#orlesian noble lbs
ssvnormandie · 4 months
thinking abt wyll’s story before his total rewrite
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deadlymaelstrom · 6 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet template”
original post here
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Aedan Sarim Cousland Reason or meaning of name: The name Aedan was a 6th-century king of Scotland; the Ancient Irish equivalent is Aodhan, a form of Aodh, which means "fire". Character’s nickname: The Conciliator Reason for nickname: It demonstrates Aedan being politically astute, a master of court politics and intrigue Birth date: 7th day of Wintermarch (January 7th)
Physical appearance
Age: (at the time of Inquisition) 36 How old does he/she appear: 24 Weight: 210 lbs. (95 kg) Height: 6' 3" (191 cm) Body build: Muscular, slim Shape of face: Diamond Eye color: Blue Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone: Fair, slightly pale Distinguishing marks: A vertical scar running over his left eye and a few on his upper body Predominant features: Strong physical resemblance to Teyrn Bryce Cousland Hair color: Black Type of hair: Straight Hairstyle: Groomed Voice: Speaks with a Fereldan accent, yet tone is quiet and cool (almost intimidatingly) Overall attractiveness: Before the Blight, I’d give him a 8/10 Physical disabilities: None Usual fashion of dress: Upper-class noble attire, Grey Warden armor Favorite outfit: Navy blue vest, long-sleeved white shirt with golden embroidery and dark violet pants Jewelry or accessories: His father’s signet ring and a pendant with the green laurel sigil of House Cousland in it
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Good personality traits: Mature, intelligent, dutiful Bad personality traits: Stern, strict, aloof Mood character is most often in: Hardened, emotionally withdrawn Sense of humor: Not as much as he used to have Character’s greatest joy in life: His wife and son Character’s greatest fear: Feeling helpless and/or powerless Why?: Aedan lost almost his entire family to the Highever massacre and couldn’t save any of them What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? The Fifth Blight Character is most at ease when: Either at court or in the company of his friends Most ill at ease when: Whenever his hand is forced into action Enraged when: His friends or loved ones are threatened Depressed or sad when: Mostly depressed Priorities: Protecting the people he cares about, preventing the darkspawn from becoming too great a threat Life philosophy: Don’t be too hard on yourself, acknowledge your limitations and let go of the pain in your heart If granted one wish, it would be: To have his father, mother, sister-in-law and nephew back in his life Why? He misses them Character’s soft spot: Selflessness Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes Greatest strength: Patience Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Uncertainty Biggest regret: Not being able to save his family Minor regret: Almost allowing the desire for revenge to consume him Biggest accomplishment: Killing the Archdemon Urthemiel in combat and lived to tell the tale, ended the Fifth Blight and Fereldan Civil War simultaneously Minor accomplishment: Avenging his family Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Poor cooking skills Why? He once tried to bake a cake for his mother on her birthday when he was eight but it didn’t end well; the kitchens were a mess and he was covered from head-to-toe in pastry ingredients Character’s darkest secret: He can speak fluent Orlesian Does anyone else know? All but one
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Drives and motivations: Break the cycle Immediate goals: Protecting his new family, finding a cure for the Calling Long term goals: Giving his son a chance at having a better life How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By any means necessary How other characters will be affected: Aedan leaves everyone he ever cared about behind--including Leliana--without saying a word and ventures off into the uncharted lands west of Thedas alone
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Hometown: Highever Type of childhood: His family is one of the wealthiest and the second most powerful noble house in Ferelden Pets: His mabari warhound Hohaku First memory: Nan telling a story The Hound That Bit to him Most important childhood memory: It slowly grows more faded as the years go by but he somewhat remembers playing around in the courtyard with his brother when they were both children, learning how to use a sword, and reading books in his grandfather’s private library Why: It molded his mind into becoming one of his greatest assets Childhood hero: His father Dream job: To serve as a seneschal in his father’s court Education: Tutored by Aldous and Mother Mallol, later he was sponsored into and graduated from the University of Orlais Religion: Andrastian Finances: Very wealthy
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Current location: No one knows, but perhaps it’s for the best that no one knows exactly where he is Currently living with: His wife and their son Pets: Hohaku and a few nugs Religion: Andrastian, but his faith was badly shaken Occupation: Arl of Amaranthine, Warden-Commander of Ferelden Finances: Wealthy
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Mother: Teyrna Eleanor Cousland (née Mac Eanraig) Relationship with her: Very close Father: Teyrn Bryce Cousland Relationship with him: Close Siblings: Fergus Cousland Relationship with them: On good terms with each other, though they do have somewhat of a friendly sibling rivalry Spouse: Leliana Relationship with him/her: Both Aedan and Leliana met and traveled together during the Fifth Blight; they grew to be close friends before they had developed romantic feelings for one another and soon became lovers Children: Adrien Relationship with them: Very close; despite the fact that his duties to the Grey Wardens make it difficult for him to be a family man as he wanted Aedan always tried to make time for them Other important family members: The only other relatives he has left is his older brother Fergus and possibly aunts/uncles from House Mac Eanraig
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Color: Blue Least favorite color: Yellow Music: Relaxing, comfort to the soul Food: Spice Literature: Any Form of entertainment: Music Expressions: "Never forget.” Mode of transportation: Walking, horseback riding Most prized possession: His family’s ancestral longsword
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Hobbies: Reading and taking walks Plays a musical instrument? Violin Plays a sport? No How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside Spending habits: Not necessarily a big spender unless it requires procuring supplies and armaments for the Fereldan Grey Wardens Smokes: No Drinks: Occasionally Other drugs: None What does he/she do too much of? Working What does he/she do too little of? Socializing Extremely skilled at: Political intrigue Extremely unskilled at: Cooking Nervous tics: Tapping his fingers on a table or brushing his hair back Usual body posture: Standing straight Mannerisms: Formal Peculiarities: Folding both his arms together across his chest
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Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Definitely logical Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Very methodical and neat Prefers working or relaxing? Working unless told to relax Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident in himself and his abilities Animal lover? Yes
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How he/she feels about himself/herself: Despite everything that’s happened to him, Aedan’s main drive does still appear to be carrying on the Cousland legacy and honoring the sacrifice of his parents by staying alive and doing what is right even if it means trying to let go of his hatred and desire for vengeance One word the character would use to describe self: Broken One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “I’m doing my best, I really am. Sometimes it’s enough, other times I just need to try harder.” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Cunning What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Vengeful What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Cheekbones What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His scars How does the character think others perceive him/her: Like they’d turn to stone if they meet his gaze provided they didn’t spontaneously combust first What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: He wishes that he could’ve exercised a far greater deal of restraint and control when confronting his inner demons
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Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: People are generally good, even if you have to dig deep to uncover their humanity. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? He tries, though only two or three could see right through him Person character most hates: Arl Rendon Howe Best friend(s): Alistair, Ser Roland Gilmore Love interest(s): He’s had short-lived relations with one or two elven maids in his youth before he ultimately settled down with Leliana Person character goes to for advice: Wynne Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Leliana, Hohaku, his son Adrien Person character feels shy or awkward around: Leliana Person character openly admires: Wynne Person character secretly admires: Sten Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His mother After story starts: It’s still his brother Fergus, his wife Leliana and their son for most of it
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erikacousland · 3 years
Real weapons for Dragon Age: Origins characters: Ser Cauthrien
Real weapons for:
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Ser Cauthrien
"Some of us know what honor and loyalty are."
Cauthrien came to Loghain's service the hard way -- she belonged to a poor family and was out doing work on the farm when she saw a man on horseback being attacked by several bandits. Having no idea that he was skilled enough to deal with the men on his own, she rushed to his assistance, and found out belatedly that the man she "saved" was none other than the great hero Loghain. Though she was hardly more than a child, he took her in, offering her a position with his soldiers, and she climbed through the ranks through sheer determination. She worships Loghain as a hero and is extremely proud of her country -- she believes that by serving him she is serving her country in the best way she can. Becoming the commander of Maric's Shield, Loghain's elite soldiers, was the proudest moment of her life. - Character Description
Cauthrien's greatsword, The Summer Sword, is one of the few weapons in DAO that with appearance description.
The old master labored for several months, folding steel, honing the edge to perfection. The resulting blade was as long as a man is tall, and sharp as the tongue of any noblewoman. - Codex entry: The Summer Sword
The Summer Sword is a very big two-handed sword, made by an Orlesian master for his noble customer. So I imagine is a practical weapon, elegantly decorated but nothing took functional.
Very few large two-handed swords can catch this quality in my opinion. It's not a surprise, consider such big swords in European history were always on the hands of mercenaries, frontline soldiers or bodyguards. They're always either too utilitarian or too fancy.
When the boy saw the Summer Sword, he turned up his nose at his father's gift: Such great two-handed blades were no longer in fashion at court. - Codex entry: The Summer Sword
They never were, honestly. :P
Here is the only one giant two-handed sword in my opinion, that looks "noble" enough to be the Summer Sword:
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The Original page of this sword on the Hermann Historica web site was long gone. But luckily we can get some ideas from this faithful replica.
Zweihänder by Leo Todeschini as The Summer Sword
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The Summer Sword
The hilt of this immense sword bears the mark of Vercenne of Halamshiral, believed to be the greatest smith in the history of the Orlesian Empire.
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Hilt of the Zweihänder
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Hilt of the Zweihänder before mount the guard rings
Nearly 6' and 9 lbs (relatively heavy for its size), this sword is a elegant looking giant. 
And I imagine Ser Cauthrien was that kind of big, strong and skilled: taller than 6', she can easily using such giant two-handed sword in battle. Also the Summer Sword will be lighter for its size because it made of Silverite.
Her commoner origin should be apparent -- she speaks plainly and simply, prefering directness rather than flowery speech or diplomacy. Some people find her blunt, perhaps even excessively so. She only gets fired up when defending Loghain (something she has been doing more and more) or when speaking of the Orlesians -- she has no personal reason to hate the Orlesians, but Loghain does and she has acquired the same dislike from him. - Speech Patterns
I can never understand that why fantasy artists so obsessing about giant two-handed swords when they hate polearms so much, since the former specifically evolved to against the the latter on the Renaissance battlefield - pike, especially.
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16th Century Spanish Two-Handed Sword
Compared with those giant battle swords, this Montante is a much lighter and agile sword, and using in usual days as dueling and bodyguard weapon. They are more about "swung the sword in a big circle" than any other swords. I think the Summer sword will be at this size (about 65", 5 lbs). 
Or, perhaps Orlesian prefer fancy flame-blade?
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Arms & Armor Custom Landesknecht Two-Hander (With a Poleaxe and a Katzbalger.)
This one even slightly longer and lighter than Tod's Zweihänder. I feel hard to imagine it from the picture…
I believe the flame-blade and complicated guard were not only for looks fancy, but also intend to buffering, bonding and clutching pikes. Better than smooth blade and simple guard for the purpose.
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Schlachtschwert (Flammberger) by Ulrich Langbehn
Nearly 7' and over 13 lbs. This extremely big and heavy sword was specially made for its particularly big and strong owner (Björn Rüther).
A very big, strong, skilled warrior CAN using giant sword in battle, it doesn't means they will.
When we see her for the first time, Cauthrien was equipped with a greatsword and a shield.
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It is impossible in the vanilla game. Yet ironically, she looks still much historically accurate and realistic than the fully armoured soldiers with giant metal mauls…
Yes, two-handed weapon with shield is historically accurate and realistic…
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On the Bayeux Tapestry, a particular scene showing an Anglo-Saxon warrior (R-2) wield a Dane axe two-handed and carrying a shield on his back. Another (L-3) using a shield and a Dane axe in his right hand that with a particularly short pole.
I will interpret it as Cauthrien prepare to using a two-handed sword that much smaller, lighter and agile than the giant Summer sword in the battle. She also carried a single-handed sidearm to pair her shield when she drop her main weapon.
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In Dragon Age: Dark Fortress, they gave her a bastard sword. (Get you a sword that can do both meme.)
So I give Cauthrien an arming sword as her sidearm:
Albion Yeoman as Commander of Maric's Shield
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The sword share the same small Oakeshott type XIV blade with Loghain's first sword (Albion Sherriff), very close to his hero sword (Albion Sovereign) and Anora's sidearm (High Sovereign). It should visually suggest the characters' correlations.
Cauthrien is a fierce warrior and proud of all that she has accomplished. Even more, she is extremely proud that she serves what she sees as Ferelden's greatest hero. Still, she has come to slowly realize that Loghain is taking actions which are of questionable morality -- but she refuses to see them for what they really are and keeps telling herself that they must be for the greater good. She is, in fact, almost blinded by her idealism. When the player meets her, this makes her seem like quite an angry person. She is being commanded to do things she doesn't approve of, and she is determined to convince herself that they are necessary. - Demeanor 
Despite with simple appearance, I imagine Cauthrien's sword made of very high quality metal like Red Steel or Silverite.
Cauthrien was "hardly more than a child" when she joining the army, and 32 in DAO. So basically she spent half of her life to be a soldier - a very successful military woman.
So I decided give her a dagger that robust, durable, no-nonsense, practical down-to-earth. To reflect a trait of her personality, also the most important quality in military - disciplined.
Tod Cutler 15th Century Rondel Dagger as Ser Cauthrien's Battle Dagger
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It's Cauthrien's "battle dagger" - only carrying when she's fully armored. Very simple and reliable, familiar in her hand.
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I like to imagine her dagger has served her for years, the original sheath has suffered wear and tear, so she replace it with a decorated, finer sheath.
She is a soldier first: short hair, muscular, most often wearing armor. There is nothing feminine about her, by choice. - Appearance   
She should also have one or more dagger for everyday life. In that case it will be a quillon dagger or traditional Fereldan dirk (Ferelden version of Highland dirk). Slightly decorated to match her rank. Single-edged, so she can using it as a tool if she need to.
Poor commoner who has risen to her position, she epitomizes the Ferelden belief that even commoners can rise to importance -- the same was true for Loghain himself, who helped the exile King Maric overthrow the nation's Orlesian overlords and become a noble. Cauthrien has no such ambitions, and is more than willing to be a follower to the man who gave her the chance to become a knight. - Personal Background
From a poor farm girl to a knight, and second-in-command of the most respected national hero, it's astonishing.
Good, but conflicted. She believes in following orders first and in following her own beliefs second. - Morals
And form a poor farm girl who risk her life to helping stranger, to a honorable, loyal knight who trying to justify "left the king and run away from the battle. Imprison, torture, sold people into slavery to support a civil war." That even more astonishing.
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“Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have already tested.”
Elizabeth I      General Characteristics
Name: Geththorn Hel’thas Appearance: A lean muscled elf of average height, Gethhorn has warm skin and dark hair. Geththorn has large pierced ears, and his messy hair is kept pinned back out of his face. He has an angular face, soft brows and round cheeks for being so muscled. He has strong muscles and is compact in his weight. He usually appears to be smiling behind thin lips. A vallaslin graces his left eye in deep green. He has strong, capable looking hands.
Other Names: Thorn
Face-claim: Hrithik Roshan
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     Physical Characteristics
Height: 5’4” Weight: 140 lbs
Age: 34
Nationality/Species: City Elf from Halamshiral Skin/Fur Color: a tawny taupe color Hair Color: warm brown, not black at all Hair Length: Mid-length and curly, he keeps it in a bun out of his face Eye Color: A hazel ringed with green on the inside Scars: He has several small scars on his hands from incidents in his line of work, a few thin lines on his back and chest from attacks in the alienage. Tattoos and Piercings: He has his ears pierced on the small of the earlobe with small studs. He usually has the vallaslin of Sylaise on his eye in deep green, but that is not actually a tattoo, it is makeup he applies
     Personal Characteristics
Birth Date: February 1st Birth Place: Halamshiral, Orlais Hometown: Halamshiral, Orlais Primary Objective: He drives to help secure a future for himself free of the alienage and other’s disdain
Secondary Objectives: He hopes to work with the Chantry to push for elven rights and support for elves in the alienages, especially the treatment of the elves by the chevaliers in Orlais
 -He wants to own the traveling troupe, but is unable to do so solo because of his status
-He wants to help his remaining family in Halamshiral set themselves up somewhere decent
-He works as a spy in the network of Leliana, working parties and events to get close and learn secrets for the inquisition.
-He is not actually a Dalish elf, something he is very keen on others not finding out
-He doesn’t like dairy as it disagrees with his stomach
-He tends to shift accents, unable to settle on one. He has a performing accent, a speaking accent, and another accent for when he gets drunk. 
     Mental Characteristics
Known Languages: Orlesian, Trade, Lures: Brandy and Bourbon, Candied Fruits and nuts, smoked and dried fish and meats, any food item but dairy is a good lure for him Skills:
-Throwing knives
-Spinning Plates
- Writing and reading (except in code)
- Planning
- Letting the act go
- Heavy lifting
- Endurance athletics
Temperament: A very Sanguine individual, or at least he seems that way
Hobbies: Card playing and drinking, sewing,
     Philosophical Characteristics
Morality: Geththorn is firmly of the opinion that power corrupts the fewer hands it remains in. He prefers power to be in the hands of those that haven’t had it. He cannot handle those with the idea of godhood or Divine nature. Perception: He is a bitter pessimist deep down, knowing hardship and pain year after year for simply being who he is. He doesn’t see good in people very quickly, and even when he can see good he is slow to trust and slow to forgive a wrong.
     Spiritual Characteristics
Religion: He will say Andrastian. He is not.
Superstitions: He has several small tokens of luck and protection on him from different places. He believes in luck.
Virtues: Charity, Kindness (sometimes) and Justice
Vices: Pride, Envy, (sometimes) Wrath
     Likes and Dislikes
-The Outdoors
-The Chantry
Equipment: He travels with his troupe, so all of his supplies go with him. If he travels alone he has handaxes, throwing knives, juggling balls, some chalk powder, food and water. He carries a small inkwell and pen to jot notes
Wardrobe: He has a few sets of clothes. Mostly he dresses in loud colors or red, blue and yellow to get attention. He does have modest tunics and pants to travel in. But his performance clothes are stretchy and meant for tumbling and moving around.
     Social Characteristics
Emotional Stability: He can brush off insults and slurs easily enough, he doesn’t let things get to him- or at least seem that way. He can be very vindictive and hold grudges a lot. He, if he feels sufficiently wronged, will get even. Humor: He likes silly jokes as long as they aren’t offensive. He thinks kids are funny, and will endlessly think fashion is hilarious.
Reputation:  He puts on the act of clown and works to keep that reputation. It is too dangerous for people to think anything else of him.
     Interpersonal Connections
Immediate Family: His immediate family is all dead, save for a sister who is working as a “Servant” in the Winter Palace. She is five years younger than he is. He doesn’t keep in touch with her, nor she him.
Close Relatives: He has two uncles and his grandparents, plus his uncle’s children. He doesn’t know all of them that well since he has been gone for a while. Allies: The Jagged Moon traveling troupe are his allies. He will usually be with them, unless he is doing something for Leliana. The troupe is run by Percival Greenbriar. He is also allied with Leliana’s spy network and the Red Jenny’s.
Friends: To be added
Lovers: To be added
     Sexual Characteristics
Gender: Male Orientation:  Pansexual
Geththorn was born in Halamshiral, to his parents. He lived in relative poverty as the eldest until he was 5, when his younger sister was born. Having another mouth to feed was a struggle, but his family worked as servants to nobles in the High Quarter, and managed to make ends meet… more or less. He grew up in abject poverty, but Geththorn always tried to make his family smile with his antics. He learned how to juggle and began doing tricks to try and get spare coin.
He was performing in the streets from the age of about 13. A plague took his mother and father’s lives when he was 16 and he was not making enough money on his own to support himself and his sister. He went into the same service in the High Quarter that his parents had. He did is best to keep his head down and keep feeding his sister. They lived in abject poverty for about 6 years after that, scrambling and going without very often, their distant relatives helping to support them as best they could.
Chevaliers nearly killed his sister and himself one late night when he was 23 to “test their worth”. He had used a few throwing knives to irritate and incapacitate them- but he knew he would be killed for one having weapons, but two- attacking Chevaliers. It was that night he was considering taking his sister and himself to leave, trying to join up with the Qun- but he had been tracked down instead in the dawn by a man who had witnessed the altercation.
His name was Percival and he was offering amnesty for himself if he joined his traveling troupe. With no options, he accepted the offer to join the troupe. He tried to convince his sister to join him and leave- but she refused, citing the city was her home. He vowed to come back one day and escaped with Pervical’s troupe the next day, in disguise.
He had been traveling and performing ever since as a “Dalish” elf, a skilled marksman and acrobat, able to bend himself into strange shapes and delight with song and laughter. He ran into a scout for Leliana and was able to provide information several years back that helped a mission succeed. Leliana reached out and offered him additional pay to join her network, which he accepted, reluctantly.
     Other Information
To be added
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ssvnormandie · 1 year
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not to be dramatic but ma'am what the fuck
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ssvnormandie · 1 year
lesbians stay winning in bg3
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ssvnormandie · 1 year
priestfucking in the outer worlds: 👎🏻
priestfucking in starfield: 👍🏻
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ssvnormandie · 6 days
actually u kno what min ruan can get one (1) break up song about seven on her concept album about her menty b when she moves to the midwest for a month
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ssvnormandie · 3 months
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ssvnormandie · 3 months
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ssvnormandie · 5 months
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ssvnormandie · 6 months
the fact that daniel crashed out and they DIDNT smash cut to lawson? criminal. these people have no concept of cinema
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ssvnormandie · 7 months
“and if i want your grishka, i’ll eat him, bones and all!” ….. so terribly gozde von valancius coded i fear …..
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ssvnormandie · 9 months
being a habs fan is fucking frustrating sometimes
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ssvnormandie · 10 months
i'm going for the achievement where you take a single level in all of the classes in bg3 and i also think i am going to do an evil durge run and i whipped together a boy and whoops i'm love them
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