. he knows she would be able to protect lloyd and he trusts her with him. but this lady?? who the fuck??? is she???
i can just imagine him quietly start wondering where the hell did he left his own dress lmao
AND THEN HIM THINKING LLOYD FELL FOR YET ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS MASKED STRANGER OH MY GOD his heart just sinking when he sees how mesmerized lloyd is by the lone lady and jumping to the wrong (and yet completely right) conclusion that he's in love jasdksafd
because yeah!! lloyd is very much in love!! but because he already knows that's noviel who went out of his way to give him an out from the whole thing just because lloyd asked him to and!! it's just so much for his poor little fanboy heart ashdksa
Showing off moves that were only described in the original "knight of blood and iron" just as a tribute for Suho, who always wanted to see how it looked in real life♥️
i love that his implies that suho gushed about it to noviel at some point and not only did noviel listened to him but also remembered it <3 like oh my god that's so sweeeet
Lloyd's unsure if the last bit was an act or if it was genuine, so he's completely flustered either way, Javier's planning to train harder, and Alicia, though accepting defeat, plans to know more about her abilities
noviel making his claim on lloyd i am Screaming lloyd would be an absolute blushing mess like face bright red even tho he convinces himself noviel is just saying it to get him out of the compromise ajsdkasd also love that noviel basically said "get on my level" and alicia and javier both said "bet"
and noviel's fabricated backstory for the lone lady is so fun, i love it, this man is lying his ass off and he's enjoying it, he's had plenty of experience already pretending to be a whole another person, this is easy in comparison (but also i kinda like the idea of noviel not being very used to lying before meeting lloyd but learning to do it very quickly, except that lloyd doesn't notice it and he thinks noviel is still a bit rubbish at it so when he sees him fabricating an entire backstory he's just like :O he didn't know he could that :O )
ahsdksak imagine if once noviel comes back javier just,, asks him,, once in a while,, after the lone lady. like just casually. out of curiosity you see. totally not because he's worried she'll change her mind and come back to marry lloyd and then javier will have to have lady ella challenge her in a duel and make a whole mess out of things. absolutely not. nothing like that. he's just curious.
also a tiny doodle cause i couldn't help myself <3
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fekatsitra · 1 year
In the novel, does Lloyd ever learned how OG Lloyd broke Javier's wooden sword in two?
I'm gonna ramble a bit but short answer: Yes.
Okay, first of all, the webtoon adaptation went differently from the webnovel. Some moments are skipped, and some others are delegated to a different chapter. Heck, a lot of Lloyd and Javier's banters got skipped. How Lloyd dealt with Viscount Lacona's knight is different, the knight didn't try to assassinate Lloyd in his sleep, and Lloyd didn't accept the knight's demand for a duel. There is more insight from Lloyd on why Javier is hesitant to completely trust his sincerity (the RP is still in the negative before).
Like, here's their conversation after they dealt the contract with the viscount (who tried to sabotage the water in the Frontera fiefdom):
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So, here. The knight just barged and tried to attack Lloyd, in the viscount territory, except his attack was stopped by Javier. Completely different from the webtoon. Of course, Lloyd being Lloyd, he teased and made fun of Javier whenever and wherever 😂 Anyway, the development is completely different from the webtoon.
There's a part where Lloyd said there's good news and bad news, of how Javier is so talented that people would want to recruit him. Javier said it won't matter because his loyalty lies to the Baron alone and no one else basically.
They even talked about Sir Bayern, the webnovel expanded how Lloyd appreciates the other senior knight in the Frontera barony as he is a steadfast, fair, and unselfish man who prioritized the development and betterment of the fiefdom over getting envious of Javier, a younger knight, of being stronger. The novel has more pronounced in-depth appreciation and closer relationship of the other side characters than the webnovel, more than just comedic gag and Lloyd just using/exploiting Sir Bayern's talent.
Here's a glimpse of how Javier berated Lloyd for being improper and his RP no longer being in the negative:
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Sorry for low quality, I just screenshot them through mobile 😂
ANYWAY! The conversation, place, and timing of Javier and Lloyd having their talk is different from the webtoon. It's soft, and feels more fluffy and I prefer the novel over the manhwa adaptation, but both medium are good. Just, I like the softer and calmer feels in the original webnovel.
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