#osnf reaction
rabbit-harpist · 10 months
O Segredo Na Floresta (episodes 1 and 2)
Thoughts on a first-time view of OSNF
To start I’d like to say that I’m just an English-speaking gal and the only Ordem knowledge I have is from osmosis and Quarentena. Which I loved, so I’m trying to get into the subtitled seasons of Ordem Paranormal now.
I did not watch the first season (subtitles take a lot of brain energy and I heard OSNF was more settled into the flow of the series) but I did watch an ‘Ordem Paranormal but very very fast’ animation!
-It was interesting that Mr. Verissimo is an actual guy they can just talk to? It felt like he was going to be much more mysterious, or a symbol for the order, or perhaps a late-revealed villain. He still could be, I really don’t know.
-It’s been a bit since I watched the first episode, but I liked the characters. The dynamic between Cesar and his father is so interesting—Christopher can’t stop him from joining the order; he’s his own person and he can make his own decisions. But he knows that this isn’t safe and he doesn’t want his son near it—I want to see them be forced to understand each other better.
-Also, that overenthusiastic police guy. He was funny. It’ll be great if he comes back later and gets immediately killed off. Talking to him also helped make me feel how remote this place is—it makes sense that something paranormal could be hiding out here.
-What happened to the first investigation team? They couldn’t have gone through the sanatorium—all those monsters will still trapped and waiting when the player team came through. There’s so much story waiting to be uncovered and I’m fascinated by the planning it takes to make a campaign like this work.
-The sanatorium was very gross. Worse than everyone kept saying Christopher was. And very creepy. It’s awful what they were doing—the critical mass it takes to get a paranormal meltdown so bad that everything is transformed must be hard to achieve and they did it without even meaning to.
-the discovery of the fused women and the spiral goop! the sequence as Liz unconciously reached for it, began tracing out the symbol, felt as if she was regaining health only to be revealed she was losing sanity—so good!
-I love Cellbit as GM:
‘Wait a minute, I’m taking out my /list of mental diseases your characters can develop/‘
The noises! He narrates calmly but any battle scene must be acted out with full monster noises and impassioned gestures. it’s one of my favorite things about this honestly
the other noises too. In the subtitles it’s all rendered as (punch sound) (growls) (sound of door opening) and it’s all him doing it
-Jyoui and calling Liz Liz-senpai and being so happy when she gives him any kind of compliment. it’s sweet. he’s great. I want him to be okay at the end of this.
-Christopher’s bad english accent. I find this funny because I cannot pick up on it (I’m bad at recognizing accents even when they’re /in/ English) but it was the focus of multiple scenes
-that moment when, after the defeat of an enemy near the end of the second episode, Jyoui, overcome by admiration for Christopher, asks to take a picture of him (holding up his phone in real life.
cellbit, very seriously, asks for a photography test. Jyoui takes an okay picture. Christopher rolls and fails horribly. He is the worst model possible.
it was just very funny after a lot of tense fighting and I really liked it.
-also the ‘gods of death eat apples’ because I got the reference and also duolingo is doing something! I know ‘eat’ and ‘apple’!
-I like this! it’s difficult to find time when I’m able to focus on reading subtitles but when I am watching they don’t impact my enjoyment much. I enjoy the characters and the vibes and I’m really interested in what’s going to happen in all the many episodes. I’ve only seen quarentena, I’ve got no idea how that works.
so cool. it’s so cool and I just want to record my thoughts to go back to. when I’ve finished the next episode (could be awhile) will record more thoughts
Thank you so much subtitle people!!!! If you ever see this I’m so grateful <3
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flowergardeninthewall · 3 months
I can not believe it took me this long to clock that they're using tabletop simulator
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becauseplot · 7 months
finished ep 10 of osnf (long post under the cut oh lord)
crying sobbing kicking over chairs screaming CELLBIT IS AN EVIL EVIL MAN WHY WOULD HE DO THAT. FOR WHAT REASON. POR CUAL RAZÓN. LO ODIO. <-said with the utmost adoration and respect of a writer but the fury of a fan who just had to endure all of that my hearttttt 0(-(
god fuck i have thoughts and feelings regarding episode 10 of osnf. obviously. i don't even know how to start.
okay. first of all the way that he was able to orchestrate the like 57839 different POVs of the nightmare happening at the same time was actually pretty smooth, all things considered. being able to forcibly mute/deafen the others is a good thing to be able to do yesyes.
second, im losing my mind over how he hides the fact that "it's all a dream" WITHIN the "it's all a dream" trope by having the creatures be manifestations of dreams/guilt in "reality" themselves. idk if i'm making any sense, but like, you get it, right? like, it's the fact that we thought we had already discovered the dream-based deceit in the segment because of what the "Hotelier" told Joui at the start of it, but it turns out that THAT was a red-herring of sorts for the TRUE dream-based deceit, that EVERYTHING was a dream, not just the creatures. god there are fucking layers to this im foaming at the mouth that's soooo good.
i guess that's what makes the "it's all a dream"-style trope present here feel less cliche. because, you know, it is a trope, and it's not really a trope that i'm fond of, but because there's actually more going on, it feels less cheap. what certainly helps is that the fact that it's roleplay, so the reactions from the characters are so much more raw, and there are some irl stakes (character dead = out of the series = can't play anymore). that definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat.
edit: something i forgot to mention—what i dislike abt the “it’s all a dream” trope the most is that it is very easily something that can be so, so cheap. all angst, no stakes or consequences, no lasting impact on the plot on the characters. however, not only is there a “physical” impact via several characters losing SHITLOADS of sanity (something not easily recovered) but we get to see a little more into the psyche of the characters. which i suppose is often the point of the “it’s all a dream” segments, but this dream—one with a lot of references to past major character death and itself contains major character death—rings especially true for the themes of the series: the world they live in is dangerous, and the work they do is lethal. people have and will die. and they do and will feel guilty, reguardless if they are at fault. it’s not a horrifying death dream just for the sake of being a death dream, it feels grounded in their reality, and i love that.
third, man he did not hold back. when Arthur was being beaten to a pulp by not!Brúlio, i was actually in shock, i was screaming. plus, i think the fact that Cellbit rolled a 001 when not!Brúlio attacked actually helped to hide the fact that this was a dream. it made it look like it was bad luck rather than the segment was designed to kill the characters (well, at least until he revealed that the damage was 1d4+1d6, but i'll get to that later).
gosh the narration of how not!Brúlio killed Arthur. holy shit. i don't. i don't even have words, that is DEVASTATING. that is probably one of the worst ways for a person to go. i know it's a dream but if i were Arthur i would be emotionally fucked up beyond belief. beaten to a bloody pulp by the father who once loved you so much, screaming at you for abandoning him and that it's your fault he died a horrible death. and then he drops your body on the ground like you're nothing but a pile of useless meat. god. damn.
and then Liz. ohhhh Liz. i just. i was devastated. her whole struggle with Alex, the man she treated so horribly. yes it's true the real Alex never would have said these things to you, but how do you know he wasn't thinking it? that he didn't want to? that what not!Alex says doesn't hold some truth? christttt. and of course the way she dies: in complete agony. and did she forgive herself? because, unlike with not!Brúlio, the creature turned into that weird wispy black thing just as she died, and i would assume that means she forgave herself (if those rules even apply considering this was all a result of the parasite's deceit (holy hell my brain is melting i am the man with the hand on the conspiracy board)).
fourth: the 1d4+1d6 thing! when he read that out, i was stunned. that is a LOT of damage considering all of the characters have ~10 HP. with an extreme roll, that's basically an insta-kill, or it's easily a two-hit-kill. i thought Arthur was unlucky, but when Liz also went down, i was---well, devastated, at first, because that's Liz, she's my absolute favorite and i love her, but i started going through all five stages of grief at once, and at some point i arrived at "no that can't be right" because Cellbit is a good writer. and to deliberately construct a scenario where it would be VERY hard for a character to survive while still in the middle of the story? yeah. and yknow the fact that there's still 6 other episodes fhdsjk. (then again the series continues regardless if a character dies and i haven't looked at other episodes' thumbnails or anything like that for this exact reason. so. i was going in as blind as i could reasonably be.)
in any case, realizing and connecting all of this and then hearing the "Hotelier" start yelling at Joui right after Liz died explicitly blaming him for it sealed it for me: this is a trick of some sort. this is a dream sequence of some sort. these aren't real deaths. (a smaller part of me was still scared that they were real because i know that Cellbit does not shy away from killing off his players' characters, if op and opq are anything to go by. but i digress.)
and then the characters turned to black goo. and i just about threw my computer. rip Luba who got absolutely targeted by the GM lmfao.
anyway uhhh that's about it regarding the dream sequence! loving luzidius!joui and how he just keeps switching back and forth. ((and it further supports my little side-theory that the mysterious blond woman last seen with Team Kelvin was a luzidious we win these.)) i was surprised to see Liz thinking it was so cool when she's been so suspicious of everything in Santo Berco since she got here, but i think she could definitely be using it as a distraction from what she just went through, and honestly she's just happy to see Joui is okay. (the way she gave on up words and just hugged him, the way she held his face in her hands, the way she dragged him down the hall to show Thiago and Thiago was just telling her to fuck off (/aff) because he was getting dressed, my heartttt i love these three, mentor-mentee dynamics my fucking beloved)
also new outfits! sweet! istg the new outfits are so Cellbit's way of apologizing for putting his friends through that. "hey sorry i killed your character in the most emotionally devastating way possible it will happen again wOAH LOOK AT THESE NEW CLOTHES AREN'T THEY SO COOL YOU SHOULD TRY THEM ON!!!"
i've been having mixed feelings about the sudden setting/genre change since the group arrived in Santo Berco. i really, really loved the urban horror-fantasy vibe that they had going on in op and the first 8 eps of osnf, but evidently, this is good as well. the genre is most definitely still horror yippee. i definitely miss the urban-modern setting, but i think i can get adjusted to this. (i'm just,,, not the biggest fan of the auto-heal crystals im sorry i had to say it they feel too op i know their use is limited to visiting the doctor but knowing they exist lowers the in-world stakes for me im sorry---)
anyway, ep 10! you beautiful monster! i have been typing for an hour! i need to go eat food! k bye!
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Daniel e Viajante!
Viajante - What are moments that make you smile?
Definitely forgot here...
In loose, not paticularly spoilery terms, the first thing that comes to mind each season I can think of something for.
AOP - reactions to the dog cage (even if not it itself) make me giggle
OSNF - bar schenanigans. Also just how happy Guaxi is to be there? And Bagi when she works anything out.
OPD - .......................... errr....................... next?
OPC - the morning where they just got to chill and have fun
OSNI - Tinder (I'm literally watching episode 4 rn which is why I forgot)
OPQ - its a real sad smile, but that bit where they find documents in French
Daniel Hartmann - What's your favourite fanwork?
And I immediately forget all fanworks I have ever experienced... I shall... give you this fanart! Because I remember it exists and I love all the characters involved https://www.tumblr.com/feminetomboy/736000955585314816/you-all-looked-at-joui-i-made-out-with-a-guy-and
then looking I have... 2 fics on my faves list (huh I need to update that I *know* there should be at least one more). Both of which are OSNF aus in which someone doesn't die, though it's a different someone in each (I need to put the OPC someone doesn't die au in here too huh...)
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
what was the last ordem episode you watched? I'm kinda lost in your reaction posts oops
also, what's your opinions on the osnf characters?? any favourite ncp?
I left off right after the hotel episode because I got too tired to watch such long episodes every day (childcare is EXHAUSTING)
I like all the characters! My fav npc was Brulio, the absolute GOAT. I kinda wish that I gave more of a shit about Thiago because he was my fav character from the graphic novel, but he just sort of falls flat this season… and I think that’s on purpose!! He and Liz both show the effects of working with the Ordo in different ways, and it’s really interesting
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snoopyliker · 5 months
Just popping in to say It's been really fun following along your ordem liveblogging, reminds me of when I was first going through osnf (a very long 7 months ago), and seeing your reactions and theories brings all those emotions and excitement back :D
Hope you continue watching the next seasons, you're in for a ride :]
oh and enjoy the last two episodes of osnf
aw im glad youve been enjoying it!! and i definitely will im trying to watch everything before the next campaign drops.
also im so dumb idk why i thought there was only 15 episodes. theres 16. i have 3 left kekw
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flowergardeninthewall · 3 months
This is my ordem post-it.
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why do I have a post-it note with random timestamps? Easy! It's to keep track of when I paused because youtubes mobile captions have broken beyond repair for me, and my browser doesn't save my place in the video when I pause.
So my only option is to literally write down where I am so when I pause(which I need to a lot) and then the video resets I can just scrub to the timestamp and pick up where I left off.
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becauseplot · 2 months
Hi hello more thoughts about this post-osnf au. I should come up with an official name or tag for this lmfao.
A couple nights out of the hospital, settled in Liz's guest room, is when Thiago starts having dreams of being lost in the Symbol again, waking up scared and disoriented and confused. The thing is, he never calls out to anyone while in the middle of his panic because he simply doesn't think to (he knows nothing but the Symbol, where is the Symbol, where is the Symbol...), so by the time he finally thinks of reaching out to Liz---she keeps her phone on her bedside with certain contacts on ringer at night---or texting his friends, he's je's already mostly calmed down and feeling like himself again. That doesn't mean he isn't shaken by it though, and he rarely ever sleeps after waking up like that.
Telling the others that he's having these dreams (Nightmares? Visions? Oh god, he hopes not visions...) is probably the smart thing. But he also doesn't want to freak them out considering that Santo Berço should be, is, dead in the ground and he knows hoe shaken up they were by him taking that Symbol. Fuck, he was shaken too. More than shaken. Admitting that the Symbol still comes for him in his sleep is just...it's terrifying to consider what that means.
He's sure they're just dreams. He's had nightmares---still has nightmares---of his first mission, so only makes sense that the second one would show up too. It's just fresh in his mind. In a week or two, they'll start to taper off.
They do not taper off.
They don't seem to get substantially worse, no, but they certainly don't seem to get much better. Reactions upon waking range from being disoriented for a couple seconds to full blown disconnections from his body and his memory for god knows how long as he struggles to find comfort in surroundings that are entirely strange and alien to him.
He figures out a way to cope, though. He sleeps with a lamp on low light (and a towel lining the bottom of the door to keep Liz from noticing in case she wakes up before him and passes by his room) and writing the following in dark pen on his inner forearm every night before he goes to bed: "My name is Thiago Fritz. I live in São Paulo. My friends are Liz, Cesar, Joui, and Arthur. Liz sleeps in the room upstairs. The Symbol is gone. I am home and I am safe." He scrubs it off every morning. Eventually he cuts the sleeve off an old white workout shirt and writes the reminder on the elastic, skin-tight sleeve so he can simply slip it on before bed.
Does it work? A bit. Sometimes his disorientation gets so bad that the shapes of the letters are just that, shapes, but once his brain can work enough to recognize the shapes for letters and read, it gets much easier from there. He draws some spirals and swirls on the sleeve in the hopes of drawing his attention to it more whenever he's freaking out.
In any case, he's coping, he's got this. Sure, he still doesn't sleep well (or at all) after waking up from the dreams, so he's tired all the time, but a little sleepiness can be remedied with naps. He's injured and middle aged now, people can't get on his case if he wants some shut eye in the afternoon.
The others notice his perpetual exhaustion. Of course they do. He tells them "nightmares" and doesn't elaborate. Liz tells him that he's welcome to wake her if he's having a rough time, and Thiago just tells her she's welcome to do the same. Easy dodge.
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rabbit-harpist · 8 months
today i finished the last episode of O Segredo Na Floresta, the second season of Ordem Paranormal, and i never expected to get here.
i’m not okay over the characters and the story. it was an incredible episode and had some of my favorite moments from the entire season. i cried, and that’s really all i can ask from a story.
but! story reactions are not for tumblr (shoutout to the guys of the ordem server who let me liveblog my experience, you’re great). i don’t want to ruin any suprises for anyone if they decide to follow this path. so this is going to be a ramble of a more personal kind.
osnf is 15 episodes, about 3-4 hours each, fully subtitled in english and portuguese by the incredible equipe t. it’s a commitment. it was overwhelming to look at, especially when i started with my only experience watching ttrpgs being the two episodes of quarentena (which rewired my brain. i watched it live and loved it so much but the rest of ordem intimidated me). i had practically no knowledge of portuguese, and had convinced myself that trying to learn it would be impossible so i shouldn’t even begin.
adjusting to the subtitles was hard! i’m eternally grateful for them, but my brain just wasn’t wired to focus on them. i had no connection to the characters yet, and the first two episodes felt slow. it took me months to finish them, a chunk at a time.
the third ep was a turning point—i was invested. i cared about the characters now, and i wanted to follow their story despite the inconvenience. and so i continued, slowly but surely, enjoying it but expecting myself to lose interest at some point as happens with many things.
another change—i had to take a break from the fandom i’d been focused on, and in that time osnf became what i turned to to fill the absence, and then a love of its own. it never seemed to run out—i watched episodes, finding that i’d adjusted enough that i could draw while watching. i lived with the characters, and i listened to them talk, and i discovered that i was understanding more and more.
like! not everything. not much. but some. i could turn the subtitles to portuguese and know what was going on for minutes at a time. it wasn’t much, perhaps, but i’d thought my sadly monolingual self couldn’t even make a start. any progress was exhilarating.
i committed to portuguese duolingo. i started portuguese busuu. i recognized the words and rules i was learning in the episodes. today, the day that i finished osnf, i have a 31 day streak. i’m not used to being able to keep a commitment this long—i used to struggle to get a week on duolingo and my history is littered with half-finished projects. amazingly, this one stuck. i’m proud of finishing all 16 episodes, and i’m proud of the things i’ve learned.
can i understand everything? absolutely not. can i understand more than i used to? yes! and i want to keep learning. osnf was a great experience as a story, but it also opened my eyes to so much more that’s out there.
i’m grateful to cellbit and the team who created ordem, obviously. i’m not over that final episode and i don’t expect to be anytime soon.
but equipe t made this possible for me. you guys are inspirations. obrigada.
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becauseplot · 1 year
Hi hi hi :D
My header was gettin crowded so I figured I might as well just make an intro post lmao.
My name is Curly! You can call me Curly, or becauseplot, or bp, or bitchass---anything along those lines will do <3
I use he/she/they pronouns (in no particular order, go nuts) and I am not a minor!
Below the cut: interests, style of posting, tags list/system, ao3, and more! (Important bits are bolded!)
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The things I'm Normal:tm: about
QSMP remains a background interest of mine but it's still beloved. Faves are qphilza (rly just ANY philza rp characters) and qcellbit. I also love DSMP, TotK, and BotW. Sometimes I'll jumpscare you with a Sherlock Holmes post just because. (Holmes and Watson have my whole heart. They <3)
I'm also in the middle of watching Ordem Paranormal! I've watched AOP, OSNF, and am making my way through OPD. Liz my beloved.
I am nothing if not long-winded (if you couldn't already tell from the length of this lmaooooo)
I like+reblog+tag pretty much EVERYTHING. So sorry if I clutter your notifs, I just have the inexplicable urge to add Every Post to my Hoard.
I talk a lot in tags. Like, a LOT. Also, my posts have a tendency to ramble. I have thoughts and internet access and that is a very ill-advised combination <3
I do swear a lot!!! Always know that if I'm swearing I am never genuinely mad/upset I do it for the funnies and the funnies only.
#organized (not really)
I do have a tagging system but it's kinda!! Wonky!!! I'll organize it one of these days I swear. For the most part, if you want stuff (qsmp-related) I've saved on...
a specific character: "q![character]" (yes even the npcs like the eggs)
duos: "[______] duo" (or their ~special~ duo name, ex "codebreakers", "crimeboys", etc)
shipping content: the ship name lmao
clips: "qsmp clips for the soul"
funny/neat in-game/webcam screenshots: "qsmp reaction images"
I also save stuff about major arcs and special events under specific tags, so keep an eye out for these too:
"qsmp festa junina"
"qsmp spiderbit wedding"
"qsmp election event" (stuff to do with the whole election arc)
"qsmp dinner event" (the election dinner with the imposter eggs)
"egg-napping part 3" (posts to do with the egg disappearances, mainly the first few days and the black concrete)
"happy all the time" (happy pills arc)
"a dose of reality" (the end/aftermath of the happy pills arc)
"q viva mexico" (mexican independence day event)
"qsmp dia de muertos"
"qsmp purgatory"
"qsmp purg finale" (or 11/18, what we thought was a finale)
"purg 2 electric boogaloo" / "qpurgatory 2" (AWWW SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN)
"@v@" (qforever possession stuff)
qsmp prison event
q2024 opening (YOOO HAPPY NEW YEAR)
A couple other tags!
"qmongus" (qsmp amongus lobby)
"qoutlast" (qsmp plays outlast trials)
"qtwitter” (twitter posts, usually does NOT include event updates tho)
“qsmp event updates” (HERE are the event updates!)
"twitchcon paris" (mostly stuff about qsmp cc's meeting up)
"qsmp brazil meetup"
"qsmp vegas meetup"/"twitchcon vegas"
"qsmp french alps meetup"
“streamer awards 2024”
"fruit mountain tournament" (cellbit's fruit mountain tournament!)
"qpositivity" (positive posts praising qsmp, for when the discourse and neg gets to be too much <3 )
Another random tag I have: "the dynamic of all time" - Posts that give me vibes of a character/relationship dynamic but nothing specific enough to tag it as a given character. I just think they're neat :]
I've watched O Segredo na Floresta! Most of my posts about it are tagged under “curlyosnf”
Bear in mind you might get a wall of text in response. You have been warned.
I remember my ao3 login sometimes
My ao3 is BecausePlot! I haven't been super active recently, but if you're interested in some of my stuff, here's a list of my 10 favorite works atm, from most to least recent <3
Relative (QSMP x Ordem au) (au is tagged: "TWLITFAU")
The Calm (Spiderbit fluff)
Miss Me? (f!Cell shows up at f!Felps' apartment)
Waking Up On The Wrong Side of the Bed (c!Phil in QSMP)
Insanity (q!Cellbit character study)
An.G.E.L.S. (OSMP x Antarctic Empire, Military au)
Danse Macabre (Parentsduo <3)
But You're Not Yourself (c!Phil and c!Techno raising c!Wilbur)
A Helping Hand (Phil gets adopted by a flock of crows)
Take My Hand (Retelling of the handcuff scene from BBC Sherlock: Reichenbach Fall)
Leaving a comment on the fic itself or in my askbox is the best way for me to talk to you and say thank you for reading! Let me appreciate you ya nerd!!
Other Schtuff
My pfp is from GranadaTV's Sherlock Holmes adaptation (with Jeremy Brett), specifically the episode The Greek Interpreter.
My banner is by wolfythewitch (from the Creature animatic I think?? I honestly don't remember lmao.)
My favorite color is green (if you couldn't tell), my favorite animal is horse, my favorite flower is dandelion, my favorite imagery to play with in writing is space/universe/atoms/stars/etc, I'm studying mechanical engineering and physics, I do shitty drawings on super rare occasions, and, last but not least,
If you are a dick about anything you will simply be blocked.
Peace and love on planet earth <3
If you have any questions, send an ask! I hope you enjoy your stay :Drl
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