#orochimaru ic
valtiels-darkness · 3 days
Orochimaru I was wondering.... Do you eat frogs for breakfast?
Pausing just before the ink stone met the little pool of water, he couldn't help but blink. Taken aback, if you will. What brought this on?
"From time to time... Though, I much prefer roasted newt." With that, he went back to his careful ministrations.
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hatredcurse · 7 months
The height of Summer: where it was never too late for the cicadas to sing their songs and the fireflies to dance with their lights. It felt like the sun would never set, biding its time as it hugged the horizon with the light purple gradients of gloam tailing behind it. Moisture clung to the air, thickening the horizon with vapor and the the smell of hearth.
The conditions were near identical to a time decades ago. Back when Princess Senju was young, reckless, without a fear for anything in the world. Her corded arms would wrap tightly around the two boys that would bracket her down the beaten paths of old Konoha. Said arms hugging them down to her height as they both argued her out of poor financial decisions. If she were lucky, they'd comply with her demands, and on an especially good day, they'd be encouraging.
Better times with better people. Those who wouldn't turn a cold shoulder on an estranged heiress, lost and alone in a world that wanted her for what she was worth in cash, never in talents nor leadership.
Orochimaru ( the forsaken attendant; he who sought the Sun and only landed on the moon ) would return like an omen to this once illustrious village. No longer the pinnacle of youth with his unblemished white skin and round golden eyes. He no longer looked towards the world with wonderment and his temperament was no longer timid and meek. Ironically, it would not call to question whether or not the heiress would recognize him without the boyish innocence of childhood. Even with such a distinct physical blueprint, the two sannin were bound by blood; entangled by duty and fate, by purpose alone they would acknowledge each other.
Stalking through the dead of night, this accursed one would walk himself silent along wooden balconies and new metal architecture. Slinking around familiar corners and hidden paths until he found himself before the ornate window of a woman whom returned home. Where others would hesitate, Orochimaru did not. Despite his obscene mark and betraying absence, he welcomed himself into the moon-kissed room, no different than he would have before. Back when the world was lit aflame between borders and the lot of them adorned the headband proper on their forehead.
"My, my," he sighed into the vacant darkness between himself and the body that existed somewhere in this room," I would have never believed it if I never saw it for myself."
No need for light to see the uniform, the details— Tsunade's mere existence in Hokage Tower was telling enough.
"Here I thought you'd be busy running with your tail tucked between your thighs far, far away from this place, yet you let yourself be found. Even worse, at service to the very place that renounced you."
Closed starter — @senjufound
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And to follow up on my previous post about Dany and Sasuke, the main difference between the two characters is the fact that Dany is being written by an author who understands that the only way to dismantle oppressive systems is through violence, whereas Sasuke’s author doesn’t.
The shinobi system as shown in the anime and manga is cruel to almost every character that we encounter, from the main heroes,- Naruto, Kakashi, Tsunade, Sakura, etc., and our anti-heroes/villains, like Pain, Madara, Obito, even Orochimaru. It preys on child-prodigies to use as tools to further the broken philosophies of the hidden villages.
Itachi massacred his entire clan at thirteen years old, because the people in power in his village gave him the order, and manipulated him into thinking he had a choice.
Nagato Uzumaki lost his entire family at the hands of shinobi wearing his family emblem on their backs.
Our main character, Naruto , was made into a vessel for an ancient demon by his father a few minutes after his birth.
The shinobi system is one that operates on violence and oppression. How else can it reformed or disbanded, if not through violence?
And there is a popular misconception about Daenerys’ last chapter in ADWD, the violence she will enact will not be towards the people of Westeros, but rather the slave masters, who have disregarded the lives of the people enslaved by them.
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vipaeris · 5 months
            When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow [ ... ] Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. [ ... ] And I was in the darkness so darkness I became.
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      (  @loggingthat  )  𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 : "Parent, Suigetsu said you needed my help in the lab?"
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      The voice of his firstborn had a gentle but incredibly warm smile gracing Orochimaru’s delicate features. How odd it was to love someone so much, to want to protect them from everything and anything that might harm them. It was still such a foreign feeling to worry about another’s survival as much if not more than he worried about his own. Those were the joys of being a parent, both father and mother, he had taken to both roles since he was young to a plethora of orphans, but Log and Mitsuki were his - his own flesh and blood, and that would marvel him for centuries.
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      ❛  Indeed that is what I told him,  ❜  slowly the sannin turned to look up at his son, heart aching at how much he had missed him. ❛  However, that was simply to avoid the onslaught of questions, my true intentions by calling you here are completely unrelated.  ❜  He explained, walking up to the taller male and placing a cold dainty hand upon his cheek. 
      ❛  I’ve missed you, Log. I would like to spend some time with you today, perhaps I am feeling quite sentimental.  ❜  Orochimaru chuckled, blinking bright golden eyes up at his son. ❛  Will you indulge me and spend the afternoon with your parent?  ❜ 
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uzumakichcined · 2 months
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" I'm not an orphan, my parent is still alive. Lord Orochimaru isn't going to die for a long time. "
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musesofchaos · 9 months
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"Well look what the cat dragged in." Or rather snake. Sasori wasn't expecting to see the white scales of his ex partner anytime soon. Then again, this was Orochimaru. Fucker had his methods of finding things out. "Now what's got someone like you coming to visit lil old me, aye?" There's a dangerous smile on the once-immortal beings face, watching the other closely.
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Orochimaru: when they're sleeping
it's not just the way they're at rest. it's that they're at rest with you. it's not just that they're safe but that they feel safe enough to let you see them like this. it's trust and it's intimacy. and you're not sure you're ready for them to see the emotions in your eyes right now. they've been through enough. you both have. sometimes it scares you just how much you love them. it terrifies you that you feel happy as they lay there, eyes closed and hair a little messy. their features twitch and you know they're dreaming and it scares you because if you fall asleep too you won't have a nightmare tonight. you'll dream of them. or nothing at all. and either way it will make you need them more. and you're not supposed to need anyone but it's them. you want to hold them in your arms and never let go. you want to protect them but you know they want to protect you to. this is the kind of love you long for and it's the kind which will hurt if you lose it. but here you are anyway. it's too late now. you're glad it's too late to go back.
Tagged by: @historias-multorum
Tagging: @reddawnmultimuse, @thetoaddaddy, @hatredcurse, you
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sharkfinx · 1 year
<  @uchihacollector | cont’d >  stages of a break up
What a wonderful night! When the sunrays kiss his blue skin from the gaps of the curtain, Kisame lazily turns on the bed. Yawning, a stretch that moved the sheets from the bed. The morning's cold, the softness of the bed that calls for just another 5 minutes of sleep that almost makes him feel guilty for some reason. What’s wrong with a bit of comfort? He wishes for a little more as he nuzzles the pillow and finally opens his eyes.
He doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings as he gets up and brushes his teeth. His partner always had many secondary tasks whenever they stopped by any village. Just like Kakuzu with his bounties and Sasori with his art, as long as it didn't interfere with their main goal it was harmless. By the end of the day that same annoying dubious smile would show up as if nothing happened, rambling compliments to appease to his good side. Shrimp flavored rice crackers matched with bats of eyelashes are the key to him not get questioned.
"Writing is too bothersome as I thought… Something simpler shall do, Nee." 
His mind was too entertained with that simple date to give a second look on what happened in that place. He has always been a simple minded person, or just innocently excited with planning a simple celebration. 
“One whole year...” He whispers to himself as someone that tried to make a script.
Something simple. I nee something simple.
Kisame is back at their room, a tray filled with food (mostly from the complimentary breakfast.) is by his side on the bed as he sat there with crossed legs. There's three slices of bread, homemade mayonnaise, three boiled eggs and an Omurice.The shinobi picks one of the boiled eggs, peeling the shell; His own fault for doing it once, forgetting Orochimaru's tendencies of being spoiled and now having to do it every single time. Unless he wanted an annoyed gaze for the rest of the day as if had insulted him deeply.
That makes him chuckle as he takes another egg in his hands.
"Kekekekeke. He's such a weird person, my partner, neee. ~ " A joyful smile fills his face in a manner he only remembers from the past. Peeling scales of fishes that his mother caught during a long day of summer. At the last egg, the shining of the ring finally cut the denseness of Kisame's mind. A note? That should explain where he went this time.
The glittering curtain that covered his days for the past one year finally drops.
5:00 pm
It 's evening now.
How long has he been staring at the same spot on the wall? Hand still holding on the same note as his face had stuck in the same expressionless gaze as the moment he got tired from rereading it over and over. He's drowned by feelings he doesn't understand and cannot comprehend. Stuck, frozen in place. He wants to puke his own guts; something hurts inside. He is unaware what. For a moment he wondered if he was poisoned or in a genjutsu. 
He finally moves, eyes staring at the breakfast tray. It especially stares at the Omurice which has a simple snake and shark drawn on it with ketchup. 
"What a bummer." His throat is dry as he forces a grin. 
He slowly lays down on the bed, his eyes are tired like his body for some reason. 
Maybe he was really poisoned.
The next day his work truly starts; checking every bit of that room for a single clue. His missing note, the scratches on the floor, the clothes missing from his bag.
How could he not see it? It's almost like a yellow scroll in the middle of a green jungle.
Impossible to miss. 
What's wrong with a little comfort? That's his answer right there. He has to pay for the fine for staying longer than he’s supposed to be. 
A week from that day is where he stands alone in their meeting, he's the only one by himself as the other pairs explained their gains from their last missions. Curious eyes waited for Kisame's turn like vultures. 
" He deserted. Orochimaru fled while I was asleep." There's silence, rude jokes that he doesn't listen well. There's demands and questioning that he also takes a while to process. What more he can explain? He  He got comfortable. It’s his fault.
" It was my fault, but If you wish for I—" Orochimaru wasn't a priority in their plans. Hunting him would only delay their next move, especially someone as Kisame. He can't really say anything about it, can he? 
He loves the comfort of following orders. The way he doesn't need to think or plan his own desires and seek them. 
Doesn't he? He agrees with Pain and quietly accepts his next mission.
He's doing little jobs now as others get bigger missions for the time being. 
Eating is bothersome—he doesn't really need to eat everyday. That was a habit developed to be more human. He can go well for weeks with only one big meal. 
He catches himself cutting around the tenderloins again. Suddenly his appetite stops and he leaves the rest of the deer to the animals in the forest.
Kisame just keeps completing missions non stop—sleeping only when his body collapses, usually in a body of water where he stays at the floor until he regains consciousness again. Samehada complains daily in little grumbles of the quality of Kisame's chakra. It's too much but without any taste–But Kisame can't do much about it. He can't get bigger missions without a partner, and being paired with another pair made him want to pull his guts away. 
He tries to reassure Samehada, changing its bandages as an apology.
"......There's no missions...right now." Zetsu exclaims, having to repeat it a second time. 
That's the first smile Kisame has in a month, with Samehada on his shoulder. " Then I shall spread my wings a little, could you warn the others?" 
As Zetsu nods and disappears, Kisame looks at the horizon. Bearing his fangs as he used to before.
It's time for the hunt to start.
That past year he learned a lot too. Kisame's dislike for long plans and alike wasn't a lack of intelligence but rather because it was boring. Talking, negotiating, bargaining; all of them were qualities the sannin had. He was always beside him, listening and watching. Subconsciously learning too.
He can't solely count with his own hunting skills—maybe if he started three days after he vanished or had any clues perhaps. From zero it would be a little harder.
He shows the note for the first ink's seller he finds.  “Excuse me, where I can buy this Premium Black starline Ink? Nee ~”
Six times, it was six times where he was close to his goal. 4 entire months. Did he had any sleep at all? The excitement and adrenaline pumped his body every single time that scent turned stronger. Even his tactical plans had become better, no more useless fighting with minor pets. Let them drown between the crumbling walls and their bases. Only then he would then enter inside to check the gains—as long as anything precious would go back to Akatsuki's funds it was an excuse to continue his hunt. 
It's just too exciting to stop now. He feels truly more a beast than a human—driven only by that desire to find and end Orochimaru's life. Is that what desire tastes like? It's a powerful thing. Another thing he learned. He will be sure to thank him when he bites his head off.
Lighting country. 
The sky is clear, there’s no sign of rain soon. There's a distant tremor and a loud crash that scared the birds from the top of the mountains. Cracks on the wall that start slowly to leak water. Light rain starts to fall followed by a strong torrent from the top of the mountains that suddenly seems as if someone broke down a barricade. 
Another louder tremor.
A thing jumps from the top, failing down right by the border of the platform. Samehada breaks the floor upon landing. The bigger figure has his face down, the shinobi doesn't need two hands now to do signs. The mist invades their stage and only his shadow can be seen. 
"Found you, neeee. My Cinderella.... Kekekekekekeke. ~" 
He knows better than anyone to sub underestimate one of the sannins; the shadow grows in size as Samehada's silhouette disappears. The monster is five sizes his own figure, on his fours it seems even larger.  Gray skin, claws that tap over the ceramic's floor. Dorsal fin is what can be seen the most in between the thick mist. 
This form had not been used before in that whole year, it was rather something he rarely needed to. However for this execution, everything needed to be special. To clean his mistakes—to end that headache of wrong choices. It's just like in the sea, the Monster of Kirigakure circles and circles. Until he attacks, he pins down the male figure down to the floor.
He lost weight.
His fangs are closer to their cheek, he breathes closer as he drools out of anticipation.
He changed his shampoo. 
Its time. 
Because killing his comrades is his special mission. What a terrible life.
and, The monster drags his tongue over Orochimaru's cheek. 
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chujitsuna-rabenda · 7 months
"your body is of no interest to me."
🌸- “I know.”
She had always known that she would never be a candidate to be Orochimaru's vessel; neither being from a notable clan or having a special ability that he would deem useful. Yes, she had been jealous of those who were chosen but she channeled that into everything she did. She wanted to find her place in all of this and be useful.
🌸- “Maybe there's a way I could still contribute to your goals. I want you to succeed.”
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blonduzumaki · 1 year
@uchihacollector sent:
                                     。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
"Sasuke-kun training with Kakashi, and is already miles ahead of you, Naruto-kun. Gaara-kun is deadly. And you? Hmph. You could and would not train with Konohamaru's sensei. And now you're on your own again, no? How will you ever get through the Third Round of the Chuunin exams without a teacher? I am only a humble jounin from a different village. But could become your teacher, if it's only for a few days... until the tournament. Or until you find a better one. I am bored out of my mind and you seem fun. Your potential is mesmerizing and I have faith in you."
                                     。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
            NARUTO SHOULD’VE BEEN MORE ALARMED THAT A STRANGER KNEW PROPOSED TO BE HIS TEACHER, and even more so, that stranger, a ‘humble jounin from another village’, knew that stuff. It was not a mere whisper among the shadows, but rather a widely acknowledged truth that Sasuke had honed his skills under the tutelage of Kakashi, while Gaara loomed as an adversary of unparalleled prowess.
          “You think you can train me?” Naruto asked, with a petulant pout, crossing his arms over his chest. He tried to look a bit more intimidating, to show the stranger that he could defend himself if things came to that. But, admittedly, it had been a while since someone told him he had faith in him, not since Iruka-sensei.
          “Very well, I accept,” he declared, his pout quickly transforming into a grin. “What's your name? What are you going to teach me?”
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twinuchiha · 9 months
' Ah, it has been some time since we last saw one another, Kyosuke. ' - from Orochimaru uwu
Kyosuke’s flinches at the sound of the voice, waryily looking towards the sannin.
“Has it?” He says, hands flexing. Swallowing slowly. What did Orochimaru want now?
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valtiels-darkness · 6 days
Pausing mid stride, just outside, upon hearing that little outburst. He blinks owlishly. "That's a thing...?"
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hatredcurse · 1 year
👥Starter Generator || @bladedhunter
It's mid-morning. There's a band of heavy cloud. You're in the countryside. There's a desolate feel to the place.
Empty. The Konoha countryside was an empty, dismal place with this heavy smog of chthonic energy. The type of smothering miasma that made the air dense, even when the rising sun burned away at the morning fog to clear the air of vapor, this heaviness remained.
It wasn't ideal to travel through backroads in the countryside. Not that it has ever been a safe mode of transportation. Wars raged and died away, bandits picked their favoring trails only to later migrate away, the ever ambitious rogue shinobi might find themselves particularly lucky with boon on backroads— all the time, danger would always be lurking. Especially in the quiet spots.
Orochimaru was both a formidable peril and a minor threat all the same, depending on this mood. In later years, he was finding himself bored of his field of study. Everything he yearned to learn, excavated and shoved into a dusty back shelf in some well-guarded room. Yes, there was a level of elation to be had maneuvering expensive yet useless traps for a goldmine of information, but it didn't change the key component that he didn't conjure the knowledge himself. Rather, he is as he was before: robbing graves for unoriginal ideas.
It was no good for him to be bored at such an early stage of immortality. He's yet to shed his first skin of the century, iridescent scales dull and bleak into complacency.
Burying this latent dissatisfaction keep into the coil of his almost-mortal being, he pursued forward on the footpath, praying for divine revelation to re-ignite his flame with the unexpected.
"Oh, well, what do we have here?" his mouth moved before his mind pieced together his words," a little far from home, aren't we?"
Narrowing those golden eyes, he sharpened his view on this lovely figure before him. All light absorbed into his rather drab wear and all the humor in the atmosphere sucked dry from that scowl: Sasuke Uchiha, the youngest remnant of a forlorn history, boy miracle. The smile imprinted itself instinctually upon his lips, one that reached his eyes, but couldn't fool well-trained perception.
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obeliskheart · 1 year
Sometimes Juugo gets a hug, sometimes Orochimaru has to pin him to control him. Today seems to be one of those days. Orochimaru keeps his voice level and calm in both cases. He even reminds him: "You're a good kid, Juugo."
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"I'm not i'm not i'm not i'm notimnotimnotimnto—" Rocking back and forth, Juugo mutters to himself repeatedly. He only causes trouble, destruction. Pain. Thankfully this time he is able to keep his impulse in check. The arms surrounding him are cold, weird... He never understood why Orochimaru did that, but it was extremely comforting. He doesn't fight it, slowly stop speaking as he even leans in with his eyes closed. So comfortable. So nice.
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vipaeris · 6 months
            When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow [ ... ] Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. [ ... ] And I was in the darkness so darkness I became.
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      (  @kiigan  )  𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 : ❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜
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      Sat cross legged onto the wooden floors of the Uchiha estate, Orochimaru chuckle as the child behind him demanded him to be still. Ever since Mikoto had pleaded at him to tutor her little genius, Orochimaru had been a constant presence at the Uchiha compound. So much so that the eyes which once looked at him suspicion started to warm up as they gazed upon his figure walking to Mikoto and Fugaku’s home. 
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      ❛  What you are doing is further tangling my hair,  ❜  he huffed, but remained still as the child continued running his fingers through Orochimaru’s hair before brushing it properly with a brush. He had to admit that it felt relaxing, soothing in a way. ❛  Why are you so fascinated with my hair, Itachi-kun?  ❜  He asked, fighting the urge to turn around to look at the child. 
      Orochimaru was intrigued by this fascination Itachi and a lot of people had over his hair. What was it that drew them to it so intensely. 
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uzumakichcined · 3 months
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" That's it then. " Karin says, holding up what she thought was a container of tea.
" I've been poisoned. " With that, she immediately collapses again, whoever had thought it was funny to switch her tea with mithridatism poison was going to be next in line for surgery. . . . tomorrow of course, not tonight.
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