#oswald rlly do b looking
dosneybutwrong · 3 years
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i could explain this or i could just
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makeyouleave · 6 years
Oh shit I just remembered!! Ah the biggest one for me was when I woke up at like 2am and I thought I saw the counselor I had cried on (his name is Serge) standing in my dorm looking at the door kinda (so I couldn’t see his face but I knew it was him). But guys aren’t allowed on the girl’s half so I figured I wasn’t seeing properly. I rubbed my eyes a million times and he was still there. I forced myself to sleep (I got back up minutes later) and then Serge was gone (1/2) ~Oswald
(2/2) Maybe I’m just hallucinating but I like to think that maybe he is an angel in a way (I mean he’s the reason I’m pursuing Christ so it’s not completely unfounded). Maybe sometimes people are called to be angels for a while. Or maybe angels appear as people who will later play an important part in your life. Idk, I’ve no one else to mention this to and I guessed it might be something you’d like.
yea no im super glad u mentioned it !!! im a big big fan of like finding theories for how things fit together so that’s super interesting for sure it could totally make sense or it could b an angel appearing as him to ease ur fear or make it a more impactful event, if u guys r close enough/ u still see him at all it might be worth asking him & like imo even if it was just hallucination as long as it affected u it doesn’t rlly lesson the encounter ??? it’s all abt what u choose to do with the information n how it affects U tbh 
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makeyouleave · 6 years
*screams* my sis posted this family pic which I really liked!! Like we were having a good time and I was smiling (like a real one for once in a pic lol) !!! And it was good but then my friend messaged me and was like “lmao your smile looks so weird and forced” and like,,,, I wanna die,, I never want to smile again, I just want to curl up and scream. Anyhow Ig I can disappear for days and just say I was studying for my physics exam,, I’m so tired,,, ~Oswald
man im so sorry ik how much that hurts : ((( i hope u feel better soon and good luck for ur physics on monday i’m sure ull ace it ! im so glad ur chem went well too tho aaa but honestly im sure u looked great ik criticism is rlly rlly hard to get over but ur doing amazing n things r gna b okay 
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makeyouleave · 7 years
I got my report today and :(( I’m really not happy?? I really thought I was doing much better but clearly I wasn’t (like I got a D (59%) in Literature ??? ;-;) they aren’t objectively bad ig, and my friends are going to be annoyed if I complain bc my grades are “really good” (Chem and physics: B+. Language and Add Maths: B. French and Bio: A. Maths: A+ (I really wanted 100% but I always make these stupid mistakes and I hate it)) I just want grades that I can be proud of??? Idk im tired ~ Oswald
Ahhhh nah i get you idk i feel like results are always disappointing if u have like highish expectations and even if ur grades are good that doesn’t mean ur not allowed to feel disappointed but honestly those r rlly good grades !! esp. maths like idk what 100% would be (i thought A+ was the highest? i live in england whoops so idk grades v well) but A+ looks pretty damn amazing dude im proud ! ME TOO THO GOD I MAKE SO MANY STUPID MISTAKES IN MATHS i stg but nah idk i hope u feel better abt them man bc they’re good grades honestly !!
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