malaierba · 1 year
Thinking about Chibita's Matsus Ranking:
1. Karamatsu: Duh. Especially obvious in the games! He looks after him and doesn't mind his painfulness. they match each other's freak (and actually, in the anime, it's KARAMATSU who sometimes struggles to match Chibita lol)
2. Ichimatsu: He hired the guy! They worked together! Ichimatsu is a surprisingly sensible and reasonable person. He's also blunt, which I'm sure Chibita appreciates. I can see why they worked together. Chibita likely took a risk hiring the most obviously gloomy Matsu but it seemed to pay off.
(it's maybe a bit funny to see those two sharing top places, considering the general consensus of how Ichimatsu treats Karamatsu.
TBF, from Chibita's POV those two were close from childhood through highschool, and when he sees them in the oden stan as part of the six-pack, Ichimatsu is probably not significantly more terrible than the other drunkards are to each other.
Besides, he makes sure to force Karamatsu to drink water, and Karamatsu usually carries him when he's had too much alcohol. I can see Chibita assuming that they're on ok terms. Heck Karamatsu might've even recommended the guy)
3. Todomatsu: They guy can be an annoying drunk but he's at least not very likely to cause property damage. He mostly keeps his ruckus to riling his brothers up with words, which isn't appreciated but it's not the worst thing.
I can also see Totty as inclined to pay for his food, at least when he's not with the other five. On the other hand, I think he's the least likely to visit Chibita's stand without his siblings. Not his scene, yknow?
3. Osomatsu: this guy never pays and he's too good at getting the other five demons to behave like a feral pack of clones. He gets drunk on Chibita's alcohol, gets loud, his humour gets raunchy, and he's not above trying to pick a fight with Chibita at their age.
ON THE OTHER HAND, he does seem to frequent Chibita's stand either with just a couple of his brothers as company, or alone. Chibita is one of the few social relationships that Osomatsu kept after highschool, and Chibita is probably aware of it. Osomatsu trusts him, or at least his judgement, enough to vent and ask for advice.
Besides, I'm sure that in Chibita's mind, Osomatsu (& co, although to different degrees, lead by him) is a sort of childhood friend. So the very annoying stuff gets balanced by the fact that they've known each other basically all their lives, and they continue to interact with each other despite a long list of arguments and fights.
4. Jyushimatsu: He's a fun, if weird guy, when he's sober. BUT WHEN HE'S DRUNK... His destructive power is too high even on acciden. He's also loud, loud enough to keep away other patrons. Also, he keeps paying with acorns!?
At least he's not trying to pick fights, although he'll be one of the first to join a kerfuffle with his brothers if someone else initiates it. Which leads us to,
5. Choromatsu: I know, who would've thought so lol. Well you see, this man has THE SHORTEST temper amongst the sextuplets, and he's all too willing to yell about it + general frustrations + include threats if he's riled up enough.
It gets worse when he has alcohol in his syste: his inhibitions get lower, his will to make good on his threats rises, and his rowdiness doesn't need much of anything to take over. Such a punk, still at heart. To make matters worse, the drunker Choromatsu is the easier he is to piss off.
At least he pays on occasion, even when he's part of smaller groups of his siblings. It just never seems to be enough to cover his intake 🤨
What Choromatsu's got in his favour is that I can see him be one of the Matsus who visit Chibita on his own, like Oso or Kara. As far as I know this is just a headcanon though lol. Maybe this would be enough to put him on Jyushi's level at least? Or even just a bit below Oso.
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colormatsu · 1 year
saw a blshit that had karabita/osobita shippers in their dni and??this is just so funny to me. mf said do NOT interact if you support normal relationships
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lifeinbooks · 7 months
Čovjek živi dok ima posla na ovom svijetu. Reći ću ti što sam iskusio sam u šumi, u prošlih četrdeset jednu godinu, dok si ti boravio u tropima i po svijetu. I samoća je dovoljno osobita... ponekad je poput prašume, puna opasnosti i iznenađenja. Poznajem joj sve oblike. Dosadu koju uzalud tjeraš izvan izgrađenim redom. Onda slijede nagli ispadi. Samoća je jednako tajanstvena kao i džungla.
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1postozagrad · 1 month
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Javna ustanova Maksimir
Zagreb, 14. kolovoza 2024.
Predmet: Čišćenje skulpture Poezija prostora uz Peto jezero i obnova boje skulpture/željezne konstrukcije na glavnoj pozornici kod Trećeg jezera
          ovime molimo da se skulptura Poezija prostora uz Peto jezero očisti, a skulpturi/ željeznoj konstrukciji glavne pozornice kod Trećeg jezera obnove boje.
Skulptura Poezija prostora autorice Milene Lah izrađena je od bijelog kamena koji je od prljavštine i protoka vremena u znatnoj mjeri promijenio boju i nužno je čišćenje kako bi se skulptura vratila u izvorno stanje.
Glavna pozorica kod Trećeg jezera sadrži skulpturu Željezna čipka postavljenu 1988. godine. Nastala je po projektu arhitekta, umjetnika i dizajnera Aleksandra Ljahnickog. Specifičnost i osobita vrijednost skulpture/ željezne konstrukcije su njene boje. Željezna konstrukcija i boje nisu obnavljani od kad je pozornica postavljena i izgubile su na kvaliteti. Boje bi valjalo obnoviti na način da skulptura zadrži tj. ponovo dobije sve kvalitete izvornog autorskog projekta.    
Budući da se radi o dvije najvažnije suvremene skulpture u parku, nadamo se da će njihovo održavanje bolje odražavati njihovu vrijednost.  
Na vašem ljubaznom angažmanu na održavanju i poboljšanju najstarijeg gradskog parka unaprijed zahvaljujemo.      
S poštovanjem,
1POSTOZAGRAD je građanska platforma usmjerena na poboljšanja grada i javna dobra. 1POSTOZAGRAD nije udruga, nema proračun niti raspolaže ikakvim sredstvima. Sav angažman na poboljšanjima Zagreba provodi se isključivo kroz počasni rad tj. volonterski.
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pleatonitum · 3 months
Obilježja dobrih djela
Iščekujući tu blaženu nadu i slavni dolazak velikog Boga i Spasitelja našega, Isusa Krista, koji je dao samoga sebe za nas da nas otkupi od svakog bezakonja i očisti sebi osobit narod, revan u dobrim djelima. Titu 2,13.14 Dobra djela, u biblijskom smislu, imaju osobita obilježja po kojima se razlikuju: Jedno od obilježja opisano je u poslanici Efežanima: „Jer njegovo smo djelo, stvoreno u…
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jokesitos-art · 2 years
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A veces trato de der gracioso, pero no me sale hhhhhhb
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chlbita · 3 years
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chommatsu · 3 years
totoko and osomatsu hanging out at chibita's oden stand
totoko and osomatsu going to chibita's apartment
totoko and osomatsu freeloading on chibita's snack cabinet
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midnapanda · 3 years
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Thinking about.. Osomatsu carrying Chibita like this..
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ichimacchans · 4 years
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personal highlights from the mats discord drawpile!!
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malaierba · 1 year
Huh. The last ichibita kinda had me thinking of an scenario where Karamatsu and Osomatsu keep butting heads over Chibita and while they aren't looking Ichimatsu arrives with his cattboy fixation and accidentally scores Chibita
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roseurer · 4 years
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Osobita ❤️
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fattlestacks · 4 years
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The first (and last) shift Osomatsu ever worked for Chibita. Greedy boy...
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Jaymz
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oso-pic-spam · 4 years
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Karabita, hatabita, osobita, atsubita, todobita, all good n valid
They’ll never know though that I’ve taken Chibita’s hand in marriage already😌
Love my oden wife, mmmwah💛💛💛
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osopine · 4 years
osobita pet owners moodboard
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