#original maelia project client
marlasomething · 2 years
Cocoa Collabs Extra 1: This Could Be Me (Amnesia)
Hi! Marla here ready to do another “challenge”. This time: @cocoa-collabs 2022 with superminifics! The idea is to do both the extra props and the daily ones, making at least one a day being an Amelia Caller (like this one, yaih!). This podcast is a great source of inspiration for me and also a comfort, safe place and I am so glad to be participating on it… So, just please, forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes and, leave a message (comment, kudos, random feedback) after the fic.
Also on AO3!
CALLER: Hi! Uh…I am…Not-Diana. Yes, yes, I know that is a weird thing to say, but the only thing I recall before two days ago is thinking ‘I am not Diana Spencer’ (though I think I could play her on a movie) and, then, being pointed at the streets, with pity and…surprise? As if everybody knew me but, hey, if they really did know me, why on fucking Earth wouldn’t they help a bleeding, barely dressed with a half-destroyed nightgown?
Anyway, I don’t know why I don’t recall anything, but the only nice person I met said that he used to be… a completely different person and that you can help with that, because I looked as if I really needed to and…in all honesty?
I do, I fucking do (sorry about the swearing, again).
[Knocking against a glass door]
CALLER: Shit! Sorry, I am using a public cabin without paying (didn’t know some of them still worked…my amnesia might be even worse than I thought…) and the guy outside doesn’t seem to be a fan.
So…I will be here tomorrow, same time…waiting for a call-back. I might not remember who I was but…I know I am ready for a change… How do you like the name Timlin?
[The knocking gets more violent]
CALLER: Ok, ok, I am leaving, alright?!
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