#osakan tokyoite
aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
What does heiji refer to sonoko and kogoro as in japanese?
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taliya-writes · 2 years
Trilateralism snippet - DCMK
“Yo, Kudou!” Heiji’s cheerful voice greeted.
Shinichi grinned.  “Hey there yourself, Hattori.”
The sounds of street traffic filtered through the phone’s earpiece.  “Where are you right now?”
“Uh…”  The Great Detective of the East blinked in confusion.  “I’m not in Osaka, if that’s what you’re asking…” he said with uncertainty.
“No, I mean you at Nee-chan’s?” the Osakan asked.
Shinichi frowned.  “I’m at Agasa-hakase’s,” he replied.
“All right then,” Heiji said easily. “I’ll see you in about an hour.”
“Wait, what?!” the Tokyoite squawked, earning curious glances from both his companions.
Heiji chuckled.  “I’m in town for good, Kudou.  I managed to transfer to Touto.”  There was a pause before he added, “Surprise!”
“But—” Shinichi sputtered, “what about Kazuha?”
“I told her, and though she wasn’t happy, she sort of understands my desire to get into the best college.”
A noise of befuddlement escaped the shrunken detective. “How’d you manage that?  Normally you can only transfer after second year, and you just finished your first.”
“Oyaji knows someone in the Law Faculty, so they were able to swing that for me,” he answered nonchalantly.
Shinichi scowled, the expression not entirely fake. “Nepotism.”
“Oi oi,” Heiji protested, affronted. “I did this so that I can better help you out with Them.”
“I don’t need help with Them,” Shinichi retorted.
Heiji snorted.  “Yeah you do.”
“Hattori, I—” the miniaturized detective began, but then stopped and sighed, “whatever.”
“That’s what I thought,” the Osakan snickered.  “See you soon.”
“Che,” Shinichi scoffed before hanging up.
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braveryhearted · 1 year
More obscure muses ( Introduction ) series.
Fandom: Detective Conan.
Muse #2- Heiji Hattori
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Age 17-18 ( manga and anime )
Heiji Hattori, is an Osakan high school detective in the manga and anime series Detective Conan. He is a childhood friend of Kazuha Toyama. Originally a detective rival to Shinichi Kudo, Heiji has since found out Conan's true identity and the two often team up to work on cases. He was the first person to deduce Conan's true identity.
Unlike Shinichi/Conan, more cold and determined, Heiji is very blunt during an investigation, which usually lands him in trouble. Even while solving a case, he tends to be lighthearted and good-humored, preferring to work through it with a grin on his face. He is a big fan of baseball, and is most of the time shown wearing an Osaka cap, to support the local Osaka baseball team. He usually wears his cap with its visor pointed backward, but if he feels challenged, he turns the visor forward.
Despite him knowing the value and necessity of remaining calm in the face of a crime, Heiji tends to be impulsive at times, which tends to cloud his judgment a little. This was discussed directly in the "Detective Koushien" case, when Saguru Hakuba accused Heiji of being a poor detective for disrupting a crime scene in his rush to see if the victim could still be saved. Heiji, however, solved the case in the end, and reminded Saguru that the detective's first job is to prevent death if he can. Heiji is also known to be extremely protective of those he values as close friends, and tries hard to keep them out of harm. There are several instances where Hattori tells Kazuha to wait for him or leaves her behind in order to keep her from being involved in cases, simply because he's afraid of her getting hurt.
Furthermore, he's pretty much always watching Shinichi's back, and does whatever he can to not only keep Shinichi safe, but to keep his identity under cover. However, on one occasion Heiji advised Conan to tell the truth, when Ran had convinced herself that Conan was Shinichi and thus willingly gave him blood after being shot.
Heiji occasionally enjoys teasing Shinichi's kid form. He has fun jokingly (sometimes mistakenly) calling Conan "Kudo" in front of Ran at his friend's expense. He often treats Conan/Shinichi as a younger brother and their close relationship even evokes Kazuha's jealousy from time to time. In return Conan truly trusts and respects Heiji.
Although he is very competitive when it comes to detective cases, when a case gets hot, he and Shinichi work effectively together. During Shinichi's first return to his high school during the play performance, Heiji had let him take the lead role in the investigations, saying that it was because they were in Tokyo, Shinichi's turf.
His relationship with Shinichi/Conan from his end. In Heiji's first appearance, he traveled all the way to Tokyo to challenge Shinichi Kudo to a deduction battle so he could win and show he was the superior detective of the two. After Shinichi solves the case (which included correcting Heiji's wrong assumptions), the Tokyoite detective then gives a short speech to the Osakan that there's no such thing as the superior or inferior detective, only the truth; Heiji is left both speechless and amazed. Throughout his subsequent appearances (which involved deducing "Conan's" real identity), Heiji may have kept his competitiveness towards his fellow detective, but he now considers Shinichi/Conan to be his partner and best friend, willing to do anything to ensure his happiness and safety.
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aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
The 3rd chapter of my Heiji and Ran brotp fic, Osakan Tokyoite, is now published on ao3!
Here’s the link :)
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aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
The second chapter of Osakan Tokyoite, my Heiji and Ran friendship fic, is now up on ao3 :)
Read it here:
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aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
Chapter 4 of Osakan Tokyoite, my Heiji x Ran friendship fic, is now up on ao3!
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aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
The 5th and final chapter of Osakan Tokyoite, my Heiji and Ran friendship fic, is now up on ao3!
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aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
can't wait for chapter 5 of osakan tokyoite to be published
this one's a long one. editing it as we speak
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aghostuponthemoor · 1 year
Osakan Tokyoite (Heiji and Ran fanfic)
I published the first chapter of the heiji & ran brotp multichapter fic I mentioned a couple of weeks ago :) You can read it on ao3 with the link below! Here's a taste of the first few lines:
There were brief moments like these, in which the fire in Ran’s eyes suddenly blazed, fierce and fearsome, uncalled for yet welcome all the same.
They almost came in snapshots, some expected and others not, as a jumbled mess of karate tournament finals, covert plots for her parents’ reconciliation, and relentless endeavours in equating Conan to Shinichi when the needle of suspicion pierced through her jaded heart again.
Read the rest here:
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taliya-writes · 2 years
Trilateralism snippet - DCMK
Between the two Great Detectives of the East and West, Conan and Heiji were able to determine not only the rendezvous location for a drug drop in Osaka, but the person the dealer was meeting with.
It was long after dinner when Shinichi decided to give his fellow detective a call to hear about the aftermath of the drop.  He retreated to the now vacant Mouri Detective Agency office to chat with the Osakan.
“So how did everything pan out, Hattori?” Shinichi needled.  He figured that at close to ten-thirty, Hattori had probably had enough time to stutter through explanations and arguments with Kazuha.
“Oh, shut up, Kudou,” Heiji groused from the other end of the line.  “Do you know how hard I had to work to convince Kazuha that she was just hearing whatever she wanted to hear?!”
Shinichi chuckled darkly.  “Ah, but I have proof!” and played the clip he had recorded: “What do you think you’re doing to my Kazuha?!”
“Kudou,” Heiji choked, “I am going to fucking murder you.”
He yawned loudly into the mouthpiece.  “I somehow get the feeling Ran would not be happy that you’re picking on ‘Conan-kun’,” he teased deviously.  “Nor would Kazuha, for that matter.”
Shinichi could almost feel the steam coming off Heiji through his phone.  “I swear to god, Kudou, I am going to make sure there’s not enough body to bury!”
Heiji ranted for a good ten minutes on the various ways he planned on dismembering his friend before Shinichi decided that the Osakan had probably vented enough of his frustration to speak rationally.  “Vented enough, Hattori?” the Tokyoite queried with a raised brow, though the other detective could not see it.
“Yeah,” Heiji sighed.  “You’re still a dick though.”  Shinichi was quiet as he allowed Heiji to collect his thoughts.  “So Kudou… why’d you really call?”
Shinichi laughed.  “I can't get anything past you, can I?”
“Not at all,” Heiji agreed sagely, “Now spill.”
“You know how KID had a heist last night?” Shinichi asked. At Heiji’s confirmation he continued, “Well, Hakuba Saguru was there as well last night and I noticed something odd about his behavior.”  He said this all rather quickly, as he did not want to get the Osakan started on a rant about the half-Briton.
The remark was enough to pique his fellow detective’s curiosity.  “Oh? How so, aside from the continual stick up his ass?”
“Hattori…” the miniaturized detective groaned.  
“Ruin my fun.  Fine, I’ll zip it.”
Shinichi took a breath to compose his thoughts.  “Personal biases aside, what kind of person do you believe Hakuba to be?”
There was thoughtful silence on the other end of the line.  “Hakuba’s… methodical.  Clinical.  About as objective as one can be given any situation that involves the police.  He’s smart enough to put some rather obscure pieces together.  His record does back up his insufferable arrogance, though.  And he can be a decent guy, provided he doesn’t have his head stuffed that far up his ass.  But whisper a word of this to anyone, Kudou, and I’ll—”
“—ensure no one will find a body.  Duly noted, Hattori,” Shinichi interrupted, growing mildly tired of his friend’s continuing enmity with the half-Briton.  “Now, think about what you just said, and compare that to what I’m going to tell you.”  The shrunken detective then proceeded to describe in detail the events of the heist that occurred the night before, including the other detective’s behavior around his apparent classmate during the ride back to Tokyo.  He included his own observations and inferences at the end but made sure that Heiji knew they were purely his own conjectures.  “So what do you think?”
“I think you’re onto something, Kudou,” Heiji answered frankly after taking several moments to mull over the information Shinichi had provided.  “That seems like rather suspicious behavior coming from Hakuba—especially the timing of that smile.  You really think he might know what KID’s agenda is?”
“I can't think of any other reason,” Shinichi admitted.  “I've thought about it a lot since I got home last night, though admittedly I haven't had as much time today to ponder it over.”
“Because a case with me is more important than a heist with that thief any day, right?” Heiji joked, and Shinichi chuckled at his friend’s not-entirely faked conceitedness.
“If you say so,” he sighed with a grin, and Heiji huffed.
“So what do you plan to do about Hakuba and KID?” the Osakan asked curiously.
Shinichi frowned.  “I think… I think I’m going to talk to them,” he said thoughtfully but with growing determination.  “Getting a hold of KID might not be the easiest thing I’ve done—” and here Hattori snorted with laughter, “—but I can definitely get in touch with Hakuba for a little chat.”
“I’m sensing fireworks,” Heiji said with entirely too much eagerness in his voice.  “Let me know how much metaphorical fur flies, yeah?”
“Hattori…” Shinichi sighed while his friend cackled gleefully.
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