astrahannah · 1 month
Moje dnešní přednáška o omegaverzi na Ostrakonu dopadla dobře!
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Jsem šťastná za každého, kdo přišel, a pár lidí mi i dalo pozitivní feedback, což je prostě super!!! Mám z toho mega radost fakt že jo
Má začátku sice byly trable s technikou, párkrát jsem se trochu zamotala do své věty, ale jinak myslím, že fajn!
Dostala jsem doporučení na akademickou práci o erotickém fanfiction, zmiňující dubcon (který jsem zmínila ve své prezentaci), což by mohlo být zajímavý, takže i za to jsem ráda
Jako celkově jsem moc spokojená, moc ráda, něco takového bych si klidně někdy i zopakovala, ale bohužel moc netuším, o čem bych mluvila. Třeba mě někdy něco napadne🤷
Jsem ráda, že jsem do toho šla, kdybych se zalekla, přišla bych o fajn zkušenost.
Ostrakon celkově je zatím fajn, ještě tam půjdu zítra, jen je škoda, že hodně přednášek, co tam je, je pro mé dojíždějící já moc brzo nebo pozdě. Pokleslé anime z archivu podivína a zní zajímavě, ale tak pozdě sama na nádraží a pak domů nepojedu. Pro Gachimuchi přednášku platí to samé, snad trojnásob, a furt nevím, jestli se mi chce vstávat, ať stihnu Zaklínač kvíz, vzhledem k tomu, že stejně nemám tým a jen bych koukala... Uvidím, ale každopádně jsem ráda, že jsem tam dneska byla!
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valkariel · 1 year
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Scattered Prism
I liked how the silver details on the shoes match with the angular plating on the top. Those details are also a little "spiky", so I added the bat wings for a fun silhouette.
Head: Panthean Wimple of Scouting - metallic silver Body: Augmented Radiant's Mail of Scouting - shadow blue Hands: Batsight Kote - shadow blue Legs: Diadochos Bottoms of Scouting - metallic silver Feet: Ktiseos Sabatons of Scouting - default
Earring: The Emperor's New Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Mythrite Stilettos Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Location: The Dead Ends - Ostrakon Okto - Judgement Day
Shader: Faeberry Bokeh
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Ostraka by Heidi  Kontkanen Via Flickr: “Ostraka from Deir el Medina. The foreign goddess Astarte, riding side-saddle on a horse  and a seated cat. The time period for these ostraka was the 19th dynasty and for the cat ostrakon was just written  New Kingdom, both from Deir el-Medina. E.GA.4290.1943 and E.GA.3859.1943 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge”
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saax2 · 5 months
La Danza 2
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L’étoile, 1878 | Edgar Degas (1834-1917, France)
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Bal du moulin de la galette, 1876 | Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919, France)
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Untitled (dance), 1987 | Keith Haring (1958-1990, USA)
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Ballerines en bleu, 1899 ca. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow) | Edgar Degas (1834-1917, France)
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Anna Pavlova (1881-1931, Russia)
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Maïa Plissetskaïa (1925-2015, Russia)
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Pierre Grisot (1911-1995, France)
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Ballerina, 1930 | Lina Giugno (Italia)
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Alessandra Ferri (1963, Italia)
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Natalia Makarova (1940, Russia)
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Ballerines en rose, 1876 ca. (Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT, US) | Edgar Degas (1834-1917, France)
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Dancer at rest, 1914 | Lawton S. Parker (1868-1954, USA)
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Ballerina backstage | Katya Gridneva (1965, Ukraina)
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Spanish dancer (Anita de La Fer, Moulin Rouge), 1900 | Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931, Italia)
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Ostrakon della ballerina, 1292-1076 a.C./b.C. (Museo Egizio, Torino)
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Seated dancer | Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931, France)
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soup-mother · 1 month
starting my own web serial called ostrakon for loukanikos
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balladingbard · 2 years
The Dead Ends and the Theme of Community
It’s no secret that one of the biggest themes in Endwalker is strength through community.
Whether it’s through the power of friendship, strangers helping those in need, or nations coming together to ready a giant spaceship driven by moon bunnies, the importance of being there for your fellow Eorzean is a major part of the Warrior of Light’s journey.
Hermes, who struggled with finding the meaning of life in his loneliness, sent out Meteion’s sisters to explore the universe and find the answer to his questions.  But what if they found part of the answer in their journey, but never realized it?
Let’s take a look at the Dead Ends dungeon.
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Our first stop -  Ostrakon Hexi, home of the cuddly-Namazu wannabes, the Grebuloffs.
Meteion introduces this world as full of pestilence and rot.  The civilization ended due to disease.
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Our next stop -  Ostrakon Okto, home of the generic-brand Terminator soldiers, the Karellians.
Meteion introduces this world as one that was able to eradicate disease, but their world was destroyed through war and conflict.
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Our final stop -  Ostrakon Deka-hepta, home of the Nibirun, or future-Ancients-had-the-world-not-been-split-by-Hydaelyn.
Meteion introduces this world as one that had no strife, yet despite achieving perfection, they ended their world out of apathy.
Through these worlds, we begin to see a pattern, and had they been more connected, they could have saved each other.
The peaceful Nibirun could’ve stopped the Karellians’ war.
The disease-curing Karellians could’ve saved the Grebuloffs’ lives.
And by helping other worlds, the Nibirun could’ve found meaning to their existence.
An end to war.  A cure to disease.  Finding meaning in a meaningless world.  All pieces of the puzzle in how to find happiness.
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ladyswillmart · 9 months
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Get to Know: Sethys
Age: Theoretical
Height: Quite tall
Hair: Supposed to be curly
Eyes: Beady but sincere
Occupation: Extradimensional envoy of some kind (self-described as a "Time Lord"); barista at The Last Dregs café in Ostrakon Hena, Ultima Thule
Main Combat Class/Job: Scholar, but any healer job will do
Likes: When a number of apparently disparate elements all somehow come together in a harmonious fashion; contemplating the void; chickens; trees; colorful things; prog rock; sunshine
Dislikes: The tiresome prattling of supercilious old men who have convinced themselves that they know better than everyone else; environmental destruction; general ignorance and disrespect; wet socks
Currently Promoting: The Last Dregs' latest hypercaffeinated creation, the new and improved Cosmic Latte -- "It's the color of the universe! (Now not green!)"
Personal Slogan: "Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker"
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doriangray1789 · 1 year
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Olası bir tiranın, iktidarı ele geçirmesini önlemeye yönelik bir uygulama olan ostrakismos; Atinalılara, fazla güçlendiklerini düşündükleri idareciyi sürgüne gönderme imkanı veriyordu. Her yurttaş, gitmesini istediği kişinin ismini kırık bir çömlek parçası (ostrakon) üzerine kazıyor veya boyayla yazıyordu. Ardından da, oylama kabına atıyordu. Yönteme, ostrakismos adı verilmesinin nedeni buydu. Arkeolojik kaynaklara göre; bir kişinin, o zamanki tüm yurttaş sayısının beşte biri olan, 6.000’den fazla oy alması durumunda, o kişinin mal varlığına el konuluyor ve 10 yıllığına sürgüne gönderiliyordu. Geri döndüğü zaman, adını ve şerefini temizlemiş olduğu düşünülüyordu. Kaynaklar: Arkeoloji Defteri, Arkeofili, Nextdeal
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capsicrew · 11 months
Cleaning up a bunch of files off my computer, and came across this document I wrote some time back and never posted. Trying to catalogue the civilizations out in space based on in-game information. I would've wrote this a few months before 6.1 came out, but I don't think any lore was added in this realm since--even in the Omicron quests. Other than the Mandervilians and PuPu, but we're still waiting on the conclusion of that saga.
Organized in the order Meteion listed them. The cutscene where she gave her report cut away from her dialogue several times, so many planets are never described;
1: "Traces of civilizations found--structures believed to have served as domiciles. No extant life-forms detected." "The Nekropolis" location in Ultima Thule.
2: "Ruined remnants of buildings scattered across star, surface of which is encased in ice. Presence of life could not be verified." Possibly the "frozen star" mentioned by Omega?
3: "Evidence of large population centers akin to cities recovered. No extant life-forms found--only their lingering essence." Based on its location name in Ultima Thule, this is the home of the Ea. At another point, referring to no numbered star in particular, Meteion says: "One race had concluded that finite time was the root of all woes. Aspiring to shatter its shackles, they went in search of infinity. They discovered nothing is infinite, and that neither time nor death could be cheated. Disillusioned, they gave up on the future--and themselves." Which sounds similar to the Ea's predicament. One Ea refers to their planet as "Sadr IV."
4: "Edifices surmised to be abandoned residences found. No extant life-forms detected. Deadly plague or extreme environmental degradation likely to have led to mass extinction." Description sounds similar to the state of the Greboluff, the first area of the Dead Ends. But that star is designated as 6, not 4.
5: Unknown.
6: The planet of the Greboluff, based on its location name in The Dead Ends. A race of aquatic creatures brought war upon the 'shorewalkers' and became the dominant species. However, the creation of their tools of war soon had consequence on the planet's oceans, destroying its biosphere and reigning disease upon the world.
7: Unknown. However, the alien "fish" called Class Twenty-Four, which has 24 legs and 20 spines is described as being from this star. It's Fish Log entry indicates that this creature is *the* main civilization of 'Ostrakon Hepta' with which Meteion met. No mention of how this civilization/star met its end is made. No other fish in Ultima Thule make specific mention of their planet of origin, if any, except the few specifically associated with the dragons or the Ea.
8: "Star found in state of violent conflict. Contact successfully made with inhabitants, but deployment of weapons of mass destruction resulted in total annihilation of local population shortly thereafter." Second area of The Dead Ends wherein the society had eradicated disease, but threw itself into constant war. It seems that much of society came to be held under a single nation called the Global Community. However, various peoples, called Freedom Fighters in the dungeon, opposed them. In the end, the Global Community created 10,000 Peacekeepers (the second boss) which used an AI to maintain global peace--which included destroying its creators, who now also stand against them.
9: "Star is a barren desert. No identifiable flora found. Bones of living beings resembling men discovered beneath sands, but determination regarding their intelligence inconclusive." No other information available.
10: Unknown.
11: Unknown.
12: Unknown.
13: Unknown.
14: Unknown.
15: "Local civilization once flourished under auspices of higher power. Said power later laid waste to civilization in fit of rage. Upon revealing this to me, entity elected to self-terminate in lieu of providing answer to question. No other intelligent life-forms found."
16: Alphatron, home of Omega and the Omicron, as designated in Ultima Thule. Meteion doesn't discuss this star specifically at any point, but we know plenty about it's history through Omega, and the other quests in Ultima Thule.
17: The final area of the Dead Ends, the people of Ra-la. By however means, the people of this world rid themselves of sorrow and reached a state of perfection and paradise. In their perfect state, they lost any will to justify their existence, and lost the joy of life. Without mentioning a specific numeral, Meteion mentions of one star, "One race had discarded all things that gave rise to sorrow, hoping to have only joy. They found joy lost its savor in the absence of sorrow, and lost their will to live." Which sounds like it describes the people of Ra-la. Its been hinted at both in-game and by the devs that this was the pathway that the ancients could've been heading towards, and its likely Meteion recognized this, too. (Note from the future; we now know this race is known as the Nibirun.)
18: The Dragonstar, in Ultima Thule. Specifying no number, Meteion says thus; "One race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people. They were conquered. Though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal, they could not regain their former glory." This sounds similar to the state of the dragons and their star.
19+?: It's never specified how many Meteia were created, nor how many more stars they visited. Stars designated numerical codes only exist up to 18. When they form the Endsinger, though, there are a lot more than 19 birds.
Others: ?: "One race had striven to create a world bereft of animosity. They renounced relationships to avoid interpersonal strife, and in so doing brought about societal collapse" No known star matches this description.
?: "One race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people. They were conquered. Though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal, they could not regain their former glory." Though not 1-to-1 a description of the Dragonstar's history, as we know it, this description could easily be their own, as I pointed out above.
?: "One race had concluded that finite time was the root of all woes. Aspiring to shatter its shackles, they went in search of infinity. They discovered nothing is infinite, and that neither time nor death could be cheated. Disillusioned, they gave up on the future--and themselves." Well describes the state of the Ea.
?: "One race had discarded all things that gave rise to sorrow, hoping to have only joy. They found joy lost its savor in the absence of sorrow, and lost their will to live." The Ea also mentioned wanting to do away with "all sorrow," but no mention made of having lost joy--only their delusion with the finality of existence. This description also fits the society seen in the 3rd area of The Dead Ends, the people of Ra-la.
Deneb III: The Ea mention this planet as one that had been destroyed by "panic-induced cataclysm" much like Etheirys is approaching. Perhaps its one other planet that Meteion had already struck with the "final days" before she or another reached the Ea. No other description is given.
Gordhona: One of the planets conquered by the Alphatrons. Apparently they are silicon-based lifeforms, and were thus difficult for the Alphatrons to detect. No information on the star after Alphatron's invasion are known. Don't even know if Meteion was here or not. But since it was the first planet the Alphatrons visited, I'd guess it is/was close to Alphatron.
"Ypupîara": An alien "fish" available in Ultima Thule. It's Fish Log entry says that Meteion encountered it in the depths of space, associated with no specific star. The log speculates that they may have once been part of a star's civilization, but since lost their mental faculties.
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queerleaflet · 1 year
"You're safe here, I promise."
"Will you hold my hand?"
(Why not both?)
It was odd to see there be light in the otherwise still inn room, yet the full moon flooded between unnaturally parted curtains in spite of that fact. They waved to and fro lazily with the summer evening air, a tide of their own choosing. Someone was here.
Someone was here, surely, as the door opened and caused the windowsill to creak in surprise. For any other, it would be an empty room, someone who had forgotten to close the windows before leaving it vacant. But G’enta knew more, heard more….and would never leave such a thing unattended.
Her satchel was set with a silent ‘sniff.’ Green eyes glinted against the lunar lighting, staring at the window with alertness….then a tired concern.
“…Eteion, I know you’re there.” Concern turned to kindness, the cat stepped over to the window. The creaking resumed uncomfortably, curtains revealing the once invisible entelechy shaking at the edge. Striking blue eyes stared into the miqo’te’s as she trembled. It looked as if the little bird had been crying for quite some time. “…oh.”
“I’m…s-sorry..” Meteion gripped at the curtains with tiny hands. The fabric provided an effective-albeit scratchy- stim for the moment. “I…I didn’t….mean, to…s-scare…you…u…”
“You think you could scare me, huh?” Her signature smirk, reassuring to the last.
“…b-but you’re…s…scared. I’m…scared….too.” Her words brought G’enta to pause….and she understood. She WAS scared. Having witnessed what she had, the crimson moon of the 13th, the miserable fate of her friend’s sister, watching a loved one hurl themselves into the unknown and nearly perishing before their eyes AGAIN…not even knowing what would happen to them, should Zeromus emerge in the source?
G’enta hoisted herself up on the windowsill next to her, taking a moment to rearrange her tail so it sat comfortably. “…Yer right about that. We’re in another pile of shite reaching apocalyptic proportions. That’s enough to scare anyone….especially you.”
“I….I feel…them.” The bird looked down to her hands, held together, curtain between them. “Even those who don’t…feel Vrtra’s….unease. The dragons….they hurt. And the other….if we don’t…w-we can’t…” Her wings drooped, eyes moving about as if she was seeing something else, somewhere else. Of course, the dragons….her appointed star, ostrakon deal okto, the dragonstar. The thoughts were stopped abruptly, paused as a warm hand fell gently on her head.
“Eteion.” Soft words in a strong voice, soothing and settling. “You aren’t alone this time. And we aren’t about to let our star, our home get taken over by something like this. Before you came back I’m sure you saw it from Stinien and I…this is by far not the biggest threat we have handled. Not by a long shot.” The hand would move to pet her, adding to the grounding. “You’re safe here, I promise.”
“…” another tear fell down the girl’s cheek, but it was soon wiped away by the woman beside her. She leaned into her companion’s shoulder, weighing nothing against the denser aether. “I…want to believe…you…but….it’ll take…time…”
“That’s perfectly fine. We have all the time in the world.” G’enta hummed, glancing up at the moon’s reflection in the mirror of her room. “Fear takes us all…it’s a part of being alive. It’s what we do with it that makes the difference.”
“…will you…hold my hand?”
There was no audible response, just warm, clawed hands gently taking the entelechy’s. As she leaned into her shoulder, so did the other in kind, setting her head to rest against her feather’d friend. She knew of all people what it took to learn the hard way life after a sheltered upbringing…and she would take this entelechy under her wing until she had the courage to learn about the world herself…with her own courage.
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lefresne · 1 year
Hi, this is Reynier (if you remember me)! I was wondering if you knew the etymology of "âtre"? I've always seen that text translated as "The Perilous Cemetery" but everything I'm finding seems to suggest that "âtre" is cognate with "hearth." Occasionally it can be an adjective meaning dark or obscure, so it almost seems like that title should be translated as "the Perilous Dark." Do you know of any usage where it directly means "cemetery"?
REYNIER?????? HI!!!! (of course I remember you!) - ok so turns out I spent a long time thinking abt this and looking up stuff in my various dictionaries and although I don't have a definite answer, I did notice a few cool things: Atre can mean 'hearth' but more specifically it means the flat stone on which one can build a fire, so Initially I thought 'Atre' was a reference to the appearance of a medieval tomb (a flat stone surface). Atre can also mean threshold, particularly in relation to Hell (amazingly evocative if you think of Hell as a an 'inferno') so in the case of a cemetery it might also be used to signal a 'liminal' space (although cemeteries in the Middle Ages were central to communal life and not 'liminal' in the way we conceive of them now). Finally, the etymology of the word is the Greek 'Ostrakon' which means a flat stone or pottery surface on which one inscribes something so again - a tomb! this is all so suggestive and interesting like the space of writing as being the space in which we commemorate the dead....oughgfgf SO COOL
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astrahannah · 1 month
Představa toho, přednášet na conu, pro mě byla vždycky spíš takový "pipe dream", jak se říká v angličtině. Jako, mohlo by se to hypoteticky stát? Jo, neporušuje to žádné fundamentální zákony existence, ale i tak mi to přišlo jako něco, co si můžu maximálně představovat.
Ale jednou jsem si řekla "Hm, napadlo mě téma, o kterém bych zvládla hodinu mluvit, udělám prezentaci, pokusím si to představovat jako přednášku a třeba to někdy někam nabídnu, možná, uvidím."
Pár dní před jejich uzávěrkou jsem se rozhodla svoji prezentaci nabídnout Ostrakonu, a oni mi ji schválili! A tak, nakonec, v pátek ve čtyři, se tam na mě můžou lidi přijít podívat, jak mluvím o omegaverzi:-D
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Snažila jsem se, ať ta anotace nějak zní, ale nakonec mi přijde tak trochu kostrbatá...
Každopádně tomu tak trochu pořád nemůžu uvěřit, ale zároveň se moc těším, a trochu taky bojím - vzhledem k tomu, že jsem dříve maximálně tak prezentovala ve škole. Ale tak, trénovala jsem si to, ještě si to plánuju natrénovat, tak doufám, že to dopadne:-D
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valkariel · 1 year
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Everything Goes On
Last miqo glam before going back to canonical au ra for 6.4 :>
Head: Moonward Veil of Striking - pastel purple Body: Hypostatic Tunic of Striking - pastel purple Hands: Darbar Gloves of Striking - pastel purple Legs: Replica Dreadwyrm Slops of Striking - pearl white Feet: Virtu Tantra Gaiters - pastel purple
Earring: Ametrine Earrings of Slaying Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: -- Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Location: Ultima Thule - Ostrakon Tria
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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photosfromeorzea · 2 years
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Ostrakon Skies
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ancientoriginses · 2 years
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Representación egipcia antigua de una bailarina en topless con peinado elaborado y aretes de aro en una flexión hacia atrás gimnástica, en ostrakon (fragmento).
1292-1186 a.C.
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menlove · 2 years
okay this might be common knowledge and i’m just dumb but i think the funniest thing i’ve learned In College is that the term “ostracism” comes from ancient greece specifically athens. lil shattered pieces of pottery were called ostrakons and they’d be used to vote and once a year 6000 (or so) athenians would vote on whether they’d have an ostracism. if they voted yes then they would all write down the name of whoever they wanted ostracized and that person would have to just. leave for 10 years. like they kept their land and they could hold office when they got back but they’d literally just. have to leave. for 10 years. bc no one liked them. i think we should bring that back.
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