#osomatsu san takoyaki party
amitywrights · 10 months
Nothing to see here
Definitely not a link to someone who made a Tako party fansub
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tetskuroo · 5 months
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takopa redraw!
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Am I the only one who thinks this guy may be Fighting Yowai
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sapphireluna · 10 months
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Osomatsu-san: The Spirit Takoyaki Party and the Legendary Sleepover English subs! It was released a lot faster than I thought and many people asked me if I was going to sub it so I did. HERE! I liked it more than the previous movie, it was very wholesome! Enjoy and please share with your Osomatsu friends!
Also, you can find my sub of the Hipipo Tribe and the Shining Fruit HERE and my sub of the live action movie HERE
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nenchuu · 11 months
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crtter · 1 year
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I haven’t seen it anywhere on Tumblr yet so here’s the newly released 2nd poster for the new movie!
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daily-yanagida · 10 months
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flyingspicerack · 10 months
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a vision was had
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tetedetele · 1 year
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Happy slightly belated Iyami Day! 💜🐙 This year’s theme is an homage to the upcoming and third movie of the Osomatsu-san franchise, but I snuck in some references to the previous two movies! Can you spot them?
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chororine · 11 months
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matsutoy · 10 months
They're the same picture
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amitywrights · 10 months
//Osomatsu san Takoyaki Party Spoiler
I had to do a double take when Totoko was having her like little flashback. I was like "Who is this rando and what is he doing in Totoko's house and showing her parents a baby?"....
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karamatsov · 11 months
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wtf did ichi do omfg
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justphilia · 10 months
something something everyone but the brothers have some sort of responsibility in their lives preventing them from having any sort of fun, and when approached with news about a party, they first tell the brothers to get a job—like them, have a job or be responsible for once holy fuck.
And then, faced with the idea of letting loose for a change, of course they’re tempted to join, even though they weren’t invited. 
They don’t want the fun to ever end, because it’s either they choose to do what they want like the brothers, in the brothers’ home no less; party all day, all night; or they go back and continue their lives—go to work, care for a family, boring and repetitive but, in some way, purposeful.
(Except for Iyami, who actually goes to bed.)
and of course it’s the brothers that want to stop; who go about their lives one step at a time, at their own pace, mundane by choice—have nothing to escape from, to drive them into an endless loop of self indulgence. Of course they’re the only ones that doesn’t want this.
It’s either they do something forever or nothing at all, in their case.
Yeah, so I guess if you were them, you could say your life feels rather meaningless too.
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crtter · 1 year
Speaking of Iyami! I’ve seen some people speculate on the current ages of the sextuplets and Totoko and Nyaa-chan, given how Nyaa-chan’s baby is all grown up now, which implies the characters are aging in real time and I just happen to be neurodivergent enough to have been keeping tabs on how old the characters have been getting as the years go by, so I might be able to shed some light on the subject.
First of all! The characters from -kun that had established ages were the Matsuno brothers and Iyami, being 10 and 36 respectively. Totoko, Chibita and Hatabō are often shown in the manga and 60s -kun as being in the same class as the sextuplets, so they’re probably about the same age as them as well, although sometimes they’re portrayed as either older or younger depending on the story.
The timeskip between -kun and -san is never outright stated. What’s officially mentioned is that the sextuplets are “older than twenty” and that “it’s been about ten years” since -kun.
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However! We have a more concrete number when you take into account episodes 3.5 and episode 4 of season 1, set in 2015. In episode 4, Matsuzō claims he’s been married to Matsuyo for 24 years. Taking into account that having children out of wedlock is very uncommon in Japan (it’s becoming more normalized in recent years, but it definitely carried more of a stigma 20-odd years ago), we can assume that the sextuplets were younger than 24 as per season 1.
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Episode 3.5 helps us narrow it even further: in it, Todomatsu claims he rented adult DVDs five years before, which would only have been possible if he was at least 18 then, since that’s the age one has to be to purchase pornographic material in Japan.
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Taking all this information into account, we can infer that the sextuplets can’t be any older than 24 and were 18 five years before 2015. This gives us a solid number for their age: 23 years old, as of 2015!
Until now, though, it hadn’t been confirmed that the characters were aging in real time but seeing that Nyaa-chan’s baby has aged since her last appearance in season 3, I think it’s safe to assume everyone has been aging as well! That would make the sextuplets as of 2023, 31 years old and Nyaa-chan’s baby, who seemed to be a few months old as of her first appearance in November 2020, around three years old!
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