#originally he was putting on his pants btw. but then i decided i can't let my demons win so its just.
goodtimeswithgrian · 1 year
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back on my bullshit.
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justin-hammers · 3 years
Fanfiction Hour: Happy Berryween (Original Female Character/Joel Kinnaman)
Warning: This story contains blueberry inflation (male). It's fantasy btw, not reality.
"Baby you got your costume ready," I asked Joel. 
Joel groans at me. He kept looking at the costume I gave him. It was a blue long sleeve shirt with colored blue dress pants and a red belt. 
He complains on why the hell he has to be the one dressing as Violet, and not somebody else. He even mentioned Violet being a girl character, not a boy character. I told him that we're just doing a gender flip version of the character. He rolls his eyes on my excuse since he knew why he had to cosplay as Violet.
I have a weird fetish that involves men turning into blueberries. I just like the idea of them getting bigger, and plumped up in their bodies. Just the ass area getting extremely bloated and wide is such a turn on for me. Plus, the scent in their skin smells just as good as cologne. Let's not forget about their plump cheeks, their tallest to make room for the juice, the noises from the juices, belt popping, and lastly, their ever-growing bellies that stretch out perfectly from the juices. 
I kept my fetish a secret to him since people online and my friends knew about it. However, at times, he snoops up and sees me either doing my blueberry stories or doing photoshop pictures of attractive men becoming blueberries. He questioned my likings at times, but I brush it off as personal fantasies for myself. He just responds by nodding and staring at me. When we watched any of the chocolate factory movies and when the part of Violet becoming a blueberry comes on, he'll side eye me to see if I'll react to it. I could barely mutter a response without any awkwardness going on. I don't really push him to do my fantasies, but since tonight is Halloween, I decided to make him do it for once with a little twist in mind.
He takes off his loungewear and puts on the outfit. The blue long sleeve shirt fit him well especially with his muscular arms and broad shoulders. His blue dress pants fit snug and stretchy. He then puts on the red belt and his red Nike shoes. He goes to the living room where I'm at and sees my costume. I was wearing a sexy Wonka outfit that has a purple and black mini dress with bracelet length sleeves and a flouncy skirt. The top really does enhance my cleavage well despite having small boobs. I also have on my small clip-on hat with my over the knee black heel boots.
"My my honey. You look amazing," Joel replied with a smile.
"Thanks," I responded with blushing cheeks. "You look pretty sexy tonight."
"This? This is nothing compared to what I wear every night."
I laughed at his response. I mean, to be fair, he isn't wrong. He loves to sleep naked at night, especially during cold weather.
I then had him sit on a chair and did make-up on his nose. The blue make-up kinda matches his medium pale skin. He still gives me that look of "I can't believe I agree to do this." I let him get up to fix and smooth his own hair. He looked unfazed by the make-up although he was touching it like it was really turning blue.
"So is there anything else I need for my costume? More Make-up? More accessories? Something," he asked.
I smiled, and handed him a piece of gum. He looked at me confused, and smelled the gum.
"Is this really that Blueberry gum from those movies?"
"Uh...no. It's a blueberry gum yes, but you won't turn into one. The gum has everything blueberry like the pie to the muffin. I heard it's really good for blueberry lovers. My best friend gave it to me when I told her about your costume, and she really wanted you to try it out first! I promise you won't literally turn into a blueberry," I responded while trying not to lie.
He was still giving me that confused look. He kept looking at the gum, and decided to open it. He puts the gum in his mouth, and chews it. I was feeling ecstatic when he did. I got my Halloween bag and we headed out the door.
We were both walking house to house for trick or treating. I'm the one who actually goes up to the houses, and gets the candy, thanks to my height being convincing enough for people giving out treats. Joel just helps me with the walking and finding the houses since I'm half blind. We both had the time of our lives so far in the night.
Joel was still chewing on his gum throughout trick or treating. He was growing to like the gum so much now. Heck he could taste every single blueberry treat in the gum itself! Of course, the gum I gave him is indeed new, and from one of my friends (who's not only a model, but a worker at her parent's candy store), and yes, it is without its notorious side effects that only me and my friends knew about.
He kept on chewing and chewing while blowing bubbles at times. He didn't notice that his cheeks were turning Violet. It was hard to tell at first since he was wearing blue make-up on his nose section, but now, it was spreading out more. Most of his face was covered in blue. People noticed, but they brush it off as make-up. Blue spots were appearing in his hands and the blue from his face was spreading downwards to his neck.
I was slowly walking down the house, and he came over to help me. I looked up close to him, and tried not to faint. He looked like an absolute babe with his new look.
"You okay, babe," he questioned.
I didn't want to tell him about his skin being blue, so I just nodded with a funny smile. He smiled back, and we headed out to the streets again.
While walking, I heard his tummy make a low groan noise like if he was hungry. He then was starting to clutch on his stomach. He was in pain.
"Oooooh, baby. I don't feel so good. I feel like I ate too much of something. I dunno why," he said as moans in pain.
"Do you want to go home now?"
"No, baby. It's fine. I thought you said this gum was safe with no issues."
"It is! Maybe you haven't eaten anything, and it's hurting your stomach," I responded.
He groaned as we kept walking. He kept rubbing his stomach to soothe the pain although it wasn't getting better. He was rubbing and rubbing until he felt something off.
His abs were feeling very bloated. He felt some weird growth going on in his midsection. He gasped loudly as he felt he was getting a swollen gut.
"Baby, I think we should leave now," he said.
"You sure?"
"YES," he shouted.
I shrugged despite hating how he uses his rare screaming rage voice. He was walking pretty quickly completely to me trying to fast walk while being blind in heels. He stopped for a moment as his stomach grew a couple of more inches which made him look like he's nine months pregnant and ready to give birth. He kept groaning as he rubbed it more. His small butt was suddenly getting into action by looking like the size of a beach ball. His pants were luckily stretchy, but his undergarments underneath aren't. While rubbing, he sees his hands being the color blue which leads him to slowly go mad.
"You wanna know what's been happening to me, huh? You wanna know what's been happening to me? Huh? Huh? You wanna know what's been happening to me? Hmm? You wanna look at me, sweetheart??"
I didn't want to look nor replied back to him, but I just made it worse for him.
"LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME," Joel screamed as he was holding onto me.
I looked at him with my eyes wide open, and very open close as I looked at my rage-filled blueberry boyfriend.
"Okay, okay Joel. Don't flip the fuck out. I'll fix you," I responded.
"You fucking better because I dunno what's happening to me. Your friends are terrible liars for one thing," he responded in anger.
We kept walking down the streets to get to the house immediately before he becomes a giant sphere. I feel ashamed with what I have to put up with since this definitely feels like inappropriate timing.
His chest and pecs were softening as he was getting moobs. It wasn't as out there compared to his stomach and butt, but it was making him look like he has girl boobs. He was growing some more as he moaned loudly. Touching him now would be a God awful choice to make, especially if he is still in a sour mood. That is until he said:
"Babe, rub my belly for me, please. I'm getting obese now. I'm so fat that I can't move as fast as I can," he said, breathlessly. "I need you to touch me."
He's right. His body was taking on a obese level. Big belly that is stretching his shirt and pants. Booty that is popping and juicy. His arms were vast and fleshy. Legs were big and swollen. Fingers were bloated looking. Back was looking round and pretty wide. Chest was plumped. His face has yet to change though.
He sat on a lonely dark bench, and puts me on his lap. Despite how huge he is getting, I had enough room to sit down.
"Massage me," he pleaded with his tired eyes.
I started to rub his belly first. His stomach feels so fleshy that I wanted to just sleep on top of his belly alone. I feel like I'm rubbing his belly for good luck. I kept rubbing him while quietly saying "please get bigger for me. Please get bigger for me."
Needless to say, it ironically works because I kept hearing more creaking on the bench as I felt some of his body parts get more swollen.
"Okay, honey, we need to get to the house before I get too big," he muttered as he tried to fix himself. 
The belt was looking tight as fuck as he kept swelling. He looked at me, and I couldn't help, but stare at his newly bloated cheeks and double chin. I never knew how he'll look like if he were obese, but today was the day to know.
"Get off, now," Joel muttered between his bloated cheeks. He sounded so padded from the juices that are making him expand.
Anyways, I got off his lap, and I watched him try to get out of the bench. He kept groaning and moaning from the expansion, and how heavy he was becoming. His stomach was enormous as it grew underneath his pants which made his groin area look big and round. His ass was spreading out more in the bench as he suddenly gasped loudly. He got up surprisingly quickly as he waddled towards me.
"Check behind me, NOW," he shouted.
I looked behind him, and saw nothing besides a lovely giant booty that looked great on his blue pants.
"Honey, there's nothing behind you," I responded.
"Are you sure?"
I sigh as I take out my phone, and took a picture from behind. I gave him my phone as he looked. He was getting confused since he could have sworn that he heard a rip from his behind. He was thinking for a bit until he felt bare in the inside of his pants. He puts one of his bloated hands in his pants, and realized that it was his boxers that ripped instead of his pants. He sighs, and grabs my hand to leave the area.
We were almost home now. I was pretty excited since I was getting exhausted from walking in my heels, and feeling cold. Joel, meanwhile, was getting enormous now. His body was getting oversized and in need of room. His clothes were stretching out fine, but good God, his belt was looking ready to burst out soon. He was groaning nonstop from the inflation, and that itself hasn't stopped yet. He was sweating or so I think he was.
"Oh baby. Let's just go to the backyard instead of going inside. I don't think my entire body can fit in if I keep on growing," he said.
"Are you sure baby? I can move all the furniture for you…"
He quickly grabbed my arm, and "rushes" down to our house. When we got there, he told me to get the keys for the yard door. I ran inside, and got them. I had to be the one unlocking the door since well you know. He had to squeeze his bloated body out of the door since he's so large and wide. He kept moaning and groaning throughout as he pushed his way in. He gasped as he felt his booty was bloating up more, and he felt his body starting to grow in height. His belt burst as I duck down. His stomach sends waves as he holds onto his belly.
"Oh God, babydoll. I need you to help me! I'm getting bigger!"
He groaned as he felt the fence breaking through his hips. I grabbed his hands to pull him. Luckily, he was helping me with the pulling. I got him out, but he accidentally landed on top of me. He was getting heavy yet he felt really soft. There was a lot of sloshing and gurgling noises coming from the juices. He definitely smells like blueberries too. The sweat stains on some of his body parts are really blueberry juices. He was still growing on top of me, and I couldn't breathe until he rolled himself off of me. I gasped loudly as I looked at him. He wanted to say something, but his body was getting taller, rounder, and fatter. His body was taking on a spherical form as his fatten bloated arms and legs were disappointing among his massive blue flesh ball. He kept bloating up more and more as his own head was sinking inside his body. He was squinting his eyes from the ongoing pressure inside his body.
There's no more room! There's no more room, he frantically thought throughout the inflation process.
Tears were going down his face as the fear of explosion went through his head. He tries to think if any of those chocolate factory movies had the girl exploding in the end.
I didn't know what to do now. He hasn't responded, and is way too big to see him. I dunno if I should climb on top of him or not. I just had to watch my own lover for one last time. I walked backwards to the backyard door just in case he does implode. He kept moaning and groaning throughout as he was looking humongous. I opened up the door to leave until I heard a deep sigh from up there.
I looked up at the ball that happens to be my boyfriend. He was flapping his bloated hands frantically. I walked towards him, and tried to think of a response to him. I patted his front area at the bottom. I leaned over, and I could hear the juices sloshing around.
I looked up again and said, "You okay, babe?"
I waited for a response for a while till he responded, "Oh honey, you don't know what it's like to experience this."
I was confused since I had just witnessed him in agony. Did I miss something or what?
"Can you please come up to me, so I can see your pretty face," he asked.
I had to find a way to climb on top of him, but it's not as easy as any fictional story I've read. I found his zipper area thanks to my blurry vision, and I tried to jump to it, but it was difficult since I was so short. I tried to find something to get up there, and I accidentally stepped on a ladder in the yard. I then used it by climbing up to the zipper section. I grabbed the flap from the section, and held onto his shirt which was raised up to the point that his outie belly button was sticking out adorably. Touching his outie is something I love to do since the first time I saw it. I kept climbing on his shirt till I got to the top.
Half of his head was sunk down in the flesh. He looked down at his body despite not being able to see his entire body. His hair still looks smooth although his dirty blonde hair turned into a Violet color. I lied close to his head as I noticed his plumped up cheeks. I put my hands on his cheeks.
"Are you okay babe," I asked.
He kept looking at me with those now blue eyes.
"You could’ve confessed to me that you wanted me to become a blueberry, and you could've waited for me to answer instead of doing it immediately," he muttered between his bloated cheeks.
I felt ashamed as he rambled to me that I should have known better than that, and other things. He was pretty upset about it just like the poor girls in any blueberry fanfiction. I had to apologize for this bullshit, and get him out of this mess.
"Look, Joel, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. It was wrong, and I should have listened to you," I said while holding my tears. "It’s all my fault. I could've kept it as a secret to myself. I really should've stopped myself from doing it."
He was still just looking at me without saying something.
"You know Joel, I am willingly to squeeze the juice out of you, and you could leave. I'm too sinful to be with anybody. I feel such shame about myself. Maybe you need to find another girl who isn't as weird as me. Maybe like my friends or your co-workers. Just someone who isn't me, please."
My eyes were stinging as tears and mascara were coming down from my face. It hurts as much as this stupid situation. 
I was about to go down to the ground until I saw a blurry vision of his bloated hands flapping fast.
"Baby girl…," he muttered softly.
I turned around and I just walked back to him. I lied back to him. He looked me in the eyes as he puckered his lips. I slowly got close to him, and kissed him. The kiss felt simple until I felt him going deeper. I held onto him as we kept making out. We stopped as he looked at me.
"Baby, don't be so overly dramatic about this. I was just feeling unprepared for this. I didn't expect it to feel so good. I was so turned on by the way my growth infected my body and mind. I never felt so good in my entire life. I was getting so full and large and I just didn't want it to end. I can't believe my body can handle so much of this juice. It's like I'm literally producing something in my body. Personally, I never wanted my growth to end even if the pressure hurts. I wanna be bigger than this, but then again I like how my body looks in every growth stage. I love having a big butt with an oversized belly. I love having to waddle, and block traffic when waddling around. I ain't got a big dick, but I know you don't fucking care. You just love me thick and heavy."
He gave me a kiss on the neck. His blue lips were cold and tingling which made my skin feel sensitive.
"I know you were touching my poor belly button when coming up here, you naughty little girl. Bet you like it when I was on top of you or when you saw my big booty. Fuck maybe you like being on a growing man's lap while he gets enormous. Maybe it's the fact that my belt pop that made you want to fuck my fat ass so hard. I bet you don't want me to be squeezed yet. Or you want to squeeze me each day till you like a certain stage of my inflation," Joel replied, seductively.
"You know Joel, I just wanted to squeeze you where you were a too tall, almost round yet extremely obese blueberry whose kinky with his favorite girl," I finally responded.
He smiled at the thought of it.
"Then roll me away, my sweet little girl."
I nodded as he kissed my cheek.
"Just tell me where your juicing room is, and I'll lead the way."
"Well...er...I don't have a juicing room. So I think it'll be better if I juice you out here."
"Well, I guess we could do that. It's better than nothing, darling," he shrugged.
He gave me a quick kiss before I went back down to the ground.
To sum up our experience of the night, it was unbelievably fantastic. I was rolling him around the yard since he wanted to experience it and he was so turned on. He was ready for me to juice him. The juicing was exhausting, yes, but in the end, it was worth to make the ideal body for my man.
The next day, I was sleeping on the couch with my costume gone and my make-up messed up. I was too tired after yesterday's event. I was so tired that I didn't hear my man waddling to where I’m at.
"Ay baby! You think this outfit is too small for me? I mean, it's stretchy and it makes my booty popping, but the top is hard to bring down."
I slowly opened my eyes and I could kinda see Joel posing very close to me due to my low eyesight, and my God, he has never looked this sexy before.
He now looks more like a obese blue version of himself. His chest was puffy and soft looking. His belly was wide and jiggly. His outie belly button was sticking out beautifully. His arms and legs were pretty plump up too. His face was looking bloated as his double chin was showing up. His skin was still pretty blue too. When he turned around, his ass was ginormous compared to how his ass looked before. He was wearing just a Latex jacket and pants that fit his big body so much.
He puts his big belly close to my face, and he was rubbing my face with his softness.
"Mmmmmmmmmm you like that, honey," he said, seductively.
"Mmmm yes I do," I responded while being memorized by his beauty.
He then sits on the couch next to me as he then kisses me. I kissed him back as we held each other.
"Are you enjoying this now," I asked.
"Oh baby, I never really thought this was going to be an experiment of a lifetime until yesterday. It felt like a spiritual awakening to me. I never knew my body could hold up so much. It was amazing and I would love to experiment this again," he responded as he picked me up and kissed me again.
Who knew that it takes a single holiday to change a couple's life forever?
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